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Read paranormal life stories. Paranormal Activity: Eyewitness Stories. An elderly man and an unexpected photo

Incredible facts

Most of us are familiar with the information that paranormal events regularly occur around us, regardless of whether we are skeptics or believe in it. Ghosts, mysterious animals like Bigfoot or Nesi have always haunted our collective consciousness.

Among all the oddities that supposedly exist in our world, there are some that have become especially popular in the modern era.

10. Small creatures

Since the discovery was made that the hobbits as a race actually once existed on earth, science has revised its categorical opinion that little people are a myth. Science aside, it is worth noting that there have always been those who insisted that little humanoid beings were among us.

From time to time, there are reports in the media that in remote places, creatures like gnomes or elves are sometimes taken by surprise. They are described as small creatures, no more than 9 inches tall, with physical characteristics that are extremely similar to those of humanoids. Some of them are said to be incredibly hairy.

In Mexico and the Caribbean, they are spoken of as small, gnome-like creatures that sometimes invade the space of an ordinary person to steal food or for more serious reasons. Both because of their strangeness, and perhaps because of the power they possess, people who see them are said to be paralyzed, and then they run away. Of course, in this situation, one should not ignore the relationship with fairies and magical knowledge.

In Iceland, it is believed that elves and other small creatures actually have an underground home. People who build shopping malls and large buildings often try to bypass the “troubled areas” these little creatures are supposed to live in so as not to incur their wrath. Moreover, many Icelanders defend their beliefs based on the actual observation of these creatures. Thus, can we reject the existence of elves, gnomes, fairies and other small creatures, speaking of them only as fairy-tale characters, or do they really exist and sometimes a person accidentally manages to encounter them?

9. Giant predators

Giant predators are birds that feed on carrion or hunt. They tend to be larger than average birds and have special physiology such as powerful beaks and claws that help them grab and tear apart prey. Eagles, vultures and falcons are such birds. However, there has been no recent report of any giant dinosaur sightings.

Eyewitnesses often describe the hoarse cry emitted by birds that have a wingspan of 12-18 feet and a bird's eye view of approximately 3-5 feet. According to many reports, giant lizards are similar to prehistoric birds and have scaly skin on their legs.

As a rule, they are spotted in wooded areas or near gorges. Eyewitnesses say that birds often smell like rotten meat, which, in principle, is understandable given their diet. Predators were noticed by both individuals and groups of people of five or more people.

However, as there is no convincing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot in the real world, there is no reliable information regarding the reality of giant lizards. Are they unique representatives of our past that have survived in small numbers today? Or is it all the same known existing birds that are "misinterpreted"? Questions and reports of incidental observations continue to surface.

8. Doppelganger

The mysterious German combination of the words "doppelganger" means a demonic double of a person. They were noticed in antiquity when they were known as "fetches". According to Wikipedia, a wardoger in Scandinavian mythology was a copy of a person long before a real person came into this world.

In the modern era, there are several messages from people claiming to have seen them in reality, however, then, having met a real person elsewhere, they understood that the first meeting was an illusion.

One woman, looking out the window, clearly saw her husband returning home in the company of his colleague. She went to the door to let them in, but found no sign of her husband or his car. The husband returned home a few hours later and confirmed that at the moment when she "saw" him, he was indeed in the company of his colleague and was four hours away from home. Another person was told that they "heard" him coming home five minutes before he actually returned, and the arrival sounded exactly the same, it was the same noises and even the same words that he uttered the first time. Strange, but apparently, such cases are not uncommon. Several people claimed to have seen themselves wearing the same clothing. In folklore, seeing your double is a harbinger of imminent death. Are these cases subconscious tricks or is it just an optical illusion?

7. Movement in time

All messages related to movement in time are a nervous experience. People talk about extraterrestrial encounters, strong leaps into the future or past, etc. The most disturbing are messages from more than one person experiencing the same unrealistic time jumps.

Typically, this happens when someone sets out on a journey, long or short, along a familiar path, and clearly knows how long it takes to arrive at their destination. The journey seems to be quite normal, however, when it ends, the person realizes that he has traveled several miles in an incredibly short period of time. Sometimes a person is in the right place an hour earlier than planned.

There were also reverse cases, when a person went on the road, and arrived at the place an hour later. Where did this time disappear? Usually it was only upon arrival that time differences were noticed. Are there dimensional temporary "imbalances" that we sometimes go through? Perhaps physicists will someday be able to explain and confirm the existence of these time intervals? In the meantime, more and more people are faced with something similar, while scientific research on this topic continues.

6. Chupacabra

The Chupacabra has been described in various ways, but most often it was a dog-like creature with long fangs. It was first seen in Puerto Rico in the 1990s, and has since been seen in the Americas, as well as Mexico. Sometimes witnesses said that the animal has a kangaroo gait.

Its name comes from the Spanish word which means "sucking a goat". And all because of, it is claimed, because of its terrifying ability to infiltrate livestock farms and literally suck blood from animals until they die. The obvious resemblance to a vampire, as well as the likelihood that animals sometimes attack humans, led to panic among the population. What is this strange creature? Is this really a new animal or is it supposed to be a mutated coyote?

The alleged body of the Chupacabra has been found and studied, however, no specific conclusions have been drawn. However, after this, reports of the finding of the bloody corpses of animals only increased. Many farmers have begun guarding their estates at night, hoping to kill this strange predator before he becomes bolder.

5. PANIC in the forest

The forest is a mysterious place full of invisible life and fraught with danger for the unwary. The forest is something that hides a threat in itself, both in folklore and in fairy tales. But in our enlightened modernity, can a forest cause such an unreasonable panic? However, there are people whose experience tells them that nature has intelligence, and he is not always happy with people.

PANIC in the forest is associated with the mythological Greek god Pan, the patron saint of wild places, because of whose invisible presence, causeless horror is born. Victims experience a sense of a powerful, sinister force nearby, as well as a sense of danger. This, as a rule, makes a person leave the forest faster in search of civilization.

Some people describe their feelings of horror that appear when it suddenly becomes quiet and eerie in the forest, others talk about a growing buzzing sound. Many others share their experiences of panic in the forest on paranormal forums. Is there a forest spirit that scares humanity? And if so, is the resulting panic a way to warn us?

4. Men with dog heads

The existence of men with dog heads has been talked about since ancient times. Kinocephals were supposedly a race living in Africa that ate humans. But the existence of such creatures in our time may seem incredible, however, there were reports from eyewitnesses. Most of the witnesses say that they saw these creatures at night, although some reported seeing them in the daytime. Strange, but many people said that they saw them calmly walking along the street, along the usual road in ordinary clothes.

The only difference is the presence of a dog's head. At the same time, all witnesses claim that the head has too real appearance and its movements are too realistic to look like a mask. Some reports of encounters with such "men" were more ominous when the creature was bumped into late at night, near a forest or in a dark courtyard.

One man, who ran in the evenings, said that the creature ran with him across the field, for a fairly long period of time until they got to a well-lit part of the street, where he could see the "man" well.

3. Black man is a stick

The black man - the stick - is another phenomenon of modern times. Not to be confused with the human shadow. Stickman looks like an absolutely black, thin man, and is extremely similar in figure to the little man that teachers draw for children in kindergarten. They are reported to be medium to incredibly tall. Their heads are a simple black circle with invisible facial features.

As a rule, they are spotted on the roads at night, at dusk or before dawn. Strangely, many people reported that some of them wore top hats. Their gait has also been described as extremely strange. At the same time, the people who encountered them said that the creatures were not at all surprised and followed them, and, as they approached, the pace of movement remained unhurried. Nothing unpleasant happened during these meetings, however, those who met them were, for obvious reasons, terrified. They did not cause any physical harm to bystanders and ended up just disappearing.

2. People are shadows

Who are the shadow people? Nobody, but, nevertheless, reports of the observation of these objects still continue to arrive. Usually they look like dark figures, as a rule, these are silhouettes of men who walk along corridors, pass through walls, appear in rooms, then suddenly disappear, and sometimes they just stand and stare at a sleeping person only to instantly disappear when the person wakes up.

They do not pursue any goal, and, apparently, they are not harbingers of anything. Do they represent a different dimension? Afterlife? Whoever they are, ordinary people are very scared to face them.

1. Children with black eyes

The story begins in 1998 when journalist Brian Bethel recounted how he was approached by two boys as he got into his car. The boys allegedly asked him to give them a lift. He described that he experienced a sudden feeling of fear and panic at that moment, while at the same time he was overwhelmed by an incredible desire to open the door for the boys. Then he noticed the boys' eyes - they were completely black as coal, with no visible white spots.

Bethel left in fear immediately after the teens became more assertive. After the publication of his story in the press, there were several more reports of meetings with children with black eyes. One woman noted that they asked to be allowed into the house, while they were terribly worried when she refused. Their main characteristics are coal-black eyes, suddenly overcome by fear and panic, as well as the need to invade human space.

Russia is rich not only in oil, gas, diamonds, Tchaikovsky, Aivazovsky and Dostoevsky (unlike exhaustible minerals, our cultural values ​​will never end). A lot of strange things are happening in the vast expanses of our Motherland, mysterious and inexplicable but nothing to worry about. On 1/6 of the earth's land mass there is enough room for everyone: aliens, ghosts, prehistoric animals, psychics and supernatural monsters, unlike anything else in the world.

1. Meeting of astronauts with UFOs

It was not easy for the pioneers of space exploration: the technologies of the beginning of the space age of mankind left much to be desired, so emergency situations arose quite often, like the one that Alexei Leonov faced, nearly left in outer space.

But some of the surprises that awaited the space pioneers in orbit were not at all related to the equipment. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit talked about unidentified flying objects that appeared near Earth's spacecraft, and scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalenok said that during his stay at the Salyut-6 station in 1981, he observed a bright luminous object the size of a finger, rapidly circling the Earth in orbit. Kovalyonok called the crew commander Viktor Savinykh, and he, seeing an unusual phenomenon, immediately went for the camera. At this time, the "finger" flashed and split into two objects connected to each other, and then disappeared.

It was not possible to photograph it, but the crew immediately reported the phenomenon to Earth.

The observations of unknown objects were also repeatedly reported by the participants of the Mir station missions, as well as by the staff of the Baikonur cosmodrome - UFOs appear quite often in its vicinity.

2. Chelyabinsk meteorite

On February 15 of this year, residents of Chelyabinsk and surrounding settlements observed an extraordinary phenomenon: a celestial body, which was 30 times as bright as the Sun when it fell... As it turned out later, it was a meteorite, although various versions of the phenomenon were put forward, up to the use of secret weapons or the intrigues of aliens (many still do not exclude this possibility).

Having exploded in the air, the meteorite split into many parts, the largest of which fell into Lake Chebarkul near Chelyabinsk, and the rest of the fragments scattered over a vast territory, including some regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. According to NASA, this is the largest space object that has fallen to Earth since the Tunguska bolide.

The "guest" from space caused quite significant damage to the city: the blast wave in many buildings knocked out glass, and about 1600 people received injuries of varying severity.

The series of "space" adventures for Chelyabinsk residents did not end there: a few weeks after the meteorite fell, on the night of March 20, a huge luminous ball hovered in the sky over the city. It was observed by many townspeople, but there is no exact explanation of where the "second Sun" suddenly appeared, and even at night, so far. However, some believe that the ball appeared due to the reflection of city lights on specifically located ice crystals in the atmosphere - that night Chelyabinsk was covered with a thick cold fog.

3. Sakhalin monster

The remains of an unknown creature were found by servicemen of the Russian army on the coast of Sakhalin Island in September 2006. In terms of the structure of the skull, the monster somewhat resembles a crocodile, but the rest of the skeleton is completely unlike any reptile known to science. It also cannot be attributed to fish, and the local residents, to whom the soldiers showed the find, could not identify any creature living in these waters in it. Remains of animal tissue have been preserved, and, judging by them, it was covered with wool. The corpse was quickly seized by representatives of the special services, and its further study took place "behind closed doors."

Now most experts are inclined to believe that these were the remains of some kind of cetacean, according to some versions - a killer whale or a beluga whale, but others argue that its skeleton differs from both the creature and the others. As an alternative to the "accepted" point of view, one can call the opinion that the remains belonged to a prehistoric animal, which are probably still preserved in the depths of the oceans.

4. Seeing off the mermaid

Mermaids are one of the main heroes of Russian folklore. According to legend, these spirits living in reservoirs are born as a result of the painful death of women and children, and rumor has it that meeting a mermaid does not bode well: they often seduce men, luring them into the abyss of a lake or swamp, and steal children. frighten animals and generally do not behave very decently. According to tradition, in order for the year to be successful and fertile, the villagers brought various gifts to the mermaids, sang songs about them and arranged dances in honor of these restless souls.

Of course, now such beliefs are far from being as widespread as in the old days, however, in some parts of Russia, rituals associated with mermaids are still held. The most significant of these is the so-called Rusal Week (also known as Trinity Week or Seeing the Mermaid) - the week preceding Trinity (50th day after Easter).

The main part of the ritual is the making and destruction of a stuffed mermaid, accompanied by fun, music and dancing. During Rusal Week, women do not wash their hair to protect themselves from spirits, and men carry garlic and walnuts with them for the same purpose. Of course, at this time it is strictly forbidden to go into the water - so as not to be dragged away by some bored mermaid.

5. Russian Roswell

A military missile range near the village of Kapustin Yar in the north-west of the Astrakhan region is often found in reports of the strangest and most inexplicable incidents. Various UFOs and other curious phenomena are observed here with surprising regularity. Due to the most high-profile case of this kind, Kapustin Yar received the nickname Russian Roswell by analogy with the city in the American state of New Mexico, where, according to some assumptions, an alien ship crashed in 1947.

Almost a year after the Roswell incident, on June 19, 1948, a silvery object resembling a cigar appeared in the sky over Kapustin Yar. On alarm, three MiG interceptors were raised into the air, and one of them managed to knock out a UFO. "Cigar" immediately fired a beam into the fighter, and it fell to the ground, unfortunately, the pilot did not have time to eject. The silver object also fell in the vicinity of Kapustin Yar, and was immediately transported to the bunker of the landfill.

Of course, many have questioned this information more than once, but some documents of the State Security Committee, declassified in 1991, indicate that the military more than once saw something over Kapustin Yar that does not yet fit into the framework of modern science.

6. Ninel Kulagina

During the Second World War, then Nina Sergeevna Kulagina served as a radio operator in a tank and participated in the defense of the Northern capital. As a result of the injury she was discharged, and after lifting the blockade of Leningrad, she married and gave birth to a child.

In the early 1960s, she became famous throughout the Soviet Union as Ninel Kulagina, a psychic and possessor of other paranormal abilities. She could heal people with the power of thought, determine color with the touch of her fingers, see through the fabric that lies in people's pockets, move objects at a distance, and much more. Her gift was often studied and tested by specialists from various institutions, including secret scientific institutes, and many testified that Ninel was either an extremely cunning charlatan, or in fact possessed anomalous skills.

There is no convincing evidence of the first, although some of the former employees of the Soviet research institutes assure that when demonstrating "supernatural" abilities Kulagina used various tricks and sleight of hand, which was known to the KGB experts who investigated her activities.

Until her death in 1990, Ninel Kulagina was considered one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century, and the unexplained phenomena associated with her were designated the "K-phenomenon".

7. Dragon from Brosno

Lake Brosno, located in the Tver region, is the deepest freshwater lake in Europe, but it is known all over the world mainly because of the mysterious creature, which, as local residents believe, lives in it.

According to numerous (but, unfortunately, not documented) stories, an animal about five meters long was seen in the lake more than once, resembling something like a dragon, although almost all observers describe it differently. One of the local legends says that a long time ago the "dragon from Brosno" eaten the Tatar-Mongol warriors, who made a halt on the shore of the lake. According to another story, in the middle of Brosno, an "island" suddenly appeared, which after a while disappeared - it is assumed that it was the back of a huge unknown beast.

Although there is no reliable information about the monster allegedly living in the lake, many agree that some strange things sometimes happen in Brosno and its surroundings.

8. Space Defense Troops

Russia has always sought to defend itself against all possible external (and internal) threats, and more recently, the security of its space borders has also been included in the defensive interests of our Motherland. To repel an attack from space, the Space Forces were created in 2001, and in 2011, the Space Defense Forces (VKO) were formed on their basis.

The tasks of this kind of troops include mainly the organization of anti-missile defense and the control of military satellites coordinating it, although the command is also considering the possibility of aggression from alien races. True, at the beginning of October this year, answering the question of whether the Aerospace Defense region is ready for an alien attack, Sergei Berezhnoy, assistant to the head of the Main Testing Space Center named after German Titov, said: "Unfortunately, we are not yet ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations." ... Let's hope the aliens don't know about this.

9. Ghosts of the Kremlin

There are few places in our country that can compare with the Moscow Kremlin in terms of mystery and the number of stories about ghosts that are found there. For several centuries it has served as the main citadel of Russian statehood, and, according to legends, the restless souls of the victims of the struggle for it (and with it) still roam the Kremlin corridors and dungeons.

Some say that in the Ivan the Great Bell Tower one can sometimes hear the weeping and groaning of Ivan the Terrible, atone for his sins. Others mention that they saw the spirit of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the Kremlin, and three months before his death, when the leader of the world proletariat was seriously ill and no longer left his residence in Gorki. But the most famous ghost of the Kremlin is, of course, the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, which appears whenever a shock awaits the country. The ghost blows cold, and sometimes he seems to be trying to say something, possibly warning the leadership of the state from mistakes.

10. Black bird of Chernobyl

A few days before the infamous Chernobyl Unit 4 disaster, four plant employees reported seeing what looked like a huge dark man with wings and glowing red eyes. Most of all, this description resembles the so-called Moth Man - a mysterious creature that allegedly repeatedly appeared in the city of Point Pleasant in the American state of West Virginia.

The workers of the Chernobyl station, who met the fantastic monster, claimed that after the meeting they received several threatening calls and almost everyone began to have bright, incredibly terrible nightmares.

On April 26, the nightmare did not happen in the dreams of the employees, but at the station itself, and the amazing stories were forgotten, but only for a short time: while the fire that raged after the explosion was extinguished, the survivors in the flame said that they clearly saw a 6-meter black bird that flew out from the clouds of radioactive smoke that poured from the destroyed fourth block.

11. Well to hell

In 1984, Soviet geologists embarked on an ambitious project to drill a superdeep well on the Kola Peninsula. The main goal was to satisfy scientific research curiosity and test the fundamental possibility of such a deep penetration into the thickness of the planet.

According to legend, when the drill reached a depth of about 12 km, the instruments recorded strange sounds coming from the depths and most of all resembling screams and groans. In addition, at great depths, voids were discovered, the temperature in which reached 1100 ° C. Some even reported a demon flying out of a hole and a blazing "I have conquered" sign that appeared in the sky after eerie screams were heard from a hole in the ground.

All this gave rise to rumors that Soviet scientists had drilled a "well to hell", but many of the "evidence" does not stand up to scientific criticism: for example, it is documented that the temperature at the lowest point reached by the drill was 220 ° C.

Believe in ghosts or not, a good horror story about appearances from “the next world” will surely make you shiver, or even deprive you of sleep. It is not for nothing that the horror genre is considered the most win-win among filmmakers, especially stories based on real events. It’s easy to explain such popularity - which of us doesn’t care about questions like "What happens to us after death?"

The stories you read here are genuine. They all deserve to be the basis for a good blockbuster horror movie. Some of them have already attracted the attention of Hollywood and they are preparing to shoot or make films. But none of them have made it to the big screen yet.

Canine suicide bridge

Over the past 50 years, more than 50 dogs have jumped off the Overtown Bridge in Milton, Scotland. It is striking that all the suicide dogs jumped from almost the same point and they all belonged to the long-nosed breeds.

The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals calls this phenomenon a heartbreaking mystery. Many owners of the dead animals tried and are trying to investigate the circumstances of the mysterious "suicides".

Many are convinced that the dogs were terrified by the sudden appearance of something supernatural. Now most of the locals try not to walk across this bridge with animals.

By itself, this story may not seem exciting enough for a full-fledged horror film, but it may well become an ominous backdrop for some more entertaining plot.

Eliza Lam

Eliza Lam was a Canadian student of Chinese descent. She was last seen alive on January 31, 2013. On the day of her disappearance, she was filmed by security cameras installed in the lobby and in the elevator of the Cecil Hotel, where she was staying with her parents. The girl behaved extremely strangely - she was hiding from someone, then she was actively gesticulating, obviously trying to give a sign to someone invisible in a completely deserted corridor.

Two weeks later, when the eerie footage was released by the police, the mystery of Eliza Lam's disappearance was raised all over the world. As usual, a huge number of crazy theories have arisen, many of which have to do with obsession and paranormal activity.

A couple of weeks after Eliza disappeared and guests at the Cecil Hotel began to complain about the strange color and unpleasant smell of the water. In the early morning of February 19, a hotel employee went to check the water tank located on the roof of the building and found a naked, half-decayed body there. An autopsy and forensic examination did not reveal signs of a violent death.

Investigators were never able to understand how Eliza managed to get to the roof of the building - only the hotel staff had access to it. It also remained a mystery how the girl managed to get inside the tank.

Eliza Lam's story inspired the writers of Sony Pictures. Preparations for the filming of the film are already underway.

Greenbrier ghost

On a gloomy, dreary January morning in 1987, Mary Jane Hister watched as the body of her beloved daughter, Zone, was lowered into the ground. The investigator in charge of the case linked the death of the young woman with unsuccessful childbirth, but at the time of her death, the Zone was not even pregnant.

For several weeks after the funeral, the ghost of the Zone visited his mother several times, telling in detail who, why and how killed her. Mary Jane went to the police and demanded that the investigation be resumed.

As a result, an exhumation and forensic examination was carried out, during which bruises on the Zone's neck and displacement of the vertebrae were found. The windpipe was badly damaged, which was the real cause of the woman's death.

After that, the violent nature of the death of the Zone became apparent. The murderer turned out to be the victim's husband, who was, as a result, convicted of this crime.

Filmmakers have been looking at this story for a long time, but it has not come to filming yet.

We wrote more about the Greenbrier Ghost here.

Clara Hermana Sele's obsession

In 1906, 16-year-old Clara Hermana Sele, a pupil of the monastery of St. Michael in the South African province of Natal, confessed in confession to her spiritual father, Father Horner Erasmus, that she had made a deal with Satan.

The nuns of this monastery claimed that Klara suddenly began to understand and speak several languages ​​that she had no previous knowledge of, including Polish, German and French.

According to documents that have survived since then, Clara also showed clairvoyant abilities, she could rise a meter and a half above the ground and periodically uttered terrible "animal" sounds.

For the rite of exorcism, two Catholic priests were summoned. For two days they prayed over the girl and, in the end, the demon left the body of the unfortunate woman.

The Exorcist was based on a similar, also true story that took place in Maryland (USA) in the 1940s.

Bella and mountain elm

On April 18, 1943, in Hagley (England), four young men went to a local forest and came across a mountain elm, in the hollow of which a human skull was found. The guys immediately reported their find to the authorities, after which the police examined the tree and removed the entire human skeleton of a young woman from the hollow. Rather, almost intact - the hands were severed and buried next to a tree.

It was not possible to establish the identity of the murdered (according to the experts' conclusions, the murder took place 18 months before the discovery of the skeleton), but the locals called her Bella. The Second World War was in full swing, the resources to conduct a full-fledged investigation were not available, so the case remained unsolved.

However, since then, in the vicinity of Hagley on the walls of buildings, the inscription "Who hid Bella in a mountain elm tree?" The perfect plot for a mystical drama.

Ghosts of the White House

In many ways, the White House can be considered one of the most sinister buildings on the planet, including the mystical one. At various times, the ghosts of its former owners - presidents Henry Harrison, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln - have appeared here. Many people saw them.

One day the ghost of Lincoln appeared to the British Prime Minister. Winston Churchill had just taken a bath, went into the bedroom in which his mother had given birth and was dumbfounded: by the fireplace stood the ghost of Lincoln in full dress, in robes, and kept the fire going. Churchill was a man of remarkable self-control, so a second later he pulled himself together: “Good evening, Mr. President. I'm sorry you found me in an inappropriate state, ”he said respectfully. After that, the ghost disappeared.

The president, who in difficult years comes to help govern the country, is more attracted to a comedy than a horror movie.

Edison's spirit machine

Thomas Edison is certainly one of the greatest inventors of all time. And although pictures about his life and his creations have appeared many times in films and on television, the story of Edison's most unusual invention has not yet made it to the big screen. It's a pity.

In 1920, Edison conceived the idea of ​​creating a machine that would allow communication with representatives of other dimensions. This machine, as conceived by the inventor, was supposed to make it easier for newcomers from the “other world” to communicate with relatives and friends who remained in “this world”. That is, it would be a much more perfect alternative to the Ouija board.

Whether Edison built his own spirit machine and what happened to this invention - history is silent.

The horror of the Cecil hotel

Eliza Lam's story was the latest spooky story to hit the Cecil Hotel, but it was far from the only one. In the 50s and 60s of the last century, there were many murders and suicides.

In 1964, a woman named Pigeon Goldie Osgood was found in her suite with multiple stab wounds to her body. The infamous serial killers Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger stayed at this hotel before they started killing.

At the same hotel, Elizabeth Short, known as the Black Dahlia, was last seen alive. Her body was later found on an ownerless plot of land, chopped into two at the waist and dismembered (the external and internal genitals and nipples were removed). The woman's mouth has been slit to create the semblance of an ominous smile.

Silverpilen Ghost Train

The history of the Silverpillen train (meaning "silver arrow") is one of the most famous urban legends in Sweden. A train with this name did exist and was decommissioned in 1996.

Since then, workers have regularly reported the appearance of the ghost of this train in the abandoned subway tunnels of Stockholm after midnight. Some eyewitnesses claim that they saw passengers boarding the ghost train, whom no one has ever seen again. Most often, the ghost train is seen at the unfinished Kymlinge station.

UFO crash in the Berwyn mountains

On January 23, 1974, the inhabitants of the villages of Llandderfell and Llandrillo were frightened by a terrible rumble in the mountains. The earth shook and a bright flash illuminated the evening sky.

Seismologists at this time recorded an earthquake of 3.5 on the Richter scale.

Immediately after the incident, a local resident ran, as she suggested, to the crash site, but instead of smoking debris, she saw pulsing red and orange lights on the slope. Police soon cordoned off the alleged crash site. After a while, the authorities announced that they had found absolutely nothing there.

Nobody believed them, of course. Ufologists are convinced that in this place the British authorities found living aliens in a wrecked spaceship.

Anfield Poltergeist

From 1977 to 1979, two sisters (11 and 13 years old) constantly talked about the strange things happening in their house: furniture moving by itself, ominous demonic voices, flying toys and other objects. There were even cases of levitation of the girls themselves.

This story attracted a lot of media attention, then the police and several child psychologists joined the investigation. Some skeptics believed that the girls were just pretending and making up, although many witnesses confirmed the authenticity of their words.

Be that as it may, the story of the Anfield poltergeist is one of the most extensively documented paranormal events to date. Many documentaries, radio and television programs have been devoted to her.

A film based on this story is currently being shot.

June and Jennifer Gibbons

The childhood of twins June and Jennifer Gibbons was bleak. During their school years, they were bullied as the only black children in the class. In the end, the girls began to communicate only with each other and even invented their own language, which no one else could understand.

At the age of 14, the girls were separated and sent to different boarding schools. However, they soon had to be reunited - it was so hard for both sisters to experience separation. Growing up, June and Jennifer tried to pursue careers as writers and committed a number of crimes. As a result, they were locked up in a psychiatric clinic, where they were put on antipsychotic drugs.

During this period, the sisters agreed that one of them would die so that the other could live a normal life. Jennifer volunteered to sacrifice herself and soon died of acute myocarditis. June, after a while, left the clinic and went to Wales, where she led a normal, unremarkable quiet life.

In the Moscow region, in one of the dacha villages, vacationers never let their children go outside the site, and old-timers talk about the mystical "Black Ghost". According to the stories, you can encounter him not only in the forest, by the river or in a swamp, he is able to penetrate into closed houses. The "black ghost" has tremendous power, having climbed into a country house, he scatters things and moves furniture and at the same time frightens the residents with his animal grin.

One of the residents of the village, Irina Prokhorova, told about a terrible incident that happened in her house on one of the full moons. “At the beginning, saucers began to fly. Things were scattered by an invisible hand. My husband was already asleep, and I was watching TV. I heard dishes rattling in the kitchen, I jumped up and could not understand what was happening. At first I thought that the cupboard had fallen, but when I went into the kitchen, I saw that it was standing still, and dishes flew out of it and fell to the floor with a crash. Suddenly a guitar took off and smashed my son's head. A little later, a refrigerator came into motion, which was shaking, something inside it. It lasted no more than a minute and just as suddenly it all stopped. There was silence. When I opened the refrigerator, I saw that all the food was overturned, the eggs were broken, and the sausage looked like it had been torn with claws. "

The ancients were convinced that everything around them, including the earth and the sky, is alive, and all living things have power. “There are three different forces in traditional Russian culture,” says Marina Loskutova, a research fellow at Tomsk University. - Power of the Cross, these are icons, angels, saints; unknown power, this is something that is impossible to know and understand; dark power, this is pure evil, which many are even afraid to talk about. "

Today, traditional science claims that evil spirits, ghosts, poltergeists are, at the very least, the inventions of unhealthy people. At the same time, independent researchers think a little differently, they are confident that modern science is simply not able to understand the nature of anomalous phenomena. At different times, thinkers who claim that our world is multidimensional have become social outcasts. In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church sentenced Giordano Bruno to be burned at the stake for arguing that the universe is infinite and there are many other worlds. Bruno also defended the idea of ​​transmigration of souls, he believed that a soul can move from one body to another, as well as travel in parallel worlds.

Soviet psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev was one of the first in the world to step over the line that was forbidden for everyone - having photographed the image of a ghost, he was able to unravel the centuries-old secret of ghosts and found a code for the other world.

Perm psychiatrist Krokhalev managed to film visions of mentally ill people suffering from hallucinations and visions back in the early seventies. He suggested that the pictures he received are nothing more than images of the other world, which penetrate the brains of people with a weakened energy aura. Krokhalev took his pictures using a regular mask for swimming underwater. In the USSR, and later in Russia, doctors were declared insane, but secret laboratories were created abroad that worked according to his method. Krokhalev was invited to international congresses, indicated that his discoveries were worthy, no less than the Nobel Prize.

How did the famous experiments of Gennady Krokhalev come about?

An ordinary hospital room. The patient has nightmares of hallucinations. His incoherent cries make it possible to guess what is happening at this time in his fevered brain. An elk is rapidly approaching him. The horror of impending doom is replaced by a new, even more terrible vision. During all this, the doctor puts a camera to the patient's eyes and takes several frames. After developing the film, the doctor sees in half of the frames a clear silhouette of a running elk, in the rest of the frames - a snake. With the smallest detail, distinctly, in motion. The patient, who after some time felt better, confirms the correspondence of the displayed photographs with the nightmare experienced.

From 1974 to 1996, Krokhalev filmed visual hallucinations in many patients suffering from various mental disorders. The experiments used a diving mask to create complete darkness between the camera lens and the patient's eyes. The scientist managed to take pictures of visual hallucinations in 117 patients!

The coincidences were amazing. The photographs taken showed in the smallest detail what the patients were muttering about at the time of shooting: "puss in boots", "fish", "elk", "cat", "man", "devil" and many other sometimes striking by their kind of images.

Gennady Krokhalev was able to prove that visual images of invisible "ghosts" that arise in the inflamed human brain are transmitted to the eyes, from where they are emitted into the surrounding space. The psychiatrist suggested that all painful phenomena are cut off if the patient is in a screened room, and when he leaves it, they are reborn. Krokhalev was sure that visual hallucinations in patients with mental disorders are of external origin.

The so-called shielding effect proved the existence of an invisible astral world with negative energy, which influences the patient in an appropriate manner!

Krokhalev's discoveries and experiments are today recognized in many countries of the world, while in Russia they are classified - even after he died tragically. The scientist's daughter is sure that her father was killed because of scientific activities.

Today, the concept of a ghost has become more multifaceted. There is evidence of sightings of the ghosts of planes, ships and even cities. Very often, images of ghosts appear in the photo in the form of bright dots or blurry spots, which were not observed during filming.

The first written evidence of human contact with a ghost dates back to the second millennium BC. This is written on ancient Babylonian clay tablets. It is also known that the fearless Roman soldiers who conquered half of the world were terribly afraid of ghosts. To protect against them, the warriors made sacrifices and worshiped unknown phenomena. The ancient Slavs also worshiped the spirits. Our ancestors had a custom to put a saucer of milk for the spirit of the house or the brownie, which could upset the negligent owner and destroy the house.

Among the ancient Eastern Slavs, the brownie, first of all, acted as the maintainer of the hearth, family and, above all, was associated with the cult of previous generations. Legends and beliefs about the spirit of the house have survived to this day in Slavic villages. It is believed that in every house, regardless of whether it is empty or inhabited, a brownie lives - the keeper of the house, the invisible helper of the family, therefore all family members respectfully call him the owner. He likes to settle in remote places - under the stove or under the threshold, in the attic or in the corner behind the chest, in the chimney or in the closet.

He helps hard-working owners, tirelessly cares for them and takes care of them. The brownie notices every little thing, prefers that everything is ready and in order; he is pleased with the offspring that pets and birds bring; he does not tolerate useless expenses and is angry about them - in a word, the brownie is prone to adjustment, thrifty and extremely prudent. If he likes housing, then he serves this family for many years with faith and truth. But he hurts and interferes with the negligent and lazy, produces various dirty tricks: he scatters all things, then he tears new clothes or dirty linen, or even does not allow them to sleep at night, strangles negligent people in their sleep and torments them.

If the owners love their brownie, if they live in harmony with him, they will never want to part with him. Earlier, when moving to a built house, people performed the intended rite with the aim that their brownie would move with them and continue to help in the new house. The brownie was "carried" in a pot of coals, in a sack, lured with a pot of porridge. A rare person can tell that he saw a brownie. It is much easier to hear the brownie: often at night he knocks, creaks, rustles and commits various leprosy. The brownie has the gift of predicting future events, both pleasant and unpleasant, to convey to people the appropriate signs: his muffled, restrained groans or crying seem to warn of an impending danger, and his gentle and gentle voice promises peace and joy.

But besides spirits, which can be both good and evil, but there is true evil that penetrates from other worlds and infiltrates ordinary people. The procedure for driving out demons and other evil spirits from the human body with the help of prayers and rituals is called exorcism. According to Christian tradition, Jesus Christ was the first exorcist. There is a mention in the Bible that a demon-possessed person was brought to Jesus and he healed him. The possession of a demon, devil, or demon is called possession. There is a statement that several evil spirits can simultaneously enter a person, they connect to all organs of a person and his energy centers.

The demon does not want to betray himself and manifests itself only during church services and reading special prayers. At this moment, the possessed feel as if they are in a hypnotic dream. He sees, feels and understands what is happening around. Observing from the side of the possessed, it is clear that the insides of his body at the time of reading the prayer begin to shake, curses and obscene language are poured on others - these demons do not want to leave the body and show their attitude towards people. The victim can hiss, growl, howl, grunt, scream at such a sound frequency that even animals cannot.

With the help of prayers and rituals, the demon leaves the body of the unfortunate victim, but sometimes those who observe this cannot stand it and lose control over themselves. For a demon, this is a great way to find another victim and hide in it, so that after a while, take over the mind of the unfortunate person to the full.

Ghosts, demons, the other world - all these are paranormal phenomena, about the nature of which mankind does not know anything. We don’t even know the elementary way of the transition of a person’s soul from one world to another, but it really exists. Many questions can be answered even by studying our familiar pets. According to researchers of the paranormal phenomena, cats have the ability to travel between worlds, and for this they do not have to die. According to other statements, a dog perfectly recognizes a person in whom a dark force has infiltrated. Whether this is so accurate and confirmed by the facts there is no answer, but watch your cat, how often it just disappears, and later, as if from nowhere, appears.

There are many fans in the world to watch films about the paranormal, poltergeist and other supernatural things. Even scientists cannot solve them, they freeze the blood, but still, pictures about these psychophysical phenomena continue to collect full halls in cinemas. So it was with the first part of the film "Paranormal Activity", filmed by the Americans in 2007 and shown to the public in 2009.

After watching, viewers dubbed the horror film the most terrible picture. However, what is the mystery of this film? Why does he scare the audience so much? Is it really based on real events or is the plot of the picture just a figment of the imagination (and very stormy) of director Oren Peli? Perhaps we can reveal some of these questions.

The storyline is based on the life of a seemingly ordinary married couple. Katie and Mika moved to live in a house in the vicinity of San Diego and then strange things began to happen to them, which can be called paranormal. For several weeks in a row, the couple hear strange noises in the house and feel someone's presence.

It turns out that a certain entity has been following the main character since the age of eight. But as soon as a couple sets up a camera in their bedroom to film it, terrible things begin to happen in the house: overturning objects, opening doors, inhuman sounds and bites. When a couple invites a psychic to him, he says that a demon lives next to the heroes. However, Mika does not want to call a specialist, but tries to contact the evil spirits.

An angry demon chasing Katie scares the spouses, and ultimately, having possessed a woman, kills Mika. The film has several endings, one of which is official and the other two are alternatives. In the first ending, Mika rushes into the room in bloody clothes, and Katie walks up to the camera and smiles terribly. This is where the film ends. In the credits, it is later written that in the morning the police called by the neighbors find Mika's body, and Katie does not remember anything about the events of the previous night.

The opinion of film critics and ordinary viewers

Film critics liked the strange picture taken with one camera. Most of them gave her a positive assessment. Overall, "Paranormal Activity" received 88% of "good" reviews. On the technical side, the film is shot very realistically, there are sound and special effects, there is a sense of documentary, a gradual and unhurried development of events.

Viewer reviews fell into two categories. Some argued that they were absolutely not afraid to watch the film. Others said that they had never seen anything worse in their lives. It is strange that the picture was low-budget, and before and after it, the "filmmakers" shot more than one horror movie that could scare and interest much more.

Among the reviews, you can also find the opinion that everything in the film looks "cheap and pretentious", and there are only two main characters, which also does not capture. Experts called the film a very successful project of the director, on which only 15 thousand dollars were spent, and collected dozens of times more.

The veracity of the facts from the picture

According to the director Oren Peli, who also wrote the script for the film, the picture is based on the events that allegedly happened to him in reality. However, experts called the "Paranormal Activity" a pseudo-documentary. Why? Because documentaries are shot on proven facts, using the assessments of scientists and specialists, in this matter - psychics. In this case, none of the physicists, parapsychologists, sorcerers and other professionals confirmed the presence in the house of Mr.

The first part of the film shows the ordinary life of the average American family. These shots do not resemble an excerpt from a horror film, but rather scenes from a sitcom or reality show in general. However, later the transformation begins. All special effects become more pronounced and frightening. This is the "realism" of the film.

In theory, similar events can occur in life. Official science has confirmed that there may be intangible things that we cannot see with the naked eye. Electromagnetic fields, ghosts or demons - all these are experts and curious people who have repeatedly tried to record with the help of powerful equipment. But such attempts were rarely successful. It is hard to believe that some otherworldly entity showed itself on an ordinary camera, or a person like Mika from the film could record his voice.

There is some truth in "Paranormal Activity", because the events described in the film could actually take place. But everything that happens in the picture scares us by the fact that it is shown close to reality, but is not shown "in all its glory", in full, and therefore, as it were, stands on the edge between two worlds - the real and the otherworldly.

Since the human psyche tends to fantasize and give out various images that appear in dreams, sometimes there is an obsessive feeling of the presence of someone else, if a person is himself in a room in a completely enclosed space. All of the above techniques and "did their job." As a result, such an objective reality appeared before the viewer, which can "shackle the brain" and scare in earnest.

Recall that most often in films, fictional facts are shown, which, in order to attract the audience, can be veiled and hidden under the guise of realism. As for the paranormal, experts say that of all the reports of poltergeists, ghosts and demons that "naughty" in the homes of different people, only no more than 10 percent have been proven.

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