Home indoor flowers I transplanted chrysalidocarpus, how to take care of it now. Growing areca palm chrysalidocarpus at home. Water procedures - watering and humidity

I transplanted chrysalidocarpus, how to take care of it now. Growing areca palm chrysalidocarpus at home. Water procedures - watering and humidity

At the moment chrysalidocarpus - (Chrysalidocarpus Lutascens) is one of the most popular plants among ornamental palm lovers.

This popularity is explained by the fact that, despite its exotic origin, chrysalidocarpus, which is not difficult to care for, is not a rather capricious plant.

Chrysalidocarpus care and features

Chrysalidocarpus belongs to the genus of areca palms. In its homeland, on the territory of the Comoros and Madagascar, this genus has twenty species. Only one of them acts as a home plant - Chrysalidocarpus yellowish.

This plant got its name because of the yellow tint of the stems. The palm leaves themselves are very juicy green. Their shape resembles feathers, and many stems that begin to branch at the rhizome make the plant voluminous and fluffy.

Chrysalidocarpus is yellowish, only one species of this genus of palms that grows at home. It can reach 1.5 -2 meters.

The maximum height that chrysalidocarpus can reach in a city apartment or office reaches one and a half to two meters.

Chrysalidocarpus Care at home. plant location

The ideal place to keep chryhalidocarpus in the house would be a room with south-facing windows, but it is important to observe one condition here: in the summer, the plant must be covered from direct sunlight from 11 am to 3 pm.

Over time, the palm tree can be moved to rooms with a northern location, as the plant adapts perfectly to partial shade. In the first hours after buying a plant, it is not recommended to immediately expose it to the bright sun. It would be better if it gets used to the light climate of the room a little, otherwise the palm leaves will get burned.

It is necessary to regularly, (about once a week), turn the flower 180 degrees so that the symmetry of the arrangement of the leaves is preserved. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature regime of the room in which the palm tree will grow. The most comfortable chrysalidocarpus - care for which is not difficult, feels at a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees. But in the summer, these figures should be higher: 23-25 ​​degrees.

For a prosperous existence, a constant supply of fresh air is necessary. An open window or an open window will suffice. But not in the immediate vicinity, as this can lead to a decrease in the permissible temperature thresholds. You should also protect the palm tree from drafts.

Chrysalidocarpus Care. Content Rules

One of the important conditions for the proper maintenance of this plant is regular watering. In this regard, chrysalidocarpus is very capricious. In particular, the water that is best to moisten the soil should be bottled or filtered. If the use of running water is supposed to be used, then it must first be defended for a day. This is due to the fact that this plant is very sensitive to various impurities and chlorine.

Chrysalidocarpus should be watered only when the soil remains dry for one or two days. In other words, the soil in a pot with a plant should not be constantly moistened: it is necessary to wait for a slight drying. If you water the plant too often, then its roots can begin to rot and the plant dies. During watering, avoid getting water on the base of the stems. And excess water must be removed from the pan 2-3 hours after watering. Also, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

The lack of moisture leads to the death of the leaves and the plant cannot be saved.

Chrysalidocarpus Care and watering

Like any tropical plant, chrysalidocarpus requires additional care, the most important thing is moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly, once every 2 days, spray palm leaves from a spray bottle. For this I use the same water as for irrigation - bottled or purified. Adult palm trees (4-6 years old) on hot summer days can be sprayed 1-2 times per season from the shower. But this must be done carefully, controlling the pressure of the water so that the stems and leaves are not damaged. After such moistening of the leaves, it is necessary to remove excess water.

For this, a flap of soft, well-absorbing moisture fabric is suitable. As the leaves and stems of the palm tree grow, they can dry out and must be removed with sharp scissors or a knife, cutting them off at the very base, in no case damaging the trunk of the palm tree. This will ensure the fastest growth of new, young stems. But it is worth remembering that you need to trim only completely dead leaves. And the leaves, slightly yellowed or dried up, must be left, since until a certain time they remain a source of nutrients for the whole plant.

Transplant and top dressing

With proper care, chrysalidocarpus grows very quickly and as the pot is filled with the roots of the plant, it must be transplanted. This should be done in the spring, from the end of March to mid-April, no more than once every 2 years. Each time, the container for transplanting palm trees should be 1-2 sizes larger.

And it is better to use tall pots for this, since the root system of chrysalidocarpus is vertical.

If the care is correct, it grows quickly. Requires a transplant as the pot is filled with roots. It is necessary to carry out a transplant in the period of late March - early April. But not more than twice a year.

It is very important to provide chrysalidocarpus with additional nutrients. It is better to feed him from the beginning of March to the end of September. It is better to use a special complex fertilizer for palm trees for this. As a rule, it is liquid and is added to water for irrigation at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

Feeding frequency - 2-3 times a month. Sometimes there is a need for foliar feeding of the plant. For this purpose, you should also use special fertilizer complexes designed for indoor plants. The need for additional fertilizer may arise when the soil for chrysalidocarpus is not properly formulated.

A properly formulated mixture for keeping this plant should include pumice, pine bark, crushed dolomite or pebbles, perlite and charcoal, taken in equal parts. The main component of the soil mixture - coarse peat - is taken in an amount equal to two parts. One tenth of bone meal is also added to this mixture.

Since the degree of soil moisture should not be too high when growing chrysalidocarpus, all components for the soil mixture should not have a soft structure, otherwise excess water during irrigation will linger in the soil, which threatens to become waterlogged.

In general, the soil for chrysalidocarpus, as for many ornamental palms, should have a neutral acidity or be acidic. Ideal pH indicators are 6.0-7.5.

Chrysolidocarpus Care and Disease

With improper care or a lack of useful trace elements, the plant may begin to wither. For example, stopping the growth of a palm tree indicates a nitrogen deficiency in the soil. Necrosis of the leaf edge, as well as the appearance of pale yellow and orange spots on older leaves, indicates a lack of magnesium and potassium.

Manganese deficiency is primarily reflected in young leaves: they do not develop quickly enough, the stems are sluggish, necrotic stripes appear on the leaves. Necrotic spots also appear with zinc deficiency.

A common cause of Chrysolidocarpus disease is the increased acidity of the soil.

All this indicates a high acidity of the soil. The solution to the problem is to mix a small amount of ash or lime into the soil. At the same time, you need to regularly check the acidity of the soil and ensure that the pH is below 7. Foliar fertilizers will also help solve the problem. But both do not lead to a quick result.

Often, in violation of the temperature regime, namely at low temperatures (16-17 degrees), the growth and development of the plant may slow down or stop. This leads to a slowdown in root activity, which means that nutrients do not enter the plant in full.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide the necessary temperature conditions for chrysalidocarpus. For several days, the soil temperature should be 25-27 degrees. Excessive watering can cause leaf edge burns. But these symptoms appear after the root system has suffered. To help the plant, you need to introduce a substrate into the soil or transplant the plant into a completely renewed soil mixture. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly monitor the volume and quality of irrigation.


Chrysalidocarpus can be propagated in two ways: by seed and by cutting off shoots.

In the first case, the seeds of the plant must be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days. Then the seeds are sown in soft peat soil. During this period, it is very important that the temperature regime be within 27-30 degrees. To do this, you can sow the seeds in a mini-greenhouse. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries up, but without waiting for it to dry out.

From the moment of sowing to the appearance of the first sprouts, most often a month and a half passes. But if the temperature regime is not observed, the germination time increases two to three times. After the appearance of the first sprouts, you can start feeding, but not more than once every three months. For this, complex liquid fertilizer for indoor plants or special fertilizer for palm trees is also used.

Calculation of fertilizer per 1 liter of water - 5 ml. Lighting for seedlings should not be too bright, diffused light is best. You can transplant seedlings into pots after the appearance of the first full-fledged stems.

The second method of propagation, vegetative, is good in that it can be used at any time of the year, while propagation by seeds can only be done in late autumn. So, only a very bushy plant is suitable for reproduction in this way. The process is removed at the very base with a thin curved knife.

It is very important not to damage the main stems. Having cut off a small process, it is cleaned of leaves and the cut site is lubricated, first it is lubricated with a fungicide, and then a root formation stimulator is applied. As for the cut on the mother plant, it must be dried for two to three days.

The shoot is planted in the substrate. It is best to use coarse sand for this. Watering should be regular, the temperature is within 27-29 degrees, the light regime is partial shade. The roots of the plant are fixed in a period of up to 3 months.

Chrysalidocarpus (Areca) is a perennial evergreen plant with beautiful palm-like leaves. However, unlike the usual palm tree, most indoor species do not have a pronounced trunk. Several herbaceous stems grow from the soil at the same time, forming dense but slender thickets. For this feature, chrysalidocarpus is called the "reed palm". The plant belongs to the Palm family and is common in Madagascar, as well as in Oceania and Tropical Asia. In indoor culture, the palm tree is quite common. It is easy to care for her and maintain a strict appearance. A variety of species allows you to choose the most interesting plant.

Botanical description

The genus Chrysalidocarpus combines single-stemmed or bushy plants. In their natural environment, they can grow 6-10 m in height, but indoor specimens do not exceed 50-200 cm. Long fronds have a dense, upright petiole that does not form lateral processes. Each branch contains 40-60 pairs of narrowly lanceolate lobes. The dark green leaf plate has smooth edges and a pointed end. The palm tree develops quite slowly. The annual growth is about 15-30 cm. At the same time, the bush expands annually due to the many basal processes.

Flowering occurs in May-June, but indoor specimens rarely delight with flowers. In leaf axils, paniculate inflorescences are formed, which consist of small, yellow flowers of both sexes. As a result of self-pollination, fruits ripen - yellow rounded berries. Each berry contains a seed. The seeds are poisonous, their use leads to the development of peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer.

Types of chrysalidocarpus

Botanists count up to 20 species of chrysalidocarpus. Here is some of them:

Strongly branched from the base, the plant lets out lateral, rooting shoots. Young stems with petioles are yellow-green. They have a smooth, speckled surface. Each leaf grows up to 2 m long. The width of the frond is 80-90 cm. Up to 60 pairs of leaf blades are located on the arcuate petiole. The axillary inflorescence is a branched brush with small yellow flowers.

The plant is a bunch of upright leaves growing from the ground. At home, it can reach 3 m in height. Glossy sheet plates are strongly narrowed and elongated. During the flowering period, a rather dense inflorescence blooms with a pleasant lemon aroma.

The palm tree has a classic tree shape with a single trunk. The trunk is slightly expanded at the base and covered with a smooth whitish bark. The height of the tree in nature reaches 9 m. Dense feathery foliage is painted dark green. The length of the racemose inflorescence is 50-60 cm.

Chrysalidocarpus catechu (Betel palm). A popular variety with a single massive trunk and long, straight leaves. In nature, the trunk is 20 m long and 50 cm wide. Spreading feathery leaves form a symmetrical dense dark green crown. The variety is often planted in the south in gardens to decorate the area. Flowering and fruiting is very rare.

Reproduction methods

Chrysalidocarpus propagates by sowing seeds or rooting basal shoots. Either method is quite simple and gives a good result. Chrysalidocarpus seeds are sown in early spring, when daylight hours begin to increase. Before planting, they should be soaked in warm (30°C) water for 2-4 days. Then the seeds are distributed in boxes with moist sandy-peat soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Shoots appear after 3-4 months. They should be kept in a well-lit room at a temperature of +20…+25°C. When the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots up to 12 cm in diameter.

In the process of growth of most indoor varieties, basal processes are formed. They are connected to the mother plant, but have their own roots. In the spring, it is necessary to separate the lateral process with a sharp blade. The place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal, after which the young plant is planted in a separate small pot. During spring and summer, the seedling will get stronger enough and begin to grow new leaves and shoots.

Transplant rules

Chrysalidocarpus does not like transplants, so they are rarely carried out, as the rhizome grows. The method of transshipment of an earthen clod should be used so as not to damage the thin roots. For planting, choose a pot with drainage holes, on the bottom of which a thick layer of expanded clay is poured. This material will absorb excess moisture during watering and give it away as the earth dries out.

The soil of chrysalidocarpus needs nutritious and light, it should contain:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • humus-leaf land (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • rotted manure (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • charcoal (0.5 parts).

After transplanting, it is necessary to water the plant well and leave it in a room with bright diffused light.

Growing Secrets

Chrysalidocarpus is recognized as an unpretentious, easy-to-care plant. However, a little experience will benefit the florist and make caring for a palm tree more pleasant and easier.

Lighting. Chrysalidocarpus needs bright light, direct sunlight is allowed on the crown. In strong heat, it is necessary to shade the crown from the midday sun or ventilate the room more often. Outdoors, this is not a problem. In winter, you need to rearrange the palm tree in a brighter room, and if necessary, use fluorescent lamps.

Temperature. The optimum air temperature for the plant is + 22 ... + 25 ° C. In winter, you can lower this figure to + 16 ° C, but not lower. It is not necessary to artificially create temperature fluctuations; chrysalidocarpus does not have a pronounced dormant period.

Humidity. Palm tree needs high humidity (60% or more). It should be sprayed regularly and placed near a water source. In winter, it is worth moving the plant away from heating radiators. In hot weather, the leaves are washed in the shower twice a month. In winter, such a procedure is carried out less often or completely excluded. If bathing is not possible, the leaves should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth.

Watering. Chrysalidocarpus needs abundant and frequent watering. An earthen ball should dry out by 2-3 cm, depending on the volume of the pot. In winter, watering is reduced, allowing the soil to dry out to half. Water is used soft and well settled. Its temperature should be 1-2 degrees higher than the air temperature.

Fertilizer. Chrysalidocarpus needs feeding throughout the year. You can use mineral compositions for decorative leafy plants or palms. In April-October, diluted fertilizer is applied to the soil twice a month, the rest of the time, one top dressing per month is enough.

Possible difficulties

Chrysalidocarpus does not tolerate dampness and stagnant water in the soil. As a result of improper care, root rot or fungal infection on the leaves may develop. At first, small brown spots will gradually increase and infect the entire plant. To defeat the fungus, cut off the affected areas and treat the soil and shoots with a fungicide solution.

Sometimes chrysalidocarpus, with its appearance, shows errors in care:

  • the tips of the leaves dry out - the air in the room is too dry;
  • leaves turn yellow - too bright lighting or insufficient watering;
  • brown spots on leaves and shoots are signs of rot due to stagnant water in the soil.

plant use

Chrysalidocarpus fits perfectly into the interior, regardless of the style of its design. Bright greenery and exquisite leaves bring you closer to nature. It is known that the plant is able to quickly absorb a large amount of water, which later evaporates. Thus, chrysalidocarpus not only pleases with a beautiful appearance, but also improves the air quality in the house. It removes vapors of benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

In the homeland of the plant, its fruits are used in folk medicine. Alkaloids and tannins are contained in them in large quantities. With the help of the pulp of the berries, they fight worms and diarrhea. However, do not forget about the toxicity of seeds. In order not to make a mistake in the dosage, it is better not to use this drug inside.

Chrysalidocarpus is famous not only for its hard-to-pronounce name, but also for its magnificent decorative effect, exotic beauty of leaves and unpretentious care. Thanks to these properties, it is very popular among both professional flower growers and amateurs, who will probably be interested in reading this article on the topic: chrysalidocarpus - home care.

The world knows about 20 species of chrysalidocarpus belonging to the arec family, but only a few can be cultivated in room conditions. Caring for these plants is relatively simple, but specific.


In nature, Chrysalidocarpus (pictured) lives in the tropics, so it is accustomed to the bright sun and hot weather.

He likes to caress in warm sunlight, so the pot with this plant should be placed in a well-lit place. Window sills facing south or east are ideal. If the summer is too hot, it is better to hide the palm tree from the midday sun in order to prevent burns. Strong direct or window-through ultraviolet radiation can harm the foliage of young chrysalidocarpus, which, already reaching a more mature age, about 5-6 years, becomes resistant to such conditions.

To maintain the decorativeness of the palm tree, the beauty of its crown, it is recommended to turn the plant around its axis by 180 degrees once a week or two, so that all its parts are evenly fed with light.

Temperature and Humidity

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens: care for this plant should be aimed at maintaining a sufficiently high temperature in the room - about 22-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, this palm tree can be content with cooler air - 18-20 degrees Celsius, but not lower than 16. This is already too cold for it.

The temperature regime is especially important for young plants, which are more problematic to react to external factors. Caring for the areca palm is also about the humidity of the air. It should be as close to natural conditions as possible. Of course, turning your house into the tropics will not work, but it is necessary to regularly spray the plant, wipe its leaves with a wet sponge. In this case, you can use only clean, soft water.


Many people ask, what should be the watering in order for the care of the areca chrysalidocarpus to be considered correct? For the active development of the plant, it must be watered abundantly enough, in no case allowing the soil to dry out or even the slightest excess of moisture in it. You can only use distilled or bottled water. Hard, chlorinated, taken from the tap is not suitable. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced, but in any case, the soil should always be slightly moistened.

top dressing

Home care for the chrysalidocarpus lutescens palm tree includes competent fertilizer. You can feed it throughout the year, once a month, and twice in spring and summer. For this, a special substrate designed for decorative leafy plants is suitable. It is quite easy to find it in any hypermarket or narrow-profile store. If necessary, additional foliar top dressing with useful microelements can be carried out. The most favorable for this vegetative period.


As a rule, care at home means under the failure and transplantation of the areca palm. To perform this procedure, the spring season is considered optimal - mid-April or early May.

For the successful resettlement of chrysalidocarpus, it is necessary:

  • create a kind of earthen lump around its root system;
  • cut off thin roots protruding in different directions with a sharp knife for convenient planting of the plant in a new pot;
  • create drainage, fill empty spaces with soil and water it abundantly.

Young chrysalidocarpus are transplanted annually, those that are older - once every few years.

Reproduction of chrysalidocarpus

Naturally, during the period of growing chrysalidocarpus, there is a desire to propagate this marvelous plant. You can do this in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • root shoots.

If caring for a chrysalidocarpus areca palm at home is not so difficult, then. Adherents of the first method buy or somehow get seeds, soak them for 3-4 days in a special solution of sulfuric acid. If it is not at hand, you can use plain water, as long as it is warm. After soaking, the planting material is sent to a substrate acceptable for palms, which must be carefully watered, or better, sprayed.

The optimum temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees Celsius. If the room is cooler, the shoot of grains will be delayed. Like mature plants, small seedlings love light and high humidity. Soon the first leaves appear. After that, chrysalidocarpus can be transplanted into separate pots and after a few months, with proper care, they will turn into full-fledged plants.

Many flower growers also practice vegetative propagation. It can be produced at any time of the year, but it is best in spring or summer when the weather is warm. Strong, juice-filled sprouts are selected and carefully cut off at the very base of the plant. Initially, they should already be characterized by mini-roots, which, after transplanting into the ground, gain strength and slowly turn into a full-fledged root system. The main thing is that the soil is moist and the room is warm. As practice shows, reproduction in this way is easily given even to beginners in floriculture.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, not a single plant is immune from misfortune in the form of a variety of pests or infections. Chrysalidocarpus is no exception. It is susceptible to fungal diseases of the genus Helminthosporia, which are expressed in the form of dark spots with a characteristic yellow border. If you do not react in time, the fungus will spread throughout the palm tree and will seriously threaten its life. To combat this disease, it is necessary to minimize watering the soil and temporarily stop spraying the plant, since it is in an excessively humid environment that the fungus multiplies well. The bush should be carefully treated with a fungicidal solution.

Growing problems

There are also "dark" sides of growing the exotic areca chrysalidocarpus palm. During care, the following problems may arise:

The tips of the leaves instantly, and some turn black. The reason may be excessive dryness of the soil or insufficient level of humidity. Sometimes such a reaction follows as a result of a decrease in the temperature in the room or due to mechanical damage to the plant.

The leaves turn yellow. It leads to such a consequence either insufficient watering, or excessive illumination of the room. The pot with chrysalidocarpus should be removed to a more shaded place.

The leaves are covered with brown spots. The reason is excessive or incorrect watering with too hard water. The soil is waterlogged, and this can lead not only to darkening of the foliage, but also to rotting of the root system of the chrysalidocarpus areca flower. It is important that care is correct.

Popular varieties and types

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, there are about two dozen species of chrysalidocarpus, but only a few of them are popular. Experienced flower growers recommend breeding chrysalidocarpus Madagascar and yellowish at home. They are magnificent visually, do not require increased attention to themselves, and are perfectly amenable to reproduction.

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar

It is distinguished by a powerful barrel with rings visible to the naked eye. In nature, such a palm tree grows up to 8 meters. It grows quite rapidly in warm rooms. It is characterized by smooth, tufted leaves, reaching a length of 40 centimeters.

Chrysalidocarpus yellowish

It is called so because of the characteristic yellowish stems that are densely branched at the base. The leaves are almost identical in color. They are wide and long. If in nature this type of palm is distributed with specific fruits, then in room conditions, unfortunately, this happens extremely rarely. In any case, such a plant will be a great decoration for the interior of both an office space and an ordinary apartment or country house.

It has long been fashionable to decorate your home with exotic plants. Chrysalidocarpus areca palm is also popular because it is beautiful and unpretentious in care. There are a number of important recommendations regarding planting and growing that you need to know and consider.

What does Chrysalidocarpus Areca look like?

Decorative palm grows in nature in the Comoros and Madagascar. The name "chrysalidocarpus" is translated as a golden fruit. In nature, there are 20 species, but only areca is suitable for the home. In the description of chrysalidocarpus, it is indicated that the palm tree can be either single-stemmed or multi-stemmed. Non-branching shrubs with smooth shoots can grow up to 10 m in height. The plant stands out for its numerous carved pinnate and paired leaves, the number of which on the stem varies from 40 to 60.

Chrysalidocarpus palm - landing

You can use seeds for cultivation, but it should be borne in mind that the result will have to wait longer than the emergence of seedlings of other plants. Only fresh planting material should be used. There are several recommendations on how to grow a chrysalidocarpus areca plant:

  1. To begin with, soak the seeds in warm water for 2-3 days, which will speed up the process of their germination.
  2. Planting material put in a plastic bag, which should be filled with wet peat. Seal it tightly to create greenhouse conditions. You can take a pot, fill it with soil, moisten it, put seeds and cover with glass or film.
  3. When the chrysalidocarpus areca hatches, it is necessary to transplant into pots filled with peat and sand. Do not forget to water the seedlings so that they develop and grow well.

Chrysalidocarpus - growing at home

For the proper development of the plant, it is important to pay attention to the selection of a place for the pot. Suitable home care for chrysalidocarpus palm includes the following conditions:

  1. Lighting. Areca loves sunny areas, and this applies not only to summer, but also to winter. It is best to choose the south side. Keep in mind that the hot rays of the sun can leave burns on the leaves, so use shading in the summer.
  2. Temperature. Areca does not respond well to a decrease in temperature and as a result of hypothermia, it may die. Make sure that the indicators do not fall below 15 ° C. The optimum temperature for chrysalidocarpus areca is 20-23°C.
  3. Humidity. The tropical chrysalidocarpus areca prefers high humidity, so be sure to spray and wipe the leaves regularly during the hot season.

Chrysalidocarpus - pot

For good growth and development, it is important to choose the right pot, for this, consider a number of criteria:

  1. The color of the pot should be light, because in the summer it will heat up less and the moisture will not evaporate so much.
  2. The houseplant chrysalidocarpus areca can grow in a flowerpot from different materials, but it is better to choose options from plastic or wood.
  3. It is important that the flowerpot is high, and choose the volume depending on the size of the areca. Do not choose large pots "for growth."

Chrysalidocarpus plant - soil

For planting, you can use ready-made soils designed for palm trees, which are available in garden stores. An alternative is to prepare the substrate yourself, for which prepare pumice, pebbles, pine bark, charcoal or perlite. All those who leave are mixed in equal quantities, and add two parts of peat and a tenth to the treated mixture. Chrysalidocarpus areca flower does not like too soft soils. It is important that it be either sour or neutral.

Chrysalidocarpus - reproduction

To increase the number of palm trees in your home, you can use two methods. It has already been told about propagation by seeds, and you can also plant shoots. This option can be used at any time of the year.

  1. With a knife, cut off the stalk at the base of the stem, and it is important not to damage it.
  2. Clean the resulting shoot from the leaves, and be sure to lubricate the cut site with a fungicide. Apply a rooting agent afterwards.
  3. Please note that the cut on the trunk must be dried within 2-3 days.
  4. Plant chrysalidocarpus at home in a pre-prepared substrate and it is better to use sand.
  5. A suitable temperature is 27-29°C. Cover the container with glass or film, keeping the indicators at a level of 27-30 ° C.
  6. In most cases, seeds appear after 1.5 months.

How to care for chrysalidocarpus?

In order for the areca palm to not get sick and grow well, you need to properly care for it. Mandatory procedures include watering and fertilizing. Loosen the soil regularly to supply oxygen to the roots. For chrysalidocarpus areca, home care includes the removal of dried leaves and branches. If mistakes are made in the growing process, then a number of problems may appear:

  1. If the tips of the leaves become dark, then the air and soil are too dry. The reason may be the low temperature.
  2. When the leaves turn yellow completely, it means that they get a lot of sun and it is recommended to increase watering.
  3. Brown spots appeared on the leaves - this is a signal that the soil is waterlogged or there was a sharp temperature drop. The problem arises if watering is carried out with hard or tap water.

How to transplant chrysalidocarpus?

For a palm tree, a change of “place of residence” is a serious stress, and after the procedure, some branches often die off. It is transplanted by transshipment into a suitable flowerpot. It is necessary to replace and add an insufficient amount of earth. Chrysalidocarpus areca transplantation is necessary only in a few cases:

  1. After the purchase, the plant is moved from the transport pot to another flowerpot, since the soil dries out very quickly in it.
  2. If the chrysalidocarpus has grown and its roots have already completely filled the pot, because the areca will no longer receive the necessary substances, stop growing and start to hurt.
  3. If the soil was flooded during irrigation and there is a risk of root rot. During transplantation, it is recommended to treat the roots with a root former.

Indoor plant chrysalidocarpus - watering

The areca palm loves moderate watering, as excessive moisture causes the roots to rot, which can be judged by brown spots on the tips of the leaves. Experts recommend that before moistening the soil, make sure that the soil is well dried out, for which stick a wooden stick closer to the roots and if it is slightly wet, then you can water it. When carrying out the procedure, consider a number of recommendations:

  1. For areca chrysalidocarpus, home care implies the use of only warm settled water for irrigation, not only in winter, but also in summer.
  2. Please note that if the flowerpot is in the shade, then irrigation is carried out less often than if it is in a lighted place.
  3. With insufficient watering, the shoots lean in different directions and the leaves turn yellow prematurely.

Chrysalidocarpus flower - top dressing

The palm tree responds well to fertilizers that must be applied throughout the year. In the spring/summer period, top dressing is carried out twice a month, and once in autumn and winter is enough. Care for chrysalidocarpus areca includes the use of special fertilizers for palms or mineral mixtures for ornamental leafy plants. During the growing season, it is recommended to carry out additional feeding every month using mineral compounds.

Chrysalidocarpus - diseases

There are a number of common problems that many exotic palm owners face:

  1. Chrysalidocarpus areca, when affected by fungal infections, becomes covered with dark spots with yellow rims. Over time, parts of the plant begin to die. In most cases, the problem occurs with frequent spraying. To get rid of the fungus, treat the bush with a fungicidal solution.
  2. When affected by a mealybug, the leaves of the areca chrysalidocarpus turn yellow and dry. To fight, wipe all parts of the bush with alcohol and treat with an insecticidal preparation.
  3. Yellow dots on the foliage, which begin to dry after a while, indicate the defeat of ticks. To fight, increase the humidity in the room and use an acaricide.

Chrysalidocarpus is a perennial evergreen palm. Found in Madagascar, Oceania, Comoros, New Zealand, Tropical Asia. Translated from Greek as "golden fruit". It is called Areca or reed palm, decorates halls, offices, large rooms.

Chrysalidocarpus belongs to the Palm family, subfamily Arekovye. Palm trees from this genus are found multi-stemmed and single-stemmed. The first are twisted among themselves or arranged in parallel. The latter have one smooth trunk. They grow up to 9 m tall, but specimens grown indoors do not reach 2 m, develop slowly, 15-30 cm per year, and rarely delight with flowers.

Stems with a smooth or pubescent surface create a lush crown. Some have swollen shoots, with lateral offspring. The leaves are pinnate or fan-shaped, deep green, with smooth or pointed edges, located at the top of the shoots growing on thin cuttings 50-60 cm long. There are 40-60 pairs of narrow lobes on the branch.

It begins to bloom and bear fruit in 2-3 years with appropriate care. During flowering (May-June), paniculate inflorescences with yellow flowers appear in the axils of the leaves. It is characterized by monocots and dicots. Chrysalidocarpus seeds are poisonous.

There are over 160 species of Chrysalidocarpus. Madagascar and Yellowish are grown indoors, the rest outdoors, in gardens.

  • Madagascar - Dipsis, it has a single straight, smooth trunk with an annular structure, expanded at the base. Covered with white bark. It grows up to 9 m outdoors, at home up to 3 m. Cirrus leaves, up to 45 cm long, are arranged in bunches.
  • Yellowish or Lutescens - has a bushy structure, is a thick, dense bush of yellow color, departs from the roots with young shoots. The leaves are pinnate, up to 60 pairs on an arcuate two-meter petiole. Reaches a height of 10 m in nature. It grows well in a room up to 3 m.
  • Three-starred - upright leaves growing from the ground in the form of a bunch. In the room reaches a height of three meters. On the street up to 20 m. The leaf plates are narrow, elongated. During flowering exudes a pleasant aroma of lemon.
  • Katehu (Betel palm) - characterized by a large trunk with long straight leaves arranged symmetrically and creating a dense crown. In nature, up to 20 m long. In rooms above 3 m. Such a palm tree is planted in the southern regions to decorate the garden. Flowering and fruiting rarely.

Chrysalidocarpus care at home

Growing chrysalidocarpus at home presents some difficulties: you need to create the right lighting, watering, and maintain humidity.

Options Spring Summer Autumn winter
Lighting Bright, scattered. An adult plant is able to tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Shade the young from 11-15 hours. Put in a sunny place. Use lamps if necessary.
Temperature Optimal + 22 ... + 25 ° С. From +16…+18 °С. It is not advised to put near cold windows.
Humidity High from 60%. Spray regularly, wash in the shower 2 times a month (in hot weather). Use automatic humidifiers. fifty %. Do not spray, wipe off dust with a damp cloth.
Watering Abundant, as the soil dries out with rainwater. Moderate, two days after the top layer of the earth dries out. The water temperature for irrigation is taken 2 ° C higher than the air temperature.
fertilizers From March to October, apply mineral complexes for palm trees twice in 15 days.

Take the dosage 10 times less than indicated on the package.

Feed once a month.

During watering, do not pour water on the stems. Young plants are less resistant, with such care they may die.

Chrysalidocarpus care after purchase

After buying chrysalidocarpus, you need to get used to the new climate. The flower should not be transplanted immediately, you need to observe it for several days, water it with warm water.

For planting, choose a high pot so that the roots develop freely.

Ground and planting

A transplant is needed when the root system almost breaks the dishes. They do transshipment - they take out an earthen lump, shake off the remains from the pot, pour out the drainage, pour in a new mixture, plant it in the same container. Large palm trees do not cross, they only change the upper soil. Transplant time is April.

The soil is chosen fertile, light. It should be neutral or slightly acidic, not alkaline. Purchase a ready-made mixture for palm trees. Some gardeners prepare the substrate themselves: two parts of deciduous-humus and clay-soddy soil, one each of humus, peat, coarse river sand, a little charcoal. For young seedlings, a different composition is selected: 4 parts of sod land, peat and humus in 2 parts, one sand.

The color of the pot is chosen light, for less heating in the summer. Material - plastic, wood. No need to deepen the flower when transplanting.

Pebbles, pumice, crushed stone, large perlite are used for drainage. You should not create stagnation of water in the pan, take purified water, melted water, rain water for irrigation and spraying.

The soil must be regularly loosened and dried shoots, old, yellowed leaves should be removed. You can cut only dead leaves that are not partially yellowed. Do not damage the barrel.

Ventilate the room, but avoid drafts. Changes in temperature and lighting can withstand only adult specimens. Rotate the flower 180 degrees every ten days.


Palm trees are propagated by seeds and cuttings.


Breeding steps:

  • Soak the seed for two days in warm water or for 10 minutes in a sulfuric acid solution to speed up germination (2-3 drops per 200 g of water).
  • Planted in peat, one in each dish.
  • They make a mini-greenhouse (cover with a film).
  • The temperature is + 25 ... + 30 ° C degrees, humidity 70%.
  • After the emergence of seedlings (after two months) they are seated.


For breeding in spring:

  • Cut off young shoots with a sharp knife.
  • Remove all leaves.
  • The cut on the plant is sprinkled with ash, dried.
  • The cuttings are treated with a root former (heteroauxin) and planted in sand.
  • Temperature +27…+30 °С.

Roots grow in three months.

Mr. Dachnik advises: possible difficulties in caring for chrysalidocarpus and their solution

If the plant grows poorly, gets sick, it needs top dressing, a certain watering regimen, and proper lighting.

Problem signs Elimination Methods
Lack of nitrogen The leaves are first light green, then yellow, the plant stops growing. Use saltpeter (ammonia, sodium), ammophos, urea.
potassium deficiency Yellow, orange spots on old leaves, necrosis of the edges appears, the leaf dries up. Feed with potassium sulfate, wood ash.
Magnesium deficiency Light, wide stripes along the edges. Make top dressing with magnesium sulfate, potassium magnesia.
manganese deficiency New leaves are weak, with necrotic stripes, small in size. Use manganese sulfate.
Zinc deficiency Necrotic spots, leaves weak, small. Use zinc sulfate or zinc-containing fertilizers.
Dry, cold air, insufficient watering Brown spots on the tips of the leaves. Increase the temperature, humidity, water more abundantly.
Too much sun or too little moisture The leaf plate turns yellow. Shade when too hot, water more often.
brown leaf spot Watering with hard water, waterlogging, low temperature. Adjust watering, seasonal temperature, defend water.
Lower leaves darken and die Abundant watering. The leaves were torn off by hand. Cut the plates with sharp scissors.
Brown plate tips Cold, dry air, lack of moisture. Raise the temperature, moisten, water more often.

Install drainage so that water immediately after watering flows into the pan.

To find out that it's time to water - pierce the ground with a sushi stick. When it is slightly damp - you can water it, the soil sticks - it's not time yet.

Diseases and pests

The plant can attack fungal diseases, pests.

The benefits and uses of chrysalidocarpus

According to signs, chrysolidocarpus gives positive energy, removes negative emotions. Cleans the air from harmful substances: benzene, formaldehyde; increases air humidity, enriches with ozone, oxygen.

Despite the poisonousness of the plant, it is used as an anthelmintic, with diarrhea. In the Philippines, the palm tree is grown for chewing gum.

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