Home Flowers First class hour after summer break. Class hour "Safe Summer Holidays" (grade 7). Introduction to the topic: goal setting

First class hour after summer break. Class hour "Safe Summer Holidays" (grade 7). Introduction to the topic: goal setting

All-Russian lesson on the basics of life safety
Topic: "Safe vacation in the summer"
General Provisions
The relevance of the All-Russian lesson on the basics of security
life activity ":
All-Russian lesson on the basics of life safety (hereinafter
lesson) is carried out in order to develop uniform approaches to the formation
state policy in the field of life safety,
attracting public attention to the problem of culture formation
life safety of the younger generation,
effective assimilation of theoretical knowledge of the academic subject "Fundamentals
life safety ", practicing practical skills of action in
various emergencies, popularization of the All-Russian Children's
the youth movement "School of Security" (hereinafter referred to as the Movement), as well as
enhancing the prestige of the professions of firefighter and rescuer.
Lesson content: a mass event among 12-year students in
GBPOU SPC No. 5 Gornozavodsk village, Nevelsky district, Sakhalin region with
bringing information to the younger generation and teachers about
the need to develop students' skills in recognition and assessment
dangerous and harmful factors of the human environment, finding ways
protection from them, safe behavior in extreme and emergency
situations at home, on the street and in nature, developing skills to protect your life
and health, to provide self and mutual assistance.
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
to form students' understanding of the correct, safe
behavior during summer holidays, to acquaint with the rules of conduct in
places of public recreation, about precautions on the water, when visiting
forests, create conditions for the formation of such personal qualities as:
caution, self-control, responsibility, respect for oneself and others.

Dates, place, duration and format of the lesson
Date: April 28, 2017.
Venue: GBPOU SPC No. 5, Gornozavodsk village, Nevelsky district,
Sakhalin Region
Format: workshop using ICT
Duration: 45 minutes
During the classes
1. Rules of behavior for adolescents in the natural environment

emergency situations.
1. Rules of safe behavior in nature
Speech by the teacher - organizer of GBPOU SPC No. 5 - Zheldak
It is difficult to stay at home at any time of the year. The Call of the Ancestors beckons us to the forest, to
river, on a long hike with an overnight stay, or just for a walk, "hunt" for
mushrooms, berries and nuts, breathe in the forest air. The very stay on
nature, communication with her is a healing factor, but at the same time
are fraught with a certain danger.
There is an unwritten rule: when entering some unfamiliar place,
remember the direction of your movement - after all, you will have to return to
reverse direction. Therefore, before delving into an unfamiliar forest,
pay attention to the sun, remember which side it is on.
If the sun is on the right, then when leaving the forest, you need it to be on the left, with
taking into account the elapsed time.
But if, despite all the precautions, you still get lost,
stop moving, shout loudly and listen (define
the direction to the road is possible by the sound of passing cars);

find or build a shelter from the weather (lean large branches against
the trunk of a tree, lay spruce or pine branches on the ground);
set the daily rate of water consumption, leaving untouchable
calculate food supplies and find ways to get it (there are many
raw edible plants: berries, inner bark and buds
young birches and conifers);
try to restore orientation on the terrain by: the sun (in
noon it is in the south), a lonely tree (moss grows on the north side,
the crown is denser and more lush on the south side), anthill (its southern slope
the field is always shallow than the northern one), berries (begin to ripen from the southern
It is necessary to find several signs and by comparing them to choose the one you need
moving through the forest, remember your path, noting objects along the way,
which can serve as landmarks (fallen trees, glades, holes,
steep slopes);
if you go to a linear landmark (river, road, power lines)
you need to move along them;
in the forest, you can get scratched, cut, bruised and abraded.
Therefore, it is necessary to be able to use medicinal plants: if
crushed nettle, put on the wound, the bleeding will stop and
the wound will heal, plantain leaves in the form of a freshly crushed mass
disinfects the wound, has an analgesic and healing effect,
the core of reeds and fireweed fluff (ivanchaya) can be used instead of cotton wool.
Only knowledge and skill will reduce the likelihood of getting into
life-threatening situation and will increase the internal readiness to resist
difficulties encountered.
Life is diverse in its manifestations, therefore, warn all
dangerous situations are impossible, a lot has to be decided depending on

circumstances, but can significantly reduce the risk of its existence
Wherever you are, so as not to be a potential victim,
convey with all your appearance the message that you are calm, confident and
know where you are going.
Stand up to your full height, look purposefully and do not delay a long
look at others.
Be confident, but not aggressive.
Typically, criminals target people who are quiet, timid and
unsure of themselves.
Training "Working out the state of confidence and uncertainty."
Speech by the psychologist of the GBPOU SOC No. 5 - K.S. Rasteryaev.
Best Memories technique. Think back to the moments when you
experienced a feeling of maximum self-confidence. Maybe it was
best result in sports competitions, performance at a concert, or
you just did something better than others. Think back to the moment when you
felt like a hero. Relive it emotionally again.
Note the supporting symptoms of your confidence.
Crown of Confidence technique. Imagine yourself in the middle of the stadium
where all the audience stood up to applaud you loudly. You wide
smile at this flurry of applause, and on your head flaunts
magnificent crown.
Demonstration of the video clip "Water safety".
2. Rules of behavior for adolescents on the water

Dangerous situations on the water
Speech by the paramedic of GBPOU SOC No. 5 - I.V. Nerukhova
1. What to do if cramps appear in the legs?
You must immediately stop working with this leg. If there is
the ability to get to the bottom and rub the contracted muscle or for a second
plunge headlong into the water and, straightening your leg, pull strongly with your hand
foot for the thumb. You can also swim with only your hands,
while relaxing the bunched leg.
Before deciding on long swims, learn to relax in the water,
restore strength.
2. Sunstroke. Burns.
Now let's talk about what can happen to you if you are too
were in the sun for a long time. Being in nature, a person has large
opportunities for strengthening health by hardening the body. The main
hardening factors are sun, air and water. Only the trouble is people
the beneficial influence of nature is not always used correctly. When receiving
solar, air and water procedures, certain
rules, otherwise these procedures will cause more trouble than joy.
Air baths are a good means of hardening the body.
Sunbathing areas should be open enough to
sun and natural air movement, but at the same time protected from the wind.

Signs of overheating: weakness, dizziness, before the eyes
flies flashed. You should sit down or lie down in the shade, wet your head
or face with cold water. You also need to fan yourself with a newspaper,
towel, drink mineral or slightly salted water.
Signs of sunstroke: the face turns red and then turns pale, appears
headache, dizziness, weakness, tinnitus, pulse barely
palpable, breathing is barely noticeable. In severe cases, it can begin
nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, seizures, and fainting. Victim
need to be taken into the shade, put so that the head is higher than the body,
sprinkle your face with cold water, put a cold compress on your head,
drink cold water or cold strong tea.
What is sunburn?
A sunburn is a real burn. However, he is different from everyone
the rest by the fact that first the sun's rays damage the skin, and only then
characteristic redness appears. The cause is ultraviolet rays.
By the way, not too many of them are required to get a tan.
The main thing is that everything happens gradually.
What if you get burned?
In all these cases, you must contact a medical institution.
It is necessary to start sunbathing gradually, if you have no contraindications.
The duration of the first sunbath should not exceed 10-15
minutes. The best time is in the morning, when the air is cleaner and less heated.
Sunbathing is taken in a lying position, in which
uniform irradiation is ensured. You need to lie down with your feet to the sun, and
the head should be protected from direct sunlight (but not tied
towel or kerchief).
You can't sleep while sunbathing, you need to change your position
body. Take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour. And rest in the shade.

3. Actions in case of occurrence or threat of occurrence of natural
An emergency is a situation that has developed as a result of
accidents, disasters, natural disasters and threatens the health of people and
the natural environment.
The population is notified by the signal "Attention to all" (siren and intermittent
beeps), a text is transmitted over the city's broadcasting network, which indicates the place and
time of the accident, the order of action of the population.
At the signal "Attention to all" it is necessary:
turn on the radio, TV to listen to emergency messages;
inform neighbors and relatives and act accordingly
if you need to evacuate, collect your essentials
(documents, valuables, food, clothing);
help the elderly and sick to gather.
On the territory of our region are possible: winds at a speed of 100 km / h and
more, sharp drops in air temperature and associated snowfalls,
blizzards, storms and hail, floods, earthquakes, fires.
The most likely emergencies are fires, earthquakes and floods.
Demonstration of presentation drawing up an algorithm of actions

Securing the material
Exercise. Collect the Troubled Item Case first
the need
Pictures on A4 sheets:

Answer: A, B, C, D, E, F, I, K, P
Your knowledge, skills and abilities are the key to confidence and efficiency
actions in dangerous situations!
Distribute to students the memo "Actions in case of emergency" (Appendix 1)

Annex 1
This is when the terrain quickly covers a layer of water. Common cause of rainstorms
Familiarize yourself with alarms and evacuation measures.
If there is a risk of flooding, turn off the electricity, all heating
appliances and gas.
Move furniture, electrical equipment and personal belongings to the upper floors.
Put toxic substances such as pesticides and insecticides in
a safe place to avoid causing contamination.
If you are in the house:
Keep calm.
Warn neighbors and help children, old people, disabled people.
Listen to the radio to receive news of the development of the disaster.
Leave the house as soon as you receive an evacuation order from the rescuers
To evacuate, use the route assigned by the emergency services.
Do not try to "take a shortcut", you can get into a dangerous place and end up in
Keep pets safe, water and food.
Take with you only what is absolutely necessary (first aid kit,
documents, medicines).
If you are in a car:
Avoid driving on a flooded road, you can be swept away by the current.
If you find yourself in a flood zone and the car breaks down, leave it and
call for help.
Get a first aid kit, help the wounded.

Exercise caution when returning to the house. Check if it's reliable
structures (walls, floors).
If you find a puddle of standing water in and around the house, immediately fill it with 2
liters of bleach.
Do not drain all the water at once (this can damage the foundation) every day
drain only about a third of the total water volume.
Do not live in a house with standing water.
Danger of electric shock if the water layer on the floor is more than 5 cm thick, wear
rubber boots.
Make sure the electrical cables do not come into contact with water. In the flooded
disconnect the power supply to the switchboards immediately if you
haven't done it yet.
If the floor of the electrical panel is damp, cover it with a dry board and stand on it.
Use a dry stick to turn off the electricity.
If you suspect that the drinking water in a well or pump is contaminated,
use bottled water or boil it for 5
minutes. You can also add 2 drops of bleach to 1 liter of contaminated water and
after that, settle the water for 30 minutes.
Wash or decontaminate contaminated dishes and cutlery using
for this boiling water or bleach (a teaspoon of bleach on the sink,
filled with water).
Do not raise the air temperature in the house above 4 ° C before
all standing water has been drained.
Clear the house of all debris and water-soaked items.
Remove remaining silt and dirt, discard contaminated bedding
accessories, clothing, furniture and other items.
Wipe down all surfaces in your home with bleach. In doing so, ensure
good ventilation to keep toxic vapors out of the air.

This is the abrupt destruction of rocks deep below the surface of the earth,
creating underground or surface cracks. As a result, passes along the ground
vibration transmitted to buildings.
Find out where the switches for the electricity, water and
gas and how they are operated.
Attach bookshelves and shelves securely to walls.
Place heavy objects as close to the floor surface as possible.
If you are indoors:
Don't run outside. It's safer inside.
Take cover in a doorway, under a table, bench or bed and hold onto
them so as to follow their movements.
If there is no sturdy furniture in the house, press against the inner wall and cover
head and neck.
Stay away from stoves, windows and balconies.
Do not use the elevator.
If you are outdoors:
Run back into an open space
Move as far as possible from buildings, structures, high walls,
wires, electrical cables and any other objects that may collapse.
If an earthquake hits you near a tall building or on a narrow street,
take cover on the porch or in the entrance doorway to protect yourself from falling
If you are in a car:
Stop the car and stay in it.
Avoid bridges, overpasses, and other structures that could collapse.
If you are injured:
Don't panic, stay calm.

In any way, attract the attention of others (whistle in
whistle, bang on walls, etc.)
If you are not injured:
Try to extinguish the fires that have arisen.
Disconnect any sources of heat and electromagnetic radiation.
If the building is damaged, shut off the electricity, water and gas supply systems.
Do not use matches or lighters as there is a risk of gas leakage.
Listen to the radio and follow the instructions of the emergency services.
Provide first aid to the wounded (you must have a first aid kit for this).
Use the phone only to report injuries not
overload the telephone lines required for the operation of the rescue and
medical services.
Do not enter a damaged house, even if you are convinced that it is safe.
In the event of repeated shocks, stay in place and take action
Rationalize your food and drinking water supply.
It is characterized by powerful winds and torrential rains. It is called harsh
atmospheric changes over land and sea.
Store a suitcase with essential items (food,
clothing, medicine, flashlight, battery-powered transistor receiver,
personal documents).
Determine where to hide in the basement, cellar (if there are none, then under
a sturdy table or sofa in the middle of the room on the ground floor, away from outside
walls and windows).
Cut down dead tree branches and dead trees in the garden regularly,
so that they do not fall on the house.
Anchor all structures, especially temporary huts, firmly to the ground.
Designate a meeting place for the whole family in case a hurricane hits members
families in different places (school, work, etc.) or if the house is destroyed.

If you are in the house:
Avoid leaving the house.
Listen to the radio or watch TV.
Close doors and windows.
Reinforce the window panes with strips of duct tape reinforced with a cross
crosswise or star-shaped.
Bring all items and furniture into the house that might be blown away or
Collect the livestock in the sturdiest barn and leave a supply of feed and water there.
If the authorities issue an evacuation order, leave the house with
a suitcase with basic necessities.
If you are away from home:
If there is no shelter nearby, lie on the ground in a ditch (or ravine) and cover
When a hurricane is threatening, never use a boat. If you found out about
the approach of a hurricane, while in a boat, immediately get ashore.
If you are in a car:
Get out of it and walk away from it, as the wind can knock it over and
even lift up into the air.
Keep calm.
Never leave the house.
Gather everyone in the shelter or, if there is none, in a pre-selected room.
Listen to the radio for information.
Do not make calls to avoid overloading your telephone lines.
Follow instructions from authorities and rescue services.
Protect yourself in the event of a thunderstorm by turning off your radio, TV, and
electricity. Stay away from metal objects. Don't stand on
hills, do not try to hide under a tree. If you are in the car, stay in
Remain calm, don't panic.

Listen to the radio and follow the instructions given on it.
Provide first aid to injured and littered people. If necessary
call for help.
Stay away from damaged electrical wires.
Do not use the telephone unless absolutely necessary (the lines must be
free to be used by emergency services).
Do not drink water without boiling it for at least 10 minutes or
disinfecting it with bleach or bleach tablets (1 drop per 1 liter of water or, if
the water is cloudy, add 3 drops and leave the water for 30 minutes).
In the event of a long power outage, check the contents
refrigerators and discard spoiled food.
The fire spreads and causes more or less significant damage in
depending on the type of burning materials.
Store both matches and lighters in a place that is less accessible to children.
Do not store flammable substances and objects (alcohol, gas cylinders,
paper, cloth, etc.) near a heat source.
Avoid build-up of heat (for example, do not cover TVs,
heaters, etc.).
Do not use candles or blow out candles before leaving the room.
Beware of ash - it may contain smoldering smut for
several days. If you need it, store it in a fireproof container.
Never smoke in bed.
Use fireproof trays for cigarette butts. Before you throw away your cigarette butts


Do not leave the kitchen with boiling oil on the stove. Before leaving home, check if
are all cooking zones switched off on the stove.
Remember the phone numbers of rescue services (firefighters, civil defense, etc.).
Act calmly and judiciously, do not panic.
Notify the fire department, clearly tell them your address.

Disconnect gas and electricity.
Use available extinguishing media. Never try
extinguish burning oil products with water. If electrical equipment burns, disconnect
it from the power source.
Leave the building.
Try to rescue endangered people and animals (if on
man's clothes caught fire, throw a blanket over him and roll on the ground).
If the stairwells and corridors are smoggy, stay in the apartment,
close doors and windows to prevent drafts. Water the door frequently and
seal the cracks in the door with wet rags. Keep by the window so the outside is
it can be seen that you are in the house (but do not open the windows).
If you are in a smoky area, stay close to the floor there is a strip
clean air.
Avoid the risk of being trapped in fire.
Follow the instructions of the emergency services.
Examine the house.
Help your neighbors. Using a first aid kit, help people who
in trouble.


Delegation of the President of the Russian Federation, MOSCOW

Summer Vacation Code of Conduct

for students in grades 6 - 8

Moscow, 2017

The purpose of the event: development of rules of conduct during the summer holidays.

Introductory words of the teacher.

The safest person is the one who is careful and attentive even when there is no danger. I think most of you agree that doing the right thing will help you avoid dangerous situations.

The theme of our class hour is "Summer Vacation Code of Conduct." We will discuss and work out these rules together.

The course of the class hour.

Methodology of carrying out. The teacher divides the class into 3 groups. Each group receives a topic for discussion: "Rules of conduct in the city", "Rules of conduct outside the city", "Rules of conduct at home." The teacher gives topics for discussion a week before the school hour.

Students discuss potential hazardous situations and behaviors to help avoid them. After a while, representatives from each group read out the rules that they have developed.

The teacher summarizes the rules that the students have developed, supplements them and voices the rules of behavior during the holidays.

Rules of conduct during the summer holidays.

    In hot sunny weather, wear a hat, wear light-colored clothing. Try to stay in the sun less. Drink water or green tea more often. Do not sunbathe for a long time.

    Swim on equipped beaches where swimming is allowed. Do not dive in unknown places if there are swimmers nearby. Do not stay under water for long. Swim for no more than 25 minutes. In cold water - no more than 5 minutes. Do not swim behind the buoys, do not swim in large waves, do not swim close to swimming facilities (boat, boat, etc.). If you are frozen, immediately get out of the water. In case of convulsions, keep on the water, pinch strongly the contracted muscle, call for help. Do not enter water after long exposure to the sun, immediately after eating, and when tired. If you are a poor swimmer, do not use inflatable objects in the water. Scuba diving is only allowed with the permission of a doctor.

    You can wait out a thunderstorm in a building, car or bus. Don't stand under a tree, especially if it's lonely. Most often, lightning strikes oak and poplar trees. Stay away from elevated and open places. Avoid standing near metal fences. Do not use your mobile phone outdoors. If during a thunderstorm you are cycling, stop and move 30-40 meters away from the bike. During a thunderstorm, you cannot be on the beach, swim, fish. Avoid the crowd. A single lightning strike can strike more than 20 people. Do not use an umbrella. If you are at home during a thunderstorm, turn off electrical and gas appliances and close windows.

    In summer, when walking in the forest, wear a hat, long sleeves. Tuck your trousers into socks or boots so that your legs are covered. Clothing in bright colors often attracts wasps, bees, hornets and increases the risk of stings. Try not to walk among low bushes and tall grass. After the hike, examine yourself, comb your hair with a fine comb. If you are bitten by a tick, be sure to see your doctor, as ticks can transmit encephalitis.

    Don't climb trees.

    Do not set fire to dry grass in the forest, do not leave an unextinguished fire. If there is a fire in the forest, go to the windward side.

    Be careful with stray animals (cats, dogs). Stay away from wild animals. They can carry the rabies virus. For bites, be sure to see a doctor.

    Observe traffic rules for pedestrians. Cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.

    At public transport stops, stay away from the edge of the sidewalk. On rollerblades and scooters, ride only on the sidewalk. When riding a bike, follow the traffic rules.

    Stay away from dangerous places. Dangerous places are abandoned houses, construction sites, wastelands, forest parks, attics, basements, deserted streets, highways, train stations.

    Avoid events with large numbers of people.

    Do not walk outside unaccompanied by adults in the summer after 23.00. Be sure to tell your parents where you are going.

    Do not get into the car with strangers.

    At home, be attentive and careful when using electrical and gas appliances.

    In case of fire, leave the burning room and close the windows and doors behind you. In case of smoke, walk low, leaning over, pressing a damp cloth to your face. Help children and helpless people. Notify fire department 01 or 112 (mobile) immediately. Notify your neighbors. Disconnect electricity. Do not use the elevator.

(1, 5 - 2 hours a day with breaks), computer lessons (45 minutes - 1, 5 hours a day with breaks).


Final words of the teacher.

Today we have discussed many situations that can become dangerous and have developed rules of behavior in these situations. Knowing and following these rules will help you stay healthy and have a good summer vacation.


    M.P. Frolov and others, ed. Yu.L. Vorobyov. Fundamentals of life safety. 7 - 9 grades. Textbook for educational institutions. Moscow. Astrel, 2013.

    Schoolchild's Encyclopedia, ed. S.K.Shoigu. Emergencies. Moscow. 2004.

Class hour:

"My Summer Vacation Safety."

Play by stations. An integrated lesson for students in grades 2 and 4.

Target: reiterate and reinforce students' notions of safe summer recreation.

Tasks: - the formation of a value attitude towards yourself and your health

Development of imagination and creativity

Correction of thinking, speech and perception.

Raising love and respect for the world around you

Promote the unification of the class and school team.

Equipment : laptop, projector, water safety rules, forest safety cards; rules for mushroom pickers, berry pickers; noisy images of fruits, cards for safe communication with a stranger, rules.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

1. Getting ready for the road.

Assemble the cut picture.

Solve the riddle:

The sun is baking

Linden blossoms

The rye is heading.

Wheat is gilded.

Who will say, who knows

When does this happen? (Summer)

2. Stop one:safety on the water.

Find out where you got to? - Collect a cut picture (children on the shore).

Solve the riddle on the card:

2 cl. 4 cl.

I run like a ladder, trembling a little in the breeze

Ringing on the pebbles. The ribbon is out in the open.

From afar, according to the song Narrow tip - to the spring,

Do you recognize me ... (river) And wide in the sea. (river)

Answer the questions:

Where can you swim? Xerox:

Without adults? Unfamiliar body of water

Water games. We dive into the new. location.

Cold water. Cold water.

Dirty water.

Alone in the water.

3. Stop two:safety in the sun.

Guess the riddle:

You warm the whole world

And you don't know fatigue.

You smile at the window

And everyone calls you ... (sun).

Why is it dangerous?

Sunstroke (headdress, shadow, water);

Risk of burns (protective creams, shade).

4. Stop three. Forest.

4.1 Dress up the trees.

2 cl. - summer trees 4 cl. - winter trees;

Name the fruits (oak, mountain ash, maple)

How are they useful?

4.2. Arrange in order (safety in the forest).

Children lay out pictures and compose the story "Accident".

4.3. Quiet hunting.

2 cl. 4 cl.

Lotto game. Divide into sections:

Find the berries and name them. - safety in the forest

Show of poisonous berries.

Help the hedgehog Discussion.

find edible mushrooms.

We read the rules Name edible,

mushroom pickers and berry pickers (copier). inedible mushrooms, berries.

5 . Stop four. Animals of the forest.

There is a snake in the way.

Safety rules (don't move;

snake bite - urgently inform adults, doctor's help).

Insects (wasps, bumblebees)

Safety rules (we run, do not wave our hands,

We do not crush insects;

Bite - urgently inform adults, tel. 03, doctor's assistance).

6. We're lost !!!

Your actions:

Before entering the forest - remember where the sun was;

We shout, call for help;

Listen, if you can hear cars, trains, dogs barking, roosters crowing - go in that direction.

(Orientation by local signs:

Moss, trees, sun and cardinal points.)

We are in a swamp (we walk over bumps, a pole).

Lightning (rules of conduct).

7. Stop five - sweet.

Color the best and fastest.

Find the edible and color it (noisy image).

Find a vegetable (we discuss hygiene rules).

8. Stop six. Stranger.

Arrange the plot pictures in order - the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" - where did the trouble begin?

Discussion of rules of conduct

When meeting a stranger (copier).

Asks to call;

Seizes valuable money.

9. The heat has begun to subside, it's time for you to go home!

Summing up the results.

Organizing time.

Mishkhoeeva L.Kh.


Class hour, grade 7 "B"

Theme: Safe summer vacations.

Goals: 1. To generalize the knowledge of students on the rules of safe behavior, including during the summer holidays.

2. Continue the formation of the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior during summer holidays in recreation areas, on city streets, in natural conditions, on water bodies, at home, in situations with strangers, when working on a computer, using a mobile phone.

3. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards their health, leading a healthy lifestyle.

Form of conducting : GAME PROGRAM "STO TO ONE"

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, presentation

Class hour

Introductory remarks from the class teacher:

Your seventh academic year is now over. The long-awaited time has come - summer holidays, the most beloved and desired ones. It's time to relax, gain strength, sunbathe, strengthen your health.

Of course, after nine months of study, rest is necessary. Scientists have proven that a person's daily routine cannot consist only of work, or only of rest, or only of sleep. Everything should alternate equally. Therefore, your main task during the holidays is the correct alternation of rest with other types of mental or physical labor.

Unfortunately, many students perceive the holidays as continuous rest and sleep, while forgetting about work. You must remember that very little work: a feasible job in the country, cleaning an apartment, caring for younger brothers and sisters, the elderly, caring for pets is not a duty, but only a change in activity. Everything should be in moderation.

But one of the main rules, as before, is the “Safe Holidays” rule.

It is today, on the eve of a wonderful summer period, that we will talk with you about a safe summer vacation,about what will help you keep your health during the summer holidays,playing a wonderful game"STO TO ONE" .

You are familiar with the rules of the game (Appendix # 2), so we start.

(presentation is included, slide number 2)

What topics do you think our game will focus on and why? (Listening to the answers of children-spectators, slide No. 3).

Wonderful spectators and two teams, which we invite to the playing field, take part in our game.(Introduction to the teams, slide No. 4.5)

We met the teams, wish them victory and start the first round of the game "Simple Game"(slide number 6).

(Captains are invited to the leader's table, who should be the first to give a signal after the leader's question).

What do you think is the most precious thing for a person in the world? (slide number 7)

(The second team members are invited to the leader's table, who must, after the leader's question, be the first to give a signal, slide number 8).

What does it mean to follow the rules of the road? (slide number 9)

So, according to the results of the first round"Simple game"the teams have earned the following number of points….

And the second round awaits us"Double game" (slide number 10), according to the results of which the points earned in this round are doubled. Begin!

(Third team members are invited to the leader's table)

What do you think it means"Fire safety"? (slide number 11)

Moving on to the next topic of our safe vacation

(The fourth team members are invited to the leader's table (slide number 12)

Observing the rules of sanitation and hygiene is ... ( slide number 13)

Summing up the results after the second round of the "Double Game", and ahead of us is"Triple game" according to the results of which the points earned in this round are tripled. Begin!

Today we cannot remember the following safety rules.

(The fifth team members are invited to the leader's table slide number 14)

How to prevent child injury? (slide number 15)

And another triple game awaits the team.(Team captains are invited to the leader's table slide number 16)

What is your safety on the street among people (slide number 17)

Summing up the results after the tour"Triple game" and ahead of us is waiting"The game VICE VERSA" , in which the largest number of points can be earned by opening the last line (slide number 18).

(each team is given 20 seconds to discuss the issue and then a single version from the team is offered)

Why is the Internet dangerous? (slide 19)

And, of course, any “Play VERSAIL” is not complete without a song question (slide 20).

Name the songs that contain the word "summer" (slide number 21)

What is the result of the game of our teams after the fourth stage.

(Summing up the results of the game. Awarding the winners.)

Closing remarks from the teacher.

This is where our class hour ends. I am sure that our game helped you remember all the security rules, that you will not only know them, but also be sure to apply them. And so that you have the opportunity not to forget anything, I have prepared for you Memo on safe behavior in the summer. (Appendix # 1) I wish you fun, active, and most importantly, safely spend your summer holidays and look forward to September 1st !.

Appendix # 1

Vladislav! I congratulate you on the beginning of summer holidays and wish you a good rest, gain strength and health. Let your summer holidays be interesting, memorable and fun!

I want to remind you that during the summer holidays you should not forget about your safety and your health:

Safe behavior rules during summer holidays.

While walking around the city and other settlements, observe the following safety requirements:

· Plan a safe route to your destination and use it, avoid passing by deserted areas, alleys and construction sites. Take the long way if it's safe;

· Do not flaunt expensive jewelry or clothes, mobile phones, hold your bags more tightly;

Always remember and follow the traffic rules: go towards traffic, if there is no pedestrian sidewalk, so you can see approaching cars;

· If you suspect that someone is following you, cross the street and head to a crowded area. · Never travel, using passing cars, move further from the vehicles stopped near you;

· Do not forget to inform your parents with whom and where you went, when you return, if you are late, then call and warn.

· Do not use medications without a doctor's prescription.

By bus, tram

· Stand with other people while waiting - try to use well-lit and frequently used stops;

· Try to sit next to the driver's cab;

• do not fall asleep, be vigilant;

· Be vigilant about those who get off the trolleybus, bus, tram, together with you or put you into transport, watch your pockets, keep your bag in front of you.

Rules of conduct in places of mass recreation

· Be polite with peers and adults, do not enter into conflict situations.

· When going to the cinema, to the stadium, do not take bulky bags, briefcases with you, they can interfere with you in the crowd.

· Arrive early to avoid the crowds at the entrance.

On water precautions:

To avoid an accident, you need to know and follow the safety precautions on the water. It is best to swim in specially equipped places: beaches, pools, baths; be sure to first pass a medical examination and familiarize yourself with the rules of the internal order of places for swimming.

· Do not go to the reservoir alone. Sitting on the shore cover your head from overheating and sunstroke;

· For swimming, it is better to choose places where there is clear water, an even sandy bottom, shallow depth, there is no strong current and whirlpools, there is no motor transport passing through the water;

· You should start swimming at an air temperature of + 20-25 *, water + 17-19 * C. It is necessary to enter the water carefully, stop in a shallow place and plunge headlong;

· You can stay in water for 10-15 minutes.

When bathing, never eat or chew gum;

· Do not enter the water with strong waves.

· Be aware that it is dangerous to swim up to walking steamers, boats, near which there are various eddies, waves and currents.

· It is even more dangerous to dive in places of unknown depth, as you can hit your head on sand, clay, break your cervical vertebrae, lose consciousness and die. Jumping your head is no less dangerous

· If you do not know how to swim, you must have life-saving equipment.

· It must be remembered that compliance with safety measures is the main condition for safety on the water.

When visiting the forest, the following rules must be observed:

· Do not go to the forest alone;

· Wear rubber shoes, trousers or sweatpants tucked into boots, from snake and insect bites;

· Put on a hat, cover the neck and hands from ticks;

· To wade through bushes and thickets carefully, smoothly pushing the branches apart and smoothly lowering them;

· Do not light bonfires in order to avoid a fire and do not litter, empty bottles and fragments can cause a fire;

· Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects;

· Remember that forest fires are extremely dangerous.

· Forest fires affect people with their strong psychological effect.

· In case of a forest fire, one must beware of high temperatures, smoke, fall of burnt trees and sinkholes in burnt ground.

Have a pleasant and safe vacation!

Appendix # 2

Description of the game

“One hundred to one” is a team game. Each player must express his opinion, suggest his own version, but victory (or defeat) goes to the whole team as a whole.

The goal of the participants in the game .

One hundred to one is to guess the most common people to the proposed , to which it is impossible to give an unambiguous objective answer. The answers are sometimes completely unpredictable and very funny.

Rules of the game

Two teams compete in the game, each of which consists of five people. The entire gameplay consists of five "games" - a simple, double, triple, reverse game and a large game.

An important role in the game is played by , which displays the six most popular answers to the questions (initially hidden) and six miss (three per team). In a large game, the scoreboard contains five lines, each containing two versions named by the players and the number of people who answered the same.

Simple game

A simple game starts with a "draw". To a special table with two team captains come up. Then the presenter announces the question, after which each participant tries to press his button faster than his opponent.

The one who managed to do this first, names his version of the answer to the question. If the version is on the scoreboard, the corresponding line opens (when the line is opened, the number of points for this answer goes to the “game fund” of the responding team; the number of points is equal to the number of respondents who named this version). If this version turned out to be the most popular among the respondents and was on the first line of the scoreboard, the presenter continues to play with the team whose player gave the correct answer. Otherwise, the second participant of the drawing tries to answer. If his version turned out to be more popular than the previously named version (located on the higher line of the scoreboard), the move goes to his team, otherwise the game continues with the opposing team. In the event that none of the two versions appeared on the scoreboard, the rally is repeated, but the next team members are already competing.

Having determined the team, the presenter proceeds to the main part of the game. He interrogates the players in a circle, who name the answers to the question. If a version is present on the scoreboard, it opens and the points corresponding to the version are transferred to the "fund"; if it is not there, the team is credited with a miss (a sound signal sounds and the miss indicator lights up). The game goes on until all six lines of the scoreboard are open (in this case, all points from the "fund" go to the team's score), or until three misses are scored.

In the latter case, the presenter conducts the so-called - ask the other team. Starting at the end, he learns four versions of the answer to the question from four team members. Then the captain must choose one of the versions of his team members or offer his own. This version is searched for on the scoreboard. If it is there, the line is opened and the points from it are added to the "fund", which then goes to the team's score, if it is not there, the team scores a miss, and the "fund" goes to the rivals.

At the end of the game, the presenter opens the remaining lines, if any.

Double play and triple play

Double and triple games proceed similarly to a simple game, with the difference that the points for each guessed line are doubled or tripled, respectively. Another difference is that the rally is not held between the captains, but between the second and third members of the teams, respectively (if the player has already participated in the previous rally, the next participant in order goes).

Reverse game

Distribution of points

1 line

2 line

3 line

4 line


5 line


6 line


The game, on the contrary, differs from others in that it is most profitable for the team to guess not the first line of the scoreboard, but the fifth or sixth.

The question is called and the teams are given 20 to the meeting, after which the captains name the answers. The versions of the commands must not be the same. The first to answer is the team with the lowest score by the start of the rally.

Then the presenter opens the scoreboard. If the version on the line was not guessed by the players, then along with the opening of the line a miss signal is played, and if there are versions of the commands, the points are immediately credited to their account. On the contrary, play often drastically affects the course of the entire program.

Big game

The big game is played by two players from the team with the most points throughout the program. Before the start of the game, they agree among themselves who plays first and who temporarily goes backstage. After that, the first participant in the big game is given 15 seconds, during which he must answer five questions. For each coincidence of the player's answer with the answer on the street, the number of points is listed in the "fund" of the big game, equal to the number of votes for the matched answer. Then the second player returns from the wings. He does not know the questions and answers of his colleague, as well as the points received for them (however, the state of the "fund" is not hidden). In 20 seconds, he answers the same questions, and if his answer coincides with the first, a beep sounds (as in the case of a miss in the main game) and the player is obliged to name a different version, even if he thinks that his answer is encyclopedically correct. If you try to give a hint, the answer is canceled. Then his answers are checked and points are calculated for them, and added to the "fund" in the same way.

As soon as during a big game the “pool” is 200 or more points, the game is stopped and the team is declared the winner of the program. She receives the main prize fund of the game.

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