Home Indoor flowers Why do ficus roots climb outward? Reproduction of rubber ficus, care, diseases and pests. Methods for obtaining shoots and cuttings

Why do ficus roots climb outward? Reproduction of rubber ficus, care, diseases and pests. Methods for obtaining shoots and cuttings

Among the huge number of indoor plants, one of the most spectacular is. Purifying the air from harmful impurities, it has been decorating the interior for more than a century.

We will tell in more detail about how the rubbery occurs, as well as about the rules for the care and protection of the plant from diseases and pests, in the article.

Ficus belongs to the Mulberry family. India is considered his homeland. Here he becomes a huge tree reaching forty meters in height.

In its natural habitat, it forms powerful aerial roots, which, intertwining, sometimes create very bizarre "structures".

It is not uncommon for the roots to come out when grown in a pot. The aerial root of ficus is one of its features.

The leaves are arranged one above the other, have an oval shape with a clear division in the middle.

The tips are pointed. The color of the plates is deep green, glossy. Ornamental varieties also have a different color. The most common representatives:

  • Belize. Beautiful, white-pink foliage border and reddish stems.
  • Decor. The young crown has a bronze tint.
  • Variegata. Variegated yellow-green leaves.

Each species is beautiful in its own way. However, the most popular is the rubber-bearing ficus Robusta. Its dark, fleshy greenery has adorned a huge number of apartments since the days of the USSR.

Previously, ficus was grown in whole plantations. This was done for industrial purposes: rubber was extracted from the stems and roots, which was used to create rubber products.

The culture is quite unpretentious. Loves good lighting, especially variegated views, but can even grow on northern windows. True, in the dark, the plant will stretch up more, and the foliage will become noticeably smaller.

The most comfortable temperature in summer is 18-25 °. In winter, 15 ° will be enough.

The tree is distinguished by its hardiness and relative resistance to drought, as it has the ability to retain "excess" moisture in the stems, roots and leaves. However, this does not mean that the ficus can not be watered at all. On the contrary, in the heat, humidification should be carried out twice a week, and only with the onset of cold weather, watering can be minimized, remembering the "favorite" once every two months.

In addition, the plant will be grateful if it is "bathed" with a shower or simply sprayed from a spray bottle.

For lush growth, it will also be useful to fertilize, which should be applied every 10 days.

Breeding options

Rubber fucus is an amazing plant! It will not be difficult to get new trees, and even an inexperienced florist can cope with this. The following methods are used:

Cuttings. For blanks, the apical segments are used, on which there are 5-6 leaves.
After the branch is separated, it is thoroughly washed to remove the juice. Then with liquid for several days. The water is changed periodically.

To speed up the rooting process, you can add honey, aloe juice or industrial growth stimulants to the container.

Air layering. On a straight, even shoot with 4-5 leaves, two cuts are made with a distance of 1.5 centimeters. Then the bark is cleaned between them.

The site is treated with a root former and wrapped in a moisture-retaining material (perlite, moss, sponge). The operation site is sealed with a film.

After the formation of sufficiently strong aerial roots, the branch is separated from the mother liquor and placed in a nutrient substrate.

Escape with a leaf. To form a full-fledged tree, one leaf will not be enough. Such a workpiece, of course, forms roots, but the stem does not appear. Therefore, when choosing this propagation method, you need to use a sheet plate along with a piece of wood.

Ficus (fíkus) ready for grafting

The lower edge of the cutting is made obliquely, and sometimes it is additionally split by inserting a piece of a match into the gap. The greens are folded into a tube and secured with a rope or elastic band. Then the shoot is placed in water or directly into the ground.

For reproduction to be successful, work must be carried out in winter. It was at this time that the ficus secretes the smallest amount of juice, which can become an obstacle to the formation of roots.

A good period for harvesting will be the spring-summer season, when the flower grows and develops most actively.

Proper care and formation of ficus

After the cuttings have acquired their own root system, they must be planted. Which soil to choose?

The substrate should be loose, have good throughput and be as nutrient-dense as possible. To prepare it, you need to take sand, leafy and sod land, humus and peat. All components are taken in equal amounts.

1.5-2 cm of drainage is poured into a "leaky" pot, then a little soil mixture, and only then - a young seedling. The roots are gently straightened and completely covered with soil. It is necessary to compact the earth layers just a little, so as not to violate the air permeability of the soil.

In the future, care for young growth is the same as for an adult ficus: maintaining heat, moderate watering, sufficient lighting and timely fertilization. Top dressing is recommended from the second year of life.

Do not forget about the transplant. "Newbies" change containers from smaller to larger annually. Strong ficuses "move" only in case of acute need, when the roots will already crawl out of the container. For "old men" it is enough to renew the topsoil.

Some growers are engaged. If the crop is grown with a tree in one trunk, then the work is limited to the periodic removal of dried leaves.

To obtain bushiness, you need to prune. First, the apical growth point is pinched off, and after the appearance of lateral shoots, the process is repeated with them.

By the way, the remaining "unnecessary" pieces can be used as material for cuttings.
It is worth remembering that the juice secreted by ficus is relatively poisonous. It can irritate the skin, so it is advisable to practice the formation of the plant with gloves.

Diseases and pests

Ficus (fíkus) grown at home

The most common insects are:

  • Thrips. The foliage is covered with a shiny bloom, red spots appear below.
  • Spider mite. Dried blots on all parts of the plant, white or grayish dust, cobwebs.
  • Shield. The flower becomes sticky to the touch.
  • Mealybug. Light, rough areas appear on the inside of the leaves.

Pest control measures are very similar.

To begin with, the tree must be rinsed under running water, then treated with an insecticide or some folk remedy.

Spider mites are quite dangerous pests that are not easy to get rid of. The reason is that mite larvae are resistant to many drugs. Therefore, when choosing a remedy, it is worth paying attention to the features of its action and to individuals at what stage it affects.

Sometimes, when affected by ticks, the foliage begins to turn yellow and wither, later dry and fall off. It is imperative to start treatment on time, otherwise the flower will weaken so much under the influence of the pest that it may not be able to withstand the treatment with strong chemicals.

The first step is to isolate the infected plant. This recommendation is best followed when attacking any pests. Then increase the humidity level. After all, dry air is preferable for ticks.

And yet, both in bathing and in spraying, one must observe the measure. Otherwise, decay of the rhizome or stem will begin. It is better at such events to keep the pot at an angle or cover the soil with something so that moisture does not get into it.

The flower can be sprayed with Aktellik or Neoron. The procedure is carried out at least 2 times. During the first treatment, neoron only damages the larvae. Therefore, re-spraying is required.

In addition to drugs aimed at destroying ticks, there are those that sterilize females. These measures are also effective.

In addition to processing the plant itself, we recommend disinfecting the place where the flower was located. For this, the window sill and glass are washed with baking soda. It is also better to iron curtains. Even after a complete cure, it is better to keep the flower in quarantine for some time.

When attacking scale insects, we recommend both local exposure and treatment with drugs. The first method is that with a brush or cotton swab, the bumps with pests are lubricated with alcohol or soap solution. And after that, they are removed with a brush or cloth.

In addition to insects, fíkus rubbery can “suffer” from care errors.

Bad smell. Most often, this symptom signals root rot, which occurs due to poor drainage.

To eliminate the "sore", the plant must be removed from the soil, examined the roots, removed the dead and sick, powdered healthy parts with activated charcoal and planted in a container with new soil.

Falling or yellowing of leaves. Most often, such a nuisance occurs when the water regime is violated. Ficus or waterlogged, or, conversely, lacks "drink". To remedy the situation, the soil should be either dried or watered.

The flower doesn't grow. In the case of a developmental arrest, the reason is simple: the pot is too small. It is enough just to transplant the culture and everything will be normalized.

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Let the rubbery ficus bring good luck to your house and delight you with its splendor all year round!

A stalk of a tree-like ficus stands in the water for 4 weeks and does not start up any roots. Where do I get a lot of ficuses? And into the ground. And so one by one. Rooted in the "explosive mixture" ficus stalk Daniel. And a few more tips for breeding domestic ficuses. Bottle-shaped ficuses also lose their leaves.

After the root, white "pimples" emerged on the cuttings, but after another week these pimples seemed to turn brownish from white, but the roots did not appear. Or simply cut new cuttings and immediately root them in the ground by treating them with root roots.

Although ficuses can be cut year-round, the best results will be in late spring and during the warmer summer months. In greenhouse farms, when cutting ficuses, the temperature is maintained at 25-30 degrees. 4 weeks is not a critical period for a ficus cut, I would have waited calmly for another month.

If you are plagued by doubts, plant them in the ground under the jar, just be careful - do not fill them in. As for the fragile roots of ficuses ... Ali and Benjamin rooted in the water in my water, it took a long time to wait. But the roots have grown strong. Before, I was completely illiterate: - [Now I have learned a lot of different things here and am trying to grow roots with an air cut ... All my Benjamins rooted in the water very quickly - maybe a week and a half.

I have a ficus robusta growing. I have a side branch of an interesting ficus benjamin, it looks like "Reginald", but the leaves are also curly. And a slow-witted ... And something in the water besides coal? (Kornevin, zircon?) I have one shank bent in the water ...

Reproduction of ficuses

I have all the roses in the garden, only cuttings clematis. Once the ficus was all moldy under my jar. And when rooting in water, they say then the roots get used to the ground hard. Everything rooted in water takes root in me. The term also depends on the type of ficus. With pure green leaves, the roots appear faster and somewhere in the aisles for 2 weeks. In the summer it will be suitable to water the soil every other day, and in the winter - once every 4-5 days. Ficuses love spraying their leaves with water. It is necessary to dust the leaves from time to time.

This is a regular trunk from a former ficus tree. Why did the cut off shoots, put in the water, stop taking root, but began to simply rot ??? My grandmother propagated ficus by cuttings, but first she dried them for 24 hours. A short question - are you sure that you are growing a jasmine gardenia in your aquarium?

Thanks for the advice on ficus! I already did something - I let the shoots grow bigger and get stronger before cutting them off. It is better to root leafy cuttings in the spring and summer, as this requires warmth and a lot of light (without the sun).

If you put such a stalk in a jar of water on a light window and change the water often, then after a while roots will appear on it. Lyre ficus. In lyre ficus, an apical stalk 10-15 cm long is cut obliquely at an angle. The lower leaf is removed, and the rest are collected in a tube to reduce evaporation.

Over time, the crown of the ficus will become denser due to the growth of side shoots, and you will get another new plant. Only after all the operations carried out and when the moss grows densely with roots, the top should be carefully separated from the mother plant and planted in a separate pot. The aerial roots of some epiphytic ficuses are able to tightly braid the trunk of the host tree, causing it to die off (the so-called suffocating ficuses).

Uses Many types of ficuses are useful plants. In rain forests, ficus fruits are the main part of food for mammals and birds, leaves and wood are insects. The Ficus place does not like changes, therefore it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, not transfer, move or disturb. In summer, ficus can be taken out into the fresh air, balcony or terrace. With insufficient lighting, the internodes of the ficus lengthen, growth slows down, leaves fall off.

Reproduction of ficus at home

Ficus will better survive wintering in a warm and dry living room if additional lighting and spraying are provided to it. You should not establish a rigid schedule for watering ficus, since external conditions (lighting, temperature, humidity) are constantly changing, affecting the intensity of moisture consumption by the plant. Bottle ficuses Ficus palmeri (Ficus palmera), Ficus petiolaris (Ficus petiolate) for the formation of a thickened trunk requires strong drying of the soil between waterings.

How to propagate ficus with air layers

Substrate For very young ficuses, a light and permeable soil mixture is traditionally made up of leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions. Adult ficuses require denser soil, so sod soil and humus are added to the substrate.

A good drainage layer of expanded clay and pieces of charcoal in the soil will protect the plant from stagnant water and root rot. Rest period Almost all types of ficus from October to February are characterized by a forced rest period associated with a lack of light and a decrease in temperature.

Fertilization Fertilization modes and rates depend on the substrate and the season. When growing ficus in an inert substrate, fertilizers are applied year-round. Vegetation during this period is undesirable, since there is not enough light, heat and moisture, and stimulation of the ficus to grow leads to the formation of weak and elongated shoots.

Hello. Can you please tell me what to do with my cuttings? I transplanted them into a small pot of soil for the cacti. Now I don’t know if these "pimples" have rotted for some reason and you shouldn’t wait for the roots at all, if you still have to wait ...

Ficus Benjamin This species is propagated by cuttings. In winter, ficus is not fertilized. The roots formed in water take a long time to get used to the soil and can generally die off, I have had this, especially with a ficus with leaves with white edges. Faster rooting occurs if the cut ficus stalk is immediately placed in a mini-greenhouse. If the ficus has grown to the ceiling, and the leaves are mostly only at the top, then it can simply be shortened.

Many novice florists are tormented by the question: "How to transplant Benjamin Ficus correctly?" It is necessary to repot the plant when its roots are cramped in the pot, and they begin to look out of the tank. As a rule, this procedure is recommended for any plant.

When you purchase ficus, you need to carefully examine the roots and soil in order to avoid further problems, especially such as leaf fall. The ground should not be wet and smell nasty, and the roots should not be rotten.

After the purchase, you need to decide on the place where you put the pot with the plant. Ficus responds well to bright diffused lighting, but at the same time it is whimsical to sunlight. So, if you want to grow a healthy plant, then place the flower pot in a bright and airy room, preferably the windows are on the west side of the house.


Florist professionals recommend replanting the ficus 2 weeks after purchase so that the flower adapts to the conditions of detention. The pot must be selected according to the size of the root system, this will help to adjust the watering regime. The soil can be purchased already prepared specifically for ficuses or palms (sand must be present in the composition). It is also desirable to add crushed charcoal to the mixture. It is also permissible to create soil on your own at home, while adhering to the following proportions:

For a young ficus

  • peat - 1 part;
  • leaf humus - 1;
  • sand - 1.

For an adult plant

First option

  • sheet soil - 1;
  • sand - 1;
  • sod land - 1;
  • peat - 1.

Second option

  • sod land - 2;
  • leaf humus - 2;
  • sand - 1.

You can also add charcoal, thanks to which the soil will be loose. It is permissible to transplant a flower by a transshipment method, or to transplant it entirely, while eliminating the transport soil from the roots.

After clearing the roots and removing the infected areas, it is required to treat the damaged areas with charcoal and then plant a flower. Before planting, you need to straighten the roots and deepen the root collar too much. In addition, you need to choose a pot with drainage holes or make it yourself. To do this, heat the nail, then take a pot and make several holes at a distance. It is also necessary to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the tank.


After transplanting, you should not water the plant right away, you need to let the flower adapt to new conditions. 4 days after you transplanted the ficus, you can water it. Watering this instance is required abundantly until water appears in the pan.

The condition of the plant can be checked with a thin stick: drive it into the ground to the very bottom, crank it, and then pull it out and examine it. If you observe that the stick is dry, then it's time to water the flower. But if moistened soil is present on it, then watering the ficus is not worth it. Watering can be adjusted according to the weight of the container. Do not overfill the plant, because in this case the roots can rot.

Care features

How to grow Ficus Benjamin at home? Do not overmoisten the ficus very much, as this can lead to leaf fall and decay of the root system.

If you water it moderately, the leaves will retain their firmness and the roots will be strong and healthy.

Spraying is also carried out, such a procedure should be done only in the summer (in the evening), after a hot day. Ficus Benjamin needs a warm and bright room, place the flower pot in a well-lit place and then you will have no problems taking care of this wonderful plant.


In addition, if you want to start propagating ficus, then know that this specimen reproduces in a vegetative way: by cuttings and shoots. How to root Benjamin Ficus correctly?

Methods for obtaining shoots and cuttings

In the form of vegetative material, shoots from the top of the flower 10 cm in size are used. At the same time, it is allowed to use cuttings of the middle parts of woody shoots, where each has a leaf with a rudiment.

The shoots must be cut with a knife at an angle. Trim Benjamin Ficus carefully so that the fabric of the cut does not wrinkle. Then, white juice will appear in the cut off place, it must be washed off with warm water, otherwise it will dry out, and an impenetrable film may form.

On thin sprouts, the lower leaves are plucked. When wood cuttings are cut, notches are made in those places.

Rooting ficus

Ficus Benjamin can be rooted in several ways, each of which is quite effective.

The first way

Rooting can be done using a water tank. In this case, the liquid should only cover the nodes; the leaves should not be immersed in water.

To protect the flower from various diseases, it is recommended to throw a tablet of activated carbon or charcoal (a small piece) into the water; in extreme cases, you can use 2-3 heads of burned out matches.

In order for the root system to take root rather quickly, the cuttings must be treated with Heteroauxin or Kornevin with special preparations before being immersed in water.

It is also very useful to create good moisture, the pot with the scion should be covered with a bag. In this case, it is required to create greenhouse conditions.

It is necessary to control the water level in the tank and do not forget about regular airing of the appendix, while removing the package for half an hour. Drafts must not be allowed during this period. Place the vessel with water in bright places, but just avoid direct exposure to the sun.

Second way

The next rooting method is to plant the cuttings in the potting mix.

The mixture is allowed to be used from sand and peat, and also perlite. Before planting the cutting, the substrate should be disinfected by heating. The moisture and warmth of the substrate should always be maintained throughout rooting. It's about 20 days.

Before planting a cutting, so that the roots are not damaged by a fungal disease, it is worth sprinkling the ground with crushed activated carbon. We drop only the knots into the mixture. Cover the top with a bag or you can use a plastic bottle.

The mixture must be constantly moist, but not soggy. Experts strongly recommend using growth stimulants, for this Kornevin or Zircon is suitable.

The third way

You can also root the ficus with an air shoot. To do this, make two cuts in the middle of the nodes of the ficus process from a distance of 1 cm, in this place the bark is removed to the wood. This area is processed with Kornevin and wrapped in wet moss. Then they attach the opaque polyethylene to the stem, secured well along the edges with wire.

The mixture is regularly moistened, after the first roots, the shoot is cut off and planted in the soil. In this method, you do not need to pluck the leaves and make a greenhouse.

Professionals advise rooting ficus in early spring or summer. During this period of time, a sufficiently long daylight hours the required air temperature, which allows the root system to develop well. Just remember to put the pot in such a place that there are no drafts.

The pot is required to choose a suitable one so that it matches the size of the vegetative shoots. If you want to experiment, then you can take three equal shoots, twist them together and root in this form. This can make a gorgeous sturdy plant with a special trunk. A little effort, perseverance and diligence and Ficus Benjamin will amuse for a long period with its gorgeous form.

Young ficuses of all types need an annual transplant, plants over five years old - once every two to three to four years.

The diameter of the pot for small ficuses should be 2 centimeters, and for large ones - 6 centimeters larger than the previous one.

You cannot transplant a small ficus directly into a large pot, especially this applies to a dwarf ficus. This will inevitably lead to acidification of the soil, the root system will rot, and the ficus will die. If you are wrong with the size of the pot, then transplant ficus in another pot, smaller in size, it is never too late.

Deepening the root collar can negatively affect the leaves: green leaves suddenly begin to fall off, sometimes dark brown spots appear on them.

When transplanting ficus, the soil in the pot must be lightly tamped with your thumbs. You can't leave voids next to the roots. However, it is also not worthwhile to tamp the soil in the pot too much, because the earth will become too dense, air will not flow to the roots, in this case the tips of the leaves will begin to turn black, green leaves may fall off in this case too.

After transplanting the ficus, the lightly compacted soil in the pot will settle down after a while, and it will need to be filled up to the required level so that the root collar is level with the ground.

And even during the year, if the soil from irrigation begins to wash out from the upper roots of the ficus, it is necessary to periodically pour the earth into the pot.

After transplanting, thoroughly moisten the soil in the pot and remove the ficus in partial shade. Do the next watering of the ficus only after the top layer of soil in the pot dries out.

Frequently asked questions: Ficus

General information on the care of ficus.
We were given an adult rubber-bearing ficus, a tall one - more than a meter tall. But he seems to be ill: more and more new leaves begin to darken, brown spots appear and leaves wrinkle. It grows poor in a cramped saucepan, we first wanted to transplant it, but we were advised not to injure the ficus with a transplant, but to cure it first. How to proceed?

1.How to properly water ficuses?

2. What does ficus like?

3.White convex dots appeared on the leaves of my young ficus (plant height about 40 cm), what is it? He is ill?

4.How to shape Ficus Elastic?

5.My ficus leaves are falling.

6. Ficus "Natasha" does not grow. Tell me what can influence growth so strongly. I transplanted it several times, but there is no sense.

7.And in what land mixture should the ficus be transplanted?

8. Ficus is sick! The stem below began to darken and wither (somewhere already 10 cm), the lower leaves fell off, and the rest all drooped.

9.Filled Benjamin's ficus! He dropped almost all the leaves!

10. Who knows or can do it himself: if you pin on the top of a rubber ficus (with large leaves), will it sprout in different directions?

11.After transplantation, the ficus fell ill, the leaves fell off.

12.At the edges of large leaves, brown spots began to appear, they increase in size, cover the entire edge, because of this, the leaves become wavy, as if corrugated and then fall off. The sheet itself is very similar to paper, the edges of which are set on fire-brown round spots and uneven frayed edge. All this has been going on for six months now.

13. How to "braid" a ficus?

14.How to root a rubber ficus stalk?

15. What conditions does a tiny ficus want?

16.Ampel ficus dried up. I watered moderately. I sprayed the leaves. What to do?

17. Benjamin's ficus is losing leaves!

18. Is it possible to remove part of the roots from the Benjamin ficus when transplanting?

19. Whether to replant the ficus from the store soil?

20. We were given an adult rubber-bearing ficus, a tall one - more than a meter tall. But he seems to be ill: more and more new leaves begin to darken, brown spots appear and leaves wrinkle. It grows poor in a cramped saucepan, the first thing we wanted to do was to transplant it, but we were advised not to injure the ficus with a transplant, but to cure it first. How to proceed?

1. Answer: It is better to transplant and heal at the same time. Perhaps he has been cramped for a long time. If you decide to transplant, then take the pot 7-8 cm larger in diameter and 8-10 cm in height than a saucepan, ceramics or plastic - it doesn't matter. The presence of a drainage hole is mandatory, pour a 3-4 cm drainage layer down, from ready-made mixtures - "begonia" or "lemon" from the "garden of miracles", you can mix their own "rose" with "cactus" in a ratio of 2 \ 1, 3 / 1, although this is not entirely correct. Remove from the pot, shake off the old earth if possible, inspect the roots, if there are rotten ones, cut them to living, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal (even activated in tablets), pour down so much earth on the drainage so that the surface of the earth remains at the same level, those. there is almost no need to fill up the earth on top, only from the bottom and on the sides (it is necessary to fill up on top, if only the old top layer of earth has been shaved off). Regarding the treatment, it is difficult to say what the problem is, without seeing the plants and not knowing the conditions of detention, it can be diseases, and pests, and bad conditions. With the elimination of negative factors, the plant will gradually recover. To begin with, inspect the underside of the leaves and axils for pests, any extraneous "objects" - a reason to be wary, if you find something, write to the forum, identify and suggest methods of struggle. Of the preventive measures, it is possible to recommend first to wash the leaves on both sides with boiled water, after drying, spray with "epin" according to the instructions (5-7 drops per 200 g of water) and continue to spray them once a week for at least 2 months (epin does not kill pests and does not cure, it somehow increases the immunity of the plant, with diseases and pests, if any are found, you will have to fight separately).

2. How to properly water ficuses?

Answer: Water very little after transplanting. Ficuses, in general, should be watered only after 1/4, 1/3 of the pot is completely dry (check by putting your finger in the ground, or by weight, but this is with experience), abundantly enough, preferably warm (add boiling water), soft water (although - to defend during the day, if there is, pass through a household filter). It is impossible to say how often to water. it depends on so many factors - the season, the size of the pot, the ambient temperature, the rate at which the plant "drinks" and its condition. Ficuses do not like the bay very much, from this the leaves begin to turn sharply and QUICKLY.

3. What does ficus like?

Answer: The location is as bright as possible, rubber-bearing ones endure a couple of hours of direct sun per day, ideally place it by a window covered with tulle, except for the north side, in this case there is no need to curtain. He does not like strong drafts, but it is strong ones, he can just stand under an open window. You can feed it once every two weeks with any organic fertilizer for indoor plants, you can use a mullein, in winter, once every 1.5-2 months, plus feed it with "Izumrud" or an analogue to compensate for the lack of lighting - in winter. Although I feed this way - I add fertilizing with each watering, but in a much lower concentration, in the summer 1 \ 4-1 \ 6 of the recommended dose, in the winter - 1 \ 8-1 \ 10, my plants do not complain. Ficus is very fond of spraying, but only with warm and better boiled water (otherwise there will be white lime deposits on the leaves), you can spray it at least twice a day. Periodically (once a month) wipe the leaves with a damp sponge or cloth, also boiled water.

4. White raised points appeared on the leaves of my young ficus (plant height about 40 cm), what is it? He is ill?

Answer: How white are the dots? What size? If they are still light green and small, then everything is fine, all adult specimens have such, take a closer look in stores.

5. How to form Ficus Elastic?

Answer: Usually ficus elastica grows with one trunk, it is not very beautiful. Therefore, it is recommended that after growing the stem to a certain size - whatever you like - pinch the top (pinched off can be rooted). After that, in the axils of the leaves, lateral processes will appear on the trunk, which will later form a crown. In turn, they can also be pruned so that they branch more strongly.

6. My ficus leaves are falling.

Answer: If the plant has just been bought, this is a normal phenomenon, especially for Benjamin's ficus - just a reaction to transportation, transplantation, etc. Then it will go away, new leaves will grow, but "Epin" will certainly not hurt.

7. Ficus "Natasha" does not grow. Tell me what can influence growth so strongly. I transplanted it several times, but there is no sense.

Answer: This ficus belongs to the category of growing very slowly. In this situation, a bright window, moderate watering with POKON "Ficus" fertilizer will help. And, besides, he really does not like permutations, drafts and deep pots.

8. And in what land mixture should the ficus be transplanted?

Answer: Try to transplant it into a mixture of turf, leaf, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions. Just do not forget that the ficus needs good drainage, because ficus is afraid of stagnant water. But it was advisable to transplant in the spring, because at other times he may shed the leaves.

9. Ficus is sick! The stem below began to darken and wither (somewhere already 10 cm), the lower leaves fell off, and the rest all drooped.

Answer: Signs of overflow. If it was flooded, it is likely that the roots have rotted. It is necessary to remove from the pot and replace the earth. Or, at worst, cut the top and root it in water, if completely hopeless. And for the best effect, you can add some kind of root-forming agent, succinic acid, for example, or humin to the water where the cutting stands. It is worth consulting at the nearest flower shop what they have from root formers, and everything is written on the packages - you will figure it out!

10. Filled with Benjamin's ficus! He dropped almost all the leaves!

Answer: Carefully separate all the soil from the plant (at the same time inspect the roots, most likely they have rotted - they have become like thin gray threads). Transplant into light, almost dry soil and place in partial shade (where there is no sun, but light). Then just spray the topsoil and the plant itself. You can water around (at the very walls of the pot), but only VERY limited.
And it is best to thoroughly spray (and the ground too) after transplanting with epin (1 ampoule for 0.75-1 liter of water), pour a little water into the pan, crush coal on the ground (from a match or activated - so as not to rot) and hermetically close in transparent vessel. Then you don't need to do anything with the plant for a couple of weeks, just check it periodically. There is no need to ventilate the condensate. Will come to life!

11. Who knows or can do it himself: if you pin on the top of the rubber ficus (with large leaves), will it sprout in different directions?

Answer: It will give unambiguously, I checked it myself, and the cut off top very quickly gives roots right in the water. By the way, about 10 leaves - this is nonsense, although in one clever book I read one limitation regarding pruning this particular ficus: a bare specimen must be cut off at least 10 cm from the lower healthy leaf, then the old plant will give new shoots.

12. After transplanting, the ficus got sick, the leaves fell off:

Answer: Ficus, as a rule, tolerates a transplant very painfully, and it is quite possible that this is why he is ill. Ficus does not like changing places very much. They say that he may not even like the color of the carpet. And the transplant was additional stress. It seems to me that we should leave him alone - make sure that there is enough light and water (just do not flood). He will calm down and new leaves will grow. Just do not rearrange it anymore, do not fertilize, and do not transplant.
This, of course, provided proper care: enough moisture, shading from direct sun (especially after transplanting), no drafts. And to relieve stress, you can try sprinkling with Epin.

13. Brown spots began to appear on the edges of large leaves, they increase in size, cover the entire edge, because of this, the leaves become wavy, as it were, corrugated and then fall off. The sheet itself is very similar to paper, the edges of which are set on fire-brown round spots and uneven frayed edge. All this has been going on for six months now.

Answer: You need to carefully examine the surface and especially the back side of the leaves: the symptoms described by you are similar to the defeat of a flat red (not spiderweb!) Mite. This infection is very, very small, less than half a millimeter, so it is difficult to detect it. In addition, if you do not find the beast, try spraying the plant with foundationol or something similar: necrosis of leaf tissue can be caused by anthracnose. In addition, the symptoms resemble downy mildew on cucumbers and phytophthora on tomatoes. These are fungal diseases, and, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the humidity of the air (do not spray and water very sparingly). Treatment consists of treatment with a copper-containing drug, Oxyhom (copper oxychloride), which is sold freely. Sprinkle all parts of the flower on all sides, water the soil, process the outside of the pot, all the pots and - into the insulator! The infection may already be on other flowers. In any case, don't give up.

14. How to "braid" a ficus tree?

Answer: If there are several bores, as a rule, they are intertwined to create a beautiful trunk. If there is only one sprout, plant it, and pretty soon it will overgrow with side shoots. It is only necessary to braid plants of the same development, otherwise the large ones will overwhelm the small ones. You need to curl immediately (13 cm tall), when growing, immediately make a turn as soon as the size allows. Stick to the "scythe" on the leaves. To prevent this pigtail from "unraveling", wrap the trunk with woolen threads. Try to braid more tightly. True, the trunk may be damaged in some places (the bark will burst, milky juice will appear), but it's okay (the main thing is not to break it), then wash the trunk with warm water and that's all ... And so that the threads do not damage the trunk and do not grow in into it, it is imperative to replace the threads with others every 1-2 months. Plus, wrap the barrel at an angle of 45 degrees.

15. How to root a rubber ficus stalk?

Answer: The rubbery ficus gives roots very slowly precisely because of the milky juice it contains. In addition, after cutting off a branch or stem, this juice quickly freezes in air. Usually it is recommended to do the following just before putting the twig in water for rooting: rinse the cut site under a small stream of water - just gently remove the frozen juice with your hands, and then immediately put the stalk into the water. It is possible and so - in a greenhouse from a plastic transparent box somewhere 20 x 10 with a slot for air access. At the bottom of the greenhouse, wet expanded clay was poured for moisture, the outgrowth in a small pot in the ground, and not in water, put the whole greenhouse on a radiator. This is for bottom heating, accelerates root formation. Or you can do that - you need to cut off the stalk in May - June, the apical stalk with 1 leaf. Roll the sheet into a tube and drag with an elastic band. Dip the cut into the root and plant in the ground with sand. Maintain soil and air moisture, keep warm. It takes a long time to take root.
Or so - soak in water for a day (so that the tissues are saturated with water), then in a root formation stimulator (heteroauxin, for example), according to the attached instructions, then plant in moist soil under a hood + spraying. When the leaf climbs, take off the cap - it has taken root, it means.

16. What conditions does a tiny ficus want?

Answer: The earth can be used as a "palm", it is suitable for both palms and ficuses. Just keep in mind that the tiny ficus has a superficial root system and it is better for it to dilute the soil with some kind of lightening additives. After transplanting, keep the first time in a warm place and with high humidity, because during the adaptation period, it can shed leaves. Do not put close to the battery - it dries. Watering is rather rare, as the topsoil dries up a few centimeters.

17. Trumpet ficus dried up. I watered moderately. I sprayed the leaves. What to do?

Answer: Ampelous ficuses do not like direct sunlight. Try changing your location. Apply with Emerald fertilizer. It's cheap enough. It can be combined (but not in one day) with epin, but it quickly loses its properties in the light. If you water, you can at any time, but it is better to spray when it's dark.

18. Ficus Benjamin is losing leaves!

Answer: Ficus Benjamina periodically drops most of the leaves: either overflow or dump. He's too moody. The lower leaves fall off most often due to excessive waterlogging. The fact that the ground should not dry out (this does not mean that it should not dry out at all, as in a swamp) refers to small creeping ficuses, such as ficus pumila or rooting ficus. And ficus trees, on the contrary, are watered abundantly, and between waterings the top layer of the soil must necessarily dry out. Roots need air. And on this forum, someone with a collection of ten ficuses said that they water their ficuses when you stick your finger into the ground on two phalanges and it remains dry. And then you can wait three days. I water it when the ground is dry on top. In general, Benjamin's ficus loses leaves very easily. Can throw them off from any changes in the conditions of detention. Rearranged to a new place, transplanted. A few leaves are always lost. This is not a disaster. Since it grows also quickly. My ficus Benjamin has been growing for more than two years and from experience I know that leaf fall very often (or rather, almost always) occurs due to:
1) changing the usual conditions: transferring from the balcony to the room in the fall;
2) too abundant watering in winter - it is simply catastrophically "balding". The land between waterings should dry out well;
3) insufficient lighting - my ficus loves the morning sun, and suffers without it in winter. To avoid this, I add gelatinous iron to the irrigation water.
In all these cases, the leaves turn yellow and fall off very quickly.

19. Is it possible to remove part of the roots when transplanting from Benjamin's ficus?

Answer: Precisely because this is a tree, I think it's okay. When forming bonsai, the roots are pruned a little - and nothing. Well, maybe the plant will get sick a little, as a consequence of any transplant.

20. Whether to replant the ficus from the store soil?

Answer: Immediately transplant or simply change the whole land. This land is suitable only for transportation - it holds moisture for a very long time, and, over time, it also becomes compacted. When the top layer of the soil has seemingly dried out, then inside the moisture it lingers for a long time (how else to transport it?). And ficuses really do not like waterlogging. It is better to NOT top them up than to TRANSFER.

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