Home Indoor flowers Pole dance competition. Pole dance. All you need to know about the competition is Pole Dance is Art. Russian information resource about Pole Dance. Paul dance - it's gone

Pole dance competition. Pole dance. All you need to know about the competition is Pole Dance is Art. Russian information resource about Pole Dance. Paul dance - it's gone

People's opinions about what floor dance is are polar different.

Older generations often believe that this is vulgarity, inextricably linked with striptease; young people are happy to sign up for courses and participate in half-dance competitions.

So what is he like - vulgarity, art, sports, or just a kind of dance?

Is it worth it, and will it be difficult for an absolute beginner? Let's figure it out.

The history of the formation of Paul dance

The polemics surrounding pole dance (from the English pole dance - dance on a pole) has not subsided for many years.

In the minds of many people, the pole is an integral part of strip shows, and pole dancing automatically falls into the same category.

Meanwhile, half dance has a very rich history, originating from the cultures of various peoples from all over the world.

The use of the pole in the process or ritual dances is mentioned in the monuments of Sumerian culture, the myths of Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, as well as many other civilizations.

Some of the earliest mentions of pole dancing are found in African cultures.

The passionate and symbolic ritual dances of African women often included poles that were used as supports for flamboyant acrobatic steps.

Breaking down persistent gender dance stereotypes

The main task of such dances in ancient times was to attract partners, and the wooden pole served not only as a dance device, but also as a phallic symbol.

Around the XII century in India there was a direction of pol dance: Mallakhamb.

The pole, originally used in wrestling training, began to be used to perform acrobatic stunts and asanas /

Like most Indian practices, Mallakhamb combined both the physical and.

In Europe and East Asia around the same 12th century, festivals with dancing around a pole called the Maypole were widespread.

It was decorated with ribbons and also served as an analogue of the masculine principle.

Mostly mass dances were organized around the Maypole without contact with the pole itself, but its obligatory presence and symbolism were unchanged.

The tradition of such festivities disappeared with the spread of Christianity: May trees, bright pagan symbols were banned and consigned to oblivion.

Mallakhamb Indian practice

Over the next few centuries, floor dance practically ceased to exist on the territory of Europe, retaining and developing only ... behind the curtains of the circus.

Touring around the world, stunt performers collected techniques from different cultures, melting them into their own art of acrobatic performances, inventing new tricks and steps.

It was here that Paul Dance moved away from its original symbolism and became more focused on creating a spectacular and vibrant show.

It was the circus that brought pole dancing across the sea to America at the beginning of the 20th century, where in the 1950s, floor dance spread like wildfire into the then insanely popular burlesque shows.

From the USA pole dancing migrated to Canada, where they began to dance in nightclubs and brothels - and then this "improved" and colorful version of the dance returned to the states.

This was the birth of the strip dance direction.

For many decades, a kind of "halo" of eroticism and seduction was entrenched in the dance.

The surge in popularity and spread throughout the world of modern floor dance owes much to the Canadian Fawnia Mondey.

In the 1990s, she became interested in pole dancing and started competing, but more importantly, she released an instructional DVD introducing ordinary people to pole dance.

Pole dance is still perceived by many as sensual and erotic these days and is still actively used in strip clubs today.

But this is far from the only and no longer its main meaning.

Modern pole dance can be divided into four main areas:

  1. Entertaining dance show (exotic floor dance)
  2. Artistic gymnastics with choreographic elements
  3. A variation of amateur fitness
  4. Professional pole sports

In addition, sex dance today is something that both women and men do equally.

Pole dancing myths and reality

Among people who are not familiar with pole dance, there are many rumors about this lesson.

Some are generated by stereotypes, others - that prevent you from getting to know pole dance better.

Paul dance acquired ill fame in the 60s of the last century.

I asked around friends of all ages, rummaged in the net - and collected TOP-5 myths about pole dancing that have nothing to do with reality.

Paul dance - it's gone

From the history of the formation of pole dance, it becomes clear where the legs of this delusion grow from.

After reading the first part of the article, you should understand that vulgar striptease and fitness using a pole are very different things.

Modern floor dance is an art that combines rhythmic gymnastics, choreography and, and there is nothing vulgar in it.

Pole dance is necessarily associated with revealing outfits.

Pole practice does require minimal clothing, but not for the sake of seduction - but to provide the right grip on the pole.

The fabrics slide strongly on the steel of the pole and do not allow the elements to be completed.

But really revealing clothes in a floor dance are not only unnecessary, but also interfere: if you constantly correct your breasts falling out of the neckline, you will not be able to concentrate on the dance very well.

Today, both men and women are engaged in this area.

Tip: The best pole dance wear is a crop top or sports bra and mini shorts.

The same applies to the legend of the need for ultra-high heels and wedges.

These can be worn at an exhibition performance or competition, but in the classroom, special shoes are not needed: most prefer to comprehend the science of half dance in socks or even barefoot.

By the way, even in those rare cases when a high heel is appropriate, it will not cause discomfort - even if you do not know how to walk on a stiletto heel.

The right pole dance shoes, like any dance shoes, are designed to be comfortable to dance in.

Paul dance is very hard

Contrary to another common myth, pole dance does not require special training.

Yes, gymnastic skills or natural flexibility will be a plus, and if you have them, the first successes in floor dance will come very quickly.

Contemporary floor dance is an art

Paul dance is a sport, and any sporting activity involves the gradual development of skills.

In the classroom, in addition to directly dancing on the pole, they are engaged in exercises for strength and endurance.

Careful workout of all the muscles in the body allows you to gradually achieve the desired physical shape to perform even the most difficult tricks.

It is completely wrong to think that only people with a gymnastic past can do it.

On the other hand, you should not tune in to the fact that since the lesson does not require physical training, it means that it will be given to you right away.

Pole dance's faithful companions are sore limbs and bruises of various shapes and sizes.

This will be the case for the first few weeks or months - it all depends on the sensitivity of your skin. When she gets used to the intense contact with the pole, the bruising will stop.

Pole dance pumps your arms

Watching the performances of the floor dancers, you might think that they have the maximum body weight during the performance of tricks. This assumption is logical ... but completely wrong.

As I said in the analysis of the previous myth, pole dancing engages and gradually develops the muscles of the whole body.

One should not be afraid of a sharp "swelling" of the arms and shoulders: after all, floor dance is not a power sport.

On the contrary, floor dance is, and he develops the body accordingly, for the most part tightening the figure, making it more lean and sculptural.

Paul dance is a sport

Pilon - only for ...

... young / slender / tall / without complexes - emphasize the necessary.

No no and one more time no! The only limitation for doing floor dance can be the state of health.

There is a clear list of contraindications for pole dance:

  1. Body mass index over 32
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  3. Hypertension
  4. Vestibular problems
  5. Musculoskeletal problems

It is not a fact that your living space will allow you to install a pylon at home

A history of certain injuries can also affect your ability to do floor dance.

A consultation with a doctor or trainer will help you determine if pole dancing is right for you.

However, neither height, nor age, nor imperfections in the figure (which ladies are often inclined to exaggerate) are not obstacles to pole dancing.

It's all about your own complexes - from which, by the way, floor dance effectively helps to get rid of.

I hope the analysis of these common myths helped you understand what pole dance really is.

And if you've ever thought about signing up for classes, but some of the factors stopped you - it's time to say goodbye to stereotypes, prejudices and insecurities and finally give it a try!

I want to dance pole dance! Everything a beginner needs to know

Paul dance is not only beautiful, but also useful.

A limitation for practicing floor dance can only be the state of health

If you still lack a modicum of motivation to do this sport, here's how it will affect your body and mind:

  1. The muscles will develop evenly (but not excessively). You will gain a toned figure, a flat stomach, a strong sculpted back, slender legs and arms, and forget about cellulite forever.
  2. Posture will be leveled and kept even and beautiful for life. Your gait and all your movements will become smoother and more harmonious.
  3. You will learn how to breathe correctly. Deep breathing, in turn, will increase the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs - from which your well-being and appearance will only benefit.
  4. Cardiovascular training will develop your stamina and reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other similar problems in the future.
  5. The metabolism will accelerate which will contribute to the active burning of extra calories.
  6. Stress, fatigue and emotional stress are effectively dispelled, the mood improves after each workout. In general, you will notice a significant improvement in your emotional state and become less responsive to external stimuli.
  7. Blood circulation in the pelvic organs will significantly improve, which will eliminate painful menstruation and improve the cycle. In addition, training the appropriate muscles will ensure an easier and less painful labor in the future.
The result of the classes will be excellent physical shape.

Of course, all this is true only if the classes are regular.

This does not mean that you have to walk on the pole every day: for noticeable results and maintaining progress, three times a week are enough.

Most of the fitness clubs and half-dance courses work in approximately this rhythm.

Choosing a form of study

There are many pole dance tutorials online and offline.

Starting from the rare disc of the industry pioneer Fonya Munday, ending with a variety of modern editions of numerous trainers.

However, there is one problem with homeschooling: it is unlikely that there is a pole necessary for studying in your apartment or house :).

And if it can still be installed in a private house, then in an ordinary apartment it will be problematic in many respects.

Today, almost every fitness club or dance studio offers group pole classes.

As a rule, they differ in an affordable price and a well-developed program.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the group should move at approximately the same pace, and if you need more time to work out this or that element, you can not keep up with the rest.

If you are ready to shell out a fairly substantial amount for classes, you can take individual lessons.

So you can practice at your own pace and work out the ligaments and elements as much as you need.

Advice: the optimal form of training, especially for beginners, is still group lessons. You will be sufficiently motivated for them, as well as get the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and actively exchange experience already in the course of study.

What you need for the first lesson

The starting "equipment" is extremely simple.

To start doing floor dance, you will need comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement: short shorts and a top with an open belly and arms.

Professional shoes are not required for a beginner, so you can take care of them later.

The first time you can work out without problems in socks or even barefoot - if the cleanliness in the hall allows.

You will need clothing that keeps your body warm.

In order not to take two different sets, it is best to bring along leggings and a long-sleeved jacket, which can be removed during the main part of the lesson.

Have you already signed up for a trial lesson?

Special fingerless gloves for pole dancers will be a great help for the first time, which will save your hands from serious calluses.

You can find them in specialized dance stores - google or ask the trainer.

What awaits you in the first lessons

The structure of half-dance classes is not much different from other dance and fitness classes.

Most often, the lesson is divided into four stages:

  1. Warming up muscles and stretching
  2. Learning dance movements and ligaments on a pole
  3. Exercises aimed at developing different muscle groups
  4. Stretches to soothe muscles after exercise

The basic level of exercises on the pole teaches the "feeling" of the pole and the control of his own weight, the correct technique of movements so that there are no sprains and injuries.

When the movements become more or less confident, the trainer allows the dancers to perform the first twists on the top of the pole.

Tip: do not worry if, after the first successes, your skills suddenly regress, and even what you have already done with confidence ceases to work. This is a normal learning process, and through a lesson or two, progress will be restored. Remember: floor dance is difficult, but there is nothing incomprehensible in the classroom.

Only too much weight can be a contraindication to exercising.

For beginner pole dancers, there are some good tips to remember:

  1. Prepare mentally for the fact that the first two to three weeks of classes will hurt every muscle in the body, and bruises will become your best friends. All because of the new, unusual load - the body will need a little time to adapt to it.
  2. Don't feel embarrassed in front of other group members. Everyone comes to pole dance for new skills and experience, and not in order to consider and discuss others. Believe me, others can in the same way, deep down, have complexes because of their real or far-fetched shortcomings, but this does not stop them - so let it not bother you either.
  3. Remember, a coach is your best friend. Trust him, do not be afraid to ask and consult.
  4. Put the best effort into every workout. Don't look for easy ways, and perseverance will pay off with quick and visible results.
  5. Listen to as much music as you dance to. Studying the tracks, their structure, rhythmic pattern, accents will help you make the movements more "musical" and better navigate while performing the number.
  6. Be considerate of yourself. Excessive discomfort or pain where it shouldn't be can be a “wake-up call” from the body - don't leave it unattended. Analyze your condition, consult with a trainer, and visit a doctor if necessary.

What can you do after a while

Over time (the specific time frame depends on the program of your studio and the trainer personally), you will learn how to perform dance elements and tricks at all levels of the pole:

  1. Gymnastics and acrobatics at a height of two meters
  2. Rotations, "falls" and plastic elements in the middle, at a height of one and a half meters
  3. Choreographic and plastic steps on the lowest pole and floor
High heels are the exception rather than the rule.

Twists, handstands, hangs and grips, flags and holds - the pylon is full of great, spectacular and exciting elements to name but a few.

To get inspired and finally make sure that floor dance is cool, I suggest watching a video of a pole performance.

With due diligence, you can create a number just as well - isn't that a reason to start?

Is a popular dance style that has found many followers around the world. Fascinating plastic, verified movements, exciting curves of the dancer's body - this dance is a truly worthwhile sight. That is why competitions, various championships and contests are a common thing for floor dancers. To be fully armed, you need to keep in mind the basic basics of preparing for pole dance competitions. Let's get started.

Competition preparation can be divided into two main points:

1. Equipment;

2. Moral fortitude and attitude.

What you need to have with you

To avoid discovering that you have no shoes with you or that you accidentally grabbed the top of another suit just before the start of the performance, a regular list will be useful. It is better to take care of its compilation in a couple of weeks in order to be able to correct it. Here are the essentials for pole dance competitions:

1. Holy of Holies - adhesion agent... Just in case, sign it so that there are no misunderstandings behind the scenes.

2. Check your suit, accessories, spare several times so that at a crucial moment these thoughts do not distract you.

3. Double-sided adhesive tape will not be superfluous. Just in case - what if the shoulder strap breaks or the bust will go along the seams - grab it along the contour for fidelity and go.

4. . Check what media will be required for the competition. If it's a CD, you must have a duplicate. And also be sure to sign both discs.

5. Another important aesthetic point: if you are performing without shoes, you should still have slippers or sandals with you - you are going to demonstrate your skills and beauty of the body, and not dirty feet. Also, you should have wet and dry napkins in your bag - soak up sweat, wipe your feet before going to the pole.

6. Cosmetic bag with the essentials. Useful to freshen up your makeup.

7. Make sure you also have a bottle of water and some light snacks on hand - you may have to wait a long time in line.

8. A small suitcase or duffel bag, preferably with a lock. This way you don't have to worry about your belongings, money and costumes.

Behind the scenes etiquette

Remember: everyone is as worried as you are, and therefore you should not irritate the participants, provoke them to sort things out. You don't need to show everyone the diva effect. Naturally, there can be no talk of any fights and bickering - do not spoil your image, keep your status.

In order to tune in, you can visit several dance lessons of a different direction before the significant day, a theater group - this will add zest to your performance. Watch your facial expressions and most importantly - believe in your victory.

The "Giacomo" championship in the sexiest dance direction - Pole Dance, starts in Moscow. By the way, you can still become a participant and win the main prize ...

Foxtime's editors talked about the festival, personal life, dancing and Pole Dance with one of the organizers of Giacomo - Anastasia Tselueva.

How did you get started with Pole Dance?

- Pole Dance became a part of our life many years ago, when this dance and sports direction was only gaining momentum in Russia. At that time, everyone was very skeptical about pole dancing, identifying it exclusively with striptease, so there could be no talk of any large-scale events.

There were only 2-3 schools in Moscow that offered the opportunity to practice Pole-dance. By the way, the pylons themselves were "home-made" and were made to order. Professional shoes did not cost little money, but girls who were seriously carried away by such dances were quite a bit.

Of course, in recent years, everything has changed dramatically. Pole dance is now heard and wins the hearts of many dancers, especially athletes, with good physical fitness. There are a lot of competitions in different cities and countries.

Pole Dance received a gradation according to training levels, nominations and categories. Summer camps are opening, combining sea holidays and training with well-known coaches in this direction. Master classes are held. Pole dance has appeared on television more than once. A lot of programs were filmed. Dancers are invited to take part in different stories ...

How does your family feel about your hobby?

- The attitude of the family to the hobby is positive. This is not just dancing, this is overcoming oneself, this is an opportunity to show oneself in a slightly different light. This is acting, and plastic, and the most complex acrobatic elements. All relatives and friends come to cheer for us when we play.

When did you receive your first award?

- We have not only a sports and dance past behind us, but also participation in various competitions directly in the direction of Pole dance, such as: ORTO, Iproject Champ, Cat Walk, Exotic Queen, Dance Star, Exo-Style, Zodiac, Pylon Spirit, Amazing , Exotic Show and others. We also managed to take a lot of prizes. We took part in various competitions and contests.

Why did you decide to make a festival in Russia?

- It is always hard work to organize something, so we are grateful for the experience and the opportunity to everyone who held such events. We decided to try making a completely different product. Our team tried to take into account all the pros and cons of other similar projects, we tried to put our heart and soul into this championship and look at it both through the eyes of the organizers and through the eyes of the contestants!

Tell us more about the festival?

- "Giacomo" is a completely new championship, which is aimed at promoting Pole Dance as a dance and sports direction, as an art behind which there is a lot of work, endurance and physical fitness.

We want to once again break stereotypes and remove prejudice towards this type of dance. We are two organizers, I - Anastasia Tselueva and Kristina Sharm. We want to make a unique show that will be remembered by both participants and spectators for its scale, its originality and its presentation ...

What interesting and unusual can participants and spectators expect?

- For the participants, this is comfort and the creation of all conditions, both on the site and behind the stage. A qualitatively new approach to organization. Incredible set, this is a cool show in a big way.

You will find professional light, sound, special effects and the possibility of using a projector on stage to create an even more spectacular performance. Competent and objective refereeing. Protection from getting stronger athletes out of their categories.

For the audience, this is an unreal hall, delicious and varied cuisine and drinks. The opportunity to choose an affordable ticket for yourself and at the same time remain satisfied with the quality and service! This is the opportunity to participate in the voting for the Audience Award. Participation of all guests in the drawing of a special gift at the end of the evening.

We have tried to make this day memorable for everyone, and you will have a pleasant aftertaste.

What awaits the participants of the championship?

- We have a completely new, objective and honest refereeing system.


- Cool prizes and gifts from sponsors worth over 500 thousand rubles;

-Designer handmade crown and the title of "Miss Giacomo";

-Battle for a cash prize;

The following nominations are open for applications (in the categories beginners, amateurs and professionals):

-Pole Exotic

-Pole Sport

-Pole artistic




We have no restrictions other than the age of participants (over 18 years old). This is a large-scale show and everything is possible with us! We will only help you to implement any interesting idea!

Are you engaged in coaching activities? What are your plans for the future?

- We are engaged in coaching activities and, of course, participate in the creation of competition numbers. Of course, we want to make Giacomo an annual event that will take place twice: in spring and in winter.

Pole dance is gaining popularity among men, how do you feel about it?

- Of course, everyone has a different attitude towards men in Pole dance. We are tolerant towards the strong half of humanity in the context of this dance direction. I would like to wish them only health and creative growth. I would love to do a joint performance with talented guys!

How can a beginner start practicing Pole Dance?

- Anyone can start doing Pole dance! Thick and thin, with or without preparation, with twine or no stretching at all. Here the main desire and understanding is that this is real work and a lot of time must pass for the first fruits of work in the hall to appear. This is a lot of work on myself, this is bruising.

One Pole Dance workout can easily compensate for strength training in the gym, however, how much pleasure you will get, because dancing is much more interesting and varied! The whole workout takes place as if in one breath. Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Pole Dance is a dance in which a pole (pylon) serves as a partner to the dancer. Despite its youth, this is a very popular hobby, which is practiced even at a professional level.

Pole Dance, also called pole dance, pole acrobatics, pole dance, enjoys an ambiguous reputation with the layman. For the most part, the reason for this is his proximity to striptease, which, in the opinion of compatriots, is closer to eroticism. But there are people for whom this is a real art worthy of respect.

Pole Dance history

Historical references to pole dancing can be found in ancient times. They were used by our ancestors in strength training, performed as ritual dances.

Experts find the most complete information about the predecessor of this trend in Indian history. In the country, from about the 12th century A.D. a new kind of yoga began to be cultivated - Mallakhamb. In this practice of developing physical and spiritual strength, exercises that are performed using a wooden pole are used to the maximum.

The circus also influenced the development and formation of dance. The stuntmen who performed in it in the Middle Ages quickly mastered this unusual action of their Indian colleagues and quickly spread its elements in their environment around the world. They also discovered new possibilities of pole dancing, developed them to a certain level.

The Sexual Revolution also quickly recognized the appeal of pole dance in such a specific industry and adopted it. It was in striptease that pole dance gained its highest popularity, as it acquired special entertainment due to the inclusion of elements of eroticism.

But there were amateurs who saw a different content in pole dancing. Thanks to them, the dance gained traits close to art and began to gradually gain popularity among those who love an owl's body and are engaged in its perfection. And so Pole Dance was born, allowing thousands of fans to improve their body through beautiful dances.

The dance officially entered the world stage in 2003, when the first competition for its performance was held. Today it is already a real sport, in which championships are regularly held both at the regional and world level.

Pole Dance Types

The centuries-old history of dance has led to the emergence of several directions of its development. These are cultivated today.

Pole Fitness

At the heart of which there is more of an acrobatic component; in dance, they do not strive to create a single image, the main attention is paid to tricks, transitions between them and, naturally, the quality of their performance; the presence of the power aspect in the dance also determines the character of this type - the dancer spends most of the number on a pole;

Pole art

This style has both acrobatic and dance components; in addition to the complex acrobatic part, there is some kind of image created by the dancer throughout the performance.

Pole Sport

A special kind representing sports pole dancing; it is he who is the variety according to which various competitions are held.

Pole Dance Benefits

Dance, first of all, is a significant physical activity. It is capable of stretching and exercising your muscles in a playful manner. The right movements and tricks can work on the areas of your body that are problematic for you.

Paul Dance workouts, regardless of its type, as follows from the practice of the practitioners, help to quickly tighten the body, make it slim, and get rid of excess fat. As a result, there is no loose skin on the body, graceful shapes, beautiful relief muscles, amazing flexibility and elasticity of joints and tendons.

In addition to everything, doing Paul Dance, you have an interesting, exciting and beneficial time for the body. Dancing leads to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, which act on you like chocolate. As a result, your mood rises, negative thoughts go away, positive emotions drive out any negative memories.

Pole Dance Clothes

Pole dancing requires appropriate equipment, which is called uniform between specialists and dancers. Usually the minimum required is a set of sports jersey that is not slippery.

At a minimum, a dancer needs shorts, in the production of which elastane, polyester, support, double layers, cotton, microfiber polyamide, microfiber are used. There are special requirements for the clothing used in pole dancing. They are associated, in particular, with the air permeability of the material, its hypoallergenicity, good adhesion to the pole, hygiene, low wear rate, moisture absorption. Clothing should provide support for the chest, have deep undercuts, without which it is simply impossible to grip the pole. Due to the increased stress and perspiration in the thigh area, the shorts should provide additional compression in this area.

Very often, dancers put on a "wrestler" - clothing that has a deep armhole in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. A special "racer" is also used, which has enlarged cutouts under the arms, which makes it possible to more reliably grip the pole. The frog top is also in use, which differs from the usual T-shirt by a double strap on the back, a bandage jumper on it. And the back itself is arranged in the shape of the letter "X".

In addition to clothing, in Paul Dance they use gloves, bandages, gaiters. The first, as a rule, on a kid basis with knitted, lace or microfiber inserts. They protect the hands of students from the formation of calluses, which is especially important in training when practicing new elements of dance. The gloves, of course, have a special coating that provides a good grip on the polished surface of the pole.

Gaiters are used more often in training, although they are often not removed even at performances. They can interfere with the execution of some elements, so you can see the accessory rolled on your feet in an accordion. Leggings replace dancing shoes, they can visually transform sandals into a kind of boots.

Bandages are designed to eliminate or reduce injuries during training and performance. They dress on the ankles, knees, elbows, wrists.

There are additional accessories in the arsenal. They are used, usually, due to the individual preferences of the dancer, from the type of dance that he performs. These can be shoes with a heel, with a platform, semi-Czech shoes.

Pole Dance Equipment

The main equipment in the dance is a pole, which is also called a pole. It is a polished metal tube with an outer diameter of at least 40 mm. Can be made of stainless steel, regular titanium coated carbon steel. The pole can also be brass or even plastic.

Stainless steel is considered ideal for a pylon. It allows you to glide quickly and smoothly, provides good grip on the skin. Brass is more secure to hold, but does not allow for fast sliding.

By design, the rods are static and rotating. The latter are composed of locking screws and bearings; they provide great inertia, which can diversify the dance, make it more dynamic. Athletes, competing, show their capabilities and skills on two types of poles.

The pylons are fixed in different ways. The safest and easiest option is when the bar is spread between the floor and the ceiling. There is also one stationary attachment of the pylon - to the shelf (more reliable) or to the floor. This option is more reliable and easier to assemble than the spacer one. For outdoor work, a pylon is used, which is mounted on a weighted platform. It can withstand a limited load, height, which affects the character of the dance.

Professional pylons are rigidly fixed to the ceiling or floor. They are themselves removable, and the fasteners are always in place. In some models of poles there are stoppers that regulate their rotation, up to full fixation.

Pole Dance also uses a Chinese pole. It comes from the Celestial Empire circus, has a rubberized surface that provides better grip. You can dance with such a pole in ordinary clothes.

Pole Dance for Beginners

Starting any business is difficult. The movement around the pole is associated with large and unusual loads for an ordinary person. Therefore, it is doubly difficult to start practicing. There are some tips from experts and long-time practitioners of such dances for beginners. They will help you cope with any situation.

You need to be ready for anything

First of all, these are your muscles of the arms, back, which after the first lesson will remind of themselves with terrible pain. She will come to you the next day after training; you will begin to notice bruises on your body, and in the most unexpected places for you.

This all usually decreases in intensity and volume with each subsequent workout. Time will pass and you will stop being very tired, learn to recover quickly. And you will remember the bruises as something that happened not to you.

You must not give up on heels

At first glance, the advice is strange. For most of the elements of the dance are performed barefoot, the analysis and the beginning of teaching complex elements also takes place without shoes.

But! It is more comfortable to dance on a pole in heels. Their presence on your feet gives you sexuality; they will add joy not only to you, but also to the audience.

Getting angry with yourself is the last thing

Paul Dance is a complex art. Some people master it quickly and easily. Others take a long time to master even the simplest elements. You need to really evaluate yourself, look less at others. Work, work and you will succeed. Getting angry with yourself for your inability, you will only aggravate the process and make it completely difficult for yourself to master new elements and movements.

No need to deceive yourself

Tune in immediately to serious work and do not look for easy and workarounds. For example, don't overuse magnesium. Creams to improve grip with the pole, if this can be achieved without additional tweaks. Don't oversimplify elements just to make it feel like you've mastered them. Try to master even difficult steps on your own, although this may take a lot of time.

Use music

Don't forget that music can be inspiring and motivating. Especially loved by you. Turn it on in training.

Feel free to ask questions

Do you want to achieve something - drop shyness - that is not clear or not clear - ask. Ask as much as you need.

Wear fewer clothes

Of course, in Pole Dance classes. The pylon is designed to be in contact with your body, not whatever is covering it. The more nude the body, the easier it is to dance.

It's easier to comprehend together

Have a girlfriend or boyfriend! Have him or her go to training with you. It's always more fun with them, and rivalry in Pole Dance will not hurt.

Less or better, forget about creams and lotions

They will make your body more slippery and worsen your grip on the pole. But you need a full and tight grip in your movements. Then everything will turn out as it should.

Do not rush

The best practice is to do everything gradually - step by step. Don't forget that Pole Dance is a difficult and dangerous sport. Learn the basics and move on. Do not miss anything and do not leave for later.

Spread Pole Dance

Today dance is practiced in most countries of the world. Moreover, in its different styles, directions, types. It so happened that he has the greatest popularity in Europe, Australia and the USA. The number of pole dance lovers is growing rapidly. They do everything to popularize it and so that other people perceive it as a special kind of art.

Pole dancing as a sport

In dance, there is the Pole Sport direction, which is a sports dance and as a sport is considered a non-Olympic sport. There is an international Committee for this type of dance, there are corresponding national Committees, including in the Russian Federation. The latter became a full member of the International Committee quite recently - in 2014.

As of today, the consent of the International Federation of Artistic Gymnastics has been received to include Pole Dance in the list of sports for which they compete at WORLD GAMES. There are plans at the international level to hold competitions at URBAN GAMES.

Championships and competitions

Pylon dances are gradually becoming a definite attribute in world shows and sports. Artistic Pole Dance entered the international arena in the form of competitions and championships in 2003. It is forbidden to expose the body unnecessarily, to make intimate gestures; athleticism and artistry of movements are encouraged. Some of the contests impose special restrictions on dancers. For example, it is forbidden to dress in clothes made of latex, varnish, leather, etc.

In sports terms, pole dancing encourages a combination of tricks, the purity of transitions between them, the quality of their performance, the elaboration of every detail of the dance and movements. Preference is given to a variety of original combinations of elements, dancing in strict accordance with musical accompaniment.

Pole dance. Everything you need to know about the competition

Most pole dance studios have regular reporting concerts, and in many cities of Russia all kinds of competitions from private investors and qualifying rounds of various federations are held. If you have an unlimited desire to speak, but you still have doubts and do not know which side to approach the issue, then this article is for you.

Pole dance events are of several types and depending on what goals you are pursuing, you should choose the most suitable one.

Reporting concerts

Reporting concerts are organized by dance studios. To speak at such an event, you must be a student of the school. This is where the requirements usually end. It doesn't matter what tricks you do, in what style you want to perform - playful to a Russian song from a fairy tale or tragic in a costume with giant wings to the piano. You can do everything or almost everything on the reports.

All-Russian Air Gymnastics Tournament

The advantages of the speakers are obvious: only the participants themselves and close friends of the speakers come to them. The atmosphere is usually very warm, one might say, family-like. These are the most pleasant events from a psychological point of view. You will definitely be supported by your trainer and pole-mates. The trainers of the studio act as judges, and the hall itself, where the classes are held, usually serves as the site. This is the perfect debut event.

The photographs from the reports are different: sometimes the school invites and pays for a professional photographer, and it happens that the participants take pictures of each other on the phone. In any case, ordinary walls in the hall most often serve as the background. We know, for example, one school in Moscow that rents a nightclub instead of a hall - Exotic Dance holds its reporting concerts at Golden Girls, completely closing the club for the event.

Such performances by the schoolchildren are held 1-2 times a year: New Year's in December-January and summer in May-June. The entrance is relatively inexpensive 500-1000 rubles per person (in Moscow).

Zodiac 2016. Moscow

Non-core city competitions

Small competitions in urban format, in which anyone who registered two weeks in advance can participate. In Moscow, such competitions include "DANZA TV" or "Dance Star Festival" organized by Olga Ostroukhova. Pole performances take only a few hours, this is just one of the many categories of dance, which also include hip-hop, acrobatic dancing, go go, strip plastic and much more.

It's nice to take part in such competitions: photographers and a videographer are sure to be invited to them, be sure you will not be left without photos. The venues can be completely different: from a club in the basement-cafe to a solid hall with high canvases and chairs set in a row for spectators.

The advantage of non-core competitions is that experienced pole dancers do not take them seriously. For a beginner or an advanced (1-2 years) pouldancer, there is a real chance to get a place and compete with the same inexperienced pouldancers in terms of performances. They are categorized as "amateur" and "professional", but from experience this is a fairly conventional division. In my own time, after a year of training on the pole, I took the 3rd place in the “amateurs”, gaining more points than the competitor on the 2nd place in the “professionals”. In my opinion, these categories mean something like “recently learned how to hold a flag” and “knows a little more than a flag”.

FVAR. Air Athletics 2017

When registering for the competition, there is a list of recommended elements by level. But there is no transfer of a participant from one category to another, or there are no severe penalties for completing the element "one level above". There are no mandatory elements either, since this is a non-core competition, more like a fun dance festival with the issuance of medals, various souvenirs and discounts from the organizers.

Requirements for performing at non-core competitions are of a general nature: the length of the music, a beautiful suit, not very many foreign objects in the room.

People from the dance world who are completely unfamiliar to you will be judged here, in contrast to the reported concert. The optimal competition option for a pole dancer who has been playing sports for no more than 2 years. The entrance is relatively inexpensive 500-1000 rubles per person (in Moscow).

Profile city competitions

City pole competitions in every city are heard among the city's pole dancers. They are taken quite seriously and prepared in advance. In Moscow, the most famous competition of this kind is “Cat Walk”. There are so many people who want to take part in such competitions, so they last several weekends. On the first weekend there are categories "sports" and "art", on the second - "exotic", and there is always a division into children and adults, amateurs and professionals. In the category "professionals" are coaches with experience. These numbers are quite unusual and interesting.

On Cat Walk, the main part of the show is the show. The judging is quite soft, here they will not cut off the points for an element if it was held by two, not three scores (only if you did not fall from the element), but at the same time after the performance you will receive a very complete, good table with points and you can understand where your number is good and what is missing.

Profile city competitions are usually held 2 times a year in the "competitive" season: in the spring of March-April and in the fall of October-November. Entrance fee is 1000-2000 rubles per person.

Paranoia 2016

Paranoia 2016

Championships and qualifying competitions

People travel from different cities of Russia to participate in the Air Force Equilibrium Championship, which is organized by the Marceau school, and Angela Kulagina traditionally performs the honorary duties of the chief judge. I have heard many positive reviews about this championship, primarily because Kulagina judges them fairly. At the same time, many noted that elements for flexibility are rated slightly higher than elements for strength.

This is a truly specialized sporting event that lasts 4 days in a row. In addition to the pylon, they perform here on canvases, a ring, hinges, a hammock, and a suspended flying pylon. Since 2017, such rare shells as a chain, mesh, cube, or sphere can be found as shells.

Territorial qualifying tournaments in air-power athletics from FVAR are held throughout Russia. To set a room for such events, you must carefully study the rules, mandatory elements, penalties and allowances. For such competitions, participants sew special costumes according to previously agreed requirements: a gusset width of at least a few cm, a stand-up collar of 4-6 cm, a joint on the stomach, and so on. There are a lot of participants and sometimes they are divided into three categories: "amateurs", "semi-professional" and "professional".

Both those and other competitions involve judging by accredited judges of the respective federations.

National and international championships

The organizers are international organizations such as IPSF or IPSAF. The advantages of such competitions are: qualified judges, valuable awards (sometimes even cubes), professional video filming and photographers. Requirements for numbers are very, very different, the rules must be carefully studied in advance.

IPSF 2016. Polina Volchek and Dmitry Politov

National Pole Theater championships have become more and more popular recently, where categories differ from the usual Russian ones: art, sports and exotic. In Pole Theater, categories are divided by genre: comedy, drama, classic.

Potential participants take their number on camera and send it to the organizers. Those, in turn, review all the material and choose who is invited to the competition itself. The very participation in this kind of competition is very prestigious. Applications for some international competitions open six months before the event. In Russia, with some stretch, the analogue of Pole Theater can be called PARANOIA, as well as the Moscow Pole dance Show and the Samara-Petersburg Pole Star.

The larger the competition, the more solid the stage, the more interesting the numbers, the more famous the judge. Participation can cost from 1000 rubles to 100 euros (in the case of international competitions). The time of the event is any month of the year at the request of the organizers. The admission to the competition, as a rule, implies a video selection.

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