Home Flowers The striped monitor lizard is a large lizard from Southeast Asia. Meadow Lizard - Lacerta praticola

The striped monitor lizard is a large lizard from Southeast Asia. Meadow Lizard - Lacerta praticola

Type of Chordates - Chordata
Class Reptiles - Reptilia
detachment Scaly - squamata
Family Real lizards are Lacertidae.
Genus: Green lizards
View Striped lizard - Lacerta strigata Eichwald, 1831

Status. 3 "Rare" - 3, RD.

Threat category of the global population on the IUCN Red List

Not included in the IUCN Red List.

Category according to the criteria of the IUCN Red List

The regional population is classified as Near Threatened, NT. B.S. Tuniev.

Belonging to the objects of action of international agreements and conventions ratified by the Russian Federation

Not belong.

Brief morphological description

The lizard is a striped large lizard, reaching a body length of 112 mm. Adults in the front third of the body are painted in dirty green tones with numerous dark specks, the back of the body and tail are dirty brown. On the body, numerous irregular black specks and specks are clearly distinguished, which are absent on the head. During the mating season, the throat and sides of the neck acquire a deep blue color. The belly of ♂ is greenish or greenish-yellow, while ♀ is usually white. Juveniles are brown with five light longitudinal stripes.


The global range of the species covers Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Iran and southwestern Turkmenistan. In the Russian Federation, it occurs from KK in the west to Dagestan in the east. The regional area is a small northwestern center of distribution from the border of the KK and KCR in the Pregradnaya region to the north to Armavir and further to the east, to the southwest to the village. Mostovskaya. Isolated populations are known in the vicinity of the villages of Novokubanskaya and Tbilisskaya. Typical territory: Krasnovodsk (Turkmenistan).

Features of biology and ecology

Inhabits the steppe slopes of ravines and the soles of the Stavropol Upland. Occurs on fixed sands, shrub associations. From wintering it appears in mid-March - early April and is active until October. In June, it lays 6–11 eggs up to 18 mm long. Juveniles appear in August - September.

Population and its trends

The striped lizard is a relatively numerous species. In the UK, the density reaches 460 individuals per hectare. In KK in the vicinity of Tbilisskaya sttsa, at least 20 individuals were counted for a day excursion.

Limiting factors

Naturally rare species at the northwestern limit of its range. Due to the limited number of habitats, the conservation of the species in KK depends even on short-term anthropic impacts.

Necessary and additional security measures

It is necessary to organize a number of micro-reserves or natural monuments in the habitats of viable populations of the species.

Sources of information. 1. Ananyeva et al., 2004; 2. Bannikov et al., 1977; 3. Ostrovskikh, 1998b; 4. Plotnikov, 2000; 5. Unpublished data from the compilers. Compiled by B. S. Tuniev, S. B. Tuniev.

Cited literature:, classification - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki

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Eichwald, 1831

Appearance. Moderately large lizard, reaching a length of 112 mm and at least twice as long tail. Head high. Intermaxillary flap touches the nostril or is separated from it by a narrow bridge. There are 2 posterior nasal scutes, 2 zygomatic, rarely 3 or 1. In front of the infraorbital 4, less often 3 or 5 upper labial. Between the dorsal and supraorbital scutes, as a rule, there is an interrupted row of 1-13 granules. The central temporal scutellum is usually present, and the tympanic scutellum is almost always present. The throat fold is pronounced. The collar, consisting of 7-17 scales, is serrated.

Along the midline of the throat 16-23 flakes... Mandibular shields 5 pairs. The dorsal scales are elongated hexagonal, ribbed. There are 35-47 scales around the middle of the body. Anal scutellum of moderate size, in front of it is a semicircle of 6-10 preanal scutes, of which the two middle scutes are slightly enlarged. A number of femoral pores, 16-23 in number, extend to the knee bend.

Coloration... Juveniles are brownish-olive in color with five narrow light longitudinal stripes, of which the middle one starts from the occiput, two adjacent to it from the anterior superior temporal scutes on the sides of the head, and two extending on the sides of the body from the posterior edges of the ear openings. As the animal grows, the general color becomes lighter, and brownish-brown, irregularly shaped spots begin to appear between the juvenile stripes. Subsequently, the light longitudinal stripes gradually blur and are lost against the general variegated green background of the back, and the back of the body, hind legs and tail retain their characteristic olive-brown color. In old males, large spots on the body are replaced by numerous small specks and specks on a general bright green background. Adult females turn green or retain an olive-brown mottled coloration with traces of one or more longitudinal stripes. The throat, like the sides of the neck, is greenish yellow or light blue. The belly is bluish-yellow or bluish, usually with dark spots on the extreme abdominal scutes. During the breeding season, the head of the males from above and from the sides can take on a deep blue color.

Spreading. It is widespread mainly in the eastern half of the Caucasus, at least up to the latitude of Armavir and Stavropol in the Stavropol Territory in the northwest and the Terek valley and the lower reaches of the Kuma River in Dagestan in the northeast. In the eastern Transcaucasia, it is found mainly in the low-lying regions of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia, where it is not known to the west of the Suram ridge. Until recently, an isolated population existed in the area of ​​Cape Pitsunda in Abkhazia. It is also found in the south-west of Turkmenistan. Outside the Caucasus, it is known from eastern Turkey and northern Iran.

Habitat. In Armenia, it is known up to an altitude of 2800 m above sea level. Inhabits foothill and lowland biotopes with steppe, mountain-steppe, meadow-steppe and partly forest-steppe vegetation, adhering to herbaceous and shrub thickets along the banks of flowing and stagnant water bodies, sparse broad-leaved forests, the outskirts of flooded swamps and meadows, forest edges and forest belts. Easily assimilates and populates a variety of anthropogenic habitats: embankments along irrigation canals, roadsides, arboretums, thorny hedges, the outskirts of grain and cotton fields, vineyards, orchards and ruins. In some places it lives in a semi-desert zone among herbaceous and weed vegetation on fixed sands and salt marshes. The burrows of rodents and other burrowing animals, voids under stones, cracks in the soil and their own burrows up to 50-70 cm deep are used as shelters.

Activity. Fleeing from danger, it can swim across small canals, dive and hide at the bottom of the reservoir. The number can be very significant. In the western Ciscaucasia, there are up to 400 individuals and more per 1 hectare. Up to 400 individuals per 1 ha were observed in Georgia and up to 880 individuals - in the Araks valley in Armenia.

Nutrition. It feeds on beetles, spiders, woodlice, molluscs, locusts, butterflies and caterpillars, ants, dipterans, bedbugs and, to a lesser extent, other insects. Eats blackberries and raspberries.

Reproduction. In Transcaucasia, begins mating in late April - early May, in the northern areas of the range - on average two weeks later. During the breeding season, males and females sometimes keep in pairs, occupying one shelter. In the valleys of Transcaucasia, in Turkmenistan and in Dagestan, two egg-laying per season. Young lizards of the first brood appear in mid-July - early August, the second - in mid-late September. Their size immediately after hatching varies within 30.5-34.2 mm (without tail). In the valleys of Transcaucasia, in southern Dagestan and Turkmenistan it reaches maturity at the age of 21-22 months and starts breeding for the first time after the second wintering with a body length of 74-80 mm. Depending on weather conditions, they appear after wintering in the period from early - mid-March to early April. At altitudes of 2000 meters and higher in the mountains, the exit from winter shelters usually occurs at the very end of April or early May. Accordingly, leaving for wintering in southern Transcaucasia and Dagestan occurs in late October - early November, in Turkmenistan - not earlier than the end of November.

Similar species. In some places it is found together with medium and quick lizards. It is well distinguished from the first of them by a longer row of femoral pores, which reach the knee bend, and from the second, by the specific color and pattern of the body, in particular by a one-color belly without spots. It is easily distinguishable from the Asia Minor lizard, with which it lives in Armenia in places, by the shorter infraorbital shield, the front edge of which does not reach the level of the anterior edge of the eye.

In the Ecological Center "Ecosystem" you can to acquire color identification table " Amphibians and reptiles of central Russia"and a computer guide of reptiles (reptiles) of Russia and the USSR, as well as other methodological materials on animals and plants of Russia(see below).

On our website you can also find information on anatomy, morphology and ecology of reptiles: general characteristics of reptiles, integuments, movement, and the skeleton of reptiles, digestive organs and nutrition, respiratory organs and gas exchange, circulatory system and blood circulation, excretory organs and water-salt metabolism, genitals and reproduction, nervous system and sensory organs, behavior and image life, annual cycle of life,

The intermaxillary shield at striped lizard touches the nostril or, but less often (in 30-40% of cases), is separated from it by a very narrow bridge. Posterior nasal scutes 2. Zygomatic - 2t rarely 3 or 1. Anterior infraorbital 4, 3 or 5 upper labial. Between the dorsal and supraorbital scutes, there is usually an interrupted row of 2-11 grains (individuals without grains are extremely rare).

The central temporal and tympanic plates are almost always present. The collar, consisting of 7-13 scales, is serrated. Mandibular shields 5 pairs. The dorsal scales are elongated hexagonal, ribbed. The abdominal scutes are arranged in 6 longitudinal and 27-35 transverse rows. Anal scutellum of moderate size, in front of it a semicircle of 7-10 preanal scutes, of which 2 middle scutes are slightly enlarged. The femoral pores extend to the knee fold. The hind foot is usually slightly longer than the top of the head.

Young striped lizards are brownish-olive dorsally with 5 narrow light longitudinal stripes, the middle of which starts from the occipital plate, 2 neighboring ones from the posterior superior temporal ones, and 2 lateral ones from the posterior edge of the ear openings. As the animal grows, dark brown or black spots and specks begin to appear between the stripes, which are clearly pronounced in adults.

In old individuals (at the age of 3 or more years), the light dorsal stripes are gradually lost against the general variegated background of the body, and in females they persist longer. In adults, the front third of the body is usually green; the back of it, including the legs and tail, is olive brown. On the body of males, numerous irregularly shaped black specks and specks are clearly visible, which are absent on the head. During the breeding season, the head, throat and sides of the neck of the males acquire a deep blue color. In females, the throat is usually greenish-yellow. The belly of the males is greenish or greenish-yellow, the females are usually white.

The striped lizard is widespread in the northeast of Asia Minor, the Caucasus, in Western, Central and Northeastern Iran and in the extreme southwest of Central Asia. In the USSR, it is found in the eastern half of the Caucasus, at least up to the latitude of Armavir and Stavropol, in Dagestan, in the Eastern Transcaucasia (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) and in the south-west of Turkmenistan.

It adheres to areas covered with grassy, ​​steppe, mountain-steppe or semi-desert vegetation, settling in various thickets along the banks of rivers and streams, on the outskirts of swamps and flood-free meadows, the edges of steppe forests and shelter belts, embankments along canals and roads, in thorn hedges along the outskirts vineyards and orchards. In some places it penetrates the forest zone along the river valleys. In the mountains, it is known up to an altitude of 2500 m.

It finds shelters in rodent holes, in piles of stones, and also digs its own holes up to 50-70 cm long in soft soil. In case of danger, it often hides into the water and escapes by swimming. In the Stavropol Territory, the number reaches 460 individuals per hectare; in Eastern Georgia - up to 400 individuals per hectare; on the shore of the lake. Sevan on the 1 km route in May - June counted 27-34 individuals.

After wintering, the striped lizard appears in mid-March - mid-April. During warm winters in Georgia it is active in February. Leaves for wintering in October - November. It feeds on beetles (from 20 to 60% of occurrence), spiders (12-30%), wood lice (up to 25%), molluscs (13-22%), locusts (13-25%), butterflies and caterpillars (9-33% ), ants (up to 26%), dipterans (4-18%), bedbugs (up to 11%).

In Transcaucasia and, apparently, in Dagestan, the striped lizard has 2 clutches per season: in late May - early June and late June - mid-July. There are 6-11 eggs in a clutch, 8-10X15-18 mm in size. Juveniles of the first hatching 30-32 mm long (without tail) appear in Transcaucasia in late July - early August, the second hatching in mid-September. Sexual maturity occurs, apparently, at the age of 2 years.

Literature: Keys to amphibians and reptiles of the fauna of the USSR. Textbook. textbook for students of biol. specialties ped. in-tov. M., "Education", 1977.415 p. with ill .; 16 l. silt

Subtract: Lacertilia Owen = Lizards

Family: Lacertidae Fitzinger, 1826 = Real lizards, Lacertids

Species: Lacerta trilineata = Three-lined (three-line) lizard

The three-lined (three-line) lizard (Lacerta trilineata) in appearance and color is very similar to green, differing from it in a larger size (reaches 40 cm or more in length). In adult males of this species, during the breeding season, the sides of the head, throat, and sometimes also the edges of the body at the border with the belly acquire an intense bluish-blue color, while the body becomes emerald green. In females, at the same time, the neck turns light blue. Of the several subspecies common in the Balkan Peninsula, some islands of the Mediterranean Sea and in Western Asia, in the Caucasus, the average lizard (Lacerta trilineata media) lives. Its distribution area covers almost all of Eastern Transcaucasia, Southeastern Dagestan, isolated areas of the Black Sea coast in Abkhazia and Krasnodar Territory, as well as Asia Minor, Northern Iraq and Northwestern Iran. She lives in dry juniper-pistachio woodlands, sparse oak forests, on steep rocky slopes overgrown with bushes and in open areas of mountain steppes. She excellently climbs trees, in case of danger she easily jumps from a height of 2-3 m, which is especially typical for large males with strong limbs, who can also make large jumps from stone to stone.

Mating takes place in April - early May. The male chases the female running away from him for a long time until she lies down with her belly on the ground and, raising both front legs, begins to quickly swing them in the air, simultaneously opening and closing her mouth. The first clutch of 9-18 eggs is observed in southern Armenia already at the end of May. Again, in a slightly smaller number, the female lays eggs in July. Large females lay up to 30 eggs per season. Young lizards 70-88 mm long appear from the end of July.

In many regions of Transcaucasia, the local population considers this large lizard to be very poisonous and fears it even more than some snakes.

In the eastern half of the Caucasus, southwestern Turkmenistan, as well as in Iran and neighboring regions of Iraq, the striped lizard (Lacerta strigata) is widespread, which was previously mistakenly identified with the green one. Young lizards of this top view are brownish-olive in color with 5 narrow light stripes along the back and sides. With age, the stripes are gradually lost against the general greenish-brown background, retaining especially for a long time in females. Adult males are green from above with numerous black specks and spots, and the general green color is often expressed only in the front part of the body, while its back half remains dirty brown or brownish gray. During the breeding season, the entire head, throat and sides of the neck of males are usually blue, and the general green background is brighter. The striped lizard reaches 25 cm, noticeably inferior in size to the green and medium ones.

Unlike the green and medium lizard, this lizard is relatively rare in forests, preferring areas with herbaceous, steppe or shrub vegetation, often in close proximity to water. In the southern regions of Armenia and Azerbaijan, striped lizards have two clutches per season of 5-9 eggs each. Young lizards 75-80 mm long appear in August.

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