Home Indoor flowers The benefits of vegetable oils table. Vegetable oils in nutrition. Comparative analysis. Hazelnut vegetable oil

The benefits of vegetable oils table. Vegetable oils in nutrition. Comparative analysis. Hazelnut vegetable oil

Despite the common name - vegetable oils - all these products have completely different compositions and properties.

Sunflower oil

The most popular among us is sunflower oil. Refined in tons goes for frying, although some manage to use it for food, the odorous "bazaar" - liters in salads. But few people know that natural raw-pressed sunflower oil resembles olive oil in color - with a greenish tinge, and its composition is significantly different from it: it contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant,

Olive oil

Linseed oil

Linseed oil, unfairly forgotten, but now experiencing a rebirth, can rightfully be considered “ours”. Its benefits are in the content of alpha-linolenic (omega-3) fatty acid and vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body. Modern research has shown that eating flaxseed oil reduces the risk of stroke by 37%.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from the embryos of corn cobs, it has no particular advantages over sunflower and soybean oil, but it contains a large amount of useful accompanying substances. Linoleic acid in it is up to 50%. Only refined oil goes on sale. It is used in the baking industry, for the preparation of mayonnaise, for dressing salads and for frying food.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil is similar in composition to fish oils - they contain the same polyunsaturated acids. Refined soybean oil can handle heat easily, so you can cook with it. One thing: most of the grown soybeans are the result of the painstaking work of geneticists, and the debate about the benefits and dangers of genetically modified products is still ongoing.

Walnut oil

I would especially like to highlight the delicious nut butter obtained from walnut kernels by cold pressing. Today nutritionists recognize it as the leader among vegetable oils. But keep in mind - only freshly squeezed unrefined oil has high dietary properties! Walnut oil containing unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, C, B, zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium,

Cedar oil

Cedar nut oil, obtained from the kernels of pine nuts, is not inferior to walnut oil, or even surpasses it in its usefulness. This oil is more of a medicine than a food product, because it contains a high content of fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - and vitamin E. It has a general strengthening effect, relieves fatigue, and increases efficiency.

Peanut, sesame, and rapeseed oils were undeservedly considered less beneficial until more thoroughly researched.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is obtained from the fruit of groundnuts (peanuts) and is used more often for frying or salads, but it is especially suitable for making scented dough. Its main benefit lies in the presence of the polyphenol resveratrol, which has powerful antioxidant and antitumor activity, helping to prevent diabetes mellitus,

Sesame oil

Sesame (sesame) oil is obtained from sesame seeds. The oil is almost odorless and has a pleasant taste, but it has no vitamin A and little vitamin E. The oil is used in confectionery, canning and other industries, as well as for technical purposes. A big plus of sesame oil is its high calcium content, in one tablespoon there is a daily dose.

Rapeseed oil

Doctors isolated from rapeseed a copy of the female sex hormone estradiol, the hormone "readiness to conceive." Thanks to this, rapeseed oil is effective for the prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer. Some scientists believe this is due to the favorable ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids. The balance between them in rapeseed oil is 1: 2, which is close to ideal.

Palm oil

In this article, we'll talk about the unique properties of base oils. competes with the most expensive and elite creams, second only in price :). In addition, 100% natural oils do not contain preservatives, fragrances and other ballast poisonous components.

Vegetable oils are divided into base and essential oils.

Base oils by biochemical parameters similar to skin properties, which allows them to penetrate to the deep layers of the epidermis and deliver healing substances there. Therefore, they are also called base oils, transport or carrier oils.

They can be used as a stand-alone cosmetic product, and as a base for mixing with essential oils and other ingredients.

When buying base oils, pay attention to the composition, it should not contain synthetic impurities, dyes, preservatives.

For the production of 100% pure vegetable oils, the cold pressing method is used, followed by high-quality filtration without the use of high temperatures. This method preserves all the valuable properties of the oil and lengthens its shelf life.

Base oils have unique regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties due to their composition: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, phytosterols, phospholipids.

Well assimilated by the body, oils participate in chemical processes and are a natural stimulator of the most important biochemical and physiological processes:

  • accelerate cellular metabolism;
  • improve skin nutrition;
  • promote the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen;
  • improve the circulation of lymph and blood;
  • increase skin tone;
  • effectively cleanse the skin while nourishing it;
  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Fatty acid

The unique healing properties of many oils are due to the presence of fatty acids in their composition, which are divided into saturated and unsaturated.

With a high content of saturated acids, oils will be solid even at room temperatures. The lower the acid content, the softer the oil.

Fatty unsaturated acids are of great value for the body: they are actively involved in metabolic processes, in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate the production of hormones necessary for the body. The higher the content of unsaturated acids in the composition of the oil, the more liquid it is.

Monounsaturated oleic fatty acid, which is responsible for the construction of biological membranes in the human body, has especially valuable properties. Oils containing large amounts of it are easily absorbed and absorbed by the skin. The richest in oleic acid is olive oil (up to 85%).

Many unsaturated acids are not synthesized by our body and can only be supplied with food or through the skin. They are called essential fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 3), they are vital for the health of the skin and the body as a whole. These include linoleic, linolenic, gamma-linolenic acids, as well as their derivatives.

Deficiency of essential acids leads to:

  • damage to the skin barrier, as a result, microorganisms, allergens, harmful substances easily penetrate into it, inflammatory reactions, skin diseases occur;
  • to transepidermal moisture loss;
  • chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes;
  • to the deterioration of the brain.

Signs of an essential acid deficiency: peeling of the skin, a feeling of dryness, increased irritability and sensitivity of the skin, itching, redness.

To permanently eliminate these unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to introduce natural fats and oils containing essential fatty acids into the diet and skin care.

The best sources of essential fatty acids oils of borage (borage), black currant, primrose (evening primrose) are considered. The gamma linolenic acid found in these oils

  • stops
  • normalizes hormone levels, reduces skin oiliness,
  • suppresses the formation of melanin, brightens the skin.

Useful to use internally:

  • flaxseed oil (the required daily balance of essential fatty acids is contained in one to two tablespoons). Before using the oil, be sure to read the contraindications!
  • Fish oil (salmon, mackerel, salmon, sardines, eel and so on),
  • pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, soybeans, wheat germ, nuts.

So, let's summarize and list

oils to look out for when essential fatty acids are deficient

Liquid oils:

In the following publications:

  • what oils are suitable for.

Come for beauty recipes!

Everyone knows that you can't spoil porridge with butter, but there is no consensus about which product is better. For the majority, taste preferences are usually inclined towards the address, but many are wary of cholesterol and other dangers of substances of animal origin. Let's try to figure out what kind of vegetable oil is preferable not to spoil the porridge, if there are almost four dozen of its types.

Any vegetable oil comes from plants - that's understandable. But about the parts of plants from which it is obtained, not everything is so simple.

It can be obtained from seeds, and from the pulp of fruits, and from seeds, and from kernels of nuts, and from roots, and from other parts when it comes to oilseeds.

This is the most common way to get them.

Moreover, not only oilseeds such as sunflower are suitable for this, but also those that are weakly associated with any oil - for example, tea, carrot or cotton seeds.

Of the oilseeds cultivated only to obtain seeds, from which vegetable fats are then extracted, the most famous are:

  • sunflower;
  • rape;
  • rape;
  • safflower;
  • castor oil plant;
  • mushroom;
  • perilla;
  • lallemantia.

This more common type differs from the previous one not only in its liquid consistency, but also in the presence of unsaturated fatty acids.

In addition, olives and peanuts contain monounsaturated acids. Polyunsaturated acids are found in vegetable fats from the following plants:

  • sunflower;
  • rapeseed;
  • sesame;
  • cotton;
  • corn.

By the ability to form a film when dry

The chemical composition of vegetable fats also affects their properties, such as the ability to dry when applied to any surface, forming a film, or remain in a liquid state without forming a film.

Drying out

Vegetable oils obtained from:

  • poppy;
  • evening primrose;
  • perilla;
  • hemp.

This type of oil is distinguished by the presence of the same glycerides as the previous one, but with only two double bonds, and is capable of creating a soft film.
It is made from seeds:

  • sunflower;
  • sesame;
  • corn;
  • mustard;
  • cotton;
  • safflower;
  • grape seeds.

This species does not form any film and contains glycerides of hydroxoleic and oleic acids with one double bond. It comes from:

  • peanuts;
  • olives;
  • peach;
  • almonds;
  • hazelnut;
  • avocado;
  • apricot.

What are they made of and what are they

As diverse as the raw materials from which vegetable fats are obtained, their chemical composition, properties and fields of application are just as diverse.

Most commonly, vegetable oil is obtained from:

  • sunflower;
  • olives;
  • argan;
  • grape seeds;
  • mustard seeds;
  • hemp;
  • corn;
  • sesame;
  • flax;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • nuts;
  • oil palm;
  • wheat germ;
  • rapeseed;
  • mushroom;
  • cotton.

This most widespread and demanded vegetable oil, among other things, contains valuable, which is ten times more in it than that of its main competitor - olive. In addition, it is saturated, has in its composition, and.

It contains a substantial concentration of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other substances valuable for the human body.
It optimizes the activity of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, and also gives a healthy look to hair and skin.

Unrefined is perfect for adding to salads and other dishes, and refined is actively used in frying and stewing, in the manufacture of baked goods. Mayonnaise, margarine, canned food and sauces are successfully produced on its basis.

This main component of the famous Mediterranean diet contains many fat-soluble vitamins, oleic acid in solid quantities, unsaturated acids and much more, which contribute to human health.
Olive oil benefits:

  • is a proven prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases;
  • cleans blood vessels from bad cholesterol;
  • normalizes the digestive system, being absorbed much better than all other vegetable fats;
  • effectively fights overweight.

It is widely used to enhance the taste of salads, sauces and other dishes. Since it does not emit toxic and carcinogenic substances when heated, it is the best tool for frying. It is actively used in the cosmetic and pharmacological fields.

This increasingly popular product contains, in addition to a solid amount of omega-6 and omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids, a large set of vitamins, polyphenols, stearins and tocopherols.

This allows it to act as an effective antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent. The use of oil is recommended for:

  • hypertension,
  • thrombosis,
  • varicose veins,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • coronary heart disease.
It is widely used for cosmetic purposes and as an excellent food product.

The content of linoleic acid is especially high in this product, which reaches 76%. It also contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as B vitamins, micro- and macroelements, phytoncides, antioxidants - such as, for example, proanthocyanidin, which inhibits cell degeneration.

It has a positive effect on the activity of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Grape oil is ideal for frying, because even at high temperatures it does not change its taste or smell and does not release toxic substances. It is very popular as an additive in home canning.

Of all vegetable fats, this has the lowest acidic level. It is abundantly saturated with vitamin E, as well as A, D, K, PP and almost all representatives of group B.

Due to the presence of phytoncides, mustard oil is a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, a real natural antibiotic. It also noticeably stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system and purifies the blood.

It is actively used in the bakery industry; it is well suited for dressing salads, allowing them to remain fresh for a long time, as well as for canning, frying pancakes and the like.

It is able to actively supply the human body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, phytosterols, amino acids, vitamins A, E, K and many components from the B vitamin group, chlorophyll.

Important!Nutritionists believe that any healthy adult should consume about 30 grams of vegetable oil daily.

Hemp Oil Consumption:

  • helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents early skin aging;
  • contributes to the normal course of pregnancy;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • activates the hematopoietic system;
  • optimizes the activity of the respiratory system.

In addition to medicinal purposes, this product is actively used in the cosmetic field - for example, to add shine and splendor to hair.

Before the advent of sunflower oil, hemp oil was the most widely used, so it can still be used in food in the same way as sunflower oil.

Corn oil is a very valuable product with a whole range of nutrients.

It contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, a complex of vitamins, among which E, K3, and provitamin A stand out.

Thanks to them, the product has the following medicinal and dietary properties:

  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action;
  • establishment of cholesterol metabolism;
  • ensuring the fruitful work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, brain activity;
  • strengthening of immunity.

Due to its ability not to foam or burn during frying, this oil is actively used in cooking. It is also used as an additive in salads and other dishes, in the baking industry, in the manufacture of baby food and dietary food.

Compared to other vegetable fats, it has a high calcium content, but loses to them in terms of vitamins A and E. It contains an effective antioxidant squalene and omega-6 fatty acids.

Sesame oil is able to maintain the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as brain activity in optimal condition, to ensure the normal functioning of the female reproductive and endocrine systems.

Did you know?Archaeological excavations indicate that a person guessed to get oil from flax seeds and use it for food and medicinal purposes six thousand years ago.

It is intensively used in the confectionery industry, for the preparation of Asian and Indian dishes. It is not suitable for use during frying, but it is used as an additive in salads and other ready-made meals.

It is the leader among other plant brethren in the possession of unsaturated fatty acids, twice ahead of the famous fish oil, and also has a good concentration of omega-6 fatty acids.

Has the ability to:

  • effectively strengthen the immune system;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • stabilize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • optimize cholesterol metabolism;
  • protect nerve cells from destruction;
  • activate the activity of the brain.

It is not suitable for frying, but is great for vinaigrettes, sauerkraut, salads and other ready-made dishes, as well as for baking.

Its orange color indicates a high concentration of carotenoids in it - provitamin A. It is also saturated with many vitamins from group B, vitamins C, E and K, replete with macro and microelements in the form, and others.

With the help of this oil, immunity is strengthened, blood clotting is improved, osteoporosis and kidney disease are prevented.

In addition to being used for medicinal purposes, it is also used in cooking to improve the taste of salads and other ready-made meals. It is not suitable for use in frying.

It means all vegetable oils that are obtained from the kernels of different nuts.

It is characterized by a high concentration of various vitamins, among which there are almost all of the B group, as well as vitamins E, PP, D, F, K, C. It also contains over a dozen - and.

The use of this remedy is indicated primarily for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland, lungs, kidneys and liver. It is very effective in the fight against bad cholesterol and in activating the tone of the body.

Due to the rather high price, it is little used in cooking. It is mainly used for medicinal, pharmacological and cosmetic purposes.

This product, which is mostly saturated with fatty acids, is considered one of the most useless vegetable fats for human health. But in small quantities, the presence of vitamins A and E, squalene and omega-6 acids is still observed.

Has some antioxidant properties and can help maintain healthy hair and skin.

It is very actively used in the food industry, but in a home kitchen it can be used exclusively for frying.

An extremely useful oil for the human body, containing almost all the most important vitamins.

In the presence of vitamin E, it surpasses all known natural sources: its 100 g contains up to 400 mg of tocopherol.

It also contains:

  • about a dozen different nucleic acids;
  • erucic, oleic, myristic acids;
  • glycolipids and phospholipids.
Regular use of it:
  • protects the cardiovascular system from the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • fights various kinds of inflammatory processes;
  • optimizes the activity of the nervous system;
  • useful for improving vision, for the health of joints, bones and teeth.

It also serves as one of the best prophylactic agents that prevent the development of stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, anemia, diabetes mellitus.

This oil is taken directly inside for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and also serves as an excellent addition to salads, cereals, confectionery and bakery products.

Rapeseed oil is so similar to olive oil in its condition that this plant was even called “northern olive”. Its main beneficial components are expressed in fatty acids in the form of omega-3, omega-6 and.

This product is extremely saturated with vitamins A, B, D and E, as well as macro- and microelements, phospholipids.

This suite of healing nutrients:

  • helps to optimize metabolic processes in the human body;
  • acts as an active antioxidant;
  • manifests itself in accelerating the healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • is a valuable component in baby food products.

In addition to the therapeutic and prophylactic sphere, it is highly valued in cosmetology, serving as an important component of face and hair masks.

In households, refined rapeseed oil is great for frying and stewing, while unrefined rapeseed oil is a good addition to salads and other dishes.

It is obtained not at all from mushrooms of camelina, but from the seeds of the camelina plant, which are rich in all the main types of vitamins, minerals (especially magnesium), amino acids, antioxidants, chlorophyll, phospholipids, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as monounsaturated oleic omega-9 acid.

This oil is capable of:

  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • optimize the activity of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

It also has established itself as an effective wound healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent. The presence of phospholipids in it has a positive effect on the vital functions of the liver.
Camelina oil has shown its best side not only for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes. It is actively used for skin rejuvenation, aromatherapy, and hair masks.

In the kitchen, it is also in great demand as a dressing for salads, vinaigrettes, sauerkraut, and various cereals.

It significantly surpasses other oils in terms of usefulness, since it has a truly unique set of vitamins, trace elements, well-balanced fatty acids, phytosterols.

It is especially distinguished by the content of tocopherol, that is, vitamin E, of which it is almost twice more than in sunflower oil, and almost ten times more than in olive oil.
Its high nutrient saturation allows it to:

  • actively resist the occurrence of a heart attack, heart failure;
  • fight cancer problems;
  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;
  • optimize the sexual functions of men;
  • to establish the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intensify brain activity.

It is very actively used in cosmetology, where it has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair.

In cooking, the unrefined product is used for salads and other ready-made dishes, and the refined one is used for frying and stewing products, for all kinds of baked goods.

It not only contains all the essential fatty acids - they are there in almost ideal proportion to improve human health. It is also saturated with the most important vitamins and minerals, contains phytosterols.
The high content of vitamin E allows this oil to act as an effective antioxidant, which:

  • strengthens the immune and nervous systems;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • raises the general tone of the body.
The presence of fatty acids determines its ability to:
  • fight inflammation, dermatitis, allergies;
  • help with diabetes;
  • accelerate the healing of burns.

The presence of phytosterols helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body, inhibits the occurrence of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

It is excellent for the confectionery industry, is an indispensable ingredient of the famous Central Asian pilaf, and is used in the cosmetic field. High-quality drying oil is obtained from unrefined cottonseed oil.

Whatever food is made from edible vegetable oil, when used judiciously in moderate doses, it can provide tremendous benefits. It strengthens human health, gives him strength, improves appearance and adds bright, incomparable colors to the palette of food tastes.

Coconut oil Hemp oil Sesame oil Linseed oil Almond oil Sea buckthorn oil Olive oil Sunflower oil Milk thistle oil Camelina oil Soybean oil Pumpkin seed oil Black cumin oil

The benefits of vegetable oil

Fats play an important role in the life of the body, they are the main structural components of cell membranes, serve as the main source of energy, form a reserve of energy material, and protect internal organs from hypothermia. When the body is dehydrated, adipose tissue serves as an internal source of water.

Natural unrefined vegetable oil of the first cold pressing has unique beneficial properties. Cold-pressed vegetable oils preserve all valuable biologically active substances: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Vegetable oil is used not only for food and cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Vegetable oil enriches our diet with valuable unsaturated fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in our body, without which the formation of new cells and the normal functioning of the nervous, immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems are impossible. Many vegetable oils are rich in tocopherols (vitamin E) - natural antioxidants that are involved in the processes of cell renewal and regeneration, heal and rejuvenate the body.

Vegetable oil supplies us with energy, nourishes brain cells, maintains the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, improves blood composition, prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, prevents the development of cancer cells, activates smooth muscle fibers and protects the gastric mucosa, stimulates the formation and secretion of bile, improves hormonal background, reduces inflammation, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, relieves constipation, improves skin condition, strengthens teeth, hair and nails.

Of particular value is the polyunsaturated linolenic acid Omega-3, which is less and less supplied to our body with food. Most people's diet consists of saturated fatty acids, which raise blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of linolenic acid has a positive effect on human health. Omega-3 has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, obesity, chronic allergic and inflammatory diseases, Alzheimer's disease, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, some oncological diseases, prevents the development of cardiac arrhythmias and dysbiosis. Indispensable linolenic acid is essential for the growth and proper development of the brain in children, the organ of vision, gonads, kidneys, skin, hair and nails.

On many sites, information is often found that oils contain many vitamins and minerals, but this is not the case, since oil is a fat and unsaturated fatty acids are the main value in it. Do not confuse the oil and the crops from which the oil is squeezed. The main vitamin found in some oils is vitamin E, other vitamins may be present, but in very small quantities.

Comparative table of vegetable oils in terms of the content of Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and vitamin E per 100 g of oil

Vitamin E mg Omega-3 % Omega-6 % Omega-9 %
Cedar oil 55 Linseed oil 53.3 Grape seed oil 69.6 Sunflower oil 82.6
Sunflower oil 41.08 Camelina oil 38 Milk thistle oil 62 Olive oil 71.2
Camelina oil 40 Hemp oil 21.5 Walnut oil 52.9 Almond oil 69.4
Almond oil 39.2 Pumpkin seed oil 14 Cedar oil 46.2 Peanut butter 44.8
Grape seed oil 28.8 Walnut oil 10.4 Black cumin oil 42.7 Sesame oil 39.3
Peanut butter 15.6 Mustard oil 5.8 Sesame oil 41.3 Cocoa butter 32.6
Olive oil 14.35 Soybean oil 5.1 Pumpkin seed oil 39 Pumpkin seed oil 32
Soybean oil 8.18 Black cumin oil 1 Peanut butter 32 Cedar oil 25.2

Cold pressed vegetable oil

Healing vegetable oil production

Natural vegetable oil is a chemically active substance that interacts with air, light and metal. In the process of this interaction, many useful substances are destroyed in the oil. Ideally, the first cold pressed oil should not come into contact with metal, immediately after pressing it should be placed in glassware and protected from sunlight, otherwise it will become ordinary edible oil.

Oak oil cold press

How to use vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are high in calories, so any vegetable oil should not be consumed in large quantities. Enough 1-2 tablespoons of oil daily or several times a week.

Most unrefined vegetable oils cannot be used for frying. For frying, use ghee and unrefined sunflower oil.

Why you can fry in cold-pressed sunflower oil

Where did the slogans come from that it is impossible to use cold-pressed sunflower oil for frying? After all, all this is an advertising campaign for refined sunflower oil! This is because it is much cheaper and faster to produce refined oil than unrefined oil. Think about it, because before there were no technologies for the production of refined oil, and our grandmothers used natural sunflower oil with a smell. And refined oil is a surrogate, in which after so many stages of processing nothing remains useful for the body. In addition, it is produced with the help of petroleum products, which are not completely removed during oil refining, and we use them together with oil. Eating refined sunflower oil is unhealthy!

If you want to fry something, then use cold-pressed sunflower oil. The downside is that when heated, many useful substances are lost and some may not like the fact that the products are saturated with the smell of sunflower oil. But it is better to use unrefined oil than refined, which is harmful to health.

Of course the best oil for frying is ghee. You can also fry in coconut, olive, soy, mustard oils. For example, Italians fry everything in extra virgin olive oil. The main thing is not to heat the oil to 100 ° C. It is enough to heat it until the first bubbles appear.

The three enemies of all vegetable oils are light, heat and air, which intensify the oxidation process, so do not store oil on a windowsill, near a hob, or in an open bottle.

How to store vegetable oil

The three enemies of all vegetable oils are light, heat and air.

Try to buy vegetable oils in small glass bottles, since after opening and contact with air, the shelf life of the oils decreases. It is recommended to use cold-pressed oil within 1-4 months.

It is good to store the oil in a food steel container, since during such storage the oil is protected from light.

Introduce different oils into your diet so that you do not consume the same oil for a long time, but stick to a varied diet.

To get the most out of your vegetable oils, it is worth buying unrefined cold-pressed oils. The maximum of natural vitamins and microelements is contained only in cold-pressed oil.

The vitamins listed on the packaging in refined oil are of synthetic origin, they enrich the oil already purified from impurities.

Most unrefined vegetable oils are not intended for frying. Vegetable oil should be added to ready meals.

How to choose vegetable oil

When buying vegetable oil, read the label carefully.

First of all, when buying vegetable oil, pay attention to the shelf life of the oil - the shorter it is, the more natural the oil.

Manufacturers often write loud statements to advertise their product and attract the attention of buyers.

It is good if the label has a "PCT" icon or the phrase "Technical regulations for fat and oil products." It is even better if the oil is certified in accordance with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001. This proves that the product has passed the certification procedure and meets safety and quality standards, including the content of pesticides, heavy metals and other environmental indicators. And the phrases "Natural", "Increased ecological purity", "Obtained in an environmentally friendly way" and similar expressions do not mean anything. In our country, the law allows such statements to be written on the label.

The phrase “Oil without preservatives and dyes”, which is popular nowadays, may be written on the label. Artificial colors or preservatives are usually not added to vegetable oils, as most of them are water-soluble and do not mix with oil. Therefore, this phrase applies to all oils and does not make sense. The same applies to vitamins of group B. They are water-soluble and cannot be contained in pure vegetable fat in any way.

Very often, manufacturers write on the label “Does not contain cholesterol”. The fact is that there is no cholesterol in any vegetable oil, since this substance is synthesized only in the body of animals and humans. Therefore, this is another publicity stunt. Phytosterols are present in vegetable oil.

It is often written on refined oil that it contains fat-soluble vitamins A or E. This is pure deception, since refined oil does not contain natural fat-soluble vitamins - they, like most other useful substances, are removed during the refining process.

  • The sediment formed during storage of cold-pressed oil is not harmful to health and consists of minerals and phospholipids useful for the body.
  • Vegetable oils that are rancid are not edible, except for some oils with natural bitterness, such as olive or flaxseed. Oils that have undergone oxidation contain toxic compounds that can cause numerous diseases.
  • Do not use oils that are past their expiration date.
  • Since salt does not dissolve in vegetable oil, then before seasoning with oil a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, the dish is first salted, they wait for the vegetables to give juice, and only then they are poured with oil.


Despite the many beneficial properties of vegetable oils, people need to be treated with caution with:

  • stones in the biliary tract and gallbladder, as oils can cause the stones to move and block their ducts;
  • violations of the separation of bile;
  • recent removal of the gallbladder;
  • diarrhea of ​​any origin, as oils have a laxative effect;
  • hepatocellular insufficiency observed in cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Nevertheless, even in these cases, you should not completely eliminate vegetable oil from the diet, you should only limit its daily intake. A complete rejection of oils can cause serious hormonal disorders, disorders of the nervous system, hypovitaminosis and other disruptions in the body.

Most of us use only two vegetable oils, but nutritionists advise keeping at least 6 types at home. Let's talk about the TOP 10 most useful ones.

The content of the article:

Vegetable oils are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. And fats are an indispensable element of a balanced diet. They fight atherosclerosis, which causes cerebrovascular accident and cardiovascular disease. With the help of oil, you can cure colds, strengthen the nervous system, normalize digestion, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and lower cholesterol levels. These properties are common to all oils, but each has its own characteristics.

The most delicious and healthy vegetable oils in cooking - TOP-10

There are many types of oils. Some are useful as medicine but are not suitable for cooking. Others are produced in small quantities, hence the high price. But each has unique, distinctive, useful features. Which one to use, choose yourself. Below we have analyzed the TOP-10 of the most useful vegetable oils.


  1. Reduces cholesterol levels thanks to linoleic acid. Therefore, oil is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Vitamin E helps to rejuvenate the body: it smoothes out wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  3. Heals wounds: cuts, burns, ulcers.
  4. Improves the digestive system, has a mild laxative effect, and improves stool.
  5. Contains choleretic properties, therefore it is useful for cholelithiasis.
  6. Oleic acid improves the absorption of fats, which helps to shed those extra pounds.
  7. Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, reduces appetite, strengthens the immune system.
  • The color of olive oil is bright yellow, greenish or dark gold. It depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the olives.
  • Higher quality with low acidity (up to 0.8%). The indicator is indicated on the label.
  • Do not heat above 180 ° C, at high temperatures it burns.
  • Stored in a cool, dark place in a sealed container. quickly absorbs foreign odors.
  • Consume 2 tablespoons. per day, because caloric product: in 100 grams - 900 kcal.


  1. The source of lecithin, which forms the nervous system in a child, in an adult, supports the activity of thinking. The substance restores strength in case of stress and anemia.
  2. Fatty acids support immunity, cell structure and lower bad cholesterol. They also improve lipid and lipid metabolism, which helps to reduce weight.
  3. Improves digestion, improves the process of cleansing the body, has a mild laxative effect.
  4. Vitamin E protects the body from premature aging, improves the condition of hair and skin.
  5. Calms the nervous system.
  • Unrefined oil brings benefits, as it retains all the beneficial properties. When frying, it loses its healing properties and becomes harmful.
  • Stored in a cool, dark place from + 5 ° C to + 20 ° C.


  1. Omega-3 fatty acids are superior to fish oil. The acid stimulates the reproductive system (eggs and sperm function better).
  2. Useful for atherosclerosis. Reduces the level of cholesterol and the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, therefore it is used to prevent stroke and heart attack.
  3. Protects nerve cells, improves memory, brain activity and attention.
  4. Recommended for cancer, especially breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
  5. In diabetes mellitus, it lowers blood glucose and prevents the occurrence of diabetic polyneuropathy.
  6. Recommended for chronic skin diseases: eczema and psoriasis.
  7. Normalizes intestinal motility, cleanses the body of toxins, accelerates fat metabolism, which helps to reduce excess weight.
  8. Has a mild laxative effect.
  9. Improves the condition of hair and skin, kidney and thyroid function.
  • An open bottle is stored with a closed lid at a temperature of + 2 ° C to + 6 ° C for one month.
  • Apply only cold.
  • To obtain the benefits, 30 g (2 tablespoons) of oil per day is enough.
  • The lowest calorie of all vegetable oils.


  1. Best of all, it regulates the exchange of cholesterol in the body, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.
  2. Derivatives of phosphorus-phosphatides are useful for the brain, nicotinic acid - regulates the conduction of the heart, linoleic acid - is responsible for blood clotting.
  3. Helps break down solid fats.
  4. Improves the functioning of the intestines, gallbladder, liver and nervous system.
  5. Useful for children, pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Nutritionists advise to use it for asthma, migraines and peeling of the skin.
  • Most resistant to oxidation.
  • Sold only refined.
  • There are golden (cold pressing) and dark (hot pressing).
  • The recommended daily dose is 75 g.
  • Freezes at -10 ° C.


  1. Contains essential oils with bactericidal action. Therefore, it is a natural antibiotic: it heals wounds, burns, colds and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Oleic acid stimulates the digestion process and improves liver function.
  3. Preventive agent for tumors in the mammary glands.
  4. Increases elasticity and strength of capillaries.
  5. It has a warming property, therefore it is used for inhalation for bronchitis.
  6. Vitamin A (antioxidant) ensures the full development of the body, improves vision, participates in the regeneration of epidermal cells, and supports the immune system.
  7. Vitamin D treats skin diseases, improves thyroid function, and helps with multiple sclerosis.
  8. Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, normalizes blood clotting, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents blood clots, and affects reproduction.
  9. Vitamin K prevents bleeding associated with poor blood clotting.
  10. Vitamin B group maintains hormonal balance, the female reproductive system.
  11. Choline improves brain activity.
  • Due to its bactericidal properties, the products are filled with oil and retain their freshness longer.
  • The daily norm is 30 g.
  • The oil can be heated.


  1. Calcium oil champion.
  2. Improves the condition of the thyroid gland and removes harmful salts from the joints in case of gout.
  3. Strengthens blood clotting (cores and varicose veins should be used with caution).
  4. Useful for pregnancy and hormonal imbalance.
  5. The complex of fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-9 normalizes fat metabolism and blood sugar levels, reduces the development of cancer, strengthens the immune system, improves the cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems.
  6. Improves the male reproductive system: erection, prostate function, the process of spermatogenesis.
  7. Useful for the digestive system: neutralizes high acidity, has a laxative, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.
  8. Stimulates collagen synthesis, making the skin firm and elastic.
  • Dark oil is not suitable for frying. Consumed only cold. Light - used in both cases.
  • Stored in a cool dark place in a sealed glass container.


  1. The best source of zinc, which is more than in seafood, therefore it is useful for male strength: it produces testosterone, improves the functioning of the prostate gland, helps in the treatment of prostatitis and urethra.
  2. Eases the painful condition during menopause and premenstrual periods, normalizes the ovarian cycle.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular and muscular systems.
  4. Vitamin E improves blood vessels and heart function. Reduces bad cholesterol and maintains blood pressure. It is useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, hypertension, anemia and coronary artery disease.
  5. It is indicated for cholelithiasis, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, kidney and bladder diseases.
  6. Cleans the body of toxins, toxins and carcinogens. Has a mild laxative effect.
  7. It has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antitumor properties.
  8. Effective for insomnia, headaches. Strengthens the immune system.
  • Quality oil does not taste bitter.
  • Consumed cold. Frying is not recommended.
  • Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. You cannot drink with water.


  1. The main plus is lecithin, which is necessary for the central nervous system and vision.
  2. The oil reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Recommended for pregnant women, because it is a source of vitamin E.
  4. Improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of heart attacks.
  • For preventive purposes use 1-2 tbsp. l. in a day.
  • Suitable for frying.
  • Stored for no more than 45 days.


Note: Nut butter is obtained from different types of nuts: pistachios, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts. The composition differs depending on the type of natural starting material. But the general characteristics are the same.

  1. The content of omega-6 fatty acids is up to 55%. Therefore, the oil helps with inflammatory and allergic reactions, improves the condition of the skin, joints, and moisturizes the cartilage tissue.
  2. Linoleic acid with vitamin E promotes the maturation of eggs and sperm, which helps in reproductive function.
  3. It is useful for the digestive, genitourinary, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, the work of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver.
  • Consume up to 25 g per day.
  • Stored in the refrigerator to keep it from going rancid.
  • The shelf life is long, while all the useful properties are preserved.

Grape seed

  1. Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids strengthen the blood and lymph walls of blood vessels, reduce their fragility and bleeding. Reduces blood cholesterol levels and the likelihood of thrombosis.
  2. A good remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, cardiovascular system, diabetic angiopathy and retinopathy.
  3. Improves the skin.
  4. Useful for diseases of the digestive system.
  5. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and regenerating effects.
  6. Necessary for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  7. Eases symptoms of premenstrual and climacteric syndrome.
  • Not to be confused with the oil of the same name, which is used in cosmetology. This is sold in a pharmacy and is not suitable for cooking. Only refined oil purchased in supermarkets is used for food.
  • Due to the high calorie content, they consume 1-2 tsp. in a day.

Other useful vegetable oils

The above products are the healthiest herbal products. But there are others no less healing.


  1. Strengthens the immune system, protects the body from bacteria, reduces the ability of viruses to adapt to antibiotics.
  2. Promotes weight loss, cleanses the intestines, normalizes metabolism, digestion and thyroid function.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, and cleanses the blood vessels.
  4. It does not emit harmful carcinogens during heat treatment.


  1. Contains oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic and arachidic acids.
  2. Stimulates the immune system, helps with allergic diseases.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of blood clots, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the blood, and reduces the amount of cholesterol.
  4. Normalizes the epidermis of the skin.


  1. Regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism.
  2. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, normalizes blood circulation and pressure.
  3. Promotes the treatment of the digestive system, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  4. It is useful for the treatment of joints, male and female infertility.
This is not the entire list of oils. There are exotic and not very popular, at the same time no less healing: tomato, apricot, peach, poppy, chili oil, black cumin, etc.

Thanks to the beneficial substances that make up the oils, almost all types are used in cosmetology. They are included in the composition of balms, creams, masks for skin, hair, face, body care.

Helpful video on 9 of the healthiest vegetable oils:

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