Home Flowers Under what moon to go on a diet. Unity with nature or lunar diet for weight loss. Braised green beans

Under what moon to go on a diet. Unity with nature or lunar diet for weight loss. Braised green beans

I love celery, and not only because it is very healthy! Salads with it are very tender, light and pleasant. The main thing is that all products are fresh. Easy to prepare and delicious!

The health benefits of celery are incalculable. Try this delicious celery soup!

After reading the name of this soup, there should be no questions about its purpose. This celery soup recipe is to help those who are losing weight.

Diet celery soup will help you burn extra pounds and cleanse your body of toxins. I advise you to eat this soup for at least a week. Cook the soup in half an hour! Be healthy and love yourself!

Here is a recipe for making a very simple soup with a delicate celery flavor. In addition to celery, the soup includes onions, butter, broth and spices. You will cook the soup in an hour. This soup is also suitable for weight loss.

This is a very healthy and easy-to-prepare celery root salad that will saturate your body with a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. For those who look after their health.

Turkey and celery salad - fresh, hearty, with many different flavors. This includes not only turkey and celery, but also sun-dried tomatoes, fresh rosemary. Yummy. Season with mayonnaise.

The celery and tuna salad is very easy to prepare and incredibly delicious! They can always surprise family and close friends. Perfect both for every day and for a festive table.

This light and healthy sauce will help you add flavor to familiar dishes. How to make celery sauce, you will learn from the recipe with step by step photos!

Celery can be used to make a delicious and healthy snack by stuffing it with goodies like tomatoes and goat cheese. Here's how to make stuffed celery!

Celery juice for weight loss is full of vitamins and minerals. And the body spends much more calories on its digestion than is contained in celery. The juice removes toxins and speeds up the metabolism.

So that you can only get enough of soup for lunch, I advise you to cook soups with cereals. The soup with pearl barley is very tasty. Cooked with vegetables. Very satisfying!

Lentil soup with celery one winter we ate in a cafe. The impression was strong, chilled and hungry, we quickly warmed up when they brought a thick soup. They asked for the recipe - here it is!

For a long time, everyone knows about the benefits of various juices and fresh celery is no exception. And its main benefit is to improve digestion, so it is ideal for those who have decided to lose weight.

For a light dinner or a diet lunch, you can prepare stewed celery with vegetables - a simple and delicious dish.

Celery with kefir for weight loss can be used in kefir unloading day. If someone wants to lose weight, then one cannot do without fasting days once every four days. Celery is your helper!

This soup with celery and chicken is suitable for both children and adults who care about their figure. It turns out to be rich, light enough and useful. And celery promotes a fast metabolism.

If you want to cook something new, then pork with celery is perfect. A spicy combination of meat and crispy celery is an original idea for a dinner.

A fragrant, tasty and low-calorie dish that came to us from the East. Meat with celery, complemented by walnuts, is a great idea for lunch or dinner.

Celery rarely appears in the kitchen of housewives, but in vain. This is a storehouse of vitamins, moreover, it contributes to weight loss. I suggest you try making a simple celery soup.

I make the celery root puree by adding onions and some potatoes. And also different spices and herbs, which makes my celery root puree tasty and healthy :) I give a proven recipe!

Celery has a specific taste that not everyone likes. But even the most fierce opponents of this vegetable should love the recipe for making a salad with shrimp and celery - it's so delicious that it is simply impossible to resist!

Chicken salad with celery can become not only a healthy snack, but also a delicious filling for pita. It is very simple and quick to prepare it. You will need chicken fillet, celery, onions and an apple.

I cook lean and healthy celery root soup when I want to unload the body and fill it with vitamins. There is no meat in it, not even meat broth, only vegetables. My friend is especially happy about this soup.

Homemade vegetable broth with celery is both tasty and very healthy. And you can cook it from what is slightly stuck in the refrigerator. But the main ingredient, of course, is celery.

Celery smoothie is a delicious and extremely healthy cocktail. This smoothie will provide your body with nutrients and help you lose weight. The perfect drink for dieters!

Vegetable soup with celery has been known to me for a very long time. True, for me this is a soup in the weight loss program, so I perceive it as useful and healing. I share the recipe - I hope it will come in handy for someone!

Celery is famous for its qualities, especially in terms of weight loss and saturation of the body with useful substances. True, you will not gnaw the root itself, but it is good for a creamy celery soup.

A spicy flavorful appetizer or glorious side dish comes from celery stalks. The stewed celery is cooked for 20-25 minutes. I add seasonal vegetables and my favorite spices to it. It turns out very tasty!

There is always a place for a salad with celery in my diet! After all, celery is not only tasty, but also a healthy vegetable. This simple celery salad recipe will help out when guests arrive unexpectedly.

I cook a very tender celery stalk salad for dinner or for an afternoon snack. It turns out to be light, but satisfying, and it is prepared in no time. This celery salad is full of vitamins and nutrients!

Celery salad for weight loss is a proven way to fight obesity. Celery has many beneficial substances and properties, including helping you to look great and be in good shape!

Celery puree soup is a very healthy dish! Delicate, aromatic and tasty soup will change your opinion about celery for the better. So, the recipe for celery puree soup is for your attention, gentlemen :)

If you want to know how to make a radish and celery salad so that it is not only healthy, but also truly delicious, this recipe is for you. The products are affordable, and the benefits are invaluable!

Celery and carrot salad

Celery and carrot salad is a real vitamin bomb. It is very simple to prepare it, there are a minimum of ingredients, but how much benefit this salad brings to the body you cannot even imagine.

All year round, an apple and celery shake can be your richest source of vitamins. However, this cocktail is not only very healthy, but also quite tasty. I share his simple recipe.

Celery salad is a very healthy salad that is full of fiber and protein. This is one of those vegetarian dishes that even people indifferent to vegetarianism eat with pleasure.

If you don't know what to cook from celery root, I recommend a celery salad with apples and eggs. This is a very easy to prepare but tasty and healthy salad. You will surely like it.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Celery is a valuable vegetable with many health benefits! It has been scientifically proven that by adding celery to the diet, a person not only does not acquire a single calorie, but also burns excess ones. Celery for weight loss is effective if consumed regularly. It will help you to feel better, tone up, get rid of signs of stress, and reduce the level of fatigue. Improving sleep and relieving stress are also positive aspects of consuming celery.

Useful properties of celery

By consuming this vegetable in food, you can immediately feel much more invigorated, thanks to the unique beneficial properties of celery:

  • regulation of stress hormone levels;
  • rejuvenation, toning of the body;
  • the content of nutrients - magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, a sufficient amount of vitamins.

Therefore, you can not only use a vegetable for effective weight loss, but also improve the condition of nails, hair, eyes. This vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins. Doctors recommend a celery diet for those suffering from gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, constipation, allergies, and other diseases. Due to the high content of vitamin C, this vegetable is able to support the immune system, and also helps to resist various inflammatory processes.

It is useful to use the vegetable for those who suffer from kidney disease or heart disorders, as well as people who lead an active life with regular exercise. Thanks to its unique composition, this product will give you vitality, help fight anemia, renal colic, regulate vital activity, restoring strength!

How does it help with weight loss

Doctors noted the low calorie content of the plant. This means that it takes more calories to digest than it can give. In 2 tablespoons of ground root, you will find a lot of useful substances, but you will find only 3 calories! Eat celery for weight loss and overall health promotion at the same time.

Try cooking this vegetable in a variety of ways:

  • bake or boil the root;
  • use the stem raw, as well as fry and simmer;
  • season various dishes, salads with seeds or leaves as herbs;
  • combine with meat, chicken, fish, seafood;
  • as a seasoning - for soups, cereals, salads.

A valuable component of this vegetable is juice, which is necessary for those who decide to include celery in their diet for weight loss. In order to reduce weight, it is necessary to consume celery root juice before meals in the amount of 2 teaspoons 3 times a day. As a natural laxative, it has a cleansing function, helping to normalize metabolism. If you mix celery, carrot, nettle, dandelion juices and add honey, the use of such a cocktail will not only help cleanse the body, but also improve blood circulation and appetite.

Celery Root Recipes

Many people regularly consume this vegetable, so a lot of recipes have long been invented that will suit even the most sophisticated gourmets! Soup, salad, main course dressing or an appetizing cocktail - all these recipes (see below) you can keep for yourself in order to delight your family every time with new dishes. Celery dishes are very nutritious; after eating them, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time.

Slimming salad

For a salad with celery to help you lose weight, it is better to combine cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and mushrooms in it. You can add beets or boiled eggs to the dish. Here are some famous recipes:

  • Salad is popular, where, for effective weight loss, the root crop is grated, poured with soy sauce and seasoned with balsamic vinegar. Ground black pepper can be used as a dressing. The salad is served on the table after 4 hours, when the aromas of the ingredients are mixed, and after standing in the refrigerator, it acquires exquisite flavors!
  • For those who prefer turnips and carrots, we suggest preparing the following dish. It is necessary to grate 200 g of the peeled plant tuber, mix with carrots and turnips, taken in the same proportions. Use 1 tbsp as a dressing. l. lemon juice and parsley.
  • A slimming salad based on boiled carrots and eggs will be appetizing. Cut 200 g of plant tubers into strips, mix with previously boiled carrots and 2 eggs. Add 1 fresh cucumber. We use 50 g of your favorite yogurt for dressing.


To prepare mashed potatoes, you need to wash and peel the root, cut into cubes, and then boil in water for 20-25 minutes. Grind the boiled celery in a blender, add warm cream, salt, garlic to taste. Parsley, dill, or other herbs are optional. Serve mashed potatoes on the table as a main course, as well as a side dish for meat or fish.


We bring to your attention a healthy recipe for a universal cocktail that will delight you not only with its healing properties, but also with a wonderful fresh taste! Apples (250 g) and celery (500 g) must be washed and peeled, then squeeze out the juice. Mix the resulting composition with 100 ml of tomato juice, season with chopped parsley. It is advisable to chill the drink before drinking.


Kefir for weight loss in combination with celery is effective as a diuretic, and also has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. However, with exacerbations of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, it should be used with caution. There are several basic recipes with these ingredients:

  • 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat), water (200 ml), 4 stalks of celery.
  • 1 liter of kefir (0%), 400 g of stems.
  • 1 liter of kefir (0%), a bunch of celery and parsley.
  • 1 liter of kefir, celery, cottage cheese (200 g).

Choose one of the options for yourself. Grind in a blender and use on fasting days. So that the same taste does not bother you, alternate the drinks you receive. Don't have a blender? It doesn't matter! This cocktail is easy to make without it. But you need a blender or a sharp knife to chop the greens. Try all of these recipes and choose the one you like best. The combination of celery with dairy products makes the diet shake more fortified.

What products can be combined with

Thanks to the universal formula of nutrients, taste, the vegetable goes well with other products. For example, with meat. Well, for people who do not like this vegetable, it is recommended, first of all, to combine it with an apple, ginger or honey. Additional ingredients are not only especially aromatic, but also contain a lot of useful substances.

With apple

Mix apple juice with celery juice. These products are just a storehouse of health. Drinking this cocktail for breakfast will help you satisfy your hunger before dinner. Thanks to the high fiber content in this vitamin smoothie, you will feel a boost of vivacity with a simultaneous increase in productivity and a burst of energy! The only condition is that the drink must be drunk freshly squeezed. This will give your body the maximum amount of nutrients it needs.

With ginger

Ginger Celery Salad is a great food for those looking to feel healthy and lose weight! Finely chop celery, ginger, then season with any vegetables that are available (except for high-calorie potatoes), and sprinkle with lemon juice. Take olive oil as a dressing. The combination of these products will not only be beneficial for your figure, hair and skin, but also for your overall well-being!

With honey

In order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, a good effect is obtained by combining honey with celery. Honey improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolism, the vegetable burns fat and removes toxins. To prepare the mixture, mix 500 g of peeled and ground root with 3 g of honey and add a little crushed lemon. We accept, chilled, 30 minutes before meals in the amount of 1 tbsp. l.

Celery is a very healthy plant known for its miraculous properties for a long time. People use it to lose weight, improve the functioning of internal organs and strengthen the immune system.

Celery root for weight loss

Celery was given to us by the Greeks, who considered it a magical remedy that prolongs youth and stimulates sexual activity. If you regularly eat celery, wrinkles and age spots will disappear, the skin will become elastic and beautiful, since the juice of this plant improves cell metabolism. Women who regularly consume celery find that they are no longer bothered by mood swings. This is quite possible, because celery normalizes hormones and improves the menstrual cycle. You can use the plant stewed, boiled and dried, but the raw product is most useful.

All parts of celery are good for you. But for weight loss, celery root is most suitable. It can be used to cook soup or make a salad. The root contains provitamin A, calcium, vitamins C, B and E, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium and essential oils.

If you eat celery every day, metabolic processes will normalize, which stimulate the digestive tract. You can use it in any quantity, because the plant is low-calorie and nutritious, therefore it saturates well and at the same time adds weight.

Celery is popular not only for those who monitor their weight, but also for athletes. After all, it removes excess fluid from the body, while they can have a snack without worrying about excess weight. You should not eat only celery, the weight will go away, and the skin will sag. The plant has a lot of useful substances, but there is no protein, and without this component, the normal functioning of the body is impossible.

The mono-diet can be kept for no more than four days. For weight loss, celery stalks (2 kg) are eaten raw throughout the day, while drinking three liters of water is recommended. You will have to give up coffee and tea.

Some people add asparagus to celery, which is a source of protein and makes the diet more balanced. You need to eat two kilograms of celery and two hundred grams of asparagus per day. Coffee, tea, sugar and salt are strictly prohibited. In order not to be hungry, you need to eat at least six celery stalks a day.

Celery juice for weight loss

For malaria, urticaria, diseases of the nervous system and liver, people drink celery juice. The sap of this plant purifies the blood and relieves many diseases. For maximum benefits, mix celery juice with dandelion or nettle juice, or add honey.

Celery juice for weight loss has been used for a long time. It not only improves metabolism, but also strengthens the immune system. In order not to gain extra pounds, you need to drink two teaspoons of celery juice three times a day half an hour before meals, while drinking at least one hundred milliliters of juice a day.

Celery juice is quickly absorbed, acting on the body at the cellular level. The vitamins, amino acids and minerals contained in celery juice improve mental and physical performance.

Celery Slimming Recipes

Celery normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity, improves the digestive tract, stimulating the production of gastric juice, treats nervous disorders and gives hormonal harmony to both men and women.

Celery weight loss recipes can be found in any cookbook or online. Many nutritionists recommend celery soup, which is easy to prepare and quick to digest. How to cook it? You need to take two liters of water, five hundred grams of celery, two carrots and two tomatoes, leeks and onions, as well as herbs. Vegetables are finely chopped, covered with water and brought to a boil. Then fried onions, bay leaves and spices are added. Boil a little and you can eat.

If a person decides to eat such a soup for a week, then on the first day you need to add any fruit to the diet, except for bananas and grapes. The next day, in addition to soup, you can eat any vegetables except potatoes, corn, peas and beans. The third day includes soup, permitted fruits and vegetables. On the fourth day, yogurt, whey or kefir are added to the celery soup. The fifth day consists of soup and lean beef. At the end of the week, it is allowed to eat raw vegetables and lean meats, as well as the aforementioned soup. Finally, fruits, vegetables and rice are added to the soup. As you can see, in order to lose weight, it is not at all necessary to eat only celery. The food can be quite decent and even varied.

Celery can be used to make stews. To do this, you need to take 500 grams of celery, the same amount of chicken meat, two small zucchini, three tomatoes, spices, juice from one lemon and herbs. The chicken should be grated with spices and fried in a pan. Put it in a saucepan, add coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs. Either stew on the stove, or send all this stuff to the oven.

Celery is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who suffer from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Celery soup for weight loss

Celery has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect, because it contains a large amount of vitamin C. The plant is considered a powerful diuretic, therefore it quickly reduces blood pressure and helps people who suffer from hypertension. Scientists have proven that celery slows down the development of malignant tumors.

The plant is cheap and affordable, it grows and is sold everywhere. Celery can be used to make soup, salad, stew, juice or cocktail. Or you can just eat like a carrot or an apple.

Celery soup for weight loss can be thought up on your own, or you can find it on the Internet. A very tasty soup will turn out if you add two carrots, two onions, cabbage (300 grams) and two bell peppers to the celery (400 grams). This soup is cooked for twenty minutes, at the end you can add a glass of tomato juice or a couple of peeled tomatoes. In fact, you can add anything you want except potatoes. Some add black pepper, garlic or herbs. Celery soup for those who want to lose weight should be on the table for four days, except for it you can eat only fruits and vegetables. Then gradually add lean meat and dairy products.

The diet should be combined with moderate exercise and smoking cessation. You cannot eat like this for more than two weeks, exhaustion may begin. In two weeks, it will take from five to seven kilograms, while losing weight will not be tormented by a feeling of hunger at all.

Slimming celery salad

In order for the weight to go away smoothly, you need to eat celery salad for dinner. How to cook it? You can add an apple to the celery. Raisins, lemon juice, walnuts, and sour cream. To speed up the metabolism, some people add spices such as cinnamon, cumin, pepper, or coriander.

The following celery salad for weight loss can be prepared this way. Cucumbers, carrots and a boiled egg are added to the celery. The whole feast is refueled with sour cream, olive oil or yogurt. Some people like to add cabbage, leeks, orange, or boiled beets to celery.

The diet should provide the body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. If something is not enough for a person, the body will begin to deplete and problems will appear in the work of internal organs.

Slimming celery cocktail

Those who have lost weight with celery know that for dinner you need to eat a salad with this vegetable, and start the morning with a cocktail. How to make a celery slimming shake? You need to take fifty grams of low-fat yogurt, one lime and a bunch of celery. The components are ground in a blender and mixed with yoghurt. Some people add bran to this cocktail.

Celery can be mixed with dill and half a lemon. Moreover, the lemon does not need to be peeled, it is enough just to wash it. The ingredients are also ground with a blender and yogurt is added. You can add parsley, apples, bananas, pears, peaches and so on to the cocktail.

Celery for weight loss reviews

Elizabeth is 27 years old. Odintsovo. I've tried a lot of diets. As soon as I did not exhaust my body. The result was not always. For two weeks I was on a diet where you can eat celery dishes. I lost five kilograms and I liked it. But what I want to say is that losing weight is not difficult, especially there is a goal. It is much more difficult to stay on top of Olympus. In order not to gain the lost pounds again, you need not only to limit yourself, but to revise your diet and lifestyle at the root. For example, after the last diet, I decided that I would eat celery every day. After all, it is necessary for the body not only for losing weight, but also for the normal functioning of all internal organs. Therefore, if I have time, then in the morning I make a celery cocktail, if I am very late, then in the evening I cut a salad with this vegetable. It is always in the refrigerator, and it doesn't matter what time of day I eat it.

Konstantin is 20 years old. Lyubertsy. I have been involved in sports since childhood. In order to be in good shape, I need to not only constantly train, but also monitor my diet. Several years ago, a trainer talked about the beneficial properties of celery and recommended everyone to try this vegetable. I want to admit that at first I did not like the taste and smell of celery, but gradually I got used to it and began to enjoy absorbing it.

Tatiana is 35 years old. Moscow. I read reviews of celery for weight loss on the Internet and decided to try this vegetable on myself. I liked everything and soups, and stews, and juice, and salads, and even a cocktail. The most interesting thing is that it does not get boring, because salads and soups can be combined with any vegetables. The diet turns out to be not only useful, but also varied. Even my husband and children support me, because they always agree to eat the celery dishes I have prepared.

Victoria is 46 years old. Samara. I don't like celery, despite all its usefulness. The taste and smell disgust me, so I will never lose weight with the help of this vegetable. Apparently, this is still not mine. I'd rather not eat sweets and starchy foods, but start running in the morning than choke on celery.

How to use celery in meals to lose weight? The benefits and harms of celery.

The benefits of celery

The magical and healing properties of celery have been used since ancient Greece. The plant was used to decorate the dwelling from evil spirits. Wreaths were made from celery leaves and the winners were glorified.

Despite the fact that celery has been known in the culinary art for a long time, the real glory of the vegetable came only recently. Today, scientists have studied all parts of a beneficial plant: petioles, leaves, roots and seeds.

Celery is a very beautiful spice plant. The green stalks of the vegetable are extremely crunchy, juicy and filled with vitality and strength.

What does celery contain?

  • Cellulose- the main component of the plant. We can say that in terms of the amount of fiber, the vegetable does not know its own kind. Regular consumption of celery leads to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation
  • Apigenin Is the main flavonoid of celery. It has an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. Scientists have recently discovered the anti-cancer properties of apigenin
  • Luteolin- a flavin derivative. The substance eliminates inflammatory processes in the brain, improves, prevents dementia
  • Vitamin C(With 3.1 mg) allows celery to occupy a worthy place among immunomodulatory plants. restores the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes physiological processes in the skin
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) stimulates the production of serotonin - "the hormone of happiness", takes work in the synthesis of protein, some enzymes
  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A) affects skin structure and vision
  • Potassium saturates and nourishes the heart muscle - myocardium
  • Sodium provides osmosis in cells and regulates water balance
  • Calcium affects the development of bone tissue, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses
  • Magnesium participates in the restoration of cells and enzymatic reactions. Relieves nervous tension, regulates mood
  • Iron- an important element in the process of hematopoiesis, provides tissue cells with oxygen

Celery is a source of vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: Celery is free of cholesterol and saturated fat.

Video: Useful properties of celery

How is celery good for you?

  • The use of celery increases the vitality of the body, disappears, lethargy and apathy
  • Celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system
  • Celery stalks and roots are indispensable for weight loss
  • Celery is a well-known aphrodisiac. The vegetable is good for the male body
  • The plant increases and prevents the occurrence of

Celery for weight loss

IMPORTANT: Celery is an ideal weight loss product. All parts of the plant practically do not contain (100 g / 16 kcal).

Nutritionists around the world have recognized celery as the # 1 vegetable for weight loss. dishes with celery are well absorbed, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen and remove excess fluid.

Fasting day on celery and kefir

We offer an express technique for losing weight on celery, etc. Such weight loss should not be practiced more than once every 10 days.

It is best to arrange a fasting day on a day off, avoiding great physical and mental stress.

The main products of the express diet: 1.5 liters of 1% and 300 g of celery, which should be consumed during the day. You are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity to suppress hunger. This technique assumes weight loss by 1-1.5 kg per day.

IMPORTANT: Celery requires more calories to digest than the plant itself.

Harm of celery, contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of celery, there is a category of people who should use this vegetable with caution.

  • In case of heavy and uterine bleeding, it is not recommended to consume all parts of the plant raw. Apiol, found in celery, contributes and can cause abundant
  • For the same reason, pregnant women are not advised to consume large quantities of celery. This can provoke uterine contraction and create
  • Celery should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy. Vegetable can cause epileptic seizures
  • Raw celery can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This fact must be taken into account by patients with gastrointestinal ailments. In this case, it is recommended to use stewed or boiled celery.

Celery stalk recipes for weight loss

Juicy celery stalks are used to prepare various slimming dishes: side dishes, first courses.

Salad with celery, apple and tofu for weight loss

Celery and watermelon

An excellent diuretic that improves the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Beat two celery stalks in a blender with watermelon pulp. Use the resulting juice in small portions throughout the day.

Celery, cucumber, parsley and lemon are the perfect juicing combination

Celery, parsley, cucumber and lemon

Freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables perfectly reduces weight, tones the body, strengthens it, and normalizes kidney function. Beat two celery stalks, a cucumber and a small bunch of parsley in a blender. Add lemon juice squeezed out of the mug. The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Celery, carrot and apple

Grate the celery stalk. Do the same with carrots and apples. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. This cocktail is good for eyesight, skin texture and color. In addition, the juice will help strengthen the immune system and. Regular consumption of the juice will help you lose weight.

Celery root vegetable salad with carrots can be called a type of salad. Vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestinal wall from toxins. This salad enhances peristalsis, metabolic processes and has a diuretic effect.

For those who want to lose a few extra pounds - this salad is indispensable in the diet. You can arrange one fasting day a week by eating a salad of celery and carrots without salt.

A few tips for losing weight on a celery diet
  • For weight loss on a celery diet, use all parts of the plant: succulent petioles, roots and leaves
  • Prepare a variety of celery dishes. This will diversify the daily diet, will be easy and stress-free.
  • Use the minimum amount of salt in dishes with celery, and it is better to do without it altogether.
  • While on celery, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water
  • Small physical activity during a diet will help you lose extra pounds faster.

Video: The benefits of celery

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