Home Indoor flowers Develop a mental body. The mental body. Meditation in the absence of any thoughts

Develop a mental body. The mental body. Meditation in the absence of any thoughts

How to make your mind powerful, able to quickly find effective solutions! Learn a simple and effective exercise to develop your mental body!

According to ancient esoteric knowledge, a person has several bodies, and the physical body is only one of many. The rest of the bodiescalled thin andare not visible to normal vision becauseare at other vibrational frequencies.

Each subtle body has its own functions, and in this article we will talk about the development of the mental body.

The mental body is responsible for all intellectual and mental activity of a person. All your thoughts, statements and beliefs are born in the mental body. It contains those worldview models by which you live.

It is located at its own vibration frequency of the mental plane and surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of about half a meter from the physical body.

To make your mind powerful and fast, the mental body must be trained in the same way as the physical. One of the options for training the mental body is the exercise below.

Step 1: meditation on developing mental abilities

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable body position, closes his eyes and relaxes all muscles;

2. After some time, he will fall into a meditative state of consciousness, which is necessary for work.

3. The practitioner begins to imagine himself from the outside, to imagine a spherical shell of the mental body around him.

4. He fills it with different colors of the rainbow: he imagines how the colors shimmer in the sphere surrounding the physical body.

5. After that, a person begins to imagine how an exchange of information takes place in the mental body, a constant movement of energy. He represents, as if hundreds, thousands, millions of gigabytes of information of various types pass through the mental body, and this process is intensified.

6. After ten minutes of concentration, the practitioner finishes: calms the mind, tries to "throw" all thoughts out of the head, concentrating on the sensation of the physical body.

7. Returns to its normal state and opens its eyes.

Step 2: exercise to develop the mental body

Exercise for the development of mental abilities:

1. The practitioner chooses an interesting book on a topic that encourages reflection, analyze the text contained in it.

2. The person reads several sentences at a slow pace, and then carefully thinks through the information read. The practitioner analyzes the text read from every point of view that he can think of.

No need to build restrictions, you need to take into account all possible thoughts that come to mind! Your goal is to strengthen your mental abilities and develop your mental body.

3. At the initial stage of practice, this exercise should take no more than 15 minutes; with the development of the skill, the time can be increased to half an hour.

Also, at the first attempts to think intensively, a person can quickly get tired. Attention and mind should get stronger, get used to the stress.

Gradually, with daily practice, you will begin to notice how your thinking power increases; mental abilities will be strengthened several times.

Soon the mental body will become stronger - the ability to solve complex life tasks in a short period of time will appear.

It is necessary to remember well: training of superpowers should be performed regularly - this is the main guarantee of success!

The mental subtle body of a person - the fourth from the bottom after, corresponds to the development of the mind. The mental body, like other subtle bodies, performs its own special and irreplaceable function. Mental energy, which actually fills and nourishes the mental body, is necessary for a person and his consciousness to work with thoughts, ideas, for reflection, search for solutions and any mental activity.

You can read about all subtle bodies and their development. In this article, we take a closer look at the Mental body and its purpose.

Mental body - structure and function

The mental body has a shell at a distance of 30-50 cm from the surface of the physical body. The mental energy that fills the mental body is white, in structure it is porous like asbestos, but at the same time light and clean. It feeds our thoughts, our mind, determines the speed and efficiency of thinking.

People who do not train, do not develop their minds, have a meager, weak, mental body, slowly flowing thoughts, often they are not able to generate ideas and work with them effectively.

And vice versa, people of mental professions, scientists, teachers, those who work with knowledge, with ideas - have a strong and developed mental body. But if a person violates the principles of thinking (one of them is a principle), the development of his mental body and his mind is karmically blocked.

Purposeful development of your metal body. Those people who, for example, through meditation, begin to train, fill with energy, develop the Mental body - automatically strengthen the abilities of their mind. When there is an excess of energy in the mental body, restoration, strengthening and disclosure of abilities automatically begins, the abilities of understanding are sharpened, the ability to penetrate into the essence of things and phenomena is revealed. A person begins to think faster (to think) and simply stops “stupid” :)

How to develop and train your mental body?

1. Engage in mental activity, constantly train the mind, solving some complex problems. Life or math problems are already the second question. It is important that the mind is active, not overgrown with fat, not lazy, but doing something useful, solving important problems, and the harder the better.

2. Meditation and thoughtlessness - the technique of a quick, almost instantaneous collection of energy (if it is well mastered). The mental body, being filled with energy in meditation, in many ways itself begins to grow, unpack, heal and recover.

3. Special energy-informational (special formulas), designed specifically for the unblocking and development of the mental body. But the techniques themselves can be given only in the corresponding classes, when working with.

Productive work for you with the mental body and the disclosure of the abilities of the mind!

And if you have any questions as you read the article - feel free to them, we will try to answer!

If you count from below, the mental body will be the fourth in a row. It corresponds to the mind and is closely related to the anahata chakra. It is often called the mental, mental, intellectual, thought body.

Like any other subtle body, the metal one has its own unique functions. The nutrition of this body is provided due to the influx of mental energy into it, which is directly involved in all processes of mental activity, for example:

  • in the formation of consciousness and thoughts
  • in generating ideas
  • in memorizing and reproducing information
  • looking for solutions
  • in the logical construction of phrases

What is the structure of the mental body?

The mental body is filled with mental energy, which has a porous structure and a translucent milky color, it is pure and weightless. This body surrounds the corresponding part of the physical body, protruding about 40 cm above its surface. The shell of the intellectual body is practically transparent, it is almost impossible to define it, it seems to merge with the environment.

What are the functions of the mental body?

Energy that fills the space of the mental body, predetermining their efficiency and speed. A person who does not work on his mental body, does not develop it regularly, is distinguished by a lethargic mind. He is unable to respond quickly to emerging situations, as well as to effectively resolve problems. He is not even able to quickly find the correct answer to the question.

As a result, the mental body becomes softer and weaker, and the course of thought processes becomes extremely sluggish. Over time, a person can finally lose the already undeveloped one, and also work with them, deriving practical benefit.

Those who are accustomed to constantly working with ideas, creating, creating projects have a very strong and well-trained mental body. For example, the owners of such a body are everyone whose professional activity is related to the acquisition and transfer of knowledge to others from various fields. These are educators, researchers, experts, etc.

People who have chosen meditation activities as a tool for developing and filling their intellectual body with energy automatically strengthen their own minds. When mental energy is in excess, development processes are automatically triggered and, memory is sharpened. A person begins to delve deeper into the essence of problems, phenomena and things, better understanding them. In a word, it appears.

Anahata activation

This implies the desire to realize all the principles and functions of the fourth chakra. This will contribute to the rapid development of outstanding abilities, the removal of energy blocks,. A bonus will be, as well as filling the mental body with only positive mental energy.

Meditation in the absence of any thoughts

This technique is not easy to master. But, if you manage to do this, you can very quickly (almost instantly) fill your mental body with powerful energy. Filling with it in the process, the body begins to grow, develop, get stronger. As a result, there is a complete restoration of its structure and functionality.

Mental activity

You need to constantly train your mind by solving logical, and any other problems. They can be both mathematical and vital. The more difficult the tasks, the better. You should also improve your horizons by reading various literature. It is very important that thinking "does not grow fat", but is always in good shape.

Communicating with a Spiritual Healer

The mental body is often negatively affected from the outside. Sometimes it is so serious that it is not possible to cope with the problem on your own. Then it is advisable to seek the help of a specialist in spiritual practices, the so-called spiritual healer. It will help neutralize the blocking effect and eliminate all negativity from the anahata and the mental body.

Esoteric structure of man

What is the highest nature of man? The diagram shows that man is threefold in nature. It consists of three components: spirit, soul and body. Many people confuse spirit and soul, or for them it is the same thing. In fact, there is a significant difference. The soul is born as a result of the interaction of spirit and matter.

The location of the soul is on the third subplane of the mental plane. Spirit (monad and spiritual triad) occupies higher planes: monadic, atmic, buddhic and the first sub-plane of the mental plane. The spiritual triad is threefold (spiritual will, buddhi - intuition, mind) and is the manifested component of the threefold monad (will, love, active cognition). This corresponds, in Christian terminology, to the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit (mother - matter). Together they constitute the One, which is one in three.

In fact, it is very difficult to convey to the consciousness of an ordinary person the concept of what we call spirit, so the understanding of the nature of the One Life remains relative. The true understanding of the aspect of Life or spirit is available only to a person who has an initiated consciousness. Nevertheless, let us try to approach this issue from the plane of the mind and the law of correspondence. “The word“ spirit ”is used in relation to that vague, elusive essential impulse, or Life, which is the root cause of all manifestation. This is the breath of Life and that rhythmic inflow of vital energy, which manifests itself, in turn, as an attracting force, like consciousness or soul, and is the aggregate of atomic substance. This correspondence in the great Existence, or Macrocosm, to that in the small existence, or microcosm, is the life-inspiring factor that we call human life. The latter is evidenced by bodily breath, which is removed, or emanated, after the expiration of life. The Source of the One Life, that plane, or the state from which this Life emanates, is the great Hidden Secret for the members of the Hierarchy of Adepts. The nature of the spirit, its quality and type of cosmic energy, the speed of its vibration and its basic cosmic differentiations are studied by initiates of a high degree and constitute the subject of their research. In these studies, they use fully developed intuition, plus the mental ability for interpretation that they have developed during the cycle of incarnations. They use the awakened and revealed inner light of their souls to interpret and comprehend that Life that (being separated from the world of forms) flows at the highest levels of consciousness and penetrates into our solar system from a certain outer center of being. This life principle, or the basic essence of Being, this mysterious elusive factor, corresponds in a person to what we call spirit, or Life, in the Macrocosm. Just as the life in a person keeps connected, animates, animates and activates the form, thus making him a living entity, so the Life of God - as the Christian calls it - embodies the same plan of the Universe and creates a coherent, living life ensemble that we call the solar system.

The life principle in man is manifested in three forms:

1. As directed will, purposefulness, basic motivation. It is a dynamic energy that makes a creature act, brings it into existence, sets the duration of its life, leads it through years, long and short, and is removed at the end of its life cycle. This is the spirit in a person, manifested as the will to live, be, act, achieve goals, develop. In its lowest aspect, it works through the mental body, or mental nature, and the dense, physical body is perceived by the brain.

2. As a binding force. This is that outstanding essential quality that makes any person different from another, which determines a complex set of moods, desires, qualities, complexes, psychological clamps, feelings and traits that make up the special psyche of each person. It is the result of an interaction between Spirit or an energy aspect or Matter or bodily nature. This is a characteristic subjective person, his color, or an individual note; it is this force that determines the rate of vibrational activity of the body, produces a special type of form, is responsible for the condition and nature of organs, glands and for the appearance. This is the soul, which - in its lowest aspect - works through the emotional, or astral, nature, and in the dense physical body - through the heart.

3. As the activity of atoms and cells that make up the physical body. This is the sum of those small lives that make up the human organs that make up the whole person. Each of them has its own life and individual consciousness. This aspect of the life principle works through the etheric or life body, and in the dense mechanism of tangible form through the spleen.

A. Bailey defines a person very well in his Treatise on Cosmic Fire: “Man is a product of the union between spirit and matter. It is the meeting place of matter, or actively cognizing substance and spirit, or basic will. He is a child born of marriage, or union. He enters into objectivity in order to express what is in each of both opposites, plus the result of merging in himself ... Thus the Son is born. Active knowledge and will unite, and the result is Love-Wisdom, being improved in the course of evolution ... ”. Thus, the human being is threefold, manifesting itself as spirit, soul and body, or, respectively, a monad, ego, personality.

Three aspects of the spirit and, accordingly, three aspects of the soul represent three qualities of energy, one of which is associated with the energy of Will (First Ray), the other is associated with the energy of Love (Second Ray), and the third is the energy associated with the aspect of Knowledge (Third Ray) ...

The previous Solar System, the first in a row, accumulated the energy of Active Cognition (now this energy is being accumulated by the Planetary Logos - the Earth). Our Solar system, in which we live, is the second in a row, and it develops the quality of Love; the next Solar System will develop the principle of Will.

Since a person is a lesser component of the Solar System, and, consequently, of the Planetary Logos (a person together with deva * entities is a cell of the body of the Planetary Logos), this means that a person also accordingly develops the quality of Love. Christ came to Earth with precisely that mission to show people what Love is. It is about Spiritual Love, the expression of which is an outstanding quality of the soul. This quality is very important, because it is through it that harmony is achieved, and correct human relationships are built, which are the basis for maintaining peace and true brotherhood on Earth. This is why the soul in a human being is often called the "Christ Principle." And about the person in whom the soul has awakened, they speak of the person in whom Christ was born; the soul is the power of evolution itself, and this is what St. Paul had in mind when he proclaimed: "Christ is in you, the hope of glory."

* Deva (or angel, in Christian terminology). In Sanskrit, "radiant deity." Deva is a heavenly being: good, bad, or neutral. Devas are divided into many groups and are called not only angels and archangels, but also small and large builders.

The spirit in a person is immanent in nature, but it is one with other spirits, other human beings, as well as with the spirit of the Planet and the Solar System, since, in fact, it has no form, is nonlocal and omnipresent. Consequently, man, the planetary system and the solar system are a single organism. When there is a disorder in a single organism, for example, in the human body, there is a congestion of energies and, as a result, illness. At the same time, when discord between people arises, a disease arises on Earth, expressed in conflicts and wars between people. There is only one treatment - only through the expression of Spiritual Love can mutual understanding and coherence in actions and thinking be achieved. Discord arises as a result of egoistic perception of the world and the desire to satisfy lower desires.

The soul is the middle principle that unites spirit and matter and makes it possible for a person to realize and come closer to understanding unity, i.e. God. “The soul, macroscopic and microscopic, world and human, is that essence that manifests itself when the spiritual aspect and the material aspect unite with each other:

a) therefore, the soul is not spirit and not matter, but a connection between them;
b) the soul is a mediator between this duality; it is the middle principle, the link between God and His form.

The soul manifests itself in different ways in different kingdoms of nature. However, its function remains the same, whether we are dealing with an atom of substance, or with a form, one of the three kingdoms of nature, which retains its integrity, has its own characteristic features, leads its own instinctive life and moves as one whole to something higher and better.

1. The soul is what gives the distinctive properties and provides the various manifestations of the form;

2. The soul acts on matter, forcing it to take specific outlines; to be responsible for certain vibrations and create those specific phenomenal forms that we classify in the world of the physical plane as mineral, vegetable, animal and human, and for the initiate some other forms.

3. The quality, vibrations, colors and properties of all the kingdoms of nature are the essence of the qualities of the soul, as well as the latent abilities that seek expression and demonstrate their potencies within any form; in their sum, at the end of the evolutionary period, they will reveal the nature of the Divine Life and that Oversoul, which reveals the character of God;

4. Thus, the soul is the outstanding aspect of any form that senses, registers impressions, attracts and repels, responds or refuses to respond and keeps all forms in constant vibrational activity;

5. This is the perceiving entity, this is what, in the plant world, for example, causes a response to the sun's rays and the opening of a bud; in the animal kingdom, this is what makes possible the love of an animal for its owner, makes it possible to hunt for prey and live an instinctive life; in a person, this is what gives him awareness of his environment and his group, allows him to live his life in the three worlds of his normal evolution as an observer and comprehending actor.

The soul is threefold in nature and has the corresponding aspects, like the spirit: will-atma, love-buddhi, and manas-mind (matter). To realize the reality of the existence of the soul and live by its principles means consciously embarking on the Path of Discipleship, which will further lead a person to the process of integration with the inner Reality. Everyone has a soul, but few have enough expression. Therefore, you yourself should direct your gaze to her. Only through conscious striving, meditation and service can the path to one's own soul be paved. Only then does it shed Light into the minds of people, and they become enlightened. Such people perceive peace and unity differently than ordinary average people.

Since the soul has two qualities - Love and Light, as well as an instinct to serve people, its only desire is to serve and express the Light. All lower desires are brought under control. This is carried out thanks to the alignment of the three lower bodies: physical, astral and mental, as well as their further integration into a single personality, which in the process of evolution becomes an instrument for the work of the soul.

Human bodies, in another way, are called conductors, since they conduct energies: from the astral and mental planes; from the plane of the soul; the energy of the planetary aura, as well as the energy of the solar system.

You can often hear expressions: physical vehicle (dense and ethereal), astral vehicle, mental vehicle.

According to eastern terminology, the human Spirit - Yang - is an active, attacking principle, positive in nature, which was thrown down into the gross, physical, dense world, as a result of which the so-called localized physical matter, negative in its properties, arose there. ; passive and perceiving, which corresponds to the beginning - Yin. As a result of the union of spirit and matter, negative and positive principles, a middle, connecting, balancing principle is born - Dan, or Soul, which also corresponds to the Son, Christ. This beginning Dan is capable, on the one hand, of controlling matter - on the other hand, ensuring the creation of new forms of manifestation of spirit, as a result of the meaningful activity of matter.

The esoteric teaching on the hierarchy of human bodies defines seven bodies:

  1. physical body
  2. etheric body
  3. astral body
  4. mental body (lower mind, Manas)
  5. causal body
  6. buddhic body (abstract mind)
  7. atmanic, or nirvanic body (body of the spiritual mind).

The physical body is the grossest part of the being, which has the ability to directly influence the surrounding material and more subtle worlds. It is a temple of a living spirit and an instrument of creativity.

The etheric body is a double of the physical body and does not separate from it during life. Through it, the energetic principle (prana) is manifested in the physical world.

The astral body is the original, according to which the physical body is built and can be separated from it, fastened with a thin thread, act and receive impressions without the mediation of the physical body and its organs.

The mental body is a conductor and transformer of thoughts. A person does not create his thoughts, but simply transforms his participation in the phenomena of life into thought. Intense desires create thoughts of form that seek to satisfy those desires.

The causal body of causes directly ascends to the Absolute and determines all other principles. The cause body is the soul's incarnation experience. The properties and abilities of a person are recorded in him and stored as embryos that need to be developed. This body is saved from life to life, leaving memories.

The budhic body, like the atmanic one, is in an embryonic state and develops with the expansion of consciousness, entering with its life the Laws and Principles of Existence.

The atmanic (nirvanic) body is associated with the pleasure center system in the limbic system of the brain. The manifestation of life in him is characterized by freedom. It develops during the purification and harmonization of the lower bodies.

The last two bodies make up the Monad. Monad is an energy field (body) that reincarnates into different beings and goes through all the circles. Monad (from the Greek. Monas, "unit") - the simplest element, an indivisible particle of being; in occultism - the basis of human essence, uniting the causal body and the body of the spiritual mind. Known since antiquity; in the Middle Ages, the monad was called the "root" substance not only of man, but of all complex things. The monad is asexual, which ensures reincarnation in both male and female forms. According to Leibniz, it is a kind of "atom", a spiritual unit of being, possessing the ability of perception (perception) and apperception (active action). No two monads are alike. Monads are also of a different order: there are lower (monads of stones, plants), there are higher (animals, humans), and the highest (God).

According to theosophical anthropology, two lower human bodies are composed of substances related to the Dense World:

  • the first of these is the physical body visible to an ordinary person;
  • the second body is etheric, which is an exact copy of the physical body and appears to be black-purple or gray-blue to the clairvoyant.

Vibrations, perceived by the receptors of the nervous system of the dense body, enter the corresponding nerve centers, which are capable of signaling their arrival to the etheric double. The response vibrations of the latter generate, on the one hand, electromagnetic currents in the nervous system, and on the other, currents associated with the astral body, which, in turn, communicates with consciousness, transforming "sensation" into "perception".

The third body is astral, it surrounds and permeates the dense body. The points of "cohesion" of these bodies are the human nervous system, and the intermediate, connecting substance is the etheric body. In the earthly life of a person, the astral body performs two functions, namely, it controls all the automatic actions of the dense body (digestion, blood circulation, intracellular exchange, etc.) and carries out that type of human activity, which we call feelings, desires, passions.

The nervous system is a transformer of high vibrations of the astral body into commands that are accessible to the perception of the physical body. The astral body is larger than the physical one and stands out by 20-30 cm in all directions.

Periodic access to the Astral World, carried out during sleep, is necessary for the Astral Body, as it enables it to accumulate energy.

The Subtle World is followed by the Mental World, the higher sub-planes of which are called the Fiery World.

A person is endowed with a mental body composed of the substances of the Mental World and including the centers of consciousness - chakras. The human mental body is egg-shaped and penetrates into the astral, etheric and dense bodies. The functions of the mental are the manifestation of will and thinking. In these types of human activity, the centers of the higher nervous system play the role of converters of high-frequency vibrations of the mental into signals that are accessible to the perception of a dense body.

The process of human thinking is carried out by special centers of his mental body, which are united by the concept of Manas. The activity of these centers - thinking - is the creation of certain vibrations in the substances of the mental world.

The properties of the substances of the Mental World differ from the properties of the substances of the Astral World. Any vibration (ie, thought) that arises in the Mental Body never fades away by itself, it can only be "extinguished" by vibrations of the opposite content. Thought can be transmitted to any distance with almost instantaneous speed, or it can be localized in space.

The Mental World is the true homeland of a person (more precisely, the true homeland of a person is the higher sub-planes of the Mental World, that is, the Fiery World, "open" to the Higher Worlds).

The mental sphere, which is closest to the astral one, is separated from it by the difference of the matter of which it is composed. Life in the mental sphere is more active than in the astral, and its forms are more plastic. The spirit-matter of this sphere is much more vivified and more refined than even the highest matter of the astral sphere.

Man “lives” in the three lower worlds, acting in the Dense World, feeling in the Astral World and manifesting his mind in the Mental World.

The next after the Mental World is the World of Intuition, or the World of Bliss. The centers with which a person perceives this World and with the help of which he "acts" in it are united under the name of the Intuitive Body, or Buddhi.

Occasionally, some people experience what we call insight. This is a short-term penetration into the World of Intuition, which is available to an ordinary person.

The intellect is not able to understand a higher than itself, forms of movement - intuition. Sufficiently developed intuition is often called spiritual reason and straight-knowledge (the terms "supermind" and "superconsciousness" in occultism are used to denote levels of consciousness that are significantly superior to intuition).

The fifth sphere - nirvanic - corresponds to the highest aspect of God within us, and this aspect is called in Theosophy "Atman", or the higher "I". This is the sphere of pure being and divine forces in their fullest manifestation in our fivefold universe. Atmic consciousness, or nirvanic consciousness, is a consciousness that is possessed by only a few who have outstripped all of humanity and have already completed the cycle of human evolution (Great Teachers). Nirvanic consciousness is the antithesis of annihilation - it is being, heightened to such a high degree of vitality and intensity, which is inconceivable to those who know only one life of the senses and the earthly mind.

Above the World of Nirvana is the Monadic World, and even higher is the Divine World. These two last worlds are said to be inaccessible to our understanding at this stage of human evolution, therefore, almost nothing is known about them.

Now let's look at the first four bodies in more detail.

Etheric body

Now let's talk about vehicles, paying special attention to the etheric vehicle, created from ether and permeating the visible body, just as ether permeates all other forms, with the only difference being that human beings assimilate much more of the ether of the universe than other forms. This vital body is our instrument for assimilating the life energy of the sun.

The etheric body is the exact matrix of its dense twin, serves as an organ of active, or radiating fire, and, as is well known, as a conductor of prana. Its function is to accumulate rays of light and heat that emanate from the Sun and transmit them through the spleen to all parts of the physical body. Therefore, in the future, the realization will come that the spine and spleen are extremely important for the physical well-being of a person. If the spinal column is in proper condition and aligned, and the spleen is free from blockages and healthy, then in the dense physical body there will be little opportunity for the development of ailments. When the physical furnace burns brightly and the body's fuel (pranic rays) is properly absorbed, the human body functions as required.

The etheric body is an important aspect of the world substance that scientists and researchers will have to study. Such a time will come sooner if thinking people try to formulate reasonable ideas about this interesting subject. Through clear thinking about current knowledge of the ether, an understanding of etheric forms or bodies will come to be. In the study of the etheric body, a more complete understanding of the laws of matter and health appears (for scientists and physicians). In the past, the word health was interpreted too narrowly, and the whole meaning was reduced to the health of the bodily basis, to the coordinated action of the atoms of the physical body of a person and to the full expression of the forces of the physical elemental. Nowadays, many already realize that human health depends on all related evolutions and on the coordinated action and expression of the matter of the Planet and the Planetary Elemental, which is the combined action of the physical elementals of all manifested nature. Everything in nature is interconnected, there is no separation.

Elementals are the spirits of the elements; the inhabitants of the four kingdoms, or elements: earth, air, fire and water, with the exception of a few beings of a higher order and their rulers, they represent the forces of nature.

Everything - every form, every organism in any form, all aspects of manifested life in every kingdom in nature - is closely interconnected through the planetary etheric body (of which all etheric bodies are its constituent parts) that underlies all that is. No matter how insignificant this fact is for you, no matter how useless it may seem - the table on which you write, the flower that you hold in your hand, the horse you are riding, the person with whom you are talking - all are included with you. into the gigantic circulating life of the planet, flowing in, flowing in and out of every aspect of formal nature. The only difference between the two is the difference in consciousness. There is one life flowing through a mass of forms, in their sum making up the planet - as we know it.

The etheric body is a means for the transmission of many types of energies, but it is not only a transmitter of prana, but also a means of manifestation of all energies. Thus, the etheric body is also important in solving other problems:

a) being literally matter of the physical plane, etheric consciousness represents the next step forward for the race. This will at first be demonstrated as an opening of etheric vision and the ability to cognize etheric matter;

b) in the near future, it will become a field for research by modern scientists. For ten years, many medical professionals have recognized the etheric body as a fact of nature;

c) most of the diseases that the physical body suffers from in our time have their roots in the etheric body. Purely physical diseases are few, if any. The source of illness is in the astral and etheric states;

d) the secret of safe healthy clairvoyance and clairaudience is to purify the etheric vehicle;

e) the ethereal emanations of people can greatly pollute the atmosphere. Therefore, the appearance of a more attractive and healthy humanity depends on the purification of this body.

Hence the importance of the etheric body. However, work on the etheric body is not limited to human bodies only. This is a planetary process. And the proof of this is the fact that the individual etheric body is not a separate isolated human vehicle, but in a sense, an integral part of the body of the entity that we call the planetary etheric body. The planetary etheric body, in turn, is not isolated from the etheric bodies of other planets, and their entire totality, including the etheric body of the Sun, constitutes the etheric body of the Solar System. It is associated with the etheric bodies of the six solar systems, which together with ours form a cosmic unity, in which the energies and forces of certain great constellations are poured out. Space is ethereal in nature, and its vital body consists of the totality of the etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems and planets located in it. Through this cosmic golden web, or web, there is a constant circulation of energies and forces, which is the scientific basis for various astrological theories. This was perfectly understood by the great scientist and physicist - Isaac Newton, who called the etheric body the Brain of God.

Today the etheric body of the Earth is undergoing a certain stimulation. This is done by increasing the speed of vibration of the etheric atoms as a result of the manifestation of the Seventh Ray, a type of energy called "Ceremonial Magic and Order." The influence of this type of energy came into force from the moment the human race entered the era of Aquarius. This increase in vibration should not be thought of as a violent change. From the student's perspective, the increase in speed seems so slow and gradual that it is almost imperceptible. Nevertheless, stimulation takes place and is expressed in the human race by the growing response of people to their divinity; people feel the impulses of the soul and strive to realize its tasks and their fulfillment, since the etheric bodies of people of both the planetary and solar systems are one. (The seventh ray controls all ether and devas of ethers. It controls all seventh sub-planes of all planes. And now it dominates the seventh sub-plane of the physical plane).

It is also necessary to understand that the etheric body is animated and controlled by thought and can, through thought, be brought into full functional activity. This is done by correct thinking, and not by breathing exercises, which lead to overexcitation of the centers and, as a consequence, to lower psychism. When this is understood, humans will be able to gain control over the most powerful etheric body. By the way, the purification of the etheric body is carried out primarily through correct thinking, first of all, and then through proper nutrition, correct lifestyle, etc. Based on this thought, we can say that the set of energies in the etheric body, both of an individual and of humanity as a whole, changes as its evolutionary development, since the very source of these energies changes: either these energies will come from the astral plane, or from the plane of the soul, for example.

The etheric body is formed from four types of substance, completely independent and located at one or another etheric level. These substances, actively present in any particular etheric body, form a network of channels: they create thin conduits that repeat the general shape of the dense, tangible material formation with which they are connected. This form underlies any part of the physical body, going beyond the contours of the visible form. The etheric body repeats the contours of its physical, dense vehicle. However, if the head center is awakened and functioning, an ovoid form of the etheric body is much more likely.

These channels, or pipelines, pass according to the transmitted energy to different areas of the body through three main stations:

  1. The seven great centers, or chakras
  2. Twenty one minor centers
  3. Forty-nine focal points scattered throughout the body.

All centers and focal points are connected to each other by channels wider than the mass of channels that form the etheric body as a whole, because many small channels and lines of force merge together when approaching the center, or focal point.

The mass of subtle energy channels, or pipelines, eventually forms, in all forms, the backing, or base, for the corresponding nerves. It is not yet recognized by medical science and is something like an intermediate tissue, or network. The latter relates the etheric body as a whole to the dual nervous system (spinal and sympathetic) recognized by science. It is the underlying system of nerves that is the true response apparatus and — through the brain — telegraphs information into the mind, or through the brain and mind — transmits it to the soul. Thus, the etheric body consists of currents of force. In it, the life centers are connected by lines of force with each other and with the nervous system of the physical person. Power centers carry pranic energy to every part of the body and are closely associated with the threefold nervous system: spinal, sympathetic, and peripheral. From the power centers, vital (pranic) energy is distributed along thin lines - "nadam", which are connected with the nerves and at the same time with the arteries.

Nadis are infinitesimal threads of energy, or fibers of power, radiating from any part of the network and underlying any part of the triple nervous system.

There are millions of them, and they form a sensitive, responsive apparatus through which we operate. And one of the external manifestations or externalization of which is the mechanism of five senses.

It is also connected with the etheric body of the environment through the lines of force (the law of unity). The etheric body is a web or network of intertwined channels formed by the matter of the four ethers and arranged in a special shape. It is the frame of the physical body, the archetype on which the dense physical form is built, whether it be a person or the form of our Solar System. The vital energy, or prana, is moving along the nadam - the complete set of energies in the body (which equally applies to the Planetary and Solar bodies). The etheric body is the underlying basis, the true substance of the physical body, and in accordance with what is the nature of the force that animates the etheric body, what is the activity of this force in the etheric body and what is the degree of vivacity, or lethargy, of its most important parts (centers along the spine), this will be and the activity of the physical body.

In the human etheric body there are energy centers, which are vortices of energies moving in three directions. In another way, they are called chakras. Each center is a vortex of energy, which is expressed on the subtle plane in the form of a lotus. Depending on which center we are talking about, the number of petals in the lotus will be different, for example, the ajna center (between the eyebrows) consists of two petals, and the sahasrara center (head center) has a thousand petals. There are seven main centers: to which the endocrine glands correspond, and which are the deposition of the energies of these centers: sahasrara (head center) - pituitary gland, ajna (center between the eyebrows) - pineal gland, vishudha (throat center) - thyroid gland, anahata (heart center) ) - thymus gland, manipura (solar plexus center) - pancreas, svadhisthana (sacral center) - sex glands, muladhara (center at the base of the spine) - adrenal glands.

1. Muladhara. Root - the base of the spine, tailbone, perineum; the influence extends to the whole body, especially to those parts of it that contribute to your stability in the material world - colored red. Controls the physical body.

2. Svadhisthana. Sacral (genital) - the apex of the pubis, the upper point of the location of the genital organ, sacrum; Impact - The lower abdomen from the navel to the perineum is orange. Controls the etheric body.

5. Manipura (vital). - Solar plexus - 2 fingers above the navel, the area of ​​the solar plexus; influence - the upper abdomen from the navel to the sternum is yellow. Controls the astral (energy, electrical) body.

3. Anahata. Cardiac - in the middle of the chest at the level of the heart, in the region of the back just between the shoulder blades; influence - on the chest area - green. Controls the mental (psychic) ​​body.

4. Vishuddha. Throat - at the base of the neck: influence - on the entire neck - blue. Manages the atmanic (spiritual, religious, causal) body.

6. Ajna. Frontal - in the middle of the head, at the level of the forehead; the effect on the whole head is blue. Controls the cosmic (intuitive, buddhial) body.

7. Sahasrara. Parietal - on the crown of the head, “fontanelle”, parietal region of the head; influence - on the whole body, on the connection of a person with the Cosmos - purple. Controls the nirvanic body (body of bliss).

Centers by their nature are distributors and electric batteries that provide a person with dynamic strength and energy of various qualities. The centers produce a definite effect on its external manifestation. Thanks to their constant activity, the quality of a person is manifested, which indicates his point of evolution. Power centers are located along the spinal column and in the head: five - in the column; two - in the head. The two centers in the head have a lot to do with intelligence and movement. Sahasrara center is the embodiment of spiritual energy, manifesting as Will, or abstract, or spiritual, mind and as intuition. The ajna center has to do with the lower or concrete mind and the psychic nature of that integral organism, which we call a human being, a personality.

The five centers of the spinal column are associated with various types of body activity, when a person demonstrates his life instinct, his emotional reactions and life goals. They are mainly controlled by the force flowing in and out of the head centers.

The centers are characterized by different activities according to the evolutionary status of the individual. In some people, certain centers are "awakened", while in others the same centers may be relatively motionless. Someone has an active solar plexus center - manipura, others have a cardiac center - anahata, and still others have a throat center. So far, very few have an active head center. In savages and underdeveloped people, three centers under the diaphragm are active: muladhara, svadhisthana (sacral center) and manipura, and the centers above the diaphragm are dormant. But the leaders of the human race: philosophers, scientists with developed intuition; for the saints, both the head and the heart centers make their vibrations perceptible; moreover, the priority of the head and heart centers is determined by the type and quality.

So, with the development of a person, the power centers come to life and dominate, demonstrating different types of activity.

The condition of the centers depends on the type and quality of the spiritual force vibrating through them. In an undeveloped person, only the vital force, prana, is active. It nourishes animal life and draws the lower centers into activity. Later, with the development of a person, consciousness, an aspect of the soul, gradually asserts itself, and activates the center of the solar plexus - the place of mental, sensory life, both in humans and in animals, and is often an instinctive brain.

In fact, there are no chakras in the physical body, there are only areas of their projections, and a sensitive person with more or less developed extrasensory perception, one who at least sometimes feels energy waves, can feel the pulsation of energy in the place of the projection of the chakra.

The control power station differs depending on the evolution point reached:

  1. An undeveloped human being uses the solar plexus to temporarily localize the main energy. The ajna center also shows weak activity.
  2. Moderate humanity operates partly through the solar plexus center, but mainly through the ajna and throat centers.
  3. Highly developed human beings, intellectuals and aspirants for peace use the head center, as well as the ajna, throat, cardiac and solar plexus centers.

Thus, the transfer of energy into the etheric body to all parts of the dense conductor is carried out from various sources. Ordinary people from the planetary aura, as well as from the astral world, through the astral body. In this case, the lower centers are involved.

For disciples - from the universal mind, or manasic force, as well as from the soul, i.e. ego. Here the upper centers are involved: the throat, heart and head.

Note that there is a clear distinction.

Man functions today mainly through these three lower centers. The forces of the body nourish and stimulate sex life through the genitals; they create the urge to fight and develop through the adrenal glands, struggle and tension glands; they control psychic instinctual life through the solar plexus. This is how the personal person is mobilized and becomes a conscious, sensitive human being. As it evolves, the "I", or soul, becomes more and more active and dominates in man, in his bodily existence, and little by little all parts of the etheric structure come to life. Gradually, the higher centers increase their activity and emphasis, the force flowing through the body shifts to the centers above the diaphragm. The throat center awakens and becomes the organ of creative work; the heart center comes to life, and the person becomes aware of his spiritual relationship, his group responsibility. Finally, the head centers are awakened, and another set of perceptions enters his consciousness. He gains awareness of himself as a soul, later acquires awareness of the spirit world, divine life, the invisible world of spirits.

One of the tasks of human evolution is to achieve all of this. The center at the base of the spine, the head and heart centers should come into full functional activity and, as a result of the fusion of energy latent in matter itself and stored in the center at the base of the spine, the energy of the soul, whose place is in the heart, and the energy of the spirit, centered in the head, lead a human being to the highest point of perfection. Through this fusion of energies, man becomes an active expression of God; his spirit, soul and body unite in such a way that the body really becomes the conductor of the soul, and the soul really becomes the expression of the will and purpose of the spirit. What did Christ say while on earth? "He who has seen Me has seen the Father."

Now let's find out how the centers of power are formed?

The centers are formed at the intersection of the lines of force of the etheric body. Where many lines of force intersect, a large center of energy is obtained, and where large energy flows are grouped and intersected, for example, in the head or along the spine, the seven main centers function, which we talked about above. More specifically, where the power channels intersect 21 times, there are seven major centers. Where they intersect 14 times, there are small centers; and where they intersect 7 times, there are tiny centers, and there are hundreds of these centers.

For information, let's give an example of small centers:

  • two centers are in front of the ears, where the jaw bones of the least significant centers meet, many hundreds.
  • two - just above the pectoral muscles
  • one at the junction of the sternum near the thyroid gland
  • two are located on the palms
  • two - on the soles
  • two directly behind the eyes
  • two are associated with the sex glands
  • one near the liver
  • one is related to the stomach
  • the two centers are associated with the spleen, in reality it is a center consisting of two superimposed centers
  • two are behind the knees
  • one is closely related to the vagus nerve. It is very powerful and is considered by some schools of occultism as one of the main ones, located at a close distance from the thymus gland, or thymus.
  • one is located near the solar plexus and connects it to the center at the base of the spine, thus forming a triangle consisting of the sacral center, the solar plexus and the center at the base of the spine.

If the centers through which the energy flows are motionless, not awakened or functioning only partially or too slowly (meaning the vibrational rhythm), then we are talking about blockage. This causes a blockage in the etheric vehicle, and then its corresponding complications in the functioning of the physical body. One of the most common complications is pulmonary blockage, which, although it may be exoterically explained by some physical causes, is actually caused not only by them, but also by etheric blockage. The combination of obvious external and true internal causes explains the origin of the disease. When both of these conditions are combined, that is, physical difficulties and an undesirable etheric state arise, then health deteriorates, illness or weakness of one kind or another comes. Any external blockage can always be explained by both reasons, both internal and external. Interestingly, in such cases, the external cause is not the result of a specific internal cause. Therefore, it is clear that not all ailments of an individual must have a purely subjective or psychological origin, but sometimes they are explained both exoterically and esoterically at the same time. This is the complexity of the problem.

Blockage in the etheric body, causing great suffering in the physical body, can take place either at the point of entry from the astral body or from the astral plane, or at the point of exit in connection with the center to which this type of etheric force flows most easily and through which it passes most easily. ... Where there is no free communication between the astral and etheric bodies, a complication will take place. Complication will also occur where there is no free communication between the etheric and physical bodies, including the nerve nodes and the endocrine system. The close connection between the seven major centers and the seven major glands of the physical organism must never be forgotten.

Etheric blockage leads to abnormal thickening of the web (nadi tube system), and this can, for example, prevent contact with the higher self or its principles and lead to idiocy and mental imbalance. This can lead to excessive growth of the flesh, to the thickening of any internal organ and its excessive pressure; a blockage in any place of the etheric body can lead to a violation of the entire physical condition and, as a result, to various ailments.

In addition, other disorders of the etheric body are observed, which may be associated with tissue destruction due to excessive absorption of prana or its too rapid fusion with latent physical fire. This arises as a result of overexcitation of the centers, which are provoked, as a rule, by the practice of various kinds of breathing or uncontrolled yoga practice, or by independent meditations without the supervision of the Mentor. The same happens when a person by force of will or as a result of the excessive development of the mental aspect of his personality is able to unite the fires of matter and cause their movement. Here he is in danger of tissue destruction. The destruction of tissue can lead to all kinds of insanities, especially those that are considered incurable, and even to physical death. The burning of a part of the web can open access to extraneous astral currents, against which a person is powerless; the brain tissue can be literally destroyed by this pressure, and from the fact that the etheric "ring-pass-not" in some place is broken, a serious illness can develop. The reason for such destruction is that the matter of his body is not pure enough.

Thus, the causes of human disease often lie in the blockage of the etheric body when the normal flow of energy stops. With the help of acupuncture or other healing methods, it is possible to partially remove the blockage, but if a person does not change anything in his thinking and consciousness, does not understand the causes of crises arising in his life and does not try to correctly approach them and resolve them in favor of the soul, then this help will be very short-lived. There is such an expression: "Illness is the unexpressed life of the soul." In addition, there is another important expression in the Bible: "As his thoughts are, so is he." Think about it.

Now a few words must be said about the meaning of the etheric body, since its meaning is very great.

The etheric body is:

  1. Prana receiver (center between the shoulder blades, center above the diaphragm, etheric spleen)
  2. Assimilator of prana (main organ of assimilation - spleen - etheric center + dense organ)
  3. The transmitter of prana (a person conducts prana through his etheric vehicle, colors it with his own special quality and transfers it to lesser lives). The same can be said about the etheric body of the Planetary Logos, or the solar system. There are similar centers for receiving prana: in humans, this organ is the spleen. The Planet has a similar organ, the location of which has not yet been revealed, but it is associated with both poles, north and south, and is the center around which the globe revolves; in the system - this organ is the Central Sun, which is both a receiver and a distributor of cosmic radiation.

The etheric body has a protective function. It acts as a separator, or dividing web, between the astral and dense physical bodies. It is the ring-free, the barrier that separates man from the astral world. Violation of the integrity of the etheric body can lead to the penetration of astral currents into the physical body of a person and cause the destruction of the cells of the physical brain. In addition, various kinds of entities from the astral plane can penetrate through the hole, which can, in the future, become obsessed by a person. Such entities make attacks and suppress the free will of a person, imposing on him various thoughts and actions that are not characteristic of him, which often lead people to psychiatric diseases, attempts at suicide, i.e. suicide. This happens if a person cannot withstand the onslaught of these entities. Therefore, it is very important that the integrity of the etheric body is preserved. But the topic of obsession is a separate issue, so let's not dwell on it.

After the death of a person, the etheric body is removed from the person and is destroyed, which further leads to the destruction of the dense form, since the magnetic connection is broken and there is no more of it, and nothing else holds the atoms in a connected state. Matter remains, but form is destroyed. Similar processes are taking place in relation to the Planetary and Solar systems. “The etheric double of man, the Planetary Logos and the Solar Logos, when destroyed, becomes unpolarized in relation to its Dweller and therefore allows leaving. In other words, he is no longer a source of attraction, not a magnetic focus. He becomes non-magnetic, and the great Law of Attraction ceases to rule him; therefore, a further state of the form is decomposition. The ego (soul) ceases to be attracted by its form on the physical plane and, continuing to inhale, removes its Life from the shell. The cycle comes to an end, the experiment ends, the goal is achieved and there is nothing more to desire outside; therefore the ego, or the thinking entity, loses interest in the form and shifts its attention inward. Its polarization changes and the physical body eventually separates.

The planetary Logos in its greater cycle follows the same path; he ceases to be attracted downward or outward and turns his gaze inward; he collects inward the sum of lesser lives that animate and animate parts of his body, the planet, and breaks the connection. External attraction ceases, and everything is attracted to the center, instead of being scattered around the periphery of his body.

In the System, the same process is carried out by the Solar Logos; which in its high position of abstraction ceases to attract its own body of manifestation. He ceases to strive for manifestation, and both pairs of opposites, Spirit and the matter of the vehicle, are separated, as a result of this separation, the solar system ceases to be and ends objective existence. This ultimately leads to the scattering of the atoms of the etheric body and their return to their original existence. Subjective life, the synthesis of Will and Love, assuming an Active Intellectual, that is, endowed with intelligence, form is removed. The marriage is dissolved. The form is destroyed; the magnetism that keeps her connected is no longer there, and the disintegration is complete. Matter remains, but form is not preserved.

The physical body of a person, like everything in the Universe, must be both integral and dual. Those. the etheric body of a person and his physical body, which together constitute a single physical organism, must have an opposite energetic charge.

If the physical body is masculine, then the etheric shell of this body will be feminine. If a woman's physical body is less adapted for active physical manifestation than that of a man, then her etheric body, being masculine, is more active, i.e. is able to more actively accumulate energy. That is why women live longer, get sick less, get out of the disease more easily, and are more resilient. A man's etheric body is weaker, less capable of generating energy. Therefore, men live less than women, it is more difficult to recover.

The etheric body never leaves the physical shell. It penetrates into the physical body and never leaves it, until the moment of death. The very fact of death signifies the moment of the final separation of the etheric body from the physical. In this case, the physical body remains uncontrolled, not energized, and, as a result, quickly collapses. The chemical elements that make up the physical shell return to the general balance of the Earth's matter and go to the construction of other material forms. Plants consume chemicals from the soil, they go to the construction of material forms of plants. Animals, eating plants, use these substances to build their bodies, man, eating plants and animals, builds his physical body out of them.

Are there certain cases necessary in medicine when, with the help of medicines, a partly etheric body, together with other bodies, goes outside the physical body? this is in the case of complex operations with the use of anesthesia. Therefore, it is very important to accurately calculate the amount of anesthesia required for a given person, so that the etheric body does not come out completely.

There are people in whom, without any anesthesia, the etheric body, along with other bodies that are inside it, partially leaves the physical body without the desire, control, volitional effort of this person. This is a congenital feature. When the etheric body leaves a person even for a short period of time, even partially, the person loses a huge amount of energy. These people are called "mediums."

If the medium is of a low level of development, then a threatening situation arises. His physical body remains empty, without essence, without astral and mental bodies, without a monad, unoccupied. This body can and often does a completely different human being, deceased, the so-called once incarnated. These are the people who cannot tear themselves away from the physical world of the Earth after death. They are looking for a temporarily abandoned human body in order to use it, move into it. People possessing the properties of such an uncontrolled detachment of the etheric body are in constant danger, because their body is temporarily left without a master, and there is a real threat that the soul of a deceased person who does not want to come to terms with the fact of his death will instantly enter into it. This fact has been known to mankind for millennia and is called obsession. Religion speaks of being possessed by demons. Why is a creature that has captured someone else's body called a "demon"? Never, under any conditions, a being of high spiritual development will not be captured by someone else's physical instrument. As a rule, people of a low spiritual level, tied to the Earth, seize someone else's physical instrument. Such people, naturally, have such moral qualities that they can be called "demons". Often a person possessed by another personality during loss of consciousness, then does not recognize anyone around him, does not know his name. A natural explanation for this? another person, once embodied, has moved into the body. There are a lot of such people in insane asylums.

Because with a partial exit of the etheric body from the physical, a strong loss of energy occurs, then very often people with this innate property are prone to alcoholism because drinking alcohol immediately restores the energy balance.

Our physical body is built from the elements of the Earth, i.e. all elements included in the periodic table, water, air. Elements of the Earth? these are the chemical elements that we extract from food. From them we extract energy for existence. But this energy is not enough for existence. We live in an ocean of vibrations, an ocean of vibrating colorless fluid. Colorless? because our organs of vision simply cannot perceive these vibrations. We do not see this fluid, we do not feel it. Around us in the air is the life energy of the Sun, which is called "prana" in terms of Hinduism? cosmic energy. This is the vital energy that is radiated by the Sun, and thanks to which life develops on all the planets of the solar system. Around us is an ocean of lunar energy and the energies of all the planets of the solar system. But for life processes, we absorb the energy of the Sun and the Moon. Positive, solar and negative, lunar.

A person absorbs the solar and lunar vital energies during breathing, and then they spread through countless channels to every organ, to every cell, permeating the entire physical body, otherwise it cannot function and manifest itself in this world. Energy is distributed through the channels of the etheric body. There is no organ in the physical body, there is no cell that does not have an etheric double. You may notice that we regularly change the way we breathe in energies. Every 2 hours we breathe in one nostril, the right one, we breathe in the solar energy, and then this nostril closes and we begin to breathe in the lunar energy with the left nostril. Thus, our body is saturated with balanced energy, male and female, solar and lunar.

We instinctively extract energy from everything, from the air, from food, from water. There is another source of energy absorption - from the people around. Energy exchange occurs between people during communication. If the etheric shell is weak or the channels through which the energy is transmitted are damaged, in this case the etheric body is not able to accumulate energy and is not able to supply every organ of the physical body with energy, to ensure vital activity. Then a person feels weakness, de-energized, lifeless.

If the etheric body is active, strong, then it very actively collects energy from the environment and completely saturates the physical body. There are people who have more energy than the physical body needs, then they radiate energy into the environment. We feel the energetic state of people. We feel both people who are weak, de-energized and people who are oversaturated with energy. Having come into this world, we feel a lot, we feel like animals, but we are almost not aware of anything from what we feel.

We always feel an excess of vital energy emanating from a person, and we say that this person is very energetic, active, impetuous. He has such manifestations. Often, if we are sick, feel weak, we need contact with such a person. Naturally, a person strives for such communication unconsciously, this is how the instinct of self-preservation manifests itself, he is simply drawn to him because you need to increase your own energy. A person does not understand this very well, especially since few people are familiar with this problem.

Each person in his own way is able to accumulate the energy he needs. This determines the length of his life and general health. Knowledge of how to accumulate and how to correctly distribute energy, how to use this energy? necessary knowledge.

There are people who are oversaturated with energy, they radiate and saturate everything around with energy, these are emitters. In the presence of such people, plants bloom, people and animals feel better physically. This does not speak about their spirituality, this is an ordinary life energy. They are attracted to such people, they want to be near such people, communication with such a person is pleasant. It is a kind of energy battery.

There are other people with a congenital weak or temporarily weakened etheric body. It is immediately felt. A lack of vital energy will immediately manifest itself in behavior, it will become lethargic, slowed down, this will manifest itself in the absence of emotions, a person does not have the energy to think, feel. He is de-energized, powerless. Naturally, instinctively, he tries to replenish his energy reserve in communication with stronger people.

We must understand this and in no case assume that there are only vampires around us. In reality, we are all vampires when we lack energy. We take in excess energy from other people when we are lacking and transfer it to others when we have a surplus. This is a natural vital energy exchange that exists in nature. We are not always healthy, active, and in this case, we quite instinctively perceive someone else's energy.

Naturally, a person is more energetic, gives more, accepts less. We must understand and control where and how we spend energy. Our vital energy is the main value in the conditions of earthly life. If there is no energy, then a person cannot manifest himself in this world in any way.

Sometimes you notice that after talking with some person, you feel absolute powerlessness, fatigue. There are people who do not always consciously (most often this is an unconscious manifestation of a person) absorb a lot of energy from others. This does not mean that a person does it on purpose. Simply by the law of communicating vessels, it flows from you to him, equalizing the overall balance. These are unconscious vampires. When communicating with such a person, a feeling of cold arises, the mood instantly deteriorates, fatigue and powerlessness are felt. This also happens when communicating with a weak or powerless person who needed your energy.

We must understand that when we approach any person, an energy exchange occurs. Energies flow from you to someone, from someone to you. This is a natural process of life on planet Earth. Do not see some vampires around you if you have a headache after intercourse. Now it is very common: if a person does not like, or is incomprehensible, or unsympathetic, is a label immediately attached to such a person? he is "black" or he is "vampire". This classification is very primitive and simple. We all exist in conditions of energy exchange and should understand this well.

Most often, energy consumers are elderly and sick people. This is natural vampirism. Why does an older person like to associate with young people? This is not because he is interested in communication. Any of our connections with other people can be explained by energy problems - love and dislike, likes and dislikes? all these feelings arise as a result of energetic communication. You can see that very old people often become capricious, their character deteriorates, they often scandal. We are also in a bad mood when something hurts or we did not get enough sleep. The same reason? lack of energy. We are also scandalous or capricious when we feel bad. You probably know that when people are scandalous, they go up in tones, often showing irritation. At this time, there is a powerful surge of emotional, vital energy. This is the nourishment that the elderly person needed. It is not the old people’s character that deteriorates, but instinctively a different method of obtaining energy arises. Manifesting at the level of instinct, a person does not understand at all what he is doing. He needs energy supply, he is so eager to prolong his physical existence.

When we love a person, we strive to touch him, to stroke him, these are also unconscious gestures, this is the transfer of energy. Why is a small child asking for arms? He lacks energy, he seeks to get it in all available ways. Being near the vital chakra of the mother, in the abdomen, he receives energy much easier and faster. Mother needs to know and understand this. If a baby is crying, is the reason for this simple? he lacks energy, he seeks to draw attention to himself, he instinctively manifests itself this way. The mother should take the child in her arms, stroke, stroke, massage the tummy. It is even better if she imagines that she is filling the child's body with light yellow energy. Do we instinctively stroke the sore spot? we transfer energy there. In general, when an organ begins to ache or discomfort is felt in the organ, is there only one reason? it is de-energized. This is not because some pathological changes in the cells begin there. The destruction of an organ is a consequence of its prolonged blackout, but not vice versa. The cry of the organ? pain, this is an SOS signal, this is the same instinctive cry as a child's, it needs nourishment.

Until 4-5 years of age, a mother and a child, especially if it is weak, there is a constant energetic connection between the vital chakra (manipura, solar plexus) of the mother and the vital chakra of the child. The child develops on the mother's energy. That is why children in orphanages develop slowly - there is no energy exchange between the child and the mother.

Each person has a special storehouse for the accumulation of vital energy, from which it is further distributed. It? solar plexus. Have another store of energy? in the area of ​​the Kundalini chakra i.e. in the coccyx area. This energy is stored in case of mortal danger that threatens the integrity of the physical organism.

From the solar plexus, energy is directed by the order of the mind to the organs. An organ gets sick when energy is no longer available to it. Then pain, fever and all other signs of illness appear, this is only a signal of distress, a cry for salvation. Does he ask for only one thing? supply energy, and do not poison it too much with chemicals.

Astral body

We live in an ocean of vibrations, energetic influences. We perceive these influences and react to them. There must be one more body that is capable of perceiving and reacting to energetic influences. This body is usually called the body of feelings, desires, emotions, because this is how the consciousness of this body manifests itself. With this body we react to this world. In response to its vibrational impact, we show joy, anger, fear, calmness. The physical body and the etheric cannot do this - it is not their function to react to the external environment. The task of the physical shell is to serve as a receptacle for the soul. Soul - a kind of psychic part, located inside the etheric body, reacts to the outside world. This body senses vibrations of surrounding people, planetary energies, vibrations of nature, vibrations of buildings, premises, situations. It tunes in to these vibrations, itself begins to vibrate adequately, and we experience it as feelings of emotion, experience, various kinds of sympathy, antipathy, satisfaction, dissatisfaction. All this has to do with our world of feelings, we experience it this way. In reality, this is the perception of energy vibrations of the surrounding world and an adequate vibrational manifestation. With the astral body we experience the beauty of the world and its ugliness. With this body we perceive and manifest the energy of love and hate. With the help of this body, we experience feelings of suffering and delight.

The astral organization prepares and forms the nervous system, which is, in essence, the deposition of energies flowing through the tubes of nadis. So the astral body (desire body)? primarily, the nervous system? secondary. In relation to the whole person, the astral body is the most alive and powerful. It reached its peak during the late Atlantis and its potential is still great, and also determines the potential and polarization of the masses. Most people are astral (emotional) by nature, and only those who have consciously embarked on the Path of Discipleship learn to take this body under the control of the soul. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the astral body of a developed student is very high. This allows him to capture information from the intuitive (buddhic) plane and participate in the execution of the divine plan. The difference is that the average person has no control over astral reactions and lives under the control of emotions and desires. In this case, animal nature controls. The disciple controls the emotional nature and directs all his efforts towards serving humanity and serving the divine plan. In this case, the soul is in control.

The astral body is a conglomeration of forces manifesting in consciousness in the form of desires, impulses and passions, aspirations, intentions, impulses and projections; many provisions of modern psychology are based on his activity. Psychologists today have revealed the nature of some of these forces, and their terminology in many cases is more accurate and closer to the truth than that of the orthodox esotericists and theosophists. The astral body is characterized by sensitivity, emotional activity and magnetic power.

The astral body is the first body of the human soul. Inside this body, a second body, the mental one, slowly develops; inside the mental one, higher bodies of the human soul begin to develop.

Consciousness of the astral body manifests itself in the form of emotions, feelings, states, sensations, impressions. This body is also called the psychic part of a person, "psyche", as the ancient Greeks called it.

The body of feelings begins to vibrate in accordance with the energy impact, and we experience this vibration as a state, as a feeling, as an emotion, as a sensation. That is why this body is called the body of desires, emotions, feelings. This is his manifestation, this is how his consciousness manifests itself.

We very often feel, feel, but this goes below our awareness, at an unconscious level. We do not define it verbally and, naturally, do not understand how we feel and why.

The astral body connects us with the physical world, because thanks to this body, feelings of sympathy, antipathy, a sense of satisfaction, desire arise. What is sympathy? This is a state of adequate vibration, when a person, accepting the vibrations of another person, experiences satisfactory states, states pleasing to him. The other person hasn't done anything bad to us, and we say that he is antipathetic to us. The vibrations of this person cause certain negative states. Often there is unreasonable hatred or a desire to manifest aggressively towards a person outwardly completely unreasonable. There is a reason. The vibrations emanating from this person, the vibrations of his astral body, cause a response, an unpleasant state of anxiety, anxiety, irritation.

So, all manifestations of the astral body relate to the area of ​​feelings, all manifestations of this body are experienced by us. With the help of this body, vibrating in unison with the perceived high vibrations, we experience the beauty of the nature of the surrounding world, musical or artistic harmony, the harmony of another person. With the help of this body we also perceive the ugliness of this world - these are low vibrations of anger, hatred, envy, etc. With the help of this body, we transmit energy vibrations when we love and perceive high vibrations when we are loved. We feel the impact on ourselves of the person who hates us and in response we begin to hate. The feeling of suffering and the feeling of delight are all experienced as a result of the vibrations of the astral body.

It is only thanks to the astral body that we feel the world and react to it. In response to the energetic impact on us, we show a response. For example, someone is angry with us, the feeling of anger is low-frequency energy, in response we also start to get angry with this person, in other words, we radiate low energy. Sometimes we have certain states, feelings, emotions, moods under the influence of information or as a result of a physical condition, i.e. these states can arise under the influence of their own thoughts or information received from other sources. Moods and states can cause the state of our physical body. When we do not have the strength, or we did not get enough sleep, or in a state of illness, naturally, there are no and cannot be joyful emotions, delight, etc. Sometimes feelings, states arise under the influence of feelings, emotions of other people. If we communicate with a joyful person, we can say that we are infected with joy from him; if with a sad person, we also become sad. The astral body very quickly adjusts itself to the effects of any vibration. Vibrations of one's own physical body, vibrations of the astral bodies of people around, one's own thoughts, information coming from others. This is due to the fact that the astral body is intermediate between the mental and physical bodies, perceives their vibrations and reacts to them.

Consequently, any of our sensory, emotional states is a reaction to the vibrations of the mental or physical bodies of our own, to the vibrational emotional or mental influence of others, to the influence of the energies of the planets of the solar system. The response manifests itself as feelings of anger, joy, sadness, fear, satisfaction, calmness, etc.

So, the world around us is saturated with a huge range of vibrations. Each person is able to perceive a certain range of vibrations, depending on the level of development of his astral body. As the astral body develops, a person's ability to perceive a wider spectrum of energies and to manifest a wider spectrum of energies increases. As a person develops, he becomes an ever more perfect polymer instrument that adequately responds to an ever wider range of vibration effects.

The ability to perceive and respond to the energies of the environment is different for all people. It depends on how the astral body is developed, what kind of astral material it is made of. We can say that each person is a receiving and transmitting device. For one, this body is developed in such a way that it represents the receiver of the first class, while for the other it is only the third. One perceives the energies of this world very poorly, and the other very widely. It depends on us how rich, colorful, or gray and poor this world is for us. One is delighted with sunrise, sunset, summer night sky, he experiences a feeling of delight in response to the perception of this beauty, and the other never looks up. For him, the very concept of "beauty" does not exist.

If a person has an undeveloped astral body, only a few sub-planes, then it consists of the matter of the lower sub-planes of the astral world. Such an astral body itself vibrates very low and is capable of perceiving only the same low vibration. Such people like rough, marching music, they only react to shouting, harsh swearing, swearing. Negative words addressed to them and they instantly turn on, get irritated, instantly react the same way. Their astral body received the vibration and immediately tuned in and transmitted the same low energy. As he develops, a person becomes calmer, calm, he does not participate in scandals, he is not annoyed by incidents in transport. His astral body begins to respond to higher vibrations, because it consists of other matter, does not respond to lower vibrations.

Depending on the development of the astral body, we manifest and perceive certain energies. Only with the development of the astral body do high vibrations of art, music, painting enter our life - that which a person with an initial level of the astral body cannot perceive.

The construction of the astral body can be completely controlled. One can build this body quite consciously. This body is built like all others from matter. We attract astral matter from the environment.

"Bread and circuses" - the slogan of the ancients. A person without impressions, i.e. he cannot live without sensory experiences, because his astral body, like all bodies, requires nourishment. A person with a low developed astral body needs a low vibration experience - bullfighting, wrestling, boxing, horror films, violence, suffering, death, porn films. The low vibrational energy of these spectacles feeds his undeveloped astral body. A person with a well-developed astral body also needs energy supply, but these are completely different sensory experiences - high art, classical music, sentimental love experiences.

Since this body is a body of feelings, emotions, sensations, desires, passions, then every time we experience this or that feeling, state, we immediately radiate a certain energy into the environment. If we show love, this is a very high energy, we nourish and ennoble everything around; if we radiate the energy of hatred, we feed the low energy of evil people and beings from the lower astral world.

The astral body consists of matter incomparably finer than that of which our physical body consists. Under certain conditions, it can be separated from the physical body, it can act and receive impressions on its own. After the death of a person, his astral body continues to exist for some time. In the subtle "afterlife" world, it becomes the external form of a person, then it very much resembles the external form of the physical body. And the higher bodies of a person (his mental and monad become the soul) are inside it. But then, when a person's life in the astral world ends, the soul also leaves the astral body. The astral shell left by the soul, like the physical body left by the soul, turns into a corpse. Only it consists of a substance more subtle than the physical body.

During life in the physical plane, often during sleep, the astral body of a person, along with higher bodies, is separated from the physical body. For some, more developed ones, consciousness continues to operate in it during sleep, when the physical body is asleep. For most people, during sleep, the consciousness of the soul in the astral world weakly perceives the phenomena of this world, because it is too busy with its thoughts and feelings, its earthly experiences.

Only thanks to this body we feel the vibrations emitted by the astral bodies of animals and people, we feel the energies of all ten planets of our small Cosmos and react to all vibrations. We react - this means we begin to vibrate in unison. In response to the impact on us, we show a whole palette of responses. This body perceives energy vibrations of the environment and responds to them with its own radiation of energy. We live in an ocean of vibrations, we feel these vibrations, and we react to them.

While living in the physical world, the main task of a person is to develop the astral body, i.e. to create its higher subplanes of it. If higher sub-planes of the astral body develop, we begin to show higher feelings, emotions, feel this world more friendly and more subtly perceive not only the physical world, but also the astral world.

The technique of opening the chakras is the secret of every Teacher - Guru. In India, the Guru is assessed due to his knowledge in the field of energy practice, according to whether he can give effective methods for expanding consciousness, opening chakras, achieving higher energy capabilities of a person. The main task of yoga systems is to open the chakras.

Tantra yoga deals with two chakras: the Kundalini and the sacral. The Kundalini and the sacral chakras are located almost next to each other, between them 2-3 cm, they are energetically connected. From the Kundalini there is a constant supply to the area of ​​the sacral chakra. This is due to the biological and physiological task of man. Up to the level of development when a person turns into a spiritual being, he has a biological task - reproduction. Therefore, the most powerful energy for this purpose is sexual energy. It is constant and powerful as it is. constant energy supply from the Kundalini to the sacral chakra. All methods of tantric yoga are aimed at blocking the exhaust of sexual energy that occurs during intercourse. The goal is to make the sexual energy move up the Sushumna (central channel). Energy, rising upward, opens the higher chakras.

A person in his life uses 4 types of energy.

  1. The most powerful energy is sexual, it accumulates in the sacral chakra.
  2. Vital energy is also strong, it ensures the vital activity of a person. Accumulates in the 3rd chakra.
  3. All human creativity, his thought processes are provided with nervous energy. It accumulates in the throat chakra.
  4. There is a stronger energy, higher in vibration, more powerful in strength, tension - this is psychic energy. It accumulates in Ajna. Only with the help of this energy a person is able to manifest parapsychic abilities - clairvoyance, mind reading, suggestion.

True clairvoyance is possible in a person who, to some extent, has opened the Ajna chakra, which accumulates psychic energy.

The higher in spirituality a person is, the more natural it is for him not to waste sexual energy, because he has a different function on Earth. He does not come to continue the human species and leave offspring, the purpose of his life is creativity. As a rule, his sexual energy is spent for other purposes and in a different way.

There is hardly a person of a high spiritual level who would be preoccupied with sexual problems. A natural state arises when a person does not feel that he belongs to any gender, this happens in a non-violent way, this is a consequence of the level of development.

A person who has reached a high level of development? initiate or teacher,? the astral body is steadily oriented towards the soul. A mystic, an aspirant or a disciple, is undergoing a process of a radical change in the direction of forces towards the heart center, above the diaphragm. But since energies are often uncontrolled and directed to centers below the diaphragm? it causes temporary chaos. Such a chaos of forces and energies, concentrated, usually in the solar plexus, can lead to some diseases characteristic of mystics. Usually these diseases are associated with a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which is in direct projection of the solar plexus (emotional center).

The solar plexus center is an organ of synthesis and at a certain stage of the higher development of a human being absorbs all the lower energies. At the same time, he becomes in fact an instrument (with the correct understanding and guidance) for the integration of the life of the individual. The main problem for a developed person who does not yet have a spiritual orientation is the problem of desire. What are its goals? Where are his thoughts directed? What is the nature of his ambition? What is he dreaming about?

The nature of the forces and energies that, under the influence of his mental life, affects the solar plexus center, determines whether he will move forward along the path of light, or remain egocentric, or prefer the lower path leading to the closure of the light of the soul.

In the body of desires there are no organs, as they exist in the dense and etheric bodies, but there are centers of perception, which, being active, resemble whirlpools, always remaining in the same position relative to the dense body. For most people, they are represented by simple funnels and do not function as centers of perception. However, they can be awakened in everyone, however different methods give different results. In the distant future, the human desire body will become as definitely organized as the vital and dense body. When this stage is reached, we will have the ability to function in the astral body, as we now function in a dense body,

The higher sub-planes of the astral world smoothly flow into the mental ones.

The same happens with the mental body. A person whose mental body consists of the energies of the two lower sub-planes of the mental world has an undeveloped mind, this manifests itself as the ability to primitively think only about his needs. In a person, whose mental body consists of the energy of five or six sub-planes of the mental world, the mind actively and strongly manifests itself as the ability to think on deep philosophical topics, he is interested in the deep questions of existence, more than the primitive needs of the body. With the development of the mental body, not only the ability to think, to understand increases, not only the creative activity of a person grows, but also his energetic influence on the world increases, since mental activity manifests itself energetically.

The gradual development of a person means that the mind develops very slowly in him - the consciousness of the mental body, parallel to the development of his consciousness (mind), the ability to love grows - the highest manifestation of the consciousness of the astral body. As the mind develops, a person increasingly feels himself to be a free, independent person, capable of showing his will to be creative. Those. free will develops in him. The more developed a person is spiritually, i.e. the higher consciousness is characteristic of him, the more he is able to love this world, to show his individual will, in other words, to create.

Mental body

A person has another body that vibrates more subtly than the astral body, therefore, radiating and receiving a higher, stronger energy. This is the mental body. We are influenced not only by the emotions, feelings, states of other people, but also by the thoughts of the people around us. And in turn, with their thinking, i.e. by the energetic manifestation of the mental body, we actively influence the environment.

Access to a higher level of existence, i.e. the creation of a thinner, more perfect astral body occurs much faster if a person actively uses the power of thought.

The power of thought is a spiritual power, in contrast to the power of feeling, called the power of the soul. The development of spiritual consciousness begins with the development of the mental body. The power of reason is the greatest power that a person can possess.

With the help of reason, you can influence not only your mental states, but in general all the phenomena of life. If the Universe is spiritual, i.e. possesses consciousness, we can say that everything in one degree or another possesses intelligence, reason should be the highest power. Then all the miracles and all the amazing things that arise due to the power of reason become understandable. The mind governs everything and influences everything.

Reason is the most powerful force that modern man possesses to some extent. He possesses this power and his further evolutionary development consists in the gradual improvement of his mind to an extremely powerful level.

So, man is a physical shell, which is the final structure, the bearer of all other bodies. This is only biomass, an instrument, so do not identify the physical body of a person with its essence. The body itself is only a temporary receptacle for the essence of a person. The etheric body is the channels through which energy flows, which the physical body needs for life. The channels are periodically filled with solar and lunar energy. The astral body is the lowest form of the soul. In the depths of the astral body, a higher part of the soul begins to develop - the mental body.

The mental body, created from a finer material than the astral (as much as the astral is finer than the physical), responds with vibrations to every change in our thought. Each change in consciousness causes a vibration in the mental body, which is transmitted to the astral vehicle, and he, in turn, transmits it to the physical brain. This activity in the nerve cells of the brain causes various electrical and chemical changes. But these changes arise due to the influence of thought, and not vice versa.

The mental body manifests its consciousness as the power of rational thought. With the help of this body, a person can cognize the physical world. It is able to cognize because, together with the new body that appeared, the sphere of consciousness, in comparison with the animal, has expanded unusually. The abilities of the mind are very high and therefore it is able to think and analyze. The subtle worlds cannot be cognized with the help of this body.

Mental bodies, like astral ones, are different in people of different stages of development; they consist of gross or subtle substance according to the needs of a more or less developed consciousness. For developed and cultured people, it is in constant motion and sharply outlined; among the undeveloped, it is like a cloud with indefinite outlines. The substance of which it consists belongs to the mental plane, and it is in constant activity, for a person continues to think both during sleep, when the soul is separated from his physical body, and after death, when he passes into the upper world, where he lives exclusively by thoughts and emotions.

Since a person spends all the time in the mental body after the transition to the heavenly world, it is very reasonable to strive for such an improvement. The means for such improvement are clear thinking, the acquisition of knowledge, high emotions, supra-personal aspirations (prayer) and, most of all, correct and intensified meditation. Under such conditions, the mental body will rapidly evolve, enriching the heavenly period of a person.

Evil thoughts defile, harm the mental body and if they last for a long time, reckoning comes - a disease and disfigurement of the mental body, which is difficult to heal.

In our modern era, the human mental body is actively developing. This is facilitated by scientific and technological progress and many other factors. Accordingly, people should be very serious about the subject of their thinking, since the formation of mental bodies in the present period proceeds very quickly. In the Holy Scriptures there is a phrase: "What are his thoughts, so is he." It is worth thinking very seriously about the meaning of these words. Think about it.

All living beings, people, animals and others exist only as long as energy is maintained in their bodies.

To build the subtle bodies of a person, the corresponding subtle energy is also required. Astral body i.e. the surface of the soul is built from astral matter. We receive this energy from the subtle world with the help of the chakras.

From the point of view of Eastern philosophy and Eastern practice, the spiritual development of a person means the transformation of his subtle bodies. This can be realized only with the awakening of the energy centers, which are mostly "sleeping" in an ordinary person, ie. they are not developed, do not perceive highly vibrating subtle energy and, therefore, his spiritual development is suspended.

Since the chakras of all people are almost closed, only two chakras are open to a small extent - the sacral (Svadhisthana) and the vital (Manipura), a person has no opportunity to receive the energy from which the higher sub-planes of subtle bodies are built, and, therefore, his development is extremely slow. The meaning of all the spiritual systems of India and the East is to give a person methods so that he can receive material from outer space for building higher bodies, which are spoken of in Hinduism and Tantrism.

A person is born with only a physical, etheric body, several sub-planes of the astral body and a mental body that is just beginning to develop. Further developing, they must complete the construction of all sub-planes of the astral body, all sub-planes of the mental body. The construction of all bodies except the physical and the etheric is the task of the person himself. All methods of spiritual practices developed in India served to accelerate this creativity, the creation of subtle bodies. True spiritual work is the conscious formation and development of bodies: astral, mental, etc. That is why the methods of yoga, Tibetan and Buddhist tantra, have given many people enlightened. And the methods of Christianity gave few such people. Christianity forbade work with consciousness, forbade any research into life. If a person possessed properties that distinguish him from others, then it was believed that he had these qualities from Satan. Such people were burned. That is why Christianity did not contribute to the spiritual development of a person, but hindered.

All Eastern methods are aimed at developing in a person the ability to cognize this world. Those. become more receptive to vibrations, feel subtle information emitted to everyone around. The cognition of this world is not the cognition of forms, but the cognition of the essence. Essence is radiated energy. All methods are aimed at teaching a person to know the essence of things, phenomena, people. Manifesting in this world is not destructive, not hostile, but harmonious.

The spiritual growth of a person means a slow and gradual construction of higher bodies, which means the acquisition of a higher consciousness. This can happen either as a result of suffering, the slow accumulation of experience, or as a result of deliberate methods, practices, knowledge.

As a person develops, not immediately, not as a gift from above, but as a result of development (a person for thousands of years lived like an animal, almost not differing from him), a higher consciousness, mind appeared. This consciousness has been developing humanity for thousands of years, during many reincarnations it has been developed by each person individually. This consciousness gave him unprecedented power. Man immediately turned from an animal being into the highest, into the king of nature.

Man is the highest, most powerful being only within the framework of earthly nature, because he developed a new instrument that gave him unprecedented opportunities compared to other animals. First of all, a person got the opportunity to know this world and himself with the help of a new body.

Spiritual development begins with self-knowledge. Man broke away from the animal when he began to think about the world. But for a long time a person is in that state of development when it can be said about him that he is a half-animal, half-human.

A person thinks about the world, but does not think about himself, this makes him related to the animal kingdom, animals do not think about themselves. Only from the moment when, in addition to thinking about others, about salaries, about political situations, a person begins to think about himself, begins to turn to himself, begins to criticize himself - only from that moment a person gets the opportunity to finally break away from the animal kingdom. Until that moment, no matter how clever speeches he utters, no matter how many languages ​​he knows, until he begins to study himself - this is a half-man, half-animal, because his knowledge of the world is one-sided.

On the pediment of Greek temples there was an inscription: "Know thyself and you will become equal to the gods." Knowing yourself means observing your emotions, controlling your feelings, suppressing negative emotional outbursts with the power of a mental order. Observing your predominant emotions, you can definitely draw a conclusion about whether you are a benevolent person or aggressive, therefore, which subplane of the astral body is developed is finite and what to do to develop the astral body further.

Observing your thinking, analyzing it, you can also draw a conclusion - do you kindly assess the people and events around you, or predominantly negatively, critically, aggressively.

Starting from the stage when a person begins to analyze his actions, evaluate his reactions, feelings, emotions, instinctive motives and thoughts, self-development begins, i.e. conscious creativity of oneself. Because a person gets the opportunity to know exactly what needs to be changed in himself. Introspection, introspection is an effective tool for spiritual development. Self-esteem works great. You will very soon notice that you are changing, and without any effort.

The consciousness of the mental body manifests itself as reason, as mind. A person has the ability to develop 3 types of mind.

1. Reason is instinctive. This is how the consciousness of the mental body of a person who has developed only the lower sub-planes of this body manifests itself.

2. Intelligent mind. This is how the consciousness of the mental body of a person who has developed the middle sub-planes of this body is manifested.

3. Spiritual intelligence. This is how the mental body of a person who has developed the higher sub-planes of this body and the first sub-planes of the next body, the body of genius, manifests consciousness.

The mind does not manifest the astral body, the consciousness of the astral body manifests itself as feelings, sensations, states, but not rationality. The mind begins to manifest itself when the mental body begins to develop.

We call the mental shell - a rational soul. The astral body is a feeling soul. The rational soul of a person develops slowly and includes an instinctive mind, intellect and spiritual mind. All types of consciousness that the mental body manifests are slowly and gradually developed by a person as he develops.

There are no clear boundaries in the universe, it cannot be said that one plane of existence ended here and another began. All plans of life mutually penetrate, similarly with the manifestation of the consciousness of the mental body, it is impossible to define a clear boundary separating the consciousness of instinct from the consciousness of the intellect. Due to the interpenetration of the subplanes of the mental body, most people exhibit mixed consciousness, transitional, from instinctive to intellectual. Some have a more developed instinctive and less intellectual, others these forms of consciousness are manifested equally, in the third - more intelligence, less instinct, in the fourth, a higher spiritual mind begins to develop, in the fifth - spiritual consciousness and intellectual consciousness are manifested together, etc. ...

Average people display 2 types of intelligence: instinct and intelligence, and spiritual intelligence is potency, the possibility of development.

The intellectual mind is the mind of humanity of the present time, and the intuitive, genius mind is the manifestation of the consciousness of the future of humanity.

The instinctive mind connects a person with the animal world, with its higher representatives, the most developed, they also have this mind. This mind is a manifestation of mixed consciousness - the lower sub-planes of the mental body and the astral body. The thinking of such a person strongly depends on his feelings, states, emotions. This mind is the servant of instinctive desires and, in general, the desires and needs of man. A person with such a mind thinks only about food, things, sex, money, and the like. A not very developed intellect only uses to satisfy its needs and often to justify selfish behavior, greed, stinginess, jealousy, etc.

The level of consciousness that a person has already surpassed in his development goes into the subconscious. For the most part, a person has already to some extent surpassed instinct, he more or less owns another consciousness, a higher level of reason - intellect, therefore instinctive consciousness is a subconscious area. The instinctive mind for man is the lowest stage of his development. Many people are not very aware of their dependence on instinctive needs, because this influence manifests itself in the form of sensations, physical states, vague feelings and anxiety, i.e. subconsciously. The person is not aware of this influence, because does not formulate verbally and does not reflect on it.

Intelligence is that property of reason, which is characteristic of a fairly large number of people on Earth, it is the dominant consciousness of humanity now. A logical, rational mind rules social life, and a higher spiritual consciousness is just beginning to develop on Earth.

When a person develops a spiritual, intuitive mind, it tears him away from the general human mass and makes him a superman. He has powerful capabilities that ordinary people do not have, existing with the help of logical reason. First of all, this power lies in the fact that he is able to penetrate into the essence of things, phenomena, people not by means of logical construction, but by the method of instant insight or higher feeling, with the help of intuition.

Man is still largely an animal, instincts still strongly influence the manifestations of man, but we are to a large extent already people, rational beings. We are still very little capable of insight, intuition, and genius.

The instinctive mind is used by beings who are at a low stage of development - these are children before the beginning of intellectual learning, people whose culture has not risen above the tribal culture. The instinctive mind is the mind of the past of humanity. For thousands of years, man was not much different from the animal. The instinctive mind reigned on Earth, therefore, all around, celestial phenomena, natural phenomena, man considered from the point of view of the relationship between the sexes of the male and female. The reproductive instinct rules planetary life. For thousands of years, there have been civilizations, knowledge and religions on Earth that fully reflected this vision of the world.

Modern psychologists call this mind the subconscious mind and attribute to it many qualities of the spiritual or intuitive mind, thus mixing the higher and lower properties of the mind. At the same time, the intellect, which is an intermediate link between the higher and lower minds, is called the conscious mind and is recognized as the highest in relation to the subconscious mind. A lot of fantasies are approved by modern psychology that the subconscious mind has all the knowledge, prophetic abilities. Often modern people, ignorant in the field of this knowledge, assert: "the subcortex knows everything." This is one of the many fantasies of modern human science.

The instinctive mind is the first form of mental life achieved on the path of evolution of human consciousness. Even a person with a highly developed intellectual consciousness has a highly developed activity of instincts and, to varying degrees, subordinates them to the power of his higher consciousness or submits to them. As a physical being, a person cannot exist at all without an instinctive mind. Intelligence is already significantly developed among the advanced representatives of modern civilization, but for most people its development has just begun. Many people are only slightly taller than animals and their minds are almost entirely instinctive.

Our civilization is a product of rational reason, intellect, therefore it is now believed that this is the highest form of human development. The rational mind is unable to explain phenomena that are not related to the physical world. This mind is capable of knowing only this world. Logic often leads a person to a dead end, it is impossible to cognize and explain everything by logical thinking.

The path of human development is the path of development from instinct to intellect, then to superconsciousness, to genius and beyond. When a person receives information about the world, about any phenomenon by the method of instant illumination, this is the ability of a higher consciousness, this is a manifestation of a more powerful mind. This is called genius, insight, intuition.

In addition to instinctive reason, intellectual and spiritual reason, there is a higher degree of intelligence, the highest degree of consciousness is cosmic consciousness, which manifests itself when the highest spiritual soul unites with the spiritual basis of a person, with a monad, with a spirit. Then consciousness manifests itself as absolute omniscience, as a manifestation of the highest will, i.e. creative power as absolute love.

The human soul is threefold - the animal or feeling soul, human or rational and spiritual or intuitive. As it develops, it manifests an ever more powerful force, which we call reason. But besides the soul, there is a third component of a person - this is spirit.

Spirit is the highest unconscious part of a person. This is the immortal essence of man. This is a monad. It is still the same for all people, because unconscious, i.e. does not appear in any way.

A person manifests itself simultaneously in 3 planes of his being, having 3 instruments. He manifests itself in the physical world - by actions, in the astral world - by the energy of feelings, emotions, states, in the mental world he manifests the energy of thought, this is how his mental body manifests itself.

When we do any act, we somehow affect the physical world and, according to the law of the pendulum, the physical world immediately affects us. When we show any feeling, i.e. we radiate energy from the level of the vital chakra, the sacral chakra, these energies also affect the astral world and according to the law of reverse action, the astral world immediately affects us. How does it work? There is such a law in the subtle world “like is attracted to like”. We radiated energy from any chakra, immediately it begins to attract the corresponding energy from the astral world. This energy is part of our astral body. If we are often angry, i.e. we radiate low, negative energy from the vital chakra, we attract similar energy from the lower sub-planes of the subtle world and build the corresponding astral body.

Every time we think, we have the same energetic effect on the mental world and, according to the law of reverse action, this world immediately influences us. We must know how we exist in this world and not be deluded into the fact that the displayed emotion is unknown to anyone. The consequences will be immediately, tk. the astral world immediately affects us. The consequences will be manifested in the fact that the energy identical in vibrations will be attracted and begin to build our astral body. We create our astral body with every emotion, every feeling. Every time we radiate emotional energy, we become responsible for building our astral body, in fact, building our soul. This means that they are responsible for the fate in the next life and their posthumous fate. A manifested thought is an action in the mental world, it will cause a response. This reaction will affect us.

Thus, we simultaneously participate in the life of 3 worlds. We influence all 3 worlds. This interaction and mutual influence never stops. We need to learn to live more competently, manifesting more consciously in all 3 worlds.

We have the organs of perception of the worlds. These are the organs of the physical body that provide information about how the physical world affects us. We have the ability to perceive the subtle worlds with the help of the chakras. Living in this world, we perceive the energetic effect of everything: the feelings and thoughts of other people (we are immersed in the ocean of feelings and thoughts of other people), the energetic effect of planets, zodiacal spheres, the nature of the Earth, magnetic influences, the influence of weather, temperature.

The multidimensional, multidimensional perception of everything around is the main reason that each person exhibits a rather complex complex of mental, emotional, physical actions. Everything affects us, we all perceive, everything makes us, one way or another, react.

Therefore, we are very complex beings. Mental and emotional manifestations of a person entirely depend on the level of a person's development. A highly developed person often shows benevolence, mercy, compassion, love, tenderness. Less commonly, anger and aggression. A highly developed person has a deep, philosophical mind, which allows him to be wiser, calm, not critical of the people and phenomena around him, since he is able to truly understand.

A low-developed person, on the contrary, is more often angry, irritated, hates, and does not accept. Very rarely shows sympathy, is not able to love, be kind. A low-developed person is first of all limited, stupid, judges everything critically, subjectively, aggressively, always confident that his opinion is the truth. The circle of his interests is very narrow.

There are very few people with a genius mind. We know them literally in every way. Among each nation, among each culture, people came and created brilliant discoveries in the field of science, art, spiritual methods, and philosophical knowledge. A single spiritual planetary culture is a single planetary accumulation of the highest achievements of mankind. All the highest, noblest was created by just such people who have reached higher levels of consciousness.

When we talk about spiritual development, it means that the intellect must be developed to a state of wisdom. This is what Jnana Yoga does - the development of the intellect of the average person to that of the sage. A person who has developed this quality knows more than other people, he can understand this life, understand situations, events, other people, himself much deeper and more correctly than people of primitive intellectual knowledge.

But, only after passing the intellectual level, a person begins to develop another consciousness. At the level of intuition, wisdom is not needed, because there is instant knowledge.

The consciousness that is characteristic of modern humanity is a rather difficult stage of development. All spiritual sources write about this. Buddha and Jesus talked about this. An intermediate state, when a person has almost surpassed instinctive consciousness, its manifestations are the result of intellectual consciousness and spiritual consciousness is not yet present - this level of human development is a very difficult stage. Difficult because the thinking process requires energy. The throat chakra, which should be developed at least to some extent and which should accumulate energy, provide the process of thinking, is not developed in most people. It does not possess independent energy and borrows energy for thinking from the three lower chakras. If it is fueled by energy from the vital chakra, which happens to most people, it gives thinking, analysis, assessment of an average intellectual personality such qualities as conceit, vanity, a tendency to impose their ideas, to self-affirmation. We see the manifestations of this consciousness in our planetary life. The propensity for violence, for self-assertion, for enmity not only among individuals, but also among nations is the result of this level of development. But humanity will further develop intelligence.

Of course, with the help of intellect, a person does not become the supreme being of the universe. The difficulties of this period lie in the fact that the intellect is in the middle, between the animal principle, the instinctive principle and the principle of the higher, spiritual mind. A person is constantly forced to be in a situation of choice. In his consciousness there are instinctive desires, an animal principle, but there is already a need for higher, moral manifestations. This need is the result of an awakening new consciousness, superconsciousness. And in the middle, what is characteristic of most people - a rational intellectual selfish personality.

The rational intellectual person in each case must make a choice: either be guided by instinct, or be guided by a higher spiritual reason. This is the manifestation of the freedom of the individual, which is predetermined by the intellectual consciousness.

A person who is guided by instinct does not have any freedom, because he manifests itself naturally, like an animal: wants to eat - he takes a piece from the weak, prompted by sexual hunger, can commit violence. There is no choice here. Only instinct prompts him to act in one way or another.

At a higher level of development, there is also no choice, a person is not faced with a choice - to act or not to act morally. He does this in a natural way, this is how his spiritual consciousness manifests itself. This is what is often referred to as the moral law within a person. Altruism, kindness, mercy are natural manifestations of spiritual consciousness.

The choice is manifested at the level of intelligence. Free will exists only at the level of the intellect, this freedom is not given by God, it is a natural achievement in the development of man and is necessary for him for the further development of consciousness.

Each situation is difficult for an intellectual person, as it requires a choice. This is the difficulty faced by modern civilization, modern society and the individual. Each time you have to make a choice between the highest and the lowest. This is what Jesus said: "You cannot serve two gods at the same time - God and Mamon."

The difficulty of our time is also the fact that the culture, of which we are contemporaries, knows nothing but the intellect, the intellect is the judge in all matters. With its help, they try to explain or deny the existence of higher worlds, with the help of the intellect they try to comprehend the infinite magnitudes of being. Intelligence is a rather limited tool, it can discretely move from one subject to another, but is not able to capture the whole picture at once. This is a property of a higher consciousness - intuition. The intellect, on the other hand, can consider one small phenomenon, then another, and then draw a logical connection between them. This is a property of intelligence.

With a limited, discrete mind, capable of moving gradually from one small value to another, they are trying to embrace the immense Universe. This is unrealistic. It is impossible to realize the essence of the higher with the help of the lower. This tool (intellectual mind) is given only for one purpose - to comprehend the physical world and oneself in this world. With the help of this tool, a person can only cognize the phenomena of earthly life.

This is a serious problem in the development of our society, because intellectual culture denies the existence of higher worlds, other forms of consciousness, other powerful potential qualities of human consciousness. Thus, an intelligent person himself suppresses the possibility of his development to a higher level.

Since the intellect sees the world in a very limited, discrete manner, in pieces and in these pieces it builds a kind of connection, the best of all an intellectual person sees himself and his connections with others. Therefore, selfishness is characteristic of him. Selfishness is not characteristic of the higher spiritual consciousness and is not characteristic of the lower spiritual consciousness. The animal is not selfish, it is natural, it does so because it cannot act otherwise. Even the most cruel behavior of an animal is only submission to an overwhelming force of instinct. A person who has the same consciousness, i.e. instinctive, also not selfish, he cannot act otherwise.

Selfishness manifests itself at the level of intellectual consciousness, because a person with such a consciousness is able to see only himself as the center of a small universe, given by nature in order for such an important person to be comfortable to exist. Everything that is not "I" is thought of as hostile, alien. All people around an intellectual person must recognize his right to be in the center, must recognize his claims, ambitions, and his exceptional value. Otherwise, he begins to fight with them, to hate them. As long as humanity remains at the level of intellectual consciousness, it cannot love its neighbor. It is simply useless to call for this, it is impossible to implement it. The neighbor simply does not interest us. We are only interested in those neighbors who can fulfill our desires. Those that somehow help us exist or those that we consider our enemies. There is close attention here, all the others simply do not interest us.

Intellect protects a person from benevolent communication, it is he who prevents mutual understanding, because every intelligent selfish person hears only himself, considers only his own opinion to be true. And it is not for nothing that all the spiritual traditions of the East surprise us by demanding that we cast aside reason, not accumulate dead book knowledge - they do not help. The only method that will lead to another level of consciousness is the development of the intellect to the level of wisdom. Further, concrete work with intellectual consciousness is required.

How can one reach another higher level of consciousness? First of all, to see the features of intellectual consciousness, to see its negative manifestations, its weakness, limitation, tendency to ego diseases. It is necessary to change the negative aspects in order to move to a higher level of development.

The capabilities of the intellect are not very great, even the ability to think logically is not a characteristic feature of most people, it is still a developmental perspective. The most characteristic of the intellect is its inconsistency, inability to concentrate. Try to meditate on a topic at home for more than 3 minutes. This is very difficult to do. No wonder in Hinduism intelligence is compared to a jumping monkey, because the intellect is always trying to switch to some new topic for thought. For most people, the intellectual consciousness peculiar to them is 2-3 sub-planes of the mental body.

Every human body requires nutrition for its development. Nutrition of the mental body - information. At the intellectual level of development, the mental body becomes voracious. It requires more and more food, an indiscriminate person begins to absorb everything, any information. He runs in different activities, reads different books. If a person eats a herring, then compote, then ice cream, he will feel bad. A disease of the physical organism is possible, in any case, its disorder is ensured. The same is with the mental body - there will be a disorder in his mind, a vinaigrette of ideas, a mixture of disparate information poisoning his consciousness.

A person with a higher intelligence will not read popular books, he is already interested in higher philosophical topics. The most important thing is not to run on various courses, not to read all the spiritual books in a row, otherwise a useless mixture and the illusion that you are doing something important will inevitably arise in your mind. The only thing that is really very important for a person of an intellectual level of development is to strive to think about any information on their own. Reflect, analyze and draw independent conclusions. You should not think that your conclusions will be necessarily correct, more often than not, but this is not important, the important thing is that they will be yours, made by you. Self-reflection is essential for the development of the mental body.

A wise man is not one who has read a lot. Anyone who independently draws conclusions thinks much deeper, he has insights, distant views - in time, space. And this is an independent workout. But even in a state of wisdom, one should not stop. Then there is a higher consciousness, the so-called "superconsciousness". A person with such a consciousness becomes an Individual.

The first sign of true intelligence development is the awakening of self-awareness. With the help of self-awareness, a person begins to form an idea of ​​himself. He begins to compare himself with others, to think about it. He begins to think, analyze, classify, divide, draw conclusions, etc. He begins to rely on his own mind and does not want to blindly accept the opinions of others. Intellect is far from the highest principle in a person. But, we can say that waking consciousness begins when the consciousness of oneself awakens in a person, i.e. self-awareness. This consciousness does not make a person kinder, more merciful, i.e. better. On the contrary, many people use the increased power of intellectual consciousness in order to satisfy their purely animal, instinctive needs. Such qualities as cunning, deceit, resourcefulness, meanness often arise. The higher a person is developed, the lower he can fall.

What exactly is the difference between higher consciousness and intellectual consciousness? An intelligent person is inevitably selfish to one degree or another. He is hostile to everything alien. He feels best of himself, his needs, desires, defends his ideas. And in general, he sees only himself in the center of everything. Selfish, lonely, all-in-one person cannot be happy.

A person with superconsciousness feels the unity of life. Knows that everything is connected, that all beings represent unity in the ocean of universal life. Unlike a selfish intellectual person, who is most often in a state of irritation, dissatisfaction, fear, etc., a spiritual person, i.e. possessing superconsciousness, more often it is in a state of joy, delight from the beauty and infinity of life.

So, man is the most complex being. Its structure is multifaceted. It allows him to contact the three planes of being. The level of a person's development determines how he influences the three worlds and what influence he is able to perceive from the physical, astral and mental worlds. As the astral body develops, it picks up more and more subtle vibrations, a wider energetic influence of the environment, small space, i.e. planets of the solar system, nature, people. But, in turn, its influence on everything around it increases and changes. We influence by our own radiations, vibrations emanating from the physical, astral and mental body. Therefore, we must constantly remember that not only everything affects us, but we also actively influence everything.

Our mental body is a factory for the production of thoughts, we are a constantly working radio station that turns off only during sleep. This radio station broadcasts a program corresponding to the mental development of a person. The radio station of one person broadcasts high noble ideas, thoughts of love, optimism, joy, gratitude, the idea of ​​compassion, empathy with everyone around. And the content of another person's programs is evil thoughts, aggression, thoughts of envy, ideas of hatred, rejection.

Our radio station, incessantly, works and stops its activity only when we fall asleep. Because at the stage of modern development of a person, his thoughts are the most powerful energy, then he creates a lot of evil with his thinking, not realizing what the strength of his influence on others is. A person radiates a lot of negative mental energy completely uncontrollably and, worst of all, constantly. A person often fills the mental plane with negative ideas, evil thoughts, envious ideas.

What is the difference between the manifestation of the energy of the astral body and the manifestation of the energy of the mental body? What arises when we feel, and what arises when we think? When we feel, show any emotion, we emit a stream of energy, which has a certain forceful effect on the astral plane, or on the astral body of a nearby person. This is an influencing force, this is an energetic influence. When any energetic influence affects our astral body, we either enter a similar state, i.e. we tune in to the appropriate vibration, or we get a powerful energy blow.

What happens when the mental body begins to manifest, i.e. emit energy? Consciousness of the mental body manifests itself as thinking, i.e. perception and transmission of ideas, information. With the development of the mental body, the ability to think about the information received, to analyze it, to create your own ideas begins to develop, the ability to create with the help of thinking develops. This is called creative imagination. Let us recall the law of manifestation of energy in the Universe. The energy of a higher plane is enveloped by the energy of a lower plane, creating its own form out of it.

When we think, we radiate the energy of the mental plane, it is immediately enveloped in astral energy, astral form. An astral being appears, containing the essence (mental energy, information, idea) and having a form consisting of the astral energy of the corresponding vibration. So, when we feel when we admit in a state of sadness, or a state of sadness, we radiate energy during this period of time. A feeling of sadness has arisen, we are emitting rather low energy, a feeling of joy has arisen - we are emitting a different energy, higher. These are astral energies of different vibrations. A feeling of irritation arose - the person begins to radiate negative, i.e. low-vibration energy into the surrounding world, as a result of its influence flowers wither, pets are hammered in the corners in fear, sensitive children immediately tense up.

But then, when we combine feeling with thought, and this is already a manifestation of the mental body, a completely different effect arises. In the astral plane, a living being instantly arises, consisting of form and essence. In the terminology of esoteric philosophy, it is called an elemental being, "thought form." We are the creators of these creatures, these are our creatures, we are their parents.

The mind constantly radiates from itself emanations that can be seen, just like the aura of a person. They spread from a person, becoming thinner and thinner as they move away. We constantly emit waves of thoughts that rush like clouds, mingling with other thoughts of a similar nature, extending to the most distant parts of the earth.

Every time we think, no matter strongly or weakly, intensely or not, a thought in the form of a cloud radiates from the head, in the mental plane an energetic message emanating from a person arises, a thought form arises. This creature, born by us, acquires an independent existence. A living being has appeared, it has an astral body and a mental essence, which we call information. We are the creators of these beings.

Thought always carries information - this is its essence, its content. Depending on the content, i.e. depending on the information, this living creature inspires ideas of evil or good and acts much stronger than the energy of feeling, because the energy of this creature, thought form, is stronger than the energy of any emotion and its impact is much stronger than the effect of a simple energy impulse of emotion ...

So, we are constantly working, except for periods of sleep, a factory of thought forms, good or evil, depending on the information or the essence of the given thought. Let us briefly explain what a good or evil thought means.

Human thinking is associated with the activity of the throat chakra, which is closed in most people, i.e. has no energy of its own. Thinking is powered by energy from the three lower chakras: sacral (Svadhisthana), vital (Manipura) and heart.

If ideas of petty envy, egoistic concern, satisfaction, not satisfaction arise, i.e. everyday everyday thinking, then it is fed from the sacral chakra.

If ideas of self-affirmation, arrogance, anger, violence, hatred, rejection, struggle, etc. arise, then the nourishment comes from the vital chakra.

If ideas of help, sympathy, empathy, love, acceptance, sympathy arise, then the recharge comes from the heart chakra.

In accordance with the idea contained in the thought, i.e. in accordance with the energy emitted by the throat chakra, a thought-form corresponding to the vibrations arises and its corresponding positive or negative influence.

In an average person, the mental body is not developed, 1-2 sub-planes are developed, nothing more. Such an undeveloped mental body does not give him the opportunity for deep thinking, the ability to analyze perceived information, to think independently, is not developed, a person is more capable of perceiving the products of someone else's thinking. His power of thinking is weak, it is difficult for him to think for a long time, but it is still impossible for him to think independently. There is no developed tool for thinking. Therefore, he thinks in a continuous tape of small, vague, weak thought forms. Usually their content is everyday trifle, petty judgments about everyday problems, petty envy that fills life, petty everyday desires, petty gossip. It is a low vibrational, weak flow of energy that is emitted by most people.

Each person fills the world around him with mental products of his own quality. The themes that are most familiar to him and the power of thinking inherent in him create the usual daily products with which he fills the subtle world. If a person has a lot of vital energy and the process of thinking is fed by the vital chakra, then the process of thinking is more intense. We say that this is a strong thinker. There are such people, when communicating with whom the head starts to ache intensely, you feel a strong energetic impact of their thoughts. Such a person literally drummed his ideas into you - you feel a strong mental pressure. He does not swing his fists, does not exert any physical action, but you feel a powerful forceful influence. This person has a strong vital energy. When a person is in a state of emotional excitement, then the thought acquires great energetic power. Thought forms created by such a thinker last much longer.

The thought-form has a certain color emission. The color of the radiated energy depends on the composition of the astral shell. The coloration is similar to the color vibrations of the aura. If a thought contains negative information of malicious content, its form is created from the energy of the lower astral sub-planes, its color will be dirty, dark tones. That's what we say: "dark thoughts." Thought forms of love emit a pink glow. The thought forms of passion will be bright red. The thought-form vibrates and emits a certain glow depending on the content of the given thought. The content affects the form. This is the law.

A person with a beautiful soul, i.e. showing more often high emotions and radiating more often bright thoughts, gradually and appearance becomes beautiful. A person with an ugly soul, i.e. for someone who is often angry, indignant, hates and often emits spiteful, aggressive, "dark thoughts", external manifestations become ugly.

Thought that is high in content and energy creates beautiful thought-forms of very beautiful colors, while thoughts of evil, aggressive, thoughts of hatred create equally ugly forms. Clairvoyants often see thoughts in the form of hooks, carnivorous animals, or ugly creatures. It all depends on the content of thinking and on the strength of thinking.

So, we give birth to astral beings, which are called thought forms, elementals. This being has a body made up of astral matter and has an inner essence made up of mental energy that vibrates and has information. Creatures created by an intense thinker live for a very long time, can live for centuries or even millennia, until their energy dissipates. You understand now how terrible is the impact of a strong and evil person on the world around him. He is a factory of permanent evil. The stronger his thinking, the more sophisticated his intellect, the more terrible the creator of such astral beings this man is. Terrible, because thought forms are attracted by the mental bodies of people, have a strong influence on the process and content of their thinking. Sensitive people feel this very much. You have probably often heard from Christians that some demons influence their thinking, conclusions, desires. They are allegedly responsible for negative human behavior. As you can see, there is much of the truth here. There is only one small nuance - negative thoughts can only be attracted to the same thinker. Only related thoughts are attracted.

A completely different influence is exerted by a person who has a benevolent attitude towards others, a person who thinks kindly, who creates thought-forms that are finely vibrating, beautiful in color, containing good ideas. Such thought forms also strongly influence the thinking of others, calming, instilling kind, positive thoughts. That is why a highly spiritually developed person influences with his thinking very many people, even those who are not near him.

A person can be a strong source of evil mental influence, it is even more terrible if he is smart, i.e. has a more developed mental body, then it has a stronger, negative influence. A person can have good thinking, then this person is a purifying source because adjusts others to the same thinking, communication with him is very pleasant and useful. He promotes the development of the mental bodies of others.

One should not think that thoughts are weak, not carrying intense anger or intense rejection, criticism, aggression, but negative, unkind thoughts are less harmful than thoughts of an intense evil thinker. This is not true. If a person constantly thinks negatively, his negative thinking greatly affects the thinking of others. Weak or strong thinking, but if it is negative, then this person is a source of mental infection, since his thoughts affect the thinking of other people. Thought forms of other people of content related to our thinking are attracted to our mental body. Then the process of our thinking is strengthened or sustained for a longer time. A person who thinks negatively attracts other people, similar in content, to him, they strengthen and continue his negative thinking. A similar process occurs with positive thinking. A person who is constantly in a state of evil emotions is a source of emotional contagion. A person who constantly thinks negatively is a source of mental infection.

People should be judged by what and how they think, what thoughts are predominantly characteristic of them. A person can be quiet in appearance, emotionally negatively does not appear, but what is going on in his head, a factory of what terrible thoughts is he? He himself thinks that he does not do any particular harm, the content of his thinking is not known to anyone. Constant, negative thinking - anger, criticism, rejection, hatred - have a very strong and negative impact on the people around them, forcing them to think similarly. Such a person is the producer of terrible, ugly thought forms, which, being attracted to the mental body of a person, transmit relevant information to him, make him think in the same way. This is the meaning of the impact of any propaganda.

In the subtle world, in contrast to the physical world, there is a law of attraction of like to like. In the physical world, plus is attracted to minus, opposites are attracted. In the subtle world, it is the other way around: like is attracted to like. Millions of such small weak thoughts are grouped according to their content, huge astral formations, huge reservoirs of energy arise. Reservoirs of completely uncontrollable, chaotic energy.

The constant thoughts of many people are similar in content, i.e. identical thought forms created by millions of people accumulate, form huge reservoirs of energy located in the subtle world. According to the law of attraction, they should be attracted from the subtle world to the mental bodies of people who think like living in the physical world. Huge reservoirs of negative energy are attracted to the physical world and have the most destructive effects here: they fall on people in the form of earthquakes, floods, in the form of social explosions, national clashes, an atmosphere of hatred - everything that we now have in our lives. This is a very serious problem.

Imposing the subtle world with terrible mental beings, creating huge reservoirs of destructive energy, we thus attract the most terrible misfortunes into the physical world.

In our world, there is not only negative thinking. There are on Earth, although, of course, there are much fewer of them, people of very high, strong mental beneficial effects.

The higher a person is in terms of spiritual development, the stronger the mental impact on the thinking of others he has. Thought forms of love, kindness, sympathy, unity, spreading from him, also encourage other people to think. Actually, this is the work of spiritual people on Earth. An atmosphere of hatred is intensely felt in Russia now, an atmosphere in which it is already difficult to live, anger is growing, and an active search for enemies is underway. This is the worst thing that happens to us.

In the teachings of Vernadsky about the noosphere, it is said that there is an inexhaustible source of human wisdom in it. Tsiolkovsky has the following saying: “A person who has accumulated psychic powers is able to tune the vibrations of his mental body in unison with the higher mental sub-planes. And then he takes the treasure into consciousness. "

A person who has accumulated psychic powers, i.e. the energy of the throat chakra, develops in itself the higher sub-planes of the mental body, then a higher form of thinking is characteristic of it - intuition.

A lot of discoveries have been made in this way. The consonance of the human mental body with the vibrations of thought forms located in the mental spheres of the planet gives brilliant discoveries in the field of science, technology, and art. In this way, many brilliant discoveries have been made on Earth. But this is possible only for a person who has already created a fully developed mental body. When this body is created, it attracts thought forms from the mental world to itself, discharging, they transmit to the mental body of a person information that has possibly existed for many centuries in the higher spheres of the astral (if these are discoveries in the form of art) or in the mental world.

If two people think about the same thing, in this case the energetic effect of thought is amplified to a significant extent, approximately 7 times. Imagine what power of thought and what kind of energy reservoir appears if many people think on the same topic.

When a group of people united by one idea thinks on general topics, a powerful astral living creature arises, This creature bears the name in esotericism egregor... It depends on the idea itself, on its spiritual height, or vice versa, spiritual baseness, in which sub-planes of the subtle world the egregor is located.

There are a huge number of egregors: from huge formations to small ones. The more intensively the physical members of the groups work, the more intense and stronger the egregor becomes.

We all have 7 bodies. Let's briefly recall (or learn again) about each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but this is not so. BODY PHYSICAL- this is just a real person's spacesuit, which consists of subtle bodies. Our eyes are designed to see only dense material objects. But if we begin to develop spiritually, then more perfect parts of the brain and the vision of subtle objects will open. And in our world there are people who see the subtle plans of the surrounding life.

ETHERIC BODY is the matrix of the physical body, but in the form of a subtle, spiritually material. If the organs of the etheric body are healthy, then automatically they are also healthy in the dense body. And the etheric body will be healthy when the mental and astral bodies create healthy and clean organs in it through pure thoughts and good desires.

To the "seers" the etheric body appears grayish-violet; short pale bluish rays, the so-called AURA of health, emanate from it in all directions. If these rays are perpendicular to the surface of the body, the person is healthy; in a patient, they fall down and are confused, especially in the area of ​​the body that is sick. It is these short rays, which are a manifestation of life force, that repel illness from a person.

Some sources put in explanations the Etheric body after the Mental - the fourth, explaining this by the fact that in terms of the vibrations that exist in a modern person with his expanded consciousness, it surpasses both previous ones.

ASTRAL BODY- the body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are completely controlled by our highly spiritual bodies, then the need for an astral body will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped person is a cloudy, vaguely outlined mass of astral matter of a lower type, which is capable of responding to animal desires. Its color is dull - brown, dull red and dirty green tones. Various passions appear in them as heavy waves; so, sexual passion causes a wave of dull carmine color. And a gust of anger is a red lightning with a bluish tinge.

The astral body of an average person is larger in size and has a luminous appearance. And the manifestation of higher emotions evokes in him a wonderful play of colors. Its outlines are clear, it acquires resemblance to its owner. And the "wheels" of the chakras in it are already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is a wonderful sight in radiance and color. Unprecedented shades appear in him under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the "wheels" indicates the activity of the higher centers; the absence of coarse particles makes him incapable of responding to the vibrations of low desires, and they sweep past without being attracted or touching him.

Mental or MENTAL BODY given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has higher vibrations than the astral, and when it is fully switched on, the astral body does not participate in joint work. The mental body is an expression of the Personality, but the Synthesis of incarnation is preserved in the highest, immortal human nature.
It develops by clearing thoughts and expanding consciousness.

In a highly developed person, it is a beautiful sight of rapidly pulsating gentle and bright light shades.
People engaged in mental and mental activity rarely immerse themselves in that atmosphere of feelings and desires that are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal Triad of the human soul has the names Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise, activity - will - wisdom).

CAUSAL BODY(manas) keeps the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We came from different worlds, we were men and women, rich and poor, kings and beggars ...
All of us have their memory erased for a while, so as not to harm us in our present existence. All people who have contact with us have had it in previous lives, and the memory of previous relationships can only hurt.

ATMIC BODY stores all information about our real life - from the day of birth to the present day. It does not disappear with the death of the physical body, but is present with us until we learn and understand all the lessons intended for us.

BODDHI'S BODY is the most important thing. It sums up all the experience of our soul, which has accumulated over the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the sphere of Spirit (Atma - Buddhi) there is complete Unity, which says that we are all one in origin, one in the way of our evolution and one in the common goal of our being. The only difference between us is that some started their journey earlier and others later. Some walked faster and others slower.

The recognition of universal Brotherhood and the desire to realize it in earthly life is the most powerful engine for the development of the Higher nature of man.

Material taken from esoteric literature

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