Home Flowers Editorial board of the journal. Editorial board of the journal Beginning of classes in the computer class

Editorial board of the journal. Editorial board of the journal Beginning of classes in the computer class


On February 20, Faculty 8 took part in the second (full-time) round of the Moscow Programming Olympiad for students in grades 10-11.

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  • Presentation of higher education diplomas


    On February 18, diplomas of higher education (specialty "Applied Mathematics and Informatics", qualification - mathematician, system programmer) were awarded to graduates of the basic department of the faculty at the Institute of Engineering Physics (Serpukhov).

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  • CUDA Workshop


    On February 16, a scientific and technical seminar for students, postgraduates and employees of the Moscow Aviation Institute was held at KLC-103, dedicated to the development and application of CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) technology used in graphics processors. The seminar is being held by representatives of NVIDIA. The audience and time will be announced later.

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  • Meeting with the dean


    On February 12, as part of the Open Doors Day, after the end of the event in the Palace of Culture, everyone could meet with the dean of the faculty.

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  • Start of classes in the computer class


    On February 7, classes began in the new computer class of the department. 802, received by the faculty under the program of renovating the infrastructure of the Moscow Aviation Institute as a National Research University.

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  • Publishing Articles

    • prof. P.S. Krasilnikov "On averaging differential equations with two independent small parameters" - Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 2011, volume 436, no. 3
    • Assoc. A.V. Naumov, Ph.D. Sai Khin Aung Tint "On the adaptation of training systems for retraining young specialists at the enterprises of the aerospace complex" - "Proceedings of the MAI", No. 42
    • Assoc. Ivanov I.E., senior researcher Kryukov I.A., student Larina E.V. "Mathematical modeling of the interaction of turbulence with shock waves" - Vestnik MAI No. 1, 2011
    • Badalova A. G., Panteleev P. A. "Functional diagram of the strategic risk management system of an enterprise in the aviation-industrial complex based on the cost approach" - "Proceedings of the MAI", No. 42
    • Badalova A. G., Panteleev P. A. "Formation of a fuzzy inference system for finding the level of risk at an enterprise of the aviation-industrial complex" - "Proceedings of the MAI", No. 42
    • asp. Ignatskaya I.V. "The graph of interactions as a tool for maintaining software systems" - Vestnik MAI No. 1, 2011
  • The Department of Financial Management carries out postgraduate training of highly qualified scientific personnel through postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

    Doctoral students, graduate students and applicants of the department are preparing dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Economics and Candidate of Economic Sciences in the specialty 080005 "Economics and management of the national economy (by industry)", specialization "Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes".

    Documents for postgraduate studies are accepted after receiving a positive response from the department for an abstract in the chosen specialty (the volume is not limited, but it is obligatory - the title page, table of contents, list of used literature and must be stitched). The abstract must correspond to the proposed topic of the dissertation work, agreed with the head of the department, contain an analysis of the state of the scientific problem under consideration, selected for the dissertation research and specific proposals for working on the dissertation. After receiving a positive response, the abstract and the response to it are submitted along with the documents to the postgraduate study department of the MAI.

    For admission to graduate school, you must submit the following documents:

    1. Application addressed to the rector of the institute indicating the department, type of training.
    2. Autobiography (everything about yourself and your immediate family on a piece of paper).
    3. A copy of the diploma of higher professional education with an attachment.
    4. List of published scientific works, inventions and reports on scientific research, certified by the head of the department.
    5. Certificate in form 2.2 on passing the candidate exams (for persons who have fully or partially passed the candidate exams).
    6. A certified copy of the work record book (if any).
    7. Medical certificate in the form 086u.
    8. Three photographs measuring 4 x 6 cm.

    When submitting documents, you must have a passport, diploma and military ID (or certificate of registration) with you.

    Applicants to graduate school take entrance exams in:

    • special discipline within the scope of the current program of postgraduate professional education;
    • foreign language, determined by a higher educational institution or scientific organization, necessary for a graduate student to carry out a dissertation work;
    • philosophy.

    An entrance examination in a special discipline precedes exams in other disciplines.

    Chief Editor
    Alifanov O.M., Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia) Members of the editorial board
    Andrenucci M., professor (University of Pisa, Italy)
    Antipov D.V., Associate Professor (Samara University, Russia)
    Boytsov B.V., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Ganiev R.F., Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (A.A. Blagonravov Institute of Mechanical Engineering RAS, Russia)
    Goman M., professor (de Montfort University, Leicester, UK)
    Degtyarev G.L., Professor (Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Russia)
    Demikhov K.E., Professor (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia)
    Evdokimenkov V.N., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Efremov A.V., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Zherebtsov S.V., Professor (Belgorod State National Research University, Russia)
    Itskov M., professor (Rhine-Westphalian Technical University, Aachen, Germany)
    Katorgin B.I., professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, Russia)
    Kollerov M.Yu., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Koroteev A.A., Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Matsyevsky A., professor (University of Zielona Gora, Poland)
    Nakasuka S., professor (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    Nosov N.V., Professor (Samara State Technical University, Russia)
    Pervov M.L., Professor (Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A.Soloviev, Russia)
    Polyakhov N.D., Professor (First Electrotechnical University "LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia)
    Popov A.A., professor (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Russia)
    Popov G.A., Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Rabinsky L.N., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Ravikovich Yu.A., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Skvortsova S.V., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Stepanov O.A., Professor (Concern Central Research Institute "Electropribor", St. Petersburg, Russia)
    Tamarkin M.A., Professor (Don State Technical University, Russia)
    Khedrich K. (University of Nis, Institute of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia)
    Sharonov A.V., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
    Shatalov V.K., professor (Kaluga branch of MSTU named after N.E.Bauman, Russia)
    Shatulsky A.A., Professor (Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A.Soloviev, Russia)
    Shekhtman S.R., Professor (Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Russia)
    Shulov V.A., Professor (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia) Executive Secretary of the Journal
    Shemyakova I. Ya. (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)

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