Home Indoor flowers C7.1 May be named as general. Questions to the text

C7.1 May be named as general. Questions to the text

Part 3

From a joint statement by two politicians.

“We are deeply convinced that to declare an armed uprising now is to put at stake not only the fate of our party, but also the fate of the Russian and international revolution.<…>

Our party's chances for the Constituent Assembly elections are excellent. The talk that [our] influence ... is starting to wane and the like, we consider absolutely unfounded. In the mouths of our political opponents, these statements are simply a technique of a political game, calculated precisely to provoke [our] action ... in conditions favorable to our enemies. [Our] influence ... is growing. Whole strata of the working population are just beginning to be seized by it. With the right tactics, we can get a third or even more seats in the Constituent Assembly.<...>

Only the Soviets will be able to rely on the Constituent Assembly in its revolutionary work. The Constituent Assembly plus the Soviets - this is the combined type of state institutions to which we are heading.<...>

They say: 1) the majority of the people in Russia are already for us, and 2) the majority of the international proletariat is for us. Alas! - neither one nor the other is wrong, and that's the whole point.

In Russia, the majority of the workers and a significant part of the soldiers are for us. But everything else is in question. We are all convinced, for example, that if it now comes to elections to the Constituent Assembly, the peasants will vote in the majority for the Socialist-Revolutionaries. What is this - an accident? The mass of soldiers supports us not for the slogan of war, but for the slogan of peace.<…>If we, having taken power now alone, come (by virtue of the entire world situation) to the need to wage a revolutionary war, the mass of soldiers will leave us ...

But since the choice depends on us, we can and must now confine ourselves defensive position. The provisional government is often powerless to enforce its counter-revolutionary intentions. It is loosened. The strength of the soldiers and workers is sufficient to prevent such steps of Kerensky and company from being realized. "






2. The policy of P.A. Solypin was aimed at creating a stable rule of law in Russia and preserving the foundations of the political regime that had been established since 1905.














Instructions for checking and evaluating student work on the history of Russia


A multiple choice task is considered to be completed correctly if the student has entered the correct answer code. In all other cases (another answer is chosen; two or more answers are chosen, among which there may be a correct one; there is no answer to the question) the task is considered not completed.

Job No.

Job No.

Job No.


A task with a short open answer is considered to be completed correctly if the required one or two words or a sequence of characters - letters or numbers - are indicated correctly.

For a complete correct answer to tasks B2, B4, B7, B8, 2 points are given, for an incomplete correct - 1 point, for an incorrect answer - 0 points.

For the correct answer to tasks B1, B3, B5, B6, B9, B10, B11,
1 point, for an incorrect answer - 0 points.



Elizaveta Petrovna



Gorbachev<или>Mikhail Gorbachev




Attention! When assigning points for completing an assignment in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks of form No. 2", it should be borne in mind that if there is no answer(there are no records indicating that the examinee has begun to complete the task), then the protocol is filled with “ NS", not "0" .

Part 3

For completing tasks C1 - C3, from 0 to 2 points are given; for task C5, from 0 to 3 points are given, for tasks C4, C6, C7, from 0 to 4 points; task C7 is evaluated in two parts: C7.1 (general characteristics) - from 0 to 2 points, C7.2 (differences) - from 0 to 2 points.

Determine which political party the participants in the statement were from. What year does it refer to? What event did this announcement precede?



It may be indicated that

    party - Bolsheviks (RSDLP (b))

    the statement refers to 1917

    the statement preceded the October coup (the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks)

The name of the political force is given, the year and event are determined

Any 1 - 2 response elements named

All elements are named incorrectly

Maximum score

Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three arguments that were cited by the supporters of the armed uprising.


Response Items and Grade Guidelines

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The following arguments can be specified:

    for the Bolsheviks - most of the people

    the Bolsheviks have already taken control of many Soviets, including the Petrosovet

    the Bolsheviks can rely on the help of the international proletariat

    the influence of the Bolsheviks with further delay will begin to decline

    the Bolsheviks will not be able to win elections to the Constituent Assembly, i.e. come to power legally

    the revolution and its achievements are threatened by the "counter-revolutionary" measures of the Provisional Government

Any 3 arguments named

2 arguments named

Maximum score

Indicate at least three arguments that are presented in the statement against the idea of ​​conducting an armed uprising at this historical stage.


Response Items and Grade Guidelines

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


The following arguments can be named:

    the influence of the Bolsheviks does not fall, but only grows over time

    the Bolsheviks have a great chance of winning more than a third of the votes in the Constituent Assembly and legally becoming the dominant political force

    the Bolsheviks now cannot rely on the support of the entire people (the peasants are for the Socialist-Revolutionaries)

    in the event of the seizure of power, the Bolsheviks will have to wage a revolutionary war, and this will cause discontent among the soldier masses

    the Bolsheviks are already strong enough to prevent the "counter-revolutionary" actions of the Provisional Government

Any 3 arguments named

2 arguments named

1 argument was named, or all arguments were named incorrectly

Maximum score

Name at least four features of the state and political development of Russia in the second half of the 17th century, indicating the transition to an absolute monarchy. Give at least three provisions of the "Cathedral Code" of 1649.


Response elements

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

1. The following features can be named:

    further strengthening of autocratic power, strengthening the authority of power and the prestige of the personality of the tsar

    attenuation of the activity of Zemsky sobors

    change in the composition and role of the Boyar Duma

    development of the order system and strengthening the role of orders in the management of the state

    strengthening the position of the central government on the ground

    the beginning of the reorganization of the Russian army

    struggle for the subordination of the church to the state

2. The following provisions of the "Cathedral Code" can be named:

    final legal enslavement of the peasants

    regulation of the rights of all classes

    attachment of residents of the settlement to the "tax" and place of residence

Grade Guidelines


4 features of the state and political development of Russia in the second half of the 17th century are identified. and there are 3 provisions of the "Cathedral Code"

Named 3 features and 3 positions

4 lines and 1 - 2 positions are named

Named 3 features and 2 positions

named 3 lines and 1 position

named 2 lines and 2 - 3 positions

3 - 4 features named, positions not named

named 1 line and 2 provisions

Named 1 - 2 lines and 1 position

2 features are named, positions are not named

features not named, named 2 - 3 positions

named 1 line and 2 provisions

Any 1 answer element named

Maximum score

Below are two points of view on the activities of P.A. Stolypin:

1. Activities of P.A. Stolypin was associated with a violation of people's rights and aimed at destroying or limiting the democratic achievements of the 1905-1907 revolution.

2. The policy of P.A. Stolypin was aimed at creating a stable rule of law in Russia and preserving the foundations of the political regime that had been established since 1905.

Indicate which of the named points of view seems more preferable to you. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments supporting your chosen point of view.


Response elements

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)

The student can choose one of the named points of view, but at the same time must provide arguments supporting it, for example:

When choosing the first point of view:

    Stolypin became famous for his cruel persecution of revolutionaries, the establishment of military courts

    Stolypin was one of the initiators of the June third coup

    according to the new electoral law prepared by Stolypin in 1907, the electoral rights of peasants and workers were limited

    Stolypin stood for restricting the political rights of representatives of non-Russian nationalities

    Stolypin's agrarian reform was associated with a certain amount of violence against the community members, who disagreed with it

    many bills were carried out by Stolypin under Article 87 of the Basic Laws without the participation of the State Duma

When choosing a second point of view:

    Stolypin defended the principle of private property, sacred in the rule of law

    Stolypin's struggle with the revolutionaries contributed to the establishment of order, the triumph of the law

    Stolypin was against the destruction of the State Duma and a return to the regime that existed before 1905.

    Stolypin collaborated with that part of the State Duma that was ready to cooperate with the government

    the creation of a stratum of peasant-owners was to develop respect in the peasant environment for the law, contribute to the development of legal culture

    Stolypin intended to expand the system of local self-government

    Stolypin proposed to reform the judicial system, to liquidate the volost court, in the actions of which there was a lot of arbitrariness

    Stolypin's reforms were supposed to help equalize the rights of peasants with other estates

Grade Guidelines


3 arguments are given that confirm the chosen point of view.

Given 2 arguments

Given 1 argument

All response elements are named incorrectly

Maximum score

Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

At the beginning of his reign, Alexander I saw his main task in the field of foreign policy in the struggle against Napoleonic France. However, in 1807, Alexander I signed a treaty with Napoleon in Tilsit, which provoked a negative reaction from the Russian nobility and merchants.

Why was Alexander I forced to sign this treaty? (Please indicate at least two provisions in total).

What was the reason for this attitude of the nobility and merchants to the signing, the terms of the Treaty of Tilsit? (Give a total of at least two reasons).


2. It can be indicated how this attitude of the nobility and merchants to the signing of the Treaty of Tilsit was explained:

    the conclusion of the Tilsit peace was largely due to military defeats unusual for Russia

    Russia's accession to the continental blockade contributed to the impoverishment of the local nobility, who exported agricultural products to England, and the merchants who traded in English goods

    the Duchy of Warsaw was created as a means of pressure on Russia

    Russia was losing its position in the Mediterranean

    Napoleon was perceived as a product of the French Revolution and was not considered a legitimate monarch

Grade Guidelines


2 provisions are indicated that reveal the reasons for the signing of the Tilsit Peace Treaty, and 2 reasons for such an attitude of the nobility and merchants to the treaty

There are 2 provisions and 1 reason

1 position and 2 reasons are indicated

2 provisions are specified, reasons are not specified

1 position and 1 reason are indicated

provisions not specified, 2 reasons specified

Any 1 answer element named

All response elements are named incorrectly

Maximum score

Compare the nature of the economic reforms in the industry of the USSR, carried out by N.S. Khrushchev and M.S. Gorbachev.

Indicate what was common (at least two common characteristics) and what was different (at least three differences).

Note. Record your answer in the form of a table. In the second part of the table, differences can be given both in comparable (paired) characteristics, and those features that were inherent in only one of the compared objects. (the above table does not establish the mandatory number and composition of common signs and differences, but only shows how best to formulate the answer).












The elements of the answer about common characteristics (C7.1) and the elements of the answer about differences (C7.2) are scored separately - 2 points.

Response Items and Grade Guidelines

(other formulations of the answer are allowed that do not distort its meaning)


C7.1 The following can be named as general:

    Soviet socio-political system

    administrative command system of economic management

    the influence of party-state decisions on the development of the economy

    top-down reforms

There are 2 general characteristics

1 general characteristic is given

All common characteristics are named incorrectly

Maximum score

C7.2 Differences:

Reforms under the leadership of N.S. Khrushchev

Reforms under the leadership of M.S. Gorbachev

    reforming the industrial management system

    an attempt to pursue a course to accelerate socio-economic development based on the technical re-equipment of industry and the activation of the "human factor" (the initial stage of restructuring)

    abolition of a number of line ministries

    creation of territorial management bodies - councils of national economy

    creation of republican SNH

    creation of the All-Union Council of National Economy

    expanding the independence of enterprises, introducing self-financing

    development of the cooperative movement, the emergence of the private sector

    abandonment of the monopoly of foreign trade

    based on the concept of transition to a regulated market economy - transfer of enterprises to lease, gradual denationalization of property

3 differences named

1 - 2 differences named

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    - [Page 2] -

    The composition of the deputies reflects the multinational character of our country. Among them are representatives of 65 nations and nationalities. The current deputy corps will have to solve tasks of national importance. These tasks are entrusted by our Constitution, first of all, to the Congress of People's Deputies, which, being the highest body of state power, is competent to consider any issue attributed to the jurisdiction of the USSR, determines the main line of activity of the Supreme Soviet and all other state bodies. Today the attention and thoughts of all working people are drawn to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, much is expected from it. And first of all - the answers to the questions of concern to people ... Together with the deputy mandate, the voters gave you, comrade deputies, their faith in a better life, in a prosperous and powerful Soviet socialist state. "

    1) What features of the Congress of People's Deputies as the highest body of state power are named in the speech?

    2) What is the result of the activities of the Congress of People's Deputies as the highest state body?

    7.4. Excerpt from the book of the Soviet leader

    Yes, the world today is not the same as yesterday, and its new problems cannot be solved on the basis of the way of thinking inherited from previous centuries. Is it possible now to hold on to the thesis of war as a continuation of politics by other means? In short, we in the Soviet leadership came to the conclusion - and we never tire of repeating it - that a new political thinking is necessary. Moreover, the Soviet leadership is striving to energetically translate it into the plane of practical action, primarily in the field of disarmament. This dictated the foreign policy initiatives that we honestly proposed to the world.

    What is the scale of the new historical thinking? It really covers all the main problems of our time.

    With all the contradictions of the modern world, with all the diversity of social and political systems existing in it, with all the diversity of the choice that peoples made at different times, it represents a certain integrity. We are all passengers of the same ship - the Earth, and it cannot be allowed to crash. There will be no second Noah's ark ... We want and are ready to cooperate in all directions. But cooperate on the basis of equality, mutual understanding and interaction. Sometimes it not only disappoints us, but leads us to serious reflections when in the United States our country is perceived as an aggressor, an "evil empire", etc., prohibitions, behave with us in an uncivilized way. This is unacceptable myopia ... The situation does not allow waiting for the ideal moment: a constructive and broad dialogue is needed today. We proceed from this as we build television bridges between Soviet and American cities, between Soviet and American political and public figures, between ordinary Americans and Soviet citizens. We give in our mass media the whole range of positions of the West, including the most conservative ones.

    We encourage contacts with representatives of a different worldview and political convictions ...

    We are far from only considering our own approach to be true. We do not have universal recipes, but we are ready to sincerely and honestly, together with the United States and other countries, seek answers to all questions, including the most difficult ones. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) List any three actions that the author believes should be taken based on the political environment.

    2) Name how at the beginning of the rule of this leader the slogan sounded, denoting changes in the socio-economic life of the country.

    7.5. From the petition of the workers and residents of St. Petersburg Sovereign!

    We have become impoverished, we are oppressed, burdened with unbearable labor, they will abuse us, they do not recognize us as people, they treat us like slaves who must endure their bitter fate and remain silent. We endured, but we are pushed further and further into the maelstrom of poverty, lawlessness and ignorance, we are suffocated by despotism and arbitrariness, we are suffocating. No more strength to endure, sir. The limit has come to patience. For us, that terrible moment has come when death is better than the continuation of unbearable torment.

    Representation of the people is necessary, it is necessary that the people themselves help themselves and govern themselves. After all, he only knows his true needs. Do not repulse his help, accept it, they took it immediately, immediately call on representatives of the Russian land from all classes, from all estates, representatives and from the workers. Let everyone be equal and free in the right to be elected - and for this purpose they ordered that elections to the Constituent Assembly take place on the condition of a universal, secret and equal vote.

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    2) What was the further fate of the requests for the convocation of the people's representatives contained in the document?

    7.6. From the statement of the head of state of resignation

    “The process of renovation of the country and fundamental changes in the world community turned out to be much more complicated than one might have expected. However, what has been done must be appreciated. Society received freedom, liberated itself politically and spiritually. And this is the most important conquest, which we have not yet fully realized, and because we have not yet learned how to use freedom. Nevertheless, work of historical significance has been done:

    The totalitarian system, which deprived the country of the opportunity to become prosperous and prosperous for a long time, has been liquidated.

    A breakthrough has been made on the path of democratic transformations. Free elections, freedom of the press, religious freedoms, representative bodies of power, and a multiparty system have become real.

    A movement towards a multi-structured economy began, and the equality of all forms of ownership was established. As part of the land reform, the peasantry began to revive, farming appeared, millions of hectares of land are given to rural residents and townspeople.

    The economic freedom of the producer was legalized, and entrepreneurship, corporatization, and privatization began to gain momentum.

    When turning the economy to the market, it is important to remember that this is done for the sake of man. In this difficult time, everything must be done for his social protection, especially for the elderly and children.

    We live in a new world:

    The Cold War is over, the arms race and the insane militarization of the country, which has disfigured our economy, "public consciousness and morality, have been stopped.

    The threat of a world war has been removed.

    I want to emphasize once again that during the transitional period everything was done on my part to maintain reliable control over nuclear weapons.

    We opened up to the world, refused to interfere in other people's affairs, from the use of troops outside the country. And they answered us with trust, solidarity and respect.

    We have become one of the main strongholds for the reconstruction of modern civilization on a peaceful, democratic basis. Peoples, nations have received real freedom to choose the path of their self-determination.

    The search for a democratic reform of the multinational state has brought us to the threshold of concluding a new Union Treaty. All these changes required tremendous tension, took place in an acute struggle, with the growing resistance of the forces of the old, obsolete, reactionary - both the former party and state structures, and the economic apparatus, and our habits, ideological prejudices, equalizing and dependent psychology. They came across our intolerance, low level of political culture, fear of change. This is why we wasted a lot of time.

    The old system collapsed before the new one could work. And the crisis of society has become even more aggravated. I am aware of my dissatisfaction with the current difficult situation, of the sharp criticism of the authorities at all levels and of my personal activities.

    But I would like to emphasize once again:

    cardinal changes in such a huge country, and even with such a legacy, cannot pass painlessly, without difficulties and shocks. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What was the name of the period referred to in the document? What results does the author consider the most positive? Indicate them 2). What grounds does the author see for criticizing the leadership? Indicate them.

    7.7. From the memoirs of the historian E.V. Gutnova

    “From the hissing loudspeaker, the loud voice of Levitan was heard and noisily spread over the quieted square ... For the first time in the past six months, he listed the cities that we did not leave, but took back ... Levitan called the numbers of captured prisoners, war trophies, reported the number of kilometers by which the Germans were driven away from [the capital]. I listened and could not believe my ears. Happiness, inexpressible joy flooded me ... tears of joy flowed from my eyes ... Happiness was not just in the successes of our army, but mainly in the fact that ...

    survived, did not become exhausted in a terrible months-long battle with the enemy, found strength in a thirty-degree frost in open fields ... to defeat ... This was the first close, timid hope of the possibility of victory ... endless pride in our soldiers, young officers and generals .. At this moment of happiness, the defeats of the first months were strangely forgotten ... So for a whole month we lived in the atmosphere of a great holiday. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three reasons for winning the specified battle.

    7.8. An excerpt from the commander's telegram

    “Everyone was well aware that given the current situation and with the actual leadership and direction of domestic policy by irresponsible public organizations, as well as the enormous decomposing influence of these organizations on the mass of the army, it would not be possible to recreate the latter, but, on the contrary, the army as such should collapse in two or three months. And then Russia will have to conclude a shameful separate peace, the consequences of which would be dire for Russia. The government took half measures, which, without correcting anything, only prolonged the agony and, saving the revolution, did not save Russia. Meanwhile, the gains of the revolution could be saved only by saving Russia, and for this, first of all, it is necessary to create a real strong government and improve the rear. General Kornilov made a number of demands, the implementation of which was delayed.

    Under such conditions, General Kornilov, not pursuing any personal ambitious plans and relying on the clearly expressed consciousness of the entire healthy part of society and the army, which demanded the early creation of a strong government to save the Motherland, and with it the conquests of the revolution, considered more decisive measures to be taken to ensure establishing order in the country ... "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    2) For what purpose did General Kornilov initiate the events, the cause of which is explained by the author of the document?

    7.9. From the resolution of the XIX All-Union Party Conference

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    Indicate any three directions

    2) What is the result of the implementation of the considered strategic course of the party?

    7.10. From the Program of the CPSU

    “Under communism, there will be no classes, the socio-economic and cultural differences between town and country will disappear; in terms of the level of development of the productive forces and the nature of labor, the forms of production relations, living conditions, the degree of well-being of the population, the village will rise to the level of the city. With the victory of communism, there will be an organic combination of mental and physical labor in the production activities of people. The intelligentsia will cease to be a special social stratum, manual workers, in terms of their cultural and technical level, will rise to the level of people of mental labor. Thus, communism will end the division of society into classes and social strata, while the whole history of mankind, with the exception of primitive times, was the history of a class society. Division into opposite classes led to the exploitation of man by man, class struggle and antagonism between nations and states. Under communism, an ever-increasing all-round rapprochement of nations will take place on the basis of a complete community of economic, political and spiritual interests, fraternal friendship and cooperation. Communism is a system where abilities and talents, the best moral qualities of a free person, flourish and fully unfold.

    Family relationships will finally be cleared of material calculations and will be entirely based on feelings of mutual love and friendship. The CPSU, as a party of scientific communism, puts forward and solves the tasks of communist construction to the extent of the preparation and maturation of material and spiritual prerequisites, guided by the fact that it is impossible to jump over the necessary stages of development, as well as to linger on what has been achieved, to restrain the movement forward. The tasks of building communism are accomplished in successive stages. In the next decade (1961-1970), the Soviet Union, creating the material and technical base of communism, will surpass the most powerful and richest capitalist country - the United States in terms of production per capita; the material well-being and cultural and technical level of the working people will rise significantly, material prosperity will be ensured for all; all collective and state farms will become highly productive and highly profitable farms; basically, the needs of the Soviet people for comfortable dwellings will be satisfied;

    hard physical labor will disappear; The USSR will become the country with the shortest working day. As a result of the second decade (1971-1980), the material and technical base of communism will be created, providing an abundance of material and cultural benefits for the entire population; Soviet society will come close to implementing the principle of distribution according to needs, and a gradual transition to a single public property will take place. Thus, a communist society will be basically built in the USSR. The building of a communist society will be completed in the next period. The majestic edifice of communism is being erected by the hard work of the Soviet people — the working class, the peasantry and the intelligentsia. The more successful their work, the closer the realization of the great goal - the building of a communist society ”.

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What are the characteristic features of the future communist society noted in this document? List any three characteristics.

    2) Drawing on historical knowledge, indicate what circumstances were guided by the members of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee when they made the decision to publicly condemn the cult of the individual and its consequences at the XX and XXP Party Congresses.

    7.11. From the Program of the CPSU

    “Under communism there will be no classes, the socio-economic and cultural differences between town and country will disappear; in terms of the level of development of the productive forces and the nature of labor, the forms of production relations, living conditions, the degree of well-being of the population, the village will rise to the level of the city. With the victory of communism, there will be an organic combination of mental and physical labor in the production activities of people. The intelligentsia will cease to be a special social stratum, manual workers, in terms of their cultural and technical level, will rise to the level of people of mental labor. Thus, communism will end the division of society into classes and social strata, while the whole history of mankind, with the exception of primitive times, was the history of a class society.

    Division into opposite classes led to the exploitation of man by man, class struggle and antagonism between nations and states. Under communism, an ever-increasing all-round rapprochement of nations will take place on the basis of a complete community of economic, political and spiritual interests, fraternal friendship and cooperation.

    Communism is a system where abilities and talents, the best moral qualities of a free person, flourish and fully unfold. Family relationships will finally be cleared of material calculations and will be entirely based on feelings of mutual love and friendship. The CPSU, as a party of scientific communism, puts forward and solves the tasks of communist construction to the extent of the preparation and maturation of material and spiritual prerequisites, guided by the fact that it is impossible to jump over the necessary stages of development, as well as to linger on what has been achieved, to restrain the movement forward.

    The tasks of building communism are accomplished in successive stages. In the next decade (1961-1970), the Soviet Union, creating the material and technical base of communism, will surpass the most powerful and richest capitalist country - the United States in terms of production per capita; the material well-being and the cultural and technical level of the working people will rise significantly, material prosperity will be ensured for all; all collective and state farms will become highly productive and highly profitable farms; basically, the needs of the Soviet people for comfortable dwellings will be satisfied; hard physical labor will disappear; The USSR will become the country with the shortest working day. As a result of the second decade (1971-1980), the material and technical base of communism will be created, providing an abundance of material and cultural benefits for the entire population; Soviet society will come close to implementing the principle of distribution according to needs, and a gradual transition to a single public property will take place. Thus, a communist society will be built in the USSR in the main.

    The building of a communist society will be completed in the next period. The majestic edifice of communism is being erected by the hard work of the Soviet people — the working class, the peasantry and the intelligentsia. The more successful their work, the closer the realization of the great goal - the building of a communist society ”.

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) Indicate what characteristic features of the future communist society are noted in this document?

    2) Indicate what circumstances were guided by the members of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU when they made the decision to publicly condemn the personality cult and its consequences at the XX and XXP Party Congresses.

    “For many years now I have been in the position of a non-working pensioner: I have no special things to do, in the present and in the future I will not have any special questions, so I live by analyzing the path traveled. And the path I have traveled is good, I am not only not ashamed of it, but proud of it. The Cuban missile crisis is an adornment of our foreign policy, including mine as a member of such a collective that pursued this policy and achieved brilliant success for Cuba without firing a single shot. How did the crisis develop further when we decided that it was advisable to place missiles with atomic charges on Cuban territory and thus confront the United States with the fact that if they decide to invade Cuba, then Cuba will be able to strike back with a crushing blow? This would, of course, not be a defeat for the United States. But they would be very much damaged. From this we concluded that this prospect would deter those in power in the United States from invading Cuba. We all came to this conclusion after two or three discussions of my proposal. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What are the events of world history known to you that occurred in the same period as the event described in your memoirs?

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What events in world history took place in the same period as the event described in the memoirs?

    2) Indicate what vivid events in life in the USSR occurred during the period indicated in the document?

    7.14. Excerpts from an interview with the magazine "Knowledge" - corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR A. Aganbegyan in April 1965. (not published) “In the last 6 years, the rate of development of our economy has decreased by about 3 times.

    The rate in agriculture is about 10 times (from 8% per year to 0.8%). During this time, the growth of trade turnover has decreased by about 4 times. During the same time, the growth of real incomes of the population of the USSR, which are generally extremely low (at present in the USSR, real income per capita averages 40-50 rubles a month) has greatly decreased. External reasons. We spend a significant part of our funds on defense ... Of the 100 million employed in the USSR, 30-40 million are employed in the defense industry. We have a constant unequal exchange with other countries. We mainly trade in raw materials, because many countries, including socialist ones, do not want to buy finished products from us because of their low quality.

    The main reasons are internal.

    The wrong direction of the country's economic development.

    Inconsistency with modern life requirements of the planning system, 2.

    stimulation and management of the Soviet economy. For many years we have been unrestrainedly adhering to the course of super-industrialization. Even in recent years, when the need for this has disappeared, this course continued. All this took place while artificially detaining branches of the economy that did not belong to heavy industry, and caused damage to them. ... Our system of planning, stimulating and managing the industry was formed in the 30s. After that, only the signs changed: everything remained based on administrative methods of leadership and planning. Excessive centralism and the lack of democracy in the economy have a very hard effect on our economy ... We actually do not have the role of price and value relations. The main thing is centralized distribution.

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What are the internal reasons for the phenomenon described in the document?

    2) What are the main features of the Soviet economy of this period.

    “Regarding the expulsion from Russia of Mensheviks, socialists, cadets, etc., I would like to ask a few questions in view of the fact that this operation, which began before my vacation, is not over and now. To decisively "eradicate" all popular peoples?

    Peshekhonov, Myakotin, Gornfeld? Petrishchev and others. In my opinion, send everyone. More harmful than any Socialist-Revolutionary, for he is more agile. The same A.I. Potresov, Izgoev and all the staff of The Economist

    (Ozerov and many others, many others). Me [nshevi] ki: Rozanov (doctor, cunning), Vigdorchik (Migulo or something like that), Lyubov Nikol [aevna] Radchenko and her young daughter (by hearsay, the worst enemies of Bolshevism); I.A. Rozhkov (he must be sent, incorrigible);

    I must submit lists, and several hundred such gentlemen should be sent abroad mercilessly. Let's cleanse Russia for a long time. Think about Lezhnev (formerly The Day):

    whether to send? Will always be the most insidious, as far as I can tell from the articles I read. Ozerov, like all the Economist's employees, are the most merciless enemies. All of them out of Russia. This should be done immediately. By the end of the SR process, not later. Arrest several hundred and without announcing motives - leave, gentlemen! All authors of "House of Writers", St. Petersburg "Mysl"; To ransack Kharkov, we do not know it, this is "abroad" for us. It is necessary to clean quickly, not later than the end of the process of the SRs. "

    Questions to the document:

    2) What is the historical (cultural) consequence of the implementation of the measure referred to in the document?

    7.16. From the transcript of the first meeting of the conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain “Roosevelt. … I want to assure… the members of this conference gathered around this table… that we are all gathered here with one purpose, with the aim of winning the war as soon as possible. ... I think ... that the three nations, united in the process of the current war, will strengthen ties among themselves and create the preconditions for close cooperation of future generations. Churchill. This is the greatest concentration of world forces that has ever been in the history of mankind ... Stalin. ... I hope that we will take all measures to ... use the power and authority that our peoples have entrusted to us ... Roosevelt. ... Moving on to a more important and more interesting question for the Soviet Union - operations across the English Channel, I want to say that we have drawn up our plans for the last one and a half years, but due to lack of tonnage we could not determine the date of this operation ... If we If we are carrying out major amphibious operations in the Mediterranean, then the expedition through the Channel may have to be postponed for 2 or 3 months. Therefore, we would like to receive advice from our Soviet colleagues in this matter ... We would very much like to help the Soviet Union and draw off part of the German troops from the Soviet front. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three main issues discussed at the conference.

    2) What reasons for the delay of the planned operation across the English Channel did F. Roosevelt mention in his speech?

    7.17. From the joint statement of L. Kamenev and G. Zinoviev “We ​​are deeply convinced that to declare an armed uprising now is to put at stake not only the fate of our party, but also the fate of the Russian and international revolution. ... The chances of our party in the elections to the Constituent Assembly are excellent.

    The talk that [our] influence ... is starting to wane and the like, we consider absolutely unfounded. In the mouths of our political opponents, these statements are simply a political game designed precisely to provoke [our] action ... in conditions favorable to our enemies. [Our] influence ... is growing. Whole strata of the working population are just beginning to be seized by it. With the right tactics, we can get a third or even more seats in the Constituent Assembly .... Only the Soviets will be able to rely on the Constituent Assembly in their revolutionary work. The Constituent Assembly plus the Soviets — this is the combined type of state institutions to which we are heading .... They say: 1) the majority of the people in Russia are already for us, and 2) the majority of the international proletariat is for us. Alas!

    - neither one nor the other is wrong, and that's the whole point. In Russia, the majority of the workers and a significant part of the soldiers are for us. But everything else is in question. We are all sure, for example, that if it now comes to elections to the Constituent Assembly, the peasants will vote in the majority for the Socialist-Revolutionaries. What is this - an accident? The mass of soldiers supports us not for the slogan of war, but for the slogan of peace. ... If we, having taken power now alone, come (due to the whole world situation) to the need to wage a revolutionary war, the mass of soldiers will leave us ... But, since the choice depends on us, we can and must now confine ourselves to a defensive position. The provisional government is often powerless to carry out its counterrevolutionary intentions. It is loosened. The strength of the soldiers and workers is sufficient to prevent such steps by Kerensky and company from being realized. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three arguments that were cited by the supporters of the armed uprising.

    2) Indicate at least three arguments that are given in the statement against the idea of ​​conducting an armed uprising at this historical stage.

    7.18. From the resolution of the XIX All-Union Party Conference

    “The 19th All-Union Party Conference ... states that the strategic course worked out by the Party at the April Plenum of the Central Committee and the 27th Party Congress for a comprehensive and revolutionary renewal of Soviet society and the acceleration of its socio-economic development is being steadily implemented. The country's slide towards the economic and socio-political crisis has been suspended ... The process of the country's economic recovery has begun, its turn towards meeting the urgent needs of the people. New management methods are gaining momentum. In accordance with the Law on State Enterprise (Association), associations and enterprises are being transferred to self-financing and self-sufficiency. The Law on Cooperation has been developed, widely discussed and adopted. New, progressive forms of intra-industrial labor relations on the basis of contracts and leases, as well as individual labor activity, are entering life. There is a restructuring of organizational management structures aimed at creating favorable conditions for effective management of the primary links of the economy. The work launched on the initiative of the party made it possible to resume the growth of the real incomes of the working people.

    Practical measures are being taken to increase the production of food and consumer goods, and to expand housing construction. Reforms in education and health care are underway. Spiritual life is becoming a powerful factor in the country's progress. Significant work has been done to rethink the current realities of world development, renew and give dynamism to foreign policy. Thus, perestroika is entering the life of Soviet society deeper and deeper, exerting an ever-increasing transforming influence on it. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What directions of the internal policy of the CPSU and the state are named in the resolution?

    Indicate any four directions

    2) What are the political results of the implementation of the considered strategic course of the party?

    “On October 24 it was already quite obvious that the uprising was inevitable, that it had already begun. At about 11 o'clock in the morning, I appeared at the meeting of the Council of the Republic and asked N.D.

    Avksentiev, Chairman of the Council, to give me, as Chairman of the Provisional Government, the floor immediately for an urgent message, which I must make to the Council of the Republic. Having received the floor, I declared that I had at my disposal indisputable proof of the organization by Lenin and his collaborators of an uprising against the Revolutionary Government. I declared that all possible measures to suppress the uprising were taken and are being taken by the Provisional Government, that it will fight the traitors to the Motherland and the revolution to the end, that it will resort to military force without any hesitation, but that for the struggle to succeed, the government needs the immediate assistance of all parties and groups represented in the Council of the Republic need the help of the entire people. I demanded from the Council of the Republic all measures of confidence and assistance. In order to restore the atmosphere of that time, to imagine the mood of the audience, it is enough to recall that during my speech the members of the Council of the Republic more than once stood, with special enthusiasm, testifying to their complete solidarity with the Provisional Government in its struggle against the enemies of the people. At the moment of this general national explosion, only a few leaders of parties and groupings closely connected with the two extreme flanks of the Russian public could not overcome their burning hatred of the government of the March Revolution: they continued to sit when the entire assembly rose as one person. These irreconcilable were the Socialist-Democratic internationalist Martov, the Cd Miliukov, and two or three Kornilov Cossacks. Confident that the representatives of the nation fully realized all the exceptional gravity and responsibility of the situation, I, without waiting for the Council's vote, returned to the headquarters for the interrupted urgent work, confident that it would not pass 1.5 hours before I would receive a message about all decisions and business initiatives of the Council of the Republic and assistance to the government. Nothing of the kind happened. "

    Questions and tasks to the document:

    1) What three events in world history took place in the same year as the event described in the memoirs? List them.

    2) What are the most striking events that took place during the period indicated in the document? List at least three. Using historical facts, reveal the historical significance of one of them.

    Task 8. Block 7 You need to prepare a report on the proposed topic.

    Write a detailed outline of your talk. The plan should consist of three main sections, while two of them should contain three sub-clauses each.


    "Transformations of the Bolsheviks in 1917 - 1920".

    "The cultural space of Soviet society in the 1920s."

    "The Great Russian Revolution".

    "The Soviet Union in the 1930s."

    "The first period of the Great Patriotic War."

    "Ideology, science and culture in the USSR in the postwar years."

    "The USSR and the world community 1929 - 1939."

    "The third period of the Great Patriotic War".

    "USSR in the post-war years: 1943 - 1953".

    8.10. "Stalin's modernization in the USSR".

    8.11. "World War I".

    8.12. "Fight against the occupation regime during the Great Patriotic War."

    8.13. "The cultural space of Soviet society in the 1930s."

    8.14. "Ideology, science and culture in the USSR in the postwar years."

    8.15. "The first period of the Great Patriotic War."

    8.16. "The cultural space of Soviet society in the 1920s."

    8.17. "The Soviet Union in the 1930s".

    8.18. "The second period of the Great Patriotic War".

    8.19. "Cultural transformations in the USSR during the" thaw ".

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Determine what can serve as arguments to substantiate the first point of view, and what - for the second? Name in each case at least two positions (arguments). Make a conclusion.

    9.1. Below are two points of view of historians on the events of the revolution of 1905-1907. in Russia. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific controversial issue.

    1) Events 1905-1907 it is inappropriate to call it a revolution.

    2) Events 1905 - 1907 in the full semantic and eventual context are a revolution.

    9.2. Below are two points of view of historians on the policy of "glasnost" in


    1) "The policy of" glasnost "in the USSR was one of the ways to democratize Soviet society."

    2) "The policy of" glasnost "was the impetus for the collapse of the USSR."

    What facts, phenomena gave the basis for the first point of view, and what - for the second?

    Name at least two arguments for each point of view.

    9.3. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific controversial issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the events of October 1917 in Russia.

    2) "In October 1917, the Bolsheviks took upon themselves the responsibility of" raising the "abandoned" power. "

    9.4. Below are two points of view of historians on the reasons for the failure of the German plan for "lightning war" in 1941.

    According to many foreign historians, the main reasons were 1) the natural features of Russia (large territory of the country, severe winter), military miscalculations of A. Hitler and assistance to the Soviet country from the Western allies.

    The main reason for the failure of the "blitzkrieg" was the heroic resistance of 2) Soviet soldiers.

    9.5. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the speech of N.S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU:

    It was a courageous act that helped to overcome many 2) consequences of the personality cult.

    9.6. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the semantic content of the events of October 1917 in Russia.

    1) "It was a Bolshevik coup."

    2) "It was a socialist revolution (a special type of revolution)."

    9.7. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the events of the Soviet-Finnish war.

    1) "The Red Army has won a victory."

    2) "The Red Army, in fact, lost the war."

    9.8. Below are two points of view of historians on the collectivization process in the USSR.

    "The creation of collective farms in the countryside was a gamble that led to 1) the collapse of agriculture."

    9.9. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the adoption of "Order No. 227" Not a step back! "

    "Order No. 227 was criminal, its implementation led to a large number of 1) victims."

    "Order number 227" Not a step back! " was necessary, he helped to save the army and 2) helped to stop the retreat of the Soviet troops.

    9.10. Below are two points of view of historians on the era of the "thaw" in the USSR.

    "Thaw is a concept that can only be applied to cultural 1) processes in the USSR."

    "Thaw is an all-encompassing concept that concerns all spheres of life in Soviet 2) society."

    9.11. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific controversial issue.

    Below are two points of view of historians on the events of October 1917:

    In October 1917, a revolution took place.

    9.12. Below are two points of view of historians on the nature of development

    Russia at the beginning of the XX century:

    1) Russia at the beginning of the XX century. remained a backward agrarian country that did not complete the transition to capitalism.

    2) Russia at the beginning of the XX century. characterized by rapid industrial development. Because of this, she could not be called backward.

    9.13. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the new economic policy of the Bolsheviks.

    NEP was intended for a long-term period and was a policy, 1) designed to completely change the economic development of the Soviet Union.

    The NEP was a "stillborn child" of the Bolsheviks, and although it helped 2) solve the most pressing problems in the economy, it could not last long.

    9.14. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific controversial issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the development of virgin lands.

    "The development of virgin lands was a great achievement of the Soviet leadership."

    1) "The development of virgin lands was a big mistake of the Soviet leadership, which 2) consolidated the extensive path of development of the country's agriculture."

    9.15. Below are two points of view of historians on the collapse of the USSR.

    1) “The collapse of the Soviet Union was a consequence of the unsuccessful policy of M.S. Gorbachev ".

    2) "The collapse of the USSR was the result of the impact of foreign policy factors."

    9.16. Below are two points of view of historians for the period 1964-1982. in the history of the USSR.

    The period when the leader of the USSR was L.I. Brezhnev, became one of the most 1) calm, stable stages in the development of the USSR, was marked by the absence of economic, social, political upheavals.

    Period 1964-1982 was a time of development and manifestation of a systemic 2) crisis of society, an "era of stagnation", which eventually led the country to a change in the socio-political system in the USSR.

    9.17. Below are two points of view of historians on the activities of P.A. Stolypin.

    P.A. Stolypin was associated with a violation of people's rights and 1) aimed at destroying or limiting the democratic achievements of the 1905 revolution

    The policy of P.A. Stolypin was aimed at creating a stable 2) legal state in Russia and preserving the foundations of the political regime that had been established since 1905.

    9.18. Get acquainted with the given points of view of historians on a specific discussion issue. Below are two points of view of historians on the results of the First Russian Revolution of 1905–1907.

    The concessions made by the authorities were sufficient for the further stable 1) development of Russia along the path of moderate reform ("Union of October 17").

    The first Russian revolution remained unfinished (RSDLP).

    9.19. Below are two points of view of historians on the speech of N.S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU.

    This was a treacherous step in relation to the history of the country, to I.V. Stalin 1) - a leader who had many services to the people.

    It was a courageous act that helped to overcome 2) many of the consequences of the personality cult.

    Tasks number 10 Block 7.

    You need to write a historical essay about ONE (of your choice) from the proposed periods in the history of the Fatherland.

    In work it is necessary:

    indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) related to a given period of history;

    name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with these events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of this period of the history of the Fatherland;

    622.33 (477): 930 MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHY OF THE DONBASS COAL INDUSTRY ... "SOCIAL SCIENCES AND MODERNITY 2001 № 5 CIVIL SOCIETY AND LEGAL STATE A.I. SOLOVYOV The political image of postmodernity: the obviousness of the phenomenon * Rubezh SHILIKHINA KSENIYA MIKHAILOVNA DISCURSIVE PRACTICE OF IRONY: COGNITIVE, SEMANTIC AND PAGMATIC ASPECTS Specialty 10.02.19 - Theory of the language of the doctor for the Ph.D. Sciences, prof. V.B. Kashkin Thief ... "

    "FEDERAL AGENCY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" Ural State University of Railways "(FGBOU VPO UrGUPS) Cafe ..."

    “I.N. IONOV Theory of civilizations and the evolution of scientific knowledge * In the 60s-80s of the XX century, when attempts began to introduce the civilizational approach into the domestic theory of history, there was an illusion that it was simple and reliable ... "

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    What is the name of the period 1725-1762 in the history of Russia?

    Option 2.

    1. What caused the palace coups?

    a) the absence of a legal order of succession to the throne;

    b) a large number of contenders for the throne;

    c) people's dissatisfaction with the power of the rulers.

    2. What was the condition for Anna Ioannovna to receive the Russian throne?

    A. Liquidation of the Supreme Privy Council, restoration of the role of the Senate

    B. Concentration in the hands of the empress of the command of the guards regiments

    B. Joint reign of the Empress with the Supreme Privy Council

    D. Exemption of nobles from compulsory military service.

    3. Who was Catherine I to Peter the Great?

    a) sister; b) daughter; c) wife; d) mother.

    Dates of the reign of Peter II.

    a) 1725-1727 b) 1725-1730; c) 1727-1730.

    5... Mark one of the companions of Empress Anna Ioannovna.

    A) A. Razumovsky B) F. Lefort

    B) E. Biron D) A. Kurbsky

    6. Which institution was the supreme body of the state
    power in 1726-1730:

    a) Boyar Duma b) Secret Chancellery

    c) Supreme Privy Council d) Governing Senate

    7. Restore the sequence of events:

    a) activities as the first minister E.I. Biron

    b) a coup in favor of Catherine I

    c) adoption of the "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility"

    d) the board of the "leaders"

    8. In 1759, the victory was won at Kunersdorf:

    a) S.P. Apraksin

    b) Frederick II

    c) P.S. Saltykov

    d) V.V. Fermor

    9. What does not apply to the results of Russian foreign policy in 1725 - 1762:

    a) strong establishment in the Baltics

    b) expansion of the territory at the expense of Kazakh and some Far Eastern lands

    c) getting access to the Black Sea

    d) confirmation of the status of one of the strongest military powers in Europe

    IN 1 ... Correlate the concepts and their definitions:

    a) the Supreme Privy Council;

    c) "condition";

    d) favorite.

    1) conditions;

    2) the change of power, carried out by the noble groups and the forces of the guards regiments;

    3) a courtier, enjoying the special favor of the monarch, receiving various privileges from him and influencing domestic and foreign policy;

    IN 2. Indicate the sequence of the reigns of the Russian monarchs 1725-1762.

    a) Elizaveta Petrovna

    b) Ekaterina Alekseevna

    c) Anna Ivanovna

    e) Ivan Antonovich

    f) Peter III

    Read the passage from the history source and briefly answer questions C1 – C2. The answers assume the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge at the rate of history of the corresponding period.

    From a historical source.

    “Ponezhe, by the will of the Almighty God and by the common desire of the Russian people, we, by the repose of the All-All-All-Illuminated and Sovereign Great Sovereign Peter the Second, the emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian, our dear nephew, the All-Russian imperial throne ... and the effort will be not only about the content, but also the extreme and all possible spread of our Orthodox faith of the Greek confession, so, after accepting the Russian crown, in my whole life I will not enter into marriage, and the heir, neither with myself, nor by myself, will not determine anyone. We also promise that the integrity and well-being of any state consists of good advice, for the sake of this, for the sake of this, we will always maintain the currently established Supreme Privy Council in eight persons and without this Supreme Privy Council consent:

    1) Do not start wars with anyone.

    2) The world does not conclude.

    3) Do not burden our faithful subjects with any new taxes.

    4) In noble ranks ... above the rank of colonel, do not favor, below to noble deeds do not appoint anyone, and the guard and other regiments should be under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Privy Council.

    5) Belly and property and honor cannot be taken from the gentry without a trial ...

    ... But if I do not fulfill and hold on to something according to this promise, I will be deprived of the Russian crown. "

    C1 What century is this document dated? Indicate its name. Who was it signed by?

    C2 Using the text of the document and knowledge of history, explain on whose initiative it was prepared and for what purposes. List at least two goals.

    C3. About which of these empresses does the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky? Indicate the number corresponding to the portrait of the Empress.

    “Lively and cheerful, but keeping an eye on herself, at the same time large and slender, with a beautiful round and eternally blooming face, she loved to impress. And, knowing that a man's suit was especially suitable for her, she established masquerades at the court without masks, where men were required to come in full women's clothing, in extensive skirts, and ladies - in men's court dress. The most legitimate of all the successors and successors of Peter I, but raised to the throne by rebellious guards bayonets, she inherited the energy of her great father, built palaces at twenty-four hours and in two days traveled the then way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, regularly paying for every driven horse. Peaceful and carefree, she was forced to fight almost half of her reign. She defeated the first strategist of that time, Frederick the Great, took Berlin, laid the abyss of soldiers in the fields of Zorndorf and Kunersdorf. "

    C1-C3 tasks

    10-11 grades.

    Preparation for the exam.

    THEME №1

    Old Russian state in the IX - early XII centuries.

    # 1. From a historical source.

    “In the year 6370, they drove the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to dominate themselves, and there was no truth among them, and family after generation rose up, and they had a strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: "Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia ... The Chud, the Slavs, the Krivichi and all said to Russia: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and rule over us. " And three brothers with their families were elected, and they took all Russia with them, and the eldest, Rurik, came and sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed ".

    C1. Give the title of the document and the name of its author. The events of which century are mentioned in the document?

    C2. What event does the passage refer to? What caused it? Give at least two reasons.

    SZ. What were the consequences of the event described in the historical source? Name at least three consequences.

    Models of answers and options for constructing argumentation in tasks C1 - C3

    Document No. 1

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the title of the document - "The Tale of Bygone Years";

    C2. Answer:

    1. It may be indicated that we are talking about the vocation of the Varangians.

    2. The following reasons may be given:

    1) "race has arisen";

    2) strife and strife began;

    3) this prompted the search for a prince who would own and judge by right.

    SZ. Answer:

    The following consequences can be named:

    1) in response to the call, three Varangian brothers came;

    2) the elder Rurik began to reign in Novgorod, Sineus - in Beloozero, and Truvor - in Izborsk;

    3) the vocation of the Varangians marked the beginning of the first princely dynasty - the Rurik dynasty.

    No. 2. From the treaty of Prince Igor with the Greeks in 945.

    “In the year 6453, Roman, and Constantine, and Stephen were sent ambassadors to Igor to restore the old world ...

    If any of the Russians plans to destroy this friendship, then the baptized of them may accept vengeance from God the Almighty, and condemnation to eternal destruction, and the unbaptized may not accept help from God and from Perun, may they not defend themselves with their shields and other weapons. and may they be slaves "forever in the hereafter.

    And let the great Russian prince and his boyars send ships to the Greek land to the great Greek kings, as much as they want, with ambassadors and merchants, as it is established for them ... the country of our kingdom, if the slave fled from the holy Mother; if they do not find the escaped one, then let our Christians take the oath to Russia according to their faith, and not Christians according to their own law, and then let Russia take on us (the Greeks) the price of a slave, as previously established, 2 silk for a slave ... "

    C1. What is the chronological framework of the period of Igor's reign? What was the purpose of the 945 treaty? What was the nature of the terms of the contract for Russia?

    C2. What punishment was envisaged in the document for violating its terms? Name at least two positions. Draw a conclusion about the beliefs of the population of Russia in the middle of the X century.

    SZ. What conclusions can be drawn from the text of the treaty on the economic development of Rus using the knowledge of the course of national history? Please indicate at least two findings.

    Document no. 2

    Document no. 2

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the period of Igor's reign - 912-945;

    2) the treaty was the renewal of the 911 peace. between Russia and Byzantium;

    3) the contract dealt with preferential terms of trade for Russian merchants in Byzantium.

    C2. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) punishment for Christians - revenge from God Almighty and condemnation to eternal destruction;

    2) punishment for pagans - deprivation of the protection of the god Perun;

    3) conclusion - there were pagans and Christians among the population of the Old Russian state.

    SZ. Answer:

    The following conclusions can be indicated:

    1) the text contains a number of indications of the economic development of Rus: trade ties and relations with Byzantium;

    2) the mention of slaves in the text should not serve as proof of the existence of a slave system in Russia, since slavery among the Slavs was of a domestic nature, it was patriarchal.

    No. 4. From a historical source.

    “But do not forget all the poorer ones, but, as far as you can, feed them, and give them to the orphan, and justify the widow yourself, and do not let the strong destroy a person. Do not kill either the right or the guilty, and do not command to kill him; even if he is guilty of death, then do not destroy any Christian soul ...

    And now I will tell you, my children, about my work, how I have worked on the road and on the hunt since I was thirteen. First I went to Rostov through the land of the Vyatichi; my father sent me, and he himself went to Kursk ...

    And in the spring my father put me in Pereyaslavl above all the brethren ... and on the way to Priluka-city suddenly the Polovtsian princes met us, with eight thousand, and they wanted to deal with them, but the weapon was sent ahead by carts, and we entered town...

    And then Oleg went against me with all the Polovtsian land to Chernigov, and my squad fought with them for eight days over the small shaft and did not allow them to enter the prison; I took pity on Christian souls, and burning villages, and monasteries, and said: "Let the pagans not boast." And he gave his father's brother his table, and he went to his father's table in Pereyaslavl ...

    And from Chernigov to Kiev about a hundred times went to his father, one day driving until evening. And all the campaigns were eighty and three great, and the rest and I do not remember the lesser. And he made worlds with the Polovtsian princes without one twenty, and with his father and without a father ...

    Do not condemn me, my children or anyone else who will read: I do not praise either myself or my courage, but I praise God and glorify mercy for the fact that he, a sinner and bad man, has protected me from mortal dangers for so many years, and not lazy He created me, but fit for all human affairs. "

    C1. What age is the work from which this passage is taken? What is it called? Who is its author?

    C2. Using the knowledge from the history course, indicate what the author of the work is famous for. Indicate at least three provisions.

    SZ. Using the text of the passage, name at least two problems that concern the author. What character traits does he celebrate? List at least two character traits.

    Document No. 4

    Document No. 4

    С 1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the work was created in the XII century;

    2) title - "Teaching to Children";

    C2. Answer:

    1) the fight against the Polovtsy (organizing a campaign against the Polovtsy in the steppe in 1111);

    2) organization of the princely congress in Lyubech in 1097;

    3) editing of "Russian Truth";

    4) restoration of the unity of Russia.

    SZ. Answer:

    1. The following problems of concern to the author can be cited:

    1) preserving the unity of the Russian lands;

    2) internecine wars;

    3) the weakening of defense and external threats to Russia.

    2. The following character traits may be indicated:

    courage, mercy, hard work, modesty.

    № 5. From the book "The World of History" by academician B.А. Rybakov.

    “Perhaps not one of the leaders of Kievan Rus has preserved so many vivid memories as about Vladimir Monomakh. He was remembered both in palaces and in peasant huts after many centuries. The people put together epics about him as the winner of the formidable Polovtsian Khan Tugorkan - "Tugarin Zmeevich", and because of the same names of the two Vladimirov, they poured these epics into the old cycle of the Kiev epic of Vladimir I ...

    It is not surprising that at the end of the 15th century, Moscow historians most noticeably in their native past was the figure of Monomakh, with whose name they associated the legend of the royal regalia, allegedly received by Vladimir from the emperor of Byzantium ...

    It is not surprising that in the dark years of strife, the Russian people sought consolation in their majestic past; their views turned to the era of Vladimir Monomakh. "The Word about the Death of the Russian Land", written on the eve of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, idealizes Kievan Rus, praises Vladimir Monomakh and his era ...

    Vladimir received a good education, which allowed him in his political struggle to use not only the sword of a knight, but also the pen of a writer. "

    C1. Indicate the chronological framework of the great reign of Vladimir Monomakh. What royal regalia, allegedly received by him, did the historian mean?

    C2... How do you understand the statement that the Grand Duke in the political struggle used “not only the sword of a knight, but also the pen of a writer "? Give at least two points.

    SZ. Why "The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land" praises Vladimir Monomakh? Name at least three merits of the Grand Duke.

    Document No. 5

    Document No. 5

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the chronological framework of the reign - 1113-1125;

    2) "Hat of Monomakh", which crowned all Russian tsars.

    C2. Answer:

    The following provisions may be specified:

    1) Vladimir Monomakh went down in history with his literary works;

    2) "Teaching to Children" is not only an example of ancient Russian literature, but also a monument to philosophical, political and pedagogical thought;

    3) of considerable interest is the "Chronicle" compiled by Vladimir Monomach, containing a description of the military and hunting exploits of the Grand Duke.

    SZ. Answer:

    The following merit can be attributed:

    1) under the prince, Russia pacified the Polovtsians (for a while they ceased to be a constant threat);

    2) the power of the Kiev prince extended to all the lands inhabited by the ancient Russian people;

    3) the strife of small princes was resolutely suppressed by Vladimir Monomakh;

    4) Kiev was the capital of a huge state, the largest in Europe.

    Theme number 2. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - the middle of the XV centuries.

    № 6. From the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky.

    “Since that time, signs of the desolation of Kievan Rus become noticeable. The river strip along the middle Dnieper with tributaries, which has long been so well populated, has since become empty, its population disappears somewhere ... Among the seven desolate cities of the Chernigov land, we meet one of the oldest and richest cities in the Dnieper region - Lyubech. Simultaneously with the signs of the outflow of the population from Kievan Rus, we notice traces of the decline of its economic well-being: Rus, empty, at the same time became poorer. ... The outflow of the population from the Dnieper region went in two directions, in two opposite streams. One jet was heading west, to the Western Bug, to the area of ​​the upper Dniester and upper Vistula, deep into Galicia and Poland. So the South Russian population from the Dnieper region returned to the long-forgotten places abandoned by their ancestors. ... Another stream of colonization from the Dnieper region is directed to the opposite corner of the Russian land, to the northeast, beyond the Ugra River, in the interfluve of the Oka and the Upper Volga. ... She is the source of all the main phenomena revealed in the life of Upper Volga Rus. ... The entire political and social life of this Rus was formed from the consequences of this colonization. "

    C1. Using the text of the document and knowledge of the history course, indicate the name of the period in the history of Russia, which is referred to in the document. What is its chronological framework?

    C2. How does the historian assess the consequences of the phenomena noted in the document? Using knowledge from history and the text of the document, indicate what role the Upper Volga Rus played in further Russian history. Name at least three positions in total.

    SZ. What phenomena characteristic of this period and their causes does the document testify about? For the answer, use the text of the document and knowledge of the history course. Indicate a total of at least three provisions.

    Document No. 6

    Document No. 6

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the name of the period - political (state) fragmentation;

    2) chronological framework: the middle of the XII century. (30s of the XII century) - the first half of the XIV century.

    C2. Answer:

    The following provisions may be given:

    1) the strengthening and rise of North-Eastern Russia;

    2) the political and social life of North-Eastern Russia was largely due to the influx of population from Kievan Rus;

    3) the role of the Upper Volga Rus was that in the future it became the center of the unification of all Russian lands.

    SZ. Answer:

    1. Phenomena such as

    1) the outflow of the population from Kievan Rus, the desolation of the cities of Kievan Rus;

    2) colonization of the northwestern and northeastern Russian lands.

    2. The reasons for Kiev's loss of its historical role can be named:

    1) constant civil strife caused by the struggle for the "Kiev table";

    2) relocation of the main trade routes, the decline of the role of the “route from the Varangians to the Greeks”.

    № 7. From the work of the historian B. A. Rybakov.

    “In addition to the colorful and dramatic external history of the principalities and princes, this era is extremely interesting for us with those exacerbated relations between princes and boyars, which were so clearly marked already in the time of Yaroslav Osmomysl. If we discard the element of personal gain and self-interest, ... then it should be recognized that the policy of concentration of lands, weakening of estates and strengthening of the central princely power, pursued by them, was objectively unconditionally progressive, since it coincided with the interests of the people. In pursuing this policy, the princes relied on broad strata of the townspeople and on the reserves of small feudal lords ("youths", "children", "charity") raised by them, who were completely dependent on the prince.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the initial phase of this period (before the factor of conquest intervened in normal development) is characterized not by a decline in culture, as one might expect, ... but, on the contrary, by the rapid growth of cities and a bright flourishing of Russian culture during all its manifestations. It follows from this that the new political form, obviously, promoted (maybe at first) progressive development. "

    C1. List the name of the historical period referred to in the passage. Using the knowledge of the course of history, name the largest political centers of this period. List at least three points in total.

    C2. Using the text of the document and drawing on knowledge of history, indicate at least three characteristic features of this period.

    SZ. Drawing on knowledge of history and using the text of the document, give an assessment of this period. Provide at least two arguments to support your assessment.

    Document No. 7

    Document No. 7

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) the name of the period - "Specific Rus", feudal fragmentation;

    2) the largest political centers: Vladimir-Suzdal principality, Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod land, or Novgorod boyar republic), Galicia-Volyn principality.

    C2. Answer:

    The following traits can be specified:

    1) princely feuds;

    2) the struggle of the princes for the "Kiev table";

    3) exacerbation of relations between princes and boyars (policy of concentration of lands, weakening of estates, strengthening of the central princely power);

    4) the independence of the boyars-patrimonials in their lands;

    5) the weakening of the country's military potential, fragmentation and lack of unity in the Russian lands, which became the reason for the defeat of Russia in the fight against the Mongols;

    6) the flourishing of culture;

    7) growth and strengthening of the political and economic power of cities.

    SZ. Answer:

    It should be stated that this period can be estimated as contradictory, ambiguous, but natural for its time.

    The following arguments can be given, for example

    1) along with the dramatic external history (civil strife, lack of unity, the factor of conquest, the strengthening of the raids of nomads), there are also positive aspects of this period;

    2) the new political form promoted progressive development;

    3) progressive development includes such phenomena as the growth of cities, the bright flourishing of Russian culture in all its manifestations.

    No. 8. From the work of N.М. Karamzin.

    “Unfortunately, in this vigorous youth, she did not protect herself from the general ulcer of the state of that time, which the Germanic peoples reported to Europe: I am talking about the specific system. The happiness and character of Vladimir, the happiness and character of Yaroslav could only postpone the fall of a state founded by autocracy on conquests. Russia is divided.

    Together with the cause of her power, so necessary for prosperity, both the power and the prosperity of the people disappeared. The pitiful civil strife of faint-hearted princes opened up, who, forgetting the glory, the benefit of the fatherland, slaughtered each other and ruined the people in order to add some insignificant town to their lot. Greece, Hungary, Poland rested: the sight of our internal calamity served as a guarantee of their safety. Until then, they were afraid of the Russians - they began to despise them. In vain some magnanimous princes - Monomakh, Vasilko - spoke in the name of the fatherland at solemn congresses, in vain others - Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod III - tried to appropriate autocracy: the assassination attempts were weak, unfriendly, and Russia for two centuries tormented its own bowels, drank tears and its own blood ".

    C1. Indicate the trend in the process of state formation and the chronological framework of the historical period referred to in the passage.

    C. Using the text of the document and attracting knowledge of history, name at least three reasons for the princely strife.

    SZ. Drawing on knowledge of history and using the text of the document, indicate which way of overcoming the internal political situation was proposed by Vladimir Monomakh, Andrei Bogolyubsky. Give at least two points.

    Document No. 8

    Document No. 8

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) tendency - the process of formation of a system of appanages independent of the central state power;

    2) chronological framework - XII-XV centuries.

    C2. Answer:

    The following reasons may be given:

    1) the cowardice of the princes, who, forgetting the glory, the benefit of the fatherland, cut and destroyed the people;

    2) the desire of appanage princes for political and economic independence;

    3) the development of feudal land tenure;

    4) the desire of the boyars to strengthen local power.

    SZ. Answer:

    1) Vladimir Monomakh proposed to create a single state;

    2) Andrei Bogolyubsky advocated the subordination of the weak principalities to the strong.

    No. 9. From the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky.

    “Something new emanates from the whole figure of Andrey; but this novelty was hardly good. Prince Andrew was a stern and wayward master who acted in his own way in everything, and not according to old times and custom. Contemporaries noticed in him this duality, a mixture of strength with weakness, power with whim. “Such a clever man in all matters,” the chronicler says about him, “such a valiant, Prince Andrew ruined his meaning by intemperance”, that is, lack of composure. Having shown so much military valor and political prudence in his youth in the south, he then ... did a lot of bad deeds: he collected and sent large raids to plunder Kiev, then Novgorod, scattered a web of power-hungry intrigues throughout the Russian land from his dark corner on the Klyazma ... ...

    Having chased away the great paternal boyars from the Rostov land, he surrounded himself with such courtiers, who, in gratitude for his lordly favors, disgustingly killed him and plundered his palace. He was very pious and poor-loving, set up many churches in his area, before matins he lit candles in the church, as a caring church elder, ordered food and drink to be carried around the streets for the sick and the poor, fatherly dearly loved his city Vladimir, wanted to make him another Kiev, even with a special, second Russian metropolitan, built the famous Golden Gate in it and wanted to unexpectedly open it for the city feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God, saying to the boyars: “Here people will come together on a holiday and see the gate” ...

    In the person of Prince Andrey, the Great Russian appeared on the stage of history for the first time, and this performance cannot be considered successful. "

    C1. Which Prince Andrei is the document talking about? Indicate the chronological framework of his great reign.

    C2. What events did the historian have in mind when he spoke of sending large troops to "plunder now Kiev, now Novgorod"? Name at least two positions.

    SZ. How is the prince characterized in the document? Why, according to V.O. Klyuchevsky, cannot the first performance of the Great Russian on the historical stage be considered successful? Give at least two points.

    Document No. 9

    Document No. 9

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky (Grand Duke of Vladimir);

    2) the chronological framework of the reign - 1157-1174.

    C2. Answer:

    The following provisions may be specified:

    1) in 1169 Andrey Bogolyubsky sent an army to Kiev, captured it and subjected it to devastation;

    2) in 1170, taking advantage of the poor harvest, the prince cut off the supply of food to Novgorod from his possessions, so the Novgorodians were forced to invite Bogolyubsky's protege to their princely table.

    SZ. Answer:

    1. The following provisions may be cited:

    1) the prince is characterized as an ambiguous political figure (there were positive and negative features);

    2) Andrei Bogolyubsky could not establish autocracy (eliminate the specific system) in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, because appanage princes were still strong.

    No. 10. From "The Lay of Igor's Regiment".

    “... Then the great Svyatoslav dropped the golden word, mixed with tears, and said:“ O my nephews, Igor and Vsevolod! Early on, you began to create insult to the Polovtsian land with swords, and to seek glory for yourself. But without honor you prevailed, without honor you shed foul blood. Your brave hearts of strong damask steel are chained and tempered in courage. What have they done out of my silver gray hair?

    And no longer I see the power of my brother Yaroslav, strong, and rich, and abundant in warriors, with the Chernigov boyars. But you said: "Let us take pride in ourselves: we will steal the past glory for ourselves, and we will share the future glory" ...

    Grand Duke Vsevolod! Do you think to fly from afar, to observe your father's golden throne? After all, you can splash the Volga with oars, and bail out the Don with helmets.

    You, violent Rurik, and Davyd! ... Enter, gentlemen, into the golden stirrup for the insult of our time, for the Russian land, for the wounds of Igor, the violent Svyatoslavovich!

    Galician Osmomysl Yaroslav! ... Your thunderstorms flow through the lands, you open the gates to Kiev, you shoot from your father's golden throne of the Saltans beyond the lands. Shoot, Lord, Konchak, the filthy slave, for the Russian land, for the wounds of Igor, the violent Svyatoslavovich! "

    C1. What historical event formed the basis of the Lay ...? What time does this event refer to?

    Document No. 10

    Document No. 10

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) The Lay ... was based on the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians;

    2) this event belongs to the XII century. (1185).

    C2. Answer:

    The following provisions may be specified:

    1) a reason for bitter thoughts about the fate of the Russian land - strife between the princes, which became the reason for the military failures of Russia in the fight against the Steppe;

    a) sought personal glory for themselves;

    b) did not coordinate their actions with other princes;

    c) conducted the campaign only on their own. SZ. Answer:

    1) to the coordination by all princes of actions against nomads;

    2) to the end of strife between the princes.

    No. 11. From the Life of Alexander Nevsky.

    "... Having worked a lot for the Russian land, for Novgorod and Pskov, for the whole great reign, giving his belly and for the Orthodox faith."

    From the historical work of S.M. Solovyov.

    “Alexander Nevsky, having become the Grand Duke of Vladimir, had to humiliate himself before the Tatars in order to save his native land from destruction; he had to persuade the people to patiently bear the yoke, to allow the Tatars to rewrite themselves for the imposition of tribute. With the help of the prince, uprisings against the Horde were suppressed. The result was the prohibition of veche orders in cities. However, the political activity of the prince made it possible to prevent a new defeat of the cities. "

    C1. What two victories of Alexander Nevsky were meant when Novgorod and Pskov were mentioned? Provide justification proving that the prince “gave his belly [his life] for the Orthodox faith.

    C2. As S.M. Solovyov, the motives for the actions of Alexander Nevsky? How did the historian assess the prince's actions? Name at least two positions.

    SZ. What personal qualities of Alexander Nevsky do the cited sources testify to? Indicate at least three qualities

    Document No. 11

    Document No. 11

    C1. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) victories - the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice;

    2) the fight against the German knights was also a fight against the spread of Catholicism.

    C2. Answer:

    It may be indicated that

    1) explanation - the desire to save the native land from destruction;

    2) S.M. Solovyov assessed the actions of Alexander Nevsky positively.

    SZ. Answer:

    The following qualities of a prince may be indicated:




    wisdom, etc.

    12. From the Simeon Chronicle.

    “The prince, the great, set up an army on Lake Peipus on Uzmen, near the Crow Stone, and, getting ready for battle, went against them. The troops converged on Lake Peipsi; there were a lot of both. But Alexander was here with Alexander and his brother Andrey with many of his father's soldiers, Alexander had many brave, strong and strong soldiers, they were all filled with a warlike spirit, and their hearts were like lions. And they said, "Prince, now is the time to lay down their heads for you." It was then a Sabbath day, and at sunrise the two armies met. And there was an evil and great slaughter for the Germans and a miracle, and the cracking of breaking spears and the sound of the blows of swords was heard, so that the ice on the frozen lake broke, and no ice was visible, because it was covered with blood. And I myself heard about this from an eyewitness who was there.

    And the Germans turned to flight, and the Russians were driving them with a fight as through the air, and there was nowhere for them to run away, they beat them 7 miles on the ice of the Subolitsk coast,

    and 500 Germans fell, and miracles were countless, and 50 of the best German governors were taken prisoner and brought to Novgorod, while other Germans drowned in the lake, because it was spring. Others ran away badly wounded. "

    C1. In what year did the aggression of the German knights against the Russian lands, described in the text, take place? How did the battle on Lake Peipsi end? Name at least two results.

    C2. What actions did Prince Alexander take to repel

    German aggression? Name at least two actions.

    SZ... Drawing on knowledge from the course of history, indicate at least three provisions that reveal the historical significance of the victories of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich.

    Document number 12

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