Home Flowers Samsung galaxy j7 latest update number. SAMSUNG WORLD: Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) gets another update

Samsung galaxy j7 latest update number. SAMSUNG WORLD: Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) gets another update

The owners of the budget smartphone Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) again received a bonus from the manufacturer in the form of the August firmware update (J730FMXXU3ARF2 / J730FMOXY3ARF2 / J730FMXXU3ARG1).
The file is over 250MB in size, and the accompanying text says the update brings bug fixes, stability improvements, and functionality enhancements. In particular, the new firmware of Samsung's proprietary browser opens up direct access to download the game, which was advertised at the recent Galaxy Note9 presentation as an exclusive for the owners of the new flagship. Apparently, the owners of other smartphone models of the South Korean electronics giant also get priority access to Fortnite.
It should also be recalled that the Galaxy J7 (2017) and its modifications are expected to be upgraded to the next version of Android (namely, to Oreo 8.1). It is guaranteed to work with the Bixby intelligent voice assistant, although the likelihood that this software will be opened for a budget model is not very high.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Galaxy J7 (2017) series is still considered the best in the budget line of Samsung, since it provides the owner with almost all the basic functions that the more expensive premium models of the A series do. For example, these devices boast a solid metal case, good Super AMOLED display with Full HD resolution, sensitive fingerprint scanner, KNOX proprietary data protection system, full support for Samsung Pay (MST + NFC) payment service, excellent 13-megapixel cameras with flash (both main and front), Always On Display mode (always on the screen), separate slots for 2 SIM-cards and an additional microSD memory card, 3GB of RAM and very good performance.
In addition, Galaxy J7 (2017) owners are taking advantage of various Samsung services such as cloud storage and bonuses such as the aforementioned priority access to new game content. And all this for a very reasonable price, at which you can now buy such a well-balanced and reliable device.

Update: at the end of September 2018 in Russia Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) received

About this phone and collected the shortcomings and problems of the Samsung Galaxy J7 (SM-J730F) 2017 in this article. Earlier I reviewed phones, and. In my opinion, users had too many complaints about the S and A series phones, so it was interesting to find out how things are with the quality and bugs of the J series.


- in the calendar from Samsung and the Google calendar, event notifications do not work adequately. If there are no events in the calendar for several days, then he falls asleep. Installing Samsung Focus doesn't help. Creation of daily calendar events helps as a crutch. Also, the problem is solved by installing third-party programs. For example, aCalendar, Calendar Notifications, Business Calendar 2. Having installed, for example, aCalendar, you need to enable synchronization with the calendar from Samsung or Google in its settings. Also, don't forget to add aCalendar to the power saving exceptions list and the notification issue will go away.
- user complaints that the phone, which has so little memory, has heavy MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint programs, programs from Samsung that cannot be removed by standard means.
- the problem with the lack of memory can be solved by enabling the permission to transfer user-installed applications to the SD card in the developer menu. But, unfortunately, not everything works perfectly here. After each application update, they are reinstalled in the phone memory and must be transferred to the memory card again. If you have a lot of applications, and they are regularly updated, then the transfer procedure can quickly get bored. In addition, complaints are not uncommon that applications do not work correctly with a memory card. Something disappears, doesn't start. It is clear that this is not the fault of the phone, but of the memory cards of unknown quality, but the owner of the phone has an additional risk that something will stop working.
- a small amount of memory requires increased attention to the phone. You need to clean the cache of messengers and other programs. Software updates downloaded by the phone also actively consume memory.
- files are duplicated in the built-in gallery. For example, you have a photo and you send it via Viber and Skype. After that, the photo will be duplicated in the gallery 3 times. You need to install third-party software that will search for and delete duplicate files.
- I would also like to say a few words about software updates. After reading the discussions on the forums for several months, it seems that with each new software update, people were more and more afraid to install them. Corrections are no longer expected, but they are afraid that something might be broken. For example, after the February update, Samsung corrected something in the sensitivity of the wheelbarrow, and people who had protective glasses installed on their phones started having problems with the screen. The touch did not always work, the upper curtain did not go out. Someone was helped by the calibration of the wheelbarrow, someone had to remove the protective glasses. It is also necessary to note the work of Samsung technical support, tk. it is also often discussed. Unfortunately, very often people receive unsubscriptions to their questions with a universal advice to reset the phone software to factory settings.


- on the whole, there are few comments on the phone's operation. Problems are often solved by simply replacing the SIM card. It is also worth noting that, despite the absence of a second microphone for noise cancellation, there are no complaints about the sound quality.
- one of the most frequently encountered comments is the lack of support for the Troika card in NFC. NFC does not support Troika, as Samsung does not use Mifare Classic technology in this phone model.
- there are rare remarks on the work of WIFI. The phone does not automatically connect to a network that it already knows. Disabling and enabling WIFI helps.
- although rarely, users have questions about Samsung Pay. Everything does not always work perfectly. Questions are discussed how best to attach the phone to the terminal where the NFC antenna is located, etc. If you're in trouble, notice how Samsung Pay enables and disables NFC.


- when buying, pay attention to the weight and dimensions of the phone. The phone is not light, it weighs 181 grams. Also note that the phone will increase in size when you install a cover or bumper. Dimensions and weight, I would not call disadvantages, this is just a point worth paying attention to.
- it is advisable to buy a cover or bumper. the body is slippery. Although, of course, I've come across more slippery phone models.
- there is no key illumination.
- there is no light indicator of events. It is not very convenient, for example, when you cannot see whether charging is still in progress or not (as a solution, you can use a non-native cable with a charging indicator).
- the unusual location of the volume buttons on the left of the case.


- when the Always On Display function is enabled, the entire phone screen glows slightly. This is noticeable if you unlock your phone in the dark and then lock it again. If the phone is locked in a bright place, and then, for example, turn off the light, then the glow at the screen will appear in about 30 seconds. The glow, though weak, is noticeable at night.
- Always On Display does not turn off when you put your phone in your bag or pocket. The brightness of the AOD takes a long time to adjust to the lighting. For example, you take your phone out of your pocket and you need to wait 15-20 seconds for the AOD to glow brightly enough so that you can make out something.
- there are complaints about the work of auto brightness. You have to wait 5-7 seconds for the screen to react to changing lighting. Complaints mainly began to appear after users installed software updates in February.
- after the software update in February, there were also quite a few complaints about the operation of the wheelbarrow. It didn't always work. Basically, the problem was solved by peeling off the protective glasses. Someone was helped by resetting the software to the factory settings, someone was helped by the calibration of the wheelbarrow. To calibrate the phone, you need to enter the code * # 2663 # and press the TSP FW Update and Touch key GW Update buttons in turn.
- not often, but there are complaints about the fragility of the display. Not the glass of the screen, but the display. The glass may remain intact as a result of falling, but dark spots or streaks may appear on the inside.


- today there is not enough memory built into the phone. The user has about 10 GB of free memory available.
- not often, but there are complaints about lost sound from the speaker. Restarting does not help in this case. You need to turn off the phone and wait a few minutes.
- there are complaints about the fingerprint scanner. Over time, the sensor does not start to work the first time. Overwriting prints helps. When rewriting, users are advised to press their finger firmly against the scanner.


- cameras are quite good considering the price category and positioning of this model. On gsmarena you can compare photo quality of different phone models. It should be borne in mind that the cameras do not have optical stabilization, and you should not rely on the aperture of 1.7.
- users most often have questions about the autofocus of the main camera. In poor lighting conditions the camera can focus for a long time; in good lighting it is not always clear when the autofocus worked.


- the phone does not have fast charging. The phone takes 2.5-3 hours to charge.
- especially thrifty users disable AOD. This feature consumes approximately 1% charge in an hour and a half. If the AOD is always on, then it consumes approximately 16% of the charge per day. I think this is a normal indicator. There are simply reviews in which people write that AOD is draining the battery. I do not think so. I specially wrote about the power consumption of AOD, tk. Many are attracted by this feature of the phone and is a significant factor when choosing a smartphone.


It's safe to say that the J7 is a much more interesting phone in terms of price / quality ratio than the Samsung S and A series. The phone has very few drawbacks. The only thing that can be alarming is the display, which is sensitive to drops. Its replacement in the official service costs 6-7 thousand rubles. The rest of the phone does not have any critical bugs and defects. If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive phone, then the 2017 Samsung Galaxy J7 is worth considering.

Experience of using Samsung Galaxy J7 2017, gentlemen.

Hello everyone! Modenov is in touch. I belong to that breed of people who change their smartphones quite often. This is not due to the professional component - I have never been a tech blogger, and I hardly even consider myself a techie. One thing just bothers me, I give it to my mother or sell it to Avito, and run to the store for a new device. As a rule, radically opposite to its predecessor - after the shovels are small phones, after small ones - even larger shovels, etc. And certainly different companies - it's more interesting.

Once I got hooked on Apple equipment, having bought an old device from a friend, and then one small but very famous player, and I wanted to try out the still not quite outdated iPhone 5s as my main phone. It's funny, because before that I hadn't paid any attention to the apple company. It seemed to me like a separate world, where everything is different and everything is not like people. It is doubly funnier to report that he ended up with the "eska" for almost two years. The phone won me over with its smooth operation, an excellent operating system, a well-thought-out ecosystem (I also had a second-hand iPad Mini 2 later) and an amazing camera.

And you know what? Almost two years later, at the end of autumn 2017, I decided that I was tired of this ecosystem, no matter how wonderful it was. Just tired of the monotony, as in all previous cases, when I decided to change my smartphones. I got completely crazy and bought myself a 2017 Samsung Galaxy J7 - it seemed to me symbolic to check the main competitor of Apple in the work, and the price did not bite in total - the device was deliberately chosen from the mid-budget line in case something in my smartphone "I will not like it", and it was not as hard to say goodbye to him as to the expensive flagship of the Galaxy S8.


The first week I flew in the clouds - how nice it was after two years of using the iPhone 5s to consume content from a huge and juicy 5.5-inch AMOLED screen! To be honest, it's still nice. In a world where people are greeted every time by their clothes, the screen is a win-win option in order to conquer a potential customer in a store. And also the battery is such a voracious system like Android, and such a pathological telephone maniac as I had to kill the smartphone once or twice, but no - by the evening there remained a stable 40-50 percent of the charge! Sometimes I only charged it on the second day of use. Here, for sure, my happiness (after the small iPhone with its microbattery, let me remind you!) There were no limits.


Memory 16 Gb. Yes, yes, yes, I understand that this is not a minus, but a sacrifice to the low price of the device (officially 19,990 rubles), the eternal scourge of all state employees in the world is to be assembled from pieces of shit and stumps of technology, and in general it is my own fault, because I understood, that 16 gigs is not enough for anything, but kamon, samsung, what the hell? What made it difficult to integrate at least 32 gigabytes into the phone is still a little by today's standards, but not so painful anymore. With the same amount of internal memory in the iPhone, I almost never came across messages about the lack of space to install new programs. In the case of the Samsung Galaxy J7 2017, this happened in the second month of operation!

The fact is that the store assured me: young man, you shouldn't worry about the internal memory of the device itself, because there is a Micro-SD card! Transfer all applications to external media and that's it, the problem is solved. But in practice it turned out differently. Almost 50-60% of the applications that I installed on my smartphone did not support transfer to a Micro-SD card. Not only does the smartphone already contain a bunch of pre-installed software from three companies - Samsung, Google and Microsoft - and they cannot be removed from the system without root, but newly installed third-party applications - and they sometimes do not allow such a simple operation to be carried out in order to save precious internal drive.

Everything that you will store on the SD card - the cache of some applications, personal files, photos from the camera, videos, any documents - that's it. BUT NOT applications. For those who are used to using a lot of software, I have some unpleasant news: the space on the internal storage will fill up very quickly. The Android system fills up as if not in itself, and I even had to remember about the existence of programs like CCleaner in order to clean up the system at least a little. But how long have I been using this software.

Camera. She is terrible, everything is here. I just have nothing more to say about her. Since I am a photographer accustomed to shooting for my favorite Canon 700D SLR with five lenses in my collection, I did not pay any attention to the camera in my smartphone - they say, if I use it, it will rarely and for personal needs. But no. In practice, you want to take out the camera more often: to capture the beauty in a winter park, a beautiful sunset, or to make yourself in your, as always, dull room. But no - you won't want it, because your footage will turn out to be terrible. Unsuitable even for Instagram. At best, you will end up with something blurry, at worst - blurry and blurry. With autofocus and sharpness due to some kind of harsh blurring of noise (read post-processing), a smartphone for 20 thousand rubles has real problems. Even during the day, the pictures are not of the best quality, but, naturally, they are significantly better than those that were taken in low light.

See for yourself:

And yes, a smartphone five years ago - I'm talking about the iPhone 5s - shoots much better.

System and updates. Companies that release their phones in batches on Android OS, score on them almost immediately - there is no time to deal with a six-month gadget and release firmware updates - we already have three new gadgets at the start! Indeed, for 4 months of operation of the Samsung Galaxy J7 2017, one, only one unfortunate update flew in to me, and that tiny one - an ordinary patch that fixes something there. In a year when the world expects Android version 9.0, the smartphone has not even been updated to eight. And this, let me remind you, is a device that is not even a year old. Perhaps this is an empty claim and everything works fine without updates, and I just spoiled the world of Apple iOS with their almost weekly updates and fixes, but ... Maybe I'm wrong, but somehow it's a shame to use a new smartphone that does not receive any new chips and goodies, as people around the world do with HTC and Huawei released at the same time. For these smartphones, the new Android 8 has been available for a long time.

Minor remarks. I have always said that the joy of using the device lies in the little things - they are the ones who build the whole picture for us, turning the disparate elements of the system and hardware into a single something called the “dream smartphone”. Unfortunately, Samsung Galaxy J7 2017 did not become such a smartphone for me. Yes, it is good: it works relatively smoothly (although noticeable friezes sometimes unexpectedly appear here and there for no apparent reason), with a wonderful screen and a large battery from a well-known brand ... But something is missing. Miracles.

For example, when dialing, telephone numbers are not formatted in a readable form (with parentheses for the code and separators), but are simply hammered one after the other, which complicates the reading of the number when dialing. There are no gestures and swipes like in iOS. Applications are often rendered worse (sometimes for some reason just differently) than in iOS. When you click on the "back" button, the system returns the user not to the place where he was before, but to the previous logical level of the most open application, even if you were not at this level.


Is this all nonsense? Is it hard to imagine that such trifles would seriously annoy someone? It was also difficult for me to imagine that the feeling of using devices can be so different, and the impression from the same device can change dramatically from enthusiastic to indignant. It's clear: how many people - so many opinions, and what is ideal for one may not suit another at all. But I wrote this article for those who, like me a couple of months ago, sit and choose a smartphone to buy. Maybe I helped someone make the right choice or, on the contrary, refuse to buy. All these pros and cons I have indicated here with one simple goal: to help a person determine how critical they are for him or herself. I did not touch the tactile sensations and other "physical" parameters: it is all easy to check in the store by twisting the smartphone in my hands. Little things that come up far from the first day of operation - that's what really matters.

Well, the camera, dudes, the camera decides.

And I went for a new iPhone 8. I realized that the apple slave inside me woke up again and craves only the products of this company. I will write feelings soon, and I hope they will not be the same as in this post! :) Good luck.

In this article, Rootgadget will tell you how to flash Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) fast and safe. For this, detailed instructions were written at the bottom of the article.

Why update firmware on Android

All are guided by different reasons.

  • Problems with the front selfie camera, let's say it takes pictures of far from the quality indicated on the lens.
  • The problem with the display response, more specifically, with the response speed.
  • I would like to see the new Android Pie 9.0.
  • I'm tired of the old version of Android, I want new functions and capabilities.
  • The smartphone does not turn on or is terribly buggy.
  • The phone battery has stopped charging.

  1. First you need to download the firmware by choosing one of the options below. Together with it, the archive contains the necessary set of programs (TWRP and others).
  2. Then extract the file "instruction_rootgadget.txt" from the archive. Using the program archiver ..
  3. The firmware zip file in the archive must be downloaded to a memory card or smartphone memory.
  4. For the rest of the information and the sequence of actions, see the text instructions.

Firmware Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017)

  • Android Pie 9.0 - you can say the flagship OS, but still a little unfinished. Url: upfileget.info/android9pie
  • 8.0 Oreo is a great option, a minimum of bugs and rich functionality, but version 9 is certainly better. Url: upfileget.info/android8oreo
  • 7.0 Nougat is a stable version in all respects, it works even on low-power hardware. URL: upfileget.info/android7nougat
  • 6.0 Marshmallow - 5 and 6 versions - this is already real old stuff, although it was once the pinnacle of progress. But if you switch to them from version 3 or 4, then of course the difference is very noticeable. URL: upfileget.info/android6
  • 5.0 Lollipop URL: upfileget.info/android9pie

Root rights

If you want to get root access, you can use the universal program Rookthp Pro 2.4, Website address: rootkhp.pro... Instructions for using the program can be found. And also from the universal we can advise ZYKUroot version 2.2. You can find out information about him at zykuroot.info
We will not talk about more popular programs, the same Kingo and Framaroot are always heard, although they are losing ground a little

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) is a branded smartphone running on Android 7.0 Nougat. Here you will find out the characteristics, how to root or reset the settings, and you can also download firmware (for Odin, for example) and instructions for Samsung.

Root on Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017)

How to get the root for Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) see instructions below.

If the applications did not help, ask in the topic or use the full list of root utilities from the topic header.


  1. Announcement: 2017, June
  2. Networks: LTE Bands 1,3,5,7,8,20
  3. UMTS 850, 900, 1900, 2100
  4. GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900
  5. Internet: LTE cat.6 300/50 Mbps
  7. Wi-Fi: a / b / g / n / ac, 2.4 + 5 GHz
  8. Screen: Super AMOLED, 5.5 ", 1080x1920, 16M colors, touch, capacitive, multitouch
  9. Operating system: Android 7.0 Nougat
  10. Processor: Exynos 7 Octa 7870, 1.6 GHz, 8 x Cortex-A53, Mali-T830 MP1
  11. Memory: RAM 3 GB, ROM 16 GB, Micro-SD up to 256 GB, separate slot
  12. Battery: Li-Ion, 3600 mAh
  13. Weight: 181 g
  14. Dimensions: 152.5 x 74.8 x 8 mm
  15. Photos: 13 MP, flash, autofocus, f / 1.7
  16. front: 13 MP, flash, f / 1.9
  17. Bluetooth: v4.1
  18. Navigation: GPS, GLONASS
  19. Sim cards: 2
  20. Sensors Accelerometer, Approach, Illumination, Fingerprint scanner, NFC

Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) review

The design is good. The camera is only cool in daylight. It is bad in the dark and indoors. The trick is terrible. The smartphone, unfortunately, holds a charge for half a day. Charges fast. Terrible lags, despite the fact that there is a lot of free memory. Doesn't always detect my fingerprints. I have been using it for about 2-3 months. The last time they call me, he immediately turns on the speaker. At the same time, it shows that it is off and you need to click on the speaker icon 3-4 times to talk on the phone normally. It would be better if I took an iPhone. Not worth your money, trash.


Firmware for Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017)

Official firmware Android 7.0 Nougat [stock ROM file] -
Samsung Custom Firmware -

If a custom or official firmware for Samsung has not yet been added here, then create a topic on the forum, in the section, our specialists will promptly and free of charge help, incl. with backup and manuals. Just do not forget to write a review about your smartphone - this is extremely important. This page will also show the firmware for the Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017). Please note that for this Samsung model, an individual ROM file is required, so you should not try firmware files from other devices.

What custom firmwares are there?

  1. CM - CyanogenMod
  2. LineageOS
  3. Paranoid Android
  4. OmniROM
  5. Temasek's
  1. AICP (Android Ice Cold Project)
  2. RR (Resurrection Remix)
  3. MK (MoKee)
  4. FlymeOS
  5. Bliss
  6. crDroid
  7. Illusion ROMS
  8. Pacman ROM

Samsung Smartphone Problems and Disadvantages and How to Fix Them?

  • If the Galaxy J7 (2017) does not turn on, for example, you see a white screen, hangs on the splash screen, or the notification indicator only blinks (possibly after charging).
  • If it freezes when updating / freezes when it is turned on (needs a flashing, 100%)
  • Doesn't charge (usually iron problems)
  • Doesn't see the SIM card (SIM card)
  • The camera does not work (mostly hardware problems)
  • Sensor does not work (depending on the situation)
For all these problems, contact (you just need to create a theme), specialists will help for free.

Hard Reset for Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017)

Instructions on how to Hard Reset on Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) (factory reset). We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the visual guide, which is called on Android. ...

Reset codes (open the dialer and enter them).

  1. *2767*3855#
  2. *#*#7780#*#*
  3. *#*#7378423#*#*

Hard Reset via Recovery

  1. Turn off the device-> go to Recovery
  2. "Wipe data / factory reset"
  3. "Yes - delete all user data" -> "Reboot System"

How to log into Recovery?

  1. hold down Vol (-) [volume down], or Vol (+) [volume up] and the power button
  2. a menu with the Android logo will appear. Everything, you are in Recovery!

Factory reset on Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) can be done in a very simple way:

  1. Settings-> Recovery and reset
  2. Reset settings (at the very bottom)

How to reset your pattern

How to reset your pattern if you have forgotten it and now you cannot unlock your Samsung smartphone. On Galaxy J7 (2017), the key or PIN can be removed in several ways. You can also remove the lock through a factory reset, the lock code will be deleted and disabled.

  1. Reset graph. blocking -
  2. Password reset -

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