Home indoor flowers The most e. All the very best about Russia: amazing records of the largest country in the world. The largest cruise ship in the world

The most e. All the very best about Russia: amazing records of the largest country in the world. The largest cruise ship in the world

Incredible Facts

Mankind has always been impressed huge things, be it landscapes created by nature, waterfalls and mountains, or man-made structures, vehicles and machines.

The largest aircraft in the world

Transport jet An-225 "Mriya" ("Dream")- Ukrainian transport aircraft, which is considered today largest jet aircraft in the world. It is capable of not only carrying multi-ton cargo, but is also capable of lifting another smaller aircraft into the air. For example, a Boeing 737 can fit inside its cargo hold.

Built in 1988, this aircraft immediately entered the book of records as the largest aircraft in the world, and remains there until now. After the collapse of the Union, it was not used for about 7 years, but then it was repaired and since 2001 began to be widely used, since this aircraft is capable of lifting such large loads that it is not subject to any other aircraft.

Attempts were made to build another similar aircraft, but work was stopped, probably due to lack of funds. To complete the construction required 300 million dollars.

The aircraft has 32 chassis, he can lift into the air 560 tons, while the total weight together with the load will be 640 tons. Its wingspan is the length of a football field.

The largest swimming pool in the world

In most hotels, pools are not of particular interest: they are usually small in size, not too deep and constantly crowded with vacationers. However, the designers of the resort complex San Alfonso Del Mar Resort in Chile decided to rectify the situation by building the most impressive swimming pool on the planet.

This giant pool is like a clear blue lagoon that stretches between the hotels and the ocean. The length of this huge pool is about 900 meters. By the way, the second largest pool in the world is located in Morocco and has a length of only 137 meters.

The deepest part of the pool 35 meters(this is also a world record). In him 250 million liters of water, that is, it is 20 times more than in the Olympic pool. The construction of this miracle pool took 5 years and 1 billion dollars. Every year it takes 2 million.

The pool has an advanced filtration system and no cleaning chemicals are added to it, so it is amazingly eco-friendly.

The largest cave in the world

In 2009 A Vietnamese farmer showed British explorers the entrance to a cave he had discovered a few years earlier in Phong Nha Kebang National Park. They were amazed by the beauties that this amazing cave concealed. Inside a cave that had only one wide passage flowing underground river.

This cave is located in quite a wild area, the early expeditions to these places never reached it. The cave has depth at least 5 kilometers and height (in some places) - about 300 meters. Sunlight sometimes penetrates into the cave.

The largest vacuum chamber

Vacuum chambers are used to create conditions close to space conditions, to conduct various experiments in the absence of gravity or to test components of space suits.

There are very large vacuum chambers, but only one such chamber in the world is large enough to contain fully assembled spaceship.

Plum Brook Vacuum Chamber in Sandusky, Ohio, USA, was used to test the reusable spacecraft "Orion". This ship, NASA officials hope, will someday will be able to send people to the moon again, and maybe even to Mars or to distant asteroids.

The Plum Brook camera has a height 37 meters, with length and width 23 meters. She can be seen in one of the first episodes of the fantasy action movie "Avengers" when god Loki gets the cosmic cube. This scene in the movie was filmed there.

The largest waterfall in the world

Inga Falls near the city of Matadi in the Congo is not the highest waterfall in the world. Its height is 21 meters. It is also not the longest waterfall at the length of only 4 kilometers. However, this waterfall boasts the ability to move the largest volumes of water.

We are all familiar with unforgettable images Niagara Falls or impressed by the size Victoria Falls, from which literally many tons of water merge.

For example, Victoria Falls moves 1076.5 cubic meters of water per second. Niagara Falls is even more powerful: it moves about 2408 cubic meters of water per second.

Inga Falls, on the other hand, "uses" 10 times more water on average than Niagara - 25500 cubic meters of water per second. Its closest competitor is livingstone waterfall- in the lower reaches of the Congo River, it drains all at 708 cubic meters of water per second smaller than Inga. By the way, the Niagara and Victoria waterfalls are ranked 11th and 15th respectively in terms of power.

largest dry lake

The Uyuni salt marsh is located on the plain of southwestern Bolivia (South America) at an altitude of almost 3600 meters above sea level. The layer of salt in this dried-up lake in some places reaches several meters. The total area of ​​the lake is also amazing - more than 10 thousand square kilometers.

In these places, in addition to large reserves of salt, there are also lithium reserves. These vast untapped reserves lie beneath the surface of the salt marsh, accounting for about half of the world's total. Although these places seem rather deserted and lifeless, here you can find the largest number of pink flamingos and about 80 other bird species.

The Uyuni salt marsh has another unusual feature: most of the year a thin layer of water covers the surface, so if you visit these places, you get the impression that that you walk on water. The water reflects the sky like a giant mirror.

The largest zoo in the world

If we need to name the largest zoo in the world, we should think about who to give the palm to. The largest in terms of number of species, area of ​​territory, or number of cells? For example, one of the largest zoos in the world in terms of area - Red McCombs Wildlife in Texas boasts a huge territory, but it lives total 20 kinds of animals.

Zoo Henry Dorley in the state of Nebraska, USA, has not only a huge territory, but also has amazing variety of species. This zoo can be considered the largest due to the fact that it combines both characteristics.

On an area of ​​53 hectares lives about 17 thousand animals 960 species. About 1.5 million people come here every year. This zoo also has the world's largest aviary, the largest feline complex, and the largest geodesic dome in North America.

The largest power plant in the world

For almost 20 years, the Chinese government has been engaged in a dam project "Three Gorges" despite warnings about possible negative consequences. Threat to the environment and historical territories been downplayed by the government.

A huge number of people were evicted from their homes during construction. Only after the completion of the work did it become clear what kind of threat to the environment and ecology this 23 billion project.

More than a million residents of the Yandza River Valley have been displaced, and reservoirs in the area have become a dumping ground for industrial waste. After the construction of the dam was completed, not only environmental, but other problems surfaced, for example, after the drought in 2011 it became impossible to navigate in the lower reaches of the river.

However, the amount of electricity from this hydroelectric power plant is striking in its numbers. Dam length - 2.4 kilometers, height - 180 meters. The power plant is capable of producing as much electricity as 18 nuclear power plants provide.

The biggest screen in the world

Stadium "Arena Corinthians" in Sao Paulo - a huge building. It includes 50 thousand seats, but it is only the 11th major stadium in Brazil. In 2014, several football matches will be held here. FIFA World Cup. This stadium is notable for the fact that its facade is one giant video screen.

The screen is capable of displaying images, videos, information about matches, and it can be seen at a sufficiently large distance from the stadium. The height of this huge screen is 200 meters, length - 170 meters. This is the largest video screen on the planet.

The largest building in the world

global center "New Age" in Chengdu, China, was opened in July 2013. To date, this building is considered the largest solid building on the planet: its area is 1.8 million square meters.

The building was under construction for about 3 years. Inside it, in addition to shops and offices, you can find an IMAX cinema, a huge skating rink capable of hosting international competitions, a complete copy of the Mediterranean village and, of course, a water park. Only the water park itself can accommodate 6 thousand visitors. The building also has hotels with 2,000 rooms.

The building is so large that it can accommodate 20 Sydney theaters or 30 football fields.

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There were times when the kings of nature were creatures much larger than us - real prehistoric giants! And one of them still lives on Earth, can you imagine?

We are in website we can't decide what we'd like to do more - ride a paraceraterium or fly a quetzalcoatl.


Amphicelia is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. These herbivorous dinosaurs lived 145-161 million years ago. One vertebra of amphicelia was equal to 2.5 meters.


Titanoboa is a close relative of the boa constrictor. But much, much more. Titanoboa lived 58-61 million years ago and reached 13 meters in length. A modern reticulated python can grow up to a maximum of 7.5 meters.


Megalodons were apex predators that lived 3-28 million years ago. Only one megalodon tooth can hardly fit in the hands of an adult. Its length could reach 20 meters, and its weight reached 47 tons. Megalodon bite force was equal to 10 tons!


Argentavis lived 5–8 million years ago. This is one of the largest birds in the history of the Earth. Its wingspan reached almost 7 meters, and it fed on rodents.

bighorn deer

Large-horned (Irish) deer appeared a couple of million years ago. When the forests began to advance on open spaces, the big-horned deer died out - with their huge (more than 5 meters in span) horns, they simply could not move among the dense branches.

Giant short-faced bear

The giant short-faced bear (bulldog bear), having straightened up, reached a height of 3.5-4.5 meters and had incredibly powerful jaws. He was one of the largest predatory mammals that lived on Earth during the Ice Age. Males were much larger than females and could reach a weight of 1.5 tons. 14 thousand years ago, bulldog bears became extinct.


Gigantopithecus are the largest great apes of all time. They lived about 1 million years ago. It is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions from rare remains, but scientists believe that Gigantopithecus was 3–4 meters tall, weighed 300–550 kg, and ate mainly bamboo.


Paraceratheria (indrycoteria) lived 20–30 million years ago. They are relatives of modern rhinos, but they did not have horns. Paraceratherium is one of the largest land mammals that has ever existed. They reached 5 meters in height and weighed up to 20 tons. Despite their imposing appearance, they were not predators and fed on the leaves and branches of trees.

Everyone knows that Russia is the largest country in the world. But we decided to collect other amazing records of our state.

Length record holders

The state border of Russia is one and a half times the length of the equator. The longest border between Kazakhstan and Russia is about 7.5 thousand kilometers. The shortest one is with China (less than 40 kilometers).

The longest railway is also in Russia. This is the Trans-Siberian Railway, which stretches for 9289 kilometers. The Great Siberian Way connects Moscow and Vladivostok, and since October 18, 1916, one can get from one end of the country to the other through the territory of Russia.

Not surprisingly, the construction of such a gigantic railroad spawned other records. So, the longest railway tunnel in the country has 15,343 meters. The Severomuysky tunnel was built for 26 years, it is located on the territory of Buryatia.

The longest river in Russia is the Lena. It is also one of the ten longest rivers in the world.

The longest bridge in the country is located in Ulyanovsk (5825 meters). The Presidential Bridge spans the Volga and connects its right and left banks; it is also one of the longest bridges in Europe.

Height record holders

The tallest building in Europe is located in Moscow, this is the "Federation Tower" with a height of 374 meters.

In Russia, there is also the highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus, it rises 5642 meters.

Well, if you leave out the Caucasus, then there are other impressive mountains: for example, Klyuchevaya Sopka. The height of this active volcano is 4835 meters.

Russia is also rich in waterfalls. True, no one knows the final figures of the highest waterfall: the 600-meter Talnikovy waterfall is located on the Putorana Plateau, one of the most inaccessible places not only in Russia, but also in the world.

If we talk about the creations of man, then the highest "artificial" waterfall rises 242 meters above the ground. This is the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which is located on the Yenisei.

Depth record holders

Russia has the deepest subway in the world. The St. Petersburg metro has 67 stations, and 60 of them are deep (from 22 to 86 meters). The deepest of them is Admiralteyskaya, it goes underground for 86 meters.

Another man-made record holder is the "Well to Hell" or the Kola super-deep well. It was drilled to a depth of 12 kilometers and 262 meters to study the deep structure of the Earth. Just imagine, Everest and the Mariana Trench are smaller.

But of course, we should not forget about another Russian record holder and our heritage - Lake Baikal. This is the deepest lake on the planet and one of the largest natural reservoirs of fresh water, the maximum depth is 1642 meters.

Record holders by area

The area of ​​Russia is 17,125,191 square kilometers. This is about twice the size of Canada, China or the United States.

Russia also has the largest region in the world - the Republic of Sakha. Yakutia is larger than Kazakhstan and is equal to about three Egypts or six Spains.

The largest lake in the world is also in Russia (as well as on the territory of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan) - this is the Caspian Sea. Its area (371,000 sq. km) is larger than the area of ​​Germany.

The largest island in Russia is located in the Far East. Sakhalin is approximately equal to the area of ​​the Czech Republic (76,400 km² versus 78,866 km²).

And the largest peninsula of Russia is Taimyr. It is larger than Norway or Japan.

On the territory of Russia is also the largest reserve in the world - the Great Arctic Reserve. Its area is 41,692 sq. km., and it is larger than the Netherlands (41,526 sq. km.)

Vasyugan swamps are located in Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers. Their area is 53 thousand square kilometers, and they are one of the largest on the planet. For comparison, the area of ​​Denmark is 41,000 sq. km.

The longest official name is a hill 305 meters high, located in New Zealand.

Mamihlapinatapai (sometimes written mamihlapinatapei) is a word from the language of the Yagan tribe (Tierra del Fuego). It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the "most condensed word" and considered one of the most difficult words to translate.

Mamihlapinatapai means " A look between two people that expresses the desire of each that the other will initiate what both want, but neither wants to be the first».

But what longest word in the world?

The full chemical name of the largest protein contains 189,819 letters and is considered the longest word in any language.

Titin, also known as connectin, is a giant protein composed of 244 individually folded protein regions connected by an unstructured sequence of peptides.

In addition, the titin gene contains the largest number of exons, with 363 found in a single gene.

Titin plays an important role in the contraction of striated muscle tissue, but it is best known for its technical name, which is said to be the longest word in any language in the world.

The name "titin" is borrowed from the Greek word "titan" (giant deity, something large). The chemical name starts with methionyl ... and ends with ... isoleucine.

The full name of the largest protein would take up a lot of space in this post, but you

If you really want to hear how the longest word in the world sounds, you can watch the video, which takes almost 3.5 hours to fully pronounce this name.

It is interesting that you will not even see the full chemical name of titin in dictionaries, since the compilers of dictionaries consider the names of chemical compounds to be a verbal formula, not a word. But no matter how you call it: a word, a formula, or a whole story, it is extremely long.

The longest word in Russian has not yet been determined for a number of reasons. Theoretically, one of these words can be the adjectiveahydropyridopyridine, consisting of 55 letters. But will such a choice of the winner be fair, because in analytical, for example, chemistry, the names of substances can be built according to a certain scheme and sometimes reach downright cosmic values.

Another frequently cited example is the construction of a word by adding the prefix pra-. Its number can be unlimited, therefore, there will be plenty of letters in such a word.

Various words are also popular, containing a numeral and denoting any value - one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine centimeters, or constructed according to the type of eighty-four years. To indicate the age of, for example, the Earth. So there are countless opportunities for word creation. You can combine options for quite a long time, because, as we know, there are a lot of natural numbers. That is, you can ask the expression of the diameter of the Earth in millimeters, and you can only imagine how many letters there will be in this newborn word. In view of this, the task of finding the longest word in the Russian language, alas, will not be crowned with success. Moreover, most of these words seem almost like a monster to the layman, and are not used at all in ordinary speech. Except on a local scale. That is, it is quite possible to find the longest word among parts of speech, for example, verbs or nouns.

Some difficulties are also created by the lack of agreement on whether different word forms can be used. So, for example, in the Guinness Book of Records in 1993, the word X-ray electrocardiographic (33 letters) was named the longest word, in the 2003 edition - highly contemplative (35 letters). In the first case, an analogue of the word could also be used - ente(42 letters). Disputes arose, naturally, due to the fact that, as we can see, in the first case the word is used in the genitive case, and in the second spelling, for example, in the same case, it would be longer by a letter. In general, the words-record holders have not been honored to be recognized, because the information is rather subjective and cannot be confirmed.

And how do you like this longest abbreviation? (56 characters)


Research laboratory for concrete reinforcement operations and reinforced concrete works for the construction of prefabricated monolithic and monolithic structures of the technology department of the construction and installation department of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR. That is, you can imagine how the employees of this organization answered the question about work.

Now let's talk about the most-most of its kind.

The longest adjective with a hyphen: agricultural engineering (38 letters).
The longest nouns with a hyphen are: uprooter-bulldozer-loader and animation-inanimateness (31 letters).
The longest noun without a hyphen: water and mud peat paraffin treatment (29 letters).
Longest adjective without a hyphen: electrophotosemiconductor (28 letters). This data was kindly provided by the spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The grammar dictionary of A.A. Zaliznyak, published in 2003, considers that: the longest (in letters) common noun in the dictionary form is the adjective private entrepreneurial (25 letters; word forms in -th and -imi - 26 letters).

The longest verbs are to re-examine, to substantiate and to internationalize. (All - 24 letters; participles formed from them with the ending -uyuschimsya and gerunds on -ovavshis - 25 letters each). From the first time, I could not even immediately imagine the meaning of the second word ...

The longest nouns are misanthropy and excellency (24 letters each; word forms in -ami - 26 letters each)
The longest animate nouns are an eleventh-grader (20 letters) and a clerk (21 letters), word forms with -ami have 22 and 23 letters, respectively.

The longest adverb recorded in the dictionary is unsatisfactory (19 letters). Do not forget that from the vast majority of quality adjectives on -y and -y, adverbs on -o, -e or -i are formed, which are far from always recorded in the dictionary.

The longest interjection included in the dictionary is a slightly rough gym hello (14 letters).

The word respectively (14 letters) is at the same time the longest preposition. The longest particle is only one letter shorter.

But in addition to long, little-known and highly specialized words, there are also champions in literature, for example, the word of discretion, which Nikolai Leskov used in the story "Hare Remise". The most interesting thing is that no one knows for certain the meaning, it is likely that the author himself invented it . But, probably, everyone can imagine its significance for themselves.

Our language hides a lot of interesting things, and I think the number of record-breaking words does not affect the power and beauty of our Russian speech in any way. Collecting information for this article, I learned an incredibly many interesting things. And for some reason I remembered that at the age of seven it was thought that the word electrosynchrophasotron was, well, the longest, and Staroportofrankivska Street was generally something from the category of science fiction. Beliefs change... And most importantly, the language is not something static, and is replenished daily with neologisms; he lives, is reborn, and it is not known how long the word-champion can become. Although, judging by the current desire of the young to shorten the word beyond recognition, it is still unknown who will win...

And when I studied at the institute, we had a student in our group who considered his last name the longest in Russia - Skorobogatko - 13 letters, who has more?

Eternal human interest in everything very, very in the world - big, small, long, high, deep - inexhaustible in the search for new curious facts and unusual records. And if it is not possible to outdo exceptional natural masterpieces, then in the fields of construction and industrial production, people from generation to generation tirelessly strive to establish at least a temporary superiority over competitors in height, size and a number of other parameters. In the material below - the most amazing sights of the world, created by nature and human hands.

The biggest country in the world

According to a 2015 estimate, its population does not exceed 1,000, and almost all are subjects of the Holy See.

The next largest state in terms of territory (other autonomous territories are not taken into account) is Monaco with an area of ​​​​2.02 square meters. km and with a population of approximately 38,800 people, according to a 2014 estimate.

The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world in terms of population and at the same time the largest seaport is Shanghai, China. In this metropolis, according to 2015, 24,152,700 people live.

The largest urban agglomeration is Tokyo-Yokohama, 37,843,000 people. The population of Tokyo alone is 13,617,445 people (as of 2016).

There is no single assessment of cities by area, since the official city limits around the world are formed and indicated in different ways: with or without suburbs. Currently, one of the largest cities in terms of area is Beijing, 16411 sq. km (according to other sources - 16801 sq. km), of which the city proper accounts for approximately 1368 sq. km. km (and this territory is steadily growing every year due to the suburbs), the suburbs - about 15042 square meters. km.

The largest and smallest island in the world

With such a vague definition, the volume of wood was taken as the main criterion for "calculating" the winner. The volume of the trunk of this sequoiadendron at the time of setting the record is 1487 cubic meters, while the mass of the entire tree is estimated at 1900 tons - "General Sherman" is not only the largest, but also the heaviest living organism on Earth at the present time, if you do not take into account the aspen poplar grove - clonal colony Pando (about 6000 tons). And this sequoiadendron, whose age is estimated at 2300-2700 years, continues to grow and adds about 1.5 cm in width every year. The measured height of the tree is 83.8 meters, the trunk circumference at the ground is 31.3 meters, and the maximum trunk diameter is 11.1 meters.

However, in terms of diameter, the giant is inferior to the Mexican Tule Tree in the city of Santa Maria del Tule. According to the measurements of 2005, its diameter at the ground is 11.62 meters, the circumference is 36.2 meters. The exact height of the tree is difficult to measure due to its wide crown; according to approximate measurements - about 35.4 meters. Scientists still argue about its age and the actual number of trunks, but this did not prevent the Tule Tree from being included in the UNESCO list in 2001 as a natural monument of international importance.

The largest animal in the world

The largest animal on the planet is the blue whale (aka blue whale, vomited). The body length of these marine mammals reaches 33 meters, and the weight can exceed 150 tons. Historically, the range of this cetacean species was the entire World Ocean, but now their populations are scattered. All year round, blue whales are found in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean, they can be seen from the shores of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and the Seychelles.

The largest whale ever caught by people is considered to be a female blue whale, caught in 1926 in the waters of the South Shetland Islands. The length of her body from the fork of the tail fin to the end of the snout is 33.27 meters, and her weight is 176.792 tons.

The largest animal on land is the bush elephant (a type of African elephant). As a rule, males weigh an average of 7 tons, females - about 5 tons. With a body length of about 6-7.5 meters, the height of the elephant at the shoulders is close to 3-3.8 meters. The recorded weight of the largest bush elephant was 12.24 tons. The animal was shot in 1974 in the village of Mukusso (Angola). Tourists can see savannah elephants in Africa in national parks and reserves.

The fastest animal in the world

The cheetah is the fastest land mammal. According to various sources, these predators can accelerate in 3 seconds to a speed of 96.6 - 112 km / h. National Geographic magazine named the fastest female cheetah named Sarah (also Sahara): she ran 100 meters in 5.95 seconds. The sprint run of cheetahs for prey lasts no more than 20 seconds and is limited to a distance of 400 meters.

At the same time, among all the animals of the world, cheetahs occupy only 13th place in terms of speed. The championship is for the birds. And the fastest bird and, in general, the fastest representative of the animal kingdom is the peregrine falcon, which in a dive flight develops a speed of 322 km / h, the record noted by the researchers is 389 km / h. However, in horizontal flight, the peregrine falcon is inferior to the Brazilian folded lip (a species of bats and the fastest mammal) with its speed over 160-200 km / h and swifts (species - black, needle-tailed), capable of accelerating to 169 km / h.

Among fish, black marlin stands out for its speed: on average, these large oceanic fish are able to cut through the water column at a speed of 85 km / h, the maximum set speed of a representative of the species is 129 km / h.

Of the insects, horseflies fly the fastest - on average 60 km / h, maximum - 90 km / h.

Some representatives of the class of reptiles can reach speeds of up to 35-40 km / h, but no more. These are bearded dragons, green iguanas, and leatherback turtles in the water.

The biggest fish in the world

The largest fish of our time is the whale shark, harmless to humans, living in the warm waters of the tropics. It feeds mainly on plankton, and its average length varies between 10 and 12 meters, although such specimens are extremely rare for fishermen.

The second largest species is the giant shark (giant shark). Like the whale shark, this shark feeds on small organisms - plankton. On average, adults reach 6-8 meters, and only a few sharks grow up to 9-12 meters.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish, part of the sturgeon family. This species is listed in the Red Book. The largest fish caught in the Caspian Sea and at the mouth of the Volga were over 4 meters long and weighed about 1.5 tons.

The biggest shark in the world

The debate about the size and weight of the largest sharks has been going on for decades. Currently, the existence of exceptional specimens of whale sharks over 20 meters long is allowed. In particular, information credible by researchers includes reports of a shark 20 meters long and weighing 34 tons, caught near Taiwan in 1997, and a shark 17.5 meters long and weighing 15 tons, caught in the Arabian Sea off the coast of the city of Veraval, India.

The last report of a very large whale shark was on February 7, 2012. Then Pakistani fishermen caught an already dead shark near Karachi, 11 to 12 meters long and weighing about 15 tons.

The largest shark that ever existed is considered to be the megalodon, an extinct species, the size of whose representatives can be judged by paleontological finds: the average length is about 15 meters, while megalodons were predators.

The biggest snake in the world

The largest snakes on the planet are representatives of boas and pythons, namely the green anaconda and the reticulated python.

The heaviest snake in the world is the common or green anaconda, and the name "water boa" also applies to it. National Geographic indicates that the largest female anacondas can grow up to 8.8 meters and weigh more than 227 kg. However, at the moment this indicator remains only a theoretical estimate. There have been a lot of reports of giant anacondas by now, but most of them do not have any material evidence and are legends. The largest recorded specimen of an anaconda in captivity was kept at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The snake grew to 6.27 meters, and was weighed at a length of 5.94 meters - 91 kg.

The longest snake, the reticulated python, is native to Asia and grows up to 1.5-6.5 meters in nature. The largest measured representative of the species was 6.95 meters long and weighed 59 kg, but had not eaten for almost 3 months before the measurement. With pythons, as well as with anacondas, a lot of unconfirmed evidence is associated, including about a length of more than 8 meters.

The biggest spider in the world

The largest spider in the world is the goliath tarantula tarantula, in Latin - Theraphosa blondi. The specimen described in the Guinness Book of Records was discovered by members of the expedition of Pablo San Martin in the tropical forests of Venezuela in 1965. The leg span of the Goliath tarantula was 28 cm. In 1998, the same size was recorded in a two-year-old spider grown in captivity, while it weighed 170 grams.

With a leg span of about 25 cm or more, some species of the Sparassidae family grow, their sonorous often used name is giant crab spiders.

The largest spiders in Russia are the South Russian tarantula and several types of crosses. Basically, the sizes of the largest individuals do not exceed 2.5-3 cm.

The biggest dog in the world

The title of the tallest dog in the world with a mention and photographs in the Book of Records belongs to Zeus, a Great Dane (aka Great Dane), a pet of the Durlag family from Otsego, Michigan, USA. The height of Zeus is 111.8 cm, the dog weighs more than 70 kg. If Zeus stands on his hind legs, his "height" will be 224 cm. The record was set on October 4, 2011. At the same time, Zeus is not much taller than the previous record holders - Giant George (109.2 cm) and Titan (107.3 cm), which, by the way, are the same breed - Great Dane.

The English mastiff Zorba was named the heaviest dog back in 1987: a six-year-old dog weighed 142.7 kg. Two years later, when weighed again, he was even heavier: 155.6 kg at a height of 94 cm.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog ever lived lived on Earth about 15.3 million years ago, during the Late Miocene. The average weight of this ancient wild dog is estimated at 170 kg.

The biggest cat in the world

The longest living pet cat is the Maine Coon Ludo, pet of Kelsey Gill from Wakefield, UK. The cat was measured for the Guinness Book of Records on October 6, 2015. As expected, measurements were taken three times, and then the average length was calculated - 118.33 cm. At the time of measurement, the pet was 17 months old, it weighed 11 kg. Now several active pages in social networks are devoted to news from his life.

The record of the famous predecessor of Ludo, also a Maine Coon, the cat Stewie, is 123 cm, he was named the domestic cat with the longest tail. He died in 2013 at the age of 8.

Officially, the largest living cat in the world is the liger Hercules (a hybrid of a lion and a tigress). He was born in 2002 at the Institute of Endangered and Rare Species in Miami, at the time of the last measurements at the age of 11, he weighed 418.2 kg, was 3.33 meters long and 125 cm high at the withers. Hercules is mobile and does not suffer from obesity.

The tallest man in the world

The height of the tallest man in history, American Robert Pershing Wadlow, registered in the Guinness Book, is 272 cm. With this height, he weighed 199 kg. The giant was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and acromegaly, so he grew vigorously from the age of four until his death - at the age of 22 in 1940.

The second largest in the history of observations remains John Rogan, whom the newspapers of his day dubbed the "Negro giant." However, already in adolescence, due to growth, he began to develop ankylosis - immobility of the joints. His exact weight was measured only posthumously, in 1905 at the age of 40, and amounted to 267 cm with a weight of only 79 kg.

The tallest living person is Turkish farmer Sultan Kösen, born in 1982, whose height is 251 cm. Gigantism in his case is also caused by a pituitary tumor, but as a result of treatment, doctors managed to slow down the further growth of the man.

Currently, the history of medicine knows about 17 people who have reached a height of more than 244 cm.

The fastest man in the world

Usain Bolt

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

The glory of Usain Bolt, the Jamaican runner, thunders from the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and now the athlete has 9 gold medals from the Olympic Games and 11 from the World Championships. The athlete, nicknamed "Lightning" (Lightning Bolt - literally "Thunderbolt"), set 8 records.

The fastest person reached his first world speed record in 2008 at the age of 22 - 100 meters in 9.72 seconds. In 2009, he improved the 100m to 9.58 seconds. His world record for the 200 meters is 19.19 seconds.

The tallest building in the world

The tallest building and structure ever built by mankind is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, also known as the Dubai Tower.

The grandiose eastern skyscraper, shaped like a futuristic center or a stalagmite, rises 828 meters from the ground, includes 163 floors and a sharp spire directed upwards. The grand opening of the skyscraper, which thundered all over the world, took place in 2010, on January 4, then the ceremony included a light show and fireworks, and was broadcast online.

The Dubai skyscraper was built with a large margin, because the earlier (and also not yet overcome by the third high-rise) record was correlated with the Warsaw radio mast (646.38 meters), which fell in 1991.

The tallest building in Russia and Europe is the Federation Tower (about 374 meters) as part of the Moscow City complex, followed by two more skyscrapers of the same complex - OKO (South Tower, 354 meters) and Mercury City (339 meters). The fourth tallest building in Europe after the Moscow towers remains the pyramidal London skyscraper The Shard (309 meters), which opened to tourists in 2013.

The tacit international competition for the construction of super-skyscrapers continues, and, perhaps, very soon it will be possible to learn about taking a new height.

The tallest tower in the world

Among the TV towers already built, the Tokyo Skytree (634 meters high), towering in the special Sumida area, is in the lead. It is also the second high-rise building in the world after the Burj Khalifa. The tower was built by February 29, 2012, as part of a program to completely convert Japanese television to digital format, since the height of the Tokyo TV tower (332.6 meters) was insufficient for this task. Observation decks on the Tokyo Skytree are located on several levels, the highest is at 451 meters.

The Guangzhou TV Tower is 34 meters lower than the Tokyo Sky Tree, but from its highest observation deck you can see the panorama of the metropolis from a height of 488 meters.

In the Western Hemisphere, height superiority remains with the famous CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, built back in 1976. Its height is 553.3 meters, and the observation platform at 447 meters annually receives more than 2 million people. By the way, the Ostankino Tower in Moscow is only 13 meters lower than the Canadian CN Tower, and it has the 4th place in the world.

The longest bridge in the world

The three longest bridges are railway bridges, all of which are located in China.

The maximum length is at the Danyang-Kunshan viaduct (164.8 km), put into operation at the end of June 2011. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, about 9 km of the bridge passes over the water surface. The largest body of water crossed by the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct is Yangcheng Lake. Two other operating railway bridges from the trinity of record-breaking lengths - the Tianjin Viaduct (113.7 km) and the Wei Bridge (79.732 km) - are two to three times longer than the largest of comparable structures in other countries.

The longest marine girder bridge was laid along the route Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau. The second longest beam bridge - Qingdao - is also located in China.

The longest among the ground structures of the bridge type currently remains the Bang Na highway in Bangkok, opened in 2000, 54 km long.

The largest aircraft in the world

Air giants fulfill the dreams of many travelers traveling to new countries and even to other continents.

Passengers who frequently fly internationally have the chance to see the largest production airliner, the Airbus A380, which is operated by several leading airlines. The wing span of the liner is 79.75 meters, length - 72.75 meters, width - 24.08 meters. The capacity of this double-deck passenger aircraft is 853 passengers or 525 passengers in a three-class configuration.

The status of the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world is held by the only copy of the An-225 Mriya, which was put into operation in 1988. The board is used for cargo transportation and has already managed to break over a hundred records, including transporting the heaviest monocargo in the history of aviation weighing 187.6 tons, while the maximum load capacity it reached was much more - 253.8 tons.

The largest ship in the world

The infamous Titanic, which struck the whole world with its size at the beginning of the 20th century, can hardly be compared with the new cruise ships these days. The Titanic, launched in 1912, was 269.1 meters long and 28.19 meters wide. At that time, these figures were record-breaking.

Currently, the Harmony of the Seas, 362 meters long and with a passenger capacity of 5479 / 6500 people, which was put into operation relatively recently, in the summer of 2015, is the leader in the cruise giants' size race. Notably, Harmony of the Seas is the third ship in the Oasis class and is only two meters longer than its predecessors, the 2008 Oasis of the Seas and 2010 Allure of the Seas twins.

The largest floating facility currently under construction is the Korean floating liquefied natural gas plant Prelude FLNG, which has already been launched. The ship-factory with a length of 488 meters resembles other smaller industrial ships in its appearance.

The fastest train in the world

A new world train speed record was achieved relatively recently - in April 2015. A Japanese L0 Series maglev train reached a speed of 603 km/h on the Shinkansen high-speed rail.

Since 2007, the championship among rail trains has been held by the French train TGV POS, which has reached a speed of 574.8 km/h. Now trains of this series serve regular routes in France and Europe, not exceeding the design speed of 320 km/h.

In constant operation, the Shanghai Maglev train maintains the highest speed - 430 km / h, but only on a number of flights (on others - 300 km / h) and at a distance of 30 km.

The largest metro in the world

When comparing the largest subways in the world, it is customary to single out several records: this is the deepest and longest subway, the leading subways in terms of the number of stations and the number of passengers per year.

The longest subway (in terms of the total length of completed lines) is Shanghai, the total length of the underground transport network is 588 km, and this is not the limit - the expansion of the subway is planned in stages for several decades to come.

Most of the stations and routes are in the New York subway. This subway includes 472 stations (or 425 unique interchange nodes) on 36 branches.

The busiest subway (in terms of maximum daily load) is in Beijing, its daily load is on average 9.998 million people, the peak is more than 12.69 million people, the annual figure is 3660 million passengers. At the same time, the consistently expanding network of the Beijing Subway holds the position of the second longest - 574 km.

The next in terms of daily load is the Moscow Metro: at the end of 2015, the traffic volume reached 2384.5 million people per year or 6.533 million per day, the peak load was recorded on December 9, 2014 - 9.5 million people.

The undisputed leader in terms of annual passenger traffic is the Tokyo Metro (3334 million). And Seoul ranks third and behind Beijing - according to the latest official figures, it serves 2,619 million people annually.

The depth record belongs to the Arsenalnaya station of the Kyiv metro: it was laid 105.5 meters underground. Sometimes there are attempts to “calculate” the deepest metro in the world by the average bookmark of all its stations, but the unambiguous champion for this indicator has not yet been precisely determined.

The longest car in the world

Recorded in the Guinness book, the car was assembled according to the project of Jay Orberg, a Hollywood collector, designer and creator of unique cars. It was the 100-foot (about 30.5 meters) limousine that brought Orberg worldwide fame.

The car is put on 26 wheels and inside can hardly resemble the interior of a classic car. It is equipped with a swimming pool with a springboard and a double waterbed; in addition, there are about a dozen beds, satellite TV, a sunbathing area and other amenities. For safe control of this, in fact, an exhibition model, a second driver's cabin is provided.

The fastest car in the world

The land speed record set in 1997 is astonishing: it is the world's first officially confirmed breaking of the sound barrier. In a Thrust SSC car with turbofan engines, Briton Andy Green reached a speed of 1227.985 km / h. Speed ​​measurements were taken in the Black Rock Desert, USA.

The Guinness Book of Records stipulates that a Budweiser Rocket Car race in 1979 at the American Edwards Air Force Base claims to be the first to break the sound barrier, but this experience was not officially sanctioned by the USAF, its results were never counted.

The fastest production car is the Hennessey Venom GT. The acceleration record - up to 300 km / h in 13.63 seconds was set on this car on January 21, 2013. In addition, the car showed the best result in average acceleration to 200 mph, its figure was 14.51 seconds. The maximum speed reached by this car is 435.31 km/h.

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