Home Flowers The most popular tomato seeds. What are the most productive tomato varieties? Tomato Russian Empire F1

The most popular tomato seeds. What are the most productive tomato varieties? Tomato Russian Empire F1

Victor Kalinin

Pig breeder with 12 years of experience

Articles written

Vietnamese pop-bellied pigs are gaining popularity among farmers. Even 10 years ago they seemed exotic, but now there are nurseries in every region of Russia, and farmers are actively raising these animals. Feeding Vietnamese pigs has some peculiarities: the breed has specific needs and feed consumption standards. In order for the livestock to remain healthy and productive, it is necessary to constantly provide animals with all the products necessary for growth and development, adhere to the diet and know exactly what to feed the Vietnamese piglets.

The advantages of the pot-bellied pig breed are in their economy: the piglet grows rapidly, increasing its height and weight to slaughter indicators in a matter of months. At the age of seven months, the Vietnamese piglet turns into an adult and is able to bear offspring. For Vietnamese pigs, the predominant feed is greens, pasture.

They have not gone far in evolution and selection from their wild relatives, therefore they are unpretentious in food, they are able to feed themselves even by grazing in meadows. Vietnamese pigs are fattened using juicy garden crops: squash, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes and cucumbers. Their diet will be diversified by falling fruit trees, tops of garden plants, weed stalks. Weed grass is in great demand among representatives of this breed: they eat it with pleasure, give weight gain.

Vietnamese pigs are by no means omnivorous.

The diet of Vietnamese pot bellies should include 20% of grain feed. These are ground grains of oats, wheat, corn, or a grain mixture. Compound feeds for feeding Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs have proven themselves well.

You can often hear from inexperienced farmers about the omnivorousness of pigs. But although the pigs will happily eat any food that is offered to them, the basic principles of animal feeding should not be neglected. Vietnamese pigs are bacon. Growing them, it is impossible to allow dietary meat to lose its properties. There is no need to fatten up excess fat. Compound feed, which is put into the trough without measure, will cause a deterioration in the quality of meat.

In addition to this, you need to cook milk porridge for the piglets. In the first two weeks, whole milk is used for its preparation, then it is replaced with skim milk. Porridge can be oatmeal or barley. After weaning piglets from the breast (1-1.5 months), the main feeds are sweet clover, alfalfa, clover, other grasses in the form of hay, greens, juicy feed.

A two-month-old piglet needs to get 20% protein, fat - 5%, fiber - 3% with food. By six months, the proportion of protein in the feed should increase to 30-40%.

Feeding adult pigs with pot bellies

The diet of animals is determined by the season: in the summer they are fed twice a day, asking greens, juicy vegetables and fruits in different combinations and proportions. In winter, instead of grass, hay is given three times a day. Compound feed is required, which is mixed with bran, so that it is better absorbed.

Among American and European livestock breeders, Vietnamese piglets became famous only at the end of the last century. In Russia, this variety of domestic pigs appeared even later, but the interest in unusual animals turned out to be huge.

How do Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs differ from traditional ones, and the dignity of animals of this breed? Compared to old breeds of domestic pigs, the capabilities and potential of these animals are not fully understood, and breeders are working to improve the available material. But it is already clear that the four-legged immigrants from Vietnam have a great future.

Characteristics of Vietnamese pot bellies

Asian or, as is often said, Vietnamese pigs stand out:

  • early maturity;
  • stable weight gain;
  • unpretentiousness when choosing food;
  • undemanding content;
  • cleanliness.

Calm females are considered caring mothers, while they are quite fertile. Sexual maturation of males occurs at the age of six months, and in females a couple of months earlier. On average, pigs give two litters per year, each of which can have up to 18 piglets.

At home, Vietnamese piglets live in a humid subtropical and tropical climate, but this does not prevent the animals from successfully adapting to the more severe climate of the Russian central zone.

Pigs have excellent immunity, they can easily resist common diseases of domestic animals, and with good care, Vietnamese piglets are even more profitable in breeding than many already proven breeds. This is facilitated by the fact that the animals are distinguished by a strong physique, which speaks of a meat orientation, and their meat is juicy, the amount of bacon is small.

What do Vietnamese pigs look like?

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs have a very memorable appearance. Among the characteristic features of the breed:

  • predominantly black color of animals;
  • wide chest, powerful back and strong short legs, making the pigs stocky;
  • shortened structure of the muzzle;
  • medium-sized erect ears.

The breed owes its name to another feature - the voluminous drooping bellies that appear in growing Vietnamese piglets.

Such "decoration" in an adult boar can practically reach the soil level, which, however, does not prevent the animals from maintaining mobility and enviable activity.

The funny appearance of young Vietnamese piglets, as in the photo, sometimes attracts the attention of lovers of decorative animals. But in this case, you need to remember that, despite the cleanliness, the piglets remain representatives of their own species, and miniature pigs quickly turn into powerful animals. By the time of puberty, animals reach a weight of 30–35 kg, and an adult breeding boar or sow weighs up to 150 kg.

For ease of care when breeding Vietnamese piglets, animals are assigned a dry, warm, ventilated room. The floor in the pigsty must be level, solid, and suitable for repeated cleaning and disinfection. It is best if it is concreted. A boardwalk is made on top of such a covering.

Compared to other breeds, Asian pigs are quite small, so they do not require a lot of space for placement. The machines are made taking into account the possibility of their daily cleaning.

How many Vietnamese pigs to keep on the farm is up to the livestock breeder himself, but a paddock with an area of ​​4 to 5 square meters should account for:

  • a pair of adult females;
  • one male;
  • one sow with a litter.

For the winter period, heating is provided in places where Asian pigs are kept, it is especially important to maintain warmth when small piglets appear, whose immunity and protection from negative environmental factors depend only on receiving mother's milk and human care.

In the warm season, the animals are provided with walking. The yard must be protected from the wind. In case of rain, surely they arrange reliable sheds, at the height of the pigs' growth, they fill boards on which you can scratch their backs, take out feeders and containers with water.

Organization of catering for the breeding of Vietnamese pigs

The novelty of the breed gives rise to a lot of not very correct information concerning, among other things, the nutrition of animals. Sometimes it is advised to build the diet of Vietnamese piglets exclusively on green feed. Indeed, the volume of the stomach and the peculiarities of the digestive system of pigs allow assimilation of a large amount of grass, but in this case there is no need to expect good weight gain and quality of meat. Greens will force animals to eat huge amounts of feed to produce a lot of waste, but the effectiveness of such a diet is low.

How to feed Vietnamese piglets at home? In household farms, the diet of piglets bred for meat is based on high-calorie grain mixtures with the inclusion of green plants, which is especially justified in the summer. Instead of the roughage that pigs usually receive, such as straw or root crops, hay is offered to Vietnamese pigs with bellies.

A cereal-based feed mix is ​​made with an emphasis on barley and wheat. They digest well and provide bacon-type body mass gains. These cereals should account for up to 70% of the feed volume.

Indigestible grains such as oats, peas and corn are included in the feed at 10% of the total:

  1. All types of grain are pre-crushed and filled with boiling water to obtain a nutritious wet mixture.
  2. For 8-9 liters of water, there should be half the volume of cereals and a small spoonful of salt.
  3. After 10-12 hours of steaming, the food is ready.
  4. For greater efficiency of the diet, vitamin preparations, digestion stimulants, and fish oil are added to food.

For sows waiting for the offspring and already caring for the piglets, the menu is made more varied by adding fermented milk products, reverse, chopped boiled eggs to the mixture.

Good results are obtained by feeding Vietnamese pot-bellied piglets with thick cereal porridge. In winter, pre-prepared pumpkins and carrots are introduced into the diet. Animals love vitamin hay based on legumes such as alfalfa, vetch, clover. Up to 15% of the feed, especially in the cold season, can be boiled

Vietnamese pig breeding

Self-breeding of Vietnamese pigs requires compliance with some rules. For mating, females older than 4 months of age, who have gained weight more than 30 kg, and males from six months are selected. Moreover, animals should not be closely related.

You can add a boar to a pig when it shows signs of hunting:

  • not passing anxiety;
  • swelling or discharge in the genital loop.

Vietnamese pigs, when bred at home, are allowed from the burden 114-118 days after mating. The pig warns of the approaching farrowing several days before the event by restless behavior, attempts to soften the litter and cost the nest.

If the breeder pays attention to the female's appearance, he will notice signs of lowering of the abdomen, clearly marked milk lobes and enlarged nipples, colostrum outflow.

A decisive role in the success of the breeding of Vietnamese piglets is played by the care of the livestock from the first days of life. At the time of farrowing and for newly hatched piglets, the temperature in the pen is maintained at 30–32 ° C. Asiatic pigs give birth from 3 to 5 hours. When the entire offspring is born, it is important to wait for the placenta to emerge. Piglets are cleaned of mucus, dried, processed by the umbilical cord and placed on the sow so that she can feed them with colostrum. The sooner this happens, the more likely the animal will grow up strong and strong.

A good help for a novice livestock breeder who is interested in this unpretentious breed will be a video about Vietnamese piglets, raising and breeding them in a backyard.

Self-breeding Vietnamese pigs care

From the first hours of life until about one month of age, Vietnamese piglets receive breast milk. But if at first this is the only product on their menu, then from the tenth day the animals are offered the first feeding in the form of drinking water, chalk, crushed charcoal and clay. Mineral supplements are designed to improve digestion processes and have a beneficial effect on bone health and immunity.

Vietnamese piglets should not be kept on milk for too long. Rapidly growing young animals begin to lack iron, calcium, other trace elements and nutrients. Long-term feeding may not have the best effect on the health of the sow.

Therefore, from 20 days of age, suckers are introduced into complementary foods with thick porridge based on the addition of vitamin complexes. To prevent anemia, piglets receive injections of specialized drugs.

From the age of one month, young animals are gradually weaned from milk, transferring the feeding regime and diet to adults. By this time, healthy active Vietnamese pot bellies weigh more than 2.5–3.5 kg.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs is not only a way to quickly and without much hassle provide a family with healthy meat, but also a profitable business. Piglets are ready for slaughter by 3 - 4 months, however, to get more weight, you can wait up to six months, when the peak of animal growth has passed.

Keeping Vietnamese piglets - video

In the post-Soviet countries, Vietnamese pigs are gaining popularity every year. They appeared relatively recently, and a sufficient number of rumors of various origins appeared around this breed of pigs.

About what to feed so that pigs quickly gain weight, how to feed correctly, as well as some other facts about the breed, will be discussed further.

Brief information

Vietnamese pigs, as a separate species, were first recorded in East Asia. The full name of the breed will sound like, Asian herbivorous pot-bellied pigs.
This species was brought to the territory of Russia quite recently. Immediately there was an idea that there are several types of pigs - Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese. In fact, they are one and the same species.

Pros of the breed

The bred animals have features seen only in this breed. Rare qualities and features must be taken into account during the initial stages of cultivation, their maintenance and care.

Herbivorous pot-bellied pigs have undeniable advantages, making it possible to be at the peak of their popularity:

  1. Pallid gilts mature sexually early. Already from 4 months, females can give their first offspring. Boars starting 3 months can cover the female.
  2. The conditions for keeping babies are quite simple and do not require special skills. The maternal instinct is developed at the highest level in this breed. Despite this, they do not become aggressive when the breeder intervenes.
  3. Herbivorous Vietnamese piglets have a well-developed immunity, allowing them to assimilate to any climate conditions. The homeland of these animals is a hot climate. Despite this, pigs do well in the northern territories.
  4. Meat features of pigs are manifested in the most tender, juicy meat. Besides, it is also a delicacy. The fat of this breed does not grow more than the thickness of 3 fingers.
  5. This type of pig, including small piglets, is practically not susceptible to the usual diseases that common pig breeds contract and suffer from.
  6. The extraordinary fertility of pot-bellied gilts is indicative. A sow can bring about 19 piglets at a time. In the frequency of cases, the litter is present with 12 babies, strong constitution.
  7. This type of pig has a good genetic memory. They do not use poisonous plants.

Vietnamese pigs are not whimsical enough. The main thing for them is to observe the correct thermal regime at home in the pigsty in winter.
When planning to get offspring from a sow in the winter, it is important to maintain the temperature regime at the proper level, which is in the range from 20 to 25 degrees.

Newborn piglets do not tolerate cold and temperature changes. In the future, this can negatively affect overall health. An important criterion is the correct development and weight gain.

In addition, Vietnamese pot bellies do not like drafts. Proper cultivation must include the right conditions. This is something to keep in mind before purchasing piglets. The pigs must have a private area for walking. In summer, there should be access to bathing water. This is an important criterion - Vietnamese pigs are black and can overheat in the sun.

In addition to the above points, a properly formulated diet for piglets and adult pigs is important.

Feeding small pigs in the early days

There are many myths about Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. The main myth is that only ordinary grass is enough for normal functioning. In fact, although the pigs love greenery, it is still necessary for them to expand their diet for normal functioning.

How to feed your pigs correctly? How to feed newborn piglets? These questions haunt novice farmers.

On the first day after the birth of a Vietnamese pig, they feed on mother's milk, and it is important to ensure that there is enough milk. Toddlers should eat every half hour and gorge themselves. Sow's milk does not contain enough trace elements and important vitamins.

Important! Newly born Vietnamese pot-bellied piglets need to be injected with a vitamin supplement with a high iron content in order to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Complementary feeding of a piglet of the first month of life can be roughly divided into 3 stages:

  1. Age 10 days. During this difficult period, the main part of the diet is mother's milk, as well as the addition of chalk, clay and clean drinking water. It is necessary to be very careful, as there may be disorders in the digestive tract. Succulent feed can be introduced into the diet of pot-bellied pigs from the 10th day, trying to introduce carrots. On day 15, you can try giving green succulent grass.
  2. Age 20 days. It is characterized by the introduction of thick milk porridge into the diet of a Vietnamese pig. You can try to introduce food in granules with vitamin supplements. The twenty-fifth day is characterized by the introduction of a new product, the potato. All offered feed, small pigs should eat on their own from the feeders.
  3. Age 30 days, characterized by weaning from sow milk and transferring to the diet of adult pigs. You can feed from a month already with adult food.


What to do if the sow has lost milk. How to feed a week without a sow, piglet?

It is important to continue to give him milk, but not mother's milk, but replacing it with cow milk. The protein in measles milk is quite complex and this milk is fatty for the digestive tract of the piglet. Therefore, it must be diluted with water, and also monitor the chair.

Diet and how many times to feed are generally influenced by the season. In the summer, when the animals are free-range and feed on lush grass, they can be fed twice a day. In winter, food should be three times a day, since there is no juicy green grass. What grass to feed? The period is characterized by the introduction of hay into the diet. Monthly piglets are transferred to a common pen with adults.

Important! By adhering to the feeding suggested above, you can get a pig weighing up to 100 kg at the end of 10 months. This breed is represented by bacon. This type of meat is obtained when fed correctly, avoiding overfeeding.

What to feed for meat

The best solution is to feed in small portions, but more frequently. What grain should you feed?

The diet must be enriched with millet, rye, pea cake. In addition, meat and bone meal, reverse, feed yeast and grass meal are added.
When asked if fish can be fed to pot-bellied pigs, the answer is yes - yes. You just need to remember that the fish should never be raw!

The digestive tract of this breed of pigs differs from others in that it is significantly smaller in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they digest food faster.

Many novice farmers may be interested in the question of whether it is possible to feed the duckweed and what will happen to the piglet. You can feed the duckweed, and this will only benefit. This plant contains a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber, which will help the digestion process.

Individuals that have reached adulthood should not be fed with coarse grains, and it is also not recommended to give feed with a sufficiently high gluten content.

Feeding pregnant pigs

In order to get healthy offspring, it is necessary to correctly approach the issue of feeding the sows. Their diet should be enriched with all kinds of vitamin complexes.

An important part of a guinea pig's diet is the mandatory addition of calcium to food. It is also necessary to provide sufficient drinking, in cold weather it is best to give warm water to drink.

Vietnamese piglets were bred by breeders from South Asia. But they came to European countries from Vietnam. Thanks to this, such a name stuck to them. They very quickly became widespread in pig breeding, since they are profitable to maintain. This is a meat type of pig, which was created specifically for the gain of body weight by animals due to body fat and a decrease in muscle mass. In the Russian Federation, these pigs appeared relatively recently. But there are already several varieties of Vietnamese piglets: pot-bellied, Korean, Chinese. They all belong to the same type of animals - Asian herbivorous pigs. Chinese are called decorative pigs, which are raised as pets, which has also gained great popularity lately.

Characteristics of the Vietnamese breed

Vietnamese piglets are difficult to confuse with animals of other breeds. They have their own characteristic features, such as:

The mass of adult pigs that are ready for slaughter is about 80 kg, but, with long keeping and fattening, the weight can fluctuate around the 150 kg mark.

There are a number of features that are characteristic of the cultivation and breeding of these particular breeds of pigs. They can be classified as breeding merits. Among them are the following:

  • Ripening soon. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 months. At this age, she can mate and bear offspring. Males take a little longer, about 6 months.
  • Females of this breed have a highly developed maternal instinct, so the farmer does not have to make any effort in caring for newborn pigs. The sow takes on all the burden of taking care of the offspring.
  • Vietnamese pigs have strong immunity, which allows them to be resistant to many infections and diseases. It also adapts very well to different climatic conditions. Despite the fact that they were bred in a fairly dry and hot climate, the pigs grow and develop without problems even in the northern strip of Russia.

Interesting. The meat and lard of Vietnamese pigs are very juicy, not tough.

Pigs are resistant to diseases that often affect their immediate family. This breed does not need to be vaccinated. The only problem is worms. No vaccinations will save them. It will be enough to take a number of preventive measures that will prevent helminths from spreading in the body of animals.

Pig-bellied gilts, when properly kept, can produce up to 18 piglets per litter. Fertilization takes place 2 times a year. On average, a pig produces about 30 piglets in two litters.

On a note. Pigs have a genetic memory, so they are not afraid of poisonous plants.

They consume small amounts of feed, but quite often. Their diet is based on food of plant origin.

They are clean, which helps a lot when cleaning the barn in which they are kept.

Feeding vietnamese pigs

Feeding Vietnamese pigs at home has some peculiarities. For a very long time, there has been a lot of controversy about the diet of pot bellies. Some farmers feed them exclusively on plant foods and pasture. But this does not bring the desired rapid weight gain. In practice, it has been proven that feeding Vietnamese pigs cannot be based solely on such a diet.

Lactating sows are fed with the required amount of dairy products and eggs. It is advisable to buy feed not in stores, since it is unprofitable, but to grow it yourself or buy it first-hand. It is also recommended to learn how to make your own feed mixtures for feeding piglets. They should be high in calories and vitamin supplements.

Note! Pig food is different in summer and winter.

How to feed Vietnamese piglets at home? In the summer, herbal mixtures are the basis of nutrition. Due to the fact that pot-bellied pigs and adults have a small stomach and a short esophagus, the process of processing food by the body takes less time than animals of other breeds. For their body, heavy food is considered to be feed with a high fiber content, as well as roughage. Most often they use a mixture of herbs: alfalfa and clover.

But the diet cannot consist of only green mixtures. The diet should include cereals, such as:

When preparing feed from a mixture of cereals, it is necessary to adhere to certain proportions, since oats and corn should not be fed in large quantities. This provokes increased fat deposition. So, how to feed Vietnamese piglets and in what proportions:

  • Barley - 30%;
  • Wheat - 40%;
  • Oats - 10%;
  • Peas - 10%;
  • Corn - 10%.

To prepare the feed mixture, the grain must be grinded, since whole grains are not digested in the stomach by the bellies. The wheat grain content must exceed all other cereals.

Based on observations, we can conclude that the meat and fat of the vislobryushki are much juicier and tastier when fed with wet ground cereals. In order to achieve the required consistency, add a dessert spoon of salt without a slide to the feed dose and pour boiling water over it. For a dose of 4.5 liters of feed, you need to add 9 liters of boiling water. Then the mixture should be infused and swell for 12 hours. Fish oil and other vitamins are added to the mixture just before feeding. This amount of feed is used for three sows at a time.

Vietnamese piglets

Pregnant and lactating individuals need dairy products such as:

  • Serum;
  • Milk;
  • A small amount of curd mass.

Also in their diet should be a high content of vitamins and eggs. Small piglets need to be fed twice a day. The feed dose can be fed to 10 month old piglets at a time.

To speed up the digestive process in small pigs, it is recommended to cook thick cereals from compound feed. This will allow you to gain weight faster and convert the resulting starch into sugar.

In the cold season, fortified feeds will become indispensable foods in the diet of the bellies. In addition to dry grass, which is given to pigs every day, you can add zucchini, carrots, dry legumes to the diet. All this should not be boiled, since during the heat treatment all vitamins will disappear. To increase the calorie content of the feed, you can give bread and potatoes. Only this vegetable is boiled.

Important! Only if all the recommendations in the complex are followed, the pigs will gain weight well and correctly.

Taboo in feeding Vietnamese piglets

Pigeon-bellied piglets do not take much time for the farmer to care for and feed. These animals can eat everything, but in order to prevent such a frequent illness as indigestion, it is worthwhile to responsibly approach the food supply.

In order for food to digest well, pigs must have increased salivation. Therefore, Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs should not be given food in the form of soups or stews. They should not just swallow the food, but chew it thoroughly. It is not recommended to add beets to the diet of vislobryushki, as it is considered a roughage and is not digested as required.

Newborn piglets feed on mother's milk. Therefore, the diet of lactating sows must be carefully studied. Piglets are weaned from mothers feeding in the period from one month to the 4th from the day of birth, further milk feeding can harm the health of the sow.

Keeping Vietnamese hogs

To get more quality meat, boars must be castrated. This will reduce the level of aggression, rid the meat of an unpleasant odor, and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. Experienced farmers can carry out this procedure on their own, without any special equipment.

Vietnamese pig

How to determine which pig is ready for the procedure? The optimal age of the wild boar is 1.5 months. The main condition for the procedure is the absence of diseases.

If you need to castrate an adult wild boar, you should seek the help of a veterinarian. The procedure takes a little time, but requires some skill. The boar is fixed on a special machine, and painkillers are injected into it. Next, the veterinarian makes a neat incision in the scrotum, catgut is applied to the vaginal membrane. This is done in order to be able to chop off the seminal canal without damaging other organs.

After all the procedures, which are desirable to be carried out in the first half of the day, in order to observe the condition of the animal, an antiseptic ointment is applied to the wound. Adults are more difficult to tolerate this operation than young pigs.

Based on all the characteristics, it can be concluded that the breeding of Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs has a large number of advantages and very minor disadvantages. These animals develop rapidly, are quite unpretentious in care and, when slaughtered, give a large amount of high-quality meat and lard. For their maintenance, it is enough to have a small piece of land and a supply of high-quality and fresh feed.

Pigs are omnivores. Therefore, the answer to the question "what to feed the Vietnamese pigs?" incredibly simple. But do not think that this point in the maintenance of pigs can be neglected: the productivity of this pig breed directly depends on the quality of care and feeding, which requires compliance with certain rules.

The pig is bought for meat or greasy feeding, less often - for breeding. It is necessary to comply with every condition of keeping these animals and feeding rules, otherwise their productivity will inevitably fall. The maintenance of piglets provides for the creation of a high-quality feed base. If you cannot provide everything you need, then I advise you not to take on this business.

The first step is to determine what kind of care is needed. This refers to the development of a specific strategy that will ensure the healthy growth of pigs. Any strategy provides for what to feed Vietnamese pigs, because, despite their omnivorous nature, you need to understand what and when to give them as food. This breed of pigs should never be overfed. In the summer, they only need to be fed twice a day, and in the winter, three times.

You need to feed the animals satisfyingly. The main thing is not to overdo it. Also, every pig needs a daily walk. Everyone needs to be provided with about a hundred square meters of free land.

Good quality feeding must necessarily consist of grain crops. These animals need to be fed with wheat, rye and barley. Summer periods mean that the piglet needs green food. I do not recommend using oats and corn, as these crops have almost no effect on weight gain. Nevertheless, the required ration allows their amount in ten percent of the total amount of compound feed. But this is the maximum that the pot bellied pig needs. By the way, the little piglet needs regular feeding after his mother feeds him with her milk.

One of the most common search queries on pig breeding is: "What should I feed Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs?" What do Vietnamese pigs love, and what is the composition of the correct diet? It's simple: a pork stomach needs barley as it's perfect for it. Due to some features of the structure of their digestive organs, I strongly discourage feeding them roughage. If a common pig treats them quite well, then the stomach of this breed will not be very happy with such feeding. The bell-bellied species has a smaller stomach volume and intestinal diameter, the fodder mass passes rather quickly through the digestive tract. The big-bellied pig also loves apples and pears.

The bell-bellied species is especially difficult to digest those types of food that contain a large amount of fiber. This can be straw or beets, for example. As for the tender hay of legumes such as clover or alfalfa, the pot-bellied pig is able to digest them perfectly. It is also advisable to observe the proportions between feed and grain. The first or second must be mixed with the bran in the same amount.

The Vietnamese boar needs to produce a decent amount of saliva as it plays a key role in digestion. When feeding is in progress, it converts a significant portion of the starch into sugar, which aids in the digestion of food. Pork feed should not be diluted too much with water, as less water will help chew food much better. Thanks to this, the glands responsible for the production of saliva secrete more of it.

That is why it is necessary to feed the pigs with thick porridge feed. For example, you can put a portion of concentrated feed into a bucket and fill it with water at the rate of four liters of compound feed for eight liters of boiling water. For each bucket, you need to prepare half a dessert spoon of salt and mix the mixture thoroughly. After that, cover each bucket and leave for twelve hours.

Feeding an adult pig requires adding Liproth to the porridge (four tablespoons per bucket). A young pig needs the addition of Prelak according to the instructions. You should also add two tablespoons of fish oil per bucket at least ten days a month.

One bucket of high-quality compound feed is a full-fledged feeding of three sows, but at one time. You need to feed young and lactating pigs with the addition of whey, vitamins, diluted milk and eggs. The Vietnamese species simply adore this combination of foods, as they are surprisingly well digested and absorbed by their body. After three to four months of fattening, it is advisable to reduce the amount of concentrated feed to one bucket per ten heads twice a day.

Diet composition

Feeding grain crops involves grinding them. The Vietnamese piglet very poorly digests and chews whole grains, therefore, a huge part of them, without being digested, simply comes out with feces and is not absorbed by the body. This piglet is efficiently fed with medium-sized feed, which will result in significant savings.

You can not cook vitamin feed, so you need to feed animals only raw. The reason is simple - during cooking, most of the vitamins simply disappear. The Vietnamese pig is also very fond of carrots, pumpkins, squash and legume hay.

Taking good care of your pig farm will pay off. In this case, each pig will be quite weighty, with excellent external data. Domestic pigs are rarely finicky. In winter, you need to increase the amount of vitamin feed in order to maintain the immunity of animals during severe cold weather.

The monthly composition of the compound feed must be observed daily in certain proportions of certain crops that are included in it. It is desirable that the amount of barley is forty percent, the amount of wheat - thirty percent, oats - ten percent, peas - ten percent, corn - also ten percent. By the way, increased volumes of corn will only lead to excessive obesity of piglets.

Video "Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pigs"

The video is about Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs; tells about the conditions of breeding, keeping, feeding.

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