Home Flowers Account in Farsi. Russian Persian dictionary online. Words and phrases for specific situations

Account in Farsi. Russian Persian dictionary online. Words and phrases for specific situations

Persian (New Persian, Farsi, زبان فارسی) is the leading language of the Iranian group of the Indo-European family of languages, with a rich centuries-old literary tradition, including recognized masterpieces of world literature. Modern Farsi is a pluricentric language (diasystem), splitting into three closely related variants, recognized as official languages ​​as separate national languages ​​in three Asian countries: Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Of these, the most famous and influential is the Farsi of the Islamic Republic of Iran ("Western Farsi" or Farsi proper).

The writing of the Farsi and Dari languages ​​is the Persian alphabet, created on the basis of the Arabic script, supplemented with several signs for sounds that are absent in the Arabic language.

  • Since the Farsi language is Aryan (Indo-European), pronunciation is not a fundamental obstacle for the Russian-speaking. By and large, there are only two unfamiliar sounds: a fluent "x" and a long "a". You shouldn't worry about "x" - the locals themselves do not really distinguish between them in conversation, but "a long" (hereinafter "A") should be mastered - this is fundamentally. It is something in between the Russian "a" and "o", and closer to the "o". Lips should be positioned as if you are saying "o", and try to pronounce "a". If it doesn't work, just say a long "o"! Below I marked "A" only where it stands out in articulation.
  • When compiling a phrasebook, I consider the simplicity of a phrase to be much more important than its correctness.
  • If several Persian words correspond to one Russian word (expression) in the phrasebook, it is recommended to use the first one in the list. The second-third is given so that you can understand them in the mouths of the locals.
  • Interrogative intonation in Farsi is close to Russian
  • To enhance the effect of a word in Farsi, doubling is widely used. For example, if you want to get off while hitchhiking, but the driver does not understand how to get out into the desert, shout "voice-voice", which sounds like "stop!"
  • Stress in Farsi is always on the last sound!

Russian phrases here usually correspond to the order of words in the translation, so they sound strange, but the meanings of individual words are clear.


  • Da-bali
  • On-no
  • I am man
  • You are shoma
  • they are onha
  • Here - Inja
  • There - Unja
  • My name (my name is): Esm-e man ...
  • What is your name? Esme shoma chie?
  • I don't understand: Man namifahmam
  • I do not speak Farsi: Man Farsi balad niistam
  • I speak Farsi very little Man Haley Kam Farsi baladi
  • Shoma inglesi baladid? You are in English. say?
  • I am from Russia: Az rusiyye am (from Ukraine - ukraine, Belorussiyye - sefid)
  • I am a traveler: MosAfer am I am a free traveler: MosAfer AzAd am
  • traveling - Dzhokhangardi
  • teacher i am mualem am
  • I don't want - Man Namehoam
  • No thanks, I don’t want to. - On, merci, dumb.
  • I want to sleep - Mihoham behobam
  • I am not friends with .. dust nadAram
  • Man (hotel, darbast (this is a taxi), heroin, cigars, whiskey) dust nadAram!
  • I have a friend in Iran - Man Dust Irani daram
  • I have gifts
  • I don’t have Nadori (you have-give, you don’t have-nadori)
  • I have a scarf: Chador dAram
  • I'm not rich: Servatmand nistam!
  • Gift for you: Hediye baroe shoma
  • Danger - Hatarnak
  • I'm not afraid of anything: Az heechee namitarsam!
  • Russia is more dangerous than Iran: Rusiye as Iran HatarnAktar!
  • The last two phrases are spoken in response to constant warnings "mister, it's dangerous here." the latter is also possible in communication with the police.

The idea that hitchhiking is very dangerous (and even more deadly to pitch a tent in the desert, but at the same time completely safe - in a city park) is widespread among many local residents. Don't be impressed.


  • Ace koja and ??? - where are you from?
  • Kodum keshwar (mamalkat)! - From what country?
  • Alman? - German?
  • Showy? - from the Soviet Union?
  • Take koja mehai? - Where do you want to move (go, go)?
  • Din-e (maskhab-e) is (shoma) clean? - What kind of faith are you?
  • Gaza Jordi? (Sham Khordi?) - Did you eat food? If the answer is no (- to), most likely they will offer a treat from the questioner, often a signature.
  • Mehmun bash! (Mehmun-e man bash!) - Be my guest, oh stranger, and appreciate the eastern hospitality!
  • Mister! Hailey HatarnAck! - Mister! Very dangerous!
  • Mamnu: Forbidden! (Do not go there!)
  • Inshallah fardo! : If Allah will grant, tomorrow. This usually means: "We will do it tomorrow, and most likely never"


  • According to eastern etiquette, you need to say hello, even if you saw a person half an hour ago. It is a good form to ask “how are you” several times, this is a favorite Iranian phrase. People of the same sex shake hands, often hug and kiss. Do not do this with persons of the opposite sex!
  • Hello: Salam!
  • Hello (old people and respectable people): Salam aleikum!
  • please (request) Lotfan
  • please (invitation) Bepharmoid
  • How are you: hale shoma? (ahwala shoma?)
  • Thank you, thank you: teshakkor, Me "rsi
  • Thank you very much Hayley mamnuun
  • Please (suggest smth): bepharmoid
  • Please (reply to thanks): hahesh mikonam
  • Goodbye: khodafez, khoda khafez
  • Good morning (afternoon, evening) - sobkh (ruz, shab) bekheir
  • Good night - Shab aram


  • Car: machines
  • Bus (any): by bus
  • Minibus (minibus in the city or): minibus
  • Bicycle: daughter
  • Motorcycle: motor
  • Train: gatar
  • Boat: kayak
  • Small Passenger Ship: Lange
  • Large ship: keshti
  • Airplane: Hawapeima
  • luggage room amonat
  • A private taxi is expensive with "closed doors" - darbast from "dor baste"
  • Route taxis (cheap cars without identification marks - usually already have passengers in them and stop for you) are also called taxis.
  • Sometimes a taxi - Hati (shuttle), sometimes Savari, but this is usually poorly understood, it is easier to say a taxi - "not darbast".
  • Taxi cheap, not darbast - Taxi arzun, darbast-na
  • Agency (ticket sales) for the plane (train) Ajanse havopeima (gator) (tickets are sold in advance in agencies without extra charges)
  • Ticket - Belit
  • Can I return my ticket? Micham whitewash pasbs?
  • I don't want - namikham
  • I want to make an exchange - mikhoham avaz mikonam
  • Gator is a train ("g" is a very burly!)
  • Mahali - local train, very cheap, sitting or recumbent 6-seater compartment
  • Oddi - sedentary distant
  • Shesh suite nafar - suite for 6 persons with air conditioning
  • Chakhar suite nafar is a four-bed suite with air conditioning, twice the price of a six-bed suite.
  • nafar-place, to nafar- two tickets
  • City bus stop: istagah-e bus
  • Trolleybus stop (in Tehran): istgah-e bus-e bargi
  • Metro station (in Tehran): metro, istgah-e metro
  • I don't want a taxi: taxi namiham!
  • Bus station: terminal
  • Railway station: istgakhe-e gatar
  • Airport: forudgah
  • Marine station: eskele


  • Taxi (expensive) no! Darbast on! Tehran- free - Tehran-magjoni!
  • I don’t like taxis (I don’t have friends with a taxi) - man taxi dost nadoram
  • machine-machine
  • Camyon - Truck
  • Trail - Trailer
  • salam aleikum! (Hello!)
  • shoma man-ra be taraf ... (destination name) ... majAni mitavonid beresanid? (you aside ... can you give me a lift?)
  • madjani? (is free?)
  • The latter, if in doubt as to whether the driver understood, must be repeated several times. The criterion that the driver understands will be his obvious surprise. Sometimes you will hear the offended "chera majioni ?!" - "why should I lead for free." But your business is to stupidly repeat the magic word until the driver agrees or leaves. Train Iranians to hitchhike. Science will win!
  • Where are you going? Shoma koja mirid?
  • Do you turn - mipichid?
  • Stop-Stop: Voice-Voice!
  • I go out: Pyade Misham!
  • Here-here, nothing is dangerous here, you understood correctly: inja-inja!
  • I will go on foot (go out, that is) here - Man pyade mishavam inja
  • If you can, give me a ride for free, if not, I will go out - A gar mumken maro majani berisanit, a gar na - man pyade mishavam


  • Can I...? : mitanam ...?
  • Can I take a look here? MitAnam injaro bebinam?
  • please lead me (show me) do: Lotfan man-rohshamoi konide
  • ... free of charge: ... majAni
  • Can I sleep here (free)? : mitanam inja behabam (majani)?
  • Can I set up a tent here: mitanam inja chador bezonam?
  • Can I leave this bag here (until ... hours)? Mitunam in kise indja bemonam (baroe ... saad?)
  • This is for me: Ying cheese baroie man?
  • Where is the drinking water: Ab-ahurdan koja?
  • do you have (sandwich, kebab, ice cream)? Shoma (sandwich, kebab, bastani) darid?
  • can I take a picture of you: mitonam az shoma aks behiram?
  • how much - chand
  • How much does it cost)? Ying chande?
  • How many kilometers to Isfahan: is Ta Isfahan chand kilometer?
  • how many days? chand druze
  • When-kay?
  • When will this bus move? In otobus kei herokad mikonad?
  • Food is cheap (hot) where? Gazakhuri arzun koja?
  • Where can I go (hot) to eat? Koca man mitawunam Gaza behoram?
  • Where are you doing life? Shoma koja zemdegi myconids?
  • I'm looking for ... doing - man donba "le ... migardam


  • ziba - beautiful
  • where is the beautiful village? Deh-e ziba kojast?
  • Guest: mehmun
  • Host (in relation to the guest): Mizban
  • Friend Dost
  • Foreigner HARIDGE
  • Wife-khanum Husband-shahar Daughter-dukhtar
  • Son of Pasar, Bacha Mother Madar Father Badar
  • Friend dust
  • Travel: MosAferat
  • Food: gas
  • Tasty: khoshmaze
  • You are good: shoma hubi!


  • I have an allergy (to bee stings) Hasosyat gifts (no niche zambul)
  • muhaddar - drugs
  • Security guard - negakhban
  • Police - policy
  • bad harab
  • KGB: etelai
  • Forbidden: Mom
  • Money: bullets
  • Forbidden according to Islam (booze, drugs, prostitutes, etc.): haram
  • Snake: mAr (active only in spring, and even then not very)
  • Disease: bimar
  • Sick (I'm sick): mariz (mariz am)
  • Thief: dozd, ali baba
  • You are not good: shoma hub nisti!
  • We will do it tomorrow, and most likely never: inshallah fardo!
  • Help me do (something serious, like I'm drowning !!!) Beman komak konide!


  • North: shomal
  • South: Jonub
  • West: garb
  • East: sharg
  • Southeast (example): jonub-e sharg
  • Up: bolo
  • Down: paint
  • Straight: mustokim
  • Back: post
  • Right: Rast
  • Left: chap
  • bill at restaurant Khesab


  • First, the main form (past tense) is mentioned, then the base of the present tense in brackets, and then after the dash - the form of the 1st person singular. present time, for example "I do". For negation, the prefix "na-" is added: "namifahmam" - "I do not understand."
  • To do - I do: cardan (con) - mikonam
  • Go (go) - go: raftan (ra) - worlds
  • Want - want: hostan (hoh) - mikhoham
  • To know - I know: danestan (dan) - midanam
  • Understand - I understand: fahmidan (fahm) - mythahmam
  • Eat (eat) - eat: chordan (chorus) - mikhoram
  • Sleeping - sleeping: hobidan (hob) - mihobam
  • Rest - rest: Esther Akhat kardan (Esther Akhat kon) - Esther Akhat mikonam
  • Sell: forukhtan (forush)
  • Buy - buy: haridan (har) - mikharam
  • Pay - pay: pardohtan (pardoz) - mipardozam


  • 0123456789 ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩
  • 0-sefr 1 - yek 2 - up to 3 - ce 4 - chakhar
  • 5 - panj 6 - shesh 7 - haft 8 - hasht
  • 9 - noh 10 - dah 11 - yazdah 12 - dawazdah
  • 13 - sizdah 14 - chahardah 15 - punzdah
  • 16 - shunsdah 17 - haftdah 18 - hejdah
  • 19 - nuzdah 20 - bist 30 - si 40 - case 50 - panjah
  • 60 - Shast 70 - Haftad 80 - Hashtad 90 - Navad
  • 100 - garden 200 - devist 1000 - hezar
  • 2134 (example) - to hezar-o sad-o si-o chahar
  • Ordinal numbers (first-second, etc.) are formed by adding the ending "-om", for example, "fifth" - "panjom".


  • Big - small: bozorg - heap
  • Good - bad (people, things, concepts): hub - bad
  • Fast - Slow: Itching - Yavosh
  • Long - short: deraz - kutah
  • Distant - close: fool - nazdik
  • Cold - warm - hot: sard - harm - dag
  • Cheap - expensive: arzun - gerun
  • Complex (difficult) - simple: sakht - Asan
  • Heavy - light (by weight): sanguine - sabok
  • Free - forbidden: Azad - mamnu
  • Truthful - deceitful: Rast - Dorug


  • Today: emruz
  • Tomorrow: fardo the day after tomorrow pastfardo
  • Yesterday: diruz the day before yesterday pariruz
  • Fast: itching
  • Slowly: yavosh
  • So slow! - hailey yawosh! (everything in Iran is usually done too slowly)
  • Morning: sobh
  • Day: ruz
  • Noon: Zohr
  • Night: Shab
  • Afternoon (widely used): bad az zohr
  • Hour: Soat
  • Minute: dagige
  • Hafte week
  • Month: max
  • Year: sAl
  • before: Food, gable
  • two years ago - before saal food
  • later Digue


  • The traveler himself: MosAfer
  • Tent: chador
  • Lantern: cherag
  • Backpack: kuleposti
  • Geographic map: nahshe
  • Compass: cotbnemA
  • Knife: chagu
  • Rope: tanab
  • Telephone card (valid throughout Iran): telephony card
  • (if the money on the card does not run out, and the phone shows "zero", wipe the contacts and persistently insert it into different devices - it will work again)
  • Mobile phone: mobile
  • Battery: BATRI
  • Rechargeable battery: BATRY RESERDGEBLE


  • Objects in cities are tied first of all to the "meydan, falake" square or to the "chaharrah" crossroads, even if the distance from the object to the square is 500 m, then to the large "khiabun" streets, and then to the small "heap" streets (far from always ). Thus, the indication of the area and "hiabuna" is often only an indication of the approximate location.
  • Bolshaya street (avenue): khiabun
  • Small street (lane): heap
  • Highway (track) on the outskirts of town: Jadde
  • Area: maidan, falake
  • Crossroads: ChaharrAh
  • Objective: kamarbandi


  • Police student: edare polis
  • Embassy: Sefarat
  • Consulate: Konusulgiri
  • Hospital: BimArestan
  • railway ticket office Gator whitening foroshi (Airplane - Havapeimo)
  • Museum: muse
  • Mosque: masjed
  • Christian church: kelissa


  • Toilet: dastshui, toilet
  • House: xAne
  • Store: forshgAh
  • "Edalnya" (any with hot food): gazakhuri
  • Kebabs: kebabforushi
  • Bookstore (buying cards) - ketabforushi, forushgah-e kitob
  • Pharmacy: DaruhAne (difficult to use, because the concepts of medicines are very different)
  • Factory: kArkhane
  • Cheap hotel: mehmunkhane, mehmunsaray
  • Expensive hotel: hotel
  • City park: park
  • Bird garden (in Isfahan): bAG-e paranda
  • bazaar - bazaar
  • store Magaze, forushgakh
  • open bOz,
  • closed Baste, Tatil


  • City: shahr
  • Village: rusta, deh
  • Region (adm): Astana
  • Country: Keshwar, Mamalkat
  • Track on ...: Judde be ...
  • Bypass town: kamarbandi
  • Bridge: Paul
  • Railroad: rah ahan
  • State border: marz
  • Customs: gamrock
  • Plant, industrial zone: kArkhAne
  • Military object: nezAmi
  • Mountain: kuh
  • Mountain range: kuchestan
  • Mountain peak: feraz-e kuh
  • Cave: Gar
  • Wood: derakht
  • Forest: jangal
  • Desert (any): biAbon Flat desert without mountains: kevir
  • River (rarely encountered): rudkhane
  • Spring: cheshme
  • Waterfall: Abshar
  • Sea: Daria Lake: Dariacce
  • Wild animal: haywon-e vakhshi
  • blue Abi, green -Subz


  • Ab - water, lemon juice - ab Limu
  • sabzi - vegetables felfel - pepper
  • Rice (the most common side dish in Iran): berenge
  • Potato: sib zamin
  • Meat: gusht
  • Chicken: gusht-e morgue
  • Lamb: gusht-e gusfand:
  • Classic kebab - lamb chop on a skewer (cheap and tasty): cubide kebab
  • Chicken on a skewer with saffron (very tasty, not cheap): juj-e kebab
  • juj-e polow - chicken with rice
  • Fish: swings
  • Sandivchi (common dish, western on the outside and with an oriental filling): calabash sandwich, Sosis
  • lobio sabz green beans
  • kalyam-e gol cauliflower
  • Gorm-e-sabzi - delicious meat with beans, vegetables, lemon and grass.
  • Liver (often goes as sandwich filler): jigar
  • Thick soup with meat and beans: ab gusht
  • Chowder with meat, beans, Disi potatoes
  • Bread: nun
  • Salt: namak
  • Lump / free-flowing sugar: gand / shekar
  • The cheese is usually bryndza-like, highly salty, sold in a package like a milk bag: Paneer
  • The cheese is almost unsalted, tasty, similar to a mixture of thick sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese, sold in small plastic bags, sometimes it says "cream cheese" - Panir khomei
  • Drinking water: Ab-e Khurdan
  • Refreshing drinks: nushabe
  • Hot tea: teas dAg
  • Fruit: mive
  • Grapes: Angur
  • Peaches: holu
  • carrots - havij
  • Pears: golabi
  • Cherry - sweet cherry: albalu
  • Oranges: portogal
  • Manadarins: Narangi
  • Mango: ambe
  • Strawberry: goje farangi
  • dates - persimmon
  • persimmon - persimmon liu




I am man

You are shoma

onha - they

Inja- here


My name (my name is): Esm-e man ...

What is your name? Esme shoma chie?

I don't understand: Man namifahmam

I do not speak Farsi: Man Farsi balad niistam

I speak Farsi very little Man Haley Kam Farsi baladi

Shoma inglesi baladid? You are in English. say?

I am from Russia: Az rusiyye am (from Ukraine - ukraine, Belorussiarusiyye -sefid)

I am a traveler: MosAfer am I am a free traveler: MosAfer AzAd am

traveling - Dzhokhangardi

teacher i am mualem am

I don't want - Man Namehoam

No thanks, I don’t want to. - On, merci, dumb.

I want to sleep - Mihoham behobam

I am not friends with .. dust nadAram

Man (hotel, darbast (this is a taxi), heroin, cigars, whiskey) dust nadAram!

I have a friend in Iran - Man Dust Irani daram

I have gifts

I don’t have Nadori (you have-give, you don’t have-nadori)

I have a scarf: Chador dAram

I'm not rich: Servatmand nistam!

Gift for you: Hediye baroe shoma

Danger - Hatarnak

I'm not afraid of anything: Az heechee namitarsam!

Russia is more dangerous than Iran: Rusiye as Iran HatarnAktar!

The last two phrases are spoken in response to constant warnings "mister, it's dangerous here." The latter is also possible in communication with the police.

The idea that hitchhiking is very dangerous (and even more deadly to pitch a tent in the desert, but at the same time completely safe - in a city park) is widespread among many local residents. Don't be impressed.


Ace koja and ??? - where are you from?

Kodum keshwar (mamalkat)! - From what country?

Alman? - German?

Showy? -from the Soviet Union?

Take koja mehai? - Where do you want to move (go, go)?

Din-e (maskhab-e) is (shoma) clean? - What kind of faith are you?

Gaza Jordi? (Sham Khordi?) - Did you eat food? If the answer is no (- to), most likely they will offer a treat from the questioner, often a signature.

Mehmun bash! (Mehmun-e man bash!) - Be my guest, oh stranger, and appreciate the eastern hospitality!

Mister! Hailey HatarnAck! - Mister! Very dangerous!

Mamnu: Forbidden! (Do not go there!)

Inshallah fardo! : If Allah will grant, tomorrow.

This usually means: "We will do it tomorrow, and most likely never"


According to eastern etiquette, you need to say hello, even if you saw a person half an hour ago. It is a good form to ask “how are you” several times, this is a favorite Iranian phrase. People of the same sex shake hands, often hug and kiss. Do not do this with persons of the opposite sex!

Hello: Salam!

Hello (old people and respectable people): Salam aleikum!

please (request) Lotfan

please (invitation) Bepharmoid

How are you: hale shoma? (ahwala shoma?)

Good: hube

Bad: bad

Thank you, thank you: teshakkor, Me "rsi

Thank you very much Hayley mamnuun

Please (suggest smth): bepharmoid

Please (reply to thanks): hahesh mikonam

Goodbye: khodafez, khoda khafez

Good morning (afternoon, evening) - sobkh (ruz, shab) bekheir

Good night - Shab aram


Car: machines

Bus (any): by bus

Minibus (minibus in the city or): minibus

Bicycle: daughter

Motorcycle: motor

Train: gatar

Boat: kayak

Small Passenger Ship: Lange

Large ship: keshti

Airplane: Hawapeima

luggage room amonat

A private taxi is expensive with "closed doors" - darbast from "dor baste"

Route taxis (cheap cars without identification marks - usually already have passengers in them and stop for you) are also called taxis.

Sometimes a taxi - Hati (shuttle), sometimes Savari, but this is usually poorly understood, it is easier to say a taxi - "not darbast".

Taxi cheap, not darbast - Taxi arzun, darbast-na

Agency (ticket sales) for plane (train) Ajance Hawopeima (gator)

(tickets are sold in advance at agencies without extra charges)

Ticket - Belit

Can I return my ticket? Micham whitewash pasbs?

I don't want - namikham

I want to make an exchange - mikhoham avaz mikonam

Gator is a train ("g" is a very burly!)

Mahali - local train, very cheap, sitting or recumbent 6-seater compartment

Oddi - sedentary distant

Shesh suite nafar - suite for 6 persons with air conditioning

Chakhar suite nafar is a four-bed suite with air conditioning, twice the price of a six-bed suite.

(nafar-place, to nafar- two tickets)

City bus stop: istagah-e bus

Trolleybus stop (in Tehran): istgah-e bus-e bargi

Metro station (in Tehran): metro, istgah-e metro

I don't want a taxi: taxi namiham!

Bus station: terminal

Railway station: istgakhe-e gatar

Airport: forudgah

Marine station: eskele


Taxi (expensive) no! Darbast on! Tehran- free - Tehran-magjoni!

I don’t like taxis (I don’t have friends with a taxi) - man taxi dost nadoram


Camyon - Truck

Trail - Trailer

1.Salam Aleikum! (Hello!)

2. shoma man-ra be taraf ... (name of destination) ... majAni mitavonid beresanid? (you aside ... can you give me a lift?)

3.Majani? (is free?)

The latter, if in doubt as to whether the driver understood, must be repeated several times. The criterion that the driver understands will be his obvious surprise. Sometimes you will hear the offended "chera majioni ?!" - "why should I lead for free." But your business is to stupidly repeat the magic word until the driver agrees or leaves. Train Iranians to hitchhike. Science will win!

Where are you going? Shoma koja mirid?

Do you turn - mipichid?

Stop-Stop: Voice-Voice!

I go out: Pyade Misham!

Here-here, nothing is dangerous here, you understood correctly: inja-inja!

I will go on foot (go out, that is) here - Man pyade mishavam inja

If you can give me a ride for free, if not, I'll go out-

A gar mumkene maro madjani berisanit, a gar na - man pyade mishavam


Can I...? : mitanam ...?

Can I take a look here? MitAnam injaro bebinam?

please lead me (show me) do: Lotfan man-rohshamoi konide

Free: ... majAni

Can I sleep here (free)? : mitanam inja behabam (majani)?

Can I set up a tent here: mitanam inja chador bezonam?

Can I leave this bag here (until ... hours)? Mitunam in kise indja bemonam (baroe ... saad?)

This is for me: Ying cheese baroie man?

Where is the drinking water: Ab-ahurdan koja?

do you have (sandwich, kebab, ice cream)? Shoma (sandwich, kebab, bastani) darid?

can I take a picture of you: mitonam az shoma aks behiram?

how much - chand

How much does it cost)? Ying chande?

How many kilometers to Isfahan: is Ta Isfahan chand kilometer?

how many days? chand druze


When will this bus move? In otobus kei herokad mikonad?

Food is cheap (hot) where? Gazakhuri arzun koja?

Where can I go (hot) to eat? Koca man mitawunam Gaza behoram?

Where are you doing life? Shoma koja zemdegi myconids?

I'm looking for ... doing - man donba "le ... migardam


ziba - beautiful

where is the beautiful village? Deh-e ziba kojast?

Guest: mehmun

Host (in relation to the guest): Mizban

Friend Dost

Foreigner HARIDGE

Wife-khanum Husband-shahar Daughter-dukhtar

Son of Pasar, Bacha Mother Madar Father Badar

Friend dust

Travel: MosAferat

Food: gas

Tasty: khoshmaze

You are good: shoma hubi!


I have an allergy (to bee stings) Hasosyat gifts (no niche zambul)

muhaddar - drugs

Security guard - negakhban

Police - policy

bad harab

KGB: etelai

Forbidden: Mom

Money: bullets

Forbidden according to Islam (booze, drugs, prostitutes, etc.): haram

Snake: mAr (active only in spring, and even then not very)

Disease: bimar

Sick (I'm sick): mariz (mariz am)

Thief: dozd, ali baba

You are not good: shoma hub nisti!

We will do it tomorrow, and most likely never: inshalla fardo!

Help me do (something serious, like I'm drowning !!!) Beman komak konide!


North: shomal

South: Jonub

West: garb

East: sharg

Southeast (example): jonub-e sharg

Up: bolo

Down: paint

Straight: mustokim

Back: post

Right: Rast

Left: chap

bill at restaurant Khesab


First, the main form (past tense) is mentioned, then the base of the present tense in brackets, and then after the dash - the form of the 1st person singular. present time, for example "I do". For negation, the prefix "na-" is added: "namifahmam" - "I do not understand."

To do - I do: cardan (con) - mikonam

Go (go) - go: raftan (ra) - worlds

Want - want: hostan (hoh) - mikhoham

To know - I know: danestan (dan) - midanam

Understand - I understand: fahmidan (fahm) - mythahmam

Eat (eat) - eat: chordan (chorus) - mikhoram

Sleeping - sleeping: hobidan (hob) - mihobam

Rest - rest: Esther Akhat kardan (Esther Akhat kon) - Esther Akhat mikonam

Sell: forukhtan (forush)

Buy - buy: haridan (har) - mikharam

Pay - pay: pardohtan (pardoz) - mipardozam


0123456789 ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩


1 - yek 2 - up to 3 - ce 4 - chahar

5 - panj 6 - shesh 7 - haft 8 - hasht

9 - noh 10 - dah 11 - yazdah 12 - dawazdah

13 - sizdah 14 - chahardah 15 - punzdah

16 - shunsdah 17 - haftdah 18 - hejdah

19 - nuzdah

20 - bist 30 - si 40 - case 50 - panjah

60 - Shast 70 - Haftad 80 - Hashtad 90 - Navad

100 - garden 200 - devist 1000 - hezar

2134 (example) - to hezar-o sad-o si-o chahar

Ordinal numbers (first-second, etc.) are formed by adding the ending "-om", for example, "fifth" - "panjom".


Big - small: bozorg - heap

Good - bad (people, things, concepts): hub - bad

Fast - Slow: Itching - Yavosh

Long - short: deraz - kutah

Distant - close: fool - nazdik

Cold - warm - hot: sard - harm - dag

Cheap - expensive: arzun - gerun

Complex (difficult) - simple: sakht - Asan

Heavy - light (by weight): sanguine - sabok

Free - forbidden: Azad - mamnu

Truthful - deceitful: Rast - Dorug


Today: emruz

Tomorrow: fardo the day after tomorrow pastfardo

Yesterday: diruz the day before yesterday pariruz

Fast: itching

Slowly: yavosh

So slow! - hailey yawosh!(everything in Iran is usually done too slowly)

Morning: sobh

Day: ruz

Noon: Zohr

Night: Shab

Afternoon (widely used): bad az zohr

Hour: Soat

Minute: dagige

Hafte week

Month: max

Year: sAl

before: Food, gable

two years ago - before saal food

later Digue


The traveler himself: MosAfer

Tent: chador

Lantern: cherag

Backpack: kuleposti

Geographic map: nahshe

Compass: cotbnemA

Knife: chagu

Rope: tanab

Telephone card (valid throughout Iran): telephony card

(if the money on the card does not run out, and the phone shows "zero", wipe the contacts and persistently insert it into different devices - it will work again)

Mobile phone: mobile

Battery: BATRI

Rechargeable battery: BATRY RESERDGEBLE


Objects in cities are tied first of all to the "meydan, falake" square or to the "chaharrah" crossroads, even if the distance from the object to the square is 500 m, then to the large "khiabun" streets, and then to the small "heap" streets (far from always ). Thus, the indication of the area and "hiabuna" is often only an indication of the approximate location.

Bolshaya street (avenue): khiabun

Small street (lane): heap

Highway (track) on the outskirts of town: Jadde

Area: maidan, falake

Crossroads: ChaharrAh

Objective: kamarbandi


Police student: edare polis

Embassy: Sefarat

Consulate: Konusulgiri

Hospital: BimArestan

railway ticket office Gator whitening foroshi (Airplane - Havapeimo)

Museum: muse

Mosque: masjed

Christian church: kelissa


Toilet: dastshui, toilet

House: xAne

Store: forshgAh

"Edalnya" (any with hot food): gazakhuri

Kebabs: kebabforushi

Bookstore (buying cards) - ketabforushi, forushgah-e kitob

Pharmacy: DaruhAne (difficult to use, because the concepts of medicines are very different)

Factory: kArkhane

Cheap hotel: mehmunkhane, mehmunsaray

Expensive hotel: hotel

City park: park

Bird garden (in Isfahan): bAG-e paranda

bazaar - bazaar

store Magaze, forushgakh

open bOz,

closed Baste, Tatil


City: shahr

Village: rusta, deh

Region (adm): Astana

Country: Keshwar, Mamalkat

Track on ...: Judde be ...

Bypass town: kamarbandi

Bridge: Paul

Railroad: rah ahan

State border: marz

Customs: gamrock

Plant, industrial zone: kArkhAne

Military object: nezAmi

Mountain: kuh

Mountain range: kuchestan

Mountain peak: feraz-e kuh

Cave: Gar

Wood: derakht

Forest: jangal

Desert (any): biAbon Flat desert without mountains: kevir

River (rarely encountered): rudkhane

Spring: cheshme

Waterfall: Abshar

Sea: Daria Lake: Dariacce

Wild animal: haywon-e vakhshi

blue Abi, green -Subz


Ab - water, lemon juice - ab Limu

sabzi - vegetables felfel - pepper

Rice (the most common side dish in Iran): berenge

Potato: sib zamin

Meat: gusht

Chicken: gusht-e morgue

Lamb: gusht-e gusfand:

Classic kebab -lamb chop on a skewer (cheap and tasty): kebab cubide

Skewered chicken with saffron(very tasty, not cheap): juj-e kebab

juj-e polow - chicken with rice

Fish: swings

Sandwich (common dish, western on the outside and with an oriental filling): sandwich

calabash, Sosis

lobio sabz green beans

kalyam-e gol cauliflower

Gorm-e-sabzi - delicious meat with beans, vegetables, lemon and grass.

Liver (often goes as sandwich filler): jigar

Thick soup with meat and beans: ab gusht

Chowder with meat, beans, Disi potatoes

Bread: nun

Salt: namak

Lump / free-flowing sugar: gand / shekar

The cheese is usually bryndza-like, highly salty, sold in a package like a milk bag: Paneer

The cheese is almost unsalted, delicious, similar to a mixture of thick sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese, sold in small plastic bags, sometimes it is written on them "cream cheese"- Panir khomei

Drinking water: Ab-e Khurdan

Refreshing drinks: nushabe

Hot tea: teas dAg

Fruit: mive

Grapes: Angur

Peaches: holu

carrots - havij

Pears: golabi

Cherry - sweet cherry: albalu

Oranges: portogal

Manadarins: Narangi

Mango: ambe

Strawberry: goje farangi

dates - persimmon

persimmon - persimmon liu

Russian-Persian phrasebook, or the most essential words you need to know in Farsi.
Save so as not to lose!

✨Meeting with people ✨

Hello: Salam سلام
Good morning !: Sobh Be kheyr! صبح بخیر
Good evening! Asr be kheyr! عصر بخیر
Goodnight! Shab be kheyr! شب بخیر
Welcome (greeting)! Khosh Amadid! خوش آمدید
How are you doing? haleh shoma Shoma chetor hast? حال شما چطور هست
Thanks a lot)! (kheily) Mamnoon ممنون
You're welcome)! Khahesh mikonam خواهش میکنم
See you later! Ba’adan mibinamet بعدأ میبینمت
Goodbye! Khoda Hafez بدرود
What is your name? Esme shoma chist? اسم شما چیست؟
My name is ... Esme man ... hast. اسم من ...
It's nice to meet you! Az molaghat e sham khosh vaghtam از ملاقات شما خوش وقتم
Where are you from? Shoma ahleh koja hastid? شما اهل کجا هستید
I'm from (USA, Iran): Man az (America / Iran) hastam من از (آمریکا / ایران) هستم
How old are you ?: Chand salet hast? چند سالت هست؟
I am (twenty, thirty) years old. Man (bist / si) sal daram من (بیست / سی) سال دارم

✨ Simple communication ✨

Good luck !: Mo’afagh bashed موفق باشید
Congratulations !: Tabrik migoyam تبریک می گویم
Be healthy :: A’afiat bashad عافیت باشد
Sorry (for mistake) :: Bebakhshid ببخشید
No problem !: Moshkeli nist مشکلی نیست
I need to practice my Persian :: Man bayad farsi ro bishtar tamrin konam
من باید فارسی رو بیشتر تمرین کنم
What? Where ?: Chi? Koja? چی؟ کجا؟
I love you !: Doset daram! دوست دارم

✨Ask for help ✨

Could you say it again ?: Mishe tekrar konid? میشه تکرار کنید؟
I don't understand !: Motavajjeh nemisham متوجه نمیشوم
I don't know !: Nemidanam نمیدانم
What time is it ?: Sa'at chand ast? ساعت چند است؟
What is it called in Farsi ?: Be Farsi chi misheh? به فارسی چی میشه؟
What does “moshkeli” mean in English ?: “moshkeli” be engilisi chi misheh? به انگلیسی چی میشه؟ "Moshkeli"
I'm lost: Man gom shodam من گم شدم
Can I help you ?: Mitoonam ke komaketoon konam? میتونم که کمکتون کنم؟
Can you help me ?: Shoma mitooni ke komakam konid? شما میتونید کمکم کنید؟
Where is (bathroom / pharmacy) located ?: Dashtshooi / darookhaneh kojast? (دستشویی / داروخانه) کجاست؟
How much does it cost ?: Gheymatesh chand ast? قیمتش چند است؟
Sorry ... (to ask something) !: Bebakhshid ببخشید
Sorry (to pass) !: Bebakhshid ببخشید
Do you speak (English / Farsi) ?: Aya shoma (Engilisi / Farsi) harf mizanid?
آیا شما (انگلیسی/فارسی) حرف میزنید ؟
I feel bad.: Man mariz hastam من مریض هستم
I need a doctor.: Man be doktor ehtiaj daram من به دکتر احتیاج دارم
Help !: Khatar! ! خطر
Help me !: Komakam kon! ! کمکم کن

✨ Colors ✨

Black: seeyāh or meshki سیاه یا مشکی
Blue: ābee آبی
Brown: ghah-ve-yee قهوه ای
Gray: khākestaree خاکسری
Green: sabz سبز
Orange: nārenjee نارنجی
Purple: arghavanee or banafsh ارغوونی
Red: ghermez قرمز
White: sefeed سفيد
Yellow: zarrd زرد

✨Numbers ✨

0: sefr صفر
1: yek يک
2: do دو
3: se سه
4: chahaar چهار
5: panj پنج
6: sheesh شيش
7: haft هفت
8: hasht هشت
9: noh نه
10: dah ده
11: yāz-dah یازده
12: davāz-dah دوازه
13: seez-dah سیزده
14: chāhar-dah چهار ده
15: poonz-dah پانزده
16: shoonz-dah شانزده
17: heev-dah هفده
18: heezh-dah هجده
19: nooz-dah نوزده
20: beest بیست
30: see سی
40: chehel چهل
50: panjāh پنجاه
60: shast شصت
70: haftād هفتاد
80: hashtād هشتاد
90: navad نود
100: sād صد
1,000: hezār هزار
10,000: dah-hezār ده هزار
100,000: sad hezār صد هزار
1,000,000: yek melyoon یک میلیون
Plus: be "alaave بعلاوه
Minus: menhā منها
Greater than: beeshtaR az بيشتر از
Less than: kamtaR az کمتر از
Approximately: taqReeban تقريباً
First aval اول
Second: doovom دوم
Third: sevom سوم

✨Time ✨

Sunday: yek shanbe یکشنبه
Monday: doshanbe دوشنبه
Tuesday seh shanbe سه شنبه
Wednesday: chehāreshenebeh چهارشنبه
Thursday: panj-shanbeh پنج شنبه
Friday: jom "e جمعه
Saturday: shanbe شنبه
Yesterday: deeRooz ديروز
Today: emRooz امروز
Tomorrow: faRdā فردا
Day: Rooz روز
Night: shab شب
Week: hafteh هفته
Month: maah ماه
Year: saal سال
Second: sāneeye ثانيه
Minute: daqeeqe دقيقه
Hour: sā "at ساعت
Morning: sobh صبح
Evening: "asR عصر
Noon: zohR ظهر
Noon: ba "ad az zohR بعد از ظهر
Midnight: nisfey shab نصفه شب
Now: hālā حالا
Later: ba "dan بعداً


In Persian, “merci” is used to mean “thank you”.
Persian speakers (self-name - Farsi) use many words that came from English to denote modern technology - computers, modems, radio, TV, etc. However, the pronunciation is slightly different from English.
Farsi is most different in Iran. Farsi, which is spoken in Afghanistan, will be perfectly understood by any Iranian. The difference between them is like between local dialects of the Russian language. The same goes for the difference between Farsi and Tajik, which is spoken in Tajikistan and, in part, in Uzbekistan. Dari is just another name for Farsi. The name of the language, by the way, comes from the root “dar”, which in Proto-Indo-European meant “door” (compare with Russian “door” and English “door”). In the case of Dari, the door of the royal palace is meant - Dari was the language of the upper class of society.
Dari is a dialect of Persian spoken in Afghanistan, but there are still serious differences between these two forms of the language.
Google Translate will help you translate something into Persian, as well as give you an idea of ​​how the word should be pronounced (click on the microphone icon on the side of the screen where the word in Persian is entered).


Dear readers! I do not pretend to have an absolute knowledge of the Persian language (Farsi), but the material that I publish below was quite enough for me to go around half of Iran without any problems. I will publish in parts. For those interested, stay tuned for the following posts. So, let's begin.

Concise grammar:
1. The letter ﺍ (Aleph) is read briefly and relaxed. It looks like in Russian in the words ball, part. All initial vowels are written with aleph. The letter Aleph is not written in the middle of a word.
2. The letter آ - aleph-madda reads more like a long "o". In the phrasebook, it is indicated as “ O". In the middle of the word, it is denoted without a dash "madda" above, like the usual aleph, but it reads closer to the long "o".
3. Consonant voiced sounds are not stunned.
4. The letter و (wow) at the beginning of a word and between vowels is read as "in". Between consonants and at the end of a word, like "y", "o", "oh".
5. The sounds "w" and "z" are always pronounced softly.
6. The stress usually falls on the last syllable.
7. The plural is formed with the suffix "-ho". For animate objects only with the "-on" suffix.
8. After the word "chand" (how many) and after the numerals, the singular is used.
9. Words are linked into one combination using the possessive suffix "-е" (after consonants) and "-ye" (after vowels). For example: dar-eh O not (house door), x O no-ye pedar (father's house). The same suffix is ​​used in words that indicate location.
10. Adjectives join as well. For example: n O n-e tose (fresh bread), n O n-e gyarm-e tose (fresh warm bread).
11. Adjectives are placed after nouns and the suffix "-е" or "-ye". Only the superlative adjective is put in front of the noun. For example: bozorgtarin hone (largest house).
12. The comparative degree is indicated by the suffix "-tar". Excellent - suffix
"-Tarin". Superlative adjectives are placed before the noun, and comparative ones after.
13. From the word "good", the degrees of comparison are not formed corrected: khub - bekhtar - bekhtarin.
14. The word "chizi" (something) is placed before the verb, in the case of the negative form of the verb it is translated as "nothing".
15. In colloquial speech, the long vowel aleph-madda (o) in front of the nasal letters "n" and "m" is pronounced like the sound "y". For example: mikh O us - mihunam (I read), x O no-hune (home).
16. In colloquial speech, a short link "-ast" and a personal ending of 3 pages. number units "-ad" are pronounced like "-e". Example: dorost-ast = more expensive (correct), dorad = dore (he has), mihonad = mihune (he reads).
17. Afterword "-r O"Denotes certain, not kl. item.
18. The sound ـق is designated in this phrasebook by the letter combination "kg", which sounds like one piece.
In Persian (Farsi), letters differ in spelling at the beginning, middle, end of a word and in a separate position.

Lettering Title Reading
Separate Beginning in the middle at the end
جدا آغازیا میانیا پایانی
ﺍ آ / ا ﺎ ﺎ alef a / a
ﺏ ﺑ ـبـ ـب be b
پ ﭙ ـﭙـ ـپ pe n
ﺕ ﺗ ـتـ ـﺕ te t
ﺙ ﺛ ـﺜـ ـﺚ se c
ﺝ ﺟ ﺠ ﺞ jim j
چ ﭼ ﭼ چ che h
ﺡ ﺣ ﺤ ﺢ he h
ﺥ ﺧ ﺨ ﺦ khe x
ﺩ - - ﺪ dāl d
ﺫ - - ﺬ zāl s
ﺭ - - ﺮ re p
ﺯ - - ﺰ ze з
ژ - - ﮋ zhe f
ﺱ ﺳ ـﺴـ ـس sin s
ﺵ ﺷ ـﺸـ ـﺶ šin w
ﺹ ﺻ ـﺼـ ـﺺ sād with
ﺽ ﺿ ـﺿـ ـﺾ zād s
ﻁ ﻃ ـطـ ـط tā t
ﻅ ﻇ ـﻅـ ـﻅ zā s
ﻉ ﻋ ﻌ ﻊ eyn "
ﻍ ﻏ ﻐ ﻎ qeyn k, z
ﻑ ﻓ ـفـ ـف fe f
ﻕ ﻗ ـقـ ـق qāf k, g
ک ﮐ ﮑ ﮏ kāf k
گ ﮔ ﮕ ﮓ gāf g
ﻝ ﻟ ـلـ ـل lām l
ﻡ ﻣ ـمـ ـم mim m
ﻥ ﻧ ـنـ ـن nun n
و - - ﻮ vāv in, at
ﻩ ﻫ ﻬ ﻪ he x
ﻯ ﻳ ـيـ ﯽ ye th, and

Greetings, polite phrases
In Iran, after a greeting, questions about health and business are sure to follow. The most common health question is: Hol-etun hub-e? (Are you OK?). In response, they say: Haley mamnoon! (Many thanks!).
Hello! (with Zoroastrians this greeting is unacceptable) As-sal O m aleikum!
The answer to hello Aleikum al-sal O m.
Hey! Sal O m!
Good morning! Sobh beheir!
Good day! Ruz Bekheir! Roose Hosh!
Good evening! Shab Beheir! Asr beheir! Shab-e shom O hosh
Goodnight! Shab-e shom O hosh! Shab aram!
Welcome! Hosh O madid!
Goodbye! Stroke O fez. Stroke O hafez. Stroke O negahdor
Till tomorrow! T O fard O
Good luck! Be sal O mat!
Good luck to you! Piruz b O shid!
See you soon! Bezudi mibinamed!
Thank you very much Hayley Mamnoon.
Thanks to the Motshakkers. Mercy. Sep O cr O zoram
Thank you (May your hand not dry up) Dast-e shom O dard nakone
Please (answer to thank you) X O hash mykons
Please (request) Lotfan
Please (call) Bepharm O id
Please (when speaking with the service staff) Lotf conid (please)
Sorry Bebakhshid (analogue of English excuse me), ma`zerat mikhom (analogue of English - sorry), mote assefam
Your Excellency Jen O b-e O whether
Dear Mukhtaram

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