Home Indoor flowers School chemistry research project. Chemistry design work. chemistry project (grade 10) on the topic. Research topics in chemistry

School chemistry research project. Chemistry design work. chemistry project (grade 10) on the topic. Research topics in chemistry

Highway, snow, soil, plants.
Automobile as a source of chemical pollution of the atmosphere.
Automotive fuel and its applications.
Agronomy. The effect of mineral fertilizers.
Nitrogen in food, water and the human body.
Nitrogen and its compounds
Nitrogen as a nutrient.
Watercolor paints. Their composition and manufacture.
Aquarium as a chemical and biological object of research.
Activated carbon. The phenomenon of adsorption.
Actinides: a look from the past to the future.
Diamond is an allotropic modification of carbon.
Diamonds. Artificial and natural growth.
Alchemy: Myths and Reality.
Aluminum is the metal of the 20th century.
Aluminum and its welding.
Aluminum in the kitchen: a dangerous enemy or a faithful assistant?
Aluminum. Aluminum alloys.
Analysis of the quality of spring water.
Analysis of medicinal products.
Analysis of soft drinks.
Analysis of the content of ascorbic acid in some varieties of currants.
Analysis of chips.
Water anomalies.
Anthropogenic impact of wastewater on the spring waters.
The scent of health.
Aromatherapy as a way to prevent colds.
Ester based flavors.
Aromatic oils are an invaluable gift from nature.
Aromatic essential oils and their uses.
Fragrances, smells, vibes.
Ascorbic acid: properties, physiological action, content and dynamics of accumulation in plants.
Aspirin - friend or foe?
Aspirin - benefit or harm.
Aspirin as a preservative.
Aspirin: pros and cons.
Aerosols and their use in medical practice.
Proteins are the basis of life.
Proteins and their importance in human nutrition.
Proteins and their nutritional value.
Proteins as natural biopolymers.
Benzapirene is a chemical and ecological problem of our time.
Biogenic classification of chemical elements.
Biologically active substances. Vitamins.
Dietary supplements: profanity or benefit?
Biological role of vitamins.
Noble gases.
Paper and its properties.
Iodine Sandwich, or The Whole Truth About Salt.
Would there be life on Earth without iron?
Household filters for purification of tap water and a method of their regeneration.
In the world of acids.
In the world of metal corrosion.
In the world of polymers.
In the wonderful world of crystals.
What is the taste of bread?
The most important indicator of the ecological state of the soil is pH.
The great secret of water.
The great scientist M.V. Lomonosov.
Great Britain in the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev.
Types of chemical bonds.
Vitamin C and its importance.
Vitamins in human life.
Vitamins and vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins and human health.
Vitamins as the basis of the vital activity of living organisms.
D.I. Mendeleev in the development of agrochemistry, its importance for modern agriculture.
D.I. Mendeleev in the development of the oil industry.
The contribution of M.V. Lomonosov in the development of chemistry as a science.
Impact of road transport on the degree of air pollution.
The influence of metals on the female body.
Water is the number one substance.
Water is a familiar and unusual substance.
Water is the basis of life.
The water is amazing and amazing.
Water: Death or Life? Study of the quality of water in reservoirs and water supply systems.
Hydrogen in industry, production and forms of sale.
The hydrogen index in our life.
Air is a natural mixture of gases.
The air we breathe.
Invisible air.
All the secrets of amber.
Isolation of tartaric acid from the studied grape variety.
Growing single crystals at home from a saturated solution of salts and alum.
Growing a crystal at home.
Growing crystals in a home laboratory.
Growing crystals under various external conditions.
Carbonated water - harm or benefit.
Carbonated drinks are poison in small doses.
Soda in the life of a teenager.
Carbonated drinks: good or bad?
Soda. Tasty! Healthy?
Monosodium glutamate is a cause of food addiction.
Rock crystal is a symbol of modesty and purity of thoughts.
The facets of a bright nature. DI. Mendeleev.
Long live fragrant soap!
Decorative cosmetics and its effect on the skin.
Baby food.
The dietary sugar substitute aspartame is a toxic substance.
What is iodine for?
Additives, colorants and preservatives in food.
Home first aid kit.
A dozen spices through the eyes of a chemist.
To eat, or not to eat - that is the question !?
Chewing gum. Myth and reality.
Chewing gum: good or bad?
Iron is an element of civilization and life.
Iron and its compounds.
Iron and human health.
Iron and the environment.
Water hardness: topical aspects.
Painting and chemistry.
Liquid dishwashing detergents.
The vital value of honey.
Gluten free life.
Fats: harm and benefit.
Protective properties of toothpastes.
Food packaging signs.
Famous drinks. Pros and cons of drinks "Pepsi" and "Coca-Cola", "Sprite" and "Fanta".
From the life of a plastic bag.
What the clothes are made of. Fibers.
We study silicates.
Study of the properties of shampoos.
Learning the secrets of making glue.
Study of the composition and properties of mineral water.
Study of the composition of ice cream.
Study of the ability and dynamics of the accumulation of heavy metals by medicinal plants (on the example of one type of medicinal plants).
Study of the characteristics of ice cream as a food product.
Indices of food additives.
Household indicators.
Indicators around us.
Indicators. Application of indicators. Natural indicators.
Inert gases.
Artificial fats are a health hazard.
The use of daphnia to determine the threshold values ​​of heavy metal ions.
The use of yeast in the food industry.
Investigation of pH solutions of some types of soaps, shampoos and washing powders.
Study of the effect of chewing gum on the human body.
Study of water hardness and ways to reduce it.
Study of water quality in the city and suburbs.
Study of the properties of aspirin and study of its effect on the human body.
Study of the properties of sulfuric acid.
Investigation of the level of corrosion of city monuments.
Investigation of the physical and chemical properties of milk from different manufacturers with an environmental certificate.
Investigation of the physical and chemical properties of natural juices from different manufacturers.
Study of the chemical composition of water to determine the effectiveness of the "Barrier-4" filter.
Study of the chemical composition of local clays.
The history of the emergence of chocolate.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
How to determine the quality of honey.
Which ice cream is tastier?
Calcium and its compounds in the human body.
Catalysis and catalysts.
Porridge is our health.
Quartz and its applications.
The acidity of the pH environment and human health.
Acid rain.
Acid rain and its impact on the environment.
Acids and alkalis in everyday life.
Is cranberry a northern lemon?
Sausage is tasty and healthy ?!
Quantification of mercury in energy-saving light bulbs.
Corrosion of metals and ways to prevent it.
Coffee in our life.
Caffeine and its effects on human health.
Dyes and food.
Silicon and its properties.
Kumis is the national drink of the Kazakhs.
Kumis and its healing properties
Medicines and poisons in antiquity.
Medicinal plants.
Medicine or poison?
Mayonnaise is a familiar stranger!
Mendeleev and the Nobel Prize.
Metals are the elements of life.
Metals in human life.
Metals in art.
Metals in space.
Metals in the human body.
Antiquity metals.
Metals and alloys, their properties and application in electronic equipment.
Metals on the human body.
Metals of the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.
Biogenic metals.
Trace elements in the body
Trace elements: evil or good?
The world of water. The secrets of the tap, the secrets of the mineral.
The world of plastics.
The world of glass.
Milk: pros and cons.
Dairy products.
We live in a world of polymers.
Soap: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Soap: Friend or Foe?
Soap: history and properties.
Soap story.
The presence of iodine in food and its biological role.
Coca-Cola drink: new questions of an old problem.
Oil and oil products.
Detection of water content in gasoline.
Determination of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in chocolate.
Determination of lead ions in herbaceous vegetation of city parks.
Determination of iodine in iodized table salt.
Determination of the amount of vitamin C in lemon.
Determination of impurities in tap water.
Determination of physical and chemical parameters of milk.
Organic poisons and antidotes.
Caution - beer!
Pectin and its effect on the human body.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev as the basis of the scientific worldview.
Food additives keep bread fresh longer.
Is table salt just a seasoning?
Table salt - crystals of life or white death?
Table salt is a mineral of extraordinary importance.
Why are chestnuts dying in the industrial area of ​​the city.
Why are vegetables and fruits sour?
The use of chlorophyll in the synthesis of acrylamide hydrogels.
The problem of iodine deficiency.
Recycling problem. Waste recycling.
Spices through the eyes of a chemist.
Psychoactive substances in human everyday life.
Soluble mortal (poisons).
Beauty recipes.
The role of saliva in the formation and maintenance of dental enamel caries resistance.
Sugar and sweeteners: pros and cons.
Collection of poems "Chemistry and Life".
Secrets of a white-toothed smile.
Sulfur and its compounds.
Synthetic high molecular weight compounds (IUDs).
Synthetic detergents for automatic washing machines.
Synthetic detergents and their properties.
Soda: familiar and unfamiliar.
The content of nitrates in drinking and table mineral waters.
Juice as a source of ascorbic acid.
Air composition and pollution.
Composition and properties of toothpastes.
Composition and properties of vegetable oils.
Composition of detergents.
Tea composition.
The state of precipitation in the school area and outside the city.
Dishwashing detergents.
Washing powders: overview and comparative characteristics.
Is it worth eating a pound of salt?
The quiet power of poisons.
Amazing silver reactions.
Phosphorus, its properties and allotropic changes.
Chemical analysis of tap water in my school for the determination of organoleptic indicators, the content of chloride ions and iron ions.
Chemical analysis of water in the river.
Chemistry is an ally of medicine.
Chemistry of paints.
Chemistry of silicon and its compounds.
Chemistry of manganese and its compounds.
Chemistry of copper and its compounds.
Chlorination of water: forecasts and facts.
What is squirrel afraid of?
Chernobyl. This must not happen again.
Chips: harm or benefit?
Chips: Delicacy or Poison?
Chips: good or bad?
What do we know about shampoo?
What you need to know about nutritional supplements.
What is healthier - tea or coffee?
"What's behind the E?"
What's in a cup of tea?
What is acid rain and how is it formed?
What is oil and how did it appear on Earth?
What is sugar and where does it come from.
What's in our salt shaker and sugar bowl?
Cast iron and its welding.
Miracles made of glass.
Silk is natural and artificial.
Chocolate is the food of the gods.
Chocolate: harm or benefit?
Chocolate: a treat or a medicine?
Environmental safety at home.
Environmental problems of outer space.
Examination of the quality of honey and methods of its falsification.
Examination of the organoleptic properties of wheat bread.
Element number one.
Energy drinks are a new generation of drinks.
Energy saving lamps and the environmental crisis.
These delicious, dangerous chips.
I'm on a diet!
Amber is the magic tree tears.


TOPIC: Detergents for dishes and their properties. The effect of detergents on metal corrosion.

Introduction page 2-3

Chapter 1. General information on dishwashing detergents page 4-5

1.1 Dishwashing liquid page 4

1.2 Composition of dishwashing detergents page 4-5

Chapter 2. Dishwashing detergent diagnostics page 6-8

2.1 Diagnostics of the use of dishwashing detergents page 6

2.2. Composition, properties and features of the use of detergents page 7

2.3. Physicochemical properties of dishwashing detergents. pp. 7-8

2.4. Influence of dishwashing detergent solutions on page 8

the course of processes of corrosion of iron objects.

Conclusion p. 9

References p. 10

Appendix page 10


The twenty-first century is the time when information became the foundation on which all spheres of human life are held. Therefore, each person must be sure that the information he possesses is reliable and will not bring him and those around him spiritual or physical harm. Streams of information reach us from everywhere, but the main source is the media. And often even an educated and sophisticated person cannot determine whether they are trying to deceive us by using advertising gimmicks or only slightly exaggerating the merits of the goods and services offered. Advertising has become an integral part of our life. Sometimes it really helps to navigate the variety of goods and services, and sometimes it promises just "miracles". Thanks to the active advertising policy of manufacturers, today almost every family uses special means for washing dishes. So, scientists have calculated that a Russian family of 4 people washes about 5 tons of dirty dishes every year! The first MCs appeared over 5000 years ago in the Middle East. But their role in our life has not changed until now. MS is currently used to remove various types of dirt: stains on clothes, rust, dirty dishes, etc.

In terms of their composition, dishwashing detergents are close to shampoos and shower gels. That is, to hygiene products. And they have special safety requirements. All this is good, however, dishwashing detergents are listed as household cleaning products. This means that they do not need a hygiene certificate to guarantee safety. The requirements for both toilet bowl cleaner and dishes are the same. Manufacturers can submit their products to safety tests, but voluntarily. Chemists admit: this certificate only guarantees that at the time of use you will not be poisoned, will not ruin the skin of your hands. But what happens over time in the body, which constantly gets the remains of the detergent - such studies have not been carried out.

With the constant increase in the number of new chemicals coming into circulation, urgent problem is their study in order to obtain information about the potential hazard of substances and the development of preventive measures to prevent adverse effects on the human body and the environment. Among the complex of environmental factors subject to hygienic control, household chemicals (TBC) deserve great attention due to their mass production and use, the variety of components that make up the formulations, as well as with possible direct effects on the human body. As you know, after use, all chemicals enter the environment and adversely affect it, but we do not think about it. Therefore, we decided to devote our work to household chemicals and, having studied the composition of MC for dishes, to determine how safe their use is.

We believe that our work is very relevant today. We cannot do without MS, but their use often harms our world. To understand how to deal with the harm that MCs do to us, we first need to learn more about them than advertised. We decided to conduct a study at our school to identify the products in greatest demand and analyze the reasons for the choice of the participants in our study. It is up to every person to say yes or no to MS, but if certain rules are followed, the health risk will be minimal.

Practical significance of the work consists in the fact that the information obtained from the results of research work can be used to educate the population of the village about the dangers of certain detergents, about the negative impact of SMS on human health, on the increased corrosion of metals from which plumbing is made.

Target works: to investigate the physical and chemical properties of detergents, to investigate the effect of detergents on the corrosion of metals from which plumbing is made.

Tasks :

1. Study the literature on this issue;

2. To identify the most commonly used brands of dishwashing detergents at home;

3. Study the composition given of dish detergents using their labels.

4. Investigate the physical and chemical properties of detergents;

5. Consider the effect of detergents on metal objects (nails).

Object of study : liquid dishwashing detergents.

Subject of study: properties and safety of use of dishwashing detergents, metal corrosion.

Hypothesis: if you have complete information about the composition and properties of detergents, thenyou can preserve human health, prevent damage to plumbing made of iron.

In accordance with the objectives of the study, methods of systematizing theoretical material, research methods and observation methods, and generalization of the accumulated material were used.

Chapter 1. General information about dishwashing detergents

1.1 Dishwashing detergents and their properties

Specialty dishwashing detergents first appeared in the 1950s. Hand dishwashing detergents are available in liquid or gel form. Gel products are considered to be more effective than liquid products.

The main properties of the product is its detergency. A big plus of the product is its ability to effectively cope with oil and fatty contaminants in cold water, this is achieved through the selection of the optimal surfactant composition.

Another important property of hand dishwashing detergents is its mild effect on the skin of the hands. It is worth noting that manufacturers' statements that the pH level of their products is 5.5 can in no way guarantee the absence of irritation, especially in people prone to allergies. Therefore, when washing dishes, the skin needs protection. The product must contain softening components and do not forget that hands can be protected from the harmful effects of the product using ordinary rubber gloves.

The composition of the dishwashing liquid can tell a lot about it.

1.2 Composition dishwashing liquid

The basis of the detergent is surfactants. It is they who determine its washing ability.

Surfactants are classified into two types: ionic and non-ionic (non-ionic).

The fundamental difference lies in the fact that nonionic surfactants are not subject to electrolytic dissociation, i.e. they do not disintegrate into positively and negatively charged ions in water; Ionic surfactants, when interacting with water, decompose into ions, some of which have adsorption (surface) activity, others (counterions) are adsorption inactive.

Ionic surfactants are called anionic, if surface-active ions carry a negative charge, and cationic, if surface-active positively charged ions. Some surfactants, depending on the conditions in which they are used, exhibit properties of either anionic or cationic, therefore they are called amphoteric or ampholytic. Anionic surfactants - organic acids and their salts. Cationic - bases, usually amines, and their salts. In the world production of surfactants, most of the anionic substances.

Synthetic detergents necessarily contain a number of auxiliary substances that improve their detergency. The composition of detergent compositions sometimes includes alkaline salts of weak inorganic acids (sodium carbonate and bicarbonate, sodium silicates, phosphates of various compositions), neutral salts (sodium chloride), salts of peroxide acids with bleaching and disinfecting properties (sodium perborate and percarbonates). It is these chemicals that enter into chemical reactions with the metals from which plumbing is made, under the influence of these substances, metal corrosion occurs. Corrosion causes billions of dollars in losses every year, and solving this problem is an important task. The main damage caused by corrosion lies not in the loss of metal as such, but in the enormous cost of products destroyed by corrosion. That is why the annual losses from it in industrialized countries are so great.

An important role is played by the organic components of surfactants: carboxymethyl cellulose, which prevents the re-deposition of contaminants from the washing solution onto the washed surface, and the so-called hydrotropes, which increase the solubility and accelerate the dissolution of surfactants in water.

Some detergents contain enzymes that remove insoluble protein stains, organic bactericides, and foam stabilizers.

Many detergents add aromatic substances (fragrances) to eliminate unpleasant odors and give the washed surface a fresh scent. True, the smell of an apple, lemon or, for example, wild berries does not mean the presence of extracts of the above-named fruits in this product.

Also, dishwashing detergents may contain substances that soften the negative effects on the skin of the hands. The most common additives are glycerin, silicone, and herbal extracts. Glycerin and silicone have a similar effect, they create a protective film on the skin that prevents it from drying out. At the same time, the surface film created by the silicone is able to protect against the penetration of substances harmful to the skin contained in the detergent.

Plant extracts soften the skin, have a soothing effect, relieve irritation that can be caused by individual components of surfactants (such an effect is possessed by, for example, aloe vera milk). But even with all the undoubted advantages of these additives, it is impossible to guarantee your skin complete safety.

Chapter 2. Dishwashing detergent diagnostics

    1. Diagnostics of the use of dishwashing detergents.

In order to find out which of the tools are most used, we interviewed students, teachers and school staff. 50 people took part in the survey.

The survey data show that the most popular medium is Fairy. It is used by 19 of the respondents, which is 38%. Further in decreasing popularity are: "AOC" - 11 people, 22%; "Myth" - 7 people, 14%; SORTI - 7 people, 14%; "Drop" - 6 people, 12%.

2.2. Composition, properties and features of the use of detergents.

To study the composition, properties, features of the use of dishwashing detergents, the labels of the products indicated in the questionnaire of users were studied. As a rule, no one reads the instructions for washing dishes, but this does not relieve the manufacturer from the need to apply this information to the label.

The research data are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Composition, properties and features of the use of detergents.





A drop

    Volume / ml

    Price, rub.

    Shelf life

18 months

18 months


18 months

24 months


5-15% anionic and nonionic surfactants, perfume, preservative, citroneplol, limonene and linalool.

5-15% anionic and nonionic surfactants, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid salt, flavoring additives, preservatives

anionic and nonionic surfactants, sodium chloride, citric acid, preservative, perfume composition, citric acid

Water, anionic and nonionic surfactants, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid salt, flavoring additives, preservatives,

Water, surfactant,

sodium chloride, citric acid, preservative, perfume composition, citric acid,

apply a small amount to a damp sponge

Put a few drops of the product on a damp sponge

Put a few drops of the product on a damp sponge

Apply a small amount to a damp sponge

6. Precautions

In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water.

Keep out of reach of children

Protect from sunlight. Keep away from heating appliances. Keep out of the reach of children. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water.

Keep out of the reach of children, avoid contact with eyes.

These tables allow you to do the following conclusions:

If the amount of detergent is the same, the price of the detergent is not the same.

More expensive means include "Fairy", "AOS", cheaper means are "Myth", "SORTI" and "Kaplya".

The shelf life of all funds is almost the same.

The main component of MS are surfactants.

in addition to surfactants, the detergents contain dyes, preservatives, perfume composition, but the labeling of these substances is not indicated, which does not allow us to draw a conclusion about their safety for humans.

The packages do not indicate the exact amount of the product required for use. Only it says “put a small amount on a sponge or dish” or “drip a few drops ...”.

Almost all funds, except for "Fairy"Contain a warning:" Keep out of the reach of children "and describe what to do if the product gets into the eyes.

Much attention is paid to advertising data on the MC label: manufacturers indicate that all products effectively remove fat not only in hot, but also in cold water, are easily washed off with water, leaving no streaks. On the label of the product “Fairy»Indicates that it complies with the RF standard for washable from dishes.

2.3. Physicochemical properties of dishwashing detergents.

Experiment 1: Investigation of the pH of the solution.

One of the requirements for the use of dishwashing detergents is that they must have a neutral or slightly acidic solution pH (pH = 5.5-7).

To determine the pH of the solution, we took a 0.1% solution of each agent, examined it using an instrument for determining the pH of solutions. The results of the experiment are shown in table 2. Output: All products are pH neutral.

Table 2:

Chemical properties of dishwashing detergents.






A drop

1.pH of the solution













Test 2 : Phosphate content in dishwashing detergents .

The presence of phosphate additives in detergents leads to a significant increase in the toxic properties of surfactants. They penetrate into the microvessels of the skin, are absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This leads to a change in the physicochemical properties of the blood itself and to a violation of immunity.

A 0.1% solution of each agent was tested with silver nitrate. There was no yellow or white precipitation in the tubes. A yellow precipitate indicates the presence of phosphate ions (Ag 3 PO 4) in the samples, a white precipitate indicates the presence of chloride ions (AgCl) in the samples. The results of the experiment are shown in table 2.

Output: Phosphate additives were not found in detergents.

2.4. Influence of solutions of detergents for dishes on the course of processes

corrosion of iron objects.

When disposing, used solutions of detergents for dishes are in direct contact with metal sewer pipes, and when washing with metal dishes.

For the study, a 0.1% solution of each detergent was prepared and an iron nail 80 mm long was dipped into each. The experiment was carried out at room temperature. Tap water was used as a control sample. The experiment was carried out with three repetitions.

On the first day, rust appeared on the nails in the following products: "JSCS", "a drop SORTI". On the second day, a raid of rust appeared in a test tube with tap water and on a nail dipped in “Fairy» ... In the "MYTH" tool, rust appeared in the test tube on the third day, while the nail remained clean. In the following days, the plaque of rust on the nails increased, and the fastest in the funds: “Fairy"," JSC S", "a drop SORTI". At the bottom of the test tubes, rust was deposited - a brown sediment. By the end of the observation, the sediment height was different in the test tubes: “AOS"- 10mm," Fairy"-7mm," drop SORTI"- 9mm," MYTH "- 4mm," Drop "- 9mm, water - 3mm.

Output: All tested solutions of dishwashing detergents enhance the corrosion of iron objects, which means they have a negative effect on sewer pipes and metal utensils.

    Final part


    The most popular among the population are the following products: "Fairy",

« AOS ".

    Detergent labels contain a lot of promotional promises,

but not complete information on the composition and labeling of ingredients, on the method of application.

    All products are highly soluble in water.

4. All products are pH neutral.

5. The products do not contain harmful phosphate additives.

6. All investigated solutions of dishwashing detergents enhance the corrosion of iron objects, which means they have a negative effect on sewer pipes and metal utensils.

We want to advise you, take a more responsible attitude to the choice of detergents and not let advertisements deceive you. Do not forget that our children and grandchildren will live on this planet, and we must take care of their future and health. Also, do not forget that our environment suffers from the use of certain detergents. We also want to advise you to be more careful with detergents and do not forget that they contain components that can cause rashes, chemical burns, irritation and allergies. Always read the precautions written on the back of the packaging and keep detergents out of the reach of children.

We are aware that the consumption of detergents by people cannot be stopped, or even reduced. Moreover, with an increase in the population of our planet, the number and variety of detergents inevitably increases, which have a detrimental effect not only on humans, but also on the environment.

We hope that in the course of progress, safer detergents will be invented, which will be able to completely dissolve in water without forming harmful chemical compounds. The information obtained during the research work can be used in teaching a school course in chemistry, biology, ecology, in classroom hours, in conversations with students and parents, in elective classes in chemistry and ecology.


1. Ambramzon A.A. and other Surfactants. Synthesis, analysis, properties,

application. L., 1988.

2. Ashikhmina T.Ya. School environmental monitoring. Teaching aid / Ed. T.Ya. Ashikhmina. - M .: Agar, 2000.

3. Bogdanov I.I. Conversations about ecology: Textbook. allowance. - Omsk, 1995.

4. Spausus Z. Travel to the world of chemistry. M .: "Education", 1967.

    Schwartz A., Peri D. Surfactants: their chemistry and technical applications. M., 1953.

    Kharlampovich G.D. and others. Many-sided chemistry. - M .: "Education", 2004


Observation: 4.11.15

    Observation: 11/10/15

In this section you can find interesting chemistry project topics... The leader should pay attention to the level of complexity of a particular topic and its comparison with the level of knowledge of the student. The research process implies the consultation of the teacher and the selection of literature.

We recommend carefully choosing interesting research topics in chemistry students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and determine a topic suitable for themselves in terms of complexity, interest and personal hobbies.

Also, you can pick up an actual topic of a chemistry project of a less complex level, expand or generalize it in the future.

The topics of research work in chemistry presented to schoolchildren are relevant and imply research and the study of new, more in-depth information on the subject. In the future, the knowledge gained can be applied in chemistry lessons, as well as taken as a basis in subsequent research. Follow the links to find research topics in chemistry for high school students.

These topics of research projects in chemistry will be of interest to students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 who are fond of chemistry, conducting various interesting experiments and experiments who want to know and understand, find answers to their questions in the process of exciting research.

The topics below are sorted alphabetically, they are approximate and basic for use in the research activities of students in the subject of chemistry.

Research topics in chemistry

Sample topics for research projects in chemistry:

Highway, snow, soil, plants.
Automobile as a source of chemical pollution of the atmosphere.
Automotive fuel and its applications.
Agronomy. The effect of mineral fertilizers.
Nitrogen in food, water and the human body.
Nitrogen and its compounds
Nitrogen as a nutrient.
Watercolor paints. Their composition and manufacture.
Aquarium as a chemical and biological object of research.
Activated carbon. The phenomenon of adsorption.
Actinides: a look from the past to the future.
Diamond is an allotropic modification of carbon.
Diamonds. Artificial and natural growth.
Alchemy: Myths and Reality.
Aluminum is the metal of the 20th century.
Aluminum and its welding.
Aluminum in the kitchen: a dangerous enemy or a faithful assistant?
Aluminum. Aluminum alloys.
Analysis of the quality of spring water.
Analysis of medicinal products.
Analysis of soft drinks.
Analysis of the content of ascorbic acid in some varieties of currants.
Analysis of chips.
Water anomalies.
Anthropogenic impact of wastewater on the spring waters.
The scent of health.
Aromatherapy as a way to prevent colds.
Ester based flavors.
Aromatic oils are an invaluable gift from nature.
Aromatic essential oils and their uses.
Fragrances, smells, vibes.
Ascorbic acid: properties, physiological action, content and dynamics of accumulation in plants.
Aspirin - friend or foe?
Aspirin - benefit or harm.
Aspirin as a preservative.
Aspirin: pros and cons.
Aerosols and their use in medical practice.
Proteins are the basis of life.
Proteins and their importance in human nutrition.
Proteins and their nutritional value.
Proteins as natural biopolymers.
Benzapirene is a chemical and ecological problem of our time.
Biogenic classification of chemical elements.
Biologically active substances. Vitamins.
Dietary supplements: profanity or benefit?
Biological role of vitamins.
Noble gases.
Paper and its properties.
Iodine Sandwich, or The Whole Truth About Salt.
Would there be life on Earth without iron?
Household filters for purification of tap water and a method of their regeneration.
In the world of acids.
In the world of metal corrosion.
In the world of polymers.
In the wonderful world of crystals.
What is the taste of bread?
The most important indicator of the ecological state of the soil is pH.
The great secret of water.
The great scientist M.V. Lomonosov.
Great Britain in the life and work of D.I. Mendeleev.

Chemistry project topics (continued)

Sample research topics in chemistry:

Types of chemical bonds.
Vitamin C and its importance.
Vitamins in human life.
Vitamins and vitamin deficiency.
Vitamins and human health.
Vitamins as the basis of the vital activity of living organisms.
D.I. Mendeleev in the development of agrochemistry, its importance for modern agriculture.
D.I. Mendeleev in the development of the oil industry.
The contribution of M.V. Lomonosov in the development of chemistry as a science.
Impact of road transport on the degree of air pollution.
The influence of metals on the female body.
Water is the number one substance.
Water is a familiar and unusual substance.
Water is the basis of life.
The water is amazing and amazing.
Water: Death or Life? Study of the quality of water in reservoirs and water supply systems.
Hydrogen in industry, production and forms of sale.
The hydrogen index in our life.
Air is a natural mixture of gases.
The air we breathe.
Invisible air.
All the secrets of amber.
Isolation of tartaric acid from the studied grape variety.
Growing single crystals at home from a saturated solution of salts and alum.
Growing a crystal at home.
Growing crystals in a home laboratory.
Growing crystals under various external conditions.
Carbonated water - harm or benefit.
Carbonated drinks are poison in small doses.
Soda in the life of a teenager.
Carbonated drinks: good or bad?
Soda. Tasty! Healthy?
Monosodium glutamate is a cause of food addiction.
Rock crystal is a symbol of modesty and purity of thoughts.
Long live fragrant soap!
Decorative cosmetics and its effect on the skin.
The facets of a bright nature. DI. Mendeleev.
Baby food.
The dietary sugar substitute aspartame is a toxic substance.
What is iodine for?
Additives, colorants and preservatives in food.
Home first aid kit.
A dozen spices through the eyes of a chemist.
To eat, or not to eat - that is the question !?
Chewing gum. Myth and reality.
Chewing gum: good or bad?
Iron is an element of civilization and life.
Iron and its compounds.
Iron and human health.
Iron and the environment.
Water hardness: topical aspects.
Painting and chemistry.
Liquid dishwashing detergents.
The vital value of honey.
Gluten free life.
Fats: harm and benefit.
Protective properties of toothpastes.
Food packaging signs.

Famous drinks. Pros and cons of drinks "Pepsi" and "Coca-Cola", "Sprite" and "Fanta".
From the life of a plastic bag.
What the clothes are made of. Fibers.
We study silicates.
Study of the properties of shampoos.
Learning the secrets of making glue.
Study of the composition and properties of mineral water.
Study of the composition of ice cream.
Study of the ability and dynamics of the accumulation of heavy metals by medicinal plants (on the example of one type of medicinal plants).
Study of the characteristics of ice cream as a food product.
Indices of food additives.
Household indicators.
Indicators around us.
Indicators. Application of indicators. Natural indicators.
Inert gases.
Artificial fats are a health hazard.
The use of daphnia to determine the threshold values ​​of heavy metal ions.
The use of yeast in the food industry.
Investigation of pH solutions of some types of soaps, shampoos and washing powders.
Study of the effect of chewing gum on the human body.
Study of water hardness and ways to reduce it.
Study of water quality in the city and suburbs.
Study of the properties of aspirin and study of its effect on the human body.
Study of the properties of sulfuric acid.
Investigation of the level of corrosion of city monuments.
Investigation of the physical and chemical properties of milk from different manufacturers with an environmental certificate.
Investigation of the physical and chemical properties of natural juices from different manufacturers.
Study of the chemical composition of water to determine the effectiveness of the "Barrier-4" filter.
Study of the chemical composition of local clays.
The history of the emergence of chocolate.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
Iodine in food and its effect on the human body.
How to determine the quality of honey.
Which ice cream is tastier?
Calcium and its compounds in the human body.
Catalysis and catalysts.
Porridge is our health.
Quartz and its applications.
The acidity of the pH environment and human health.
Acid rain.
Acid rain and its impact on the environment.
Acids and alkalis in everyday life.
Is cranberry a northern lemon?
Sausage is tasty and healthy ?!
Quantification of mercury in energy-saving light bulbs.
Corrosion of metals and ways to prevent it.
Coffee in our life.
Caffeine and its effects on human health.
Dyes and food.
Silicon and its properties.
Kumis is the national drink of the Kazakhs.
Kumis and its healing properties
Medicines and poisons in antiquity.
Medicinal plants.
Medicine or poison?
Mayonnaise is a familiar stranger!
Mendeleev and the Nobel Prize.

Metals are the elements of life.
Metals in human life.
Metals in art.
Metals in space.
Metals in the human body.
Antiquity metals.
Metals and alloys, their properties and application in electronic equipment.
Metals on the human body.
Metals of the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev.
Biogenic metals.
Trace elements in the body
Trace elements: evil or good?
The world of water. The secrets of the tap, the secrets of the mineral.
The world of plastics.
The world of glass.
Milk: pros and cons.
Dairy products.
We live in a world of polymers.
Soap: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Soap: Friend or Foe?
Soap: history and properties.
Soap story.
The presence of iodine in food and its biological role.
Coca-Cola drink: new questions of an old problem.
Oil and oil products.
Detection of water content in gasoline.
Determination of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in chocolate.
Determination of lead ions in herbaceous vegetation of city parks.
Determination of iodine in iodized table salt.
Determination of the amount of vitamin C in lemon.
Determination of impurities in tap water.
Determination of physical and chemical parameters of milk.
Organic poisons and antidotes.
Caution - beer!
Pectin and its effect on the human body.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev as the basis of the scientific worldview.
Food additives keep bread fresh longer.
Is table salt just a seasoning?
Table salt - crystals of life or white death?
Table salt is a mineral of extraordinary importance.
Why are chestnuts dying in the industrial area of ​​the city.
Why are vegetables and fruits sour?
The use of chlorophyll in the synthesis of acrylamide hydrogels.
The problem of iodine deficiency.
Recycling problem. Waste recycling.
Spices through the eyes of a chemist.
Psychoactive substances in human everyday life.
Soluble mortal (poisons).
Beauty recipes.
The role of saliva in the formation and maintenance of dental enamel caries resistance.
Sugar and sweeteners: pros and cons.
Collection of poems "Chemistry and Life".
Secrets of a white-toothed smile.
Sulfur and its compounds.
Synthetic high molecular weight compounds (IUDs).
Synthetic detergents for automatic washing machines.
Synthetic detergents and their properties.
Soda: familiar and unfamiliar.
The content of nitrates in drinking and table mineral waters.
Juice as a source of ascorbic acid.

Air composition and pollution.
Composition and properties of toothpastes.
Composition and properties of vegetable oils.
Composition of detergents.
Tea composition.
The state of precipitation in the school area and outside the city.
Dishwashing detergents.
Washing powders: overview and comparative characteristics.
Is it worth eating a pound of salt?
The quiet power of poisons.
Amazing silver reactions.
Phosphorus, its properties and allotropic changes.
Chemical analysis of tap water in my school for the determination of organoleptic indicators, the content of chloride ions and iron ions.
Chemical analysis of water in the river.
Chemistry is an ally of medicine.
Chemistry of paints.
Chemistry of silicon and its compounds.
Chemistry of manganese and its compounds.
Chemistry of copper and its compounds.
Chlorination of water: forecasts and facts.
What is squirrel afraid of?
Chernobyl. This must not happen again.
Chips: harm or benefit?
Chips: Delicacy or Poison?
Chips: good or bad?
What do we know about shampoo?
What you need to know about nutritional supplements.
What is healthier - tea or coffee?
"What's behind the E?"
What's in a cup of tea?
What is acid rain and how is it formed?
What is oil and how did it appear on Earth?
What is sugar and where does it come from.
What's in our salt shaker and sugar bowl?
Cast iron and its welding.
Miracles made of glass.
Silk is natural and artificial.
Chocolate is the food of the gods.
Chocolate: harm or benefit?
Chocolate: a treat or a medicine?
Environmental safety at home.
Environmental problems of outer space.
Examination of the quality of honey and methods of its falsification.
Examination of the organoleptic properties of wheat bread.
Element number one.
Energy drinks are a new generation of drinks.
Energy saving lamps and the environmental crisis.
These delicious, dangerous chips.
I'm on a diet!
Amber is the magic tree tears.

The list of topics of individual projects that were implemented in the disciplines of chemistry and biology in 2016-2017 academic year year.


"The great Russian genius-Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov"

Problem: Many people assume that it is enough to be born a genius to make any scientific discovery. Geniuses do nothing for this, they were already born that way and education has nothing to do with it.

Target: To reveal the origins of the development of giftedness and talent of M.V. Lomonosov and answer the question: "Are geniuses born or become?"

Object of study: the influence of education and heredity on genius

Subject of study: biographies and scientific heritage of M.V. Lomonosov.

Hypothesis: even a pronounced genius needs to be developed and trained.

1.Let us study the scientific understanding of genius and the influence of education on the development of intellectual abilities.

2. Let's study the biography of M.V. Lomonosov.

3. Let's get acquainted with the discoveries and achievements of the scientist in different fields of science.


1. To study the scientific understanding of genius and the influence of education on the development of intellectual abilities.

2. To study the biography of M.V. Lomonosov.

3. To get acquainted with the discoveries and achievements of the scientist in various fields of science.

Research methods:

Research novelty is determined by the receipt of new information about the attitude of students of OGBPOU UTP to education and to self-education.

Theoretical significance the work consists in generalizing and systematizing information about the influence of education on the development of human mental abilities.

Practical significance work is determined by the developed applications to research work and the possibility of using the materials of the work in conducting events in order to attract the attention of students to the problem of unwillingness to learn.


"Protein in the human body"

Research problem: Many do not understand the importance of animal protein for the human body, eat only plant foods and force their children to adhere to such a diet.

Purpose of the study: answer the question: "Why eat meat, fish, eggs."

Observation object: the impact of the lack of animal protein in the diet on the development and health of adolescents.

Subject of study: the function of protein in the human body.

Hypothesis: a teenager needs animal protein for growth and development.

It will be possible to answer the question if:

1.Let us study the structure and function of protein.

2.Isimizing the processes of protein biosynthesis

3. Let's answer the question: "Essential amino acids - what is it?"

4. Let's study the medical literature about the consequences of protein deficiency.

5. Developed diagnostic material for the study (questionnaire).

6. Let's conduct a questionnaire survey of UTLT students and process the results.

7. Let's analyze the obtained theoretical material and process the results.

Research objectives:

1. To study the structure and function of protein.

2. To study the processes of protein biosynthesis.

3. Answer the question: "Essential amino acids - what is it?"

4. Examine the medical literature on the consequences of protein deficiency.

5. To develop diagnostic material for conducting research (questionnaire survey).

6. Conduct a questionnaire survey of USP students and process the results.

7. Analyze the obtained theoretical material and process the results.

Research methods: search, comparative, descriptive, questioning.

Research novelty is determined by the receipt of new information about the attitude of students of OGBPOU UTP to the problem of rational nutrition.

Theoretical significance the work is to summarize and systematize information about the impact of balanced nutrition on adolescent health.

Practical significance work is determined by the developed applications to research work and the possibility of using the materials of the work in conducting events in order to attract the attention of students to the problem of proper nutrition.


« Corrosion of metals in various environments. "

Problem: Corrosion of metals is a complex physicochemical process that depends on many factors. Does the environment in which the metal is located affect the corrosion rate?

Purpose of the study: investigation of metal corrosion in various environments.

Object of study: the phenomenon of metal corrosion.

Subject of study: dependence of the corrosion rate of metals on the environment.


It will be possible to study the corrosion of metals in various environments if:

    The theoretical foundations of metal corrosion have been studied.

    Experiments have been carried out to confirm the dependence of the metal corrosion rate on the medium.

    The obtained theoretical and practical material is analyzed and the results are processed.

Based on the hypothesis put forward, the following are formulated. tasks:

    Study the theoretical foundations of metal corrosion.

    Conduct experiments confirming the dependence of the metal corrosion rate on the environment.

    Analyze the obtained theoretical and practical material, process the results and draw conclusions.

Research methods: search, comparative, descriptive, observation, experiment.

Theoretical significance the work consists in the generalization and systematization of information on the phenomenon of metal corrosion.

Practical significance work is determined by the developed applications in the form of recommendations for removing rust from metal products at home.


"The discovery of PSKhE by D. I. Mendeleev was a coincidence or pattern."


Many people mistakenly assume that D.I. he saw the Periodic Table in a dream.

Target: to refute the erroneous assumptions about the merit of the great scientist.

Object of study: the impact of long-term and purposeful work on the achievement of the set goals: the opening of the Periodic Law and the creation of the PES.

Subject of study: life and work of DI Mendeleev before the discovery of the law.

Hypothesis: if you set a goal for yourself and work on your goal, it will be achieved.

It will be possible to answer the question if:

1.Let us study the "state" of chemistry during the period of scientific activity of the scientist.

2. Let's study the biography of D. I. Mendeleev

3. Let's get acquainted with the scientific works of the scientist before the discovery of the Periodic Law.

4. We will develop diagnostic material for the study (questionnaire survey).

5. Let's conduct a survey of USP students and process the results.

6. Let's analyze the obtained theoretical material and process the results.

Based on the hypothesis put forward, the following are formulated. tasks:

1. To study the "state" of chemistry during the period of scientific activity of the scientist.

2. To study the biography of D. I. Mendeleev

3. To get acquainted with the scientific works of the scientist before the discovery of the Periodic Law.

4. To develop diagnostic material for the study (questionnaire survey).

5. Conduct a questionnaire survey of USP students and process the results.

6. Analyze the obtained theoretical material and process the results.

Research methods: search, comparative, descriptive, questioning.

Research novelty is determined by the receipt of new information about the attitude of students of OGBPOU UTP to the merits of D.I. Mendeleev in the discovery of the Periodic Law and purposeful work to achieve the set goals.

Theoretical significance work consists in the generalization and systematization of information on the impact of purposeful work on the achievement of the set goals.

Practical significance work is determined by the developed applications to research work and the possibility of using the materials of the work in conducting events in order to attract the attention of students to the problem of inability to set and achieve certain goals.


"No to electronic cigarettes"


Many people have the misconception that e-cigarettes are not harmful.

Objective of the project: prove that e-cigarettes are hazardous to health.

Object of study: College students, their attitude to electronic cigarettes.

Subject of study: e-cigarettes.

Hypothesis: suppose e-cigarettes are hazardous to health.

It will be possible to answer the question posed if:

1.The theoretical foundations of the harmful effect of electronic cigarettes on living organisms, including the human body, have been studied;

2. Studied the chemical composition of liquids, which fill electronic cigarettes;

3. Developed diagnostic material for the study;

4. Conducted a questionnaire survey of USP students and processed the results.

Based on the hypothesis put forward, the following tasks were formulated:

1. To study the theoretical foundations of the harmful effects of electronic cigarettes on living organisms, including the human body;

2. To study the chemical composition of e-cigarette liquids;

3. To develop diagnostic material for research;

4. Conduct a survey of USP students and process the results;

5. To develop information material in the form of a booklet containing the results of the survey, facts about the harmful effects of chemicals used in electronic cigarettes on human health;

Research methods:

Search, comparative, descriptive, questioning.

Research novelty is determined by the receipt of new information about the attitude of students to electronic cigarettes.

Theoretical significance The work consists in generalizing and systematizing information on the effect of substances that are used in electronic cigarettes on living organisms by obtaining relevant information to assess the situation related to the use of electronic cigarettes by students of OGBPOU UTP.

Practical significance The work is determined by the developed applications to research work and the possibility of using the materials of the work in holding events in order to draw students' attention to the problem of the harmful effects of substances used in electronic cigarettes on human health and popularize the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle among USP students, and disseminate work experience among other educational organizations.

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