Home Indoor flowers Comic questions for the new year of the rooster. Game competition new year rooster chicken quiz. Comic New Years quiz

Comic questions for the new year of the rooster. Game competition new year rooster chicken quiz. Comic New Years quiz

Quiz "New Year's Adventures"

Goals: 1.activate the mental activity of younger ones


2. to develop the personality of each child through self-realization in the conditions of play situations;

3. to form the need for new knowledge.

Equipment: a crossword puzzle, cards with anagram words, cut pictures, cards with the word "Snow Maiden".

Event progress

Hello guys! Who wants to participate in the New Year quiz? Now we will be divided into three teams of 8 people for this, you need to pull a token out of the bag. Who is not included in the team will be a spectator. Each team occupies its own table.

Exercise 1. Game "Say a word".

We have a game for you

I'll start it now.

I will start - and you finish,

Answer in unison!

The roof is in a fur hat,

White smoke overhead.

The yard is covered with snow. White at home.

At night ... (winter) came to us.

We looked out the window

Already, my eyes can’t believe it!

Everything is white and white

And sweeps ... (blizzard).

A flock of snowflakes outside the window

Also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are celebrating ... (new year).

He has a ruddy nose

He himself is bearded,

Who is this? ... (Santa Claus).

That's right guys!

Well, and the dress: all needles, only ... (Christmas trees) wear it.

Task 2. Competition "New Year tree".

For the competition, you will need glue, a sheet of white paper, a spruce cut from green paper, and Christmas tree decorations.

Whoever glues the tree and decorations faster and more accurately will win.

Task 3. Crossword puzzle.

You have 5 minutes to solve the crossword puzzle, for each guessed word 1 point.


2. Frost for the Snow Maiden. (Grandfather)

5. Russian folk tale about the beautiful Nastenka, whom her father abandoned in the winter forest. (Frost)

6. Polar bear cub from the cartoon. (Umka)

9. Who carries Santa Claus's sleigh? (horses)

11. A small animal with a fluffy tail, not at all white. (squirrel)

12. The magic stick of Santa Claus. (staff)


1.What is behind Santa Claus? (bag)

3. He was beaten, he was carrying an unbeaten fox and was catching fish with his tail in the hole. (Wolf)

4. It has frosty patterns. (Window)

7. Solid white "snow", which is written on the blackboard. (Chalk)

8. The name Sasha is vice versa. (Ashas)

9. A bunch of letters that Santa Claus receives. (Kipa)

10. There is Frost - red ..., and sometimes - blue ... (nose)

Task 4. "Guess the riddles». Play with the audience. At this time, teams from the word "Snow Maiden" make up new words. For each word 1 point.

Snow in the fields

Ice on the rivers

Blizzards are walking ...

When does this happen? (in winter)

No arms, no legs

And he knows how to draw. (freezing)

Bel, but not sugar,

No legs, but walking. (snow)

White carrot

Grows in winter. (Icicle)

What a toy

Shoots like a cannon? (cracker)

Pisces live warmly in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

We stood all summer

Winters were expected.

Waited for the pores

We rushed off the mountain. (Sled)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They will not lag behind each other.

Both are running in the snow

Both songs are singing

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave on the run. (Skis)

Task 5. "Pantomime".Each team has a card with a riddle.

The answer must be shown in a pantomime.

An asterisk circled The snow was rolled and kneaded,

A little bit in the air, we blinded the little man,

Sat down and melted Instead of eyes - two coals,

On my palm. And in the hands - a broom!

(snowflake) (snowman)

Every night I go

Draw circles on ice.

Not with pencils

And shiny ... (skates).

Task 6. Poetry competition.We play with the audience. At this time, the teams receive cards with anagrams. It is necessary to correctly form the word, for each word 1 point.




Summing up, awarding the winners.

How good it is to get together with friends at the New Year's table and arrange gatherings all night. Celebrate New Year. have some fun and feel that this is the very best you have. But in order for everything to go on with a plus, you need to prepare. For example, come up with tasks for guests. Which will help to have fun and playful time. A quiz for the new year 2017 with questions about the year of the rooster may also be useful to you. Run a quiz for your friends and you will see how they will passionately answer questions to win. We came up with questions about the new year, about the year of the rooster, and other questions that are already answered. So it will be easy and interesting for you.

Quiz rules.
As such, they do not exist, and each company determines its own rules for the game. For example, you can play in teams and each team will take turns answering questions. And whoever gets the most points wins. It is also possible for guests to play each one for themselves. In this case, give each question a different number. Guests choose any room and answer the question under the number. Whoever answered correctly plays on. And whoever made a mistake is eliminated.

Questions for the quiz.

In Russia, they believed that with the singing of the first roosters, they disappear
1) Stars in the sky
2) Money
3) Leaves on trees
4) Ghosts
Answer: in Russia it was believed that with the singing of the first roosters, ghosts disappear. Therefore, after the first roosters, everyone could calmly wake up and not be afraid of them.

The strangest operation on New Year's Eve?
1) E
2) Yu
3) S
4) I
Answer: this is Operation Y, and a film that the whole country is watching on the eve of the new year.

Birthday of santa claus
11 September
2) December 31
3) January 1
4) November 18
Answer: Santa Claus's birthday is November 18. This is the exact date and it appears in all sources of information.

Choose the correct name for the children's cartoon:
1) Rooster and pencils
2) Rooster and markers
3) Rooster and paint
4) Rooster and watercolor
Answer: cartoon and fairy tale are called rooster and paint. It's about a rooster who went to the paints to be painted.

What do the Japanese buy in large quantities before the new year?
1) Dollars
2) Rake
3) Brooms
4) Samurai swords
Answer: The Japanese buy a rake on New Year's Eve. They believe that with their help they will be able to rake in luck and prosperity. But they buy a decorative rake that looks like a bear's paw.

What toy exactly weighs on the Christmas tree?
1) Ice
2) Icicle
3) Snow
4) Sausage dough
Answer: an icicle - it is made of glass and such a toy decorates a Christmas tree.

Continue the line from the song - born in the forest ...
1) Girl
2) Idea
3) Squirrel
4) Herringbone
Answer: a Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ...

These decorations decorate the New Year tree every year, but have nothing to do with the New Year.
1) Leaves and grass
2) Rain and icicles
3) Clay and earth
4) Branches and knots
Answer: rain and icicles are an annual attribute of the new ode. Icicles are hung on the Christmas tree, and they decorate the Christmas tree and the whole house with rain.

This holiday has two names, but the essence is the same.
1) Day of the medic
2) Day of the drinker
3) New Year
4) Day of autumn equilibrium
Answer: this is a new year, since there is also an old new year.

The city where the Snow Maiden lives?
1) Snow Maiden Grad
2) Snow Maiden City
3) Kolyma
4) Kostroma
Answer: the Snow Maiden lives in the city of Kostroma. There she has her own castle, where tourists come every year.

What do these people - Joulupukki, Per-Noel, Babbo Natale - have in common?
1) They are all actors in adult films
2) Over the years they were the presidents of Finland
3) They are bald and like to drink beer
4) This is Santa Claus in different countries
Answer: this is Santa Claus in different countries. In every country, Santa Claus has its own name. Yes, and not everywhere it is Santa Claus, all the more kind. In some countries, the New Year's character does not bring gifts, but rather scares everyone!

New Year's quiz with answers for the Year of the Rooster

Quiz "Famous Roosters"

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969,1981, 1993, 2005 years of birth)

Name by short characteristics, outstanding people born in the year of the Rooster.

1. Russian Emperor. At the beginning of his reign, he carried out moderately liberal reforms developed by the Secret Committee and M.M. Speransky. After the Patriotic War of 1812, he led the anti-French coalition of European powers. (Alexander I.)

2. Writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. The main works of his life are the collection "Proverbs of the Russian People" and "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". (V.I Dal.)

3. Austrian violinist, conductor, composer. The creator and "king" of the waltz. (Johann Strauss.)

4. Ancient Greek philosopher, one of the founders of dialectics as a method of finding truth by asking leading questions. For subsequent eras, he became the embodiment of the ideal of a sage. He considered the goal of philosophy to be self-knowledge as a way to comprehend the true good. (Socrates.)

5. Russian poet, founder of acmeism. His poems are characterized by the apology of a "strong man", decorativeness, sophistication of the poetic language. Shot as a participant in a counter-revolutionary conspiracy in 1921. (N.S. Gumilev.)

6. Russian singer (bass). He performed most of the parts for the first time on the stage of the Moscow Private Russian Opera, and sang at the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters. Among the best games are Boris (Boris Godunov by M.P. Mussorgsky), Mephistopheles (“Faust” by S. Gounod and “Mephistopheles” by A. Boito), as well as Melnik (“Rusalka” by A.S. Dargomyzhsky), Ivan the Terrible ("The Pskovite" by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov), Susanin ("Life for the Tsar" by M.I. Glinka). From 1922 he lived abroad. In 1984, his ashes were transferred from Paris to Moscow. (F.I Chaliapin.)

7. Russian empress of German origin. Reorganized the Senate, secularized lands. Issued a Charter to the Nobility. During her reign, Russia finally gained a foothold in the Black Sea. Corresponded with Voltaire and other figures of the French Enlightenment. (Catherine II.)

8. Russian physiologist, creator of the materialistic doctrine of higher nervous activity. Academician of 22 countries, was awarded the Nobel Prize for his works on the physiology of blood circulation and digestion. His studies of the second signaling system had a great influence on the development of physiology, medicine, psychology and pedagogy. (I.P. Pavlov.)

9. Physicist and public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize. One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb in the USSR. He actively advocated an end to nuclear weapons tests. After a protest against the introduction of troops into Afghanistan, he was deprived of all state awards and exiled to Gorky. In 1989 he was elected People's Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Thinking a lot about the reform of the political structure of the USSR, he presented a draft of a new constitution. He was a foreign member of the Academies of Sciences of the USA, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and an honorary doctor of many universities in Europe, America and Asia. (A.D. Sakharov.)

10. Russian TV journalist. Host of popular TV programs "Look", "Field of Miracles", "Theme", "Rush Hour". His murder caused a wide public outcry. (V.N. Listyev.)

11. Russian writer. Nobel Prize Laureate. A cross-cutting theme of creativity is the preservation of the human soul in the conditions of totalitarianism and internal opposition to it (stories “One Day in Ivan Denisovich”, “Matrenin's Yard”, stories “In the First Circle”, “Cancer Ward”). (A. I. Solzhenitsyn.)

12. Actor and film director, People's Artist of Russia. He has directed films: "One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own", "An unfinished piece for a mechanical piano", "Five evenings", "A few days from the life of Oblomov", "Relatives", "Black eyes", "Burnt by the Sun", "Siberian Barber "and others. Actor's work in the films:" I walk around Moscow "," Siberiade "," Station for two "," Cruel romance "," Burnt by the sun "and others (" Ya. S. Mikhalkov.)

13. Director, People's Artist of the USSR. Chief director of the Moscow theater. Lenin Komsomol. Among the productions: "Profitable Place" by A.N. Ostrovsky, "Juno and Avos" by A.A. Voznesensky and A.L. Rybnikov, "Memorial Prayer" by G.I. Gorin. He directed television films: "The same Munchausen", "The Formula of Love", "To Kill the Dragon", etc. (MA Zakharov.)

14. Actor of circus and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR. The famous film mask of Goonies in the films of L.I. Gaidai. In the last years of his life he was the chief director and director of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Bribing sincerity, genuine human warmth, natural sense of humor won him truly popular love. (Yu.V. Nikulin.)


Symbols of light and divinity, roosters have been favorite sacrifices to the gods in various religions throughout human history. In many cultures, the rooster is a sacred bird with the ability to cast out evil. As sacred birds, roosters were kept, for example, in Indian temples. Chickens have not always been poultry. The inhabitants of Southeast Asia were the first to tame wild chickens. Columbus brought chickens from Asia to America on his second trip.

Previously, cock-singing competitions were held in Russia. While the roosters were pulling their crow, the judges measured out quarters on the table with their fingers. The roosters were considered the most chanters, pulling up to 25 quarters. The rooster James became the champion in solo singing at the competitions held in the American town of Horn River in Oregon, who crowed 65 times in half an hour.

In the suburbs of the Australian city of Brisbane, a competition was held for the best imitator of cock singing. According to the conditions of the competition, a participant was recognized as the best, whose crowing will be answered by at least three real birds at the same time. The best among 145 participants was named Dan McCormick, to whose voice 5 roosters responded.

The first astronaut chick is the Ambassador of America, who hatched aboard the spacecraft Discovery.

New Zealand farmers are eager to buy mini-cassettes of chicken clucking and rooster singing. With their help, it is possible to instantly end all conflicts and quarrels between the inhabitants of the poultry yard.

2017 is already on its way. which means it's time to start preparing for the holiday. For example, come up with treats for guests and an entertainment program. Indeed, without refreshments and fun, the holiday will turn into an ordinary get-together. The new quiz for the new year 2017 is a game moment on New Year's Eve that will be remembered by you and your guests. A quiz with funny questions and answers. Your guests will be happy to play and win it.

Questions for the New Year's quiz can be very different. For example, about the new year, about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, or about the year of the rooster. There are also questions about New Year's films and children's fairy tales. In general, there are many of them, and they are all varied, and your guests will like it.

Question 1.
Who was born in the forest according to a children's New Year's song?
1) Blizzard
2) Hare
3) Song
4) Herringbone
Answer: the song is sung - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.

Question 2.
Previously, a game was popular where the wolf caught ...
1) Reindeer
2) Snowballs
3) Points
4 eggs
Answer: In the popular game, the wolf caught eggs.

Question 3.
Who's steamed and fried?
1) Potatoes
2) Patty
3) Chicken
4) Lamb
Answer: the songs sung - fried chicken, steamed chicken

Question 4.
As they say, when you do something at the last moment?
1) Until the camel spits
2) Until the cat scratches
3) Until the cock bites in the ass
4) Until the stick falls on your head
Answer: they usually say - until the cock bites in the ass!

Question 5.
Perhaps this is the strangest tradition before the new year.
1) Shave
2) Go to bed during the day
3) make a wish
4) Go to the bathhouse with friends
Answer: go to the bathhouse with friends. It's about a film the irony of fate or enjoying a breeze, where friends every year on December 31st go to the bathhouse.

Question 6.
Joulupukki, Per-Noel, Babbo Natale - what do they have in common and why are they mentioned together?
1) They are all bald and have a chic mustache
2) These are New Year characters in different countries of the world
3) These are the pseudonyms of famous actors
4) These are billionaires from different countries
Answer: these are New Year characters in different countries of the world. They play the role of Santa Claus in their countries.

Question 7.
What is the name of a children's fairy tale?
1) cat, rooster and owl
2) cat, fox and goat
3) cat, dog and puppies
4) Who, the rooster and the fox
Answer: a children's fairy tale is called a cat, a rooster and a fox.

Question 8.
What toy is not on the Christmas tree?
1) Icicle
2) Rain
3) Snow
4) Star
Answer: there is no snow game on the Christmas tree

Question 9.
What have the people who have inserted plastic windows lost?
1) Cold wind from the street
2) Air
3) Money
4) Frosty patterns on glass
Answer: there are no frost patterns on plastic windows.

Question 10.
Believe it or not, she lived in a hut, near the forest at the edge
1) Blizzard
2) Rapunzel
3) Winter
4) The Old Witch
Answer: these are lines from a famous song - winter lived in a hut, near the forest at the edge.

Question 11.
If you flew to Leningrad by mistake, then you ...
1) Gastorbeiter
2) Movie hero
3) unlucky person
4) A man from the past
Answer: you are the hero of the film Irony of Fate or enjoy your bath. It is in the film that the main character flies to Leningrad by mistake of friends.

New Year's quiz for adults will help you not to get bored on a festive night. Not everyone meets this amazing holiday in restaurants, many prefer to stay at home, invite friends.

Various games, quizzes, pranks, jokes, outdoor games, will allow you to spend the old year and meet the new one in an interesting and unusual way.

We offer a variety of New Years. You can spend them for your guests on a festive night.

Quiz option for a small company

For a small number of adults and children, you can pick up and do a little warm-up before games and contests:

  1. What New Year's grandfather wears a red fur coat, boyarka hat, has a thick white beard, always smiles? (Domestic Grandfather Frost).
  2. Which Santa Claus has a white beard, a red hat with a pompom, wears beautiful swimming trunks on a tanned body, wears sunglasses, owns a surfboard? (Australian Santa Claus).
  3. In which country they celebrate along with the Day of Cattle Breeding. Santa Claus comes to the children, who is dressed like a cattle breeder - he wears a fox hat on his head, a long whip in his hands, a snuff box and a flint-box on his side? (In Mongolia).
  4. In which feature film was the phrase “Given the instruction to celebrate the new year merrily” sounded? (In the movie "Carnival Night").
  5. Is this Russian city considered the geographical birthplace of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug).
  6. Where gifts are given not by Santa Claus, called Bobo Natale, but by the good fairy Befana, wearing a red cap and crystal shoes? (In Italy).
  7. This Santa Claus has the original name - Youlupukki? (Finnish grandfather).
  8. What is the Spanish Santa Claus called? (His name is Tagi Noel).
  9. Where do the locals create a New Year's bouquet of bamboo, pine, plum, add fern and tangerine leaves to it? (In Japan, China or Thailand).
  10. Where do New Year's round dances still take place around the palm tree? (In Japan, in China, in Ghana).
  11. As in Russia it was noted earlier (They took joint round dances).
  12. Who moved the New Years celebrations from September 1 to January 1? (Peter the Great).

Comic version of the quiz

The New Year's quiz for adults can be carried out in a humorous manner:

  1. Where was the Christmas tree born? (In the woods).
  2. What is the name of the ritual ancient dance around the tree? (Round dance).
  3. What is the name of the female creature who entertains the Christmas tree with her songs? (Blizzard).
  4. A gray, suspicious person who constantly trots past a small Christmas tree. (Wolf).
  5. A natural phenomenon that causes an increased decline in population. (Ice).
  6. New Year's Eve ball, which is suitable for hiding your own self. (Masquerade).
  7. Who is called a winter drummer? (Freezing).
  8. This drink is consumed by guests of the New Year's holiday. (Champagne).
  9. New Year's dish, which is "dressed" in a fur coat. (Herring under a fur coat).
  10. An excellent New Year's lighter. (Fireworks).

Option "Finest hour"

The New Year's quiz with answers can be conducted in the form of a "finest hour". Before the start of the competition, all participants in the quiz are given a set of numbers from one to ten. The names of the countries are recorded on the tablet: Mexico, Australia, Panama, Cuba, Sweden, Myanmar, Norway, Brazil, China, Ireland. The host of the game asks the guests about the New Year traditions of these countries. Each team must have the same number of players.

1. Where is live fish used as decoration on the New Year's table? (In Ireland).

2. Where most of the residents go to bed on New Year's Eve around 00.10? (In Australia. Residents of this country wake up around 5-6 o'clock in the morning).

3. Where do people pour water on each other on New Year's Eve, and without mutual resentment? (In Myanmar. The holiday in this country coincides with the festival of water, and dousing is a wish for happiness and health in the New Year).

4. Where is the New Year celebrated with the screams of people, the sounds of sirens, the hum of cars? (In Panama).

5. Where do the kids always hang out the bird feeder, put a bowl of oatmeal in the stable for the gnomes to eat? (In Norway).

6. Where do people always fill all the dishes with water before the New Year, and after the clock strikes twelve times, organize a real flood, pouring water out of the windows? (This is the custom in Cuba.)

A similar New Year's quiz for children and adults allows you to tune guests in a positive way. It can be offered to guests just before the New Year's holiday.

The quiz won't be boring

New Year's quizzes with answers, comic contests, all this allows you to tune in a positive mood, feel the atmosphere of the holiday. By asking original questions to guests, you will truly experience the bustle of the New Year:

  1. Where is the arrival of the New Year celebrated with a cannon shot, in an instant they kiss a loved one? (In Brazil).
  2. In this country, New Year's street processions are accompanied by the lighting of thousands of lanterns, illuminating the path to a new life. (In China).
  3. Here, before the New Year, original dolls appear, which symbolize the old year, and at midnight they fly into small pieces. (In Mexico).

We answer only "yes" and "no"

The New Years quiz can be conducted in the form of a bluff club. Guests are offered questions to which they must answer in the affirmative or negative:

  1. Do you believe that in Italy, to send off the old and welcome the new year, doors are opened in houses when the arrows are aiming for midnight? (Yes).
  2. Do you believe that the inhabitants of an African village on New Year's holidays arrange races with a chicken egg in their mouths? (Yes, the winner is the one who comes to the finish line first without damaging the eggshell).
  3. Do you believe that in Hungary on New Year's Eve it is not customary to serve any bird on the table so that happiness does not "fly away" from the house? (Yes).
  4. Do you believe that in London on New Years, residents should go to Trafalgar Square to bathe in clothes in the fountain? (No).
  5. Is it true that inexpensive dishes are bought in Denmark in order to break them on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  6. Is it true that in Russia on New Year's Eve there must be champagne and tangerines on the table? (Yes).
  7. Once upon a time, during the reign of Peter 1, our country celebrated the New Year not on January 1, but on September 1, is this true? (Yes).

New Year's quizzes for children are a great way to introduce them to the traditions and customs of different peoples and countries. Together with their parents, the children are looking for answers to questions, learn about interesting facts related to the New Year holidays. Apart from a quiz for children with “yes” and “no” answers, this is a great way to entertain guests.

Family quiz

The New Year's quiz is compiled by parents and the children themselves, because everyone expects only the most positive impressions from this holiday. For example, you can run a family quiz:

  1. What was the name of the ice sled used by Soviet children? (Ice cream).
  2. Who are Babbo Natale, Per-Noel, Yolupukki? (All these are Santa Clauses).
  3. What, besides Santa Claus, is wearing a fur coat? (Salad "herring under a fur coat").
  4. Where is New Year's Eve associated with throwing away old furniture? (In Italy).
  5. Where did the very first New Year's glass toys appear? (In Sweden).
  6. Where did Senka, Sonya, Sanka end up in winter? (In a snowdrift).

New Year's quiz for children and adults with answers is a great way to feel the atmosphere of the holiday.

Another variant of the quiz

The next New Years quiz is a great way to have fun on a festive night. We offer unusual and entertaining questions that can be offered to both children and adults:

  1. Name the winter fun. (Snowball game).
  2. What does not form on plastic windows? (Patterns).
  3. Which country was the first to decorate Christmas trees on New Year's holidays? (Germany).
  4. Where is it customary to kiss on New Year's holidays? (In the United States of America).
  5. New Year's dress code. (Carnival costume).
  6. Where was the Snow Maiden born? (In Kostroma).
  7. What is called the antipode of the New Year's holiday in Russia? (Old New Year).
  8. What tradition was canceled by the Soviet government? ((Christmas tree decoration).
  9. Before Peter I, was this holiday celebrated on September 1? (New Year).
  10. Try to continue the phrase: "Every New Year we go to ... together with friends." (To the bathhouse).

New Year's quiz is a wonderful option for joint creativity of children and adults, a way to organize joint leisure.

Competition "The Bravest Santa Claus"

In addition to quizzes, it is quite possible to offer guests unusual contests on New Year's Eve.

Several participants are selected from among the guests, they are put on white beards. They have to color the toys that are cut out of cardboard. So that the toy can then be placed on the Christmas tree, there is a special loop on it. Next, Santa Clauses, along with their New Year's toys, go to the center of the living room, they are blindfolded, untwisted, after which the players must hang their toys on the New Year's tree without turning out of the way.

The winner of the game is the "Santa Claus" who is the first to hang his homemade toy on the Christmas tree.

Contest "Lottery"

In the apartment where the New Year's party is planned, you need to hang a beautiful bag. Guests who come to the house bring a souvenir or a gift with them, put it in a bag. After all the guests have gathered in the room, you can proceed to the auction. Each guest reads poems to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, sings a song, and in return receives a gift from a magic bag.

Competition "Balls"

In Vienna, magnificent balls are organized for the New Year holidays. In Warsaw, at midnight, residents burst balloons, receiving an original fireworks. Let's try to combine these customs.

You can invite from three to five couples to play. The balloons are inflated in advance, then given to the dancing couples, placing the balloons between the dancers.

Couples move to the music. After the music ends, they stop and hug each other. The winner of the competition is the couple with the fastest bursting of the balloon.


New Year is considered a family holiday all over the world. In order for it to remain for a long time in the hearts of everyone who gathered at the decorated Christmas tree, it is necessary to think over contests and events that help to tune in to a joyful mood.

Do you want such a holiday to remain in the memory of your guests? For example, you can offer your guests a New Year's Drawing competition. Players with tied hands must draw the symbol for the past year. The winner is the player whose drawing is the most realistic and original.

New Year's holidays are celebrated differently in each country. For example, if in Italy it is customary to throw old pieces of furniture out of an apartment on New Year's Eve, then in Russia people try to give each other unusual New Year's gifts. And in addition to the festive table, the obligatory elements of which are tangerines and champagne, in our country it is customary to hold many interesting quizzes and contests.

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