Home Indoor flowers How long does Friday prayer go. The procedure for performing Friday prayers (Juma namaz). When these people come to the gates of Paradise, they will close before them

How long does Friday prayer go. The procedure for performing Friday prayers (Juma namaz). When these people come to the gates of Paradise, they will close before them

All about religion and faith - "Friday prayer of Muslims how long does it take" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

“O believers! If they call on Friday to prayer, then strive to remember the Lord and leave commerce [vanity, worldly affairs]. This is the best for you. Oh, if you only knew! " (see Holy Quran, 62: 9).

The final messenger of the Creator, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) marked the most important day on the calendar with the words: “Friday is the lady [head] of days! It is more majestic than the day of the feast of Conversations (Eid al-Adha) and the day of the feast of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha). "

It is also necessary to remember the words of the messenger of God: "Whoever leaves the Friday prayer three times [in a row], neglecting it, his heart will be sealed by the Lord."

Friday prayer is compulsory for men only. Women, children, travelers, and the physically disabled are not required to attend Friday sermon. If, nevertheless, they came to the mosque to perform the Friday prayer ("Jummania"), it will be credited to them instead of the midday prayer (Zuhr).

On Friday morning, it is advisable to perform a full ablution. Prophet Muhammad (may the Most High bless him and greet him) said: "If any of you is going to go to Friday sermon, then let him complete ablution (ghusl)."

What does Friday prayer (juma) consist of

Time of commission- this is the time of midday prayer (Zuhr). It is performed only in mosques and places specially designated for prayer-namaz.

Friday prayer consists of eight Sunnah rak'ats and two Farda rak'yats. The order of their implementation is as follows: four Sunnah rak'ats, two Farda rak'yats and four Sunnah rak'ats.

The four Rakyats of the Sunnah

At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and heard it pronounce "salavat" and turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan.

Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the Friday Prayer Sunnah, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

The sequence of performance is similar to the four rak'yats of the Zuhr prayer. It is performed, like all Sunnah prayers, by everyone independently.

The imam ascends the minbar and greets the parishioners who have come to prayer with the words "al-salamu‘ alaykum wa rahmatullah ", after which he sits down.

At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and heard it pronounce "Salavat" and, raising their hands to the level of the chest, turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan.

The sermon begins with words of praise to the Lord of the Worlds and a request for a blessing for the Prophet Muhammad. Then the preacher, quoting the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, turns to a sermon, the topic of which should be relevant for the region and useful for replenishing the spiritual and vitality in the hearts and deeds of Muslims.

At the end of the first sermon, the imam-khatib sits down on one of the steps of the minbar and everyone turns to the Almighty Creator with a prayer, reciting the du'am'a prayer.

It should be added that from the moment the imam ascends to the minbar and until the call (ikamat) to two rak'yats of farda, all parishioners must strictly remain silent, especially during the sermon itself. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) emphasized: “Whoever speaks during Friday sermon is like a mule carrying sacred books [that is, one who, having the opportunity to enrich himself with an atmosphere of instruction, Divine blessings and grains of knowledge, ignorantly neglects this , ignores, going against the command of the Prophet] ”.

Exceptions might be answering a greeting; asking the Almighty for a blessing for the Prophet ("salavat") at the mention of his name; warning of danger and similar extremely forced cases.

Two Rakyats of Farda

Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of farda Friday prayers, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

The two farda rak'yats are performed in strict accordance with the order of the two farda rak'yats of the morning prayer. The Imam conducts prayer aloud.

The four Rakyats of the Sunnah

Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the Friday Prayer Sunnah, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

After completing the four rak'yats of the Sunnah and thus the entire Friday prayer ("Jummoyah"), while continuing to sit, it is advisable to perform "tasbihat" together with the imam.

Friday prayer, unlike others, is not replenished. If the time allotted for her is up, then the midday prayer of Zuhr is performed.

Hadith from Abu Luban ibn ‘Abdul-Munzir; St. NS. Ahmad, Ibn Majah and al-Bayhaqi. See: Al-‘Ajluni I. Qashf al-hafa ’wa muzil al-ilbas. At 2 pm Beirut: Al-Qutub al-‘ilmiya, 2001. Part 2. P. 363, paragraph 3250; Zaglul M. Mavsumania atraf al-hadith al-nabawi al-sharif [Encyclopedia of the beginnings of noble prophetic utterances]. In 11 volumes, Beirut: al-Fikr, 1994.Vol. 11, p. 447.

That is, he will not take part in Friday prayer, considering it not so important.

St. x. Ahmad, Abu Daud, at-Tirmidhi, al-Nasai, Ibn Majah, etc. See, for example: Zaglul M. Mavsumania atraf al-hadith an-nabawi ash-sharif. T. 8.S. 180, 181; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi [Code of Hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002, p. 176, hadith no. 499, "hasan"; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkat al-masabih. In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. T. 3. P. 1024, hadiths No. 1371-1373, "hasan", "sahih".

According to the Shafi'i madhhab, the traveler ceases to use canonical relief (optional attendance at Friday prayers, optional fasting in the month of Ramadan, etc.) if he intends to stay in a new place for four or more days. Hanafi theologians speak in this case about a period of fifteen days or more. Canonical reliefs apply to a traveler if he is (2) on the way or (2) at a new place of stay for less than the specified periods.

See, for example: Az-Zuhaili V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.P. 1285.

Hadith from Ibn 'Umar; St. NS. al-Bukhari.

The first four rak'yats of the sunna are recognized by all scholars and theologians, the last four rak'yats are theologians of all madhhabs, except for the Maliki. For more details, see, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.S. 1291, 1326.

The Shafi'is also perform four rak'yats, but dividing them into two prayers of two rak'yats each.

The Shafi'i scholars say: “The sermon has five obligatory provisions: three of them must be observed in both sermons - the words of praise of the Almighty; asking Him for a blessing for the Prophet Muhammad ("salavat") and instructions regarding fear of God ("taqwa"), and the explanation of the verse from the Holy Qur'an and the supplication-du'a for the well-being of believing men and women in eternal life must be observed in one of the two sermons. "

See: Al-Shavkiani M. Neil al-Avtar [Achieving Goals]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Qutub al-‘ilmiyya, 1995. T. 3. P. 287, hadith no. 1250, and also p. 288; al-Sanhovani M. Subul al-salam (tabaniani muhakkaka, muharraja) [Ways of the world (revised edition, with clarification of the authenticity of hadiths)]. In 4 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1998. T. 2. P. 639, hadith No. 421, "Hasan li hairikhi".

The Imam adds to what has been said that he is performing prayer with those who are praying behind him. Those who stand behind the imam should stipulate that they are praying with the imam.

This is also desirable in modern Russia, where Muslims have few opportunities for frequent meetings and are in great need of joint (in the jamam'at) supplication-du''a, especially on such a significant day as Friday. Having performed tasbihat together, the believers stand up at the same time and greet each other, communicate.

See: V. Az-Zuhayli Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.P. 1335.

How long does the Muslim Friday prayer last

Juma namaz - Friday prayer

Friday namaz or Friday prayer is a mandatory action for every adult Muslim (man). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him!) Said that the collective performance of Friday prayers in the mosque is mandatory for those who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment. The exceptions are women, slaves, children and the sick. It is allowed not to visit the mosque on Friday during natural disasters and bad weather: severe frosts, heavy rain, hail.

Juma prayer is performed every Friday during the midday prayer. It consists of four Sunnah rak'ats, two Farda rak'yats and four Sunnah rak'ats. There are certain conditions for conducting juma namaz:

  1. Exact time: namaz is performed precisely during az-zuhra (midday prayer).
  2. Preaching: religious sermons help to strengthen faith and gain new knowledge.
  3. A specific place: must be located in a populated place and be open to everyone who wants to visit it.
  4. In addition to the imam, at least three men must be present at the prayer.
  5. The imam must have permission from the religious administration of his area to conduct juma namaz and read sermons.

People with sore legs, blind people on the road, women are not required to attend the mosque on Friday.

Before going to the mosque, a Muslim must take complete ablution. It is recommended to wear your best and always clean clothes, use perfume (not alcohol!). Friday is voted the best day for nail trimming and beard trimming. It is a sin to come to the mosque in dirty clothes.

What you can't do when you come to juma prayer at the mosque:

  • If you are late for the mosque, you cannot disturb and inconvenience those already gathered there.
  • Conversations during the sermon are forbidden and sinful: a Muslim must catch every word of the preacher.

It is recommended to go to the mosque on foot and in advance. There is an hour on Friday when all prayers are accepted and will certainly be answered. There are different opinions on what time this hour falls, but most are inclined to believe that this is the time from the beginning of the imam's sermon to the end of the prayer.

Muslims can devote time after prayer to communicate with each other, share joy and news, and discuss religious issues. The collective prayer of Muslims on Fridays has a beneficial effect on strengthening the ummah: a Muslim needs communication with fellow believers (and especially those living in countries where Islam is not the main religion).

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    They say that once the Messenger of Allah (saw) was sitting in a mosque with his companions. Suddenly, one villager appeared and greeted them with the words: "Assalamu alaikum, O great ones." Rasulullah put this villager closer to him. Abu Bakr (RA) asked: - About Rasulullahs, I know that you value no one on earth more than me. Why did you put this villager in my place?

    Muslims answer. How long does the Friday Juma prayer last! and what to do during this prayer.

    Muslims answer. How long does the Friday Juma prayer last! and what to do during this prayer.

    1. Friday prayer lasts about 1 hour: First, a greeting is made in the mosque, 2 rak'ahs, then janaza namaz with us, then the Imam reads a sermon and after that a collective namaz. Between these sections, dua (a request from God) are made for various reasons.
  • Muslims answered my question above, but if you are a girl, then you do not have to go to the mosque like men. A Muslim woman's mosque is her own home, but this is your desire. Personally, I don't go to the mosque, sometimes.
  • Friday prayer (Juma) is considered obligatory for men. The obligation to perform Friday prayer does not apply to women, children, the sick, travelers, or those in emergency conditions.

    Every Muslim needs to get ready for Friday from Thursday. It is recommended to read a lot of istigfar (dua for forgiveness), as well as complete ablution (gusl).

    Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran in Surah Assembly 62 (9) established:

    O you who have believed! When they call for namaz on Friday, then rush to the remembrance of Allah and abandon the trade. It will be better for you if you only knew.

    Among the seven days of the week, Friday is the day on which the Almighty bestows a special blessing. It is a meeting day that allows Muslims to greet each other, and on this day, the Great Allah increases the reward.

    The time for performing this is the time of the midday prayer (“Zohr”). It is performed only in mosques and places specially designated for prayer. Friday prayer consists of six rak'ahs. The order of their implementation is as follows: two Farda rak'yats and four Sunnah rak'yats.

    1. The imam climbs the minbar and greets the parishioners who have come to prayer with the words "al-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah." Having greeted the believers, the imam sits down.

    2. Adhan. At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and heard it, raising their hands, turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan.

    3. Sermon. It begins with words of praise of the Almighty and a request for a blessing for the Prophet Muhammad. Then the preacher, quoting the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, turns to a sermon, the topic of which should be relevant to the region and useful for strengthening the fear of God in the hearts and deeds of Muslims.

    4. At the end of the first sermon, the imam sits on the minbar and everyone turns to the Almighty Creator with a prayer, reciting the dua prayer.

    The second sermon is shorter and didactic in nature.


    2. Niyat (intent out of earshot): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of farda of the Friday prayer, doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty."

    Two rak'yats of farda are performed in strict accordance with the order of performance of two rak'yats of farda of the dawn prayer "Fajr"


    Niyat (intent out of earshot): "I intend to fulfill the four rak'yats of the Friday prayer sunnah, doing it sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty."

    After that, the praying person performs everything in the same sequence as the first four rak'yats of the Friday prayer sunnah.

    Friday prayer, unlike others, is not replenished. If the time allotted for her is up, then the midday prayer "Zohr" is performed.

  • Why and on what grounds, some parishioners, coming to the mosque during the Friday Juma prayer, do not fulfill the instructions. They just sit, not performing the prayer in four rak'ahs of the sunnah, before and after the main prayer of fard in two rak'ahs. As a result, not having completed the 8 rak'ah of the sunnah, at the end they just get up and leave the mosque in silence, without being greeted in a general circle with the prayed brothers at the end. What kind of innovation is this, and after all, the imam does not comment on this to anyone either.
  • Collective namaz:

    Friday - Muslim day

    7 220 November 22, 2013

    Friday - the day of the obligatory visit to the mosque

    This article focuses on basic rules and ethics related to Friday and prayer. The article was written on the basis of the famous modern book on fiqh of the Imam's legal school Al-Shafi'i- "Al-Fihku l-manhaji".

    The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Friday is the best day on which the sun ever rose. On this day, Adam was created, on this day he was settled in Paradise, on this day he was expelled from Paradise, and the Day of Judgment will come on this very day - the day of Friday ”( At-Tirmizi).

    Proof of the Friday Prayer Prescription

    The prescription of the Friday prayer and its obligation are indicated by the Words of Allah Almighty (meaning): “O you who believed! When called to prayer on Friday, strive for the remembrance of Allah and give up commerce. It will be better for you if you only knew "(Surah" The Assembly ", ayah 9).

    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Friday prayer is obligatory for all Muslims ..." ( Abu Daud). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: "People should stop neglecting Friday prayers, otherwise Allah will seal their hearts, and then they will become indifferent" ( Muslim).

    The Wisdom of Prescribing the Friday Prayer

    There are many wisdom and benefits in prescribing Friday prayers. One of the most important is the weekly meeting of Muslims with each other. They come together for counsel that strengthens their unity and harmony. The Friday meeting, accompanied by the worship of Allah shoulder to shoulder, strengthens the love of Muslims for each other, promotes acquaintanceship and mutual assistance between people. Also, this meeting gives them the opportunity to follow the events taking place in the surrounding society.

    Therefore, the Sharia encourages Muslims to attend Friday prayers and warns against abandoning or neglecting it. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Allah will seal the heart of the one who misses three Friday prayers, neglecting them."

    Mandatory conditions for Friday prayers

    Friday prayer is required for anyone who meets the following conditions:

    1. Islam. It is not required for a non-Muslim to perform Friday prayers in the sense that his worship will not be valid without converting to Islam. However, in the next world he will be asked for her abandonment.

    2. Coming of age. The Friday prayer is optional for the child.

    3. Intelligence. A person who has lost his mind or did not have it is also not obliged to perform Friday prayer.

    4. Belonging to the male sex. It is not necessary for a woman to perform Friday prayers.

    5. Health. Performing Friday prayers is not mandatory for a sick person who finds it difficult to be in the mosque due to pain or illness. Also, the obligation to perform Friday prayer falls off a person if his illness may worsen or his recovery may be delayed. Also, going to Friday prayer is not necessary for the one who looks after the sick person or treats him if the sick person needs this person. It does not matter whether the sick relative is the one who looks after him or not.

    6. Permanent residence at the Friday prayer venue. Performing Friday prayer is not required for someone who is on a legal journey (that is, for someone who did not leave to commit a sin), even a short one, if he left his city before the morning prayer on Friday and if from the place in which he is this person, he does not hear the call to prayer from the city from which he left.

    It is also not obligatory for a Muslim who permanently resides in his settlement if he does not have all the conditions for the validity of Friday prayer (they will be discussed below). As, for example, if there are no forty people in it, for whom prayer is obligatory, and the adhan is not heard from a nearby settlement.

    Conditions for the validity of Friday prayers

    If a Muslim meets the seven conditions listed above, it is compulsory for him to pray. However, it itself will also not be valid, except under four conditions:

    1. Friday prayer should be conducted within the village (the place of its holding should not go beyond the boundary line of city buildings). And it doesn't matter whether we are talking about a city or a settlement in which at least forty men permanently live, who are obliged to perform Friday prayers.

    Thus, the prayer will not be valid in a desert steppe, a tent city, or a village in which there are not forty men who are obliged to perform Friday prayer. If an adhan is heard there from a neighboring settlement, then people are obliged to go there to perform Friday prayers. Otherwise, the obligation to perform Friday prayers falls away from them.

    2. The number of people who perform Friday prayer, for whom it is obligatory, should not be less than forty people. We are talking about adult men permanently residing in the settlement in which the Friday prayer is performed. From Jabira ibn Abdullah it is narrated that he said: "In accordance with the Sunnah, Friday prayer is performed in the presence of forty or more worshipers." Also in one of the hadiths it is said that the first who gathered Muslims and performed Friday prayer with them was As'ad ibn Zirara, and there were forty of them.

    3. Friday prayer should be performed during the time of the obligatory lunch prayer.

    Al-Bukhari narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed Friday prayer when the sun passed its zenith, that is, deviated towards sunset.

    Also narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Salamah ibn al-Aqua ‘, who said: "We performed Friday prayer together with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and when we dispersed, there were no shadows at the walls in which we could hide."

    It is also reported that Sahl ibn Sa'd said: "We went on a noon rest and dined only after Friday prayer" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

    The above hadiths indicate that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed only during the time of the obligatory lunch prayer, and at the beginning of this interval.

    4. Friday prayer should not be conducted in one city more times than is necessary. In general, it is mandatory that residents of one city gather for Friday prayers in one place. If the number of people or other circumstances do not allow the Friday prayer to be performed in one place, it is allowed to perform it in as many places as necessary, but no more.

    Proof of this condition

    During the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the righteous caliphs and the next generation of Muslims, prayer was not conducted except in one place in the city, which had a large mosque called Friday. The rest of the mosques served for the performance of five obligatory prayers.

    Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Aisha, who said: "On Friday, people followed each other [to prayer] from their homes [located outside the city]."

    The reason (wisdom) for this condition is that the Friday prayer in one place is more consistent with the goals for which it is established: the desire for the unity of society and a single word addressed to Muslims.

    Etiquette of going to Friday prayer

    1. Before Friday prayer, you should swim (take a bath - ghusl). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If you go to Friday prayer, then take a bath" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim).

    However, bathing is desirable, not obligatory, according to other words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "Whoever takes ablution on Friday will benefit (do the right thing), but if he takes a bath, it will be preferable." Some scholars consider Friday bathing a must.

    2. It is desirable for a man to anoint himself with incense. This is indicated by the hadith quoted by Al-Bukhari (843). Friday prayer is accompanied by pandemonium, and people should not cause inconvenience to each other related to hygiene and tidiness.

    3. It is advisable to wear the best clothes for prayer, as indicated by the hadith transmitted Ahmad (3/81).

    4. It is advisable to trim your nails and trim your mustache, as indicated by the hadith from Al-Buzzara.

    5. You should go to prayer as early as possible. This is indicated by the hadith narrated by al-Bukhari (841) and Muslim (850).

    6. Upon entering the mosque, one should perform a welcome prayer in two rak'ahs. This is indicated by a hadith narrated by Muslim (875).

    7. It is forbidden to talk during the khutbah. One cannot even make a remark aloud to the one who speaks during the khutbah, as indicated by the hadith narrated by al-Bukhari (892) and Muslim (851).

    General Friday Day Etiquette

    Friday is the best day of the week and has its own virtues and ethics. A Muslim should know them, receiving the reward of Allah for observing them:

    2. On Friday and on Friday night, it is advisable to make a dua to Allah Almighty more often. Allah has established a period of time during Friday in which He necessarily answers the dua, as indicated by the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari (893) and Muslim (852).

    Abdulmumin Hajiyev

    Friday prayer. Execution order

    “O believers! If they call on Friday to prayer, then strive to remember the Lord and leave commerce [vanity, worldly affairs]. This is the best for you. Oh, if you only knew! " (see Holy Quran, 62: 9).

    The final messenger of the Creator, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) marked the most important day on the calendar with the words: “Friday is the lady [head] of days! It is more majestic than the day of the feast of Conversations (Eid al-Adha) and the day of the feast of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha). "

    It is also necessary to remember the words of the messenger of God: "Whoever leaves the Friday prayer three times [in a row], neglecting it, his heart will be sealed by the Lord."

    Friday prayer is compulsory for men only. Women, children, travelers, and the physically disabled are not required to attend Friday sermon. If, nevertheless, they came to the mosque to perform the Friday prayer ("Jummania"), it will be credited to them instead of the midday prayer (Zuhr).

    On Friday morning, it is advisable to perform a full ablution. Prophet Muhammad (may the Most High bless him and greet him) said: "If any of you is going to go to Friday sermon, then let him complete ablution (ghusl)."

    What does Friday prayer (juma) consist of

    Time of commission- this is the time of midday prayer (Zuhr). It is performed only in mosques and places specially designated for prayer-namaz.

    Friday prayer consists of eight Sunnah rak'ats and two Farda rak'yats. The order of their implementation is as follows: four Sunnah rak'ats, two Farda rak'yats and four Sunnah rak'ats.

    The four Rakyats of the Sunnah

    At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and heard it pronounce "salavat" and turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan.

    Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the Friday Prayer Sunnah, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

    The sequence of performance is similar to the four rak'yats of the Zuhr prayer. It is performed, like all Sunnah prayers, by everyone independently.

    The imam ascends the minbar and greets the parishioners who have come to prayer with the words "al-salamu‘ alaykum wa rahmatullah ", after which he sits down.

    At the end of the adhan, both the one who read and heard it pronounce "Salavat" and, raising their hands to the level of the chest, turn to the Almighty with a prayer traditionally read after the adhan.

    The sermon begins with words of praise to the Lord of the Worlds and a request for a blessing for the Prophet Muhammad. Then the preacher, quoting the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, turns to a sermon, the topic of which should be relevant for the region and useful for replenishing the spiritual and vitality in the hearts and deeds of Muslims.

    At the end of the first sermon, the imam-khatib sits down on one of the steps of the minbar and everyone turns to the Almighty Creator with a prayer, reciting the du'am'a prayer.

    The second sermon is shorter and didactic in nature.

    It should be added that from the moment the imam ascends to the minbar and until the call (ikamat) to two rak'yats of farda, all parishioners must strictly remain silent, especially during the sermon itself. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) emphasized: “Whoever speaks during Friday sermon is like a mule carrying sacred books [that is, one who, having the opportunity to enrich himself with an atmosphere of instruction, Divine blessings and grains of knowledge, ignorantly neglects this , ignores, going against the command of the Prophet] ”.

    Exceptions might be answering a greeting; asking the Almighty for a blessing for the Prophet ("salavat") at the mention of his name; warning of danger and similar extremely forced cases.

    Two Rakyats of Farda

    Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform two rak'yats of farda Friday prayers, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

    The two farda rak'yats are performed in strict accordance with the order of the two farda rak'yats of the morning prayer. The Imam conducts prayer aloud.

    The four Rakyats of the Sunnah

    Niyat (intent): "I intend to perform the four rak'yats of the Friday Prayer Sunnah, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty."

    After that, the praying person performs everything in the same sequence as the first four rak'yats of the Friday prayer sunnah.

    After completing the four rak'yats of the Sunnah and thus the entire Friday prayer ("Jummoyah"), while continuing to sit, it is advisable to perform "tasbihat" together with the imam.

    Friday prayer, unlike others, is not replenished. If the time allotted for her is up, then the midday prayer of Zuhr is performed.

    Hadith from Abu Luban ibn ‘Abdul-Munzir; St. NS. Ahmad, Ibn Majah and al-Bayhaqi. See: Al-‘Ajluni I. Qashf al-hafa ’wa muzil al-ilbas. At 2 pm Beirut: Al-Qutub al-‘ilmiya, 2001. Part 2. P. 363, paragraph 3250; Zaglul M. Mavsumania atraf al-hadith al-nabawi al-sharif [Encyclopedia of the beginnings of noble prophetic utterances]. In 11 volumes, Beirut: al-Fikr, 1994.Vol. 11, p. 447.

    That is, he will not take part in Friday prayer, considering it not so important.

    St. x. Ahmad, Abu Daud, at-Tirmidhi, al-Nasai, Ibn Majah, etc. See, for example: Zaglul M. Mavsumania atraf al-hadith an-nabawi ash-sharif. T. 8.S. 180, 181; at-Tirmizi M. Sunan at-tirmidhi [Code of Hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002, p. 176, hadith no. 499, "hasan"; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharh mishkat al-masabih. In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. T. 3. P. 1024, hadiths No. 1371-1373, "hasan", "sahih".

    According to the Shafi'i madhhab, the traveler ceases to use canonical relief (optional attendance at Friday prayers, optional fasting in the month of Ramadan, etc.) if he intends to stay in a new place for four or more days. Hanafi theologians speak in this case about a period of fifteen days or more. Canonical reliefs apply to a traveler if he is (2) on the way or (2) at a new place of stay for less than the specified periods.

    See, for example: Az-Zuhaili V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.P. 1285.

    Hadith from Ibn 'Umar; St. NS. al-Bukhari.

    The first four rak'yats of the sunna are recognized by all scholars and theologians, the last four rak'yats are theologians of all madhhabs, except for the Maliki. For more details, see, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.S. 1291, 1326.

    The Shafi'is also perform four rak'yats, but dividing them into two prayers of two rak'yats each.

    The Shafi'i scholars say: “The sermon has five obligatory provisions: three of them must be observed in both sermons - the words of praise of the Almighty; asking Him for a blessing for the Prophet Muhammad ("salavat") and instructions regarding fear of God ("taqwa"), and the explanation of the verse from the Holy Qur'an and the supplication-du'a for the well-being of believing men and women in eternal life must be observed in one of the two sermons. "

    See: Al-Shavkiani M. Neil al-Avtar [Achieving Goals]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Qutub al-‘ilmiyya, 1995. T. 3. P. 287, hadith no. 1250, and also p. 288; al-Sanhovani M. Subul al-salam (tabaniani muhakkaka, muharraja) [Ways of the world (revised edition, with clarification of the authenticity of hadiths)]. In 4 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1998. T. 2. P. 639, hadith No. 421, "Hasan li hairikhi".

    The Imam adds to what has been said that he is performing prayer with those who are praying behind him. Those who stand behind the imam should stipulate that they are praying with the imam.

    This is also desirable in modern Russia, where Muslims have few opportunities for frequent meetings and are in great need of joint (in the jamam'at) supplication-du''a, especially on such a significant day as Friday. Having performed tasbihat together, the believers stand up at the same time and greet each other, communicate.

    See: V. Az-Zuhayli Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. T. 2.P. 1335.


    Collective prayer. Mosque. Rules of conduct in the mosque.

    • The benefits of collective prayer;
    • The procedure for performing collective prayer;
    • Mosque;
    • Architectural features of mosques;
    • Culture of behavior in the mosque;
    • Friday prayer ( jummy) and the procedure for its implementation;
    • Festive prayers and the order of their performance;
    • Exaltation of Allah during the holiday "Eid al-Adha" - takbir "at-tashrik";
    • Namaz "At-taraweeh";
    • Traveler's prayer;
    • Reimbursement of missed prayers ( kada);
    • Performing namaz while sitting and with eyes;
    • Funeral prayer - namaz Al-janaza.

    benefits of COLLECTIVE NAMAZ

    Collective ( jama) performing namaz is of great importance. During collective prayer, Muslims feel spiritual closeness. After namaz, communicating with fellow believers, they take an example from them, replenish their knowledge, and eventually leave bad habits. Through constant communication between believers, feelings of brotherhood and mutual assistance arise. In addition, the reward for collective prayer ( jama), more reward than prayer performed alone.

    Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said:

    "The one who is collectiveo committed a night namaz (al- ‘isha ') as if performing namaz half the night. And the one who is the collectivebut performed morning prayer (al-fajr), as if performing namaz all night ".

    "Namaz of two people (performing his together) is better than the prayer of one person, and the prayer of three people is better than the prayer of two. And the more people, the more it is more beloved by Allah ".

    “If three people in the village or in the desert do not pray collectively, then they will certainly be possessed Satan (shaitan) ... Be attentive to the collective prayer, perform it together, truly, Othe wolves that separate from the herd are sure to be eaten by wolves " .

    Namaz fards can be performed individually, but performing them collectively for men is considered more desirable ( sunna mu'akkada).

    Namaz withunnNS and additional prayers ( nafil) are not performed collectively, with the exception of namaz "At-taraweeh" in the month of Ramadan, which, as a sunnah, can be performed both collectively and individually. Namaz "Al-showcase"Belonging to the category wajib, can be done collectively only in the month of Ramadan.

    Friday ( dzhum ‘a) and holiday prayers are performed only collectively.


    Before the commencement of the collective prayer, the prayer must stipulate in the intention the desire to pray collectively, following the given imam. Primate at prayer - the imam must also, in his intention, stipulate the desire to perform namaz as an imam.

    Consider the order of the midday prayer ( az-zuhr) collectively.

    The actions of those who perform namaz following the imam from the first canceryata:

    1. Intention: “I intended to do 4 Rakyat at noon fard-Namaza ( az-zuhr), following the Imam for the sake of Allah Almighty. "
    2. After the introductory takbir ( Takbiral-iftitah) recited by the imam, those who follow him repeat this takbir. After that, with folded hands, they read duorania "Sana» and fall silent. In all subsequent rak'yats in the "standing" position, none of those following the imam say anything else. Only after the imam read aloud the surah "Al-Fatiha" they say to themselves: "Amen."
    3. During the bow ( hand ‘ "Subhana Rabbial-‘azym" ... Imam saying "Selfish l- lahu liman khamidah " , straightens up, those who follow the imam, straightening up, say to themselves "Rabbana wa lakal hamd" ... During the prostration ( sujood) those who pray for the imam say to themselves 3 times "Subhana Rabbi'al-arabilya" .
    4. During the first sitting, the imam and those who follow him read in a whisper "At-takhiyat", and during the last sitting they read "At-takhiyat", "Salavat", doo'a"Rabbana atina" and after the imam they greet ( awith-salam).

    Whoever performs namaz collectively during takbir, bowing in the waist ( hand ‘), subsequent straightening, during the prostration ( withatjatd) and straightening after bowing to the ground ( withatjatd), as well as during the greeting ( awith-salam) must follow the imam, not being ahead of him or lagging behind in anything.

    If the latecomer managed to make an intention, an introductory takbir and make a bow ( hand ‘) before the imam straightens up after bowing ( hand ‘), then this rak'yat is considered perfect.

    The actions of those who followed the imam since the 2nd Canceryata:

    The one who is late for the first rak'yat makes an intention, introductory takbir and begins to follow the actions of the imam. In the last seat, a latecomer reads only "At-takhiyat". After the imam starts greeting ( awith-salam) to the right, without doing it, gets up with the words "Allahu Akbar", in order to independently perform one rak'yat, which he did not manage to complete together with the imam.

    While standing, read sequentially duorania "Sana» , "Amanokhuzu-Bismillah", surah "Al-Fatiha" and another surah from the Koran, after which they make a bow (hand ’), 2 bows to the ground ( sujood) and do the last sitting reading "At-takhiyat", "Salavat", durania "Rabbana atina"... After that, they make a greeting ( awith-salam) in both directions and this completes the prayer.

    Actions of those who follow the imam from the 3rd canceryata:

    Those who had time for the 3rd rak'yat of the 4-rak'yat prayer, during the last sitting, read only “At-takhiyat”. Then, after the imam starts greeting ( awith-salam "Allahu Akbar" without making a greeting ( awith-salam), in order to independently perform two rak'yats, which they did not have time to perform with the imam. While standing, read sequentially doo'a "WITHana» , "Amanokhuzu-Bismillah", sura "Al-Fatiha" and another sura, then, performing a bow ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujood), then with the words « Allahu Akbar " get up, read "Bismillah", sura "Al-Fatiha" and another sura, then they perform the belt ( hand ‘) and 2 terrestrial ( sujood) bows. In the last seat they read "At-takhiyat", "Salawat ", doo'a « Rabbana atina", Make a greeting ( awith-salam) and complete the prayer.

    If the prayer is 3 rak'yat, for example, evening ( al-maghrib( awith-salam) to the right, stand up with the words "Allahu Akbar" without making a greeting ( awith-salam). While standing, read sequentially duorania "Sana» , "Amanokhuzu-Bismillah", surah "Al-Fatiha" and another surah from the Koran, then, after completing the belt ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujud "Allahu Akbar", stand up again, read Bismillah, Surah Al-Fatiha and another surah, perform a belt ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujood). Then, in the last seat, they read "At-takhiyat", "Salavat", doo'a "Rabbana atina", make a greeting ( awith-salam) and complete the prayer.

    Actions of those who follow the imam from the 4th RAkyata:

    During the last sitting of the imam, latecomers read only "At-takhiyat". After the imam starts greeting ( awith-salam) to the right, with the words "Allahu Akbar" get up. Standing, reading doo'a "WITHana» , "Amanokuzu-Bismillyakh ", surah "Al-Fatiha" and another surah. Then, by doing the waist ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujood), sit down and read only "At-takhiyat". Having said "Allahu Akbar", get up, read "Bismillah", surah "Al-Fatiha" and another surah, perform a bow ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujood). Then, having said "Allahu Akbar", they stand up again, read "Bismillah", sura "Al-Fatiha", make a bow ( hand ‘) and 2 bows to the ground ( sujood). In the last seat they read "At-takhiyat", "Salavat", doo'a "Rabbana atina", perform the greeting ( awith-salam) and complete the prayer.

    If latecomers join the imam after he straightened from the bow ( hand ‘) of the last rak'ata, then after greeting ( awith-salam) of the imam to the right, stand up and continue the prayer on their own.

    A person is considered to have succeeded in the collective prayer if he joined before the imam began to perform the greeting ( awith-salam). In this case, it is believed that the latecomer, but who joined the collective prayer, will receive a reward ( sawab), as one who performed namaz after the imam from beginning to end.

    A mosque is a place where a person, together with his fellow believers, worships Allah Almighty. The mosque, in Arabic "masjid", means "the place of prostration ( sujood) ". Cathedral mosques, where people gather for Friday and holiday prayers, are also called jami. Mosques are "houses of Allah" because people worship Him there.

    Visiting mosques instills peace in the souls of people. This is a place of cleansing from the vanity of the mortal world and thinking about the eternal. The Koran is read in the mosque and sermons are proclaimed. The mosque is a gathering place for Muslims and the center of a religious community. All Muslims can come there without an invitation, like to their home. In the mosque, believers exchange knowledge, life experience, solve personal and social problems, provide each other with help and support. Those who come to the mosque are the guests of Allah Almighty. The mosque is a place of spiritual rebirth, where people can gain spiritual strength and gain knowledge. The mosque creates a special space for communication with God, attuning to contemplation and reflection. The mosque is always open to all people, and everyone can find spiritual refuge there.

    The Holy Quran says:

    "(Praise the Lord) in the houses (mosques) that Allah has allowed to be erected and in which His Name is remembered ..."

    The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

    "Gathering Day (Judgment Day)when there is no shadow, shadow from Arsha will shelter those who walkl to the mosque in the dark " .

    “The man who bathed at home and went to the mosque to perform namaz is like the one who put onihram (special clothing of the pilgrim) and went to the Hajj ".

    "For those who go to the mosque in the morning and in the evening, Allah prepares a meal in paradise for every movement of his.".

    The prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said about the dignity of performing namaz in the three main mosques: "Reading namaz in Reserved mosques (al-Haramin Mecca) like reading one hundred thousands of prayers in an ordinary mosque. Reading namaz in my mosque (the Prophet's Mosque in Medina) is equal to reading one thousands of prayers in an ordinary mosque... And reading namaz in the mosque « Al-Aqsa"(In Jerusalem) is equal to reading five hundred namazs in an ordinary mosque» .


    Muslims have long paid great attention to the construction of mosques. The first mosque was erected by the Prophet Muhammad himself, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with his companions. With the spread of Islam, different peoples introduced their national characteristics into the architecture of mosques, so the styles of different mosques can differ significantly from each other. Many mosques are rightfully considered world architectural masterpieces.

    There are a number of architectural features of the mosque, which, although not mandatory, are found in most of them.

    • mihrab- a semicircular depression in one of the walls of the mosque, indicating the direction to Kyblu. The imam is in the mihrab during the collective prayer;
    • minbar- the pulpit from which the imam delivers Friday and holiday sermons. Usually it is a special ladder to the right of the mihrab;
    • minaret- the tower at the mosque, from where the adhan (call to prayer) is proclaimed;
    • alam- a crescent moon at the top of a mosque or minaret, which is a kind of symbol of Islam.
    • sharaf- a balcony on the minaret, from which the muezzin calls people to prayer; there is usually one, but there may be several balconies on the minaret;
    • Kursi - a special chair from which lectures are read ( wahaz).


    The mosque is the place where people worship Allah. Her visit contributes to the maintenance of the unity of the Muslim community and brings spiritual benefit to a person. The mosques, which are called "the houses of Allah", are exalted by the Lord Himself. It is the duty of every Muslim to respect the mosque. There are certain rules of conduct in the mosque:

    1. before visiting the mosque, it is advisable to take ablution ( ghusl and voodoo), put on clean clothes;
    2. one should enter the mosque with the right foot, while reading "Salavat", and leave - with the left foot;
    3. thoroughly dry your shoes before entering the mosque;
    4. take off your shoes when entering the mosque;
    5. enter with respect and reverence;
    6. desirable ( sunnah) read namaz greetings from the mosque ( "Tahiyat al-masjid» );
    7. greet those present;
    8. sit in the direction of Kybla;
    9. it is not advisable to sit with your legs extended;
    10. you should not shout, make noise, talk on worldly topics;
    11. not to discuss issues of sale and purchase.
    12. not engage in extraneous activities other than prayer, reading, or teaching;
    13. listen carefully to the reading of the Quran, sermons and lectures;
    14. those who come to a sermon or a collective prayer with a delay must take the nearest free seat and not make their way to the first rows;
    15. Rating 4.6 who voted: 71

    Among the days of the week, Friday occupies a special place among Muslims. On this day, a general movement begins, preparation for something special, significant. This is especially noticeable in Muslim countries. People, dressed in festive clothes, clean, with luminous faces, joyfully go to Friday prayer, attaching special significance to this day.

    The obligation of Friday prayer is established in the Quranic verse, the meaning of which is as follows: “O you who have believed! When they are called to prayer on Friday, then strive for the remembrance of Allah and abandon the trade. This is best for you. Oh, if you only knew! And when the prayer is over, then disperse on the earth, and seek the mercy of Allah, and remember Allah often; maybe you will be happy! " (62: 9-10).

    How highly the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) appreciated this day, can be seen from the hadiths: “Friday is the most blessed day! It is more majestic than the day of the Feast of Conversations (Eid al-Adha) and the day of the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha), since on this day our forefather Adam was created, peace be upon him, on the same day he was lowered from Paradise to earth, on this day his soul was taken, and the Day of Judgment will also take place on Friday. " It is also necessary to remember the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “ Whoever leaves the Friday prayer three times in a row, neglecting it, his heart will be sealed by the Almighty, that is, true faith will not enter his heart».

    Friday prayer is required:

    1. For residents of a given city, settlement. And also for those who live within one farsakh (5544 meters).

    Those who are outside this territory are obliged to attend prayer if they heard the call in a high voice from the minarets. In a word, Friday prayer is mandatory for residents of the city and the suburbs associated with it, and not mandatory for those who live in a separate settlement from the city (in a village or village). Anyone who is in transit and is not a resident of the city is obliged to perform Friday prayer if he intends to stay there for 15 full days. Travelers do not need Friday prayer.

    2. For those who are healthy. For the sick and those who cannot leave the sick alone, prayer in the mosque is not required.

    3. For free people. Work or study is not a valid reason to skip prayer more than 3 times in a row. There are various forms of agreements with both employers and teachers. True, even here there are cases when it is simply impossible to come to an agreement. Then these people become not free.

    4. For men. For women and children, Friday prayer is not required.

    5. For adults and capable persons.

    6. For the sighted. For the blind, even if they have a guide, Friday prayer is not required.

    7. Having the ability to walk. For the legless, wheelchair-bound and paralyzed, Friday prayer is not required.

    8. Mandatory for those who are not in prison, are not afraid of persecution by the authorities, are not afraid of being captured, attacked by robbers, etc.

    Not required in case of natural disasters (severe frosts, threat of avalanches, heavy rains, etc.).

    Those who are not obliged to pray on Friday prayers perform the lunch prayer at home alone without adhan and ikamat, and if they suddenly go to Friday prayer, then it is enough to perform it instead of lunch.

    Seven Conditions for Valid Friday Prayer

    1. Prayer should be read in a sufficiently large settlement with a representative of authority. Scientists say: "This is a settlement where the main mosque cannot accommodate the entire jamaat." In large cities, where there are several mosques, Friday prayers can be performed in several places, if they believe that this is necessary in order not to lead people to problems and difficulties, especially in large cities, where it is sometimes difficult to get to the center from the outskirts.

    2. The imam must have permission from the local government. Or the prayer can be led by a person authorized by this imam. If the prayer is led by a person who has not received permission, but after him this Friday prayer is read by the one who has the authority to do so, then the prayer is valid. The exceptions are those cases when neither the authorities, nor the people who have received permission from them, do not go to the mosque. Then the imam, elected by the jamaat, can lead the Friday prayer.

    3. Performed during midday prayer.

    4. Reading a sermon before the obligatory Friday prayer. 5. In this case, the presence of at least one man in his right mind is necessary. If only women and children listened to the sermon, then such a khutbah is invalid.

    6. Reading Friday prayer by the Jamaat. In addition to the imam, it is necessary to have a jamaat in the number of three adults, reasonable and observing religious practice Muslim men, even if they are sick or travelers.

    7. The doors of the mosque where the prayer is held must be open to everyone. Some should not be allowed into the mosque, while others should not be allowed to enter.

    Circumstances for Skipping Friday Prayer
    The Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) lists the following categories of people who do not need to fulfill the Friday prayer - a slave, a woman, a child and a sick person. They do not have to do the Friday prayer, therefore they can skip it while doing the normal lunch prayer. And the rest must do it rigorously and in the best possible way.

    If Friday prayer is skipped without good reason, it is prohibited. The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are known: "Either people will stop leaving Friday prayers, or Allah will put a seal on their hearts, and after that they will be one of those who are negligent."

    Desirable Friday Day Actions

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said about Friday: "Truly, Friday is both a holiday and a day dedicated to the mention of Allah." In another hadith: "On this day, Allah Almighty forgives at His discretion six hundred thousand sinners, freeing them from hell." But in order to become one of the chosen ones of Allah, it is necessary to fulfill some conditions. This is what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says about this: “If a Muslim, having purified himself as much as he has enough strength, perfumed himself with incense, comes to the mosque and, without disturbing anyone, fulfills the prescribed duties, and even does not speak or look around, but silently and with humility hears the sermon, then from this until next Friday all his mistakes will be forgiven. " When going to the mosque, you should not eat garlic, onions and other foods with a pungent smell.

    Before Friday prayer, it is advisable for a Muslim to bathe, cut his nails, put on clean and elegant clothes, use the most pleasant smell, and come to the mosque as early as possible. There, make repentance for voluntary and involuntary sins committed during the week, read the Koran, remember the beautiful names of Allah and glorify Him, the Almighty and Almighty (pronounce dhikr). On Friday, angels sit at the entrance to the mosque and celebrate: "The first came such and such a Muslim, the second - that and that, the third - that ...".

    As soon as the imam starts preaching, the angels stop recording and the book is closed.

    It is advisable for the imam to sit on the minbar before the sermon, turning to the jamaat. It is advisable to pronounce the second adhan to the muazzin before him. Khutba first begins with the praise of Allah Almighty, then with the pronouncement of both testimonies and the recitation of salavat to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It is also advisable to read a few verses from the Koran and hadith, to clarify their meaning. Then read a sermon, the topic of which should be relevant to the region and useful in strengthening the fear of God in the hearts and deeds of Muslims.

    During the second sermon, it is advisable to make dua to Muslims. Since they are preaching two sermons, it is advisable to sit between them.

    It is also advisable to read tasbihi together with the imam, in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). This is especially desirable in modern Russia, where Muslims have few opportunities for frequent meetings and are in great need of joint (in jamaat) prayers-dua, especially on such a great day as Friday. Having performed tasbihi together, believers stand up at the same time and greet each other, communicate, share their joys.

    Unwanted Friday actions

    1. It is undesirable, close to a forbidden action, to step over other believers in order to go to the front rows of the mosque, since by doing this you bring them some harm. Arriving at the mosque, you cannot walk between the rows and, unceremoniously pushing people apart, disturbing them, try to take a seat in the front rows.

    Of course, the front rows are very honorable. But they are for those who came earlier. After the adhan or ikamat, when people stand closer to each other for prayer, the empty seats in the front row will be occupied by those standing behind. For those who came later, it is best to take any free seat so as not to fall into sin, making their way forward.

    By sneaking into the front rows, hurting others, you distract them, prevent them from concentrating, offend their feelings and incur the wrath of Allah. The hadith says: "If someone, having come to Friday prayer, will, disturbing people, sneak into the front rows, then let him know that he is making a bridge for himself directly to hell."

    2. It is undesirable for the imam to greet the jamaat when he goes out to read the khutbah, since by doing this he forces them to answer him, and this is reproachful for them.

    3. Also refers to the censured, close to the forbidden, to sell or buy something after the Friday adhan, and also refers to the censured, close to the forbidden things, all actions that distract a person from prayer.

    4. It is undesirable to eat and drink in the mosque during the khutba.

    5. It is undesirable to lift another person to sit in his place, since the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Let none of you raise another from his place on Friday to sit there, but let him say that he was given a place. "
    6. It is also forbidden to perform namaz or dua, to greet and talk while the imam climbed the minbar to read a sermon, since the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “When one of you enters the mosque at that time, when the imam does khutba, let him not perform namaz and speak until the imam completes his khutba, and let him also not answer salaam. " From the moment the imam ascends to the minbar and until the end of the two rak'ahs of fard namaz, all people in the jamaat must strictly remain silent, especially during the sermon itself. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) warned: "If during your Friday sermon you tell your neighbor to be quiet, then your coming to the mosque for Friday sermon will be in vain." "Whoever during a Friday sermon says to another just 'be silent', he blabbed, and who blabbed, it is not Friday." Scientists-theologians, commenting on what was said, clarified: "The reward for participation in Friday prayer, even with an insignificant conversation during the sermon, will not be complete." But all theologians, without exception, agree that the obligatory prayer counts for a given person, that is, it is canonically valid, and there is no need to reread it.

    According to the two mentioned and several other authentic hadiths, it is necessary to listen to the imam and strictly remain silent during Friday sermon. Otherwise, we leave Friday prayers without the reward (sawab), which we so badly, especially today, need.

    May the Almighty accept our prayers, be merciful to us and save us from mistakes!


    For Muslims, there is no more sacred and important day than Friday. Jews have Saturday, Christians have Sunday, and Muslims have the fifth day of the week. Indeed, it was on this day that the Almighty finished the creation of Adam, on this day he settled him in Paradise, on this day he expelled him from there. And it is on Friday that the Day of Judgment will be. Therefore, the meaning of the Friday prayer in Islam (juma-namaz) has a special meaning for every true believer.

    Visiting the mosque on Friday is compulsory for all adult men. An exception is made only for the sick, children, travelers and women. The only reason for not going to the mosque is the natural disaster.

    Preparing for prayer

    There is no more important thing for every Muslim on Friday than performing Juma Namaz. Therefore, he should put aside trade and all other worries and concentrate on the spiritual aspect of his life.

    In the morning, you should completely wash yourself, perfume yourself with incense, put on festive clothes and direct your thoughts to the Almighty. And then, with peace of mind and humility, go to the mosque on foot. The earliest possible visit to the mosque is highly encouraged. After all, Allah will reward everyone according to his zeal.

    Features of the juma namaz

    Friday prayer is performed in a mosque or a specially arranged place that is open to everyone. The imam must have special permission to conduct juma prayer. The time for Friday prayer coincides with the time for the usual midday prayer (zuhr). It is performed until the shadow of the objects becomes equal to their height. If you are late, it is forbidden to disturb and distract the audience.

    Muslim theologians have no consensus about the required number of believers when conducting Friday prayers. Hanafi scholars talk about the need for the presence of at least 3 people. Shafi'is and Hanbalis insist on 40 parishioners.

    There is also no agreement on the question of whether the Friday zuhr replaces. The opinions of scientists agree when there is only one mosque in the village. In this case, it is not necessary to perform the Zuhr prayer. If there are more of them, then interpretations differ.

    Hanafi theologians argue that in any case, it is enough to perform only Juma Namaz. The Shafi'is are of the opposite opinion. According to their code, the midday prayer may not be read only in one mosque. Namely, in the one where a certain part of the Friday prayer will be performed some time earlier than the rest in the city. The Maliki scholars have a similar point of view. They consider it optional to read the midday prayer in the mosque where the Friday prayer ended earlier than others. The theologians of the Hanbali persuasion allow not to perform the Zuhr prayer where the head of a city or state is present.

    Note, Friday prayer is irreplaceable. If the time for its fulfillment has run out, then the zuhr prayer is recited.

    Punishment for skipping

    There is no good reason for skipping juma prayer other than illness, bad weather and travel. This day in the Qur'an is set aside for meditating on the soul, praising the Almighty, pleading for help and intercession. Thus, this prayer is needed primarily by the believer himself. And whoever misses it three times in a row, Allah will seal his heart. This means that a person is slipping into disbelief. He had the opportunity to see and hear the truth, and he turned away from it. For this, untold torments awaited him in his later life.


    Another feature of the Friday prayer is the reading of two sermons by the imam. The first one deals with relevant topics for every Muslim in the region. The second is instructive and instructive.

    Every believer is obliged to listen very attentively and with concentration. After all, preaching serves to gain spiritual strength and knowledge for believers. It fills his heart and touches the fine lines of the soul. Reminds of the eternal and will serve as a moral and moral guide in all his deeds. Therefore, any conversations during the preaching of the sermon are prohibited. Even reprimanding those who are talking is unacceptable and is considered a sin.


    There is a clear canon on how to do the Friday prayer. It consists of four Sunnah rak'ahs, two Farda rak'ahs and four more Sunnah rak'ahs pronounced in succession.

    The four rak'ahs of the Sunnah:

    • After the first adhan (call to prayer), everyone pronounces "salavat" and reads the traditional prayer. After that, the niat (intention) is pronounced about the reading of the four rak'ahs of the Friday prayer sunnah. The sequence of their performance is the same as for the midday prayer. Performed by each believer independently.
    • When the sermon ends, it is time for the first sermon. The imam climbs on the minbar and greets the believers. The second adhan is recited. After its completion, everyone says "salavat" and recites the traditional prayer again. The sermon ends with a supplication to the Almighty and the prayer du'a is recited.
    • The second sermon should be shorter than the first. I must say that on Friday sermons should be short and prayers long.

    Two rak'ah farda:

    • Ikamah (second call to prayer) is recited.
    • It is followed by a niat about the commission of two rak'ah farda. They are performed in the same way as the two rak'ahs of the farda of the morning prayer. The Imam conducts them aloud.

    The four rak'ahs of the Sunnah:

    • The traditional niat is pronounced about the performance of the four rak'ahs of the sunnah.
    • After that, the believer prays in the same way as when performing the first four rak'ahs of the Friday prayer.
    • Upon completion, it is advisable, together with the imam, without getting up, to perform tasbihat (praise of Allah).

    Friday prayer in the life of a Muslim

    In modern life, a Muslim does not have many opportunities and time to meet with fellow believers for communication on spiritual and religious topics. Constant worldly concerns and a fast pace of life make it impossible to think about something else. And then Friday comes, and every true believer is obliged to think about the mercy of Allah, his place in the world and spiritual development. After all, the soul, like the body, also needs care and attention. And Friday prayer in the mosque gives just such an opportunity.

    It is very good if at the end of the prayer the parishioners do not immediately go home. The fellowship of believers gives them strength and helps to strengthen the entire Muslim community. The whole procedure of Friday prayer is aimed at strengthening faith, acquiring new knowledge and achieving spiritual balance. It is not without reason that it is said that attending Friday prayers expiates all petty sins.

    Friday (al-jum'iyah) is a holy day for Muslims. On this holiday, men must (fard) the performance of Friday prayer. The Holy Quran says:

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا نُودِي لِلصَّلَاةِ مِن يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ فَاسْعَوْا إِلَى ذِكْرِ اللهِ وَذَرُوا الْبَيْعَ ذَلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُون. فَإِذَا قُضِيَتِ الصَّلَاةُ فَانتَشِرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَابْتَغُوا مِن فَضْلِ اللهِ وَاذْكُرُوا اللهَ كَثِيراً لَّعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

    “O you who have believed! When the adhan is recited for Friday prayer, then strive to remember Allah earnestly, leaving the trade. After all, what is commanded to you is better for you if you know. And when the prayer is completed, then disperse on the earth and seek the mercy of Allah, remember Allah often, so that you may be saved " .

    Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, said:

    "Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, for that Friday prayer (al-jum'iyah) is obligatory (fard), except for travelers, slaves, children, women and the sick." .
    "If one of you is going to Friday prayer, let him take complete ablution (ghusl)." .
    "Anyone who, after washing on Friday, comes to Friday namaz (al-jummeniyah) and listens to the sermon in silence, will be forgiven sins from one Friday to the next Friday and 3 more days." .
    "If (a person) performs a small ablution (wudu) on Friday, it will be good, but if someone performs a full ablution (ghusl), then that is better." .

    Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) consists of 4 Sunnah Rakyats, 2 Farda Rakyats and 4 Sunnah Rakyats.

    Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, before and after the farda Friday prayer ( jummy) read 4 rak'yats of the sunnah and did not separate rak'yats among themselves (i.e., he did not read two rak'yats).

    The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, repeated three times:

    "I swear, either people will stop missing Friday prayers, or Allah will seal their hearts, after which they will certainly be among the neglected." .

    Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) is performed on Friday during the midday prayer ( az-zuhr) and replaces it. Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) is performed only collectively.

    Friday prayer ( al-jum'mana) is required ( fard) for mukallafa- a mentally normal and adult Muslim. In addition, there are 6 other prerequisites:

    1. Man (for women, Friday prayer is optional);
    2. Free from slavery;
    3. Not on the way;
    4. Not blind;
    5. Having healthy legs.

    If a person does not meet one of the 6 conditions listed above, then for him the performance of Friday prayer ( jummy) not necessary. But if he performs Friday prayer, then this prayer is credited to him. A person who has not performed Friday prayer must perform midday prayer ( az-zuhr).

    Conditions for the correct execution of Friday ( al-jum'iyah):

    1. Performing during the midday prayer ( az-zuhr);
    2. Reading a sermon before prayer ( khutbah);
    3. The place where they gather for Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) namaz should be open to everyone;
    4. The presence of at least three men, in addition to the imam;
    5. The imam must have permission to conduct Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) from the religious leadership of the Muslims of the area;
    6. Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) namaz should be carried out in the village.


    After the first call ( adhan) for Friday prayer, 4 sunnah rak'yats are performed individually. The intention for this prayer can be formulated as follows: “I intended to perform 4 rak'yats of the Sunnah of the Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) for the sake of Allah. " The procedure for performing this prayer is the same as that of the Sunnah of the midday prayer ( az-zuhr).

    After the second call ( adhan) the imam climbs the minbar to read a sermon ( khutbahs). After reading the sermon, read ikamat and collectively 2 rak'yat farda of Friday prayer is performed ( al-jum'iyah). Those who follow the imam make an intention: “I intended to perform 2 rak'yats of farda in the midday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) for the imam for the sake of Allah Almighty. " The procedure for performing farda Friday prayer ( al-jum'iyah) is the same as the Fard of the morning prayer ( al-fajr).

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