Home Flowers How much does the cover of the well weigh. How much does a sewer hatch cost and why are they so often stolen? As an example of a heavy hatch symbol, consider

How much does the cover of the well weigh. How much does a sewer hatch cost and why are they so often stolen? As an example of a heavy hatch symbol, consider

Luke T (S250) K.1-60


this is

hatch body and cover installed on the opening of inspection wells of telephone networks, water supply and other communications. Heavy hatches are most often used in road and industrial construction in the construction of wells, which are located in the space of the roadbed.

Luke T (C250) K. 1.60

cast from the strongest cast iron grade not lower than SCH20. Cast iron is a traditional material for the production of hatches, it is highly durable, has sufficient weight, and does not corrode for a long time. Life time

- not less than 10 years.

Cast iron heavy

Luke T (S250) K.1-60

It is used to protect well shafts on highways with heavy traffic and in industrial areas, where high-tonnage vehicles can drive through the hatch cover.

The norms and standards for the production of hatches are enshrined in

GOST 3634-89

... Heavy cast-iron hatches are very difficult to lift without special tools, since they weigh about


kilogram. The need for such a weight is due to the fact that when they are used on roads with heavy traffic, cast-iron sewer hatches must be in a static position, and even a slight shift in the structure threatens traffic. In order to avoid displacement, the hatch body is structurally designed with special fasteners. The considerable weight of the cast-iron hatch guarantees great stability during operation.

Luke T (C250) K. 1.60

produced in diameter


mm. Cover thickness

120 mm.

The cover of a heavy type T manhole must be able to withstand a significant load

25 tons. ...

has a round shape, the body is flat and the lid is flat or convex (so that no precipitation collects on the surface). For easy removal of the cover from the case

Luke T (C250) K.1-60 has "ears" in the body.

As a rule, cast iron hatch covers are ribbed

thus, greater strength of the hatch and better grip when moving vehicles are achieved. The upper surface of the manhole cover T has a relief from 3 to 8 mm high, often the relief takes the form of various patterns. The ribs on the outer surface of the cover of the heavy hatch T can be either wavy or tangential.

Also, the cover of the heavy hatch has a hole for sampling gas contamination (except for water pipes).

Luke T (C250) K. 1.60

must have an elastic gasket between the cover and the body, for shock absorption and additional protection from precipitation.

Product marking

On the surface of the hatch cover, parallel to the center line bounded by an annular rib, the symbol of the hatch, the year of its manufacture and the manufacturer's trademark are cast.

The marking of the heavy type hatch depends on the version, where the numbers indicate the structural differences of the products. The number 1 denotes general-purpose hatches, 2 - the presence of a locking device, 3

the presence of a recess in the cover structure for filling with concrete, 4

the presence of a device for lifting the lid using a standard lifting mechanism, 5 - hatches with reinforced housing, 6

hatches with a two-piece cover, 7 - with a cover hinged to the body, 8 - square or rectangular hatches.

Also on the hatch cover, the designation of the utility network is indicated, the well of which the hatch will cover. The name of the engineering networks for which it is intended


  • B - water supply;

  • G - fire hydrant;

  • K - household and industrial sewerage;

  • D - rain sewerage.

  • TS - heating networks

  • ГС - gas network

  • GTS - city telephone network.

The symbol for the hatch should consist of the hatch type, execution or several versions, the overall dimensions of the hatch in centimeters and the designation of this standard. You can also find marking with other letter designations. This is nothing more than the compliance of domestically produced hatches with European standards. So the hatch

Luke T (S250) K.1-60

corresponds to class C250; hatch C - class B125, etc.

As an example of a heavy hatch symbol, consider:

  • T - type of hatch (heavy);

  • S250

    compliance with the European standard;

  • Letters

    the name of the utility network;

  • First digit

    hatch performance index;

  • Second digit

    hole diameter;

  • GOST 3634-99

    an indication of the state standard.

Product quality control

The casting of a heavy hatch should not have significant defects and cracks that could affect the strength of the product. Sinks with a diameter of more than 10 mm and a depth of more than 3 mm are not allowed. The cover must fit snugly against the supporting surface of the body

the gap between the cover and the body is no more than 3 mm. The deviation of the straightness of the hatch cover should not exceed 2 mm.


acceptance tests

products type

the appearance of all hatch covers and hulls is controlled, as well as the mechanical strength of the covers (at least 2 hatches from the batch).

Technical certificate

, which must necessarily accompany a batch of cast iron hatches, must indicate:

  • manufacturer's name or trademark;

  • product marking

    Luke T (S250) K.1-60

    A sewer plastic hatch is necessary to protect the sewage system from the ingress of waste, debris, as well as to prevent possible damage and theft. Polymer is one of the most common materials for the manufacture of such hatches.

    The described products represent one of the important parts of the drainage structure. They are capable of withstanding an impressive load, sometimes up to 20 tons. With the help of such hatches, it is possible to reduce the slip of cars on the roads. Such products are installed on the personal plots of cottages, private houses and summer cottages, as well as on pedestrian sidewalks, in garden and park areas.

    In the production process, a polymer sand mixture is used. But special additives help to improve the characteristics of the product. These include water resistance, as well as long service life and frost resistance. And the appearance deserves attention. If cast iron products are unsightly and presented in a traditional color, then polymer ones look more attractive and can have different shades, which makes it possible to fit the hatch into the exterior.

    Dimensions (edit)

    A plastic sewer hatch usually has standard dimensions. This is due to the fact that the parameters of the wells are standard. The diameter of the hatch together with the frame is 80 cm. Its opening, like the cover, has a diameter of 62 cm. This is enough for a worker to get into the well to carry out technical work.

    For underground wells, light, medium and heavy products are commonly used. The size of their body is indicated by two parameters: diameter and height. When studying the dimensions, you should also pay attention to the size of the lid, it is also limited by the diameter and height. Square polymer sewer manholes are capable of carrying up to 2 tons. The diameter and height of their body are 640x640 mm. As for the size of the lid, it is equal to 600x600 mm.

    But if the structure is able to withstand up to 1 ton, then its dimensions can be equal to 720 x 600 mm, which is true for the case, and 600x25 mm (diameter and height of the lid). On sale you can find another type of lightweight hatches that are capable of withstanding the weight of a car up to 2 tons. In this case, the dimensions of the case will be slightly larger, they are equal to 75x90 mm. But in the case of the lid, the parameters reach 690x55 mm.

    By purchasing light and medium hatches up to 5 and 15 tons, respectively, you become the owner of products with the following dimensions: 750x90 mm and 750x100 mm (body size), 690x55 mm and 690x50 mm (cover size). If you are interested in the dimensions of polymer sewer manholes, then you should also pay attention to a product that can withstand up to 25 tons. Its dimensions are the largest and are equal to 800x110 mm (body size), 700x70 mm (cover size). Light hatches are installed with a recess ranging from 25 to 45 mm, while medium and heavy ones are mounted to a depth of 60 and 85 mm, respectively.

    Sizes of hatches with low load level

    If you are a private consumer, then most likely you will choose a small-sized garden hatch or a green light hatch. In the first case, we are talking about a product that corresponds to the load class A15. The surface can be affected by a weight of up to 1500 kg. The weight of such a product is 11 kg, it is ready to serve for about 50 years. The dimensions of such a small hatch are 540x540x80 mm.

    By purchasing a green plastic lightweight sunroof, you become the owner of a product with the same load class. The weight of the structure is 10 kg, the same load can act on its surface as in the above case. Such a hatch is used for squares, parks and areas of adjoining territories. The product is ready to serve up to 20 years, and its dimensions are 750 x 750 x 80 mm.

    Sewer polymer hatches with a lock are also on sale. These locking products belong to the same load class, their weight is 46 kg, but they are intended for park areas as well as pedestrian roads. The service life remains the same, but the dimensions change somewhat: 780x789x110 mm. Polymer hatches are good because they fit perfectly into the interior of suburban areas. This is due to the appearance of products, which can have a wide variety of colors, including:

    • green;
    • Brown;
    • Gray;
    • black.


    Among the main technical characteristics, the weight of the product should be highlighted. It was discussed above. Next, you need to take into account the load class. It depends on what mass the surface of the structure can take on itself. This factor often plays a decisive role in the choice.

    Polymer sewer hatches (GOST 3634-99) are designated by different letters that determine the purpose. For example, if you see the letter L in the marking, then this means that you have a lightweight device in front of you, the rated load of which is 1.5 tons. Such products cannot be placed on the roadway.

    But heavy structures and middle hatches are installed on courtyards and parking lots. They are capable of withstanding loads of up to 25 tons. All characteristics are spelled out in state standards. In practice, you will be able to understand that cast iron hatches are also on sale, their diameter can vary from 380 to 810 mm. As for the plastic ones, this parameter starts from 315 mm, and the final value is 1 m.

    Under certain conditions, it becomes necessary to install a rectangular hatch, one side of such a product is 300 mm. This value is then increased in steps of 50 mm. But as for the maximum indicator, it reaches 800 mm.

    The main types of hatches by material of manufacture

    Cast iron, plastic, polymer and plastic sewer hatches are presented for sale in a wide range. As for cast iron products, they have increased strength and a long service life, which reaches 100 years. In most cases, such products are installed in areas with increased stress on the structure, this should include roads and access roads. But on private territories, such hatches are almost impossible to find, because there are no high requirements for the strength of products. In addition, such options are sometimes not so affordable.

    Plastic hatches have gained wider popularity because they have many advantages. Among others, an affordable price, as well as a wide range of models and rich colors. The weight of such structures is insignificant, therefore it is very easy to install them. The most suitable option for private households will be plastic hatches. But plastic structures are also good because they are not of interest to scrap metal collectors. The material does not rust, does not fade in the sun and remains resistant to moisture and ultraviolet light. Such characteristics are inherent in plastic hatches due to the fact that heat-resistant pigments and additives are added to the ingredients during the production process.

    Compared to cast iron, plastic hatches are very lightweight. And they can be installed even on the territory of the lawn, where it will merge with the green mass of grass. Polymer-sand hatches are resistant to temperature extremes, so they can be operated in any climatic zone. Their operating range is limited to -50 to +50 ° C.

    Why else should you choose a polymer sunroof

    The sewer polymer hatch, the characteristics of which are described in the article and must be studied by you before purchasing such a product, does not emit a ringing sound when a car runs over it. This is especially true for residential areas. Plastic hatches are also installed at gas stations. This is due to the fact that they do not spark when opening and closing, as well as when vehicles pass over their surface.

    Manhole cost

    The dimensions of polymer manholes are now known to you, but consumers are also interested in cost. You can buy a light product with an insignificant height for 380 rubles. a piece. The weight of the cover and ring is 25 kg. But a light high sewer hatch costs 580 rubles, its weight together with a cover and a ring will be 45 kg.

    Price for middle and reinforced hatches

    An average product with a lid and a ring in the kit will weigh 52 kg, and its price is 650 rubles. The sizes of polymer manholes were mentioned in the article. Now you know what parameters a heavy product has. Additionally, it is worth noting only the weight, it is 57 kg, while 800 rubles will have to be paid for such a hatch. Reinforced polymer heavy hatch costs 950 rubles, and its weight is 60 kg.

    Installation features

    A sewer polymer hatch, the price of which is sometimes much lower than a cast-iron analogue, can be installed independently. The only difference in the installation of other hatches is that the polymer cover will have much less weight, which makes installation easier. Before starting work, it is necessary to install a ring, which is also called a shell. It is located on the lid of an underground well.

    Methods of work

    There should be a support ring between the well cover and the hatch. It will reduce the load on the slab several times. Instead of a ring, you can use brickwork, but over time it can collapse, which will cause the cover to fail.

    Polymer sewer hatch, the price of which is acceptable for most consumers, is set according to a certain algorithm. At the first stage, it involves aligning the ring horizontally using a level. This will distribute the load evenly. The structure should not be located on a slope, as this can cause subsidence and destruction of the device.

    Final work

    To pour the ring from the outside, it is necessary to use concrete mortar, which is located around the perimeter. After laying it, it is necessary to leave the mixture until it dries completely. Then you can proceed to the installation of the installation into the ring. The upper part is lubricated with grease and lithol, which will ensure easy opening of the device even at negative temperatures.


    Since the dimensions of plastic sewer manholes are standard, you can replace one product with another. This speaks of interchangeability. Modern polymer-based lids can be installed in a metal case. The material will be able to withstand high loads. Waterproofness is an added benefit. After installing a plastic sewer hatch, you can forget about its existence. It will last long enough, because the inner surface of the lid is reinforced with stiffening ribs.

    The sewer hatch, despite its seeming simplicity, should be chosen very carefully. The thing is that it performs a rather important function, at the same time providing access to the inspection or inspection well, and protecting the underground part of the sewer network from damage.

    Below we will tell you what features of this part you should pay attention to in the first place, and which product is better to choose when equipping a drainage line in different conditions.

    Design features


    The manhole hatch is a structure that is installed in the upper part of the inspection or inspection shaft.

    As mentioned above, this part has two functions:

    • On the one hand, it prevents unauthorized access to pipes.
    • On the other hand, using the hatch, we ourselves can go underground to carry out diagnostics or repairs.

    The hatch device is not difficult:

    • An annular neck is fixed in the well itself - a stationary part.
    • A cover is installed on top, which can be removable or hinged (hinged design).
    • In some cases, two covers are mounted in the neck: a protective one, which is laid on top, and a locking one, equipped with a lock.

    Note! Many people wonder why the manholes are round and not square. There are quite a few answers to this question, but the most plausible is the following: a round lid, unlike a square one, cannot fall into the neck, no matter how you turn it.

    So you don't have to get a heavy cast-iron "pancake" from a depth of several meters.

    This is how the square lid falls into the neck. Such a "trick" will not work with a round one - it will get stuck anyway!

    • The outer surface of the lid is made flat or convex. The use of concave parts is irrational: they will collect rainwater.

    Hatch locks

    Usually, the connection of the neck with the lid is equipped with various locks.

    Their main function is to prevent spontaneous opening, and - less often - to block the opening of the lid without a special key.

    • The heavy cast-iron sewer hatch we are accustomed to, as well as some models made of polymer-sand composite, are equipped with side protrusions that fit into the grooves on the neck.
    • A sewer plastic hatch can be produced with a threaded connection between the cover and the well itself.

    • Steel models are equipped with mechanical flag, bolt or spacer type locks. However, in drainage systems, such structures are rarely used: more often, shafts of communication lines, power transmissions, etc. are equipped with locking covers.

    Functional classification

    The weight of a manhole depends on two parameters: its dimensions and the type to which it belongs. Today, the most commonly used varieties are made of cast iron, and therefore in the table below we will give exactly their characteristics:

    Marking Item type Weight, kg Usage
    lid frame
    R Repair 35 It is used for temporary blocking of the neck during road works.
    L Light 30 35 Installed within green spaces, on footpaths, in private households.
    T Heavy 50 50 It is used when equipping inspection wells on highways.
    TM Heavy trunk 45 50 It is installed in the neck of wells located on highways with high traffic intensity.

    Note! In addition to the type, the marking of the sewer hatches, which is applied to the products during their release, must include the designation of the engineering network for which the part is intended, the year and month of production, etc.

    The dimensions of cast-iron sewer manholes in accordance with GOST are also strictly fixed. Most often, for the equipment of underground networks, models with a diameter (on the cover) of 645 or 800 mm are used. However, polymer and steel models may have other dimensions.

    Popular varieties

    Cast iron

    If we figured out the main parameters and typology, let's dwell in more detail on the classification by materials.

    The first place in popularity will be occupied, of course, by cast iron hatches:

    • Both necks and caps are injection molded... For the manufacture of housings, the material SCH15 and stronger is taken, and the covers are cast from cast iron of a grade not lower than SCH45.

    Note! The design strength of the structure must exceed 60 tons.

    • In some cases, the joint between the lid and the neck is additionally sealed with a rubber gasket.... For this, dense rubber is used, capable of being compressed for a long time without loss of elasticity.
    • The service life of such structures is practically unlimited.... In Europe, you can find products that have regularly performed their functions for more than a hundred years: outwardly, if they differ from new ones, then only in erased edges.
    • For cast iron, minimal thermal deformations are characteristic, therefore the roadway around the neck does not collapse.

    As for the cons, they are as follows:

    • Due to the high mass, the installation of a sewer hatch requires the involvement of assistants, and sometimes the use of additional devices.
    • The price of the product is also very significant, which, however, is partially offset by the service life.
    • But the main thing is that manhole covers are systematically stolen, which makes it irrational to install them in an unguarded territory.


    Recently, plastic and composite structures have been used instead of cast iron hatches for installation on pedestrian paths and in green spaces:

    • A polymer sewer manhole is usually made on the basis of quartz sand, cement and molten plastic. The mixture is heated to 300 0 C and placed in a special mold under a press.
    • To give the product the desired shade, green, brown or orange pigments are introduced into the composition of the raw material. This allows you to either make the hatch as invisible as possible, or, conversely, draw attention to it in order to avoid injury.
    • The result is a fairly lightweight (up to 45-50 kg) structure, which, depending on the internal structure, can withstand from 3 to 15 tons.

    Note! In the most reliable hatches, a reinforcing frame made of steel rods or metal fiber is laid in the polymer thickness.

    • Such parts are quite easy to assemble with their own hands, they just open and close. In addition, they are not of interest to "hunters for non-ferrous metal", and the case itself is very vandal-resistant.
    • Among other advantages, one can note significant tightness, which is ensured by precise adherence to the dimensions during pressing, as well as the fact that in winter the lid does not freeze to the neck even at very low temperatures.

    Well, the price of such products is incomparable with cast iron, therefore, they have been mainly chosen for private construction lately.

    Structures from other materials

    Along with cast and polymer models, you can find other hatches on sale:

    • Plastic (most often polyvinyl chloride). Manufactured by injection molding, often supplied with composite or steel reinforcement. Due to their high elasticity, they cope well with pedestrian loads, but in the cold they become very fragile.
    • Concrete. Such parts are most often used as a temporary plug - during construction or when a metal hatch is stolen. They are reinforced concrete discs with one or two brackets used for movement.

    • The main disadvantages of concrete hatches are the almost complete absence of tightness (the cover is difficult to fit tightly to the neck) and an unattractive appearance.
    • Steel - lighter than cast iron, but less durable. Most often, they are supplied with locks and mounted in those places where it is necessary to guarantee to block the access of strangers to the sewage system.


    A plastic or cast iron sewer hatch must be selected in accordance with the loads that it must experience. Then the drainage system will be reliably protected, and it will take a long time to spend on replacing the part ().

    The video in this article will help you understand the nuances of the issue raised, so we recommend that you study it carefully.

    Sewer hatches

    Modern life cannot be imagined without basic amenities. A very important element of modern comfort is the availability of water in the house.

    The process of installing a sewer system is not very complicated. However, it requires attention and responsibility in the choice of materials, so that later you do not have to carry out costly alteration work.

    The sewer hatch device is simple. Consists of a mine, a working room, a hatch. A closing cover is required.

    All parts of the manhole are interdependent. The working space depends on the type of underground utilities. The depth of the utility lines affects the depth of the room. The height does not exceed 1.8 meters.

    The mine is a pipe with a diameter of 0.7 meters. Its depth depends on the depth of the work area. For arranging a sewer well, brickwork, plastic containers, reinforced concrete rings are used. There must be a staircase for ...

    0 0

    Sewer hatches are an indispensable component for any underground communications. Along with protective functions, they perform a number of other equally important tasks.

    Models for outdoor sewerage differ in a variety of types and shapes. In order to choose the right hatch, you need to know its performance properties.

    Installation of sewer hatches is mandatory - the correct sewerage system in a private house is impossible without them.

    If there is one or several inspection (revision) wells in the main line, then the operation of such systems is prohibited without insulating their throats. They are used for the arrangement of autonomous sewerage, storm, drainage drainage systems.

    Structurally, the hatches consist of a mounting rim (shell), which is installed on the neck of the well and the cover.

    The main purpose is to provide access and protection from external factors for inspection chambers.

    But in addition to this, they also serve for the following ...

    0 0

    Sewer hatches

    We all know what kind of troubles unsealed underground wells threaten. The need to cover utility manholes creates a demand for cast iron and polymer hatches. Passing through the streets, we can notice several types of hatches - square, which are usually installed on communication wells and GTS, round hatches crowning sewer wells and massive heavy hatches on the roadbed. The differences between the hatches are not only visual, but also functional. Some hatches serve simply as protection against the penetration of strangers and debris, while others reliably close the inspection well, withstanding the daily passage of heavy vehicles. A cast-iron inspection hatch in accordance with GOST 3634-99 is what builders are looking for for maximum protection of the facility. Due to vandals, some hatches are being replaced with polymer-sand ones. Therefore, if you decide "Buy cast iron hatches and save money", you should familiarize yourself with several requirements for the selection of products.

    Round or square hatches?

    Fundamental ...

    0 0

    Concrete product

    In order to protect the well from falling leaves, precipitation and other objects into it, it must be closed. There are many different covers for these purposes.

    Varieties and features of well covers

    In order to choose exactly the cover that will ideally protect your well, you need to consider all the options and get acquainted with their advantages, disadvantages and features.

    First of all, it should be noted that you can make such a coating yourself only for a mine structure. It is also worth noting that sewer covers and wells with drinking water are different.

    Typically, sewer wells are covered with concrete, plastic, wood or cast iron covers.

    As for the overlaps for wells, they, unlike sewer ones, are not attached to the structure and are smaller in size. The materials are the same for both types.

    Concrete products for ...

    0 0

    Why are sewer hatches round? And what else can they be? In theory, the hatch can be square or rectangular. But such a construction is rather an exception to the rule. The hatch is not a simple access door, it must be securely closed. It should be easy to maintain and safe to use.

    If convenience is not for everybody, then it is the round design of the lid that can provide reliability at the level of standard loads. The configuration of the base depends on its shape, which, in fact, is the sewer hatch.

    Waste system

    Sewerage networks are a complex of structures designed to collect and drain wastewater from users to treatment facilities. The easiest way to do this is with the help of underground utilities. A trench is dug, pipes are laid into it, through which drains will be discharged.

    To be able to service the system at a certain distance, observation shafts are required. In an urban infrastructure with dense ...

    0 0

    In each country, the development of sewage systems took place in different ways, but the only common feature has always been the need to install sewer hatches.

    The first hatches appeared along with the emergence of communal services back in the 30s of the 19th century: then hatch covers had different shapes, however, preference, most often, was given to round covers. Currently being produced, sewer manholes are round, and not of a different shape. This feature, in spite of everything, remained unchanged. But why round?

    Manhole covers are subdivided according to their purpose. They all have different patterns and embossing. On the old hatches you can see the already outdated images of coats of arms, all kinds of drawings and inscriptions.

    Modern manhole covers carry information about the manufacturer, serial number and date of manufacture. Some companies deliberately change old hatches for new ("decorative") ones near their offices and, as a rule, put images on the covers ...

    0 0

    Arrangement of a sewerage system and a well is a prerequisite in private and multi-storey buildings. Certain requirements are imposed on such structures, so they must fully comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. In addition, by arranging a well treatment system for a country house, any person expects that the structure will serve for more than a dozen years, serving faithfully.

    Therefore, the best solution for such work would be the installation of a concrete ring. This product is made of a strong and durable material that can last almost forever, provided that the ring is correctly selected, the installation is carried out in compliance with all requirements. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the features of concrete rings, to understand the size range and installation methods.

    What are the rings. Types and purpose

    Well rings are round-shaped reinforced concrete structures used to equip utilities buried below ground level. Depending on the structure under construction, the following types of rings are used:

      Sewer and water intake.

      Products for laying underground cable power grids.


      Gas pipeline and water intake.

    In addition, the following varieties are found on the market:

      Rings with a flat and locking end.



    Regardless of the type and purpose, products are made of heavy concrete, brands 200-500, reinforcement is performed.

    Production technology

    Rings for wells are made of hard concrete, which is poured into the formwork. It is necessary to clarify that the reinforcement is made of steel wire with a diameter 8-12 mm... At opposite ends of the structure, two vertical rods are installed, which act as lugs for lifting the ring.

    The mold is compacted by vibration to eliminate voids. The formwork is removed one day after the concrete is poured. After that, finished products are stored in open areas. Release strength of the ring ( 50% of the set) is typed in about 7 days... Full concrete strength is achieved after 28 days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of reinforced concrete rings

    It is no secret that any building material has its own strengths and weaknesses. This feature also applies to finished products. Concrete rings seem to be perfect, but even they are not without some drawbacks.

    The indisputable advantages of reinforced concrete rings include the following:

      High quality at an affordable price.

      Wide range of sizes.

      The ability to quickly equip the water supply and sewerage system.

      High tightness: tight fit of the seams excludes the ingress of groundwater into the structure.

      Long service life: reinforced concrete is neutral to any environment, so it can last not less than 100 years.

      Structural rigidity: Concrete ring wells can be installed even on unstable ground.

    The obvious disadvantages include the following points:

      Dimensions and weight: it is impossible to install a concrete ring without the use of construction equipment, which makes the installation cost somewhat "heavier".

      Lack of mobility: it is very difficult to transfer such a well.

    You can see that there are more positive features, this explains the steadily growing popularity of concrete rings.

    Marking according to GOST. How to read conventions correctly

    Each reinforced concrete ring has a marking that defines the scope of the product. The symbols correspond to the GOST standards, it looks like this:

      KLK- products intended for the arrangement of gutters and city storm sewers.

      KVG- rings used for the installation of a gas pipeline and water supply wells.

      NS- a support ring that forms the foundation of the well.

      KS- wall models installed in confined spaces.

      KFK- drainage systems and collector networks.

    In addition, the marking of the rings also contains numerical designations.

    Decryption example:

    KS-7-9... This means a wall ring with wall thickness 70 and height 900 mm.

    Standard sizes of reinforced concrete rings

    Concrete rings are presented in a very diverse range of sizes. Standard product sizes look like this:

      Height: 10-100 cm.

      Wall thickness: 70-120 mm.

      Inner diameter: 70-200 cm.

      Specific gravity: 46-2 300 kg.

    Thanks to such standard sizes, it is not difficult to choose rings for arranging an individual water supply system.

    NameDiameter D, mmDiameter d, mmHeight h, mmThickness, mmConcrete volume, cubic metersWeight, tons
    K-10-10 1160 1000 990 80 0.27 0.68
    K-10-5 1160 1000 490 80 0.14 0.35
    K-12-10 1410 1250 990 80 0.33 0.82
    K-12-5 1410 1250 490 80 0.17 0.42
    K-15-10 1680 1500 990 90 0.44 1.1
    K-15-5 1680 1500 490 90 0.22 0.55
    K-20-5 2200 2000 490 100 0.33 0.82
    K-7-1.5 840 700 145 70 0.024 0.06
    K-7-10 840 700 990 70 0.17 0.42
    K-7-5 840 700 495 70 0.084 0.21
    CS 7.6 840 700 590 70 0.3 0.25
    KS10.18a 1160 1000 1790 80 0.46 1.15
    KS10.3 1160 1000 290 80 0.08 0.2
    CS10.6 1160 1000 590 80 0.16 0.4
    CS10.9 1160 1000 890 80 0.24 0.6
    KS10.9a 1160 1000 890 80 0.22 0.55
    CS13.6 1410 1250 590 80 0.2 0.5
    KS13.9a 1410 1250 890 80 0.28 0.7
    KS13.9b 1410 1250 890 80 0.24 0.6
    CS15.18 1680 1500 1790 90 0.804 2.01
    KS15.18a 1680 1500 1790 90 0.75 1.88
    KS15.18b 1680 1500 1790 90 0.72 1.8
    CS15.6 1680 1500 590 90 0.265 0.66
    KS15.6b 1680 1500 590 90 0.22 0.55
    CS15.9 1680 1500 890 90 0.4 1
    KS15.9a 1680 1500 890 90 0.35 0.88
    KS15.9b 1680 1500 890 90 0.32 0.8
    KS20.12a 2200 2000 1190 100 0.67 1.68
    KS20.12b 2200 2000 1190 100 0.64 1.6
    KS20.18b 2200 2000 1790 100 1.02 2.55
    CS20.6 2200 2000 590 100 0.39 0.98
    KS20.6b 2200 2000 590 100 0.3 0.75
    CS20.9 2200 2000 890 100 0.59 1.48
    KS20.9b 2200 2000 890 100 0.44 1.10
    KS25.12a 2700 2500 1190 100 0.87 2.18
    KS25.12b 2700 2500 1190 100 0.76 1.90
    CS25.6 2700 2500 590 100 0.48 1.2
    CS7.3 840 700 290 70 0.05 0.13
    CS7.9 840 700 890 70 0.15 0.38
    KC12.9 1410 1250 290 80 0.30 0.75
    KC25.12 2700 2500 1190 100 0.97 2.42
    PK-7S 870 650-670 360 100-110 0.036 0.09

    What else do you need? Additional elements

    It should be noted that the installation of rings alone will not solve the problem of a high-quality water supply system. In order for the well to meet the requirements, installation of additional elements will be required. This is not a prerequisite, but compliance with this rule will help prevent contamination of the system with sewage, increase the service life, and give the structure a complete look.

    To do this, apply:

      Bottom Plates - Provide a solid base.

      Floor slabs - thanks to a narrow hole on top of such a slab, a small-diameter ring is installed, which is closed with a conventional sewer cover.

      Additional rings are products of a standard diameter, but of a lesser thickness. Such elements help to raise the height of the well to the desired level.

    The use of such products provides the well with maximum tightness, prevents pipes from freezing in winter.

    Well covers

    NameDiameter Dn, mmDiameter Dvn, mmThickness H, mmConcrete volume, cubic metersWeight, tons
    1680 700 150 0.333 0.69
    2200 700 160 0.608 1.37
    2700 700 180 1.031 2.45
    2700 700 180 1.031 2.4
    1000 580 170 0.134 0.33
    1680 700 150 0.27 0.68
    1680 700 150 0.27 0.68
    2200 700 160 0.51 1.38
    2200 700 160 0.51 1.38
    1680 700 150 0.333 0.69
    2200 1000 160 0.608 1.2
    2200 1000 160 0.45 1.2
    2700 700 180 1.031 2.4
    2700 700 180 1.031 2.31
    1000 800 170 0.134 0.33
    1680 700 150 0.27 0.68
    1680 700 150 0.27 0.68
    2200 1000 160 0.45 1.2
    1680 1000 150 0.333 0.54
    1680 1000 150 0.21 0.53
    1680 1000 150 0.21 0.53
    2200 700 160 0.608 1.34
    2200 700 160 0.608 1.28
    2200 700 160 0.51 1.28
    2700 700 180 0.92 2.31
    2700 700 180 0.96 2.40
    1720 700 140 0.27 0.68
    2240 700 160 0.57 1.43
    2740 700 180 0.99 2.48
    1000 400 170 0.06 0.15
    1200 700 120 0.09 0.225
    1450 700 140 0.18 0.45
    1720 700 140 0.27 0.68
    1720 1000 140 0.21 0.52
    2240 700 160 0.54 1.35
    2240 1000 160 0.5 1.25
    2740 700 180 0.96 2.4
    2740 1500 180 0.74 1.85
    1000 400 170 0.06 0.15
    1000 580 170 0.08 0.19
    1160 700 150 0.159 0.25
    1410 700 150 0.234 0.44
    1160 700 150 0.1 0.25
    1160 700 150 0.1 0.25
    1410 700 150 0.18 0.45
    1410 700 150 0.18 0.45

    Bottom plates

    Installation process

    In order for the well to meet the established requirements, the installation of the structure must be carried out in accordance with all the rules. Here it is necessary to follow the well-known procedure:

      Seat selection

      Water wells and drainage systems are not set up close to residential buildings. Average distance from home - about 5 meters... There should be no groundwater in the selected place, otherwise you will have to bear additional costs for sealing. In addition, special equipment must freely drive up to the installation site.


      For digging a pit, it is better to hire a technique: the depth of the hole should be equal to the height of the two rings. Digging such a pit by hand will be very problematic. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage cushion is laid from layers of sand and crushed stone, thick not less than 50 cm.


      For the lower tier, a ring with a dead bottom is ideal, if the product is through, first the bottom plate is laid. The elements are installed on top of each other using a truck crane, the joint is covered with a solution. If the well is being mounted on moving ground, the joint can be reinforced with metal braces.

    After installing the rings, communications are brought to the well, the necessary connections are made, the foundation pit is filled up, the rings are covered with an upper plate, sewer hatches are installed.

    Which manufacturer should you give preference to?

    Concrete rings for wells produces about 250 companies located throughout Russia. Consider 5 proven manufacturers.

      LLC "MasterStroy"... The company is located in Voskresensk near Moscow, specializes in the sale of bulk and bulk cement, is engaged in the manufacture of pressure pipes and reinforced concrete rings.

      JSC "Factory of industrial building parts"... The company is known in the construction market for more than 45 years, it is one of the largest producers of reinforced concrete structures in the Tyumen region. The company has its own construction laboratory (accredited), which controls the quality of its products.

      Vira Trading Company LLC... The production line of the enterprise is located in St. Petersburg. The company is engaged in the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings and gravity pipes. All products undergo a multi-stage quality control.

      LLC "Monolit Stroy"... The company is located in the Moscow region, is engaged in the manufacture and sale of reinforced concrete products with 2007 year... The product range includes bridge and composite piles, FBS, wall rings, bottom plates and well covers.

      LLC "GazoBloki"... This is a Voronezh company engaged in the production of ready-mixed concrete, silicate and facing bricks, concrete rings and additional elements to them.

    It should be clarified that these are far from the only suppliers of the Russian region. These companies strictly monitor the quality of their products, work directly with suppliers of raw materials, and comply with GOST standards.

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