Home Flowers The meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings and their interpretation (meaning). Famous Russian proverbs and sayings, their meaning

The meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings and their interpretation (meaning). Famous Russian proverbs and sayings, their meaning

II. Targets and goals.

Today guys we're going to talk about friendship and camaraderie. Let's try
answer the questions:

1. What is true friendship?

2. How is it checked?

3. Whom does a person have the right to call his friend?

4. What actions and actions contribute to the strengthening of comradeship and friendship in the team? (problem)

At all times, all peoples highly valued friendship, loyalty,

In the 12th century, Shota Rustaveli wrote: "He who does not seek friendship with loved ones is his own sworn enemy." The people see strength in friendly work, in general rest, in mutual assistance.

Game: Let's try to remember the proverbs about friendship. I will begin and you will continue.

· One for all and all for one).

· One in the field ... (not a warrior).

· An old friend is better than two new ones).

· You will not get to know your friend without trouble).

· There is no friend, look for, but found ... (take care).

The people have put together many proverbs about friendship. Let's hear an explanation of their meaning.

1. A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy (you are afraid of an enemy, but you rely on a friend, in a difficult moment a cowardly friend can be frightened and let you down).

2. There are many owners for a good horse, and many friends for a good man (many want to buy a good horse, but many want to make friends with a good man).

3. An unfaithful friend, like a leaky fur coat (it is cold in a leaky fur coat in frost, and an unfaithful friend will fail in a difficult moment).

4. Not the friend who indulges, but the one who helps (when a person indulges you in everything, he does not care what you really are, the best friend is the one who will help you to improve and become better).

5. Those who are not looking for friends for themselves are their own enemies (without reliable friends, it’s hard for a person in life, so you have to look for friends and be a reliable friend yourself).

6. For what a friend scolds, for what the enemy will praise, (your enemy clearly sees that it is really bad for you to do any unworthy deeds, because for them he will hypocritically praise you, and a real friend will tell the truth, even if she unpleasant).

7. And many friends are few, and few enemies are many, (many friends are always good, and there is never too much good, an enemy is always evil, and even a small evil is always bad).

8. A tree is strong by its roots, and a person is by friends (the deeper and stronger the roots of a tree, the better it withstands bad weather, the stronger is human friendship, the easier it is for a person to bear the blows of fate).

9. Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you can't put it back together (you can't put a broken glass into the window, if you offend a friend, you can lose it forever).

10. Friendship friendship strife - even give it up, (when friends only quarrel and do not know how to be friends or have a bad influence on each other, then such friendship only brings harm).

11. Friendship is strong not by flattery, but by truth and honor (it must be remembered that a true friend can point out to you your shortcomings and unworthy actions, it is this kind of friendship that should be cherished).

12. Mountains and stones are destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is a word (hurtful and unpleasant words can destroy friendship, so you need to be careful with criticism of your friend, it is delicate and offensive to talk about the shortcomings of friends).

13. If you want friendship - be a friend (when you yourself learn to be friends, then friends will appear, each person appreciates the good qualities of a friend in another).

Pour in on the first number
Believe it or not, in the old school, students were flogged every week, regardless of who is right or who is wrong. And if the "mentor" overdoes it, then such a flogging was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

All tryn-grass
The mysterious "tryn-herb" is not at all some herbal medicine that is drunk so as not to worry. At first it was called "tyn-grass", and tyn is a fence. The result was "podzabornaya grass", that is, an unnecessary, indifferent weed to everyone.

Goal like a falcon
Terribly poor, beggar. Usually they think that we are talking about a falcon bird. But it has nothing to do with it. In fact, the "falcon" is an ancient military battering weapon. It was a perfectly smooth ("naked") cast iron bar, fixed on chains. Nothing extra!

Kazan orphan
So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is it the "Kazan" orphan? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirza (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian tsar, tried to beg him all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Unlucky man
In the old days in Russia, not only the road, but also various positions at the prince's court was called "the way". The falconer's way is in charge of princely hunting, the hunter's way is hound hunting, the horseman's way is in carriages and horses. Boyars by hook or by crook tried to get the way from the prince - a position. And whoever did not succeed, they were disparaged about those: a good-for-nothing person.

Inside out
Now this seems to be a completely harmless expression. And once it was associated with shameful punishment. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, the guilty boyar was put backwards on a horse in clothes turned inside out and in this form, disgraced, they were driven around the city under the whistle and ridicule of the street crowd.

Lead by the nose
Cheat by promising and not fulfilling the promise. This expression was associated with fairground entertainment. The gypsies used to lead the bears by a ring threaded through their noses. And they forced them, poor fellows, to do different tricks, deceiving with the promise of handouts.

This is the name of a person on whom someone else is blamed. The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of a living goat, thereby, as it were, shifting the sins of the entire people onto it. After that, the goat was driven out into the desert. Many, many years have passed, and the rite no longer exists, but the expression still lives on.

Sharpen the fringes
Balusters (balusters) are chiseled curly posts of the railing near the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, "sharpening balusters" meant conducting an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But by our time there were fewer and fewer skilled craftsmen to conduct such a conversation. So this expression began to denote idle chatter.

Grated roll
In the old days there really was such a kind of bread - "grated kalach". The dough for him was kneaded, kneaded, "rubbed" for a very long time, which made the roll unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "do not rub, do not mint, there will be no roll." That is, a person is taught by trials and troubles. The expression came from this proverb.

Nick down
If you think about it, the meaning of this expression seems cruel - you must admit that it is not too pleasant to imagine an ax next to your own nose. In fact, everything is not so sad. In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the organ of smell. "Nose" was the name of the plaque, or note tag. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried with them such boards and sticks, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made for memory.

Break a leg
This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct desire (both down and feather), the results of a hunt can be jinxed. A feather in the language of hunters means a bird, down means animals. In ancient times, a hunter setting out on a hunt received this parting word, the "translation" of which looks something like this: "Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you placed remain empty, just like the trapping pit!" To which the earner, in order not to jinx him too, replied: "To hell!" And both were sure that the evil spirits who were invisibly present during this dialogue would be satisfied and lag behind, and would not intrigue during the hunt.

Beat the thumbs
What are "thumps", who and when "beats" them? For a long time, artisans have made spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To cut out a spoon, it was necessary to chop off a piece of wood from the log - a thumbs-up. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing thumbs: it was an easy, trifling matter that did not require special skill. Cooking such chocks was called "beat the thumbs." Hence, from the mockery of the foremen at the auxiliary workers - "baklushechniki", and went our saying.?

When, at what time did proverbs appear, these verbal pearls, with the help of which the truth is cognized?

Each nation has a kind of piggy bank of short instructive judgments, short parables, called proverbs. They contain the flexibility of the mind, character, manners and customs of the people, the strength of their language. In proverbs - a practical philosophy developed by life experience, transmitted orally by one generation to another. Proverbs appeared many centuries ago.

The proverb is full of thought, good nature and concerns all aspects of a person's inner life; at the same time, it is notable for its expressiveness, accuracy, causticity, humor and, as they say, everyone should wind it up on their own mustache.

For a proverb, all estates and convictions are equal, both rich and poor, and smart and stupid, in a word, it is equally strict and fair to everyone. The proverb touches everyone shortly, frankly and with derision. Although sometimes she is not too picky in the way of expression, one should not severely condemn her for this arrogance: after all, the proverb, for the most part, did not originate in salons, but in a crowd of people. The Germans, for example, slyly called the proverbs “areal wisdom”.

The strongest moral link that unites people of one nation is, undoubtedly, language, and therefore a comprehensive study of it is necessary to get acquainted with the inner life of the people. The need for such familiarization is especially manifested at the present time in the widespread striving for ethnographic research.

A good knowledge of proverbs can contribute to both a serious philological study of living languages, as well as an acquaintance with the character and characteristics of each individual nation.

Not everyone will remember this or that poem, tell a fable, but everyone will find a place for a proverb in their speech.

What is a proverb? A proverb is a set of rules of life, a product of folk thought, folk art. Chimney sweep, shoemaker, learned mathematician, tailor, baker - people of these different professions and positions were the creators of proverbs. How? They exchanged "what lives in their language." And so witty judgments, apt expressions, true cunning appeared.

In the modern period, the period of contradictions and the search for truths, there will be a place for objective thought of the distant past. Each era gives rise to its own proverbs. Some are forgotten right away, others are polished and occupy their niche in the language for a long time.

What is the meaning of proverbs in Russian?

- the study of proverbs is a method of improving the language, a method of learning grammatical, phonetic and other features;

- Studying proverbs helps to get to know the culture of the country more deeply, to understand the way of thinking, the life of people;

- the proverb enriches the speech of people, it sparkles, weaves like lace;

- a number of proverbs are a response to historical events, according to which we can study the era, social relationships.

Study the proverbs - "their glory reaches the limits of the universe."

Proverbs and sayings - it seems that this is something from deep childhood, from a colorful textbook on reading for elementary school. And, at the same time, they remind of themselves every day, even if no one says them. Because they are life itself, its reflection. If you want, "formulas" of life, which explain: if you do this, it will be so, but it happened because of that ... After all, in proverbs - folk wisdom. The experience of generations that does not depend either on the historical era, or on fashion, or on the political or economic situation. The only thing that this experience depends on is time, which enriches and fills it.

Proverbs can be called a storehouse of experience and wisdom in their purest form. This is a short dictum, instructive in spirit and complete in meaning. For example: "You can't easily catch a fish from a pond."

A saying is something else. Rather, it is just a stable combination that expresses some kind of thought, concept instead of any word, or denoting a frequently repeated, recognizable phenomenon: “like two drops of water”, “like snow on the head”, “neither think, nor guess, not to describe with a pen "...

This is how it was originally, this is how the oldest proverbs and sayings appeared. After all, there were times when even books were a huge rarity, and all that a person had at his disposal was his own mind and speech.

Then, when literature, print, even television spread, the storehouse of wisdom began to be replenished with "author's" proverbs and sayings - the catch phrases of the heroes of favorite films, well-aimed turns in the texts of books ... But the meaning of proverbs and sayings in our life remained the same: a hint at a crossroads, consolation in trouble, a reminder of what must not be forgotten ...


All tryn-grass

The mysterious "tryn-herb" is not at all some herbal medicine that is drunk so as not to worry. At first it was called "tyn-grass", and tyn is a fence. It turned out "podzabornaya grass", that is, useless, indifferent weed to everyone.

Pour in on the first number

Believe it or not, in the old school, students were flogged every week, regardless of who is right or who is wrong. And if the "mentor" overdoes it, then such a flogging was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Goal like a falcon

Terribly poor, beggar. Usually they think that we are talking about a falcon bird. But it has nothing to do with it. In fact, the "falcon" is an ancient military battering weapon. It was a completely smooth ("naked") cast iron bar, fixed on chains. Nothing extra!

Kazan orphan

So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is it the "Kazan" orphan? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirza (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian tsar, tried to beg him all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Unlucky man

In the old days in Russia, “the way” was called not only the road, but also various positions at the court of the prince. The falconer's way is in charge of princely hunting, the hunter's way is hound hunting, the horseman's way is in carriages and horses. Boyars by hook or by crook tried to get the way from the prince - a position. And whoever did not succeed, they were disparaged about those: a good-for-nothing person.

Inside out

Now this seems to be a completely harmless expression. And once it was associated with shameful punishment. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, the guilty boyar was put backwards on a horse in clothes turned inside out and in this form, disgraced, they were driven around the city under the whistle and ridicule of the street crowd.

Lead by the nose

Cheat by promising and not fulfilling the promise. This expression was associated with fairground entertainment. The gypsies used to lead the bears by a ring threaded through their noses. And they forced them, poor fellows, to do different tricks, deceiving with the promise of handouts.


This is the name of a person on whom someone else is blamed. The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of a living goat, thereby, as it were, shifting the sins of the entire people onto it. After that, the goat was driven out into the desert. Many, many years have passed, and the rite no longer exists, but the expression still lives on.

Sharpen the fringes

Balusters (balusters) are chiseled curly posts of the railing near the porch. Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, "sharpening balusters" meant conducting an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But by our time there were fewer and fewer skilled craftsmen to conduct such a conversation. So this expression began to denote idle chatter.

Grated roll

In the old days there really was such a kind of bread - "grated kalach". The dough for him was kneaded, kneaded, "rubbed" for a very long time, which made the roll unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "do not rub, do not mint, there will be no rolls." That is, a person is taught by trials and troubles. The expression came from this proverb.

Nick down

If you think about it, the meaning of this expression seems cruel - you must admit that it is not too pleasant to imagine an ax next to your own nose. In fact, everything is not so sad. In this expression, the word "nose" has nothing to do with the organ of smell. "Nose" was the name of the plaque, or note tag. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried with them such boards and sticks, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made for memory.

Break a leg

This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct desire (both down and feather), the results of a hunt can be jinxed. A feather in the language of hunters means a bird, down means animals. In ancient times, a hunter setting out on a hunt received this parting word, the "translation" of which looks something like this: "Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you placed remain empty, just like the trapping pit!" To which the earner, in order not to jinx him too, replied: "To hell!" And both were sure that the evil spirits who were invisibly present during this dialogue would be satisfied and lag behind, and would not intrigue during the hunt.

Beat the thumbs

What are "thumbs", who and when "beats" them? For a long time, artisans have made spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To cut out a spoon, it was necessary to chop off a piece of wood from the log - a thumbs-up. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing thumbs: it was an easy, trifling matter that did not require special skill. Cooking such chocks was called "beat the thumbs." Hence, from the mockery of the foremen at the auxiliary workers - "baklushnikov", and went our saying.

Rub glasses

How can glasses be rubbed in? Where and why? Such a picture would look very ridiculous. And the absurdity occurs because we are not talking about glasses, which serve to correct vision. There is another meaning of the word "glasses": red and black signs on playing cards. There is even a gambling game of chance, the so-called "point". Since the existence of cards, there have been dishonest players, cheaters. They, in order to deceive a partner, indulged in all sorts of tricks. They were able, by the way, to imperceptibly “rub glasses” - to turn a seven into a six or a four into a five, on the move, during the game, pasting a “point” or covering it with a special white powder. And the expression "to rub glasses" began to mean "to cheat", hence other words were born: "eyewash", "eyewash" - a dodger who knows how to embellish his work, pass the bad off as very good.

In every culture of the most diverse nationalities there are elements inherent only to it. Some elements are expressed in the language of a given people. And they pass on the accumulated experience and knowledge, parting words for subsequent generations, memories of any specific events that were of significant importance for the history of this culture. There is a huge mass of such linguistic means of expression. However, we will analyze specific representatives from a given mass of folk linguistic means.

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What are proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings are short sayings about the life and life of the people in whose language they were born. They belong to a small form of poetic creativity. The proverb is a fairly laconic phrase with a rhythmic sound. Its meaning lies in the teaching of subsequent generations. It carries in itself many times the experience passed down from the older generations to the younger in the form of a kind of conclusion. The saying also does not differ in a large number of words. Represents a speech turn with an inherent meaning. Often this meaning is humorous. The main difference between a proverb and a saying is that the first is a sentence with deep meaning, and the second is a phrase or a combination of several words.

The history of the emergence of these speech genres

The exact date of birth of the first proverbs and sayings will not be said by a single person. With the advent of language as a means of communication and transfer of experience, people tried to capture and transmit to the future all the phenomena they saw. In ancient times, writing and access to it were imperfect. Just a few centuries ago, many people in Russia were illiterate. But what about more distant times? The way out was folk oral creativity, memorable phrases and expressions, which in their short presentation carry a global meaning, and most importantly are well remembered and passed through the chain from mouth to mouth. This is how the experience and wisdom of many centuries has come down to our days.

Using proverbs and sayings in speech

Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning are firmly entrenched in culture and history. There is not a single person who does not know at least one of them. Being a small literary genre, they have a deep meaning. Without losing their relevance in completely different time periods of history, they are still used in oral speech, in the media, in completely different printed publications and books. This entire area of ​​use speaks of the importance of the information that the proverbs of the Russian people carry and their meaning. Cultural value and folk wisdom simply will not let them forget and disappear.

The purpose of proverbs and sayings

As already mentioned, the most important thing in these means of linguistic expressiveness is the description of the surrounding phenomena. Thus, our ancestors described the world around them and passed them on to future generations. Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning are, first of all, history. They reflect the everyday life and everyday problems of society occurring at the moment when they were born. These phrases and phrases received an emotional coloring, the frequency of the occurrence of this phenomenon and the cause-and-effect relationship were noted, and the solution to the problem that had arisen was laid. It was in this composition that Russian proverbs and their meaning passed further through the pages of history and were firmly imprinted in the culture of the people. That is, we can conclude that the original purpose was to describe the phenomenon for posterity and to resolve issues associated with it.

The place of proverbs in modern life

Russian proverbs and their meaning are firmly rooted in the culture of our people. They are an integral part of everyday life, everyday conversations, literature. Most of the proverbs do not lose their relevance, they reflect the essence of things, not limited by the time frame of existence. Their meaning remains as meaningful as it was centuries ago. The types of human character and the laws of the universe change little over the generations. Russian proverbs and their meaning have not changed their place in the life of society. Their task is still the same - to teach and warn.

Recent generations have moved far from literature, many Russian folk proverbs and their meaning are unknown to modern children. For them, this is a meaningless collection of words. However, on the path of life, they will have to face these statements more than once. And even without reading the literary classics, they eventually recognize this part of the folk culture.

Famous Russian proverbs and sayings, their meaning

Here are some examples of proverbs. A remarkable vivid representative of their society is the proverb "An old friend is better than two new ones." How many times in our lives have each of us come across this statement? And we all know why this is so. An old friend has been tested over the years, he will not betray, he has become something dear, there is so much in common between old friends, so many memories! How can new friends suggest something like that?

Cheek brings success. This proverb talks about the importance of decision making and their implementation. Often, there is not enough willpower to take risks to fulfill the desire. Courage in starting a business is half the battle. Fear has always been, is and will be. It is absolutely natural for a living person, but one must be able to overcome it. Then many things will seem not as complicated and unrealizable as they originally were.

The first step is difficult. The meaning is similar to the previous one. In order to do something, you first need to get to work. And later the case will move on much easier.

Seven times measure cut once. It emphasizes the need for careful planning and predicting possible outcomes. For all actions you have to pay and sacrifice something. It is necessary to clearly understand whether it is worth it or not. Otherwise, it will be excruciatingly painful or even ashamed of the causeless impetuosity.

Sources of proverbs and sayings

The original source, of course, was spoken language. Phrases were passed from person to person, from generation to generation. Then they began to figure in folk literature: in fables, fairy tales, legends, and so on. Proverbs and their meanings in Russian fairy tales were supposed to admonish and teach the wisdom of the life of children, for whom these fairy tales were intended. Now proverbs are also found in oral speech, and in literature, and in print media. The most extensive collections in book bindings have appeared, the vastness of the Internet is also rich in proverbs and an explanation of their meaning. Culture cannot throw such a huge part of it into nowhere.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings

In order to be civilized people, you must first of all remember your history, the wisdom of your predecessors, be familiar with the art and culture of the people to which you belong. The memory of the past provides a huge perspective for development. Many situations have already been passed and are precedents. This means that history has already captured multiple options for their solution. So are Russian proverbs and their meaning. With their skillful application, they will help to avoid many mistakes and unpleasant consequences in the lives of individuals and on a global scale of society.

Very often we say phrases addressed to friends, colleagues, unfamiliar people, etc. meaning that we do not understand or misinterpret ... We suggest checking your idea of ​​them with the true meaning.


Misinterpretation: When we fail to do something the first time, we say: "The first pancake is lumpy." That is, it didn’t work, it didn’t work out, it crumpled.
But the origin of the proverb is actually quite different. And it sounds a little differently - "the first pancake comAm". And there is no spelling error here. It's just that the meaning here is completely different - first pancake ... to bears.
Why is the first pancake for bears? Many peoples, including the Slavs, had a custom to give the first pancakes to comas (in Old Slavic coma - bears). After all, the ancient Slavs honored the holiday of Komoeditsa, dedicated to the awakening of bears, whom they considered the ancestors of people. The first pancakes that the hostess baked were brought to the den by bears who woke up from hibernation and were hungry like wolves.
The original source: "The first pancake is coma, the second pancake is for friends, the third pancake is for distant relatives, and the fourth is for me."


“Though you gouge your eyes out,” “pitch darkness,” “Egyptian darkness,” and “you can't see it at all,” so figuratively we can say about the thick, impenetrable darkness. But what is "zga" that is never seen? Not many people know this. By the way, even linguists are still arguing about the origin of this word. Some believe that "zga" is the name of a metal ring on a horse's arch and that, saying "you can't see it at all," the Russian people wanted to say: it's so dark that even this ring cannot be seen.
Others argue, and more convincingly, that "zga" is nothing more than the word "stga" that has undergone a number of changes, that is, a road, a path. In some dialects even now the word “stega” is used in the meaning of “road”, from where, in particular, the diminutive “stitch” is formed. Remember, there is even a song that begins like this: "The stitches-paths have grown ..."
So it turns out that the expression "not even visible" means: "it is so dark that you cannot see the trail or path." And then the meaning of such, for example, a proverb, which the supporters of the "ring on the horse's arch" could not explain, becomes clear: "A blind man leads, but both cannot see it."
In the picture: 1 - Bit; 2 - Bridle; 3 - Arc; 4 - Leash with a lanyard; 5 - Zga; 6 - Saddle; 7 - Thursday; 8 - Harness: a) longitudinal belt, b) transverse belts, c) slope belt, d) rim belt, e) lobe; 9 - Shaft: a) comb, b) heavy; 10 - the abdomen; 11 - Girth; 12 - Gouge; 13 - Clamp; 14 - Supon; 15 - Reins


In fact, the point of the saying is not at all to postpone things. On the contrary, in the old days, when the wolf ran to the village, the peasants hid and waited for the wolf to get tired of it and run away into the forest. And work will not run away anywhere. Therefore, there is no need to wait - you need to start working.


Misinterpretation: "Working is harmful, so work less."
The full version of the proverb is: "Horses die from work, but people get stronger." The wise people wanted to say with these words that work is harmful only for unreasonable animals who do not understand the joy of work. For a person, work is not only useful, but also necessary for a healthy and happy life.


The villages used to be a long line of houses along the road. And the people living on the edge had a special responsibility - to be the first to meet any danger and, if necessary, to repulse any danger. Therefore, declaring "my hut is on the edge" the peasant was actually saying: "I am ready with my life to protect the peace of my village."


Misinterpretation: "My interests are dearer to me."
Let's remember, when were these words pronounced? Of course, at the funeral of a comrade who fell in battle. When the soldiers took off their shirts from the body and threw them into the grave - closer to the body of the deceased. Thus, they showed how dear he was to them.

7.You cooked porridge for you and disperse

Misinterpretation: "I don't care about your problems."
Let's remember when these words were pronounced? When a peasant came to visit a neighbor, and he was treated to porridge. In such cases, a polite peasant would refuse porridge - they say, you need food more. "You made the porridge, and you need to disentangle it."



Misinterpretation: "Everyone is looking only for their own benefit."
This stupid fish is looking deeper. A person, a reasonable person, is looking for where he can better serve his country.

This spicy story dates back to the 12th century. Boyarin Sidor Kovyla-Vislov, a personal friend of the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich, was distinguished by an extravagant habit of "tearing up" goats. That is, in medical terms, copulate with goats.

WHILE BABA IS FLYING FROM THE FURNACE, SEVENTY-SEVEN THINKS WILL CHANGE. About a woman's ability to foresee everything, think about everything and quickly choose the right one from several decisions.

GRANDMA SAID TWICE (wondered). 1. It is not known whether the expected or desired will come true. 2. It is not known whether what is being said is true.

WITHOUT THE NAME OF THE SHEEP BARAN. That which has no name is difficult to discern.

NO SALT TABLE CURVE. It is said when salt is not served at the table.

HARD WORDS BREAK NO BONES. Swearing, offensive, offensive words are forgotten, they can be tolerated.

PAPER ENDORSES EVERYTHING. You can write anything you want.

IN ONE FEATHER AND A BIRD IS NOT BORN. Not all people are the same in their qualities.

BARBARAA IS MY AUNT, AND REALLY A SISTER. Truth is the most precious thing.

SPRING DAYS ARE LONG, YES THREAD JACKET. Outdated. I don't want to work in the spring.

THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. Everyone praises what is close to him, dear.

THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE IS THE VOICE OF GOD. Outdated. The opinion expressed by the people is undeniable, it must be reckoned with.

THE MOUNTAIN GIVEN A MOUSE. Enormous efforts have yielded negligible results.

THUNDER WILL NOT CRASH, MAN WON'T CROSS. A careless person will not do the necessary in advance, before circumstances force him to do so.

BUSINESS GOES, THE OFFICE IS WRITING. Jokingly about stormy activity, unrelenting activity, etc.

GOOD GLORY LIES, AND THANKS RUNS. Bad fame spreads quickly, and the good about a person may remain unknown.

FRIENDLY - NOT LOADED, BUT INSERT - AT LEAST THROW. Working in concert together is not hard, but separately it is difficult.

I DO NOT TAKE THE TASTE, BUT IT WILL BE HOT. It is said jokingly when they prepare silt and offer to eat something hot.

DON'T TAKE MONEY FOR DEMAND. The question of anything does not bind you to anything.

THE RAVEN FLY INTO THE HIGH (boyar) choroms. Outdated. It is said to one or to someone who has fallen into an alien, higher society, environment.

THE CAT KNOWS WHOSE THE MEAT I EATED. Realizes that she is to blame.

KNOW THE EDGE, DO NOT FALL. Know when to stop, do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

GOLD AND SHINES IN THE MUD. The one with great dignity is always visible.

WHAT IS POP, SO AND COME. What is the boss, so are the subordinates.

WHO ISN'T SINNT TO GOD, ISN'T TO GUILT THE KING? Outdated. All people are sinful, all are not without sin.

WHO TOOK THE STICK, THE ONE AND KAPRAL. Outdated. He who has power, has power, and he has the command.

WHO DARE, THE ONE EATED TWO. About an enterprising, dexterous, cunning person who knows how to get comfortable.

THE LADDER NEEDS Above, NOT BELOW. Things need to be put in order from above.

FUCK THE BEGINNING. Starting any business is difficult, it will be easier to continue.

BETTER A LITTLE FISH THAN A BIG COCKROACH. Better a little useful than a lot, but unnecessary, useless.

LITTLE DOG TO OLD PUPPIES. A small person always seems younger than his age.

THE DEAD ARE NOT BORN FROM THE LIGHT. You can't bring back the past.

MOSCOW BURNED FROM THE CANDLE CANDLE. And trivial causes can trigger major events.

THERE IS NO MASTER TO SIN. Anyone can experience trouble, trouble, misfortune; everyone can commit an offense.

ON ANGRY WATER TAKES. The angry one gets more.


ABOVE WE ARE NOT A CAPLET. No need to rush.

BEGINNING FOR HEALTH, AND FINISHED (brought) FOR THE SLEEP. About the discrepancy between a good beginning and a bad end (in words, deeds, etc.).

THERE WAS NOT A FARE, BUT SUDDENLY ALTYN. It is said with unexpected luck or joy after bad luck.

DO NOT LISTEN - DO NOT LISTEN, AND DO NOT HINDER LIES. It is said to that, interrupts the speaker, expressing mistrust, disagreement with him.

NEED TO JUMP, NEED TO DANCE (crying), NEED TO SING SONGS. Outdated. Poverty forces you to do what you would not want to do.

BURNED ON MILK, BLOWS ON WATER. Anyone who has suffered a setback or adversity becomes overly cautious.

ONE HEAD IS NOT A DISORDER, BUT A TROUBLE, SO ONE. It is easier for a lonely person, not burdened with worries about the family, to endure any difficulties, hardships.

YOU WILL NOT TIE A KNOT WITH ONE HAND. You can't do anything alone.

HUNTING MORTAL, YES PARTICIPATION BITTER. About a strong desire if it is impossible to fulfill it.

ERROR DOES NOT BECOME FALSE. The error is not considered deliberate deception.

THE WORK OF FOOLS LOVES. It is said jokingly or with disdain to the one whose diligence is not approved.

RUBY TREE BY YOURSELF. 1. Choose your match (for marriage). 2. Take on what is in your power, capabilities.

FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD. Decay, decomposition in any environment, collective begins, first of all, from the top.

DO NOT DRINK WATER FROM FACE. Beauty is not important. It is said when choosing an ugly bride or groom.

SEVEN WERST TO HEAVEN AND ALL FOREST. About a long and incomprehensible speech.

SAID WORD IS SILVER, UNSAIDED - GOLD. The word is silver, and the silence is gold.

TO DRIVE A LITTLE - DO NOT RISE THE MOUTH TO WALK. If you keep cattle, there is no time to mess around.

SATURATED HUNGER DOESN'T KNOW. About someone who does not understand the needs, inconveniences and desires of another.

FEDOT, YES NOT THAT. About who is actually worse than who he is mistaken for or who he claims to be.

DO NOT COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED. Something is judged only by the final results. It is said when it is premature to judge the results of something.

DRINKING TEA - DO NOT CUTTING THE FIREWOOD. Usually said in response to an invitation to drink tea.

HOUR WITH KVASS, TIME WITH WATER. Poorly, half starving. Often as an answer to the question: "How do you live?"

Zhukov, V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. / V.P. Zhukov. - M .: "Modern Encyclopedia", 1967 - 537 p.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings is well explained with an example. In a series of short stories by L.N. Tolstoy cites narratives that very accurately convey the meaning of proverbs and sayings. They are listed below. There are not many examples shown, only those proverbs are taken that teach the mind to reason, are useful in life situations and are suitable for many. The meaning of other proverbs and sayings that are not here, try to explain yourself by analogy with the above examples.

Know your cricket six
The boy took a scythe and decided to mow the grass. I cut off my leg and cried. Baba saw and said:
“You don’t have to mow. You just have to wear breakfast for Father. Know your cricket six.

Dog in the manger
The dog lay under the barn in the hay. The cow wanted a senz, she went under the shed, stuck her head and only grabbed a bunch of hay - the dog growled and rushed at her. The cow walked away and said:
- If only she ate, or even she does not eat herself, and does not give me.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.
The motherless girl entered the cellar and drank the milk. When the mother came, the girl looked down and did not look at her mother. And she said:
- Mother, the cat was climbing into the cellar, I kicked her out. She would not eat milk.
Mother said:
- The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

As you look, so you see.
The boy was lying on the ground and looking at the tree from its side. He said:
- The tree is crooked.
And another boy said:
- No, it's straight, but you look crooked. As you look, so you see.

If you misbelieve in a penny, they will not believe in a ruble.
The merchant borrowed two hryvnias. He said:
- I'll pay tomorrow.
It came tomorrow, he didn't pay. He wanted to borrow one hundred rubles. He was not given. If you misrepresent in a penny, they will not believe in a ruble.

Don't die twice.
The house was on fire. And the child remained in the house. Nobody could enter the house. The soldier came up and said:
- I will go.
He was told to:
- You will burn!
The soldier said:
- Do not die twice, and once do not escape.
I ran into the house and carried out the baby!

Bread is mined with iron.
The boy took the iron hook and threw it. The guy said:
- What are you throwing good?
The boy said:
- What do I need iron, you can't eat it.
And the man said:
- Iron is mined bread.

Family porridge is boiling thicker.
The boy lived in school, came home for a holiday. We sat down to porridge. The boy said:
- No matter how thick your porridge is, the owner does not have such porridge.
And his mother said to him:
- Family porridge boils thicker.

And the bee flies to the red flower.
The girl and her mother joined the ranks. And they began to choose tapes. Mother asked:
- Which one do you want?
The daughter said:
- Red.
And the bee flies to the red flower.

The raven flew overseas, did not become smarter.
The master went abroad. I came to my place and started planting rye with my hands. The men said:
- The raven flew over the pestilence, did not become smarter.

Ours were spinning, and yours were asleep.
There were two peasants, Peter and Ivan, they mowed the meadows together. In the morning Peter came with his family and began to clean up his meadow. The day was hot and the grass was dry; by the evening there was hay. And Ivan did not go to clean, but sat at home. On the third day, Peter took the hay home, and Ivan was just getting ready to row. In the evening it started to rain. Peter had hay, and Ivan had all the grass rippled. Ours were spinning, and yours were asleep.

A stupid bird does not like its house.
The girl loved to play on the street, but when she came into the house, she was bored. Mother asked:
- Why do you miss?
- It's boring at home.
Mother said:
- A stupid bird doesn't like its house.

They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.
An old man and an old woman lived. It was quiet in their hut. They let a school into their house. The guys began to scream so hard that the old people got a pain in their ears. They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.

A naughty sheep is self-interest to the wolf.
Sheep walked under the forest; two lambs ran away from the flock. The old sheep said:
- Do not be naughty, lambs, play pranks to trouble.
And the wolf stood behind the bush and said:
- Do not believe, lambs, the old sheep; she says so because her legs do not walk from old age and she is jealous. Why are you bored? Run more.
The lambs listened to the wolf and ran, and the wolf caught them and killed them. The naughty sheep is self-interest to the wolf.

The drop is small, but the stone hollows.
The man undertook to dig a ditch and dug all summer. I dug three miles. The owner came and said:
- You dug a lot. A small drop, but a stone hollows.

Damask steel does not cut iron and jelly.
There was one strong, angry dog. She gnawed all the dogs except two: she did not gnaw a small puppy and a large wolfhound. Damask steel does not cut iron and jelly.

Not for the fact that the wolf is beaten, that sir.
The wolf ate the sheep; the hunters caught the wolf and began to beat him. The wolf said:
- In vain you hit me: it is not my fault that sir.
And the hunters said:
- They beat the wolf not for being gray, but for eating a sheep.

I chased the ax, let the ax go.
A man saw a log floating on the river. He began to get it from the shore with an ax. The ax caught on a log and escaped from his hand. Chased the ax, missed the ax.

The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.
One student asked for a book; they gave him. He said:
- I don't understand!
He was given another. He said:
- Boring!

They do not seek from goodness.
The hare ran away from the dogs and went into the forest. He felt good in the forest, but he had a lot of fear and wanted to hide even better. He began to look for a better place, and climbed into the thicket in the ravine - and ran into a wolf. The wolf grabbed him. “It can be seen, really,” thought the hare, “that from no need to look for good... I wanted to hide better and disappeared altogether. "

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