Home Flowers A seductive dance for a husband. How to dance a lap dance for your beloved man? Basic actions during the dance

A seductive dance for a husband. How to dance a lap dance for your beloved man? Basic actions during the dance

As Bernard Shaw said, dancing is nothing more than a vertical expression of horizontal desires. At all times, girls have been looking for new ways to charm a man. Our mothers adopted the fateful eyes of Sophia Loren, the gait of Marilyn Monroe, and today your girlfriends are mastering Thai massage and Indian ritual dances together. The most courageous went to strip plastics courses. So you yourself decided to learn belly dancing.

All these efforts are intended not for the general public, but for one, the most important spectator - a loved one. Almost none of the visitors to Arabic dance or strip dance schools are planning concert activities. Each one hopes that by learning a few movements, she will become unique for her man. Remember, experimentation is good at the right time and place.

Situations in which body language is needed:

Make an impression

Oriental dance is still at the height of fashion. Everyone will be delighted when you offer to perform with real bellydance at the party. And if the company has someone you dream of, you can be sure: he will not resist. When dancing for everyone, be sure to give him a couple of special looks.

Refresh the relationship

You have been together for a long time, and your sweetheart imagines that he knows everything about you, which means it's time to master the exciting dance. And when he tunes in for a traditional and already a little boring evening, give him an adult show. Believe me, he will be extremely happy with such a surprise.

Enjoy it

Even if you are not trying to conquer anyone, but simply "have fun" in a nightclub, you can acquire many new fans. The elements of strip dance or belly dancing are very exciting. The main thing is to enjoy the movement and think less about how you look from the outside!

Dmitry worked with Marina for a whole year and practically did not notice her - plump, short, not at all to his taste. For the birthday of the company, the employees arranged a skit, and the girls prepared a belly dance. They came out in monists, bright oriental costumes. And suddenly Dmitry realized that he was admired by girls with forms! And when he met Marina's eyes, he immediately decided to make an appointment with her. Now she dances just for him.

Debutante rules

For the first time arranging a "performance" for his companion. Try to avoid common mistakes.

Prepare in advance!

Sometimes a girl thinks that, having rehearsed several candid poses in front of the mirror, she will be able to show her beloved a first-class show. However, strip-plastic is a very demanding dance, all movements must be carefully worked out. It is not surprising that beginners often turn out not so much erotic as amusing. Therefore, it is better to learn a few dance routines well than just trying to portray passionate steps "like in a movie."

Create a twilight in the room, turn on the music, and tell your loved one that an incredible temptation awaits him. However, he himself will understand everything.

Forget about your shyness and stiffness, because this will only ruin everything. The viewer is your beloved man, who loves you anyone - dressed and undressed, who knows every mole on your body, who longs for adventure with YOU! You are the one and only for him.


When a girl performs a sultry belly dance with a tense, focused face, the opposite effect is more likely to be obtained. You might think you are seducing your own lover through force. Eyes and lips must also dance: flirt, give smiles! And then your sweetheart will never notice the flaws in the plastic. Remember your favorite films, for example, "Striptease", "True Lies" or "9 and a half weeks" - it's good that there is someone to learn from!

Observe the measure!

The dance should last no more than two or three minutes and end when the man is ready to greedily look more and more. You can limit yourself to a few hints of striptease, for example, depict a couple of bold movements. Or once again beckon him with your hand. This will inspire the partner more than a full-fledged "performance". You don't even have to play music.

Andrey invited Lena on a first date: he arranged a candlelit dinner in his apartment ... After finishing a glass of wine, the girl suddenly turned on the music and began to "give out" an intricate oriental dance. 15 minutes. She tried so hard that it was a pity to stop her. Andrei wondered what to do: start dancing around her, clap his hands or catch her around the room. In general, they both experienced nothing but awkwardness.

Several pluses:

Erotic dance classes are useful not only for relationships in a couple. You will learn the capabilities of your body, improve coordination and, of course, get rid of complexes about the figure.

Unusual pas is also an intense load on many muscle groups. Keep in mind: Half an hour of belly dancing is 160 calories.

Surely, after your efforts, your loved one will also think about how to add variety to your life. Expect surprises!

Fashion is fickle. Today everyone is studying strip plastic, and tomorrow variations on the theme of rumba will become popular. Dancing without words will tell you about the feelings you have for a person. So live dancing!

November 29, 2015, 11:49

Probably every girl did it at least once, danced for her lover. It sometimes turns out to be embarrassing and even, as women, it seems stupid. What do men think?

Almost every man is delighted with such a gift. They love to watch and enjoy every movement of the dance performed by a woman. For a man, a private dance is food for the eyes, and the most delicious and intoxicating.

appeared from the very moment when people began to realize such sensations as: passion, love, desire and lust. Performing such a dance, the woman made it clear to her chosen one how much she desires him and could easily take possession of his heart. Such dances were used by various beauties of history, and not without success.
Showing her passion, relaxedness and maintaining interest in a playful way, a woman makes a man blaze with fire. She sets the rules of the game and this turns a man on very much. Having learned the art of private dance, you can conquer a man forever, because for him it is like a drug.

How does a man feel during a private dance?
It is clear that the man feels aroused. But this is not a simple excitement, but a whole cult, during which a man can get an orgasm of the highest power! In the body of a man, various chemical processes begin to occur that lead to arousal. The production of the pleasure hormone increases, the level of testosterone rises, hormones begin to "dance" in the blood, which cause a feeling of sweet languor and "butterflies in the stomach."

In general, lap dance is a whole art. We are used to generalizing everything and many do not know the true nature of this dance.

At first, lap dance has nothing to do with pole dance or chair dance. Secondly, dance involves close emotional and physical contact. When a woman is almost always close to her partner, and he, in turn, looks, accepts, enjoys. In this dance, a woman comes out to the waiting man, shows herself in all her glory in front and behind, bends, bends, moves gracefully and excitingly. She sits on her knees to a man and between them sitting on the floor, while demonstrating all her charms. She comes up from behind and strokes the neck, torso and back of the man, touches her lips and chest. At the end of the dance, the woman leaves beautifully.

This type of dance is very popular in strip clubs where men run away from the hustle and bustle of the world, for a portion of "strawberries".

Can a woman perform such a dance for her beloved at home, as skillfully as professional dancers do? It all depends on the desire and preparation of the woman who decided to pamper her man. There are three "elephants" on which the whole dance is held:

1. Music. It should be exciting. Moreover, it should be the woman who should excite. Choosing the right music, a woman is able to get so strong that she will simply be ready to drive her partner crazy.

2. Nice and comfortable underwear or dance costume. This is very important, because what kind of dance will turn out if a woman constantly straightens the falling straps and tightens her panties?

3. Sincerity and fluency. It's the most important! Sincere looks of a woman, which show desire and passion for a man, are able to bring him closer to orgasm. Movements filled with agonizing passion will make a man tremble with pleasure.

With a private dance, you can give a man the unearthly pleasure he secretly dreamed of. He will understand that for you the most desirable in the world. A woman who gives such pleasure to a man is a goddess in his eyes.

When passion attacks you and your loved one, then you, of course, rip off each other's clothes and indulge in love right on the dog's rug or some other unsightly place. But how ordinary it is, just to the point of nausea. Why not diversify the noble impulses of passion? Why not give my husband a lap dance? And you don't have to buy any poles. You can do with simple, cheap, improvised means. But first ...

Without inner liberation, a lap dance will turn into a miserable awkward clownery. Of course, alcohol can help here, but if you are cold to it, you will have to engage in self-hypnosis - stand in front of the mirror, stroke yourself and suggest that you are the goddess of body movements, the true queen of orgies.

Create the right atmosphere

Without an atmosphere, dance will not find the proper response either in you or in your beloved.

Seat selection

Start with the room. Which one to choose? It's hard to say, but definitely more spacious. All unnecessary things will have to be removed from the room.


You will need a couple of chairs, naturally with a high back. One, of course, for the husband - you will defile around him, right? You also cannot do without a chair - it will help you not to fall off when you slowly undress.


Declare a temporary war on Ilyich's light bulbs and all energy-saving technologies, well, proclaim the world to romantic candles and a mysterious play of light and shadow. You can also hang a shawl with a scarf on table and wall lamps - this will add romance, a charming twilight will reign in the room. Floor lamps and garlands will also perfectly fit into the exciting atmosphere of seduction.


They should also be special, so do not spare your favorite perfume and fumigate the room with aromatic incense.


She is great liberating. It will probably be difficult for you without beautiful music. Pick something to match your private dance. This can be, for example, a relatively simple song by Kylie Minogue "Chocolate" or a full of passion and very exciting composition of Madonna "Justify my love". If you don't want to rack your brains, then just turn on the classics of the genre - Joe Cocker's song “You can leave your hat on”. The choice is yours. The main thing is to catch the rhythm, become one with it.

Have you decided on the atmosphere? Well done. Now dress up. You can wear your usual nightie at home, or create a unique image of a teacher or student girl. In any case, the choice is yours. You can also put on a work overalls on yourself - the main thing is that you feel comfortable in it, and your husband gets such a "outfit".

Easily removable outfit

Choose clothes that are easy to get rid of - dancing is a dynamic thing, you must take everything off quickly and dexterously. Men's shirts or a jacket are considered classics for intimate body movements. So don't use the same jeans. While a button-down shirt and pencil skirt are fine, they are much easier to remove quickly.

Lingerie selection

The most important element of strip clothing is, of course, underwear. Try to create a "composition" so that the bra matches the panties, creates a complete image. By the way, “tanga” panties and tights for such an “event” fit almost perfectly. High-heeled shoes are another classic of the strip genre. But if you are not sure that you will be able to maintain balance in them, it is better not to put them on.


When you’re too lazy to create something like that, then at least don’t be too lazy to spread a "mess" on your head - tousle your hair so that it looks like after intense sex or sound sleep. It would also be nice if the head was wet and shiny, and the guy wanted to stroke you.

Pick up teasing accessories

You have a large selection here:

    For example, you can take a scarf, a ribbon, or (for especially violent) handcuffs to tie your husband's hands, and he was not tempted to drag you into bed before the end of the dance or try to masturbate. All in good time - let him suffer, deserve the main prize with his patience.

    You can also take a feather (they are sold in bulk in a sex shop) to tickle or move your lover over your body while sitting on a chair.

    The tie is another excellent accessory. "Grip" it with it, drag it to you, pierce it with a passionate glance and let it go abruptly.

    If you love to satisfy yourself, then, of course, the "dildo" will also be very useful.

You are the forbidden fruit. The one that is sweet. The husband should be excited, but not get relief! That’s the whole juice, in order to bring his excitement to the limit, to awaken a real beast in him!

    Explain to him right away - you look at me, you get excited, but to touch - no, no! By the way, you also need to touch him in moderation, and you certainly don’t need to pull your beloved by the penis.

    Lightly stroke, pinch and smack him on the cheek or neck, whisper something in his ear and run your hand through his hair, but nothing more.

And be sure to throw seductive, playful glances in the direction of your man. Try not to lose eye contact with him.

By the way, it doesn't hurt to get acquainted with that.

Imagine yourself as a model and feign like you're on the catwalk. Place your hands on your hips and walk with your head held high, your back straight and your chest outstretched. When doing this, swing your hips, put one leg as straight as possible in front of the other, and try to exude confidence.

How to undress

    Don't take off more than one piece of clothing at a time. Start at the top and work your way down: first you take off your glasses (if you're in the guise of a teacher) and let your hair down, then you start pulling off your skirt, then your bra, tights, panties - in that order.

    Do not forget - the purpose of a private dance is to tease, so you should not just take off your clothes, but first hint that you are going to do this - for example, unbutton one button, or a zipper, and not just take everything off right away. Run your hand over your dress, and only then start pulling it off. Pull the panties a couple of times, lower them and only then take them off completely.

    Try to let the clothes fall freely to the floor at the end, and you can just leave them without bending over.

Basic actions during the dance

You don't need to learn any complex choreographic figures, but you still need to know the most elementary rules of beautiful and seductive body movements, you need to know their sequence:

    In the beginning, just move your hips and dance to warm up.

    After taking off each piece of clothing, approach your husband with a defiling step, but immediately move away from him.

    A couple of times you can smoothly lower yourself to the floor and bend forward on your knees like a cat.

Suppose you have already passed the first "simple" stage of the dance, took off your outer clothing and moved on to the main "dish" - removing your underwear. So:

    Take hold of the back of the chair, very slowly bend forward so that your seductive ass is in the field of view of your beloved.

    Place your foot on a chair and slowly lower one stocking, and then the second.

    Without getting up from your chair, completely get rid of the stockings.

    Turn your back to your husband and unbutton your bra, lower his shoulder straps.

    Turn to your beloved face. Keep your hands on the bra, as if not letting him fall.

    Begin to move your hips before releasing the bra.

    Become back to your husband again, spread your legs wide and start taking off your panties.

    Turn sharply so that the panties fall on the ankles.

    Lift one leg and release it from the panties, and throw the other to the side.

During the dance, constantly move your hands, passionately drive them around your body - as if it were not you who were doing it, but your beloved.

It is better to go to a particular private chat on your "knees" when you have already almost completely undressed, remained in only panties. Before that, just sit on your beloved for a couple of moments, try with your ass, but immediately get up and return to your chair:

    Come to your beloved, "saddle", put your hands around his head, and put your hair on your face.

    Pull sharply towards you so that he buries his face in your chest. Let him kiss her, but don't let him touch her.

    Tris about your beloved, jump on him, hug him - in general, do whatever you want, but don't let him touch you too much.

Actually, this is where the dance ends. Oral sex can become the "cherry on the cake" for your loved one - in a "bar" striptease they are usually decorated with a dance. But in the "home" version, the scope for imagination is much wider.

How long does the dance go on

Short - 10 minutes maximum. Better to limit yourself to 7-8 minutes. Do not forget that you have passionate sex ahead of you with your beloved. If the dance is too long, then your man may “burn out”, become too overexcited and “cool down” prematurely.

How to take your relationship to the next level. Every woman who is experiencing a crisis in an intimate relationship asks herself such a question. Naturally, you need to try something new, experiment. But what to do if all methods have exhausted themselves. Fun will help you video tutorial by seduction by a private dance. Private dance this whole art in seduction... A private dance, skillfully constructed in movement and tactics, can excite an indefatigable lover in a man. Find freedom, throw off social shackles, be welcome. Riding the wave of sexuality in dance, do the incredible. Private is the key to saving your relationship.

So, girls, want to make an unforgettable gift for your loved one? Give him a striptease. Trust me, he will be smitten. Even if you do not surprise him with your grace or sense of rhythm, he will be captivated by the fact that you are free for him.

In addition, as you know, partial inaccessibility attracts men, despite the fact that they say that the best clothing is nudity. Don't trust them. They are cunning.

It is the erotic underwear seen through the transparent fabric or the inadvertently bare knee for them like a red rag for a bull. You will become the most desirable for him, believe me!

Striptease at home. Stage 1


No home striptease ends with a peaceful tea or “Thank you, dear. Let's sleep." sex is inevitable. Therefore, a shower and corresponding erotic lingerie is not discussed. If your intimate life allows for role-playing, you can dress as a maid, a nurse, and Little Red Riding Hood.

Here we take into account the preferences of your beloved. But don't put too much on yourself. You will sweat and get tired of filming, and not every thing can be filmed erotic, and we need it.

It is not recommended to smear yourself with various oil lotions. No matter how beautiful it looks and no matter how tasty it smells - believe me, men prefer the real you. Your body's natural scent is the best scent for it.


Key points: Twilight, appropriate music. You can light an aroma lamp with a special "stimulating" oil (cypress, thyme, nutmeg, cinnamon, lavender, rosemary). But this is optional. Half-naked you will be enough for him.

Semi-darkness, as a rule, is achieved by curtains of windows and a couple of candles. But don't fill the whole room with candles - you need space for a passionate dance and an equally passionate continuation. Therefore, we remember about safety.

Striptease at home. Stage 2

So you are ready. Place the lucky person in pillows and whisper that there is a surprise waiting for him. We turn on the music and start ... But! Before the "performance", no matter how confident you are, you need to practice and warm up. This will help the Internet and video tutorials.

Do not try to repeat and remember everything, because you do not need to perform in public. Only he will be the main spectator ... Therefore, it is enough to know the main points.

First, relax. Movements should be fluid, light and relaxed. Do not be pinched and do not be afraid. The mood of the dance depends on you.

The second is contact. At the very least, you should look him in the eye, even though he will be looking at something completely different. But when he glances at your face and your eyes meet ...

Also, contact can be physical: go up to him, run your hand over your face, but do not allow yourself to be touched. Let him wait a bit, tease him first.

The third is the hands. You can do whatever you want with your hands, the main thing is to do something. They should not hang limply along the body. You can make waves, claps, inviting hand movements towards yourself. You can move smoothly along your chest, abdomen and hips, but without touching yourself. It will turn him on.

After you have had enough of his enthusiastic gaze, you can proceed to stage 3. Approach your beloved, take off some of his clothes, let him take part in undressing you (or at least let him unfasten your bra) ... Then you will orient yourself.

Good luck, you will succeed. The main thing is not to be shy and believe in yourself!

Video lessons for seducing a man with a dance

You may be surprised, but dance is a kind of veiled form of flirting. Indeed, it is in the process of dancing that you open up, remove the mask of constraint. This, on a subconscious level, affects your partner. In addition to dancing, eye contact is also important, that is, it is necessary to periodically look into the eyes of your beloved. Try to do it in a casual, casual way. This will turn your man on the most. It is important to make it clear to your boyfriend that he is special, he is the only one. And this dizzying dance is just for him. This is the whole secret and success. The fact that you tried, studied the art of dance especially for him will be deposited in the mind of a young man.

How to do a private dance for your favorite video

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