Home Flowers Gua compatibility. Compatibility of people by the number of gua. The meaning of the figure three Gua

Gua compatibility. Compatibility of people by the number of gua. The meaning of the figure three Gua

The Gua number indicates a person's personal energy. We can say that Gua number- this is your personal Feng Shui, which allows you to determine individual favorable and unfavorable directions. What does this mean?

Different directions, depending on where they are directed, have different energy characteristics. For someone, a certain direction may be beneficial, bring good luck in business, promote health and success. And it may not suit another person at all. And to find out, you need calculate the number of Gua.

How to calculate the Gua number

RThe calculation of the Gua number is simple and straightforward, however, some care and accuracy in execution is required. It is calculated using the following formulas:

  • For a man born before 2000, calculate the Gua number like this - first add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you end up with a two-digit number, add them up again to make one number. Then the resulting result subtract from 10.
  • For a woman, add the last two digits of her year of birth in the same way, bring the result to one and add the number 5.

For people born in 2000 or later, the formula will be slightly different. So, for a girl, you need to add to the final result not 5, but 6. And for a boy, the result must be subtracted from 9 ... If he was born in 2009, then it is clear that the Gua number cannot be zero. And then it equals 9.

Important points

  • Gua number 5 does not exist! When the final total is 5, then for a woman the Gua number is 8 , and for a man - 2 .
  • Keep in mind that the year on the solar Chinese calendar does not start on January 1, as it is generally accepted, but in early February. Therefore, if you were born between January 1 and February 4-5, then you need to carry out calculations as if you were born in the previous year.

To simplify the task, use a special calculator on the site, where you can not only determine the Gua number, but also find out your personality element. What is the element of personality, or

Calculation of the Gua number. Examples of

  • Add the last two digits of the year: 5 + 1 = 6
  • Add 5 + 6 = 11
  • Add 1 + 1 = 2
  • So, the Gua number for her is 2

New Year according to the Chinese calendar in 2010 comes on February 4, therefore, when calculating, we assume that the boy was born in 2009. That is, the Gua number is 9.

Depending on the Gua, people are divided into eastern or western groups and have their own lucky directions. These directions point to the eight cardinal points. Four of them will be favorable, and the other four will accordingly not.

If, after calculating the Gua number, you get one of these results - 1, 3, 4, 9 , then you belong to the eastern group, and the cardinal points are east, southeast, north, south will be good for you . If you received - 2, 6, 7 or 8, then you belong to the western group and for you the best sides are west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

Gua number compatibility

There are some good combinations of numbers in Feng Shui. To some extent, this also affects compatibility between people.

Partnership. Pairs of Gua numbers 16, 38, 27, 49 can be successful in joint activities. They are able to work together to achieve fame and recognition. This is a good equal relationship.

Possibilities... Pairs of Gua numbers 19, 28, 37, 46 can give each other promising opportunities. This is support and patronage, an opportunity to advance and rise up the social ladder.

Competition. Pairs of Gua numbers 14, 23, 69, 78 - can take away opportunities from each other, "pull" down, lower self-esteem.

However, the Gua number does not indicate the character traits of people, therefore, in serious matters of love, marriage or business relationships, it will be more reliable to use the information from the Bazi card, which is compiled for the full date of birth.

Feng Shui-friendly directions for Gua numbers

Each of them has its own type of energy.

  • Sheng Qi - Success direction- the most favorable direction in Feng Shui with the best kind of energy. It ensures success in absolutely any endeavors, brings money, fame, high position in society. The direction is ideal to rotate the desktop in this direction. If the front door to the apartment and the worker "looks" in the same place, then it will be just wonderful!
  • Tien-Y - direction Health... If the front door to the bedroom and the head of the bed are directed in this direction, or when eating, you will face it, this will have a beneficial effect on your health and add vitality.
  • Yan-Nian - Harmony direction helps to create harmonious family relationships for a long life together. For this purpose, setting the bed with the headboard towards Yan-Nian will be especially useful. If you are single and dream of a life partner, then this destination is the best for you.
  • Fu-Wei - Stability direction great for developing internally, it gives clarity of thinking. This contributes to professional development and, as a consequence, career growth. It will be good to direct your workplace in this direction.
Gua number Success Health Harmony Stability
Eastern group
1 Southeast East South North
3 South North Southeast East
4 North South East Southeast
9 East Southeast North South
Western group
2 Northeast West Northwest Southwest
6 West Northeast Southwest Northwest
7 Northwest Southwest Northeast West
8 Southwest Northwest West Northeast

Unfavorable directions

Using them leads to various problems.

  • Ho-Hai - Obstacles- unpleasant, but of the bad it is the weakest. Indicates minor failures and minor problems. Not so bad, but avoid it if possible.
  • Liu-Sha - Six Assassins. If a desk or bed is looking in this direction, then serious conflicts may appear in the family and at work, and legal problems may suddenly emerge in business.
  • Wu-Gui - Five Ghosts- this direction threatens with accidents and loss of money. Fires and thefts are possible. If you sleep with your headboard in this direction, then you can get seriously ill or get depressed.
  • Tszue-Ming - Complete collapse. This is the most unfortunate and harmful place. Avoid him at all costs, do not sit facing him during work or important meetings. The bed should not stand in this part of the house as a headboard, otherwise you will have bad dreams and you simply will not be able to sleep. For the front door, this is also an undesirable place, because every time you leave the apartment, you attract negative energy along with failures.
Gua number Complete collapse Six Assassins Five ghosts Obstacles
Eastern group
1 Southwest Northwest Northeast West
3 West Northeast Northwest Southwest
4 Northeast West Southwest Northwest
9 Northwest Southwest West Northeast
Western group
2 North South Southeast East
6 South North East Southeast
7 East Southeast South North
8 Southeast East North South

How to Apply Good and Bad Directions for Gua

After calculating the number of Gua and determining your favorable directions in Feng Shui, you need to arm yourself with a magnetic compass and determine where you have which cardinal points.

Gua is your Personal Palace

Personal Palace - this is the name of the sector of the house, which belongs to a certain side of the world. With the birth date calculator, you can easily determine it. There is a strong bond between this sector and Gua. If the corresponding sector is damaged, cluttered or completely absent, then very often there are difficulties and troubles that will constantly interfere with implementation. And if a negative object with harmful Sha is located outside the house in this sector, then unpleasant events and serious disasters occur. The Personal Palace must be in good condition!

In general, take care of your Personal Palace, more often try to adhere to directions that are good for your home and your Gua numbers- improve feng shui, and then you will notice how your life will begin to change for the better!

Is it possible to change your Destiny or influence the events in your life. It turns out that the followers of the direction of the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui offer several ways, following which you can make significant changes in the course of your own life. One of the most popular is Gua number, calculate online everyone can do it.

Gua's lucky numbers technique

This numerical value technique is easy to understand, and its effectiveness is known from the many experiences of our predecessors. She is able to help identify the main directions for adjusting your own life alignment, provide niches for possible further development and personal excellence, and determine the directions in which significant changes should be made.

This figure of Happiness is associated with the generally recognized cardinal points.

  • To prepare the correct calculation, you only need to know the person's date of birth.
  • The result obtained allows you to arrange things in the apartment and at the workplace in such a way that the state of your affairs will change for the better.

It can be used to achieve:

  • attraction of cash flow,
  • good luck in your personal life,
  • determining the main aspects of their own development,
  • moving up the career ladder,
  • awareness of their importance and common purpose, etc.

How can life situations be corrected

Each of us would like to change something in our life and achieve prosperity in all its areas. It is for these purposes that various methods and methods are used.

The direction that came to us from Ancient China indicates the necessary areas that should be activated in order to properly organize the surrounding space.

In some cases, it is preliminarily recommended to create a Wish Card in order to determine directly for ourselves the most important points that we should change. The main thing, when carrying out all of the above actions, you need to believe in the effectiveness of the method. Only in this case, the expected events and people will enter your life, and you will achieve a positive result.

Learn more about how to create your own Wish Card:

Feng Shui Gua Number

The diagram that helps you identify the Ancient Chinese Destination Zones in your apartment is called Ba Gua.

  • She suggests dividing the entire space into eight sections in a circle, with one central one.
  • Each of them has its own name and purpose.
  • Their location is mirrored in relation to the existing cardinal points.

How to create Ba Gua sectors in an apartment

It is desirable to depict it on a piece of Whatman paper, you can create it on a computer and print it.

  • Pre-draw a floor plan for your home, with an accurate indication of all door and window openings.
  • On it, using a compass, determine the location of all parts of the world.
  • Do not forget that the operation of the device may not be accurate in rooms where there are electronic devices, they knock down the movement of the arrow in the wrong direction.
  • Therefore, take care in advance that they do not interfere with you.

Calculate Gua number by date of birth

Now you just have to compare the Ba Gua scheme with your plan, not forgetting to turn it over according to the mirror principle. All preliminary measures for calculating the coveted lucky number have been carried out by you.

The principle of calculating the Luck figure

  • Women born between January 1 and February 5 take the previous year as the baseline date, and in other cases, actual data apply.

How to count

The calculation scheme is quite simple and should not become a laborious process for you.

  • Add the numeric value until you get one digit.
  • For example, 1991 = 9 + 1 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1.
  • Increase the resulting result by five if your date of birth is before 2000 and by six if after.
  • Do not forget that when receiving two-digit data, we perform addition until we get one digit in the end.
  • If we consider the above example, it turns out: 1 + 5 = 6

Now, depending on what value you have formed, read its correspondence in the tables below.

Digit unit

This value is for an eastbound direction.

  • Its element is Water, and white is considered its color.
  • If this value falls to you, then you know how to control yourself, are careful and rely only on your own strength.
  • Your relationships with other people are calm and balanced.
  • You manage to find a way out of any, even the most confusing situation.

It is believed that few are always good listeners, but not amateurs are in the circle of too many people. Representatives of ones are best at finding a common language with people whose lucky meaning is six.

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement North It is possible to activate and develop this side, provided that the life purpose of a person is clearly defined.
Material well-being Southeast Place wooden items or water in places corresponding to this direction.
Love South
  • In this direction, the figure of the bird of happiness can be set.
  • If the woman is lonely, then it is better to use the male.
  • To improve relationships, family units should purchase a mandarin duck figurine.
Health East
  • Fill this sector with light and positive.
  • Turn the bed with the headboard towards this part of the world to become the owner of good health.

Number two

Representatives of twos are referred to the western direction.

  • Their element is Earth, with matching yellow or red color tones.
  • You can rely on these women, they are capable of anything for the sake of family and friends. Twos take on any business and always bring it to the end.
  • They do not like various kinds of changes in their measured course of life.
  • The ideal option for marriage will be people who have received the Gua number to calculate the online seven.

Directions in which a positive result will be likely

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement Southwest
  • All aspirations of twos are aimed at creating a stable and strong relationship.
  • The symbols of the fire element, installed in the sectors where it is important to achieve favorable changes, will help you in this.
  • The headboard should also be installed in this direction.
Material well-being Northeast The material stability of the twos will be at the level if the latter apply all their intellectual capabilities.

A ceramic vase located in this area will help to strengthen the result.

Love Northwest
  • The optimal location of the bedroom.
  • Place icons and various love amulets in it.
Health West Alternative medicine methods are capable of improving the health of twos.

This sector is supposed to place a dining room in it.

The meaning of the figure three Gua

Three women are representatives of the eastern group.

  • Their element Wood suggests the positive influence of blue and green shades of color.
  • They are sensual, straightforward and hot-tempered natures.
  • They do not trust others and are too responsible, therefore they perform all important actions themselves.
  • Threes are constantly improving themselves and developing in various aspects.
  • Perfect conjunctions with 7s.

Directions in which a positive result will be likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement East
  • For these women, the family is the greatest value.
  • It is in her that they find an outlet for their inspiration.
  • Identify the attributes of the Water symbol in this sector, for example, an aquarium with fish.
  • They will become excellent stimulators of your own self-improvement.
Material well-being South When the number of Gua, when calculating online, fell out in the form of a three, a woman should clearly define the area of ​​her development.

A money tree or a frog with a coin installed in this zone will help to strengthen the expected results.

Love Southeast
  • Symbols related to Wood or Water will allow you to activate success in a love relationship.
  • But the triplets should avoid Fire.
Health North A headboard installed in this direction will help eliminate the occurrence of health problems.

This place is more preferable for the location of the kitchen or front door.

Four Gua

If you got the number 4, then you are a representative of the eastern group.

  • The patronage of the element of wood leaves an imprint of the predominant use of blue or green tones.
  • Women of this type are open, independent, but too changeable in views.
  • They do not accept any kind of injustice, therefore, in every possible way, they prevent its manifestation.
  • Nines are ideal for caring and tolerant fours.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement Southeast These women are able to achieve maximum earnings, so place a money tree or a knot of luck in this sector.
Material well-being North Great place for a front door or study.
Love East Install any amulets available to represent love and loyalty.
Health South.
  • When choosing a talisman for this sector, remember that you need to be careful with the fire element.
  • Suitable as an area for a bedroom or kitchen.

Number five

Under the auspices of the Earth and belonging to the Western group, women of five choose red and yellow tones in their environment.

  • This figure speaks of the presence of a penchant for adventures, perseverance in achieving goals and their own self-sufficiency.
  • These people do not suffer defeat, they know how to find a way out of unforeseen situations, they are constantly looking for ways for their own development.
  • As partners for marriage, men with the same Gua designation are best suited.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement Northeast Optimize this space for a creative studio, work space, or bedroom.
Material well-being Southwest It is better to present the sector in the optimal color scheme, without overplaying with love symbols.
Love West Ideal for a visualization board or bedroom you created earlier.
Health Northwest Fives should sleep with their heads turned towards this particular part of the world. For excellent health, install a door to the courtyard or kitchen in this place.

Number six

  • Representatives of the western group are under the auspices of the elements of Metal.
  • For them, white and yellow tones are closer and more favorable.
  • They know their worth, are rational and collected in their actions.
  • Women make increased demands not only in relation to those around them, but also to themselves. Ideal partners are people who have the lucky number one.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement Northwest Determine the necessary sphere for yourself and install an amulet in this area, symbolizing it.
Material well-being West The arrangement of crystal stones, horseshoes, or things related to creative activity will help attract well-being.
Love Southwest
  • Your head should be turned in this direction during sleep.
  • Any amulets of the earth element activate success in amorous affairs.
Health Northeast The interior in this part of your space should be decorated in accordance with the required color tones.

Use as activation methods:

  • figures of a snake,
  • flower (better if it is a lotus),
  • owls.

Lucky number seven according to Gua

Just like six, representatives of the number 7 are under the auspices of Metal and belong to the western direction.

  • The color shades also practically coincide - these are the purest white and yellow colors.
  • However, this metal is more flexible and adaptable to its environment.
  • Prudence in actions, the ability to communicate with people and excessive work activity are inherent in women.

The problems arising in the life of the sevens do not frighten them, and the friendly nature allows them to get out of the abyss of troubles dry and unharmed. Ideal partners are men who have the number 2.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement West
  • Place crystal stones and horseshoes in this part of the room to activate personal development.
  • And decorate the interior using a suitable color scheme.
Material well-being Northwest The icon of your saint or guardian angel will help to save and increase the accumulated.
Love Northeast Ideal for the location of the bed. Provide sufficient light and do not clutter up the space.
Health Southwest
  • The canteen located in this sector will contribute to health promotion.
  • Provided that you got the seven Gua number when calculating online, and you have chronic ailments, equip your personal account in this place.

Eight for Gua

The Western group of representatives of the eights, protected by the elements of the Earth, should choose between yellowish or red tones as their main colors.

  • This figure gives women an iron will, firmness, pressure and endurance.
  • Great conservatives are rather hidden and do not dump the thoughts swarming in their heads on the head of the first person they meet.
  • Convincing them of something is quite difficult, since their beliefs are not subject to change. For living together, the ideal partner will be a person with a deuce as a good sign of fate.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement Northeast Eights clearly see the goal in front of them, and it is this that should be located in the allotted sector.
  • As a talisman, you can offer figurines of an elephant or a snake.
  • It is better to choose the color scheme in accordance with the color suitable for the number.
Material well-being Southwest Money talismans will not be an ideal solution when choosing the necessary things in this area, at least do not get carried away by their number.

Also select another area for the location of the study.

Love West It is best to place in this place an icon of the saint who protects you.
  • Items that symbolize Fire are not a good option for location in a given location.
  • It will be good if it is in this area that you place the door to exit to the street, and set the bed with the headboard towards this side of the world.
Health Northwest The icon installed in this area and the periodic use of incense will help to activate the beneficial effect on the general condition of your body.

Number nine

Impulsive representatives of the eastern group are under the auspices of the fire element.

  • Red and green tones are suitable for optimal shades. Women, whose Gua number is nine by calculation online, are rather vain.
  • They know how to communicate with people and are well versed in their merits and demerits.
  • They ignite easily when a new business appears on the horizon, but just as quickly and fade if their interest is not ignited.
  • Get along well with representatives of the unit.

Directions in which a positive result is more likely:

Scope of influence Side of the world Description
Personal improvement South The sector of fame and recognition indicates the ease in achieving popularity with the environment.
  • Representatives of the Feng Shui direction recommend placing doors to the street in this area, as well as installing attributes symbolizing Fire and Wood.
Material well-being East Place charms of monetary and financial wealth here.
Love North Do not install fiery love paraphernalia such as candles. Place the head of the bed in the direction of this cardinal direction.
Health Southeast
  • The interior with bamboo will help to activate the optimal positive effect on your overall health.
  • You can place a dining room in this area.

How to use the calculation

Applying the method of such a comparison, it will be quite easy for you to understand in which rooms a certain zone of Chinese philosophical teachings is located.

  • To enhance their impact on your life, you should choose the right colors for arranging the interior in the apartment and the appropriate objects and things that symbolize your goal.
  • Do not spray your energy to activate all zones at the same time.
  • Clarify for yourself what exactly is required at the moment, and direct your efforts exclusively to these two or three sectors.
  • When you get what you want, take care of other areas of your life.

How to find out the Feng Shui zones in your apartment

Ancient Chinese teachings teach us to bring harmony into our life in accordance with the laws of nature in force. Its origins go back to ancient times, but, despite this, the popularity of this science today is growing every day. According to her, all rooms can be divided into certain areas. Each of them contributes to the general course of life of a particular person. That is why it is important to know their correct location in order to timely independently have a positive impact on the course of events, which does not quite suit us at the moment.

For these purposes, it is enough to superimpose the image of the Bagua grid on the layout of your premises. Don't be intimidated by the daunting name of a common zoned octagon.

  • Its name consists of two words: "eight" and "trigram" ("ba" and "gua", respectively).
  • Each corner of the grid has its own side of the world and its derivative.

How to calculate sectors correctly

Now, in order for each site in your house to activate and begin to perform its intended function, you need to arrange interior items and things in accordance with certain requirements.

And the color scheme in many cases plays an almost magical decisive role.

Zone name Location Element Attributes Colors
Wealth Southeast Water
  • Figurines of fish,
  • wood,
  • promising money
  • aquarium,
  • artificial fountain


Love Southwest Earth
  • Porcelain figurines (dove, ducks, swan, angel, a couple of lovers),
  • candles or aroma lamps.
Health Centre Serves to unite other sectors
  • Wooden objects (oak table, figurines),
  • fruit baskets,
  • crystal ball.
Career North Water and Metal Workplace attributes:
  • a computer,
  • telephone,
  • framed corporate photo.
A family East Water and Wood
  • An ideal place for family photos, gifts from children or relatives.
  • It is not recommended to post pictures of departed relatives, ikebana, stuffed animals.
Travel and helpful people in your life Northwest Metal
  • Photos of landscapes of the places where you have been or are planning to visit.
  • Pictures of people supporting your growth.
  • Figurines of the Gods Guyin and Ganesha.


Glory South Fire
  • Achievements you have in various fields (certificates, awards, cups, etc.),
  • figurines of birds (crane, eagle or dove).
Wisdom Northeast Earth Sector for the location of the family library, teaching-related items.
  • Do not store glossy magazines or low-quality literature, as well as piercing-cutting things in this place.



Where to locate the Wish Card Zone

So, you have already used the recommendations on how to calculate the Gua number online, placed the necessary amulets and talismans in your apartment, transformed the color of the interior in accordance with the sectors and zones, but do not forget that your gaze should regularly rest against the pre-drawn map of desires.

This kind of "magnet" will attract expected events into your life and allow plans and hopes to come true.

At the same time, be guided by the diagram and place photos in zones in accordance with the rules, and not in a chaotic order you have invented.

To consolidate your actions aimed at changing the stream of your life in the direction of your chosen direction, when activating the sectors, use the following tips:

  • In the Health zone, located in the center of the grid you are creating, place your picture in which you are completely happy and carefree.
  • Above your photo, in the glory zone, attach images that indicate success in your business.
  • For the Career area below your photo, choose images of people that symbolize the profession you are planning, or your results from the chosen field.
  • The upper left corner, in which the Wealth zone is located, fill in banknotes or other material benefits that you wish to achieve.
  • At the bottom left, place a photo of your diploma or the prospective prospects that it will allow you to achieve. Since this sector is the zone of Wisdom.
  • Fill in the place to the left of your picture with happy photos from your family album, focusing on the Family sector.
  • In the upper right corner, symbolizing a love relationship, paste hearts, images of lovers or a snapshot of your partner in life.
  • To the right of your central photo, in the area for children and creative activities, place objects that express the ways of your development and hobbies - books, knitting needles, musical instruments, etc.
  • If the baby is in the first place in your plans, decorate this place with images of expectant mothers, strollers, photos of babies or attributes necessary for the birth of babies.
  • In the lower right corner, in charge of travel and teachers, there should be photos of amazing places from your dreams or pictures of people who help you in life.

Direct thoughts to your desires

As you can see, the correct arrangement of interior items in the house is of no small importance, as well as the appropriate color scheme or the selection of the necessary attributes for location in a particular sector. But this step, using the well-known Ancient Chinese teachings, is only the first step on the path to your success in many areas and spheres of life values. It is important to understand what the Gua number is, calculate it online for yourself and your loved ones, and be guided by it in the future. Thus, you can avoid, correct, and, in some moments, even prevent unpleasant events that arise in front of you and achieve the realization of all your hopes and dreams.

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    Four. the description seems to fit.
    I am not compatible with any of my relatives. we really hardly communicate.

    You want to believe, you want not to believe in horoscopes and numbers, but my husband and I are the same. Then I got 3 and he got 8, I also recently learned that we have a "vector marriage". We are very hard with each other.

    Who can answer me a question that I can't find the answer anywhere?
    Characteristics of the couple in terms of Gua numbers: male 9 and female 9.

    Gua number - 7
    Hieroglyph Dui: joy, freedom, lake, third daughter.
    General characteristics: curious, cheerful, spontaneous, compliant. You have a strong Yang energy, but the Yin energy, although there is less of it, goes ahead as a guiding force. Outwardly, a gentle person, inside you are strong and stubborn, but the gentleness that guides you makes you a very pleasant person to communicate. Your main qualities are openness and cheerfulness. You are friendly and always radiate a good mood, warmth and cordiality. In your behavior, you are free from restrictions and prejudices, but your soft side will not allow you to go beyond what is permitted. You know how to convince and inspire people, this is one of your main talents. The number refers to the element Metal, but the metal is not hard, but soft and malleable, like silver. You are very thoughtful, empathetic, have good intuition. Your element is a pleasant pastime. You love to work, but do not overstrain yourself, often spend time in nature, know how to have fun, go to visit, to concerts, theaters and cinema. Suddenly, a passion for walking through fashion stores and buying super new new things can wake up. You love to hang out in society and strive to dress beautifully. Be light on spending money: as money comes, it will go away. You look at life without unnecessary seriousness and often leave things unfinished, but in general you always have time to correct the situation. There is a danger that inner rigidity and stubbornness can develop into dissatisfaction with life and oneself, anger and eternal whining. Try to avoid this, please others, rejoice with them. Learn to accept life more calmly, such as it is, not to demand too much from yourself and from others.
    The symbol is a lake that shines and shimmers in the sun, promising joy and relaxation.
    Life task: to bring joy to people by their activities, their behavior, their sociability.
    Gua number - 8
    Hieroglyph Gen: firmness, stay, mountain, third son.
    General characteristics: stubborn, firm, purposeful. Yin energy forms you, but it is covered from above, like armor, with strong Yang energy, which gives your energy structure an external solidity, solidity and reliability, inside which a living and hot heart beats. But this warm and tender essence is booked so securely that it doesn't show up in your life at all. Your tenderness seems to be buried under the thickness of a huge mountain. But your weaknesses are also hidden. People consider you to be a strong person, they do not know about your sensitivity and vulnerability.
    Your Gua number is associated with the element of the Earth and the symbol of its power - the mountain. In turn, the mountain has the qualities of calmness, inviolability and strength. You are characterized by contemplation, concentration, a desire to understand yourself, your feelings and desires. You love loneliness, are a little secretive and not too sociable, conservative and do not want any changes. You are a passionate collector by nature. When you see that there is an opportunity to get a rare and valuable thing, you can forget about everything else and offend those close ones. You can become outwardly either a rude person, overwhelming others with your power, or very dry, outwardly insensitive and closed. To avoid this, you need to slowly open and accept your inner tenderness and sensitivity. Cultivate caring for family members and kindness for coworkers. Remember that strength is not only in armor, but also in softness. First of all, there must be a lot of inner work in your life, work of the soul and spirit. It is not scary even if you give up external activity for the sake of this. You need to constantly reflect on the path traveled, draw conclusions from your own and others' life experience, think about the hidden meaning of what is happening around, deduce the laws of being and formulas for the meaning of life. You have been given strength precisely for such a gigantic inner labor of knowledge and self-knowledge, the discovery of your life essence. Literary success often awaits you. But periods of success can alternate with periods of minor turmoil. Usually you do not care about the material side of life, but you know how to do business in such a way that you always have money.
    Life task: to discover sensitivity and tenderness in oneself, to engage in self-knowledge and knowledge of the world in order to find inner peace and wisdom.
    Gua number - 9
    Hieroglyph Li - grip, clarity, fire, second daughter.
    General characteristics: energetic, sociable, impulsive, quick-tempered. Strong Yang energy predominates, but it is outside, and inside you is soft and pliable Yin energy. Outwardly, you look like a strong, stubborn, stern person, but inside you are soft and pliable, even submissive. That is why you easily fall into dependence - you need emotional support, just as a tree needs fertile soil and water, because inside you you lack your own life-giving strength. But on the other hand, you have been given a tremendous power of awareness, you are able to combine the external and internal, material and spiritual, to see the hidden essence of things and phenomena. You have an inner light that illuminates the true essence of what is happening, in fact, this is the gift of clairvoyance. Your Gua number refers to the element Fire. Which makes you bright, but quick-tempered, emotional and outgoing people who behave and look extravagant. Often your aspirations do not correspond to real situations. You do not know how to soberly assess your capabilities and plans, you are constantly changing your hobbies. This trigram gives strength to clearly see your own purpose, to clearly formulate your goals and ideas. The danger is that you can succumb to bad influences, to be led by others. Or get depressed and lose interest in life. To avoid this, you need to strengthen yourself from the inside, learn to defend yourself from external influences, and go your own way.
    The symbol is fire, which illuminates and transforms things in spiritual light.
    Life task: to learn independence, to turn inner weakness into strength, to convey to people knowledge about the true nature of the world, the nature of things, the essence of being, to spiritualize everything that you touch.

    Gua number - 4
    Hieroglyph Xun - softness, refinement, soulfulness, wind, first daughter.
    General characteristics: agile, hardworking, peaceful, inquisitive. Active Yang energy predominates, but it does not have a solid foundation, it is like a strong house standing on shaky ground, or a mighty ship sailing at the behest of the waves. However, thanks to the combination of Yang energy and a soft base, you are able to easily and quickly enter any area of ​​life. You lack determination, but you have tenderness, the ability to understand others, the talent to establish warm, good relationships. You bring peace and completeness with you. You can bring knowledge to help people live. You bring abundance, prosperity and prosperity to life. You are calm, patient, considerate, and reasonably gentle, so you may find yourself in tough jobs like law enforcement, such as a juvenile delinquent. With your patience, kindness and affection, you can melt even the coldest hearts. And in your family everything is going perfectly, no quarrels and conflicts, only love and mutual understanding. But be careful when choosing a path, there is a danger for you to get lost on the road, to be carried off into the open sea, to collapse like a colossus on feet of clay. Look for support within yourself, learn to stand stronger on your feet.
    The symbol is the wind, mobile, elusive, but all-pervading and omnipresent.
    Life task: not to allow yourself to dissipate your strength in vain and carry yourself away at the will of the waves, but instead purposefully strive to where you are needed to support, carry knowledge, help, sympathize, fill life with tenderness and warmth.
    Gua number - 5
    As we already know, the Gua number 5 does not exist: in women it is converted to 8, and in men - to 2.
    Gua number - 6
    Hieroglyph Qian - creativity, fortress, sky, father.
    General characteristics: domineering, cold-blooded. You are naturally given the active Yang energy. This trigram gives tremendous strength, stamina, fortitude and creative potential. This is a symbol of the paternal principle. In life, you have to take on a lot of responsibility and you should not be afraid to rule, make decisions, and actively act. You have been given creative power, to change the world for the better - the changes that you bring to life will be creative, because you are a creator by nature. By transforming the world around you for the better, you will try to preserve and protect these changes. This is the type of a wise ruler, but there is a danger of turning into a cruel dictator, losing gentleness and the ability to empathize and understand. Realizing your domineering and strong beginning, try not to lose softness, understanding, tenderness in yourself. Otherwise, those around you will find you unbearable.
    The symbol is the sky, the source of creative creative energy. The number is associated with the element of Metal. Your Metal is sometimes too sharp and can injure others. At times there is a desire to explain things that seem obvious to you to an “unreasonable” society and a “wrong living” family. Therefore, others often perceive your instructions and remarks with hostility. You need to try to be gentle and learn to listen to a different point of view. Don't decide for others, no matter how much you like it. You love to work on yourself, enjoy learning everything new, direct your energy in this direction.
    Life task: not to exchange the power given to you for small goals, but to create something new and be able to protect your offspring. You also need to learn to get along with the “imperfect” world.

    Anyone who is interested in the meaning of the GUA number!
    Gua number - 1
    Kan hieroglyph: depth, immersion, danger, water.
    General characteristics: fast, changeable, adaptable, flexible.
    You are dominated by Yin energies, with Yin at the edges, and Yang inside. This means that you have a strong inner core, although outwardly you may seem soft and even weak person. Your strength is hidden and not visible to prying eyes. It seems to be buried deep underground. Associated with this is the great danger of withdrawing into oneself, which is fraught with melancholy and apathy. External softness makes you an easy target for unclean people. But the other extreme is also possible, when a person begins to suppress his external softness and becomes tough, even angry, unpleasant in communication, to some people this seems to be a manifestation of strength. In fact, it is not a force, but only an appearance. The real power will come when you decide to open it inside yourself and release it outside. This power will give you the energy for decisive action in crisis situations, you will become able to take risks that you could not even think about before. Your awakened inner strength will make you both outwardly stronger and more protected.
    The symbol of the trigram is a stream of water that sweeps away obstacles in its path. The main quality of water is fluidity, anxiety in the good sense of the word. Therefore, you strive for travel, you are suffocated by the lack of change. You will always be attracted to expanding your circle of contacts, establishing new business contacts. In addition, you need emotional support, and therefore you are constantly looking for a romantic relationship. And if you have a family, then this can be expressed in renewed feelings for your partner. You also strive to expand the horizons of knowledge, deepen information about the world, strive for self-improvement. You crave change, but it doesn't always lead to the best.
    Life task: not to fall into despondency and apathy, but to allow your inner strength, like a flow of underground water, to come out and realize yourself in the outer world.
    Gua number - 2
    Kun hieroglyph - receptivity, diligence, dedication, earth, mother.
    General characteristics: caring, calm, gentle.
    From birth you are given only Yin energy. This means that you are a receptive and compliant person, not too prone to action, but able to accumulate creative powers, inspiring other people with them. This trigram is a symbol of the mother's principle, and the mother's task is to give birth and raise heroes, but not to take the sword in her own hands. Your strength lies in your weakness. You will not build a house, but you can fill it with warmth and love. You can fill any form with creative content, although you cannot create that form yourself. You will not make a discovery, you will not create a masterpiece, but it will be you who will bring you a cup of coffee on time and support you with a kind word. You easily perceive other people's ideas and creatively develop them. This trigram is a sign of self-sacrifice. You are characterized by dedication and caring for loved ones. Being gentle and caring for others helps you gain respect, love, and loyalty. You create warmth and comfort in the family, treat any problem thoughtfully and with understanding to the other side, are inclined to compromise.
    The symbol of the trigram is the earth-nurse. You are stable with the earth, but you need to find your own inner support. Otherwise, under critical circumstances, you will not be able to make your own decisions. You should avoid excessive dedication and fatigue, so do not forget about yourself, go to nature, but not in a noisy company, but in solitude or with your closest people.
    Life task: not to go into the shadows, but to develop in oneself the creative principle in order to generously share it and at the same time slowly accumulate strength not only for others, but also for oneself.
    Gua number - 3
    Your trigram looks like this:

    Hieroglyph Zhen: excitement, agility, thunder, first son.
    General characteristics: strong, courageous, purposeful, reliable. Passive Yin energy predominates, but it, like lava from the ground, is pushed from below by the Yang energy, forcing the Yin energy to move, seethe, and self-actualize contrary to nature. Therefore, you are born to disrupt the existing order of things, to blow up the foundations, to excite everyone, to excite, to take risks when necessary. You are tearing down the veils of secrets, shedding light on what is hiding in the shadows. This trigram gives you the energy to tackle difficult problems. You can become a leader, a pioneer, and an exposer of secrets and mysteries. Unless, of course, you yourself are frightened of your hidden forces rushing out.
    The symbol of the trigram is a thunderstorm that rumbles, frightens and sparkles with flashes of lightning. Your number is associated with the element Wood, a strong shoot, striving upward. The tree symbolizes creative growth, so you are seething with ideas, always find unexpected solutions. You are very interested in the past, your roots, communication and friendship. You are always ready to learn, improve yourself, master new activities and hobbies. They are prone to introspection and inner growth. You are better off choosing professions related to real estate, landscaping, mining, construction and electronics business. You will make a good teacher and guardian, since your Gua number encourages the desire to transfer knowledge, take care of children and the elderly. You are used to being responsible and strive to do everything yourself, not trusting anyone. Such persistence can cause conflicts in the family, you are often unfairly reproached for inattention and neglect of loved ones. Try not to forget about family and devote more time to loved ones.
    Life task: not to become too careful, not to be afraid of oneself and not to be afraid of non-standard solutions, to act actively, but not to overdo it, so that the thunderstorm energy does not become destructive. When a person corresponds to his mission given at birth, he finds inner peace and balance despite any external circumstances.

Learning to identify and read the Gua number is a priority area for Feng Shui practitioners. Your attention is given to a description of the number Gua 2, characteristics, directions, design recommendations, taking into account favorable zones.

Gua number 2 - a sign with a trigram in the form of three dashed lines ("Kun") belongs to the western group of numbers and belongs to the element "Soil". Lucky colors: red, yellow. Kun in Feng Shui is an energetic spirit that feeds everything that exists in the universe. This is the image of mother, childbirth, all-consuming love. Holders of only Yin energy are characterized by softness, sensuality, self-sacrifice, observation and conservatism.

People of this symbol are very receptive and gentle, compliant and malleable. They are completely not strong-willed, their feminine energy is able to give care and love to others, to give support and warmth.

People with the number 2 are sometimes stubborn, especially men, do not know how to delegate responsibilities, sometimes taking everything upon themselves. They are sure that no one can cope with the task better than them, and do not even give their loved ones a chance to help. Twos should beware of the "burnout" effect, they can simply drive themselves out.

Directions that give a favorable result in business

When choosing from eight directions, two should rely on the advice of practitioners and designers who study Feng Shui.

The distribution of 2 sides favorable for the Gua number looks like this:

  • Sheng-chi - northeast;
  • Tien-i - west;
  • Fu-wei - southwest;
  • Nian-yan - northwest.

The northeastern direction bodes wealth and a career. Twos should develop intellectual and analytical abilities, not hesitate to receive any information coming to them. To attract success, it is recommended to decorate the dwelling in this area with two (maximum three) talismans of good luck.

The location of significant zones in a westerly direction is responsible for the health of humans on Earth. Therefore, it is worth making sure that in your house the door leading to the bedroom is located in the west, and your bed is with the headboard to the west. It is also advisable to eat, facing the west.

The organization of the workplace of Twos in the southwest will strengthen the stable and strong position of these people in the business sphere, develop strong-willed qualities that they lack so much.

As for love, marriage and family, the north-west direction rules the show for twos. This means that if the headboard of your bed is slightly relocated from west to northwest, then your partnership will sparkle with colored highlights. For those who are lonely, such an arrangement of a sleeping place in the near future will give a meeting with love.

Unfavorable Directions in the Fate of Gua 2

In order to enjoy a calm, measured life and give warmth to loved ones, the Deuce should never distribute significant zones in unfavorable places.

  • Ho-Hai - east direction;
  • Liu-sha - south;
  • U-Gui - southeast;
  • Tszue-Ming - north.

In order to avoid various troubles, deuces must be careful so that negative energy does not transfer to things and objects that are placed in the middle of the corresponding directions. Beware of the northern direction, learn to avoid it, or reinforce yourself and zones favorable for you with protective amulets.

Partner numbers for Gua 2

Compatibility with a partner plays the most important role for the Two. Not every sign is able to perceive and appreciate the care and maternal affection of this number. The people of the Earth can, without realizing themselves, fall into slavish dependence on the people of the Eastern group (in particular, Ones). Or they can be like a real sun for their beloved ones, encouraging them to create, create and improve (for example, with Sevens).

Feng Shui gurus warn that spatial characteristics do not determine the full compatibility of partners.

Simply, if the zones favorable for each of the satellite pair coincide, then this contributes to the development and strength of partnerships. And do not blindly believe the interpretations of the basic concepts of the practice that are widespread on the web. All these are just assumptions, and how a man and a woman with different Gua numbers will get along depends completely on other characteristics (it would be more accurate to look at the "Pillars of Fate" or to analyze astrological compatibility).

According to the canons of the ancient Chinese teachings, Feng Shui Gua reveals the favorable and unfavorable directions of people, taking into account their personal energy. Each of the directions affects the quality of our life in its own way, and it depends on which course we choose. How to understand all these patterns and choose a direction with a positive energy characteristic?

Internal number value

In Feng Shui, all people are born with the planned route called destiny. He is sometimes called the prophet of destiny because he helps change karma. Each has its own inner strength, talents, inclinations that need to be developed all the time. There are also weaknesses - a tendency to disease. This technique will personally help to develop positive characteristics and protect against negative ones, will guide you how to organize the personal space in the room, so that harmony occurs in contacts with loved ones.

It is worth emphasizing once again that it focuses on the personal energy potential of the individual, which must be compatible with the directions. This means that a certain direction, ideal for one, is completely unsuitable for another. By choosing the direction corresponding to the number, everyone can achieve success in any field - whether it be personal contacts with someone, work, financial well-being. His financial affairs will creep up, health indicators will be normal, he will feel psychological comfort. Is this not what we strive for in our desires and how often do we fail because of the wrong direction?

Success in a person's life is determined by the number Gua, which can be calculated using the formula below:

Calculating the number for both sexes, born before 2000, has its own peculiarities, which are different from calculating the number for those born in 2000 and later. After spending quite a bit of time to arithmetic, we will find our happy directions and change our lives for the better.

Men and women, whose birthdays fall before 2000, can find out their fateful figure using the following formula:

The last two digits are taken from the year of birth. to be folded. If the sum is a two-digit content, it is also necessary to add from. As a result, you should get one digit from 1 to 9.

Gender distribution

  • For men, the resulting total must be subtracted from 10.
  • Women need to add 5 to the total.

For both sexes born in 2000 and later, the calculation formulas are not very different. You also need to add the last two digits of the birthday, repeating the action until one digit comes out. Further:

  • Men need to subtract the result from 9.
  • Women add 6 to the result.

Nuances that are taken into account when calculating

For those who, in principle, independently calculate their Gua figure, examples of such calculations may be useful:

For example, a woman whose date is 1967 - calculate the value of Gua as follows:

  • The last digits of the date are 6 and 7. Add them and get the sum: 6 + 7 = 13.
  • The digits of the number 13 need to be added: 1 + 3 = 4.
  • We add 5 to the total and we get the final result - 9. This is the value we need - the Gua figure.

A boy whose birthday falls on January 23, 2010. New 2010 in China begins on February 4th. The child was born before it began, which means that all calculations for the Gua number are made for 2009.

Knowing your number, a person can emphasize for himself his positive and negative sides

Having decided on the fateful number, a person can now find out which of the two groups he belongs to - western or eastern. Each of them has both positive and negative energy directions. For both, there are four favorable and just as many unfavorable directions.

Gua number 2 in women, favorable directions - received the names: Sheng-Qi - Success; Tien-I - Health; Yan-Nian - Love; Fu-Wei - Stability.

Unfavorable directions were named: Ho-Hai - Obstacle; Liu-Sha - Six Assassins; U-Gui - Five Ghosts; Tszue-ming - Complete collapse.

The western group includes people with Gua numbers: 2, 6, 7, 8. Their favorable cardinal points: west, northwest, southwest, northeast.

To the east are people with Gua numbers: 1, 3, 4, 9. Their positive parts of the world: east, southeast, north, south.

Those who are ideal for one group will have adverse effects on the other.

How to determine your number

You can always determine compatibility by the Gua number, calculate online, so people living together are compatible with each other. The connection between people and a given concept has a constant connection. The most successful combinations of numbers: 1 and 6 - wealth; 2 and 7 - long and happy family life; 3 and 8 - romantic and full of impressions feelings of two halves; 4 and 9 - family life based on mutual respect and aspiration to self-affirmation and recognition.

Successful compatibility of Gua numbers will allow spouses to live the way many married couples dream of living. If partners have the same Gua 2, for example, then their views are similar and their feelings are stable. Gua number 2 for men and women means that partners can trust each other in difficult times.

You can choose a partner for family life on other grounds, which simplifies the task of choosing in comparison with the previous method.

Those who consider themselves to be in the Western group should be guided in choosing a soul mate by representatives of the same zones. The same has to do with those who belong to the Eastern group. Their chosen ones or chosen ones, ideally, should be representatives of their zones. Thus, the husband and wife have the same directions, and it will be easier for them to choose the positive cardinal points.

Trying to bring the two halves as close to each other as possible, it still omits such a side as temperament and character. To find out how compatible people are connected by marriage, in other directions, you can use the Bazi card.

By using a good quality compass in their home, people will be able to correctly identify favorable areas in their premises from the compass. Knowing your Gua figure, you can and should avoid bad places in the house where bad energy is concentrated, which has an effect on a specific person.

The mental and physical well-being of a person depends on the correct placement of furniture in the room. For example, the bed must be placed so that the headboard is in the right direction. When choosing a place for a desk, it should be borne in mind that the face must also be looking in the right direction.

The more successful directions there are in the house, the more comfortable we will be. The directions of the entrances to the house and rooms are important.

It is important - the more everyone lives in the house, where the atmosphere is organized according to his number of Gua, the more energy will be concentrated, attracting health, luck, and wealth like a magnet.

Ideally, all possible directions in the house are suitable for the owner of the premises. In this case, the cumulative effect of positive energy is also triggered.

Do not be upset if, for some reason, you cannot completely change the environment in the room, which is why not all directions and compatibility according to Gua will still correspond to the norm. According to the rules, the located entrance to the bedroom will slightly smooth out the negative from an unsuccessfully positioned bed.

In situations where it is not possible to arrange all family members in the right directions, Feng Shui recommends using other methods. They are as reliable as the methods that Gua figure suggests.

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