Home Indoor flowers Test of humorous phrases. TYuV questionnaire (V.S.Babin (Boldyreva), A.G. Shmelev). A method for diagnosing the motivational sphere of a personality. Family portal 'Everything about family and for the family' (Pregnancy, children, education, career, beauty and health, home, travel, to

Test of humorous phrases. TYuV questionnaire (V.S.Babin (Boldyreva), A.G. Shmelev). A method for diagnosing the motivational sphere of a personality. Family portal 'Everything about family and for the family' (Pregnancy, children, education, career, beauty and health, home, travel, to

Humorous Phrases Test (TUF) - the original technique of A.G. Shmelev and V.S. Babina. For the subject, this questionnaire is interesting because it contains 100 humorous phrases and aphorisms - this in itself can become a reason to smile or think. For the psychologist, the test will become an additional source of information about the patient. We suggest taking the test of humorous phrases online. Although in this case you cannot achieve the same effect as from a face-to-face consultation with a specialist, even in this form, the TUF will surely seem amusing to you and, perhaps, will help you learn something new about yourself.

How does the humorous phrase test work?

Your task in this test is simple: you need categorize the proposed phrase into one of ten categories... All in front of you will be 100 aphorisms... How does TUV work?

You've probably heard the phrases: "Everyone understands everything to the extent of his depravity" and "Whoever hurts, he talks about that." The test of humorous phrases is built on approximately the same principle. The fact is that some (but not all) aphorisms can be interpreted in different ways and, accordingly, can be attributed to different categories. Of the 100 phrases, 60, as a rule, are considered unambiguously, and this is determined by the statement itself. The remaining 40 can be perceived in different ways, and their assignment to one category or another depends on the subject. But we certainly won't tell you which phrases belong to which group.

Multiple choice in favor of a certain category suggests that the subject has some problems with this area. It can also be a disturbance clearly perceived by a person, because of which thoughts revolve around one sphere. Also TUV can show the presence of "subconscious" problems: complexes, unconscious desires, needs, etc. In this case, the test gives no explanation why a person came to this or that result - TUF becomes, rather, a tool that helps the psychologist to determine the directions for further work.

As for the online version of the test, after passing it, you will receive a list of categories with the results, how many statements were assigned to them. Accordingly, those categories that scored the most points are "problematic" for you. This can be one category-leader or several that care about you approximately equally (I mean exactly those categories where there are more points than others). We remind you that the test will not tell you why these areas are "bothering" you, it only demonstrates the very existence of such areas to which your subconscious mind pays more attention than others. However, this may already give you some food for thought.

Humorous Phrases Test (TUF)- original compact diagnostics of the motivational sphere of personality, combining to a certain extent the advantages of a standardized measuring express test and individualized projective technique. The authors of the methodology are V.S.Babina and A.G. Shmelev.

The methodology is based on the principle of thematic classification of ambiguous stimuli (humorous phrases or witticisms). The subjects classify polysemantic stimuli in accordance with their own apperception (discretion), referring the same phrases to different themes - thematic constructs.

The increased motivational significance (dominance) of the topic leads to the fact that the subject apperceives this particular topic in polysemantic stimuli, ignoring all other topics (recognizing their secondary importance).
Incentive material is a set of 100 humorous phrases printed on cards. 40 phrases unambiguously relate to one of 10 topics (4 phrases per topic), and 60 phrases are polysemantic (the subjects perceive in them one or another topic from the same 10 main ones). All the phrases used were published in Russian contemporary satirical and humorous editions (the greatest contribution is the "Phrases" section from the 16th page of the "Literaturnaya Gazeta"). On the basis of normative experiments, polysemantic phrases were selected so that the average value of 10 classes (for 10 given topics) were equal to each other. The stimulus material is easily multiplied, duplicated and, if necessary, refreshed with new witticisms and new themes (which does not change the diagnostic principle underlying the technique).
In the proposed version of the TUF, themes were used (their everyday names are given: 1) aggression-self-defense, 2) gender relations, 3) addictions (drunkenness), 4) money, 5) fashion, 6) career, 7) family troubles, 8) social troubles, 9) mediocrity in art, 10) human stupidity.
These topics were not the result of the application of any theoretical system of classification of motives, but were distinguished empirically using a cluster analysis of expert assessments of several hundred published jokes, i.e., they reflect the most stable and widespread constructs of everyday consciousness.
The test procedure is simple and quick. The experimenter-psychodiagnostician offers the subject a deck of cards with humorous phrases and in the instructions masks the personality orientation of the test, orienting the subject towards the study of wit.
Processing of results. When proceeding to the processing and interpretation of the results, it is necessary to translate the description of thematic constructs into the language of motivational themes: the appearance of a strong thematic construct (a large class of jokes) means increased tension (significance) of the corresponding motivational theme.
Calculation of the test score does not require the use of keys: it is enough for the diagnostician to count the number of cards in the corresponding class in order to assign a certain score to the motivational theme. The ten indicators calculated in this way can be displayed in the form of a profile. Unlike quantitative tests (MMIL, 16 LF), in which indicators on scales are associated with population norms, in this case the indicators are compared within an individual profile: the ordinal structure of motivational topics, dominant topics, secondary topics, etc. is revealed. The use of norms with an internal criterion in the test does not negate the possibility of obtaining population norms (it is known that such classes as 1st, 8th, 9th, 10th are often found in most people).
When analyzing the motivational profiles of the test, it should be borne in mind that the intensity of the motivational theme can reflect not only the strength of the actually satisfied motive, but also the strength of the obstacle blocking its satisfaction.
The authors of the test offer the following theoretical psychological interpretation of the topics used:
1. Aggression - self-defense: motive - self-preservation; obstacle - a variety of "aggressive" factors that threaten the physical integrity of the body.
2. The relationship of the sexes: the motive - the entry into an intimate - sexual relationship, the release of tension from sexual dissatisfaction; obstacle - internal difficulties (lack of attractiveness, modesty) and social prohibitions internalized by the subject on the manifestation of sexuality outside of special situations of marital intimacy.
3. Addictions (drunkenness): motive - the use of alcoholic beverages, stress relief with the help of psychopharmacological agents; obstacle - social prohibitions internalized by the subject, manifested in feelings of guilt, shame; external difficulties (administrative harassment, high cost of alcoholic beverages, etc.)
4. Money: motive - personal material well-being; obstacle - lack of money, high prices, etc.
5. Fashion: motive - dedication, prestige, self-affirmation due to the possession of external attributes of social success; the obstacle is the races of fashion, the shortage and high prices of prestigious goods.
6. Career: motive - achieving a high position in society, gaining wide recognition by moving up the career ladder; obstacle - competition, the need for compromises, humiliation, disguise as an ordinary worker.
7. Family troubles: motive - family well-being; obstacle - the behavior of family members (spouse, children) inappropriate to the expectations of the subject or objective difficulties (low family income, lack of housing).
8. Social troubles: motive - social well-being; the obstacle is asociality, "irresponsibility" of those around who violate the norms of social justice and civil property.
9. Mediocrity in art: motive - the search for beauty, harmony, aesthetic sensitivity; the obstacle is the aesthetic lack of principle of the so-called "people of art", an abundance of mediocre works.
10. Human stupidity: motive - knowledge, striving for truth as an independent value, self-affirmation in the possession of true knowledge; the obstacle is ignorance, the limitations of others.
To distinguish between the subject and impediment levels of the content of actual motivation in each specific case, additional diagnostic information is required. Therefore, TUF is recommended to be used in a battery with other methods (primarily with TAT), as well as in combination with a conversation and analysis of the biographical data of the subject.
Additional notes:
1. When interpreting the pronounced "peak" on the diagnostic profile, the psychologist must take into account (in the individual case) the possibility of inversion of the functions of motive and obstacle. For example, a “peak” on the first topic can mean both excessive aggressiveness (active-defensive reaction to fear - frustration of the need for self-preservation), and excessive “masochistic” passive insecurity (depression, passive-defensive reaction). As in the test of constructs, TUV indicates the significance of the thematic construct, rather than the position of the individual on the construct axis continuum.
2. A pronounced "failure" (low score on a topic) can mean "apperceptive" blindness in relation to a super significant topic - a repressive mechanism of psychological defense (suppression under the influence of internal censorship, etc.).
3. In the interpretation of the data, as in other multidimensional tests, it is necessary to analyze not only isolated topics, but also to take into account their combinations, expressed in a simultaneous increase or decrease in the tension of certain pairs or triples of topics. In addition, the analysis of hits in the class of items from a "foreign" topic allows us to reveal the gluing of thematic constructs.
4. Unlike ordinary test questionnaires, where the profile can be simultaneously "raised" or "lowered" on all scales, in this case the ipsative norms are used - the "area under the curve" of the profile remains constant, equal to 100 (the number of phrases in the test) : some topics "attract" (apperceive) phrases from other topics.
5. Various topics have a heterogeneous theoretical and psychological status:

  • body needs - topics 1, 2, possibly 3;
  • individual needs - topics 4, 5, 6, possibly 3, 7, 8;
  • personality needs - topics 9, 10, possibly 7, 8.

Psychometric test indicators

Reliability – consistency (synchronous reliability) was achieved during the construction of the test by selecting phrases based on the results of cluster analysis. The validity check was carried out in three different experiments. In the first series, the TÜV profile was compared with the profile of the same motivational themes reconstructed using the Group Personality Assessment (a survey of group mates). The overall correlation of the profiles according to the results of 32 students tested gave a significant, but low value (0.34). Only on one topic - "money" - there is a fairly high coincidence of group assessments and test results (0.45). This is quite natural when applied to students, for whom the intensity of this topic indicates, rather, not a special greed (consumerism), but an increased strength of the obstacle - a shortage of money itself. As a result, in this sample, this topic turned out to be "socially positive" and accessible to an external observer. The sensitivity of TUV to latent motives was shown by the second experiment, in which the convergent validation of TUV and TAT was undertaken. The TAT protocols were coded according to three selected topics (1, 2, 6) by three independent experts. The correlation of the TAT and TUV profiles (on three topics) reached a high value - 0.85 (the results of 28 subjects). This result proves that a simple and economical TUV for certain problems can be close in its effectiveness to the cumbersome TAT method.
The third experimental criterion of validity was built according to the logic of "known groups". The authors of the test received a statistically significant increase in the theme of "sadism" (at the p< 0,001) у 24 больных с депрессивным синдромом по сравнению с нормой.
As mentioned above, TUF is recommended for use in diagnostic situations where the test data can be supplemented by parallel sources of biographical and clinical information about the subject. But as a part of diagnostic batteries, TUF acquires special significance, which is associated with the fact that express diagnostics of intense motivational "foci" allows the psychologist to orient the direction of further diagnostic work with the client. Therefore, conducting TUV at the beginning of a psychodiagnostic study can play a certain role in the correction or selection of the composition of methods.
Below is a list of humorous phrases and key - numbers of topics corresponding to unambiguous and polysemantic phrases.

The key to the test

Unambiguous phrases

Ambiguous phrases

humorist. phrases


humorist. phrases




humorist. phrases





"This is a test of comprehension of humorous phrases. Each humorous phrase or wit has a specific content. You need to understand this content and relate the phrase to the appropriate topic." The names of the topics, printed on separate cards, are laid out in front of the subject. "

List of humorous phrases

1. The writer had feathers. He lacked wings.
2. The further you want to jump, the lower you need to bend.
3. Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity.
4. The cry of fashion is most understandable in a foreign language.
5. It is impossible to live in the world without women, and even more so in the dark.
6. To better understand the soul of a person, it is best to take it out.
7. The fool, while cultivating, becomes round.
8. With whom you lead, with that you will gain.
9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.
10. The initiative of the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.
11. "Patience and work will grind everything," Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, who was grinding a mountain of dishes.
12. Everything in nature is interconnected, so it's better not to live without connections.
13. Didn't take anyone by the throat except a bottle.
14. The sea roll was depicted by the artist with such a resemblance that at one glance at the picture it was nauseous.
15. It was a quiet night of St. Bartholomew ...
16. And the fig leaf disappears.
17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.
18. There was not a penny, and never will be!
19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.
20. A strange picture opened to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.
21. If you think you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.
22. I dreamed of a flight of thought, but did not wait for the flying weather.
23. Drank into alcoholics.
24. "Measure seven times - cut one," the old executioner explained to the young man.
25. She took from life everything that came into fashion.
26. The less money is, the more evil it is.
27. I'm bored with you, I want to sleep with you!
28. A thought occurred to him, but not finding anyone, he left.
29. Choosing between two evils, take both: then this will not happen either.
30. She hissed at her husband like sparkling water.
31. I do not drink more than one hundred grams, but after drinking one hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other drinks a lot.
32. Do not be afraid of this grenade - it is hand-held.
33. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them bloom, however.
34. "Man does not live by bread alone!" - shouted excited customers in line for meat.
35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions.
36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not find because of propriety.
37. "This writing is not easy," says Yevgeny Sazonov, taking 20 kg of his colleagues' works to the waste paper collection point every day.
38. Keeping in step with fashion, make sure that it does not turn the corner.
39. Money is money! There is a deep meaning in this phrase, but there is no comma.
40. The vocation is good, but the title is better.
41. The poet walked uphill, but this mountain was not Parnassus.
42. Fashion striptease: masks, midi, mini, naked king.
43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.
44. "Strangles - means loves" (Desdemona).
45. In persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering-up center.
46. ​​Found a place in life - find your wife.
47. He wrote from a principled cash position.
48. The defense of the thesis will be more successful if a banquet on this occasion is held two to three hours before its start.
49. God made women stupid to love men.
50. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?
51. Quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or furniture: the family was strong, the furniture too.
52. If an intelligent person goes uphill, then he is financially interested.
53. “I have nothing left but you,” he confessed three days before the paycheck.
54. Foolish people do not go out. They are being rolled out.
55. The butcher built material well-being on other people's bones.
56. His head was worth something ... Together with a beaver hat.
57. "Drinking is harmful to health," said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian commander Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and Judith's caresses.
58. And headless horsemen sometimes prancing on Pegasi.
59. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband's pay as money.
60. Those who are given tea drink cognac.
61. "Amazing - with poison!" Salieri said.
62. Breaking fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.
63. A drunken look at things allows you to do without them.
64. The wife of the chief is much better than the chief of the wife.
65. If you have an intelligent wife, you will eat fruits from the tree of knowledge, if you are stupid - from the tree of life.
66. The vigilant store manager subjected to vigilant probing everything that the saleswomen hid behind the counter.
67. When she started talking about the silver fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.
68. Not only did he fit in his paycheck, but also put his friends to bed.
69. It is easier for a woman to walk up the career ladder in a short skirt.
70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.
71. What costs us the most is that which cannot be obtained for any money.
72. It is good when a woman has a husband, but even better when he is a stranger.
73. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to drive alcohol out of it.
74. Dreams of getting a profitable place of execution.
75. At the sobering-up center, the room for mothers and children has been reopened.
76. In this dining room, you can not only kill a worm.
77. Women drunk him, especially when he drank vodka in their company.
78. The latest fashion trend is usually heard from under the counter.
79. If you think all the time, then what to exist for?
80. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one "hand" here, the other there.
81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.
82. The more productive creativity, the more needed a refrigerator.
83. Broke his head and broke his neck.
84. “And here I work for posterity,” Yevgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing to the sofa to the visitors.
85. The law of universal gravitation to the template.
86. Othello preferred decollete to all mods.
87. Intellectuals die while sitting.
88. Sheep know how to live: they have the blackest sheep in astrakhan fur.
89. How many more Dantes are vegetating in obscurity.
90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.
91. Many marry for love, because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.
92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. They try to undress them all the time.
93. Don't go without a bottle!
94. Even the role of Othello is performed more truthfully if there is a personal interest.
95. Curiosity about women should not be idle.
96. Do not blabber before abuse.
97. Not every bunch is powerful.
98. If the wife does not follow the fashion, it is possible not to follow her.
99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.
100. Graphomania - is it a need of the soul or family budget?


Friendship for: Noss I.N. Guide to psychodiagnostics. - M .: Publishing house of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005. - pp. 329-330, pp. 640-645.

The methodology for assessing personality traits associated with the understanding of humor was developed by A.G. Shmelev and B.C. Boldyreva in 1982.

80 (100) humorous phrases or aphorisms are used as stimulating material, half of which are uniquely related to one of 10 topics, and the rest of the phrases are ambiguous. The task of the subjects, based on their own apperception, is to see in them one of ten main themes. The correspondence of the phrases to the main topics was determined using normative experiments (the validity and reliability of the TUF were confirmed in the course of statistical comparison of its results with the results of the thematic apperception test and other methods). The methodology reflects the following main diagnostic topics: sadism, sex, addictions, money, fashion, career, family troubles, social troubles, mediocrity in art and human stupidity.

The projective potential of the technique lies in the fact that the subject classifies both unambiguous and ambiguous stimuli. The test procedure is quite simple. The subject is asked to classify a set of cards with phrases in such a way that in one group there are cards with phrases on the same topic. After completing the classification, the subject gives the name to the classes allocated to him. By these names, the experimenter identifies one of ten topics to which the class allocated to the subjects corresponds. If the subject does not clearly formulate the interpreted name, then the identification of the standard topic is made by unambiguous phrases that are included in the class. So, if the selected group of cards includes three or more phrases that are uniquely related to the main topic, then the whole group also applies to it. The authors of the methodology believe that the more the number of ambiguous stimuli unites around a unique stimulus, the higher the motivational significance of the corresponding topic. The emergence of a super-large class is a representation of an over-significant, or dominant, motivation, the subject of which corresponds to the content of the given topic.

Calculation of test points, reflecting the severity of individual motivational themes, is reduced to the calculation of answers in the groups corresponding to them. Indicators of motivation points can be presented in the form of a graphical profile, reflecting the total amount of motivation and the strength of manifestation of certain motives.

In the course of the interpretation of the results, the indicators of the elements of the structure of the individual profile of motivational themes, their dominance or ratio, can even be compared. Thus, not only isolated topics can be analyzed, but also their combinations.

It is possible to carry out a complex meaningful analysis of semantic relations between phrases-concepts included by the subject in significant topics. Indicators of tension (the number of concept phrases related to the topic) of a motivational topic can reflect not only the strength of the motive, but also the strength of the obstacle or frustrator of the need.

Carrying out procedure. The subject is asked to classify a deck of cards with humorous phrases according to certain ten topics in accordance with the following instruction: "Divide, please, the cards into groups so that in one group there are cards on the same topic."

Processing of results. The psychologist needs to count the number of cards in the corresponding group in order to assign a certain point to the motivational area. Ten obtained indicators can be visualized in the form of a profile. Unlike standardized tests, TUV scores are compared within a person's individual motivational profile. Thus, the ordinal structure of motivational tendencies is revealed: which topics dominate, which are secondary, etc.

TUV questionnaire

Which of the ten categories do the following statements belong to:

1. The writer had feathers. He lacked wings.

3. Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity.

4. The cry of fashion is most understandable in a foreign language.

5. It is impossible to live in the world without women - especially in the dark.

6. To properly understand the human soul, it is best to take it out.

7. The fool, while cultivating, becomes round.

8. With whom you lead, with that you will gain.

9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.

10. The initiative of the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design to the wife.

11. “Patience and work will grind everything,” Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, who was grinding a mountain of dishes.

12. Everything in nature is interconnected, so it's better not to live without connections.

13. Didn't take anyone by the throat except a bottle.

14. The sea roll is depicted by the artist with such a resemblance that at one glance at the picture one felt sick.

15. It was a quiet St. Bartholomew's night.

16. And the fig leaf disappears.

17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.

18. There was not a penny, and never will be!

19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.

20. A strange picture opened to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.

21. If you think that you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.

22. I dreamed of a flight of thought, but did not wait for the flying weather.

23. Drank into alcoholics.

24. “Measure seven times - cut one,” the old executioner explained to the young man.

25. She took from life everything that came into fashion.

26. The less money is, the more evil it is.

27. I'm bored with you, I want to sleep with you.

28. A thought occurred to him, but, not finding anyone, he left.

29. Choosing between two evils, take both: then this will not happen either.

30. She hissed at her husband like sparkling water.

31. I do not drink more than one hundred grams, but after drinking one hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other drinks a lot.

32. Do not be afraid of this grenade: it is hand-held.

33. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them bloom, however.

34. "Man does not live by bread alone!" - shouted excited customers in line for meat.

35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions.

36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not find because of propriety.

37. “This work of writing is not easy,” says Yevgeny Sazonov, taking 20 kg of his colleagues' works to the waste paper collection point every day.

38. Keeping in step with fashion, make sure that it does not turn the corner.

39. "Money is money!" There is a deep meaning in this phrase, but there is no comma.

40. The vocation is good, but the title is better.

41. The poet walked uphill, but this mountain was not Parnassus.

42. Fashion striptease: maxi, mini, midi, naked king.

43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.

44. Strangling means loving. (Desdemona).

45. In persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering-up center.

46. ​​Found a place in life - find your wife.

47. He wrote from a principled cash position.

48. The defense of the thesis will be more successful if the banquet on this occasion is held two to three hours before its start.

49. God made women stupid to love men.

50. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?

51. Quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or chairs: the family was strong, the furniture was also.

52. If an intelligent person goes uphill, it means that he is financially interested.

53. “I have nothing left but you,” he confessed to her ... three days before the paycheck.

54. Foolish people do not go out. They are being rolled out.

55. The butcher built material well-being on other people's bones.

56. His head was worth something ... along with a beaver hat.

57. "Drinking is harmful to health," said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian military leader Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep drunk with wine and Judith's caresses.

58. And headless horsemen sometimes prancing on "Pegasus".

59. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband's pay as money.

60. Those who are given tea drink cognac.

61. "Amazing - poison!" Salieri said.

62. Breaking fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.

63. A drunken look at things helps to do without them.

64. The wife of the chief is much better than the chief of the wife.

65. If you have an intelligent wife, you will eat fruits from the tree of knowledge, if you are stupid - from the tree of life.

66. The vigilant store manager subjected to vigilant probing everything that the saleswomen hid under the counter.

67. When she spoke about the black-and-brown fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.

68. Not only did he fit in his paycheck, but also put his friends to bed.

69. It is easier for a woman to walk up the career ladder in a short skirt.

70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.

71. What costs us the most is that which cannot be obtained for any money.

72. It is good when women have a husband, but even better when he is a stranger.

73. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to drive alcohol out of it.

74. Dreams of getting a profitable place of execution.

75. At the sobering-up center, the room for mothers and children has been reopened.

76. In this dining room, you can not only kill a worm.

77. Women drunk him, especially when he drank vodka in their company.

78. The latest fashion trend was often heard from under the counter.

79. If you think all the time, what to exist for?

80. To quickly climb the corporate ladder: one "hand" is here, the other is there.

81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.

82. The more productive creativity, the more needed a refrigerator.

83. Broke his head and broke his neck.

84. “And here I work for posterity,” Yevgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing to the sofa to the visitors.

85. The law of universal gravitation to the template.

86. Othello preferred decollete to all mods.

87. Intellectuals die while sitting.

88. Sheep know how to live: they have the blackest sheep in astrakhan fur.

89. How many Dantes still vegetate in obscurity!

90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.

91. Many marry for love, because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.

92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. They try to undress them all the time.

93. Not bream without a bottle.

94. Even the role of Othello is performed more truthfully if there is a personal interest.

95. Curiosity about women should not be idle.

96. Before abuse, do not blabber!

97. If the wife does not follow the fashion, it is possible not to follow her.

98. Not every bunch is powerful.

99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.

100. Graphomania - is it a need of the soul or family budget?

Registration form for TUV

On the registration form, write down the approval number in the appropriate box.

Sadism Sex Addictions Money Fashion Career Family troubles Social turmoil Mediocrity in art Human stupidity
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Humorous Phrases Test (TUF)- original compact diagnostics of the motivational sphere of personality, combining to a certain extent the advantages of a standardized measuring express test and individualized projective technique. The authors of the methodology are V.S.Babina and A.G. Shmelev.
The methodology is based on the principle of thematic classification of ambiguous stimuli (humorous phrases or witticisms). The subjects classify polysemantic stimuli in accordance with their own apperception (discretion), referring the same phrases to different themes - thematic constructs.

The increased motivational significance (dominance) of the topic leads to the fact that the subject apperceives this particular topic in polysemantic stimuli, ignoring all other topics (recognizing their secondary importance).
Incentive material is a set of 100 humorous phrases printed on cards. 40 phrases unambiguously relate to one of 10 topics (4 phrases per topic), and 60 phrases are polysemantic (the subjects perceive in them one or another topic from the same 10 main ones). All the phrases used were published in Russian contemporary satirical and humorous editions (the greatest contribution is the "Phrases" section from the 16th page of the "Literaturnaya Gazeta"). On the basis of normative experiments, polysemantic phrases were selected so that the average value of 10 classes (for 10 given topics) were equal to each other. The stimulus material is easily multiplied, duplicated and, if necessary, refreshed with new witticisms and new themes (which does not change the diagnostic principle underlying the technique).
In the proposed version of the TUF, themes were used (their everyday names are given: 1) aggression-self-defense, 2) gender relations, 3) addictions (drunkenness), 4) money, 5) fashion, 6) career, 7) family troubles, 8) social troubles, 9) mediocrity in art, 10) human stupidity.
These topics were not the result of the application of any theoretical system of classification of motives, but were distinguished empirically using a cluster analysis of expert assessments of several hundred published jokes, i.e., they reflect the most stable and widespread constructs of everyday consciousness.
The test procedure is simple and quick. The experimenter-psychodiagnostician offers the subject a deck of cards with humorous phrases and in the instructions masks the personality orientation of the test, orienting the subject towards the study of wit.
Processing of results. When proceeding to the processing and interpretation of the results, it is necessary to translate the description of thematic constructs into the language of motivational themes: the appearance of a strong thematic construct (a large class of jokes) means increased tension (significance) of the corresponding motivational theme.
Calculation of the test score does not require the use of keys: it is enough for the diagnostician to count the number of cards in the corresponding class in order to assign a certain score to the motivational theme. The ten indicators calculated in this way can be displayed in the form of a profile. Unlike quantitative tests (MMIL, 16 LF), in which indicators on scales are associated with population norms, in this case the indicators are compared within an individual profile: the ordinal structure of motivational topics, dominant topics, secondary topics, etc. is revealed. The use of norms with an internal criterion in the test does not negate the possibility of obtaining population norms (it is known that such classes as 1st, 8th, 9th, 10th are often found in most people).
When analyzing the motivational profiles of the test, it should be borne in mind that the intensity of the motivational theme can reflect not only the strength of the actually satisfied motive, but also the strength of the obstacle blocking its satisfaction.
The authors of the test offer the following theoretical psychological interpretation of the topics used:
1. Aggression - self-defense: motive - self-preservation; obstacle - a variety of "aggressive" factors that threaten the physical integrity of the body.
2. The relationship of the sexes: the motive - the entry into an intimate - sexual relationship, the release of tension from sexual dissatisfaction; obstacle - internal difficulties (lack of attractiveness, modesty) and social prohibitions internalized by the subject on the manifestation of sexuality outside of special situations of marital intimacy.
3. Addictions (drunkenness): motive - the use of alcoholic beverages, stress relief with the help of psychopharmacological agents; obstacle - social prohibitions internalized by the subject, manifested in feelings of guilt, shame; external difficulties (administrative harassment, high cost of alcoholic beverages, etc.)
4. Money: motive - personal material well-being; obstacle - lack of money, high prices, etc.
5. Fashion: motive - dedication, prestige, self-affirmation due to the possession of external attributes of social success; the obstacle is the races of fashion, the shortage and high prices of prestigious goods.
6. Career: motive - achieving a high position in society, gaining wide recognition by moving up the career ladder; obstacle - competition, the need for compromises, humiliation, disguise as an ordinary worker.
7. Family troubles: motive - family well-being; obstacle - the behavior of family members (spouse, children) inappropriate to the expectations of the subject or objective difficulties (low family income, lack of housing).
8. Social troubles: motive - social well-being; the obstacle is asociality, "irresponsibility" of those around who violate the norms of social justice and civil property.
9. Mediocrity in art: motive - the search for beauty, harmony, aesthetic sensitivity; the obstacle is the aesthetic lack of principle of the so-called "people of art", an abundance of mediocre works.
10. Human stupidity: motive - knowledge, striving for truth as an independent value, self-affirmation in the possession of true knowledge; the obstacle is ignorance, the limitations of others.
To distinguish between the subject and impediment levels of the content of actual motivation in each specific case, additional diagnostic information is required. Therefore, TUF is recommended to be used in a battery with other methods (primarily with TAT), as well as in combination with a conversation and analysis of the biographical data of the subject.
Additional notes:
1. When interpreting the pronounced "peak" on the diagnostic profile, the psychologist must take into account (in the individual case) the possibility of inversion of the functions of motive and obstacle. For example, a “peak” on the first topic can mean both excessive aggressiveness (active-defensive reaction to fear - frustration of the need for self-preservation), and excessive “masochistic” passive insecurity (depression, passive-defensive reaction). As in the test of constructs, TUV indicates the significance of the thematic construct, rather than the position of the individual on the construct axis continuum.
2. A pronounced "failure" (low score on a topic) can mean "apperceptive" blindness in relation to a super significant topic - a repressive mechanism of psychological defense (suppression under the influence of internal censorship, etc.).
3. In the interpretation of the data, as in other multidimensional tests, it is necessary to analyze not only isolated topics, but also to take into account their combinations, expressed in a simultaneous increase or decrease in the tension of certain pairs or triples of topics. In addition, the analysis of hits in the class of items from a "foreign" topic allows us to reveal the gluing of thematic constructs.
4. Unlike ordinary test questionnaires, where the profile can be simultaneously "raised" or "lowered" on all scales, in this case the ipsative norms are used - the "area under the curve" of the profile remains constant, equal to 100 (the number of phrases in the test) : some topics "attract" (apperceive) phrases from other topics.
5. Various topics have a heterogeneous theoretical and psychological status:

  • body needs - topics 1, 2, possibly 3;
  • individual needs - topics 4, 5, 6, possibly 3, 7, 8;
  • personality needs - topics 9, 10, possibly 7, 8.

Psychometric test indicators

Reliability – consistency (synchronous reliability) was achieved during the construction of the test by selecting phrases based on the results of cluster analysis. The validity check was carried out in three different experiments. In the first series, the TÜV profile was compared with the profile of the same motivational themes reconstructed using the Group Personality Assessment (a survey of group mates). The overall correlation of the profiles according to the results of 32 students tested gave a significant, but low value (0.34). Only on one topic - "money" - there is a fairly high coincidence of group assessments and test results (0.45). This is quite natural when applied to students, for whom the intensity of this topic indicates, rather, not a special greed (consumerism), but an increased strength of the obstacle - a shortage of money itself. As a result, in this sample, this topic turned out to be "socially positive" and accessible to an external observer. The sensitivity of TUV to latent motives was shown by the second experiment, in which the convergent validation of TUV and TAT was undertaken. The TAT protocols were coded according to three selected topics (1, 2, 6) by three independent experts. The correlation of the TAT and TUV profiles (on three topics) reached a high value - 0.85 (the results of 28 subjects). This result proves that a simple and economical TUV for certain problems can be close in its effectiveness to the cumbersome TAT method.
The third experimental criterion of validity was built according to the logic of "known groups". The authors of the test received a statistically significant increase in the theme of "sadism" (at the p< 0,001) у 24 больных с депрессивным синдромом по сравнению с нормой.
As mentioned above, TUF is recommended for use in diagnostic situations where the test data can be supplemented by parallel sources of biographical and clinical information about the subject. But as a part of diagnostic batteries, TUF acquires special significance, which is associated with the fact that express diagnostics of intense motivational "foci" allows the psychologist to orient the direction of further diagnostic work with the client. Therefore, conducting TUV at the beginning of a psychodiagnostic study can play a certain role in the correction or selection of the composition of methods.
Below is a list of humorous phrases and key - numbers of topics corresponding to unambiguous and polysemantic phrases.

The key to the test

Unambiguous phrases

Ambiguous phrases

humorist. phrases


humorist. phrases




humorist. phrases




Instruction."This is a test of comprehension of humorous phrases. Each humorous phrase or wit has a specific content. You need to understand this content and relate the phrase to the appropriate topic." The names of the topics, printed on separate cards, are laid out in front of the subject. "

List of humorous phrases

1. The writer had feathers. He lacked wings.
2. The further you want to jump, the lower you need to bend.
3. Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity.
4. The cry of fashion is most understandable in a foreign language.
5. It is impossible to live in the world without women, and even more so in the dark.
6. To better understand the soul of a person, it is best to take it out.
7. The fool, while cultivating, becomes round.
8. With whom you lead, with that you will gain.
9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.
10. The initiative of the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.
11. "Patience and work will grind everything," Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, who was grinding a mountain of dishes.
12. Everything in nature is interconnected, so it's better not to live without connections.
13. Didn't take anyone by the throat except a bottle.
14. The sea roll was depicted by the artist with such a resemblance that at one glance at the picture it was nauseous.
15. It was a quiet night of St. Bartholomew ...
16. And the fig leaf disappears.
17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.
18. There was not a penny, and never will be!
19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.
20. A strange picture opened to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.
21. If you think you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.
22. I dreamed of a flight of thought, but did not wait for the flying weather.
23. Drank into alcoholics.
24. "Measure seven times - cut one," the old executioner explained to the young man.
25. She took from life everything that came into fashion.
26. The less money is, the more evil it is.
27. I'm bored with you, I want to sleep with you!
28. A thought occurred to him, but not finding anyone, he left.
29. Choosing between two evils, take both: then this will not happen either.
30. She hissed at her husband like sparkling water.
31. I do not drink more than one hundred grams, but after drinking one hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other drinks a lot.
32. Do not be afraid of this grenade - it is hand-held.
33. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them bloom, however.
34. "Man does not live by bread alone!" - shouted excited customers in line for meat.
35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions.
36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not find because of propriety.
37. "This writing is not easy," says Yevgeny Sazonov, taking 20 kg of his colleagues' works to the waste paper collection point every day.
38. Keeping in step with fashion, make sure that it does not turn the corner.
39. Money is money! There is a deep meaning in this phrase, but there is no comma.
40. The vocation is good, but the title is better.
41. The poet walked uphill, but this mountain was not Parnassus.
42. Fashion striptease: masks, midi, mini, naked king.
43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.
44. "Strangles - means loves" (Desdemona).
45. In persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering-up center.
46. ​​Found a place in life - find your wife.
47. He wrote from a principled cash position.
48. The defense of the thesis will be more successful if a banquet on this occasion is held two to three hours before its start.
49. God made women stupid to love men.
50. Why do limited people most often have unlimited opportunities?
51. Quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or furniture: the family was strong, the furniture too.
52. If an intelligent person goes uphill, then he is financially interested.
53. “I have nothing left but you,” he confessed three days before the paycheck.
54. Foolish people do not go out. They are being rolled out.
55. The butcher built material well-being on other people's bones.
56. His head was worth something ... Together with a beaver hat.
57. "Drinking is harmful to health," said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian commander Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and Judith's caresses.
58. And headless horsemen sometimes prancing on Pegasi.
59. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband's pay as money.
60. Those who are given tea drink cognac.
61. "Amazing - with poison!" Salieri said.
62. Breaking fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.
63. A drunken look at things allows you to do without them.
64. The wife of the chief is much better than the chief of the wife.
65. If you have an intelligent wife, you will eat fruits from the tree of knowledge, if you are stupid - from the tree of life.
66. The vigilant store manager subjected to vigilant probing everything that the saleswomen hid behind the counter.
67. When she started talking about the silver fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.
68. Not only did he fit in his paycheck, but also put his friends to bed.
69. It is easier for a woman to walk up the career ladder in a short skirt.
70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.
71. What costs us the most is that which cannot be obtained for any money.
72. It is good when a woman has a husband, but even better when he is a stranger.
73. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to drive alcohol out of it.
74. Dreams of getting a profitable place of execution.
75. At the sobering-up center, the room for mothers and children has been reopened.
76. In this dining room, you can not only kill a worm.
77. Women drunk him, especially when he drank vodka in their company.
78. The latest fashion trend is usually heard from under the counter.
79. If you think all the time, then what to exist for?
80. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one "hand" here, the other there.
81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.
82. The more productive creativity, the more needed a refrigerator.
83. Broke his head and broke his neck.
84. “And here I work for posterity,” Yevgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing to the sofa to the visitors.
85. The law of universal gravitation to the template.
86. Othello preferred decollete to all mods.
87. Intellectuals die while sitting.
88. Sheep know how to live: they have the blackest sheep in astrakhan fur.
89. How many more Dantes are vegetating in obscurity.
90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.
91. Many marry for love, because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.
92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. They try to undress them all the time.
93. Don't go without a bottle!
94. Even the role of Othello is performed more truthfully if there is a personal interest.
95. Curiosity about women should not be idle.
96. Do not blabber before abuse.
97. Not every bunch is powerful.
98. If the wife does not follow the fashion, it is possible not to follow her.
99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.
100. Graphomania - is it a need of the soul or family budget?

Humorous Phrases Test (TUF)- an original compact technique for diagnosing the motivational sphere of a person, combining the advantages of a standardized measuring express test and an individualized projective technique. Developed by A.G. Shmelev and V.S. Babina. According to the authors, a relevant practical task of the TUF is, first of all, diagnostics for the purpose of individual psychological counseling and correction.

The test, consisting of 100 humorous phrases, allows you to identify the dominant in the subconscious mind of a person's attitude towards increased sensitivity in one of the following areas:

1. Aggression - self-defense.
2. Intersexual relations.
3. Addictions (in this case - drunkenness).
4. Money.
5. Fashion.
6. Career.
7. Family troubles.
8. Social problems.
9. Mediocrity in art and other creative work.
10. Human stupidity.

The presence of an attitude in one or more of the listed areas is manifested in the fact that a person, in not insignificant humorous phrases (and there are 40 of them in methodology), catches exactly the meaning that corresponds to his attitude.

The subject receives a list of the 10 areas listed above and the task, reading humorous phrases successively, assigns them to any of these areas. The presence of an attitude (or attitudes) is judged by how many phrases the subject attributed to a particular area: the more cards attributed to a given area, the stronger the attitude towards it.

In turn, the installation may indicate several things:

  1. About the presence of the subject of insufficiently conscious, but sufficiently strong needs in this area.
  2. About the presence of strong problems in this area, causing constant emotional distress.
  3. On the presence of complexes associated with this area.

The technique is able to answer only the question regarding the presence of the installation, but cannot fully explain it. This requires a special study that can only be carried out by a professionally trained psychologist.

Instructions... “Here are 100 humorous phrases and 10 different spheres of life to which they can be attributed. Read these phrases and decide which area each of them belongs to. "

List of humorous phrases

1. The writer had feathers, but he lacked wings.
2. The further you want to jump, the lower you have to bend.
3. Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity.
4. The cry of fashion is most understandable in a foreign language.
5. It is impossible to live in the world without women - especially in the dark.
6. To properly understand the human soul, it is best to take it out.
7. The fool, while cultivating, becomes round.
8. With whom you lead, with that you will gain.
9. Tell me what you are rich in, and I will tell you who you serve.
10. The initiative of the scandal belonged to the husband, and the sound design belonged to the wife.
11. “Patience and work will grind everything,” Evgeny Sazonov reminded his wife, who was grinding a mountain of dishes.
12. Everything in nature is connected, so it is better not to live without connections.
13. Didn't take anyone by the throat except a bottle.
14. The sea roll is depicted by the artist with such a resemblance that at one glance at the picture one felt sick.
15. It was a quiet St. Bartholomew's night.
16. And the fig leaf disappears.
17. Clothes! My compass is earthly, and luck is the reward for courage.
18. There was not a penny, and there will not be a shisha.
19. The force of gravity is felt especially strongly when you begin to climb the career ladder.
20. A strange picture opened to the eyes of the respected classic: it was a film adaptation of his novel.
21. If you think you have already made a career, then you are not a real careerist.
22. I dreamed of a flight of thought, but did not wait for the flying weather.
23. Drank into alcoholics.
24. “Measure seven times - cut once,” the old executioner explained to the young man.
25. She took from life everything that came into fashion.
26. Money - the less evil, the less it is.
27. I'm bored with you, I want to sleep with you.
28. A thought occurred to him, but, not finding anyone, he left.
29. Choosing between two evils - choose both: later this will not happen either.
30. She hissed at her husband like sparkling water.
31. I drink no more than one hundred grams, but after drinking one hundred grams, I become a different person, and start over.
32. Do not be afraid of this grenade: it is a hand grenade.
33. Children are the flowers of life. Don't let them bloom, however.
34. "Man does not live by bread alone!" - shouted excited customers in line for meat.
35. How many beautiful thoughts perish in the labyrinths of convolutions!
36. The only thing that was courageous in him, he could not find because of propriety.
37. “This writing is not easy,” said Yevgeny Sazonov, taking 20 kg of his colleagues' works to the waste paper collection point every day.
38. Keeping up with fashion, make sure that it does not turn the corner.
39. "Money is money!" - There is a deep meaning in this phrase, but there is no comma.
40. The vocation is good, but the title is better.
41. The poet walked uphill, but this mountain was not Parnassus.
42. Fashion striptease: maxi, midi, mini, naked king.
43. Only a heavy wallet allows you to keep up with fashion.
44. "Strangles - means loves" (Desdemona).
45. In persistent search for brothers in mind, he ended up in a sobering-up center.
46. ​​Found a place in life - find your wife.
47. He wrote from a principled cash position.
48. The defense of the thesis will be more successful if the banquet on this occasion is held 2-3 hours earlier.
49. God made women stupid to love men.
50. Why do unlimited people most often have unlimited opportunities?
51. Quarreling, they threw chairs at each other, but this did not harm either family life or chairs: the family was strong, the furniture was also.
52. If an intelligent person goes uphill, it means that he is financially interested.
53. “I have nothing left but you,” he confessed to her ... three days before the paycheck.
54. Round fools do not come out into people, they are rolled out.
55. The butcher built his material well-being on other people's bones.
56. His head was worth something ... together with a beaver hat.
57. "Drinking is harmful to health," said Judith, cutting off the head of the Assyrian commander Holofernes, as soon as he fell asleep, intoxicated with wine and Judith's caresses.
58. And headless horsemen sometimes prancing on "Pegasus".
59. Only in a very good mood did she call her husband's pay as money.
60. Those who are given tea drink cognac.
61. "Amazing - poison!" Salieri said.
62. Breaking fashion by kings becomes fashion for their subjects.
63. A drunken look at things helps to do without them.
64. The wife of the chief is much better than the chief of the wife.
65. If you have an intelligent wife, you will eat fruits from the tree of knowledge, if you are stupid - from the tree of life.
66. The vigilant store manager subjected to vigilant probing everything that the saleswomen hid under the counter.
67. When she spoke about the black-and-brown fox, her husband looked at her like a wolf.
68. Not only did he fit in his paycheck, but also his friends.
69. It is easier for a woman to walk up the career ladder in a short skirt.
70. When the muses are silent, the wives of the poets speak.
71. What costs us the most is that which cannot be obtained for any money.
72. It is good when a woman has a husband, but even better if he is a stranger.
73. They drank so much in the story that it was possible to drive alcohol from it.
74. Dreams of getting a profitable place of execution.
75. At the sobering-up center, the room for mothers and children has been reopened.
76. In this dining room, you can not only kill a worm.
77. Women drunk him, especially when he drank vodka in their company.
78. The latest fashion trend was often heard from under the counter.
79. If you think all the time, then what to exist for?
80. He quickly climbed the career ladder: one "hand" - here, the other - there.
81. The fashion for the shape of the skull cost her a lot.
82. The more productive creativity, the more needed a refrigerator.
83. Broke his head and broke his neck.
84. “And here I work for posterity,” Yevgeny Sazonov proudly hinted, pointing to the sofa to the visitors.
85. The law of universal gravitation to the template.
86. Othello preferred decollete to all mods.
87. Intellectuals die while sitting.
88. Sheep know how to live: they have the blackest sheep in astrakhan fur.
89. There are still so many Dantes living in obscurity!
90. The forgotten writer sought oblivion in wine.
91. Many marry for love, because they do not have the opportunity to marry for convenience.
92. Fashion designers are called upon to dress women. And they try to undress them all the time.
93. People also have autumn.
94. Even the role of Othello is performed more truthfully if there is a personal interest.
95. Curiosity about women should not be idle.
96. Before abuse, do not blabber!
97. If the wife does not follow the fashion, it is possible not to follow her.
98. Not every bunch is powerful.
99. The more pleasant the forms, the more indifferent the content.
100. Graphomania is a need of the soul or family budget.

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