Home Flowers Tibetan horoscope for Aries woman. The most truthful characteristic of a ram woman. Aries female zodiac sign guide - how to make an Aries girl fall in love with different zodiac signs

Tibetan horoscope for Aries woman. The most truthful characteristic of a ram woman. Aries female zodiac sign guide - how to make an Aries girl fall in love with different zodiac signs

According to the compatibility horoscope of the male Ox and the female Monkey, their union will have enough difficulties and contradictions. Both partners are strong personalities, and they firmly know what they want to achieve in life.

But, their desires, more often than not, are directed in different directions. The simplicity, seriousness, business qualities of the Ox man are faced with a complex, cunning,. The Ox Man does not understand her unscrupulousness and desire to achieve her goal by any means. Although both spouses love success in society, strive for material well-being, they have completely different ideas about how to spend money.

The Monkey woman does not care too much about long-term investments, while the Ox man seeks to invest all the money earned. The Monkey Woman can admire the business qualities of her husband, but considers him arbitrary, and he, in turn, finds his wife extravagant, frivolous and superficial. In addition, the Monkey woman does not recognize the Ox man as an unconditional leader and constantly undermines his authority with her ridicule and criticism. A stable relationship is possible only after a long time getting used to each other, both in family life and in professional life.

Ox man and Monkey woman - compatibility

The relationship in a pair of man-Ox and woman-Monkey is not easy. Arguments and quarrels often occur between them due to the fact that both partners want to feel like leaders. But, their sense of humor helps them to cope with difficulties, thanks to which many sharp corners are smoothed out. and will try to maintain the relationship to the last, despite what the spouse is doing. The Bull Man is simply fascinated by this cheerful and active girl. And the Monkey woman, in turn, admires the solidity and reliability that the Ox man radiates. The spouses see in each other both disadvantages and advantages, so this couple still has a chance to create a strong and happy family. True, this will require work on your character.

A man born of hard work. He is very stubborn, persistent and always achieves his goals, confidently overcoming any obstacles. He needs stability and he achieves it by any means. The Bull Man considers himself to be right in everything, he is not averse to teaching and leading other people. He is also conservative in all spheres of life, therefore he is looking for a girl who respects family traditions. He is pleased with a settled life and he avoids change, any innovations scare him greatly because it is difficult for him to adapt and find benefit in this. Yes, the Ox man is practical. Even in love, he does not like romance and tries to prove his love by deed, considering compliments to be completely meaningless. But, despite the fact that women "love with their ears", the Bull man has many fans whom he attracts with his masculinity. Women subconsciously feel his strength and the fact that next to him they will be like behind a stone wall. He values ​​his family very much, will never commit adultery, and will spend all evenings at home with loved ones.

A woman born in. Many are fascinated by her beauty and wit, especially since she easily disposes and inspires confidence. The Monkey Woman is very intelligent and discerning. As a rule, many listen to her opinion and try to follow her advice. The Monkey woman has many different interests and ideas, and confidence in her behavior helps her achieve her goals. However, she is fussy and sometimes so hasty in the implementation of her plans that it turns out that she does not need what she has done at all. She is flirty, loves to attract attention, flirts with ease, and her love story is replaced by one another. As a rule, she gets married very early, since the family is of great importance to her. She loves children very much, and her family will always come first. He builds a career easily, but prefers to devote himself to caring for children and husband. In the house where the Monkey woman lives, it will always be fun and comfortable, as she knows how to create a good-natured, relaxed atmosphere.

The Bull Man immediately falls in love with the Monkey Woman at first sight. He is fascinated by her ability to dream and fantasize. And the Monkey woman will appreciate in the Ox man his solidity, reliability and the fact that he values ​​family relationships and is ready for a lot for them. The initiator of the relationship is most often the Bull man, as he feels that this woman can make his stable, monotonous life more interesting and rich. And the Monkey woman chooses her life partner not only with her feelings, but also with her mind. If she feels that this man can help her fulfill her dreams, then she will gladly accept his offer. She will become an ideal wife, but if she sees a better opportunity for herself, or is disappointed in her spouse, she can go to another.

The Ox man and the Monkey woman are an interesting combination in which the Ox man will always lack experience to understand his spouse. The Bull Man is like a rock in every way. He moves towards his goal slowly but surely, achieving it by an inch. And the Monkey woman is alive and active. She is always looking for easy ways, and much faster than the Ox man achieves her goals. With his conservative mind and lack of flexibility and creativity, it is very difficult to understand the pattern by which the Monkey woman lives. It's just that he, with patience and endurance, can go for years, approaching his cherished dream, and other ways are difficult for him. It's good if the Monkey woman is able to convey to him the opportunity to look at himself and at others from a completely different angle. The Monkey Woman can help the Ox man in his affairs. She is very discerning, sees prospects, therefore, if a man listens to her advice, he will achieve success faster.

An active and active Monkey woman will be for the Ox man not only an interesting interlocutor, inspiring for new discoveries, but also an excellent love partner - very intriguing and therefore always attractive. They are not bad together, because the Bull man, like a monolith, can substitute his strong, reliable shoulder, support financially. And the Monkey woman gives her spouse food for thought. She will show by her own example that you can live differently - cheerfully and cheerfully, easily changing your addictions, making new acquaintances and surrendering to your feelings entirely!

In family relationships, in this pair, most often the roles are distributed as follows: the Ox man provides a material base, and the Monkey woman provides coziness and comfort in the house, organizes leisure, does everything to bring a fresh stream into a stable life. It is thanks to her sharp mind, originality of thinking that she manages to stir up even the clumsy Bull man.

In general, the positive qualities of both spouses complement each other, but still, these are very different people, and conflicts can arise on this basis. To achieve harmony, partners will have to overcome many difficulties. One of the main ones is the requirement of the Bull man that his wife completely obey him. If he wants to rule over her, then the marriage will fall apart. The Monkey Woman is too independent and appreciates freedom of action. She will never belong to someone completely. In any, even the most unfavorable, environment, she clearly observes her interests. The Monkey Woman loves and values ​​her family, but in order for her to be unconditionally happy, she must be given unlimited freedom of action. The Bull Man is the owner and will do his best to put things in order in the family, according to his views. And the Monkey woman with her tirelessness and cunning can not only stir up a calm Bull man, but also "drive him crazy." It is the temperament of the Monkey woman that over time can greatly "wear down" the thoughtful and unhurried Bull man. He hardly changes his habits, life orientations and rarely changes himself. He may not be able to withstand such a fast pace of life and will “fall out of the race”.

Also, the Monkey woman really needs the attention of her partner, compliments and gifts. The Ox man is completely unromantic, so the woman will have to flirt and look for it on the side. And the Ox man will no longer like this. Any slightest suspicion of treason will cause him to rage, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

Ox man and Monkey woman - compatibility in love

The sexual compatibility of the Monkey woman and the Ox man is at a high level. The Monkey Woman with her imagination and irrepressible energy is able to give the Ox man such vivid feelings that he has never experienced before. She can play with him for a long time, tease, turn on, and then she will do everything so that he gets maximum pleasure. Together it will always be interesting for them. After all, a Monkey woman can play different roles, change game scenarios, improvise and surprise her beloved all the time.

Tips from "Moon Today" for a pair of Ox Man and Monkey Woman

The Ox man and the Monkey woman have little compatibility, but they themselves are the builders of their relationship. Their union has a huge number of advantages and also a huge number of disadvantages. It all depends on the degree of desire to preserve the relationship and on the spiritual development of both partners. Also, this couple should not be guided by generally accepted standards: what is suitable for other married couples will not always be useful for them. The success of their relationship depends entirely on the restraint of the Monkey woman and the understanding of the Ox man.

To keep a marriage alive for years to come, you need to learn to accept each other as they are. And also, the Ox man should be more sensitive, listen to the interests and needs of the Monkey woman, and she should be more tolerant and "slow down" so that the Ox man does not feel flawed. Yes, in order to be together, many couples have to work on themselves, their habits. It will be especially hard for the Bull man. After all, he with great difficulty accepts any changes, and even more so in his character. But if he appreciates the sweetness and unusualness of the relationship with the Monkey woman, he will succeed.

Ox and Monkey can create a good union

The compatibility of the Bull and the Monkey in the eastern horoscope is very good, especially if the Bull is a man in a pair, because this is truly a masculine sign. We will tell you not only about the compatibility of the Ox and the Monkey in love and marriage, but also describe the main traits inherent in the characters of these two unusual personalities.

What is the character of the Bull?

By itself, the Bull, whether he is a man or a woman, is a very stubborn person who always achieves his goal. He will not give in to difficulties and will easily overcome them. Representatives of this sign are not averse to leading people, both at work and at home. It seems to them that they are always right.

Bulls are unlikely to ever decide to betray, because they are not characterized by such character traits as deceit, meanness and hypocrisy. They will not take revenge on their partner in this way, even if he greatly offends them. They love children very much and try to provide them with a bright future and a happy childhood. Family traditions are especially honored by the following signs that appeared in the year of the Ox:

What is the nature of the Monkey?

A monkey is capable of treason

At first glance, the Monkey may seem to you a very cheerful, perky and frivolous person, but this is not entirely true. This man in public really prefers to be reputed, so to speak, a buffoon and a buffoon, but in a family he is capable of tough actions. He is quite calculating and listens to his cold brain more often than to his heart. He loves everything that is beautiful and luxurious, so he spends money very quickly and savings are not typical of him by and large.

In love, the Monkey is capable of treason, unlike, for example, the Dog, which is distinguished by insane loyalty to its partner, but this is only at the beginning, at the start of a love relationship. If the Monkey decides to tie himself by marriage with someone, then later it is unlikely to change, because remorse is still inherent in her. For evil, his partner can take a desperate step. So, for example, the wife of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin committed suicide just so that her husband would pay attention to her, so that he remembered that he was still married, otherwise he was thinking more about politics, and not about the family.

The following "comrades" born in the year of the Monkey are especially not disposed to devoted love to the grave:

But do not be afraid that the Monkey will definitely cheat on you, because she will not take this step spontaneously. The reason may be a cold attitude towards her on your part. Be more attentive to your Monkey and do not leave her alone for a long time with her thoughts and fantasies.

Ox man and Monkey woman: Compatibility in marriage and love

A marriage of convenience lasts longer out of respect

Compatibility of the Ox and the Monkey in marriage, when the husband is the Ox is very successful and good. The bull is used to achieving his goal, and the Monkey woman is able to cause men to feel a struggle for their love. She is attractive and smart and has fun with her. In this pair, a woman loves her man for his courage and assertiveness. And the Goby man really likes it, he loves to be appreciated and admired.

Although the Monkey will marry, most likely by calculation, rather than by love, she will respect her partner and will not go for treason if she is not deprived of attention from her husband. But the Bull is not very characteristic of all this romance and calf tenderness, he is a somewhat down-to-earth person. Therefore, in this family, the Ox has a risk of becoming deceived and devoted. We advise the Goby man to pay more attention to his Monkey and give her good gifts more often, then such a union will have a long and happy life.

Monkey man and Ox woman: Compatibility in love

You always have to find a compromise

The Monkey man and the Ox woman are a rather complicated union and their horoscope compatibility is not very good. The fact is that the Bull loves to lead, and the Monkey man does not like to be told what to do. Here the couple needs to come to a compromise. The bull, as a woman, should be wiser and recognize, or at least pretend that she recognizes the Monkey man as the main one in the family. This is necessary so that there is peace and quiet in the family.

The Ox woman may not like the fact that her beloved man is used to living, as they say, on a grand scale and spending money unwisely. After all, the Bull loves when material goods are spent for their intended purpose and wisely. On this basis, conflicts may arise in this pair. Therefore, the Monkey man needs to learn to save, so as not to cause the anger of his beloved.

The Ox woman does not like to talk a lot about love and her feelings, but the Monkey man may not require this. He, unlike the Monkey woman, is not too used to sentimentality and gentle words.

The Ox and the Monkey can be truly happy if they learn to trust each other and appreciate each other. If there is love in a couple, then the family will be strong and the union will be long.

What will the next year bring us?

Since 2016 is the year of the red Monkey, it will be the most successful for the Monkeys. They will be accompanied by good luck and success in everything. All their undertakings will certainly be completed this year, and not left to fend for themselves, as it happened earlier. Harmony will reign in the family and in their professional activities they will have significant advancement up the career ladder. Only with health can some problems arise, so you need to take it responsibly and listen to the calls of your body.

But other signs, too, this year promises good luck in business and success in the labor field. Despite the unstable present time, we will live better in 2016 and there will be more money in the pockets of most Russians. Many people decide to start a family, even though the year is a leap year. Such a year repeats every 48 months, but you should not be afraid of it, although according to the ancient belief it is believed that a leap year brings a lot of troubles and sorrows. But this 2016 is the year of the Monkey and this animal will bring us good luck, prosperity, fun and crown all our plans with success.

If you want to radically change something in your life, for example, to lose weight or move to a new place of residence, then this year you will succeed once again. Moreover, it will not require much effort on your part. The monkey very much welcomes such changes and courageous steps, so it will help you to achieve your goal in every possible way. Pay attention to the signs that fate will send and you will end up with what you want so badly.

This is the compatibility between the Monkey and the Bull. As you can see, their life may well be happy and long if the couple has mutual respect and reverent attitude towards each other. For lonely people, we wish to find a soul mate in the year of the Monkey, and if it is a Bull, then you now know what problems you can expect and can easily solve them. Our article will definitely help you with this.

Some people, when choosing a partner, pay attention to his horoscope sign. The Ox and the Monkey have high compatibility in family relationships and in friendship, but they need to take into account the temperament of the partner. This is a union of an extrovert and an introvert, so they will have to find a compromise.

General description of signs

The buffalo always knows what he wants, knows how to achieve his goal and is loyal to his chosen one. He is conservative, sometimes he looks slow. The monkey is more active and sociable, never acts under the influence of emotions, quickly finds a way out of a difficult situation and is very calculating. Such people love to be in the spotlight.

Description Monkey

A self-confident person who is always ready to protect loved ones. He has a cunning character, sometimes he can show aggression.

Positive qualities of the Monkey:

  • curiosity;
  • striving for development;
  • the ability to find a compromise;
  • extraordinary thinking.

People who were born in the year of the Monkey often behave arrogantly. Their negative qualities include vanity and hysteria. They easily fall under the negative influence of stronger people.

Men under the sign of the Monkey have great ambitions, find a way out of any difficulties, and can achieve success in creative activity. Such a person chooses bright and confident women. His chosen one should be able to do household chores well, because her husband is not adapted to this.

A woman of this sign needs a strong man on whom she can rely in a difficult situation. And his financial capabilities and erudition are also important. If family life is boring, this woman may cheat. Her negative aspects include incontinence, she can easily make a scandal.

Description of the Bull

The person who was born in the year of the Ox is used to working hard. He will slowly and confidently move towards his goal. Usually they have an unremarkable appearance, but they have an interesting and outstanding character. These people are not inclined to display aggression; they solve all problems peacefully.

The main features of the Bull:

  • perseverance and hard work;
  • stubbornness;
  • irascibility;
  • love of order;
  • practicality.

Usually these people are secretive and show eloquence in exceptional cases. They can get mad at small changes that disrupt their daily routine.

Men who were born under this sign are quite sociable, they are loyal friends who are always ready to help out a loved one. Bulls can be trusted, they do not like to lie. You can always count on this sign.

This is one of the most humble and kind signs, they value reliability very much.

Bull women are just as stubborn and hardworking. Their main positive feature is poise. But sometimes they don't understand their partner well, and because of this, difficulties arise.

Marriage compatibility

These signs have good compatibility, they always find a common language and understand each other. At first, the Bull may seem too boring to the Monkey.

Strong friendship is also possible between these zodiacs. But sometimes the Monkey can make fun of the actions of the Bull. Their working relationship is more promising, but Ox will have to take on most of the responsibilities.

Bull Woman and Monkey Man

Such a tandem is often not successful, because both partners have bright leadership traits. The relationship between the Bull and the Monkey begins quickly, their romance is passionate.

Women under the sign of the Ox are always good mothers, they love to do household chores and are very faithful wives.

The bull must accept the frivolity of his partner if he wants to create a strong family. Monkeys do not know how to manage money, they can commit rash acts.

The marriage of these signs is built on trust and love.

Monkey Woman and Ox Man

This union will be happy. The man who was born in the year of the Ox is stubborn and purposeful, he has punchy features, so he always achieves what he wants. The Monkey Girl has a natural charm, she is able to quickly fall in love with herself.

For a girl paired with a Monkey woman and a Bull man, the reliability and strength of her chosen one are in the first place. Next to such a man, she always feels safe and can stubbornly move towards her goal. The guy is attracted by the intelligence and eccentricity of his companion. He will never be bored with her, she knows how to profitably present herself in any society.

The monkey often chooses a spouse of convenience, but treats him with respect. The disadvantage is that this sign always strives for the best, so in family life there are many temptations to go through.

When a girl does not have enough attention from her spouse, she may decide to cheat. She is in no hurry to have children because she values ​​freedom and mobility. For a relationship to be strong, the Ox must pay more attention to his wife and sometimes pamper her.

Possible difficulties

The Ox and the Monkey are a good couple, but sometimes conflicts arise between them. The main reason is jealousy. The Monkey does not differ in devotion, if the Ox grows cold towards her or begins to devote less time, she can go to treason.

Due to the different type of temperament of these signs, sometimes quarrels arise. The bull values ​​personal space very much, so sometimes he needs to be alone. A monkey, on the other hand, constantly needs attention.

Compatibility horoscope says that the Ox and the Monkey sign can quarrel on the basis of the headship in the family. A woman under the sign of the Monkey is always trying to lead her husband. If she doesn't become wiser, conflicts cannot be avoided.

Compatibility in bed

Bull and Monkey have high compatibility in bed. The woman under the sign of the Monkey and the man Bull feel each other well, therefore they are able to bring a lot of pleasure. Sex helps them to throw out negativity and smooth out conflicts.

The couple, where the woman is under the sign of the Bull, is more passionate. They prefer variety and are ready to experiment. The guy always strives to give maximum pleasure to his partner and helps her to open up. But if he does not receive returns from the girl, then he can break off the relationship.

Work prospects

The Ox and the Monkey have a high compatibility in a working relationship. They can achieve a lot if they stick together. These zodiac signs will quickly pick up a common cause and get rid of rivals.

They are united by the following qualities:

  • high creativity;
  • originality of thinking;
  • determination;
  • perseverance;
  • attention to details.

In the development of a common cause, they will be helped by intuition, which works well for both signs of the zodiac. Thanks to this, competitors will not be able to deceive them.

Friendship compatibility

In friendly relations, their compatibility is just as high. The Monkey will teach the Bull to rest. He will become easier to deal with minor problems and learn to live at a different speed.

In order for friendly relations to be long, the signs should learn from each other and not forget about mutual respect.

Ways to Strengthen Relationships

The compatibility of these signs is high, but there are some ways to strengthen this union:

  1. The Monkey should not rush the Bull.
  2. The bull should listen to his partner more often and try to understand him. If they achieve harmony, the Monkey will make the life of his chosen one easier and more fun.
  3. To maintain a loving and friendly relationship, they must find common hobbies. If there are none, the couple needs to be together more often.

Percentage compatibility

If the pair is a Monkey woman and a Bull man, they have such a compatibility percentage.

Born in the years of the Ox and the Monkey are usually people with a strong character, but they can still get along with each other. In addition, a serious Ox can channel the inner strength of the Monkey in the right direction. The pair of Ox and Monkey does not stand out from the rest. They live together for a long time - until the moment when the mobile Monkey decides to radically change his life.

She is most often cold, calculating and knows what she wants from life. If there is little fire in her energy, then she, most likely, will marry not for love, but according to calculation, having achieved the benefits that she was striving for, because for the sake of them she is ready for almost anything. And most of the men caught on her hook later realize with surprise that they have been deceived and used.

But despite such negative manifestations of the energies of the Monkey, it also has its advantages. In particular, she has a certain inner strength that helps both her and those around her to look at life soberly and find the most unusual solutions in any life situations. more if he lacks metal and fire.

However, the Bulls are very persistent and therefore even the most impregnable walls can fall before them. Being fascinated by some woman, the Bull seeks to do everything so that she perceives him as a confident man, which in most cases he achieves. The love of the Monkey is relative, which disappoints the Bull.

In a pair of Ox and Monkey, compatibility is not bad, but the second is most often unable to love. She is more likely to take advantage of the man's disposition and if he changes his attitude towards her, then she is capable of cruel revenge. A striking example of a woman born in the year of the Monkey is Stalin's wife, who shot herself only because she wanted to inflict a deep wound on her husband, who grew cold towards her after several years of marriage.

Unlike her, the Ox is able to really love, and at the same time his feelings are so strong that he often does not notice the shortcomings of the object of his adoration. He can give flowers, fall asleep with compliments and rejoice at every moment they share. But as for gifts for their passion, then Bulls are usually unwise: they would rather put aside a couple of cents for the future than sponsor their woman.

At this moment, there is a difficulty for the calculating Monkey, who will be defeated by the Bull's love, but cannot get what she needs from him. If the Bull and the Monkey do not have fire, then both of them will be indifferent to sex. and the Monkey woman is usually very reserved in terms of sexual activity.

And if there is a lot of metal and water in the pillars of the fate of both, then this can lead to the fact that people will live in marriage without striving for sexual relations or completely denying them. However, the presence of strong fire and wood in the pillars of the fate of a Monkey woman can provoke her frequent hikes "to the left". The fact is that these three elements together form the energy mechanism "movement".

And in which direction it will be directed - depends on the "animals" surrounded by the Monkey. The Bull man also has an interest in the opposite sex with a strongly manifested fire element. However, the features of the sign of his animal do not imply a connection on the side, especially since the slow Ox still needs to decide on such a step, which, with his uncertainty and slowness, is almost impossible.

<>A child raised in a Bull and Monkey family is likely to be successful and happy. This is because the earth - the element of the Bull and metal - the energy of the Monkey in combination create a strong metal supported by the earth. And this is already a reliable basis for standing firmly on your feet.

An example of such a combination can be observed in places where precious and other metals are mined, the owners of which receive huge profits all their lives. A set of such elements in the energy of a forming personality gives a similar effect of obtaining great benefits with the investment of certain efforts. who has a more stable psyche.

Good female-Monkey-male-Ox compatibility allows not to fight for the right to be the head of the family. After all, both types of individuals receive energies from each other, which create approximately the same energy background.

In addition, the Bull, insisting on his own and pressing on the Monkey, easily rebuilds in a different direction, if the second has a strong "metal".

Then both find the right solution to the problem and exist together without proving to each other that they are right. If for the Ox and the Monkey money is the element of metal, then they can create a reliable business. However, before deciding on such a step, you need to draw up a compatibility horoscope for Ox- Monkey and look at their elements and elements of the energy mechanisms that were formed as a result of the marriage.

If it turns out that both partners have a balanced energy and there is a large presence of energy in the pillars that brings funds, then such partners are simply doomed to success. The main thing in this case is to choose the required date of registration of the company and a niche, which will be under the sign of personality manifestation in society or is directly its element. For example, a persistent Ox who achieves his goals can help in establishing the necessary partnerships and obtaining sufficient funds.

And the Monkey, in turn, having a sharp mind and excellent intelligence, achieves by any means what was conceived by her. The combined qualities of the spouses born under the signs of the eastern zodiac of the Ox and the Monkey will help in achieving great success and heights, as well as in obtaining huge profits from their business projects.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Ox woman cannot be called ideal. If they start a relationship, then they will surely face difficulties, problems and resentments. Many do not understand at all how such a pair could have turned out, because their temperaments are so different.

However, such unions are not uncommon, no matter how strange it may be. How does their relationship develop and develop? This should now be discussed in more detail.

Features of relationships

These people have both significant differences and similarities. Their best qualities can complement each other and cause powerful attraction, however, over time, disagreements arise. And they have to make compromises, learn to give in and trust.

The Monkey guy is a very seductive, charming, quick-witted and intelligent person. He always has several ideas, schemes, plans and projects on fire. True, not all of them are embodied in reality, since this person quickly loses interest in what could not really hook him.

Such a guy attracts a conservative, strict, serious Bull girl with honesty, dedication and an amazing ability to do his job conscientiously, regardless of the conditions. And he likes her for her concern for reliability and safety. Her income is always stable, and his schemes can collapse and not bring profit.

Plus, the Ox girl likes to give, not take. More precisely, she gets a little more pleasure from it. The Monkey guy is fine with this, since he is selfish to a certain extent.


At first, the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Ox woman seems very promising. The guy, having a practical character and a broad outlook, instantly finds a common language with this girl, conquering her with his inherent originality and gaiety.

They quickly begin a vivid and memorable romance. But not all couples go to the registry office. Because the Ox girl is interested in a stable relationship. And the prospects for marriage with a Monkey guy may not see.

Of course, adventurous adventures, spontaneity, vivid emotions and constant shake-ups are all dynamic and fun. But only for a while. She sees it as an interesting experience, but not as a lifestyle.

Development of a relationship

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Ox woman is based on mutual attraction. This guy just can't help but arouse the girl's interest with his impressive wit and unbridled imagination. His liveliness and activity become an inspiration for her, thanks to which she goes to new discoveries.

The Monkey guy, in turn, finds in her a source of unlimited support and even material assistance. But she doesn't mind. After all, by his example, he always demonstrates that you need to live not only in work. This person knows how to have fun, give all of himself to emotions and feelings, go beyond. Such an invaluable ability is greatly lacking in the restrained and consistent Ox girl.


Even a short romance with this guy can be pretty exhausting for many Bull girls. Therefore, most of them end the relationship without, as it seems to the Monkey man, no apparent reason.

But for her, a thoughtful and unhurried nature, it is simply hard to keep up with such a restless, overly energetic person. And she does not understand how he can be so childishly spontaneous.

In other words, life with a Monkey guy requires you to change everything: the rhythm and pace of life, habits, in some way even your worldview.

She will not want to leave only if he will give her personal space and time to rest, and will not rush to make decisions yet. This will suit the Ox girl. In addition, the Monkey guy is able to show her the world from the other side - from the one that will interest her.

And, in the end, if they have love, then the Ox girl will not be able to simply leave her partner. It is not in her style to consider other options when the previous one suits her in many ways, and, moreover, evokes feelings. And she will not be able to let go of the time she spent together.

The path to happiness

The Monkey man and the Ox woman can achieve good compatibility. For this she will have to accept her lover as he is. It will not be easy, since the Ox girl, being a straightforward nature, will not be able to unravel his plans and characters. And is it really necessary? Maybe you should get simpler and start enjoying the surprises?

It will be more difficult to accept the independence of the Monkey guy and his love of freedom. It doesn't need to be limited or controlled. It will be very difficult for the Ox girl, who is still the owner, to do this.

In addition, she loves to put things in order in the relationship. Her desire for leadership and desire to be an authority will not lead to anything good.

Also, the mocking character of the Monkey guy can become a stumbling block. His behavior can offend the Ox girl, who is used to being respectful and serious.

But it is so difficult for him to resist some antics and jokes! However, if he does not want to lose his spouse, then he will have to learn not to make her an object for jokes. His sense of humor, of course, is outstanding, but he has no place in a relationship. It's better to joke over someone else, but not over the woman you love.


A few words should be said about compatibility in sex. She is at a decent level for these two. The Monkey's inherent craving for new sensations and the Ox's passion give them the opportunity to make intimate relationships much more diverse and rich.

The most important thing is that they both fully trust each other. And by no means a secondary role is played by dedication.

It is also important that the Monkey guy, who is somewhat touchy and quick-tempered, weaned himself to transfer his mood to bed. Otherwise, sex will cease to bring pleasure to the Bull. By the way, if a girl suspects her partner of infidelity, she will close herself from him. And there will be no question of any intimacy.


If these two reach the registry office, then they are unlikely to divorce. The Ox and the Monkey weigh the pros and cons in advance. Even at the initial stage of the relationship.

In an ideal marriage, the Monkey guy charges the Ox girl with positive and enthusiasm, which helps her to perform new feats in the labor sphere. She, in turn, becomes a first-class housewife and caring wife.

In general, the Ox and the Monkey get married when they have already learned the "basics" that are necessary to establish

But still, conflicts on financial grounds in marriage can be. Spouses have different ideas about money. The Bull Girl is very practical, even tight-fisted in this regard. And the Monkey guy treats money easily, it will not be difficult for him to lower half of his salary to a new plasma TV, for example. So, both of them will have to work on this area for a long time in order to come to a compromise.


According to the comments and reviews, the Monkey man and the Ox woman can be great companions. Their friendly union is doomed to be mutually interesting and strong.

The immediate Monkey guy will help his stable and conservative girlfriend to open herself up to the other side. She will learn to have fun, even be able to start to relate to certain things easier. The Bull Girl will begin to live at a different speed and according to different rules. And the Monkey guy, in turn, will learn patience and tolerance from her.

In order for their friendship to be long, both need to remember about respect at the time of disagreement, and also that many nuances can always be translated into a joke.

Business relationship

The Ox and the Monkey are quite capable of creating a joint business. And their partnership will be very dangerous for competitors, enemies and rivals. Why is that?

Because they will have everything. Namely: the mass of original ideas and non-standard solutions issued by a creatively developed Monkey, and their embodiment into reality by the stubborn and meticulous Bull, who does everything to his conscience.

And their business is doomed to success because both have excellent intuition. No one will be able to deceive them.

Zodiac addiction

It should be noted that their zodiac signs also play a role in the development of the relationship of this couple. All options are not considered, but it is worth talking about several options for an example.

The compatibility of the Monkey-Leo man and the Ox-Virgo woman, for example, is based on their mutual desire to preserve traditions. In this pair, he gladly takes on the role of head of the family, and she is engaged in providing comfort. By the way, in this combination, Virgo strongly pacifies the Ox's jealousy. The woman calmly lets her Leo go anywhere, and he appreciates it.

Excellent compatibility for the Monkey man and the Ox woman when there are two of them, form a magnificent pair. This is a very strong emotional sign that suppresses any eastern patron. Mutual understanding, sexual harmony, respect, the same outlook on life, unquenchable passion - this pair has everything you need for happiness.

But the compatibility of the Ox-Aquarius woman and the Monkey-Taurus man is sad. Relationships of such couples more often than others end in divorce. It is very difficult for them to understand each other and find a common language. Differences in outlooks on life even in some insignificant everyday situations manifest themselves.

The relationship between the Monkey-Aries man and the Ox-Aries woman is developing interestingly. From the outside it seems that this is a very active and temperamental couple. It is, but sometimes because of a mutually stormy disposition, they quarrel. It is important here that the guy be more sincere, reckless, decisive and strong. For an Aries girl, reinforced by an eastern patron saint, it is important to see a real man next to her.

The union of the Monkey man and the Scorpio Bull woman is explosive. Their relationship is a real typhoon, where either ardent love at first sight or an ongoing war is possible. However, these are smart people. Therefore, they are able to learn how to properly distribute their energy in the name of love.

And the last example is the Monkey-Fish man and the Ox-Fish woman. Another emotionally strong zodiac sign that evens out all the shortcomings of eastern patrons. These two have a happy and strong union in which no one is ever bored. After all, they are able to fully experience the true kinship of close souls. And this is the most important thing in a relationship.

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