Home Flowers Creative tasks for children 3 4 years old. Physical education and exercise for four-year-olds. Types of exercise complexes

Creative tasks for children 3 4 years old. Physical education and exercise for four-year-olds. Types of exercise complexes

The unique method of the outstanding teacher Maria Montessori has been demonstrating its effectiveness for a whole century. In our work, we took into account all the author's achievements and creatively applied them in our work:

  • We have organized an interesting and at the same time absolutely safe Montessori environment for developing activities for children from 3-4 years old and other ages;
  • In order for curious kids to be able to reveal all the natural abilities and satisfy cognitive needs, we have acquired high-quality author's didactic materials for working on fine and gross motor skills, the realization of intellectual inclinations;
  • Absolutely all types of learning and creativity, all classes for children 3 years old in our center are organized in such a way that the child multiplies his main resource, the main driving force - motivation for cognitive activity;
  • We do not seek to fulfill any "program" that, by any criteria, corresponds to a certain age; we try to create a harmonious outlook and a special creative atmosphere in the process of developing activities for children from 3-4 years old.

Individual and group lessons, during which the teacher understands the peculiarities of the character and cognitive processes of little Stars, give the child peace of mind and self-confidence. After all, every child is simply created in order to receive and absorb simply amazing volumes of new knowledge. When the baby gets this opportunity, his character becomes softer and more flexible. After all, he has everything he needs!

What developmental activities for children 3-5 years old are there in our center?

We offer you to choose the most suitable type of training for you:

  • A mini kindergarten is 3 or 4 hours, during which the little one is engaged with loving competent specialists, parental support is not required;
  • The general development group "Cosmonauts" is one and a half or two hour classes for children 3 years of age and older, where the kid will be taught to read, count, under the guidance of a speech therapist, they will take care of the development of speech, offer interesting role-playing games and theatrical performances;
  • A group for adaptation to kindergarten, in the classroom of which the mother can be present with the baby if it is difficult for him to part with her at first;
  • Developing activities for children 3-4-5 years old in a weekend group.

In order to organize developmental classes at home for children 3-4 years old, you need not only to think over their content, but also to awaken the child's interest in learning.

Usually, a kindergarten is engaged in teaching children 3-4 years old. Working according to specialized programs, teachers provide little preschoolers there with all the knowledge and skills they need. But there are also situations when a child cannot attend this institution or misses a lot due to frequent illnesses. Then the parents themselves take on the education of the crumbs. Through systematic developmental activities for children 3-4 years old, even at home, children can learn everything that is appropriate for their age, if you know what and how to teach them.

How are developing classes with children 3-4 years old at home

Homeschooling is a time consuming process that requires some parenting and the right attitude. For effective work, you need not only to think over the content of the classes, but also to awaken the child's interest in learning. What do you need to know?

Principles of organizing homework

Any education, home or professional, should be carried out in accordance with the basic principles of pedagogy and take into account the age characteristics of the preschool child. What do you need to know?

Conditions for conducting "lessons" for preschool children

At the age of 3, children already know how to concentrate for a long time on the object of interest to them, and yet it is not worth planning too many tasks. The duration of a lesson with children 3 years old should be no more than 25 minutes, with a mandatory dynamic pause.

Thematic material:

It is better to start work when the child has had time to rest and is in a good mood, usually they study after breakfast or nap, every day at the same time.

During work, nothing should distract the attention of the crumbs - remove everything unnecessary from the table and from the field of vision.

Use flashy props, handouts, and manuals. You can buy them or make them yourself. To keep your interest in these learning tools, try not to play with them outside of class.

It is good if all the exercises of the lesson are united by one plot. This will make it easier to keep the child's attention.

Take a break from mental stress by physical exercises - dancing to music, walking on a line and an incline, playing with a ball, etc. They must be included in every lesson.

Tasks and planning

The effectiveness of any work, including pedagogical, depends on correctly set tasks and a clear plan for their implementation.

The main tasks of developmental activities for children 3-4 years old include the following:

  • the formation of thinking skills;
  • development of motor skills, imagination and creativity;
  • improving the sound and semantic aspects of speech, expanding vocabulary;
  • formation of an idea of ​​the phenomena and properties of objects, the surrounding world;
  • education of personal qualities, teaching the norms of behavior.

It is necessary to draw up a plan of developmental activities for children from 3 years old so that various activities alternate. Planning weekly will help you figure out which exercise to keep, which to complicate, and which to postpone altogether.

How to choose tasks for children 3-4 years old

All knowledge and skills acquired by a preschool child can be conditionally divided into several blocks. So, knowing what should be learned by a child by the age of 4, you can understand what developmental tasks to offer him.

Logic, attention, memory

At 3 years old, the baby should be able to assemble a picture of 4 parts, see inconsistencies, differences and similarities in the drawings, remove an extra object according to a given criterion, keep 3-4 words or images in short-term memory, concentrate on the task for about 5 minutes.

Invite the little one to look at the picture, and then close it and ask a few questions. Also, memory will develop well when learning small poems, if it is difficult for a child, let him say only the end of the lines at first.

Lay out 4-5 toys or pictures in front of the preschool child, and then remove one, and ask to remember which one is gone.

The development of logic and attention is facilitated by the games "find a shadow", "pick up a patch", "find a pair", "continue a chain" of drawn objects, a mosaic or a constructor.


Up to 4 years old, the baby can master the numerical and quantitative value of numbers from 2 to 10; sort items by size, name the longest / shortest, large / small; name the primary colors and distinguish between several shades; in addition to the circle, triangle and square, know the rhombus, rectangle and oval.

Numbers, geometric shapes, like letters, can be made from handy materials. There are also many coloring pages by numbers, puzzles and pictures with the designation of the number of objects and a numerical sign.

Development of speech

A 3-4-year-old preschooler already understands the addressed speech, maintains a conversation, uses the pronouns "I" and "we", describes what he sees in sentences (up to 6 words), names antonyms and groups of objects (clothes, dishes, etc.), answers to questions on the picture, knows his name and surname, controls the strength of his voice.

You can work on the sound side of speech with the help of or pure phrases. For the ability to formulate your thoughts, tasks such as "What could be? .. (name the properties, and the child are suitable objects)," What happened first and then? (on the example of a fairy tale, natural phenomenon, everyday situations), "What is needed for? ..", etc.

The basics of literacy can start by learning letters and sounds. Studying the graphic representation of a letter, it is important to name not its name ("um"), but the sound ("m").

The world

At three years old, children divide animals into domestic and wild, many know where they live and what they eat, recognize several types of plants, insects, fish and birds, distinguish vegetables, fruits, mushrooms. They name the time of day, natural phenomena, some know several signs of the seasons.

This area of ​​knowledge is expanding for a child with experience. Turn a walk in the park, a trip to a clinic or a store into an excursion, focus the kid's attention on what is happening around, do not be lazy to answer in detail all the "why" questions.

Thematic material:

At home, you can use children's encyclopedias, computer presentations and print games.


This age is the time when creative energy is especially strong in children. They already know how to cut with scissors (some with their mother), glue ready-made and "torn" applications according to a pattern or fantasy.

Creative activities can be time-consuming, so it's best to do them separately.

In addition to drawing, sculpting and appliqués, home puppet theater and role-playing games will help develop out-of-the-box thinking and imagination.

Use mosaics, cereals, sand, beads, buttons, or other small objects to engage fine motor skills daily.

An example of a thematic lesson "Birds in Spring"

At the beginning of the lesson, we show the child a presentation about migratory birds, tell why and where they fly in winter.

We turn into a bird (you can whip up a paper mask with a beak and cut out the wings). To cheerful music, you can “fly” to the kitchen (to warm regions) and “nibble on the grains” (collect pasta from the floor).

Learning letters. Note that the word "birds" begins with the letter "P". We examine it and lay it out with the help of counting sticks or pasta. You can also offer to finish the letter behind mom with a pencil.

Draw in advance several birds, on the wings of which the letter "P" is depicted. We ask the child to find it.

The logic is to find the largest bird in the images, with a yellow circle on the wing, without a red square, etc. (we prepare cards in advance).

You can finish a series of thematic educational tasks for children 3-4 years old about birds by coloring, modeling or applique.

When organizing developmental classes at home, be prepared for the fact that the learning outcome is never quick. If something is difficult for the baby, do not press on him, postpone the task and soon he will definitely cope with everything!

It would seem, why engage in physical education for already mobile children. However, most sports schools start recruiting children between the ages of 4 and 5.

At this time, the child already completely owns his body, its proportions practically correspond to the parameters of an adult. It is from 3 to 5 years old that children experience a new phase of active growth, when they grow at the same rate as children under 12 months of age.

Physical education for children 3-4 years old has many functions, it helps the development of all internal organs of a small person, develops muscle structure, instills a culture of sports and movement from an early age, lays the habit of an active lifestyle for the future. Physical education with a child helps:

  1. Strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  2. Improve digestion, appetite and improve stool. Speed ​​up metabolism.
  3. Form your posture.
  4. Improve blood oxygen saturation. Moderate exercise can help prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia.
  5. Form neural connections in the brain. In the future, this will have a qualitative effect on intelligence.

By the age of 4, children already have a high need for movement, they are active by themselves, they cannot sit still. This is a natural phenomenon, conceived by nature for the development of the body, especially the musculoskeletal system.

Important! It is harmful and even dangerous to limit the physical activity of children at this age.

A baby's sedentary lifestyle can cause:

  1. Dysfunction and diseases of the endocrine glands. This will provoke hormonal problems in adolescence and adulthood. The habit of daily routine and mobility "balances" the production of growth hormones, hormones of the sex glands.
  2. Violation of the formation of bones of the skeleton. Leads to flat feet, changes in posture, scoliosis.
  3. Slowdown in physical development.

Rules for the organization of children's physical education

Due to the rapid growth and high energy consumption, a 3-5 year old baby quickly loses its infant fat and acquires "adult" proportions. Before introducing exercise, you need to establish a clear daily routine. The kid should eat often and in small portions. Go to bed in a well-ventilated area, fall asleep and wake up at about the same time. At the age of 3-5, a small person still needs about 2 hours of naps.

During the walk, children should walk 15-20 minutes in a row, after which they need to take rest breaks.

Attention! The kid will quickly get used to physical education if he sees the example of loved ones - grandmothers, parents, especially since children tend to imitate in everything.

During this period, children still cannot hold attention for a long time. You can concentrate on exercises for no more than 10-15 minutes. After such a short session, there must be a pause for active games that require a lot of movement. The load must be increased no more often than once every 2-3 months.

If possible, you should add swimming to your activities.

At the time of illness, all physical education is stopped. You can return to them only: 7-14 days after the transferred ARVI, 3 weeks after an adenovirus infection or a serious infectious disease; and in general, you should rely on your pediatrician's judgment on when to return to gymnastics. Recover the load gradually.

Types of exercise complexes

Physical education for children 4 years old should be fun and interesting in order to retain attention and not turn away from sports exercises.

A simple set of exercises for family activities:

  1. Simple walking in a circle is a walk.
  2. Hands on the belt. Turning the head from side to side: yes-yes and no-no.
  3. Hands on the belt. Head tilts to the sides.
  4. Hands are raised. Tilts of the body to the sides - "the trees in the forest sway."
  5. Hands on the belt. Stretching out your arms and doing clap - "catching butterflies" in your palms.
  6. Alternate squats and bends - "pick" mushrooms, berries, flowers.
  7. "Pryagushki" - stand on tiptoe, raise your hands high above your head, spread your fingers.
  8. Walking in a circle: the walk is over, "let's go home."

While running, the baby may need a break, it is permissible to rest for 2-5 minutes.

Important! Complete all exercises to the end, even if you took a break; teach to finish all classes.

Complex for outdoor activities or playground:

  1. Run 200-300 meters slowly and take short breaks if necessary.
  2. Walking alternately on toes and heels.
  3. Arms are extended to the sides, feet are shoulder-width apart. Swing both hands clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Jumping on one leg. 10 jumps for each leg.
  5. Depending on the playground: hanging on a ladder, climbing.

A simple home exercise set:

  1. Walking in a circle to warm up, you can alternately go through a regular circle and then make a jumping circle.
  2. "The clock is ticking." Perform the exercise while standing, hands hang freely, relaxed. Swing your arms from this position back and forth 4-5 times.
  3. Sitting on a chair, turn your head left and right. The neck is slightly extended forward, the hands are on the knees.
  4. Jumping in a circle, alternating with walking, 3-4 minutes.
  1. Legs are slightly wider than shoulder width. Lower your hands in front of you. Raise your hands to eye level, palms up, after a second lower. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.
  2. Torso bends forward. Keep your hands on your waist and keep your legs straight.
  3. Exercise "bike". It is performed lying on your back. Raise and bend your legs, "ride a bike." Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. Steps around the room with high knees, you can alternate jumping and squatting.

The complex is more complex, suitable for children 4-5 years old:

  1. The starting position is standing, arms extended along the body. Then the arms are spread apart, as if for a hug. Return to starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. From the same starting position, make turns of the body to the sides, spread your arms wide. Repeat 4-5 times on each side.
  3. While standing, the feet are parallel to each other. Do half-squats, arms raised and bent at the elbows.

Classes will be more effective in the morning, it is advisable not to change the exercise program often, so that the baby does the exercises that he already knows. A morning warm-up invigorates and improves blood flow to the tissues.

It is advisable to diversify classes in the afternoon with objects and toys: pick up cubes, use a gymnastic ball. During this time, you can learn new exercises or go out into the fresh air. As a rule, when children outgrow their infancy, parents are reluctant, much less often walk with them on the street, while children need fresh air at any age.

Adults should encourage children to participate in the exercises, ask them what exercises they like and what they want to do.

Any exercises can be combined, performed with funny music. The goal of these activities is not to build muscle. You should do it as best you can, trying to get more positive emotions and energy. These simple complexes will serve to strengthen physical health and mental development.

Conducting joint training of parents and children

It is difficult to teach children anything without setting a personal example. Only by watching adults, repeating after them, kids learn the culture of sports, nutrition, communication.

Active recreation is one of the most interesting ways to spend family leisure time. During general family gymnastics, children receive positive emotions, accumulate pleasant memories of the time spent in the circle of loved ones.

Specialists who engage in physical education with children are also, of course, important. Their participation is necessary when problems have already appeared that require physiotherapy exercises or kinesiotherapy. With the help of physical exercises, a specialist can eliminate postural disorders, osteochondrosis, flat feet, some pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Classes with children's trainers do not take place daily, but with exercise therapy specialists - only according to indications and a course. Physical education of children and parents is a daily habit that will serve to prevent most diseases.

In addition, children trust their loved ones more and in such activities will be more relaxed, focused on movement and have a positive attitude.

At the age of 4-5 years, a visit to a kindergarten is shown. There, the baby learns single and group games, receives the basics of physical and social development.

11 minutes to read.

A child aged 3-4 becomes very active. Many mothers are tormented by the question: "What to do with your child?" After all, the baby should spend time with benefit. At this age, children need to be developed, to instill in them communication skills.

Of course, the kids are all different in character and temperament. Someone at the age of 3-4 years can play alone all day, while someone needs a variety of activities.

Note! Occupying a child's home for 3-4 years with any business, be sure to be there. Babies at this age should not be left unattended. Be nearby, organize your affairs so that there is a small distance between you and the child.

What features of this age group should be taken into account

3-4 years is the period when the baby begins to become aware of himself. He has a more perfect system of coordination of movements, he begins to move more smoothly.

Children show musical talent, they like to dance and sing.

Kids can already play in a company, they are busy with games, they show an interest in construction, their vocabulary is growing rapidly. The child begins to use words that he has heard from adults, turns of speech become more difficult, he begins to express his opinion.

Children 3-4 years old are already playing with their peers

During this period, relationships are formed with peers, adults. He becomes a participant in joint games, begins to perceive the rules of behavior in games.

Children at this age have many questions, they gain life experience. The information that a child can absorb during this period is simply colossal in its volume.

And, of course, the task of parents and teachers is to choose such educational games that would help the formation of the child's personality and skills, both in a child care institution and at home.

Age 3-4 is a great time to develop children's creativity. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. Drawing lessons are interesting for a child aged 3-4 years. Young artists draw and paint with equal pleasure, they like felt-tip pens and crayons.

Games for the development of hand motor skills and imagination

Note! Children themselves cannot draw at this age, but they can paint to their liking and power. There are special coloring books on sale, you can also print coloring pages from the Internet.

Parents of artists need to be careful, because at the age of 3-4 years, children like to draw not only on paper. They like walls and doors. Drawing boards can be an interesting option. It is convenient to install such a board at home - it takes up little space.

Great Idea - Mosaic - A Creative Game

At this age, children can be occupied with constructors. For 3-4 years old, designers from plastic parts are suitable. Children are especially interested in towers and houses, which they are happy to build. At home, you can allow children to create houses from scrap materials - pillows, chairs, blankets.

In the period when the child reaches 3-4 years old, parents begin to think about additional developmental education.

Moms and dads choose for their crumbs, mugs or sections. Children are taken to swimming, gymnastics. If you start learning a foreign language, the result will be very good.

But you can work with children outside the home. A child of 3-4 years old is useful to stay in the air.

Sandbox games are loved by all children

Outdoor activities are varied. Children of this age are attracted by the sandbox, where they are happy to play and build. A playground is a place where a child can play and relax in comfort.

Fine motor skills: kids 3-4 years old are happy to lay out mosaic patterns, look at pictures in books. They are interested in moving toys.

What types of activities can be used at home

The child's home can be occupied by the following:

Almost all the proposed options are educational: the kids are not only busy with an exciting and useful business.

If mom makes something from dough, then give the child a piece - let him contribute.

There is also an interesting lesson: take large beans, pasta and some peas, shift and instruct the child to disassemble into three containers. Play around as needed help around the house. Be sure to praise.

In general, the kitchen attracts both girls and boys - fantasize, and your little helper will be happy to complete tasks.

Children in the kitchen will be happy to help

How to keep your baby busy outside the home

Often, being outside the home, kids 3-4 years old suffer from the fact that they do not know what to do.

In summer, children 3-4 years old are attracted by the sandpit. Everything with sand is developing. Building different figures, breaking grooves, the baby learns shapes and volumes through his hands. Exposure through the hands has a beneficial effect on speech activity. It is interesting and very convenient to play on the sand:

  • from wet sand, you can "stick" a lot of figures using molds. For example, ask your child to create a sand park or make cakes for a puppet dinner.
  • on a flat surface, you can "paint" a picture of sand.

Place plastic pins or bottles in the clearing, let the child learn to "drive" the ball between them.

A great idea for a summer residence - homemade paths

There is a mini-ring on the playgrounds, give the ball and offer to throw it into the basket, moreover, from different distances.

Give your child crayons to paint on the pavement. Show how to draw cells - the kid will be happy to jump on them.

How to keep your baby busy in the country

At the dacha in the summer, it is simple to take the baby:

How to keep your baby busy in the park

In the autumn park, invite your kid to build a collection of autumn leaves. Before going out, prepare a bag or box where he will put his treasures.

Another option for an active game is to offer the kid jogging, for example, to a green bench, to a large stone, to a mountain ash, etc.

How can you play with your baby in the winter park?

How to captivate a child 3-4 years old on the road

It happens that a family with a child of this age has to go on a trip. It is difficult for restless kids in transport to sit still. How to distract him?

  • In the car, you can play like this: who is the first to see the car, for example, red or blue roof.
  • You can simply ask to name those objects that he sees.
  • Offer your toddler observing the clouds - what they look like, how they change.
  • Prepare a box with small toys, let him take them apart and play. Ask for a story about each.
  • Play yes-no. For example, does the kitten bark? The child answers: "no."
  • Read poems on the road, remember songs for children.

Travel games can be purchased as a set

You can safely take markers and albums on the train - let the child draw what he sees through the window or depict a train. Give your child a damp cloth to wipe the table and doors.

On the plane, you need to let the child look around. It is better to choose seats for children by the aisle. This will provide a place to stand up if necessary. Show him a pillow, belts, porthole, folding table.

You can keep your baby busy with magnetic puzzles - they are specially designed for travel - they will not crumble. Look in children's stores for travel games - these are cards and special tasks.

What parents of a baby 3-4 years old should know

  • For a baby at this age, rest is an opportunity to move, to be active.
  • Of course, lessons and assignments should be gradually made more complicated, but nevertheless, we must also return to simple-type activities. For example, if a child is sick, he is not feeling well, then there is no need to come up with difficult tasks for him.
  • Please note that the child during this period of life endows with consciousness inanimate objects.
  • The child develops an understanding of the world, so try to form the fundamental concepts correctly.
  • Do not rush the kid - he will gradually understand and learn everything.

Cereal games develop imagination

The child needs the love, patience of the parents and their attention. Then he will complete any task with pleasure.

Let's take a look at what a 3-year-old baby can do, why a developmental crisis occurs at this age and how to cope with it, as well as with the help of what activities to develop a three-year-old child.

Age features

  • The child's motor development is improving. A kid at the age of 3 is good at controlling his own body. He walks evenly, without unnecessary movements, can change the pace of walking and is able to learn to ride a bicycle.
  • The performance of the nervous system of a three-year-old child is becoming greater. The child is awake for a longer time and is ready to assimilate new information. He is already more patient and can do any one thing for longer than 2 years (up to 20-25 minutes).
  • Fine motor skills are also improved, allowing the baby to master buttoning, drawing with pencils, using cutlery and other household skills.
  • The vocabulary of a 3-year-old toddler already includes over 1000 words. The child uses almost all parts of speech in conversation, although sometimes it is wrong. The pronunciation of sounds improves, although children at 3 years old may not yet pronounce many sounds. Three-year-olds constantly talk over their actions, giving the impression that they are not silent at all. Also, a characteristic feature of the speech of children of this age is the presence of numerous questions.
  • The main activity of a three-year-old child is play. Now the kid most of all loves role-playing games. In the scenes played out by the child, there is a plot, since the crumbs develop abstract thinking and imagination.

Many kids at this age want to play other people's toys at the first opportunity, while not paying attention to their own. Is this normal and how to react to this situation, see the video of Larisa Sviridova (Lara's mother).

Calculate the vaccination calendar

Most parents are not happy with their child's weight. Is it worth worrying about a deviation from the norm, watch the TV show E. Komarovsky.

Types of child development


This type of development is aimed at increasing the child's endurance, developing dexterity and coordination of movements. Activities affecting physical development should be daily for a three-year-old child and may include the following activities:

  • Charging with music, poetry or a video lesson.
  • Stepping over obstacles (spread the blocks on the floor).
  • Walking on an inclined board.
  • Jumping over the line drawn on the floor.
  • Walking on a rope spread out on the floor.
  • Jumping on two legs from a place forward.
  • Jumping off small hills.
  • Ball games - throw to each other, throw up, and then catch, kick, hit the box, run a race with a rolling ball, roll between the legs of a chair.
  • Outdoor games with simple rules.
  • Overcoming the obstacle course.
  • Dancing.
  • Fitness with mom.
  • Swimming.
  • Exercises on the sports wall (rope, rings, ladder, crossbar).
  • A ride on the bicycle.


This type of development helps to study the crumbs of the surrounding world and various properties of objects. Classes with a cognitive goal will develop attention, logic, memory in the little one. In a playful way, the baby learns the first mathematical concepts, learns more about the world in which he lives. Classes at the age of three can be as follows:

  • We are looking for colors by name and pattern.
  • We consistently collect nesting dolls and molds of different sizes.
  • We select flat geometric shapes according to the sample.
  • We select volumetric geometric shapes for the holes and study their names.
  • Putting together a pyramid of 8-10 rings of different colors and sizes, guided by a pattern or sample.
  • Exploring the differences between small-medium-large.
  • We add a picture from 2 parts.
  • We play with mosaics and lotto.
  • We remember the place where the toy was located, which was removed by the adult.
  • We are looking for a whole picture for its details.
  • We study the concept of right-left.
  • We generalize objects by some property, for example, floating, flying.
  • We study with the child the phenomena of nature, flora and fauna, labor actions.
  • We find an extra item in the group.
  • We select the opposite from the group of objects.
  • We study the numbers.
  • We are looking for the shadow of the picture.
  • We select patches.
  • Add missing items.

Parents can start to introduce the child to mathematical concepts in a playful way. Lead the next Tsvetonik lesson shown by M. L. Lazarev (music development expert) in the next video.

At the age of three, it will be interesting for the baby to get acquainted with the days of the week. Conduct classes in a playful way and in a good mood.


This development involves the child's senses - touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing. During sensory exercises, the baby improves tactile sensitivity, learns to recognize objects by smell and taste. Such activities at age three may include:

  • Determination of the texture of objects.
  • Determination of geometric shapes by touch.
  • Guessing animals by the sounds they make.
  • Games with sensory bags and boxes.
  • Guessing objects by smell.
  • Guessing food items to taste.


This type of development of a three-year-old baby not only affects the child's hearing, but also instills in him a sense of rhythm and musical taste.

You can develop your baby with the help of the following activities:

  • Singing.
  • Playing a musical instrument.
  • Listening to music with different rhythms.
  • Guessing the sounds of everyday objects.
  • Guessing songs.
  • Dancing.
  • Music backdrop.

The expert on musical development Lazarev ML shows how you can conduct a theatrical performance "Festival of Music" according to the "Tsvetonik" method. The child will become familiar with musical instruments and musical intervals.


For a child of 3 years old, it is very important to constantly expand vocabulary, so you should communicate more with the little one. Articulation classes also affect speech development. With a baby of this age, speech development can be done like this:

  • Learn songs and poems.
  • Discuss plot pictures.
  • Tell a fairy tale from pictures.
  • Discuss what you read.
  • Listen to a fairy tale read by an adult, as well as in audio recording.
  • Make a riddle for the kid, in which the last word of the quatrain is the answer.
  • Talk to your toddler about how the day went.
  • Discuss different situations on the topic “what if?”.
  • Perform articulatory gymnastics.
  • Study vowels.

Fine motor skills

Developing motor skills is extremely important for stimulating the speech development of the toddler, since the brain areas responsible for speech and hand movement are very close. If during the lessons the baby will use his fingers more, you will simultaneously stimulate the speech zone. Suitable fine motor activities for a 3 year old toddler include:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Games with sand and cereals.
  • Fastening of buttons, eyelets, different fasteners, buttons.
  • Stringing multicolored beads on a cord, including alternating colors and shapes of beads.
  • Games with nesting dolls, lacing, mosaics, inserts, clothespins.
  • Laying out patterns from pasta, shells or pebbles.
  • Water games.


Activities that will stimulate the child's creativity include different types of drawing and applications, games with constructors, modeling and the like. With a baby of three years of age, you can do this:

  • Add details to drawings, for example, leaves to a branch or stems to flowers.
  • Draw lines, rectangles, ovals and circles.
  • Paint over the drawing.
  • Draw according to your idea and tell what he is drawing.
  • Roll out plasticine or dough in your palms and sculpt simple shapes (sausages, balls, bagels).
  • Make simple applications using paper, natural materials, pieces of fabric.
  • Build bridges, fences, houses from cubes, using speech instructions, your imagination, a sample or a drawing.
  • Cut with baby scissors.
  • Decorating cakes or sandwiches with mom.
  • To stage a fairy tale.
  • Play with a puppet show.

For the creative development of the kid, conduct a lesson according to the "Little Leonardo" method, which is shown by O. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.


A three-year-old child reaches out to peers and communicates a lot with other children. Many kids of this age are already attending kindergarten, so their social development proceeds at their own pace while communicating with children in a group. If the three-year-old does not go to the garden yet, it is important for parents to pay additional attention to the social development of the child. In addition, this type of development also includes the acquisition of skills that children will need in everyday life.

Classes aimed at the social development of the crumbs will be as follows:

  • Games with other children using substitute items.
  • Learning words of courtesy.
  • Folding clothes before bed.
  • Learning to tie shoelaces and button up.
  • Studying the rules of behavior at the table.
  • Feasible help around the house.

Many parents are faced with the difficulties of parting with a child, accompanied by tears and tantrums of the baby. Is this normal and is it worth taking the baby to kindergarten further, see Larisa Sviridova's video.

Sample exercise program for a week

By drawing up a weekly lesson plan for the development of a three-year-old child, you can evenly distribute classes over the days of the week, while not missing anything, but also not overloading the toddler. For each child, such a lesson plan will be different. Its compilation should be based on the interests of the baby and mother, as well as the presence of certain skills in the toddler. The plan includes attending sports and developmental activities, massage and other mandatory activities.

When drawing up a plan for the first time, it is better to focus on a minimum list of activities. After one to two weeks, you will be able to analyze how the child is coping, whether it is necessary to add any activities, what the child likes best, and what is more difficult.

We offer the following approximate weekly schedule of developmental activities for a 3-year-old child:








Physical development


Charging by video tutorial

Ball games

Charging with music

Fitball game

Outdoor games

Cognitive development

Studying the numbers

Studying birds

We are looking for a whole by detail

Study of natural phenomena

Exploring colors

Sensory development

Sensory bag games

We study tastes

We study smells

Guessing objects by touch

Fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics

Playing with clothespins

Playing with sand

Bead game

Playing with water

Rump game

Musical development

Learning musical instruments

Music background

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

We tell a fairy tale from the picture

Learning a verse

Audio fairy tale

Discussing the plot of the picture

Creative development


Puppet show


Constructor games



Social development

Studying etiquette

Games with peers

Learning the words of courtesy

Care and regimen

In the development of 3-year-old children, attention should be paid to maintaining the health of babies, therefore, the importance of the daily regimen and caring for the toddler is beyond doubt:

  1. The kid should get enough rest. The approximate duration of sleep at 3 years of age is 12-13 hours a day. Many children can refuse to sleep in the daytime, but pediatricians note that preschoolers need rest during the day, so parents should try to put their child to sleep for 1-2 hours during the day.
  2. The morning of a three-year-old should begin with hygiene procedures. The child should wash himself, brush his teeth and comb his hair. Parents should constantly remind their baby to wash their hands before eating and after returning from a walk, as well as after using the toilet.
  3. Many parents continue to temper their children, carry out procedures after a nap. Such procedures include sunbathing, walking in the fresh air, wiping with a dampened towel, dousing your feet or the whole body, contrast shower, swimming in water.
  4. With a three-year-old child, it is advised to walk 1-2 times a day, dressing a toddler for the weather.
  5. In the diet of a child of this age, 4 meals are provided, between which 3-4 hours pass. The nutritional value of the daily diet of three-year-old children is 1500-1800 kcal.

And once again about the most important thing: what happens to a child at 3 years old and why it is important to behave correctly in this difficult period, see the video of the child psychologist Yulia Milovanova on the Open TV channel.

  • At the age of three, it is important to ensure that the child has toys that will support the child's physical activity (ball, bicycle, pins, and the like). Also, for the games of a three-year-old toddler, you need constructors and pyramids, loto and cubes, books and posters, sets for creativity and toys for role-playing games (dolls, animals, dishes, food, and others).
  • If your child is about to start attending kindergarten, talk with a tiny bit about the changes in his life. It would be a good idea to attend developmental activities so that the baby gets accustomed to the children's team.
  • Remember that three-year-old children tolerate criticism very painfully, so if you want to criticize your baby, do it gently, or rather offer to correct mistakes together.
  • It is not necessary to buy expensive toys for development; you can also use materials at hand for classes.

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