Home Flowers Slimming cottage cheese with yogurt. Bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt are a delicious dessert. Curd cream: sweet joy for the figure

Slimming cottage cheese with yogurt. Bananas with cottage cheese and yogurt are a delicious dessert. Curd cream: sweet joy for the figure

An elegant curd-yoghurt cake with strawberries combines a delicate base-base, a "weightless" light layer and a large amount of jellied berries that retain their characteristic taste, aroma and freshness. A shaky, cool dessert without glaze, thick cream and other confectionery additives is very useful on summer days - it refreshes, tones up and allows you to successfully use the seasonal harvest.

If desired, the biscuit cake can be replaced with a base of shortbread cookies and butter according to the principle of preparation, and purchased or homemade soaked in syrup is also suitable. Strawberries are completely replaced by another seasonal berry, and in winter, canned fruits will come in handy.


For the cake:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

For impregnation:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tsp.

For the curd-yoghurt layer:

  • cottage cheese (preferably from 9%) - 450 g;
  • drinking natural yogurt (without additives) - 200 g;
  • cream from 33% - 150 g;
  • icing sugar - 130 g (or to taste);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • powder gelatin - 25 g;
  • strawberries - 200 g.

For registration:

  • strawberry cake jelly - 1-2 sachets;
  • strawberries - 300-400 g.

How to make a crust for a yoghurt and curd cake

  1. Distribute the egg whites and yolks into different clean and perfectly dry bowls. Beat the protein mass, gradually adding half of the sugar norm. We achieve stable peaks - we work with a mixer until the mass gets stronger. Properly beaten egg whites should hold firmly in place when the bowl is turned over, and not slide down the sides.
  2. Next, beat the yolk mixture with vanilla sugar and the rest of the usual. We work with a mixer for at least 5 minutes - the mass should lighten noticeably, "grow" and thicken.
  3. Add yolks in small portions to a bowl of whites, stirring in from bottom to top with light twisting movements.
  4. After mixing flour, baking powder and starch, sift in 3 passes to the "airy" egg mass. Each time we mix the flour composition gently from bottom to top. It is important not to sediment the fluffy dough!
  5. The bottom of the split form (in this example, with a diameter of 22 cm), for convenience, we lay with parchment paper. We spread the dough and level the surface. Warm up the oven in advance, bake the biscuit cake at a temperature of 180 degrees. We hold for 15-20 minutes (until a dry match).
  6. Cool the finished biscuit base. We walk along the walls with a knife, and then remove the cake. We wash and wipe dry the detachable board, place it on a plate, lining the walls with parchment. We lower the cake into a container and pour it with impregnation - a mixture of sugar and boiling water, cooled to room temperature.

    Curd yoghurt cake - assembly

  7. Combine cottage cheese with sweet powder and vanilla sugar. Grind with an immersion blender.
  8. Pour in natural unsweetened yoghurt and work again with an immersion nozzle until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  9. Pour gelatin with 100 ml of cold drinking water. We leave to swell.
  10. Beat the chilled cream separately until thickened.
  11. Add the creamy mass to the curd-yoghurt mixture and mix. Warm up the swollen gelatin until the powder dissolves (do not boil!). Allow the gelatin solution to cool slightly, and then pour it into the curd-yogurt cream in a thin stream with continuous stirring.
  12. Strawberries (200 g), washed, dried and removed the stalks, cut into arbitrary pieces. Mix with cream.
  13. Pour the curd mixture onto a biscuit, level it and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely.
  14. To decorate the dessert, choose strawberries of approximately the same size. Cut into thin slices and spread in a circle on the frozen curd-yogurt layer.
  15. First, fill the strawberries with a little jelly and put them in the refrigerator - this is necessary to fix the berries.
  16. When the thin layer "grabs", pour the remaining jelly on top and send the dessert back to the refrigerator shelf - wait for the final layer to solidify.
  17. Next, unfasten and remove the board, carefully remove the paper.
  18. We enjoy the delicate taste of yoghurt and curd cake with strawberries!

Bon Appetit!

At all times, girls and women watched how they looked, what they eat and how they distribute their own time and energy. To maintain their harmony, freshness, and just keep their body in good shape, the fair sex resort to all kinds of methods, for example, morning exercises or planning a daily diet.

Speaking of the second, these days there is a great variety of all kinds of diets, from light unloading to long, strictly limited. We're going to talk about the curd-yoghurt diet.

The history of the curd-yoghurt diet

This diet appeared in the 1930s, invented by Dr. Zake. He worked in an elite sanatorium in Switzerland and helped his patients lose weight. This diet helps to reduce weight by 4-5 kg ​​per week, but at the same time it is balanced, very light and not harmful to health. The benefits of its components are indisputable, although there is still controversy about the correctness of their use.

Useful properties of cottage cheese and yogurt

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese contains many nutrients, while the proportion of fat in it can be less than 1%, the proportion of proteins is 13-16%, and carbohydrates 1-1.5%. The energy value of cottage cheese is from 60 to 250 kcal. It is also rich in such useful substances as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc. It contains vitamins A, which is an antioxidant, P, E, B. The milk protein casein, which is part of cottage cheese, has great energy value, and therefore can temporarily replace proteins in meat products.


Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is rich in potassium, vitamins (D, C, B12), phosphorus, iodine and calcium. The calorie content of a product may depend on the content of sugar and fruit components in it, but this item is quite variable and you can simply choose a product with a lower proportion of fat (up to 1%). It has a beneficial effect on the microflora of the stomach and prevents the possible development of dysbiosis.

Types of curd-yogurt diets

There are many modifications of this diet, now we will introduce you to the most common options.

Curd and yoghurt unloading day

This type of diet is suitable for those who need to quickly lose a small amount of weight without going on a hunger strike and without harm to their health.

Sample menu:

  • Lunch - 1 jar of yogurt and 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - 1 jar of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Throughout the day, you can drink any drinks that do not have calories, such as, for example, mineral water, black, green, herbal tea, herbal teas (rose hips, chamomile, etc.).

Sugar is contraindicated, but if you really want sweet tea, you can add a sweetener, it does not contain calories.

In one day, you can lose up to a kilogram of weight.

Six-day curd-yoghurt diet.

This diet is also good for fast weight loss, but it is not as strict.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast - 2 jars of yogurt and 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - 2 jars of yogurt and 5 tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - 1 jar of yogurt and 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

You can drink anything that does not contain calories.

If you wish, you can add some fruit to the yogurt, and beat the whole curd-yogurt mass with a mixer, you get a very tasty gruel. Nuts are not recommended to be added, as they will significantly increase the calorie content.

From the monotony of the diet, problems with stool may arise, in which case, in addition to a day, drink a jar of drinking yogurt with bifidobacteria or add a couple of teaspoons of fiber to the diet.

Additionally, you can control the calorie content of the diet yourself, depending on the calorie content of yogurt and cottage cheese.

In six days, you can lose 5-7 kilograms.

For those who do not want to spend a lot or just want to be completely confident in the quality of the product, we can offer to make yogurt at home. In fact, making delicious yoghurt yourself is not difficult at all. So you will know exactly what your diet consists of, and besides, you will save a lot.

There are several cooking options, so you can use milk and a special sourdough for cooking, or you can replace it with regular store yogurt. You can buy the starter culture at the pharmacy or order it from the online store.


  • 1 liter of milk (it is advisable to use homemade milk, but if you do not have this opportunity, you can buy it in the store, as an option, you can buy baked milk).
  • 1 package of starter culture.

Many may not have a special yogurt maker, so you can make yoghurt in a thermos.

Natural homemade yoghurt in a thermos

First, you need to heat the milk to 40 degrees, then mix the ingredients and pour into a thermos. Wrap it in a blanket or blanket and leave it in a warm place for a few hours. Pour the finished yoghurt into small containers and chill in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add fruits or berries to taste.

  • Store cooked yoghurt in the refrigerator with a lid on. The storage period should not exceed 4 days.
  • The yoghurt becomes thick when cooled, so if you want to make drinking yoghurt, reduce the fermentation time to 4-5 hours.

Contraindications to curd-yoghurt diet.

Since the diet is still monotonous, it is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Individual intolerance and allergic reactions to dietary components are also a contraindication.

Fasting days should not be spent when the body is weakened, for example, during or shortly after ARVI.

The curd-yoghurt diet is designed for fast weight loss. Its authors recommend that you start a long-term weight loss program with such a strict "shake-up" in order to get rid of 3-5 extra pounds in just a few days and believe in yourself. Low fat dairy products are high in calcium and protein, and these elements go a long way towards healthy weight loss. In addition, cottage cheese and natural yogurt are great satiates, so on a diet you will only feel moderate hunger. And also you do not have to look for exotic products, and stand idle for long hours at the stove. Everything you need is sold at any grocery store near your home.

Curd and yogurt diet menu

For one day, you need to take 5 cups of yogurt, 125 grams each. You can choose fruit varieties, but make sure that the product is fat-free. It is best to buy special dietary yogurt with a high protein content and no sugar (fructose or sweetener). If such a product is not at hand, you can make yogurt at home in a yogurt maker, with the addition of fresh berries and fruits, but without sugar. In addition, you will need a standard 200 gram pack of low fat cottage cheese.

Now we need to organize five meals a day. For breakfast, you eat one yogurt with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese (without a slide) and so on, repeat your meal every 3-4 hours.

There is also a recipe for three meals a day. For breakfast you eat 2 yoghurts with cottage cheese, for lunch - again 2 jars, and for dinner - one. You need to sit on this diet for 6 days, but you can use it as a three-day "unloading".

The benefits or harms of a curd-yogurt diet

A lot has been said and written about the benefits and dangers of yogurt. Strictly speaking, fruit yoghurts, even those with reduced fat content, are not suitable for those looking to reduce their weight. The problem is that for flavoring, manufacturers add more sugar than standard 2.5% cups. And berries with fruits in a thermized product are unlikely to retain their beneficial properties. Finding truly healthy sugar- and starch-free yogurt in your local store is a real challenge.

And buying plain low-fat sweet yogurt for your diet is self-deception. In addition to a large amount of sugar, it also contains quite a lot of starch. This carbohydrate is quickly absorbed by the body and raises blood sugar levels significantly. As a result, half an hour after eating yogurt, you will feel severe hunger. Pure cottage cheese without additives slightly reduces the glycemic index of yogurt, but this dish still cannot be called satisfying. It turns out that you get about 700 kcal per day, of which almost half is from the notorious starch.

The possible consequences of such a diet are dizziness, fainting, constant hunger, and, as a result, the inability to adhere to a balanced diet after weight loss. Buying yoghurts with different flavors will not turn this mono-diet into a balanced diet. Even if you are very fond of a sweet milk dessert, you will get pretty tired of it in 6 days. In addition, some yoghurts have a rather bad effect on the condition of the skin, they can provoke acne, and the point here, again, is in starch.

To improve the health of the curd-yogurt diet, it is best to replace purchased sweet yoghurts with homemade, or, at least, a low-fat store version without starch. Well, instead of fruit flavors, half an apple, pear, or a handful of berries are suitable for each curd-yogurt portion. You can add some cinnamon for flavor. And, of course, you shouldn't stick to a strict diet for more than 3 days in a row. If you like cottage cheese and yogurt so much, arrange fasting days on it, but not long mono diets.

Important: before you go on a curd-yoghurt diet, consult your doctor.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

My daughter categorically refuses to eat purchased cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. Curls and turns away the face))) And I decided to try to cook all this at home, because the benefits of sour milk are undeniable. Cottage cheese and yogurt for children helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, intestinal motor activity, eliminate cholesterol and saturate the baby's body with calcium. It is very useful to give to the baby with constipation and dysbiosis. To prevent this condition, it is worth making yogurt at home, or homemade kefir for children with sourdough culture. They have a probiotic effect, that is, they contain, in addition to the usual lactic acid bacteria, probiotics - live microorganisms (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).

And just recently, to implement my idea, I bought a yogurt maker. I took an inexpensive one, for only 1100, for 4 cups, because the shelf life of ready-made yogurt for adults is 7 days, and for children up to a year, 1-2 days. Therefore, I don't need a big one, I will cook only for children.

I was pleased with the purchase! The yoghurt turns out to be very tasty. And most importantly, my daughter is eating it by both cheeks.

Making homemade yoghurt .

The first thing to consider is which milk to use. I use UHT baby. The second point is how we will ferment our milk. I tried children's yoghurts as a starter culture (by the way, it is very difficult to find them without additives and with a minimum fresh date), children's kefir, and biolact from Tyoma, and Vivo bifivit starter culture. Neither me nor my daughter liked it with kefir. Both taste and smell are sour. But with the rest of the ferments, you get a delicious and pleasant smell - creamy vanilla.

Homemade yogurt recipe :

I take milk out of the refrigerator in advance, use 500 ml baby milk from Tyoma, so that it becomes room temperature. And if I use baby yogurt or biolact as a starter culture, then I get them too. Cold product must not be poured into the yourt maker, only at room temperature!

If I use a pharmacy starter culture, I take out 1 bottle from the package. While I take vivo bifidum, because it can be used by very young children, unlike narine and evitalia. There are 4 bottles in the package, it costs 286 rubles. I order from an online pharmacy.

I pre-sterilize jars from a yogurt maker and a tablespoon in a double boiler for 10 minutes. You can also sterilize in a microwave oven, after pouring water into jars, also 5-10 minutes.

Pour in 500 ml milk. into the dishes in which you will mix our ingredients, after pouring boiling water over it. And we introduce the leaven. If it is yogurt or biolact, then pour half a pack, this is about 100 ml. If this is a pharmacy starter culture, then we take a bottle, pour a little milk into it, somewhere up to 2/3, close with a lid, and carefully loosen it until it is completely dissolved. Add the dissolved starter culture to the milk, and mix everything thoroughly. Now it remains to pour everything into jars.

Well, and the final stage. We put our jars in a yogurt maker, cover it with a lid, and turn it on. We timed out the time from 8 to 12 hours. It depends on the leaven. I turn it on at 8.

After the specified time has elapsed, we take our jars out of the yogurt maker, close them with lids, which were also previously doused with boiling water. And we put it in the refrigerator for two hours, you can put the date of manufacture on the lids. We put it in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Well, our homemade yogurt is ready. It turns out to be pretty thick. If you get liquid homemade yoghurt, it means you didn't keep it in the yoghurt maker, and if the separated whey is slightly visible, then you overexposed it.

Before giving the jar to the child, just take it out of the refrigerator and put it in lukewarm water, for about five minutes, just not hot. Better if the water cools down, change it back to warm.

So, as you can see from 500 ml. milk turns out to be 4 jars of homemade yogurt. Now, about the shelf life of yogurt. For children under one year old, it can be given for two days. Children from one year can be given up to three days. I give Yulia 2 days from 80-100 ml. I use the remaining 2 jars to make homemade cottage cheese.

Making healthy homemade curd.

I'll make a reservation right away that delicious cottage cheese is obtained from only cooked yogurt.

1. The cooking process will be in a water bath. We take two pans of such a size that one goes into the other without touching the bottom. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour our yogurt into a smaller one (from those remaining 2 jars).

2. Making a water bath. In a large pot of boiling water, place a pot of yoghurt on a medium heat.

3. In a few minutes you will see how the serum begins to drain. With gentle movements from the sides of the pan, as if stirring, move it a little to the middle so that the heating occurs evenly, but you do not need to make circular movements, do not interfere. We are waiting for our milk mixture to heat up to 60 degrees. It’s about 10 minutes in time. You can first check the temperature with a thermometer, I don’t do this, I can already see when you can take pictures. You can, of course, still heat it up, but at a higher temperature we will kill our beneficial bacteria, and we have another goal - to preserve them. As soon as it has warmed up to this temperature, remove both pots from the heat. We do not disassemble the water bath, but leave it in this state for 30-40 minutes.

4. Now remove the top pan. Pour water from the bottom and pour cold water. Put the pan again, in which there is still liquid cottage cheese, only now in a cold bath. We are waiting for 20 minutes.

5. Pour all the contents from the top pan into a strainer, leave the whey to drain. You can pour it into cheesecloth, but there is no need for this, I always use a strainer for convenience and the whey is very clean without any cottage cheese impurity (pre-pour the strainer with boiling water).

I painted everything for a very long time, but again, your participation in preparing cottage cheese for the baby takes only almost 10 minutes while the water bath heats up.

From two 150 ml jars of homemade yoghurt. I get 90 gr. curd.

We eat it for an afternoon snack, I give 40 grams, from 9 months. I'll start giving 50. Our pediatrician said that it is not recommended for a baby to be given more than 50 grams until one year old. I add fruit puree to it.

Well, and actually a photo of a satisfied Julia, eating homemade yogurt.

cottage cheese with yogurt rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 12.7%, vitamin B12 - 17.4%, vitamin PP - 36.2%, calcium - 13.2%, phosphorus - 19.5%, selenium - 28, 5 %

Why is cottage cheese with yogurt useful?

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, enhances the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and conversion of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins and are involved in hematopoiesis. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, participates in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is a part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), hereditary thrombasthenia.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

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