Home Indoor flowers Pancreatic liver ultrasound preparation for the procedure. How to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Diet diet

Pancreatic liver ultrasound preparation for the procedure. How to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Diet diet

Ultrasound procedure the most accessible and safest diagnostic method. It does not irradiate like an X-ray, it is much cheaper than MRI and CT, and ultrasound is easier to use. The examination procedure is quick and painless, there is no need to maintain immobility, which makes ultrasound the method of choice in pediatrics. In addition, the method has practically no contraindications.

Ultrasound diagnostics is most often used to obtain an image of the abdominal and pelvic organs, mammary glands, heart, and in children, the brain and joints.

The history of the use of ultrasound in medicine. In the 1930s, Friedrich Dussik first used ultrasound waves to visualize a brain tumor. For the next several decades, ultrasound was used mainly in veterinary medicine. It was used to determine the thickness of fat in animals.

The first ultrasound machines were invented in 1955, and for 20 years it has gained wide popularity. There are now many variations of this method that allow you to obtain color and 3D images. But the most common is black and white ultrasound, where more than 60 shades of these two colors are used to obtain an image.

There are also drawbacks to ultrasound diagnostics. In the study, a lot depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the error of the apparatus. In addition, it is impossible to diagnose the stomach and intestines and other cavity organs where gas is contained.

Ultrasound is minimal, but still affects the structure of the cells. Therefore, you should not abuse it. There are indications for an ultrasound scan, so consult a specialist.

What is an ultrasound scan?

Ultrasound- sound waves with a frequency exceeding 20,000 Hz. This sound is so high that the human ear cannot perceive it. For diagnostics, devices with a frequency of 2 to 10 MHz are used. For ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, devices with a frequency of 2.5-3.5 MHz are used. This makes it possible to examine objects 1-3 mm in size.

The maximum depth at which high-quality diagnostics is possible is up to 24 cm. Therefore, in very obese patients, ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder is not informative.

Survey principle. Body tissues have different density and elasticity, which means that they absorb and reflect ultrasound to varying degrees. A beam of ultrasonic waves propagates through the tissues of the body. Having reached the border of two environments, part of it is reflected and returns back, while the other part continues its path in the new environment.
Simply put, a beam of ultrasonic waves travels through the tissues of the body. When it reaches the border of the organ, then some of the waves are reflected and come back. The sensor captures them, converts them into electrical impulses that create an image on the monitor.

The best image is obtained when the wave beam is directed perpendicular to the tissue border. Therefore, the organ is examined from different sides and in different positions. With ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, the study is carried out in the supine position, on its side. They may be asked to sit down, get on all fours, take an upright position.
When examining, be sure to use a water-based gel. It allows ultrasonic waves to enter the body. Without the gel, the beam of waves would be reflected from the skin as from a mirror and would not reach the internal organs.

Ultrasound scanners are called ultrasound scanners. They are of different types, differ in functionality.

  • Echotomoscopes- devices designed for examining the abdominal organs, pelvic organs and the condition of the fetus during pregnancy
  • Echoophthalmoscopes- help ophthalmologists to establish the size of the eyeball and the position of the lens.
  • Echoenceloscopes- are designed to detect diseases of the brain. They diagnose lesions, cysts, hematomas, tumors, and the degree of circulatory disorders.
  • Echocardioscopes- devices through the intercostal gap can identify malformations of the heart and changes in its wall.
The main part of an ultrasound scanner is a sensor that emits ultrasound waves and catches their reflection from organs. There are sensors with a high frequency of ultrasonic waves.

Sensors for ultrasonic scanners differ in their design and in the field of view.

  • Linear sensors. They give a very detailed image of high quality, using a frequency of 5-15 MHz, but at the same time they do not penetrate deeply into tissues up to 10 cm. They are used to study the thyroid gland and mammary glands. It resembles a mop in shape, so it can be difficult to achieve a snug fit.
  • Convex sensors have a shorter length and better adhere to the skin surface. They use a frequency of 1.8-7.5 MHz. Due to this, the image detail (resolution) is reduced, but the penetration depth increases to 20-22 cm. They are used for examining the organs of the abdominal cavity and hip joints.
  • Sector sensors allow you to examine small areas of the body. They operate at a frequency of 1.5-5 MHz. The sensors have a small surface and with their help it is convenient to examine the heart through the intercostal spaces.
There are also other types of ultrasonic sensors:
  • Intracavitary sensors inserted into the vagina or rectum. Their view can reach 360 °.
  • Doppler sensors- allow you to assess the features of the movement of blood through the vessels.
  • 3D imaging sensors.
Areas of use. Ultrasound is used not only for diagnosis, but also for treatment - it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates the absorption of hematomas, breaks up kidney stones and improves the administration of drugs through the skin.

Used in cosmetology for micromassage of cells and acceleration of regeneration. As a result, the skin is cleansed, tightened and smoothed.

In addition, ultrasound is widely used in industry for detecting defects, in echo detection, for cleaning and for improving the quality of coatings.

Normal indicators of the size of the liver and gallbladder

Ultrasound of the liver is the norm for adults
  • The edges are clear and even
  • Homogeneous structure
  • Liver width (right to left) 23-27 cm
  • Liver length (from posterior blunt to anterior sharp edge) 14-20 cm
  • Liver diameter 20-22.5 cm
  • Left lobe of the liver 6-8 cm
  • The right lobe of the liver is less than 12.5 cm
  • Common hepatic duct diameter 3-5 mm
  • Inferior vena cava diameter up to 15 mm
Ultrasound of the gallbladder - the norm
  • Length 7-10 cm
  • Width 3-5 cm
  • Diameter 3-3.5 cm
  • Wall thickness up to 4 mm
  • Common bile duct diameter 6-8 mm
  • Lobar bile ducts internal diameter up to 3 mm
Pathology Signs of this disease
Acute cholecystitis Thickening of the gallbladder wall more than 4 mm
Increased gallbladder size
Multiple septa inside the bladder
Increased blood flow in the cystic artery
Chronic cholecystitis Decrease in the size of the gallbladder
Wall thickening, its deformation
The wall of the bladder is compacted, looks lighter than normal
Edges are blurry and fuzzy
Small particles are visible in the lumen of the bubble
Dyskinesia of the gallbladder Kink of the gallbladder neck
Increasing the tone of the walls of the gallbladder, their compaction
Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) Stones in the gallbladder cavity. These are small light formations that reflect the signal well. They shift when changing body position.
Echo-shadow (dark area) behind the stone, since these formations are impenetrable for ultrasound waves.
Slag or bilirubin crystal precipitate. However, a similar picture occurs with hemorrhage or accumulation of pus.
Thickening of the wall
Uneven contour of the gallbladder
Ultrasound does not detect small stones. But their presence is indicated by an enlarged bile duct above the blockage site.
Gallbladder polyps Rounded formations on the wall of the gallbladder
Tumors Polyps larger than 2 cm
Deformation of the contours of the gallbladder
Significant wall thickening. The monitor screen can have both light and dark
Tumor formation

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver aims to eliminate the formation of gas in the intestines. Their presence interferes with the study and can lead to misdiagnosis.

Preparation is conceived 3-5 days before the study. During this period, it is necessary:

  • Exclude from the diet foods that cause gas formation: cabbage, fruits, milk, brown bread, yeast baked goods, carbonated drinks. Refuse strong tea, coffee and alcohol.
  • Meals should be fractional, in small portions 3-4 times a day.
  • The amount of liquid should not exceed 1.5 liters per day.
  • Take enzyme preparations: Festal, Panzinorm for indigestion and flatulence.
  • Adsorbents: activated carbon, Smecta. Reduces gas formation and chamomile infusion.
  • Cleansing enemas are carried out in the evening on the eve of the procedure and immediately before it. They are necessary for persistent constipation and severe bloating. In other cases, enemas are optional.
  • Ultrasound is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. The break between the last meal and the ultrasound procedure should be at least 8 hours.
These recommendations are suitable for healthy people and those with various chronic diseases. If you are constantly taking any medications, then there is no need to cancel them before an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder.

In case of emergency research, preparation is not carried out.

What you need to have with you.

It is recommended to take a towel for examination at the municipal clinic. It can be spread on the couch and the gel applied to the skin can be wiped off. If this study is carried out in a private clinic, then, as a rule, you do not need to take anything. Disposable wipes are included in the price of the procedure.

Preparation for ultrasound of the gallbladder

Preparation is aimed at reducing flatulence and starts in 2-3 days
  • Exclude coarse-fiber vegetables and fruits: cabbage, radish, legumes, yeast baked goods, snacks (crackers, chips). These foods cause bloating and skew research results.
  • Fatty meats and fish, alcohol are prohibited.
  • They take adsorbents: activated carbon, Espumisan, Motilium, they remove gas bubbles from the intestines without affecting the work of the digestive system.
  • Enzyme preparations Mezim, Festal, Panzinorm. Usually they are prescribed in 1-2 tablets with each meal.
  • To combat constipation, you can take a tablespoon of Lactulose syrup every night before bed. On the day of the procedure, you can use glycerin suppositories.
  • The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before the ultrasound. For dinner, cereal porridge is recommended. Food must be completely digested, and a new supply of bile will accumulate in the gallbladder during this time.
  • Ultrasound of the gallbladder is performed only on an empty stomach. The ban applies to tea, coffee, water and even chewing gum. They cause bile to escape from the gallbladder. It decreases in volume, making it difficult to diagnose.
  • If you have previously done an ultrasound scan, then take your conclusion with you. This will enable the doctor to assess the dynamics, to determine if there is an improvement.
If you suspect the presence of stones in the gallbladder, ultrasound is performed as soon as possible without preparation.

What you need to have with you

In a hospital or city clinic, you will need a towel to dry your skin after using the gel. If you are assigned an ultrasound of the gallbladder with the definition of function, then you must have food with you for a test choleretic breakfast. It can be 2 yolks of raw or boiled eggs, sour cream, cream, Sorbit solution.

Contraindications for ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder

Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder can be performed according to indications at any age and with any concomitant diseases. The only limitation may be purulent skin damage or burns. In this case, application of the gel and pressure with the transducer can spread the infection. However, for emergency ultrasound, with acute pain in the right hypochondrium, there are no contraindications.

All changes revealed during ultrasound examination require clarification and observation over time. To do this, after the first ultrasound, a second examination is done in 2-3 weeks. The best option would be an ultrasound scan of all digestive organs.

Remember that ultrasound alone is not the basis for treatment. To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to clinical symptoms, a biopsy or computed tomography may be needed.

Given the relationship between the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, diagnosis can be complex. Our article will tell you how to prepare for the study, what the procedure will show, and reveal the decoding of the norms.

When an ultrasound of the liver is indicated

Most often, the study of ultrasound waves of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder is carried out in a complex manner. However, there are indications for a directed examination. Diagnosis of the liver is shown:

  • with pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • icteric color of the eyes, mucous membranes, skin;
  • neoplasms and assumptions on them;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages for a long time;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • deviation of liver function tests;
  • trauma to the abdomen of a person;
  • damage to the gallbladder, pancreas;
  • liver damage.


Ultrasound of the liver has different parameters of the norms for adults and children. A healthy liver of an adult patient is represented by the following parameters:

  • the edges should be even, clear;
  • uniformity of the structure;
  • the norm of the width of the organ is measured on the right side, should be in the range from 23 to 27 cm;
  • the length is measured from the blunt edge towards the sharp edge. Its parameters range from 14 to 20 cm;
  • the transverse lobe of the liver from 20 to 22.5 cm;
  • the size of the left lobe is from 6 to 8 cm;
  • the right lobe differs in size from the left and should be within 12.5 cm;
  • common liver duct with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm;
  • the diameter of the inferior vena cava is about 15 mm.

Liver cirrhosis diagnosed by ultrasound is confirmed by laboratory and instrumental methods

Frequently diagnosed pathologies

Below are the most common liver pathologies, and how they are determined by ultrasound.


Most often it appears to be an enlarged left lobe or the entire organ. Late degree of the disease is manifested by a decrease in the size of the liver as a result of the death of liver cells. The structure is heterogeneous, it looks like a mosaic. The vascular pattern is impaired due to an increase in the size of the hepatic vein. The edges of the organ are tuberous.


It is represented by an enlarged organ lobe, rounded edges. With this pathology, ultrasonic waves are poorly reflected, there are blackouts. The chronic form is determined by a heterogeneous structure, variegation, and dilated veins.


They are found by formations with clear edges. They can be single, multiple. Most often, the formations are presented in a rounded shape with thin walls. At the same time, an increase in some areas, convexities of organs is noticeable.

Tumor processes

Defined by areas with fuzzy boundaries. They differ from each other in the ability to reflect ultrasonic waves. Weakly reflective formations are visualized with dark spots. Most often they are presented as sarcoma, adenoma. Light-colored, round-shaped tumors that reflect ultrasound well are hepatomas, metastases. Also, tumor processes contribute to the displacement of the gallbladder, an increase in lymph nodes.

Fatty degeneration

It has a variegated structure, is characterized by increased echogenicity, increased liver size, fuzzy rounded edges, and the impossibility of identifying the portal vein.


Determined by areas with increased absorption of ultrasound.

Diagnosing the gallbladder

Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder is indicated if there is:

  • pain in the right area;
  • manifestations of jaundice;
  • the presence of acute or chronic cholecystitis;
  • trauma to the abdominal cavity;
  • organ abnormalities.


The indicators of norms help the doctor assess the condition of the gallbladder. First of all, the gallbladder should have clear boundaries, non-magnified parameters. Decoding of the gallbladder is represented by the following standards:

  • the length of the gallbladder is from 7 to 10 cm;
  • the width of the organ varies from 3 to 5 cm;
  • the size of the diameter is from 3 to 3.5 cm;
  • walls no more than 4 mm thick;
  • diameter of the bile duct from 6 to 8 mm;
  • the inner diameter of the lobar ducts is not more than 3 mm.

Frequent pathologies

Most often, ultrasound allows you to determine the presence of:

  • cholecystitis of the acute stage. The pathology has thickened walls, more than 4 mm, increased size, multiple septa, increased blood flow;
  • cholecystitis of the chronic stage. This disease is characterized by a reduced size of the gallbladder, thickened, deformed walls that look lighter than normal. Cholecystitis is represented by indistinct edges, the lumen has insignificant particles;
  • dyskinesia, which is represented by a bend of the neck, increased tone, compacted tissues;
  • ZhKB on the device is visualized by light formations of small size, which reflect ultrasound. These formations tend to shift when the location of the body changes. There is a darkening area behind the stone area, the walls are uneven, with signs of obvious thickening;
  • polyposis, represented by rounded formations on the wall of the gallbladder;
  • tumors visualized by polyps that are larger than 2 cm, with deformed contours, thickened walls.

Spleen examination

Simultaneously with the diagnosis of the gallbladder and pancreas, the spleen is examined. Most often, complications of this organ occur after injury. During palpation, the spleen is not palpable. Palpation is possible only when it is enlarged 3 times. In this case, the spleen of an adult will weigh about 400 g. A healthy organ has a weight of 150 g.

A slight increase can be seen through ultrasound. Its size depends on the height of the person. Below is a table with normal organ performance. During diagnosis, it is also determined what structure the spleen has, the nature of its echogenicity, and its shape. A healthy organ has a crescent shape. Increased parameters, increased echogenicity is an indicator of serious pathology.

A qualified specialist is responsible for decoding the results.

Preparing for liver diagnostics

To prepare for an ultrasound of the liver, follow a special diet that excludes the process of gas formation. This is important because gases interfere with diagnosis and can affect diagnosis. It is recommended to start preparing for an ultrasound examination 3 days before the procedure.

The main rules for preparatory activities are:

  • elimination of the use of products that increase gas formation. It is recommended to give up cabbage, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole milk, strong tea, fresh pastries, coffee;
  • it is necessary to organize fractional meals;
  • a restriction on fluid intake should be introduced. It is allowed to drink no more than 1.5 liters per day;
  • to eliminate flatulence, it is recommended to drink activated carbon, Espumisan;
  • in case of indigestion, Festal, Mezim Forte are prescribed;
  • if the patient suffers from flatulence, then on the eve of the procedure in the evening, you can put a cleansing micro enema;
  • it is most preferable to diagnose in the morning on an empty stomach.

Preparing to diagnose the gallbladder

Preparation for an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder is similar to each other. 3 days before the diagnosis of the gallbladder, a diet is also prescribed that excludes increased gas production. It is recommended to take adsorbents, enzyme preparations. If the patient has a tendency to constipation, then on the eve of the diagnosis, you can take Lactulose or put candles with Glycerin. Ultrasound diagnostics is performed only on an empty stomach.

Before the procedure, you should exclude smoking, do not brush your teeth, do not suck lollipops, do not chew gum. Since this leads to the release of bile and distorts the result. If the diagnosis was carried out earlier, then you should come to the procedure with the previous conclusion. Because it will help give a correct picture of what is happening. Usually, the diagnosis of the gallbladder is carried out using a choleretic breakfast.

First of all, the diagnosis is performed on an empty stomach.

Next, the patient is offered to eat sour cream, yogurt, raw eggs. The latter breakfast option is not often used due to the fear of contracting salmonellosis. Re-diagnosis is done after 30 minutes. This procedure allows you to assess the work of the gallbladder, what is its contractility. To improve visualization, the patient is asked to lie on his side or stand up.

If a kidney examination is performed at the same time, the bladder will need to be filled. To do this, before the ultrasound, you must drink at least 1 liter of clean water. It is forbidden to drink mineral water, juice. Diagnostics can be carried out when the patient feels a desire to visit the toilet. Ultrasound examination has no contraindications.

However, it should not be performed if an X-ray with a contrast component was taken within 2 days. Since the contrast for a given time period does not have time to leave the body, it leads to a distortion of the result. Diagnosis of the liver, gallbladder with ultrasound allows you to obtain accurate information about the state of these organs, will help to start timely treatment.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the liver and pancreas

In modern medicine, ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs is one of the most informative ways to determine organic and functional pathology. Modern equipment for ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to successfully assess the functional and structural state of all organs of the digestive system.

With the help of this method, it is possible to timely detect benign and malignant neoplasms, abscesses and cysts of these organs.

The reliability of the data obtained depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor and the technical characteristics of the ultrasound apparatus, but also on the quality of the preliminary preparation for the study. Below will be presented the basic rules of preliminary preparation for ultrasound examination of the liver and pancreas, which will make the results of this procedure as accurate as possible.

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver

In the process of preparing for an ultrasound examination of the liver, two main points play a key role: diet and the level of gas formation in the lumen of the large intestine. The increased content of carbon dioxide in the intestine can lead to distortion of the study results. The diet prescribed the day before helps to reduce the processes of fermentation and gas formation, and also stimulates the cleansing of the intestinal lumen.


The main preparatory measures for an ultrasound examination of the liver imply the observance of the following rules of food intake:

  1. Food intake should be carried out in small portions, several times a day (4-5). Evening meals should be taken at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Water consumption should be moderate, and not exceed 2 liters per day.
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics should be performed on an empty stomach, and the last food intake before diagnostics should be at least 8-9 hours in advance.

The following list of foods should be excluded from the daily diet:

  • foods containing an increased amount of plant fiber and yeast (white cabbage, peas, beans, soybeans, flour products, baked goods);
  • confectionery products;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • whole milk;
  • fatty types of meat and fish;
  • Rye bread;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • raw plant foods.

The list of permitted foods includes:

  • cereals in the form of cereals (barley, flaxseed);
  • fish and meat varieties with a reduced fat content (boiled);
  • the use of chicken eggs is permissible in the amount of 1 pc. per day (boiled soft-boiled);
  • hard cheeses with a low percentage of fat.

If the proposed diet did not contribute to a decrease in gas production in the intestine, then it becomes necessary to take special medications. These drugs include activated carbon, "Mezim" and "Festal", as well as "Espumisan".

Overweight people need to carry out a deep cleansing enema on the eve of the liver ultrasound procedure. Also, ultrasound diagnostics should not be carried out immediately after endoscopic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract and X-ray diagnostics using contrast agents.

On the eve of the day of the procedure, you should completely abandon smoking, chewing gum and caramel sweets. The best time for research is the first half of the day. You should inform the attending physician and diagnostician in advance about taking any medications. It is strictly forbidden to take antispasmodic drugs before the study.

Features of the preparation of children

For most parents, the question of how to prepare children for liver examinations is especially acute. In children's practice, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. In children from birth to 1 year old, one meal should be skipped, which corresponds to 3 hours before the study. The last water intake should be 1 hour before the procedure.
  2. Children from 1 to 3 years old should be given food no later than 4-5 hours before the diagnosis. The last fluid intake is 1-1.5 hours.
  3. The last meal before the study in children over 3 years old should be 6-8 hours, and liquids - 1.5 hours.

You should have a clean disposable diaper, dry napkins, and data from previous studies with you.

Preparation for ultrasound of the pancreas

With the help of this type of study, it is possible to recognize diseases such as pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, as well as the severity of the course of these conditions. An ultrasound study allows you to accurately determine the size, structure, diameter of the excretory ducts, and the degree of echogenicity of the pancreas.

Ultrasound diagnostics of this organ is a rather time-consuming procedure. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical location. The pancreas is located in the upper quadrant of the abdomen, behind the stomach. To carry out its examination under the means of ultrasonic waves, it is necessary to observe some rules of preliminary preparation.

These rules include:

  1. The ultrasound examination procedure should not be carried out after a preliminary X-ray and endoscopic examination of the abdominal organs.
  2. 3-4 days before the proposed study, food products that contribute to increased fermentation and gas formation in the intestine should be completely excluded. The list of these products coincides with the products prohibited before the ultrasound of the liver.
  3. Behind the procedure, food should be completely excluded.
  4. If you have a tendency to flatulence, you should take activated charcoal (4-5 tablets), the drug "Espumisan" or "Smecta" on the eve of the study.
  5. One day before the study, you should completely stop smoking.
  6. 3-4 days before the procedure, you must completely refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, which cause spasm of the pancreatic ducts and irritation of its tissue.
  7. It is necessary to completely exclude the preliminary intake of any group of medications. All previously used medications should be reported to the attending physician and diagnostician. The preliminary use of antispasmodic drugs is strictly prohibited.

Overweight people, as well as before an ultrasound examination of the liver, should be cleansed the day before with an enema with a volume of 1.5 liters. The cleansing procedure should be carried out twice: the night before and on the morning of the study.

Preliminary preparation for ultrasound examination of the pancreas in pediatric practice is fully consistent with the preparation for the examination of the liver.

The duration of this procedure does not exceed 20 minutes. Modern equipment allows you to record images of the pancreas in the form of snapshots that reflect changes in its size and structure. This is especially important when planning an operation.

More detailed information on the preparatory measures can be obtained at an appointment with your doctor or ultrasound doctor.

Liver ultrasound - preparation

For the correct diagnosis of hepatological diseases, as well as planned examinations of internal organs, the state of the digestive tract on the eve of the procedure is of great importance. Therefore, it is important to follow some rules before an ultrasound of the liver: preparation is not complicated and consists in a few simple steps that will help the radiologist make an appropriate description and interpretation of the results.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the liver?

With ultrasound, it is important that there is no large accumulation of gas and feces in the intestines. Therefore, the examination must be performed on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. It is recommended that the last meal be taken the night before, 8-10 hours before the ultrasound.

If the session is in the afternoon, a very light breakfast is allowed, for example, a few tablespoons of oatmeal without fat or vegetable soup. At the same time, it is undesirable to consume foods that cause flatulence:

A person's tendency to increased formation of gases in the intestine requires more serious measures - taking any sorbent a day before ultrasound examinations, and 2-3 days with drugs such as Espumisan. In some cases, 1 or 2 cleansing enemas are prescribed on the eve of the procedure.

Preparing the patient for an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder

The difficulty of examining the gallbladder lies in the fact that it is necessary to carefully study its ducts, as well as to identify the degree of contraction of the organ and the level of bile production in response to food intake.

Thus, the first stage of preparation for ultrasound examination is similar to the previously given rules for describing the state of the liver. At the second stage, the gallbladder is examined after eating, as a rule, a small amount of any fatty dairy product (sour cream). This allows you to establish whether the organ is contracting correctly, how much bile is produced, how clean the ducts are.

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver and pancreas

Often, together with hepatological studies, diagnostics of the pancreas is carried out, especially if there is a suspicion of hepatitis A or Botkin's disease ("jaundice").

To properly prepare for an ultrasound scan, you need:

  1. Do not eat 5-6 hours before the procedure.
  2. With increased flatulence, 3-4 days before the ultrasound scan, do not eat poorly tolerated foods, as well as foods that provoke gas formation.
  3. Take enzyme preparations (Enzistal, Pancreatin, Festal).
  4. Drink Espumisan 2 days before ultrasound diagnostics.
  5. Cleanse the intestines once with a mild laxative or enema.

Preparation before ultrasound of the liver and spleen

In case of liver diseases and toxic lesions of the body, acute intoxication syndrome or viral hepatitis, an additional examination of the spleen is performed. If an ultrasound examination is carried out exclusively for this organ, then special preparation measures are not required, but, as a rule, the spleen is studied together with other components of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to the same rules as before an ultrasound of the liver:

  1. Eat the last meal 8 hours before the procedure.
  2. Do not eat milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, dark breads, fatty, fried foods, legumes, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, strong coffee or tea.
  3. When gassing, use a sorbent (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb).
  4. Make a cleansing micro enema or take a natural laxative once.

Methods of preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Ultrasound diagnostics of parenchymal organs located in the peritoneal cavity is one of the modern instrumental methods of research, presenting a high level of information about the presence of pathological changes in the structure and functionality of organs in the digestive tract system. The use of ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to detect cystic lesions, abscesses, the development of a malignant or benign formation localized in the area of ​​the parenchymal organ. To obtain the most accurate results of abdominal ultrasound, preparation for the procedure should be carried out in accordance with all the necessary requirements, which will be discussed in more detail in this review.

Rules for preparing an ultrasound examination of the liver

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Before you undergo a liver examination on an ultrasound machine, you need to find out all the nuances that explain the rules of how to prepare for an ultrasound of the liver in order to maximize the effectiveness and information content of the study.

The rules for preparing the body for ultrasound diagnostics of the liver are to adhere to a special dietary regimen and to minimize the level of gas formation in the intestinal cavity. A high concentration of carbon dioxide molecules in the intestinal cavity can cause inaccurate research results. Compliance with a special dietary diet before the examination will help reduce the intensity of the fermentation process and the formation of gases, as well as stimulate the processes of cleansing the lumen zone in the intestine.

Diet diet

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver consists in fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. The diet should be balanced and rationalized with a reduced portion of food intake, at least 4-5 meals. The last meal should be made at least 3 hours before evening sleep.
  2. Drink water with a total volume of at least 2-2.5 liters per day.
  3. An instrumental diagnostic examination using ultrasound should be performed on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to eat before an ultrasound of the liver for 8-9 hours.

The usual diet during preparation for the examination must be adjusted. The exception should be the following food products:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • milk products;
  • sweets;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • bakery products;
  • fresh vegetables and fruit crops;
  • cabbage in any form;
  • peas and all legumes;
  • tea and coffee drinks.

Anything from the following list of foodstuffs is allowed to eat before the ultrasound:

  • barley and flax groats, for cooking porridge;
  • boiled non-fatty varieties of dietary meat and fish;
  • boiled chicken eggs no more than one per day;
  • hard cheese with a reduced percentage of fat.

In the case when the ultrasound preparation in compliance with the proposed dietary diet does not help to reduce the level of gas formation in the intestinal cavity, then options for the use of medications such as Espumisan, Mezim, activated carbon, or Festal are possible.

It is not uncommon that a cleansing enema is prescribed, which must be carried out the night before, before going to bed in the evening.

It is important to know that the examination of the body using an ultrasound apparatus should not be carried out on the same day along with other types of instrumental methods of examining the body.

Before conducting ultrasound and liver and gallbladder and pancreas, as well as other parenchymal organs of the abdominal cavity, you must limit yourself from smoking, using chewing gum, even from using ordinary caramels. The optimal time for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is in the morning. It is also necessary to notify the specialist about taking medications. It is not recommended to use drugs with an antispasmodic spectrum of action before the examination.

Preparation for ultrasound of the pancreas

This type of examination of the peritoneum will help to identify the presence of such pathological processes as pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, pancreatic necrosis, the emergence and development of benign and malignant neoplasms in the pancreas, as well as the degree of intensity of their development and organ damage. Thanks to the study of the pancreas on ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine its size, structure, level of echogenicity and parameters of the excretory ducts.

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical location of the pancreas, its ultrasound examination is a rather complicated process.

Therefore, for this procedure, you must first know how to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the pancreas.

An ultrasound scan of the pancreas, its preparation for the procedure, implies the fulfillment of the following mandatory requirements:

  1. Before ultrasound examination of the pancreas, no methods of examination of parenchymal organs using X-ray radiation, as well as endoscopy, should be carried out.
  2. Three days before the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the use of food products that can activate the fermentation process or gas formation in the intestinal cavity. Preparation for ultrasound of the liver and pancreas includes the same list of foods that are not recommended for use. All foods that can be eaten during this period of preparation of the pancreas and liver are also the same.
  3. The study should be carried out on an empty stomach, so nothing should be eaten 9-10 hours before the procedure.
  4. If the signs of flatulence do not disappear, then the day before you can drink a tablet of activated carbon, Espumisan, Mezima, or Festal.
  5. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, carbonated drinks, and also quit smoking.
  6. We are preparing for the procedure with all responsibility and it is necessary to inform a specialist about the use of any medications, whether they are simply sedatives or not. The decision to cancel them, or the need for further use, must be taken together with a doctor.

In order for the effectiveness of the study to be maximized, a cleansing enema can be prescribed, as with ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, ultrasound of the spleen and gallbladder, which can also be seen through a comprehensive examination, or ultrasonography of the abdominal organs.


For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the pancreas, our readers recommend Monastic tea. A unique composition, which includes 9 medicinal plants that are useful for the pancreas, each of which not only complements, but also enhances each other's actions. Applying it, you will not only eliminate all the symptoms of inflammation of the gland, but also permanently get rid of the cause of its occurrence.

Ultrasound of other abdominal organs

Many of our readers are happy with the changes after the victory over pancreatitis! Here is what our subscriber Irina Kravtsova says: "The only effective remedy against pancreatitis was a natural remedy: I ​​brewed 2 spoons at night ..."

To prepare for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, as well as of the pancreas, it is necessary to adhere to a diet-free diet that does not cause fermentation and gas formation. And also three days before the diagnosis, it is recommended to use enzymes containing pancreatin and carminative drugs. On the eve of the diagnosis, it is recommended to put a cleansing enema, or use a rectal suppository based on glycerin to release feces and cleanse the lumen in the intestine.

Therefore, it is very important to know if you can eat before the examination. For hours before the diagnosis, a small amount of light food is allowed.

To undergo an ultrasound of the spleen, you also need to prepare your body in advance. To do this, it is also necessary to observe a dietary regimen 3-4 days before the ultrasound of the spleen, excluding the use of all food products that contribute to the activation of fermentation and gas formation. In case of increased gassing, it is recommended to drink activated carbon.

An ultrasound of the spleen is done in the morning hours of the day, eating, possibly at least 7-8 hours before the procedure.

More detailed details of the conduct and preparation for the ultrasound method of examining the abdominal organs can be clarified with a qualified specialist.

Nausea, abdominal pain, high fever, intoxication - these are all pancreatitis. If the symptoms are "on the face" - it is possible that your pancreas is no longer able to work normally. You are not alone, according to statistics, up to 15% of the entire population of the planet suffers from problems in the work of the pancreas.

How to forget about pancreatitis? The chief gastroenterologist of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ivashkin talks about this ...

How to Prepare for a Gallbladder Ultrasound

To identify the causes of pain in the side, bitter belching, and yellowing of the skin, you should undergo an examination in a clinic. If an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder has been prescribed, how to prepare for the procedure? Let's consider in more detail.

How is the procedure carried out

Ultrasound is a type of instrumental examination, painless, non-invasive, carried out quickly. For scanning the liver and gallbladder, equipment with a frequency of 2.5-3.5 MHz is used. Thanks to these characteristics, it is possible to see areas of 1–3 mm. The maximum depth reached by sound waves is 24 cm; it is difficult to examine too obese people using the apparatus.

Ultrasound waves penetrate the tissues of the body. Having reached a certain organ, some of them are reflected and reversed back. The sensor perceives them, with its help the waves are converted into electrical impulses, and those, in turn, create a picture on the screen.

To obtain a high-quality image, it is necessary that the waves are directed perpendicular to the scanned organ. The liver and gallbladder are examined from different sides, which is why a person has to change the position of the body. When scanning, the patient usually lies on his side or back, but sometimes he has to get up, sit down, squat on all fours.

Scanning is prescribed in such situations:

  • if you are concerned about regular pain attacks in the right hypochondrium;
  • a bitter taste is felt in the mouth;
  • the sclera of the eyes and skin turned yellow;
  • when a person abuses alcohol;
  • a blood test indicates pathology;
  • if the abdominal organs are injured;
  • after prolonged use of drugs;
  • in case of poisoning and severe intoxication;
  • with the likelihood of liver or gallbladder disease, which is indicated by other studies;
  • if there are signs of duct disease;
  • with chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy;
  • when selecting hormonal contraception.

The procedure allows you to determine in the gallbladder polyps or stones, their number and consider the size. If the patient has biliary dyskinesia, an exercise study is performed. First, it is performed on an empty stomach, and then the patient is offered to eat and the ultrasound is repeated. In this way, you can see how the organ works. Contraindications to scanning: skin diseases in the examination area, open wounds, burns, purulent inflammation.

Important! In acute pain syndrome, there are no contraindications for ultrasound. The revealed changes require a more precise diagnosis. You can do an ultrasound again after 2-3 weeks. Exclusively based on the results of scanning, patients are not treated, the clinical picture is taken into account, other tests, CT, and biopsy are additionally performed.

How to prepare properly

A special diet must be followed 3 days before the scan. Alcohol, coffee and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu. You can not eat foods that provoke increased gas formation - cabbage, legumes, bread, pastries, potatoes. During this period, it is allowed to eat vegetables, various cereals, boiled veal, turkey, soft-boiled eggs. Drink - no more than 1.5 liters per day. Enzymes (Mezim or Festal) and medicines for flatulence (activated carbon or Espumisan) are taken with food, three times a day. Diagnosis is carried out early in the morning, on an empty stomach. The day before the ultrasound, you need to perform a number of actions at home.

Preparing for the scan procedure:

  • supper should be no later than 19 hours;
  • in the evening it is recommended to eat buckwheat porridge;
  • empty the bowels with an enema or laxative;
  • breakfast is prohibited;
  • if the scan is in the afternoon, you can drink water, but it is forbidden to drink 1-3 hours before;
  • no smoking;
  • do not use chewing gum.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. If an ultrasound is scheduled for the evening, you can eat something light in the morning, but the last meal should be 6-8 hours before the study. For constipation, laxatives are taken in 16 hours. You can take 5 tablets of activated carbon before an ultrasound of the liver. To properly prepare during pregnancy, you should not eat food that causes flatulence 2 days before the scan, do not eat or drink for 6-8 hours.

Can I drink water before testing? Bladder scans are best done at rest. In this case, its parameters are as accurate as possible. If you drink a little water or tea, the process of bile secretion begins, the walls of the organ contract, and the diagnosis becomes more difficult.

Preparing children for ultrasound:

  • up to a year - do not eat for 3 hours, do not drink for 1 hour;
  • from 1 to 3 years - do not eat or drink for 4 hours - for 1 hour;
  • over 3 years - do not eat or drink for 6 hours - for 3 hours.

The examination of the child is best done early in the morning after sleep. For problems with gas production in children, preparation should be done a week in advance. The child is prohibited from legumes (peas, beans), carbonated water, fatty foods. The diet should consist of boiled vegetables, cereals, soups, steamed meat and fish. Two days before scanning, it is better not to give fresh apples and pears, fermented milk products.

When setting off for the procedure, you must take a towel or a disposable sheet with you. If an ultrasound scan is prescribed to determine the function of the bladder, you need to take food with you for a choleretic snack - for example, cottage cheese, sour cream, two boiled eggs, sorbitol solution. The first study is carried out on an empty stomach, and the second one - 5-15 minutes after eating breakfast. Simultaneously with scanning the liver, an ultrasound of the spleen and pancreas is prescribed.

Important! In an emergency scan, the patient is not prepared. In other cases, ultrasound can be done 3-5 days after laparoscopy, as well as 48 hours after esophagogastroduodenoscopy and X-ray of the stomach.

What are the normal parameters of organs

When diagnosing, the doctor evaluates the type, structure and size of organs, their condition. An ultrasound of the bile examines the mobility, the thickness of the walls of the bladder, D ducts, contractile function, the presence of polyps, stones, tumors. When scanning the liver, both lobes, the condition of the veins and the ducts that excrete bile are evaluated.

Liver scans are normal in adults:

  • smooth and clear edge;
  • uniformity of the structure;
  • width - 23–27 cm;
  • length - 14–20 cm;
  • diameter - 20-22.5 cm;
  • the left lobe is 6–8 cm;
  • right lobe - 12.5 cm;
  • D of the hepatic duct - 5 mm;
  • D veins - 15 mm.

The norm for the gallbladder:

  • length - 10 cm;
  • width - 5 cm;
  • diameter - 3.5 cm;
  • wall thickness - 4 mm;
  • D duct - 6–8 mm;
  • D of the lobar ducts - 3 mm.

Possible abnormalities that can be seen during a liver scan:

  • increase in size (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • vasodilation in the tissues of the organ (vascular tumor, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis);
  • tumors (primary tumors, metastases from other organs);
  • inflammatory formations (cyst, abscess);
  • the presence of fatty hepatosis;
  • weakening or strengthening of echoes from the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

If a person has cirrhosis, then the scan will show an increase in the left lobe or the entire organ, heterogeneity of the structure, tuberosity of the edge. With hepatitis, one or both lobes are enlarged, the edges are rounded, the organ itself is dark. Scanning cysts will show formations with clear edges, regular shape. Tumors are depicted as dark or light spots on the background of the organ.

Ultrasound of the bile can show such diseases:

  • acute phase of cholecystitis - the walls of the bladder are thickened by more than 4 mm, the size is increased, there are internal septa;
  • chronic stage of cholecystitis - the size is reduced, the walls are deformed;
  • dyskinesia - kinking of the bladder;
  • gallstone disease - light spots (stones) in the cavity.

Ultrasound does not show small stones. They are evidenced by the stretched ducts just above the blockage site. If there are polyps in the bladder, then round formations appear on its wall. If the polyps are more than 2 cm, and the organ itself is deformed, then this may be a sign of a tumor. Congenital anomalies are also visible on ultrasound - diverticula, agenesis, atypical location of the organ, double bladder.

Decoding the results

After the procedure, the patient is given an opinion on the performed ultrasound examination. It indicates the size and shape of the organ itself, gives an assessment of its walls and ducts. When scanning, it can be seen whether the results of the study correspond to age norms, are preserved or, conversely, the functions of the organ are impaired.

The bladder is normally oval or pear-shaped. The rest of the indicators should correspond to the norm. If this is not the case, then, based on the deviations, the type of disease is determined. For the liver, there are also standard indicators that a healthy organ must meet. Its lower edge has a pointed shape; visualization of all vessels is good. In case of deviations, another study may be prescribed to trace the dynamics, as well as additional tests to establish an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Preparation for the liver ultrasound procedure

Ultrasound is a modern non-invasive diagnostic method that helps to identify various pathologies of internal organs. It can be used to determine the size, location and structure of the organ. Ultrasound of the liver requires careful preparation, which will provide better visualization and reliability of the results obtained. How to prepare for an ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas?

Preparation 3 days before the study

It is necessary to prepare for the examination 3 days in advance. If the patient has obvious problems with digestion, then the preparation begins 5 days before the ultrasound.

The first and important step in preparation is diet. A person must eat properly and fractionally. The frequency of meals is 4 to 6 times a day in small portions.

Products that promote decay and increased gas production in the intestine are excluded from the patient's diet:

  • Legumes (peas, soybeans, beans);
  • White cabbage;
  • Bread and baked goods;
  • Confectionery;
  • Whole milk;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Sausages;
  • Fast food.

All meals should be boiled, baked or steamed.

Also, 3 days before the examination, you must refuse the following drinks:

Preparation the day before the study

The day before the examination, the diet is tightened somewhat. Food becomes lighter (porridge in water, vegetable broths and dishes).

On the eve of the examination, the last meal should be no later than 19:00 - 20:00. Dinner should be light. You can eat oatmeal porridge in water, vegetable stew, baked vegetables. It is allowed to drink clean water and fruit drinks. It is better to refuse tea.

On the eve of ultrasound diagnostics, it is necessary to take the following groups of drugs (but only after consulting your doctor!):

  • Absorbents (Activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel and others). They help cleanse the intestines from toxins and fecal stones;
  • Laxatives They will help cleanse the intestines. Often, preparations based on the medicinal herb Senna are prescribed. It should be noted that laxatives can be used by people who do not have problems with bowel movements.

If the patient has chronic constipation, then it is necessary to carry out a cleansing enema in the evening. To do this, 1 - 1.5 liters of clean water at room temperature should be introduced into the intestines. You should not empty your bowels immediately, but after 10 - 15 minutes. In some cases, it may be necessary to repeat the enema on the morning of the examination.

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver on the day of the study

If a repeated cleansing enema is required, then it is carried out immediately after awakening.

The examination of the liver is carried out on an empty stomach, that is, the patient must refuse breakfast if an ultrasound scan is scheduled for the morning hours. In the event that the study is carried out after lunch, then food is allowed 6 hours before the ultrasound. You can have a light meal for breakfast, such as a small amount of vegetable soup, broth or porridge in water.

Can I drink before the examination? Before an ultrasound of the liver, you can drink a little clean water without gas, no more than 200 - 250 milliliters. However, the intake of liquid should not be immediately before the study, you can drink it in 1 - 2 hours.

In children, preparation on the day of liver examination depends on age:

  • Infants should be fed the last time 3 to 4 hours before the ultrasound, as they will not tolerate a longer hunger. An hour before the procedure, the baby can be given water to drink;
  • A child aged 1 to 3 years should not eat for 4 hours and drink for 60 minutes before the examination;
  • A child over 3 years old should not eat for 6 to 8 hours, take liquid for an hour before an ultrasound scan.

What should you take with you to the procedure?

Before going for an ultrasound of the liver, you should check the list of necessary things:

  • Referral for an ultrasound examination, which indicates the full name, age of the patient and the alleged diagnosis;
  • Medical card with the results of all additional examinations (laboratory and functional diagnostics);
  • Results of previous ultrasound examinations of the liver, if any;
  • A towel or sheet that can be placed on the couch;
  • Disposable wipes or handkerchiefs for removing gel from the skin.

For the procedure to be comfortable, you should wear comfortable clothes that can be easily removed and provide access to the examination area. You can also take a snack with you to eat after the procedure, especially for children.

Features of preparation for ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas

Most often, a comprehensive ultrasound scan is performed, that is, they look at all the digestive organs (liver, gallbladder and pancreas). In this case, the preparation changes somewhat.

Features of preparation for ultrasound of the digestive system:

  • Compliance with a diet for 3 - 5 days;
  • The examination is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • It is forbidden to smoke before the examination, as nicotine leads to narrowing not only of the blood vessels, but also of the bile ducts;
  • When examining the gallbladder, you may need to bring with you a choleretic breakfast (sour cream, natural yogurt, chicken egg yolks);
  • For abdominal pain, antispasmodics are prescribed (No-shpa, Papaverine). They relieve the spasm;
  • When conducting ultrasound of the pancreas, enzymatic drugs are prescribed: Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim and others. They improve digestion;
  • Single bowel cleansing with a cleansing enema or laxatives;
  • Carminative drugs to reduce flatulence in the intestines.

Today, the most affordable and highly effective method for diagnosing abdominal organs is ultrasound. All internal organs have such basic characteristics as density, thickness and size. Based on these indicators, the doctor can easily determine the developing disease and heal it in a timely manner.

Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas glands are recommended to be performed as often as possible, at least once a year. This will make it possible to identify diseases at the early stages of development and prevent their development into a chronic form, especially since this procedure is absolutely safe for people of any age and gender.

Ultrasound of the liver: preparation and indications

With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the liver is determined. For the examination, no special training is required, you only need to monitor the food you eat. A few days before the procedure, do not consume gas-forming products, refrain from carbonated drinks, as all this will complicate an accurate diagnosis.

With the help of ultrasound of the liver, cirrhosis of the liver, purulent abscesses and tumors are detected. Indications for such a diagnosis may be abdominal trauma or suspicion of a developing disease and pathology. For the timely detection of deviations in the work of this organ, regular preventive diagnostics are recommended, especially for children.

Pancreas ultrasound, preparation and indications

The pancreas is one of the most important organs of the endocrine system of the human body. With the help of a timely examination, diabetes mellitus, jaundice or pancreatitis can be detected at an early stage of development, as well as the presence of stones in the pancreas. Preparation for such a diagnosis is no different from preparing for an ultrasound of the liver, that is, you just need to follow a diet.

Indications for examination of the pancreas: abdominal pain, suspected swelling or cyst formation, jaundice, stool disorder, changes in body weight, other pathological abnormalities. Ultrasound is also used to monitor the process of treatment of this organ.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The study of the pancreas and liver is carried out in real time. For this diagnostic method, an ultrasonic sensor is used. The sensor emits ultrasonic waves, which are reflected from the examined organ and transmit all the necessary information to a special monitor.

The liver is examined from different angles, this allows you to get more accurate information about its condition. Upon completion of the scan, the patient receives a conclusion, on the basis of which the doctor prescribes treatment. Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas the gland takes about 20-30 minutes.

Such examination is easy to pass in our center. We always guarantee accurate and fast diagnostic results. This became possible thanks to high quality equipment and experienced specialists. Turning to our center for help, you will forever forget about problems with the pancreas and liver. Be healthy.

The development of medicine does not stand still. Over the years, specialists have managed to create a fairly simple diagnostic method. This method is called It is quite accurate and reliable. Most often, patients are prescribed digestion, including ultrasound of the liver. Preparation for the procedure is required in each case. However, it may differ slightly from patient to patient. From this article you can find out about the indications of an ultrasound of the liver. Preparation for the procedure will also be presented to your attention.

What is the liver?

Before figuring out how the preparation for the study is made and what are the indications for this, it is worth saying a few words about the organ itself.

The liver is recognized as one of the largest formations in humans. It performs vital functions. The organ is involved in hematopoiesis. Also, the liver passes through itself all medicines, junk food, alcohol and other products entering the human body. During this process, the body cleans all nutrients from toxins and poisons. That is why so often people have to deal with. To identify this or that pathology, doctors conduct research. They consist in palpation, blood and urine tests. An ultrasound of the liver is also often prescribed. Preparation for the procedure includes several stages. You will learn about them further.

Indications for diagnostics

Most often, the study is assigned to the elderly. This is due to the fact that with age, various liver pathologies occur. However, it is not excluded to conduct research in young people. The indications for the procedure are the following cases:

  • yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • bright colored urine in combination with pale feces;
  • poor laboratory results;
  • long-term medication intake;
  • the state of the body after radiation exposure and chemotherapy;
  • pain in the abdomen, localized in the right hypochondrium;
  • heaviness in the peritoneum after eating;
  • alcohol abuse and addiction to bad habits;
  • suspicion of the formation of tumors in the organ of a different nature;
  • after severe trauma to the peritoneum;
  • during some diseases at the stage of selection of correction;
  • for preventive examination.

In fact, the list of indications can go on for a very long time. The listed items are the most popular reasons for which the doctor prescribes such a study. This allows you to find out the cause of the pathology and make the correct diagnosis.

Ultrasound of the liver: preparation

Preparation of the patient for such a study should begin a few days before the prescribed diagnosis. It includes several stages. The patient needs to follow a certain diet and drink regimen. In some cases, it becomes necessary to use drugs.

If the doctor has ordered an ultrasound of the liver, the preparation for the procedure will be explained to you in advance. Otherwise, you need to ask the doctor yourself and find out what needs to be done before the manipulation. Let's consider the main points of preparation for diagnostics.

Three days before the study

So, you are preparing for an ultrasound of the liver. What can you eat? There are no special dietary restrictions three days before the manipulation. However, during this period of time, it is worth giving up fatty dishes, smoked meats and pickles. Also, limit your intake of fast food and fast food. Three days before the manipulation, it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol and carbonated drinks from the diet.

Try to eat soups cooked in low-fat broth during this time. Use bran or crispbread instead of plain bread. Porridge, boiled potatoes, steamed meat - you can eat all this. Limit your intake of raw vegetables and fruits. If desired, you can steam the cabbage, eggplant, broccoli and then consume them. Plain water must enter the body in unlimited quantities.

The day before diagnosis

If you are overweight, your doctor will most likely recommend a cleansing enema. As an alternative method of cleansing the body, you can take a laxative. However, this should not be done on the eve of the event, but approximately 24 hours in advance.

In addition, it is recommended to take several activated charcoal tablets. The sorbent will cleanse your body of harmful substances that may affect the research results. In case of increased gas production, appropriate medications should be used, for example, "Espumisan". However, before doing this, you should consult your doctor.

On the day of the study

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver is almost completed. Can I drink water on the day of diagnosis?

Doctors recommend performing the procedure on an empty stomach. That is why most studies are scheduled in the morning. Drinking water is not contraindicated. However, these should not be liters of liquid. Limit yourself to one glass. If the procedure is scheduled for the evening or lunchtime, then a light breakfast is allowed. Remember, at least six hours must elapse from the last meal to the start of the study.


You now know how to prepare for a procedure called "liver ultrasound". Often during the manipulation, the doctor also examines the neighboring organs. The data obtained make it possible to judge about possible pathologies or their absence. Remember, a conclusion is never a diagnosis. In the research protocol, the doctor describes only what he sees on the monitor of the diagnostic apparatus. The final verdict must be made by the attending physician. That is why, after manipulation, it is advisable to contact a specialist and get an appointment. Good research results!

To identify the causes of pain in the side, bitter belching, and yellowing of the skin, you should undergo an examination in a clinic. If an ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder has been prescribed, how to prepare for the procedure? Let's consider in more detail.

How is the procedure carried out

Ultrasound is a type of instrumental examination, painless, non-invasive, carried out quickly. For scanning the liver and gallbladder, equipment with a frequency of 2.5-3.5 MHz is used. Thanks to these characteristics, it is possible to see areas of 1–3 mm. The maximum depth reached by sound waves is 24 cm; it is difficult to examine too obese people using the apparatus.

Ultrasound waves penetrate the tissues of the body. Having reached a certain organ, some of them are reflected and reversed back. The sensor perceives them, with its help the waves are converted into electrical impulses, and those, in turn, create a picture on the screen.

To obtain a high-quality image, it is necessary that the waves are directed perpendicular to the scanned organ. The liver and gallbladder are examined from different sides, which is why a person has to change the position of the body. When scanning, the patient usually lies on his side or back, but sometimes he has to get up, sit down, squat on all fours.

Scanning is prescribed in such situations:

  • if you are concerned about regular pain attacks in the right hypochondrium;
  • a bitter taste is felt in the mouth;
  • the sclera of the eyes and skin turned yellow;
  • when a person abuses alcohol;
  • a blood test indicates pathology;
  • if the abdominal organs are injured;
  • after prolonged use of drugs;
  • in case of poisoning and severe intoxication;
  • with the likelihood of liver or gallbladder disease, which is indicated by other studies;
  • if there are signs of duct disease;
  • with chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy;
  • when selecting hormonal contraception.

The procedure allows you to determine in the gallbladder polyps or stones, their number and consider the size. If the patient has biliary dyskinesia, an exercise study is performed. First, it is performed on an empty stomach, and then the patient is offered to eat and the ultrasound is repeated. In this way, you can see how the organ works. Contraindications to scanning: skin diseases in the examination area, open wounds, burns, purulent inflammation.

Important! In acute pain syndrome, there are no contraindications for ultrasound. The revealed changes require a more precise diagnosis. You can do an ultrasound again after 2-3 weeks. Exclusively based on the results of scanning, patients are not treated, the clinical picture is taken into account, other tests, CT, and biopsy are additionally performed.

A special diet must be followed 3 days before the scan. Alcohol, coffee and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu. You can not eat foods that provoke increased gas formation - cabbage, legumes, bread, pastries, potatoes. During this period, it is allowed to eat vegetables, various cereals, boiled veal, turkey, soft-boiled eggs. Drink - no more than 1.5 liters per day. Enzymes (Mezim or Festal) and medicines for flatulence (activated carbon or Espumisan) are taken with food, three times a day. Diagnosis is carried out early in the morning, on an empty stomach. The day before the ultrasound, you need to perform a number of actions at home.

Preparing for the scan procedure:

  • supper should be no later than 19 hours;
  • in the evening it is recommended to eat buckwheat porridge;
  • empty the bowels with an enema or laxative;
  • breakfast is prohibited;
  • if the scan is in the afternoon, you can drink water, but it is forbidden to drink 1-3 hours before;
  • no smoking;
  • do not use chewing gum.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. If an ultrasound is scheduled for the evening, you can eat something light in the morning, but the last meal should be 6-8 hours before the study. For constipation, laxatives are taken in 16 hours. You can take 5 tablets of activated carbon before an ultrasound of the liver. To properly prepare during pregnancy, you should not eat food that causes flatulence 2 days before the scan, do not eat or drink for 6-8 hours.

Can I drink water before testing? Bladder scans are best done at rest. In this case, its parameters are as accurate as possible. If you drink a little water or tea, the process of bile secretion begins, the walls of the organ contract, and the diagnosis becomes more difficult.

  • up to a year - do not eat for 3 hours, do not drink for 1 hour;
  • from 1 to 3 years - do not eat or drink for 4 hours - for 1 hour;
  • over 3 years - do not eat or drink for 6 hours - for 3 hours.

The examination of the child is best done early in the morning after sleep. For problems with gas production in children, preparation should be done a week in advance. The child is prohibited from legumes (peas, beans), carbonated water, fatty foods. The diet should consist of boiled vegetables, cereals, soups, steamed meat and fish. Two days before scanning, it is better not to give fresh apples and pears, fermented milk products.

When setting off for the procedure, you must take a towel or a disposable sheet with you. If an ultrasound scan is prescribed to determine the function of the bladder, you need to take food with you for a choleretic snack - for example, cottage cheese, sour cream, two boiled eggs, sorbitol solution. The first study is carried out on an empty stomach, and the second one - 5-15 minutes after eating breakfast. Simultaneously with scanning the liver, an ultrasound of the spleen and pancreas is prescribed.

Important! In an emergency scan, the patient is not prepared. In other cases, ultrasound can be done 3-5 days after laparoscopy, as well as 48 hours after esophagogastroduodenoscopy and X-ray of the stomach.

What are the normal parameters of organs

When diagnosing, the doctor evaluates the type, structure and size of organs, their condition. An ultrasound of the bile examines the mobility, the thickness of the walls of the bladder, D ducts, contractile function, the presence of polyps, stones, tumors. When scanning the liver, both lobes, the condition of the veins and the ducts that excrete bile are evaluated.

Liver scans are normal in adults:

  • smooth and clear edge;
  • uniformity of the structure;
  • width - 23–27 cm;
  • length - 14–20 cm;
  • diameter - 20-22.5 cm;
  • the left lobe is 6–8 cm;
  • right lobe - 12.5 cm;
  • D of the hepatic duct - 5 mm;
  • D veins - 15 mm.

The norm for the gallbladder:

  • length - 10 cm;
  • width - 5 cm;
  • diameter - 3.5 cm;
  • wall thickness - 4 mm;
  • D duct - 6–8 mm;
  • D of the lobar ducts - 3 mm.

Possible abnormalities that can be seen during a liver scan:

  • increase in size (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • vasodilation in the tissues of the organ (vascular tumor, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis);
  • tumors (primary tumors, metastases from other organs);
  • inflammatory formations (cyst, abscess);
  • the presence of fatty hepatosis;
  • weakening or strengthening of echoes from the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis).

If a person has cirrhosis, then the scan will show an increase in the left lobe or the entire organ, heterogeneity of the structure, tuberosity of the edge. With hepatitis, one or both lobes are enlarged, the edges are rounded, the organ itself is dark. Scanning cysts will show formations with clear edges, regular shape. Tumors are depicted as dark or light spots on the background of the organ.

Ultrasound of the bile can show such diseases:

  • acute phase of cholecystitis - the walls of the bladder are thickened by more than 4 mm, the size is increased, there are internal septa;
  • chronic stage of cholecystitis - the size is reduced, the walls are deformed;
  • dyskinesia - kinking of the bladder;
  • gallstone disease - light spots (stones) in the cavity.

Ultrasound does not show small stones. They are evidenced by the stretched ducts just above the blockage site. If there are polyps in the bladder, then round formations appear on its wall. If the polyps are more than 2 cm, and the organ itself is deformed, then this may be a sign of a tumor. Congenital anomalies are also visible on ultrasound - diverticula, agenesis, atypical location of the organ, double bladder.

Decoding the results

After the procedure, the patient is given an opinion on the performed ultrasound examination. It indicates the size and shape of the organ itself, gives an assessment of its walls and ducts. When scanning, it can be seen whether the results of the study correspond to age norms, are preserved or, conversely, the functions of the organ are impaired.

The bladder is normally oval or pear-shaped. The rest of the indicators should correspond to the norm. If this is not the case, then, based on the deviations, the type of disease is determined. For the liver, there are also standard indicators that a healthy organ must meet. Its lower edge has a pointed shape; visualization of all vessels is good. In case of deviations, another study may be prescribed to trace the dynamics, as well as additional tests to establish an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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