Home Flowers Do you believe that everything comes back like a boomerang. Is it true that everything in life comes back like a boomerang. Several illustrative examples from life

Do you believe that everything comes back like a boomerang. Is it true that everything in life comes back like a boomerang. Several illustrative examples from life

Human feelings like a boomerang

What you launch into the distance will return in response.

Deception and lies like a ghostly fog

One day in life it will respond with pain.

Betrayal will return like a lump

Descend from the heights of fate with an avalanche of snow.

Disaster will burst like thunder

For the pain of the soul - reckoning is inevitable ...

To be able to love is a tremendous talent,

When love is given without falsehood.

And launching a new boomerang

Just remember that everything will return in response

Love life as it is!

Love to inhale and exhale to your heart's content!

Sadness and joy are countless.

Don't judge your lot ...

There is a sea of ​​happiness, but also pain ...

There is childhood, youth, but also old age.

And in every time there is a role

And do not refer to fatigue ...

Love life inside and out!

Aware of the occasion, place,

Space, Time ... Everything is in destiny

It is baked as if from dough ...

And the baker is a Master, but the recipe

We're constantly changing

We take a loan, then accept,

Then add salt and pepper ...

And the baker knows what's what,

How and why, when and how much ...

Love life without a why

And there will be so many questions ...

Like the stars in the sky ... All are countless ...

The answers are learned in the heart.

The good news will come to you too.

Let the tears remain in the past

My dearest wish:

To make everyone and everyone happy!

According to merit it was that recognition.

There are no failures at all.

So that the sad ones are not on the street.

So that they do not know how to offend each other.

So that we can forget how they frown.

So that they can give theirs without pity.

People are nice, because you need so little.

To live according to conscience and not to commit evil.

For goodness, do not expect a reward in return.

And to be able to forgive others always.

If I could, I would not regret my life.

To make you all feel good.

And let it be alien and superfluous everywhere.

My happiness still found me.

My dearest wish:

To make everyone and everyone happy!

So that luck will make you a date

The people say that a person

When he does something good,

Then your earthly, your human age

Extends by at least one year.

And therefore, so that life does not fail,

And in order for you to live more than a century,

Walk people, avoiding evil,

And remember that good deeds -

The surest road to longevity!

Judge yourself first,

Learn an art like this

And then judge your enemy

And a neighbor on the globe.

Learn to yourself first

Do not forgive a single mistake

And then shout to your enemy,

That he is an enemy and his sins are grave.

Defeat the enemy not in another, but in yourself,

And when you succeed in this,

No more fooling around -

So you will become a man! ...

B. Okudzhava

If you have not come - and they will not come to you

If you haven't called - and they don't call you

If you did not write - and you will not be sent

If you did not give - and you will not be given

If you have offended - and you will be insulted

If you have not forgiven - and you will not be forgiven

If you appreciated - and someone will appreciate you

If you didn't help - and they won't help you

If you have done evil - and you will be hurt

If you have offended someone - and someone will offend you someday

If you are silent - and they will be silent about you

If you whispered about someone - and who will whisper about you

If you did not listen to anyone - and no one hears you

If you have condemned someone - and someone will condemn you

And remember that if - it will definitely be.

And the only truth is

That the boomerang will return everything to you in full ...

Mom told me

That in life everything is not easy.

For every mistake

We'll have to answer.

But I was stubborn

Proud, often arrogant.

Made mistakes

They need to be corrected.

Fate does not forgive everything

And he will punish the vile one.

But if you stumble,

Will support, protect.

After all, everything happens in life ...

She will tell you herself.

When I opened my soul -

Will reward with love.

Not an easy road

I walked in my life.

And everything happened:

Fun, joy, pain.

There are many good people

On the way, I met.

Thank you all for everything,

Bow for bread for salt.

Thanks for the support,

For kindness, attention.

For the gentle sun

For the sky is blue.

Thank you all loved ones

For the first dates.

Thank you parents

For giving life!

Give everyone good

Throw it into the sea

It will not disappear

And he will return to you soon!

Coziness and warmth

Or maybe a smile

A magical sweet dream

Bug fix ...

Happy children

Success in work ...

Windless days and

The sun is on Saturday.

They will come to you all the same-

It can't be otherwise

Give everyone good

And good luck will come to you!

Tell me, how much kindness is in your heart?

Where does it get it from?

And as among the running bustle,

Does it forgive so much and easily?

And why is it always worried

When someone is really, really hurt?

There is always kindness at the ready.

There is so much of it that it is enough for everyone.

I realized that kindness is like blood:

The more you give, the more you get.

Kindness has a girlfriend - love.

Give more kindness, people

The more heat you give

The more you get!

This is the law of giving

Don't you know?

The more you hurt

Riddled the heart

Yours will hurt the more

And nowhere to go.

Everything in our life is a boomerang

Any deed, word.

Traces of healed wounds

Ridiculous shackles ...

Everything is imprinted in fate

We ourselves change.

You give me, and I give you

Stories without an edge.

Do not be afraid to do good,

Don't listen to those proverbs.

Do not be afraid to love sincerely

To the pain and to the blood.

Towards happiness to step into the distance

Try, what's wrong with that!

To go around the path of trouble,

After all, we are ruled by the word.

The more heat you give

The more you get.

Back out in full -

Now you know it!

So that God can forgive you

For all sins, fate Lessons

Be honest with Him

Do not condemn, there were no reproaches.

Forgive the one who is in a hurry

I offended you not out of malice,

Forgive the one who even in dreams

He comes to you and worries.

Forgive my parents for

That they hurt, but loved

Forgive the children, they are yours

Whatever they do in life.

Be able to forgive your enemies -

They are given as a test

Forgive friends, if we could not

To understand you, in that punishment.

Forgive others, forgive yourself

For everything that I did without thinking

And let go of all the insults

Consider all the charges.

And God is the Father, he will forgive everyone,

Who will turn with faith in the heart

To Him on the path of life,

It will help us not to stray from it.

And accept with gratitude

Any Lesson that is given in life

Having cleansed your heart, you understand

That it is now a temple for God.

To us in our life

I want so much ...

Learn, be able to,

And run and fly.

But if the way is daytime

In my soul I’m not aligned with God,

You can't get there, don't get there

And do not have time ...

What power is in prayer ...

And if it's hard on the way,

I always asked the Lord

To give strength to go forward.

My God will always hear me

In a quiet and simple prayer,

He will send me cheerfulness from above,

He will give my soul peace.

When it's hard for me, it's lonely

When the heart is heavy

And Satan is nearby

He sends his bad thoughts,

Always addressed in prayer

To Him, Heavenly Father,

And the heart suddenly, was freed,

He wiped a tear from his face.

My friend, when there is anxiety in my soul,

Bow down before the Lord

Give your problems to God

And pray quietly in faith.

There is great power in prayer

The Lord will always understand you

Prayers don't pass by

Prayers God lovingly awaits

On the mountain or for joy - it is unknown,

Until we live a cyclical period

Until we answer our lesson

And we will not pass the exam of life honestly.

We all need each other to death

Although the usefulness is not always obvious,

Our positions are not that important,

And we are not always tender to each other -

It can be both annoying and offensive.

Who knows: why do we live with each other?

What keeps us together, connects us?

We go through life, and day after day

We get to know ourselves better in each other

And we take off our hat in front of the mirror.

The distance of untapped roads beckons us

And a friend on the road is joy and help.

And we will not consider it a pompous syllable:

God sends us all to each other.

And thank God - God has many of us

Our world is cruel and stingy to old people,

But everything has its own reflection ...

Father spills soup on the tablecloth,

the son and daughter-in-law have disgust.

He is blind and deaf, the speech is so incomprehensible,

So as not to sit with him at lunch close -

We decided to put him behind the stove,

And put the food in a wooden bowl.

But then one day their own baby.

He brought a piece from a tree to the hut.

Well, tell us what are you making?

Make your parents happy!

And the little boy said such a speech,

What the truth was able to reveal in her:

Get old, I will put you behind the stove,

I make a trough out of wood

Give, Lord, the strength to forgive,

For not forgiving me

Do not dare to humiliate anyone

For the fact that sometimes they humiliate ...

Only to be fair always

Our road is not easy ...

Don't become indifferent when

The neighbors have anxiety in their eyes.

In doubt - ask your heart

There can be no truer advice

Guilty - ask for forgiveness

It will pay off over the years.

Everyone has a Star in the sky,

There are deadlines for everything ...

Years bring us wisdom

And life brings lessons

Never prove to anyone

That you are good the way you are.

Show yourself to yourself every day

That you have both conscience and honor.

Never try to argue -

after all, everyone has their own truth.

It is better to bestow understanding,

than to close, melting resentment.

Don't grieve about the past, it's not worth it,

You cannot change anything there.

Wise experience will calm you down

And friends will understand and help.

Never live for the future

Though it beckons and calls.

The road helps the Walking One,

And water does not flow under the stone.

Do not blame anyone for failures -

They teach you to be stronger.

And let the grievances pour out in cry

everything passes, my friend, do not be shy!

Do you want to be loved in this life?

To begin with, love yourself.

Learn from nature to be tolerant

And you will learn the secrets of love.

Keep the spirit, no matter what happens to you,

Take both sunset and dawn.

If you want life to turn out -

I give you these secrets!

It's hard to call life predictable. However, if you look closely, you can see the relationship between a person's actions and events in him. This connection is so subtle that it can be difficult to trace. To denote the interdependence of everything that happens in life, the concept of "effect" is accepted.

What is the essence of the boomerang effect?

The essence of this effect is as follows: from day to day, a person continuously sends a huge number of "boomerangs" into the world, these can be certain actions or words, feelings or even thoughts. Everything sent sooner or later returns: in the heat of the moment, abandoned evil words can return tomorrow or in five years, they can mutate and strike with the loss of a bonus or the loss of a valuable thing.

If you send something good with a boomerang, it will definitely return in much larger volume. Negative actions and thoughts thrown by the boomerang come back with harsh blows of fate. It is difficult to imagine how many times a day an ordinary person has bad thoughts and emotions. It becomes clear why a huge number of lives and destinies are filled with difficulties and bitterness.

True or Fiction?

One can doubt endlessly, but the boomerang effect still works, the main thing is to see a subtle connection between events. “As you sow, so you reap” - the old saying perfectly expresses the principle of the boomerang effect. And there are many such phrases originating in antiquity. Even the Bible contains words that support the theory that everything returns.

How to use the boomerang effect to your advantage

If you think sensibly, then it is not difficult to understand the following truth: according to the boomerang law, everything given will sooner or later come back, having changed and increased in volume. It turns out that with the help of the effect, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

The boomerang effect actually works very simply: if something is missing, for example money, you have to give it back. It sounds ridiculous, but it is. If there is a catastrophic shortage of hard coins in the house, you need to go and give half of what is to those people who are in a more deplorable situation.

Is there little love in life? This means that you need to give your love to someone. For example, a lonely grandmother next door. Give should be sincere, not at all hoping for a quick return. Of course, everything will return, but it is important for the Universe with what attitude people do good deeds.

Many people know about the boomerang law. The done comes back, the good comes back with the good, and the evil comes back with well-deserved troubles. Knowing the simple laws of the Universe, you can get more out of life, and live much happier.

What is boomerang law

This law states that any action taken by you will definitely return threefold. Just as a boomerang always returns to its owner, so our actions will return to us after some time.

This law is very ancient, and our ancestors successfully applied it, only it got its name "boomerang law" later. A similar idea has been mentioned in the Bible and other scriptures. It says to deal with others in the same way that you want them to treat you. That is why we need to stop doing some of the things that we might regret in old age. Or much earlier - it all depends on how soon the next boomerang launched towards the Universe will return.

The thought is material. However, some stubbornly continue to deny this and refuse to see the connection between their thoughts and what is happening around. The boomerang law works in a similar way - it materializes expectations. The way you treat other people will certainly return multiplied to you. Therefore, if you wish harm to someone, then expect a retaliatory blow from Destiny. Moreover, the backlash can come from a completely different person. If you do good, then it returns to you in threefold size. And again, not necessarily from the same person.

But why, then, are not all people happy doing good?

The point is that you need to do good deeds disinterestedly, without expecting anything in return. Only then does the boomerang law work. Again, a lot depends on our thoughts. In psychology, this is called positive or negative thinking, which leads to poverty or abundance. Therefore, if you are doing a good deed, but in your thoughts it is unpleasant for you to help this person, then not the good that you did will return to you, but all the negativity that you thought about at that moment.

Surely each of you at least once in your life had a case when you did something bad, and "life punished" you for it with some kind of nuisance. Or vice versa, you did a good deed, and this was followed by a "reward". Remember, there must have been something like that! Or you were told, they say, do not do bad things, otherwise God will punish!

Now, friends, there really is no "punishment" or "reward." Nobody "there in heaven" judges us and does not "punish" us with any troubles. In reality, everything is much simpler and more functional. This is one of the laws of the Universe - Boomerang's Law.

Its essence can be explained as follows: everything that you have given into the world is sure to return to you.

Boomerang's Law is not a human earthly law that can be circumvented or deceived. He does not evaluate you and your actions. It just works in such a way that you get from the Universe exactly what you gave to the world. And here we are talking not so much about material objects (although, of course, they are also present in this "exchange"), as about positive or negative energy.

If you give positive energy, that is, you do someone a good deed, sincerely help, wish someone happiness, good luck, good, then the same positive energy returns to you. But she can come to you in the form of money or a fortunate coincidence, help, a gift. Any successful person knows that before you try to get something, you have to give something back! It may not be money, but, for example, knowledge or some kind of help.

Similarly, Boomerang's Law applies to negative energy. You showed aggression, anger, wished someone something bad. And all this comes back to you in the form of diseases, problems, reciprocal aggression, etc. Therefore, if something unpleasant happens to you, analyze how you could have caused such a response. Exactly the answer! Because it is JUST that nothing ever happens in this world! Remember this well!

Payback comes not only for actions, but also for thoughts. Thought is material, and it is a fact. There is even a good proverb: "Before you think - think." This is a very apt statement, especially considering that many people have never come across the concept of "thought hygiene". Constant despondency, negative attitude to the world poison the life of every person, these emotions also fall under the boomerang rule. “Don't be angry with others, and don't be angry yourself” - this is the principle that one should act in society in order not to get a good “slap on the head” from the Universe.

If a person is constantly worried about something, is dissatisfied with something or is afraid of something, then sooner or later all his fears will come true. Yes, there is always a place in life for experiencing, but you should not elevate them to the status of obsessions.


This leads to:
What you give will come back.
What you sow is what you reap
Your lie will break through with a lie.

Every action has a meaning;
Only by forgiving will you be forgiven.
You give - you are given,
You betray - you are betrayed,
You hurt - you are hurt,
You respect - you are respected ...

Everyone and everyone deserves it;
Black thoughts return sickness
Light thoughts - with Divine light ...
If you haven't thought - think about it !!!

Sweet revenge

If someone has offended a person, there is no need to conceal anger or try to take revenge. Better to just wish you all the best and move on. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to erase from life what caused pain, but if you dwell on this moment, you can miss your happiness. And revenge is also not the best way out. Even if we assume that the strategy of "retaliation" has been successfully implemented, a person cannot say for sure that in the future he will not make such a mistake, and he will certainly not be retaliated in the same way.

Let's say there is a situation: a girl got a job as a secretary. She had to become the mistress of her boss, as she did not want to lose her job. Her boss is a family man, and he has a very strict wife, but this does not stop the man from going “to the left”. After some time, the girl comes to her boss to sign the documents on her leaving on maternity leave.

The man could not come to terms with the fact that the subordinate had a relationship on the side, and decided to fire her without severance pay. The girl threatened to tell everything to his wife. The chief began to beg not to ruin the family. Although the expectant mother was offended by such an attitude, she did not resort to extreme measures, nevertheless she was fired. A few years later, this girl became not only a happy wife and mother, but also a successful entrepreneur.

One day she met her former boss. He was not having the best period in his life, and he threatened her that he would tell the press that in the past, the current respected entrepreneur had a relationship with her own boss. The woman began to beg him not to ruin her life, and he disappeared. Like her in her time, the man said nothing. This is a great example of how the boomerang law can work in relationships between people. In addition, everything could not have turned out so well if the girl had taken revenge on her boss in due time. Yes, he would have got into an unpleasant situation, but how would her life have developed then ?!

Life itself knows whom and how to punish. And a person should not think that if he stole something, then a valuable thing will disappear from him. The consequences of actions are never equal to the amount of harm caused. The recoil is always much stronger than the damage done. For example, if a person has offended someone, then he may get into an accident. If someone is hit, then something can be stolen from him, or there will be a fire in the house. What a person values ​​most always becomes an object on which the boomerang rule will act in the first place.

Now, knowing about the Boomerang Law, you can more clearly approach the creation of your life, your own reality. It happens that sometimes you so want to throw out irritation on someone, accuse, scold. Please, you can do this. BUT! But now you know that you MUST get an equal answer! Is it worth indulging your irritation if in return you can get, for example, an illness ?!

Following this law, you can attract all sorts of benefits, giving something good to the world. By the way, it does not have to be something material at all (this is my answer to the frequently asked question: “And if I have nothing at all, what can I give, what can I do?”)! You can use one very interesting (and most importantly, useful and really working) technique - make gifts to people THINKINGLY!

How? It's very simple! You must imagine how you approach a person and give him something! Only this must be done completely sincerely and with the kindest and purest thoughts! Only in this case there will be a sense of this action (that is, recoil will return to you). What to give? Anything !!! This is your fictional gift. So you can imagine absolutely everything! Feel like a genie or a goldfish!

Give bundles of money, bouquets of flowers, luxurious cars, houses, yachts, tropical islands! You can also, for example, give a person health. Imagine it yourself somehow, for example, in the form of a golden glow enveloping a person and pouring strength and energy into him! The main thing is that you yourself imagine how people feel joy from your gifts, how they feel good! Who can you do all this with? Whoever you want - friends, relatives, complete strangers on the street, etc.

I love doing this exercise when walking down the street. This is how I bestow on the people I meet, trying to determine in a few seconds what would bring this person the greatest joy. Here comes a girl - I mentally "give" her a gorgeous fur coat. For a second, the image of her happy and joyful appears, looking in the mirror in this fur coat! Positive!

Here is a terribly busy man with a mobile phone, clearly solving some problems. I give him a holiday on a tropical island. The image - here he is in a hammock with a cocktail in his hand admiring the sea and enjoying the peace. Positive again! I go further. An old woman with a bag, a mother with a child, a couple in love. Everyone gets their gifts! And by the end of the street I am so saturated with positive that my mood soars somewhere in the sky!

I really love this technique. Firstly, it requires practically nothing from you except imagination. Second, you lift your spirits, because the giving process itself is extremely enjoyable! And thirdly, in this way you give up your positive energy to the world, which means that you attract all kinds of (and material, too !!!) benefits!

By the way, do not be afraid that you will give too much of your energy. There is one very interesting feature here - when you radiate positive, your own energy becomes more and more. But when negative, then your energy decreases! Don't ask me why this is the case. Honestly I do not know. But the fact remains, regardless of whether we know "why does it work like that?" It works and that's it! :))

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