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Oatmeal and cottage cheese baked goods. Oatmeal cookies with oatmeal curd. Oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese and banana

This magnificent salad of carrots, walnuts and raisins, I would call it quick, on-duty and very simple and easy to prepare. Just a few minutes - and you can serve it on the table, and it can be prepared both every day and for a festive table. The salad with nuts and carrots turns out to be very pleasant to the taste, quite satisfying and nutritious. If you have a choice, then it is best to use raisins with a slight acidity, they will not make the dish cloying and will make it more delicious. As a salad dressing, you can also use sour cream or natural thick yogurt without additives.


  • 2 fresh carrots
  • 50 gr peeled walnuts
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • 1 - 2 cloves of garlic
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste

Cooking method

You can define the amount of ingredients in a salad with nuts as you wish and to your liking. Peel the carrots and three on a Korean or on a regular coarse grater. Mix it with chopped garlic, add raisins washed and dried with a paper towel (if necessary, you can soak them in advance), chopped walnuts, a little mayonnaise or sour cream. Salt, pepper, add spices and mix well. This salad is served immediately after preparation and it is best to eat it all, not leaving it for later, so as not to lose its benefits and vitamins. Bon Appetit.

Carrots are the most popular and demanded product, for a reason, because it has a very large amount of nutrients and trace elements. The important thing is that it was grown as far back as 2000 BC. Today this culture is grown and consumed by all people on the planet. Each root vegetable differs in variety, type, shape, color. However, they are all rich in various chemical elements that regulate the entire functioning of the body.

Carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals for different purposes and character. It contains a huge amount of carotene, it has a beneficial effect on the body, however, in its pure form it can lead to a disruption of the system, which is why it is important to season carrot salad with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Carrots go well with all products, but they have the best effect on humans and on their general condition together with raisins, which also have a huge amount of natural minerals, vitamins and substances. Carrots with raisins go well in different dishes.

Carrots lower cholesterol and also improve complexion. About raisins, we can say that the daily use of this product will improve not only the external, but also the internal state. Carrots and raisins, in combination with each other, give out a wonderful duet of pure vitamins and nutrients that contribute to the state of health and appearance in general. Carrots and raisins improve vision and are best consumed in winter.

It is important for children, adults, the elderly to eat carrot salad with raisins in their diet at least once a week in order to improve their well-being and health. Unlike raisins, carrots should not be consumed by people with urolithiasis and kidney failure, because eating carrots can lead to side effects such as fatigue, lethargy, feeling unwell, and vomiting.

The tastiest of all will be carrots, which have a bright orange color, with a pointed nose, there is more vitamin and sweetness in it. It doesn't have to be very big. It is from this variety that you can make a delicious carrot salad with raisins. However, before you talk about how to make it, it's important to know even more about these two excellent fortified foods. If the top is greenish, then the carrots are fresh. If it is sluggish, then it is a sign that it is spoiled.

Carrots with raisins should not be stored together and also should not be stored alone next to apples, because they will acquire a bitter taste. It is important to look after and care for carrots as they ripen and grow. At the stage of cultivation, it must be weeded, watered, fertilized. Raisins, also known as grapes, are grown in special, specific conditions. The vine is cut immediately when ripe, the fruits are continued to be cared for, resulting in amazing grapes and wine. The grapes are dried so that they become raisins, so it is important to thoroughly wash and dry them before using them.

There are many recipes for making carrots, they are mainly mixed with different products, they are also used as a decoration for a dish, or as a seasoning to enhance the taste and smell. It is important to eat carrots with raisins for children with poor eyesight and vestibular apparatus, with poor memory. Sometimes carrots are sterilized, or pickled, then all natural trace elements, vitamins, minerals remain in it and it can be taken in the diet in winter. It is also frozen.

Carrot salad with raisins is very quick and easy to prepare. It is necessary to grate the carrots, then take the raisins to soak for 20 minutes, drain the water and pour over them with boiling water, the walnuts must be chopped and added to the resulting mass, adding 2 tablespoons of tea sugar there. When the nuts, raisins and carrots are mixed with sugar, do you need to season everything obtained with olive oil and squeeze? lemon juice. Carrot salad with raisins ready to eat. Bon Appetit!

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