Home Flowers The meaning of the word mir-bashir in the great Soviet encyclopedia, bse. Awards and titles

The meaning of the word mir-bashir in the great Soviet encyclopedia, bse. Awards and titles

A man's hand is a map of his life. It reveals the potential of a person, denotes events that have occurred or will occur in his life, and also provides an accurate assessment of both psychological and physiological components of his nature. Such information, however, can only be obtained as a result of careful and full-scale examination of the hand.
Hand analysis is a science, but it is also an art. It is a systematic field of knowledge with fundamental laws that must be clearly understood. Its true value lies in the correct application of these laws, in the ability of the chirologist to balance, possibly, conflicting indicators before making a final judgment about the character and fate of a particular person.
If you are interested in palmistry, if you want to know what life has "in store" for you, if you have the slightest inclination to know the science of hand reading, this book is for you.

1938 year
July 21, 1938 - April 23, 1949
Predecessor: post established; he is like acting Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR
Successor: Nazar Heydar oglu Heydarov
June 1937 - July 18, 1938
Predecessor: Sultan-Majid Majid oglu Efendiyev
Successor: post abolished; he is the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR
Birth: (1879 )
Dashbulag village, Tavriz vilayet, South Azerbaijan, Persia
Death: 23 april(1949-04-23 )
Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR
The consignment: RSDLP with

World Bashir Fattah oglu Kasumov(, c. Dashbulag, South Azerbaijan - April 23, Baku) - Soviet Azerbaijani statesman, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR (1938-1949).


Born into the family of a poor peasant. In the revolutionary movement since 1898. Member of the RSDLP since 1905.

Since 1905, a worker at factories in Balakhani (Baku). Member of the Revolution of 1905-07, member of the combat squad of the Baku Bolshevik organization.

In 1917-1918. - led party work in Baku and Lankaran district. After the temporary fall of Soviet power in Baku (1918‒1920), he worked underground. At the 1st Congress of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Azerbaijan (February 1920), he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the party. One of the organizers of the uprising against the Musavat government in April 1920; since April 29, a member of the Baku Revolutionary Committee.

  • 1921-1924 and 1931-1935 - Deputy Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR,
  • 1935-1937 - People's Commissar for Social Security of the Azerbaijan SSR,
  • 1937-1938 - I. O. Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Since July 1938 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the SSR.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st and 2nd convocations.

Awards and titles

He was awarded two Orders of Lenin and two other orders,

Sources of

  • Stelnik B. Ya. World Bashir Kasumov. - Baku, 1960.
  • az-libr.ru/index.htm?Persons&70B/b6310cc5/0001/bab08aec

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An excerpt characterizing Kasumov, Mir Bashir Fattah oglu

On the same night, bowing to the Minister of War, Bolkonsky went to the army, not knowing where he would find it, and fearing to be intercepted by the French on the way to Krems.
In Brunn, the entire court population was packed, and the burdens were already sent to Olmütz. Near Etzelsdorf, Prince Andrey drove onto the road along which the Russian army was moving with the greatest haste and in the greatest disorder. The road was so crowded with carts that it was impossible to ride in a carriage. Taking a horse and a Cossack from the Cossack commander, Prince Andrew, hungry and tired, overtaking the carts, went to find the commander-in-chief and his cart. The most ominous rumors about the position of the army reached him by road, and the sight of the disorganized running army confirmed these rumors.
"Cette armee russe que l" or de l "Angleterre a transportee, des extremites de l" univers, nous allons lui faire eprouver le meme sort (le sort de l "armee d" Ulm) ", [" This Russian army, which English gold brought here from the end of the world, will experience the same fate (the fate of the Ulm army). ”] he recalled the words of Bonaparte's order to his army before the start of the campaign, and these words equally aroused in him surprise at the genius hero, a feeling of offended pride and the hope of glory. "And if there is nothing left but to die? He thought. Well, if it is necessary! I will do it no worse than others."
Prince Andrey looked with contempt at these endless, interfering teams, carts, parks, artillery, and again carts, carts and carts of all kinds, overtaking one another and in three, in four rows dammed the muddy road. From all sides, back and forth, as long as the ear could be heard, there were the sounds of wheels, the rumble of bodies, carts and gun carriages, horse trampling, blows with a whip, cries of prodding, cursing soldiers, orderlies and officers. Along the edges of the road, there were incessantly skinned and unkempt horses that had fallen, now broken carts with lonely soldiers waiting for something, now soldiers who had separated from their teams, who in droves went to neighboring villages or dragged chickens, rams, hay or hay from the villages. bags filled with something.
On the ascents and descents, the crowds grew thicker, and there was a continuous groan of screams. The soldiers, sinking knee-deep in mud, grabbed guns and wagons in their arms; whips thrashed, hooves slid, strings burst and shrieks tore from their breasts. The officers who were in charge of the movement, now forward, now backward, drove between the carts. Their voices were faintly audible in the midst of the general hum, and it was evident from their faces that they were desperate for the possibility of stopping this disorder. "Voila le cher ['Here is a dear] Orthodox army," thought Bolkonsky, recalling Bilibin's words.


city ​​(since 1949), the center of the Mir-Bashir region of the Azerbaijan SSR. Located on the right bank of the river. Tartar (a tributary of the Kura), 18 km to the southwest. from the railway station Barda, which is connected by a road. 8.8 thousand inhabitants (1970). Butter and cheese plant. Near M.-B. - oil production. The city is named in honor of Mikhail B. Kasumov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MIR-BASHIR in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    "MIR", an orbital station for flight in near-earth orbit. Created in the USSR on the basis of the Salyut station design, launched into orbit on 02/20/1986. ...
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