Home Fruit trees Akathist to the Svensk Icon of the Mother of God. ☨ Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon “Iberian. Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Iverskaya"

Akathist to the Svensk Icon of the Mother of God. ☨ Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon “Iberian. Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Iverskaya"

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the miraculous icon of the Iberian

Kontakion 1.
To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Thy Rabbi, as by the coming of Thy honest image, who has acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and vigilant guards. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, Lady, from all enemies visible and invisible and save us from all harm, mental and bodily, but we call Ty: rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Ikos 1.
The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God, when the lot of the apostolic ministry falls to her in the lands of Iverste: do not part Jerusalem, but the lot, fallen to you, will be enlightened in the last days, but you must work in the land, where God wills you. The same we call Tee: Rejoice, the Gospel is already spreading the good news; Rejoice, even idols will be abolished. Rejoice, even the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed; rejoice, through her the kingdom of Christ will be established. Rejoice, proclamation to the light of the Gospel who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry; Rejoice, from slavery to the devil, into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God; Rejoice, by obedience Eve's disobedience is healing. Rejoice, height of virtues; rejoice, depth of humility. Rejoice, by their unfaithfulness they will cognize the Creator; rejoice, by their faith they are adopted by the Father. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 2.
Seeing the Holy Virgin the wondrous and new providence of God about Himself, like the Servant of the Lord, always ready to do His will, cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 2.
The misunderstood mind of the angelic verb is reasonable for You, Most Pure, the Lord creating, direct Your procession to Mount Afontey, where You preached the Gospel, and so Your lot is revealed. We joyfully cry: Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming; Rejoice, you who put down the tamo of idols. Rejoice, you who planted the true faith there; rejoice, you drove away unbelief. Rejoice, for you have chosen this mountain for your lot; Rejoice, you have promised grace to this place. Rejoice, the faithful who live in her, the Giver of earthly blessings; Rejoice, Assistant of their eternal salvation. Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those who live in Your lot; Rejoice, their intimidation of all enemies. Rejoice, for you have promised the mercy of your Son to the end of time; rejoice, the grace of His relentless existence foretold. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 3.
The power of the Vyshnyago by the intercession of the Mother of God of autumn The Holy Mountain and the Udolia and its jungle are like a vast village showing everyone in the monastic life who wants to reap salvation, always petition for it: Alleluia.
Ikos 3.
Having a providence for His lot, people of the Iberian land, you have built in the place where You yourself have stuck to Athos, the abode of their kind, in a quiet haven for those who seek salvation, wanting to bestow His icon on her as a shield and enclosure, but everyone cry out: Rejoice, who sent a sermon The Gospels to the land of Iver; Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the delusion of idols to the light of Christ. Rejoice, the unfading branches of the rod, which bestowed a wonderful vine to Nina; rejoice, from her you have grown a cluster of miracles and good faith. Rejoice, you have planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, you have exuded a stream of enlightenment from the spiritual country of Iverstei. Rejoice, Euphemia the golden-speaking mouth; rejoice, Tornikia invincible fortress. Rejoice, strengthening of all the godly; rejoice, guardian of monks. Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation; Rejoice, preparing them for eternal rest. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 4.
A storm inside those who have thoughts of suspicion, an honest widow, even in Nicaea, crumple, seeing a copy of an iconoclastic warrior, I pierce the holy and venerated icon of the Mother of God and the Abiye ooze blood and, fearfully restrained, so that the holy icon will not be mocked, tearing down the sea with a prayer. Seeing the creative path right at the top of the water and flowing to the West, cry out with joy: Alleluia.
Ikos 4.
Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain, appearing in the mori like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top to the top of heaven, like a shining sun, and in the night drifted to the edge of the sea and, having seen the holy icon of the Mother of God, carried across the sea by the power from above, cried out More gracefully: Hail, Kupino, foreseeable law-maker; rejoice, pillar of fire, instruct beings in darkness. Rejoice, ladder, reaching to Heaven, it is from the same God; Rejoice, bridge, lead beings from earth to Heaven. Rejoice, the dawn of the mysterious day; Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Inexpressible Light; Rejoice, the hedgehog who taught no one. Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating the faithful with meanings. Rejoice, lordship, shining in the darkness; Rejoice, for your enlightenment shines with abundant light. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 5.
You want your God-given icon to be dated to the Iverste monastery, advertise it, to Bogomati, to the Monk Gabriel: go with the face of monks to the shore of the sea, descend into the abyss and receive My icon. But he, with faith and love, we round on the water, like on dry land, walking, embracing his own and reaching the treasure, otherwise unattainable, into the property of the monks of his kind Iberian, having fun with his belt: Alleluia.
Ikos 5.
Seeing the monks andversty many times the icon of the Mother of God from the temple at the top of the monastery gates on the wall of the city by the invisible force worn out, horrified and standing, calling to her is this: Rejoice, you have deigned to give us the holy icon; Rejoice, for you promised us her cover. Rejoice, showing your love for our monastery; Rejoice, for you have shown good providence for her. Rejoice, our help in a foreign country; Rejoice, consolation in our journey. Rejoice, God's favor to us; rejoice, our boldness towards God. Rejoice, deliverance of our tears; Rejoice, Protector of our orphans. Rejoice, our fence; Rejoice, one is our Joy. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 6.
Preacher creating Gabriel of His will, advertise to him, the Lady: I ​​have not come to be kept from you, but may I be your Keeper, not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail you, let all cry to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 6.
Raise the joy to those who heard Yours, Bogomati, the promises, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with the joy of the monks erected and cried out like this: Rejoice, our Keeper in the present day; rejoice, our Representative in the future. Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God, rejoice, teaching us the path of virtue. Rejoice, our boldness and hope; Rejoice, our hope and cover. Rejoice, for you bowed down to us the goodness of your Son; Rejoice, His grace that proclaims with us without scantness. Rejoice, for giving the holy icon a pledge of mercy; Rejoice, you who gave her the gift of miracles. Rejoice, reflecting the invocation of all evil from the monastery; Rejoice, opening the entrance to all good. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 7.
I sometimes want the evil Amira to destroy the Iberian monastery and scatter the flock of monks gathered there, scatter it, soon I will know the strong monastery's intercession from the Mother of God, seeing my ships in the depths of the sea, sinking and warriors bending. And he came with humility, silver and gold to the dyash monastery, asking for prayers. The monks, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 7.
New and countless miracles of the show The Mother of God, in the monastery the depletion of wine, flour and oil replenishing, demonic healing, giving walking to the lame, the blind with insight and every ailment, yes, seeing these miracles, they sing to you: rejoice, an ambulance to help those who call thee. Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayer; rejoice, you do not give up your promises. Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of the monastery into joy; rejoice, filling the impoverishment of the monastery. Rejoice, insight of the blind; rejoice, walking lame. Rejoice, Healer of all the weak; Rejoice, Comforter of all sorrowful ones. Rejoice, for do not cease those who provide and save us; Rejoice, for you save us from a little bit of trouble. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 8.
Strangely covered from the icon of the Mother of God, the Iberian monastery heard Patriarch Nikon, longed for the Russian country of grace to acquire the sacrament; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for the image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, yes, we protect Her with Her cover, cry to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 8.
All that exists in the Highest, but also the lower ones, do not retreat, bless you, Bogomati, as the ancient Monk Anthony bestowed the blessing of Mount Athos for the confirmation of the Monastery of the Caves, granting and a new monastery in the country of the Russians, His grace, she also blessed Athos, in the likeness of Thy honest image; the same we cry out to Ti: Rejoice, the country of the Russian cover, widening the clouds; Rejoice, the Orthodox faith is protected and confirmed in it. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms. Rejoice, illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons; Rejoice, oozing gifts of healings and blessings from them. Rejoice, frightening enemies; Rejoice, joy to the saints. Rejoice, praise of the priests; Rejoice, Monks Teacher. Rejoice, salvation of all our kind. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 9.
Any scrutiny of property about the writing of an honest image of the gracious Goalkeeper, the host of Iberian fasters perform prayer services; water from a wonderful icon washes the board, on which an honest image is depicted, and the Monk Iamblichus sanctifies, who has asceticised in fasting, prayer and vigil with all the brethren, a copy of the vap, holy water and relics consecrated an honest image of the Mother of God, I took out praying and crying to God: ...
Ikos 9.
Vetiya many, like a mute fish, we see about You, the Mother of God: they will be puzzled how to praise all Your miracles, revealed to our family from Your holy icon: even more on the way to the Russian country, this miracle-working, pious Manuel, commanding the ransom of money to the unfaithful, procession of the holy icon to the Russian country, and especially after giving it to him. We, marveling, faithfully cry to Ti: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles; Rejoice, Giver of all mercy. Rejoice, always warm about us Intercessor to God; Rejoice, His providence for us is a treasure. Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble; Rejoice, consolation of those who grieve. Rejoice, healing sick; Rejoice, strength of the weak. Rejoice, widows intercession; Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans. Rejoice, conversion to the path of truth; rejoice, the proclamation of sinners to repentance. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 10.
To save many people wanting from troubles and sorrows, exude, Bogomati, an inexhaustible source of mercy from His icon to our kind: behold, and in the capital city of Moscow, the good Goalkeeper appears to all those who worship You, she gives quick help, and in the new monastery of Iverste of grace streams from Your icon emitting, and in other cities, inhabited and cheerful, those who honor Thee, fulfill a useful petition. The same, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, crying to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 10.
Thou art a wall to the monastic order, the Mother of God, and to all who come running to You; for Heaven and earth, the Creator, dwelt in Thy virgin womb, teach all the purity and chastity of the zealots to cry out to Thee: Rejoice, chosen vessel for virginity; rejoice, purest form of chastity. Rejoice, devil of seedless discontent; Rejoice, Unmarried Bride. Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity; Rejoice, thou who didst combine the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, in the storm of temptations the ambulance Assistant; Rejoice, reflecting the enemy's footsteps. Rejoice, driving away the darkness of soul-harming passions; Rejoice, cleansing thoughts. Rejoice, teaching you to despise earthly sweets; Rejoice, guiding minds and hearts to the heavenly. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 11.
All singing is conquered, reaching out to the multitude of your many bounties: if we bring songs equal in number to the sand, if we bring Ti, our Lady of the Theotokos, we do nothing worthily, even give us, crying about You: Alleluia.
Ikos 11.
We see the holy icon of the Mother of God the light-receiving light that appeared in the darkness of misfortune: the immaterial fire of grace is received, it illuminates everyone with the rays of miracles, teaches us to call out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, in all needs, speedy help; Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrow. Rejoice, delivering us from the fire, the sword and the invasion of strangers; Rejoice, freeing us from gladness and vain death. Rejoice, for observing us from the plague and the destruction of death; Rejoice, sudden help to those in need on the way, on land and on the waters. Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers; Rejoice, you who have been left by doctors in your receiving hands. Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all who grieve and burdened; Rejoice, you who do not reject all despicable and rejected. Rejoice, thou who consume the most desperate from the ditch of perdition; Rejoice, and Me, naked of good deeds, not leaving with Her covering and intercession. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 12.
The grace of giving delight in the debts of the ancients, of all debts The Resolver was a man who came with Himself to those who departed of That grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, bestowed upon us a strong God-gracious intercession, and crying out with all Her prayers: Alleluia.
Ikos 12.
Singing Thy miracles, shown to us in this life, we praise Thee, the Mother of God, as mercy is an inexhaustible source. But, falling to You in front of Your miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, wake us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear on the judgment of the terrible throne of Your Son, and cry out to you: Rejoice, in glory, sitting on the throne of Your Son and there remembering us; Rejoice, for ever reigning with Thy Son and God, intercessor for us. Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee, the end of the belly is not ashamed of giving; Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful end. Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals; Rejoice, freedom from the power of the prince of the air. Rejoice, disobedience of our sins; rejoice, in the Lord we hope for a blessed life. Rejoice, for those who trust in you at the right hand of your Son, you make your standing; Rejoice, the blessed voice of Onago, the Heavenly Kingdom's promising heritage, worth hearing. Rejoice, good Mother, inspiring all those who honor Thee to live with You; rejoice, strong hope of eternal salvation for all Christians. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 13.
O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look on us, who humbly bring these small prayers with tears before Thy most pure image and all the hope and hope of those who have placed on Thee, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this stomach and future torments, so that we are saved by You, I will cry out: Alleluia.
This kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy heights on us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image as if you live with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our belly in peace and silence, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, appear to us a merciful Intercessor, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, like the good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.

Iberian icon of the Mother of God history

The icon of the Mother of God, famous for miracles in the inheritance of the Mother of God - on Athos, in Iberia (Georgia) and in Russia - is named after the Iversky Monastery on Holy Mount Athos. The first news of it dates back to the 9th century - the times of iconoclasm, when, by order of the heretical authorities, holy icons were destroyed and mocked in homes and churches. A certain pious widow who lived near Nicaea kept the cherished image of the Mother of God. It opened soon. The armed soldiers who arrived wanted to take away the icon, one of them struck the shrine with a spear, and blood flowed from the face of the Most Pure One. Having prayed to the Lady with tears, the woman went to the sea and lowered the icon into the water; a standing image moved over the waves. They learned about the icon with a pierced face launched across the sea on Athos: the only son of this woman took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain and asceticised near the place where the ship that once brought the Mother of God herself to Cyprus had once moored and where later, in the 10th century , the Georgian nobleman John and the Byzantine commander Torniky founded the Iberian monastery. Once the inhabitants of the Iversky monastery saw on the sea a pillar of fire up to the sky - it rose above the image of the Mother of God standing on the water. The monks wanted to take the icon, but the closer the boat sailed, the farther into the sea the image went. The brothers began to pray and earnestly asked the Lord to grant the icon of the monastery. The next night, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to Elder Gabriel, who was distinguished by a strict ascetic life and a childishly simple disposition, and said: \ "Tell the abbot and the brethren that I want to give them My icon for protection and help, then enter the sea and go with faith by the waves - then everyone will know My love and favor for your abode \ ". The next morning the monks went ashore with prayers, the elder fearlessly walked on the water and was honored to receive the miraculous icon. She was placed in a chapel on the shore and prayed in front of her for three days, and then she was taken to the cathedral church (a source of pure sweet water was opened in the place where the icon stood). The next day, the icon was found above the monastery gates. They carried her back to her original place, but she again found herself above the gate. This was repeated several times. Finally, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Elder Gabriel and said: \ "Tell the brethren: I do not want to be guarded, but I myself will be your Keeper in this life and in the next. I asked you for my mercy from God, and as long as you see my icon in the monastery, the grace and mercy of my Son will not diminish towards you. ” The monks built a gate church in honor of the Mother of God, the Guardian of the monastery, in which the miraculous icon remains to this day. The icon is called Portaitissa - the Goalkeeper, the Gatekeeper, and according to the place of its appearance on Athos - Iverskaya. According to legend, the appearance of the icon took place on March 31, on the Tuesday of Easter week (according to other sources, on April 27). In the Iversky Monastery, a celebration in her honor takes place on the Tuesday of Bright Week; the brethren with a procession of the cross goes to the seashore, where Elder Gabriel received the icon. In the history of the monastery, there are many cases of the gracious help of the Mother of God: the miraculous replenishment of wheat, wine and oil, the healing of the sick, the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians. So, once the Persians besieged the monastery from the sea. The monks appealed to the Mother of God for help. Suddenly a terrible storm arose and the enemy ships sank, only Amir's commander survived. Struck by the miracle of God's wrath, he repented, asked to pray for the forgiveness of his sins and donated a lot of gold and silver for the construction of the monastery walls. In the 17th century, they learned about the Iberian icon in Russia. The archimandrite of the Novospassky monastery Nikon, the future Patriarch, turned to the archimandrite of the Iversky Athos monastery, Pachomius, with a request to send an exact list of the miraculous image. \ "... Gathering all their brethren ... they created a great prayer singing from evening to light, and consecrated water with holy relics, and holy water poured the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on the old Portaitissa, and in the great tub they collected that holy water, and collected them, poured pouches a new board, which they made all of the cypress tree, and again collected that holy water in a tub, and then served the Divine and Holy Liturgy with great boldness, and after the Holy Liturgy they gave that holy water and holy relics to the venerable icon painter, priest and spiritual father, Mr. Romanov, so that he, having mixed holy water and holy relics with paints, paint a holy icon \ ". The icon painter only ate food on Saturday and Sunday, and the brethren twice a week celebrated an all-night vigil and a liturgy. \ "And that (newly painted) icon does not differ in anything from the first icon: neither length, nor breadth, nor face ... \" On October 13, 1648, the icon was greeted in Moscow by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Patriarch Joseph and crowds of the Orthodox people. (This icon was owned by Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and her daughter Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna; after the death of the princess, the image remained in the Novodevichy Convent. It is currently in the State Historical Museum.) According to legend, the monks who brought the shrine from Mount Athos did not have enough money to cross across the Danube. They had already decided to return to the monastery, but the Mother of God Herself helped them - She appeared to the rich Greek Manuel and told him to pay the Muslim carriers for the monks. Another copy, by order of Patriarch Nikon, was delivered from Athos to Moscow, decorated with a precious robe and in 1656 transferred to Valdai, to the newly built Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery (after the revolution, the icon disappeared without a trace). Another copy was made from the icon that was in the royal family; in 1669 it was installed in a chapel at the gate overlooking the main - Tverskaya - Moscow street. The goalkeeper has become one of the most revered shrines, the Mother-Intercessor of Muscovites. The victors entered Red Square through the Resurrection Gate; kings and queens, having arrived in the old capital, the first thing they did was to bow to the Iberian - like everyone who came to the city. Muscovites went to the chapel to pray for every pressing need; The icon was taken home, prayers were served in front of it - and received by faith: the Iberian Goalkeeper became famous for the healings of the sick, for many miracles. In 1929 the chapel was destroyed, in 1931 the Resurrection Gate was demolished. The icon was transferred to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, where it remains to this day. In November 1994, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the foundation stone of the Iberian Chapel and the Resurrection Gate in the same place, and in less than a year they were restored. On October 25, 1995, a new copy of the miraculous Iberian icon, written by a monk-icon painter with the blessing of the Iberian hegumen, arrived in Moscow from Athos. The Good Goalkeeper returned to the main gates of Her city. Troparion, voice 4: From Thy holy icon, O Lady Theotokos, healings and celibacy are given abundantly with faith and love to those who come to her; so visit my weakness and have mercy on my soul, Good, and heal my body, with Your grace, Most Pure.

Kontakion 1

To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Thy Rabbi, as by the coming of Thy honest image, who has acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and vigilant guards. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, the Lady, from all enemies visible and invisible and save us from all harm, soulful and bodily, but we call Ty: Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God, when the lot of the apostolic ministry falls to Her in the lands of Iverstei: "Do not part Jerusalem, the lot, fallen to you, will be enlightened in the last days, but you must work in the land, where God wills you." The same we call Tee: Rejoice. The Gospel is the good news; Rejoice, even idols will be abolished. Rejoice, even the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed; Rejoice, for her the Kingdom of Christ will be established. Rejoice, proclamation to the light of the Gospel who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry; Rejoice, from slavery to the devil, into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God; Rejoice, through obedience Eve's obedience heals. Rejoice, height of virtues; Rejoice, depth of humility. Rejoice, by their unfaithfulness they will cognize the Creator; Rejoice, by their faith they are adopted by the Father. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Seeing the Holy Virgin the wondrous and new providence of God, like a servant of the Lord, always ready to do His will, cry: Alleluia.

The misunderstood mind of the angelic verb is reasonable to You, Most Pure, the Lord creating, direct Your procession to Mount Afontey, where You preached the Gospel, and so Your lot is revealed. We joyfully cry: Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming; Rejoice, you who put down idols there. Rejoice, you who planted the true faith there; Rejoice, you drove away unbelief. Rejoice, for you have chosen this Mountain by lot; Rejoice, you promised grace to this place. Rejoice, the faithful who live in her, the Giver of earthly blessings; Rejoice, Assistant of their eternal salvation. Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those who live in Your lot; Rejoice, their intimidation of all enemies. Rejoice, for you have promised the mercy of your Son to the end of time; Rejoice, the grace of His relentless existence foretold. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

The power of the Vyshnyago by the intercession of the Mother of God of autumn, the Holy Mountain and its udolia and its jungle, like a vast village, showing everyone in the monastic life who wants to reap salvation, always petition for it: Alleluia.

Have a dispensation for His lot, people of the Iberian land, you have set up in a place where You yourself have stuck to Athos, the abode of their kind, in a quiet refuge for those seeking salvation, wanting to give her an icon for their shield and fencing, but all cry out: Rejoice, who sent a sermon The Evangelia to the land of Iver; Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the delusion of idols to the light of Christ. Rejoice, the unfading branches of the rod, which bestowed a wonderful vine to Nina; Rejoice, from her you have grown a bunch of miracles and good faith. Rejoice, you have planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, for pouring out a stream of enlightenment from him to the spiritual country of Iverstei. Rejoice, Euphemia the golden-speaking mouth; Rejoice, Tornikia invincible fortress. Rejoice, strengthening of all the godly; Rejoice, enclosure of monks. Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation; Rejoice, preparing them for eternal rest. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

A storm inside those who have thoughts of suspicion, honest widow, even in Nicaea, crumple, seeing a copy of the iconoclast warrior, I pierce the holy and revered icon of the Mother of God and the Abiye ooze blood and, fearfully restrained, may the holy icon not be mocked, tearing down the sea with prayer. Seeing the creative path right at the top of the water and flowing to the West, cry out with joy: Alleluia.

Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain, appearing in the mori like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top to reach Heaven, like the shining sun, and in the night it leaned to the edge of the sea and, having seen the holy icon of the Mother of God, carried by the power from above, cry out to the Grace of God, Rejoice, Cupid: The foreseen lawmaker; Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide beings in darkness. Rejoice, ladder, reaching to Heaven, it is from the same God; Rejoice, bridge, lead beings from earth to heaven. Rejoice, the dawn of the mysterious day; Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Inexpressible Light; Rejoice, the hedgehog who taught no one. Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating true meanings. Rejoice, lordship, shining in the darkness; Rejoice, for your enlightenment shines with abundant light. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Thou art the God-given icon of the Iverste monastery, advertise it, Bogomati, to the Monk Gabriel: "Go with the face of monks to the shore of the sea, descend into the abyss and receive My icon." Onzhe, by faith and love, we round on the water, like on dry land, walking, embracing his own and reaching the treasure, otherwise unattainable, into the possession of the monks of his kind Iberian, rejoicing in his belt: Alleluia.

Seeing the monks andversty many times the icon of the Mother of God from the temple at the top of the monastery gates on the wall of the city by the invisible force worn out, horrified and standing, calling to her is this: Rejoice, you have deigned to give us the holy icon; Rejoice, for you have promised us protection. Rejoice, showing your love for our monastery; Rejoice, for you have shown a good providence for her. Rejoice, our help in a foreign country; Rejoice, consolation in our journey. Rejoice, God's favor to us; Rejoice, our boldness towards God. Rejoice, deliverance of our tears; Rejoice, Protector of our orphans. Rejoice, our fence; Rejoice, our Joy is one. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Preacher creating Gabriel of His will, advertise to him, the Lady: I ​​have not come to be kept from you, but let Az be your keeper, not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail you, so that all cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Raise the joy to those who heard Yours, Bogomati, the promises, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with the joy of the monks erected and cried out like this: Rejoice, our Keeper in the present day; Rejoice, our Representative in the future. Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God, rejoice, teaching us the path of virtue. Rejoice, our boldness and Hope; Rejoice, our hope and protection. Rejoice, for you bowed down to us the goodness of your Son; Rejoice, His grace that proclaims with us without scantiness. Rejoice, for giving the holy icon a pledge of mercy; Rejoice, who gave her the gift of miracles. Rejoice, reflecting the invocation of all evil from the monastery; Rejoice, opening the entrance to everything good. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

I sometimes want the evil Amira to destroy the Iberian monastery and scatter the flock of monks gathered there, scatter it, soon I will know the strong monastery's intercession from the Mother of God, seeing my ships in the depths of the sea, sinking and warriors bending. And he came with humility; silver and gold to the dyash monastery, asking for prayers. The monks, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.

New and countless miracles of display The Mother of God, in the monastery the impoverishment of wine, torment and oil replenishing, demonic healing, granting walking to the lame, the blind with enlightenment and every ailment, yes, seeing these miracles, they sing to Thee: Rejoice, ambulance to help those who call Thee. Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayer; Rejoice, you do not give up your promises. Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of the monastery into joy; Rejoice, filling the impoverishment of the monastery. Rejoice, insight of the blind; Rejoice, walking of the lame. Rejoice, Healer of all the weak; Rejoice, Comforter of all sorrowful ones. Rejoice, for do not cease those who provide and save us; Rejoice, for you save us from a little bit of trouble. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Strangely covered from the icon of the Mother of God, the Iberian monastery heard Patriarch Nikon, longed for the Russian country of grace to acquire the sacrament; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for the image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, yes, we protect Her with Her cover, cry to God: Alleluia.

All that exists in the Highest, but also the lower ones, do not retreat, blessed you, Bogomati, as the ancient Monk Anthony was bestowed with the blessing of Mount Athos for the confirmation of the Monastery of the Caves, granting and a new monastery in the country of the Russians, His grace, she also blessed Athos, in the likeness of Thy; the same we cry out to Ti: Rejoice, the country of the Russian cover, widening the clouds; Rejoice, the Orthodox faith is protected and confirmed in it. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms. Rejoice, illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons; Rejoice, oozing gifts of healings and mercies from them. Rejoice, frightening enemies; Rejoice, joy to the saints. Rejoice, praise of the priests; Rejoice, instructor of monks. Rejoice, salvation of all our kind. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Any scrutiny of property about writing an honest image of the gracious Goalkeeper, the host of Iberian fasters performs a prayer song; water from a wonderful icon washes the dsk, on which an honest image will be depicted, and the Monk Iamblichus sanctifies, who has asceticised in fasting, prayer and vigil with all the brethren, writing off the vap, holy water and sanctified relics, an honest image of the Mother of God, I will take out: praying and crying to God Alleluia.

Vetiya many, like a mute fish, we see about You, the Mother of God: they will be puzzled how to praise all Your miracles, revealed to our family from Your holy icon: even more on the way to the Russian country, this miracle-working, pious Manuel, commanding the ransom of money to the unfaithful, procession of the holy icon to the Russian country, and especially after giving it to him. We, marveling, faithfully cry to Ti: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles; Rejoice, Giver of all mercy. Rejoice, always warm about us Intercessor to God; Rejoice, His providence for us is a treasure. Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble; Rejoice, consolation of those who grieve. Rejoice, healing sick; Rejoice, strength of the weak. Rejoice, widows intercession; Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans. Rejoice, conversion to the path of truth; Rejoice, proclamation of sinners to repentance. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

To save many people wanting from troubles and sorrows, exude, Bogomati, an inexhaustible source of mercy from His icon to our kind: behold, and in the capital city of Moscow, the good Goalkeeper appears to all those who worship You, she gives quick help, and in the new monastery of Iverste of grace streams from Your icon emitting, and in other cities, inhabited and cheerful, those who honor Thee, fulfill a useful petition. The same, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, crying to Him: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall to the monastic order, the Mother of God, and to all who come running to You; for Heaven and earth, the Creator, dwelt in Thy virgin womb, teach all the purity and chastity of the zealots to cry out to Thee: Rejoice, chosen vessel for virginity; Rejoice, purest form of chastity. Rejoice, devil of seedless discontent; Rejoice, Bride of the Unmarried. Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity; Rejoice, you who have united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, in the storm of temptations the ambulance Assistant; Rejoice, reflecting the enemy's footsteps. Rejoice, driving away the darkness of soul-harming passions; Rejoice, cleansing thoughts. Rejoice, teaching you to despise earthly sweets; Rejoice, guiding minds and hearts to the Heavenly. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

All singing is conquered, reaching out to the multitude of your many bounties: if we bring songs equal in number to the sand, if we bring Ti, our Lady of the Theotokos, we do nothing worthily, even give us, crying about You: Alleluia.

We see the holy icon of the Mother of God the light-receiving light that appeared in the darkness of misfortune: the immaterial fire of grace is received, it illuminates everyone with the rays of miracles, teaches us to call out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, in all needs, speedy help; Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrow. Rejoice, delivering us from the fire, the sword and the invasion of strangers; Rejoice, freeing us from gladness and vain death. Rejoice, for observing us from the plague and the destruction of death; Rejoice, sudden help to those in distress on the way, on land and on the waters. Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers; Rejoice, receiving those who have been abandoned by doctors into Thy hands. Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all who grieve and burdened; Rejoice, thou who does not reject all despicable and rejected. Rejoice, thou who consume the most desperate from the ditch of perdition; Rejoice, and me, naked of good deeds, not leaving with Her covering and intercession. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

The grace of giving delight in the debts of the ancients, of all debts The Resolver was a man who came with Himself to those who departed of That grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, bestowed upon us a strong God-gracious intercession, and crying out with all Her prayers: Alleluia.

Singing Thy miracles, shown to us in this life, we praise Thee, the Mother of God, as mercy is an inexhaustible source. But, falling to You in front of Your miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, wake us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear on the judgment of the terrible Throne of Thy Son, and cry out to Thy: Rejoice, in glory, sitting on the Throne of Thy Son and there remembering us; Rejoice, for ever reigning with Thy Son and God, intercessor for us. Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee, the end of the belly is not ashamed of giving; Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful end. Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals; Rejoice, liberation from the power of the prince of the air. Rejoice, disobedience of our sins; Rejoice, in the Lord we hope for a blessed life. Rejoice, for those who trust in You at the right hand of Your Son, you make your standing; Rejoice, the blessed voice of Onago, the Heavenly Kingdom's promising heritage, worth hearing. Rejoice, good Mother, inspiring all those who honor Thee to live with You; Rejoice, strong Hope of eternal salvation for all Christians. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look upon us, who humbly bring these small prayers with tears before Thy most pure image and all the hope and hope of those who have placed on Thee, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this stomach and future torments, yes, saved by Thee, I will cry out: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 kontakion 1)

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Iberian"

First prayer

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy heights on us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if you live with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our life in peace and silence, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, appear to us a merciful Intercessor, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, like the good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.

Second prayer

O Most Holy Lady the Lady Theotokos, accept our unworthy prayer, and save us from the slander of evil people and from vain death, and grant us repentance before the end, be merciful to our prayer, and grant joy in sorrow. And deliver us, O Lord, from all misfortune and misfortune, sorrow and sorrow and from all evil. And vouch for us, Thy sinful servants, at the right hand of the article in the second coming of Thy Son, Christ our God, and vouchsafes us to be vouchsafed to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life, with all the saints for ever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Iverskaya"

Troparion, voice 4

From Thy holy icons, about the Lady of the Theotokos, healings and celibacy are given abundantly with faith and love to those who come to her: so visit my weakness, and have mercy on my soul, Good One, and heal my body with Thy grace, Most Pure One.

Kontakion, voice 8

Even if Thy holy icon was thrown into the sea, the Theotokos, from a widow who could not save this from enemies, but there was a keeper of Athos and a goalkeeper of the monastery of Iversk, frightening enemies and in an Orthodox Russian country honoring Thee from all troubles and misfortunes.


tuesday of bright week

Troparion, voice 1

From your holy icon, about the Lady of the Theotokos, healings and celibacy are given abundantly with faith and love to those who come to her. So visit my weakness and have mercy on my soul, Good One, and heal my body with Thy grace, Most Pure One.

Kontakion, voice 8

Even if Thy holy icon was thrown into the sea, the Mother of God, from a widow who could not save this one from enemies, but there was the keeper of Athos and the goalkeeper of the monastery of Iversk, frightening enemies and in our Orthodox country honoring Thee from all troubles and misfortunes.

Kontakion 1

To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Thy Rabbi, as by the coming of Thy honest image, who has acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and vigilant guards. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, the Lady, from all enemies visible and invisible and save us from all harm, mental and bodily, but we call Ty:

Ikos 1

The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God, when the lot of the apostolic ministry falls to Her in the lands of Iverstei: "Do not part Jerusalem, the lot, fallen to you, will be enlightened in the last days, but you must work in the land, where God wills you." Same:

Rejoice, even the gospel is being preached.

Rejoice, even idols will be abolished.

Rejoice, even the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed.

Rejoice, for her the Kingdom of Christ will be established.

Rejoice, proclamation to the light of the Gospel who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry.

Rejoice, from slavery to the devil into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God.

Rejoice, through obedience Eve's obedience heals.

Rejoice, height of virtues.

Rejoice, depth of humility.

Rejoice, by their unfaithfulness they will cognize the Creator.

Rejoice, by their faith they are adopted by the Father.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Holy Virgin the wondrous and new providence of God about Himself, like the Servant of the Lord, always ready to do His will, cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The misunderstood mind of the angelic verb is reasonable to You, Most Pure, the Lord creating, direct Your procession to Mount Afontey, where You preached the Gospel, and so Your lot is revealed. We joyfully cry:

Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming.

Rejoice, you who put down idols there.

Hulk, who planted the true faith there.

Rejoice, you drove away unbelief.

Rejoice, for you have chosen this mountain for your lot.

Rejoice, you promised grace to this place.

Rejoice, the faithful who live in her, the Giver of earthly blessings.

Rejoice, Assistant of their eternal salvation.

Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those who live in Your lot.

Rejoice, their intimidation of all enemies.

Rejoice, for you have promised this place the mercy of your Son to the end of time.

Rejoice, the grace of His relentless existence foretold.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Vyshnyago by the intercession of the Mother of God of autumn, the Holy Mountain and its udolia and its jungle, like a vast village, showing everyone in the monastic life who wants to reap salvation, always petition for it: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a providence for His lot, the people of the Iberian land, you have built in the place where You yourself have stuck to Athos, the abode of their kind, in a quiet haven for those seeking salvation, although you will bestow Your icon on it as a shield and enclosure, so everyone cry:

Rejoice, you who sent the preacher of the Gospel to the land of Iveron.

Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the delusion of idols to the light of Christ.

Rejoice, unfading branches of the rod, which bestowed a wonderful vine to Nina.

Rejoice, from her you have grown a bunch of miracles and good faith.

Rejoice, you who planted a spiritual garden on Athos.

Rejoice, for pouring out a stream of enlightenment from him to the spiritual country of Iverstei.

Rejoice, Euphemia the golden-speaking mouth.

Rejoice, Tornikia invincible fortress.

Rejoice, fortification of all the godly.

Rejoice, enclosure of monks.

Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation.

Rejoice, preparing them for eternal rest.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 4

With a storm of thought inside, honest widow, even in Nicaea, crumple, in vain, with a copy of the iconoclast warrior, I pierced the holy and revered icon of the Mother of God and the abiye I bleed and, fearful, let the holy icon not be mocked, with prayer, tear, plunged into the sea ... Seeing the creative path right at the top of the water and flowing to the west, cry out with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain appeared in the Mori like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top to reach Heaven, like a shining sun, and in the night drifted to the edge of the sea and, having seen the holy icon of the Mother of God, carried across the sea by the power from above, cried out to Grace:

Rejoice, Kupino, foreseeable law-maker.

Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide beings in darkness.

Rejoice, ladder that reaches Heaven, God descended from it.

Rejoice, bridge, lead beings from earth to heaven.

Rejoice, the dawn of the mysterious day.

Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun.

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Inexpressible Light.

Rejoice, for you taught the same hedgehog.

Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the universe.

Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating true meanings.

Rejoice, lordship, shining in the darkness.

Rejoice, for your enlightenment shines with abundant light.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 5

Thou art the God-given icon of the Iverste monastery, advertise it, Bogomati, to the Monk Gabriel: "Go with the face of monks to the shore of the sea, descend into the abyss and receive My icon." But he, with faith and love, we round on the water, like on dry land, walking, embracing his own and reaching the treasure, otherwise unattainable, into the property of the monks of his kind Iberian, having fun with his belt: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the monks and verses many times the icon of the Mother of God from the temple at the top of the monastery gates to the wall of the city by an invisible force worn out, horrified and standing, calling to her as follows:

Rejoice, you have deigned to give us the holy icon.

Rejoice, for you promised us her protection.

Rejoice, showing your love for our monastery.

Rejoice, for you have shown a good providence for her.

Rejoice, our help in a foreign land.

Rejoice, consolation in our journey.

Rejoice, God's favor to us.

Rejoice, our boldness towards God.

Rejoice, deliverance of our tears.

Rejoice, Protector of our orphans.

Rejoice, our fence.

Rejoice, our joy is one.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 6

Preacher, creating Gabriel of His will, advertise to him, the Lady: “I have not come to be kept from you, but let I be your Keeper, not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail for you, let everyone cry to Him: Alleluia. "

Ikos 6

Raise the joy to those who heard Your, Bogomati, promises, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with joy the monks erected and cried out like this:

Rejoice, our Guardian in the present day.

Rejoice, our Representative in the future.

Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God.

Rejoice, instructing you on the path of virtue.

Rejoice, our boldness and hope.

Rejoice, our hope and protection.

Rejoice, for you bowed down to us the goodness of your Son.

Rejoice, His grace that proclaims with us without scantiness.

Rejoice, you who gave the holy icon as a pledge of mercy.

Rejoice, who gave her the gift of miracles.

Rejoice, reflecting the invocation of all evil from the monastery.

Rejoice, opening the entrance to everything good.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 7

I sometimes want the evil Amira to destroy the Iberian monastery and scatter the flock of monks gathered there, scatter it, soon I will know the strong monastery's intercession from the Mother of God, seeing my ships in the depths of the sea, sinking and warriors bending. And he came with humility, silver and gold to the dyash monastery, asking for prayers. The monks, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New and countless miracles of the show The Mother of God, in the monastery the impoverishment of wine, flour and oil replenishing, demonic healing, giving walking to the lame, healing the blind and healing every ailment, yes, seeing these miracles, they sing to You:

Rejoice, Climbed Voevodo, victorious enemies.

Rejoice, an ambulance to help those who call Thee.

Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayer.

Rejoice, you do not give up your promises.

Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of the monastery into joy.

Rejoice, filling the impoverishment of the monastery.

Rejoice, insight of the blind.

Rejoice, walking of the lame.

Rejoice, Healer of all the weak.

Rejoice, Comforter of all sorrowful ones.

Rejoice, for do not cease those who provide and save us.

Rejoice, for you save us from a little bit of trouble.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 8

When Patriarch Nikon heard the monastery of Iversk, strangely covered from the icon of the Mother of God, he longed for her grace to acquire the sacrament for his country; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for the image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, yes, we protect Her with Her cover, cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All that exists in the Highest, but also the lower ones, do not retreat, bless you, Bogomati, as the ancient Monk Anthony bestowed the blessing of Mount Athos for the confirmation of the Monastery of the Caves, granting and a new monastery in our country His grace, she also blessed Athos, in the likeness of Thy honest image; we also call out to Ti:

Rejoice, covering our country, widening the clouds.

Rejoice, the Orthodox faith is protected and confirmed in it.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms.

Rejoice, illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons.

Rejoice, oozing gifts of healings and mercies from them.

Rejoice, frightening enemies.

Rejoice, joy to the saints.

Rejoice, praise of the priests.

Rejoice, instructor of monks.

Rejoice, salvation of all our kind.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 9

Every scrutiny of property about the writing of an honest image of the gracious Goalkeeper, the host of Iberian fasting people perform prayers, wash the dka with water from a wonderful icon, on which an honest image is depicted, and the Monk Iamblichus sanctifies the Monk Iamblichus, who has labored in fasting, prayer and vigil with all , with holy water and relics consecrated an honest image of the Mother of God, I take out praying and crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetiya many-talked, like a mute fish, we see about You, the Mother of God, they will be perplexed how to praise all Your miracles, revealed to our kin from your holy icon: even more on the way to our country you do miracles, to the pious Manuel, commanding the ransom to the infidels, forbidding holy icons to our country, and especially after giving it to him. We, marveling, faithfully cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles.

Rejoice, Giver of all mercy.

Rejoice, always warm about us Intercessor to God.

Rejoice, His providence for us is a treasure.

Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble.

Rejoice, consolation of those who grieve.

Rejoice, healing of the sick.

Rejoice, strength of the weak.

Rejoice, widows intercession.

Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans.

Rejoice, conversion to the path of truth.

Rejoice, proclamation of sinners to repentance.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 10

To save many people from troubles and sorrows, exude, Bogomati, an inexhaustible source of mercy from His icon to our kind: behold, even in the capital city, the good Goalkeeper appears to all those who worship You, giving quick help, and in the new monastery of Iversti you emit a stream of jets from Your icon , and in other cities, inhabited and cheerful, who honor Thee, fulfilling a useful petition. The same, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, crying to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall to the monastic rank, the Mother of God, and to all those who come running to You, for the Creator dwelt in Heaven and earth in Your virgin womb, teach all the purity and chastity of zealots to cry to You:

Rejoice, chosen vessel for virginity.

Rejoice, purest form of chastity.

Rejoice, devil of seedless discontent.

Rejoice, Bride of the Unmarried.

Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity.

Rejoice, you who have united the faithful of the Lord.

Rejoice, in the storm of temptations, the ambulance Assistant.

Rejoice, reflecting the enemy's footsteps.

Rejoice, driving away the haze of soulful passions.

Rejoice, cleansing thoughts.

Rejoice, teaching you to despise earthly sweetness.

Rejoice, guiding minds and hearts to the heavens.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 11

All singing is conquered, reaching out to the multitude of your many bounties: if we bring songs equal in number to the sand, if we bring Ti, our Lady of the Theotokos, we do nothing worthily, even give us, crying about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see the holy icon of the Mother of God: the insubstantial fire of grace, accepting the fire of grace, illumines everyone with the rays of miracles, and teaches us to call out to the Blessed One:

Rejoice, speedy help in every need.

Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrow.

Rejoice, delivering us from the fire, the sword and the invasion of aliens.

Rejoice, freeing us from gladness and vain death.

Rejoice, for observing us from the plague and destruction of death.

Rejoice, sudden help to those in distress on the way, on land and on the waters.

Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers.

Rejoice, receiving those who have been abandoned by doctors into Thy hands.

Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all who grieve and burdened.

Rejoice, thou who does not reject all despicable and rejected.

Rejoice, you who consume the most desperate from the ditch of perdition.

Rejoice, and me, naked of good deeds, not leaving with Her covering and intercession.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 12

The grace of giving delight in the debts of the ancients, of all debts The Resolver was a man who came with Himself to those who departed of That grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, bestowed upon us a strong God-gracious intercession, and crying out with all Her prayers: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, shown to us in this life, we praise Thee, the Mother of God, as an inexhaustible source of mercy. But, falling to You before Your miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You: wake us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear before the judgment of the terrible Throne of Your Son, and cry to You:

Rejoice, in glory, sitting down on the Throne of Thy Son, and remembering us there.

Rejoice, for ever reigning with Thy Son and God, intercessor for us.

Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee, the end of the belly is not shameful for giving.

Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful end.

Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals.

Rejoice, freedom from the power of the prince of the air.

Rejoice, disobedience of our sins.

Rejoice, in the Lord we hope for a blessed life.

Rejoice, for those who trust in you at the right hand of your Son, you make your standing.

Rejoice, the blessed voice of Onago, the Heavenly Kingdom's promising heritage, worth hearing.

Rejoice, good Mother, inspiring all those who honor Thee to live with You.

Rejoice, strong hope of eternal salvation for all Christians.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 13

O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look on us, who humbly bring these small prayers with tears before Thy most pure image and all the hope and hope of those who have placed on Thee, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this stomach and future torments, so that we are saved by You, I will cry out: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy heights on us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if you live with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our life in peace and silence, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, appear to us a merciful Intercessor, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, like the good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.


The icon of the Mother of God, famous for miracles in the inheritance of the Mother of God - on Athos, in Iberia (Georgia) and in Russia, is named after the Iversky monastery on Holy Mount Athos. The first news of it dates back to the 9th century - the times of iconoclasm, when, by order of the heretical authorities, holy icons were destroyed and mocked in homes and churches.

A certain pious widow who lived near Nicaea kept the cherished image of the Mother of God. It opened soon. The armed soldiers who arrived wanted to take away the icon, one of them struck the shrine with a spear, and blood flowed from the face of the Most Pure One. Having prayed to the Lady with tears, the woman went to the sea and lowered the icon into the water; a standing image moved over the waves.

They learned about the icon with a pierced face launched across the sea on Mount Athos: the only son of this woman took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain and asceticised near the place where the ship once docked, carrying the Mother of God herself to Cyprus and where later, in the 10th century , the Georgian nobleman John and the Byzantine commander Torniky founded the Iberian monastery.

Once the inhabitants of the Iversky monastery saw a pillar of fire on the sea as high as the sky - it rose above the image of the Mother of God standing on the water. The monks wanted to take the icon, but the closer the boat sailed, the farther into the sea the image went. The brothers began to pray and earnestly asked the Lord to grant the icon of the monastery. The next night, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to Elder Gabriel, who was distinguished by a strict ascetic life and a childishly simple disposition, and said: “Tell the abbot and the brethren that I want to give them My icon for protection and help, then enter the sea and walk in faith waves - then everyone will know My love and favor for your abode. "

The next morning the monks went ashore with prayers, the elder fearlessly walked on the water and was honored to receive the miraculous icon. She was placed in the chapel on the shore and prayed in front of her for three days, and then transferred to the cathedral church. In the place where the icon stood, a source of pure sweet water was discovered.

The next day, the icon was found above the monastery gates. They carried her back to her original place, but she again found herself above the gate. This was repeated several times. Finally, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Elder Gabriel and said: “Tell the brethren: I do not want to be guarded, but I will myself be your Keeper in this life and in the next. I asked God for my mercy for you, and as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace and mercy of My Son will not fail to you ”.

The monks built a gate church in honor of the Mother of God, the Guardian of the monastery, in which the miraculous icon remains to this day.

The icon is called "Portaitissa" - the Goalkeeper, and by the place of its appearance on Mount Athos - Iverskaya. According to legend, the appearance of the icon took place on March 31, on the Tuesday of Easter week. In the Iversky Monastery, a celebration in her honor takes place on the Tuesday of Bright Week; the brethren with a procession of the cross goes to the seashore, where Elder Gabriel received the icon.

In the history of the monastery, there are many cases of the gracious help of the Mother of God: the miraculous replenishment of wheat, wine and oil, the healing of the sick, the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians.

So, once the Persians besieged the monastery from the sea. The monks appealed to the Mother of God for help. Suddenly a terrible storm arose and the enemy ships sank, only Amir's commander survived. Struck by the miracle of God's wrath, he repented, asked to pray for the forgiveness of his sins and donated a lot of gold and silver for the construction of the monastery walls.

In the 17th century, they learned about the Iberian icon in Russia. The archimandrite of the Novospassky monastery Nikon, the future Patriarch, turned to the archimandrite of the Iversky Athos monastery, Pachomius, with a request to send an exact list of the miraculous image. The icon painter only ate food on Saturday and Sunday, and the brethren twice a week celebrated the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy. On October 13, 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Patriarch Joseph and many Orthodox people greeted the icon.

According to legend, the monks who brought the shrine from Athos did not have enough money to cross the Danube. They had already decided to return to the monastery, but the Mother of God Herself helped them - She appeared to the rich Greek Manuel and told him to pay the Muslim carriers for the monks.

Currently, the icon is in the Assumption Church of the Moscow Novodevichy Monastery.

Another copy of the Iberian Icon, by order of Patriarch Nikon, was delivered from Athos, decorated with a precious robe, and in 1656 transferred to Valdai, to the newly built Iversky Mother of God Svyatoozersky Monastery.

By the blessing

Kontakion 1.
To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Thy Rabbi, as by the coming of Thy honest image, who has acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and vigilant guards. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, Lady, from all enemies visible and invisible and save us from all harm, mental and bodily, but we call Ty: rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Ikos 1.
The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God, when the lot of the apostolic ministry falls to her in the lands of Iverste: do not part Jerusalem, but the lot, fallen to you, will be enlightened in the last days, but you must work in the land, where God wills you. We also call Ti: Rejoice, even the gospel is being announced; Rejoice, even idols will be abolished. Rejoice, even the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed; rejoice, through her the kingdom of Christ will be established. Rejoice, proclamation to the light of the Gospel who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry; Rejoice, from slavery to the devil, into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God; Rejoice, by obedience Eve's disobedience is healing. Rejoice, height of virtues; rejoice, depth of humility. Rejoice, by their unfaithfulness they will cognize the Creator; rejoice, by their faith they are adopted by the Father. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 2.
Seeing the Holy Virgin the wondrous and new providence of God about Himself, like the Servant of the Lord, always ready to do His will, cry: Alleluia.
Ikos 2.
The misunderstood mind of the angelic verb is reasonable for You, Most Pure, the Lord creating, direct Your procession to Mount Afontey, where You preached the Gospel, and so Your lot is revealed. We joyfully cry: Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming; Rejoice, you who put down the tamo of idols. Rejoice, you who planted the true faith there; rejoice, you drove away unbelief. Rejoice, for you have chosen this mountain for your lot; Rejoice, you have promised grace to this place. Rejoice, the faithful who live in her, the Giver of earthly blessings; Rejoice, Assistant of their eternal salvation. Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those who live in Your lot; Rejoice, their intimidation of all enemies. Rejoice, for you have promised the mercy of your Son to the end of time; rejoice, the grace of His relentless existence foretold. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 3.
The power of the Vyshnyago by the intercession of the Mother of God of autumn The Holy Mountain and the Udolia and its jungle are like a vast village showing everyone in the monastic life who wants to reap salvation, always petition for it: Alleluia.
Ikos 3.
Having a providence for His lot, people of the Iberian land, you have built in the place where You yourself have stuck to Athos, the abode of their kind, in a quiet haven for those who seek salvation, wanting to bestow His icon on her as a shield and enclosure, but everyone cry out: Rejoice, who sent a sermon The Gospels to the land of Iver; Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the delusion of idols to the light of Christ. Rejoice, the unfading branches of the rod, which bestowed a wonderful vine to Nina; rejoice, from her you have grown a cluster of miracles and good faith. Rejoice, you have planted a spiritual garden on Athos; Rejoice, you have exuded a stream of enlightenment from the spiritual country of Iverstei. Rejoice, Euphemia the golden-speaking mouth; rejoice, Tornikia invincible fortress. Rejoice, strengthening of all the godly; rejoice, guardian of monks. Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation; Rejoice, preparing them for eternal rest. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 4.
A storm inside those who have thoughts of suspicion, honest widow, even in Nicaea, crumple, seeing a copy of the iconoclast warrior, I pierce the holy and revered icon of the Mother of God and the Abiye ooze blood and, fearfully restrained, may the holy icon not be mocked, tearing down the sea with prayer. Seeing the creative path right at the top of the water and flowing to the West, cry out with joy: Alleluia.
Ikos 4.
Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain, appearing in the mori like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top to the top of heaven, like a shining sun, and in the night drifted to the edge of the sea and, having seen the holy icon of the Mother of God, carried across the sea by the power from above, cried out More gracefully: Hail, Kupino, foreseeable law-maker; rejoice, pillar of fire, instruct beings in darkness. Rejoice, ladder, reaching to Heaven, it is from the same God; Rejoice, bridge, lead beings from earth to Heaven. Rejoice, the dawn of the mysterious day; Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun. Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Inexpressible Light; Rejoice, the hedgehog who taught no one. Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the entire universe; Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating the faithful with meanings. Rejoice, lordship, shining in the darkness; Rejoice, for your enlightenment shines with abundant light. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 5.
You want your God-given icon to be dated to the Iverste monastery, advertise it, to Bogomati, to the Monk Gabriel: go with the face of monks to the shore of the sea, descend into the abyss and receive My icon. But he, with faith and love, we round on the water, like on dry land, walking, embracing his own and reaching the treasure, otherwise unattainable, into the property of the monks of his kind Iberian, having fun with his belt: Alleluia.
Ikos 5.
Seeing the monks andversty many times the icon of the Mother of God from the temple at the top of the monastery gates on the wall of the city by the invisible force worn out, horrified and standing, calling to her is this: Rejoice, you have deigned to give us the holy icon; Rejoice, for you promised us her cover. Rejoice, showing your love for our monastery; Rejoice, for you have shown good providence for her. Rejoice, our help in a foreign country; Rejoice, consolation in our journey. Rejoice, God's favor to us; rejoice, our boldness towards God. Rejoice, deliverance of our tears; Rejoice, Protector of our orphans. Rejoice, our fence; Rejoice, one is our Joy. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 6.
Preacher creating Gabriel of His will, advertise to him, the Lady: I ​​have not come to be kept from you, but may I be your Keeper, not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail you, so that all cry out to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 6.
Raise the joy to those who heard Yours, Bogomati, the promises, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with the joy of the monks erected and cried out like this: Rejoice, our Keeper in the present day; rejoice, our Representative in the future. Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God, rejoice, teaching us the path of virtue. Rejoice, our boldness and hope; Rejoice, our hope and cover. Rejoice, for you bowed down to us the goodness of your Son; Rejoice, His grace that proclaims with us without scantness. Rejoice, for giving the holy icon a pledge of mercy; Rejoice, you who gave her the gift of miracles. Rejoice, reflecting the invocation of all evil from the monastery; Rejoice, opening the entrance to all good. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 7.
I sometimes want the evil Amira to destroy the Iberian monastery and scatter the flock of monks gathered there, scatter it, soon I will know the strong monastery's intercession from the Mother of God, seeing my ships in the depths of the sea, sinking and warriors bending. And he came with humility, silver and gold to the dyash monastery, asking for prayers. The monks, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 7.
New and countless miracles of the show The Mother of God, in the monastery the depletion of wine, flour and oil replenishing, demonic healing, giving walking to the lame, the blind with insight and every ailment, yes, seeing these miracles, they sing to you: rejoice, an ambulance to help those who call thee. Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayer; rejoice, you do not give up your promises. Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of the monastery into joy; rejoice, filling the impoverishment of the monastery. Rejoice, insight of the blind; rejoice, walking lame. Rejoice, Healer of all the weak; Rejoice, Comforter of all sorrowful ones. Rejoice, for do not cease those who provide and save us; Rejoice, for you save us from a little bit of trouble. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 8.
Strangely covered from the icon of the Mother of God, the Iberian monastery heard Patriarch Nikon, longed for the Russian country of grace to acquire the sacrament; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for the image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, yes, we protect Her with Her cover, cry to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 8.
All that exists in the Highest, but also the lower ones, do not retreat, bless you, Bogomati, as the ancient Monk Anthony bestowed the blessing of Mount Athos for the confirmation of the Monastery of the Caves, granting and a new monastery in the country of the Russians, His grace, she also blessed Athos, in the likeness of Thy honest image; the same we cry out to Ti: Rejoice, the country of the Russian cover, widening the clouds; Rejoice, the Orthodox faith is protected and confirmed in it. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms. Rejoice, illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons; Rejoice, oozing gifts of healings and blessings from them. Rejoice, frightening enemies; Rejoice, joy to the saints. Rejoice, praise of the priests; Rejoice, Monks Teacher. Rejoice, salvation of all our kind. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 9.
Any scrutiny of property about the writing of an honest image of the gracious Goalkeeper, the host of Iberian fasters perform prayer services; water from a wonderful icon washes the board, on which an honest image is depicted, and the Monk Iamblichus sanctifies, who has asceticised in fasting, prayer and vigil with all the brethren, a copy of the vap, holy water and relics consecrated an honest image of the Mother of God, I took out praying and crying to God: ...
Ikos 9.
Vetiya many, like a mute fish, we see about You, the Mother of God: they will be puzzled how to praise all Your miracles, revealed to our family from Your holy icon: even more on the way to the Russian country, this miracle-working, pious Manuel, commanding the ransom of money to the unfaithful, procession of the holy icon to the Russian country, and especially after giving it to him. We, marveling, faithfully cry to Ti: Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles; Rejoice, Giver of all mercy. Rejoice, always warm about us Intercessor to God; Rejoice, His providence for us is a treasure. Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble; Rejoice, consolation of those who grieve. Rejoice, healing sick; Rejoice, strength of the weak. Rejoice, widows intercession; Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans. Rejoice, conversion to the path of truth; rejoice, the proclamation of sinners to repentance. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 10.
To save many people wanting from troubles and sorrows, exude, Bogomati, an inexhaustible source of mercy from His icon to our kind: behold, and in the capital city of Moscow, the good Goalkeeper appears to all those who worship You, she gives quick help, and in the new monastery of Iverste of grace streams from Your icon emitting, and in other cities, inhabited and cheerful, those who honor Thee, fulfill a useful petition. The same, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, crying to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 10.
Thou art a wall to the monastic order, the Mother of God, and to all who come running to You; for Heaven and earth, the Creator, dwelt in Thy virgin womb, teach all the purity and chastity of the zealots to cry out to Thee: Rejoice, chosen vessel for virginity; rejoice, purest form of chastity. Rejoice, devil of seedless discontent; Rejoice, Unmarried Bride. Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity; Rejoice, thou who didst combine the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, in the storm of temptations the ambulance Assistant; Rejoice, reflecting the enemy's footsteps. Rejoice, driving away the darkness of soul-harming passions; Rejoice, cleansing thoughts. Rejoice, teaching you to despise earthly sweets; Rejoice, guiding minds and hearts to the heavenly. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 11.
All singing is conquered, reaching out to the multitude of your many bounties: if we bring songs equal in number to the sand, if we bring Ti, our Lady of the Theotokos, we do nothing worthily, even give us, crying about You: Alleluia.
Ikos 11.
We see the holy icon of the Mother of God the light-receiving light that appeared in the darkness of misfortune: the immaterial fire of grace is received, it illuminates everyone with the rays of miracles, teaches us to call out to the Blessed One: Rejoice, in all needs, speedy help; Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrow. Rejoice, delivering us from the fire, the sword and the invasion of strangers; Rejoice, freeing us from gladness and vain death. Rejoice, for observing us from the plague and the destruction of death; Rejoice, sudden help to those in need on the way, on land and on the waters. Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers; Rejoice, you who have been left by doctors in your receiving hands. Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all who grieve and burdened; Rejoice, you who do not reject all despicable and rejected. Rejoice, thou who consume the most desperate from the ditch of perdition; Rejoice, and Me, naked of good deeds, not leaving with Her covering and intercession. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 12.
The grace of giving delight in the debts of the ancients, of all debts The Resolver was a man who came with Himself to those who departed of That grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, bestowed upon us a strong God-gracious intercession, and crying out with all Her prayers: Alleluia.
Ikos 12.
Singing Thy miracles, shown to us in this life, we praise Thee, the Mother of God, as mercy is an inexhaustible source. But, falling to You in front of Your miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, wake us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear on the judgment of the terrible throne of Your Son, and cry out to you: Rejoice, in glory, sitting on the throne of Your Son and there remembering us; Rejoice, for ever reigning with Thy Son and God, intercessor for us. Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee, the end of the belly is not ashamed of giving; Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful end. Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals; Rejoice, freedom from the power of the prince of the air. Rejoice, disobedience of our sins; rejoice, in the Lord we hope for a blessed life. Rejoice, for those who trust in you at the right hand of your Son, you make your standing; Rejoice, the blessed voice of Onago, the Heavenly Kingdom's promising heritage, worth hearing. Rejoice, good Mother, inspiring all those who honor Thee to live with You; rejoice, strong hope of eternal salvation for all Christians. Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.
Kontakion 13.
O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look on us, who humbly bring these small prayers with tears before Thy most pure image and all the hope and hope of those who have placed on Thee, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this stomach and future torments, so that we are saved by You, I will cry out: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kondak 1.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy heights on us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image as if you live with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our belly in peace and silence, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, appear to us a merciful Intercessor, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, like the good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.

Troparion, voice 1

From Thy holy icons, about the Lady of the Theotokos, healings and celibacy are given abundantly with faith and love to those who come to her. So visit my weakness and have mercy on my soul, Good One, and heal my body with Thy grace, Most Pure One.

In troparion, voice is the same

The impudence of those who hate the image of the Lord and the power of the wicked godlessly at Nicaea's arrival, and sending an inhuman widow who piously venerates the icon of the Mother of God, is examined, but empty the icon in the sea, crying to you: glory to the glory, the pure sea, as if the impassable Thy righteousness, one incorruptible.

Kontakion, voice 8

And yet Thy holy icon was thrown into the sea, the Mother of God, from a widow who could not save this one from enemies, but there was the keeper of Athos and the goalkeeper of the monastery of Iversk, fearing enemies and in the Orthodox Russian country honoring Thee from all troubles and misfortunes.

Ying kondak, voice 4

From the ovoziya to the light of the Resurrection, the light of Thy pure icons; wallpaper cheerfully triumphant, crying: save Thy servant with grace, Lady.

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

The icon of the Mother of God, famous for miracles in the inheritance of the Mother of God - on Mount Athos, in Iberia (Georgia) and in Russia - is named after the Iversky Monastery on Holy Mount Athos. The first news of it dates back to the 9th century - the times of iconoclasm, when, by order of the heretical authorities, holy icons were destroyed and mocked in homes and churches. A certain pious widow who lived near Nicaea kept the cherished image of the Mother of God. It opened soon. The armed soldiers who arrived wanted to take away the icon, one of them struck the shrine with a spear, and blood flowed from the face of the Most Pure One. Having prayed to the Lady with tears, the woman went to the sea and lowered the icon into the water; a standing image moved over the waves. They learned about the icon with a pierced face launched across the sea on Athos: the only son of this woman took monastic vows on the Holy Mountain and asceticised near the place where the ship that once brought the Mother of God herself to Cyprus had once moored and where later, in the 10th century , the Georgian nobleman John and the Byzantine commander Torniky founded the Iberian monastery. Once the inhabitants of the Iversky monastery saw a pillar of fire on the sea as high as the sky - it rose above the image of the Mother of God standing on the water. The monks wanted to take the icon, but the closer the boat sailed, the farther into the sea the image went. The brothers began to pray and earnestly asked the Lord to grant the icon of the monastery. The next night, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to Elder Gabriel, who was distinguished by a strict ascetic life and a childishly simple disposition, and said: "Tell the abbot and the brethren that I want to give them My icon for protection and help, then enter the sea and walk in faith. waves - then everyone will know My love and favor for your abode. " The next morning the monks went ashore with prayers, the elder fearlessly walked on the water and was honored to receive the miraculous icon. She was placed in a chapel on the shore and prayed in front of her for three days, and then she was taken to the cathedral church (a source of pure sweet water was opened in the place where the icon stood). The next day, the icon was found above the monastery gates. They carried her back to her original place, but she again found herself above the gate. This was repeated several times. Finally, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Elder Gabriel and said: "Tell the brethren: I do not want to be guarded, but I myself will be your Keeper in this life and in the future. I asked God for My mercy, and as long as you see Mine icon in the monastery, the grace and mercy of My Son to you will not fail. " The monks built a gate church in honor of the Mother of God, the Guardian of the monastery, in which the miraculous icon remains to this day. The icon is called Portaitissa - the Goalkeeper, the Gatekeeper, and according to the place of its appearance on Athos - Iverskaya. According to legend, the appearance of the icon took place on March 31, on the Tuesday of Easter week (according to other sources, on April 27). In the Iversky Monastery, a celebration in her honor takes place on the Tuesday of Bright Week; the brethren with a procession of the cross goes to the seashore, where Elder Gabriel received the icon. In the history of the monastery, there are many cases of the gracious help of the Mother of God: the miraculous replenishment of wheat, wine and oil, the healing of the sick, the deliverance of the monastery from barbarians. So, once the Persians besieged the monastery from the sea. The monks appealed to the Mother of God for help. Suddenly a terrible storm arose and the enemy ships sank, only Amir's commander survived. Struck by the miracle of God's wrath, he repented, asked to pray for the forgiveness of his sins and donated a lot of gold and silver for the construction of the monastery walls. In the 17th century, they learned about the Iberian icon in Russia. The archimandrite of the Novospassky monastery Nikon, the future Patriarch, turned to the archimandrite of the Iversky Athos monastery, Pachomius, with a request to send an exact list of the miraculous image. "... Having gathered all their brethren ... they created a great prayer singing from evening to light, and consecrated water with holy relics, and poured holy water on the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on the old Portaitissa, and collected that holy water in the great tub, and collected , the packs poured over a new board, which made everything from a cypress tree, and again collected that holy water in a tub, and then served the Divine and Holy Liturgy with great boldness, and after the Holy Liturgy they gave that holy water and holy relics to the icon painter of the reverend, priest and spiritual Father, Mr. Iamblich Romanov, so that he, having mixed holy water and holy relics with paints, would paint a holy icon. " The icon painter only ate food on Saturday and Sunday, and the brethren twice a week celebrated an all-night vigil and a liturgy. "And that (newly painted) icon does not differ in anything from the first icon: neither length, nor breadth, nor face ..." On October 13, 1648, the icon was greeted in Moscow by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Patriarch Joseph and crowds of the Orthodox people. (This icon was owned by Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna and her daughter Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna; after the death of the princess, the image remained in the Novodevichy Convent. It is currently in the State Historical Museum.) According to legend, the monks who brought the shrine from Mount Athos did not have enough money to cross across the Danube. They had already decided to return to the monastery, but the Mother of God Herself helped them - She appeared to the rich Greek Manuel and told him to pay the Muslim carriers for the monks. Another copy, by order of Patriarch Nikon, was delivered from Athos to Moscow, decorated with a precious robe and in 1656 transferred to Valdai, to the newly built Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery (after the revolution, the icon disappeared without a trace). Another copy was made from the icon that was in the royal family; in 1669 it was installed in a chapel at the gate overlooking the main - Tverskaya - Moscow street. The goalkeeper has become one of the most revered shrines, the Mother-Intercessor of Muscovites. The victors entered Red Square through the Resurrection Gate; kings and queens, having arrived in the old capital, the first thing they did was to bow to the Iberian - like everyone who came to the city. Muscovites went to the chapel to pray for every pressing need; The icon was taken home, prayers were served in front of it - and received by faith: the Iberian Goalkeeper became famous for the healings of the sick, for many miracles. In 1929 the chapel was destroyed, in 1931 the Resurrection Gate was demolished. The icon was transferred to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, where it remains to this day. In November 1994, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the foundation stone of the Iberian Chapel and the Resurrection Gate in the same place, and in less than a year they were restored. On October 25, 1995, a new copy of the miraculous Iberian icon, written by a monk-icon painter with the blessing of the Iberian hegumen, arrived in Moscow from Athos. The Good Goalkeeper returned to the main gate of Her city.

The Iberian icon (which is now kept on Mount Athos) in the 9th century was owned by a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicea. Under the emperor Theophilus (829 - 842), iconoclasts, destroying holy icons, came to the house of this Christian woman, and one soldier struck with a spear in the image of the Mother of God. Blood immediately flowed from the affected area. The widow, fearing the destruction of the shrine, promised the imperial soldiers money and asked them not to touch the icon until morning. When they left, the woman, together with her son (later an Athonite monk), lowered it into the sea to preserve the holy icon. The icon, standing on the water, sailed to Athos. The Athonite monks, for several days seeing a pillar of fire in the sea, ascending to the sky, came to the shore and found the holy image standing on the water. After a prayer service for the granting of the shrine that had appeared to the monastery, the pious monk of the Iveron Monastery, Saint Gabriel Gruzin (Comm. 12 July), at the behest of the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, walked on the water, received the holy icon and placed it in the church. However, the next day the icon was found not in the church, but above the gate of the monastery. This was repeated several times, until the Most Holy Virgin revealed to Saint Gabriel Her will in a dream, saying that she did not want to be kept by the monks, but wanted to be their Keeper. After that, the image was placed over the monastery gates. Therefore, the holy icon is called Portaitissa, the Goalkeeper.

Akathist to the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Troparion, voice 1

From your holy icon, about the Lady of the Theotokos, healings and celibacy are given abundantly, with faith and love coming to her. So visit my weakness and have mercy on my soul, Good One, and heal my body with Thy grace, Most Pure One.

Kontakion, voice 8

Even if Thy holy icon was thrown into the sea, the Mother of God, from a widow who could not save this one from enemies, but there was the Keeper of Athos and the Goalkeeper of the monastery of Iversk, frightening enemies and in our Orthodox country who honor Thee from all troubles and misfortunes.

Kontakion 1

To the Climbed Voevoda, Our Lady of the Theotokos, we bring praiseworthy singing to Thy Rabbi, as by the coming of Thy honest image, who has acquired a strong shield, an invincible wall and vigilant guards. You, who have an invincible power, cover and protect us, the Lady, from all enemies visible and invisible and save us from all harm, mental and bodily, but we call Ty:

Ikos 1

The representative angel was sent quickly to the Mother of God, when the lot of the apostolic ministry falls to Her in the lands of Iverstei: "Do not part Jerusalem, the lot, fallen to you, will be enlightened in the last days, but you must work in the land, where God wills you." Same:

Rejoice, even the gospel is being preached.

Rejoice, even idols will be abolished.

Rejoice, even the power of the prince of darkness will be destroyed.

Rejoice, for her the Kingdom of Christ will be established.

Rejoice, proclamation to the light of the Gospel who have fallen into the darkness of idolatry.

Rejoice, from slavery to the devil into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Rejoice, ready Servant of Your Son and God.

Rejoice, through obedience Eve's obedience heals.

Rejoice, height of virtues.

Rejoice, depth of humility.

Rejoice, by their unfaithfulness they will cognize the Creator.

Rejoice, by their faith they are adopted by the Father.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Holy Virgin the wondrous and new providence of God about Himself, like the Servant of the Lord, always ready to do His will, cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The misunderstood mind of the angelic verb is reasonable to You, Most Pure, the Lord creating, direct Your procession to Mount Afontey, where You preached the Gospel, and so Your lot is revealed. We joyfully cry:

Rejoice, you who sanctified Athos with Your coming.

Rejoice, you who put down idols there.

Hulk, who planted the true faith there.

Rejoice, you drove away unbelief.

Rejoice, for you have chosen this mountain for your lot.

Rejoice, you promised grace to this place.

Rejoice, the faithful who live in her, the Giver of earthly blessings.

Rejoice, Assistant of their eternal salvation.

Rejoice, warm Intercessor for those who live in Your lot.

Rejoice, their intimidation of all enemies.

Rejoice, for you have promised this place the mercy of your Son to the end of time.

Rejoice, the grace of His relentless existence foretold.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Vyshnyago by the intercession of the Mother of God of autumn, the Holy Mountain and its udolia and its jungle, like a vast village, showing everyone in the monastic life who wants to reap salvation, always petition for it: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a providence for His lot, the people of the Iberian land, you have built in the place where You yourself have stuck to Athos, the abode of their kind, in a quiet haven for those seeking salvation, although you will bestow Your icon on it as a shield and enclosure, so everyone cry:

Rejoice, you who sent the preacher of the Gospel to the land of Iveron.

Rejoice, you who have turned this country from the delusion of idols to the light of Christ.

Rejoice, unfading branches of the rod, which bestowed a wonderful vine to Nina.

Rejoice, from her you have grown a bunch of miracles and good faith.

Rejoice, you who planted a spiritual garden on Athos.

Rejoice, for pouring out a stream of enlightenment from him to the spiritual country of Iverstei.

Rejoice, Euphemia the golden-speaking mouth.

Rejoice, Tornikia invincible fortress.

Rejoice, fortification of all the godly.

Rejoice, enclosure of monks.

Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation.

Rejoice, preparing them for eternal rest.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 4

With a storm of thought inside, honest widow, even in Nicaea, crumple, in vain with a copy of the iconoclast warrior I pierced the holy and venerated icon of the Mother of God and the abiye oozed blood and, fearfully oppressed, may the holy icon not be mocked, plunging it into the sea with a prayer. Seeing the creative path right at the top of the water and flowing to the West, cry out with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Seeing the monks of the Holy Mountain, appearing in the mori like a flame, like a pillar of fire, its top to the top of heaven, like a shining sun, and in the night drifted to the edge of the sea and, having seen the holy icon of the Mother of God, carried across the sea by the power from above, cried out More Blessed:

Rejoice, Kupino, foreseeable law-maker.

Rejoice, pillar of fire, guide beings in darkness.

Rejoice, ladder that reaches Heaven, God descended from it.

Rejoice, bridge, lead beings from earth to heaven.

Rejoice, the dawn of the mysterious day.

Rejoice, Star that reveals the Sun.

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the Inexpressible Light.

Rejoice, for you taught the same hedgehog.

Rejoice, clothed with the sun, shining with grace and glory throughout the universe.

Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls and illuminating true meanings.

Rejoice, lordship, shining in the darkness.

Rejoice, for your enlightenment shines with abundant light.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 5

Thou art the God-given icon of the Iverste monastery, advertise it, Bogomati, to the Monk Gabriel: "Go with the face of monks to the shore of the sea, descend into the abyss and receive My icon." But he, with faith and love, we round on the water, like on dry land, walking, embracing his own and reaching the treasure, otherwise unattainable, into the property of the monks of his kind Iberian, having fun with his belt: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the monks and verses many times the icon of the Mother of God from the temple at the top of the monastery gates to the wall of the city by an invisible force worn out, horrified and standing, calling to her as follows:

Rejoice, you have deigned to give us the holy icon.

Rejoice, for you promised us her protection.

Rejoice, showing your love for our monastery.

Rejoice, for you have shown a good providence for her.

Rejoice, our help in a foreign land.

Rejoice, consolation in our journey.

Rejoice, God's favor to us.

Rejoice, our boldness towards God.

Rejoice, deliverance of our tears.

Rejoice, Protector of our orphans.

Rejoice, our fence.

Rejoice, our Joy is one.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 6

Preacher, creating Gabriel of His will, advertise to him, the Lady: “I have not come to be kept from you, but let I be your Keeper, not only in the present, but also in the future. Behold, I give you a sign: as long as you see My icon in the monastery, the grace of My Son and mercy will not fail for you, let everyone cry to Him: Alleluia. "

Ikos 6

Raise the joy to those who heard Your, Bogomati, promises, and to You, the Heavenly Goalkeeper, a temple at the gates of the monastery with joy the monks erected and cried out like this:

Rejoice, our Guardian in the present day.

Rejoice, our Representative in the future.

Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God.

Rejoice, instructing you on the path of virtue.

Rejoice, our boldness and Hope.

Rejoice, our hope and protection.

Rejoice, for you bowed down to us the goodness of your Son.

Rejoice, His grace that proclaims with us without scantiness.

Rejoice, you who gave the holy icon as a pledge of mercy.

Rejoice, who gave her the gift of miracles.

Rejoice, reflecting the invocation of all evil from the monastery.

Rejoice, opening the entrance to everything good.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 7

I sometimes want the evil Amira to destroy the Iberian monastery and scatter the flock of monks gathered there, scatter it, soon I will know the strong monastery's intercession from the Mother of God, seeing my ships in the depths of the sea, sinking and warriors bending. And he came with humility, silver and gold to the dyash monastery, asking for prayers. The monks, seeing this, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New and countless miracles of the show The Mother of God, in the monastery the impoverishment of wine, flour and oil replenishing, demonic healing, giving walking to the lame, healing the blind and healing every ailment, yes, seeing these miracles, they sing to You:

Rejoice, Climbed Voevodo, victorious enemies.

Rejoice, an ambulance to help those who call Thee.

Rejoice, you who do not despise our prayer.

Rejoice, you do not give up your promises.

Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of the monastery into joy.

Rejoice, filling the impoverishment of the monastery.

Rejoice, insight of the blind.

Rejoice, walking of the lame.

Rejoice, Healer of all the weak.

Rejoice, Comforter of all sorrowful ones.

Rejoice, for do not cease those who provide and save us.

Rejoice, for you save us from a little bit of trouble.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 8

Strangely covered from the icon of the Mother of God, the Iberian monastery heard Patriarch Nikon, longed for the Russian country of grace to acquire the sacrament; For this reason, having created a monastery in honor of the glorious image, carefully ask for the image of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, yes, we protect Her with Her cover, cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All that exists in the Highest, but also the lower ones, do not retreat, bless you, Bogomati, as the ancient Monk Anthony was bestowed with the blessing of Mount Athos for the confirmation of the Monastery of the Caves, granting and a new monastery in the country of Russia His grace, she also blessed Athos, in the likeness of Your honest image; we also call out to Ti:

Rejoice, cover of the Russian country, widening the clouds.

Rejoice, for the protection and confirmation of the Orthodox faith in it.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, denunciation of heresies and schisms.

Rejoice, illuminating the whole country with the bright rays of miraculous icons.

Rejoice, oozing gifts of healings and mercies from them.

Rejoice, frightening enemies.

Rejoice, joy to the saints.

Rejoice, praise of the priests.

Rejoice, instructor of monks.

Rejoice, salvation of all our kind.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 9

Any scrutiny of property about the writing of an honest image of the gracious Goalkeeper, the host of Iberian fasters perform prayer services; water from a wonderful icon washes the dsk, on which an honest image will be depicted, and the Monk Iamblichus sanctifies, who has asceticised in fasting, prayer and vigil with all the brethren, writing off the vap, holy water and sanctified relics, an honest image of the Mother of God, I will take out: praying and crying to God Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetiya many, like a mute fish, we see about You, the Mother of God: they will be puzzled how to praise all Your miracles, revealed to our kin from your holy icon: even more, on the way to the Russian land, you perform miracles, pious Manuel, commanding the ransom of payment to the unfaithful, holy icons to the Russian country, and especially after giving it to him. We, marveling, faithfully cry out to Ti:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of miracles.

Rejoice, Giver of all mercy.

Rejoice, always warm about us Intercessor to God.

Rejoice, His providence for us is a treasure.

Rejoice, refuge for those in trouble.

Rejoice, consolation of those who grieve.

Rejoice, healing of the sick.

Rejoice, strength of the weak.

Rejoice, widows intercession.

Rejoice, merciful Mother of the orphans.

Rejoice, conversion to the path of truth.

Rejoice, proclamation of sinners to repentance.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 10

To save many people from troubles and sorrows, exude, Bogomati, an inexhaustible source of mercy from His icon to our kind: behold, and in the capital city of Moscow, the good Goalkeeper appears to all those who worship You, giving quick help, and in the new monastery of Iverste of grace streams from Your icon emitting, and in other cities, inhabited and cheerful, who honor Thee, fulfilling a useful petition. The same, glorifying God, who gave us such grace, crying to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall to the monastic order, the Mother of God, and to all who come running to You; for Heaven and earth, the Creator, dwelt in Thy virgin womb, teach all the purity and chastity of the zealots to cry to Thee:

Rejoice, chosen vessel for virginity.

Rejoice, purest form of chastity.

Rejoice, devil of seedless discontent.

Rejoice, Bride of the Unmarried.

Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity.

Rejoice, you who have united the faithful of the Lord.

Rejoice, in the storm of temptations, the ambulance Assistant.

Rejoice, reflecting the enemy's footsteps.

Rejoice, driving away the haze of soulful passions.

Rejoice, cleansing thoughts.

Rejoice, teaching you to despise earthly sweetness.

Rejoice, guiding minds and hearts to the heavens.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 11

All singing is conquered, reaching out to the multitude of your many bounties: if we bring songs equal in number to the sand, if we bring Ti, our Lady of the Theotokos, we do nothing worthily, even give us, crying about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see the holy icon of the Mother of God: the insubstantial fire of grace, accepting the fire of grace, illumines everyone with the rays of miracles, and teaches us to call out to the Blessed One:

Rejoice, speedy help in every need.

Rejoice, quick hearing in sorrow.

Rejoice, delivering us from the fire, the sword and the invasion of aliens.

Rejoice, freeing us from gladness and vain death.

Rejoice, for observing us from the plague and destruction of death.

Rejoice, sudden help to those in distress on the way, on land and on the waters.

Rejoice, healing of mental and physical ulcers.

Rejoice, receiving those who have been abandoned by doctors into Thy hands.

Rejoice, merciful Comforter of all who grieve and burdened.

Rejoice, thou who does not reject all despicable and rejected.

Rejoice, you who consume the most desperate from the ditch of perdition.

Rejoice, and me, naked of good deeds, not leaving with Her covering and intercession.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 12

The grace of giving delight in the debts of the ancients, of all debts The Resolver was a man who came with Himself to those who departed of That grace and, tearing apart the handwriting, bestowed upon us a strong God-gracious intercession, and crying out with all Her prayers: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, shown to us in this life, we praise Thee, the Mother of God, as an inexhaustible source of mercy. But, falling to You in front of Your miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, wake us protection and protection on the day of our death, and when the imams appear before the judgment of the terrible Throne of Your Son, and cry to You:

Rejoice, in glory, sitting down on the Throne of Thy Son, and remembering us there.

Rejoice, for ever reigning with Thy Son and God, intercessor for us.

Rejoice, for those who trust in Thee, the end of the belly is not shameful for giving.

Rejoice, you who arrange a painless and peaceful end.

Rejoice, deliverance from bitter ordeals.

Rejoice, freedom from the power of the prince of the air.

Rejoice, disobedience of our sins.

Rejoice, in the Lord we hope for a blessed life.

Rejoice, for those who trust in you at the right hand of your Son, you make your standing.

Rejoice, the blessed voice of Onago, the Heavenly Kingdom's promising heritage, worth hearing.

Rejoice, good Mother, inspiring all those who honor Thee to live with You.

Rejoice, strong hope of eternal salvation for all Christians.

Rejoice, good Goalkeeper, opening the doors of heaven to the faithful.

Kontakion 13

O All-chanted Mother, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary! Look upon us, who humbly bring these small prayers with tears before Thy most pure image, and put all the hope and hope of those who have placed on Thee, and deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes in this stomach and future torments, so that We will be saved by You, I will cry out: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).


O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Listen to the painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy heights on us, who worship Thy most pure image with faith and love. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if you live with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams are not for any other help, or another intercession, or consolation, only to You, O Mother of all who grieve and burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our belly in peace and silence, give us a Christian end, and at the Last Judgment of Thy Son, appear to us a merciful Intercessor, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, like the good Intercessor of the Christian clan, with all who have pleased God. Amen.

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