Home Fruit trees Australian National University. Study and higher education at the Australian National University. Types of programs offered

Australian National University. Study and higher education at the Australian National University. Types of programs offered

Higher education in France is not limited to one. The system of lyceums, universities and higher schools in the country is well developed. For Russian applicants, France offers ample training opportunities.

The French Lyceum is a kind of intermediate link between the secondary school and the university, therefore, graduates of the Lyceum who have received a bachelor's degree can receive basic higher education on a shortened scheme in just two years. However, in order to become a certified lawyer or engineer, you will have to study for another 2-3 years. In fact, despite the apparent confusion of the French education system, the presence of different levels and short and long cycles, it has a lot in common with the Russian one, and the university bachelor's system (in France it is called License) does not differ from those in other European countries.

To enter a French university, you do not need to take entrance exams - you just need to prove your language proficiency (you will need to pass the DELF or DALF certificate exam) and provide all the necessary documents.

Russian applicants can do this through the website of the French agency Campus France, and documents can be sent to several universities at the same time. Chances for admission will be higher if you first unlearn a year or two at a Russian university, and only then enter the first course of French. Yes, compared to the Russian education system, you lose a couple of years, but given that in France they graduate from school at the age of 18, higher classmates at a French university will be your peers.

In addition, many universities have preparation programs for international students. Graduates of Russian schools can also enroll in these programs. Priority is given to the French language, and if you pass the exams successfully, you can be enrolled in the university.

France offers tremendous learning opportunities and is not limited to the famous Sorbonne. By the way, today it is not one university, but several, for example, the Pantheon-Sorbonne, New Sorbonne, Paris-Sorbonne. Do not discount universities in other cities. Unlike Parisian universities, they have a narrower specialization. If you have chosen natural sciences, you should pay attention to the University of Montpellier, and the University of Strasbourg is suitable for future lawyers.

In addition to public universities, there are higher schools in France... These are paid universities, education in which is considered prestigious, and the quality of education is very high. It is not easy to get into higher schools: you have to pass difficult entrance exams and overcome a big competition. Higher education costs from 5 to 25 thousand euros per year. True, you can get a state scholarship, but in this case, after receiving a diploma, you will have to work in the civil service for almost 10 years. Among the most prestigious high schools are the technical schools of ParisTech, the ENS teacher training school in Paris, the veterinary schools in Lyon and Toulouse and the ESCE school of economics in Paris and Lyon.

France boasts 39 institutions in the world university rankings, of which 16 are in the top 400 in the world. If you are thinking of studying in the homeland of croissants, revolution, champagne and camembert, then we advise you to look at the ranking of French higher education institutions offered below.

1. Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (ENS Paris)

The first in the ranking of French universities, ENS Paris (Higher Normal School) is ranked 43rd in the world ranking of 2018. The educational institution was founded in 1793 and is one of the most prestigious and competitive universities in the country with the honorary title "grandes écoles". Strengths of ENS Paris are humanitarian and scientific research. Upon admission, students undergo a rigorous competitive selection. The school accepts 1,350 students a year, among whom 450 are international students. Among the graduates of the university, 13 Nobel laureates can be noted, as well as philosophers such as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida.

2. Ecole Polytechnique (ParisTech)

Ranked 59th in the world in 2018, École Polytechnique is a founding member of the ParisTech collegiate university, which specializes in scientific (engineering) and business research, also with a strong mathematical bias. The Ecole Polytechnique was founded in 1794. The university is located 30 km from the center of Paris, the campus offers 120 hectares of green space for its 4600 students.

3. Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

The University of Pierre and Marie Curie, ranked 131st in the QS world ranking, compared with its senior colleagues was founded very recently, in 1971, on the basis of the University of Paris, which was divided into several institutions. It is currently the largest scientific and medical complex in France. It has about 34,000 students, of which 20% are international.

4. École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

The Higher Normal School of Lyon continues to improve its position in the international ranking of universities and occupies 157th place this year, which is 20 places higher than last year. With the prestigious status of "grandes écoles", the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon is an elite public institution that trains researchers and educators in science and the humanities, usually for public service. Every year the school accepts about 2 thousand students, including 400 international ones.

5. CentraleSupélec

The French institute CentraleSupélec is ranked 164th in the 2018 world rankings and was formed by the merger of École Centrale Paris and the Supélec School of Engineering in 2015.The institute is one of the founders of the Université Paris-Saclay, an association of French research universities. Campuses are located in the northern provinces of the country, there are training programs in English.

6. Sciences Po

Sciences Po or Polytechnic Research Institute specializes in fields such as jurisprudence, economics, social sciences, politics, history and related fields. Founded in 1872, Sciences Po is located near the Seine and boasts renowned alumni: Presidents Jacques Chirac, François Mitterrand, François Hollande, 13 prime ministers and other influential statesmen. The Institute retains its 220th position in 2018. It has about 13,000 students, of which almost half are international, representing 150 nationalities.

7. Université Grenoble-Alpes

This year, the University of Grenoble was ranked 236th in the world and was formed in January 2016 through the merger of several universities, but these institutions date back to 1339, such as the University of Pierre Mendes-France. Traditional areas of study are natural sciences and engineering. The university accepts 45 thousand students a year, is the 3rd largest university in the country.

8. Université Paris-Sud 11

Université Paris-Sud 11, another Parisian institution, has four campuses in the southern suburbs of the city. It is especially renowned for its science and math courses and is ranked 242nd in the world in 2018. The university was founded in 1970, on the basis of the University of Paris, and receives about 30 thousand students a year. Among the alumni are two Nobel laureates in physics.

9. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Ranked 269 in the world, the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne was also formed as a result of the division of the former University of Paris. Currently, it is one of the largest universities in the country, with about 40,000 students. He specializes in economics, management, arts, social sciences and jurisprudence. Located in the Latin Quarter. The project is to merge with UPMC to create the new Sorbonne University in January 2018.

10. École des Ponts ParisTech

The finalist of the top 10 universities in France is the École des Ponts ParisTech (National School of Bridges and Roads), which this year was ranked 270th in the world. One of the smallest universities in France was founded in 1747, that is, it is the world's oldest civil engineering educational institution. ... More than 2000 students study here. The university is another founding member of ParisTech.

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France, the cradle of revolutions and a recognized trendsetter, has held leading positions in the field of education for centuries. Over 250,000 foreign students come here every year. One of the most advanced and effective, the higher education system in France is not accidentally so popular among applicants from all over the world.

Features of higher education in France

How can higher education in France attract our compatriots? Universities in France, being financed by the state, allow getting education practically free of charge - annually about 1.5% of the country's GDP is spent on higher education. As a result, education in state universities costs students, including foreign ones, only 130-700 euros per year. In addition, universities are very loyal to applicants and are ready to accept everyone. The role of entrance exams is played by an interview and (in some universities) a dossier competition.

In total, there are about 90 state universities in the country. Regardless of whether they are located in the capital or the province, French universities provide the same high quality of knowledge. Therefore, you can safely choose any university in any city that seems the most attractive to you.

Despite the fact that higher education in France complies with European standards (LMD), it also has its own national peculiarity: differences in the systems of diplomas, academic degrees, in dividing the educational process into cycles.

The main stages of study at universities are licentiate, master's and doctoral degrees. A licentiate degree - License - students receive after three years of study at the university, a master's degree - Master - after five, and a doctorate - Doctorat (PhD) - can be obtained after studying at the university for eight years. Thanks to the special system of equivalence of French diplomas, students can change courses of study, moving to other universities and faculties. It is also considered to be one of the benefits of higher education in France.

Depending on the degree of duration, the entire educational process can be divided into two directions: "short" (les formations courtes) and "long" (les formations longes) cycles.

"Short" cycle in French universities

This cycle, designed for two years, allows, without delaying the learning process, to quickly start an independent professional activity. Those who entered the "short cycle", universities in France provide the opportunity to receive specialized education in the field of economics, communications, services, electronics, etc.

Upon completion of the "short cycle", graduates receive a diploma of technology (DUT) or a diploma of higher technical education (DEUST). After that, training can be continued to acquire an additional specialty, or a transition to a "long cycle" is possible. After that, the holders of the diplomas are issued a professional license (License professionnelle) or a national specialized technological diploma (DNTS).

Long Cycle at French Universities

"Long cycle" is a study at the University of France in several consecutive cycles, each of which ends with the receipt of a separate state diploma. There are three of them.

The first cycle, a two-year cycle, ends with a Degree of General University Education - DEUG. As a rule, the majority then continue their studies, since at this stage they pass only the basic program.

During the second cycle, the knowledge acquired over the previous two years is improved, and a year later the student has a license diploma, and a year later - a Master 1 (former MST) specialist diploma.

Training in the third cycle - another 1-2 years - is postgraduate education, an analogue of our graduate school, which includes improving knowledge in the specialty and scientific work. Based on the results of this stage, a master's degree in advanced study of research work is issued - Master 2 Recherche (former DEA), or a diploma of higher specialized education Master 2 Professionnel (former DESS).

The next three to four years will take doctoral studies. In the course of it, students prepare for writing a dissertation and obtaining a doctorate.

For citizens of other countries wishing to obtain a doctorate, the doors of French universities are wide open: here among the doctoral students one in four is a foreign citizen.

Grandes écoles - high schools

In addition to universities, the higher education system in France includes higher schools, some of which are private. It is from these walls that most of the top management for the largest enterprises in France comes out. Among the most prestigious are the École Centrale, opened in 1829, the Higher School of Commerce (HEC), founded in 1881, or the National School of Administration (ENA), which was established in 1945. schools are generally limited. You can enter there only after passing competitive exams. In turn, preparation for them takes place at specialized courses for 2 years or at our own preparatory department. You can also enter them after the second year of the university. After that, education in higher schools lasts 3 years.

Higher education in France in English

Despite the fact that English is of international importance, French educational institutions, like the entire nation as a whole, are distinguished by a great love for their native language. Nominally, there are over 600 programs in English in the country, but this is only an apparent variety. Mainly we are talking about programs in higher schools. Indeed, in English you can get higher education in France in such disciplines as management, economics, hotel and restaurant business, law, as well as a number of technical sciences. If we talk about bachelor's programs and programs in state universities of the country, the choice will not be at all great.

Higher education in France for Russians

The good news for Russian applicants planning to get higher education in France is that the school certificate of the Russian Federation is recognized as a sufficient basis for submitting documents. In the French education system, it corresponds to a bachelor's degree (Le Baccalauréat Français). Of course, it's worth taking care of a good GPA.

The second prerequisite is the availability of a certificate confirming proficiency in French at a level that will allow you to listen to lectures, engage in scientific work and pass university exams without problems. French universities accept the results of the DALF language exam or the TCF French language test.

The conditions for admission to private universities, higher schools and medical faculties of universities have their own characteristics (special pre-university training is required), so it is easiest for a Russian applicant to start from the first cycle of the university.

Tuition fees at universities in France

As mentioned above, the cost of training in public French universities is very modest and for all students, both foreigners and residents of the country, it is less than 1000 euros per year. In higher schools and private universities in the country, you should count on the amount from 6,000 to 12,000 euros.

The cost of living in the country varies greatly depending on the city. Thus, a student in Paris will spend 1000-1500 Euro per month on modest housing, food and basic expenses. In the provinces, 800 Euros may be enough.

Universities in France are the most popular institutes, universities and colleges in France. Detailed descriptions of training programs, reviews, photos and videos about universities in France.

Alma mater of world-renowned scientists, politicians and people of art, universities in France are by no means inaccessible to a domestic applicant. Every year, more and more foreign students take places in their illustrious classrooms, and the proportion of Russian students is steadily growing. There are all the reasons for such popularity: French universities teach professions perfectly well - be it jurisprudence, economics, medicine or design, plus a couple of dozen more in-demand professions. Well, a diploma with the state emblem of France easily opens the doors of leading international companies for graduates. In order to study at universities in France, neither patronage nor a fat wallet is required - tuition fees at local universities can be called symbolic, and language proficiency is the main requirement for applicants. So if you know French and are not averse to trying your hand at studying in the vastness of the Republic - welcome to the universities of France.

Types of universities in France

Universities in France are subdivided into several types - these are universities, higher and specialized schools, as their narrow specialization increases. In other words, in French universities, similarly to Russian ones, the widest education is given - many faculties and a lot of specialties, and therefore a large number of students. In higher schools, they teach in a specialty in specific areas - for example, engineering, pedagogical, IT-technologies, and so on. Finally, specialized schools are educational institutions focused on certain professions of a non-mass nature and an extremely narrow profile. At the same time, the range of specialties is by no means small: they graduate directors, screenwriters, confectioners, social workers, workers in the tourism industry and a lot of "narrowly oriented" specialists.

Education in French universities is free for foreigners as well; social insurance costs and registration fee do not exceed EUR 500 per year.

Prices on the page are for August 2018.

State universities in France

There are more than eighty state universities in France - there are thirteen of them in the outskirts of Paris alone! Their backbone is made up of institutions with a long and rich history, as well as high-profile alumni "in the asset". Among the oldest universities in Europe are the renowned Sorbonne (however, as an integral educational institution, it ceased to exist 40 years ago, and now several universities carry the "Sorbonne" prefix in their name) and the University of Strasbourg, founded as early as 1566. It is also considered very prestigious to study at the University of Nantes - especially at the faculties of the humanities and law. However, it should be said right away: there are simply no non-prestigious higher educational institutions in France.

Higher schools in France

Higher schools can be both public and private. It is more difficult for domestic students to enter a higher school in France than to enter a university. The fact is that these educational institutions accept only a small number of applicants annually, respectively, the requirements for candidates are higher (in particular, it will be necessary to pass entrance exams in specialized disciplines). However, further employment for graduates is practically guaranteed even in our difficult times - education in higher schools is tailored to the needs of a specific industry, and many such institutions have direct contracts with prestigious employers. Students, as they say, are passed from hand to hand. Needless to say, education in higher schools is paid, and the amount of tuition fees will be considerable. Among other things, foreign students are less readily accepted here, since they will almost certainly become immigrants - after graduation they are snapped up like hot cakes.

Specialized schools in France

Specialized schools are also public and private. Education here is conducted mainly in humanitarian and creative specialties. That is why the entrance examinations include not only exams, but also portfolios. Tuition fees here are also higher (and sometimes many times) than in state universities, but, as a rule, lower than in higher schools. The reason is the same prestige of education in a creative field, but at the same time, no one gives guarantees of employment, which is quite logical: directors, writers and actors by occupation are forced to compete with colleagues and take a place in the sun.

Requirements for admission

A graduate of a Russian school for admission to universities in France will need a certificate of general secondary education and a certificate confirming knowledge of the French language at least B2 level according to the international classification. By the way, in France, you can also study in English - French certificates in this case will not be needed, but TOEFL or IELTS will have to be presented. For those who have chosen commercial disciplines as their specialty, you will also need a French business certificate TAGE-MAGE or an international GMAT.

Among other things, the criterion for a Russian student's compliance with this French university is his motivation and professional plans for the future - therefore, it is extremely important to correctly draw up a motivation letter, which the applicant includes in the application package for admission. Also, the admissions committee will be interested in how much the specialty chosen in France corresponds to the student's educational "past" (the admission of a "techie" to a humanitarian university will cause, first of all, bewilderment). Well, the last important factor is the availability of vacant places for students from abroad in a particular university.

A graduate of a Russian school for admission to French universities will need a certificate of general secondary education and a certificate confirming knowledge of the French language.

Cost of education

The cost of training in universities in France compares favorably with the Russian one. Incredibly, education here is free even for foreigners - and this is thanks to government subsidies. Students pay only the registration fee - it is about 180-260 EUR per year - and the annual contribution to the social insurance fund - from 190 to 220 EUR. However, this lafa is practiced only in relation to applicants to state universities - the first category of educational institutions mentioned above. If you decide to get an education in a specialized or high school, get ready to compete for a student's place not only with your brains - in the entrance exams - but also with your wallet. Higher schools evaluate the knowledge given in the amount of from a modest 500-700 EUR per year to an impressive 20-22000 EUR. Specialized students are not far behind: from 200-400 EUR to 12-14000 EUR per year of study.

Education systems in different countries

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Best Universities in the World

  • Universities of Great Britain: Eton, Cambridge, London and others
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  • Universities in Ireland: Dublin, National University of Galway, University of Limerick
  • Universities in Italy: Beau, Bologna, Pisa, University for Foreigners in Perugia
  • Universities in China: Peking, Beida, Zhejiang University and others
  • Lithuania:

Australian National University is part of the Group of Eight - the union of the largest universities on the continent - and has been accepting students from all over the world since 1960. The university has an astronomical school and the famous Siding Spring Observatory, which has no analogues in the country. It is located in Acton in the western part of the village, near Lake Burley Griffin.

How to proceed and what is needed for this

Most applicants prefer to enter a university for a master's and doctoral studies, but the bachelor's program also provides good preparation in the specialty. If you are not afraid of the silence and relative provinciality of Canberra, feel free to try your hand. Applications for the first semester of study are submitted until December 15, for the second semester - until May 31. At the Faculty of Medicine, documents are accepted until June 30.

Remember that, formally, applications are accepted continuously for both the current and the next academic year, however, applications of applicants applying for training in the next semester are considered priority.

So that you can plunge into the student life of the Australian National University, adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • When applying for doctoral studies, first try to find a professor whose research interests will align with yours. He will oversee your studies.
  • When applying for a bachelor's degree, start right away with this step. Select a faculty and program of study and apply by filling out a special form on the university's website with information about your education. Then you need to upload scanned copies of documents. If you plan to study at the Faculty of Medicine, you will have to send their originals to the university immediately after that. The cost of the application is 75 AUD. The university does not have an officially approved system for recalculating academic performance points in domestic educational institutions into the local scale. However, the curators are ready to individually consider applications from applicants with a certain training in the chosen specialty.

For enrollment, grades from a school certificate and university scores in core subjects for those who are already studying are of great importance. In this case, it is required to provide the results of the language test. The IELTS scale must be at least 6.5 (at least 6 points in each section of the test), and on the TOEFL scale - 80 points (the minimum score is 20 points when testing the ability to read and write in English and 18 points for listening and oral practice ).

For doctors and lawyers, the language selection criteria are even stricter, and for some specialties, such as chemistry or medicine, it is necessary to pass special profile tests such as ACT major - an analogue of our entrance exams.

At the final stage, after the approval of your candidacy, you are interviewed with a representative of the university.

University Tuition Fees

Studying at the University of Canberra is not cheap, but the quality of training is guaranteed here. Its cost of training for applicants from abroad per year is:

  • 31008 AUD for humanitarian students;
  • 37104 AUD for students of natural sciences, as well as business and economic analysis;
  • 39024 AUD for masters (training lasts 1.5-2 years).

For international students, there is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship covering the cost of tuition and a compulsory medical insurance policy. It is issued every year to no more than 2-3 bachelors or masters with excellent academic performance.

How to get there

You can get to Canberra in a matter of hours as follows:

  • By bus from Greyhound Australia from Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne. The Murrays Coaches bus routes from Sydney are also popular.
  • By train from Sydney (Transport NSW) or Melbourne (V / Line).

In the city itself, directly near the university, buses 313 (the end of Westfield Woden), 300, 25 and 182 (the end of Holder) and 57 (the end is the Gungahlin bus station) stop.

University tours and open days

The educational institution regularly hosts open days, and the entrance to it is absolutely free. You can get to know more about the campuses and 7 colleges of the university, where they study law, physics, mathematics, social sciences, art, economics, peculiarities of the Asia and the Pacific region, programming, medicine, biology and ecology.

The University of Canberra is an elite institution of higher learning that annually admits more than 20 thousand students. This testifies to the high quality of education.

Website: www.anu.edu.au
Apply for admission: www.anu.edu.au/study/apply

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