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Ege geography of the assignment for the preparation of part with

Secondary general education


USE-2018 in geography: task 1

Corporation "Russian Textbook" presents an analysis of the tasks of the Unified State Examination in 2018 in geography. In the material you will find a detailed algorithm for solving 1 task, answers, as well as comments on the work. We also recommend that you look at the current selection of materials on geography, published earlier.

A new textbook for preparing for the exam in geography is offered to the attention of graduates and applicants. The reference book contains in full the theoretical material on the course of geography, necessary for passing the exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are drawn up - control and measuring materials (CMM) of the exam. The theoretical material is presented in a concise, accessible form. Each topic is accompanied by sample exam questions with comments and answers. This will help the teacher organize the preparation for the unified state exam, and the students - independently test their knowledge and readiness for the final exam. The practical part of the handbook includes tasks for self-examination, corresponding to the format of the exam. At the end of the manual, answers to tasks for self-examination are given, which will help students and applicants to objectively assess their level of knowledge and the degree of preparedness for the certification exam. The manual is addressed to senior students, applicants and teachers.

Exercise 1

("Geographic models. Geographic map, area plan"). 1 point.

In this task, you need to find a point on the map with the proposed coordinates. The following algorithm is suitable for this task.

1. Find a point with coordinates 0 ° w. 0 ° d. It is located at the intersection of the equator and the zero (Greenwich) meridian in the Gulf of Guinea.

2. The first coordinate of the required point is always its latitude, ie. distance in degrees from the equator to a given point. To find it, you need to move from the point 0 ° w. 0 ° d. along the prime meridian up (if the latitude of the desired point is north) or down (if it is south). In this case, we are moving 58 degrees (57 ° 50´ rounded for convenience) upward, because latitude north.

An explanation for those who did not understand how we found latitude.

Since the latitude values ​​(degrees of parallels) are labeled at the left and right edges of the map with a step of 20 ° (0 °, 20 °, 40 °, 60 ° and 80 °), we find the range in which the desired point is located (40 ° ˂58 ° ˂60 °), and mentally break it down first into 2 parts (10 degrees each), then into 2 more parts (5 degrees each), and, finally, into 5 parts (by degree). In this case, we need to retreat 60 ° - 58 ° = 2 ° degrees from the parallel 60 ° downward.

3. The second coordinate of the desired point is its longitude, ie. distance in degrees from the prime meridian to a given point. To find it, you need to move from the point found in step 2 on the prime meridian to the right (if the longitude of the desired point is east) or to the left (if the longitude of the desired point is western) along (i.e. keeping the offset from) the nearest parallel. In this case, we are moving 30 degrees (29 ° 58´ round) to the right, because longitude east.

An explanation for those who did not understand how we found the longitude.

Since the values ​​of longitudes (degrees of meridians) are labeled at the upper and lower edges of the map with a step of 20 ° (0 °, 20 °, 40 °, etc. up to 180 °), we find the range in which the desired point is located ( 20 ° ˂30 ° ˂40 °), and mentally break it down first into 2 parts (10 degrees each), then into 2 more parts (5 degrees each), and finally into 5 parts (by degree). In this case, it is enough for us to perform only one partition and place the point exactly in the middle between the 20th and 40th meridians.

4. Determine the country in which the desired point is located (the city of the Bottom).

Thus, we found out that the city of Dno is located in the Russian Federation.

2. Now let's define the latitude. From the point found in point 1 (60 ° N, 110 ° E), we move along the meridian towards the North Pole (up) by 2 ° 32 ′ (62 ° 32 ′ - 60 °). This will be a quarter of the distance to the intersection with the 70 parallel.

3. We clarify the longitude. From the point obtained in point 2 (62 ° 32 ′ N, 110 E), we move along the parallel to the east (to the right and slightly up in this case) by 3 ° 57´ (113 ° 57´ - 110 ° ). This will be about 2/5 of the distance to the intersection with the 120th meridian.

4. Determine the subject of the federation in which the desired point is located (the city of Mirny).

Thus, we found out that the city of Mirny is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The last task of the exam in geography is similar to the previous one - it also requires solving a small problem. However, this time it is associated with the definition not of natural growth, but of migration, so there will be slightly more calculations.

Let's say that we need to know this value for 2013.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • subtract this indicator for 2013 from the resident population in 2014;
  • subtract the natural population growth for 2013 from the resulting number.

What happened is the migration growth of the population.

On the answer sheet for this task, two actions and an answer should be recorded. If all this is done correctly, it is estimated at 2 points. If there is only one action, or when calculating the answer, an error was made and it is incorrect, but two actions are recorded and the first is correct, 1 point is given. In all other cases, points for task 34 are not awarded.

To successfully complete the 34th USE number, you need, again, to fill out the algorithm for its implementation well. Unlike the previous one, there is no need to write any ppm here, so the risk of confusion becomes less. The main thing is to carefully look at the year for which it is necessary to calculate the indicator.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 34 of the exam in geography

The first variant of the task

Based on the data in the table, calculate the value of the migration increase in the population for the Belgorod region in 2015. Write down the solution.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Belgorod region

  1. 1 550 137 – 1 547 936 = 2201
  2. 2201 – (-3717) = 5918

Answer: 5918.

Second variant of the task

Using the data in the table below, calculate the value of the migration population growth for the Republic of Buryatia in 2015. Write down the calculations you need.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Republic of Buryatia

  1. 982 284 – 978 495 = 3789
  2. 3789 – 5795 = -2006

Answer: -2006.

The third variant of the task

Based on the indicators given in the table, calculate the value of the migration growth of the population in the Kostroma region in 2013. In your answer, also write down any calculations you have made.

The number and natural growth of the population in the Kostroma region

  1. 656 389 – 658 925 = -2536
  2. -2536 – (-2218) = -318

Option No. 247361

Demo version of the USE-2017 in geography.

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. You do not need to write the measurement units. Answers to tasks 1-27 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase).

If the variant is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the assignments with a short answer and will be able to rate the uploaded answers to the assignments with a detailed answer. The points given by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

The geographic coordinates of Arlit are 18º 44 ′ N. 7º 23 ′ E Determine the territory of which state this city is located.


At the points indicated in the figure with numbers, measurements of atmospheric pressure are simultaneously carried out. Arrange these points in the order of increasing atmospheric pressure (from lowest to highest).


Which of the following statements are correct? Write down the numbers in the ascending order under which they are indicated.

1) The plowing of slopes prevents the development of water erosion of soil.

2) Agriculture accounts for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

3) Drainage of swamps in the upper reaches of rivers leads to their shallowing.

4) The creation of large reservoirs leads to a change in the climate of neighboring territories.

5) Combustion of associated petroleum gas in flares in oil production areas contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.


Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the proposed list the words (phrase) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

In the relief of this part of the continent, there are almost no sharp fluctuations in altitude, earthquakes are rare, and there are no active volcanoes. Here, many millions of years ago, vertical _______________________ (A) of the earth's crust led to the formation of the Brazilian and Guiana Plateau. At the same time, _______________________ (B) was formed in the earth's crust, into which _______________________ (C) was introduced.

The relief of the plateaus is varied: table mountains alternate with hilly areas, they are replaced by low massifs, indented by gorges.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose sequentially one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

Word list:

2) movement

4) rock



Establish a correspondence between the point indicated on the world map and the climatic zone in which it is located: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Place the parallels listed in order of increasing day length on June 1, starting with the parallel with the shortest day length.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in response.

Establish a correspondence between the phenomenon and the parallel on which it is observed on July 24: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Establish a correspondence between the bay and its designation on the world map: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Rank the countries listed in ascending order of average life expectancy of the population, starting with the country with the lowest value of this indicator.

1) Republic of the Congo

2) UK

3) Brazil


Which three of the territories indicated on the map of Russia have the highest average population density? Write down the numbers in the answer in ascending order of the answer digits, under which these territories are indicated.


Establish a correspondence between the country and the diagram reflecting the distribution of its economically active population by sector of the economy: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Which statements about India are correct? Write down the numbers in ascending order under which they are indicated.

1) India is the second most populous country in the world.

2) India is a monarchy in terms of government.

3) India has significant reserves of coal and iron ores.

4) The total population of India is dominated by the urban population.

5) Along with traditional industries, modern high-tech industries have developed in India.


Which three of the listed cities in Russia have the largest population? Write down the numbers in the answer in ascending order of the answer number, under which these cities are indicated.

1) Novosibirsk

3) Petrozavodsk

4) Stavropol

6) Rostov-on-Don


In which three of the listed regions of Russia is natural gas produced? Write down the numbers in ascending order under which these regions are indicated.

1) Republic of Karelia

2) Astrakhan region

3) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

4) Murmansk region

5) Smolensk region

6) Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra


Which of the statements about Western Siberia are correct? Write down the numbers in the ascending order under which they are indicated.

1) Western Siberia has the largest coal basin in Russia in terms of production.

2) A significant part of the territory of Western Siberia is occupied by swamps and wetlands.

3) The southern part of Western Siberia is located in the steppe zone.

4) The main natural gas fields in Russia are located in Western Siberia.

5) Most of the electricity in Western Siberia is produced at hydroelectric power plants.


Which of the statements contains information on population migration? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The formation of two independent states on the territory of the former British India led to the resettlement of a total of 18 million people.

2) Currently, the majority of the world's population lives in developing countries, and its share in the world population is constantly growing.

3) Since the beginning of the XXI century. the number of those arriving for permanent residence in Russia annually exceeds the number of departures.

4) In Canada, 2/3 of the population is concentrated in a 150-kilometer zone that stretches along the border with the United States.

5) The number of millionaire cities in Russia reached 15 by 2016.


Based on the analysis of the data in the table below, indicate the regions in which in the period from 2011 to 2013 there was an annual increase in industrial production. Write down the numbers under which these regions are indicated.

Dynamics of industrial production (as a percentage of the previous year)


Using the map, compare the values ​​of the average long-term maximum air temperature at the points indicated on the map by numbers 1, 2 and 3. Place the points in the order of increasing these values.


Establish a correspondence between the subject of the Russian Federation and its administrative center: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



In which three of the listed countries is the main part of electricity produced at thermal power plants? Write down the numbers under which these countries are indicated in the table.

3) Brazil

4) Norway

5) France

6) Saudi Arabia


In accordance with the Law on the return to the "winter" time, since October 26, 2014, 11 time zones have been established in the country (see map). The starting point for calculating the local time of the time zones is Moscow time - the time of the II time zone.

The plane took off from Surgut (IV time zone) to Rostov-on-Don (II time zone) at 5 o'clock Surgut local time. The estimated flight time is 4 hours. How long will it be in Rostov-on-Don when the plane lands? Write your answer as a number.


Using the data in the diagram, determine the value of the migration growth of the population of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania in 2011. Write down the answer in the form of a number (according to the model specified in the instructions for performing the work).


Using the data in the table, compare the oil supply of countries. Rank the countries in ascending order of their resource endowment score, starting with the country with the lowest score.


Place the listed periods of the Earth's geological history in chronological order, starting with the earliest.

1) chalk

2) quaternary

3) Silurian


Identify the country by its short description.

This country is completely located in the Western Hemisphere and has access to three oceans. On the mainland, where the country is located, it is the first in terms of area and the third in terms of population. The country has well-developed sectors of both the mining and manufacturing industries. In the international geographical division of labor, it is a supplier of products from the mining industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, the fuel, chemical and forestry industries, as well as agriculture.


Define the region of Russia by its short description.

This region is located in the European part of Russia. It has access to the State Border of the Russian Federation. One of the main industries is iron ore mining and iron ore pellet production. Mechanical engineering specializes in the production of press-forging equipment, electrical products, equipment for animal husbandry and fodder production. The region is supplied with electricity by a large nuclear power plant located on its territory. Local agricultural raw materials are used in the food industry: grain crops, potatoes, sugar beets, and sunflowers are grown on chernozem soils.


Determine on the map the distance in the area in a straight line from the spring to the forester's house. Round up the result to tens of meters. Write your answer as a number.


Determine the azimuth from the spring to the forester's house on the map. Write your answer as a number.


Build a profile of the terrain along the line A - B. To do this, transfer the base for building the profile to answer form No. 2, using a horizontal scale of 1 cm 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm 5 m.

Indicate the position of the spring on the profile with an "X".

Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page, you will be asked to test them yourself.

Using the data in the table, explain why the proportion of people over 65 in the age structure of the Mexican population increased significantly between 1985 and 2010. Give two reasons. If you provide more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated. Demographics of Mexico

Index1985 year2010 r.
Population, million people76,7 110,6
Share of people over 65 years old,%3 6
Fertility, ‰31 19
Mortality, ‰6 6
Balance of migrations, ‰–3 –4
Average life expectancy, years69 76
Share of urban population,%75 77

C2 tasks

C2 No. 1004. The total solar radiation in June in the Northern Tropics is approximately twice as high as in the southern tropics.

Explain why this is due to two reasons. If you provide more than two reasons, the two listed first will be scored.


Firstly, in June, the Sun is at its zenith in the Northern Hemisphere, that is, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is greater there, and secondly, the length of the day is longer. Therefore, the total solar radiation in June in the Northern Tropics is much higher than in the southern tropics.

C2 No. 1090. In recent years, several large car assembly plants of foreign companies have been created in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Indicate two features of the economic and geographical location of this territory, contributing to the development of car assembly plants in it


St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region have an advantageous transport position - they are located at the crossroads of important sea routes and land routes, along which it is convenient to deliver components from which cars are assembled and dispatch finished products. In addition, this territory is located next to the main areas in which the main consumers of automotive products in Russia are concentrated.

C2 No. 1533. Pulp and paper mill "KAMA" traces its history since 1929. It took seven years for industrial buildings to grow in a picturesque corner of the Perm province on the banks of the beautiful Kama. The designers of the future industrial giant have foreseen everything: the proximity of vast coniferous and deciduous forests, and a favorable location at the intersection of road, rail and river routes of the Western Urals. And today PPM "KAMA" is deservedly one of the leaders of the Russian paper industry.

Explain why, when choosing a site for the construction of a pulp and paper mill, it was important to provide for the proximity of forests and the position at the intersection of water and land transport routes. Give two reasons. If you provide more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.


The raw material for pulp and paper production is wood, therefore the proximity of forests is important for providing the mill with raw materials. The position at the intersection of water and land transport routes is important for the convenience of delivering raw materials and delivering finished products to consumers located in other regions of the country.

C3 Missions

C3 No. 1663. Determine in which of the points - A or B - the value of the total solar radiation in june more. Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.


The total solar radiation in June is higher at point B. In June, in the regions adjacent to the Northern Tropic, in comparison with the regions adjacent to the equator, both the angle of incidence of the sun's rays and the length of the day are greater. In addition, the transparency of the atmosphere at point B is much higher due to the absence of cloudiness in desert regions.

C3 No. 45. The Perm Territory is well supplied with forest resources. What other feature of the natural resource base and feature of the industry of the city of Perm contributed to the placement of pulp and paper production in it? Indicate one feature of the natural resource base and one feature of the industry. If you list more than two features, only the first two will be scored.


1) Perm is located on the banks of the Kama reservoir


the city of Perm is well supplied with water resources

2) large power plants (hydroelectric and thermal power plants) are located near Perm

OR the city of Perm is well supplied with electricity

"The location is explained by the presence of large hydroelectric power plants in the Perm Territory and the location on the Volga, which is the source of the necessary water."

C3 No. 54. Why is the natural steppe zone in the Volgograd region replaced by deserts and semi-deserts in the Astrakhan region? Give two reasons. If you provide more than two reasons, only two will be scored. indicated first.


1) decrease in the amount of precipitation


less rainfall in the Astrakhan region

2) when moving south, evaporation becomes greater


summer in the Astrakhan region is hotter

“The coefficient of soil moisture is decreasing, and the continentality of the climate is growing. The use of land for grazing has led to the fact that the soil has become unsold, desert landscapes were formed due to frequent dry winds. "

C3 No. 99. Determine within which of the areas indicated on the fragment of the map with numbers, there is the greatest danger of the development of water erosion of the soil layer.

Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.


Answer: Section 2

1. Located on a steep enough slope of a hill, which facilitates rapid drainage of water.

2. Open space, no constraints, such as forest, for example, on site 1.

C3 No. 143. The figure shows climatograms characterizing the climate of points A and B, located in Europe at approximately the same latitude and altitude above sea level. Determine which of these points is located to the east. Give two reasons to support your answer.


1. More precipitation in climatogram B indicates that the point is located closer to the ocean, that is, to the west.

2. At point A, the temperature of winter is lower and summer is higher, which indicates a greater continentality of the climate, ie, greater distance from the ocean than at point B, or, in other words, to the east.

Answer: Point A is located to the east.

C3 No. 187. Using the data in the table below, compare the share of agriculture in GDP and the share of agriculture in total exports of Australia and Colombia. Draw a conclusion about in which of these countries agriculture plays a greater role in the economy. Write down the numbers or calculations required to support your answer.

Socio-economic indicators of development of Australia and Colombia in 2007


The answer says that:

1) the share of agriculture in Colombia's GDP is higher than in Australia's GDP, and the values ​​are 12% and 4%;

2) the share of agriculture in Colombia's exports is higher than in Australia's exports, and calculations are given at 5: 25 and 15: 117,


the share of agriculture in Colombia's exports is higher than in Australia's exports, with values ​​of 20% and 13%;

3) agriculture plays a larger role in the economy of Colombia.

C3 No. 273. Why are the maximum concentrations of harmful substances in the air in the city of Magnitogorsk observed in winter? Give two reasons.


The main source of air pollution in Magnitogorsk is the metallurgical plant. In winter, the Urals are dominated by high atmospheric pressure. This leads to stagnant air. In addition, Magnitogorsk is located in an intermontane basin, in which temperature inversion is observed in winter. This further increases the concentration of harmful emissions in the surface layers of the atmosphere.

C3 No. 316 ... In which region of Russia: the Arkhangelsk or the Saratov regions - is it necessary to pay more attention to measures to prevent the development of water erosion? Justify your answer.


The intensity of water erosion is determined by the amount of precipitation falling, their nature, differences in the absolute heights of the relief and the degree of plowing of the territory. The amount of precipitation that falls within these territories differs slightly, but the elevation differences in the Saratov region are greater than in the Arkhangelsk region. Also, the degree of plowing of the territory in the Saratov region is greater than in the Arkhangelsk region. Therefore, in the Saratov region, water erosion poses a greater danger than in the Arkhangelsk region, and here it is necessary to pay more attention to measures to combat water erosion.

C3 No. 402 ... The creation of a reservoir on the river put an end to the spring floods downstream, but after a while the owners of farms located downstream began to complain about the decrease in the productivity of the lands located in the river floodplain. Could this be a consequence of the construction of a reservoir? Justify your answer.


Maybe. After spring floods, a layer of fertile silt remained on the floodplain. The cessation of floods led to the cessation of its flow to the floodplains, which could have led to a decrease in their fertility.

C3 No. 531. What negative consequences can deforestation on the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains have? State at least two consequences.


Deforestation leads to a decrease in the soil's ability to retain moisture, an increase in surface runoff, therefore, in mountainous regions, the destruction of forests on the slopes leads, on the one hand, to an increase in river flooding, causing floods, and on the other hand, to an increase in water erosion, the development of landslides, which damages agricultural land and settlements.

C3 No. 574. Deforestation leads to numerous negative changes in nature. What are the possible unfavorable changes in the regime of rivers associated with the clearing of forests by humans in the catchment areas of rivers?


Forest vegetation traps surface runoff during rains or snowmelt and facilitates water seepage into the ground. Deforestation leads to an increase in the intensity of surface runoff and a reduction in groundwater. Because of this, the intensity of floods and floods increases, which can lead to floods, and the water level in rivers during low-water periods, on the contrary, becomes lower, which can complicate navigation or water supply to consumers.

C3 No. 832. Determine in which of the points indicated on the map of Africa, the total solar radiation in December is greater. Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, the first two will be evaluated.


In December, the total solar radiation will be greater at point B. Both points are located approximately at the same distance from the equator, but point B is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and there it is summer in December, which means that, firstly, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is greater, and secondly, the length of the day is longer.

C3 No. 875 ... Determine in which hemisphere and in which climatic zone the point is located, the climate of which is shown on the climatogram. Give the necessary reasons for your answer.


The site is located in the southern hemisphere, as the average temperatures in July are lower than in January.

Since in winter (for the southern hemisphere) the average air temperatures at this point are higher than + 10 ° С, but lower than + 20 ° С, we can conclude that it is located in the tropical zone.

C3 No. 919 ... Man's change of any component of nature inevitably leads to a change in the entire natural complex. The creation of large reservoirs leads to the flooding of large areas, an increase in the level of groundwater and waterlogging, and the climate of neighboring territories can also change significantly. How will the creation of a large reservoir in temperate latitudes affect the climate of the adjacent territory? Indicate at least two consequences.


Evaporation of water from the surface of reservoirs contributes to an increase in air humidity, and the amount of precipitation increases. In temperate latitudes, large reservoirs increase air temperatures in winter. In the summertime, winds similar to breezes can occur in their coastal zone.

C3 No. 1177. In the bogs of Siberia, bound by permafrost, a huge amount of bog methane gas has accumulated.As a result of global climatic changes, the average annual air temperatures in Siberia have risen by 3 degrees over the past 40 years, and the thawing of permafrost has begun, accompanied by methane emissions. What impact can these emissions have on the planet's climate? Justify your answer.


Methane is many times more likely to contribute to the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Therefore, an increase in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere can lead to an intensification of the greenhouse effect in the Earth's atmosphere, which can further increase the air temperature on the planet.

C3 No. 1305. JSC "Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill" is one of the oldest enterprises in the industry. The plant was founded in 1939 on the shores of Lake Vyg in the very center of the Republic of Karelia. Since then, the production has been repeatedly modernized, and now its production capacity is 414 thousand tons of pulp and 300 thousand tons of paper per year. What features of the natural resource base of the Republic of Karelia contributed to the creation of the pulp and paper industry on its territory? Indicate two features. If you specify more than two features, only the first two will be evaluated.


Pulp and paper production requires a large amount of raw materials (wood) and water. Karelia is well supplied with both forest and water resources. These two features contributed to the development of the pulp and paper industry on its territory.

C3 No. 1448. The figure shows a profile drawn through the island along a parallel of 50 ° N. NS. Determine in which of the points marked on the profile by the letters A, B, C, D, the greatest amount of precipitation will fall. Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.


1. At the parallel of 50 ° N. NS. there are constant westerly winds. Passing over the oceans, they can become saturated with moisture and bring precipitation to the western slopes of the island's mountains. There are points A and B.

2. As you climb the slope of the mountain, the air is cooled. When the air is cooled, the process of moisture condensation, the formation of clouds and precipitation occurs. Therefore, more precipitation will fall not near the coast, but at a certain height (at point B).

The greatest amount of precipitation will fall at point B.

C3 No. 1491. The figure shows a profile drawn along a parallel of 50 ° N. NS. across an island off the east coast of Eurasia. Determine in which of the points marked on the profile by the letters A, B, C, D, the greatest amount of precipitation will fall. Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.


1. In the east of Eurasia, monsoon winds blow .. they bring precipitation from the Pacific Ocean, that is, from the east. Consequently, more precipitation will be at points B and D.

2. When rising up, the air is cooled, which contributes to moisture condensation and precipitation. Therefore, more precipitation will be at point B.

Tasks C4.

C4 No. 49. Determine which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of Russia has the greatest risk of water soil erosion. Give two reasons to support your answer. If you give more than two reasons, only two will be scored. indicated first.


On the Central Russian Upland (point A), agriculture is intensively carried out, forests were cut down. And the land was plowed up. The surface here is hilly, so after heavy rains the water flows down and the soil is eroded by erosion. This means that point A is the most dangerous.

C4 No. 55. Read a snippet of a newspaper article.

“In 2006, the construction of a new oil pipeline" Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean "(ESU) was started. During its construction, the latest technologies will be used to ensure the reliability of its operation in conditions of low temperatures and permafrost. Environmental scientists objected to the laying of the pipeline route in the immediate vicinity of Lake Baika7, who spoke about the inevitability of an environmental catastrophe in the event of an accident on the future oil pipeline. Under their influence, a decision was made to change the route of the pipeline ”.

What features of the territory, through which the oil pipeline was supposed to pass, forced scientists to talk about a high degree of probability of an accident at the oil pipeline and the inevitability, in this case, of water pollution in Lake Baikal? Indicate two features. If you list more than two features, only the two listed first will be scored.


1) high seismic activity of the territory

2) this territory belongs to the drainage basin of Lake Baikal


the pipeline route crosses rivers flowing into Baikal

“There is a seismic belt near Lake Baikal, located in a mountainous area (Yablonevy Ridge, Stanovoe Upland). In addition, the rivers flowing into this unique lake may be polluted as a result of an accident. And there is also a harsh continental climate. "

C4 No. 618. For the development of agricultural production in the country, both natural and material resources are of great importance.

Using the data in the table, compare countries A and B in terms of total arable land and the number of tractors per 1,000 hectares of arable land.

COUNTRY Total land area, thousand ha Share of arable land in the total land area,% Tractors, pcs.

A 250000 3 97500

B 120,000 4 90,000


When completing this task, you must first determine the total arable land in each country, and then divide the number of tractors by the arable land. It should be remembered that comparison implies not simply indicating the corresponding numbers for each of the countries, but also clearly using the words "more", "less." The answer to the task can be written like this:

In country A, the total arable land area is larger than in country B, since 3% of 250,000 is 7,500 thousand hectares, which is more than 4% of 120,000 (4800 thousand hectares), and the number of tractors per 1000 hectares of arable land, more in country B - 18.75 pcs. against 13 in country A.

C4 No. 1447. Lipetsk Tractor OJSC is one of the largest tractor manufacturers in Russia. Since 1944, more than one and a half million tractors have left the main conveyor of the enterprise. Indicate two features of the plant's EGP (except for a convenient transport position) that contribute to its successful operation. If you specify more than two features, only the first two will be evaluated.


1. The proximity of the metallurgical base, which reduces the cost of transporting the required metal.

2. The proximity of the consumer, which again reduces transport costs for the delivery of finished products.

3. Availability of skilled labor.

Tasks C5.

C5 No. 576 ... Geographic coordinates of points A, B, C and D are shown in the table.

Latitude Longitude

A 52 ° N 58 ° East

B 52 ° N 68 ° East

At 52 ° N 73 ° East

D 52 ° N 78 ° East

Determine in which of these points on June 11 the Sun will be highest above the horizon at 8 o'clock in the morning according to the solar time of the Greenwich meridian. Write down the reasoning behind your answer.


At 8 o'clock in the morning solar time of the Greenwich meridian, noon on the meridian (12 - 8) 15 ° = 60 ° E The closer to this meridian, the higher the Sun is. Of these points, the closest to the meridian is 60 ° E. point A is located. This means that the Sun will be in it above everything above the horizon.

C5 No. 619 ... Is it possible to say that you are in the Northern Hemisphere if, at the point where you are, the shadow of objects falls to the north at noon? Justify your answer.


No. It depends on the time of year. So, in the winter time of the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun at noon is at its zenith above one of the parallels in the Southern Hemisphere between the equator and the Southern Tropic. Moreover, in the Southern Hemisphere, at all parallels between the equator and the parallel above which the Sun is at its zenith, the shadow of objects at noon will fall to the north.

C5 No. 705. Determine the geographic coordinates of a point located in the United States, if it is known that on September 23 at 17 o'clock solar time of the Greenwich meridian at this point it is noon and the Sun is at an altitude of 53 above the horizon. Write down your line of reasoning.


September 23 is the day of the equinox. The sun is at its zenith over the equator. This means the latitude of the point: 90 ° - 53 ° = 37 ° N. The time at the point is 5 hours different from the Greenwich one, which means the longitude of the point: 15 ° х 5 = 75 ° W.

C5 No. 834. Determine the geographical coordinates of a point located in the Northern Hemisphere if it is known that on March 21 at 18 o'clock GMT at this point, noon and the Sun is at an altitude of 45 ° above the horizon. Write down your line of reasoning.


March 21 is the day of the equinox, the Sun on this day is at its zenith above the equator, which means that the latitude of the place will be 90 ° - 45 ° = 45 °. Latitude 45 ° N

The solar time at the point is six hours less than at the prime meridian, which means that it is located 6 x 15 ° = 90 ° to the west. Longitude - 90 ° W

C5 No. 1093. Geographic coordinates of points A, B and C are shown in the table

Item Geographic Coordinates

latitude longitude

A 40 ° N 100 ° East

B 50 ° N 110 ° East

At 40 ° N lat. 110 ° East

Determine at which of these points on July 15 the Sun rises above the horizon (according to the time of the Greenwich meridian). Write down the reasoning behind your answer.


The sun rises earlier in the east. Points B and C are located east of point A, but point B is located north of point C. Since in summer the length of the day in the Northern Hemisphere increases when moving from the equator, the sun will rise first at point B.

Tasks C6.

C6 No. 189. The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is significantly influenced by both the natural movement of the population and migration. The table shows data taken from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service.

The number and natural growth of the population of the Smolensk region Indicator

2008 2009 2010

Average annual population, persons 978 683 970 063 No data

Natural population growth, people, value of the indicator per year -9389 -8174 -7830

After analyzing this data, determine:

1) the indicator of natural population growth in ‰ in 2009 for the Smolensk region. Round up the received result to the nearest whole number;

2) the value of the migration increase (decrease) of the population of the Smolensk region in 2009 Write down the solution to the problem.



1) - 8174/970063 x 1000 = - 8 ‰

1) 965 986 – 974 139= –8153;

2) –8153 – (–8174) = 21.

In 2009, the population of the Smolensk region decreased by 8153 people. Due to natural loss, there was a reduction of 8174 people.

Migration population growth was: - 8153 + 8174 = 21

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