Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The plan for preparing for the exam in history. How to start preparing for the exam in history: step-by-step instructions Ege history preparation from scratch on your own

The plan for preparing for the exam in history. How to start preparing for the exam in history: step-by-step instructions Ege history preparation from scratch on your own

MBOU "Kamskoustinskaya secondary school"

Work plan in preparation for the exam in history

teachers of the 1st qualification category

Varfolomeeva Larisa Alexandrovna

for the 2017-2018 academic year

Target: To identify and improve the level of training of graduates in history for the final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam


To acquaint students with the actions of the USE participants in the preparation and conduct of the USE; -to teach students to fill out the registration and answer forms of the USE participant;

Assess and correct knowledge of historical facts: dates, places, participants and results of major historical events, as well as historical names and terms;

To form students' ideas about the assessment of historical events and phenomena and skills in assessment activities;

Teach students to independently extract information from a historical source, apply it to solve cognitive problems;

To develop the skills of historical explanation (disclosing the causes, consequences of events, identifying the general and different in them, determining the character, classifications, etc.);

Today, in connection with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, the history teacher faces a problem: how to organize training in order to achieve the goal and solve the problems set in the educational standard in history and social studies and prepare graduates for the Unified State Exam? Like many other teachers, I had to revise and rebuild the system of preparing students for final certification. This work was associated with a deep analysis of my pedagogical experience, attempts to extract from it what can be useful in modern conditions and the rejection of what is clearly outdated. Practice shows... The main condition for the successful passing of the exam is the student's interest. The fact is that the exam is carried out in the form of tests. To perform these tests, you need to have certain skills.A person who has never solved tests in the form in which they are proposed in the USE tasks, one might say, has not “got his hand” on solving them, can get a low score.Therefore, every teacher is simply obliged to help children master the skills necessary to take the USE tests.A person will achieve a result only by doing something himself ... (Alexander Pyatigorsky, Russian philosopher).

These words can be attributed both to the activity of the student and to the activity of the teacher. It is necessary for a teacher to start with a systematic purposeful work to prepare for the final certification.

The main principles leading to the successful passing of the exam are the following:

1. The most important moment of preparation for the exam is work on understanding by students the wording of the question andthe ability to answer strictly to the question posed. In the process of this work, it is recommended to use various exercises, the essence of which is the analysis of the formulation of the question and the selection of the correct answer, i.e. corresponding to this wording.

2. To successfully complete the USE tasks, constant training in solving these tasks is needed.The more students solve the USE tasks of previous years, tests from all kinds of teaching aids, tasks invented by the teacher himself, the more experience they will have, and the fewer possible unpleasant surprises they will expect during the exam.

3. Much attention should be paid toanalysis of the tasks that caused the greatest difficulty. To do this, the teacher, if possible, should analyze all the work written by the students and highlight the most difficult tasks, analyze them in the lesson with the students, find similar tasks (by topic and type) and work out their solution with the children.

4. It is very important that children learn one simple truth: preparation forThe exam is hard work, the result will be directly proportional to the time spent actively preparing for the exam(i.e. preparation where all distractions are virtually eliminated and all focus is on preparation only). This truth seems banal. But, believe experience, for successful preparation for the exam, students must understand very well the complexity and importance of preparing for this exam.

5. For 2-3 months before the exam, the intensity of preparation should, apparently, reach its peak. At this time, children must write several tests based on the exam, you need to engage with them in active repetition of the most difficult topics. A month before the exam, such strenuous work should stop - students should be given time to psychologically prepare for the exam.

6. When solving tests (in part I), one should not neglect intuition if there is not enough knowledge. Very often it is the intuitively received answer, and not the one based on fuzzy knowledge, that turns out to be correct. Intuition, as a rule, prompts the correct answer as soon as the person reads the assignment, so you need to change the answer only if the student remembered the material and is absolutely sure that his initial answer was wrong.

The work of students in this course should lead them to understand that the exam in the form of the Unified State Examination tests the following knowledge and skills in the history of Russia:

    Chronological knowledge and ability to work with chronology;

    Knowledge of historical facts and the ability to work with facts;

    Ability to work with a historical source;

    Ability to work with a historical map;

    Ability to analyze and explain historical material (correlate individual facts and general phenomena, classify historical events and phenomena according to a certain criterion, etc.)

Internet resources for preparing for the exam

    MultiLex Online: online electronic dictionaries

    Big encyclopedic and historical dictionaries on-line http://www.edic.ru

    Wikipedia: the free multilingual encyclopedia

    Mega-encyclopedia of the portal "Cyril and Methodius"

    Information support site for the Unified State Examination in computer form

    www. ctege.ru. Informational support site for the Unified State Exam.

    www / testonline.rustest.ru

    www. resuit.rustest.ru

Literature for preparing for the exam in history

    History of Russia: all topics for preparing for the exam / I. I. Bablenkova, V. V. Akimov et al. -M .: Eksmo, 2014

    History of Russia. Unified State Examination 2015 Entrance tests. Study guide. -Rostov Legion, 2015

    Story. Preparation for the Unified State Exam-2016: study guide / edited by O. G. Veryaskina.-Rostov. Legion

    Unified State Exam. 2016. History.Typical tasks. / E.A. Gevurkova et al. -M.6 Eksmo. 2016

    The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students for the Unified State Exam. 2016 History. Textbook / E.A. Gevurkova et al. - M.: Intellect Center. 2016

    Story. Preparation for the exam: analysis of the historical source (back s1-3) 10-11 grade teaching aid. -Rostov. Legion, 2012

    Story. Preparation for the Unified State Exam-2016: study guide / edited by O. G. Veryaskina.-Rostov. Legion, 2016

    Story. Training tasks of increased complexity to prepare for the exam. Work with historical documents / author N.A. Grigorieva et al. -Volgograd. Teacher 2005.

    Preparing for the exam on the history of Russia.-M.Airis-Press 2016

    USE 2016 History. Versatile student preparation materials. FIPI-M .: Intellect Center ... 2016.

Thematic planning on the history of the exam





Introduction. Unified state examination in history: structure and content of the examination paper. Introductory testing.


General characteristics of the tasks of parts 1 and 2.


Specificity of tasks of part 1


Prehistory of the peoples of Russia


Eastern Slavs in the VI - IX centuries. and their neighbors. Formation of the Old Russian state.


Kievan Rus at the end of IX - at the beginning of XII century.


Russia Specific


Culture of Russia 9-12 centuries


Russia in the 13-15 centuries


Russia in the 16th century


Russian culture in the XIV-XVI centuries.


Russia in the 17th century after the Troubles


Culture of Russia in the 17th century



Solving options for exam tasks



Online testing


Russia in the first half of the 18th century


Russia in the second half of the 18th century


Culture of Russia 18 c


Russia in the first half of the 19th century


Russia in the second half of the 19th century


Russian culture in the 19th century


Russia in 1900 - 1916


Russia in 1917 - 1922


Soviet Russia, USSR in 1920 - 1930



The Great Patriotic War

In the second lesson, writing an assignment 25



USSR in 1945 - 1991


Solving options for exam tasks


Rehearsal exam in USE format


Testing in the Unified State Exam format


Testing in the Unified State Exam format


An individual achievement card is generated for each student.

At the end of a large block of historical time, a test is carried out.

The teacher works at the request of the student - the work may vary depending on the severity of the historical material.

Algorithm of actions for self-preparation for graduates in preparation for the final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam and State Examination in History.

1.Get familiar with the demo (www. ). The demo is updated every year, so check out the last year's document on that site and get a good idea of ​​the exam paper.

2. Complete the tasks of the demo, checking your own answers with the answers presented in the demo. Calculate the points, determine if there was enough time to complete the work.

This will give you an idea of ​​the difficulty of the job.

3. Identify gaps in your knowledge - these can be sections, topics, individual questions. This will help answer the question: "can I successfully pass the exam, do I have sufficient knowledge of the subject, what topics are problematic?"

4. Start preparing for the exam. Preparation should be systematic, not piecemeal and time-consuming. It takes place in the lessons, additional classes: for example, choosing an elective course for additional preparation for the exam, or in independent work mode. The general erudition of the student is also of great importance, it is much easier to pass the exam successfully for someone who reads a lot, is interested in modern problems of public life, analyzes information from various media.

5. Get acquainted with the specification of the examination paper (www. ). It determines the structure and content of the work, it shows the format of the work: the number of parts, tasks, the level of difficulty of tasks, the skills tested, the total number of points, the time allotted for the work, etc. From this document you can find out how many and what tasks make up the examination paper.

6. Pick up literature: textbooks - one main, two additional; Manuals - options for typical test items (developed by FIPI specialists), reference books.

7. Analyze the codifier (www. ). Repeat the main content of the course, key concepts, focusing on the elements of the content presented in the codifier.

8. Use reference notes, diagrams, tables. They will help bring your knowledge into the system and repeat the content of the course.

9. Pay special attention to the sections where you have identified gaps in your own knowledge. If you are having difficulty, ask your teachers for advice.

10. Create a notebook-dictionary, where you write down the definitions of the most difficult terms, concepts, theoretical provisions.

11. After repeating the material, first get acquainted with the examples of tasks of parts A and B. Use the manuals developed by the specialists of FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements).

12. Practice by completing several options for tasks. This way you can once again test your knowledge of the subject.

13. Having found errors in your answers, return to the reference notes, diagrams, tables, dictionary.

14. After repeating the content, correct your mistakes, gaps.

15. Complete a few more options for the tasks, stopping only at the tasks of the I part. This will build confidence that the key content issues have been mastered.

16. Move on to the most difficult part of the work - II part. Get acquainted with examples of assignments for the second part of the work and start performing them.

17. Use reminders that will help you understand the purpose of each task, identify patterns of conditions, develop an algorithm for solving.

18. Before the exam, review your notes, reference notes, diagrams, tables, repeat terms again. If necessary, additionally practice solving the tasks of all parts of the work.

19. If you come across difficult tasks, unfamiliar concepts and terms, seek advice from your teacher.

Where to start, everyone who is faced with the study of history asks the question. Remember once and for all - history is a plot and structural subject.

What is history made of?

Like any humanities, history has a clear structure. It is according to her that the FIPI specialists draw up the exam. Dealing with it is the first step to a conscious study of history.

The exam contains three types of items that test various aspects of the discipline.

This is how the detailed diagram looks like, which you need to understand and remember in order to work productively with the course in any form. Tutors rarely talk about it, they don't study it in schools. Although there is nothing supernatural about it.

As you can see, history is divided into only three structural categories: dates, plots and sources. To successfully complete the course, you need to understand the content of each of the categories and always correlate any studied topic with this scheme, making a "blind synopsis".

Using a specific example, we will figure out why this scheme is needed, what is meant by each of its constituent parts, and how to apply it when solving USE tasks.


Or where to start studying history.

There are many historical dates. On the Web, you can find huge lists of dates that supposedly need to be learned and you will definitely pass the exam. Textbooks are teeming with thousands of dates. In fact, 99% of them do not need to learn, and on the Internet, most of the public pages are run by schoolchildren who themselves do not know how to prepare for the exam.

The Dates block consists of two parts - base and main dates.

Base dates are the main basis of history. It is with their study that you need to start preparing for the exam. Base dates include: years of reign of historical figures and their brief description. It will take about ten days to study the basis. After this moment, you can already successfully start studying the course in any way available to you.

What do we need?

To work with the rulers of Russia, we need the following table.

The algorithm for working with it is as follows:

In the course of viewing, go over the column "Value" that you wrote out and as soon as you get to the event written out on your sticker, add it with the date (available in the video).

Let's summarize: you will have an understanding that the ruler is in front of you and with what he is eaten.

Then it remains to remember his years of reign. Take advantage of this spaced repetition technique... Just make it a rule to pay attention to the sticker every 15 minutes, after the first hour of repetition - try to remember the years of reign yourself. If you are preparing from scratch, then translate the years of government into a century and remember it already.

Your goal is to build the structure of history in your head: which ruler is following whom and what role he played in the history of the country. Cope with the first sticker? Move on to the second.

The result of the work: the emergence of the basis of history in memory, the studied material will not turn into a "mess in the head", but will be built in a clear structure. Spend 10 days on this work and I assure you that your efforts will pay off.

How to understand which dates are needed and which are not?

A document called the historical and cultural standard will come to your aid.
On the exam, you will meet the dates that are contained in it and nothing else.

How to study dates correctly, not to cram them and memorize them in a matter of minutes - I tell during my weekly marathon. You can find the link above.

Thus, knowing the dates and general plots will give you the opportunity to effectively solve many tasks of the exam on knowing the dates and will cover a third of the USE tasks.

USE assignments for knowledge of historical dates

All these tasks check only one thing - the knowledge of base and base dates.


Let's move on to the next part - plots.

History is like a TV series. There is a sequence of events where the other follows from one... As in the series there is the characters are historical figures... As in the TV series, the story is filled with its own specific words, applicable only in a certain plot - terms.

Each course topic has its own PSS(causal relationships) - the causes and consequences of the event you are studying. It's like in life, the fact that you are reading this document has a reason - you decided to take the exam in history. And the consequence of this will be that you start correctly preparing for the exam. It's simple.

Therefore, when you continue to work with the course, look for reasons at each main date. why there was (for example) the Russo-Japanese war and the aftermath this war. Again, many exam items test this skill.

Historical personalities and terms are also an important thing.... And they are also needed to pass the exam and understand what you are teaching. What terms and what kind of individuals to study, see the historical and cultural standard.

Advice: always study personalities in the context of the term “contemporary of the ruler”. Having studied the basis, you will know dozens of rulers of our country. Study individuals as people who lived during (for example) Peter the Great.

So what tasks test plot knowledge?

USE assignments for knowledge of historical subjects

As you can see, everything is simple and has a certain structure.

When studying a topic, for successful preparation, the main thing is to keep one thing in mind - any topic in the synopsis should be laid out into separate parts and always correlated with the historical and cultural standard. Then everything becomes wildly simple.

Sources of

The last thing to work out. Moreover, to work it out separately.

We will devote separate instructions to the sources.

For now, I'll just say that their knowledge will provide you with the solution to the rest of the exam tasks. Every single one. Well, I want to please you - all the sources used in the exam are also known to us for a long time.

  1. Cards... The exam makers do not draw new maps every year. They use a ready-made pack of cards, and the same, every year... It is in the hands of me and our team. So you can also get it in a week marathon and learn to work with them there.

  2. The culture... The main thing in the study of culture not go into reading books and manuals. This is generally a separate topic, which we will talk about in the following instructions. It is important to understand that the culture in the exam they ask the same thing: in the tasks they use previously known illustrations, cultural monuments(from painting to architecture)

Thus, the path to the result is outlined. Point "A" is, and your first assignment will be to study the basis of the course from the rulers of Russia.

Preparation for the exam and exam

Secondary general education

UMK line I. L. Andreev, O. V. Volobueva. History (10-11) (Do)

Atlases and contour maps. Russian history. Historical and cultural standard

UMK line of Kiselev-Popov. History of Russia (10-11)

Analysis of the exam in history 2017

How do you successfully pass the history exam? Of course, any person will say that you need to know history well, that is, know the basic historical facts, terms, remember the dates, names of historical figures, understand the cause-and-effect relationships of events and phenomena, have a good idea of ​​the culture of our country at different periods of its development. Many schoolchildren perceive history as an endless set of names and dates, and those who chose history as their exam subject are perceived as "geeks - nerds."

In this article, I am not faced with the task of convincing skeptics by telling and proving how interesting and exciting the story is. I want to help those who decide to take the exam by showing the line of reasoning in solving various tasks, which will make the exam less "scary". In view of the fact that history is likely to become a compulsory subject for passing the exam, the article will be useful to many schoolchildren. So let's get started.

Before us is a demo version of the USE 2017, compiled by the FIPI. There are 25 tasks in it, of which the first 19 require a short answer in the form of numbers or words, and the next 6 require a detailed answer.

How to pass the exam and exam for 100 points: the secrets of teachers

    Arrange historical events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

    1) Crimean War

    2) reform of Patriarch Nikon

    3) the fall of the Byzantine Empire

    To solve this task, of course, we need to know the dates, but since it does not require a comparison, but a chronological sequence, it becomes a little easier. The Crimean War, or Eastern in European historiography, was fought in the middle of the 19th century. ( 1853-1856). The reform of Patriarch Nikon was carried out in 50s of the XVII century., and the fall of the Byzantine Empire happened after the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks in 1453 g. As you can see, the events are widely separated in time, and it is not difficult to restore the chronology.

    Answer: 321.

    Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    Here again dates, but more difficult - you need to accurately correlate with the event, and there are two more dates than events. However, the events are very famous, for those who chose history for the exam, for sure. The first mention of Moscow in the annals - 1147 BC, The Cuban missile crisis - of course, Khrushchev and 1962 g., Battle of Borodino and World War II 1812 g. known to anyone, the Copper Riot under the "Quiet" king - 1662 g.

    Answer: 2643.

    Below is a list of terms. All of them except two , refer to the events (phenomena) of the XIX century.

    1) free farmers; 2) ministries; 3) Decembrists;
    4) June third coup; 5) justices of the peace; 6) octobrists.

    Find and write down serial numbers terms related to another historical period.

    And here are the terms! Free farmers appeared thanks to the decree of Alexander I 1803 g., ministries almost at the same time - in 1802 g., Decembrists began to call the participants in the December uprising 1825 g., the third June coup is called a sharp change in the law on elections to the State Duma, adopted by Nicholas II without the consent of the Duma itself in 1907 g., justices of the peace appeared in Russia as a result of judicial reform 1864 g., and Octobrists were called members of the "Union of October 17" party, created in 1905 g. Accordingly, by the XIX century. does not include the June third coup and the Octobrists.

    Answer: 46.
  1. Write down the term in question.

    The main part of the territory of Russia, not included in the oprichnina by Ivan IV.

    As you know, the period from 1565 to 1572... in the reign of Ivan the Terrible is called oprichnina. Historians do not have an agreed position regarding the essence and motives of the oprichnina, but there are no special problems with describing it. Left in winter 1564 g. from Moscow, the tsar finally announced the conditions for his return to the throne: unlimited power, including the right to judge the boyars, and the division of the country into "oprichnina" under the rule of the tsar and "zemshchina" under the control of the Boyar Duma.

    Answer: Zemshchina.

  2. Establish a correspondence between the processes (phenomena, events) and the facts related to these processes (phenomena, events): for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    In this task, we need to compare fact and process. It is better to start from the fact, but since there are fewer facts than processes, we will go from the opposite.

    A) The formation and development of the legislation of the Old Russian state is associated with the adoption of the "Russian Truth" in XI century Firstly, this is the first written code of laws in Russia (here is the formation), and, secondly, the Old Russian state existed until the beginning of fragmentation in XIII century therefore, the rest of the facts do not fit chronologically.

    B) Reforms of the Chosen Rada were carried out at the beginning of the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible. One of the first innovations was the convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor in 1549 g., called the Council of Reconciliation.

    C) The policy of "enlightened absolutism", that is, an unlimited monarchy, formally based on legality and declaring the main goal of achieving the good of the subjects, is strongly associated with the reign of Catherine II. The convening of the Legislative Commission (got its name because it had to adopt a new "code", that is, a set of laws) took place in 1767 g. it was during the reign of Catherine II, who was confident that correct and modern laws would help the country's rapid development.

    D) The first revolutionary transformations of the Bolsheviks were the decrees "On Peace" and "On Land", adopted at the II Congress of Soviets in October 1917 g. after the overthrow of the Provisional Government. They allowed the Bolsheviks to gain widespread popular support.

  3. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.


    A) “Courts, between which the Treaty of Paris was concluded ... together with other sovereigns and powers, allied to them ... ordered their plenipotentiaries to draw up ... one main treatise and to add to it as inseparable parts all other provisions of the Congress. ... The Duchy of Warsaw, with the exception of those regions and districts, which in the following articles has a different appointment, will forever join the Russian Empire. By virtue of its constitution, it will be inextricably linked with Russia and in the possession of His Majesty the Emperor of All Russia, his heirs and successors for eternity. His Imperial Majesty proposes to bestow, at his discretion, the internal structure of this state, which has to be under special government. His Majesty, in accordance with the custom and order existing in the discussion of his other titles, will add to them the title of Tsar (King) of Poland. "

    “His royal majesty of Svejskoy concedes this for himself and his descendants and heirs of the Svejskoy throne and the kingdom of Svejskoy to his royal majesty and his descendants and heirs of the Russian state in a perfect unquestionable eternal confluence and property in this war, through his royal majesty arms from the crown of Svejskoy conquered provinces : Livonia, Estonia, Ingermanland and part of Karelia with the district of Vyborg Lena. ... Against the same, his royal majesty promises in 4 weeks after the exchange of ratifications on this peaceful treatise, or earlier, if possible, to return to his royal majesty and the crown of Sveisk ... the Grand Duchy of Finland ... "


    1) This agreement was signed in Berlin.

    2) Under this agreement, Russia received access to the Baltic Sea.

    3) This agreement was signed in Vienna.

    4) A contemporary of the signing of this agreement was A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin.

    5) This agreement was signed as a result of the Northern War.

    6) On the territory annexed to Russia under this treaty, in the early 1830s. there was a powerful uprising.

    The first fragment is part of the addition to the Paris Treaty, which is mentioned in the text. The Paris Treaty was concluded between the countries of the anti-French coalition and France in 1814 g. after the first abdication of Napoleon. After that, the victorious powers left for the congress in Vienna decide the fate of Europe. They returned France to the old, pre-revolutionary borders, redrawn the borders of Europe liberated from Napoleon. Russia received the Duchy of Warsaw, which did not want to come to terms with joining the Russian Empire and rebelled more than once. The first major uprising happened already in 1830-1831 biennium

    The second fragment is part of the Nystadt Peace Treaty, concluded between Russia and Sweden after the end of Northern war in 1721. This can be understood from the mention of Livonia, Estland and Ingermanland - the Baltic lands, which became part of Russia, which thus received access to the Baltic Sea.

  4. Which of the following applies to the New Economic Policy (1921–1928)? Select three answers and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

    1) approval of private ownership of land

    2) the introduction of cost accounting at state enterprises

    3) denationalization of heavy industry

    4) the emergence of the credit and banking system and stock exchanges

    5) the abolition of the state monopoly of foreign trade

    6) introduction of concessions

    NEP - the new economic policy was adopted at X Congress of the RCP (b) in 1921 It was the time when the active and large-scale phase of the Civil War ended with the victory of the Reds. For the leader of the Bolsheviks V.I. Lenin, it became obvious that it was impossible to continue the mobilization policy of "war communism", which made it possible to supply the army and industry with resources during the war, but unacceptable for peacetime. It was necessary to move from forced labor and the official absence of commodity-money relations to normal economic relations. But the Soviet government could not completely deviate from the Marxist axioms in the economy: state ownership of land, large enterprises, state foreign trade monopoly, etc., so the changes were half-hearted. Self-financing was introduced at state enterprises, the credit and banking system and stock exchanges, concessions were recreated.

    Answer: 246.

  5. Fill in the blanks in these sentences using the list of missing items below: for each letter and blank sentence, select the item number you want.

    A) ______________ the Big Three conference was held in 1943.

    B) One of the first rams in a night air battle was carried out by a Soviet pilot ____________, who shot down an enemy bomber on the outskirts of Moscow.

    C) During the Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle took place at ________________.

    Missing items:

    1) Yalta (Crimean)

    2) N.F. Gastello

    3) Prokhorovka station

    4) Tehran

    5) V.V. Talalikhin

    6) junction Dubosekovo

    It is difficult to suggest some kind of logic for solving this task. Here you need to know the historical facts. Conference of the Allies in the Anti-Hitler Coalition in 1943 g. took place in Tehran(there is even a film "Tehran-43"). One of the first night rams was made by the pilot V.V. Talalikhin did not die in it. Well, and about the battle near the village of Prokhorovka during the Battle of Kursk, it is a sin not to know a school graduate.

    Answer: 453.

  6. Establish a correspondence between events and participants in these events: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    This task also requires knowledge of historical facts, fortunately, they are quite well-known. The Battle on the Ice is strongly associated with Alexander Nevsky. One of the main Russian commanders at the beginning of the Livonian War was Andrei Kurbsky, who fled from the disgrace of Ivan the Terrible to Lithuania. The closest ally of Peter I A.D. took part in the Battle of Poltava. Menshikov, Wrangel's army in the Crimea was defeated by one of the most famous red commanders M. Frunze.

    Answer: 4356.

  7. Read the flashback passage and write the author's name.

    “I saw not only the uselessness, but also the harm of combining posts, and I even referred to:" Imagine my position, I criticized Stalin for combining in one person two such responsible posts in the state and in the party, and now I myself ... " court of historians. My weakness affected, or maybe an inner worm was gnawing at me, weakening my resistance. Even before I became Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Bulganin made a proposal to appoint me as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Moreover, in the Presidium of the Central Committee, military issues, the army, armaments were related to my diocese. This happened without publication in the press and was decided in a purely internal way, in case of war. Inside the armed forces, the senior command personnel were notified of this. ”

    The text must be read very carefully. The excerpts are chosen for a reason, they will definitely contain a "beacon". In this case, we are talking about the post-Stalinist period and the person who criticized Stalin, holding a very high office. Already a clear allusion to N.S. Khrushchev. Finally, we must be convinced by the name of the post he holds - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Starting with L.I. Brezhnev, the country's leader was called the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

    Answer: Khrushchev.

    Unified State Exam in Social Studies: analysis of assignments with a teacher
  8. Fill in the blank cells in the table using the list of missing items below: for each space indicated by a letter, select the number of the item you want.

    Missing items:

    1) adoption of the US Constitution

    3) the civil war in England

    4) the end of the Hundred Years War

    5) annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire

    8) the abolition of serfdom in Russia

    9) M. Luther's speech with 95 theses, the beginning of the Reformation in Germany

    In my opinion, this is one of the most difficult tasks. Knowledge of the dates of not only domestic but also foreign history is required. The only indulgence is that there are options to choose from and just indicate the eyelid. XIX century. in the history of Russia is, of course, the abolition of serfdom ( 1861 G.). Vladimir Monomakh ruled, practically, before the very fragmentation and this is the XII century. ( 1113-1125). Accession of Pskov ( 1510 g.), along with Ryazan and Smolensk, to the Moscow principality at the beginning of the 16th century. completed the process of forming a unified Russian state. Around the same time ( 1517 g.) in Germany, the priest Martin Luther published his "95 Theses", which was the beginning of the Reformation. And at the end of the 18th century. ( 1783 g.) The Russian Empire annexed Crimea, and in the British colonies in North America, after the revolution and the war of liberation, the US Constitution was adopted ( 1787 g.).

    Answer: 862951.

  9. Read an excerpt from the commander's telegram.

    “Everyone was well aware that given the current situation and the actual leadership and direction of domestic policy by irresponsible public organizations, as well as the enormous corrupting influence of these organizations on the mass of the army, it would not be possible to recreate the latter, but on the contrary, the army as such should collapse in two or three months. And then Russia will have to conclude a shameful separate peace, the consequences of which would be dire for Russia. The government took half measures, which, without correcting anything, only prolonged the agony, and, saving the revolution, did not save Russia. Meanwhile, the gains of the revolution could be saved only by saving Russia, and for this, first of all, it is necessary to create a real strong government and improve the rear. General Kornilov made a number of demands, the implementation of which was delayed. Under such conditions, General Kornilov did not
    pursuing any personal ambitious plans and relying on the clearly expressed consciousness of the entire healthy part of society and the army, which demanded the speedy creation of a strong government to save the Motherland, and with it the conquests of the revolution, considered more decisive measures to be taken to ensure the establishment of order in the country ... "Using passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list below.

    Write in the table numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) The events described in the telegram took place in 1916.

    2) The government referred to in the telegram was called the SNK.

    5) The Bolsheviks supported the actions of General Kornilov.

    6) The "decisive measures" of General Kornilov, which are indicated in the telegram, were not carried out.

    A huge number of conclusions can be drawn from this large and capacious text, therefore it is better to act by the method of elimination, analyzing the proposed options.

    1) - no, the described events took place in 1917 g. after the overthrow of the tsarist government, since the text refers to the management of politics by "irresponsible public organizations" (apparently, it is about the Provisional Government and the Soviets).

    2) - no, SNK - the first Soviet government was created only in October 1917 g. at the II Congress of Soviets, and judging by the text, at the time described, the "Kornilov revolt" in August 1917 had not yet happened.

    5) - no, the Bolsheviks did not support Kornilov, but opposed with all their might, since Kornilov directly threatened their existence.

    6) - yes, the "decisive measures" of Kornilov, who was marching with the troops to Petrograd, were not implemented. It was stopped by the joint forces of the Provisional Government and the Soviets.

    Answer: 346.

  10. Methodological assistance to the history teacher
  11. Write the name of the commander-in-chief who carried out the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram.

    Before studying the map, you need to carefully read its legend.

    We see that the Russian principalities are singled out separately. This means that we are talking about a period of specific fragmentation. Besieged cities are indicated. We read their names on the map: Kolomna, Moscow, Suzdal, etc. We compare the data: who during the period of fragmentation massively besieged Russian cities? Mongols. Who was their leader? Batu.

    Answer: Batu.

  12. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram with the number "1".

    We know that during the first campaign of Batu to Russia, he defeated the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. The capital, the city of Vladimir was taken by storm in 1238 BC It is he who is designated by the number 1 on the map. The city of Suzdal, located not far from it in the north, also helps us to determine this.

    Answer: Vladimir.

  13. Indicate the name of the city, indicated on the diagram by a number, where a republican form of government existed during this campaign.

    V XIII century., and it was then that Batu's campaign took place, in almost all Russian principalities there was a monarchical form of government with minor differences. In Novgorod and Pskov, a republic was established, where the townspeople elected officials for themselves. Number 2 on the map designates Novgorod.

    Answer: Novgorod.

  14. What judgments regarding the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six suggested. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

    1) The conquerors invaded Russia in the winter.

    2) None of the cities captured by the conquerors withstood the siege for more than one week.

    3) Yam and Koporye were captured by the conquerors during the events indicated by arrows on the diagram.

    4) One of the consequences of the events indicated in the diagram was the beginning of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.

    5) The conquerors, whose campaign is indicated by arrows on the diagram, invaded Russia from the southeast.

    6) The military leader, whose campaign is indicated in the diagram, is the founder of the state.

    Working with judgments again.

    1. - it is true that it was in the winter that the Mongols preferred to attack, since they could not be afraid of thaw and use the frozen rivers as roads.
    2. - it is not true, Kozelsk withstood a 49-day siege, for which it was nicknamed by the Mughals "an evil city".
    3. - it is not true, Batu did not even reach them. And besides, these cities belonged to the Novgorod land, and Novgorod was able to pay off the defeat.
    4. - wrong, fragmentation began more than 100 years before Batu's campaign.
    5. - right, exactly from the southeast, which is understandable from the map.
    6. - it is true, Batu founded the state of the Golden Horde, to which the Russian lands were subordinated.

    Answer: 156.

  15. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

    Cultural questions are among the most difficult. Let's try to figure it out.

    A) "The Lay of Igor's Regiment" was written by an unknown author, and for some time it was considered a falsification. It describes the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky against the Polovtsy in the 12th century.

    B) "Domostroy" - a collection of teachings and rules of housekeeping, written by the priest Sylvester for the education of the young Tsar Ivan the Terrible, based on instructive Novgorod texts.

    C) The painting "Boyarynya Morozova" was written by Surikov. Boyarynya Morozova is a real historical character, one of the leaders of the church schism of the 17th century.

    D) The novel "Quiet Don" was written by Sholokhov, who received the Nobel Prize for it in 1966.

    Answer: 4365.

  16. Learning to work with atlases and contour maps on history

  17. What are the correct judgments about this brand? Choose two judgments from the five suggested. Write in the table numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) The military leader depicted on the stamp was repressed.

    2) The military leader depicted on the stamp was born during the reign of Nicholas II in Russia.

    3) The events depicted on the stamp by arrows took place during the First World War.

    4) The military leader depicted on the stamp was a participant in the Great Patriotic War.

    5) This stamp was issued during the leadership of the USSR by N.S. Khrushchev.

    In this task, it seems to me more convenient to find the correct judgments, without wasting time analyzing all the proposed ones. On the stamp we see an image of Marshal Tukhachevsky, who was shot in 1937 g. The stamp also shows the date - 1963 g., relating to the period of the reign of N.S. Khrushchev.

    Answer: 15.

  18. Which of the presented coins are dedicated to the anniversaries of the events that occurred during the life of the military leader depicted on the stamp? In the answer, write down two digits with which these coins are designated.

    So, the first coin is dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1945. By this time, Tukhachevsky was dead. The second coin was issued in honor of the 170th anniversary of the Russian railways. The St. Petersburg - Tsarskoe Selo road was opened in 1837, when the executed marshal was not yet born. The third marks the 100th anniversary of Russian parliamentarism. Parliament (State Duma) was opened in 1906. Tukhachevsky was repressed at the age of 40, and accordingly he found the Duma. The USSR was created in 1922, which also refers to the time of Tukhachevsky's life.

    Answer: 34.

  19. From the resolution of the XIX All-Union Party Conference

    “The 19th All-Union Party Conference ... states that the strategic course worked out by the party at the April Plenum of the Central Committee and the 27th Party Congress for a comprehensive and revolutionary renewal of Soviet society and the acceleration of its socio-economic development is being steadily implemented. The country's slide towards an economic and socio-political crisis has been suspended ...

    The process of recovery of the country's economy began, its turn towards meeting the urgent needs of people. New management methods are gaining momentum. In accordance with the Law on State Enterprise (Association), associations and enterprises are being transferred to self-financing and self-sufficiency. The Law on Cooperation has been developed, widely discussed and adopted. New, progressive forms of intra-industrial labor relations on the basis of contracts and leases, as well as individual labor activity, are entering life. There is a restructuring of organizational management structures aimed at creating favorable conditions for effective management of the primary links of the economy.

    The work launched on the initiative of the party made it possible to resume the growth of the real incomes of the working people. Practical measures are being taken to increase the production of food and consumer goods, and to expand housing construction. Reforms in education and health care are underway. Spiritual life is becoming a powerful factor in the country's progress. Significant work has been done to rethink the modern realities of world development, renew and give dynamism to foreign policy. Thus, perestroika is entering the life of Soviet society deeper and deeper, exerting an ever-increasing transforming influence on it. "

  20. Indicate the decade in which the events mentioned in the resolution took place. Indicate the name of the politician who was the leader of the country during the period when these events took place. Indicate the name of the period in the history of the USSR when this politician was the leader of the country.

    This question again requires us to read the text carefully. The concepts mentioned in it, such as: "self-financing", "Law on state enterprise", "cooperation", "individual labor activity" and, most importantly, "perestroika", make it possible to determine the period - this is 1980 - years. The state at this time was led by M.S. Gorbachev, and the period of his reign went down in history under the name "Restructuring".

  21. What directions of the internal policy of the CPSU and the state are named in the resolution? List any three directions.

    We read carefully and see that the text mentions: 1) introduction of new management methods, 2) education and health care reforms, 3) expansion of housing construction.

  22. What is the result of the implementation of the considered strategic course of the party? Drawing on historical knowledge, indicate at least two reasons that led to this result.

    Despite the optimistic spirit that permeated the resolution of the party conference, things in the USSR were not so rosy. Convulsive and often ill-conceived attempts to reform the Soviet economy, which even in the party resolution called it "sliding towards a crisis", did not bring success. The result was an acute economic and socio-political crisis, ending with the collapse of the USSR.

    The reasons for this large-scale phenomenon, which in many ways changed the world, are still debated at different levels. This issue has a very strong political background. Differences between modern political parties and movements are often based on attitudes towards the collapse of the USSR. But we will try to be as objective and impartial as possible.

    1) By the end of the 1980s, the Soviet planned economy had exhausted the resources for its development; it was unable to adequately respond to the changing economic situation and compete on equal terms with the market economies of developed countries.

    2) Despite the declared monolithicity of the Soviet society, which united peoples with different cultural and social traditions, separatist tendencies ripened within the USSR, encouraged by the political elites of the Union republics who wanted political independence.

  23. USE in history: we analyze assignments with a teacher
  24. Many cities of Ancient Rus arose on the banks of rivers. Explain what were the advantages of this city location (give three explanations).

    Cities on the banks of rivers have sprung up in many countries for similar reasons:

    1) water is necessary for a person himself and for conducting a sedentary economy (watering plants, watering cattle);

    2) rivers in Russia were of paramount importance for trade. No wonder, the main Russian cities were located on the waterway "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

    3) the city, located on the river bank, has protection in the event of an attack by enemies from at least one side (from the others, strong walls will protect).

  25. In historical science, there are controversial issues on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view that exist in historical science.

    "The internal policy of Alexander III contributed to the progressive development of the social and economic spheres of public life."

    Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can support this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it. Be sure to use historical facts when presenting your arguments.

    Write down your answer as follows.

    Arguments in support:

    Arguments in rebuttal:

    The reign of Alexander III with the light hand of a Petersburg journalist at the end of the 19th century. began to be called the "period of counterreforms", with negative connotations, but even some Soviet historians, despite, in general, a negative attitude towards Alexander III, recognized that certain measures of his domestic policy had a positive effect on the development of the socio-economic development of Russian society.

    Arguments in support:

    1. Under Alexander III, active railway construction was carried out, including with state funds, which positively influenced the economic development of the country.
    2. The formation of labor legislation began, facilitating the working conditions of women and children.

    Arguments in rebuttal:

    1. The city's "counter-reform" was carried out, which increased the property qualification for voters, which limited the social base of self-government bodies.
    2. The institution of zemstvo chiefs was introduced, who had power over the peasant, similar to the power of the landowner over the serf.
  26. You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia:

    The essay must:

    - indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) related to a given period of history;

    - name two historical personalities whose activities are associated with the specified events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of the individuals you named in these events (phenomena, processes);

    - indicate at least two causal relationships that characterize the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred during a given period;

    - using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, assess the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia.

    In the course of the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts related to this period.

    For writing the essay, I will choose the period from March 1801 to May 1812. - “the days of the Alexandrovs are a wonderful beginning”, as A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Censor". This is the time from the accession to the throne of Alexander I and, almost, until the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812.

    It is not without reason that the poet designated this era. The young emperor was full of ideas for reforming Russia in order to bring it closer in living standards to Western European countries. For this, according to Alexander I, it was necessary first of all to limit the autocracy and to destroy the shameful serfdom. And, if even his educator with republican convictions Laharpe advised the tsar to restrict autocracy, the first step towards the abolition of serfdom was made by the publication in 1803 of the decree “On free farmers”. This decree, which became a compromise between the desire of Alexander I to completely abolish serfdom and the fear of indignation from the nobles, allowed the landowners to release the serfs free with land and for ransom. Despite the small number of peasants freed in this way, the significance of the decree is enormous. The emperor demonstrated to society his attitude to serfdom, and, in addition, some of the provisions of the "Decree" were implemented in the peasant reform of 1861.

    The second person who determined the image of the era was M.M. Speransky. A native of the family of a rural priest, thanks to his talents, he made a dizzying career, becoming, according to Emperor Alexander I, his right hand. In the first years of his reign, the emperor had not yet abandoned the idea of ​​reforming the archaic Russian state structure. Brilliantly educated, possessing an exceptionally deep mind, M.M. Speransky nurtured grandiose plans for transforming the Russian system of government: limiting autocracy by an elected legislative body - the State Duma, creating a State Council that would unite all branches of government, granting civil rights to the entire population, which, in fact, made it impossible to implement serfdom. Only the creation of the State Council in 1810 was realized, and only with legislative functions. Yielding to the pressure of the "high society", who hated the upstart reformer and accused him of having ties with Napoleon, Alexander I, on the eve of the war of 1812, sent M.M. Speransky into exile. His mind and transformative plans at this time turned out to be unclaimed, and this slowed down the development of the statehood of our country. Many ideas of M.M. Speransky will be realized, but only a century later and under the pressure of the first Russian revolution. There will be a State Duma and civil rights for the population, but too late.

Pupils in grades 10 and 11 think about where they will go after graduation, what subjects will need to be taken for admission to a higher educational institution, and how best to prepare for the exam in history, mathematics, Russian language and physics.

Most of the students belong to the humanities, which means that they pass, in addition to the Russian language, social studies, literature and history. However, preparation for these subjects is no easier than an exam in physics or chemistry, so it is worth knowing a few important points in order to successfully pass the exam.

What are the features?

How to prepare for the exam in history? Every year, the structure of assignments in various subjects, including history, changes, but the essence remains. For example, considering the features of the history exam in 2017, it is worth noting that it will consist of 2 parts and 25 tasks, where 19 questions need to be answered shortly, and 6 - detailed. All tasks have their own level of difficulty: from basic to high, each is evaluated with points.

For the correct answer to a simple question, you can get 1 point (for example, for the first task), and for a complete, correct and detailed answer to the last questions on the list (for example, for 25 tasks) you can get from 1 to 11 points, so it is important to understand how to correctly prepare for the exam in history.

The entire examination work takes 4 hours to complete, and the student needs to properly allocate his time, spending on simple questions from 1 minute to 7, and on complex questions - up to 40-60 minutes.

Features of preparation for the second part of history

Separately, it should be noted that the second part of the history exam is more difficult and requires a detailed answer to the question. It will not be enough to know the exact date of the event, the student will be required to reason on different topics, so it is important to decide how to prepare for the exam in history.

For example, you need to analyze a specific event or problem. To do this, it is necessary to identify historical facts and phenomena, point to historical objects, draw a causal relationship, compare objects or processes and draw a certain conclusion.

The second part of the exam requires a long and special preparation, a deep knowledge of history from the points of view of several experts and the expression of your opinion.

How much do you need to prepare for the exam in history

The questions that come across on the exam can be very different, including topics that were passed in the 5th or 6th grade (for example, about Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome). Therefore, you need to give yourself the installation that we are preparing for the exam in history from scratch, studying the most ancient worlds. It is recommended to start in grade 10 in order to slowly work through all the questions: read information, solve various tests, complete assignments.

Before starting the study, it is worth drawing up a work plan, creating a chronological table where important dates and events will be recorded, which can be a hint for repeating the material covered.

In the process of studying a certain period, it is recommended to look for information not only from the textbook. A good addition to acquiring knowledge will be watching a documentary film or listening to a report by a famous scientist.

If the preparation for the exam begins only in grade 11, then it is more than likely that there will be no time left for an in-depth study of the subject. Then the material must be divided into large periods in which it is important to remember the main events, key persons, wars and reforms.

What are the ways of preparation

Each student knows, Someone is able to study independently and does not need outside supervision. Someone remembers the material better if they study with a tutor. Before you start preparing for the exam, decide how comfortable you are to study the subject and what result you expect in the end. Some will be satisfied with the minimum score, others need a high mark, for which it is better to prepare for the exam with a teacher.

In any case, you need to read, constantly solve tests, watch films. You can work on tasks from previous years that are publicly available on the Internet. This will help you understand their structure, determine your level of knowledge and assess your own training.

Preparing for the exam in history from scratch on our own

Self-study requires some effort, faith in your knowledge and the ability to properly allocate time. Before starting to study the material, you need to understand how to prepare for the exam in history, stock up on textbooks, geographical maps, tests, a notebook and a pen.

The next step is to determine how long it will take to study the topic, where it is important not only to read, but also to thoughtfully analyze the information received, checking it against the map of the time being studied, writing out important dates, names and events. Then you can take a test, which will help consolidate your knowledge.

You do not need to memorize all the dates in a row, because it is unrealistic to remember all of them. It is important to draw up a system by linking dates to periods of history and key personalities that featured at that time. Such associative memory will help to remember the material much more and more broadly.

We use time management in preparation

Time management is the science of time management that can be used both in work and in life, in particular, when preparing for exams. You can use different techniques, but they will all boil down to a few simple rules:

  1. If you have to analyze a large topic, then it is better to break it down into several small ones, which will allow you to study it deeper and more thoughtfully.
  2. It is worth studying “correctly”, measuring, for example, 30 minutes for mastering the material. Even if during this time it was not possible to study the whole topic, then you should definitely take a break for 5 minutes, and then, after a short rest, continue learning again.
  3. It is definitely recommended to create a working mood, for example, settle in a place where the topic is best remembered. Not everyone can teach while lying on the couch or listening to music. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a desktop where books, notebooks with pens and maps will lie.

Major mistakes

All students make certain mistakes when preparing for the exam, but they can be avoided if they approach the study of the subject correctly. Let it be the history of Russia. We are preparing for the exam and do not make common mistakes.

You should not start preparing a week before the exam, even if you need to get the minimum score. After reading all the material in a few days, memory retains little information.

If you just read materials on history, without fixing them, then most likely most of it will be forgotten. Therefore, after studying the topic, you can take a test on the topic studied, or ask friends or parents to ask specific questions, and you give detailed answers.

If you start preparing for the exam in advance, you should not spend all day studying first and then taking a break for several days. Spend 2 hours every day, and the information will be easier to digest.

Quite a lot of schoolchildren take the exam in history. Points will come in handy at such humanitarian faculties as jurisprudence, political science, journalism. Many people think that this subject is difficult, but this is not entirely true. The average score is low compared to geography or.

The biggest knowledge gaps in cartography, cultural studies... Many cannot compare the events of domestic and foreign history; confusion arises with historical figures.

The largest number of incorrect answers is in the second part. There it is necessary give arguments, confirm the position with theses.

The last part requires write an essay, which also raises a lot of problems. If a student did not learn history either in the 7th or 8th grade, then he must start from the basics, namely from chronology. To pass the exam, you need to know all the events in chronological order.

You also need learn all dates, and there are a lot of them. On the exam, all dates are checked up to the day. Many become desperate when they see what layer of information needs to be learned.

How to remember events and dates

The study of history begins with the uprising of the Drevlyans, the baptism of Rus, etc. These events took place in the 10th century, respectively, we remember and teach significant personalities - princes. We attach an event to each one to make it easier to remember.

When studying history, you will need to learn cartography. Let's take a personality - Prince Oleg. On the map we look at how he expanded the territory and with whom he fought. Need to know everyone by sight, and if there are no illustrations in the textbooks, then we look on the Internet. We pay attention to the buildings - who built the temple, when, what contributed.

Some people remember information better when presented visually. This is a great way, since you need to read a lot of material on history and illustrations will help you remember important information accurately.

There is an assignment in the second part, which many students fail. It is required to comprehend the text, indicate the time, events, ruler. Next, you will need to answer questions, write arguments to refute or confirm the position.

For example, let's take one of the most significant events - baptism in Russia. It is necessary to write the pros and cons. This requires view materials from discussions... These questions are well understood in history lessons.

Another difficult task is an essay. It is also necessary to define events there. The greatest difficulties arise with the second period of government. You will need to describe the event, what happened as a result, what personalities are associated with it. An event may fall out of the reign of the Rurik, Romanovs or the Soviet period.

You need to start preparation in advance, especially if you are preparing from scratch... By April, you should already have a clear picture of events and the rest of your time you devote to processing knowledge and complex tasks.

To prepare well, you need to understand why you are taking the subject. For example, points are required for admission to military school or law school. After you receive your diploma, it is highly likely that you will not have a comfortable life, because. It is also required to determine how many points at least you need to score. For example, 80 points. That's a lot, so it's worth your effort.

In the classroom, you need to listen carefully to the teacher, make notes in a notebook, independently refine the material and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them. You can discuss your exam preparation plan with your teacher. As a rule, the school has additional classes to prepare for the exam. You should definitely visit them.

Better to start sooner rather than later. If possible, take part in history olympiads. So you work out and repeat the material again. If by the 11th grade you don't know anything about history, then don't worry - there is still time.

Plan your learning time clearly. Ideally, practice for two hours 3-4 times a week. First, learn the theory, then move on to solving tests. Also deal with difficult questions.

Exam preparation plan

  1. Learn the structure of the exam... To pass the exam well, you need to know what you need to write in each part. There are tasks with historical documents, maps, problematic questions about history, names, dates, concepts.
  2. Divide preparation into stages. The most optimal division: the Old Russian state, the decline of the state, the formation of a centralized state, the rule of the Godunovs, the Romanovs, Peter the Great, coups, etc.

Students study for 35 weeks. One period is one week. It is better to take a break during the holidays, since you have 13 more weeks in stock, and this is enough to consolidate the material. First, study all the periods and only then solve the tests.

There is an opinion that up to 70% of the assignments are devoted to the 19th and 20th centuries, so there is no need to focus too much on medieval history.

What materials will be useful

  1. Textbook for independent preparation for the exam in history. It is better to use the materials of the publishing house Enlightenment or study Sakharov's profile textbook.
  2. Tables and charts useful for memorizing information in the form of diagrams. It is also obligatory to read the textbooks.
  3. Atlases stories.
  4. Video lectures in preparation for the exam.
  5. Texts for the preparation of. First, study all the material from the FIPI website.

How else to prepare for the exam

  1. Take notes. When you write information with your hand, you memorize better. Structure information, highlight important things with bright colors.
  2. Write cheat sheets on difficult tasks (24, 25). but don't wear them to the exam.
  3. Run through demos on the FIPI website.
  4. Learn maps, geographic objects. Better to hang a map of Russia in the room for a while. Often it is required to indicate the name of geographical objects, the location of cities.
  5. If you need a high score, then you need teach culture... Better to make a table with stamps, posters, sculptures, architectural structures, paintings by artists.
  6. Work with historical documents.
  7. Look history films.

Another important tip that will help you independently prepare for the exam in history is to remember historical figures, year and event cut small cards... On one side, you need to indicate the ruler, and on the other, years of life or reign, events and a brief description of activities. Build decks and learn.

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