Home Fruit trees The biological clock: can you turn back time? Blue zones. Dan Buettner's book on How to Reverse the Biological Clock How to Reverse the Biological Clock

The biological clock: can you turn back time? Blue zones. Dan Buettner's book on How to Reverse the Biological Clock How to Reverse the Biological Clock

According to the philosophical view, everything in the Universe is in cyclical changes. Therefore, any life that has gone through the process of birth, existence and aging will invariably enter the gates of death. This, however, does not in any way weaken the attempts of scientists determined to unravel the secrets of aging and create a pill for senile frailty.

Since ancient times, people have tried to find a cure for old age and create a pill of immortality. This has occupied the minds of mankind since the time of the pharaohs, continued to bother the alchemists of medieval Europe and remains relevant today. Yes it is understandable, who does not want to live forever and stay young? And for this you need only a little - to stop the aging of cells.

After all, there are ageless organisms in nature. For example, begonia cells can divide almost indefinitely. Ascidians (Ascidiae), invertebrates that also hardly age. There is also the so-called hydra fusca. As long as the temperature remains above 20 ° C, it divides, produces offspring and does not age. True, if the temperature drops, it dies. Why some organisms can live for a very long time, while others are not capable of it?

Life expectancy depends on the ability of the body's cells to replenish losses so that tissue dysfunction does not occur. Currently, there are many different theories of aging. Among them there are genetic theories: the theory of programmed death and the theory of accumulation of mutations. There is also a group of theories called "probabilistic". According to them, the aging of the body occurs as a result of random processes at the molecular level. This group includes the theory of free radicals, apoptosis (cell suicide) and others.

Cellular "overlimit"

To date, the genetic theory of telomeres has received the greatest resonance in society. In 1961, the American gerontologist L. Hayflick, through simple experiments, determined that skin fibroblasts can divide outside the body about 50 times. Hayflick tried to freeze fibroblasts after 20 divisions, and then thawed it a year later. And they shared an average of 30 more times, that is, to their limit. This maximum number of divisions for a given cell has been called the Hayflick limit. But what caused such limits began to be guessed only after 10 years.

One fine day, our compatriot, an employee of the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexei Matveyevich Olovnikov, was waiting for a train in the metro. Overwhelmed with thoughts of Hayflick's experiments, he looked thoughtful and suddenly dawned on him. Like a train traveling on rails, the DNA polymerase enzyme moves along the DNA molecule and makes a copy from it. But if the train starts moving not from the terminal station, but somewhere in the middle of the branch, then the copy will be twice as short, that is, not all of the genetic code will be recreated. If this happens all the time, then the genetic material becomes less and less. Over time, the end sections of the chromosomes - telomeres ("telos" - the end, "mer" - part) become shorter for this very reason. Olovnikov almost missed the train, but it was worth it ...

Of course, different cells have their own "Hayflick limits" and a finite number of divisions. Some cells in our body, such as stem cells, germ cells, and cancer cells can divide an unlimited number of times. It turned out that this is due to the presence in them of a special enzyme called "telomerase". It was discovered in the 1980s by American scientists Grader and Blackburn. Telomerase rebuilds the end sections of chromosomes - telomeres, and thus prolongs life. By the way, unlike germ stem and cancer cells, telomerase is disabled in normal cells, so they cannot divide indefinitely and tissues age.

Interestingly, bacteria and some viruses have a circular DNA molecule that has no telomeres (end regions) and nothing to lose when copied. In this regard, bacteria do not age and do not need telomerase services.

The telomere theory of aging looked quite slender, and research conducted by scientists from Harvard Medical School in Boston convinced almost everyone. Ronald Depigno and his co-workers performed experiments on mice in which telomerase practically did not work. As a result, at a young age, they already showed signs of aging.

Scientists have managed to restore telomerase activity and reverse the aging process. According to the researchers themselves, this was due to the activation of dormant telomerases in the stem cells of the animal body. Bearing in mind that the high activity of the enzyme is also characteristic of cancer cells, the scientists acted carefully and avoided malignant degeneration. Does this mean that all of us are waiting for immortality in the near future? Sounds great, but apparently not.

Rely on telomeres, but don't make a mistake yourself

Olovnikov himself, the author of the telomeric theory, still considers it only a theory. It turns out that in humans, the length of telomeres is shorter than in mice, but he lives ten times longer. And in some species of mice, which differ significantly in telomere length, life expectancy remains the same. These contradictions cannot finally convince Olovnikov, and he is looking for deeper mechanisms of aging.

While scientists are digging through the cells, we just have to wait patiently. Although not quite so ... One of the "iron" ways to prolong life works everywhere and is confirmed in laboratories. It has been proven that if an animal is underfed, it lives longer.

Scientifically, this is called "calorie-restricted nutrition", and popularly - a diet. If you eat 30% less than you want, you will achieve the effect. Scientists explain this by a decrease in the activity of free radicals and a change in hormonal levels.

Eat wisely, and perhaps you will be able to live to create the "pills of immortality."

We talk about the prospects for the development of anti-aging medicine with ANDREW ALBERTOVICH POLIROV, Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the Soyuz clinic ( WWW.KLINIKASOYUZ.RU).

The older we get, the stronger the urge to turn back time. ACT! The older we get, the stronger the urge to turn back time and feel young and energized again. The good news is that scientists believe this is a feasible task. It's all about lifestyle and self-awareness. Close your eyes and imagine the most enjoyable events in your life over the past 20 years. Think about how you felt, the people you met, the activities that brought you joy.

BEFORE: In some countries or regions, people age much more slowly, what is the reason?

AP: Let's start with the fact that nature has laid in us a program of life for 120–140 years. Another question is that we do not live to see these years for many different reasons. The aging mechanism itself has a genetically built algorithm. The fact that we do not live forever and sooner or later must leave for another world is a normal phenomenon. Another issue is that we do die too early. The most important factor here is the way and way of life.

Where people lead the right way of life, they live longer. What does correct mean? This is movement and proper nutrition.

Today the longest life expectancy is in southern Japan - Okinawa - and Norway. Two countries very distant from each other, but nevertheless similar in life expectancy. Residents of Okinawa eat mainly seafood, natural food without chemical additives, and do not abuse meat products. Fish and seafood are the most balanced products for the human body.

And in Norway, in addition to fish, which also forms the basis of the diet, there is an excellent ecology, a very high standard of living, a minimum amount of stress.

BEFORE: Fish alone is not enough, nevertheless, the influence of a whole complex of factors should affect here - both climate and ecology ...

AP: Well, if we take the Murmansk region of Russia, which is not so far from Norway (at the same latitude and the climate is similar), then life expectancy there is somewhat lower. Psychosocial factors are also of great importance. Calmness, lack of concern for tomorrow is one of the most important issues of life expectancy and its quality. There is a large number of centenarians both in the Caucasus and in Cuba, but there it concerns not the population as a whole, but individual people.

BEFORE: What modern anti-age methods are currently the most popular and in demand?

AP: The issues of anti-aging therapy are relevant both in the United States and in the countries of the Old World, and for some time now in Russia. And they are relevant because there is a clear tendency towards a general aging of the population. This is especially true for Europe. The average age is getting higher and, accordingly, the time of retirement is also moving away. And, in order to function fully, people need to be younger than their biological clock. Therefore, such a direction as anti-age medicine or anti-age therapy, the last one and a half to two decades, has been developing quite rapidly, since now it is especially in demand.

According to the Russian VCIOM, up to 16 million people could or would like to use anti-age medicine services. Only it must be very clearly distinguished - there are two large groups. One is the means and methods of dealing with the external manifestations of aging. And the other is attempts to slow down the aging process itself or even reverse it.

If we are talking about the fight against external signs of aging, then there are a lot of them: lymphatic drainage, thalassotherapy, spa, balneology, various cosmetic techniques that allow to minimize the external manifestations of aging to a certain extent - this mainly concerns the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This direction is more accurately attributed to anti-aging cosmetology.

And the second, more serious side of the issue is attempts to stop the aging of the organism itself.

Today it is absolutely certain that in each of our cells there is a certain gene that is responsible for cell division and regeneration. Both the possibilities and the duration of cell reproduction are predetermined by the genetic program, and when they are exhausted, the aging process begins.

Each person has the so-called primary, stem cells, from which any cells of the body can then be formed. The maximum number of these cells in humans is at a very early age, and over time their number decreases. This is the law of nature, and if it were not observed, the world would be inhabited by billions of people, starting from the universal flood.

The mechanism of aging is currently understood and known - it is a decrease in the production of stem cells, that building material, bricks from which a variety of cells can be synthesized and regenerated. At an earlier age, when the body grows, there are more newly formed cells than dying ones, and from about 24–25 years of age, the processes of cell extinction begin to prevail over regenerating cells. This is due to the fact that with age, the number of stem cells in the blood decreases to some extent.

There are certain species of animals that lack this mechanism - they have the same number of stem cells for almost their entire life. These are some types of sea molluscs or green turtles. And in principle, they should live forever and not die of old age. This is what happens - if they die, it is only due to illness or injury. They lack the aging and dying mechanism. Here is such an incident of nature.

And these data on the role of stem cells and the genetic basis of aging led to the idea that stem therapy can be used for revitalization some time ago. In order to turn the biological clock back, you need to give the body a sufficient number of stem cells, which are not enough for building material.

Today such technologies exist, but they are at the level of a medical experiment, and those people who are engaged in stem therapy on a commercial basis are doing it illegally. There are no regulatory legal documents for stem therapy, at least in Russia. Because today the process of stem cell division is not well understood. Theoretically, there is such a possibility that, having introduced stem cells to a person, it is possible not to stop this division, and how it will end, only God knows. Although many, including me, know that stem therapy, albeit clandestinely, is used, and in Russia as well. For this, a fragment of bone marrow is taken from a person, stem cells are isolated from it on special devices, which undergo careful selection, and these stem cells multiply very well in an incubator.

BEFORE: That is, a person is injected with their own cells?

AP: Yes, their own cells are introduced into the vascular bed - the human circulatory system. Experiments carried out with the aim of treating and regenerating individual organs have shown a very high efficiency of this technique. But there is, albeit not statistically processed, but nevertheless very convincing evidence that this cell stem revitalization really slows down the aging process to a significant extent, and perhaps even shifts the time back a little.

BEFORE: But the future consequences of stem cell therapy are still unknown?

AP: In order to talk about long-term, you need to have a statistical base. And since the method is not legalized, there can be no serious basis. We can only talk about the impressions, opinions of various specialists who, in one way or another, had contact with this type of therapy.

BEFORE: What other anti-age methods can you name?

AP: The only serious method of anti-age medicine, as I said, is cell therapy. True, it has not yet been legalized in our country, but, in my opinion, the future belongs to it.

Of the simpler, but also cellular techniques, this is therapy with fibroblasts, cells of the deep layers of human skin, which are used in modern mesotherapy. It also gives a pretty good effect.

There have also been attempts to use medical genetics and hormonal influences to try to change a person's metabolism in such a way as to achieve a rejuvenating effect. Such experiments were done back in the 1920s: if you remember, such experiments of Professor Preobrazhensky were described by Bulgakov.

BEFORE:"I will transplant to you, madam, the ovaries of a monkey ..."

AP: Yes, such techniques were developed when it was assumed that due to the hormonal background, changes would occur in the human body, its rejuvenation. There is a grain of reason in this. Of course, the ovaries of a monkey are not suitable, it must be a creature closer to a person, for example, a pig or even a person. For example, a number of anti-aging agents are made from the placenta. But, unfortunately, hormone therapy methods do not give a long-term effect.

Anti-aging methods include the use of all kinds of organoprotectors, phytohormones, antioxidants. For example, the Q10 enzyme is a powerful antioxidant that contributes to an overall improvement in the functioning of the body, the familiar ascorbic acid works just as effectively - it is a good, powerful antioxidant that promotes the elimination of free radicals.

BEFORE: But, taking such drugs, a person is unlikely to be able to rejuvenate?

AP: No, of course, as I said, these processes are determined by the genotype, habitat and lifestyle. With the help of organoprotectors and antioxidants, the body will be able to function more efficiently, possibly under the same loads, but it will not get younger.

If you eat a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables and less meat, get enough sleep, get up and run earlier in the morning, take a contrast shower and not freak out at work, you will probably live longer and in better quality than vice versa.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle can be called the basic basis of anti-age therapy. We dream of a magic wand, we want, without doing anything for our health, to take an extraordinary pill, give injections - and rejuvenate. And this does not happen - it simply cannot be.

Ions of Academician Skulachev.

According to scientists, the difference between biological and true age of a person can be up to 20 years. In Russia, for example, most people are biologically older than their age.

A large project to combat aging at the cellular level is headed by the director of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology of Moscow State University, Academician Vladimir Skulachev. He argues that aging is a programmed stage in our development, a program in our genes. And the main goal of his project is to create a tool that can influence this program, change it, and push back the lines of aging.

The Skulachev group is trying to influence the human genetic program with the help of synthetic molecules that will prevent the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in cells. According to Skulachev, our main enemy, oddly enough, is oxygen! And our cells destroy themselves, synthesizing its poisonous forms. It is them that are neutralized by a substance created by the academician in the laboratory of Moscow State University, based on a plant antioxidant, which is called "Skulachev's ions."

These ions penetrate not just into cells, but into their mitochondria (the smallest "grains" in the cell), where a poisonous oxidizer conducts its destructive activity, which causes general aging of the body.

The project has only been going on for a few years, but fantastic results have already been obtained. It turned out that mice that received a miracle substance (an insignificant amount of it dissolves in drinking water, millionths of a milligram), turn gray much later than their counterparts and live 25% longer. This remedy is also effective in the fight against especially senile diseases, for example, retinal dystrophy.

At the Veterinary Academy in Moscow, old blind dogs, cats, and horses were treated with his help. Out of 13 dogs, the lens of which did not react to light, 9 received their sight. Vision returned to 3 out of 4 cats. Finally, the completely blind horse regained sight.

But in his speeches, Academician Skulachev declares that he does not promise to create pills for old age in the near future, this is a matter for a very distant future.

About one of the most innovative methods of anti-age medicine -
treatment with organopreparations, says the chief physician of the clinic "City Resort" S. A. VINOGRADOV (WWW.GORODKURORT.RU).

One of the latest trends in anti-age medicine is treatment with organopreparations or ORGANOTHERAPY. This is the introduction into the human body of drugs made from animal organs and tissues. They are also called fetal, from the Latin Fetus - a fetus. By their composition, fetal preparations are a balanced complex of the most valuable cellular biomolecules, extracts of the cellular contents of organs and tissues of healthy animals (fetuses and embryos of calves and pigs).

Fetal organopreparations have unique properties. Their peculiarity lies in exceptional accuracy, that is, targeting the impact on the functions of a particular organ. As a result of their use in the human body, the processes of rejuvenation are activated, mechanisms of inhibition of age-related changes are triggered, tumors dissolve, and inflammation is removed. This leads to the restoration of the normal function of an organ or tissue, and ultimately to a general rejuvenation of the body.

The targeting of such revitalization lies in the targeted rejuvenating effect of the organopreparation on any internal organ that needs rejuvenation or treatment.

For example, with overweight, targeted activation of the functions of the endocrine glands leads to a physiological decrease in body weight. Targeted activation of liver function helps with cirrhosis, and pancreas - with diabetes. Therefore, fetal organopreparations are used as restorers of organs and tissues, which have no equal in terms of the effectiveness of anti-aging action.

The use of organopreparations also affects how young a person looks. After all, skin rejuvenation is closely related to the internal rejuvenation of the human body. The effectiveness of cosmetic programs for the care of aging skin or the treatment of problem skin will be much higher if you help the body from the inside.

The methods of use and selection of organopreparations are made by specialists in accordance with age, existing diseases or abnormalities in the body and the condition of the skin: the doctor develops an individual program that includes a cycle of salon procedures in combination with a course of internal rejuvenation and the choice of cosmetics based on organopreparations for home care.

Programs for the prevention of premature aging using organopreparations have received worldwide recognition as the most effective and promising and have become a popular service of the best beauty salons and anti-aging clinics in the world.

Many patients are worried about the likelihood of an allergic reaction of the body and other possible complications during treatment with organopreparations, many confuse them with stem cells. This is not to be feared. The technology used in their production allows obtaining only hypoallergenic biomolecules. In this case, not the entire cell is used, but only the cellular content from the cytoplasm. During our many years of practice, not a single case of allergy or complication has been recorded.

In the production of organic preparations, special requirements are imposed on the ecological purity of the raw materials used: animals are raised on special nursery farms in Australia and New Zealand, they are fed using their own plant feed, chemical fertilizers are not used in the production of feed, animals are not vaccinated so as not to violate immune background. Fetal organopreparations are obtained from organs and tissues of animals approved for use in food - this is a material that is common and familiar to humans.

Initially, all organ products were of bovine origin. However, the mad cow disease boom has made adjustments to production. Now, in the production of drugs, only the organs of pigs are used. This is in addition to the fact that the sterilization methods used by themselves absolutely exclude the possibility of transmission of any infection.

We can say that today organopreparations-revitalizers are unmatched in terms of the severity of anti-aging action, depth and durability of rejuvenation of both internal organs and skin, do not cause allergic reactions, are safe and easy to use. Their effectiveness in the treatment of severe pathology (arthrosis, disc herniation, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, allergies, nodular goiter, precancer, etc.), in the immunorehabilitation of cancer patients, in the treatment of developmental anomalies in children has been proven by numerous works and studies of foreign and domestic
military scientists and practitioners.

Protein innovation.

For many years, a group of scientists led by Vladimir Khavinson, director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, SZO RAMS, has been developing drugs that extend life, the so-called biopeptidoregulators.

They are created on the basis of peptides - short proteins from the thymus (this is the central organ of the immune system), as well as from the pineal gland (this is a small gland in the brain that controls the entire endocrine system) of cloven-hoofed animals. “Aging is a decrease in protein synthesis in the body, and by injecting peptides isolated from these vital organs, we restore the functions of the system. But we are not correcting the mechanism, but the consequences, ”the scientist explains.

According to him, peptides, consisting of 2-3-4 amino acids, have been proven to regulate metabolism at the cellular level, enabling them to work the way they work in a young and healthy body. Thus, the biological and functional activity of worn out or diseased organs and tissues is restored.

In addition, according to him, peptides are completely harmless, because they consist of several amino acids already present in any organism.

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The older we get, the stronger the urge to turn back time. ACT! The older we get, the stronger the urge to turn back time and feel young and energized again. The good news is that scientists believe this is a feasible task. It's all about lifestyle and self-awareness. Close your eyes and imagine the most enjoyable events in your life over the past 20 years. Think about how you felt, the people you met, the activities that brought you joy.

“If there is one thing you can be sure of, it is that time only moves in one direction,” writes Sean Aykor in his book The Benefits of Happiness.

And then he describes an experiment conducted by Helene Lenger, the first woman to receive a professorship at the Harvard Department of Psychology.

In 1979, Lenger gathered a group of 75-year-old men, telling them that they were going to a nursing home for a week and were not allowed to take photographs, books, magazines or newspapers published after 1959 with them.

When they arrived, they were told that for the next week they would pretend that it was 1959 - that is, their age, supposedly not 75, but 55 years old.

To help them believe it, they were asked to dress and behave as they did at that age. Even their badges had photographs from the mid-50s.

“They were instructed to talk all week about President Eisenhower and what happened to them at the time. Some talked about their old jobs in the present tense as if they had never retired. On the coffee tables lay Life and the Seterday Evening Post with a 1959 stock price. In general, all conditions were created to make them see the world through the eyes of 55-year-old men, ”writes Sean.

What was Lenger trying to prove with this experiment? That our "mental interpretation" - how we perceive ourselves - has a direct impact on the physical aging process.

She argued that if 75-year-old men change their way of thinking, then their "real" age will also change.

Do you think Lenger succeeded in proving her hypothesis?


Before the experiment, all men passed medical tests for aspects that, according to doctors, deteriorate with age: physical strength, posture, mental acuity, cognitive ability, short-term memory. After the experiment, most of the men showed an improvement in everything: "they became more flexible, improved posture and increased strength in their arms."

Even their eyesight improved by 10%. And also tests for the level of memory showed positive results.

It is especially interesting that not only their cognitive function has changed, but even their appearance has changed. Sean writes: “The photographs of the men before and after the experiment were shown to random people who knew nothing about the experiment and were asked to guess their ages. According to these estimates, the men looked, on average, three years younger than they looked at first. "

Sean does not write about this in his book, but I would like to draw your attention to 2 components of this experiment:

  1. The men were placed in conditions conducive to their mental and physical rejuvenation.
  2. They were active participants in this game.

That is, they could not just passively be in comfortable conditions for them, they had to read, communicate on topics that were popular in the 50s.

The experimental conditions forced them to work hard to imagine themselves at the age of 55.

Therefore, today I have this question for you: When you want to improve your life, do you include your thoughts, emotions and actions in your own transformation or passively wait for the desired changes?

It is obvious that a miracle similar to the rejuvenation of the body is possible in all significant respects. But such a miracle is impossible without the active participation of the person himself.

Our perception is the key to transformation

How we perceive the world is critically important in our destiny.

Scientists asked the question, "So how accurate is our relative perception of what is happening, or what we think will happen, can influence what actually happens?"

Psychologists offer us the answer in what they call The Theory of Expectation.

This theory is generally straightforward. She says our brains are "programmed to act as we expect."

Dr. Marcel Kinsborne, a neuroscientist at the New York New School for Social Research, concluded that "our expectations create images in the brain that can be as real as images created by events in the real world."

That is, while waiting for this or that event, we activate the same set of neurons, as if the event actually happened. At the same time, our nervous system reacts in such a way that it leads to real physical consequences.

And most of us have heard all this. And more than once. Both in spiritual literature and in positive psychology.

Even in the Gospel of Matthew (9: 18-34) it says: "According to your faith, be it unto you."

But I dare to suggest that in this context, faith presupposes not only a correct psychological attitude with an inert expectation of a miracle, but also constructive actions.

By analogy with this experiment, we conducted, which confirmed the effectiveness of the method of total immersion and involvement of participants in a new system of thought. During the program, you get:

  1. Specific daily instructions for 21 days on how to train your focus and positive attitude.
  2. Practices and exercises by which you actively participate in your personal happiness program to maximize your results.

Only a mentally developed and stable person who has mastered and assimilated the conscious shift of the "assemblage point of perception" due to his "impeccability" is himself the master of his perception and does not allow others to manipulate his consciousness due to the fact that it has already passed to a qualitatively higher level of its development - SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS free human personality.

A free human personality is no longer a biorobot and does not lend itself to programming, because consciousness and subconsciousness are not two different areas, but constitute a single whole. This is the result of magical perfection in the same sense as K. Castaneda and the magicians of the "line of don Juan" understand it.

It is no coincidence that A. Gerasimov notes: "The impeccability of actions and thoughts calms the mind, bringing thoughts and feelings into a state of harmony, which in turn leads to a rejuvenation of the body due to the fact that the nervous system is no longer exposed to stress."

Only by achieving complete freedom can one get rid of diseases and failures, preserve and return one's youth for a long time and move towards achieving immortality. At the same time, as it turned out, a person is able to "program" himself a life span, slowing down or accelerating the course of the "biological clock". The possibility of this is proved by V.I.Safonov in the book "Ariadne's Thread".

In order to understand the "mechanism of action" of such "self-programming", let us turn to an excerpt from the aforementioned book: “Now it remains to talk about whether it is possible to turn back the hand of the so-called biological clock? The secret of the Comte Saint-Germain ... that mysterious count, who amazed his contemporaries and has remained an unsolved phenomenon, for me lies in his eternal youth ...

At all times, people have shown great interest in what could prolong youth and postpone old age. But one way or another, it all boiled down to the use of chemical and biological means in the calculation to turn back the arrows of the mysterious biological clock.

Psychologists have long noticed one feature inherent in the majority of scientists, researchers, and in general obsessed (in the good sense of the word) people who are passionate about their work. Satisfied with their activities and lifestyle, they live longer and age more slowly. There are many such examples, and they are quite convincing.

The elixir of immortality and health has been sought in all ages. In the book by Alexander Gorbovsky "Knocking at the Doors of Immortality", there are many legends that tell how some people managed to penetrate the secret of eternity. A large place in this book is given to the mysterious personality of Saint-Germain, the secret of which, as I would like to think, I have solved without resorting to spiritualism and black magic.

Before presenting my guess, I want to once again draw the attention of readers to the list of means by which they have tried and are trying to induce the reversibility of processes. In short, these are various elixirs and extracts used by ancient healers, pharmaceutical hormones, balneology, physiotherapy, various diets, stimulation of the endocrine glands, which are often "attributed" for the aging of the body, and even their transplant ...

Yogis achieve suspended animation (or a state close to it) through slow breathing, dosed fasting and muscle relaxation. The hibernation of many animals probably has the same basis. The bioclock slows down and almost stops if the body is bound by the cold.

The ability to accelerate the biological clock has been tested in experiments with transplantation (transplantation) of the gonads to decrepit old people. At first, there was a powerful "flowering" of all functions of the body, followed by a rapid decline. It seems to me that "feeding" a person with hormonal drugs turns out to be the same.

But neither the hibernation brake, nor the acceleration by hormonal means make it possible to turn back the clock ...
The seeming procedure for controlling the biological clock is simple and accessible to anyone who wants to do it. To do this, you need to revive in your memory any particularly memorable day of your life five years or more ago, when you were not burdened by today's ailments, when you did not yet feel age, fatigue, depression, etc. - in a word, that day when there was no reason to worry about your health ...

However, memories should not be only memories, even if they are rosy ones. You must mentally become (and believe in it!) The way you were that day - healthy, carefree, happy. It means living again in the past. Even for an hour or two. The bigger, the better! But on condition that the memories will not be scraps of "memory tape", but successive replays of the past, minute by minute, hour by hour. Only then can you get a positive result, the one that I call turning the clock hand backward - to a more prosperous state of the body ...

I can say that even after a short stay in my past, being present at the events of a whole day, “lived” as an instant, the body receives such a charge of energy from nowhere, which can be compared with a portion of doping used by athletes in violation of all generally accepted rules of competition. ..

For exercises to turn the biological clock back, you need a firm belief in the ability to move into your past, without the slightest glance at the present, plus meticulous reproduction in your memory of all the details of a once happily lived day. "

K. Castaneda mentions such a technique of "remembering" as one of the techniques necessary for the return of one's vital energy. Thus, we again come to the conclusion that human health and life expectancy are in direct proportion to the availability of free vital energy.

An important role in this technique, as V.I.Safonov notes, is also played by "firm faith", which is a component of a magical intention, an action preceding any "magic" or "supernormal" abilities. Therefore, it is not surprising if this technique allows you to "turn back the biological clock." And the ability to restore vital energy plays an important role here.

Dentists sometimes encounter cases when new teeth suddenly grow in deep old people. So, in 1896, the Frenchman Leeson, at a very respectable age, had his teeth erupted for the fourth time. It turns out that the grandpa's "biological clock" for some unknown reason suddenly went backwards.

But our contemporary, 75-year-old Japanese woman Sei Senagon, did not stop with the appearance of new teeth. Following this, the gray hair disappeared, the hair turned black and shone, as in youth, and wrinkles smoothed out. As a result, the rejuvenated granny resigned to the faithful who had become disgusted for fifty years of marriage and jumped out to marry a 40-year-old bank clerk. And nine months later, she made him happy with his heir, giving rich food for press reports and discussions in scientific circles. Having examined the lucky woman, gerontologists were forced to admit that all the metamorphoses that happened to her were a natural process.

It turns out that each person, like animals and plants, lives according to his own biological rhythms, or "biological clock". They help the body adapt to the external environment. For example, in the spring and summer, with the increase in daylight hours, we begin to sleep less. And in winter and autumn - on the contrary, do not mind taking an extra hour to sleep and thereby save up energy to resist cold and infections.

"Biological walkers" constantly regulate more than three hundred processes in our body. But they can, like ordinary mechanical ones, start to freak out: rush, lag behind, or even stop altogether. However, they have one more than unpleasant difference: they are able to suddenly go backwards for no reason.

Any fashion model will envy Amanda Raidenaur's face: scarlet lips, smooth peach skin. But with the body - trouble. It immediately shows that the German grandmother is almost the same age as the century. Frau swears that she has never resorted to plastic surgery, and her face was preserved naturally. The doctors who examined Amanda have no reason not to believe her.

How can this phenomenon be explained? It turns out that several “biological clocks” are “ticking” in our body at once, located in different organs, and each is responsible for its own part of the body. One of the most important tasks: to understand why failures sometimes occur in their work, which turn out to be joy for some, and tragedy for others.

Scientists have discovered that in the first days of life, babies live in a 25-hour rhythm and only after some time are rebuilt to a 24-hour, daily rhythm. That is, as soon as he is born, the child is exposed to the strongest stress: he lacks a whole hour in a day! This stress sometimes (fortunately, extremely rarely) becomes the cause of a serious incurable disease - progeria, in which a normally developing child suddenly begins to age rapidly. Science has not yet been able to stop this process. About fifty cases of progeria have been recorded in the world, and all of them ended sadly: the sick in 10-15 years became decrepit and left this world. So, the Magyar prince Ludwig, at the age of nine, was already in full swing after his nurses and court ladies. By the age of thirteen, he acquired a thick beard, mustache and gout, at fifteen he married, and at sixteen he became a happy father. After another couple of years, he turned gray, bald and lost his teeth, and soon he left his wife a disconsolate widow altogether, before he even reached the age of twenty.

Humanity has always strived to learn how to prolong youth and life. Dozens of methods have been tried, which have claimed hundreds of lives. But hope never dwindled.

Another sensation agitated the West at the end of the 20th century: chronogenic hypnosis appeared there, with the help of which it was allegedly possible to return youth and prolong life up to two hundred years. Everything looked very tempting: the hypnotist put the person to sleep and then with a special suggestion slowed down the course of his "biological clock". Neither the sky-high cost of the sessions, nor the prohibition of the authorities did not stop those wishing to rejuvenate: the underground "miracle workers" had no end of clients.

The American writer Richard Wright also fell for this bait, leaving a considerable part of his fortune with the "youth prolongation masters". But ten years passed, and he sued several English hypnotists: instead of the longed-for youth and longevity, he received hand paralysis. Failing to achieve justice (the sessions were conducted illegally, and the defendants were acquitted for lack of evidence), Wright committed suicide before living even a quarter of the promised time. His death caused a surge in appeals to the courts with similar claims: more than a hundred victims of chronogenic hypnosis demanded to punish the perpetrators of their misfortunes: some were diagnosed with cancer, others were denied various organs, and others were rapidly decrepit.

What, after all, is a "biological clock" and what does its correct course depend on? Science does not yet give an exhaustive answer. According to one of the formulations, "biological clock" is a conventional term denoting the ability of a living organism to orient itself in time. The basis of the "biological clock" is the strict periodicity of the processes occurring in the cells.

It is believed that insomnia, stress, poor ecology, smoking and alcohol contribute to the failures of our internal "walkers".

Is it possible to find out in what state your "biological clock" is? Scientists believe yes. It is believed that those who have an “individual minute” of 64 seconds or more are well adapted to the external environment and have enviable immunity and longevity. For those who have this indicator less than 45 seconds, it would be nice to pay attention to their health.

To calculate the "individual minute", turn on the stopwatch and, without looking at the hand, count to sixty, and turn it off. The time measured by the stopwatch will be your “individual minute”. By testing yourself several times at regular intervals, you will get an average and, therefore, more accurate value of this indicator. And you will also be able to determine what is good for you and what is bad. They quarreled with, say, neighbors, measured their "individual minute" - 40 seconds. Bad. We read our favorite newspaper, turned on the stopwatch - 70! Super! You look, and you will become your own watchmaker and live in youth and health for a hundred or two years. Why not?

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