Home Fruit trees Form of customs declaration for temporary entry. Types of Russian customs declarations and the procedure for filling out. Documents to be submitted with the declaration

Form of customs declaration for temporary entry. Types of Russian customs declarations and the procedure for filling out. Documents to be submitted with the declaration

We talked about the types of customs declarations in accordance with the Customs Code of the EAEU in ours and highlighted among others the passenger customs declaration. We will tell you about the form of the passenger customs declaration and the cases when it is applied in this material.

When the passenger customs declaration is completed

The passenger customs declaration is used for customs declaration of goods for personal use, and in the cases provided for by the Customs Code of the EAEU, when placing goods for personal use under the customs procedure of customs transit (clause 3 of Article 105 of the Customs Code of the EAEU).

Temporary criteria for classifying goods transported across the customs border of the EAEU to goods for personal use are established by clause 1 of Art. 3 Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 06/18/2010. Such criteria include, in particular, the nature and quantity of goods, the frequency of the crossing of an individual or his movement of goods across the customs border.

If an individual crosses the line of completion of customs operations without filing a passenger customs declaration, it is considered that he thereby declares the absence of goods subject to customs declaration (clause 8 of Article 258 of the Customs Code of the EAEU).

What goods to declare?

Features of customs declaration of goods for personal use are established by Art. 260 TC EAEU. So, in general, a passenger customs declaration is drawn up, in particular, for:

  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, transported across the customs border of the EAEU in unaccompanied baggage, or goods for personal use delivered by a carrier;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, moved across the customs border of the EAEU in any way, in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions are subject to observance in accordance with Art. 7 of the Customs Code of the EAEU and requires the submission of documents or information confirming compliance with such prohibitions and restrictions;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, transported across the customs border of the EAEU in accompanied baggage, in respect of which customs duties and taxes are payable;
  • goods for personal use, with the exception of vehicles for personal use, imported with exemption from customs duties and taxes in accompanied baggage;
  • cash or traveler's checks, if the total amount of such cash or traveler's checks upon their simultaneous entry into the customs territory of the EAEU or a one-time export from the customs territory exceeds an amount equivalent to USD 10,000 at the exchange rate in effect on the day of submission to the customs authority of the passenger customs declaration;
  • cultural values, in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions are subject to observance in accordance with Art. 7 TC EAEU;
  • goods for personal use, sent in international mail.

Documents to be submitted with the declaration

When submitting a passenger customs declaration, the customs authority is also presented with documents that confirm the information declared in the declaration (clause 9 of Article 109 of the Customs Code of the EAEU).

Such documents, in particular, include (clause 1 of Art. 261 of the Customs Code of the EAEU, Letter of the Federal Customs Service of November 16, 2010 No. 16-26 / 55640):

  • identity documents;
  • documents confirming the value of the declared goods for personal use;
  • transport (shipping) documents;
  • documents confirming the right to privileges in the payment of customs duties, incl. confirming the temporary import (export) of goods for personal use by an individual, as well as confirming the recognition of an individual as a refugee, forced migrant or moving to a permanent place of residence;
  • documents confirming compliance with restrictions, except for non-tariff and technical regulation measures;
  • documents containing information allowing to identify a vehicle for personal use;
  • documents confirming the right to own, use or dispose of a vehicle for personal use.

Passenger customs declaration form

The form of the passenger customs declaration was approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 287.

You can download the declaration form in Excel format at the link below.

Passenger customs declaration:

The declaration is completed by hand clearly and legibly or using a computer.

Passenger customs declaration: sample filling

The instruction for filling out the passenger customs declaration was approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 287. This instruction contains general provisions, the procedure for filling out the main declaration form, incl. when placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit, as well as the procedure for filling out a cash declaration.

Let's fill in the passenger customs declaration here.


1. The procedure for filling out a passenger customs declaration (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the rules for filling out a passenger customs declaration by an individual (hereinafter referred to as the Declaration).

2. The person declaring the goods fills in the Declaration in two copies, indicating in the columns of the Declaration the exact information about the goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation and other information necessary for customs purposes.
Entries are made with a pen clearly and legibly in Russian or English.

The information specified in the Declaration can be changed or supplemented in accordance with Article 133 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

Any changes and additions to the Declaration must be signed by the person declaring the goods and certified by the customs official performing customs clearance by affixing a personal numbered seal and signature.

3. The person declaring the goods shall indicate the required information in the Declaration by crossing out the appropriate squares (a crossed-out square means an affirmative answer, an uncrossed one - negative).

4. The "entry", "exit" and "transit" squares indicate the direction of movement of goods by an individual traveling through the customs border of the Russian Federation. When moving goods in transit, the person declaring the goods also indicates the direction of movement, crossing out, in addition to the "transit" square, another square - "entry" or "exit".

5. In clause 1 of the Declaration, the person declaring the goods indicates information about himself, the details of the passport or other document proving his identity, and in the line "Number" - the number of persons under the age of sixteen (if any) and following with him.

6. Sub-clause 2.1 of clause 2 of the Declaration shall indicate whether an individual has or does not have goods transported in an accompanying baggage, including carry-on baggage. If available, in the line "Number of pieces" of subparagraph 2.1 of paragraph 2 of the Declaration, figures indicate the total number of pieces of baggage.

7. Sub-clause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Declaration indicates whether an individual has or does not have goods transported in unaccompanied baggage. If available, in the line "Number of pieces" of subparagraph 2.2 of paragraph 2 of the Declaration, figures indicate the total number of pieces of baggage. This information is considered as a notification to the customs authority about the presence or absence of goods transported in unaccompanied baggage by an individual.

If there is a car (vehicle) transported as goods as unaccompanied baggage, information about it is indicated in subparagraph 4.2 of paragraph 4 of the Declaration.

8. Sub-clause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration shall contain information about the foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation being transferred, traveller's checks, foreign and (or) domestic securities in documentary form, precious metals in any form and condition, precious stones.

9. In sub-clauses 3.2 - 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration, it is indicated that an individual has goods that are subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those specified in sub-clause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Declaration.

( in the currency of the Russian Federation, US dollars or euros);

2) on goods subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in addition to those declared in subparagraphs 3.1 - 3.12 of paragraph 3 of the Declaration;

3) about goods that are not subject to declaration in writing (at the request of an individual).

11. Sub-clause 4.2 of clause 4 of the Declaration contains detailed information about the cars (vehicles) declared in sub-clause 3.12 of clause 3 of the Declaration, to indicate the direction and purpose of the movement of cars (vehicles).

12. In case of movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation of goods subject to declaration in writing by a minor, information about these goods is indicated in the Declaration of the person accompanying him (one of the parents, adoptive parent, guardian or guardian).

13. When a group of minors unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees moves across the customs border of the Russian Federation goods subject to declaration in writing, the group leader indicates information about these goods in his Declaration.

In this case, it is allowed for the head of the group to declare information about the goods moved by the group of minors in any form in a separate list, broken down by the goods of each minor. This list is an integral part of the Group Leader's Declaration.

14. When accepting the Declaration, an official of the customs authority puts down an imprint of a personal numbered seal on the date of filling in the Declaration, indicated by the person declaring the goods.

The customs official who accepted the Declaration draws a solid line around the entries made by an individual in subparagraphs 3.1 of paragraph 3 and 4.1 of paragraph 4 of the Declaration in order to avoid the possibility of subsequent additions and corrections, with the exception of changes made in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Procedure, and certifies these records with an imprint personal numbered seal.

15. In the column "For service marks" after checking the Declaration, the customs official makes an entry on the decision to release the goods on two copies of the Declaration, certifies the record with an imprint of a personal numbered seal and hands one copy to an individual moving the goods. The second copy is kept in the customs authority that carried out customs clearance, in accordance with the procedure and the period established for storing customs declarations.

16. In the column "For service marks" of the Declaration, an official of the customs authority indicates information about the notification of the customs authority by an individual about the presence of goods transported in unaccompanied baggage, putting down the mark "NB" and details (date and registration number) of transport (transportation) documents ( contract of carriage, baggage receipt, waybill, bill of lading, etc.), as well as other information required for customs purposes. If an individual fails to submit transport (transportation) documents, these marks are not put down.

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Passenger customs declaration is a document that is required for the written declaration of all goods transported by individuals across the customs border of the Russian Federation.

Declaration is carried out by the submission by an individual or by an individual acting on his behalf and on his behalf by the customs representative of the passenger customs declaration (except for the cases of sending goods in international mail). The form of the passenger customs declaration and the procedure for filling it out are approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated 06/18/2010 N 287 "On approval of the passenger customs declaration form and the procedure for filling out the passenger customs declaration."

With regard to goods for personal use of a minor under 16 years of age, the declarant can be one of the parents, an adoptive parent, guardian or guardian, another accompanying person or a representative of the carrier in the absence of accompanying persons, and in the case of an organized departure (entry) of a group of minors unaccompanied by relatives - the leader of the group or the representative of the carrier.

This document assumes the display of all the necessary information regarding the goods transported, which are subject to declaration and which are exempt from it (the number of goods, their shape, color, weight, as well as the price). Some goods require certain documents that must be presented along with the passenger customs declaration. Also, the document must contain information concerning an individual who is engaged in the transportation of these goods across the customs border (last name, first name, as well as patronymic, passport data or data of a document replacing a passport).

The passenger customs declaration form is filled out during customs clearance of goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation by individuals for personal, family, household and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activity. The following are subject to customs declaration in writing: - goods for personal use, transported in unaccompanied baggage or delivered by the carrier to the address of an individual; - goods for personal use, moved in any way, in respect of which prohibitions and restrictions apply, except for measures of non-tariff and technical regulation; - goods for personal use, moved in any way, including temporarily imported, the value and (or) quantity of which exceeds the norms for the movement of such goods with exemption from customs payments; - vehicles for personal use, moved in any way, except for vehicles for personal use, registered on the territory of the CU member states, temporarily exported from the customs territory of the CU and imported back into such territory; - cash and (or) monetary instruments moved by individuals across the customs border, in cases determined by the customs legislation of the Customs Union; - cultural values; - goods for personal use, imported in accompanied baggage, if the individual moving them has unaccompanied baggage; - goods for personal use imported by certain categories of persons for whom privileges in the payment of customs duties and taxes are established (such persons include employees of diplomatic institutions, civil servants, persons who have lived abroad for at least 1 year, displaced persons for permanent residence, persons who received the inheritance). According to paragraph 3 of Article 355 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, customs declaration of goods for personal use is carried out by the declarant in writing using a passenger customs declaration. The form of the passenger customs declaration, the procedure for filling it out, filing and registering is established by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated 06/18/2010 N 287.

Filling in the customs declaration is carried out in two copies, pen, in Russian or English. Passenger customs declaration form presupposes the communication of most of the information by putting the "X" sign in the corresponding squares of the form. Changes and additions are signed by the person declaring the goods and certified by the seal and signature of an authorized person of the customs authority.

In the case of crossing the border in transit, in addition to the "transit" square, the direction of movement is also marked - "entry" or "exit". In paragraph 1, the person declaring the goods must legibly enter information about himself - full name, citizenship, passport details, etc. according to the requirements of the form. In the case of accompanying children under 16 years old, their number is entered in the corresponding line.

In clause 2, it is necessary to indicate the number of pieces of baggage that you have with you (subparagraph 2.1.), As well as that are in unaccompanied baggage, according to the shipping documents (subparagraph 2.2.). In this case, information about the car traveling in unaccompanied baggage is indicated in paragraph 4 (subparagraph 4.2.) On the back of the declaration.

Passenger customs declaration form implies a message to the customs authorities about the presence of a natural person crossing the border of goods that are subject to declaration in writing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Information about cash currency, securities, products made of precious metals and stones and similar values ​​is entered in subparagraph 3.1. clause 3 of the declaration. It is important to know that the export of cash in an amount exceeding the equivalent of USD 10,000 is not allowed. An exception is the currency previously imported or transferred to the Russian Federation - its amount is declared and confirmed by the corresponding bank statement. Jewelry temporarily exported abroad (for example, personal jewelry) does not require declaration. It is also possible not to declare the exported currency in the equivalent not exceeding 3,000 US dollars.

In subparagraphs 3.2 - 3.12 of paragraph 3 of the passenger customs declaration, it is necessary to confirm the presence or absence of goods to be declared in writing, and in subparagraph 4.1 of paragraph 4, provide detailed information about the available goods and permits for their export (or import). For example, if the item being exported is a cultural property, then it can be taken out only with the obligatory written declaration and presentation of a certificate from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation that it is not registered with the state and does not fall under the law "On the export and import of cultural property" as well as in the presence of a photograph of the exported item. It is forbidden to export from the country cultural values ​​created more than 100 years ago. In order to take out weapons, in addition to a written declaration, you will need a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Sub-clause 4.2 of clause 4 of the declaration contains detailed information about the cars (vehicles) declared in sub-clause 3.12 of clause 3 - type, make, year of manufacture, body number, engine size, etc., as well as the direction of movement. When accepting a passenger customs declaration, an official puts an imprint of a personal numbered seal on the date of completion, draws a solid line around the data in clauses 3.1 and 4.1 in order to avoid additions and certifies this with a personal numbered seal. After verification, in the column "For service marks", a record of permission for the movement of goods is made in two copies and certified with a numbered seal, and if there is unaccompanied baggage, a mark "NB" and details of transport (transportation) documents are put. By presenting the passenger customs declaration and his luggage to the customs officer when moving across the border, the declarant declares that the goods subject to mandatory declaration, other than those specified in writing, are not in your luggage.

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