Home Fruit trees Locking pages in memory windows 10 home. Clean up the disk of files that are no longer required. Correcting problems with kernel isolation

Locking pages in memory windows 10 home. Clean up the disk of files that are no longer required. Correcting problems with kernel isolation

Windows Defender Security Center, including a new Device Security section, which offers management of advanced security tools such as Kernel Isolation.

Core Isolation is a virtualization-based security technology that provides an additional layer of protection against intelligent attacks. Memory integrity is part of the kernel isolation technology - a feature designed to prevent malicious code from being inserted into high-security processes. Protection is provided by ensuring that the kernel virtual memory page only starts executing after successfully passing the consistency check.

Let's take a look at how to enable Memory Integrity in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update to make your computer more secure.

Enabling memory integrity

  • Open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Select the "Device Security" section.
  • In the “Kernel Isolation” section, click the “Kernel Isolation Information” link.
  • Place the Memory Integrity switch in the active position.

After completing these steps, you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Note: Your processor must support virtualization technologies for this feature to work. In addition, virtualization must be enabled in BIOS or UEFI. Otherwise, the function will be unavailable.

Correcting problems with kernel isolation

In some cases, you may encounter compatibility issues in some applications if kernel isolation is enabled. To fix the problem, you will have to disable the function.

If you are trying to disable Memory Integrity in Windows Defender Security Center, but the option has become grayed out and the message “This setting is controlled by your administrator” is displayed, you can still disable the feature by using the system registry.

Note: Changing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems. It is recommended that you back up the Windows registry before following these steps. From the Registry Editor menu, select File> Export to save the backup.

  • Press the Windows Key + R keyboard shortcut to bring up the Run window.
  • Type regedit and click OK to launch Registry Editor.
  • Go to the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ DeviceGuard \ Scenarios \ HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity
  • Double click on the entry Enabled.
  • Change the value from 1 to 0.
  • Click OK.

To disable, you can also use the ready-made

With the Creators Update last year, Windows 10 got a very cool and interesting feature that will appeal to gamers and not only. Sonic Surround is a virtual surround sound emulator for headphones. It's very easy to enable it:

  • right-click on the speaker icon at the bottom right of the screen;
  • select Spatial Sound → Windows Sonic for Headphones.

Not exactly "the same" surround sound, but you should feel the difference.

2. Virtual desktops

An extremely useful function that helps you organize your work with a large number of programs and applications. For this you need:

  • press Win + Tab to open the Task View menu;
  • click on "Create Desktop" at the bottom right of the screen.

Of course, you can also switch using Task View, but it is much more convenient to manage virtual desktops using:

  • Ctrl + Win + left or right arrow - switch between desktops;
  • Ctrl + Win + D - create a new desktop;
  • Ctrl + Win + F4 - Close the current desktop.

3. Memory control

Over time, it turns into a garbage dump. A hundred or two of unnecessary files and downloaded TV shows that you forgot about are accumulating on your computer, and the unfortunate overflowing basket is bursting at the seams. We have to pull ourselves together and arrange a general cleaning. In this situation, another similar program will help. Or you can do it easier and use the built-in tool that will clean your system on a regular basis.

  • Go to "Options" → "System" → "Storage".
  • Place the switch on "On".

It remains to set up the cleaning system. To do this, change the item "How to free up space" in the "Storage" tab. The system can automatically empty the Downloads folder and the Trash if the files have not been used for more than 30 days. In addition, the system can automatically uninstall previous versions of Windows 10 days after the update.

This method will not replace regular cleaning of the hard disk, but it will save you from some routine actions.

4. Backup using file history

An excellent backup tool built right into the system. Moreover, Windows 10 will create backups by itself, you just need to specify the frequency and location where they will be saved.

  • Go to Options → Update and Security → Backup Service.
  • Add the drive or device where the backups will be saved.

In the advanced settings, you can select the folders you want to back up.

5. Windows update options

  • Go to Settings → Update and Security → Windows Update → Change Active Hour.
  • Set the time at which you use the computer. Windows promises that it will not reboot the device during this period.

If this is not enough, go to the "Restart Options" and set the day and hour when you can reboot the device to install the update.

6. Dynamic blocking

The bottom line is that Windows can automatically block access to your computer when you're not around. For this you need:

  • connect your phone to a computer via Bluetooth;
  • go to "Options" → "Accounts" → "Login Options";
  • scroll down to the "Dynamic Lock" section and check the box to allow Windows to detect when you are away.

Windows will block access to the computer a minute after you leave the range of the Bluetooth receiver.

7. Alternative login methods

You definitely need to protect your Windows account. True, it is not so convenient to enter it every time. Windows developers suggest using alternative paths.

  • Go to "Options" → "Accounts" → "Login Options".
  • Choose what you want to use: PIN or pattern.

If in the first case everything is simple and clear, then the second option looks more interesting. You choose any picture and come up with three different gestures for it. The next time you want to unlock your computer, you will need to repeat these gestures. True, it is not very convenient to do this without a touch screen.

8. Controlled access to folders

Use this feature if you do not want to become a victim who attacked users around the world in the last year.

  • Go to Windows Defender Security Center → Virus & Threat Protection → Virus & Other Threat Protection Settings.

  • Scroll down to the Controlled Folder Access section and turn the radio button to On.

Choose which folders you want to protect and which applications to give access to them.

Automatic disk cleanup of files that are no longer required, such as temporary files or the contents of the recycle bin, is now available in Windows 10.

Each user of a personal computer can configure and actively use such a system function. It is ideal for those who have previously used third-party software for the same purposes.

We all know that after working on a computer for a long period of time, some users face the problem of insufficient disk space. This, first of all, concerns PCs with small volumes of hard drives.

In previous versions of the operating system, when there was a catastrophic lack of free space to install a program, game, or write large files to the local disk partition, the user received a system message prompting him to start the classic Disk Cleanup.

Also, when we delete a file, it is automatically moved to the trash, and if the size of the allocated space for it is exceeded, all other files will then be deleted immediately and irrevocably. Using the Shift + Delete key combination, nothing will be moved to the trash can.

During the installation of various applications, in the process of their work, as well as after removal, the files they create remain in the system and also take up precious space. A new function of the Windows 10 operating system will help to fight these problems, while, remarkably, completely in automatic mode. Now let's see how you can activate it and go through the other settings a little.


Open the "Parameters" window and go to the "System" section, where click on the "Storage" item. You will see an option "Memory Sense" which is turned off by default and turn it on. After that, all operations to free disk space from unnecessary more files will take place in the background without user intervention.

You can also make some additional settings, namely, follow the link below called "Change the way you free up space" and select your preferred options. The "Clean Now" button will allow you to manually delete unnecessary files and notify the user about the amount of free disk space.

After choosing your preferences, you can exit the setup and the Storage Sense feature will start working as needed. That's all for now!

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Optimization of 1C work. Configuring MS SQL Server

  1. Enable Database Instant File Initialization
  • Database creation
  • Add files, logs or data to an existing database
  • Increase the size of an existing file (including auto-enlargement operations)
  • Recovering a database or filegroup

To enable the setting:

  1. On the computer where the backup file will be created, open the Local Security Policy application (secpol.msc).
  2. Expand the Local Policies node in the left pane, and then click the User Rights Assignment item.
  3. In the right pane, double-click Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks.
  4. Click the "Add" button for a user or group and add the user under which the MS SQL Server is running.
  5. Click the Apply button.
  1. Turn on Lock pages in memory

This setting determines which accounts can save data in RAM so that the system does not send data pages to virtual memory on disk, which can improve performance.

To enable the setting:

  1. From the Start menu, select Run. In the Open box, enter gpedit.msc.
  2. In the Local Group Policy Editor console, expand Computer Configuration, then Windows Configuration.
  3. Expand Security Settings and Local Policies.
  4. Select the User Rights Assignment folder.
  5. The policies will be shown in the details pane.
  6. In this panel, double-click the Lock pages in memory option.
  7. In the Local Security Option - Lock Pages In Memory dialog box, select Add a user or group.
  8. In the Select: Users, Service Accounts or Groups dialog box, add the account under which you run the MS SQL Server service.
  9. For the changes to take effect, restart the server or log into the user under which you are running MS SQL Server.
  1. Disable DFSS for drives.

Dynamic Fair Share Scheduling is responsible for balancing and distributing hardware resources among users. Sometimes his work can negatively affect the performance of 1C. To disable it for disks only, you need to:

  1. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TSFairShare \ Disk branch in the registry
  2. Set the value of the EnableFairShare parameter to 0
  1. Disable data compression for directories containing database files.

When compression is enabled, the OS will try to additionally process files during modification, which will slow down the burning process itself, but save space.

To disable compression of files in a directory, you must:

  1. Open directory properties
  2. On the General tab, click the Other button
  3. Uncheck the "Compress" flag to save disk space.
  1. Set the Max degree of parallelism to 1.

This parameter determines how many threads one request can be executed on. By default, the parameter is equal to 0, which means that the server itself selects the number of threads. For bases with a load characteristic of 1C, it is recommended to set this parameter to 1, because in most cases, this will have a positive effect on the performance of queries.

To configure the parameter, you must:

  1. Open the server properties and select the Advanced tab
  2. Set the parameter value equal to one.
  1. Limit the maximum memory size of MS SQL Server.

Memory for MS SQL Server = Memory of everything - Memory for OS - Memory for 1C server

For example, the server has 64 GB of RAM, you need to understand how much memory to allocate to the DBMS server so that the 1C server is enough.

For normal operation of the OS, in most cases 4 GB is more than enough, usually 2-3 GB.

To determine how much memory is required for a 1C server, you need to see how much memory is occupied by the processes of a server cluster in the middle of a working day. These processes are ragent, rmngr and rphost, these processes are discussed in detail in the section on the server cluster. It is necessary to take data precisely during the period of peak work activity, when the maximum number of users is working in the database. Having received this data, it is necessary to add 1 GB to them - in case of starting "heavy" operations in 1C.

To set the maximum amount of memory used by MS SQL Server, you must:

  1. Launch Management Studio and connect to the desired server
  2. Open server properties and select the Memory tab
  3. Specify a value for the Maximum server memory size parameter.
  1. Enable the Boost SQL Server priority flag.

This flag allows you to increase the priority of the MS SQL Server process over other processes.

It makes sense to enable the flag only if the 1C server is not installed on the computer with the DBMS server.

To set the flag you need:

  1. Launch Management Studio and connect to the desired server
  2. Open the server properties and select the Processors tab
  3. Enable the "Boost SQL Server priority" flag and click OK.
  1. Set the size of the auto-grow database files.

Autogrowth allows you to specify the amount by which the size of the database file will grow when it is full. If you set the auto-expand size too small, then the file will expand too often, which will take time. It is recommended to set a value between 512 MB and 5 GB.

  1. Launch Management Studio and connect to the desired server
  2. Opposite each file in the Autoincrement column put the required value

This setting will be effective only for the selected base. If you want this setting to be effective for all bases, you need to perform the same steps for the service base model. After that, all newly created bases will have the same settings as the model base.

  1. Spread mdf data files and ldf log files to different physical disks.

In this case, work with files can go not sequentially, but practically in parallel, which increases the speed of disk operations. Super discs are best suited for these purposes.

To transfer files you need:

  1. Launch Management Studio and connect to the desired server
  2. Open the properties of the required database and select the Files tab
  3. Remember file names and locations
  4. Detach the base by selecting Tasks - Detach from the context menu
  5. Set the Delete connections flag and click OK
  6. Open Explorer and move the data file and log file to the desired media
  7. In Management Studio, open the context menu of the server and select the Attach base item
  8. Click the Add button and specify the mdf file from the new disk
  9. In the lower window of information about the database, in the line with the log file, you need to specify a new path to the transaction log file and click OK.
  1. Move the TempDB base files to a separate disk.
Restart MS SQL Server
  1. Enable Shared Memory if the 1C server is located on the same computer as the DBMS server.

The Shared Memory protocol will allow applications to communicate over RAM, rather than over TCP / IP.

To enable Shared Memory you need:

  1. Start SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Go to the item SQL Native Client - Client protocols - Shared memory - Enabled
  3. Set the value to Yes and click OK.

The Named Pipes protocol must be turned off in the same way.

Attention! When all the settings are done, you need to restart the MS SQL Server service

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