Home Fruit trees Browser game wars. Review of the game Z-War - zombie apocalypse in your browser! Graphics - it's not here

Browser game wars. Review of the game Z-War - zombie apocalypse in your browser! Graphics - it's not here

Play Z-War

Online game Z-War is a browser-based RPG in the setting of survival games in which a fight takes place between humans and zombies. In the world of Z-War, there are no restrictions, you can take the side of people seeking to protect their homes from the influx of hordes of zombies, and on the side of the corporation, which is responsible for the epidemic.

Game process

Z-War is not some kind of super unique project, since the choice of horror games about the zombie apocalypse, let's say, is not small today. But still the game has a number of features, which, given that the project is browser-based, have the right to be considered.

One of these features is the game's combat system. The battle takes place here in separate locations, and has a turn-based mode. During your turn, you move the character around the cells using action points, the number of which is limited. There are various objects on the battlefield that can be used as cover or strongholds for a future attack. The outcome of the battle depends entirely on how well you move the character, and how cleverly you use the terrain. But it is worth noting that at any time another player can intervene in the battle, which also gives unpredictability to the outcome of the battle.

In the online game Z-War, you can also choose who you play as. On the one hand, this is the greedy Corporation, which provoked the epidemic, and is now looking for mercenaries to destroy the zombies. On the other hand, these are the Survivors - ordinary people who lived an ordinary life, and now they do not want to dance to the tune of the Corporation. But which side you do not choose, it will still be interesting and exciting to play.


Z-War was created as a zombie-themed RPG. And before, as far as we know, players had access to the zombie side of the game. Since this faction was removed, the audience of the project has thinned a little. But this does not mean that the game has become bad, on the contrary, it shows that the developers are working on the project. So real connoisseurs of this kind of setting, the online game Z-War should undoubtedly like it.

Game Review

"A.I. War "is a browser-based strategy game with an uncomplicated storyline.

The year 2552 came and people finally started conquering space. While colonization is progressing not very successfully, and on the distant planet Midor, robots generally took up arms against the creators.

Here we have to fight with them, and in our free time we also have to deal with other settlers.

Game process

When you start the game for the first time, you will have the opportunity to scatter 10 available skill points between the standard characteristics:

  1. Agility,
  2. Speed,
  3. Accuracy,
  4. Persistence
  5. By hardening.

This must be done very carefully, because you can change the choice only for a considerable amount of game currency. The distribution of points determines the victory in any battle.

Have you already guessed? Yes, all battles are fully automatic and their outcome is influenced by skills, level and equipment.

A fight with a mob takes from 10 minutes, which also does not add drive to the toy.

Drones and clans

When you get to level 10 (if, of course, you have enough patience), you can purchase a battle drone, an eternal companion in battles. It has its own slots for armor and weapons.

Together with the drone, you can ask to join one of the existing clans or create your own.

Clans fight each other for the mines, and every few weeks a massive raid is carried out on the main opponents - robots.

An application for participation is submitted in advance, but it is no longer possible to join directly during the "fun".

You can measure the coolness of the equipment and the patience of passing the game in battles in the 1v1 arena.

If you doubt your abilities, and because of the incorrect distribution of skills, you cannot even complete the initial quests, try to turn to mercenary players for help. You can purchase them for real or play money.

Graphics - it's not here

As for the graphics, there is nothing to be happy about here either. All we have is a few static images of the battlefield, the enemy, or the commander giving the order.

The rest, as well as the course of the battle, the player must think out for himself. The interface is relatively convenient, you can figure it out very quickly, but shouldn't this be the only plus of the game?

Z-War game review.

War Z (Z-War) is a new browser-based online game with an original storyline set in the zombie-infested town of Ravenwood. Humanity as a species on the brink of extinction. It's all to blame for a dangerous virus that accidentally escaped from secret laboratories. The infection spread so quickly that the governments of the countries did not have time to do anything. All major cities fell under the attacks of thousands of zombies. Anarchy reigned and only a few groups of people united for the sake of survival and continue to resist. Players are given the opportunity to join the squad of survivors or join the ranks of the mighty Corporation.

In the online game War Z (Z-War), after creating a character, users up to level 6 can determine his class. The difference in the classes lies in the methods of fighting - either long-range or melee, as well as in the pumping of characteristics. There are only six of them in the game (strength, agility, charisma, endurance, intelligence and perception). For different classes - different characteristics. At higher levels, it will be possible to develop professions. There are engineering and medicine to choose from.

In the browser-based online game War Z (Z-War), both PvE and PvP modes are presented, although the main combat actions are against zombies, which can be found almost everywhere. Players can either attack the zombies themselves or be attacked by them. The difficulty is that zombies attack with the whole crowd and can even run away from other locations. So it will be more useful and fun to play as a team. Good luck!

Join the survivors, exterminate zombies!

After the success of games such as Left 4 Dead, DayZ, as well as several major television and film projects, the developers of computer games rushed with redoubled zeal to explore the zombie theme.

This is not to say that these charming brain-eaters were not popular before, but now they are treated kindly by attention from all sides. One gets the impression that everyone is looking forward to the real zombie apocalypse as something wonderful.

Brave zombie hunters are ready to cynically shoot any poor fellow whom an accident has turned into a zombie, without waiting for scientists to invent a vaccine against the disease. In addition, as everyone knows, such a vaccine cannot be invented and there is no salvation from the zombie virus, except for the faithful Remington.

Fortunately, this bright future is still unlikely and fans of exterminating zombies for now have to be content with a joystick, mouse and keyboard. And the developers do not get tired of supplying new projects to fans of the subject.

Description of the browser game Z-War

A sea of ​​exciting fierce battles!

But online the topic of zombies is not covered in as much detail as in offline projects. If you want not just shooting zombies in the company of a couple of friends, but a big world, leveling your character, fighting for survival and other delights that you expect from a good online zombie game, then, with the exception of the aforementioned DayZ and several of his imitators, it’s not particularly fun to play what. Although no, something was found.

The guest of this Z-War review is a browser-based mmorpg with elements of tactical strategy that tells about the plight of survivors after the zombie apocalypse. However, in addition to survivors and zombies, there is another side to the conflict. Representatives of the Evil Corporation ™, which is to blame for the spread of the virus, are quite alive and well. Do I need to add that the survivors prefer to look at the villains exclusively through a telescopic sight? However, the employees of the corporation reciprocate them. Constant battles for territory is one of the key activities in the game.

Perhaps one of the most interesting parts of Z-War is character development. The developers focused on making each one unique in some way. There are no classes as such and you can develop your character in any direction.

Large selection of character classes, with the ability to change it!

A hefty tree of talents, with a huge number of development options, requires detailed study. Emphasis can be placed on developing both combat and non-combat skills. And, which is very important, the peaceful way is quite viable. In addition to additional skills, there are six core skills to develop. These are all familiar from the Fallout series - Strength, Agility, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence and Perception. In a coupe, this provides a huge number of options for character development. But pumping everything at once will not work. This pushes the players to unite in groups, in which each will perform tasks corresponding to his skills.

But even the most peaceful player, who prefers to loot around the neighborhood, will sooner or later face zombies. The combat system is somewhat reminiscent of the classic role-playing games of the early 2000s, like Fallout or Arcanum.

After the start of the battle, we find ourselves on a battlefield full of various obstacles and cover, which is conducive to a tactical approach. When firing or hitting melee at the target, you need to select the part of the body that you want to hit and wait for the next move.

A huge assortment of weapons and skills that allow you to destroy enemies in a variety of ways!

The game can be commended for its good damage system. A successful shot in the leg will slow down the enemy properly, and a shot in the hand will significantly reduce the enemy's attack rate. The battles, although they do not look dynamic, for a browser game are performed at an acceptable level. To win, you need not only to have the best equipment and call out to the enemy, but to turn on your brain.

But what can you do here besides walking around the area, collecting items and killing the wandering dead? In fact, there is something. During the exploration of the city, you can find many different parts from which, if you have blueprints, you can make items useful for survival.

The crafting system looks like a nice addition to the main activities and is very organically integrated into this post-apocalyptic world. You can craft anything from weapons to vehicles.

Well, if you still have problems with entertaining yourself, then in Z-War, as in any other MMORPG, there will be a bunch of people who cannot step without our help and step. There are a lot of tasks in the game and, oddly enough, they even boast some variety, although you expect from a zombie game that the quests will differ only in the number of zombie heads that need to be collected and brought.



What's the bottom line? Z-War looks great for its niche and its genre. Somehow you don't really expect revolutionary solutions and ingenious ideas from a browser-based MMORPG about zombies, but Z-War does its job.

This is a good survival game during the zombie apocalypse that will give the player exactly what he expects.

The developers clearly did not pursue their goal of cutting down money. And if they did, then they approached the issue thoroughly, releasing a high-quality product that fully meets the needs of the consumer.

If you are a fan of the zombie theme, this game is a must-see.

About zombies - a genre, the popularity of which is simply frightening from time to time, for example, its closest competitor -. In its essence and the history of the world, the project is "Resident Evil", but without Mila Jovovich: another mega-virus escaped from the laboratories of another mega-corporation, turning cute and pleasant people into merciless monsters.

  • Expanded skill tree: combat, medical, etc.
  • Free change of factions;
  • Free-PvP - everyone can attack everyone, including members of their faction.

What's interesting: both factions are available for players, and the transition between them is free. Do you want to become a zombie? Easily. It is enough to die at the hands of another monster or from a virus, and then learn a special perk. Do you want back to the ranks of the people? And again it is easy: they will stop helping you. Unfortunately, you cannot simply reset the above perk - you need a complete reset of skills.

Z-WAR gameplay

Mechanically, the game is a standard and unremarkable project. We rummage around cities, dilapidated buildings, looking for all sorts of things to survive. Turn-based combat (hex movement + strikes on zones), pumping skill branches, familiar equipment, clan system ... Raids, again, are eternal crab races in search of imba gear.

An experienced player can easily figure out the game in a few minutes. This is for the best - after all, the MMORPG "Z-WAR" by its very plot hints: we do not pretend to be individual, but we try to do our job well. If you like the setting and don't expect something outrageous from the game, welcome to the dark city, the streets of which will become your battlefield!

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