Home Fruit trees It happens that I get angry. Multilevel personality questionnaire “Adaptability” (MLO-AM) by AG Maklakov and SV Chermyanin. Transfer of results obtained according to the scales of the methodology "NPN-A"

It happens that I get angry. Multilevel personality questionnaire “Adaptability” (MLO-AM) by AG Maklakov and SV Chermyanin. Transfer of results obtained according to the scales of the methodology "NPN-A"

Your result:
Level 1 scales- basic scales SMIL (MMPI):
Confidence scale (L): points (a)
Reliability scale (F): points (a)
Correction scale (K): points (a)
Hypochondria scale (Hs): points (a)
Depression scale (D): points (a)
Hysteria scale (Well): points (a)
Psychopathy scale (Pd): points (a)
Masculinity-femininity scale (Mf): points (a)
Paranoia scale (Ra): points (a)
Psychasthenia scale (Pt): points (a)
Schizoid Scale (Sc): points (a)
Hypomania scale (Ma): points (a)
Social introversion scale (Si): points (a)

Level 2 scales correspond to the scales of the questionnaire DAN("Maladjustment disorders").
Asthenic reactions and conditions (AS): points (a)
Psychotic reactions and states (PS): points (a)
Maladaptive disorders "(DAN): points (a)

Level 3 and 4 scales.
Credibility: points (a)
Behavioral regulation (PR): points (a)
Communicative potential (CP): points (a)
Moral normativeness (MP): points (a)
Personal adaptive potential (LAP): points (a)

"Raw" scores on all levels of scales should be converted to T-scores, and then proceed to interpretation

Semantic interpretation of results surveys using 1st level MLO "Adaptability"
Confidence scale (L)... Includes those statements that show a tendency to present themselves in a more favorable light, to demonstrate very strict adherence to the rules. High indicators on this scale (70 T and above) indicate a deliberate desire to embellish oneself, denying the presence of weaknesses in their behavior inherent in any person.
Reliability scale (F)... High rates (70 T and above) indicate excessive self-criticism. Tendencies to exaggerate existing problems, the desire to emphasize the defects of their character. Signs of a lack of harmony and psychological comfort. Signs of defensive reactions: perhaps an unconscious attempt to portray a different (fictitious) person, and not their personality traits. Increased values ​​on this scale may be the result of excessive excitement during the examination procedures.
Correction scale (K)... The tendency to distort the survey results, which is associated with excessive caution, high self-control during the survey and (or) the desire to show oneself "in the best possible light". Unconscious behavior control is also possible.
Hypochondria Scale (Hs)... A tendency towards the asthenoneurotic type of response. Propensity for social passivity, obedience. Slow adaptation to professional conditions of activity, climatic factors and a new team. Poor environmental change tolerance. Poor self-control during interpersonal conflicts.
Depression Scale (D)... Aimed at identifying depressive conditions. A tendency towards a decreased background of mood, self-doubt, anxiety, an increased sense of guilt, and a weakening of volitional control. Signs of excessive sensitivity (hypersensitivity, resentment). Low tolerance (resistance) to mental and physical stress. Inability to make independent decisions quickly. In case of failure, the tendency to fall into despair.
Hysteria Scale (Well)... An increase in indicators on the scale reveals emotional lability, crowding out of complex psychological problems, social and emotional immaturity of the personality, up to hysterical manifestations (with an increase in indicators above 80 T). Signs of hysterical traits. The desire to seem more significant, better than it really is. A tendency towards self-centeredness and self-pity. Expressed desire to attract the attention of others at all costs.
Psychopathy Scale (Pd)... Signs of social maladjustment. The tendency to increased aggressiveness, interpersonal conflict, frequent changes in mood, interests and affections, resentment. A tendency to affect, especially in situations of infringement of self-esteem. In the course of decision-making, impulsivity prevails. Often - disregard for social and corporate norms and values. The temporary rise along this scale is possibly due to some situational reason.
Masculinity-Femininity Scale (Mf)... The scale measures the patient's degree of identification with male or female role-playing behavior. It is interpreted differently depending on the gender of the patient. High indicators in the male version of the profile characterize the presence of female character traits: sensitivity, vulnerability, the ability to subtly feel the nuances of interpersonal relationships, the humanistic orientation of interests.
Paranoia Scale (Ra)... A tendency towards a rigid (inflexible) system in the approach to solving various life problems, a slow change in mood, a gradual accumulation of affect. Concrete thinking, excessive detail and pedantry. The tendency to persistent and active implantation of their views and values, which is the cause of frequent conflicts with others. Often - a reassessment of their own successes and achievements, which form the perfect idea of ​​exclusivity. The tendency to rivalry, jealousy, rancor, vindictiveness, the formation of overvalued ideas of relationships.
Psychasthenia scale (Pt)... Excessive anxiety for any reason, indecision and fearfulness in decision-making is characteristic. Constant doubts about the correctness of the choice of the solution and the set goals. The tendency to thoroughly double-check your actions and the work done. An increased sense of guilt for the slightest setbacks and mistakes. Suspiciousness, self-doubt. Mandatory focus on the opinion of the collective (group), adherence to generally accepted norms. A tendency towards altruistic manifestations, actions at the marginal (extreme) level of their capabilities, only to gain approval from those around them.
Schizoid Scale (Sc)... Schizoid type of behavior, manifested by a combination of increased sensitivity with emotional coldness and alienation in interpersonal relationships. Expressed intuitiveness, the ability to subtly feel and perceive abstract images. Everyday (everyday) joys and sorrows, as a rule, do not evoke the proper emotional response. A tendency to fantasize, focus on one's subjective vision of the essence of phenomena, rather than on generally accepted, well-established, stereotyped ideas. Sometimes - the production of ridiculous and difficult to explain actions, strange and incomprehensible ideas and statements.
Hypomania Scale (Ma)... Hypertensive type of behavior (regardless of the circumstances, high spirits, excessive activity, vigorous activity). Good communication skills (willing and quick establishment of contacts with people around). Constant pursuit of “thrill-seeking”. The desire to test yourself and your strength in extreme and non-standard situations. Orientation to work with frequent business trips, changing teams and places of residence. However, interests, as a rule, are fleeting, superficial, unstable. Everything quickly "gets boring", there is a lack of endurance and perseverance. Egocentrism, emotional immaturity, unreliability of moral attitudes and attachments.
Social Introversion Scale (Si)... A tendency to limit social contact. Certain difficulties in establishing interpersonal contacts. Focus on communication in a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances.

Semantic interpretation of the results of the scales of the 2nd level
Scale "Asthenic reactions and states" (AS)
A high level of situational anxiety, sleep disorders, hypochondriac fixation, increased fatigue, exhaustion, weakness, a sharp decrease in the ability to prolonged physical or mental stress, low tolerance to unfavorable factors of professional activity, especially under extreme stress, affective lability with a predominance of low mood, tearfulness, oppressive hopelessness, melancholy, blues, perception of the present environment and one's future only in a dark light, the presence of suicidal thoughts, lack of motivation for professional activity, etc.
Scale "Psychotic reactions and states" (PS)
Severe neuropsychic stress, impulsive reactions, bouts of uncontrolled anger, deterioration of interpersonal contacts, violation of moral and ethical orientation, lack of desire to comply with generally accepted norms of behavior, group and corporate requirements, delinquent behavior, excessive aggressiveness, resentment, suspicion, sometimes: autism, depersonalization , the presence of hallucinations, etc.
Integral scale DAN
Pronounced (quite pronounced) signs of maladjustment disorders. Consultation of a psychiatrist is required. Complex psychological and pharmacological correction is shown.

Interpreting Level 3-4 Results
To solve the problems of vocational counseling, it is enough to use the characteristics of the 3rd and 4th levels.
Confidence scale, evaluates the degree of objectivity of the answers. If the total number of points on this scale exceeds 10 points, then the results obtained should be considered biased, due to the patient's desire to correspond as much as possible to the socially desired personality type.
Behavioral regulation.
Low level, a certain tendency to neuropsychic breakdowns, lack of adequate self-esteem and adequate perception of reality.
High level of neuropsychic stability and behavioral regulation, high adequate self-esteem, adequate perception of reality.
Communication potential.
Low level, difficulty in building contacts with others, manifestation of aggressiveness, increased conflict.
A high level of communication skills, quick establishment of contacts with others, no conflict.
Moral normativity.
Low level of socialization, inadequate assessment of one's place and role in the team, lack of desire to comply with generally accepted norms of behavior.
A high level of socialization, an adequate assessment of one's role in a team, an orientation towards adherence to generally accepted norms of behavior.

Personal adaptive potential (LAP).
Group 1-2, group of good adaptive abilities.
The persons of that group easily adapt to new conditions of activity, quickly "enter" a new team, orientate themselves quite easily and adequately in a situation, quickly develop a strategy for their behavior and socialization. As a rule, they are not conflicting, they have high emotional stability. The functional state of the persons of this group during the period of adaptation remains within the normal range, the working capacity is preserved.
Group 3, group of satisfactory adaptation.
Most of the individuals in this group have signs of various accentuations, which are partially compensated under usual conditions and can manifest themselves when changing activities. Therefore, the success of adaptation largely depends on the external conditions of the environment. These individuals, as a rule, have low emotional stability. The process of socialization is complicated, asocial breakdowns, manifestation of aggressiveness and conflict are possible. The functional state in the initial stages of adaptation can be impaired. Individuals in this group require constant monitoring.
Group 4, group of reduced adaptation.
This group has signs of obvious character accentuations and some signs of psychopathies, and the mental state can be described as borderline. The adaptation process is difficult. Neuropsychic breakdowns, long-term functional disorders are possible. Persons in this group have low neuropsychic stability, are conflicted, and can commit delinquent acts.

Conversion to standard points of results obtained on scales of 1-4 levels

Translation of scales of the 2nd level (AC, PS and DAN) into walls
The name of indicators Walls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AC scale36 and more30-35 22-29 16-21 10-15 7-9 5-6 3-4 2 0-1
PS scale 27 and more22-26 16-21 13-15 8-12 6-7 4-5 2-3 1 0
DAN scale51 and more43-50 36-42 31-35 21-30 16-20 11-15 6-10 3-5 2-0

Conversion to standard points of the results obtained on the scales of the 3rd level
Walls Scales
1 >46 27-31 >18
2 38-45 22-26 15-17
3 30-37 17-21 12-14
4 22-29 13-16 10-11
5 16-21 10-12 7-9
6 13-15 7-9 5-6
7 9-12 5-6 3-4
8 6-8 3-4 2
9 4-5 1-2 1
10 0-3 0 0

Transferring the results of the 4th level scale to the walls
The name of indicators Walls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LAP 17-20 years old58 and more47-57 40-46 33-39 27-32 23-26 18-22 15-17 12-14 1-11
LAP 27-35 years old 61 and more51-60 40-50 33-39 28-32 22-27 16-21 11-15 6-10 1-5
Group4 groupGroup 32nd group1st group
Converting "raw" scores of the 1st level SMIL (MMPI) scales into standard T-scores
A feature of the translation is that the "raw" indicators of individual scales are added
the values ​​of the K scale (correction), after which only the conversion to T-points is carried out.
(Hs + 0.5K; Pd + 0.4K; Pt + 1K; Sc + 1K; Ma + 0.2K)
Raw scores LF K Hs D Hy Pd MfPaPt Sc Ma Si
0 35 32 44 37 35 30 30 35 27 35 27 33 35
1 39 35 50 40 39 33 35 40 31 37 31 36 39
2 43 38 55 45 42 36 38 45 36 40 35 39 43
3 47 41 60 47 45 39 42 50 40 43 39 42 47
4 52 44 65 49 48 42 45 55 43 46 42 47 51
5 56 47 70 51 51 45 48 59 46 49 45 50 55
6 60 50 75 54 56 47 52 63 49 52 48 53 59
7 64 53 80 57 58 49 55 71 52 55 51 55 64
8 67 56 85 60 63 52 60 78 55 57 53 57 68
9 71 59 91 65 65 54 62 88 58 59 55 62 73
10 76 62 - 70 70 56 65 - 63 61 57 68 77
11 81 65 - 75 74 60 67 - 67 63 59 71 82
12 87 69 - 80 77 62 69 - 71 65 61 74 86
13 94 73 - 85 80 65 72 - 74 67 63 77 -
14 101 76 - 90 83 68 75 - 78 70 65 80 -
15 107 79 - 95 86 70 78 - 81 71 67 83 -
16 - 82 - 100 89 73 81 - 84 72 69 86 -
17 - 85 - 105 92 75 84 - 87 73 71 89 -
18 - 88 - 110 95 78 87 - 91 74 73 92 -
19 - 91 - - 98 82 90 - 95 76 75 95 -
20 - 94 - - 105 85 93 - 100 77 77 98 -
21 - 97 - - 110 89 96 - - 78 79 105 -
22 - 100 - - - 95 99 - - 81 81 109 -
23 - 103 - - - 100 102 - - 84 83 115 -
24 - 106 - - - 105 105 - - 86 85 119 -
25 - 109 - - - 111 108 - - 88 87 - -
26 - - - - - 118 112 - - 91 89 - -
27 - - - - - - 116 - - 93 91 - -
28 - - - - - - 119 - - 97 93 - -
29 - - - - - - - - - 101 95 - -
30 - - - - - - - - - 105 97 - -
31 - - - - - - - - - - 99 - -
32 - - - - - - - - - - 101 - -
33 - - - - - - - - - - 103 - -
34 - - - - - - - - - - 105 - -
35 - - - - - - - - - - 107 - -
36 - - - - - - - - - - 109 - -
37 - - - - - - - - - - 111 - -
38 - - - - - - - - - - 113 - -
39 - - - - - - - - - - 115 - -
40 - - - - - - - - - - 117 - -
41 - - - - - - - - - - 119 - -
42 - - - - - - - - - - 120 - -
Test yourself: read the statement and answer yes or no. 1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them. 2. As a child, I had a company where everyone tried to always stand for each other in everything. 3. At times I have fits of laughing or crying, which I cannot cope with. 4. There were times when I did not keep my promises. 5. I often have a headache. 6. Sometimes I tell lies. 7. Once a week or more, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel hot all over my body. 8. I used to talk about things that I don't understand. 9. It happens that I am angry. 10. Now I find it difficult to hope that I will achieve anything in life. 11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today. 12. I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events. 13. The most difficult struggle for me is the struggle with myself. 14. Muscle cramps and twitching are very rare for me. 15. Sometimes, when I am not feeling well, I am irritable. 16. I am quite indifferent to what will happen to me. 17. When I am away, I am at the table better than at home. 18. If I don't face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want to, and not where it's supposed to. 19. I believe that my family life is as good as that of most of my acquaintances. 20. I am often told that I am hot-tempered. 21. I rarely have constipation. 22. In the game, I like to win. 23. For the past few years, I have been feeling good most of the time. 24. Now my weight is constant - I do not gain or lose weight. 25. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes 26. I would be pretty calm if someone from my family was in trouble because of breaking the law. 27. Something is wrong with my mind. 28. I am concerned about my sexual (sexual) problems. 29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking. 30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before. 31. Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like. 32. I think that I am a doomed person. 33. I rarely quarrel with my family members. 34. It happens that I gossip with someone a little. 35. I often have dreams that it is better not to tell anyone. 36. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, especially without thinking, agreed with the opinion of others. 37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others. 38. In general, my appearance suits me. 39. I am quite confident in myself. 40. Once a week or more, I get very agitated and agitated. 41. Someone controls my thoughts. 42. I drink an unusually large amount of water every day. 43. It happens that an indecent or obscene joke makes me laugh. 44. I'm happiest when I'm alone. 45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts. 46. ​​I loved Andersen's fairy tales. 47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely. .48. It makes me angry when they rush me. 49. I am easily confused. 50. I easily lose patience with people. 51. Often I want to die. 52. It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it. 53. Almost every day something happens that scares me. 54. I am indifferent to questions of religion - they do not interest me. 55. I rarely have bouts of bad mood. 56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions. 57. I had very unusual mystical experiences. 58. My convictions and views are unshakable. 59. I have had periods when due to anxiety I have lost sleep. 60. I am a nervous person, easily excitable. 61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of other people (no worse). 62. Everything turns out badly for me, not as it should be. 63. I almost always feel dry mouth. 64. I feel tired most of the time. 65. Sometimes I feel like I’m close to a nervous breakdown. 66. I am very annoyed that I forget where I put things. 67. I am very attentive to how I dress. 68. I like adventure stories more than love stories. 69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to the new conditions of life and work. The transition to any other conditions of life, work, study seems unbearable. 70. It seems to me that in relation to me, especially, they often act unfairly. 71. I often feel unjustly offended. 72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinion of others. 73. I often feel tired of life and I do not want to live. 74. People pay attention to me more often than others. 75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worries. 76. I often have periods when I don't want to see anyone. 77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed hour. 78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished. 79. As a child, I was moody and irritable. 80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists. 81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, codeine and other sedatives. 82. I have convicted relatives. 83. In my youth, I was brought to the police. 84. It happened that I was threatened to leave school for the second year. Data processing. The sum of points is calculated - the correct answers corresponding to the "key": "YES" - questions: 3, 5, 7,10, 16, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84; "NO" - questions: 2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 33, 37, 38,39,46,49,54,55,58,61,68. The methodology contains a scale for checking the sincerity of the answers: "YES" - questions: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43. Summing up should begin with checking sincerity of the respondent's answers: if on this scale the respondent gains 5 or more points, the results of the survey are unreliable, because the person wants to appear better, and not as he is. Interpretation of results. Neuropsychic instability is the greater, the more points are received. The score obtained must be correlated with the conventional scale of the NPU; it is in the range from 1 to 10 points. The higher the value of the item on the conventional scale, the greater the neuropsychic stability. NHL scores obtained NHL scale points Value of NHL scale points 33 and more 1 The lower the point, the greater the neuropsychic instability in stress 29-32 2 23-28 3 18-22 4 14-17 5 Average 11-13 6 The higher the points , the greater the neuropsychic stability and the lower the risk of maladjustment in stress 9-10 7 7-8 8 6 9 5 and less 10


List A (terminal values):

Active active life (fullness and emotional richness of life)

Life wisdom (maturity of judgment and common sense, achieved by life experience)

Health (physical and mental)

Interesting job

The beauty of nature and art (experiencing beauty in nature and in art)

Love (spiritual and physical closeness with a loved one)

Financially secure life (no material difficulties)

Having good and loyal friends

Public recognition (respect for others, team, workmates)

Cognition (the ability to expand your education, horizons, general culture, intellectual development)

A productive life (the fullest use of one's capabilities, strengths and abilities)

Development (self-improvement, constant physical and spiritual improvement)

Entertainment (pleasant, light-hearted pastime, no responsibilities)

Freedom (independence, independence in judgments and actions)

Happy family life

Happiness of others (well-being, development and improvement of other people, the entire nation, humanity as a whole)

Creativity (the possibility of creative activity)

Self-confidence (inner harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts).

List B (instrumental values);

Accuracy (cleanliness), the ability to keep things in order, order in affairs.

Good manners (good manners)

High requests (high requirements for life and high claims)

Cheerfulness (sense of humor)

Diligence (discipline)

Independence (ability to act independently, decisively)

Intransigence to shortcomings in yourself and others

Education (breadth of knowledge, high general culture)

Responsibility (sense of duty, ability to keep one's word)

Rationalism (the ability to think sensibly and logically, make deliberate, rational decisions)

Self-control (restraint, self-discipline)

Courage in defending your opinion, your views

Strong will (the ability to insist on one's own, not to retreat in front of difficulties)

Tolerance (to the views and opinions of others, the ability to forgive others their errors and misconceptions)

The breadth of views (the ability to understand someone else's point of view, respect other tastes, customs, habits)

Honesty (truthfulness, sincerity)

Efficiency in business (hard work, productivity at work)

Sensitivity (caring)

The advantage of the technique is its versatility, convenience and economy in conducting a survey and processing the results, flexibility - the ability to vary both the stimulus material (lists of values) and instructions. Its essential drawback is the influence of social desirability, the possibility of insincerity. Therefore, a special role in this case is played by the motivation of diagnostics, the voluntary nature of testing and the presence of contact between the psychologist and the subject. The methodology is not recommended for selection and examination purposes.

To overcome these shortcomings and a deeper penetration into the system of value orientations, it is possible to change the instructions, which provide additional diagnostic information and allow more substantiated conclusions to be drawn. So, after the main series, you can ask the subject to rank the cards by answering the following questions:

"V. in what order and to what extent (as a percentage) these values ​​are realized in your life? "

"How would you arrange these values ​​if you became what you dreamed of?"

"How, in your opinion, would a person who is perfect in all respects do it?"

"How do you think most people would do this?"

"How would you do it 5 or 10 years ago?"

In 5 or 10 years? "

"How would people close to you rank the cards?"

Analyzing the hierarchy of values, one should pay attention to their grouping by the subjects into meaningful blocks on different grounds. So, for example, "concrete" and "abstract" values, values ​​of professional self-realization and personal life, etc. are distinguished. Instrumental values ​​can be grouped into ethical values, communication values, business values, individualistic and conformist values, altruistic values, values ​​of self-affirmation, values ​​of acceptance of others, etc. These are far from all the possibilities of subjective structuring of the system of value orientations. The psychologist must try to grasp the individual pattern. If it is not possible to identify a single regularity, one can assume that the respondent has not formed a system of values ​​or even insincere answers.

The survey is best done individually, but group testing is also possible.



The Mini-cartoon questionnaire is an abbreviated version MMPI, contains 71 questions, 11 scales, of which 3 are evaluative. The first 3 rating scales measure the sincerity of the test subject, the degree of reliability of the test results, and the amount of correction introduced by excessive caution. The remaining 8 scales are basic and assess personality traits. The first scale measures the personality trait of a subject with an astheno-neurotic type. The second scale indicates the propensity of the subject with a sociopathic variant of personality development. The fifth scale is not used in this version of the questionnaire, after the fourth scale is the sixth. The sixth scale characterizes the subject's touchiness, his tendency to affective reactions. The seventh scale is designed to diagnose anxious and suspicious personality type, prone to doubt. The eighth scale determines the degree of emotional alienation, the difficulty of establishing social contacts. The ninth scale shows the proximity to the hyperthymic personality type, measures the activity and


The time of the questionnaire is not limited. Instruction: “Now you will read the statements regarding your health and your


Read each statement and decide if it is true or false in relation to you.

Not. spend time thinking. The most natural decision is the one that comes to mind first. "


1. Do you have a good appetite?

2. In the morning, you usually feel like you have slept and rested.

3. There are a lot of interesting things in your daily life.

4. You work with a lot of stress.

5. At times such bad thoughts come to your mind that it is better not to talk about them.

6. You very rarely have constipation.

7. Sometimes you really wanted to leave home forever.

8. At times you have fits of uncontrollable laughing or crying.

9. At times you are worried about nausea and retching.

10. You have the impression that no one understands you.

11. Sometimes you feel like swearing.

12. Every week you have nightmares.

13. You find it harder to concentrate than most people.

14. Strange things have happened (or are happening) to you.

15. You would have achieved much more in life if people were not opposed to you.

16. As a child, you committed thefts at one time.

17. It happened that for several days, weeks or whole months you could not do anything, because it was difficult to force yourself to get involved in the work.

18. You have intermittent and restless sleep.

19. When you are around people, you hear strange things.

20. Most people who know you do not consider you to be an unpleasant person.

21. You often had to obey someone who knew less than you.

22. Most people are more satisfied with their lives than you are.

23. Many people exaggerate their misfortunes in order to gain sympathy and help.

24. Sometimes you get angry.

25. You definitely lack self-confidence.

26. You often have the feeling that you have done something wrong or bad.

28. Usually you are satisfied with your lot.

29. Some people like to command so much that you want to do everything in spite of everything, although you know that they are right.

30. You think that something is being plotted against you.

31. Most people are capable of seeking benefits in a less than fair way.

32. You are often worried about your stomach.

33. Often you cannot understand why the day before you were in a bad mood and annoyed.

34. At times, your thoughts flowed so fast that you

did not have time to express them.

35. You think that your family life is not worse,

than most of your friends.

36. At times you are sure of your own uselessness.

37. In recent years, your health has been generally good.

38. You have had periods during which you did something and then could not remember what it was.

39. You think that you were often undeservedly punished.

40. You have never felt better than now.

41. You don't care what others think of you.

42. All is well with your memory.

43. It is difficult for you to keep up a conversation with the person you have just met.

44. Most of the time you feel general weakness.

45. You rarely have a headache.

when walking.

47. You don't like all of your acquaintances.

48. There are people who try to decorate your ideas

49. You believe that you have committed acts that

cannot be forgiven.

50. You think you are too shy.

51. You are almost always worried about something.

52. Your parents often disapproved of your acquaintances.

53. Sometimes you gossip a little.

54. At times you feel that it is unusually easy for you to make decisions.

55. You have a strong heartbeat and often suffocate.

56. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted.

57. You have periods of such anxiety that it is difficult to sit still.

58. Your parents and other family members often pick on you.

59. Nobody is especially interested in your fate.

60. You do not judge a person who is not averse to taking advantage of the mistakes of another.

61. Sometimes you are full of energy.

62. Recently, your eyesight has deteriorated.

63. Often your ears are ringing or buzzing.

64. There have been cases in your life (maybe only one) when you felt that you were being affected by hypnosis.

65. You have periods when you are unusually cheerful for no particular reason.

66. Even being in society. You usually feel lonely.

67. You believe that almost anyone can lie to get away with it.

68. You feel sharper than most other people.

69. At times, your head seems to work more slowly than usual.

70. You are often disappointed in people "

71. You have abused alcoholic beverages.

A special form is attached to the technique, where the answers of the subject are recorded on one side. If the subject agrees with the statement, then in the cell with the question number he puts a "+" sign ("yes", "true"), if he does not agree - a "-" sign ("no", "wrong"). On the reverse side of the form, the experimenter builds a personality profile of the subject, taking into account the value of the correction scale, adding to the scales indicated in the form, the corresponding value of the correction scale. A table of these values ​​is shown on the form.

The value of the scale -i "is added to the basic scales No. 1, 4, 7, 8, 9. For example: if 9 points are obtained on the scale, then 5 points are added to the value of the scale No. 1, based on the table, and 4 is added to the value of the scale No. 4 points, to the value of scales No. 7 and No. 8 to 9, to the value of the scale No. 9 - 2 points.

Surname I.O. ______________________


Description of scales

1. Scale of lies (L) - evaluates the sincerity of the subject;

2. Confidence scale (F) - reveals unreliable answers, the higher the value on this scale, the less reliable the results.

3. Correction scale (K) - smooths out distortions introduced by excessive care and control of the subject during testing. High scores on this scale indicate unconscious control of behavior. Scale (TO) used to correct the base scales, which depend on its value.

Basic scales:

1. Hypochondria (Hs) -"Closeness" of the subject to the astheno-neurotic type. Subjects with high grades are slow, passive, take everything on faith, submissive to power, slowly adapt, do not tolerate a change of environment, easily lose balance in social conflicts.

2. Depression (D). Sensitive, sensitive persons, prone to anxiety, timid, shy people have high marks. In business, they are diligent, conscientious, highly moral and obligatory, but they are not able to make decisions on their own, there is no self-confidence, at the slightest setbacks they fall into despair.

3. Hysteria (Well). Identifies individuals prone to conversion-type neurological defense reactions. They use the symptoms of physical illness as a means of avoiding responsibility. All problems are solved by going into illness. The main feature of such people is the desire to seem bigger, more significant than they really are, the desire to attract attention at all costs, the thirst for admiration. The feelings of such people are superficial and interests are shallow.

4. Psychopathies (Pd). High marks on this scale indicate social maladjustment, such people are aggressive, conflicted, and neglect social norms and values. Their mood is unstable, they are touchy, excitable and sensitive. There may be a temporary rise along this scale, caused by some reason.

6. Paranoia (Ra). The main trait of people with high scores on this scale is a tendency to form overvalued ideas. These people are one-sided, aggressive and vindictive. Whoever disagrees with them, who thinks differently, is either a stupid person or an enemy. They actively plant their views, therefore I have frequent conflicts with others. They always overestimate their own slightest luck.

7. Psychasthenia (Pt). Diagnoses persons with anxious and suspicious character type, which are characterized by anxiety; fearfulness, indecision, constant doubts.

8. Schizoid (Se). Individuals with high scores on this scale are characterized by a schizoid type of behavior. They are able to subtly feel and perceive abstract images, but everyday joys and sorrows do not evoke an emotional response in them. Thus, a common feature of the schizoid type is a combination of increased sensitivity with emotional coldness and alienation in interpersonal relationships.

9. Hypomania (Ma). People with high scores on this scale are characterized by high spirits regardless of the circumstances. They are active, active, energetic and cheerful. They love work with frequent changes, willingly contact people, but their interests are superficial and unstable, they lack endurance and perseverance.

High marks on all scales, after building a personality profile, are marks above 70. Low marks are marks below 40.

Scales Answers Question number
L Incorrect (N) 5,11,24,47,53
F H 22,24,61
True (B) 9,12,15,19,30,38,48,49,58,59,64,71
TO N 11,23,31,33,34,36,40,41,43,51,56, 61,65,67,69,70
1№) N 1,2,6,37,45
V 9,18,26,32,44,46,55,62,63
2 (D) N 1,3,6,11,28,37,40,42,60,65,61
V 9,13,11,18,22,25,36,44
3 (Well) N 1,2,3,11,23,28,29,31,33,35,37,40,41,43,45,50,56
V 9,13,18,26,44,46,55,57,62
4 (Pd) N 3,28,34,35,41,43,50,65
V 7,10,13,14,15,16,22,27,52,58,71""
6 (Pa) N 28,29,31,67
V 5,8,10,15,30,39,63,64,66,68
7 (PИ) N 2,3,42
V 5,8,13,17,22,25,27,36,44,51,57,66,68
S (Se) N 3,42
V 5,7,8,10,13,14,15,16,17,26,30,38,39,46,57,63,64,66
9 (Ma) N
V 4,7,8,21,29,34,38,39,54,57,60


The subject must answer “yes” or “no” to each statement.

1. It happens that I get angry.

2. Usually in the morning I wake up refreshed and refreshed.

3. Now I am about as efficient as ever.

4. Fate is definitely not fair to me.

5. I rarely have constipation.

6. At times I really wanted to leave my home.

7. At times I have fits of laughing or crying, which I cannot cope with.

8. It seems to me that no one understands me.

9. I believe that if someone has done me harm, then I must answer him in kind.

10. Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them.

11. I find it difficult to concentrate on any

task or job.

12. I often have strange and unusual experiences.

13. I have had no trouble with my behavior.

14. As a child, I used to commit petty thefts at one time.

15. It happens that I have a desire to break or

destroy everything around.

16. It happened that I could not do anything for days or even weeks, because I could not bring myself to get down to work.

17. My sleep is intermittent and restless.

18. My family disapproves of the job I have chosen.

19. There were times when I did not keep my promises.

20. My head hurts often.

21. Once a week or more often, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel heat all over my body.

22. It would be good if almost all laws were abolished.

23. The state of my health is almost the same as that of most of my friends (not worse).

24. When meeting on the street my acquaintances or school friends whom I have not seen for a long time, I prefer to pass by if they do not speak to me first.

25. Most of the people who know me like me.

26. I am a sociable person.

27. Sometimes I insist so much that people lose patience.

28. Most of the time my mood is depressed.

29. Now I find it difficult to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

30. I have little confidence in myself.

31. Sometimes I tell lies.

32. I usually think that life is worthwhile.

33. I believe that most people are capable of lying to get promoted.

34. I willingly take part in meetings and other social events.

35. I rarely quarrel with my family members.

36. Sometimes I have a strong desire to break the rules of decency or harm someone.

38. Muscle cramps or twitching are extremely rare (or almost never).

39. I'm pretty indifferent to what will happen to me.

40. Sometimes, when I do not feel well, I am


41. Often I have the feeling that I did something wrong

something or even something bad.

42. Some people love to command so much that I am drawn to do everything in spite of, even if I know

that they are right.

43. I often feel obligated to defend what

I find it fair.

44. My speech is now the same as always (neither faster nor slower, there is no hoarseness, no indistinctness).

45. I believe that my family life is as good as that of most of my acquaintances.

46. ​​It hurts me terribly when I am criticized or

47. Sometimes I have the feeling that I just have to hurt myself or someone else.

48. My behavior is largely determined by the customs of those around me.

49. As a child I had a company where everyone tried

stand for each other.

50. Sometimes it tempts me to start with someone

51. It happened that I talked about things that I do not understand.

52. Usually I fall asleep calmly and do not disturb me

no thoughts.

53. For the past few years I have been feeling good.

54. I have never had any seizures or convulsions.

55. Now my weight is constant (I do not lose weight or gain weight).

56. I believe that I was often undeservedly punished.

57. I cry easily.

58. I get tired a little.

59. I would be pretty calm if someone in my family was in trouble for breaking the law.

60. Something is wrong with my mind.

61. To hide my shyness, I have to spend a lot of effort.

62. Attacks of dizziness I have very rarely (or almost never).

63. I am concerned about sexual issues.

64. I find it difficult to keep up a conversation with people I have just met.

65. When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

66. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

67. Most of the time I experience general weakness.

68. Sometimes, when I am embarrassed, I sweat a lot, and it really annoys me.

69. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what I have to do today.

70. I think that I am a doomed person.

71. There were times when it was difficult for me not to steal something from someone or somewhere, for example, in a store.

72. I abused alcoholic beverages.

73. I am often worried about something.

74. I would like to be a member of several circles or societies.

75. I rarely choke and I don't have strong heartbeats.

76. All my life, I strictly follow the principles based on a sense of duty.

77. It happened that I obstructed or acted contrary to people simply out of principle, and not because the matter was really important.

78. If I don't face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want to, and not where it should be.

79. I have always been independent and free from family control.

80. I have had periods of such intense anxiety that I could not even sit still.

81. Often my actions were misinterpreted.

82. My parents and / or other members of my family find fault with me more than necessary.

83. Someone controls my thoughts.

84. People are indifferent and indifferent to what will happen to you.

85. I like being in a company where everyone makes fun of each other.

86. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

87. I am quite confident in myself.

88. Trusting no one is the safest thing.

89. Once a week or more, I get very agitated and agitated.

90. When I am in a company, I find it difficult to find a suitable topic of conversation.

91. I find it easy to make other people fear myself, and sometimes I do it for fun.

92. In the game, I like to win.

93. It is foolish to condemn a person who has deceived someone who allows himself to be deceived.

94. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

95. I drink a lot of water every day.

96. I am happiest when I am alone.

97. I am outraged every time I find out that the criminal, for whatever reason, went unpunished.

98. There have been one or several cases in my life when I felt that someone, through hypnosis, was forcing me to perform certain actions.

99. I rarely speak to people first.

100. I have never had any clashes with the law.

101. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances - it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.

102. Sometimes, for no reason at all, I suddenly have periods of extraordinary gaiety.

103. Life for me is almost always connected with stress.

104. At school, it was very difficult for me to speak in front of the class.

105. People show as much sympathy and sympathy towards me as I deserve.

106. I refuse to play some games because I'm not good at it.

107. It seems to me that I make friends as easily as others.

108. It is unpleasant for me when people are around me.

109. As a rule, I am lucky.

110. I am easily confused.

111. Some of my family members did things that scared me.

112. Sometimes I have fits of laughing or crying, which I just can't cope with.

113. I find it difficult to start a new assignment or start a new business.

114. If people were not opposed to me, I would have achieved much more in my life.

115. It seems to me that no one understands me.

116. Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like.

117. I easily lose patience with people.

118. I often feel anxiety in a new environment.

119. Often I want to die.

120. Sometimes I am so agitated that it is difficult for me to fall asleep.

121. Often I cross to the other side of the street to avoid meeting with someone I saw.

122. It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it.

123. Almost every day something happens that scares me.

124. Even among people I feel lonely.

125. I am convinced that there is only one correct understanding of the meaning of life.

126. When visiting, I often sit on the sidelines and talk with someone alone, than I take part in general entertainment.

127. I am often told that I am quick-tempered.

128. It happens that I gossip with someone.

129. I often find it unpleasant when I try to warn someone against mistakes, but they misunderstand me.

130. I often turn to people for advice.

131. Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel that everything is indifferent to me.

132. It is rather difficult for me to piss off myself.

133. When I try to point out to people about their mistakes or help, they often misunderstand me.

134. Usually I am calm and it is not easy to take me out of mental equilibrium.

135. I deserve severe punishment for my wrongdoing.

136. I tend to experience my disappointments so strongly that I cannot bring myself not to think about them.

137. At times it seems to me that I am not fit for anything.

138. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without thinking too much, agreed with the opinion of others.

139. I am very worried about all kinds of misfortunes.

140. My convictions and views are unshakable.

141. I think that it is possible, without breaking the law, to try to find a loophole in it.

142. There are people who are so unpleasant to me that in the depths of my soul I am glad when they get reprimanded for something.

143. I have had periods when I lost sleep because of anxiety.

144. I attend all kinds of social events because it allows me to be among people.

145. People can be forgiven for breaking rules that they consider unreasonable.

146. I have bad habits that are so strong that it is simply useless to fight them.

147. I am willing to meet new people.

148. It happens that an indecent and even obscene joke makes me laugh.

149. If things go badly for me, I immediately want to give up everything.

150. I prefer to act according to my own plans, rather than follow the instructions of others.

151. I like people around me to know my point of view.

152. If I have a bad opinion of a person or even despise him, I hardly try to hide it from him.

153. I am a nervous and easily excitable person.

154. Everything turns out badly for me, not as it should.

155. The future seems hopeless to me.

156. People can quite easily change my opinion, even if before that it seemed to me to be final.

157. Several times a week I have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen.

158. More often than not, I feel tired.

159. I like to be at parties and just in companies.

160. I try to avoid conflicts and predicaments.

161. I am often annoyed that I forget where I put things.

162. I like adventure stories more than stories about love.

163. If I want to do something, but others think that it is not worth doing, I can easily give up my intentions.

164. It is foolish to condemn people who seek to take everything they can from life.

165. I don't care what others think of me.

The questionnaire contains 165 questions and has the following scales:

"Reliability" (D);

"Adaptive abilities" (AC);

"Neuropsychic stability" (NPU);

"Moral normativeness" (MN).

Processing of results is carried out by counting the number of coincidences of the answers of the subject with the key on each of the scales. Processing should begin with a scale of reliability in order to assess the subject's desire to present himself in a more socially attractive way. If the subject scores more than 10 points on the reliability scale, the test result should be considered unreliable and after an explanatory conversation, the test should be repeated.

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Description. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a technique created in 1940 by S. Hatway and J. McKinley at the University of Minnesota.

MMPI is the most studied and one of the most popular psychodiagnostic techniques over the past 50 years. It is widely used in clinical practice, as well as for diagnosing the degree of adaptation, identifying stable professionally important inclinations. In addition, the technique has already become widespread among psychologists, sociologists, teachers and doctors involved in family counseling, the study of human resources, psychological compatibility, management problems, in sports psychology, as well as in law, in the army, in military and civil aviation. in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Employment Centers, in the field of general and higher education.

In 1989, J. Graham, A. Telligen, J. Bucher, W. Dahlstrom and B. Cammer published MMPI 2, a new version of the questionnaire aimed at clarifying the nature of emotional disorders and eliminating the influence of gender differences.

The modified version of the questionnaire is the SMIL test. The adaptation of the questionnaire was carried out at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva L. N. Sobchik and other psychologists who developed in 1971 a complete modified version - the SMIL test, 566 questions. (Standardized multifactorial personality research method).

Furtherare given: instruction, 566 questions(male and female version), answer form,description scales(basic and additional), decryption, key to test SMIL 566 - MMPI, processing of results, translation into walls, average standard data, interpretation ( major scales and combination of scales), holistic assessment the resulting profile, graphic image.

Test SMIL, L.N.Sobchik (MMPI):


You will be presented with a whole series of different statements. When evaluating each of them, do not spend a lot of time thinking. The most natural is the first immediate reaction.

Carefully read the text, reading each statement to the end and assessing it as true or false in relation to you. Try to answer sincerely, otherwise your answers will be recognized as unreliable and the survey will have to be repeated. Deal with the questionnaire as if alone with yourself - "What am I really?". Then you will be interested in the interpretation of the data obtained. It only concerns the characteristics of your temperament and describes your stable professionally important qualities. If your answer is "true", then put a cross in the registration sheet above the number corresponding to the questionnaire.

If your answer is "wrong", then put a cross under the corresponding number. Pay attention to statements with double negatives (for example, "I have never had seizures with seizures": if not, then your answer is "true", and, conversely, if this was with you, then the answer is "wrong").

Some of the statements in the questionnaire require you to - "Circle the number of this statement." In this case, in the registration sheet, the number corresponding to this statement should be circled in the registration sheet (these are the statements that turned out to be ballast during the standardization process and are not included in the general automated calculation).

If some statements raise serious doubts, be guided in your answer by what is presumably more characteristic of you. If the statement is true in relation to you in some situations and incorrect in others, then stop at the answer that is more appropriate at the moment. Only as a last resort, if the statement does not suit you at all, you can circle the number of this statement on the registration sheet. However, an excess of circles in the registration sheet will also lead to unreliable results.

When answering even rather intimate questions, do not be embarrassed, since no one will read and analyze your answers: all data processing is carried out automatically. The experimenter does not have access to specific answers, receiving results only in the form of generalized indicators that may be interesting and useful to you.

Questions SMIL (mmpi) test.

Male version.

2. I have a good appetite
3. In the morning I usually wake up refreshed and refreshed.
5. The slightest noise wakes me up

17. My father is a good man.
19. When I start a new job, I prefer to know who I should develop a good relationship with.

25. I would like to be a singer

28. If I am being treated unfairly, I feel that I must repay for it simply on principle

35. If people did not intrigue against me, I would have achieved much more
37. I've never had any trouble with my sexuality behavior.
38. There was a time in my youth when I made petty thefts
40. I would rather sit and dream most of the time.
41. I have had such periods, stretching for days, weeks or even months, when I could not take on anything, because I could not get involved in work
42. My family doesn't like the job I have chosen (or am about to choose)

50. At times I feel like I’m dying
52. I prefer to walk past my school friends or people whom I have not seen for a long time, if they do not speak to me first

56. When I was a boy, I was kicked out of school for truancy
57. I am a sociable person
59. I often had to follow the instructions of people who knew less than me
61. I have led the wrong lifestyle

65. I love (loved) my father

73. I'm a significant person
74. Sometimes I think: "I wish I was born a woman."
75. I get angry sometimes
77. I love to read about love
78. I love poetry
79. I am not easily offended (I am not touchy)
80. Sometimes I tease animals
82. It's easy to convince me
84. I feel like I'm losing hope of achieving anything in life

90. Sometimes I put off until tomorrow what I have to do today.
91. I don't mind being targeted for ridicule

94. I often do things that I later regret (more and more often than others)

100. I have encountered problems with so many solutions that it was difficult for me to settle on one of them.
102. The hardest fight for me is the fight with myself

105. Sometimes when I feel bad, I am irritable
106. Most of the time, I feel like I've done something bad or evil.
107. I feel happy most of the time.

111. I never went to a dangerous business for the sake of strong impressions

115. I believe in justice

122. Apparently, I am as capable and quick-witted as most of the people around me

129. I often cannot understand why I was so stubborn and grumpy

135. I cross the street in the wrong place when I am sure that the policeman will not notice me

138. Criticism and remarks really hurt me
139. Sometimes I feel that I must hurt myself or someone else
140. I love to cook
142. At times I am convinced of my own uselessness
143. As a child, I was in a company where everyone stood for each other in everything

146. I have a passion for changing places, and I cannot be happy without travel and wanderings

149. I kept a diary

153. The last few years, my health has been good most of the time.

158. I Can Cry Easily
159. I began to understand the content of what I read worse

162. I am outraged and annoyed when I have to admit that I was skillfully led
163. I would not say that I get tired quickly (if “I don’t get tired” - the answer is “true”)

168. I'm not sure that my sanity is all right

173. I loved school
174. I never fainted
176. I would not say that I am very afraid of snakes

179. I am concerned about some points related to sexuality
180. I find it difficult to keep up a conversation with people I have just met

192. I had no difficulty maintaining balance while walking
194. I had seizures during which I did not control my movements and speech, but I understood what was happening around
196. I love to visit places I've never been before
198. I do not dream often

201. I'd like to be less shy
203. If I were a journalist, I would like to write about the theater
204. I would love to be a journalist
206. I strictly adhere to the principles of morality and ethics, much more people around me
208. I like to flirt (have a playful conversation with a woman or girl I like)
209. I am sure that there is no forgiveness for my misdeeds

212. My family treats me like a child, not like an adult

215. I was overly addicted to alcoholic beverages
216. Relationships in my house are less warm and friendly than in other families
218. I am not particularly moved by the sight of a suffering animal
220. I love (loved) my mother
221. I am interested in science
223. I really love hunting

229. I would gladly enroll in several different circles and societies
230. I almost never noticed heartbeat attacks or shortness of breath
231. I like to talk about topics related to gender issues
232. I have outlined a life program for myself, based on a sense of duty and responsibility, and I try to fulfill it

235. I was completely independent and free from the rules and traditions accepted in our family

239. I experienced disappointment in love

242. I do not consider myself more nervous than most people around

245. My parents and other family members often find fault with me

248. Sometimes for no reason, or even when things don't go well, I feel excited and happy, "on top of bliss."
249. I am sure that the one who commits evil deeds will be punished in the future
250. I do not condemn the one who seeks to snatch from life everything that he can
251. I had such states when my actions were interrupted and I did not understand what was happening around

256. The most interesting page in the newspaper is the humor department

260. At school I learned the material poorly

264. I am absolutely sure of myself
266. Once a week or more, I am agitated and irritable

269. Sometimes I scare people for fun, as it is easy for me to make others afraid of me

272. At times I am full of energy

276. I love children
277. Sometimes I am so amused by the dexterity of a swindler that I want him to be lucky
278. I have often noticed that strangers look at me critically

283. If I were a journalist, I would prefer to write about sports
284. I am convinced that I am the subject of discussion

288. I have bouts of nausea or vomiting

291. There have been times in my life when I felt that someone was forcing me to act, hypnotizing me

294. I have never broken the law
295. I liked reading Andersen's fairy tales "The Ugly Duckling", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and others
297. I would like to get rid of thoughts related to the sexual issue, as they bother me

300. There has never been a period in my life when I liked to play with dolls

303. I am so worried about some topics that I try not to touch them in conversation
305. Most of the time I feel lonely, even when I'm around people

311. There was a time in my youth when I made petty thefts
313. A person who leaves his things unattended and leads into temptation is guilty to the same extent as a thief

317. I am more vulnerable than most people

324. I've never been in love with anyone
325. I'm Scared of What Some of My Family Members Have Done

329. I rarely have dreams
331. If people had nothing against me, I would have achieved much more.
332. Sometimes my voice changes or disappears, even if I do not have a cold

337. I almost always feel anxiety about someone or something

340. Sometimes I get so excited that it is difficult for me to sleep

343. I usually have to stop and think before doing something, even when it comes to little things
344. Often I cross the street so as not to meet with the one I saw
345. The environment often seems unreal to me

348. I am concerned about people who treat me more friendly than I expected
350. When I am alone, I sometimes hear strange things
351. I get anxious and upset when I have to leave home for at least a short time.

357. I more than once gave up any business, because I thought that I could not cope with it

361. I tend to take everything to heart
362. I am more touchy than most people

366. Even being among people, I feel lonely most of the time
367. I'm not afraid of fire

370. I hate it when I have to rush to work
371. I can't say that I am overly shy
372. I tend to get carried away with many things rather than dwell on one thing for a long time
373. I am sure that there is one, the only correct understanding of the meaning of life
375. When I feel happy and full of energy, someone can ruin everything with their bad mood
376. Policemen are usually honest people
377. At a party, I often sit alone or talk with one of the guests than with the whole group

381. I am often told that I am hot-tempered.

384. I Feel I Couldn't Tell Anyone All About Me

388. I'm afraid to be alone in the dark

399. It's hard to make me angry
400. If conditions allowed, I could bring great benefit to humanity

407. Usually I am calm and it is not easy to throw me off balance
408. I tend to hide my feelings for those reasons that people can unwittingly offend me

411. I feel like a failure when I hear about the success of people I know.

414. I am inclined to experience disappointment so sharply that I cannot get it out of my head for a long time
415. With the right combination of circumstances, I could become a big good leader

418. At times it seems to me that I am good for nothing
419. I often skipped school

423. I love (or have loved before) fishing
425. I often dream
426. At times I have to be harsh and rude with people who annoy me

433. I'm used to having an imaginary companion
434. I would like to be a race car driver
435. I'd rather work with women

442. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety
443. I am ready to give up my plans if others think that I started doing it wrong
445. In my youth (or in childhood) I loved bright, exciting experiences
446. I would prefer to play cards, dominoes or other small stakes games
447. I am ready for anything to win the dispute

453. As a child, I did not aspire to be a member of a street company
454. I could live happily alone in a hut among forests and mountains

463. I loved to play "classes" or jump over a rope
464. I am deprived of the ability to evoke any visions in myself

468. I often wish I was so stubborn and grumpy
469. I have often met people who were jealous of my ideas just because they were not the first to come up with them

475. Finding myself "backed against the wall", I speak only that part of the truth that will not harm me
476. I Am Called to Accomplish a Great Mission
477. If I were in trouble with my friends, who are as guilty as I am, I would rather take all the blame on myself than give them away
478. I have never been particularly worried about the troubles that happened to my family members.
480. I'm Afraid of the Dark
481. There have been times when I pretended to be sick in order to avoid something
483. I Believe in Miracles

486. I never noticed blood in my urine
488. I would like my fate to be favorable to me

493. I would rather prefer a job that requires close attention than one in which you can be careless

499. I must admit that at times I worry for no reason about things that really don't matter
500. I'm ready for anything for a good idea.
501. In my work, I prefer to find a solution myself, rather than follow the instructions of others
503. I am not inclined to give categorical assessments of the actions of others
505. There are times when I feel so full of energy that it would seem that I could go without sleep for several days
507. I often worked under the leadership of people who took credit for all the achievements and blamed all the omissions and shortcomings on their subordinates

522. I'm not afraid of spiders
523. I rarely blush

534. It happened that I tried to do something difficult when everyone else had already given up on further attempts

537. I would like to hunt lions or tigers
539. I'm not afraid of mice

552. I like to read about science
553. I'm afraid to be alone in a place open from all sides
554. If I were a journalist, I would rather write about the theater
556. I am very attentive about the style of my clothes

562. The person to whom I was most attached in childhood and whom I adored most was a woman (mother, sister, aunt or anyone else)
564. I am ready to give up my intentions if others think that this should not be done

Questions SMIL (mmpi) test.

The female version.

1. I like to read scientific and technical literature
2. I have a good appetite
3. In the morning I usually wake up refreshed and refreshed.
4. I think I would like the job of a librarian
5. The slightest noise wakes me up
6. I like to read crime notes in the newspapers
7. My hands and feet are usually warm enough.
8. My daily life is full of events that interest me
9. My performance is no worse than it was before
10. I often feel a "lump" in my throat
11. I believe that dreams always come true
12. I love reading about crimes and mysterious adventures
13. Work is given to me at the cost of considerable effort.
14. Once a month or more, I have diarrhea.
15. At times such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to talk about them.
16. I believe that life is merciless to me
17. My father is a good man.
18. I very rarely have constipation.
19. When I start a new job, I prefer to know who I should develop a good relationship with.
20. My sex life is satisfactory.
21. At times I really wanted to leave the house.
22. At times I have fits of laughing or crying that I cannot control.
23. I have bouts of nausea and vomiting
24. It seems to me that there is no such person who would understand me
25. I would like to be a singer
26. If I find myself in an unpleasant situation, then it is best for me to keep my mouth shut.
27. At times I am at the mercy of some evil force
28. If I am being treated unfairly, I feel I must repay it simply on principle.
29. Heartburn worries me several times a week.
30. Sometimes I feel like swearing
31. I have nightmares almost every night.
32. I find it difficult to focus on a specific task or job.
33. I have strange and peculiar experiences
34. I have a cough most of the time.
35. If people did not intrigue against me, I would have achieved much more
36. I rarely worry about my health
37. I've never gotten into trouble with my gender-related behavior.
38. There was a time in my youth when I made petty thefts
39. At times I feel like breaking things, breaking dishes
40. I would rather sit and dream most of the time.
41. I have had such periods, stretching for days, weeks or even months, when I could not take on anything, because I could not get involved in work
42. My family doesn't like the job I have chosen (or am about to choose)
43. I have intermittent and restless sleep
44. I have a headache most of the time.
45. I don't always tell the truth
46. ​​My sanity (the ability to judge things) is working better now than ever
47. Once a week or more often, for no apparent reason, unexpectedly "pours in heat"
48. When I am among people, it happens that I hear very strange things
49. It would be better if almost all laws were canceled
50. Sometimes I have such a feeling as if “the soul is leaving the body”
51. My physical health is no worse than that of most of my friends
52. I prefer to walk past my school friends or people whom I have not seen for a long time, if they do not speak to me first
53. I believe that disease can be cured with a touch of the hand and prayer
54. Most people who know me treat me well
55. I am rarely worried about pain in the heart or chest.
56. When I was a girl, I was kicked out of school for mischief and truancy
57. I am a sociable person
58. Everything that lies ahead of humanity has long been predetermined
59. I often had to follow the instructions of people who know less than me
60. I don't read newspaper editorials every day.
61. I have led the wrong lifestyle
62. I often feel burning, tingling or numbness in various parts of my body
63. I have a great need without any difficulty
64. At times I insist so much that others lose patience
65. I love (loved) my father
66. Around me sometimes I see people, animals and objects that others do not see
67. Others seem to me to be happier than me
68. I almost never have back pain in the neck
69. I prefer to be around people of the same sex
70. I liked to play “gardener” or “ring” (that is, games where boys and girls chose each other based on personal sympathy)
71. I think that many people exaggerate their misfortunes in order to gain sympathy and help
72. Several times a week or more often I am concerned about discomfort in the upper abdomen (under the stomach)
73. I'm a significant person
74. I always think: "It's good that I was born a woman."
75. Sometimes I get angry
76. I am depressed most of the time.
77. I like to read about love
78. I love poetry
79. I am not easily offended (I am not touchy)
80. Sometimes I tease animals
81. I think I would have liked the work of a forester
82. It's easy to convince me
83. Anyone who can and wants to work hard has a good opportunity to succeed
84. Now it is difficult for me to give up the hope of achieving anything in life
85. Sometimes I am so attracted to other people's things (gloves, shoes, etc.) that I want to steal them, although I do not need them
86. I definitely lack self-confidence
87. I would like to do flower cultivation
88. I believe that life is worth living
89. It takes a lot of evidence to convince people of any truth
90. Sometimes I put off until tomorrow what I have to do today.
91. I don't mind being used as a target for ridicule.
92. I would like to work as a nanny, take care of the sick
93. I believe that most people are capable of lying if it is in their best interest to do so.
94. I often do things that I later regret (more and more often than others)
95. I regularly take part in meetings and other social events
96. I very rarely quarrel with my family members.
97. At times I have an overwhelming need to harm someone or do something indecent
98. I believe that in the end justice will prevail
99. I like to go to visit or to other places where there is a lot of noisy fun
100. I have encountered problems with so many solutions that it was difficult for me to settle on one of them.
101. I believe that a woman sexually should have the same freedom as a man
102. The hardest fight for me is the fight with myself
103. I very rarely have muscle cramps or twitching (or not at all)
104. I have no reason to worry about what will happen to me
105. Sometimes when I feel bad, I get irritable
106. Most of the time, I feel like I've done something bad or evil.
107. I feel happy most of the time.
108. I have a feeling of fullness in my head or nose almost all the time.
109. Some people love to command so much that I want to do the opposite, even if I know they are right
110. I know there are people who are against me
111. I never went to a dangerous business for the sake of strong impressions
112. I often find it necessary to defend what I think is right
113. I understand how important laws are
114. I often feel that my head is tied with a hoop
115. I believe in justice
116. I have more fun playing or racing if I bet
117. Most people are honest just because they are afraid of punishment
118. At school I was sometimes called to the principal for absenteeism
119. My speech is the same as always (not faster, not slower, without hoarseness and difficulty in pronunciation)
120. My table manners at home are not as good as at a party
121. Maybe something is preparing against me
122. Apparently, I am as capable and quick-witted as most of the people around me
123. There is someone who chased me
124. I believe that most people will do dishonest things for profit rather than let the opportunity go
125. My stomach worries me a lot
126. I like drama
127. I know who is to blame for most of my troubles (not referring to myself)
128. At the sight of blood, I am not frightened and I do not feel ill
129. I often cannot understand why I was so stubborn and grumpy
130. I have never had bloody vomiting or coughing up blood
131. I am not worried about the possibility of contracting any disease
132. I love picking flowers or growing houseplants
133. In my sex life, I will always adhere to what is accepted and usually
134. At times my thoughts flow faster than I have time to express them
135. I cross the street in the wrong place when I am sure that the policeman will not notice me
136. If they do something nice to me, I usually wonder what lies behind it
137. I believe that life in my house is no worse than that of most of my friends
138. Criticism and remarks terribly offend and hurt me
139. Sometimes I feel that I should hurt myself or someone else
140. I love to cook
141. My behavior is largely determined by the rules and habits of the people around me
142. At times I am sure of my own uselessness
143. As a child, I was in such a company where everyone stood for each other in everything
144. I like soldier's service
145. At times I am tempted to get into a fight with someone
146. I have a passion for changing places, and I cannot be happy without traveling and wandering
147. I often lose a lot because I can't make a decision quickly enough
148. I lose patience with people who seek advice or otherwise distract me during serious work
149. I kept a diary
150. In the game, it is more pleasant for me to win than to lose
151. Maybe someone will try to poison me
152. Most of the time I fall asleep without disturbing thoughts.
153. The last few years, my health has been good most of the time.
154. I have never had seizures or seizures (if "did not" - the answer is "true")
155. I have a fairly constant weight
156. I have such states when I am not aware of what I am doing
157. I believe that I was often undeservedly punished
158. I Can Cry Easily
159. I began to understand the content of what I read worse
160. I feel better now than I have ever felt in my life.
161. The parietal part of my head is sometimes very sensitive.
162. I am outraged and annoyed when I have to admit that I was skillfully deceived
163. I would not say that I get tired quickly (if “I don’t get tired” - the answer is “true”)
164. I like to read literature in my specialty
165. I like to have significant people among my acquaintances, as it increases my prestige
166. I am afraid to look down from a height
167. I would not worry if someone from my family was in the position of breaking the law
168. I'm not sure that my mind is all right
169. I'm not afraid to deal with money
170. I am not worried about what others say about me
171. I feel uncomfortable fooling around at a party, even if everyone else is doing it.
172. I often have to hide my shyness at the cost of great effort
173. I loved school
174. I never fainted
175. I don't have dizziness (or they do, but very rarely)
176. I would not say that I am very afraid of snakes
177. My mother is a good woman
178. My memory is all right
179. I am concerned about some points related to sexuality
180. I find it difficult to keep up a conversation with people I have just met
181. When I'm bored, I try to do something fun.
182. Sometimes the fear of losing my mind comes over me
183. I am against giving alms
184. Sometimes I suddenly hear voices coming from nowhere.
185. My hearing is as good as most people
186. I notice that my hands are shaking when I try to do something.
187. My hands didn't get awkward
188. I can read for a long time without noticeable eye fatigue
189. I feel weak most of the time.
190. I rarely have a headache.
191. Sometimes, when I am embarrassed, I sweat, and it is very unpleasant for me
192. It is not difficult for me to maintain balance when walking
193. I don't have fever or asthma attacks
194. I had seizures during which I did not control my movements and speech, but I understood what was happening around
195. Not everyone I know I like
196. I love to visit places I've never been before
197. It happened that someone tried to rob me
198. I do not dream often
199. Children should be taught to understand the basic questions of sexuality
200. There are people who tried to appropriate my thoughts and ideas
201. I'd like to be less shy
202. I consider myself a doomed person
203. If I were a journalist, I would really like to write about the theater
204. I would love to be a journalist
205. Sometimes I suddenly have a desire to take some other people's trifle as a keepsake
206. I very strictly adhere to the principles of morality and ethics, much more people around me
207. I like different games and entertainment
208. I like to flirt (have a playful conversation with a man I like)
209. I am sure that there is no forgiveness for my misdeeds
210. All food tastes the same to me
211. I want to sleep during the day, but at night I suffer from insomnia
212. My family treats me like a child, not an adult
213. When walking, I very carefully step over cracks in the sidewalk
214. I have never had any skin rashes that would bother me
215. I was overly addicted to alcoholic beverages
216. Relationships in my family are less warm and friendly than in other families
217. I often find myself worrying about something
218. I am a little moved by the sight of a suffering animal
219. I think I would like the work related to the material supply of large organizations
220. I love (loved) my mother
221. I am interested in science
222. It is not difficult for me to ask my friends for a favor, even if I cannot answer them in kind
223. I really love hunting
224. My parents often disapproved of my acquaintances
225. Sometimes I can gossip a little
226. Some members of my family have habits that annoy me very much and annoy me
227. I was told that I walk in a dream
228. At times I feel that it is unusually easy for me to make decisions
229. I would gladly enroll in several different circles and societies
230. I almost never noticed heartbeat attacks or shortness of breath
231. I like to talk on inter-sex topics, ie. related to issues of relations between men and women
232. I have outlined a life program for myself, based on a sense of duty and responsibility, and I try to fulfill it
233. Sometimes I do not give in to people, not because the matter is really important, but simply from the principle
234. I lose my temper easily, but I calm down quickly
235. I was completely independent and free from the rules and traditions accepted in our family
236. I Think Too Much
237. Almost all of my relatives treat me well
238. I have periods of such strong anxiety when I cannot sit in one place for a long time
239. I was disappointed in love
240. My appearance never worries me
241. I often have dreams that are best kept silent.
242. I do not consider myself more nervous than most people around
243. I rarely have a pain
244. My actions are usually misunderstood by others
245. My parents and other family members often find fault with me without any reason
246. My neck is often covered with red spots
247. I have reason to feel envy of some of my family members
248. Sometimes for no reason, or even when things don't go well, I feel excited and happy, "on top of bliss."
249. I am sure that the one who commits evil deeds will be punished in the future
250. I do not condemn the one who seeks in this life to snatch everything that he can
251. I had such lapses in consciousness when my actions were interrupted and I did not understand what was happening around
252. Nobody cares what happens to you
253. I can be friendly to people whose actions I do not approve
254. I like to be in a company where they like to make fun of each other
255. Sometimes I give a good assessment to people about whom I know very little
256. The only interesting page in the newspaper is the humor department
257. Usually I hope for success if I take on any business
258. I believe in the triumph of justice
259. It is very difficult for me to start any work.
260. At school I learned the material poorly
261. If I were an artist, I would like to paint flowers
262. My appearance does not particularly sadden me
263. I sweat a lot, even in cool weather
264. I am absolutely confident
265. It's safer not to trust anyone
266. Once a week or more, I get agitated and irritable
267. When I am among people, it is difficult for me to find a topic for conversation
268. It's always easy for me to fix a bad mood with something interesting
269. I sometimes scare people for fun, as it is easy for me to make others afraid of me
270. Leaving the house, I do not worry about whether the door is closed, whether the gas is turned off, etc.
271. I do not condemn a person for deceiving those who easily allow themselves to be deceived
272. At times I am full of energy
273. I have numbness in some areas of the skin
274. My vision is as sharp as before
275. There is someone who controls my thoughts
276. I love children
277. At times I am so amused by the dexterity of a swindler that I want him to be lucky
278. I have often noticed that strangers look at me critically
279. I drink an unusually large amount of water every day
280. Most people make acquaintances because friends can be useful
281. I rarely have noise or ringing in my ears.
282. At times I hate my family members, whom I usually love
283. If I were a journalist, I would prefer to write about sports
284. I am convinced that I am the subject of discussion
285. It happens that I laugh about a free (indecent) joke
286. I feel happiest alone
287. I have less reason to fear anything compared to others
288. I am worried about bouts of nausea or vomiting
289. I am outraged that a criminal can be released for any reason and he remains unpunished, thanks to the clever arguments of a lawyer
290. Work is given to me at the cost of considerable stress (I work with great stress)
291. There have been times in my life when I felt that someone was forcing me to act, hypnotizing me
292. I prefer not to talk to people until they themselves turn to me
293. I know someone who tried to influence my thoughts
294. I have never broken the law
295. I loved reading Andersen's fairy tales "The Ugly Duckling", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" and others
296. I have periods of unreasonable gaiety
297. I would like to get rid of thoughts related to the sexual issue, as they bother me
298. When several people get into an unpleasant story, it is better for them to agree on what to say, and then all to adhere to the same line
299. I think I feel more and more acutely than most people
300. There has never been a period in my life when I liked to play with dolls
301. Life for me is connected with stress most of the time.
302. I have never had any trouble with my gender-related behavior.
303. I am so painful about some topics that I try not to touch them in conversation
304. During my school years, it was very difficult for me to speak in front of the whole class
305. Most of the time I feel lonely, even when I am around people.
306. I get as much sympathy from others as I deserve
307. I refuse to play some games because I don't play well
308. At times I really wanted to leave the house
309. It seems to me that I get along with people as easily as others
310. My sex life is satisfactory
311. There was a time in my youth when I made petty thefts
312. I hate to be among people
313. A person who leaves valuable things unattended and leads into temptation is guilty to the same extent as a thief
314. At times such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to talk about them
315. I believe that life is merciless to me
316. I Think Almost Anyone Can Lie To Avoid Trouble
317. I am more touchy than most people
318. My daily life is full of events that interest me
319. Most people do not like to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others
320. I often have dreams on topics related to sex life
321. I am easily embarrassed
322. I am worried about my money and business affairs
323. I have had completely unusual, very strange, peculiar experiences
324. I've never been in love with anyone
325. I'm Scared of What Some of My Family Members Have Done
326. At times I have fits of laughing or crying that I cannot control
327. I often had to obey my parents, even when, in my opinion, they were wrong
328. I find it difficult to focus on a specific task or job
329. I rarely have dreams
330. I have never had paralysis or unusual weakness in the muscles of the arms, legs or other parts of the body.
331. If people had nothing against me, I would have achieved much more.
332. Sometimes I lose my voice, or it changes, even if I do not have a cold
333. It seems to me that there is no such person who would understand me
334. Sometimes I smell peculiar and specific smells
335. I find it difficult to concentrate thoughts on one thing
336. I easily lose patience with people
337. I almost all the time feel anxiety or concern for someone or something
338. I certainly have more reasons to worry than others
339. Most of the time I wish myself death
340. Sometimes I get so excited that it is difficult for me to sleep
341. Sometimes I hear so well that it bothers me
342. I immediately forget what they tell me
343. I usually have to stop and think before doing anything, even when it comes to little things
344. Often I cross to the other side of the street so as not to meet with the one I saw
345. Often I have the feeling that everything around is unreal
346. I have a habit of counting unnecessary items such as windows, light bulbs, signs, etc.
347. I have no enemies who would seriously want to harm me
348. I am concerned about people who treat me more friendly than I expected
349. I have strange and unusual thoughts
350. When I'm alone, sometimes I hear strange things
351. I get anxious and upset when I have to leave home, even for a short time.
352. I am afraid of some objects and people, although I know that they are not dangerous to me
353. I'm not afraid to enter a room where people have already gathered and are talking
354. I am afraid to use a knife or other sharp objects
355. Sometimes it is pleasant for me to harm those whom I love
356. I find it harder to concentrate than others
357. I more than once threw some business, because I thought that I could not cope with it
358. Bad, often even terrible words come to my mind, and I cannot get rid of them
359. Sometimes some unimportant thought is spinning in my head and bothers me for several days in a row
360. Something that scares me happens almost every day.
361. I have a tendency to worry about everything.
362. I am more touchy than most people
363. Sometimes it was pleasant for me if a person whom I love caused me suffering
364. People say abusive and vulgar things about me
365. I feel uneasy when I am indoors
366. Most of the time I feel lonely, even when I'm around people
367. I'm not afraid of fire
368. Sometimes I try to stay away from people so as not to do or say something that I will regret later
369. Questions of religion do not interest me
370. I hate it when I have to rush to work
371. I can't say that I am overly shy
372. I tend to get carried away with many things rather than dwell on one thing for a long time
373. I am sure that there is one, the only correct understanding of the meaning of life
374. At times it seems to me that my mind is working slower than usual
375. When I feel happy and full of energy, someone with their bad mood can ruin everything
376. Accountants are usually honest people
377. At a party, I often sit alone or talk with one of the guests than with the whole group
378. I like it when a woman smokes
379. I rarely have bouts of bad mood
380. When someone expresses stupidity or ignorance about things I know, I try to correct him
381. I am often told that I am hot-tempered.
382. I would like to get rid of thoughts about my statements, which, as it seems to me, could offend or upset someone
383. People often disappoint me
384. I Feel That I Couldn't Tell Anyone All About Me
385. Lightning is one of those phenomena that make me fear
386. I like to keep people in the dark about what I'm going to do
387. I consider all miracles only tricks that some people play in front of others
388. I'm afraid to be alone in the dark
389. My plans often seem full of difficulties, which is why I abandon them
390. I am often misunderstood when I try to warn someone against a mistake, and this is very insulting to me
391. I love to go to evenings where you can dance
392. The Storm Terrifies Me
393. Horses that are badly driven should be beaten
394. I often take people's advice
395. The future is too uncertain to make serious plans
396. Often, even if things are going well, I feel that I do not care
397. I have a feeling that there are too many difficulties and there is no point in trying to overcome them
398. I often think: "It would be nice to be a child again"
399. It's hard to make me angry
400. If conditions allowed, I could bring great benefit to humanity
401. I have no fear of water
402. To come to a solution to the issue, I often postpone its consideration until tomorrow
403. It's great to live in our time when there are so many interesting events
404. People often do not understand my intentions when I try to correct them or help them
405. I have no difficulty swallowing
406. I often had to meet people who were considered specialists, but in fact knew no more than mine
407. Usually I am calm and it is not easy to throw me off balance
408. I tend to hide my feelings for those reasons that people can unwittingly offend me
409. At times I exhaust myself by taking on too much
410. It would certainly be a pleasure for me to deceive the swindler in his own way
411. I feel like a failure when I hear about the success of people I know
412. I am not afraid to go to the doctor when I get sick or hurt
413. I deserve severe punishment for my misdeeds
414. I am inclined to experience disappointment so sharply that I cannot get it out of my head for a long time
415. With the right combination of circumstances, I could become a big good leader
416. I feel uncomfortable if someone observes when I work, even if I know that I will do my job well
417. Often I am so annoyed by a subject trying to get in front of me out of line that I will not fail to tell him this
418. At times it seems to me that I am good for nothing
419. I often skipped school
420. I have experienced extremely unusual mystical experiences
421. There are very nervous people in my family.
422. I am embarrassed for some of my family members because of the nature of their work
423. I love (or have loved before) fishing
424. I feel hungry most of the time
425. I often dream
426. At times I have to be harsh and rude with people who annoy me
427. I am confused by indecent anecdotes
428. I enjoy reading foundational articles in newspapers and magazines
429. I like to listen to lectures on serious topics
430. I am attracted to people of the opposite sex
431. I don't care much about the possibility of any trouble
432. My convictions and views are unshakable
433. I'm used to having an imaginary companion
434. I would like to be a race car driver
435. I'd rather work with women
436. People usually demand more respect for their rights than they themselves respect others
437. It is quite possible to get around the law, if you do not essentially break it.
438. There are people who are so unpleasant to me that I rejoice internally when they get what they deserve
439. I get nervous if I have to wait
440. I try to memorize interesting stories so that later I can tell them to others
441. I like tall women
442. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety
443. I am ready to give up my plans if others think that I started doing it wrong
444. I do not try to correct people who express erroneous judgments
445. In my youth (or in childhood) I loved bright, exciting experiences
446. I would prefer to play cards, dominoes or other small stakes games
447. I am ready for anything to win the dispute
448. It is unpleasant for me if strangers on the street, in the store or on the bus are watching me
449. I like social events where I can be among people
450. I love the excitement of an excited crowd
451. My worries disappear when I find myself in the company of cheerful friends
452. I like to make fun of people
453. As a child, I did not aspire to be a member of a street company
454. I could live happily alone in a hut among forests and mountains
455. Most of the time I am not aware of the gossip and conversations of the people around me
456. You should not punish people who violate those laws that they consider unreasonable
457. I believe that people should never touch alcohol
458. The man who dealt with me most of all in childhood (father, stepfather or another person) was strict with me
459. I have at least one bad habit that is so strong that there is no way to fight it
460. I drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (or do not drink at all)
461. I find it difficult to postpone the work begun, even for a short time
462. I urinate and keep urinating without any difficulty
463. I loved to play "classes" or jump over a rope
464. I am deprived of the ability to evoke any visions in myself
465. More than once it happened to me to change my attitude towards my profession
466. I never take medication or sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription
467. I often remember unnecessary numbers (for example, car numbers)
468. I often wish I was so stubborn and grumpy
469. I have often met people who were jealous of my ideas just because they were not the first to come up with them
470. Topics related to the sex issue disgust me
471. My grades in school were consistently poor
472. I have an irresistible attraction to fire
473. Whenever possible, I try to avoid a large crowd of people
474. I deal with small needs as often as others
475. Finding myself "backed up against the wall", I speak only that part of the truth that will not harm me
476. I Am Called to Accomplish a Great Mission
477. If I were in trouble with my friends, who are as guilty as I am, I would rather take all the blame on myself than give them away
478. I have never been particularly worried about the troubles that happened to my family members
479. I am willing to meet new people
480. I'm Afraid of the Dark
481. There have been times when I pretended to be sick in order to avoid something
482. On trams, buses and other transport, I often talk to strangers
483. I Believe in Miracles
484. I have shortcomings that are so significant that it is better to accept them as they are and try to control than to try to eradicate
485. A man, being in a woman's company, usually thinks about things related to her gender
486. I never noticed blood in my urine
487. I give up quickly if it goes wrong
488. I would like my fate to be favorable to me
489. I sympathize with people who tend to get stuck in their troubles and sorrows
490. I like to read books that help to live correctly and understand the meaning of life
491. I am annoyed by people who believe that their understanding of the meaning of life is the only correct one
492. The thought of the possibility of an earthquake scares me
493. I would rather prefer a job that requires close attention than one in which you can be careless
494. I'm afraid to be in a small closed room
495. Usually I act in the open if I consider it important to correct someone
496. I never see double
497. I love adventure stories
498. It is better to always tell the truth
499. I must admit that at times I worry for no reason about things that really don't matter
500. I'm ready for anything for a good idea.
501. In my work, I prefer to find a solution myself, rather than follow the instructions of others
502. I like others to know my opinion
503. I am not inclined to give categorical assessments of the actions of others
504. I do not consider it necessary to hide my contempt or negative opinion about someone
505. There are periods when I feel so full of energy that it would seem that I could go without sleep for several days
506. I am a nervous and easily excitable person
507. I often worked under the leadership of people who took credit for all the achievements and blamed all the omissions and shortcomings on their subordinates
508. I think I can smell as well as other people
509. Sometimes I find it difficult to assert my rights because of my restraint
510. Any dirt scares me or disgusts me
511. I have a dream world that I don't tell anyone about
512. I do not like to wash in the bathroom
513. I like working with a leader who gives strict clear instructions rather than with a leader who gives more freedom.
514. I like masculine women
515. In my house there was always everything you need (a sufficient amount of food, clothing and other things)
516. Some of my family members have a quick temper
517. I Can't Do Anything Right
518. I often feel guilty because I express my empathy to people more than I actually feel
519. My genitals are not all right
520. As a rule, I firmly defend my opinion
521. I do not hesitate in the presence of people to express my opinion or to enter into an argument on a question well known to me
522. I'm not afraid of spiders
523. I rarely blush
524. I'm not afraid of contracting any disease through doorknobs
525. Some animals make me shudder
526. The future seems hopeless to me
527. My family members and my close relatives get along with each other
528. I blush no more often than others
529. I like to wear expensive clothes
530. I am often afraid to blush
531. People can easily change my opinion, which before that seemed to me to be final
532. I can endure pain as long as other people
533. I rarely have a burp (or not at all)
534. It happened that I tried to do something difficult when everyone else had already given up on further attempts
535. My mouth dries up almost all the time
536. I get angry when they make me hurry
537. I would like to hunt lions or tigers
538. I think that I would like the work of a tailor on sewing a woman's dress
539. I'm not afraid of mice
540. I have never had a paralyzed face.
541. My skin is unusually sensitive to touch.
542. It is difficult to remember that my feces were black
543. Several times a week I have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen
544. I feel tired most of the time
545. Sometimes I have the same dream
546. I like to read historical literature
547. I love to go to parties and meetings
548. I will never watch adult films if I can avoid it
549. I try to avoid conflict and predicaments
550. I like to fix door locks
551. Sometimes others can guess what I'm thinking at the moment
552. I like to read about science
553. I'm afraid to be alone in a place open from all sides
554. If I were a journalist, I would prefer to write about the theater
555. Sometimes it seems to me that I am "on the brink of destruction"
556. I am very careful about the style of my clothes
557. I would like to work as a secretary
558. Most people can be accused of promiscuity
559. I often have fear in the middle of the night
560. I am very annoyed that I forget where I put things
561. I really like horse riding
562. The person to whom I was most attached in childhood and whom I adored most was a woman (mother, sister, aunt or anyone else)
563. I like adventure stories more than romantic ones
564. I am ready to give up my intentions if others think that this should not be done
565. I feel like jumping down when I'm on top
566. In movies, I like to watch love episodes

SMIL test answer form (MMPI)

V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
V 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
V 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
V 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
V 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
V 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
V 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
V 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
V 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270
V 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300
V 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
V 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360
V 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390
V 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420
V 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
V 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
V 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510
V 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540
V 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566

SMIL scales (mmpi) test.

The main clinical scales of the SMIL (mmpi) test.

  1. Hypochondria scale(HS) - determines the "closeness" of the subject to the astheno-neurotic personality type;
  2. Depression scale(D) - designed to determine the degree of subjective depression, moral discomfort (hypothetical personality type);
  3. Hysteria scale(Hy) - designed to identify individuals prone to conversion-type neurotic reactions (using symptoms of physical illness as a means of resolving difficult situations);
  4. Psychopathy scale(Pd) - aimed at diagnosing the sociopathic personality type;
  5. Masculinity - Femininity Scale(Mf) - designed to measure the degree of identification of the subject with the role of a man or woman prescribed by society;
  6. Paranoia scale(Pa) - allows you to judge the presence of "overvalued" ideas, suspicion (paranoid personality type);
  7. Psychasthenia scale(Pt) - the similarity of the examined person with patients suffering from phobias, obsessive actions and thoughts is established (anxious and suspicious personality type);
  8. Schizophrenia scale(Sc) - aimed at diagnosing the schizoid (autistic) personality type;
  9. Hypomania scale(Ma) - the degree of "closeness" of the subject to the hyperthymic personality type is determined;
  10. Social introversion scale and (Si) - diagnostics of the degree of compliance with the introverted personality type. It is not a clinical scale, it was added to the questionnaire in the course of its further development;

Evaluation scales

  1. Scale "?"- the scale can be named conditionally, since it does not have statements related to it. Registers the number of statements that the subject could not attribute to either "true" or "incorrect";
  2. Scale of "lies"(L) - designed to assess the sincerity of the subject;
  3. Confidence scale(F) - created to identify inaccurate results (associated with the negligence of the subject), as well as aggravation and simulation;
  4. Correction scale(K) - introduced in order to smooth out distortions introduced by excessive inaccessibility and caution of the subject.

The key to SMIL (mmpi) test. Decoding.

Basic scales

"L" False
H: 15, 30, 45, 75, 105, 135, 195, 225, 255, 285, 60, 90, 120, 150, 165.
"F" Reliability
B: 14, 23, 27, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 48, 49, 50, 53, 56, 66, 85, 121, 123, 139, 146, 151, 156, 168, 184, 197, 200, 202, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 215, 218, 227, 245, 246, 247, 252, 256, 269, 275, 286, 291, 293.
H: 17, 20, 54, 65, 75, 83, 112, 113, 115, 164, 169, 177, 185, 196, 199, 220, 257, 258, 272, 276.
"K" Correction
B: 96.
H: 30, 39, 71, 89, 124, 129, 134, 138, 142, 148, 160, 170, 171, 180, 183, 217, 234, 267, 272, 296, 316, 322, 374, 383, 397, 398, 406, 461, 502.
"1" Super control
B: 23, 29, 43, 62, 72, 108, 114, 125, 161, 189, 273.
H: 2, 3, 7, 9, 18, 51, 55, 63, 68, 103, 140, 153, 155, 163, 175, 188, 190, 192, 230, 243, 274, 281.
"2" Pessimism
B: 5, 13, 23, 32, 41, 43, 52, 67, 86, 104, 130, 138, 142, 158, 159, 182, 189, 193, 236, 259.
H: 2, 8, 9, 18, 30, 36, 39, 46, 51, 57, 58, 64, 80, 88, 89, 95, 98, 107, 122, 131, 145, 152, 153, 154, 155, 160, 178, 191, 207, 208, 238, 241242, 248, 263, 270, 271, 272, 285, 296.
"3" Emotional lability
B: 10, 23, 32, 43, 44, 47, 76, 114, 179, 186, 189, 238
H: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 26, 30, 51, 55, 71, 89, 93, 103, 107, 109, 124, 128, 129, 136, 137, 141, 147, 153, 160, 162, 163, 170, 172, 174, 175, 180, 188, 190, 192, 201, 213, 230, 234, 243, 265, 267, 274, 279, 289, 292.
"4" Impulsivity
B: 16, 21, 24, 32, 33, 35, 36, 42, 61, 67, 84, 94, 102, 106, 110, 118, 127, 215, 216, 224, 239, 244, 245, 284
H: 8, 20, 37, 82, 91, 96, 107, 134, 137, 141, 155, 170, 171, 173, 180, 183, 201, 231, 235, 237, 248, 267, 287, 289, 294, 296.
"5-F" Femininity
B: 4, 25, 70, 74, 77, 78, 87, 92, 126, 132, 133, 134, 140, 149, 187, 203, 204, 217, 226, 239, 261, 278, 282, 295, 299
H: 1, 19, 26, 69, 79, 80, 81, 89, 99, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 144, 176, 179, 198, 213, 219, 221, 223, 229, 231, 249, 254, 260, 262, 264, 280, 283, 297, 300
"5-M" Femininity
B: 4, 25, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78, 87, 92, 126, 132, 134, 140, 149, 179, 187, 203, 204, 217, 226, 231, 239, 261, 278, 282, 295, 297, 299.
H: 1, 19, 26, 28, 79, 80, 81, 89, 99, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 133, 144, 176, 198, 213, 214, 219, 221, 223, 229, 249, 254, 260, 262, 264, 280, 283, 300
"6" Rigidity
B: 15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 35, 110, 121, 123, 127, 151, 157, 158, 202, 275, 284, 291, 293, 299, 305, 317, 338, 341, 364, 365.
H: 93, 107, 109, 111, 117, 124, 268, 281, 294, 313, 316, 319, 327, 347, 348.
"7" Anxiety
B: 10, 15, 22, 32, 41, 67, 76, 86, 94, 102, 106, 142, 159, 182, 189, 217, 238, 266, 301, 304, 305, 317, 321, 336, 337, 340, 342, 343, 344, 346, 349, 351, 352, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361.
H: 3, 8, 36, 122, 152, 164, 178, 329, 353.
"8" Individualism
B: 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41, 47, 52, 76, 97, 104, 121, 156, 157, 159, 168, 179, 182, 194, 202, 210, 212, 238, 241, 251, 259, 266, 273, 282, 291, 297, 301, 303, 305, 307, 312, 320, 324, 325, 332, 334, 335, 339, 341, 345, 349, 350, 352, 354, 355, 356, 360, 363, 364.
H: 8, 17, 20, 37, 65, 103, 119, 177, 178, 187, 192, 196, 220, 276, 281, 306, 309, 322, 330.
"9" Optimism
B: 11, 13, 21, 22, 59, 64, 73, 97, 100, 109, 127, 134, 145, 156, 157, 167, 181, 194, 212, 222, 226, 228, 232, 233, 238, 240, 250, 251, 263, 266, 268, 271, 277, 279, 298.
H: 101, 105, 111, 119, 130, 148, 166, 171, 180, 267, 289.
"10" Introversion
B: 32, 67, 82, 111, 117, 124, 138, 147, 171, 172, 180, 201, 236, 267, 278, 292, 304, 316, 321, 332, 336, 342, 357, 377, 383, 398, 401, 427, 436, 455, 473, 467, 549, 564.
H: 25, 33, 57, 91, 99, 119, 126, 143, 193, 208, 229, 231, 254, 262, 281, 296, 309, 353, 359, 371, 391, 400, 415, 440, 446, 449, 450, 451, 462, 469, 479, 481, 482, 501, 521, 547.

Note: Question numbers that SHOULD NOT be considered when processing a test:
14, 33, 48, 63, 66, 69, 121, 123, 133, 151, 168, 182, 184, 197, 200, 205, 266, 275, 293, 334, 349, 350, 462, 464, 474, 542, 551

  • Back: Compatibility test "Will we be happy together?" .. Psychological questionnaire of readiness for intimacy.
  • Forward:

Please read the following statements carefully. Depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement, write "yes" or "no" on the answer sheet. Don't think too long about the answer. As a rule, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.


1. It happens that I laugh at an indecent anecdote.
2. If people approach me politely, then I also always answer politely.
3. I have financial difficulties.
4. I am always pleased when a person I do not like achieves well-deserved success.
5. I used to postpone what was required to be done immediately.
6. In the company I behave differently than at home.
7. I am completely free from any prejudice.
8. I don't always tell the truth.
9. When I play with someone, I always want to win.
10. Sometimes I get angry.
11. In my defense, I sometimes invented something.
12. It happens that I lose my temper.
13. As a child, I immediately and without wrangling did everything that was required of me.
14. Sometimes I am annoyed with something.
15. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
16. I used to be late for the appointed time.
17. I like to gossip sometimes.
18. Among those whom I know, there are some people that I really do not like.
19. I don’t remember being particularly saddened by the failures of a person I cannot tolerate.
20. I happened to be late.
21. I tend to boast sometimes.
22. Sometimes there is no desire to do something.
23. I sometimes have thoughts about which I am ashamed to tell others.
24. Sometimes I found myself causing a bad mood in someone around me.
25. It happened that I told a lie.
26. All my habits are positive.
27. If I promised something, I always keep my word no matter what.
28. Sometimes I can boast.
29. As a teenager, I developed an interest in taboo topics.
30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
31. I have thoughts that should be ashamed of.
32. I sometimes argue about things that I know too little about.
33. I do not love all of my acquaintances.
34. I can say bad about someone.

Processing of results

It is necessary to count the number of "yes" answers to the questions:
1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
and the number of "no" answers to the questions:
2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27.

0 - 5 points... Very low score on the "Honesty" scale. Indicates a pronounced tendency to lie, embellish oneself. It may also indicate low social intelligence. If this questionnaire was used as part of a battery of techniques, then the results for personality questionnaires should be considered unreliable.
6 - 13 points... Low score on the "Honesty" scale. Indicates a significant tendency to lie. Likes to embellish himself, his behavior. If the questionnaire was used as part of a battery of techniques, then the results from personality questionnaires should not necessarily be considered unreliable. However, their results should be treated quite critically.
14 - 29 points... Normal result. The tendency to lie has not been identified. Maybe occasionally he tends to embellish himself, his behavior, but within the normal range.
30 - 34 points... High score on the "Honesty" scale. Such a high result can be associated not only with high personal honesty, but also a consequence of other reasons: deliberate distortion of answers, very wrong self-esteem. You should be careful about this result.

Test No. 2 scale of deceit according to the scale developed by D. Marlowe and D. Crown

Read each of the statements below carefully. If you think that it is correct and corresponds to the peculiarities of your behavior, then write next to it "Yes", if it is incorrect, then - "No".

  1. I read each book carefully before returning it to the library.
  2. I do not hesitate when someone needs help in trouble.
  3. I always pay close attention to how I dress.
  4. At home, I behave at the table the same as in the dining room.
  5. I have never disliked anyone.
  6. There was a case when I quit doing something because I was not confident in my abilities.
  7. Sometimes I like to gossip about the absent.
  8. I always listen carefully to the interlocutor, whoever he is.
  9. There was a time when I came up with a "good" reason to justify myself.
  10. It happened that I took advantage of a man's oversight.
  11. I am always willing to admit my mistakes.
  12. Sometimes, instead of forgiving a person, I try to repay him in kind.
  13. There were times when I insisted on doing it my way.
  14. I do not have an inner protest when I am asked to provide a service.
  15. I never get annoyed when the opposite opinion is expressed.
  16. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.
  17. There were times when I was jealous of the luck of others.
  18. Sometimes I am annoyed by people who ask me.
  19. When people are in trouble, I sometimes think they got what they deserved.
  20. I never said unpleasant things with a smile.

Key and processing of results.

For answering "Yes" to questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20 and for answering "No" to questions: 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 are awarded 1 point each.

Add up all the points obtained for the two positions. The total score is an indicator of "approval motivation".

The higher the final indicator, the higher the motivation for approval and the higher the readiness of a person to seem better, to present himself in front of others as fully complying with social norms. And the higher is a person's readiness for the approval of others, associated with the need for communication and self-approval from the outside.

Low indicators indicate self-confidence without the need for approval from the outside, adequate positive self-esteem, recognition of one's right to make mistakes, and can also speak of high self-exactingness turning into self-criticism.

The middle variant with a tendency towards a low value of the indicator is optimal.

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