Home Fruit trees Former husband of Alisa Kazmina. The new wife left Arshavin a year after the wedding. A difficult period in the life of the Arashavins

Former husband of Alisa Kazmina. The new wife left Arshavin a year after the wedding. A difficult period in the life of the Arashavins

The romance of Alisa Kazmina and Andrei Arshavin began six years ago. Then both of them were in a relationship in which children were born. But, according to the football player's wife, their feelings were so strong that they, without any hesitation, decided to leave their partners and start living together. In September last year, the couple got married, and in February they had a daughter, Yesenia. Alisa also brings up two children from her first marriage, and Andrei is the father of three heirs from Yulia Baranovskaya.


This story is still vigorously discussed in society. Arshavin is criticized for his attitude to his former lover, who gave birth to three children. After all, according to rumors, he does not see them and does not take any part in their lives, and the TV presenter had to sue the father of his heirs for a long time for alimony. Meanwhile, the footballer does not forget to take care of the children of his current wife from the first barque, who call him father.



A month ago, Alice opened a page on Instagram, which she had previously kept closed. A flurry of criticism from haters fell on her. However, she continued to share family photos with her children and husband. Many subscribers of Kazmina noted that she has recently been deliberately flaunting her life and, at any opportunity, is trying to emphasize how happy she is, how she loves her spouse and what an idyll reigns between them.

This sudden change in Alice's behavior alarmed many netizens. And, as it turned out, for a reason. The Life.ru portal published a quote from Arshavin's wife, in which she says that she could not forget her husband's adultery and leaves him. “I didn’t forgive treason, I fell out of love, I don’t want to be together,” the website quotes Kazmin. However, she does not answer the questions of subscribers that rained down on Alice after this news.


Recall that this summer, the media wrote about Andrei's betrayal. A family friend, a certain Sergei, then told the StarHit edition that the athlete had been cheating on Alice for a year with the St. Petersburg model Ekaterina. According to the source, the footballer gave expensive gifts to his mistress, took her to luxurious places and promised to marry her. Kazmina learned about Arshavin's connection with the model from the girl's boyfriend only a year after the start of this novel. Then, according to media reports, Alice forgave Andrey and decided to continue building a happy family life with him. But, judging by the latest press reports, she nevertheless changed her point of view and decided to leave her husband with her children.

The peak of Arshavin's career came at the beginning of the millennium, and in 2008 he was recognized as the best player in the Russian national team. For four years Andrei Arshavin played for English Arsenal, and then returned to Zenit, where he began his professional career.

Now he is a player of Kazakhstani "Kairat" and last season entered the top five players of the Kazakhstani Premier League. In the personal life of Andrei Arshavin, many events have taken place during this time, which were actively discussed in the media.

Personal life of Andrey Arshavin

The footballer created his first family during the take-off of his career, and when he was invited to play for London Arsenal, he already had two children. The fact that Andrei became a real family man did not prevent him from having affairs on the side, which the first wife of Andrei Arshavin, Yulia Baranovskaya, might have guessed, but forgave a lot.

In the photo - Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya

Nevertheless, after nine years of marriage, her husband announced to her that he was leaving for another - the former model Alisa Kazmina turned out to be Arshavin's new love. But even in the new marriage, the footballer could not give up romances on the side, because of which his second family almost collapsed.

Alisa Kazmina and Andrey Arshavin

Andrey Arshavin and Julia Baranovskaya

They met when Andrei was just starting his career at Zenit and was already showing great promise. Baranovskaya said that their first meeting, which took place while walking along Nevsky Prospekt, completely changed her biography.

Before meeting Arshavin, Yulia was going to enter a university, but the rapidly developing relationship with the Zenit footballer changed all her plans.

They almost immediately began to live together, in 2005 Baranovskaya gave birth to their first child, a son, Artyom, and two years later, a daughter, Yana, was born.

When his daughter was two years old, Andrei Arshavin was invited to London to play for the local Arsenal, and they were not going to refuse such a lucrative offer.

Together with his family, the footballer moved to the British capital, where they had to live for three whole years.

Despite the presence of two children, Arshavin and Baranovskaya were in no hurry to register their marriage officially - Andrei Arshavin's wife says that she did not see the point in this, because next to her husband she always had the feeling of a real family that would last forever.

When the contract ended and Arshavin had to return to St. Petersburg, his wife decided to stay in London so as not to interrupt the older children from school and not deprive them of their familiar environment. However, hopes for a happy future were dashed when she found out that her husband had met a new love and decided to leave the family.

Andrei told Yulia about this by phone - he already knew that his common-law wife was expecting a third child, but this did not stop him from making such a decision.

Arshavin's third child was born in London, but his appearance did not force Andrei to return to the family.

Later, Baranovskaya and her children moved to Moscow, where she had to build a new life. The profession of a TV presenter, which she discovered for herself in the Russian capital, gave Julia a lot. Baranovskaya started with the show "Bachelor" on the TNT channel, then - the project on "Russia-1" "Girls", and later she became co-host of Alexander Gordon in the talk show "Male / Female".

In the photo - Yulia Baranovskaya with children

Yulia says that after her ex-husband left her alone with three children, she had to seek child support through the court and prove that they had the right to do so.

Andrey Arshavin and Alisa Kazmina

The second, but already the official wife of Andrei Arshavin, was the former model Alisa Kazmina.

Arshavin with his second wife

They started dating three years before their wedding in September 2016. Then Alice was already divorced and raised two children from her first marriage.

For the first time, together with Arshavin, they saw her in the spring of 2013, when they came to the basketball match between Barcelona and Real Madrid. At first, Kazmina, an unknown graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg University, was confused with the English top model Leilani Daudin, and conflicting rumors appeared in the media about Andrei Arshavin's novel.

Meanwhile, Alice acted decisively, not hesitating to deal with the married football player, and they soon began to appear openly in public places.

Alisa Kazmina went down the aisle with a noticeably rounded tummy, and soon Andrei Arshavin's newly-made wife gave birth to his daughter Yesenia, who became the third child for Alice and the fourth for Andrei.

Scandal in the Arshavin family

The cloudless personal life of Alice was a little over a year, and thirteen months after the wedding, rumors reached her that Andrei was cheating on her with another. The football player's secret passion turned out to be a model named Ekaterina, whom he met even before the wedding with Kazmina - at his birthday.

The relationship did not end with just one date and lasted a whole year - Arshavin simultaneously had an affair with two women at once, one of whom was his future wife.

The secret relationship with Katya lasted a whole year - they arranged dates in hotels, restaurants and airports, Arshavin gave his beloved expensive gifts, invited him to his matches.

Catherine was then also not free - she had a relationship with a young man who did not suspect that his girlfriend was cheating on him with a famous football player.

When Alice found out about this, she put the question bluntly and told Arshavin about her intention to divorce him. It is interesting that Katya's husband, whom she recently married, reported about Andrei Kazmina's betrayal.

But the seemingly inevitable divorce in the new family of Arshavin did not take place - Alice, on reflection, decided to forgive the unfaithful. She was touched by the tearful apologies of her husband, who sincerely repented of the betrayal. It seemed especially valuable to Kazmina that her husband asked her for forgiveness in public and repented of treason in one of his interviews.

Alisa Kazmina with children

From this, the footballer's wife concluded that he values ​​his family very much and does not want to lose it. In order to completely smooth out the conflict, Arshavin arranged a fabulous vacation for his wife, and took Alice and her children to the Maldives, where they spent a fabulous vacation.

In an interview, the footballer admitted that he walked away from Alice, but now he is madly sorry about it. However, it is not known how sincere Arshavin was, assuring his wife that family was the main thing for him - after some time there were rumors that he had a new romance, this time with Kazakh model Olga Semyonova, with whom he was seen in one of the restaurants ...

He not only talked with a gorgeous blonde, but also hugged her around the waist. Alice, having seen the video from this party, posted on Instagram, responded to her rival with threats, and Semenova, in revenge, presented the video to the public. The model does not say anything about whether it was a fleeting date, or it had a continuation.

Short biography of Andrey Arshavin

Arshavin was born in Leningrad on May 29, 1981. His father played football himself well and decided to introduce his son to this sport.

When Andrey was seven years old, his mother brought him to the sports school "Smena", and at sixteen he began to play for the adult team of the school.

In 2000, Arshavin was invited to the main team of Zenit, and before that he was a player in his farm club.

Andrey scored his first hat-trick in 2003 in a match with Saturn near Moscow, and after ten assists in the Russian championship in 2003, Arshavin became one of the most productive assistants in the championship.

The highest achievement of Andrey Arshavin was playing in the UEFA Cup, and in the same year he won the European Super Cup. In February 2009, Arshavin began playing for London's Arsenal, in 2013 he returned to Zenit, and since November 2015 Andrey Arshavin has been playing for Kazakhstan's Kairat.

Kazakh model Olga Semenova accused the wife of Andrei Arshavin (36) Alisa Kazmina (35) of threatening her life and health. Let's talk about everything in order.

At the end of December, a video appeared on the Web in which Andrei Arshavin is having fun in one of the nightclubs in Alma-Ata with Kazakh model Olga Semenova. The footballer hugged the girl around the waist. And after a while Alice contacted Semenova.

“On December 28, a video appeared on the network. I don’t know who published it, but after a few minutes Alice wrote me a message demanding to clarify what was happening on the recording, ”said Semenova RT. She tried to explain to Kazmina that there was nothing between her and Arshavin, and there was nothing to worry about either, but Alice did not calm down.

"She wrote:" You pawed my husband, I will cut off your fingers. " After some time, she introduced herself as an FSB officer and said that she would plant drugs on me, because of which they would put me in jail. I addressed her on "you", gave my number. She offered to call and talk about the situation. To which she replied that she was going to Alma-Ata and wished me luck, ”Semenova said. But most of all in this situation, Olga is annoyed that Arshavin himself does nothing to hush up the conflict: “I wrote to Arshavin, made it clear that he talk to his wife about the current situation, but he pretended not to know me and did not remember, how he gave me his phone number. We haven't met since that day, he pretends to see me for the first time. " But Alice herself denies everything: “Another person who wants to become famous at someone else's expense and make money on it. As far as I know, she is a hunter of rich men, which she herself stated very openly. I did not react in any way to her words and did not answer her anything. Of course, I did not introduce myself as an FSB officer. She took it from the story of the plane, ”said Alice.

And then the woman said that she initiated the break.

According to Alice, the parting went quietly, calmly, without tears and scandals.

“Grown people don't quarrel. Adults make decisions and leave ... I didn't go to anyone, I say right away, I left due to the circumstances of my work, let's just say, ”she told Life.

The footballer's wife noted that she was not afraid to be left alone with three children and was aware of the responsibility for her step.

“For some reason, everyone wrote to me that he would leave me. As a result, I left him. Why did the whole country think that only he could leave me with three children, that I was a completely unclaimed woman? .. Yes, my acquaintance with four children recently got married, ”said Alice.

She is confident that Arshavin's career at Kairat will end in two months.

"What we're going to talk? About a six-year relationship with Andrei Arshavin? Let's talk about them when he finishes football. It will happen in two months ... Believe me, I think it will happen to Kairat soon, ”she is sure.

At the same time, the football player's wife denies that their breakup is associated with the imminent end of his career.

“God forbid! I started with him when he was finishing his career at Arsenal. Now you want to ask, how much has my material condition improved or worsened? My financial condition worsened with the departure from my first husband to Andrey, to be honest. My ex-husband had no children, he didn’t have to pay 50 percent of alimony, ”said Alisa.

She characterizes the reasons for the breakup as follows: "I have not forgiven the betrayal, fell out of love, I do not want to be together."

Alisa Kazmina could not forgive the footballer for the affair with the St.

Note that shortly before the wedding with Kazmina, which took place in September last year, Arshavin had a relationship with a model named Ekaterina, who, in turn, was also married. The story of the double life of a football player became known to the press, but then in a few interviews, Arshavin's wife said that she could forgive her husband for betrayal, because she saw how he worried and even cried.

“Our relationship with Andrey after the wedding and the birth of our daughter is much better. He has changed, has become completely different: attentive, caring, trying very hard for us. Now everything is fine with us, I'm not going to get divorced, ”Alice assured earlier.

Recall that in 2012, Arshavin experienced a high-profile divorce, leaving the mother of his three children, Yulia Baranovskaya. On September 1, 2016, the footballer married Alisa Kazmina, whom he had met for several years before. In February 2017, they had a common daughter, Esenya.

Alice's worried fans began asking her what had happened. A few hours ago, a woman posted a joint photo with her husband on Instagram and confessed her love to him. Many of Alice's followers did not know what to think. They were extremely surprised by the statements of Arshavina, which received publicity in the press. Some have suggested that the data is not true.

The StarHit edition contacted Alisa Arshavina to find out how true the information disseminated by the journalists is. When asked if she broke up with the footballer, the woman answered shortly: "No".

"Favorite" and a bunch of hearts to boot. Alisa Arshavina unexpectedly opened her Instagram account for everyone about a month ago. A very cozy page with a lot of family photos. For baby Yesiena, the daughter of Andrei Arshavin, Alisa carefully covered her face, but the rest of her happy life poured out without cuts.

Andrei Arshavin is having breakfast, scowling at the news on his phone, older children go to the developmental circles. And in almost every post, Alice emphasizes how much she loves her husband, how happy she is that fate brought them together.

“The loving wife of the best football player, wonderful father and the best man,” she signed her page on the social network.

In honor of the wedding anniversary, which fell on September 1, Alice diluted her post with a bunch of heart emoticons: “Over the years, so much nastiness has poured out on me and on him. But I think we have withstood it with dignity. With whom they just did not compare us. I want to say thank you that fate changed my life in this direction. I love and I am loved. A wonderful daughter was born. Here we are already over 30, and we look at 18. So, pure and real ... Thank you, life. And fate. " She published this post just ... a day ago. And suddenly she confessed to reporters that she was getting divorced.

“I will file for divorce,” Alisa admitted to StarHit magazine. - We live in different cities. I have no material claims, I will not file for alimony ”.

Arshavin's wife did not particularly spread about the reasons, she hinted at treason and a good professional offer for her personally.

But after some time, on the Instagram page, in response to questions from worried subscribers, she wrote that all this was not true. Here, go, figure out what is happening in the life of the Arshavins.

Andrei's mother, Tatyana Ivanovna, did not shed light on the situation either. When Woman’s Day asked about the divorce of her son and daughter-in-law, she only snapped: “Leave them alone!”

By the way, the fans had doubts that on Instagram the real Alisa Arshavin answers the questions of subscribers. This thought was prompted by a post with an old photo.

“This is six years ago. There are no filters, botox and fillers here. I don't post photos with filters at all. I do not know how. Although she was educated herself. And from a family of educated doctors. There are two people who fell in love with each other, left both their families, where there are children on both sides, ”Alice signed the old photo and caused bewilderment among subscribers. From an educated family, she is a journalist herself, but she speaks completely uncharacteristically for this profession.

6 years ago with Andrey Arshavin.

There are suggestions that the divorce story may be a sophisticated PR campaign or an attempt to change the minds of subscribers. It's no secret that after Andrei Arshavin broke up with Yulia Baranovskaya, most women, and even men, were on Yulia's side. They were sorry for her, but otherwise, three children, a lonely woman who must rebuild her broken life. They also reacted negatively to the homeless woman - Alisa Kazmina-Arshavina. Like, the mother herself, but she did so meanly with other people's children. It was rumored that she would not even allow her husband to see her former family. And then Alice herself found herself in a similar situation: betrayal, divorce ... This means that the attitude of people towards her must change. A kind of manipulation of public consciousness.

Psychologists comment:

There are people who, having learned about the betrayal, leave immediately. Others can endure for a long time, try to forgive. Some do it. And someone can live with a cheater for six months or a year and suddenly leave, realizing that he has not forgiven.

There was a strong impression that all this is life for show. When you're happy, you don't even want to brag about it. Perhaps Alice somewhere lacks love, and she is trying to compensate for this through likes on Instagram. Maybe she's just bored. In general, this is a deep problem. Here we are sitting in a cafe and instead of enjoying communication with the child, we post his photos on social networks. That is, we do not communicate with the family, but with subscribers. This is clearly due to self-esteem issues.

Chronicle Instagram

2 October:“My favorite man on earth! You are not more interesting, talented, loving and able to surprise! This is all you are - the boundless ocean and you. And wherever you are and play, I know - you are always with us! "

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