Home Roses Ginger cake, a classic recipe with step by step photos. Ginger cake: the best recipe for home cooking (with photo and video) Camelina cake in a water bath

Ginger cake, a classic recipe with step by step photos. Ginger cake: the best recipe for home cooking (with photo and video) Camelina cake in a water bath

Agree that the most delicious cake is the one that has been familiar to us since childhood. I propose to bake "Ryzhik" - a delicious and simple cake, and which of the three recipes is the best, you decide for yourself. I choose the one whose ingredients are in my refrigerator and resort to the multicooker when I need to cook it quickly.

Honey cake "Ryzhik" with sour cream

Kitchen utensils: 2 bowls, saucepan, rolling pin, baking sheet, oven, mixer, colander.


You can use margarine or a spread instead of butter. Try to buy thick sour cream.

Step by step cooking

  1. Put in a bowl 60-70 g of honey, 100 g of butter cut into pieces and 100 g of sugar.
  2. We heat in a water bath until all components are completely dissolved. Add 7 g of baking soda.

  3. In a small container, beat 2 eggs with a fork until smooth. Add the eggs to the sweet butter mixture and stir vigorously until the mass thickens and expands. Gradually add 390-400 g of sifted flour and knead the dough first with a spoon in a bowl and then on the table. Not for long, only until it gathers in a lump. The dough turns out to be very soft, slightly sticky to the hands due to the honey included in the composition.

  4. We wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  5. Divide the frozen dough into 8 equal parts. Roll each of them in turn on a piece of parchment paper into a round layer 2-3 mm thick. Cut off the edges of the cake by choosing a suitable lid size. and put it along with the parchment and scraps on a baking sheet.

  6. We place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200 ° for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the cake will acquire a golden color and baked.
  7. Bake all 8 cakes in the same way.

  8. If the sour cream is not thick enough, proceed as follows: line the colander with gauze folded in 4 layers; we spread 1 liter of sour cream and set it on a deep container into which the whey will drain; we put this structure in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

  9. We take the thickened sour cream out of the refrigerator, put it in a bowl and add 270 g of sugar. Beat with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  10. We collect the cake, greasing each cake with cream, top and sides.

  11. The crumbs that we baked together with the cakes are chopped into crumbs with our hands and sprinkled on top and on the sides of the cake.

  12. We keep the cake at room temperature for 2-3 hours, after which we send it to the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

Video recipe

Before making the Ryzhik cake, watch this video, and the recipe will become clearer and easier.

How to properly serve and eat cake

You can cut the cake into small wedges both before serving and directly on the table with guests. Pieces are laid out with a special spatula or tongs on dessert plates and set so that the sharp corner of the wedge is directed towards the guest.

It is from this side that you need to start eating it. Since our cake is soft and does not include hard layers, only a dessert spoon can be served from cutlery. A cup of tea, coffee or other drinks is placed to the right of the dessert plate. They eat it slowly, savoring every bite.

The classic recipe for the "Ginger" cake with custard

Calorie content: 255 kcal.
Cooking time: 3-3.5 hrs
Kitchen utensils: saucepan, 2 bowls, whisk, rolling pin, baking sheet, oven.


Step by step cooking

  1. Mix 700 ml of milk and 80 g of sugar in a saucepan. We put on fire and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil.

  2. In a bowl, mix 3 eggs, 80 g sugar, 35 g starch into a homogeneous mass with a whisk. Stirring vigorously with a whisk, pour hot milk into the egg mixture.

  3. When all the ingredients are evenly distributed, return the mass to the saucepan, in which the milk was heated and put it on a small fire.

  4. Stir the mixture continuously until it thickens, and then remove the saucepan from the heat. Add 100 g of butter, 30 ml of lemon juice and a tablespoon of lemon zest to the hot cream. Knead the mass well and leave to cool at room temperature. Sometimes you need to stir the cream so that a film does not form on its surface.

  5. Put 80 g of honey, 7 g of soda in a saucepan, put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about 1 minute, until it acquires a pleasant caramel color.

  6. Add 100 g of melted butter, 100 g of sugar and mix thoroughly. Transfer the sweet mass to a bowl, add 2 eggs and mix until smooth.

  7. Pour 360 g of sifted flour and knead the dough.

  8. Let the dough cool at room temperature and divide it into 9 equal parts.

  9. Roll out 1 part on a piece of parchment paper. We apply a template with a diameter of 21 cm.The edges of the cake should protrude 1-1.5 cm.

  10. We pierce the cake with a fork, transfer it with a sheet of parchment onto a baking sheet and put it on a medium level in an oven preheated to 180 °. We bake for 8-10 minutes.

  11. We take out the crust that has become golden from the oven and, without letting it cool, cut it with a knife according to the template. Put the cuttings in a bowl. We bake all the cakes in the same way.
  12. When the cakes have cooled down, proceed to the assembly of the cake. Put the first cake on a dish and grease it with 3 tablespoons of cream.

  13. Cover with the next cake and lightly press on it. We continue to fold the cake according to this algorithm to the last cake. Grease the top of the cake with the remains of the cream. On the sides, using a knife or spatula, distribute the cream that has flowed out when pressed on the cakes.

  14. We put the cuttings in a tight plastic bag and grind them with a rolling pin.

  15. Sprinkle the cake with crumbs: pick it up with a spatula and apply it to the sides of the cake, then sprinkle on top.

  16. We put the assembled cake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours so that it is soaked.

Video recipe

In this video, you can see how to make Ginger cake at home and see how simple its recipe is.

  • To reduce the waiting time for the cream to cool to the desired temperature, place it in a container of cold water.
  • All ingredients will mix better if they are at the same temperature, so remove all ingredients from the refrigerator beforehand and allow time to warm up.
  • Instead of lemon juice, you can use orange peel and the same zest. You can make candied fruits from orange peels and decorate the finished cake with them.

Cake "Ryzhik" in a slow cooker with boiled condensed milk

Calorie content: 299 kcal
Cooking time: 2.5 hours
Kitchen utensils: bowl, mixer, slow cooker.


  • The number of eggs in a recipe depends on their size.
  • Large, selected ones will need 3 pieces, small ones need to be taken 4 pieces. It is better to use dark honey: honeydew, heather or buckwheat. The red shade of our cake depends on its color.
  • Instead of walnuts, you can take any other nuts.

Step by step cooking

  1. Break 3-4 eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer. Gradually add 100 g of sugar. Beat until the sugar dissolves and the foam turns fluffy and white.

  2. Put 150 g of honey in a bowl, add 7 g of baking powder. Beat with a mixer until all ingredients are completely dissolved.

  3. Add 260 g flour and mix with a mixer at low speed. We get a liquid airy dough with the consistency of thick sour cream.

  4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with 15 ml of vegetable oil, pour the dough into it.

  5. We close the lid of the multicooker, select the Baking program, set the time to 1 hour.

  6. In the meantime, we are preparing the cream. Put 500 g of sour cream and 325 g of boiled condensed milk in a deep bowl.

  7. Mix with a mixer until smooth for 3 minutes at high speed.
  8. Turning off the heating function, let the biscuit cool for 30 minutes without removing it from the multicooker.
  9. After half an hour, we take out the cake that has left the walls from the multicooker bowl and let it cool completely at room temperature.

  10. Using a long sharp knife, cut the biscuit into 3 cakes of equal thickness.

  11. Scrape off a small amount of crumbs from the bottom cake with a knife, which will later be needed to decorate the cake.
  12. We start assembling the cake. Grease the cakes generously with cream.

  13. We also coat the lower surface of the middle and upper cake layers with cream before placing on the lower cake layer, so that the porous dough is easier to soak.

  14. Apply the cream to the top and sides of the cake and decorate with crumbs and walnut halves. We put the cake for impregnation in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Video recipe

See how to make a delicious cake in a slow cooker.

I can confidently say and not be mistaken that more than one generation of citizens of our country has grown up on the "Ryzhik" cake, famous since Soviet times. And if you study the history of the origin of the dessert, then the number of generations will increase significantly.

Over the centuries, the dessert has received several names. "Honey fluff", "Medovik"

It is known that the wife of Emperor Alexander I, who came to Russia from Germany, and became Elizaveta Alekseevna after the adoption of Orthodoxy, could not stand honey. It so happened that the court cook did not know about this. I made a delicious cake, served it ... However, the newly-made empress liked the dessert so much that she asked for a recipe. Upon learning about the secret ingredient, she was surprised and rewarded the pastry chef.

Camelina cake - a classic recipe with sour cream (step by step)

Take responsibility when choosing honey, as the taste of the cake depends on it. Be sure to try, if you don't like it, replace it.

It will be needed for cakes:

  • Flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Granulated sugar - a glass.
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Oil - 150 gr.
  • To prepare the cream:
  • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.
  • Citric acid - 2 small spoons.
  • Sour cream 20% - 600 gr.

Step by step cooking:

Pour water into a small, fairly wide saucepan. Place a bowl of the same diameter in it, but a smaller one so that the bottom does not touch the water in the lower saucepan. Add butter, add sugar, add honey.

Put the container on fire. After boiling at the bottom of the liquid, wait until the butter with honey and sweetness dissolves, becomes more or less a homogeneous mass.

In parallel, break the eggs into another bowl, add soda. Work conscientiously with a mixer, the mixture will turn a little white, foam, and bubbles will appear. If the mass stands a little, the eggs will settle down and will be darker than the top layer - this is normal.

Pour the eggs into a honey-filled bowl. Moreover, do it very quickly so that the eggs do not curdle, actively stirring the contents. Do not pour everything at once, it will be difficult to mix the mass. Add, beat vigorously and refill.

Attention! If you throw in a couple of tablespoons of milk at this stage, the dough will come out more sandy.

Start adding flour while sifting through the food. You can do this in advance, the technology of preparation of camelina will not be violated. But you need to fill in the flour in small portions. This will make it easier to knead the lump-free dough.

In the end, you will get a mass in which you will see holes (this is the beginning of the work of soda). The correct kneading will be thick, but not steep, if put on the table, it will smoothly spread to the sides by itself.

The dough took 2.5 cups of flour, the rest is not indicated. It will be needed for sprinkling on the table and further forming the cake. Dust the dough ball generously with flour. Slowly begin to pick up the mass with your hands in a tight lump.

Add flour as much as it will take for this manipulation. As a result, the dough should become extremely soft, literally creeping along the sides, if left alone. At the same time, it should keep its shape pretty well. Be guided that one glass of flour product will go away. Experienced pastry chefs recommend leaving the workpiece warm for about an hour to "rest". But if you are in a hurry, skip this pause in work, bake the cake right away.

Attention! Before you start the next step, you need to decide how many cakes you will bake. And what diameter they will be. Based on this, take a few sheets of parchment paper. I have 9 of them. And choose the shape with which you will cut the cakes. I took a lid from a frying pan with a diameter of 22 cm.It would be nice to use two baking sheets at once, so that the process goes faster (while one is baking the cake, you are preparing the next one).

Roll up a thick sausage, divide into nine parts. Roll each part into a ball. Place them in a bowl and cover with a towel to keep them dry.

Place a dough ball on a piece of parchment. Slightly crush it with your hands and wrap it on the sides, giving it a rounded shape. Roll out very, very thinly, so that the cake is almost transparent, as in the photo. The thickness of the cake is less than 0.5 cm, as far as you can roll it. Take the shape (I have a lid), put it on the workpiece and cut it, giving the shape of an even circle. Do not remove the trimmings right away, it will not work, and later, also baked, will come in handy.

The oven should be very hot, preheat it to 200 ° C. Transfer the parchment to a baking sheet and bake for 2 minutes.

While the process is going on, quickly roll out the next cake, take out the finished one and put another one to bake. Thus, proceed until all the pieces are baked.

Break off the scraps from the finished biscuits. Put them in a bowl and grind (you can use a crush or a blender).

Spread the cream on the cake. Don't add too much, or the cake will come out too wet. Apply the next one on top, press down a little (not hard). Spread with cream and cover with others. Proceed until the cake is folded.

Grease the top cake generously with cream, brush the sides. Sprinkle crumbs on all sides of the cake. Let the dessert stand and soak well. Then slice and have fun.

How to make sour cream for Ginger

  1. Pour icing sugar and vanilla into a bowl of sour cream. If you start making cream from sugar, then add vanilla sugar.
  2. Beat the mass, laying the powder in two steps. A well-whipped cream will be runny, which shouldn't scare you.
  3. Pour in lemon juice, stir well with a spoon.

Homemade honey cake Ginger with custard - the best recipe

Another recipe that is rightfully considered a performance classic.


  • Granulated sugar - a glass.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 2 large spoons.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • The baking soda is a small spoon.
  • To prepare the cream:
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups.
  • Egg.
  • Milk - 2 cups.
  • Flour - 2 large spoons.
  • Oil - 150 gr.
  • Starch - 2 large spoons.

How to bake:

  1. Combine honey with soda, warm it up in the bath, remembering to stir constantly. Add butter and sugar, continue heating until the mass becomes liquid. Cool the mixture slightly.
  2. Beat in the eggs, beat in good faith. Slowly add flour, continuing to stir the contents all the time.
  3. Knead into a soft, pliable dough. Wrap in plastic wrap, hide in a bowl and place on the refrigerator shelf for 20 minutes.
  4. After a specified time, remove the dough, form a thick rope out of it. Divide into 6 parts. Put in the cold again for 10 minutes.
  5. Roll the dough balls into very thin layers, shape into a circle.
  6. Bake on separate baking sheets, spreading parchment (recently I have adapted a special silicone baking mat, and have already appreciated its advantages - the cakes do not stick). The temperature in the oven is 200 o C. baking time - until light brown.
  7. Be sure to collect the trimmings, chop them up, and use them to garnish your dessert.
  8. Make a cream by mixing the ingredients on the recipe list while setting the oil aside. Punch with a mixer.
  9. Place the mixture on a gas burner, using the lowest heat. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the cream thickens.
  10. Add oil to the hot mass. Stir until it dissolves. Cool the cream.
  11. Spread the finished cakes with custard, fold the cake.
  12. Refrigerate for several hours to soak.

Attention! If you are preparing a dessert for a celebration, show your imagination and decorate Ginger beautifully. For this, in addition to crumbs from scraps of biscuits, you can use powdered sugar, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, small nuts.

Ginger cake classic honey cake with condensed milk - a recipe from the Soviet era

This recipe also claims to be the very present, from that time. Personally, I used to make a cake with condensed milk. Moreover, here, too, there was an option, since sometimes we did not bother with the preparation of cream, smearing the cake with boiled condensed milk.

  • Honey - 70 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Baking powder (or soda) - sachet.
  • Oil - 200 gr.
  • Sour cream 15% - 400 ml.
  • Condensed milk - 400 ml.

We bake:

  1. Whisk eggs and granulated sugar together. When a little foam appears, stir in the honey. Add baking powder, mix again. Place the saucepan on a low heat.
  2. Heat until the ingredients in the mixture are dissolved.
  3. Cool the mass a little, add flour. Punch well with a mixer, kneading the dough. As in the previous recipes, introduce flour slowly, in portions.
  4. Divide the finished dough into several equal pieces. Roll into a ball, flatten a little with your hands. Roll into a very thin round cake. Make a round blank of the cake without trimming the excess.
  5. Bake the biscuits at 180-200 о С. The signal of readiness is a slight ruddy of the product.
  6. Take out the cake, break off the trimmings. Bake until the cakes are finished. Grind the trimmings with a blender, leaving Ginger to decorate.
  7. Take cream at the same time. Soften the butter in the microwave, add condensed milk and sour cream to it.
  8. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  9. Spread generously on the cakes. Fold them into a cake. Sprinkle crumbs over the top of the dessert and brush over the sides.
  10. Send the treat to soak for a couple of hours by placing it on the refrigerator shelf. Then make tea, cut the cake and treat yourself to your health.

Video recipe for honey Ginger with boiled condensed milk

We offer you to cook a delicious Ryzhik cake at home according to a recipe with step by step photos. This cake is made from wonderful caramel cakes and delicious sour cream butter cream with condensed milk. Ginger cake turns out to be large and heavy, so it is suitable for a large company, although in a small family it will not stay in the refrigerator for a long time.

When preparing the Ryzhik cake, it is very important that you let the cake brew in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours before serving. Then it will become so tender that it can be “eaten with the lips”. The recipe uses a 250 ml glass.

Cream for cake Ryzhik

The most delicious cream for our Ryzhik is prepared very simply. You can find the recipe for its preparation by following the link in the 10th step of the recipe.

How to decorate Ginger cake

The simplest and at the same time beautiful and original decoration of the cake will be smearing it with cream and rolling it in crushed crumbs made from the remains of the cakes. On top of the Gingerbread, you can squeeze out several flowers from any cream, or simply decorate it with a sprig of mint.

Never would you like to return to Childhood?
This is not a rhetorical question, this is my invitation. So, today we are going on a "vacation" for 3 days, which we will spend baking real delicacies that our grandmother once prepared for us. What's this? And why for 3 days?
We are going to make the "Ryzhik" honey cake. Is it really wonderful, just a golden name? But this is not all that is unusual in this cake. The recipe has a very small secret. And this is what promises to make our cake just fabulously tasty, smelling of summer and the warmth of grandmother's hands.

The highlight of the recipe: The dough should stand warm for 3 days! After this period of time, letting the dough brew, we bake the cakes.

If the baking sheet is long and the cakes are rectangular, elongated in length, they can be cut in half. Then the cake will turn out tall. It is desirable that it contains at least 4 cakes. Does not work? Then you can knead the dough 2 times more.

Immediately I will voice all the products that we need for the Ryzhik cake:
Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour - 2 cups with a volume of 250 g (faceted);
  • Honey - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tbsp. l.

For the cream we need:

  • Sour cream - 800 g (I use two packs of 380 g, 25% fat);
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sour cream thickener - 30-40 g (can be replaced with corn starch);
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp or vanilla sugar (1 sachet 10 gr.)

How to make Ginger cake (step by step recipe with photo)

Let's divide the process into 3 stages.

I. Let's start with the test. Do not forget that we cook it 3 days before baking.

Break the eggs (3 pcs) and mix them a little so that the yolks mix with the proteins.

At this stage, we do not need a mixer, an ordinary whisk is enough.

Add sugar (0.5 cups). Let's use a mixer. Mix a little, not necessarily until the sugar dissolves, the main thing is that the eggs and sugar become a homogeneous mass.

Now pour in honey (0.5 cups) and mix everything with a mixer again. Enough 1-2 minutes for the mass to thicken.

*** If there is no liquid honey, it doesn't matter. It can be heated in a water bath. Then it will become the required consistency.

Combine soda (0.5 tablespoon) with flour (2 cups) before adding to the egg mixture, mix.

The more evenly you stir the baking soda into the flour, the better the dough will be.

Add flour to the mixture. It is best to use a spoon to mix the flour and mixture first.

When everything is saturated with each other, stir with a mixer for several minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I get by with an ordinary wooden spatula, but if you use a mixer, use the dough attachments, not the usual whisks for liquids.

The dough is almost done. It remains for him to stand 3 (!) Days in a warm place, so that the honey and soda will start the fermentation process in the dough. During this time, the taste of soda in the dough becomes completely invisible. I usually put it in the kitchen cabinet so that the bowl doesn't get in the way.


  • Cover the bowl with a lid, towel or plastic wrap.
  • Put in a warm place.
  • Stir the dough for these three days. 2-3 times a day.
  • At least how long the dough should stand - 2 days. But in this case, it will rise worse. Optimally - 3 days. Allowed - 4.

Let me show you what the dough looks like during proofing. Air bubbles appear on the surface:

When stirring, you can see how porous and airy the dough is inside.

In 3 days. Next stage.

II. We bake the Ginger cake.

For 3 days, the dough thickened and it decreased in volume. Today we are going to bake the cakes.
1. Prepare sheets of baking paper to fit the baking sheet (you can use a silicone mat or Teflon mat). I bake with Teflon.
2. Take a small amount of the test. And with the help of a spatula, a spoon, or a large knife with a wide blade, smear it on the paper, like butter on bread. Try to do it evenly. The approximate height of the crust should be between 2 and 5 mm.

I take three such portions with a wooden spatula, as in the photo:

I smear it evenly with a silicone spatula so that there are no "holes" in the cake:

It turns out such a cake. If you could not make it perfectly even in thickness, do not worry, it will not be noticeable in the finished cake.

3. Place a baking sheet with the dough in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Reduce to 130 degrees and bake for 5 minutes.

(Subsequent cakes may need less time, about 2 minutes to bake, because the oven will be well preheated).
We take out the cake, let it cool down a little, a couple of minutes will be enough.

The cakes turned out to be airy, fragrant.

We turn the cake over so that it is convenient to remove the paper.

I bake on a Teflon mat, so I don't grease the surface with anything. If you're going to bake on paper you're not sure about, brush with a lump of butter.

*** If the cakes have risen unevenly, it doesn't matter. When the cake is "collected", it will not be noticeable.

I got rectangular cakes with a length of 32 cm, along a short edge - 22 cm. You can set the dimensions individually when spreading the dough, you can give it a round, oval shape - whatever you want!
Next stage.

III. Prepare cream for the Ginger cake And grease the cakes with it.

With a mixer, we begin to beat down sour cream (800 g). At the same time, add sugar a little at a time (1 glass).

The sugar should dissolve in the sour cream. Pour vanilla sugar here (I use sugar with natural vanilla from D. Etker), pour about 2 tbsp. spoons (10 grams).

For fans of honey specialists, I suggest taking note of the recipe in the recipe uses custard, the cake turns out to be tender and also very tasty.

The mass turns out to be lush, but liquid.

3. You can add lemon juice (1 tbsp. L) - if desired. For many who tried to bake this cake, lemon juice turned out to be overkill.

Add the required amount of thickener. The sour cream thickener is sold in small sachets in supermarkets (you can substitute cornstarch for it).

I sift it through a sieve so that there are no lumps.

We continue to whisk. The cream should be thick and lush. Whisk the mixture and see what happens. Focus on your taste and preferences of loved ones. If the cream is not thick enough for you, you can add a little more lemon juice and / or 1-2 sachets of thickener.

You can prepare sour cream in various ways, I described several options in a separate article:.

What other cream would go with this cake? On our YouTube channel, I have collected five recipes for the best creams for a honey lover, take note of them:

We collect the cake "Ginger"

For these honey cakes, do not spare the cream. They are lush and porous, and therefore soak well and quickly. If there is not enough cream, it will all go to impregnation. Only half of the layer that we smeared on them will remain.

It is convenient to use a silicone tipped spatula for lubrication.

Crust by crust, sandwich the cake with cream. I cut each rectangular cake (I got 3 pieces) into two parts and got a square tall cake of 6 cake layers. We will spend the trimmings on sprinkling.

Finishing touch. A little bit is left to make this dessert perfect.

Grind the remnants of the cakes in a blender into large crumbs:

Try it, it's delicious and easy!

That's all! Friends, as you can see, the cooking process is much easier, and not as troublesome as with many other cakes. But the taste !!! Try it! And make sure that this is exactly what your beloved grandmother once cooked for you. You loved her treats so much. And now is the time to find out all the secrets of this enchanted dessert that brings back a fabulous Happy Childhood.

Only this happy time presents generously with golden freckles, and bees buzzing over the flower meadows. It seems that the Sun shines in a special way when you are still small. And when you come to visit granny, she tries to pamper you with something especially tasty. And now, kind grandmother's hands are already putting a plate with a delicacy in front of us. And it seems at this moment that the Earth has stopped, that this is the moment of true Childhood. And the smell and taste of this dish will forever remain in your memory, as a memory of happiness.

Perhaps you decided to do some of the processes in this recipe in your own way. Share, tell us about your findings! I look forward to your feedback! I hope you have got an amazingly delicious cake, and in the future you will be able to pamper yourself, your loved ones and your guests with it more than once.
Share this recipe on social networks and invite your friends to participate in our cute get-togethers!
Bye Bye!

If you will add a photo of the cake to Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the network. Thanks!

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For cakes

  • 100 butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs.

For cream

  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract;
  • 600 g sour cream;
  • 400 g of uncooked condensed milk.

How to cook:


Break 2 eggs into a bowl of sufficient volume and add half a glass of sugar. Beat the mixture until a fluffy gentle foam is formed (5-6 minutes).

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, mix the butter and half a glass of sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved. Pour in honey, stir, bring to a boil, then add soda. Stir quickly again. The mass should foam strongly, and also increase in volume.

At this point, remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool slightly (4-5 minutes), continuing to stir. Then pour in the egg-sugar mixture in a thin stream, mix and return the saucepan to low heat.

Stir a glass of flour gradually, rubbing all the lumps very carefully. In the same way, stir in the second glass of flour. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Allow the mixture to cool slightly, and then stir in the remaining flour to it.

You may not need to knead the entire third glass into the dough, as the thickness of the mixture depends on the size of the eggs used and the density of the flour.

The dough should be soft, tender, very pliable to work with.

Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces.

From each part, roll out very thin cakes with a diameter of about 20 cm on parchment paper (you can roll out in the form of a rectangle or square).

Bakery products

Cut each crust to shape (plate, pot lid) and pierce with a fork several times (save the trim). Bake the cakes one at a time in a preheated 180 g oven until golden brown (10-12 minutes).

Remove the finished cakes from the baking sheet while still warm, separating the baked goods from the paper, and fold them in a slide. Cooling down, the cakes will become brittle and brittle, do not break.

Separately bake the scraps from the cakes, cool them and grind them into crumbs (in a mixer or with a rolling pin on the table).


Put sour cream in a bowl, add vanilla and uncooked condensed milk, mix until smooth (at the lowest mixer speed, or better - manually).


Smear the cooled cakes with cream, placing one on top of the other.

Also grease the sides and top of the cake.

Sprinkle generously with crumb crumbs.

Leave the cake to stand at room temperature for 1-2 hours, and then put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

This time will be enough for the cakes to soak in the cream.

Bon Appetit!

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