Home Fruit trees What is better deposit or debit card. How do you know: a deposit account or a current one? Distinctive features. As we thought

What is better deposit or debit card. How do you know: a deposit account or a current one? Distinctive features. As we thought

Before entrusting money to the appropriate institution, clients are interested in what types of Sberbank card accounts are. For the convenience of managing their money, the bank offers users to create various accounts. There are several signs that allow us to classify them in one category or another.

Current account

The current one is available to any citizen who has reached the age of 18 (an individual), a state, non-profit organization. It opens for individual needs, not related to making a profit. Used to carry out certain banking operations:

  • payment of salaries and pensions;
  • payment of insurance and social charges (alimony, benefits);
  • purchase of a card linked to an account, and, therefore, the ability to pay for purchases;
  • cashing out funds;
  • sending money transfers.

The convenience of a current account is that the bank's client has quick access to his funds. Organizations use it as a repository that is always available. It is used when large sums of money are being settled, for example, when buying real estate, a car. Interest accrual on the balance of the money supply is not provided. Replenishment is made through orders or the cash desk of the Savings Bank. Opens in rubles or, if necessary, in another currency. There is no payment for its use.

Each type of bank account is designed for a specific purpose

Deposit account

Serves for the temporary savings of the money supply. An agreement is concluded between the client and the bank, which specifies the name of the account, for what period of time the funds are credited, at what percentage. The institution assumes the obligation upon the expiration of the specified period to return the money taken for storage and pay the agreed interest. A deposit is a type of passive income, investment with little risk. The interest rate increases as the deposit period increases.

The deposit is subdivided into:

  1. Urgent. When a deposit is opened for a long time (from 1 year). The client can withdraw the savings only after this time has elapsed.
  2. Poste restante. In this case, the time for which the deposit is opened is not defined. The depositor can withdraw his savings at any agreed time. Therefore, the interest rate is assumed to be low.

Deposits do not bring large profits, but they allow you to survive inflation without significant losses. If necessary, the client can withdraw his money before the end of the contract, but at the same time he loses part of the interest or pays a fine.

Checking account

It is opened by an organization or an individual entrepreneur for carrying out payments in a non-cash way. Designed for:

  • transfer of income from the sale of goods by the company, performance of work;
  • settlements with suppliers;
  • purchase of a loan from a bank;
  • payment of payments.

Funds are deposited in cash and non-cash form.

Card account

A card account is when a bank client can withdraw his funds without contacting an operator. It is tied to an already valid card - debit or credit. The number on the card does not match the account number. Its owner can pay for purchases via the Internet, pay for utilities, and make transfers.

Sberbank salary card account

Each employee receiving a salary is provided with the details of his account. The card has a 16-digit number, which is visible on the front side, is used to work with funds through bank terminals, mobile bank, online. Finding out what type of salary card account is not difficult. Personal (current) - the account to which the salary card is "linked".

Settlement - opens to a legal entity. If necessary, it can be opened for an employee who needs to spend the company's funds, for example, on car maintenance or advertising.

Several cards can be attached to a personal account.

If it is lost, become unusable, another is issued, the personal account remains the same, and the funds are safe.

Upon dismissal from work, the need for a card is lost and it can be closed. To do this, you need to come to any branch of Sberbank, write a statement of closure. The card is destroyed, the remaining funds are withdrawn or transferred to another account.

A deposit account involves receiving passive income

The difference between current and deposit accounts

The difference is manifested in the tasks they perform. The presence of the first allows you to transfer and quickly withdraw funds. But possession of this account does not bring profit. The second is not intended for purchases and payments, it allows you to save money for a certain period with interest. The depositor's quick access to their money is not provided.

The issues of opening and maintaining accounts are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is legally spelled out on cooperation between a financial institution and its client upon opening, and an agreement must be concluded.

Following the opening of a current account, a financial institution has obligations to the depositor for the smooth execution of settlement transactions. The subject, having issued an account in his name, has the right to put money on it in any amount, to control the expense. The bank implements payment orders within 24 hours. This is an indispensable element of the workflow, without it entrepreneurial activity is impossible (posting of proceeds, settlement with third parties).

When making a deposit, the client entrusts the bank with the specified amount. The difference between a current account and a deposit account is that in the first case, the financial institution can dispose of funds in its own way, and in the second, the deposit is transferred or withdrawn at the end of the time specified in the contract and the fulfillment of special conditions.

Features of deposit programs

The interaction between the organization and the contributor is based on the following principles:

  • the client pays the amount specified in the contract;
  • the financial institution uses finances for its own purposes during the term of the contract; for this opportunity to use the money, the bank charges the depositor with interest;
  • at the end of the term of the deposit, the client is refunded the entire amount invested by him plus accrued interest.

Sberbank has long established itself as a reliable organization. Therefore, many depositors choose it to open deposit or current accounts. At this time, the bank offers several programs for the preservation of deposits:

  1. "Save"- 9% per annum. Replenishment of funds is not expected, but it is possible to close it ahead of schedule.
  2. "Save retirement"- intended for retirees.
  3. "Top up"- 8% per annum, replenishment of funds is provided.

Other deposits, such as "Multicurrency", "International", "Manage", allow partial withdrawals. Operations on deposit accounts are usually displayed in a savings book, which also contains data about the depositor, the financial organization, the deposit (amount, interest, period), and the movement of the money supply.

But in recent years, the issuance of savings books has decreased significantly. They were replaced by Maestro cards. But many, mainly people of retirement age, continue to use books, because it makes it easier for them to understand the process of working with money. They perceive the book as a genuine evidence of their funds in the bank. Young people, on the other hand, mainly use plastic cards. It is not difficult for them to answer the questions: “What is a Sberbank card? Is this a current or deposit account? " The passbook seems to them a relic of the past.

Card accounts can be debit or credit

Debit and Credit Cards

To facilitate the process of withdrawing money from the account, a plastic card is tied to it. Debit makes it possible to withdraw the wages transferred by the employer or other receipts. Also, with the help of this card, purchases are paid in a non-cash way. Withdrawal is possible only for the amount fixed on the card, unless you activate the overdraft service.

Credit card - the key to the account, provided by the bank with the opportunity to use borrowed money within the proposed limit. The borrower completes the contract once and uses the funds again and again, as the principal debt is repaid. Credit cards are very popular abroad, and more recently in Russia. They will help out when urgent money is needed, but their minus is a large interest rate.

A plastic bank card allows the client to carry out the following monetary transactions without standing in long queues:

  • cash out funds through a bank terminal;
  • replenish accounts;
  • convert currency;
  • pay utility bills;
  • make payment for purchases;
  • control expenses through an online bank.

Each account is assigned an individual number, which does not coincide with the card number. There is a charge for service by card. A card is a means of access to an account containing funds. If it is no longer needed, the account is closed. To do this, you need to contact the bank and write an application.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand the types of accounts. And the differences between current and deposit are quite obvious. Not everyone has a deposit, but the current one is used everywhere, especially the plastic card attached to it. This is a modern reality that makes the implementation of banking operations more favorable, expands the potential for managing your money.

This article will focus on the types of bank accounts, their features and the main differences.

A bank account is necessary for almost every modern person, because it allows you to receive payments, save funds and dispose of them in a non-cash form.

The owner of the account can be an individual or a legal entity. There are several types of bank accounts depending on the purpose of use.

In this article, we will consider what a current, checking and deposit account is, how they differ.

Types of bank accounts


A card account allows you to:

  • cash out through an ATM own (pension, salary card) or credit funds, bypassing queues at banks, at the post office;
  • , cash-in banknote receiver;
  • manage money and control expenses remotely (for example, via Sberbank online).

The owner of the current account can:

  • to entrust the execution of regular payments to bank employees;
  • convert money into dollars / euros without withdrawing it.

Each account is assigned individual number.

Russians are increasingly interested in debit cards with the option "accrual %% to the balance of funds." Experts attribute this to people's doubts about their own financial stability. A person may have extra money at the moment, but due to economic changes, they may suddenly need it. "Cumulative debits" make it possible to use the means on the plastic at any moment.

Until recently, debit cards with the accumulation of interest on the balance of their funds were not widespread in the Russian banking market and were mainly a marketing ploy of several banks. One can mention “Russian Standard” with its “Bank in Pocket” card, TCS Bank with “Tinkoff Black” card, AyManiBank with “iAutokopilka” card, Contact Bank and “Profitable Card”.

Initially, such debits were considered by credit institutions mainly as an additional source of attracting liabilities and as a specific marketing tool for a certain group of clients who are ready to keep their savings in banks in the future, but have not yet matured to “full” deposits. Such clients, for example, include young people who already have funds, but wanting to get everything at once, prone to irrational, in the opinion of the older generation, expenses.

“Debit cards with interest on cash balances are attracting certain customer segments. For example, "salary workers" who are not ready to make deposits, but have the ability to save money at some time. For them, the availability of such plastic is a convenient tool, ”said Susanna Uzunyan, who heads the unit for developing and improving banking products at Uniastrum Bank. Uniastrum offers a similar debit in its traditional version.

« Profitable cards are intended for people who want to save and want to make money on savings placed in a credit institution, - says Alexander Borodkin, who oversees the plastic card industry at VTB24. - Let's say a person suddenly has some small "unnecessary" money. But he doesn't know when he'll need them. A situation of uncertainty. As a result, the client for the most part does not accumulate funds on this card, but stores it. And in any case, this is a source of liabilities for the bank ”.

Daria Ermolina, head of the PR department of TCS Bank, noted that such a card differs from an expense-replenished deposit in that the funds on it are available to a person for the necessary transactions at any time. “The rates are almost always lower than on a time deposit,” says Ms. Ermolina. - On the deposit, interest is fixed for the entire period, and on debit plastic or savings accounts - it can be changed in accordance with the contractual terms (with us - with a month's notice). There are no restrictions on the terms of withdrawal and replenishment of funds on the card. "

« Balance debit card percent is a tool for attracting customers and their money, and also serves to increase the loyalty of existing customers, - sums up Marina Verbitskaya, an expert of the Banki.ru resource. "For a person, such a product is primarily a means of payment, and only secondarily, a means of accumulation."

Mrs. Ermolina is optimistic about the prospects of the described cards: “If you look more broadly and take into account remote services (including mobile banking, Internet banking, call center), then income card provides a convenient package of tools for the modern consumer, needed in everyday life. "

Controversial alternative

However, Ms. Uzunyan is sure that the emphasis on this product of a financial institution should not be made. “The main ways of attracting liabilities, of course, should be deposits,” the expert believes. - At the same time, a profitable card is unlikely to be able to compete with a bank deposit. If only for the reason that the interest on it is usually less. "

According to Ms. Uzunyan's experience, debit cards with income accrued on the balance of their own money are for a credit institution an additional method of attracting liabilities and a marketing tool aimed at increasing customer loyalty.

“The reason for the uncompetitiveness of debit in relation to the deposit is the lower rates. In addition, there is no guarantee of maintaining the size of the bet, which is charged on the cash balance. When opening a bank account using such a card (in the classic version), - says Ms. Verbitskaya, - bankers do not guarantee that the initially set rate will not be lowered in the near future. "

As noted by Ms. Verbitskaya, here we must not forget about the psychological factor. “A card with some amount of money is always at hand, there is a great temptation to spend these funds. As a store of value, the deposit is definitely a winner, ”she concludes.

An alternative to a deposit, yes, it is doubtful. But many bankers are unanimous in the opinion that the current economic situation (the weakness of the ruble, rumors of large cuts at large enterprises, including state ones, etc.) does not give many Russians confidence in the stability of their incomes. In other words, in the fact that they will be able to increase their savings on deposits.

It is possible that the following model of people's financial behavior will become widespread: people will send part of their free money to a deposit account, and part to a cumulative debit, so that, if something happens, they can instantly and conveniently (even remotely) use their money.

The domestic banking system consists of credit institutions that have received a license to operate from the regulator. Each of the banks has its own clients. Special accounts are created for clients, where they place and withdraw their funds. Bank accounts are divided into types. How to find out whether a deposit or current account is opened with a financial and credit institution, we will consider in the article.

Accounts can be divided into three types:

  • current;
  • card;
  • deposit.

Current account

A checking account is used most often for purposes related to payroll and payments. It is not used for saving savings and for investment purposes. The main task of the current account, aimed at servicing the clients of a particular bank, is to instantly gain access to each of them to their money.

Interest on the balance of funds is not charged, and if the bank offers this service, then the interest will be small. The account can be opened in rubles, as well as in foreign currency. With its help, you can receive and send transfers, cash out finances, and transfer them.

Checking account

A kind of current account is a current account. It is opened by organizations or enterprises that are not credit institutions, as well as individual entrepreneurs and other individuals who are legally involved in private practice to carry out settlement transactions related to doing business (Instruction from the Bank of Russia No. 28-I).

Card account

The card account is used to carry out monetary transactions using bank plastic cards. If the bank offers this product, the client needs to clarify certain nuances:

How much does it cost to maintain this account;
the presence of a commission for withdrawing cash at ATMs or at the cash desk;
availability of additional services.

Plastic cards are divided into two types: debit and credit.

The debit card contains the savings of customers in the form of salaries and other income. The card is used to pay for purchases by bank transfer and for online purchases, payments for mobile communications, utilities, etc. The amount on the account cannot be exceeded.

Credit cards, as a form of consumer lending, allow you to exceed the limit of money on the account. If the borrower makes payments for the loan on time, the credit limit may be increased, but after a while.

Credit cards are common among Russians. It is convenient to use them, and the borrower pays for this comfort with increased interest rates, if we compare this loan with cash with the issuance of cash as a loan.

In some banks, a card account is attached to the current one. This allows it to be used for transactions with cards, both credit and debit.

Thanks to the card account, money can be used at any convenient time. The advantage of the cards is that when carrying out transactions of a payment nature, you do not need to visit the bank, waste time in line: it is possible to carry out all the necessary operations through the ATM. But to receive or send funds, it is better to use a checking account.


A deposit account is opened for the purpose of increasing savings. They are charged with interest by the bank. This is one of the types of passive income or investment with a low probability of risk and, therefore, low income. However, deposits are widespread in Russia. Banks offer different conditions for deposits and deposits. Basically, bank clients do not have access to their deposits (during the validity period of the agreement of the same name), and for this they are charged%. They can be capitalized, withdrawn every month, quarter, received as an advance, etc.

Deposit account and checking account: what's the difference?

A deposit account is an account with a bank with an amount of funds that is placed for a certain period of time at interest under an agreement. The account holder does not have instant access to the deposited amount.

A current account, in contrast to a deposit account, implies instant access for clients to money, this account is used to pay for various services, as well as purchases in a store. Interest on the account balance is not charged or it is there, but in a meager amount. Thus, the differences between deposit and current accounts are as follows:

  • account mode;
  • value%;
  • the cost of account transactions.

The escrow account is not used to transfer funds, make payments, make purchases, etc. This limitation on the possibility of spending the deposit is due to the fact that the credit institution can calmly dispose of the money entrusted to it at the time specified by the agreement.

Often, in the classic forms of the deposit, the client does not have the right to withdraw the funds deposited to the bank earlier than the period stipulated in the agreement with the bank. It is for such inconveniences that the account holder receives an increased percentage.

Deposit components:

  • % rate - for finding money on the deposit, an interest is charged, which is higher than that used for demand accounts;
  • term - upon its expiration, the deposit is closed;
  • insurance - the depositor in case of termination of the bank's work is returned the amount of 1.4 million rubles in accordance with the innovations (previously it was up to 700 thousand rubles);
  • replenishment - the deposit can be replenished in some cases, but it is impossible to withdraw money during the validity period of the agreement.

The deposit is closed by writing 2 statements. One application is aimed at closing an account, and the second - a deposit. After closing, funds are transferred to the current account or issued in cash to the account holder.

Deposit account and current account with Sberbank for individuals

Sberbank has been operating for many years. With this circumstance, the population associates it with reliability. Most citizens bring money to this credit institution, which is placed on a deposit. Among the proposals from the country's leading bank related to placing money on a deposit, one can single out:

  1. "Save": replenishment - no, withdrawal - no, early closing - possible. The rate is 9% (rubles), 2.22% (dollars), 1.7% (euros).
  2. "Save online", "Save retirement". Online opens only through Sberbank online, and the second type of deposit is offered only to retired persons.
  3. "Top up": replenishment - yes, withdrawal - no, early closing is possible. The rate is 8% (rubles), 2.00% (dollars), 1.01% (euros).

The rest of the deposits from Sberbank are designed for the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds. These include contributions:

  • "Manage";
  • "Multicurrency";
  • "International", etc.

New bill

The income and expense of funds in deposits are usually reflected in the savings book of Sberbank. Recently, their issuance has sharply decreased, instead of them they offer Maestro Sberbank cards. There were persistent rumors that the Passbooks would be canceled. And these rumors in February 2016 received a real basis. The Russian government has submitted a bill to the lower house of parliament that will abolish the bearer savings certificate and passbook.

Authors of the bill

The authors of the project are implementing their idea, according to them, within the framework of improving Russian laws in the field of non-cash payments and taking measures to counter the legalization of profits obtained by illegal means. And also within the framework of countering the financing of terrorism.

The Ministry of Finance believes that these measures will be implemented only when savings certificates and bearer books are excluded from circulation. What will happen to the registered passbooks remains unclear.

Meanwhile, many consumers of banking services constantly imposed on plastic cards prefer savings books with a deposit account. Most of these citizens are people of retirement age who find it difficult to deal with a plastic card and the mechanism for withdrawing money from it. For them, the passbook has become a symbol of their income, which is in the bank.

At the same time, another category of the population, young people, prefer plastic cards. They are widely implemented by all, without exception, banks, offering credit products or issuing a card as a debit card. And here there are some subtleties, but they relate to the topic of loan products from banks.

Before considering specific cards and their conditions, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of storing funds on the card and on the deposit.

Free withdrawals: plus or minus?

What is the main advantage of bankers to a profitable card in comparison with a regular deposit? The ability to use funds at ANY convenient time for the client. In principle, money can also be withdrawn from the deposit if necessary. But for this you need to go to the bank, write an application, wait for the due date (sometimes several days, if the amount is very large), then come back to the bank for money, lose some of the interest.

But this advantage is very, very controversial. Let's put it bluntly - many people open a deposit if they have extra money, not in order to earn money, but in order to save this money. From ourselves. Because we will always find what to spend them on.

Therefore, the fact that it is unprofitable to withdraw funds from a deposit ahead of schedule is sometimes even good.

It's another matter if you have a large amount of money in your hands for a short time (for example, for 20 days). You will not open a term deposit with normal interest, but if you have a profitable card, then during the specified period you can increase your funds quite well.

Security of funds

Alas, this question has to be raised again. Of course, the money on the deposit is safer than if it is on the card. But the fact is that the "card" protection of 90 percent is provided by the clients themselves. And in most cases it is their fault that the money "disappears" from the card.

Safe use of payment cards is a separate topic altogether.

Selection price

But now we are talking about a really serious disadvantage of profitable cards. With a deposit, everything is simple: you came to the bank with the money, opened the deposit you liked, and left.

In the case of a plastic card, you need to pay for the service and take into account the existing commissions (for cash withdrawals, sms-informing, etc.). In addition, many banks charge a high interest on the card only if there is a certain amount on it (although the situation is similar for deposits).

If you still give some advice, then we can say that the income card is beneficial to those who plan to use money periodically, but at the same time, the amount allows you to earn interest. And also for those clients who will not have funds for long.

If the client does not plan to spend money for a more or less decent period (at least six months), then in most cases it is more expedient to open a traditional deposit.

We figured out the theory. Let's get down to practice, i.e. consider the specific proposals of some banks.

Contribution on the Russian Standard card

In this institution, we are interested in a familiar program "The bank is in your pocket." The first plus is that the card is both issued and serviced free of charge.

But with cash withdrawals, it is not so simple. In the Russian Standard system: up to 100,000 rubles. (free), from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. (1%), from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. (3%), from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 (5%), over 2,000,000 (10%). Commission for withdrawing cash from other banks: up to RUB 500,000. (1%), further similar to the above tariffs.

The amount of interest accrued on the balance depends on the financial activity of the cardholder. 10% on the balance are charged in the first billing period after the conclusion of the contract (30 days). Further, the scheme is as follows: the expenditure turnover on the card for the billing period is up to 3000 rubles. (5%), from 3000 to 10000 rubles. (7%), over 10,000 (10%). Please note that transfers to your accounts, cash withdrawals and some other operations are not taken into account.

In addition, cardholders have up to 30% discounts under the special program "Discount Club".

You can apply for a card at any branch of the Russian Standard or a partner store.

Contribution to Tinkoff Credit Systems

Object - Smart Account product (Tinkoff Black card). Here, if you already have a deposit in rubles, then the card is issued and serviced free of charge. If not, then the issue remains free, and the service will cost 99 rubles. per month.

Regarding cash collection fees x: if the client uses a preferential withdrawal amount of RUB 300,000. and An additional amount of preferential withdrawal (consists of the amounts received from deposits), then over 3000 rubles. he takes off without commission. Below RUB 3000 - 150 rubles. for the operation. If the client withdraws more than 300,000 rubles. + Additional amount of drugs, then the commission is 2% (at least 150 rubles).

Now about the main thing - about the interest on the balance. 10% are charged up to 200,000 rubles. and 5% - for an amount exceeding RUB 200,000.

Also, the client receives a reward for purchases made using the card - cash back 5 or 0.5%, depending on the product category. Moreover, the partners of TCS Bank hold promotions, within the framework of which you can get a 10% return.

What is convenient - you do not have to visit the department, because the application must be submitted online, and the card itself will be delivered to you by courier or by mail.

Deposit in Tatfondbank

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