Home Fruit trees What Gref said. What German Gref said. After Primakov's resignation, Gref reached a new level: he became a member of the collegium of state representatives in Rosgosstrakh and Transneft, the collegium of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, and the Boards of Directors of Aerofl

What Gref said. What German Gref said. After Primakov's resignation, Gref reached a new level: he became a member of the collegium of state representatives in Rosgosstrakh and Transneft, the collegium of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, and the Boards of Directors of Aerofl

The cynical revelations of German Gref, who, as they joke on the Runet, were "injected with a serum of truth," shocked the public. The head of Sberbank at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum said that he would be scared if power was in the hands of the people. “You say terrible things. You propose to transfer power actually into the hands of the population, - Gref frightened the participants in the discussion. - As soon as ordinary people understand the basis of their self, they self-identify, manage, i.e. manipulating them will be extremely difficult. "

People do not want to be manipulated when they have knowledge, he stated.

At the same time, the head of Sberbank referred to great thinkers, "such as Lao Tzu", who came up with their theories, "encrypting them, fearing to convey to the common people." He also recalled Confucius, who started out as a democrat, and then created the doctrine of the division of society into strata.

In Jewish culture, Gref noted, Kabbalah gave the science of life and for three thousand years was a secret teaching, "because people understood what it was to remove the veil from the eyes of millions, to make them self-sufficient." “How to manage them? Any mass control implies an element of manipulation, ”Gref explained.

The head of Sberbank is particularly worried by a society where "everyone has equal access to information."

“How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive information that has not been dissected, not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of mass media, which are kind of independent, but in fact, we understand that is all the media busy preserving strata? " - said Gref.


Gref is afraid of a society where everyone has equal access to information

Within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a business breakfast of Sberbank was held, at which its head German Gref also spoke. At breakfast, a discussion flared up, during which Gref expressed his fears that power might end up in the hands of citizens, and then set off on discussions about Kabbalah, Confidentiality and Buddhism, business-gazeta.ru writes.

“You say terrible things,” Gref told the panelists. - "You are proposing to transfer power, in fact, into the hands of the population." He expressed fears that as soon as "people understand the basis of their self - to control, manipulate, it will become extremely difficult."

As it turned out, the era of the ubiquitous distribution of the Internet also scares the head of Sberbank. “How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information, to receive it not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of mass media launched on their heads?

“How to live in such a society? To be honest, your reasoning makes me scary, ”Gref admits.

During his speech, German Gref conducted a small historical and religious excursion, recalling first the history of Buddhism, and then moved on to Confucius, noting that he began as a democrat, and ended up creating the doctrine of the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teachings secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who he was and what he needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years, since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make people self-sufficient.

Literal transcript:

I want to tell you that you are actually saying terrible things. What you say makes me afraid. Why? You are proposing to transfer power into the hands of the population. But you know, for many millennia this problem has been a key issue in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads thought on this topic. At one time, Buddhism was born in this way: the great heir to one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how poorly the people lived, and he tried to help the people, he tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make the people happier. He did not find an answer, and as a result, Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid was the rejection of desire, he did not see a way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, and there is no way to realize all desires.

The economic mode of production that Marx dreamed of has not yet been realized, and therefore it is necessary to work, and not the fact that everyone will get this job, and not the fact that everyone will receive the desired wages, and not the fact that they will be satisfied from it. And wherein if each person can participate directly in management, what are we managing?

The great Minister of Justice of China Confucius began as a great democrat, and ended as a man who came up with a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers, such as Lao Tzu, came up with their Tao theories, encrypting them, fearing to convey to the common people because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their “I”, they self-identify, manage, that is, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them.

People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In the Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life, was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it meant to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient. Any mass control implies a manipulation element. How to live, how to manage such a society, where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive direct, unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that do we really understand that all the media are still busy building, maintaining strata? So how to live in such a society? To be honest, your reasoning makes me scary. It seems to me that you do not quite understand what you are saying.


German Gref: "Russia is looking for a third way, because it has not heard anything about the first two!"


At today's discussion at SPIEF-2012, the head of Sberbank, German Gref, was almost the speaker of Bolotnaya, ridiculing the rhetoric of Vladimir Putin and his governors (about "sovereign democracy", "media noise", Russia's third way "), as well as the fear of the authorities of the Internet. The correspondent of "BUSINESS Online", who is at the forum in St. Petersburg, listened with curiosity to the discussion "Way out of the management impasse: the wisdom of the crowd or an authoritarian genius."

Sberbank business breakfasts held by its head German Gref, have already become a tradition at the forum. They were at the last SPIEF and at the Gaidar Forum. The author of these lines, who was present at one of such discussions in January, noted this time Gref's increasing inclination towards "oppositionism." It seems that the permanent meetings in the capital did not pass without a trace for him. The discussion on the second day of SPIEF 2012 was, it seems, even based on the topic of social protests, but camouflaged under Gref's favorite “crowdsourcing”.

The panel discussion traditionally began very early, but in fact brought together people of the highest level. Among the listeners, we saw not only some governors, but also a gloomy Evgenia Primakova- a well-known conservative, who, for sure, the recent social upheavals in the Middle East and in the center of Moscow do not cause much optimism. “You need to know the enemy by sight,” his eyes seemed to say, carefully studying the smiling liberal Gref.

Gref, starting the discussion, flattered the audience, noting that people with philosophical abstract thinking had gathered here. And he assured that he had gathered people into the “presidium” not according to the principle of their belonging to power. Apologizing for the presence, however, Elvira Nabiullina (former Minister of Economic Development, now Assistant Vladimir Putin - ed.). “Thanks to her for agreeing to be with us,” Gref joked.

Despite the closeness of their views, today they are actually in different intellectual camps. He himself is a clear adherent of liberalism, she smoothly moved from Putin's government to his administration, which today is considered "a shadow and real government." The topic of the discussion sounded provocative: "Way out of the management impasse: the wisdom of the crowd or an authoritarian genius?" Whether he meant by "authoritarian genius" Vladimir Vladimirovich, and by "wisdom of the crowd" - the Moscow creative class opposing the current leader of the country, remained a mystery ...

Reflecting on this issue besides him and Nabiullina Beth Novek- Advisor to the US and UK governments, author of the book "Wiki Government" and a representative of the administration Barack Obama; Tim Kelsey- Executive Director of Transparency and Data Openness of the UK Cabinet of Ministers ( it is strange that in the English government there is also such a position - ed.); Harvard professor Andrey Shlyaifer, editor of "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" Konstantin Remchukov and head of the public opinion foundation Alexander Oslon.

Gref traditionally conducted a survey of listeners. And to the first question: “What prevents the global economy from getting out of the crisis,” he offered three possible answers. Temporary leadership deficit? Conflict between a rapidly changing world and old governance systems? Is there no management dead end? 70% of the audience (where, by the way, the governors were) decided that the reason was the conflict between the changing world and the old systems of government. Remchukov said that one of the main reasons is the Internet, which revealed that the individual needs of people do not match the pace of the economy. Whereas the entire modern management system is based on vertical ties, when the government “knows” what people need and is trying to give it to them, the Internet allows organizing horizontal ties. And the authorities do not have mechanisms to adequately meet the needs of people who know what the Internet is. According to Oslon, the Internet, most likely, appeared as a tool that allows the authorities to use latent social energy. In fact, it is a "new collective mind".

Gref asked the American Novek what the causes of the "Arab revolutions", the Moscow protests and the Occupy Wall Street action have in common. Noviek responded that the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street prove there is dissatisfaction with outdated governance institutions. Voting, which the state has used to allegedly participate in the power of the people, is a passive model of delegating decision-making to social strata: “The government is created to manage values ​​and manage experience. The ways the government controls them are outdated. Values ​​are managed by voting, which is held once a year. This is not enough in modern conditions. Elections and voting alone are not enough. Experience is managed by a bureaucracy that is slower and "stupider" than the "wisdom of the crowd." "Bubbles of discontent" and desire to participate in government "burst to the surface." Kelsey agreed with her, in his opinion, the fundamental problem is that the time when "governments could rule societies, hiding behind a curtain, is running out."


Gref said that “he felt scared,” since the participants in the discussion actually offered to transfer power to the population, while this problem had been tried for millennia, and so far it is futile. Then he unexpectedly got into a historical and religious excursion. First I remembered Buddhism, which arose after the representative of the richest family went to the people, decided to make him happy, and he did not succeed, but Buddhism turned out: “He did not find the answer how to make people happy. All people want this, but it is impossible to realize all their desires. As a result, Buddhism is about giving up desires. "

And before the implementation of a Marxist economic system capable of making all people happy, it is still far away ( that is, Gref actually did not rule out the possibility that Marx was right ?! - a rather unusual statement for a liberal - ed.).

After Buddhism and Marx, Gref turned to Confucius, noting that he started out as a democrat, and ended up creating the doctrine of the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teachings secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who he was and what he needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years, since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make people self-sufficient.

Further, the inflamed Gref "kicked" the media, "which are, as it were, independent," but are still busy, he believes, "preserving the strata." That is, according to Gref, any good initiative sooner or later ends with undemocratic attempts to preserve the existing state of affairs. How will it be possible to transfer power to the crowd, and will it not end in tragedy?

Nabiullina did not agree with German Oskarovich. She believes that there is nothing terrible if the government delegates authority to the population, but it is terrible if it transfers them to the crowd. The crowd, the presidential aide believes, is never reasonable. And she sees the reason for the desire of the same creative class to influence the government of the state in the fact that “our society has become more educated, logical-minded, and no longer lends itself to manipulation by the“ old models of government ”.


Noticing that the governors were sitting in the forefront, Gref decided to tell a “parable from real life” about these “old models of government” without naming names. One of the young modern governors, the head of Sberbank began the "parable", arriving in his estate for the first time and being horrified, decided to fix everything. Repaired roads, house facades. However, following the results of the first year of his rule, the governor's rating fell by 10%. The governor complained to Gref, “that he does not understand such a people,” they say, what else do they need ?! Then Gref asked Oslon to conduct a survey in the region, and it turned out that the five priorities of the population and the five priorities in the work of the governor did not coincide at all! The population needed clean water, good heating, housing and communal services in the first place. Changing priorities, by the end of next year, the governor achieved an increase in his rating by 20%.

Gref believes that the moral of this fable is simple: if initially the leader had contact with those whom he controls, many problems and misunderstandings would have been avoided. However, any politician is afraid of the same Internet, he was surprised. Especially his "masquerade", when anonymous harsh assessments of politicians. The main desire of the authorities in the end is to turn off the Internet, but even if you turn off the Internet, “you cannot turn off the real state of affairs,” the moderator of the discussion warned. Its participants (except for Nabiullina, of course), meanwhile, pondered the fact that, meeting with workers at factories, Putin listens to the demands of the population, and these demands never intersect with the demands of the Internet community and the president's own speeches at international forums: “Never we have not heard that the common worker demanded a competitive environment, justice or an investment climate. "

The authorities, the Russian participants in the discussion decided, started talking about this after the Internet started talking about it. At the same time, the same government is forced to carry out purely electoral tasks relying on the majority of the population, which traditionally depends on the budget. As a result, the middle class does not depend on the state. And the middle "creative class" has no leaders - that is why Putin's question about the protesters ("And with whom to negotiate there?") Makes no sense. Nor does his desire for the opposition to propose a program make sense (“The wise government should propose a program itself”).


The head of the FOM generally stated that the further, the less opportunities the traditional institutions of power have to solve problems "like a father solves the problems of children." According to Oslon, today there are no universal people, modern Leonardo da Vinci, who are personally ready to solve all problems. This is the "complacency effect" or "usefulness complex," he said sarcastically. Gref, with the same intonation, proposed by law to prohibit officials from opening and reading the Internet, "which interferes with stable governance." Today, he explained, Obama, Merkel and Putin are forced to read hard-hitting opinions to themselves, because people, as a rule, do not like power. Kelsey explained that those same authorities need transparency! And he cited as an example British openness, when data on health care, for all hospitals (including mortality) are laid out in the public domain. After the same cardiac surgeons decided to publish their data 7 years ago, to date, the mortality rate has dropped by 50%.

You have transparency, but you are now in a different country, ”Gref answered sarcastically. - We have a sovereign democracy! We are a nuclear power, and we have many secrets, and if we open access, these secrets will go abroad ... We have a third path of development. But I always say that Russia is looking for a third way, because it has not heard anything about the first two!


Nabiullina was embarrassed by such "enemy" speeches of her neighbor. “I don’t even know how to continue and how to start,” she tried to smile. And she said that Russia is also trying to make everything more transparent, referring to the experience of “transparency of public procurement”: “Yes, maybe our system is not as advanced as in other countries, but it somewhat increased the activity of people and society,” she said offended ... - The Ministry of Finance creates an "electronic budget" that will be available to citizens in an understandable and accessible form "( by the way, this was stated by the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Andrey Belousov at a parallel panel discussion on Russian reforms - almost word for word-ed.).

At the same time, she diplomatically admitted that the government does not keep up with the needs of people, does not even have time to realize them. And if during the crisis it seemed that it was enough to provide the people with wages and employment, then in times of prosperity this is no longer enough. She, like her boss yesterday ( Let us remind you that Putin proposed to collect 100 thousand signatures each on the Internet under a legislative act and then submit it for discussion in parliament - ed.), “Acknowledged the fact” of the existence of social networks, stating that this is a trick with the help of which the authorities can grasp these very needs. However, she does not recognize "anonymity", believing that the "masquerade of the Internet" does not allow this community to be included in the work.

Having supported this theme, Gref unexpectedly went even further in his "oppositional moods" ( it even became somehow strange that he had never been seen at rallies in Moscow-ed.) and mocked the relationship of those in power with the media:

Mass media is a continuous noise. They scold everyone all the time and don't write about good things. Always dissatisfied with something! - Gref quoted numerous representatives of the authorities with irony. - And if you go to meet the demands of journalists, then you show your own weakness, the authorities! If we somehow react to media publications, we immediately decide that the government is weak!

The summarizing words of this discussion can be recognized as Gref's "joke" that both "democracy" and "sovereign democracy" have become garbage of the 20th century, since the situation when citizens from politicians elected every 5-6 years "can only wait for an improvement in life , miracles and poisoning anecdotes in kitchens ”is a thing of the past.

Sergey Afanasyev, St. Petersburg


Some time ago German Gref gave a lecture. It is interesting in itself, because it openly answers many questions. The view of the globalizers, on the ongoing processes, on what is still going to happen is stated. The place where this lecture was delivered is also curious - Yekaterinburg, Yeltsin Center. By the way, in the report of the Yeltsin Center itself, G. Gref is called “a globalist, a supporter of globalization in Russia”.

It seems that no one has ever called Gref that way. Yes, in principle, the term "globalist", to put it mildly, is rarely used in the Russian mass media.

I invite you to read the main milestones of Gref's lectures. They, again, were singled out by the “Yeltsin Center specialists”. There is no need to describe the ideological coloring of this institution. By the way, she has nothing to do with B.N. himself. Yeltsin. This is not a monument to him, this is not a museum of the former president of Russia. It is the center of liberalism and globalism.

It is no coincidence that Gref spoke here.

We publish material from the Yeltsin Center without cuts. Let's highlight the most interesting places in bold.

German Gref: “We need to invest in education

At the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia Herman Gref delivered a public lecture “New technological trends and models of effective management”. There were so many who wanted to listen to the ex-Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation that it was decided to organize a live broadcast on the website of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center.

German Gref is one of the most successful top managers in Russia, chairman of the board of the Center for Strategic Research, member of the board of directors of Yandex, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher School of Economics, globalist, supporter of globalization in Russia... He was awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Medal of PA Stolypin. II degree, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, I degree, a certificate of honor and gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of Forbes magazine for 2016, he took the third place in the list of the most expensive company executives in Russia.

The day before, having arrived late in the evening, German Gref laid flowers at the monument to Boris Yeltsin. On June 29, before the start of the lecture, Gref visited the museum of the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, and spent more than two hours in it.

The lecture began with a story about the impressions received from the acquaintance with the exposition "7 days".

“I apologize for the fact that we are starting with a slight delay,” said German Gref. - We have just visited this wonderful museum. I am very impressed and needed a little pause to collect my thoughts. For me, this is not just a museum, it is a big part of my life. An emotional wave hit me. After that, it is very difficult to go out and talk about technology. I want to thank everyone who is involved in the emergence of such a stunning place in our country, in such a wonderful city as Yekaterinburg. This place attracts, it fascinates, has unlimited potential flexibility for holding all kinds of events, and everything here is created so that you can create-create-create. Thank you very much for the emotions that we endure from here. I am delighted with this invitation.

German Gref warned at the beginning of the lecture that he would not be able to fully reflect all the trends existing in the world, but only those that are used today by the Russian banking system. He will discuss how this affects management, business structures and business models. And how should we try so that these trends do not become fatal for us. The speaker asked the audience if everyone is familiar with the concepts of Big Data and Machine Learning. In the hall - bank management, economists, students, teachers, regular visitors of the "Intellect" project in the Yeltsin Center. They are familiar with these concepts.

“This greatly simplifies my task,” admitted German Gref. - 2015 became the borderline of a qualitative transition from the information era to the digital one. Until 2015, we used informational prerequisites for making decisions. I will say right away that all these technologies are aimed at minimizing errors. Because it is they that lead to the most dire consequences. After 2015, we began to use digital technologies, because they went into industrial operation. We have the opportunity to use raw data processing technologies everywhere. These technologies are no longer limited in terms of cost and ease of use. We now have the possibility of unlimited storage and digital structuring of data. The average person generates about 500MG of information every day. Advanced users like you and me generate at least a terabyte of information every day. New technologies make it possible to process data without building causal relationships, forming "black boxes" in the middle of processing. Nobody understands what is inside. The system tells us: if you do this, you get this. But does not explain why. Analyzing a huge number of repetitions, she draws certain conclusions. Data processing has affected all areas of life, without exception. Including the financial sector, banking. There are also spheres that are on the periphery, but I assure you: the maelstrom of data will swirl everyone. And even such traditionally difficult spheres for analysis as a person, the human essence are analyzed today with a fairly high accuracy. By clicking on Facebook, you can determine the behavioral and psychological aspects of the person. 11-12 likes allow us to draw a conclusion about you, which will coincide with the assessment of colleagues. And 230 likes will allow you to understand your personality better than people close to you understand it.

German Gref is convinced that digital technologies will fundamentally change our lives in the next ten years. We are smoothly approaching the fact that a person does not need things, he needs the functions of these things, and this radically changes business models. If earlier there was a thing between a function and a person, because there was no model capable of satisfying these functions directly, today a person can receive a function without acquiring things. Thus, the world's largest carrier UBER does not have a fleet of its own vehicles. The largest rental manager, AIRBNB, does not own a single hotel. This is the trend of today.

Another trend is the emergence of the ecosystem economy. A modern person does not want to study the market, understand the flow of numerous options. He wants to delegate his choice to an expert whom he fully trusts. The future belongs to technological platforms - service providers such as GOOGLE, AMAZON, ALIBABA.

- And if even last year they said that mobile first is a trend, then this year it is obvious that the main trend requiring adoption is artificial intelligence (AI). No matter how we resist it. It is used in almost every product of high-tech companies. For example, UBER in 74 percent of cases understands where you are going to go, even before you get into the car. Yesterday you heard that the trend is mobile applications, today it is already mobile died! - stated German Gref. - When we looked closely at blockchain technology, being in Silicon Valley, we said that we have no place in banking, because artificial intelligence plus blockchain does not leave room for a banker. We started joking that we would go to agriculture. And then one professor tells us: "Guys, you have chosen an unsuccessful field, because everything is even worse there than yours." The next day, he invited another professor, who started the Impossible foods company, which studies the problem of providing the people with food. They concluded that the cow is a very poor and ineffective converter of grass and water into milk and meat. And then they decided to reproduce the biological process of processing grass and water into milk and meat directly. And they did it! They proved in American departments that this is not a chemical, but a biological process, and received all permits for the production of meat and milk. They guarantee that there is no chemistry there, it is absolutely safe and very beneficial for humans, because there is a complete set of proteins and so on. This year they went further and showed a similar experiment with wine. And now they are working to reproduce one of the most elite wines.

As an illustration of the use of AI in agriculture, German Gref told a story about a cat, which visitors to Intellections had already heard once. A neighbor's cat got into the habit of visiting one farmer. He feasted on flowers - zucchini ovaries, which significantly influenced the harvest. A neighbor set up a cat recognition system. As soon as the cat appeared on the beds, the automatic watering system was turned on, and the wet animal retreated. Having made several attempts, the cat lost interest in other people's beds, and the “livestock” of zucchini was restored.

- New technologies will lead to the disappearance of some professions and the development of others. If you look at Sberbank, six years ago we employed 59,000 people in our back offices. Today 12 thousand are working. In 2018, 5 thousand people will work, and in another three years - 1 thousand people. Sberbank employed 33 thousand accountants, now there are one and a half thousand, and there will be 500 people. The most modern profession we have created is risk manager. Today there are 4.5 thousand of them, but we understand that 1-1.5 thousand will remain. Today, the most scarce profession in our country is a data science specialist - a kind of analyst who knows how to work with data, - emphasized German Gref. - We have always believed that our main asset is people. Artificial intelligence is the main asset today. It gives a lot more stability and independence.

Gref is convinced that everything related to human-robot interaction is the profession of the future. This applies not only to the interface, but also to the psychology of robots. The sphere of the psychology of human-robot relationships has not been sufficiently researched. The President of Sberbank showed how he tested one of the humanoid robots for stability. In the frame, Gref dropped him and admitted that he caught himself wanting to approach the robot and take pity on him.

“We have yet to learn how to build relationships with inanimate objects,” concluded German Gref.

After visiting Stanford University, Gref considers the democratization of information to be one of the key trends of modern times. No information can be withheld. Based on big data technologies, it is possible to calculate with a high degree of probability that an event has occurred. And this is a fundamentally new trend, for which we are absolutely not ready and which will need to be comprehended - in personal life, in politics, in business. This is a very serious shift and will take time, reflection, tolerance and wisdom as we move into an age of transparency.

“Transparency will greatly limit us,” says Gref. - When you walk down the street and realize that thousands of cameras are watching you and your every step is analyzed every second. You can tell where you have been or where you are going by your gait. This is unlikely to make you feel free. Perhaps we will have an irresistible urge to spend time somewhere in a wild corner, without cameras, to do what you like, not thinking that cameras are watching you, and microphones hear and analyze your every word. This is not a good or a bad world - it is just different. It is impossible to hide from this. It is impossible to hide in today's world. You need to build into it. You can't block the wind with a wall - you need to build a windmill. The only thing I know is that we need to invest in education and learn to talk to each other, and not build barriers. Because any barriers will be destroyed anyway.

Answering the question, what model of education he sees, German Gref said that he is a categorical opponent of the segregated educational paradigm.

- We raise people with flux: if you have the ability for physics - you go to physics and mathematics, and we stuff you, stuff you, stuff you. And you - in sports, and while you can get something out of you, we drive you there, and then - once! - and thrown away. The question is what is the purpose of the educational system. Now we want to raise very talented robots that run the fastest, jump the highest, or solve problems the best. But robots already know how to do this. The key task of the education system is to raise a person to be happy, harmonious, to invest in him a sufficient amount of competencies to make him feel like a person. And during the training period we must understand and suggest where a person is most powerful.

You can make a turkey climb trees and collect nuts, ”Gref joked. - But for this it is better to use protein. Our task is not to select ten people out of a hundred for a certain program, but to provide ninety-nine percent of a hundred with a quality education. And now we are stuffing, stuffing, stuffing everyone, and when one stands out, we take him to a special school.

German Gref spoke about one of the most attractive models of education that he observed in Silicon Valley. An ordinary school. The classrooms are located in 15 construction trailers. The contingent is mainly Latin American children. At the entrance there is an interesting inscription: “Last year, 100% of our graduates went to colleges. Five people to Stanford. " In this school, they do not give knowledge at all - they are engaged in the formation of skills. The role of the teacher is minimal. He is a moderator. They have a set of 36 competencies - soft skills related not to craft, but to communications and skills necessary for successful work in their field, in a team, in a team. They are built into existing items. The students themselves are engaged in knowledge, who take ready-made tracks and study themselves. The system is so transparent that it makes an exam system unnecessary.

“Now we are trying to gather a pool of specialists who could build this system in our country,” said Gref. - When I started my educational project, different teachers told me all the time about the "magic of the pedagogical process." I only know one thing: if you don't control, you don't control. We need a clear statement of tasks - for a year, for an educational cycle, for a quarter, for a lesson. “No, no, - you know, this is such magic, this is such an art, a teacher is such ...”. But during the time that I have been doing this, I realized that this is not magic, but the illiteracy of educators - they simply do not understand anything in management systems. You don't need to create any other systems. "

“The ring of sanctions around our country prevents Russian business from becoming global. Today it is critically difficult to maintain competitiveness if you do not have economies of scale. Such great companies as Yandex and Mail, unfortunately, are not competitive in the global market, and cannot scale their business because they are nationally closed.

Future technologies - blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum computers. We are not ready for mass use of blockchain yet. It will take another year and a half to eliminate the problems that prevent us from introducing this technology. It takes plus or minus 10 years to fully mature the blockchain technology. "


Globalist Gref told us about the desired future. About the one that they, the globalists, are building. It has few jobs, robots. Instead of cows, milk and meat are produced by chemists. There are cameras everywhere, always in sight. Total control. There is no pedagogy at school - self-study.

There is only no answer to three questions:

  1. If in everything the globalists are looking for rationality, cold machine calculation, then where will the billions of superfluous people go? Those who will not be effective?
  2. Will your kids be effective as well? Will this soulless machine of globalization need them, even if today it needs you?
  3. Do you want to live in such a world?

Gref was born in 1964 in the village of Panfilovo in northern Kazakhstan into the family of a Jewish mother and a German father, exiled from Donbass in 1941 (so the label "German-Jewish fascist" that arose during his reform process is correct). When he was one and a half years old, his father died, the boy was raised by a Jewish mother and grandmother. He studied averagely, for grades and fours, but was distinguished by perseverance and managed to enter MGIMO, which was then the main humanitarian university of a huge country (in the USSR it was possible), but was expelled after the first year. According to his official biography, the 17-year-old boy became a legal advisor to the regional agricultural administration.

He served in the special forces of the internal troops, whose functions include escorting dangerous prisoners, searching for fugitives, suppressing riots. As a person who served in the army without exams, he got to the workers' faculty of Omsk University and entered the law faculty, where he became a Komsomol organizer and the head of a student operative detachment. After graduating from the university in 1990, Gref entered the graduate school of the Leningrad State University, but did not defend his thesis: for a career in new times, it was no longer needed.

Sobchak turned out to be Gref's scientific supervisor, and in 1991 the graduate student became a legal adviser of the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of the Petrodvorets District of St. Petersburg, and in 1992 he headed the Committee for Property Management of this area. In 1994, he became Deputy Chairman of the City Property Management Committee (KUGI) of the "northern capital", managed all the city's real estate.

After Yakovlev's victory over Sobchak, Gref took the initiative and, as one of the ideologists of the housing and communal services reform, rose to a new step in the career ladder, becoming the first deputy chairman of the KUGI, although the liberal reform led to the usual results (the rent doubled without improving services). After the assassination of the head of the KUGI, Manevich, Gref took over his post, becoming vice-governor.

Numerous accusations against Gref of crimes characteristic of liberal reforms had no consequences; for example, the case of the illegal transfer of the Senny market in the center of St. Petersburg for a bribe was closed after the murder of the only witness.

Five days before the 1998 default, on the recommendation of Chubais, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of State Property of Russia.

After Primakov's resignation, Gref reached a new level: he became a member of the board of state representatives in Rosgosstrakh and Transneft, the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the boards of directors of Aeroflot and Gazprom, chairman of the board of directors of Sheremetyevo airport.

In December 1999, he became head of the Center for Strategic Research, which Putin instructed to develop a strategy for 10 years. The titled reformers seem to have shied away from this honor as troublesome and unrelated to material benefits, and Gref jumped at the chance to come to the fore.

And just as the "500 Days" program brought Yavlinsky into politics, the 2010 strategy brought Gref into the government: in May 2000, he headed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade created for him.

Lord of Reform

The CSR brought together the overwhelming majority of qualified Russian experts, but their work was wasted.

An example is working on banking reform. Almost all specialists in the country presented reasoned proposals, which were discarded, and the text was written "from scratch" by one person who did not even know what types of banking licenses there are in Russia. The absurdity of the result caused a categorical protest from the leadership of the Central Bank, and this section was excluded from the strategy.

It was an unworked, incoherent, unstructured set of unreasonable demands. The resume attributed by Kommersant to Prime Minister Kasyanov "The mountain gave birth to a mouse. It's good that it wasn't a cockroach" was perceived as a mild and balanced assessment.

The government never approved it.

Nevertheless, a number of its provisions were pushed through by the liberals in the form of separate reforms that caused enormous damage to Russia.

The key mechanism of the strategy is to stop the outflow of capital from the country by improving the investment climate, although with a strong outflow of capital, such an improvement with liberal prescriptions is impossible (it resembles treatment with pills for dizziness caused by blood loss due to a ruptured artery). The investment climate can be improved only by means of state regulation, primarily by modernizing the infrastructure, which contradicts the interests of global business and is therefore rejected by the liberals.

The helpless babbling about a decrease in capital outflows for unknown reasons served as a simple cover for the main and only well-developed tool for ensuring economic growth: a quarter cut in government spending, primarily at the expense of social spending in the regions.

The refusal of the state from social obligations, "social default" as the core of the strategy gave it the character of social genocide and made it a necessary condition for a liberal dictatorship.

The strategy required the abandonment of non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity, which soon led to the destruction of the standardization system, the destruction of the product quality control system. The requirement to join the WTO, whose main lobbyist was Gref, was fulfilled - on completely colonial terms - and sharply slowed down the economy, replacing the confident investment growth with a recession.

The promise to "remove obstacles to the bankruptcy of inefficient enterprises" resulted, along with the "de-bureaucratization" of the economy, which was also driven by Gref, into the creation of ideal conditions for unpunished raiding, the rampant of which destroyed the very notion of ownership.

The "legalization of capital exports" resulted in the abolition of foreign exchange regulation, which made Russia defenseless against fluctuations in the world conjuncture. How not to recall the oligarch Bendukidze, for whom the main human right and the criterion of democracy was the right to freely export a million dollars!

The reform of natural monopolies, outlined in Gref's strategy, was implemented in the catastrophe of the electric power industry and the lesser-known disruption of rail transport.

The reform of housing and communal services has led to a horrendous rise in tariffs while the industry has been disorganized.

Reform of labor relations has deprived workers of real opportunities to protect their inalienable rights.

The cuts in social assistance were implemented in the form of cannibalistic monetization of benefits, pension reform, and the destruction of education and health care.

In the first versions of the draft strategy, Gref directly pointed out the need to overcome the tendency towards the formation of a "welfare state." An attempt to abolish the Constitution, which enshrines the social character of the state, failed: direct self-revealing formulations were removed from the text, but the ideology was implemented.

Finally, judicial reform, as far as can be judged, has shaped the administrative control of the courts and led to the disintegration of the latter, in fact, depriving Russians of access to justice.

Gref was the engine of almost all liberal reforms both ex officio and by virtue of personal preferences.

When creating the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT), he tried to grab as many functions as possible in order to maximize his influence. As a result, it turned out to be a cumbersome monster, uncontrollable due to the volume of its functions (only at the beginning there were 159 of them, and the number of departments exceeded 50).

The lack of control of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was also caused by the unification of heterogeneous, unrelated functions (for example, the regulation of foreign trade and the provision of northern delivery), as well as the unification of tasks, the implementation of which required different types of management organization. Their unification ensured the organizational incompatibility of the corresponding control loops, permanent internal conflict and, as a consequence, the loss of controllability. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was reminiscent of Kurchatov, who would have been instructed to make an atomic bomb in three years ... provided that he worked as a traffic controller at the same time.

The disability was aggravated by unprofessionalism, which became the hallmark of "Greece": the Minister of Economic Development himself was a lawyer, M. Dmitriev was in charge of pension matters, until 1997 he studied banks, the reform of natural monopolies was studied by A. Sharonov, who was engaged in social policy, and A. Dvorkovich, who analyzed the budget.

This is probably no coincidence: the destructive nature of liberal reforms in Russia excludes their implementation by specialists.

Master of the People's Money

In 2007, Gref suddenly became the head of Sberbank, leaving, following Chubais's example, from the government for a large state-owned company. Probably, he was bored with the apparatus struggle, and he wanted to become the sovereign owner of a large structure that provides him with legal wealth and not administrative, but socio-political influence.

Sberbank, which permeated the daily life of most Russians and has branches in all more or less significant settlements, met this goal no less than RAO UES of Russia.

Sberbank reform caused numerous scandals; so, carried out in the conditions of the crisis, with nothing really substantiated and hardly noticed by anyone, the rebranding cost 20 billion rubles.

Gref sharply increased the pay of the top management of Sberbank and in 2013 became the fifth, according to Forbes, in terms of the level of pay as a manager in Russia.

With the most severe cuts in other costs, a significant part of the old employees were fired, and their place was taken by young people (probably agreeing to lower salaries), whose efforts, as I recall, were not often supported by professional knowledge. The result was, as far as can be judged, a drop in the bank's service and reputation, but also an increase in profits.

An employee who wrote on the social network “If you stick a Sberbank sign in an open field, she will immediately have a queue of pensioners,” was fired, but this joke seemed to clearly reflect the state of Sberbank during the reform.

The increase in fees for payments of the population with the widespread introduction of payment in machines and Internet banking and the closure of many branches was intended to reduce costs. There was a feeling that Sberbank, earning its main money from corporate clients and financial transactions, seeks, under the cover of talk about "customer focus", to minimize live communication with the population, considering it as nothing more than a source of costs to be cut.

During the crisis of 2008-2009, Sberbank loans became fatal for a number of businessmen. A classic example is MAIR, from which the structures of Sberbank, as far as can be understood, demanded an early repayment of the loan; the case ended with the destruction of business, the elimination of a lot of jobs and the criminal prosecution of the founder of MAIR, Makushin, who was forced to flee the country. The absurdity of the accusations is evidenced by the refusal of Cyprus to extradite him to Russia - the second in the history of relations between our countries.

As a result, the profitability of Sberbank has grown, but the attitude towards it, as far as can be judged, has deteriorated. The situation was aggravated by stories of frequent "technical failures" in Sberbank's payment machines and even in its Internet banking, leading to financial losses for clients. Perhaps this is due to the large volume of transactions - however, I have never heard of such a thing about other banks.

The memorable liberal initiative to drive the whole of Russia into 28 huge megalopolises, which reached the government, was apparently prompted by Sberbank's desire to cut costs. After all, the smaller the settlement, the lower the profitability of the Sberbank branch located in it (in small settlements they can be unprofitable). And it is impossible to deprive the population of Sberbank due to its unique position. This means that for maximum efficiency of Sberbank, the entire population must be gathered in huge megalopolises.

Consideration of this idea discredited the government apparatus, but it was born, probably, not by an evil liberal intent, but only by Gref's desire to minimize the costs of Sberbank, regardless of anyone's interests and values.

Liberal Idea Man

Gref has a reputation for being a firm market leader, even against the background of Kudrin, who gives the impression of being unburdened by economic knowledge, which certainly strengthens his liberal convictions.

For example, when he started to stimulate investments, it was a surprise to him both the absence of ready-made large investment projects (in 2006 they simply had nowhere to come from), and the fact that they needed at least a year to prepare them.

And in July 2013, when corruption, monopoly, the refusal of the Medvedev government to develop and the colonial rules of the WTO broke the back of the Russian economy, when industrial production was declining, and the slowdown in GDP growth promised to turn into its decline, Gref said: “Russia has one of the best in the world among all countries of macroeconomic situations. "

According to those who know him, without an economic education, Gref does not like and cannot conduct a reasoned dispute. Blind faith in the absolute intrinsic value of private property, the need for the state to leave the economy, the excess of social assistance to the population and intolerance of objections very successfully replace knowledge.

Gref is quick-tempered; so, at a government meeting, he demanded to punish severely for the extremism of the people who burned his stuffed animal, protesting against the criminal pushing of Russia into the WTO on deliberately enslaving terms. During a visit to Brussels, in front of his subordinates, he dragged out the head of the Russian delegation to the European Commission Fradkov, which "backfired" on him as the latter's premiership. True, stories about Gref's promises to "hang on a rope" subordinates are accompanied by ritual assurances of his politeness.

When Putin met with the Pope with him in 2003, some media called Gref a Protestant, while others called a Catholic.

At the 2012 St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a completely innocent question suddenly provoked Gref into scandalous frankness, which revealed the categorical unacceptability of democracy not only for Russian reformers, but also for modern liberals in general.

“You say terrible things,” Gref replied. “You propose to transfer power into the hands of the population ... As soon as people understand the basis of their“ I ”and self-identify, it will become extremely difficult to manipulate them. People do not want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. How to live, how to govern such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge media machines engaged in building and maintaining (social) strata? "Your reasoning makes me scary; to be honest, it seems to me that you do not quite understand what you are saying."

Some time ago German Gref gave a lecture. It is interesting in itself, because it openly answers many questions. The view of the globalizers, on the ongoing processes, on what is still going to happen is stated. The place where this lecture was delivered is also curious - Yekaterinburg, Yeltsin Center. By the way, in the report of the Yeltsin Center itself, G. Gref is called “a globalist, a supporter of globalization in Russia”.

It seems that no one has ever called Gref that way. Yes, in principle, the term "globalist", to put it mildly, is rarely used in the Russian mass media.

I invite you to read the main milestones of Gref's lectures. They, again, were singled out by the “Yeltsin Center specialists”. There is no need to describe the ideological coloring of this institution. By the way, she has nothing to do with B.N. himself. Yeltsin. This is not a monument to him, this is not a museum of the former president of Russia. It is the center of liberalism and globalism.

It is no coincidence that Gref spoke here.

We publish material from the Yeltsin Center without cuts. Let's highlight the most interesting places in bold.

German Gref: “We need to invest in education

At the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia Herman Gref delivered a public lecture “New technological trends and models of effective management”. There were so many who wanted to listen to the ex-Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation that it was decided to organize a live broadcast on the website of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center.

German Gref is one of the most successful top managers in Russia, chairman of the board of the Center for Strategic Research, member of the board of directors of Yandex, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher School of Economics, globalist, supporter of globalization in Russia... He was awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Medal of PA Stolypin. II degree, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, I degree, a certificate of honor and gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of Forbes magazine for 2016, he took the third place in the list of the most expensive company executives in Russia.

The day before, having arrived late in the evening, German Gref laid flowers at the monument to Boris Yeltsin. On June 29, before the start of the lecture, Gref visited the museum of the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, and spent more than two hours in it.

The lecture began with a story about the impressions received from the acquaintance with the exposition "7 days".

I apologize for the fact that we are starting with a slight delay, - said German Gref. - We have just visited this wonderful museum. I am very impressed and needed a little pause to collect my thoughts. For me, this is not just a museum, it is a big part of my life. An emotional wave hit me. After that, it is very difficult to go out and talk about technology. I want to thank everyone who is involved in the emergence of such a stunning place in our country, in such a wonderful city as Yekaterinburg. This place attracts, it fascinates, has unlimited potential flexibility for holding all kinds of events, and everything here is created so that you can create-create-create. Thank you very much for the emotions that we endure from here. I am delighted with this invitation.

German Gref warned at the beginning of the lecture that he would not be able to fully reflect all the trends existing in the world, but only those that are used today by the Russian banking system. He will discuss how this affects management, business structures and business models. And how should we try so that these trends do not become fatal for us. The speaker asked the audience if everyone is familiar with the concepts of Big Data and Machine Learning. In the hall - bank management, economists, students, teachers, regular visitors of the "Intellect" project in the Yeltsin Center. They are familiar with these concepts.

This greatly simplifies my task, - admitted German Gref. - 2015 became the borderline of a qualitative transition from the information era to the digital one. Until 2015, we used informational prerequisites for making decisions. I will say right away that all these technologies are aimed at minimizing errors. Because it is they that lead to the most dire consequences. After 2015, we began to use digital technologies, because they went into industrial operation. We have the opportunity to use raw data processing technologies everywhere. These technologies are no longer limited in terms of cost and ease of use. We now have the possibility of unlimited storage and digital structuring of data. The average person generates about 500MG of information every day. Advanced users like you and me generate at least a terabyte of information every day. New technologies make it possible to process data without building causal relationships, forming "black boxes" in the middle of processing. Nobody understands what is inside. The system tells us: if you do this, you get this. But does not explain why. Analyzing a huge number of repetitions, she draws certain conclusions. Data processing has affected all areas of life, without exception. Including the financial sector, banking. There are also spheres that are on the periphery, but I assure you: the maelstrom of data will swirl everyone. And even such traditionally difficult spheres for analysis as a person, the human essence are analyzed today with a fairly high accuracy. By clicking on Facebook, you can determine the behavioral and psychological aspects of the person. 11-12 likes allow us to draw a conclusion about you, which will coincide with the assessment of colleagues. And 230 likes will allow you to understand your personality better than people close to you understand it.

German Gref is convinced that digital technologies will fundamentally change our lives in the next ten years. We are smoothly approaching the fact that a person does not need things, he needs the functions of these things, and this radically changes business models. If earlier there was a thing between a function and a person, because there was no model capable of satisfying these functions directly, today a person can receive a function without acquiring things. Thus, the world's largest carrier UBER does not have a fleet of its own vehicles. The largest rental manager, AIRBNB, does not own a single hotel. This is the trend of today.

Another trend is the emergence of the ecosystem economy. A modern person does not want to study the market, understand the flow of numerous options. He wants to delegate his choice to an expert whom he fully trusts. The future belongs to technological platforms - service providers such as GOOGLE, AMAZON, ALIBABA.

And if even last year they said that mobile first is a trend, then this year it is obvious that the main trend requiring adoption is artificial intelligence (AI). No matter how we resist it. It is used in almost every product of high-tech companies. For example, UBER in 74 percent of cases understands where you are going to go, even before you get into the car. Yesterday you heard that the trend is mobile applications, today it is already mobile died! - stated German Gref. - When we looked closely at blockchain technology, being in Silicon Valley, we said that we have no place in banking, because artificial intelligence plus blockchain does not leave room for a banker. We started joking that we would go to agriculture. And then one professor tells us: "Guys, you have chosen an unsuccessful field, because everything is even worse there than yours." The next day, he invited another professor, who started the Impossible foods company, which studies the problem of providing the people with food. They concluded that the cow is a very poor and ineffective converter of grass and water into milk and meat. And then they decided to reproduce the biological process of processing grass and water into milk and meat directly. And they did it! They proved in American departments that this is not a chemical, but a biological process, and received all permits for the production of meat and milk. They guarantee that there is no chemistry there, it is absolutely safe and very beneficial for humans, because there is a complete set of proteins and so on. This year they went further and showed a similar experiment with wine. And now they are working to reproduce one of the most elite wines.

As an illustration of the use of AI in agriculture, German Gref told a story about a cat, which visitors to Intellections had already heard once. A neighbor's cat got into the habit of visiting one farmer. He feasted on flowers - zucchini ovaries, which significantly influenced the harvest. A neighbor set up a cat recognition system. As soon as the cat appeared on the beds, the automatic watering system was turned on, and the wet animal retreated. Having made several attempts, the cat lost interest in other people's beds, and the “livestock” of zucchini was restored.

New technologies will lead to the disappearance of some professions and the development of others. If you look at Sberbank, six years ago we employed 59,000 people in our back offices. Today 12 thousand are working. In 2018, 5 thousand people will work, and in another three years - 1 thousand people. Sberbank employed 33 thousand accountants, now there are one and a half thousand, and there will be 500 people. The most modern profession we have created is risk manager. Today there are 4.5 thousand of them, but we understand that 1-1.5 thousand will remain. Today, the most scarce profession in our country is a data science specialist - a kind of analyst who knows how to work with data, - emphasized German Gref. - We have always believed that our main asset is people. Artificial intelligence is the main asset today. It gives a lot more stability and independence.

Gref is convinced that everything related to human-robot interaction is the profession of the future. This applies not only to the interface, but also to the psychology of robots. The sphere of the psychology of human-robot relationships has not been sufficiently researched. The President of Sberbank showed how he tested one of the humanoid robots for stability. In the frame, Gref dropped him and admitted that he caught himself wanting to approach the robot and take pity on him.

We still have to learn how to build relationships with inanimate objects, - concluded German Gref.

After visiting Stanford University, Gref considers the democratization of information to be one of the key trends of modern times. No information can be withheld. Based on big data technologies, it is possible to calculate with a high degree of probability that an event has occurred. And this is a fundamentally new trend, for which we are absolutely not ready and which will need to be comprehended - in personal life, in politics, in business. This is a very serious shift and will take time, reflection, tolerance and wisdom as we move into an age of transparency.

Transparency will greatly limit us, Gref said. - When you walk down the street and realize that thousands of cameras are watching you and your every step is analyzed every second. You can tell where you have been or where you are going by your gait. This is unlikely to make you feel free. Perhaps we will have an irresistible urge to spend time somewhere in a wild corner, without cameras, to do what you like, not thinking that cameras are watching you, and microphones hear and analyze your every word. This is not a good or a bad world - it is just different. It is impossible to hide from this. It is impossible to hide in today's world. You need to build into it. You can't block the wind with a wall - you need to build a windmill. The only thing I know is that we need to invest in education and learn to talk to each other, and not build barriers. Because any barriers will be destroyed anyway.

Answering the question, what model of education he sees, German Gref said that he is a categorical opponent of the segregated educational paradigm.

We raise people with flux: if you have the ability for physics - you go to physics and mathematics, and we stuff you, stuff you, stuff you. And you - in sports, and while you can get something out of you, we drive you there, and then - once! - and thrown away. The question is what is the purpose of the educational system. Now we want to raise very talented robots that run the fastest, jump the highest, or solve problems the best. But robots already know how to do this. The key task of the education system is to raise a person to be happy, harmonious, to invest in him a sufficient amount of competencies to make him feel like a person. And during the training period we must understand and suggest where a person is most powerful.

You can make a turkey climb trees and collect nuts, ”Gref joked. - But for this it is better to use protein. Our task is not to select ten people out of a hundred for a certain program, but to provide ninety-nine percent of a hundred with a quality education. And now we are stuffing, stuffing, stuffing everyone, and when one stands out, we take him to a special school.

German Gref spoke about one of the most attractive models of education that he observed in Silicon Valley. An ordinary school. The classrooms are located in 15 construction trailers. The contingent is mainly Latin American children. At the entrance there is an interesting inscription: “Last year, 100% of our graduates went to colleges. Five people to Stanford. " In this school, they do not give knowledge at all - they are engaged in the formation of skills. The role of the teacher is minimal. He is a moderator. They have a set of 36 competencies - soft skills related not to craft, but to communications and skills necessary for successful work in their field, in a team, in a team. They are built into existing items. The students themselves are engaged in knowledge, who take ready-made tracks and study themselves. The system is so transparent that it makes an exam system unnecessary.

Now we are trying to gather a pool of specialists who could build this system in our country, - said Gref. - When I started my educational project, different teachers told me all the time about the "magic of the pedagogical process." I only know one thing: if you don't control, you don't control. We need a clear statement of tasks - for a year, for an educational cycle, for a quarter, for a lesson. “No, no, - you know, this is such magic, this is such an art, a teacher is such ...”. But during the time that I have been doing this, I realized that this is not magic, but the illiteracy of educators - they simply do not understand anything in management systems. You don't need to create any other systems. "

“The ring of sanctions around our country prevents Russian business from becoming global. Today it is critically difficult to maintain competitiveness if you do not have economies of scale. Such great companies as Yandex and Mail, unfortunately, are not competitive in the global market, and cannot scale their business because they are nationally closed.

Future technologies - blockchain, artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum computers. We are not ready for mass use of blockchain yet. It will take another year and a half to eliminate the problems that prevent us from introducing this technology. It takes plus or minus 10 years to fully mature the blockchain technology. "


Globalist Gref told us about the desired future. About the one that they, the globalists, are building. It has few jobs, robots. Instead of cows, milk and meat are produced by chemists. There are cameras everywhere, always in sight. Total control. There is no pedagogy at school - self-study.

There is only no answer to three questions:

  1. If in everything the globalists are looking for rationality, cold machine calculation, then where will the billions of superfluous people go? Those who will not be effective?
  2. Will your kids be effective as well? Will this soulless machine of globalization need them, even if today it needs you?
  3. Do you want to live in such a world?

At the recent Gaidar gangway forum, the president of Sberbank spoke very frankly about Russia:

“We lost the competition and ended up in the camp of the losing countries, the downshifting countries. The countries and people who have managed to adapt and invest in this in time are the winners. Those who did not succeed will lose very much "

and called for the sale of its strategic assets to solve the country's economic problems. The State Duma was outraged by the words of the president, for a minute, the state bank of the country and called on him to resign:

"... The head of Sberbank, German Gref, can no longer lead it after the words that Russia is a downshifting country. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Nikolai Levichev, representing the Just Russia faction."

"“It's not surprising to hear this derogatory statement about our country from the so-called liberal economists of the 90s - they never believed in their own country and tried to sell everything as soon as possible,” TASS quoted him as saying.

I am opposed to persecution for views, various "auto-da-fe", but I think that after such statements, the head of the largest state-owned bank would have to leave his post - voluntarily resign, - he concluded. "

Well, this vice speaker got excited. I think STILL HOW he can! Indeed, according to data back in 2000, he was reportedly involved in at least four criminal cases. This is discussed in sufficient detail here:

As for the proposals for the privatization of everything and everyone, and of course in favor of their own pockets, this is the favorite method of all liberal miracle economists, starting from the blessed times of the "great privatizer". I don't even need to name the name, everyone will understand who they are talking about. And the followers of this economic model gathered at the forum named after their idol of the nineties.

So in 2007, German Gref, who was by the way the "Minister of Economic Development" at that time, said that "... everything that is not related to the performance of the state's direct functions should be privatized. For example, Aeroflot, since the implementation of transportation is not part of the state. "

What cannot be taken away is that German Gref is very hardworking. Here's an example:

Gref, quite by accident, of course, combines his work at Sberbank with work at the American bank J.P. Morgan Chase.

"The head of Sberbank was elected to the international council of the financial corporation, where he replaced the general director of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais "

By the way, in this American bank, they spoke very well about the work of Anatoly Chubais in it:

"“We are very fortunate that a person with such a unique experience as Anatoly Borisovich will share his views and assessments with our firm as we invest in the growth of our business in Russia and other Central European countries” -CEO James Dimon.

Here, after all, the people of Anatoly Borisovich and his work do not appreciate here, in contrast to the American bankers. Question: maybe his zeal in work was directed precisely in the American banking system?

Let's get back, however, to German Gref ...

"...Despite the fact that Ukraine under its current government has actually become a state unfriendly to Russia, which is conducting a punitive operation against the pro-Russian southeastern regions, branches of the Russian Sberbank continue to operate in Kiev and other large Ukrainian cities. The business of the banking structure, headed by the domestic ultra-liberal German Gref, under the conditions of the junta, not only did not decay, but, on the contrary, is developing successfully.

Thus, according to Izvestia, all seven Ukrainian branches of Sberbank of Russia are showing enviable profits. And this is against the background of losses of local credit institutions, including the largest Privatbank and Oschadbank.

As it turned out, the secret of German Gref's success in Nezalezhnaya is to a large extent connected with large credit projects. It turns out that the Russian Sberbank opened a line of credit to Ukrainian government structures to modernize the Ukrainian military-industrial complex and re-equip the army.

There is no doubt: lending to the mobilization economy of a belligerent state is a super-profitable business ... "

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