Home Fruit trees Arboretum in Sochi - Arboretum Park: history, plants, attractions, how to get there, ticket price, opening hours of the arboretum in Sochi. Sochi Arboretum: history, plants, photographs, observation deck Coniferous trees of the Arboretum of Sochi

Arboretum in Sochi - Arboretum Park: history, plants, attractions, how to get there, ticket price, opening hours of the arboretum in Sochi. Sochi Arboretum: history, plants, photographs, observation deck Coniferous trees of the Arboretum of Sochi

Sometimes on the territory of the former villages, among the Colchis forest, there are the remains of old Circassian gardens, in which walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, figs, various varieties of wild pears, apple trees, cherries and grapes still grow.

Eucalyptus trees in Russia survive only in the vicinity of Sochi. They were first planted here in the 30s of the twentieth century as part of a long-term fight against malaria. Then scientists miscalculated one thing: they thought that eucalyptus itself kills mosquitoes. In fact, eucalyptus does not emit substances that are lethal to mosquitoes. But drinking three hundred liters of water a day, he drains the soil and does not allow the larvae to develop. Then, by order of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, signed by Academician S.I. Vavilov, in 1950, an experimental plot of the world collection of eucalyptus was laid in the Sochi arboretum. More than 700 seedlings of 70 eucalyptus species were planted in the grove. After the harsh winters of 1963 and subsequent years, only about 20 trees remained in the grove. A few more trees grow in the Southern Cultures park, and there are single specimens in the city.

At the end of last year, volunteers planted 300 eucalyptus seedlings in the southernmost and warmest corners of the city so that these beautiful and useful trees would not completely disappear from Sochi.

The arboretum is one of the main attractions of Sochi and its calling card. It grows about 2,000 exotic and rare plants brought from different parts of the world, a unique collection of subtropical flora and fauna. In addition to a variety of vegetation, rare animals and birds can be seen on the territory of the arboretum.

The first time I came to this arboretum 10 years ago, but then it seemed to me too crowded and somehow faded, faded. It is not surprising, the month of August was the peak of the season, the heat was terrible. And he made a completely different impression in October, on my last one.

Unfortunately, I did not calculate the time and arrived a couple of hours before dark. Still, if there is a desire to get around as much as possible, or take a calm walk, then it makes sense to lay down 3 hours, after all, the arboretum is large. So I ran straight from the ticket office to the cable car (the ticket office is at the entrance to the park, and the cable car stop is a 5-minute walk), trying to catch the last departure of the trailer.

By the way, the option of visiting the arboretum, starting from the cable car, is very convenient, since the park is located on a mountainside. You climb up the cable car, admire the views of Sochi from the observation deck, and then descend with your legs through the arboretum to the starting point. In general, I recommend doing just that.

The cable car brings not to the observation deck itself, but several floors below. Considering that there are no signs, and almost everyone, having left the trailer, rushed straight down, it seems that not everyone knows that you can climb a couple of floors up, from where views of Sochi and, in fact, the arboretum itself will open.

Impressions from the arboretum in Sochi

As you can see, I liked it. In general, I love such corners of nature in cities - squares, forest parks, arboretums. Especially when it is not just a park, but just such an ennobled one, with ladders, outlandish plants, fountains, and so on. Of course, sometimes you want to go for a walk in the forest in order to be away from civilization, but the Sochi Arboretum is a kind of balance, you forget about the city here, especially if you drill into the far part of the park.

Separately, I will mention the "Japanese garden". Metasequoias with their orange needles on lush green grass struck me, very beautiful. It happens that I see some small corners of nature, albeit man-made, that I would like to embody at my own home. They look so organically... I want to stop here, relax, sit and think about life, or just relax. If you are prone to such moods, then lay in more time for a visit, otherwise you will have to run, like me.

Price for a ticket to the arboretum: 250 rubles per adult, 120 rubles per child 7-12 years old, up to 7 years old free of charge.
The cost of the cable car in one direction: 200 rubles per adult, 100 rubles per child 7-12 years old, up to 7 years old free of charge.
Cable car one way + arboretum: 450 rubles per adult and 220 per child 7-12 years old, up to 7 years old free of charge.
Tour of the arboretum: 100 rubles per person.
Monthly subscription: 2500 rubles.
The arboretum ticket is valid for both parts of the park.

Opening hours of the arboretum: from 8 to 21 in summer, from 9 to 17 in winter. They change depending on the time of the year, it works all year round without a break and days off.
The cable car operates from 9 am to 4 pm.

How to get there

By car, you need to get to the intersection of Jan Fabritsius Street and Kurortny Prospekt, it is more convenient if you are coming from the side of Adler. The car can be left in the parking lot before Jan Fabritius. Go to Fabricius and there already choose for yourself where to go: into the upper or lower garden.

There are three types of public transport here. Buses to the stop "Circus": 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 22.23, 50, 86, 88, 103, 105, 105s, 120, 121, 125p, 125s. Minibuses to the same stop: 19, 37, 38, 41, 43, 45, 48, 83, 87, 94, 95, 98 and 113. flying over the Arboretum.

Map of the arboretum (clickable)

"Green treasury of Russian subtropics". Arboretum. Sochi.

The arboretum is known throughout the world, the largest museum of wildlife, one of the most beautiful parks on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The park contains a unique collection of rare plants, there are more than 1800 species and forms of woody and shrubby plants brought from all over our planet: Algerian cork oak, Australian eucalyptus trees, naquala, cypresses, Japanese cherry sakura, many coniferous trees, an evergreen plant with pinnate leaves - cycad and many others.

The founder of the park S.N. Khudekov

In 1889, the publisher of Peterburgskaya Gazeta, collector, playwright S. N. Khudekov acquired 50 acres of land in Sochi on the slope of Bald Mountain. There, in 1899, his villa Nadezhda was built, named after his wife Nadezhda Alekseevna.

The arboretum is an experimental base for the Research Institute of Mountain Forestry and Forest Ecology in Russia. In addition, this is a picturesque park where you can relax and gain practical knowledge about plants and animals, as the arboretum contains the largest collections of exotic plants in Russia, such as palm trees, pines, bamboos, oaks and others.

The arboretum is interesting as a classic example of the harmony of small architectural forms, where plants play the main role. Perhaps, no one will be left indifferent by the graceful, like an airy "Moorish arbor", which is guarded by bronze lions.

The park also has a rose garden, which contains various varieties of roses of Russian and foreign selections. Roses in the arboretum bloom from early spring to late autumn.

There are a lot of representatives of the animal world in the park. The beauty of this corner of wildlife is emphasized by small architectural forms combined into ensembles that help create unique artistic images and a psychologically comfortable environment.


"The green treasury of the Russian subtropics" - this is how the Arboretum park, located in the heart of the Black Sea resorts of Sochi, is deservedly called. Shady alleys with comfortable benches, a whole set of exotic plants brought from different parts of the world, rare animals and birds, a cable car, an impressive view of the mountains and the sea from the highest point - all these are the advantages of the unique Arboretum Park.

The flora of the arboretum is extremely rich in its diversity and uniqueness of species. Here you can find oaks, and cypresses, and palm trees, and bamboos, and many other equally rare species. For example, visitors to the park will be able to see fig, tulip or strawberry trees. The arboretum contains plants from all over the world: from North America and Australia, from Asia Minor and East Africa, from the Mediterranean and Mexico, from Japan and Holland.

The arboretum is one of the main attractions of Sochi. In rare parks of the world, one can find such a combination of seemingly incongruous plants: the most ancient cycads with magnificent date palms, hereteyas; powerful elephant palms and amazingly slender Washingtonias. Also there you can look at ostriches, take pictures with a monkey, a snake, a crocodile, a peacock.

In summer, Sochi buzzes like a beehive: tens of thousands of vacationers want to get their portion of the sun, sea and entertainment. In the resort crowd, you can forget about the main treasure of the Caucasus - its nature. We recommend leaving the busy beach for a day and visiting the Sochi Arboretum, fragrant and surprising with exotic plants. Especially this shady park will appeal to those who come to Sochi with children, because it is calm and very comfortable here.

The park-arboretum in Sochi appeared in 1892, and it was planned not by a landscape architect, but by art critic and playwright Sergei Khudekov. Thanks to his labors, the desert slope of Bald Mountain was transformed: a beautifully planned park appeared here, in which hundreds of plant species grew. Today, the park's collection includes more than 1800 species of trees, shrubs and flowers, and the arboretum is recognized as a monument of gardening art.

The best way to walk around the garden and not tire the children of going uphill is to get in a cable car to the top of the arboretum and then go down, examining all its beauties. The plants are grouped geographically, so you will move from North America to China, from Australia and New Zealand to the Mediterranean, from Japan to the Caucasus. The flora of different parts of the Earth may seem truly amazing to children. Say, how often do you get a chance to walk among the giant trees? There is such an opportunity in the Sochi arboretum.

Slender sequoias grow near the top station of the cable car. Even if you come to Sochi in winter, these giants will please you with green leaves. True, it is not easy to see the crown of the sequoia - trees as high as a 25-story building raise their leaves to the very sky.

On the contrary, a stone rose is a stunted plant, sticking to the ground. What is usually mistaken for a stone rose flower is actually leaves collected in a rosette. This plant has adapted to survive in the mountains, so it is often used in the design of alpine slides. There are many flowering plants in the arboretum. In the Japanese garden you will see delicate magnolias and sakuras, in the Himalayas exposition you will see bright lagerstromia, and in the rose garden you will enjoy the aroma of many varieties of roses.

If you visit the Sochi Arboretum in winter, you should look for a riot of colors in the greenhouse. Here, sissy plants are hiding, to which the warm Sochi winters seem like severe cold. Orchids, feces and hibiscus bloom all year round in the greenhouse, cacti bristle with thorns and exotic fruits ripen. Some of the fruits that ripen here will be familiar to the child - but has he ever seen bananas or oranges grow? Take photos of other exotic plants in the Sochi Arboretum to learn how to distinguish lychee from rambutan.

But coniferous trees are not afraid of either cold or heat. On a warm summer day, the intoxicating aroma of pines hovers in the arboretum - here you will see 80 species of this plant. They are accompanied by cedars, cypresses, arborvitae, firs, yews. It is believed that it is especially useful to take a walk in the juniper thickets: its phytoncides purify the air from pathogens.

The atmosphere in the park, created by Khudekov, is so peaceful that even animals feel calm in it. Swans swim in the ponds and nutrias live, and in separate enclosures you can see parrots, ostriches and peacocks. In addition, there is a small aquarium and a butterfly garden in the arboretum.

Note that the arboretum has a fruit nursery where plants are grown for sale. The website of the Sochi Arboretum has information about trees and shrubs that can be purchased.

Yes, yes, not just a huge bouquet of flowers and not even a million scarlet roses, but a whole luxurious Arboretum park in Sochi, decorated with rare plants and sculptural compositions, a wonderful villa, and of course not only that, a man in love Sergey Nikolayevich laid at the feet of his beloved .

By the way, he managed to take her with him right from the dance ball. And this despite the fact that the young girl was constantly under the strict supervision of her father. But let me tell you about everything from the very beginning.

The emergence of this delightful look and smell of the botanical garden is closely connected with the name of an outstanding person of his time, S.N. Khudekov, who became the founder of the arboretum in Sochi.

His biography is downright filled with various events. He studied and quite successfully graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Moscow. After that he served in the army, where he received the rank of major.

But creativity has always occupied a huge place in his life. During his very versatile activity, Sergei Nikolayevich wrote 4 volumes of the "History of Dance", created plays, novels. Even while serving in the army, the young man published his works, but signed them with the pseudonym "Sting".

The collection of his works contains several librettos for ballets, including the famous La Bayadère. This ballet in the processing of Khudekov is still popular on many theatrical stages of the world.

In 1889, Sergei Nikolaevich, a playwright and writer, became the publisher of the then not very popular Petersburg Newspaper. His activities were such that the circulation of the publication increased 5 times compared to the original.

Among other things, Khudekov was passionate about gardening. In the 80s of the 19th century, he acquired an estate in the village of Erpino near Ryazan and laid a luxurious garden-arboretum in this estate.

The word arboretum in translation means a collection of trees, and by definition it is an area intended for planting trees and shrubs. In addition, it can have, in addition to aesthetic, also a scientific, research orientation.

Remembering all this, it will become clear that a few years later that park took part in the All-Russian Exhibition. For the beauty of animals and exotic plants grown in the estate, one might even say, the scientist Khudekov received 4 gold and 1 bronze medals!

Now restoration work is being carried out at this place, but a museum of a very extraordinary person for his time is already operating: Sergei Nikolaevich Khudekov.

The interests of Sergei Nikolayevich were not limited to breeding and breeding of new exclusive varieties of plants. He was also a collector. The art gallery that belonged to him was recognized as one of the best in Russia. The canvases painted by Shustov, Roerich, Aivazovsky and many others were kept here. And the collection of exhibits on the theme "History of Ballet" was the second largest after the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in Moscow.

In 1889, Khudekov created another charming masterpiece, which became a true decoration of Sochi and is not inferior in its beauty and originality to many other beautiful gardens and squares.

Having bought 50 acres of land on the slope of the Sochi Bald Mountain, which then bore the name "Vereshchaginskaya", he built a luxurious villa here.

In honor of his wife, a loving husband romantically named her "Hope".

How the plans of geniuses become reality

This is where the history of the arboretum in Sochi begins. It was planned to equip a wonderful park on 15 hectares of land, the rest was occupied by an orchard, where flowers, plums and peaches grew.

Khudekov was a great connoisseur and lover of the exotic, so plants for the Sochi arboretum were purchased and brought from all over the world: from Germany, from the Crimea, the Caucasus. It is reliably known that many types of vegetation were brought from Gagra from the nursery of the prince located there.

The flora of the park was very diverse, in addition, the collection was constantly replenished. The layout of the garden and the park was carried out with the help of a friend and gardener Langau, as well as the owner's nephew.

Sergei Nikolayevich spared no expense to decorate the house and its surrounding lands, and by 1917 there were already more than 550 species of various trees and shrubs in the park. Rare plants alternated with stunning vases and exquisite sculptures made in France and St. Petersburg.

In 1922, the park was nationalized, that is, it became owned by the public. Time passed, the city expanded, and in 1934 here, right on the territory of the Arboretum, it was decided to build a prospect named after Stalin. Now it is called the Resort. This street divided the park into two parts, which became known as the Upper and Lower Parks.

During the war years, the garden became part of a research institute, and a few years later it was replenished with new graceful sculptures, fountains and rare plant species.

And in 1977, the Upper and Lower parts of the park, respectively, Kurortny Prospekt and the top of the Bald Mountain of Sochi were connected by a cable car line.

Its length is 897 meters, and the upper tower rises at a height of 172 meters above sea level.

This event made visiting the park more comfortable for guests. After all, the arboretum itself is located in a mountainous area, and getting into its Upper part is a bit difficult!

And so, having risen with the help of a funicular in 4 minutes to the Upper Station, guests get to the observation deck, from where they can admire the surrounding expanses: Sochi port,

panorama of the whole city and, of course, the park,

The beauty! Especially if you are lucky and the weather is clear.

Maybe someone will need information that the observation deck can simultaneously accommodate 80 people. This allows you to hold there, at a bird's eye view, various family or corporate events.

What is Sochi Arboretum famous for?

green abundance

After admiring the fantastic charm around, you can slowly go down (already on foot) down the park and enjoy all the curiosities of the Arboretum.

Currently, all this splendor occupies 49 hectares. More than 1,500 species of trees and shrubs of various shapes and varieties grow and delight visitors to the park on this territory!

One of the largest is the collection of pines. It has 76 species - 1890 trees! Imagine, 76 species of such a seemingly familiar pine to all of us!

And another 80 species of oaks, 24 species of palm trees ....

And this, of course, is not all! Simply amazing!

Separate sections are equipped here, each with its own name, where the floras of various places on our planet are presented: the nearest Caucasus, distant Australia, China, the Mediterranean, Japan, America.

On the way you will meet a Japanese garden with a majestic sequoia, a flower bed with agave growing there, a palm alley, a eucalyptus grove and many other plants.

Not only do they bloom beautifully and smell delicious, many plants have very tempting fruits hanging on them that you really want to put in your mouth! That's just how to understand: these pretty Nepalese mahonia berries are edible or not? 🙄

Flower beds look very unusual

and whole compositions made of fresh flowers.

Pleased with funny figurines made of clay pots. A great idea for those who want to make their dacha more elegant and positive.

man-made structures

In 2012, a model of a dolmen was opened in the Upper Park of the Arboretum, not far from the suspension bridge across the stream.

The idea of ​​creating a corner of history here belongs to the management of the park. And to make it look most natural in this place, it is planned to plant ferns around it.

Nearby is a grotto with an icon of the Mother of God. From here flows a stream that flows into a small river.

And what should be nearby if there is water? Correctly! Suspension bridge. He himself looks very airy, but at the entrance you will need to go through a powerful stone gate.

Of course, this building cannot even roughly compare with the longest pedestrian bridge, which is also located in the suburbs of Sochi: in. But the kids, even on such a swinging mini-bridge, are very interesting and fun.

Arbors made in the Greek, Moorish style look very nice.

The entrance is guarded by majestic lions.

In spring and summer, the gazebo (in the literal sense) is buried in flowers.

Yes, and from afar, surrounded by the greenery of a wide variety of trees, it looks simply amazing!

Also, the fountains of the arboretum will certainly attract your attention: the snow-white fountain "Fairy Tale" and hugging "Cupids".

True, the "Fairy Tale" appeared here already in Soviet times, but this is not very important. But very beautiful!

And the Lower Park has its own sights. Near the pond there is a small sculpture "A boy sitting on a stone",

an elegant gazebo with a nearby figure of Neptune,

a stream with an enchanting waterfall.

And, of course, waterfowl live here: ducks, swans and even pelicans.

And one more lyrical composition with a powerful couple in love. Apparently, it symbolizes great and strong love. 🙂

In the Lower Park, it is a bit noisy from cars passing along the nearby highway. But if you go a little deeper inside, you can have a wonderful time in silence, walking along the green living arches

or through an unusual bamboo grove.

Who lives in a cage

In addition to various vegetation, representatives of the bird kingdom also live in the Sochi arboretum. Their cries can be heard long before you directly approach the enclosure.

Parrots live in a special closed room. You can’t go inside, you can only look at the multi-colored representatives through the windows. It seemed to me quite uninteresting.

But larger birds were able to fully compensate for a slight decline in mood. Ostriches actively begged the visitors for at least some delicacies. In fact, they looked pretty shabby.

And peacocks lived nearby. They had some kind of male showdown, and to the delight of the visitors they quarreled very loudly, spreading their chic tails.

And it turned out that peacocks can fly! At least they can easily fly over the fence. And then roam freely around the park. Having met such a peacock outside the enclosure, it is impossible not to linger in order to take close pictures of the handsome man from all sides.

It turns out that the back photo looks pretty nice. Well, certainly not worse than before. 🙂

I slowly go down even lower, go beyond the Upper Park, go through the underground passage and ... here we are waiting for the continuation of the fairy tale - the Lower Park.

In a large aquarium, stingrays, moray eels and even piranhas swim freely here. And different birds just walk along the paths of the park along with its visitors.

Hope left to posterity

But the central place here, of course, belongs to the Villa Nadezhda, surrounded by bright greenery of the surrounding vegetation.

Beautiful two-story mansion with an observation deck at the top.

There is no special luxury in its appearance, but the house looks very cozy. Once upon a time, two loving people - husband Sergey and wife Nadezhda felt happy in him.

The interior of the rooms was decorated with exquisite furniture, tiled stoves. The extensive library occupied a large space. Hospitable hosts hosted many famous people of those years. For example, Chekhov, Khludov, Chaliapin and other singers, writers and artists came here.

Before the 2014 Olympic Games, restoration work was carried out in the park: comfortable paths were laid, elegant benches appeared, and a colossal amount of repairs were carried out.

Including, the original appearance of the villa was recreated. So far, only five rooms in the house of the Khudekovs are available for inspection. Among them are the dining room, the musical drawing room and the office of the head of the family.

Here are 108 volumes from his library, also significant in his work, "The History of Dance", on the table there is an ink set so necessary for the writer, and next to it is a photograph of his wife.

The Ballet Museum is open in one of the halls of the estate. Here are letters, photographs of famous ballet divas, pointe shoes and costumes that were made at least a hundred years ago. Interesting and educational! As employees say, the collection will continue to expand.

Near the house there are several sculptures, the "Cupids" fountain, park flower vases, the butterfly pavilion, the "Shell" pool,

sculpture "Ballerina",

gazebo with eagles and many other beautiful creations of masters of landscape art.

Everything is very beautiful and romantic!

When you buy an entrance ticket to the park, also get a map with a description of the Sochi Arboretum. With it, you can better navigate - where to go, where to turn, what to see.

At the entrance there are stands with a map of the park, but you can’t take it with you. You can, of course, take pictures, but you will definitely need a camera or a phone for other purposes: you won’t leave here without a huge number of wonderful and beautiful photos! 😆

Start your inspection of the Arboretum from its highest point. Still, going downhill is better than going uphill.

But, on the other hand, if you walk up one side of the park and then down the other, you can see more interesting sights. So if you have a lot of time and physical strength, then you can safely go for a walk on foot.

The territory of Dendropark in Sochi is huge. So if you decide to see all its corners, then such an excursion can stretch for a long time. Therefore, if you do not want to walk a lot or have any other problems, take an electric car. This will help you not to get so tired and later remember visiting the park only with positive emotions.

Before the trip, you can download the Arboretum Guide application to your phone, and then, with the help of this audio guide, you can walk around the park without a guide, knowing exactly the names of all the plants you encounter.

There is more good news. During the year, there are days when all guests of the Arboretum can enter its territory for free. Such actions take place in the botanical garden regularly. So stay tuned and save your money!

Well, one more interesting fact in conclusion. One of the episodes of the film "The Suicide Club or the Adventures of a Titled Person" was filmed in the park. The main role in the film was played by the famous Oleg Dal.

Opening hours and prices


The Sochi Arboretum Park starts its work at 9 o'clock and ends at 19 o'clock in the summer, at 18 o'clock in the winter. Ticket offices open from 8 am.

Ticket price to enter the Arboretum: adult - 250 rubles, children's ticket to the Arboretum costs 120 rubles.

I want to warn you that visiting the Aquarium, butterfly exhibitions, as well as visiting several other museums are not included in this amount. You will have to pay for this on the spot, but more on that below.

Purchased tickets are valid for the day. You can walk along them both on the territory of the Lower and Upper Parks. You can also take the cable car up (you will have to pay separately for its use), and there, with these tickets, you can also enter the territory of the arboretum.

I did exactly that. At the same time, a very important and sleepy guard met me at the entrance. 🙂

You can also book a tour right at the entrance to the park. Just keep in mind that you have to wait until the group gathers: at least 5-6 people. In this case, you will be shown all the most interesting places in the arboretum, and they will also tell you a lot of interesting things, both about man-made objects and about the vegetation that exists here.

A trip on an electric car with a full load will cost 150 rubles per person. If there are still empty seats in the car, then you will have to pay 1050 rubles for a walk (from the whole company). So see for yourself, it may be worth waiting a bit for more people to come up. Such trips usually take place every 40 minutes.


The cable car is open all year round. Opening hours: daily from 9 to 19 hours. Mondays from 11, but also until 19.

The cost of climbing to the Sochi Arboretum in a funicular trailer one way for an adult will be 250 rubles. For a child from 7 to 14 years old, the price of a ticket for the Sochi cable car is 130. Children under 7 years old can ride for free. In principle, everything is free for kids under 7 years old.

You can also buy tickets to the arboretum at this box office, at the lower funicular station. If, suddenly, you decide to get into the arboretum while at the upper station, then this will be impossible! Tickets are only available at the bottom.

You can just ride the cable car: up and down (don't forget to buy 2 tickets then!). On the upper observation deck you can admire the panorama of Sochi and the arboretum. In this case, the return fare must be paid in advance.

The lift cars in Sochi leave every 15 minutes. But this is if there are few people. During the season and on weekends, this happens more often: as soon as 20 people are recruited, the funicular cabin starts up.

And also note that civilization has not reached this object, so payment at the box office is possible only in cash. Cards are not accepted here.

The funicular station is located 200 meters from the entrance to the Dendropark (towards the Circus). It has now turned out to be disguised among modern high-rise buildings.

But it can be easily detected by the cables that hang over Kurortny Prospekt. It was on this landmark that I discovered the cable car station. 😀

Exhibitions on the territory

On the vast territory of the arboretum there are several exhibitions and museums. Some of them you can enter for free (their inspection is included in the price of the entrance ticket), and for some you will have to pay.

Recently, a Flower Pavilion has been opened near the main entrance to the park. His work schedule is every day from 10 to 18.

Opening of the exhibition in the hall of the Orangerie Arboretum daily. Its hours of operation are from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00. Day off is Friday. Free admission.

Villa Nadezhda is open in the summer from 10.30 am to 7 pm, from September to May its opening hours are from 10.30 am to 6 pm. The sanitary day here is the last Sunday of the month.

A visit to the museum will cost you 200 rubles, for a child you will need to pay 100 rubles. This price includes inspection of all rooms open to visitors.

But it will be more interesting, of course, to go inside with a tour. They come here quite often. So you can wait a bit and join the group to listen to the guide's story.

Entrance to the house-museum of S.N. Khudekov is located on the back of the Nadezhda villa.

How to get to the Arboretum, a green corner of Sochi

The park is located at the address: Sochi, Kurortny Prospekt, 74 (Svetlana district). Its cable car is located almost in the center of the city, at the Circus stop. And before this stop there are many buses and minibuses departing from the railway, and from the bus station, and from other city stops. So finding the Arboretum in Sochi is not difficult.

You can get from Adler and Khosta to Sochi Arboretum by minibus or bus No. 105, 124, 125. It is better to choose routes with the letter "C". This means that they are fast, that is, they stop less on their way.

You need to go to the stop "Circus" or the second name "Park Arboretum". The fare on the bus Adler (railway station) - Arboretum 50 rubles.

The bright entrance to the Arboretum is impossible to miss. 🙂

Routes from Lazarevsky: first take bus number 155 to Sochi. At the Sanatornaya stop, you will need to transfer to bus number 18.

Second option. By train to Sochi Station, then from the nearest stop on one of the many buses / or minibuses to the Circus stop. And there is what we are looking for - the Arboretum.

About parking near the arboretum. Previously, there was a parking lot nearby, on Jan Fabritsius Street, 26. You could leave your car there for the duration of the tour. But in our life everything is changing so quickly that I cannot say with certainty that it exists there and now.

Several taxi cars are to the right of the main entrance (if you stand facing it). But I'm not sure that you can leave your car there for a long time.

Arboretum entrance coordinates: 43.56832, 39.74193.

Sometimes in reviews, discussions, comments, people ask: “Where is more interesting? Which is better: or Arboretum? But even in the Adler district of Sochi there is a beautiful park called. For those interested, it is open from 9 am to 7 pm.

And I suggest not relying on someone else's opinion and compare yourself, having been there, and there, and there too. What do you think? 😀

To see the city and its surroundings in the most complete way, I recommend booking an apartment, a room or a hotel for one or more nights. Daily housing can be easily rented in Sochi or Adler on the service, or through booking a hotel.

You can see the location of the park on the map (click "+" to zoom in or "-" to zoom out).

My walk in the garden with exotic plants took place on May 24, 2017. Other sights of the Krasnodar Territory (in particular, cities, and), where I managed to visit, are on this map.

I would be glad if you visit the reserved Sochi places and share your impressions in the comments below this article!

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