Home Fruit trees Drozdov yuri ivanovich son alexander. Fiction is ruled out (notes from the head of illegal intelligence). War years: training and front

Drozdov yuri ivanovich son alexander. Fiction is ruled out (notes from the head of illegal intelligence). War years: training and front

In the circles of the Russian special services, Major General of the KGB (retired) Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov is a well-known and respected person. Today he is 89 years old.

The most striking milestones in his biography are the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945 and the leadership of special forces groups of state security in the Kabul operation on December 27, 1979 in Afghanistan. Other pages of his life are slightly less known - his work as a KGB resident in Beijing and New York. Even less is known about his service in the most mysterious division of the State Security Committee, the First Main Directorate - Directorate C, which he headed from 1979 to 1991. It's easier to understand what the name hides if you say that it was an illegal intelligence service.

- Looking back at your life, do you feel disappointment? So much effort has been devoted to ensuring the security of the country, which was so ineptly destroyed in a matter of years.

- I have already been asked similar questions, including by former security officers. In the 90s, our leaders got confused in their approaches and deviated greatly from the course of building and managing the state. Thus, they enabled our adversaries to partially implement their plans to weaken our country. However, this work never stopped. But having received such a "head start", it was a sin for them not to take the chance. However, it would be wrong to say that they only tried to weaken our country, their task is much more serious - the destruction of Russia as a state with a thousand-year history. Of course, they understood the full scale of such a task, taking into account both the power of the state and the strength of the people who can stop them. Knowing the ability to revive the Russian people, they were afraid of it and with all their might they planted everything that could weaken the ethnic, historical and evolutionary capacity of the population that is part of Russia, depriving us of the opportunity to revive a strong state.

If we look deeply into history, we will certainly recall Yegor Klassen and his famous essay "New materials for the ancient history of the Slavs in general and the Slavic Russians before the birth of Christ." This is an interesting book, published, by the way, by a Russified German who waged a serious struggle with supporters of the Norman school, which claimed that the Vikings created Russia. When an immature leader comes, who does not know, does not respect his history, in many respects brought up on the fact that ill-wishers from abroad throw him up, and sometimes even internal ones, then unrest and cataclysms begin, which we are witnessing at the present time. The Chinese proverb is very appropriate here: "So that you have to live in an era of change."

About three thousand years ago, Chinese sages, for example Xun Tzu, wrote that it is better to conquer the country without fighting (this means working with the population, fighting for the population). Hence the notorious note by the third director of the CIA, Alain Dulles, outlining the general principles of subjugating the USSR through the ideological corruption of the population. It openly stated that we would be driven to the point that we would gnaw each other. This is a policy aimed at substituting ethnicity. Former head of the German military counterintelligence Gerd-Helmut Komossa in his book “The German Map. The closed game of the secret services "revealed the shocking details of the secret treaty signed during the formation of the FRG in 1949. I would like to note that the appearance of such a book, in which the former head of the special services of the German military department, reveals the secret driving belts of the political regime of the FRG, is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Raising the most painful issues for Germans, this book appeals to the depths of the German identity, which for decades has been diligently trampled by the United States and its Western allies. "The German Map" tells about the hidden, but extremely acute contradictions between the United States and Germany - contradictions that are not yet accepted to speak out loud. The book was published in July 2007 in Austria. The very fact of the publication of such a book testifies to the fact that the German public is uncomfortable with the humiliating role of the US vassal assigned to it after the 45th year and is ripe to perceive the truth about the conditions in which the German people were placed by the Western victors in World War II. This is what Komossa is talking about. The state treaty of May 21, 1949, to which the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst - federal intelligence) has assigned the highest degree of secrecy, spells out restrictions on the state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany until 2099. The agreement states that the Allied countries exercise full control over the German media and communications. Every Federal Chancellor of Germany must sign the so-called Chancellor's Office before taking office. In addition, the entire gold reserve of Germany is under arrest imposed by the Allies. Indeed, all the chancellors of the FRG, including the current one - Angela Merkel, paid their first state visit to the United States. The US administration continues to interfere in internal processes in Germany.

All political parties in Germany are led by a special control body from Washington, and the licensed press created by the Americans in Germany is an even more unified brainwashing tool than under the Nazi regime. The territory of the Federal Republic of Germany remains occupied by American troops. All this might seem like a picture generated by someone's sick fantasy, if not for the authoritative figure of the author - the former head of the counterintelligence of the Bundeswehr.

After the book was published, everyone wondered if the German general was aware of the bomb on which he lit the fuse. It turns out that the United States is going to manipulate the German people for 150 long years. Will a German remain a German after that? This is an American political game. Russia is one of the most powerful states in the world. And the United States understands that it is necessary to work on the implementation of the policy of enslavement of our state through third countries. And it speaks directly about how the European Union is used, internal contradictions, and also what measures the United States is taking to increase its influence within Russia and, in particular, through influence in countries such as Germany. Most interestingly, the book by Gerd Komossa has not been translated into Russian.

The events of 1991, accompanied by the destruction of the state structures of the former USSR, in Russia caused confusion among many, including some officers working in intelligence and counterintelligence agencies. There was a single structure for the entire Soviet Union. It didn't just fall apart - there was a betrayal. Thousands of classified materials, which constituted the state secret of the country, were made public. They were especially sophisticated in the former union republics of the USSR. Under these conditions, some officers considered it possible for themselves to emigrate to the West.

I was visited by people who now work in NATO countries, former security officers, they are doing business there and even have branches in Russia. They also asked the following question: does your soul hurt? Didn't I have a desire to break with all this after what they did to our country?

- And what did you answer?

- It may sound strange, but I am now driven by interest - to find out what will come of all this "sabantuy". So far, unfortunately, nothing good has come of it, or very little. When I retired, according to tradition, there was a farewell, and I, speaking in front of the intelligence team, remembered the words of the Russian general Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov. This person, truly devoted to the Motherland, in the difficult post-revolutionary years found the strength to decide that the true perspective is in the new Russia under construction. Addressing the Russian officers, he said: “The government comes and goes, but Russia remains. And you have to serve it honestly, loyally, regardless of what is happening in the political struggle. " What solution did our officers have then? According to recently published data, somewhere about 570 thousand of them were on the side of the Whites, and the same group in number was on the side of the Reds. People were looking for ways to preserve the state, the people, not to allow it to be taken away to different corners, circles, to prevent the planned destruction of Russia as a powerful state on the Eurasian continent far from the outside. This struggle continues to this day.

If we take the structure of our society, then the same situation can be seen today. If we systematically analyze the actions of business representatives, executives, and the speeches of our intelligentsia, it will become noticeable that the struggle is taking place at a specific diplomatic, governmental and ideological level. Although it is argued that we have no ideology. But lack of ideology is the strongest ideology that can only be.

This is my personal attitude, but my wife is experiencing everything that happens with great pain. She comes from a poor family, went through the war. In a word, I've seen everything. But when we visit her homeland in the city of Nelidovo, Tver region, and see how everything is ruined and plundered there, it is difficult to refrain from emotions. In our country, a wall has grown between the people who are content with the smallest, and those who live in big cities and own most of Russia's wealth. And through the press, by the way, we are alienating the people from governing the country. He becomes indifferent and childish.

- You spoke about those who went to the West. So do you justify them?

- Those who are in the West, they did not run away - they were pushed out of modern history, out of reality. Of course, if I begin to justify them, I will be wrong. But at the same time, you need to understand that they needed to look for themselves. And they found refuge with the enemy. We must agree that on the eve of 1991, the Soviet leadership made serious mistakes. The situation was very difficult. The people who ruled the country solved many difficult problems and made one mistake after another.

I remember how I argued with Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kryuchkov about the need to rebuild the country, but how to do it? In Afghanistan, we had a conversation in which he said that Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov's views are: to give trade, the service sector to private hands, to leave its backbone in the hands of the state - heavy industry, the entire group A. But before rebuilding, you need to of the site to be reconstructed, put a powerful fence in order to retain the right and the ability to carry it out. And we did the opposite - we turned the country into a courtyard. It is known who needed it and how it was prepared - that there is documentary evidence enshrined in American documents with reference to our leaders.

- You were born in Minsk, your youth was spent in Kharkov, you live in Russia. Do you have to visit your homeland?

- I was in Minsk for the last time in the mid-eighties. Everything is close to me there, there are also many acquaintances. We talk on the phone with many. I was elected an honorary member of the Belarusian community. The fact that we have managed to preserve in Belarus, and above all the old order and civil responsibility, is a pleasure. There are people there who experience complications with pain - this is also nice. The experience of Belarus would not hurt to study our leaders. I would not say that the creation of a powerful private industry is beneficial to the state. Minsk is acting the way they prefer to do in England and the United States. There, the government did not transfer the management of the development of the state, especially in its main areas, to private hands, this is only an appearance. The same Silicon Valley, I know this from practical experience, is in the hands of the state, and until you pass the check at the Pentagon, you will not enter and settle there.

- In your opinion, it turns out that the United States is one of the most totalitarian states in the world?

- Of course. Israel, for example, has more democracy than America. The United States did not hand over to private capital what constitutes the heart of the state. What we call innovation, as it was in the hands of the state, has remained. Projects of the latest helicopters that take off from a submarine are developed by students at special universities and institutes, but under the control of the Pentagon. Nothing has been released out of control there, because all forces are aimed at protecting the state.

Their thoroughness in protecting the interests and positions of the state can be envied. I read about the latest developments in the United States, learned about the existence of flying tanks. By the way, we recently showed dancing tanks - ballet. And their tanks fly, during street battles they fly at an altitude of 15 to 300 meters. Agree, this is more important for combat than dancing. They even started developing helicopters taking off from submarine missile silos. We have nothing like that.

- Let's digress from politics. Let's talk about Kharkov.

- My family and I moved to Kharkov in 1937. For me, this was already the age when a more or less active life begins. I started learning Ukrainian at school 95 and for the first time made 32 mistakes on one page. My father worked as the chief of staff of a military school. This is probably why I was drawn to the House of the Soviet Red Army, located next to the university. There he studied in different circles: zoological, Arctic explorers, drama, where our leader was Viktor Ivanovich Khokhryakov, later People's Artist. Then he was an ordinary artist of the Kharkov Theater of Russian Drama. Then I entered the 14th Special Artillery School, it was on Feuerbach Street, 8. Kharkov is an interesting city with a rich culture, history, an active internal political life, where they decided, including on the basis of the Palace of Pioneers, the House of the Army, interesting educational tasks.

And the beginning of the Great Patriotic War for me was, though unexpected, but still an expected event. I remembered the lecture of Major General Mikhail Pavlovich Milovsky, he told how he went with the inspection to the Brest region. He spoke about how the Germans behaved. Even then, much for a person who knows how to think and analyze, it became obvious. In June 1941, I was vacationing in a summer camp from the military school in which my father served. On the 22nd, early in the morning, the guys and I went fishing. We returned and we feel a strange silence. We saw that the entire staff was built on the parade ground near the school headquarters. We came closer, listened, learned that the war had begun. We were then 15 years old. So Minsk and Kharkov are two milestone cities in my life, where everything was laid.

- Illegals often travel abroad with their wives. As far as I know, your spouse is not just a second half, she had to carry out your special tasks.

- I will tell you such a case. When we worked in China, I was under serious surveillance. And I myself could not extract the message from the cache. My wife went to buy groceries, then to the tailor. And along the route of her movement there was a cache. She, returning, went to the right place, pulled out a bookmark and brought it home. She was silent for a while and then said: "Now I understand why you end up with heart attacks." It was.

- Your wife also has a very interesting biography.

- We met at the end of the war. After the liberation of Warsaw, during one of the pauses in the Vistula-Oder operation in 1945, I ended up in the field hospital of the 3rd Shock Army for a couple of weeks, where we met each other. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Drozdova (nee Yudenich), my age. She comes from the village of Zhikharevo, Belsk district, Nelidovskaya volost, Western (Kalinin) region. Mother, Maria Mikhailovna Kachanovskaya, brought her up straight, honest, a little harsh, sympathetic, but adamant. Everything that she told about herself, everything that I saw myself, being in her small homeland, everything is really worthy of a separate book.

In the early hungry spring of 1943, she came to the village of Zaymishche in the Kalinin region and entered a field army hospital. With him she went to Berlin, having done everything she could for our common Victory. At the end of October 1993, she was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War, II degree, which had been looking for her since 1985. In our turbulent times, it is not so easy to find a person even in Moscow ...

- Your biography is well known within the limits that are allowed, given your past work and life. Are interesting discoveries possible in the future, which you are forced to keep silent about today due to the fact that the work and opposition of the two systems continues?

- Many things will never be revealed, I think. You rightly pointed out that the work continues. The activity of illegal intelligence is a long-term process, stretched out over many years, decades. One thing clings to another, and disclosing years later, albeit insignificant details, can reveal working intelligence officers.

And so I think that today we sometimes allow ourselves unjustified frankness. Let's be reasonable. And there will be openings. But, probably, not in this life anymore. The security of the state and the people who ensure it above all else. This is the meaning of life for intelligence and intelligence.

- You have a lot of books in your office. Talking to you, I constantly hear quotes. One gets the impression that this whole mountain of printed

You have mastered the products.

- Of course, I can't read everything. To be honest, I couldn't read many things entirely. Many themes are repeated, the authors operate on facts known to me. In such cases, it can be enough to just go over the main chapters.

By the way, when I was preparing for illegal work in Germany in the fifties, fiction in German helped me to get used to the image. There were found many small details, nuances, and subtleties of behavior that are necessary for getting used to the territory of the country. I repeat, there are many books, I can't read everything, but I read some things with pleasure and interest. Some books get to my desktop in very interesting ways. One of them, for example, was brought by a stranger. He came to the presentation of our book "Operation President". And, taking this opportunity, he presented him with a book, which also worries him on the topic under discussion. It is devoted to an overview of the historical positions that the British, Americans, Japanese, and Germans held, hindering our conquest of Siberia and our advance to the East. After reading it, I remembered the Russian-American campaign. There is one amazing book "The Great or the Quiet" about how Russia mastered Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and what kind of struggle unfolded around this. A school and a cadet corps were created in Alaska. Shelikhov's detachment of the merchant Alexander Andreevich Baranov worked there and mastered America, going down, they reached San Francisco. By the way, we could also show the French an invoice for Madagascar. The Decembrists who fled were the first who landed there and mastered the territory, creating a republic.

- But you not only read, but also write a lot yourself. What is your next book about?

- To voice the topic of a new book is not always a rewarding task. If there is a book, there will be a topic for conversation. And there are enough of those today, given the current situation in the world.

Dossier HB:

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov was born on September 19, 1925 in Minsk into a military family. Father - an officer in the tsarist army, during the revolution took the side of the Bolsheviks. In 1944 he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School, evacuated to the city of Engels. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Participant in the storming of Berlin in the spring of 1945. He graduated from the war with the rank of lieutenant. In 1956 he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was transferred to the State Security Committee. He began his operational career in the official representation of the KGB of the USSR under the "Stasi" - the Ministry of State Security of the GDR in Berlin (since August 1957). Under the pseudonym Jurgen Drives participated in the operation to release from prison in the United States and return home the legendary illegal intelligence agent Rudolf Abel (Yuri Ivanovich played the role of the German "cousin" Abel). In 1963, after completing a business trip to Germany, he was sent to advanced training courses for operational personnel. From August 1964 to 1968 - a resident of the foreign intelligence of the KGB of the USSR in China. After working at the Center in 1975, he was appointed a resident of foreign intelligence in the United States, lived in New York, where he was until 1979 under the guise of the Deputy Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN. From November 1979 to 1991, he held the post of deputy chief of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR) and headed the department of illegal intelligence of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (Office "C"). Participant in the Afghan war. Initiator of creation and senior head of the Vympel special purpose unit. He is fluent in German. Retired from June 1991. Major General. Head of the analytical center "NAMAKON". He is the Honorary President of the Association of Veterans of Special Forces and Special Services "Vympel-Soyuz".

A family

Father - Drozdov Ivan Dmitrievich (1894-1978), an officer of the Russian army, participated in the First World War, fought on the South-Western Front, received the St. George's Cross for bravery.

Mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna (1898-1987) was born near Lepel in Belarus. Her father worked as a gardener in the landowner's garden, and the landowner widower helped her graduate from high school, secretarial courses, and later got a job as a typist at an English paper mill in Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov's maternal grandfather, Kuzma Pankevich, after the revolution served as a watchman at the Lepel cemetery, lived for more than 90 years - during the Great Patriotic War he went to a partisan detachment, and in the winter of 1943 he fell ill and died not far from his hut.

Wife - Drozdova (Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Sons: Drozdov Yuri Yurievich (1946) and Alexander Yurievich (1950).

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov has one grandson, two granddaughters, three great-grandchildren.

Awards: Order of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor, World War I degree, Red Star, Lenin; badges "Honorary State Security Officer", "For Service in Intelligence", medals. Has government awards of the GDR, Poland, Cuba, Afghanistan.

Bakhtiyor Abdullaev

Current page: 37 (total of the book has 43 pages)

Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich

Curriculum Vitae: Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov was born in 1925 in Minsk. Higher education, studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages.

Parents: father - Ivan Dmitrievich Drozdov, mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna.

Marital status: wife - Drozdova (nee - Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna, two sons.

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the Armed Forces in Germany and the Baltic Military District.

In 1956 he was transferred from the personnel of the Soviet Army to the KGB of the USSR, served in the Office of the authorized representative of the KGB of the USSR at the Ministry of State Security of the GDR. In 1963 he returned to Moscow.

He studied at the courses of improvement of the operational staff. Sent to China in August 1996.

He headed the department "C" (illegal intelligence) of the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR, the creator of the special-purpose group "Vympel".

Received the rank of major general.

Dudaev Dzhokhar Musaevich

Curriculum Vitae: Dzhokhar Musaevich Dudaev was born in 1944 in the Chechen city of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Higher education, graduated from the Balashov Military Aviation School of Pilots, the Air Force Academy. Yu.A. Gagarin, in 1982 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. K.E. Voroshilov.

In 1987-1990, commander of a heavy bomber division (Estonia), head of the Tartu garrison. Major General.

1990-1991 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Congress of the Chechen People. In 1991 he became the President of the Chechen Republic, and since 1992 he simultaneously became the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic.

Dyachenko Tatiana Borisovna

Curriculum Vitae: Tatyana Borisovna Dyachenko (nee Yeltsin) was born in 1960 in Sverdlovsk. Higher education, in 1977 she graduated from the Physics and Mathematics School, in 1983 - the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University.

Parents: father - Boris Yeltsin, mother - Yeltsina Naina Iosifovna.

Marital status: she was married three times: first husband Vilen Khairulin, son Boris, second husband Alexey Dyachenko, son Gleb (born in 1995), third husband Valentin Yumashev, daughter Maria.

“Tanya met Alexey Dyachenko at a research institute - they worked in the same laboratory. Then they got married, and Aleksey adopted her son Borka. " (Korzhakov A.V., "Boris Yeltsin: from dawn to dusk", M., "Interbook", 1997, p. 354).

She worked in KB Salyut, in the Moscow branch of the joint-stock commercial bank Zarya Urala.

Evtushenko Evgeny Alexandrovich

Curriculum Vitae: Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtushenko was born in 1933. Higher education.

"The poetry of Yevtushenko (including in the author's performance, which attracted thousands of audiences) is one of the brightest phenomena of the" thaw "of the late 1950s - early 60s." ("New Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary", M., "Great Russian Encyclopedia", 2000, p. 246).

Egorov Nikolay Dmitrievich

Curriculum Vitae: Nikolai Dmitrievich Egorov was born in 1951. Higher education.

He worked as chairman of a collective farm, chairman of the regional executive committee, deputy chairman of the regional agro-industrial complex.

After August 1991, he became the head of the Kuban government, but after a conflict with the governor Vasily Dyakonov, he left for the regional Council of People's Deputies. In early 1993, the President of the Russian Federation appointed him governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

Then, on May 16, 1994, he became Minister for Nationalities and Regional Policy. "During the next vacation in Sochi, first the president, then the prime minister began to persistently" woo "him into the government." ("Soviet Russia", 04.07.95, p. 1).

"Egorov is a well-known supporter of forceful actions when necessary and unnecessarily." (Izvestia, 20.01.96, p. 2).

Boris Yeltsin

Curriculum Vitae: Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was born on February 1, 1931 in the village of Butka, Talitsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. Higher education, graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

Marital status: spouse - Yeltsina Naina Iosifovna, daughter Elena, daughter Tatyana.

He worked as a builder, headed a construction concern in the Urals. Became the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU.

After M.S. was elected General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee in March 1985. Gorbachev Yeltsin was offered to move to Moscow, where he first worked for a short time in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU, then was elected first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, became a candidate for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

In October 1987, he asked to be relieved of his post. On October 21, 1987, he spoke at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU criticizing the results of perestroika and some officials. At the Plenum of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, he was dismissed from the post of first secretary. At the end of 1997, he became Deputy Chairman of the State Construction Committee in the rank of Minister of the USSR

In the spring of 1989 he was elected People's Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1990 he was elected a people's deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, became the chairman of the Supreme Soviet.

In June 1991 he was elected President of the RSFSR.

According to Oleg Poptsov: “He is characterized as an intuitive politician. Very Russian ... All the main decisions are made by himself. Hence their unpredictability. The influence of the immediate environment is exposed to a tangible limit. Intuitively guesses pressure and resists it. Intolerant of teachings…. The character is very stubborn. " (Poptsov OM, "Chronicle of the times of" Tsar Boris ", M.," Top secret ", 1996, p. 433).

Erin Victor Fedorovich

Curriculum Vitae: Victor Fedorovich Erin was born in 1944 in Kazan. Higher education, graduated from the Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Army General. Since 1964 he began to work in the internal affairs bodies. In 1983-1988 - head of the department of the Main Directorate of the BHSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1990-1991 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, head of the criminal police service. From September 1991 to December 1992 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. From December 1991 to January 1992 - First Deputy Minister of Security and Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Since January 1992 - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

After the events of October 1993, he was awarded the Golden Star of the Hero of Russia.

Army General.

In 1995 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich

Curriculum Vitae: Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. Higher education, graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University with a degree in Turkey and the Turkish language, evening department of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University.

1990-1991 - Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union. 1992 - Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Since December 1993 - Member of the State Duma.

In December 1995, he was re-elected to the State Duma.

Zavgaev Doku Gapurovich

Curriculum Vitae: Doku Gapurovich Zavgaev was born on November 22, 1940 in the village. Beno-yurt of the Nadterechny region of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Higher education, in 1966 he graduated from the Gorsky Agricultural Institute, in 1984 - the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In 1958 he began to work in the Nadterechny district as an elementary school teacher, department mechanic, chief engineer of a state farm, chief engineer, manager of the regional association "Selkhoztekhnika", director of a state farm, chairman of the regional executive committee.

In 1972 he became the head of the republican production association of state farms, in 1975 - the minister of agriculture of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, in 1977 - the head of the department, secretary, second secretary and since 1989 the first secretary of the Chechen-Ingush republican committee of the CPSU, at the same time since March 1990 - the Chairman Of the Supreme Soviet of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

Zaslavskaya Tatiana Ivanovna

Curriculum Vitae: Tatiana Ivanovna Zaslavskaya was born in 1929. Higher education. Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968).

During the years of perestroika, she made proposals for the reorganization of the economy.

Zakharov Gennady Ivanovich

Curriculum Vitae: Gennady Ivanovich Zakharov was born in 1940. Higher education, in 1960 he graduated from the Mining College, in 1965 - the Higher Naval School named after V.I. Frunze.

In 1965-1967 he served as assistant commander of a landing ship. 1967–1990 - head of the reconnaissance divers (underwater saboteurs) unit.

In 1991 he became Deputy Head of the Security Service of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. 1993 - Head of the Special Forces Center of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation.

Received the rank of Rear Admiral.

In 1997 he retired.

Zinoviev Alexander Alexandrovich

Curriculum Vitae: Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev was born in 1922.

Known as a philosopher and writer.

In 1978 he was expelled from the USSR. He settled in West Germany.

He criticized the basic values ​​of Western society, spoke about the "Western colonization" of Russia.

Zorkaltsev Viktor Ilyich

Curriculum Vitae: Viktor Ilyich Zorkaltsev was born on August 29, 1936. Higher education, graduated from the Tomsk Civil Engineering Institute in 1960, the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1969

In 1960 - 1964 he worked at construction sites in the Tomsk region. In 1964-1967, secretary of the Tomsk regional committee of the Komsomol. 1969-1983 secretary, first secretary of the city committees of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of large industrial centers of the Tomsk region - the cities of Asino, Kolpashevo and Strezhevoy; was elected first deputy chairman of the Tomsk regional executive committee. In 1983-1991, the second and then the first secretary of the Tomsk Regional Committee of the CPSU.

In 1986-1990 he was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, was elected deputy chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a delegate of the XXV and subsequent congresses of the CPSU, the XIX Party conference of the CPSU, all congresses of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a member of the public council of the newspaper Pravda, was elected a deputy of the Soviets of various levels up to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR , in which he worked for more than 8 years, in 1990 he was elected People's Deputy of the Russian Federation, was a member of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation on Industry and Energy, was a member of the "Communists of Russia" faction, in the State Duma of the first convocation was one of the leaders of the Communist Party faction; he was elected a deputy of the State Duma on the federal list of the electoral association of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation; co-chairman of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia since 1996 was the chairman of the Executive Committee of the NPSR (1998-2000).

He was one of the representatives of the Communist Party in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation at the so-called trial of the "CPSU case".

He became a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the first (1993-1995), second (1995-1999) and third (since December 1999) convocations.

Zorkin Valentin Dmitrievich

Curriculum Vitae: Valentin Dmitrievich Zorkin was born in 1946 in Primorye. Higher education, graduated from Moscow State University. Doctor of Laws.

“Moskovskie Novosti” (N 4, 1992, p. 11) said: “I was born in Primorye. He was engaged in the history of legal doctrines, including early Christian ones. PhD thesis is dedicated to Boris Chicherin, a prominent specialist in the field of constitutional law at the beginning of the century. The topic of his doctoral dissertation is the positivist theory of law. I met my wife Tamara when I was studying at the university. She is a political economist. The daughter is studying at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. He tries to give work only hours. Resting at the piano. Loves skiing. Supervised a group of experts of the Constitutional Commission of the RSFSR, taught at the Higher Correspondence Law School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Latest publications: "Legal State", "Power and Law". On August 19, 1991, he signed a statement by a group of lawyers about the unconstitutionality of the GKChP, which was broadcast on the same day by Western radio stations. At the V Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, he was elected to the Constitutional Court of the RSFSR. "

Another publication reported: “In 1967 - the defense of the candidate. In his field - researching the works of V. Solovyov, P. Novgorodtsev, N. Berdyaev, N. Korkunov, S. Muromtsev, 6 other famous Russian jurists and philosophers - Zorkin was a pioneer ... Only after some time, in 1979, at the Institute of State and Law, much less conservative ... was it possible to defend it. " ("New time", N 4, 1992, p.21).

Oleg Poptsov gave the following details about Zorkin's appointment: “Gennady Burbulis was involved in political activities of a nationwide scale as one of the advisers of the new government on legal issues. The proposed position is the head of the office of the secretary of state. However, the passions that flared up around the composition of the future Constitutional Court forced new politicians to start frantic searches for convenient candidates. This time can be called Valery Zorkin's finest hour ... ". (Poptsov OM, "Chronicle of the times of" Tsar Boris ", M.," Top secret ", 1996, p. 444).

Yeltsin wrote: “Valery Dmitrievich was one of the members of the Constitutional Commission. Moreover, the most inconspicuous. The most humble. And when the time came to elect the chairman of the Constitutional Court in the Supreme Council, it was decided to focus on this candidate, as the most compromise one that suits absolutely everyone! ...

What happened to these people? Where did this crazy craving for power come from? " (Yeltsin B.N., "Notes of the President", M., "Ogonyok", 1994, p. 294).

From the end of 1993 he became a judge of the Constitutional Court.

Zyuganov Gennady Andreevich

Curriculum Vitae: Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov was born in 1944 in the Oryol region. Higher education, graduated from the Oryol Pedagogical Institute and the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Parents: father - Zyuganov Andrey Mikhailovich, mother - Zyuganova Marfa Petrovna. Wife - Zyuganova (Amelicheva) Nadezhda.

Marital status: married, son Andrey (born 1968) and daughter Tatiana (born 1974).

In 1974 he began to work in the organs of the CPSU. 1983-1990 - in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In July 1990, he became secretary and member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR.

"Since February 1993, the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, since January 1995, he became the chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation." (Zenkovich NN, "News from the Kremlin, sir", M., "Olma-press", 2001, p. 527).

In December 1993 he became a deputy of the State Duma, was the head of the Communist Party faction.

Ivanenko Victor Valentinovich

Curriculum Vitae: Viktor Valentinovich Ivanenko, born in 1947, a native of the Tyumen region.

His wife is a civil engineer by profession, three daughters, his dacha and a car, he was fond of volleyball, hunting.

In 1970, after graduating from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, he worked as an operative "on a foreign line" in the KGB administration in the Tyumen region. In 1974-1979 he worked at the Samotlor oil field, where "the Chekists warned of emergencies with human casualties." According to the testimony of colleagues, "under Ivanenko, they were not imprisoned for dissent." In 1986, from the post of Deputy Head of the KGB Directorate for the Tyumen Region, he was transferred to Moscow to the post of senior inspector of the Inspection Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. Since 1990 - Deputy Head of the Inspection Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. Since 1991 - Major General.

In early 1991, at the invitation of the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - former employees of the KGB of the USSR and with the consent of Vladimir Kryuchkov, he was the only representative of the KGB of the USSR at a round table dedicated to national security problems. Since that time, he has been actively cooperating with the RSFSR Armed Forces Committee in charge of public safety issues.

He considered as his teacher the former head of the inspection department of the KGB of the USSR, Lieutenant-General Sergei Tolkunov, whom the motto "Intelligence, flexibility, conformism" helped, without compromising on principles, to work in the apparatus of the KGB of the USSR since 1939. Together with Tolkunov, Ivanenko initiated a new form of work - holding round tables “outside and inside the KGB collectives” (Kommersant, N 19, 1991, p. 12).

In 1991 he became the chairman of the KGB of the RSFSR, then the AFB of the RSFSR. Former state security officer Arkady Yarovoy wrote: “… Such people were used only at the initial stage of the struggle for power, and then thrown out. However, he himself would have left, having figured out what's what ”(AF Yarovoy,“ Farewell to the KGB ”, M.,“ Olma-press ”, 2001, p.17).

Ivanov Yuri Pavlovich

Curriculum Vitae: Yuri Pavlovich Ivanov was born in 1944. Higher education.

Known as a lawyer. Was the defender of V.A. Kryuchkov. (GKChP case) and Rutskoy A.V. (case of 3-4 October 1993).

In December 1993, he became a member of the State Duma on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 1995 he again became a deputy of the State Duma.

Illarionov Andrey Nikolaevich

Curriculum Vitae: Andrei Nikolaevich Illarionov was born on September 16, 11961 in Leningrad. Higher education, in 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University with a degree in economics, teacher of political economy, in 1987 he graduated from the postgraduate course of Leningrad State University at the Department of Economics of Modern Capitalism. PhD in Economics.

In 1978 he worked as a postman, in 1978-1979 - as a methodologist in the Leningrad Park of Culture and Leisure.

1983–1984 and 1987–1990 - Assistant at the Department of International Economic Relations, Leningrad State University. 1990–1992: Senior Researcher and Sector Head of the Laboratory of Regional Economic Problems of the St. Petersburg Institute of Finance and Economics.

In April 1992, he became the first deputy director of the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation.

On April 26, 1993, he was appointed head of the analysis and planning group to the Prime Minister with the rank of Adviser to the Prime Minister.

In 1994 he became director of the Institute for Economic Analysis.

Ilyushenko Alexey Nikolaevich

Curriculum Vitae: Alexey Nikolaevich Ilyushenko was born in 1957 in the Kemerovo region. Higher education, graduated from the law faculty of Krasnoyarsk State University.

In 1989-1990 he was a prosecutor of the department for supervision of investigation and inquiry in the internal affairs bodies of the investigation department of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR. 1990-1991 - Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the Execution of Laws on Interethnic Relations of the Prosecutor's Office of the RSFSR. 1992-1993 - Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision over the Execution of Laws on Interethnic Relations of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. In 1993 he became the head of the Control Directorate of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In February 1994, he was appointed Acting Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Ilyukhin Victor Ivanovich

Curriculum Vitae: Victor Ivanovich Ilyukhin was born in 1949. Higher education, graduated from the Saratov Institute of Law in 1971.

He worked in the prosecutor's office of the Penza region. 1986-1989 - First Deputy Head of the Main Investigation Department of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, 1989-1991 - Head of the USSR Prosecutor's Office for Supervision over the Execution of State Security Laws.

Dismissed in October 1991 after the initiation of a criminal case against I.S. Gorbachev.

In 1991-1992, columnist and head of the legal department of the Pravda newspaper.

In 1993 he was elected to the State Duma, became the chairman of the security committee.

“Since 1996, I have actively advocated the resignation of B.N. Yeltsin, one of the initiators of his impeachment in 1999 ”. (Zenkovich NN, "News from the Kremlin, sir", M., "Olma-press", 2001, p. 528).

Ilyushin Viktor Vasilievich

Curriculum Vitae: Viktor Vasilievich Ilyushin was born in 1947 in Nizhny Tagil. Higher education, graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute, the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

He worked in the apparatus of B.N. Yeltsin, was an assistant to B.N. Yeltsin in the Central Committee of the CPSU and in the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, assistant to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, head of the secretariat, assistant to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

1991–1992 - Head of the Secretariat of the President of the Russian Federation. Since 1992 - First Aide to the President of the Russian Federation.

Isakov Vladimir Borisovich

Curriculum Vitae: Vladimir Borisovich Isakov was born in 1950 in Sverdlovsk. Higher education, graduated from the Law Institute. Doctor of Law, Professor.

In the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, he was nominated on the list of "Democratic Russia". However, he quickly began to move to other positions.

He was among the members of the leadership of the Supreme Soviet, who demanded that Yeltsin be removed from the post of Chairman of the Supreme Soviet.

In December 1993 he was elected to the State Duma from the Agrarian Party.

It is a pity that the article does not say anything about the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(VIII).

The WIIY Encyclopedia says:

In 1952, Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov C-56 entered the 4th faculty in Moscow (special propaganda - the decomposition of the enemy troops and population) of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the Red Army, where he studied German and English with great interest, as well as other special disciplines. The years spent at the institute enriched Drozdov with knowledge that was useful in his subsequent work. He has a tremendous sense of gratitude to the teachers of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages: K.V. Kotova (Shuleshkina), V.I. Chuvaeva, A.M. Semina, E.V. Ivanova, N.I. Ishkanyants, R.G. Lepkovskaya, Basargin, Parparov.

In 1956, when Yuri Ivanovich was in his fourth year, the Military Institute was disbanded. Drozdov was offered to continue his studies at the Leningrad Institute of the KGB. He was transferred from the cadres of the Soviet army to the State Security Committee, and further many years of service in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR allowed him to use the knowledge he had acquired at the All-Russian Institute of Foreign Languages.

Anatoly Ivanovich Isaenko West - 69

General Drozdov's first order

September 19 marks the 90th anniversary of Yuri Ivanovich DROZDOV - retired major general, head of illegal intelligence in 1979-1991, participant in the Great Patriotic War and the war in Afghanistan, holder of the Orders of the October Revolution, Red Banner, Red Banner of Labor, Patriotic War I degree and Red Star, as well as awarded the badges "Honorary State Security Officer" and "For Service in Intelligence."

From the award list of the guard junior lieutenant Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov, the commander of the fire platoon of the 57th separate guards anti-tank fighter battalion of the 52nd guards rifle rifle Riga Order of Lenin, the Order of Suvorov and the Order of Kutuzov of the division: “In street battles to capture the city of Berlin. ml. the lieutenant proved himself to be a brave and courageous officer, skillfully leading the fire of his platoon.

04/25/1945 on the street. Schiffelbeiner-Straße in Berlin, when 4 soldiers were simultaneously taken out of his platoon [out of action], under heavy enemy fire, Comrade Drozdov, personally participating, organized medical assistance to the wounded and ensured evacuation to the rear. Despite a large percentage of those dropped out of the ranks, both guns continued to fire at the enemy, and at the same time his platoon destroyed 2 75-mm cannons, 1 anti-aircraft gun, 5 machine guns along with the enemy's servants and up to 80 enemy soldiers, which contributed to the advancement of our infantry. For his displayed valor and courage in the battles to capture the city of Berlin, he is worthy of the government award of the Order of the "Red Star".

At the front, they said about the "anti-tank" gunners: "The barrel is long, but life is short." Receiving his first military award, the guard junior lieutenant Drozdov, of course, did not expect that he would have other wars ahead of him, both explicit and secret, and that his uniform would later be adorned with other military awards, and a small star on the pursuit with one gap gradually will turn into a big general's star ...

His front-line service began in January 1945, although Yuri put on shoulder straps even before the war, entering the Kharkov Artillery Special School No. 14.

With the outbreak of hostilities, we were recalled from the camps and sent to a tank repair plant to help repair combat vehicles arriving from the front, ”recalls Yuri Ivanovich. - Then our special school was evacuated to Aktyubinsk, and there in 1942 I had to endure a strict, with the threat of expulsion from the Komsomol, discussion at a general Komsomol meeting of the special school for trying to escape with three more of our guys to Stalingrad.

After special school, in the summer of 1943, Drozdov entered the 1st Leningrad Artillery School named after Red October. This school, which was the first to defend the approaches to Leningrad on the famous Luga border in autumn, was then evacuated to the city of Engels. And it could have happened that the entire further service of Yuri Ivanovich would be associated with the LAU - after graduation he was offered to become the commander of a training platoon, but Drozdov asked to join the army.

- I was motivated by a desire to fight and be together with childhood friends who went to the front. Of course, I understood that I could die ...

But the war was already inevitably coming to its end, the enemy was expelled from their native Soviet land, and, frankly, not everyone was rushing to the front with such patriotism. I didn't want to die, and a vivid example of this is the famous writer in the future, who contrived to "change" the front line to "sharashka", although earlier he fought honestly and bravely ...

However, as you know, the command then often tried to divert from the war, from the front line young people - the guys from the last draft. But Drozdov, like thousands of others like him, was eager to fight.

“I didn’t have to commit any heroic deeds during the hostilities,” Yuri Ivanovich frankly admits. - War is a terrible bloody work, hard and ruthless, and in order to survive for myself and others, I just tried to do it conscientiously, as much as possible for a junior lieutenant at less than nineteen years old ...

In the award list in paragraph 8 - "Has he got any wounds and contusions in the Patriotic War?" Although for some reason “during one of the pauses in the Vistula-Oder operation,” as Drozdov says, he ended up in a field hospital of the 3rd Shock Army for two weeks. The troops are advancing rapidly, I want to get what I did not have time to do earlier. Indeed, while others were fighting, he was sitting at a school desk or digging the ground at the training ground, and here on you, a hospital bed!

But, as they say, you never know where you will find, where you will lose. So Drozdov managed to find his happiness in these short two weeks. Served here the same young as him, Lyudmila Yudenich, who walked with this hospital from her native Kalinin region, at that time just liberated from the Nazis, to the very outskirts of Berlin.

Soon after the war, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna changed her loud surname to a glorious surname - Drozdova. If you delve into historical events, you can find several wonderful representatives of it, and Yuri Ivanovich himself really glorified her. She has been wearing this surname for seventy years. Here you can only admire and kindly envy!

But they could not meet after that, since the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov were moving in the direction of the main attack, and the 52nd Guards Rifle Division fought so well that it added a victoriously proud "Berlin". Unfortunately, all these victories were achieved at the cost of a lot of blood.

But we know that junior lieutenant Drozdov did not sit out in the rear, he acted bravely during the storming of Berlin, for which he received the first military order. But, contrary to the saying, with a long cannon barrel, his life turned out to be long, and it was just lucky. And he himself, and those many people with whom he later had to serve, work and live side by side!

By the way, Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Drozdova was supposed to receive her military award, the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree in 1985, but it was presented to her in 1993 - all this time they were looking for Lyudmila Yudenich. Here is such a heroic family they have!

... On December 27, 1979, Major General Drozdov, as is already well known, was one of the leaders of the storming of the presidential palace in Kabul. Upon his return from Afghanistan, he, along with several other employees, was received by the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov.

- Was it difficult? - asked Yuri Vladimirovich.

- Yes, after 35 years it is difficult to remember youth, - answered Drozdov.

- Understand…

But that's a completely different story.

TASS-DOSSIER. On June 21, 2017, at the age of 92, a Russian intelligence officer, Major General of the KGB of the USSR, founder of the Vympel special forces unit, Yuri Drozdov, died.

Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov was born on September 19, 1925 in Minsk (Belarusian SSR, now the Republic of Belarus). Father - Ivan Dmitrievich Drozdov (1894-1978), an army officer, a participant in both world wars, later - an employee of the military department of Kazan University. Mother - Anastasia Kuzminichna Drozdova (nee Pankevich, 1898-1987).

In 1944 he graduated from the 1st Leningrad Artillery School, which at that time was in evacuation in Engels (Saratov region).

At the front, he commanded a platoon in an anti-tank battalion. In the spring of 1945 he took part in the storming of Berlin, finished the Great Patriotic War with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1956 he graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(now the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow), after which he was transferred to work in the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR.

In August 1957, he began his career as an ordinary operative in the official representative office of the KGB at the Ministry of State Security ("Stasi") of the GDR in Berlin.

In 1962 he took part in an operation to exchange an illegal Soviet intelligence agent Rudolph Abel for an American spy pilot Francis Harry Powers. Under the pseudonym Jurgen Drives posed as an East German employee, Abel's cousin.

In 1963 he completed a business trip to Germany, was sent to the advanced training courses for operational personnel (KUOS).

In 1964-1968. - Resident of the foreign intelligence of the KGB of the USSR in China.

In 1968-1975. served in the structure of foreign intelligence - the central apparatus of the First Main Directorate (PGU) of the KGB of the USSR. Deputy Head of the Illegal Intelligence Directorate (Directorate "C").

From August 1975 to October 1979, he headed the intelligence station in New York (USA), and acted under the cover of the USSR Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.

Since November 1979 - Deputy Head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, Head of the "C" Department.

In December 1979, he was responsible for conducting Operation Storm 333 in the assault by Soviet special forces of the palace of Afghan President Hafizullah Amin, which preceded the introduction of Soviet troops into this country.

Initiator of the creation and mentor of the Vympel reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the KGB of the USSR (1991-1993, since 1995 - as part of the Special Forces Center of the FSB of Russia), originally intended to conduct operations outside the country during the "special period".

In June 1991, he resigned from the post of deputy head of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR.

Since 1992, he headed the analytical center "Namakon" (CJSC "Independent Agency Marketing and Consulting"). He was the honorary president of the Vympel-Soyuz Association of Veterans of Special Forces and Special Services.

Major General.

He was awarded the Orders of the October Revolution, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, the First Degree of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, Lenin, medals, badges "Honorary State Security Officer" and "For Service in Intelligence". He had government awards of the GDR, the Polish People's Republic, Cuba and Afghanistan.

He spoke German, Spanish and English.

He was married to Lyudmila Alexandrovna Drozdova (nee Yudenich, born in 1925), sons - Yuri (born in 1946) and Alexander (born in 1950).

He was fond of photography, car travel, was engaged in woodwork.

From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of Russian history). Book 2 (from MB RF to FGC RF) Strigin Evgeniy Mikhailovich

Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich

Drozdov Yuri Ivanovich

Curriculum Vitae: Yuri Ivanovich Drozdov was born in 1925 in Minsk. Higher education, studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages.

Parents: father - Ivan Dmitrievich Drozdov, mother - Drozdova (Pankevich) Anastasia Kuzminichna.

Marital status: wife - Drozdova (nee - Yudenich) Lyudmila Alexandrovna, two sons.

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the Armed Forces in Germany and the Baltic Military District.

In 1956 he was transferred from the personnel of the Soviet Army to the KGB of the USSR, served in the Office of the authorized representative of the KGB of the USSR at the Ministry of State Security of the GDR. In 1963 he returned to Moscow.

He studied at the courses of improvement of the operational staff. Sent to China in August 1996.

He headed the department "C" (illegal intelligence) of the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR, the creator of the special-purpose group "Vympel".

Received the rank of major general.

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