Home Fruit trees GOU VPO KubSU, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of Radiophysics and Nanotechnologies Kuban State Medical University Biological transmission system. Innovative developments of FTF

GOU VPO KubSU, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of Radiophysics and Nanotechnologies Kuban State Medical University Biological transmission system. Innovative developments of FTF

The problem of giftedness and the organization of work with the gifted has been of great interest for quite a long period of time. "In the modern education system, it is becoming more and more relevant in connection with the ongoing socio-economic transformations in the state, the priority of innovative forms of development of production, society, and the individual."

Work with gifted students at the Kuban State University in Krasnodar has a 25-year history. This work began and continues to this day together with the Center for Continuing Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Krasnodar Territory. At the origins of work with gifted children were such teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Technology as Chernaya Nelli Grigorievna (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences), Savchenko Vyacheslav Fedorovich, Rykov Vladimir Tikhonovich (candidate of pedagogical sciences), Arkhipova Alevtina Ivanovna (doctor of pedagogical sciences) ), Zhuzha Mikhail Aleksandrovich (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences), Shvetsova Natalya Anatolyevna (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences).

The main thing that a teacher working with gifted children should understand is that “giftedness is neither innate nor inherited; the laws of the development of children's giftedness are natural and have been sufficiently studied by psychological science. Giftedness is not a property of any individual unique children, manifested in spite of the situation; giftedness is based on the properties originally inherent in each child, and develops in a favorable educational environment. Therefore, work with schoolchildren is not so much in the formation of certain new qualities in children or in the search for special children, but in the support of those natural abilities that are naturally inherent in the child's psyche, in the study of external conditions that oppose the manifestation of children's giftedness, and the development of methods and programs, allowing the child to resist the influence of the external environment (including educational). "

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to develop children's interest in the subject under study. Without an interest in learning something new, it is impossible to achieve results in the knowledge of any discipline. The basic principle of working with schoolchildren is not to teach, but to help them learn.

At the Faculty of Physics and Technology, work with gifted students in physics and astronomy is carried out with groups of 10-15 people. In addition to the school curriculum in physics, in the classroom at the university, creative tasks are posed for children. Schoolchildren study the basics of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Nanotechnology Zhuzh Mikhail Aleksandrovich. This helps schoolchildren to come to the correct solution when solving complex experimental problems of olympiads at various levels. In addition, associate professor Zhuzha M.A. for 15 years he was engaged in the preparation of the experimental round of the Olympiad in physics at the regional level. All the experimental problems of the past years, together with the equipment, are used to prepare the Krasnodar Territory team at the training camp. Before issuing a new experimental problem to schoolchildren, the teacher himself repeatedly checks it. It is necessary to get the results of experiments yourself, to process them.

The experiment has always received a lot of attention, since it allows children to develop creative thinking, which is a prerequisite for training engineering personnel. Classes for schoolchildren are held for 4 hours weekly. This makes it possible not only to disassemble new material, but also to carry out frontal laboratory work, set up experiments, and consolidate new material as a result of experiments and research. An important factor in successful work with children is that younger, newly arrived schoolchildren are guided and take an example from their elders.

It is not only the learning process that is important, but also the moments of communication of schoolchildren with each other. In the summer months, the Center for Continuing Education attracts teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Technology to participate in the summer school LUNST (Summer University for High School Students). Studying, combined with recreation, sports events and business games, gives a positive attitude to schoolchildren and motivates them to education, to try to win prizes in olympiads, competitions so that meetings at LUNST become annual. This continuity of generations of schoolchildren participating in the Olympiad movement is important.

In addition to classes at the Center for Continuing Education at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, internal conferences and regional Olympiads have been and are being held, covering schoolchildren from the entire Krasnodar Territory.

In 2008 to 2010, the FTF held three scientific and creative conferences of schoolchildren and students of the Kuban "Tasks and prospects for the creation of nanotechnologyXXIcentury ". It was held on the basis of the Department of Nanotechnology of KubSU. In addition, all conference participants were presented with collections of abstracts of their reports. An excursion to the KubSU nanocenter was organized for the conference participants and their attendants. Since 2012, the Department of Physics and Information Systems, within the framework of the strategic development program, has been holding an Olympiad for schoolchildren of grades 8-11 "Nanotechnology in electronics, photonics, medicine." Schoolchildren not only from Krasnodar, but also from the Krasnodar Territory are attracted to participate in it. The geography of the participants is expanding every year.

Krasnodar Territory team at the All-Russian Physics Olympiad in Orenburg

Also, on the basis of the Department of Physics and Information Systems, since 2014, a competition of scientific and abstract works of students of secondary educational and professional institutions "Man and the Universe" has been held. Schoolchildren prepare reports on the topics proposed by the department. As a result, in the first round, the competition committee selects the most interesting reports. Then the authors are invited to the Kuban State University for a face-to-face tour to present reports, discuss and determine the winners. The participants of the competition were provided with disks with colorful photographs taken by experienced specialists of the observatory while observing space objects.

Due to the fact that the hours allocated for the subject of astronomy at school are small, and currently there are none at all, the relevance of this competition is beyond doubt. Studying astronomy, schoolchildren get to know the world around them better and our place in it.

For five years, Kuban State University organized and conducted at the highest level the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in astronomy. In addition to all of the above, the Faculty of Physics and Technology holds Sunday lectures and classes in physics ("Small Physics and Technology KubSU"), where you can prepare for the Unified State Exam. Students of 10-11 grades of Krasnodar schools are invited to attend them.

In accordance with the plan of educational and educational events in the form of lectures within the framework of the regional project "University Saturdays of the Kuban", the Faculty of Physics and Technology organizes familiarization of schoolchildren with the history, work and achievements of the Astrophysical Optical Observatory of Kuban State University, which has an international status.

There are several examples showing the success of gifted schoolchildren. There is an opinion that the "Olympiads", after graduating from school and entering real life, turn out to be unsuitable for further successful existence. However, it is not.

Mistergaze Alexander, 4th year student of the direction Infocommunication technologies and communication systems, former winner of regional rounds of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics, participant of All-Russian Olympiads, currently a successful student, winner of Olympiads among students, took 4th place in the Southern Federal District at the IT-planet competition , received a diploma of the finalist of the analytical works competition My Strategy 2030: "Love for the Small Homeland + Global Competitiveness."

Kirill Popko, postgraduate student of the Department of Radiophysics and Nanotechnology, participant and winner of regional rounds of Olympiads in physics, prize-winner of tours of the Southern Federal District in physics, participant of All-Russian Olympiads, currently continues to work with gifted schoolchildren, prepares them not only for the Unified State Exam, but also for the Olympiads and various scientific and technical competitions, such as "Eureka", "Step into the Future".

Kirill Puzanovskiy, 4th year student of the direction Electronics and Nanoelectronics, former winner of regional rounds of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics, participant of the All-Russian Olympiads, currently he is a person who is passionate about robotics. Winner of the competition "Clever-2015". Student Olympiad winner. Every year he works as a counselor in a summer school for high school students. Also, together with the same enthusiastic students, they have now organized courses in robotics for schoolchildren.

This list can be continued further. We remember each of our students. We hope that our work with gifted children will continue for many more years, and our graduates will delight us with their many successes.

GOU VPO KubSU, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of Radiophysics and Nanotechnologies Kuban State Medical University System for transmission of biological submillimeter signals. Lopatin Dmitry, post-graduate student Scientific advisers: G. F. Kopytov, head. Department of Radiophysics of Nanotechnology, Ph.D. Sciences, Professor Vasiliev N.S., Cand. biological sciences Team: O. A. Baranov,

Increase in the average lifespan of mice Name Experiment Control Number 20 Remained alive at the end of the experiment () 1918 after 6 months 1911 after a year () 176 after 18 months () 122 number of animals with good appetite 154 Group weight, g, after the end of the experiment, the offspring obtained during the experiment 37 mice from 7 females 3 mice from 1 female state of hairline of newborns 1.5 months after the end of the experiment out of 35 mice 2 naked out of 3 mice no naked

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