Home Fruit trees Institute for Integrative Therapy. Moscow Institute of Integrative Systemic Therapy. As a result of training, you

Institute for Integrative Therapy. Moscow Institute of Integrative Systemic Therapy. As a result of training, you

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The Institute of Integrative Family Therapy (IST) was founded in 2000 on the basis of the Children's Psychiatric Hospital 6 in Moscow.

The Institute for Integrative Family Therapy provides services in the field of additional psychological education and individual, family and group psychological counseling.

All employees have higher medical or psychological education and international certification in the field of systemic family psychotherapy and counseling.

The activities of the Institute in the main areas are provided by the presence in the structure of the IIST two departments: educational and psychological counseling.

The Institute's programs are supported by the Moscow City Government, the Moscow Government's Public Relations Committee, and the Moscow City Department of Family and Youth Policy.

The Institute's activities include two balanced and interrelated blocks: psychological assistance to families in difficult life situations, and training of personnel who are able to provide the necessary assistance.

We proceed from the assumption that qualified and targeted assistance to families can only be provided by professionally trained specialists, therefore, the basic educational course developed by us on systemic family psychotherapy (counseling) is designed for 1100 hours.

Over the years of the Institute's existence, a professional community has formed, with the help of which it provides assistance to families in various regions of Russia. The staff of the Institute and the specialists trained by us work with various family problems, from relatively mild ones, where only informational support is required, to severe cases, in which long-term work in a hospital environment is necessary, in particular, at the Institute's clinical base - in Children's Psychiatric Hospital No. 6 in Moscow ...

The most important feature of the Institute's activities- this is the unity of a complex of psychological and psychotherapeutic, educational, organizational and informational activities. Specialists who have received additional education in the field of family psychotherapy (counseling) and are implementing new methods in the field give the Institute regular feedback and report on the results and characteristics of work with families. This allows you to constantly develop and improve the curriculum, actively engage in scientific and methodological work, offer author's methods, which, in turn, affects the quality of psychological services provided and increases the effectiveness of assistance provided to families.

Education at IIST

Institute conducts seminars, original trainings, master classes with the participation of specialists from Russia, the CIS countries, Europe and the USA, lectures, conferences, clinical and systematic case studies, supervision, film and video analysis of the work of masters, visiting intensive schools, meetings of a psychotherapy club.

The main task- training of "universal" practitioners capable of solving both preventive tasks and the tasks of bringing families out of a difficult crisis situation.

The Institute organizes and conducts:

  1. Family psychotherapy and spousal counseling training in the form of a long educational program (2.5 years):
  • in Moscow,
  • in Moscow for nonresidents,
  • in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.
  1. Teaching the method of systemic constellations:
  • Russian educational program in Moscow (1 year).
  • Russian educational program in the regions (1.5 years).
  • Foreign specialist programs (2 years).
  1. Training in the genogram method (1 year).
  2. Further training for family counselors, psychologists and psychotherapists:
  • supervision (constantly),
  • intensive schools (2 times a year),
  • open demonstration of the practical work of a family counselor (2 times a month).
  1. Psychotherapy club meetings (monthly).
  2. Conferences and seminars.
  3. Scientific field laboratories "Sabbatical" (2 times a year).
  4. Rest for specialists (4 times a year).

The Institute carries out its educational and scientific-methodological activities both in Moscow and in other regions of Russia (Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Samara and more than 20 cities), in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan) and far abroad (Bulgaria, Greece, Germany) ...

Since 2009, the Institute has been implementing an advanced training program for specialists from the Moscow City Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population.

Educational activities are also carried out in the form of publications in specialized scientific and practical publications and on the Institute's website on the Internet.

Treatment, prophylactic and psychological assistance

Institute through its own service for helping families in difficult life situations (diagnostic and correction service), it provides paid and free counseling and psychotherapeutic assistance to children, adolescents and adults, families and married couples, parents and educators.

The main task- to help families, clients and patients make the necessary changes in their lives and ensure a lasting, positive effect from cooperation with a specialist.

The Institute hosts:

  • consultations of family psychologists and psychotherapists;
  • consultations of such specialists as a psychiatrist (child and adult), pediatrician, speech pathologist, neuropsychologist, sexologist;
  • training, correctional and developmental and psychotherapeutic groups for children, adolescents, youth, adults, parents with children (more than 15 groups);
  • psychological family intensive campgrounds and much more!

The Institute of Integrative Family Therapy (IST) was founded in 2000 on the basis of the Children's Psychiatric Hospital 6 in Moscow.

The Institute for Integrative Family Therapy provides services in the field of additional psychological education and individual, family and group psychological counseling.

All employees have higher medical or psychological education and international certification in the field of systemic family psychotherapy and counseling.

The activities of the Institute in the main areas are provided by the presence in the structure of the IIST two departments: educational and psychological counseling.

The Institute's programs are supported by the Moscow City Government, the Moscow Government's Public Relations Committee, and the Moscow City Department of Family and Youth Policy.

The Institute's activities include two balanced and interrelated blocks: psychological assistance to families in difficult life situations, and training of personnel who are able to provide the necessary assistance.

We proceed from the assumption that qualified and targeted assistance to families can only be provided by professionally trained specialists, therefore, the basic educational course developed by us on systemic family psychotherapy (counseling) is designed for 1100 hours.

Over the years of the Institute's existence, a professional community has formed, with the help of which it provides assistance to families in various regions of Russia. The staff of the Institute and the specialists trained by us work with various family problems, from relatively mild ones, where only informational support is required, to severe cases, in which long-term work in a hospital environment is necessary, in particular, at the Institute's clinical base - in Children's Psychiatric Hospital No. 6 in Moscow ...

The most important feature of the Institute's activities- this is the unity of a complex of psychological and psychotherapeutic, educational, organizational and informational activities. Specialists who have received additional education in the field of family psychotherapy (counseling) and are implementing new methods in the field give the Institute regular feedback and report on the results and characteristics of work with families. This allows you to constantly develop and improve the curriculum, actively engage in scientific and methodological work, offer author's methods, which, in turn, affects the quality of psychological services provided and increases the effectiveness of assistance provided to families.

Education at IIST

Institute conducts seminars, original trainings, master classes with the participation of specialists from Russia, the CIS countries, Europe and the USA, lectures, conferences, clinical and systematic case studies, supervision, film and video analysis of the work of masters, visiting intensive schools, meetings of a psychotherapy club.

The main task- training of "universal" practitioners capable of solving both preventive tasks and the tasks of bringing families out of a difficult crisis situation.

The Institute organizes and conducts:

  1. Family psychotherapy and spousal counseling training in the form of a long educational program (2.5 years):
  • in Moscow,
  • in Moscow for nonresidents,
  • in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries.
  1. Teaching the method of systemic constellations:
  • Russian educational program in Moscow (1 year).
  • Russian educational program in the regions (1.5 years).
  • Foreign specialist programs (2 years).
  1. Training in the genogram method (1 year).
  2. Further training for family counselors, psychologists and psychotherapists:
  • supervision (constantly),
  • intensive schools (2 times a year),
  • open demonstration of the practical work of a family counselor (2 times a month).
  1. Psychotherapy club meetings (monthly).
  2. Conferences and seminars.
  3. Scientific field laboratories "Sabbatical" (2 times a year).
  4. Rest for specialists (4 times a year).

The Institute carries out its educational and scientific-methodological activities both in Moscow and in other regions of Russia (Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Samara and more than 20 cities), in the CIS countries (Ukraine, Kazakhstan) and far abroad (Bulgaria, Greece, Germany) ...

Since 2009, the Institute has been implementing an advanced training program for specialists from the Moscow City Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population.

Educational activities are also carried out in the form of publications in specialized scientific and practical publications and on the Institute's website on the Internet.

Treatment, prophylactic and psychological assistance

Institute through its own service for helping families in difficult life situations (diagnostic and correction service), it provides paid and free counseling and psychotherapeutic assistance to children, adolescents and adults, families and married couples, parents and educators.

The main task- to help families, clients and patients make the necessary changes in their lives and ensure a lasting, positive effect from cooperation with a specialist.

The Institute hosts:

  • consultations of family psychologists and psychotherapists;
  • consultations of such specialists as a psychiatrist (child and adult), pediatrician, speech pathologist, neuropsychologist, sexologist;
  • training, correctional and developmental and psychotherapeutic groups for children, adolescents, youth, adults, parents with children (more than 15 groups);
  • psychological family intensive campgrounds and much more!

Copied from the site "Samopoznanie.ru"

  • beginners and practitioners: psychologists and psychotherapists, students of psychological and medical universities, family doctors, teachers, social workers and other professionals in helping professions.

Learning objectives:

    to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge for independent and highly effective work in the field of couples therapy;

    consider the options for organizing life in a couple and ways to diagnose imbalance in certain aspects of the couple's communication;

    highlight topics of particular importance in matrimonial therapy: dealing with the past, sexuality / intimacy, extramarital affairs, aborted children, breakups, remarriages, patchwork families;

    help to master practical skills in difficult episodes that arise when working with couples.

The seminar program includes:

  • Various methods of diagnosing and assessing well-being in personal and family life using an integrative approach.
  • Technical eclecticism when working with a family.
  • Drawing up a comprehensive therapeutic plan for working with the family.
  • Various options for dealing with family problems. Family therapy with one family member, with a couple, with an extended family.
  • Identifying and transforming problematic patterns of behavior. Correction of identified problems and harmonization of relations.
  • Possible options for dealing with a familial symptom. Correction tactics in case of typical marital conflicts, crises of family relations, the consequences of treason, in a situation of divorce.
  • Diagnostics and work with conflicts in pairs. Dealing with resistance. Constructive ways of conducting dialogues. Productive models for discussing difficult topics in pairs.
  • Sexual satisfaction and its impact on the state of a person and personal relationships. Methods for identifying, assessing and correcting problems in the intimate-sexual sphere. Assessment of individual differences in intimate life.
  • Selected techniques for dealing with family difficulties and problems in personal relationships in the Gestalt approach, Ericksonian hypnosis, transactional analysis, NLP, etc.

As a result of training, you:

  • Get an idea of ​​the organization of life in a couple and how to diagnose imbalance in certain aspects of a couple's communication, as well as theoretical foundations and practical skills for independent and highly effective work in the field of couples therapy;
  • Master the practical skills of working in difficult episodes that arise when working with couples.

The main methods used during the seminar:

  • information and theoretical module;
  • work in pairs and small groups;
  • demonstration of methods of individual and group work with subsequent analysis, elaboration of technological and methodological professional psychotherapeutic and pedagogical techniques;
  • consideration and analysis of cases from practice.


22-25 March 2012
Currently, systemic family therapy (counseling) is one of the most promising and economically feasible areas of psychotherapy. This is due to the fact that:

  • more families are seeking help from a family therapist;

  • with broad indications for the appointment of this method to needy families;

  • lack of contraindications;

  • with the rapidity of the onset of the therapeutic effect (this approach is referred to as short-term forms of psychotherapy);

  • persistence of the result.

Systemic family therapy is not just a technique, but a different way of seeing and solving problems than individual psychotherapy. Systemic family therapy is the direction in which the whole family acts as an object of therapeutic help, and the focus of psychotherapy shifts from the analysis of intrapersonal conflicts to the detection of dysfunctional ways of interaction between members of the family system and to making the necessary changes. Thus, the goal of family therapy is to create conditions for the formation of a functional family organization, which ensures the growth of the potential of each of its members.

^ Program description

The purpose of this program is to train specialists-“universalists” who are able to solve both preventive tasks and the tasks of getting a family out of a difficult crisis situation, and who own a wide arsenal of approaches, methods and techniques for the individual selection of an algorithm for helping each family.
This program provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the theory and practice of classical and modern schools of family psychotherapy, as well as with the author's developments of the staff of the Institute.

During their studies, students receive an opportunity for their personal development in the context of their own family, often acquiring a new vision of their family history.


  • The program is conducted by the Moscow Institute of Integrative Family Therapy.
Project manager - Marina Aleksandrovna Bebchuk, Ph.D., Director of IIST

  • The program complies with the European standard for training specialists in the field of family psychotherapy

  • The educational program consists of eight three-day seminars and two supervision and is designed for 2.5 years of study.

  • Upon successful completion of the training, a certificate of the Institute of Integrative Family Therapy (Moscow) is issued

  • Institute for Integrative Family Therapy since 2000. provides services in the field of additional psychological education and individual, family and group psychological counseling.

  • All employees have higher medical or psychological education and international certification in the field of systemic family psychotherapy and counseling.

  • Since 2002 IIST has been cooperating with the Institute for System Solutions (Cologne-Rosrat, Germany). As a result of this cooperation, the basic training program was supplemented and a new program was created that allows domestic specialists to get acquainted with new directions of short-term transgenerational family therapy. As part of this cooperation, Russian specialists have the opportunity to receive a European certificate for 328 hours (according to the method of systemic-structural constellations).

  • Currently, our graduates and participants in educational programs work in Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Kogalym, Sochi, Alma-Ata, Kiev, Kharkov, Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl, Saratov, Kirov, Vorkuta, Nakhodka, Tomsk , Karaganda, Chimkent, Urengoy, Togliatti, Anapa ...

Bebchuk Marina Alexandrovna- Director of IIST. Psychiatrist, psychotherapist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Doctor of the highest category. Associate Professor at the Department of Psychotherapy of the Psychological and Social Faculty of the Russian State Medical University. Conducts training courses in the field of family counseling and psychotherapy for doctors, psychologists, educators and social workers. She is the author of a long-term educational program in this specialty for specialists in Moscow and the regions.
Included in the international list of leading groups, educators and supervisors in systemic therapy DGfS-IAG. She is the author of over 40 scientific publications and journal articles. Speaks at conferences in Russia and abroad

The program of the 1st seminar:

  • Historical roots of the systems approach.

  • Family system concept. Structural aspects of the family system: subsystems of parents, couples, siblings.

  • Characteristics and parameters of the family system: hierarchy, boundaries, cohesion, flexibility, rules, roles, communication styles.

  • The main structural problems of the family: hidden coalitions, intergenerational ties, inverted hierarchy, etc. Using the structure of the triangle to assess the problems of the family system.

  • Organizational issues of family counseling. Organization of the first meeting with the family.

  • Social, problematic and final stages of the first interview by J. Haley.

  • Therapeutic tasks of first contact.

  • Construction of primary hypotheses.

  • Motivating family members to participate in therapy.

  • Involvement of absent family members in therapy.

  • The duration of the therapy session with the family, the structure of the session, the frequency and number of meetings, the conclusion of a “therapy” contract with the family.

  • Systemic diagnosis of family problems and the development of a therapeutic program. Hidden and explicit request.

  • Development of a therapeutic strategy.

  • Methodological principles of therapeutic work: neutrality, circularity, hypotheticalness.

  • The position of the therapist when working with the family. Forming a therapeutic relationship. Selected Techniques: Homework, Sculpture, Reflection Team, Circular Interview, Circular Question Types.

  • Family contact techniques. Demonstration of work with real families and case studies.

Workshop 2 and 3

The communicative aspect in the family system. Observation and analysis of the intra-family communication system from six perspectives: relationships, interactions, cognitive plane, non-verbal plane, affect and the unconscious. The life cycle of a family: its stages, the crisis of the transition from stage to stage. Typical family issues at various stages of the life cycle. Functional (healthy) family. Typology of dysfunctional families: rigid, fragmented, chaotic, confusing types Methods of detecting and dealing with initial family resistance. The place of symptomatic (problem) behavior in the family system. Interpretation of a symptom from a medical, psychoanalytic and systemic point of view. Symptomatic behavior as a communicative metaphor, part of a cyclical model of interactions and a way to stabilize the family system. Healthy parts and resources in the family as opposed to pathological existence. Selected techniques of the middle and final phases of family therapy: clarification of communication, positive connotation, paradoxical prescription, metaphor, rituals, externalization of the problem (symptom), normalization, role scene. Demonstration of work with real families and case studies.

Workshop 4

(Client seminar for participants of the educational program with a demonstration of methods and techniques of the systematic approach) Historical aspect of the family system. Systematic analysis of family history: parameters, coincidences, repetition of family themes in new generations. Family scenario. M. Bowen's theory of systems. "Reconstruction of family history" based on the material provided by the students of the course. Selected Techniques: "Family Reconstruction": goals and areas of application, technique and rules. Genogram (goals and areas of application, rules, basic symbols and their use, interviews for the purpose of gathering information, types of questions). B. Hellinger's method of systemic constellations. Author's methods and techniques of reconstruction (photographs, relics, "Family Cookbook")

Workshop 5

Organizational, methodological and ethical issues of systemic family therapy. Family participation in therapy, session structure, therapy completion. The personality of the family therapist as a clinical tool. Preparation for supervision. Case study in the format of correspondence supervision. Training of practical skills and consolidation of the learned techniques. Selected techniques from other psychotherapeutic directions used in family counseling: "empty chair", duplication, drawing.

Workshop 6

Supervision (full-time) of independent work of the participants of the educational program with families. (Mandatory case presentation).

Workshop 7

Particular issues of family therapy (counseling): specifics of working with single-parent families, families with alcohol dependence, families with foster children, multi-generational, young and other types of families. Features of work with a married couple, with families of mentally ill people, with families that have experienced trauma (violence, loss), with families expecting a child, and other types of families. Preparation for supervision. Analysis of complex cases in the format of correspondence supervision.

Workshop 8

Supervision (full-time) of students' independent work. (Mandatory case presentation).

^ Practical group

  • For the entire period of study, there are intervision groups to gain practical experience and skills as a family psychotherapist.

  • During the entire training period, an opportunity is provided to work in client groups with a certified specialist in the position of a deputy.

Participation fee - 7900 rubles, if paid before February 25 - 6900 rubles, if paid before March 15 - 7500 rubles.

Official representative of IIST in Yekaterinburg

Antipina Ekaterina Anatolyevna 8-922-209-27-24

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