Home Fruit trees The history of writing the work of scarlet sails. "Scarlet Sails": Controversial History, Fairy Tale and Reality. The history of the holiday "Scarlet Sails"

The history of writing the work of scarlet sails. "Scarlet Sails": Controversial History, Fairy Tale and Reality. The history of the holiday "Scarlet Sails"

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VI Symbolism of color in the story "Scarlet Sails"

§ 1. The history of the creation of the story "Scarlet Sails"

Once A.S. Green in the window of a toy store saw a small " a bot with a nicely seated winged sail". This bot was perceived as the "seed of a miracle" from which the idea arose "Scarlet Sails"... 10 years later, Green again returns to the history of creation "Scarlet Sails": “I have“ Scarlet Sails ”- a story about a captain and a girl. I found out how it happened quite by accident: I stopped at a display case with toys and saw a boat with a sharp sail of white silk. This toy told me something, but I didn’t know what, then I wondered if the sail of red would say more, or better than that, scarlet, because scarlet has bright exultation. Jubilation means knowing why you are happy. And now, unfolding from this, taking waves and a ship with scarlet sails, I saw the purpose of his being "... The very idea of ​​the work is red, or scarlet, sails of color "Wine, roses, dawn, ruby, healthy lips, blood and small tangerines, the skin of which smells so seductively of pungent volatile oil" the feeling they generate "Proclamations of joy" fully formulated already in the first surviving version. In one of the last versions of the story, "Red Sails" are replaced with scarlet ones, a more correct color is found, and in this combination, "Scarlet Sails" acquire a special imagery and the expression itself becomes a word-symbol.

§ 2. Color and its symbolic meaning

The ideas of the writer are quite comparable with the judgments of the scientist, who refers to the qualities and characteristics of the style of a work of art. "The distribution of light and shadow with the help of expressive speech means, transitions from one style of presentation to another, overflows and combinations of verbal colors, the nature of assessments expressed through the selection and change of words and phrases, the originality of syntactic movement"(V.V. Vinogradov 18). In the statements of the artist and the researcher, it is equally emphasized what a great organizing role is the arrangement of words in relation to each other throughout the entire text. "The secret of the neighborhood of words", inseparable, although sometimes very subtle, semantic and expressive connections of words with each other, mutual "overlap" of meanings and associative convergence of words "reciprocity of their shadows and light falling from one to another."

Based on the words of Bakhtin: "The structure of a symbol is as infinite as the structure of an atom" 19, we come to the analysis of color in the story. Color, as the author believes "Dictionary of Symbols" D. Tresidder, - “has an extensive and complex range of symbolic meanings, generalization regarding a specific symbol of any of the colors is difficult to do” 20.

Section 3 ... The image of the scarlet sails

The image of scarlet sails appears in the story from the first pages. " One day, in the middle of such a trip to the city, the girl sat down by the road to eat a piece of pie put in a basket for breakfast. While eating, she went over the toys; two of them three were new to her: Longren had made them at night. One such novelty was a miniature racing yacht; a white boat raised crimson sails, made from scraps of silk used by Longren for pasting the steamship cabins - toys of a wealthy buyer. Here, apparently, having made a yacht, he did not find a suitable material for the sail, using what was - scraps of scarlet silk. Assol was delighted. The fiery cheerful color burned so brightly in her hand, as if she were holding fire. ... Having gone into the forest behind the bridge, along the stream of the stream, the girl carefully launched the ship that had captivated her into the water at the very shore; the sails immediately flashed a scarlet reflection in the transparent water: the light, penetrating matter, lay in a quivering pink radiation on the white stones of the bottom."21. Appears in an emphatically natural, real, everyday situation; appears, accompanied by a detailed explanation of why the sail of the toy yacht turned out to be scarlet; but at the same time it appears as a wonderful, captivating, admirable image. Hence - two rows of adjacent words and word combinations. One row - trimmings, silk scraps, suitable material, pasting, use; another row - sunny shower, fire, light, sparkle, radiation, burn, sparkle, fiery, cheerful color.

§ 4 ... The world of colors and the image of Assol

Through color, the author shows the inner life of the heroes, therefore, we can, through the color picture, talk about the inner state of the heroes at one time or another in their lives. This is how Green Assol describes “Every feature of Assol was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow. The dark eyes, tinged with a sad question, seemed somewhat older than the face; its irregular soft oval was covered with that kind of lovely tan, which is inherent in healthy whiteness of skin. A small, half-open mouth gleamed with a gentle smile. " 22 ... Assol is given against the background of nature: “ light, blue surface of the sea», « blue twilight», « purple iris», « white cones of flowers», « the sea outlined on the horizon with a golden thread», « steel, blue, black"The color of the sleeping ocean. From all this variety of objects and colors is born "Scarlet ripples"At the feet of Assol.

§ 5 ... The storyteller Aigle and his prediction

On the seashore, Assol meets Egle, a collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales, who utters a wonderful prediction. Here is a description of the storyteller Egle.

“The gray curls fell out in folds from under his straw hat; a gray blouse tucked into blue trousers and high boots gave him the look of a hunter; a white collar, a tie, a belt studded with silver badges, a cane and a bag with a brand new nickel clasp - they showed the city dweller. His face, if one can call a face, nose, lips and eyes, peering out of a rapidly growing radiant beard and lush, fiercely rocked up mustache, seemingly sluggish, if not for the eyes, gray like sand, and shining like pure steel, with a gaze brave and strong "... Even the appearance is described by the author using color: “ gray blouse, white collar, belt studded with silver plaques", But his eyes" gray as sand and shiny as steel"23.
It is he who will predict Assol "The scarlet sails of the white ship"... But the old man, who overheard Longren's conversation with his daughter, is already talking about red sails. It seems that the author's "reservation" is not accidental. “Scarlet color without impurities! - the color of a dream, red - bloody, unkind ".

- (...) One morning in the sea distance under the sun there was a sparkle - no scarlet sail. The shining bulk of the crimson sails of the white ship will move, cutting the waves, straight to you(...) The ship will approach majestically to the very shore to the sounds of beautiful music; smart, in carpets, in gold and flowers, a fast boat will sail from him(...) Then you will see a brave handsome prince, he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol!- he will say. - Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom ... "

In Egle's prediction, "a penchant for myth-making" determines the development of the fabulous, wonderful side of the image of scarlet sails and the corresponding associations. A handsome prince appears. The ship comes up to the sound of beautiful music. For the compositional movement of the word series, the following details are very important: will move, breaking the waves, straight to you and a scarlet sail will glitter under the sun.

Section 6 ... Gray's world and dreams

Parallel to Assol, there is a story about Gray's life: here “ The finest tulips — silvery blue, purple and black with a pink shade — twisted in the lawn in lines of whimsically tossed necklaces. The old trees of the park dozed in the scattered half-light over the sedge of the winding stream. The fence of the castle, as it was a real castle, consisted of twisted cast-iron pillars connected with an iron pattern. Each pillar ended at the top with a lush cast-iron lily; these bowls were filled with oil on solemn days, blazing in the darkness of the night in an extensive fiery system"24. Here is wine, "darker than cherry", wine, " which Gray will drink when he is in paradise", But the tables, bursting with" rainbow pheasants, gray ducks…", a " mysterious shades of light ... create dazzling harmony». “This liveliness, this complete perversity of the boy began to affect the eighth year of his life; the type of a knight of bizarre impressions, a seeker and a miracle worker, that is, a person who has taken the most dangerous and touching role from the countless variety of roles in life - the role of providence ... " 25

So, according to Green, harmony in life is a riot of colors. Gray examines the cards " gold, black, variegated, blue, gray", Followed by" blue ocean glow". The ships that Gray sees in his mind appear to him " either pirate ships with a black flag ", or" ghost ships shining ... with the light of blue illumination". In the chapter dedicated to Gray there is also an abundance of colors: “ Golden Gate», « silver fish», « woman in black dress», « black mast line». « Golden gates of the sea", Which means that it is the sea and its" Golden Gate"Will open the way for Gray to his dream. Gold color is a symbol of enlightenment, light, power. So, we see that the characters' characters develop in a certain color space. Many do not recognize the difference between scarlet and red. But let's remember how carefully Gray searched for silk for sails. But about the red color, its diversity is also beautifully said ... " Gray visited three shops, attaching particular importance to the accuracy of the choice, since he mentally saw the desired color and shade. In the first two shops he was shown the silks of the bazaar flowers, designed to satisfy unpretentious vanity; in the third he found samples of complex effects. The shopkeeper fussed about happily, spreading out the stale materials, but Gray was serious as an anatomist. He patiently took apart the packages, laid the roll, shifted, unrolled and looked at the light so many scarlet stripes that the counter heaped up with them seemed to be on fire. A purple wave lay on the toe of Gray's boot; a pink glow shone on his hands and face. Rummaging through the light resistance of silk, he discerned colors: red, pale, pink and dark pink; thick boils of cherry, orange and dark red tones; there were shades of all forces and meanings, different in their imaginary kinship, like the words: "charming" - "beautiful" - "splendid" - "perfect"; hints were hidden in the folds, inaccessible to the language of sight, but the true scarlet color did not appear for a long time to the eyes of our captain; what the shopkeeper brought was good, but did not evoke a clear and firm "yes." Finally, one color caught the shopper's disarmed attention; he sat down in a chair by the window, pulled out a long end from the noisy silk, threw it on his knees and, lounging, with a pipe in his teeth, became contemplatively motionless. " 26 ... In general, in symbolic terms, red is often associated with evil, although this is not its only meaning. So red and its shades are considered more attractive. The most common color is scarlet, therefore, the title of the story is quite justified. Every detail of the story is filled with a color symbol. Further in the soul, girls are born "Dream seeds": "white boat with scarlet sails" which Longren made for sale. So, the color detail is one of the main details in Green's work. Moreover, Green works with color like a real artist: not chaotically, but purposefully, carefully comparing the palette of colors with the thoughts and moods of his characters. Therefore, color was one of the main means of revealing the characters of the heroes for him. If the color is defined as "The main means of painting, with the help of which composition, material, drawing, generalization are carried out" 27 , then it would be logical to use this definition to work on the story.

Section 7 ... The color of the story "Scarlet Sails"

Color is the soul of painting, but in the story it is also the soul, the foundation on which the complex inner life of the heroes is built. The general color appearance of a work, when all its colorful combinations strive for a single, holistic, harmonious coherence and life truthfulness, is called color in painting, it seems to us that it is appropriate to use this term when speaking of the general color background of Green's story. We know that the colors of the objects we see determine their ability to reflect only some part of the "white" color falling on them, that is, some part of the spectrum, and absorb another part of it. All spectral colors plus purple missing in the solar spectrum make up the chromatic ("color") color scale. White objects reflect the entire spectrum, while black ones, on the contrary, absorb the entire spectrum. If you take white and black paints and mix them in different proportions, you get a wide range of gray tones, from pure white to black. It will be a different color scale - achromatic ("colorless"). Achromatic colors differ from each other only in one way - in lightness. Chromatic colors, in addition to the difference in lightness, are also characterized by a color background and saturation. In the process of the development of visual, and therefore emotional and psychological, perception of flowers in nature by a person, in real life all colors were divided into two scales - warm and cold. Warm - yellow and red. This is the color "Air gold" with which the sun " splashes in clear weather the sea and Kapernu"28, the color of the gold ring," the size of the sun"Which" fell across the sea at her feet"29. Cold - blue, light blue: colors of water, blue smoke in the sea, blue distance. Purple, red, golden are perceived as warm, and blue, green, greenish-yellow are perceived as cold. Warm colors tend to be perceived as active, exciting, amusing, and cold colors - as calm, sad, pacifying. In the neighborhood, warm and cold colors behave the opposite: a warm color actively protrudes forward, and a cold one recedes, goes into the depths. Any color can be made colder or warmer. It all depends on what kind of paint to add to it. There are light, airy, deep, saturated, dark colors - they can be considered “poetic”. Isn't Green resorting to them? Some - bright, clean - form, as it were, some deep spatial layer, filled with a radiant, intense color mass. Other "poetic" colors - whitened - evoke the sensation of a real air environment, a light fog enveloping the subject. A painterly image is not created by copying individual objects, but "The construction of the color relation of objects in their relationship, together with space on the basis of a holistic image, which enhances the artist's eye with a holistic perception" thirty . Therefore, color relations in the story must be perceived not only as a whole, but also in direct unity with the text. All colors of nature are interdependent and are in a certain dependence on each other, in certain color relations. To portray nature realistically is to convey "In proportion to the nature of the relationship between objects in color tone, saturation and light, convey their color differences" 31. But both the artist and the writer, using a certain color, put into it some kind of inner content, subtext, or maybe this is a code for the perception of the World? After all, the Universe is around us, but the Universe (perhaps the most mysterious) is inside a person. How to comprehend, understand yourself, how to look inside your universe? Both the writer and the artist, referring to color, pursue one goal: with the help of a word, a visual image, to influence a person, to awaken in him the best feelings: Love, Goodness, and most importantly, empathy. Thanks to the use of the artistic word, or rather, in the synthesis of color and the artistic word, images, he manages to achieve, as it were, a double effect: on the one hand, you can “hear” the image through the word, on the other, “see” the image through the color, that is, through the color picture ... Sometimes Green uses the law of color contrast, which is so prevalent in art. To select one color, you need to match the opposite one in the spectrum. This makes it possible to contrast not only color, while bypassing inconspicuous dark colorless shadows. This discovery made it possible to create original "Coloristic" keys(from the word "color"). Each piece of art has its own key. The author seeks to use the emotional power of color; a kind of "music of painting" arises, acting on the soul, on the feelings of the viewer, reader and responding to the artistic, aesthetic, philosophical idea of ​​the work. Sometimes this harmony (or disharmony, depending on the goals of the author) arises from a combination of close colors of barely noticeable shades, smooth transitions that create a certain mood. But quite often the author's intention is embodied in sonorous, bright, contrasting tones that form a beautiful coloring of courageous and strong sounds. Moreover, in painting and fiction, color becomes not only a means of conveying volume, space, form, but also a means of poetic disclosure of images. Color carries a semantic, ideological and artistic load in a work of art.

§ 8 Mysterious shades of color

In order to more clearly represent the color saturation of the story, to determine the ideological meaning of each color, I conducted a study of each color detail in the story. It turned out, in my opinion, very interesting results, which I processed and presented using computer technology. TO
The computer drawing is made in chapters, where each square corresponds to a quote from the text. The most common color is scarlet, therefore, the title of the story is quite justified. The color background of the I chapter is light, warm, despite the fact that from the narrative we learn about Longren's confession that he did not save Menners: Figure 1 - Color symbols of 1 chapter "I made a black toy, Assol" 32. And one more reminder of black, " to the black, stormy horizon filled the space with herds of fantastic maned creatures. " The black color does not violate the overall harmony. Throughout the chapter, scarlet and white colors predominate, as we can see in the color chart (Figure 1). Black, blue, cyan, gray and gold colors appear in the text only 2 times. V

the chapter dedicated to Gray also has an abundance of colors: "golden gate", "silver fish", "woman in a black dress", "black line of the mast." "Golden gates of the sea", which means that it is the sea and its "golden gates" that will open Figure 2 - Color symbols of Chapter 2 for Gray the way to his dream. Gold color is a symbol of enlightenment, light, power. We see that the characters of the characters develop in a certain color space. Much in the second chapter is described without using “color words”, but every detail, object, comes through with the transfer of a color essence that cannot be described in words. For example, here is a description of the picture that fascinated Gray and haunted him: “Turning to the exit, Gray saw a huge picture above the door, which immediately filled the stuffy stupor of the library with its content. The painting depicted a ship heaving on the crest of a sea wall. Jets of foam streamed down its slope. He was depicted in the last moment of takeoff. The ship went straight towards the viewer. The highly raised bowsprit obscured the base of the masts. The crest of the rampart, spread out by a ship's keel, resembled the wings of a giant bird. The foam flew into the air. The sails, vaguely visible from behind the backboard and above the bowsprit, full of the fierce force of the storm, fell backward with all their bulk, so that, having crossed the shaft, straightened, and then, bending over the abyss, rushed the ship towards new avalanches. Broken clouds fluttered low over the ocean. The dim light fought doomedly against the approaching darkness of the night. But the most remarkable thing in this picture was the figure of a man standing on the tank with his back to the viewer. She expressed the whole situation, even the character of the moment. The man's posture (he spread his legs, waving his arms) did not actually say anything about what he was doing, but made one assume the extreme tension of attention directed to something on the deck, invisible to the viewer. The wrapped hem of his caftan flapped in the wind; a white scythe and a black sword stretched out into the air; the richness of the costume showed the captain in it, the dancing position of the body - the wave of the shaft; without a hat, he was apparently absorbed in a dangerous moment and shouted - but what? Did he see a man falling overboard, ordered to turn to another tack, or, drowning out the wind, called the boatswain? " 33 .

This picture gave rise to a burning desire in Gray to be a sailor captain. The painting gave him a new world " In the little boy, a huge sea was gradually filling. He got along with him, rummaging in the library, looking for and eagerly reading those books, behind the golden door of which the blue glow of the ocean opened. There, sowing foam astern, the ships moved. Some of them lost their sails, masts and, choking on the wave, sank into the darkness of the abyss, where the phosphoric eyes of fish flicker. Others, caught by the breakers, beat against the reefs; the abating excitement shook the hull menacingly; the deserted ship with torn gear went through a long agony until a new storm blew it to pieces. Still others were safely loaded in one port and disembarked in another; the crew, sitting at the inn's table, chanted swimming and drank vodka lovingly. There were also pirate ships, with a black flag and a terrible team waving knives; ghost ships shining with the deathly light of blue illumination; warships with soldiers, guns and music; scientific expedition ships looking out for volcanoes, plants and animals; ships with dark secrets and riots; ships of discovery and ships of adventure ". “No profession, except this one, could so successfully fuse all the treasures of life into one whole, keeping intact the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness. Danger, risk, power of nature, light of a distant land, wonderful uncertainty, flickering love, blooming with date and separation; a fascinating boil of meetings, persons, events; the immense variety of life, while high in the sky, now the Southern Cross, now the Bear, and all the continents are in sharp-sighted eyes, although your cabin is full of the never-leaving homeland with its books, paintings, letters and dried flowers entwined with a silky curl in a suede incense on a solid breasts. In the fall, at the age of fifteen, Arthur Gray secretly left home and entered the golden gates of the sea. " Assol already knows about her dream, which is given in color from her point of view and from the point of view of the inhabitants of Kaperna. The most interesting in the color scheme is the chapter "Dawn". Despite the name, it is dominated by the colors of the dark spectrum: black, blue, green. What is their symbolic "load"? "The day began for Gray in black rays" 34. The description of nature at night is given in black and yellow colors. And although the symbolic meaning of black is negative, it is logical, based on the conditions of the context, to interpret in this case black as a color that absorbs all other colors. Kaperna, however, appears to the hero for "Red glass windows"... Therefore, in this chapter, the color red symbolizes malice towards Assol. Opposed to him "green World" the forest in which Gray found Assol.

With amazement he saw the happy gleam of the morning, the cliff of the coast among these branches and the blazing blue distance; over the horizon, but at the same time over his feet, hazel leaves hung. At the bottom of the cliff - with the impression that under Gray's very back - the quiet surf hissed. Flickering from the leaf, a drop of dew spread over his sleepy face with a cold slap. He got up.

Figure 3 - Color symbols of 3 chapters

Light triumphed everywhere. The cold fires of the fire clung to life in a thin stream of smoke. Its smell gave the pleasure of breathing the air of forest greenery a wild charm "…. “The green world breathed in countless tiny mouths, making it difficult for Gray to pass through its jubilant cramped space. The captain got out to an open place, overgrown with variegated grass, and saw a young girl sleeping here ". “The shadow of the foliage crept closer to the trunks, and Gray was still sitting in the same uncomfortable position. Everything was sleeping on the girl: the dark hair was sleeping, the dress and the folds of the dress were sleeping; even the grass near her body seemed to doze out of sympathy. When the impression was complete, Gray entered his warm, washing wave and sailed away with it. For a long time already Letika shouted: - "Captain, where are you?" - but the captain did not hear him. " “Her hair has moved in a mess; a button unbuttoned at the neck, revealing a white hole; the spread skirt bared the knees; eyelashes slept on the cheek, in the shade of a gentle, convex temple, half-covered with a dark strand; the little finger of the right hand, which was under the head, bent down to the back of the head. Gray squatted down, peering into the girl's face ... Thoughtfully yielding to her, he took off an expensive old ring from his finger, not without reason thinking that maybe this is something essential to life, like spelling. He carefully lowered the ring onto the little pinky finger, which turned white from under the back of his head.". In chapter "On the eve" we can observe how the dream “grows” in Assol's soul. And even "Black man with glasses", Recognizing only mechanical toys, not a hindrance in "The growth of impeccable character." This is how the author describes an already adult Assol “Behind the walnut frame, in the light emptiness of the reflected room, stood a slender short girl dressed in cheap white muslin with pink flowers. A gray silk kerchief lay on her shoulders. Half-childish, in a light tan, the face was mobile and expressive; beautiful eyes, somewhat serious for her age, looked out with the timid concentration of deep souls. Her irregular face could touch the delicate purity of the outlines; every bend, every bulge of this face, of course, would find a place in many female forms, but their totality, style - was completely original, - originally sweet; we will stop there. The rest is beyond words, except for the word "charm."

The author describes earlier the awakening and meeting of Assol with the sea like this “Meanwhile, the sea, circled by a golden thread on the horizon, was still sleeping; only under the cliff, in the puddles of the coastal pits, the water rose and fell. The color of the sleeping ocean, steel at the coast, faded into blue and black. Behind the golden thread, the sky, flashing, shone with a huge fan of light; the white clouds moved with a faint blush. Subtle, divine colors shone in them. Already quivering snowy whiteness lay on the black distance; the foam glittered, and a crimson rip, flashing among the golden thread, threw a scarlet ripple across the ocean, at Assol's feet. " Dreams, how real they are, they do not leave Assol's imagination, before going to bed, the author describes Assol's vision “A ship has risen from the thicket; he surfaced and came to a standstill in the middle of dawn. From this distance he could be seen clearly, like clouds. Scattering mirth, he blazed like wine, rose, blood, lips, crimson velvet and crimson fire. The ship went straight to Assol. The wings of the foam fluttered under the powerful thrust of its keel; already getting up, the girl pressed her hands to her chest, as a wonderful play of light turned into a swell; the sun rose, and the bright fullness of the morning tore off the covers from everything that was still basking, stretching on the sleepy ground ".

This is the diagram that characterizes chapter 4.

Figure 4 - Color symbols of 4 chapters

Not a word is said about sails, but the theme of the scarlet color, the color of a dream, sounds like in a piece of music, in various variations. In chapter "Combat preparations" the color scheme can be traced back to the hero's painful search for "truly scarlet". And further. The crimson color imperiously invades the Gray theme. First, associatively, through the author's remarks: "A purple wave fell on the toe of his boot," then "a pink glow shone on his hands and face." 35 . This is how the hero searches for color: "Red, dark pink, dense boils of cherry, orange, dark red tones" 36 . “He patiently took apart the packages, put aside, shifted, unrolled and looked at the light so many scarlet stripes that the counter heaped up with them seemed to be on fire. A purple wave fell on the toe of Gray's boot; a pink glow shone on his hands and face. Rummaging through the light resistance of silk, he discerned colors: red, pale pink and dark pink, thick boils of cherry, orange and dark red tones; there were shades of all forces and meanings, different - in their imaginary kinship, like the words: "charming" - "beautiful" - "splendid" - "perfect"; hints were hidden in the folds, inaccessible to the language of vision, but the true scarlet color did not appear for a long time to the eyes of our captain; what the shopkeeper brought was good, but did not evoke a clear and firm "yes." Finally, one color caught the shopper's disarmed attention; he sat down in an armchair by the window, pulled out a long end from the noisy silk, threw it on his knees and, lounging, with a pipe in his teeth, became contemplatively motionless. " D
Further, the author emphasizes that color has its own, special semantic symbolic meaning for the heroes: “There were shades of all forces and meanings, different in their alleged kinship; hints were hidden in the folds, inaccessible to the language of sight " 37. Both the dream for Assol and the purpose of life for Gray do not come immediately. Assol suffers, and Gray is struggling with routine in life and is looking for a real, unadulterated "proud color" in this chapter. Figure 5 - Color symbols of chapter 5 The epithet “proud” is not humiliated, but life-affirming, not bending under the gusts of everyday adversity. What is this color that Assol is waiting for and Gray is looking for? “There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, the play of purple (symbol of mourning) or purple (that is, impure flowers) hints; there was also no blue, no shadow - nothing that raises doubts " 38. That is, a "pure" color was found, like a dream, a real sublime dream, it "does not tolerate doubt." Gray saw Assol, she did not. Piously believing in Egle's predictions, she is waiting for her happiness. Here is the "golden ring" she discovers on her finger in the chapter "Assol is left alone"... Note that in Green's story, there is no yellow color, but only gold - a symbol of enlightenment, light. Further, the color passes into nature. With the help of color associations, the author conveys the inner state of the heroine: "Blue shadows of trees"(cold, indifferent), "Green glade in pink light"(warm colors). The scarlet color disappears from the color scheme of the chapter. In the color plan of the chapter "Combat preparations" and "Assol is left alone" opposed to each other. The abundance of shades of red and, finally, the scarlet color in Chapter V and its absence in VI. Well, Assol gave up her dream? No, because here it is - unusual golden ring "the size of the sun that fell across the sea at her feet" 39. The color characteristic appears in the title of the last chapter. "Scarlet Secret"... In terms of color, it is the smoothest in the story. All shades of red are a description of the "Secret" as we, the readers, and Assol perceive it. White is "White morning hour ... in the forest"(p. 59). "Green" is a beetle. It was from him that Assol turned her gaze to the sea, where on "I saw a white ship with scarlet sails in the blue sea gap of the street space." And then the triumph of scarlet color, "Colors of deep joy" above all others, dreams - above reality, everyday consciousness. And Green values ​​the dream highly, it remains in force because the dreams of the matured heroes are followed by actions. Here's another thing you pay attention to when analyzing color symbolism: Assol is characterized by warm tones, Gray with light and different colors. Light is for reason, but it is not yet happiness, not paradise. A person needs warmth for happiness. Here A. Green thinks about how to turn “light” into “warmth” while preserving the color symbolism. Light is Gray's theme, warmth is Assol, only when they are united, they will create “paradise”. This is reminiscent of the image of the awakening sea, valuable precisely as a reminder of the possibilities that a person conceals in himself.

Figure 6 - Color Symbols of Chapter 6

Scarlet is the color symbol, the "changing color". It is scarlet, that is, a warm color, not blue, blue - cold, the color of humanity, "the color of deep joy." On everything that falls into the sphere of the miracle, there is a reflection of scarlet sails. On the military cruiser that met the Secret, all day “there was a kind of half-holiday daze; the mood was unofficial, knocked down - under the sign of love. " And then Gray talks about the main result of the miracle: "He will have a new soul and you will have a new one." The feeling of moral unity of people, openness and understanding - this is what A. Green was able to convey. “Color that has become warm, and warmth that has become color, - this is the meaning of the symbolism of the most romantic-realistic work of the writer "Scarlet Sails". In conclusion, summing up the literary research on the topic "The symbolic meaning of a color detail in A. Green's story" Scarlet Sails ", I will give a diagram reflecting the frequency of the use of color symbols.

Figure 7

As a result of a comprehensive study, we can conclude that the most used color details in the story are scarlet, white, blue, black, gold. In addition, you can draw up a certain table of the symbolic meaning of flowers in the story. Scarlet color- juicy, the color of energy and the color of dreams. White color- symbolizing purity, innocence, freshness and clarity. Blue color t means wisdom, loyalty, dispassion and calmness. Black color- the color of darkness, gloom, mourning. But in our case, in black, the author shows everyday hardships, the tests through which the main characters go. Green- the color of health and spiritual tension, expressed in volitional activity, perseverance and strength of mind. That is, the color of striving and development. Gold- the color of science, observation and analysis, symbolizes wealth, youth, dreams, fantasies, joy

VII Conclusion

So, here are the main conclusions that can be drawn from researching the story. Color symbols in Green's story "Scarlet Sails" are not unambiguous and not static, they live, become more complex, and develop. The romantic symbol “color” turns into a real “scarlet color” of silk intended for a “miracle” for a very specific person - for Assol. With the help of color, the author manages to convey not only the state of nature, but also the inner, spiritual life of the heroes. With the help of his special method, as well as color symbols, the author managed to convey a sense of moral unity of people, openness and understanding. "Paradise", i.e. happiness was achieved in the finale not only in the union of Gray and Assol; this image is revealed as a philosophical one: to get out of the darkness of soulless existence, and such an opportunity is inherent in every person. Gone "Secret" from the horrified Kaperna forever, the real miracle of scarlet sails refuted the meaning of her relationship to life, to the world. If labor ceases to be a fight, a struggle for existence, if it becomes spiritualized by purpose and dream, if it becomes creativity, then a person will be released from the captivity of Caperna. Blooming basket - a variant of scarlet sails; everyone should have their own scarlet sails. The symbolism of color supports this hope for a "paradise" for all: “Above him silently torn scarlet sails; the sun in their seams was shining purple smoke". Computer drawing helped to more fully represent the author's intention through color, to comprehend the moral changes taking place with the heroes. The author, with the help of color symbolism, leads us to the idea: everyone should have their own scarlet sails; he convinces of the correctness of the simple truth deduced by the author: "It's about doing so-called miracles with your own hands." The story "Scarlet Sails" leaves a bright feeling of joy and a sense of happiness. I want there to be more happy people like Assol and Gray on earth, because sincere love can turn life into a real miracle. Green's books live on, and each new generation reads them differently. Time paints the sea, heroes and sails in a new way.


    Alexander Grin: Chronicle of Life and Work. M., Feodosia, Koktebel, 2006, 80c.

    Bakhmetyeva V. "Scarlet Sails" set sail (about a movie based on the story of the same name by A. Green). "Literature and Life", 1960, September 25

    Borisov L. Alexander Grin: - In the book. Borisov L. At the Round Table of the Past. L., I97I

    Bochkovskaya T. Heroes of Greenland. 100th anniversary of the birth of A. Green. "Science and Religion", 1980, no. 9

    Green A. Scarlet sails. - Sukhumi: Alashara, 1986 .-- 125 p.

    Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979 .-- 288 p.

    Green A. Sobr. op. in 6 volumes, Moscow, 1980

    A.I. Gorshkov Russian literature: From word to literature: Textbook. A manual for students in grades 10-11. - M .: Education, 1995.- 336 p. /

    Gladysheva A. Scarlet Green's sails. "Russian language at school", I980, no. 4

    Danina V. Memories of A. Green. L., 1972 (rev. On the book), "Zvezda", I973, B 9

    Kirkin Yu. A.S. Green in print and literature about him (? 906-I970). Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. L., I972

    Milashevsky V.A.Green. In the book: V. Milashevsky. Yesterday, the day before yesterday. M., I972

    Mikhailova L.A. Green. Life, personality, creativity. M., I980. -128 s.

    Olesha. Yu. From literary diaries / "Literary Moscow", collection of the second, 1956, - ​​120 p.

    E. Prokhorov Alexander Green. M., 1990

    Slonimsky M. Alexander Green is real and fantastic. - In the book: "The Book of Memories". M.-L., 1996

    Priest Paphnutiy Zhukov // Orthodoxy and Literature, October 2002, No. 423. - Publishing house "Vera-Eskom" Christian newspaper of the North of Russia /423/3.htm/

    Khailov A. In the country of Green. "Don", I963, no. I2

    Kharchev V. Poetry and prose of Alexander Green. Gorky, 1998, 176 p.

    Shcheglov M. Ships of A. Green. "New World", I956, no. 10

    http:// www. krym. dvdboom. ru/ modules/ myarticles/ article. php? storyid=4 - House - Museum of A. Green

    /grin.htm- A.S.Grin's virtual literary-memorial museum

Annex 1

House-Museum of A. Green in Feodosia

Rooms in the A. Green house-museum (Feodosia)

Scarlet Sails

1 Gladysheva A. Scarlet Green's sails. "Russian language at school", I980, no. 4

2 Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)

3 Edgar Poe (1809-1849)

4 Daniel Defoe (1661 - 1731)

5 Jules Verne (1828-1905)

6 Green N. Notes about A.S. Greene. "Literary Russia", 1970

7 Green N. Notes about A.S. Greene. "Literary Russia", 1970 8 Kirkin Yu. A.S. Green in print and literature about him (1906 -1970). Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. L., I972 9 Priest Paphnutiy Zhukov // Orthodoxy and Literature October 2002 No. 423 Publishing House "Vera-Eskom" Christian newspaper of the North of Russia 10 Priest Paphnutiy Zhukov // Orthodoxy and Literature October 2002 No. 423 Publishing House "Vera-Eskom" Christian newspaper of the North of Russia 11 Gorshkov A.I. Russian literature: From word to literature: Textbook. A manual for students in grades 10-11. - M .: Education, 1995. - 240 p. 12 Green N. Notes about A.S. Greene. "Literary Russia", 1970, August 21 13 Gorshkov A.I. Russian literature: From word to literature: Textbook. A manual for students in grades 10-11. - M .: Education, 1995. - 240 p. 14 Olesha. Yu. From literary diaries. - "Lit. Moscow ", collection of the second, 1956, p. 73. 15 Collected works of A. Green. - M .: Russian Literature, 1976. 16 Collected works of A. Green, in 5 volumes. - M .: Russian Literature, 1976. 17 Ibid. 18 Voitolovsky L. Literary silhouettes. A.S. Green. "Kievskaya Mysl", 1910, No. 172, June 24 19 Shogentsukova N.А. "Experience of ontological poetics", M., 1999, p. 16 20 Tresidder D. "Dictionary of symbols". M., 2001 21 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 14 22 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979 .-- 17 p. 23 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. - p. 17 24 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 22 25 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 28 26 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 32 27 Bakhmetyeva V. "Scarlet Sails" set sail (about a movie based on the story of the same name by A. Green). "Literature and Life", 1960, September 25 28 A. Green Scarlet Sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 61 29 Ibid, p. 57 30 Trouble G. “Color relations”, Moscow, 1990 31 Berezovskaya A. A. Green: “Battles with drafts”. "Literary study", I982, no. 5 32 A. Green Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979. p. 7 33 Green A. Scarlet sails. - M .: Moscow worker, 1979.

"Scarlet Sails" is a work with a touching, romantic plot. This is a story about a girl with a gentle, musical name, similar, as the author himself put it, to the sound of a sea shell. Unfortunately, the content of this book is not known to everyone today. And some don't even know who wrote Scarlet Sails.

Neo-romantic writer

Who wrote Scarlet Sails? The author of this book is a person who created unprecedented cities, countries, seas, straits, names of people on paper. And he did this not for the sake of idle play, but to free the imagination, overstrained by poetry. The question of who wrote Scarlet Sails can be answered like this: "This was done by a writer who was in a non-existent, but incredibly beautiful world as deeply as no other of his fellow writers."

This work was read by Soviet people. Heroes with mysterious and at first glance foreign names were very popular at that time. Even schoolchildren knew who wrote "Scarlet Sails" in the Soviet era. Schoolchildren come first. After all, the characters in this book live in a fictional world, and the desire for unreality is inherent in adolescence and youth.

"Scarlet Sails" in Contemporary Art

Today's adolescents read little, few of them are familiar with the content of the work to which today's article is devoted. But in vain. After all, "Scarlet Sails" is a classic. This work is often mentioned in books by more modern authors and even in some films. So, in the film "72 meters", released in screens in 2004, there is an allusion to "Scarlet Sails".

Who wrote the book about a girl who spent many days on the coast waiting for a fabulous ship? A man who has dreamed of the sea and travel since childhood. The heroine of the aforementioned film is waiting for the return of her husband, a submariner, who found himself together with his comrades in a sunken boat. She has only faith and hope, which sometimes turn out to be stronger than any adversity in life. And in order not to lose them, she reads to her unborn child one of the best, kind books of the 20th century - "Scarlet Sails".

Who wrote the story about Assol, which was deprived of maternal love from an early age? About the one who spent her childhood alone and was unloved by her peers just because she was not like them? The book was written by an author who, at the age of 15, lost the closest person in his life.

The mother of the future writer died of tuberculosis. The boy could not find a common language with his stepmother, and subsequently began to live separately from his father's new family. From an early age he knew what loneliness and misunderstanding are. And probably just like the heroine of his famous book, he dreamed of scarlet sails. A. Green wrote this work. The next few paragraphs are devoted to the outstanding writer and romantic, the inventor and the loser, the revolutionary and the humanist.


In what year was Scarlet Sails written? The work on the work was completed in 1922. By that time, the author was 32 years old, but he endured as much as not everyone manages to experience in a long life.

Alexander Grinevsky was born in 1880 in Vyatka. The early facts from his biography were mentioned above. At the age of 16, he left for Odessa with the intention of becoming a sailor. But the dream turned out to be not so easy to realize. The future prose writer had only 25 rubles in his pocket, which he received from his father. For some time, Alexander wandered, unsuccessfully looked for work, starved. Finally, I turned to one of my father's acquaintances. He fed the young man and got him to work as a sailor on a steamer called Platon.

The reader unfamiliar with Green's biography will think that the incredible adventures of a young adventurer who have exchanged a comfortable gray life for romance and severe trials will follow. Nothing like this. The sailor did not come out of him. Green was disgusted with the prosaic work of a sailor. In addition, he did not always manage to find a common language with those around him. Soon he quarreled with the captain and got over to land.


Over the next years, Green tried several professions. He was a fisherman, a laborer, and a railway foreman. For several weeks he lived in his father's house, but the craving for wanderings made him restless. In 1900, the future writer expanded his life experience by working in the mines. Then he worked as a lumberjack for several months.

It was not easy for Green to find his place in life. He, like a stormy sea, tried to enter it. But each time he was again thrown ashore - in the vulgar, hated society of the city of Vyatka.

Military service

In the spring of 1902, Greene became a soldier in the reserve infantry battalion. Military service influenced the formation of his worldview. At the beginning of the century, revolutionary views were increasingly manifested in society. Green, as a born romantic, could not help but be infected with such ideas. 6 months after joining the service, he deserted. Soon he was caught, but escaped. The rebellious spirit of the young man did not go unnoticed by the Socialist-Revolutionary propagandists. They helped the former sailor hide in Simbirsk.

Socialist-Revolutionary activities

In the society of revolutionaries, Green managed to make a small career. Soon he even had a party nickname. Although the writer from an early age experienced hateful feelings towards the existing social order, he refused to participate in terrorist acts. Propaganda among soldiers and workers was his sphere of activity. Subsequently, Green did not like to remember the Socialist-Revolutionary years.

The beginning of creativity

Alexander Green has survived several arrests. Once miraculously escaped from hard labor. He began to write in 1906. It was then that his first works were published. The pseudonym "Alexander Green" appeared a little later.

In 1910, a second collection of stories was published, but these works have little in common with the story "Scarlet Sails". Most of them are written in a realistic manner. At the beginning of the war, some of Green's writings acquired an anti-war character. And in 1916 the writer was forced to hide again, now in Finland.

New power

"Violence cannot be eradicated by violence" - the words from a note by Alexander Green, which appeared in a magazine in 1918. The writer did not accept Soviet power. Now he no longer spoke at meetings, did not join literary groups. Using the words of the writer Varlamov, we can say that Green "did not live in a lie."

In 1919, the prose writer was drafted into the Red Army, but soon fell ill with typhus. After recovering, he lived for several years on Nevsky Prospekt, in the "House of Arts". He managed to get a room here with the assistance of Gorky. During this period, the writer led a hermitic life, almost did not communicate with anyone. It was then that he created the touchingly poetic story "Scarlet Sails", published in 1923. Work on it lasted six years.

"Scarlet Sails"

Green began working on this work in 1916. One day he passed by a display case with toys. One of them aroused the unexpected interest of the writer. It was a small boat with a sail made of white silk. Surprisingly, the toy became the impetus for writing a work about a sailor who arrived on his beautiful ship to a girl named Assol. Only now the sails turned red, or rather, scarlet. It is this color according to Green that symbolizes a wonderful dream, which will certainly come true if you sincerely believe in it.


A girl lived in a small town and her father was a widower who made a living by making toys from wood. Once the girl saw a miniature yacht with scarlet sails in the store. And then a dream arose in her soul of a prince who would one day sail after her on a ship under scarlet sails.

The townsfolk do not like and do not understand romantics. Soon, rumors spread throughout the city of the girl's madness. But she, in spite of everything, continued to believe and wait. And her dream, of course, came true.

The "Scarlet Sails" holiday symbolizes the hope that is placed on promising and talented youth, including graduates, on whom the future of not only St. Petersburgers, but the entire country depends. This year the motto of the holiday is “Together with Russia”. This slogan has a deep meaning - it is the graduates who will have to build the future of our Motherland.

The presenters will be Ivan Urgant and Daria Alexandrova. The following will perform at the holiday:

  • Marcus Riva
  • #Lera
  • Vladimir Presnyakov
  • Julia Parshuta
  • Marseilles
  • Sergey Lazarev
  • Polina Gagarina

A completely new program of the pyrotechnic show will be presented this year. Guests of St. Petersburg will see a truly enchanting spectacle, the most beautiful in their lives. Nine towers will be constructed on Troitsky Bridge, four of which are 33 meters long. In addition, 13 pyrotechnic structures will be installed on pontoons in the water area of ​​the Neva. A sailboat under scarlet sails, music and colorful play of all colors of the rainbow will create a spectacle of stunning beauty.

A premiere awaits the guests of the holiday - this year the Scarlet Sails 2019 show will be presented by a new sailing ship created in Russia and specially for this holiday. He arrived from Kronstadt and is located on the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt, his name is "Russia".

The basis of the future sailing vessel was the hull of a former fishing seiner. In order for the brig to match the sailing ships of the 19th century, specialists almost completely overhauled the hull. When creating the ship, ancient shipbuilding methods were taken into account, as well as modern technologies were used. The length of the sailboat is 50 meters, the width is 7.6 meters, and the draft is 3.5 meters. Main engine power - 610 h.p. The size of the scarlet sails is 900 sq. meters. In the open sea, the brig can move at a speed of 16 knots per hour (about 30 km per hour), which is the maximum indicator for this class of ships.

It is assumed that the Scarlet Sails holiday will bring together more than 33,000 graduates of St. Petersburg schools and more than 1.5 million citizens and guests of St. Petersburg.

For the first time, the Scarlet Sails holiday in St. Petersburg was celebrated in 1968 and celebrated for 10 years until 1979. Again this significant day began to be celebrated in 2005. It is held on the weekend closest to the longest day of the June white night.

The program of the "Scarlet Sails" holiday in 2019



Gathering of alumni and guests

Concert program with the participation of show business stars

1:10 -

Continuation of the concert program with the participation of youth groups

Events in the holiday "Scarlet Sails" of St. Petersburg

Now "Scarlet Sails" is an international show that attracts more and more spectators from year to year.

Graduates of St. Petersburg schools receive 2 invitation cards - for themselves and for their friend. The celebration usually takes place at 2 sites - on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and on Palace Square, where large screens are installed and a teleconference is organized between the sites. The entrance to the Palace Square is by invitation cards. Everyone is usually present at the Spit of Vasilievsky Island. On the night of the event, traffic along the Neva stops.

The Governor of St. Petersburg addresses the graduates with parting words. The motto of the holiday is “Russia - the country of opportunities”. Its symbol is Dunaevsky's overture to the film "Children of Captain Grant".

Then a concert is held on Palace Square, in the program of which famous artists take part, and Ivan Urgant has been one of the presenters for several years in a row. Many guests also watch the concert on the Spit of Vasilievsky Island.

The culmination is a spectacular lighting show accompanied by colorful fireworks and live sounds of a symphony orchestra in the water area of ​​the Neva between Troitsky, Palace and Exchange bridges. To the music of Dunaevsky for the film "Children of Captain Grant", a ship with scarlet sails appears from the side of the Troitsky bridge.

After the colorful show, concerts continue, in which youth groups take part.

Unfortunately, in the morning, the places where the celebrations are held are strewn with rubbish and the lawns are trampled. Strongly drunk young people are walking along the streets. Sometimes there are fights. In this regard, proposals are being discussed to limit the sale of alcohol stronger than 15 degrees on the eve and on the day of the holiday. But it is remarkable that only a small part of young people celebrate the holiday so vigorously.

The "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg instills confidence in graduates in a bright future. The organizers try to make the event interesting not only for young people, but also for older people.

How did the "Scarlet Sails" holiday appear in St. Petersburg

Then, in 1968, the director of the City Palace of Pioneers was instructed by the city leadership to organize a city-wide holiday of graduates. Since the guys always walked along the embankments of the Neva after receiving their certificates, the embankment from the Bronze Horseman to the Summer Garden was chosen as the venue.

The first part of the event included concerts and competitions on the embankments of St. Petersburg. Every 100 meters, venues were organized where artists performed and competitions were held. For winning the competition, schoolchildren were awarded a trip around the city at night or a ride on a river tram along the Neva. At that time, all graduates wanted to win such a prize, and therefore they were happy to participate in funny competitions.

For example, there were scales and a height meter on the site, and the children were asked to guess whether the weight of all the graduates of the class would be up to a ton, and their height - up to 1 km. And on one site there was a 3-liter jar with nuts and you had to guess how many nuts there were.

The guys took part in a dance competition and performed songs to the accordion or accordion. The song had to be sung to the end. They usually started amicably, and the class who knew the words of the song completely won.

Everyone understood that the name of the celebration should be associated with water and at the beginning, except for the name associated with water - Aurora, they could not come up with anything. The idea to name the holiday "Scarlet Sails" was accepted with enthusiasm.

Directly solemn events began at 23 o'clock. A boat departed from the Peter and Paul Fortress, on which a guy and a girl stood with a burning torch in their hands. The boat was moving towards the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The torch was passed on to the cadets who stood at the Rostral columns, who lit torches on the columns and announced the opening of the holiday.

Then, from behind the Kirovsky bridge, a sailboat with scarlet sails appeared on the surface of the Neva, on which Assol was standing. The spectacle was unusually beautiful and short-lived. Unfortunately, only those who stood in the front rows on the embankment could see it. That year, the holiday, which was attended by 25 thousand people, lasted until 2 am and was remembered by all participants as a bright and kind event.

St. Petersburg, the "Scarlet Sails" holiday is an all-Russian ball of high school graduates, held in the city of St. Petersburg on the Saturday closest to the shortest white night. Usually this is the end of June: from 19 to 25).

"Scarlet Sails" graduates' holiday is held in two stages. At the first stage, a large concert is organized on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island and Palace Square using elements of theatrical performance. The second stage is to hold a grandiose multimedia pyrotechnical show in the water area of ​​the Neva. The entrance is free everywhere.

The night show is a unique performance on the water. And the passage of a ship with scarlet sails along the embankments is the main event of the show. The ceremonial movement of the ship on the water is accompanied by a water performance, fireworks and a specially prepared light show. Also, the whole performance is fully synchronized with the music. In total, the duration of this water show is about 30 minutes.

Every year about 3.5 million people watch the performance in real mode. Also, with the distribution of a signal to the whole world on the federal fifth channel, a live television broadcast is being conducted. The holiday is held with the personal participation of the Governor and the all-Russian support of the Government of St. Petersburg.

In 1968, Leningrad hosted for the first time the only alumni holiday in the Soviet Union called "Scarlet Sails". The Palace of Creativity of Young (now), and earlier - on Nevsky Prospect, the City Palace of Pioneers is considered the place of his birth. It was there that a bright and large-scale event was initiated at the initiative of the city department of public education of Leningrad.

The grand opening of the holiday took place in the evening, at eleven o'clock, on June 27, 1968. Its introductory theatrical part was shown on the water. A wide stretch of the river opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress - the water area of ​​the Neva between the Palace and Kirov bridges - has become a stage. And the places for the audience were the entire Palace Embankment, the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and two huge bridges.

A string of powerful searchlight installations stretched along the embankment. The entire space above the river was pierced by their colored rays. The holiday was opened by a squadron of boats, on which were all generations of Soviet people: a soldier of the Bolshevik armored division, a sailor of the revolutionary Baltic, the young working days of October and many others. The very first ship depicted a huge "hammer". And the second was the ship "sickle". And we were rubbing the ship "atom".

Young drummers and fanfarers, dressed in the bright ceremonial uniform of the Nakhimov and Suvorov schools, settled down on the sides of all the boats in the role of an honorary escort. All night long, a colorful, mesmerizing, grandiose performance took place on the Neva River. This show was attended by about 30 thousand graduates.

From that day on, the alumni holiday "Scarlet Sails" became traditional and was celebrated until 1979. But fearing a large crowd of young people, Grigory Romanov, head of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, closed the holiday. And since then it has become an unofficial one. And its renewal took place only in 2005.

Today the "Scarlet Sails" holiday is a large multimedia performance held in St. Petersburg on the brightest of the white nights in the water area of ​​the Neva River, which uses all the most modern multimedia technologies. The main event of the show is the passage of a dream ship with scarlet sails along the embankments, symbolizing, in turn, a bright future, fulfillment of desires and giving hope.

The working space of the water area is about 2 kilometers.

About the symbol of scarlet sails!

A sailboat with extraordinary scarlet sails is considered to be the main symbol of the holiday.

The brig "Tre Kronor" has been the symbol of the "Scarlet Sails" in recent years. It is a modern replica of the Gladan brig, which was built in 1857. The current vessel was built with the participation of volunteers from all over the world and charities, in connection with which it is also referred to as the Sailing Ship of the World.

The ceremonial launching of the vessel took place in 2007 in August. The vessel has unique technical characteristics: there is a double direct sailing armament of the mast, has good maneuverability and has sufficient overall dimensions (its length is 46 meters).

In previous years, various ships were symbols of the "Scarlet Sails". So in Leningrad, in 1968, it was a squadron of boats, on which costumed representatives of different generations settled down. In 1970, the German trophy schooner Leningrad, which belonged to Count von Luckner (the main German corsair of the First World War), played the role of the symbol of the Scarlet Sails.

In 2005, the Fregat became its symbol, being the first ship of the Baltic Fleet, which was restored in 1994. In 2008, the three-masted high-speed sailing ship Mir raised the Scarlet Sails on the Neva. In 2009, the main role was played by the schooner "Young Baltiets". And since 2010 the Tre Kronor brig has been the symbol of the Scarlet Sails.

Following the established traditions, this summer the "Scarlet Sails" holiday took place in St. Petersburg, and a ship under scarlet sails again entered the waters of the Neva. Every year this event attracts over a million people, most of whom are tourists from other countries. Attending this holiday becomes part of the White Nights Tour.

The dates for the festive event change every year, which is why those wishing to see this excellent holiday should inquire in advance about the days of its holding.

The history of the appearance of the holiday

The history of the "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg is quite long and dates back to the 60s. Graduates have developed a tradition of holding hands and strolling along the embankment along the Neva. It was here that they enjoyed an excellent view, talked about the future, and recalled their school years. In 1968, a committee of the City Council of Pioneers developed a script for a graduation party.

The history of the "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg is very interesting, since it was originally a mass event. A vast territory, bounded by the Bronze Horseman monument and the Summer Garden, was allocated for its implementation. This area has been divided into several distinct sectors, each equipped with a stage. Artists performed on the stage. Graduates also took part in various competitions with great desire, as they wanted to receive a prize. It was very important to correctly define the theme of the celebration. There were ideas for holding it based on the work of Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails".

The preparation for the gala event turned out to be very difficult, and the technical aspects were difficult to accomplish. However, high walls were erected, the embankment was decorated, the required equipment was installed. On June 7, 1968, a boat departed from the Peter and Paul Fortress with a boy and a girl on board. The guy was holding a lighted torch in his hands. This symbolized the opening of the holiday.

The most moving moment was the arrival of the ship with its colorful scarlet sails. This ship has become a symbol of the beginning of a new life for graduates. Under the sails, all those present saw Assol, who proudly and confidently looked into the distance.

For 11 years this solemn event was held, and then there was a long break. Until 2005, this holiday was not held, but then the tradition again returned to St. Petersburg, and every year it becomes more vivid, large-scale and spectacular. Children begin to wait for it from the first grade, as this is a truly unique and unforgettable event.

Celebration vessel

The celebration was attended not by one ship with scarlet sails, but several different boats, thus forming a real unique performance. Beginning in 1970, only one vessel was launched into the waters of the Neva. For the first time, the role of a ship with scarlet sails was played by the schooner "Leningrad".

Then in the period 2005-2007 this role was performed by the frigate "Standart". This ship was an exact copy of the ship built by order of Peter the Great. In 2008 the sailing ship Mir was launched. However, this vessel turned out to be large enough and it was possible to bring it out into the water only with the help of a tug.

In 2009, the ship "Young Baltiets" was launched. However, this ship was also unsuitable in size. Starting in 2010, the Tre Cronor sailing ship began to participate in the celebration, which was made according to ancient technology, but at the same time its maneuverability and convenience make this ship the most suitable for the celebration.

How exactly is the solemn event

The gathering of participants and guests of the solemn event takes place on the Palace Square, where only graduates of St. Petersburg schools go. The concert program is compiled on the basis of Internet voting by the alumni themselves. After midnight, a grandiose fireworks display begins in St. Petersburg. Flashes of fire literally illuminate, while painting the surrounding buildings and the sky in different shades.

After that, to the melody from the movie "Children of Captain Grant", a ship appears under scarlet sails. A girl in a snow-white dress is standing on the deck. The concert program continues until early morning. The embankment at this time turns into a huge dance floor.

The "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg is included in the list of world tourism and is recommended for visiting in many European countries. Many note the high level of organization and security.

When will the holiday be held in 2017

The "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg in 2017 was held on the night of June 23-24, as this is the time when the peak of the white nights falls. Popular bands and famous artists performed on the stage that evening. The pyrotechnic show and fireworks delighted everyone present.

The fireworks during the solemn event became part of a colorful show, which was marked by the fact that the famous Swedish brig passed along the Neva. This year, the brigantine was able to boast of new sails, which, as always, looked flawless with scarlet illumination. The final stage of the graduates' holiday was a disco, which lasted until dawn.

How to get invitation cards

School leavers who receive invitations absolutely free of charge can attend the "Scarlet Sails" holiday in St. Petersburg. In addition, you can get an additional ticket for an accompanying person. Free tickets can be obtained by the best graduates of regional educational institutions.

For everyone else, in order to get to the festive event, you will need to purchase a ticket.

Transport work and traffic restrictions during the holiday

On the night of the solemn event, the metro operates without interruption. All metro stations are open for passengers around the clock. Trains will run at extended intervals.

In addition, there are night buses and trolley buses, which is why it is possible to get to the venue at any time. During the holiday, traffic on the central streets of the city will be limited.

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