Home Fruit trees How to calculate ingredients per serving. Formulation calculation. Purchase prices for products

How to calculate ingredients per serving. Formulation calculation. Purchase prices for products

Hello my dear friends! Probably, in my absence for a month, you guessed that something was happening. Even the absence of events is an event when it is outside the norm. Oh, how she twirled!

I twirled it - I untwist it.

For several years I have been thinking about moving my brainchild to a “new home”. There were many reasons for this, and at the end of last year I decided: New Year - new beginnings. And this is not only symbolic. January is the perfect time for this: while you, I'm sure, were enjoying the holidays, pleasant meetings and delicious food, I dived into the jungle of a world unfamiliar to me and worked on creating a new website. Believe that you will love it!

With a frank culinary delight

and sincerely delicious wishes,

Galina Artemenko

Source https://vku.life/zhizn-vkusnaja/

Hi Hi! I continue my series of pre-New Year compilations, and today the next step is… snacks! Again! It's just that there are not many of them ...

So, today we are preparing the cutest mini-muffins with cheese, a snack cake with olives, onions and nuts, as well as a liver cake in an exquisite serving.

How to prepare a lot of snacks for the festive table and not brush your teeth? Snack oils! This is one of my favorite dining themes, and today we are preparing as many as six types!

Hi Hi! The crazy time continues when you want to have time for everything and be able to relax at the same time. In December, the topic of finding a balance is more relevant than ever: what do you want to have time to do, but not at any cost, and what is better to leave (either for later or in the past year).

Eventually the New Year will come! So here are two recipes to complement your snack table. Fish appetizers are always on the topic, right?

My unequivocal top of what I always leave (for later or in the past year - whatever the mood will be) is the general cleaning. Honestly, I never do general cleaning! The traditional top time for this “joy” is either before the New Year or before Easter. The risk, as they say, is maximum! But it was not for nothing that I put the word “joy” in quotation marks, since I don’t like to devote some long time to putting things in order, even if I do everything that is necessary little by little for some time. So the "hostess" (one, by the way, of my unloved words!) Of me is so-so, and I try to maintain cleanliness with the usual routine cleaning. But for something rare at this time of year, I still decide. For example, this year I washed the curtains.

You can blame me for this approach to housekeeping or not blame me - in this matter, as in food, everything can be expressed in just one word: TASTE. Someone loves sparkling cleanliness and is ready to direct it, devoting time to it throughout the week. Someone is polarly ready to live in complete chaos. Someone wants to do everything on their own, but for someone it is better to entrust the care of cleanliness to a professional. The main thing, in my subjective opinion, is the sanitary measures necessary for a normal life, calmness and a satisfied state as a result. I believe that if the plafonds are not washed, and the brain does not let go of this, you need to either accept the given and calm down, or wash the plafonds. About plafonds an example is not accidental - I just plan to accept them as they are.

Cleaning by cleaning, and the New Year will come, as u already said at the very beginning. Two recipes that I am sharing today are from my book (there these recipes are presented in a step-by-step version).

Homemade sprats

I'll start with them. This recipe was awesome for me: when I cooked them, I could not believe that the capelin, from which they are prepared in this case, can really be exactly the same taste as sprats from a can! And you can call sprats the past century, “you need to move forward, not backward,” but in my head a black bread sandwich with sprats and pickled cucumber is something amazing!

800 g frozen capelin
2 tbsp. l. black tea (medium or small-leaved tea is better)
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. soy sauce
1 tsp natural liquid smoke
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp salt
0.5 tsp Sahara
5 black peppercorns
3 allspice peas
2 carnation buds
1 bay leaf

Defrost the fish, remove the heads and entrails.

Pour the tea leaves with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Further, I will describe the process for a multicooker, but all the same can be done simply on the stove, or in the oven! So ...

Pour the tea leaves into the multicooker bowl, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, liquid smoke, vegetable oil and any remaining spices to it. Place the capelin backs up in the resulting marinade, trying to position the fish tightly to each other.

Select the "Extinguishing" operating mode, the time is 1 hour. At the end of the program, switch the multicooker to the "Simmering" mode, if there is one in your model, and cook for another hour. If there is no such mode, select the heating mode for 1 hour. When the multicooker is finished, turn it off and leave the capelin under a closed lid until it cools completely, and only then the fish can be transferred to a convenient container.

For cooking on the stove simply simmer the capelin on the lowest possible heat for 2 hours and leave to cool, covered.

For cooking in the oven send a container with fish there and cook at 150 ° for 1 hour under a lid or foil, and then turn off the oven and leave the capelin in it to cool.

Mackerel Riyette

This is a wonderful and very easy to prepare snack! Try to replace the standard lightly salted or smoked mackerel with it on the festive table - it's much more interesting.

1 fresh frozen mackerel
1 onion
150 g dry white wine
80 g smoked fish (I have salmon)
2 tbsp. l. fish sauce (if not available, replace with soy sauce)
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 bay leaves
6 green onion feathers
salt, pepper - to taste

Defrost the mackerel and cut off the head, carefully peel from the entrails and rinse the carcass. Cut the onion into rings and send it to the multicooker bowl along with the bay leaf. Place the mackerel on top. Season with salt and pepper. Pour in the wine, close the lid of the multicooker and cook in the "Bake" mode for 15 minutes.

Use forks to cut the carcass into small fiber pieces, removing the backbone and bones. Add finely diced smoked fish to the mackerel. Chop green onions and mix with fish base. Season the riyet with salt, pepper, oil and fish sauce. Mix thoroughly.

Serve such a paste well on slices of toasted bread.

Let me remind you about my book with recipes for a multicooker - this is a whole hundred of the most diverse recipes, among which you will find simple and quick recipes for every day, as well as recipes for special occasions. Everything from soups to pastries and drinks. You can buy it

Food layouts for your favorite salads

Salad - Curly crab.

Output - 230 grams


Ham - 30 gr;

Sausage p / sm. - 30 gr;

egg - 20 gr;

green onions - 20 gr;

tomatoes - 30 gr;

cheese - 30 gr;

mayonnaise - 30 gr;

crab sticks - 40 gr;



Ham and sausage - straws, eggs - grated, onions - finely, tomatoes - cubes - mix with mayonnaise.

Shredded cheese on top.

Cut the crab into rings lengthwise, loosen and put on top. Decorate with herbs.

Salad - Buffet

Output - 200 grams


Crab sticks - 40 g;

cucumbers - 50 gr;

corn - 30 gr;

beans - 30 gr;

crackers - 20 gr;

mayonnaise - 30 gr;



Crab - in rings lengthwise, cucumber - in strips. Put a glass in the center of the plate, arrange the food in sectors - crab, cucumber, corn, beans. Remove the glass. In the center - crackers. Pour mayonnaise along the edge of the crackers, entering the sectors.

Decorate with herbs.

When we changed the menu, we applied our old recipes, looked for new ones on the Internet, changing the layout. But it is much more convenient to use it as a culinary reference for all occasions. The apps contain many recipes by category, complete with photo and video instructions.

Zabiyaka salad

Output - 150 grams


Squids - 40 gr;

cucumbers - 30 gr;

tomatoes = 30 gr;

onions. - 20 gr;




Squids - in rings, cucumbers - in strips, tomatoes - in cubes, onions - finely. Season with mayonnaise, stir, garnish with herbs on top.

Salad - Comet.

Output - 160 grams


Squid - 40 gr; Egg - 40 gr; (whole)

Pepper bulg. - 20 gr;

Green peas - 30 gr;

mayonnaise - 30 gr;



Calamari - rings, pepper - straws, egg - grated, add peas (leave a few peas for decoration), mix with mayonnaise. Top - greens, and decorate with peas.

Salad - Ballerina.

The output is 170 grams.

Tongue - 50 g; mushrooms - 30 gr; egg - 20 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr # greens.


Everything except cheese - mix with mayonnaise, cheese, herbs on top. Sprinkle greens in paths from the center of the plate, visually dividing into three sectors.

Salmon salad - Touch-me-not.

The output is 200 grams.


Salmon - 50 gr; Peking - 50 gr; egg - 20 gr "cucumbers of St. - 40 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; lemon - 10 gr; greens.


Salmon - straws, cucumbers - straws; cabbage - in cubes; egg - on a grater, mix everything with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with herbs, garnish from the center with thin strips of lemon.

Salad - Black Pearls.

Output - 160 grams


crab - 40 gr; egg - 20 gr; prunes - 20 gr; (leave a few pieces for decoration); nuts - 20 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; greens.


Crab - in rings, egg - on a grater, prunes - in strips, cheese - grated, nuts - chopped. - mix with mayonnaise, on top - cheese. Decorate with finely chopped prune cubes over the entire surface to resemble pearls, with herbs on top.

Salad - Leader.

Output - 200 grams


ham - 50 gr; squid - 30g; egg - 20 gr; cucumber St. - 40 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; greens, garlic.


Ham, squid, cucumber - straws, egg - grated, garlic; mix with mayonnaise, top - cheese, herbs.

Salad - Cypriana

Output - 150 grams


Pepper bulg. - 40 gr; ham - 50 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; garlic, herbs.


Pepper, vtchina straws, add garlic, mix with mayonnaise, on top - cheese, herbs

Salad - Elegy

Output - 210 grams


Tongue - 70 g; pickled cucumbers - 20 gr; carrots of st. - 30 gr; cheese - 30 gr; bulg. pepper - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr;


Grate carrots, add Korean seasoning, oil, lemon juice, a little to taste.

Tongue, cucumbers, pepper - straws, mix with mayonnaise. Top with cheese, in the center - carrots, decorate the edges with herbs in a circle, sprinkle.

Salad - Orchid

Output - 200 grams


Ham - 30 gr; egg - 20 gr; cucumbers mar. - 20 gr; raw carrots - 30 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; chips - 20 gr; greens.


Ham, cucumbers - straws, carrots and an egg - finely grated, mix with mayonnaise, cheese on top. Stick the whole chips on the surface, in the place, in each hole, where the chips are sprinkled with herbs.

Salad - Nostalgia

The output is 190 grams.


Chicken fillet - 50 gr; tomatoes - 40 gr; mushrooms - 20g; egg - 20 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; black pepper, herbs.


Tomatoes, cut chicken, add mushrooms, black. pepper, grated egg. Mix everything with mayonnaise, cheese, herbs on top.

Salad - Caligula.

Output - 200 grams


Beef meat - 50 gr; beans - 30 gr; tomatoes - 50 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; garlic, herbs.


Meat - strips, tomatoes - cubes, add beans, mix with mayonnaise, garlic, top - cheese, herbs.

Salad - Pariselle

Output - 220 grams


Smoked chicken. - 50 gr; ogur. St. - 30 gr; tomato - 30 gr; bell pepper - 30 gr; corn - 20 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr;


Chicken, cucumbers, peppers - strips, tomato - cubes, add corn, mix with mayonnaise, cheese on top, garnish with corn grains, herbs

Salad - Corydalis

output - 200 grams


Kopch. Chicken - 60 gr; mushrooms - 20 gr; kart. boiled - 30 gr; the cucumbers are salty. - 30 gr; egg 20 gr; carrots of st. - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; greens.


Chicken (leave a little for decoration), cucumbers, - straws, eggs, carrots - grater, + mushrooms, mixed with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with chicken on top over the entire surface, greens.

Salad - Cheer

Output - 150 grams


Herring - 50 gr; bulg. Pepper - 30 gr; tomatoes - 50 gr; onion - 10 gr; greens


Herring, pepper - strips. Tomatoes - diced, add onion, mix. Refuel grows. butter with lemon juice. Sprinkle with herbs.

Salad - Magarych

Output - 180 grams


Herring - 60 gr; egg - 20 gr; onion. - 10 gr; kart. boiled - 30 gr; cheese - 30 gr; mayonnaise - 30 gr; greens.


Herring - in strips, potatoes - in cubes, an egg - on a grater, onion, mix with mayonnaise, on top - cheese, herbs.

Salad - Cruiser

Output - 240 grams


Potatoes otv. - 30 gr; herring - 60 gr; The cucumber is salty. - 30 gr; onion - 10 gr; apple - 30 gr; egg - 20 gr "bell pepper. - 30 gr; granulated sugar, lemon juice - to taste, ground black pepper; mayonnaise - 30 gr.


Herring, cucumber, apple, pepper - strips, grated egg, add spices, mix with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs.

Wait to continue ...

You will need

  • calculator
  • exact recipe
  • data on consumed costs by the enterprise
  • the staffing table of the restaurant


Calculate the cost of the products included in the dishes. is simple: the weight of the products used is multiplied by the price of the same products for. For example, when preparing a vegetable salad, you will need 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers. The weight of tomatoes will be 300 grams, and a kilogram of these vegetables costs 90 rubles. 2 cucumbers will come out on 350 grams, and the cost of a kilogram of this product is 120 rubles. Thus, the cost of salad products:
0.30 * 90 + 0.35 * 120 = 69 rubles.

Calculate the labor and other costs of the restaurant, including the cost of energy saving, etc. In order to calculate these costs per unit of production, you need to have a clear understanding of the performance of a given restaurant. Let's say a restaurant sells over 1,000 meals a month. During the same period of time, it consumes electricity for 5000 rubles. Thus, the cost per unit of production is 5 rubles. All costs of the restaurant are calculated in a similar way. As for labor costs, here the cost of the cook's time spent on preparing the dish is calculated. For example, it took 30 minutes to prepare a salad, and the chef's salary is 20,000 rubles a month, while he works 20 days, 8 hours a day, so we get that the cost of one hour of work will be 125 rubles per hour. Accordingly, thirty-minute work will cost 62.5 rubles.

Calculate VAT or Trade Margin. VAT today is equal to 10% or 18%, depending on the form of ownership. VAT at catering establishments is calculated based on the cost of production. In this case, from the cost of the salad.


Today there are programs that will allow you to quickly and correctly make all the necessary calculations. The process of calculating the cost of a dish is recorded and drawn up in the form of documents.

Helpful advice

Calculating the cost of each specific dish is a rather laborious and painstaking process. They usually do it manually. All calculations are made by commodity experts, accountants or other specialists, depending on the staff of the restaurant.


  • Accounting website
  • how to calculate labor costs

Food accounting implies the collection and processing of information on the receipt, storage and release of raw materials and semi-finished products, which will subsequently be used in the preparation of the product. The activity of the institution as a whole depends on its effectiveness.

Depending on the type of organization, accounting is regulated by law, but the basis for all is the same. Acceptance of food products by quantity is carried out only after its quality has been confirmed by the incoming control. For this, a special laboratory must be equipped at the enterprise and qualified personnel must be selected. If the product is hermetically sealed and confirmed by a quality certificate, then a visual inspection is carried out. If low-quality raw materials are identified, an act of return to the supplier is drawn up.

Accounting for the receipt of products is kept in the receipt sheet, which indicates the number of the act or invoice, and in the warehouse a mark is made in the inventory book. In it, the incoming batch is assigned an inventory number, the name, grade and quantity are registered.

If it is necessary to issue a product from a warehouse to production, the head chef draws up a menu-request for the release of raw materials, in which he indicates the required nomenclature and quantity.

The developed automated processes allow you to keep track of the product from the moment it arrives at the warehouse until it leaves it as a ready-made dish.

At the end of the month, the accounting department for the receipt of products makes a general calculation of the received products according to the nomenclature, quantity and suppliers. The purchase actual prices are checked against the cost estimate, which contains complete data on the cost of the finished dish.

There are special software systems in the form of calculators that automatically calculate the calculation of dishes for catering organizations. It is enough to enter there a list of products in quantitative and price terms, and the selling price will be immediately issued. But this type of calculation is not always convenient, since for the approval of the calculation by the management of the institution, it is necessary to provide its detailed decoding.

For this case, a costing card approved by law has been developed, which reflects the total price for each dish, and the cost can be calculated for a certain number of products.

Before you draw up a map, you need to decide on the recipe and the amount of products needed to prepare the dish. For convenience, it is recommended to calculate raw materials for 100 portions of the product. The prices indicated in the calculation must correspond to the purchase prices.

After all the information is collected, it is compiled, and all data on raw materials, the rate of its consumption per unit of product and cost are entered into it. To calculate the cost per unit of a dish, you need to divide the resulting cost by 100.

For quick calculation, you can use Microsoft Excel tables, which provide automatic input of formulas.

The organization-approved markup must be added to the cost price, and the sale price calculation is complete. The received data is entered into the costing card.

Prices for purchased products change periodically, so you should constantly monitor them and make changes to ensure the reliability of the cost. A correctly compiled calculation has a direct impact on the calculation of the margin, in which the profit of the institution is taken into account.

Home> Lesson

Costing card

Borscht with cabbage and potatoes

Recipe No. 170____________________ column ___________________________

Product name


for 1 serving

for 25 servings

2. Fresh cabbage

3. Potatoes

4. Carrots

6. Tomato puree

9. Bay leaf

10. Bone broth No. 168

Dishes outlet


Including sales margin

Calculator ___________________________

Invoice for products No. 1.

product name



Fresh cucumbers

Fresh tomatoes

Crabs (canned food)

Tomato puree

Bay leaf

Chicken fillet

Vegetable oil



Melted fat

Citric acid

Set of bones

Production director


The calculation was


Invoice for products No. 2.

product name

price with trade margin (10%)



Fresh cucumbers

Fresh tomatoes

Crabs (canned food)

Tomato puree

Bay leaf

Chicken fillet

Vegetable oil



Melted fat

Citric acid

Set of bones

The total cost of a 5-course raw set

Production director


The calculation was

stages of the lesson


tasks of the moment of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Provide a normal external environment for work in the lesson and psychologically prepare students for communication and the upcoming lesson.


Formation of respect, sympathy, goodwill for each other.

Definition of the absent.

Education of humanism, academic discipline, cooperation.

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

Education of responsibility, preparation for maximum performance in the classroom.

Organization of attention.

Fostering discipline, diligence, creating a business and psychological climate between students and the teacher.

2. Preparing students for active and conscious perception of the material.

Organize and direct the cognitive activities of students. Prepare them for the assimilation of the material. Teach you to choose specific methods to achieve your goals.

Communication of the goals and objectives of learning new material.

Formation and deepening of ideas about the variety of mathematical approaches in solving practical problems.

Disclosure of the field of application of new knowledge in real life.

A message about the practical importance of learning new material, motivating students to master it.

Formation of ideas about mathematics as a universal language of science.

Disclosure of the practical, social significance of the topic under study in various areas of society.

3. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge.

To consolidate in the memory of students the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work. Achieve in the course of consolidating the comprehension of the studied material, the depth of its understanding.

The chef's story.

Working in groups(completing the first task).

Familiarization with the duties of a chef at catering establishments.

Development of cognitive activity and business interaction.

Practicing computational skills when working in a group.

Manager's story.

Familiarization with the job responsibilities of a manager at catering establishments.

Fostering mutual respect in communication.

Development of communication skills of students.

Accountant's story.

Working in groups(completing the second and third tasks.)

Acquaintance with the duties of the chief accountant at catering establishments.

Formation of the skills of extreme attentiveness, consistency in calculations.

Disclosure of new methods of self-checking the correctness of the performed mathematical calculations.

Formation of skills for productive business interaction and group decision-making. Education of accuracy when working with documents.

Menu compilation work.

Formation of the ability to concentrate attention as a prerequisite for the successful completion of the task.

Checking reports by an accountant-auditor.

Control over the work performed.

Acquaintance with the official duties of an accountant-auditor at catering establishments.

Determination of the level of mastery by students of skills on the topic being studied.

4. The final stage.

Summing up the results of the work in groups.

Analysis and discussion of work and mistakes.

The development of skills to analyze, compare with the standard.


Promotes the emancipation of creative potential in every lyceum student and the development of his needs in transforming the surrounding reality and himself;

  • Yakovleva Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher of informatics school No. 37 of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia 84 Bukhvalova Olga Alekseevna, teacher of informatics school No. 36 of Angarsk, Irkutsk region lesson


    One of the classifications of lessons was based on the methods of their conduct, that is, teaching methods, in connection with which lessons-lectures, film lessons, lessons-conversations, lessons of practical exercises, etc. were distinguished.

  • Modern lesson


    How to develop a lesson? What do you need to know to be able to build an effective biology lesson in school? In what form should the training be organized? Does a teacher need a lesson plan, and if so, which one? Very frequently asked questions from students and young teachers.

  • Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670, Czech humanist thinker, teacher) in his book The Great Didactics. Further development of the classical teaching of Ya. A. Komensky about the lesson


    The lesson as a form of organization of educational work has existed since the seventeenth century, that is, for more than 350 years. This pedagogical invention turned out to be so viable that today the lesson remains the most common organizational

  • The popularity of catering outlets will never go out, because human laziness and love for food are eternal. Indeed, not everyone, craving the Stolichny salad, the Kiev cutlet and the Prague cake for dessert, can afford to rush to the store in order to purchase everything they need and lock themselves in the kitchen, cooking for several hours. The harsh reality with work, traffic jams and fatigue dictates its own rules, but you want to eat deliciously. For many years, enterprising people who have managed to build a serious business in a successful kitchen have been successfully earning on these human weaknesses. How to correctly calculate the dish in the dining room so as not to work negatively, or, conversely, not to scare off potential customers with exorbitant prices? At the same time, golden hands are not enough for success, because the market and competition dictate their own rules. It would seem - a canteen and a canteen, what can you earn there? However, people's attachment to the classics, when they were still cooking according to the "Book of tasty and healthy food", is worth a lot.

    On fingers

    In truth, at the moment the cost price output is overestimated, since it is more logical to form the final price of a menu item based on people's tastes, demand and average market demands, however, for internal tracking of costs and equalization of costs, the calculation of dishes is still recommended.

    For example, let's take one of the currently popular French confectionery: the company uses high-quality raw materials with an appropriate price tag, uses special equipment for preparing its products, which is very expensive (for example, the same fully automated device for tempering chocolate - you cannot save on it it will turn out, since it is fraught with failures and damage to expensive resources), rents a room of the required area, etc. Calculation of dishes at a glance, but they cannot reduce costs, since quality, name and, as a result, demand will suffer, so you have to keep the bar. They also cannot deliver a uniformly high mark-up for those positions that are expensive in themselves, and those 300% of the cost that are heard by the population are simply swept aside. So what should you do? Consider the menu that the confectionery offers:

    • yeast baked goods;
    • cakes and pastries;
    • candy marshmallows.

    The first and third positions in terms of cost, if not a penny, are close to this, while even half of the cakes cannot be "screwed up" because of expensive resources. Therefore, the second position is sold significantly cheaper, and the difference is made up for buns and sweets. Moral: the calculation of the cost of a dish is not always based on the purchase prices of its components.

    Of course, a confectionery is different from a canteen, but the principle of working with final food products is similar.

    Where to begin?

    Those who are especially lazy can use ready-made online templates that can be found everywhere on the web, but they are too general and rather crude in counting. It would be more correct to independently deduce prices once and adhere to them in the future, adjusting based on demand. In order to display the correct calculation of the dish in the dining room, you must have on hand:

    • a complete menu, which will indicate a list of dishes provided by the catering point;
    • technological maps for each menu item;
    • purchase prices of all products that are involved in the preparation of menu items.


    A little tip: when choosing dishes for the dining room, do not be too smart. The very definition of this point of catering implies simple, artful food that can evoke nostalgia for the times of the Union. In other words, no sushi. And the calculation of dishes from the abundance of complex positions will become, if not more problematic, then certainly more boring. A list the size of an encyclopedia is difficult to maintain both on a professional and material level, since it is difficult to find universal cooks in the dining room, and it is expensive to maintain the required composition of products on an ongoing basis.

    Technological maps

    This term is understood as a document that contains information about all the features of the dish. It includes the following data (not necessarily all, part is optional):

    • The term and specifics of the storage of the dish. Conventionally: ice cream at a temperature of -18 ...- 24 o C is stored for 3 months, while bread, at a temperature of +20 ... + 25 o C, 72 hours;
    • nutritional value of the finished dish: the number of calories, in some cases - the ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates;
    • requirements for the sale and serving of the finished dish;
    • directly the recipe itself, which includes the composition and cooking algorithm;
    • source of the recipe;
    • description of the appearance, the principle of decorating the dish;
    • weight of the finished portion.

    It is impossible to neglect the technological map, since the principles of work "maybe" and "by eye" will please only until the first fine from the supervisory authorities.

    You can get this document in two ways - you can buy a ready-made one, which will be made to order for you, or you can withdraw it yourself. The first is frankly expensive, and the second is not complicated, which we will prove below.


    Menu item name: Kiev cutlet.

    Technological map number 47.

    Dishes: roasting.

    Expected yield of finished dish (portion size): 310 grams.

    Layout of products for 100 grams of finished dish:

    • peeled chicken fillet - 29.82 grams;
    • butter - 14 grams;
    • chicken egg - 3.27 grams;
    • bread made from premium flour - 8.88 grams. The expected weight of the semi-finished product at the exit is 50.35 grams;
    • for frying - 5.21 grams;
    • legume side dish (technological map No. 741) or potato (technological map No. 42) - 52.08 grams.

    dishes, its chemical composition and calorie content, recipe

    The beaten chicken fillet is stuffed with butter, dipped in eggs, breaded twice in ground white bread, fried in hot deep fat for about 6-7 minutes until a rich golden crust forms. Spread out on a baking sheet and bring to readiness at a temperature of 200-220 ° C in an oven. Products are optionally served on preheated croutons. The default garnish is legume or vegetable.

    Purchase prices for products

    An item without which it is impossible to display the calculation of the dish in the dining room. Ideally, it is worth adding transportation costs to them, if the raw materials are brought not by the supplier, but by yourself, through the mediation of transport companies or on your own. Also consider the funds spent on loading / unloading, if these services are paid separately.

    Counting principle

    With the above information on hand, little is left to do.

    It is necessary to indicate the name of the dish, on the basis of the technological chart, put down those products that are required, in the required quantity, indicate the displayed purchase prices and add up. That's it, you got the cost of the dish.

    Let's go to practice

    Calculation of the dish (for example - the same Kiev cutlet, we take the average prices in the capital):

    • peeled chicken fillet - 29.82 grams, where 1000 grams costs 180 rubles;
    • made according to GOST) - 14 grams, where 1000 grams costs 240 rubles;
    • chicken egg - 3.27 grams, where 1000 grams costs 120 rubles;
    • bread made from premium flour - 8.88 grams, where 1000 grams costs 60 rubles;
    • for frying - 5.21 grams, where 1000 grams costs 80 rubles;
    • side dish bean (technological card No. 741) or potato (technological card No. 42) - 52.08 grams, where 1000 grams costs about 50 rubles.

    As a result, we get:

    • chicken fillet, peeled from skin and bones - 5.37 rubles;
    • butter (real, made in accordance with GOST) - 3.36 rubles;
    • chicken egg - 0.4 rubles;
    • high-grade flour bread - 0.54 rubles;
    • cooking fat for frying - 0.42 rubles;
    • bean side dish (technological map No. 741) or potato (technological map No. 42) - 3.12 rubles.

    Thus, we get a calculation of the dish in the "Chicken Kiev" dining room: the cost of a 100 gram portion is 13 rubles 20 kopecks.

    The same principle is used to calculate all items listed in the menu, including side dishes, desserts and drinks.

    Of course, prices are unstable, and rewriting the cost price manually from time to time is at least irrational, so you can create dish templates in any program that allows you to count, Microsoft Excel at least. You just drive in the components, prescribe the calculation formula and adjust the purchase price when it changes.

    If it is planned to carry out automated accounting, then everything is completely elementary here - almost all trading programs "sharpened" for public catering systems have the option of "calculating dishes". Moreover, it is revealed not only in the possibility of posting the current purchase price of ingredients on the corresponding lines - it is also carried out, in real time, transfer and write-off. Thanks to this, it is always possible to track, step by step, where, figuratively speaking, "2 kilograms of oil have disappeared."

    Practical use

    As mentioned earlier, the calculation of the calculation at the moment only indirectly affects its selling price, since the latter is formed under the influence of a number of characteristics, including the market average, the resources spent on other menu items, as well as such banal needs , as ensuring the full functioning of the dining room. The latter indicates the level of prices that need to be maintained for the profitability of the enterprise as a whole.

    By and large, it is the canteen that is a fairly profitable enterprise, since the standard list of dishes, which is usually honored by such establishments, is distinguished by a frankly low purchase price without losing its useful qualities. Relatively speaking, the preparation of the same vinaigrette or pickle takes a minimum of funds, and the people's love for them is close to the concept of "eternity". Calculation of dishes is able to show the accounting department of the organization how profitable certain items of the assortment are, whether it is necessary to introduce something new or, conversely, to remove dishes that do not pay off.

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