Home Fruit trees How to register a second Skype on one computer. Launch two Skype programs at the same time. Option with logging out and logging in to a new one

How to register a second Skype on one computer. Launch two Skype programs at the same time. Option with logging out and logging in to a new one

To get step-by-step instructions, fill out the following form:

Enter your Skype username:

Choose which version of Skype you have:
Old version (Skype 7 and below) New version (Skype 8 and above)

Get instructions
  1. Right-click on the desktop (or inside the folder you need) and select "New", and then click "Shortcut".
  2. For the object path, copy the following command and click Next:
  3. Enter a name for the shortcut (for example Skype.exe) and click Finish.
  4. Be sure to manually create the following folder:

    Make sure the folder is not on the system drive and that the full path is specified.
    ... Also, it is very important that this folder is not used by other Skype accounts.

  5. Now a new shortcut will appear on the desktop - double-clicking on it will launch Skype with your username. You can copy this shortcut in any folder, and if you want Skype to start with this username when Windows starts, copy the shortcut in the folder:
    % APPDATA% \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu

How does it work in classic Skype?

In the list of Skype command line parameters, you can find a very useful parameter / secondary - it is he who allows you to launch several copies of Skype at the same time, you just need to pass this parameter to the Skype.exe program, for example, using a shortcut or command line. And so that the program knows which login we want to run, we also add the / username parameter.

"% ProgramFiles% \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: skype_name

For convenience, we can save this command as a shortcut to launch Skype: right-click on the desktop and select "Create", and then click "Shortcut". Now, it remains to enter the above command as the object path and set the name of the shortcut.

How does it work in Skype 8?

In the new Skype, it is also possible to run several accounts at the same time, but the / secondary key has been replaced with --secondary and you must specify --datapath instead of / username.

As a result, we get the following command:
"% ProgramFiles (x86)% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe" --secondary --datapath = "F: \ Skype8"

Why can't I find the Skype.exe file?

If the error "Skype.exe file not found" occurs when creating a shortcut, then Skype is installed in a different location. Find the installation folder and manually replace the object path. For example, instead of:
"% ProgramFiles% \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe"

"D: \ Programs \ Skype \ Skype.exe"

It is important to note that in the new Skype, the default path has been changed to:
"% ProgramFiles (x86)% \ Microsoft \ Skype for Desktop \ Skype.exe"

Why is this needed?

For example, if you have two Skype accounts (work and personal), using this method you can start them at the same time, and communicate with both colleagues and friends. Moreover, you can change the settings for each account separately. For example, if you want to communicate only with colleagues and not to be disturbed by your friends: you can set the Do not disturb status for your personal account, and Online for your work account.

Does this method work in the new Skype?

Yes, the instruction works in the new Skype (that is, version 8 and higher).

Users who use this program are often faced with the need to launch several accounts at once. Usually this situation arises when several owners use the device at the same time, in which case they have to authorize each time to enter the application again, which is very inconvenient.

Launching multiple Skype accounts at the same time

Some users have multiple accounts at the same time that are used for different purposes. Some of the accounts can be designed for work, while others for personal communication. Agree, it takes a lot of time to exit and re-enter the utility each time. Fortunately, the program provides the ability to work with different profiles at the same time.

Add profile to Skype

In order to add an account to work in Skype, you will need to perform a number of fairly simple steps, namely:

  1. After starting the application, go to the main menu and click on the item "Skype".
  2. In the list that appears, click on the option "Output".
  3. You will see a tab designed to authorize the user.
  4. Enter the data required to enter the new profile and be sure to uncheck the box next to the inscription "Automatic authorization".
  5. Click on item "Entrance".

After completing these simple steps, you got the opportunity to work with multiple accounts. Now, in order to switch between profiles, it is enough to leave one profile and log in to another.

This method is quite convenient when several users use the device at the same time, but if the computer is used by only one person with different profiles, permanent authorization will only be a waste of time. In this case, you need to launch several accounts at the same time to quickly switch between them.

Adding accounts for simultaneous work

This method allows you to almost instantly switch between running profiles in Skype. It is also important that there are no restrictions on the number of accounts, so you can add any required number of users.

After completing this procedure, you will be able to work simultaneously with several accounts, after selecting the appropriate shortcut and passing authorization in the main window of the program.

It is recommended that you use Skype to sign in directly rather than a Microsoft profile. Immediately in the first tab that opens when you click on the utility, there is an item "Register" by clicking on which you can create a new user.

Subsequent accounts are added in the same way, with the only difference that the number 1 in the value changes "/ Secondary1" to the other. Thus, you can create any required number of profiles.

The entire procedure described above can be done in another way. Let's take a closer look at it:

In addition to the fact that you can create separate shortcuts for users, you can significantly speed up the authorization procedure in your account, or rather completely eliminate it.

Cancel authorization when selecting another profile

Having done the above steps, you will greatly simplify your work with the application, but there is also an opportunity to speed up the process of user identification. Let's take a closer look at what you need to do in order not to go through authorization every time you start the application.

  1. Go to the Skype icon settings and go to the tab "Label", where you previously wrote the value "/ Secondary".
  2. Add the following labels to the existing text:
    • "/ Username: Your Skype login".
    • "/ Password: password required to pass authorization".
  3. Click on the button "OK" to save the actions taken.

Please note that each command must be preceded by a space, otherwise you will not get the expected result.
When launching profiles, you should start with the main shortcut created when the application was installed. This will help you avoid all sorts of difficulties that may arise when logging into different accounts.

Launch multiple windows at the same time

In order not to be tied to the main profile, which must be logged in before switching between accounts, you can take the following actions:

  1. Find the main Skype shortcut that appeared on your PC immediately after installing the program and remove it.
  2. Go to the folder "Phone" and create a shortcut by writing in its properties opposite the item "An object" the following parameters:
    • "/ Secondary: profile number"
    • "/ Username: login name"
    • "/ Password: password to use"

Please note that the values ​​you entered must be identical to those indicated in the previously deleted label.

Having carried out these actions, you will become absolutely not tied to the main account and will be able to log into your profiles in any sequence.

Understanding how to work with multiple accounts is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to write the correct values ​​and remember to put spaces between the segments. Please note that all described actions will be relevant only for standard Skype and will not work with the program installed, for example, automatically on Windows 10.

It is often necessary to use two Skype profiles. For example, at the workplace, you need to be online in a business account and in a personal profile. There are two ways out of the situation. You can use 2 Skype on one computer. The client settings do not allow opening several profiles in one window, so we will use other methods.

Alternate login to accounts

To use two Skype on one computer, that is, two completely different accounts, subscribers most often resort to the exit function in the messenger.

  1. Find the Skype section at the top of the ribbon.
  2. Select "Exit". A window will open to enter the registered account. First you need to enter a username, and in the next field - a password.
  3. Enter data from another account. Uncheck the "Automatic Skype Authorization" checkbox. So that every time you open it, the system does not automatically enter this account.
  4. Click on "Login". To switch back to another account, follow all the steps again.

If the computer has several users, this usual method of changing profiles will be useful. If there is only one user, he just has several accounts, it will be inconvenient to change them every time. The user will not always be in touch in all profiles. Is it possible to open two Skype at the same time, that is, so that there are two windows, for example, with a work and personal profile?

Multiple instances of the Skype window on the same computer

To open another instance of Skype, do the following:
1.Open the "Run" window via Start or by using the Win + R combination.

2.Copy the command% programfiles (x86)% / skype / phone / into the line and paste it into the line.

3. Click the left mouse button on the OK button. Please note that the system may generate an error. In this case, reopen the "Run" window and enter a slightly different command:% programfiles% / skype / phone /.

4. Find Skype.exe, right-click on it.

5. In the list of options, click on "Submit" and then select the third item "Desktop (create shortcut)".

6. On the Desktop, find the shortcut you just created. Now right-click again to call the list of options and click on the last item "Properties".

7.Open the "Label" section. You will immediately see the line "Object". In it, enter an additional phrase at the end: / secondary. The shortcut path should look like this: C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe "/ secondary.

8.Click on OK.

Each time you start the messenger through this shortcut, the system will launch a separate window for you, in which you can work with one of your accounts.

So, you can use several Skype accounts on your computer, starting with two, that is, you can run 2 or more Skype at the same time.

To close all windows, use the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Delete combination).

Another way

Labels can be created in a slightly different way. Consider the second method as well.
1. On the desktop, right-click on an empty field.

3. Write in the field the same path as in the previous method: C: \ Program Files \ Skype \ Phone \ Skype.exe "/ secondary. Do not forget to put a space after exe", as this is very important.

4.Click the left mouse button on the "Next" button. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Configuring automatic launch

Don't want to constantly print your username and password in every window? You can automate the process. Now let's see how this can be done.

To start 2 Skype automatically, you need to go back to the "Object" field in the properties of the shortcut.

After / secondary, write phrases with a slash: / username: LoginSkype / password: Password. Remember to put spaces between slashes. Save your changes.

If you open Skype on your device, your main account should always load first.

These methods work for the regular version of the messenger on Windows 7, for example. This trick won't work with a Windows 10 app.

Two Skype accounts on a smartphone

How to run two Skype at the same time, for example, on Android? It is also impossible to do this using standard messenger tools. Everything is solved in two ways:

  1. The program is iterated over and signed with another signature, after which it is assembled and launched by a separate application. This method is not easy.
  2. You can download a ready-made assembly of the program, that is, its alternative, for example, Skype Lite or Skype Clone.

Where can you install a similar messenger for Skype? In the official store, you will only find Skype for Business from similar applications. You can download it or look for another assembly on the Internet.

Remember that the safety of your gadget comes first. First, make sure the source is reliable (look at the reviews to see if it is marked "Verified by antivirus").

What do alternative Skype builds have to offer? For the most part, this is the same functionality: sending text messages with smilies, documents, and most importantly, calls in audio and video format.

Such programs are also installed on older versions of Android. However, in this regard, there may be a problem with their updating and further work, if, for example, you will update your operating system: then the requirements may not coincide and you will have to look for another solution to the problem.

Even if the application contains ads, you can easily disable it by installing a special utility, for example, AdBlock. It can be found already in the Play Store, the official store for downloading both paid and free mobile programs. Before that, you may also need to set Root rights on the phone. Programs such as Kingo Root, PingPong Root and many others will help you with this.

To run two or more accounts on one device, you need to open several windows. One window allows you to work in only one profile. To do this, make edits in the Properties of an existing shortcut, or create a new one. It is also possible to set up automatic login to all accounts.

Two Skype on one computer - is it possible to do this? First of all, it is worth answering a completely different question - why might this be needed?
2 "Skype" on one computer may be needed by a person who does not want or does not have the ability to combine the same profile of this software for, say, personal and work purposes. For example, a person gets a job. The boss tells him that to communicate with clients and resolve other professional issues, you need to use only a corporate profile, which has already been posted in various advertisements, potential and real customers know it, and so on. But, sometimes, a person needs access to his own profile.

Naturally, it is completely inconvenient to perform constant switching in one program window, since at a certain moment you can simply find yourself without communication with the right interlocutor. Therefore, the best solution to this problem is to use two Skype profiles on one computer at the same time.
From all of the above, the following question logically follows - is it possible to install two Skype on a computer?

We always try to provide our readers with only verified information, therefore, we will now take up a practical solution to this situation.

Step-by-step installation instructions

So how do you install two Skype on one computer? It turns out that everything is quite simple - you just need to repeat the steps that will be described below.
First of all, it is worth remembering one very important point:

2 Skype on one computer does not at all imply the installation of another version of this program!

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to launch the search engine of your favorite Internet browser to ask the system a question - how to install 2 Skype.

Everything is much simpler:
1. Initially, you need to find the main file of this program. I have Windows 7 on 64-bit. And the required element was found in the following location:

You can simply follow the suggested path. Or use the following search option:

  • Click on "Start", go to the search bar.
  • Drive "Skype" into it.
  • On the element you need to right-click and click on the tool
  • File location. The same folder will open:

2. The next step is to create a shortcut on the desktop. It is advisable to immediately assign it a name that is different from the standard version, so as not to confuse the launch of programs for different profiles:

  • Right-click on the required file.
  • Select the "Send" function.
  • Then - send to desktop (create shortcut).

Rename the shortcut:

This is all done using the same right mouse button. Now I have 2 Skype on the same desktop at the same time:

But! So far, only one profile can be used. To be able to use two Skype at the same time on one computer, you will need to make one more small settings change.

3. The final step is to change the settings of the shortcut for the second launch of Skype on one computer:
Use the right mouse button to go to the properties of the shortcut. In the "object" field, you will see the following entry:

Additional information should be added to it. Namely: / secondary.

Attention! There must be a space between the standard entry in the "Object" field and the introduced change!

If everything is done correctly, then this line should look like this:

Everything! It remains only to save all the changes made and run two Skype on one computer at the same time, using different profiles for this! By the way, on the Internet you can find information that automatic login can be configured for the second profile. Unfortunately, this did not work for us, so we have to enter the username and password manually each time.

And of course! At the end, according to tradition, a thematic video on how to run 2 "Skype" on one PC:

Often when using one computer, both for work and for personal purposes, you need to have two different accounts and, accordingly, two different Skype programs. Many are interested in the possibility of such a comparison.

First of all, you need to understand why this is done at all. The presence of two different programs implies registration and two different accounts, which may differ in all information about the user. This approach will unload the working version of the program, ensure the impossibility of access to the personal information of various fraudsters who use this for malicious purposes, precisely in programs where business communication takes place, and personal Skype can only reflect information about the owner that he decided to demonstrate to his interlocutors. even specifying non-existent data. All personal correspondence will not interfere with work and possible problems in this version of Skype will not affect its "working" version in any way.

It is in such a situation that it is often important that both programs be activated at the same time. To do this, you need the following:

  1. Only Skype from the 4th version.
  2. Auto shortcut that is created on the desktop after installing the program,

in this case it will not be effective. You will have to delete it and create a new one. To create you need:

After carrying out such operations, we get shortcuts, each of which corresponds to a specific account. You just need to remember which one is for work and which one is personal. It is better if everyone has their own nickname in the program.

Now you can have both programs active, being online at the same time in each. This will ensure that no important business information is missed while continuing to communicate with friends or parents. This solution is interesting to most users, since those who did not take advantage of this advice will have to open and close the unnecessary option every time by running the next program. This is very inconvenient, time consuming, and does not provide network persistence.

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